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<title>Mercury - Middle School Activities</title>
<type>single page tiff</type>
<keyword>mercury fluorescent school elemental thermometers students lamps thermostats home bulbs switches light bulb incandescent health compact household watts free kilowatt</keyword>

<x                   middle  School
      Activity 1: Mercury I.Q. Test	2-3
             Students are provided with an I.Q. Test to gauge their knowledge of mercury.

      Activity 2: Case Study of Mercury Contamination in a School	4          ^
             Students are provided with a mercury case study and some additional information on health effects.     *,
             A series of questions is provided for the teacher to stimulate discussion.                           \

      Activity 3: Mercury in the Food Chain	10
             Students reinforce their understanding of food webs while gaining a new understanding of

      Activity 4: School Mercury Audit	14
             Students conduct a mercury inventory of their school or another school in the area. Guidance on
             what to look for and questions to ask is provided, along with a reporting form.

      Mercury at School: Where to Look and What to look for (information packet)	15-18

      Mercury Audit Form: Assessment Checklist for Schools	19-20

      Household Mercury	21

      Activity 5: Home Mercury Audit	23         ^^
             Each student conducts a home mercury inventory. Included is a chart showing what to look for and    A,
•^           where,  along with a reporting form.                                                      kk
^k            Sample Letterto Parents	24

kk.            Hunt for Mercury at Home (Information packet)	25-28

        Mercury in Fluorescent Lights and the Environmental Impacts	29        \k

        Activity 6: Trade-Offs Exercise	30        *x
               Students evaluate the pros and cons of two alternative technologies.                              ^

  ^*-   The content in this section was adapted from "Mercury in Schools and the Community: A
k\      National Issue." University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents, March 2002.



                                              Region 7

                    Activity  1 - Mercury I.Q.

Handout to students to test their mercury I.Q.
1. What is mercury?
      a. A type of tree found in the rainforest
      b. An element on the periodic table (symbol: Hg)
      c. A liquid aliens like to put on their hamburgers

2. What is another common name for mercury?
      a. Quicksilver
      b. Space goo
      c. There are no other names for mercury

3. What can mercury be found in?
      a. Switches
      b. Thermostats
      c. Thermometers
      d. All of the above

4. Which animals are most likely to have elevated mercury levels in tissues?
      a. Large fish
      b. Snakes
      c. Birds that live in a rainforest

5. Mercury is used in:
      a. Dental fillings for cavities
      b. Fluorescent lamps
      c. Cars
      d. All of the above

6. Mercury is mined today in what countries? (Mark all that apply)
      a. U.S.
      b. Spain
      c. Mexico
      d. Russia

7. Some states or local governments have passed bans on the sales of:
      a. Mercury thermostats
      b. Mercury thermometers
      c. Fluorescent lights
      d. (a) and (b) above

8. Mercury is the only known metal that is liquid at 72 degrees: True or False

9. Mercury can be very dangerous: True or False

Answer Sheet for activity 1
1. b
2. a
3. d
4. a
5. d
6. b
7. d
8. True
9. True

Activity 2 - Case Study of Mercury
Contamination in a School
   To create an awareness within
students that mercury exposure in
schools does occur and can cause
health risks.

   Students will demonstrate their
understanding of mercury issues in
schools by discussing a news story.

s  Article from the Detroit Free Press,
"Teacher placed on paid leave after
toxic science experiment"

S  Press release from the Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ATSDR), "ATSDR and
EPA Warn The Public About
Continuing Patterns Of Elemental
Mercury Exposure"

   Assign the above article and press
release to be read prior to class. Assign
different students to lead the discussion
of any or all of the following questions
(and/or questions that you develop for
this activity). This involves preparing a
brief introduction for the topic and
facilitating discussion of the question
among the other students.
                                ANGER HAZARDOUS ARE* KEEP OUT
                           Discussion Questions
                           ? Why should we be concerned about

                           ? What are some of the symptoms of
                           exposure to mercury?

                           ? Why are young children and fetuses more
                           vulnerable to mercury exposure than

                           ? What are some of the different ways that
                           we can be exposed to mercury?

                           ? How does mercury move around in the

                           ? What would you advise your parents to do
                           if they discovered a broken mercury
                           thermometer in the house?
                           What would you do if you came across a jar
                           of mercury in someone's  garbage or in an
                           abandoned lot?

                           ? What dangers are associated with the  use
                           of mercury as folk medicine or for religious

                           ? What are some of the special properties of
                           mercury that make it different from other

                           ? Do you think there is mercury in this
                           school? Where?

                           ? Do you think there is mercury in your
                           home? Where?

                           ? Why is it so hard  to clean up mercury after
                           it has spilled?

Article taken from Detroit Free Press:
"Teacher placed on paid leave after toxic science  experiment"

December 4, 2001 1:56P.M.
GRAND LEDGE, Mich. (AP) -A middle
school teacher is on paid leave while district
officials investigate why he allowed
students to touch mercury during an

Up to 27 sixth-grade science students at
Hayes Middle School were directly exposed
to the toxic liquid metal while doing a
physical science experiment in teacher Paul
Cherry's class last week, district
spokesman Steve Krumm told the Lansing
State Journal for a story Tuesday.

Officials in the Eaton County district  about
10 miles west of Lansing became aware of
the exposure Friday and brought in health
officials to assess the health risks.

On Monday, Cherry's classroom was
blocked off from use. Superintendent
Marsha Wells issued a news release on the
incident but refused to answer specific

Cherry has declined comment.

Three Barry-Eaton District Health
Department employees worked about 16
hours Friday and Saturday to test for
mercury and advise school officials about
what to do, said Jim Rutherford, Barry-
Eaton director of the environmental health

Health officials also visited the homes of the
teacher and students to make sure the
mercury wasn't spread, he said. A few book
bags and clothing items were collected. "All
in all, it's a fairly contained situation,"
Rutherford said.

There were two bottles containing mercury
in the classroom,  each with less than two
tablespoons of mercury, Rutherford said.
"Any amount of mercury can become very
harmful if it is vaporized," he said.

High levels of mercury — found in old glass
thermometers and fluorescent lights - can
cause kidney failure, central nervous
system damage and even death.

Grand Ledge High School junior Alicia
Arritt said Cherry let her class touch
mercury five years ago in a sixth-grade
science class at Grand Ledge's Beagle
Middle School.

Cherry held the mercury and told the
students then they could touch it if they
wanted to, Alicia said. "He didn't make it
seem dangerous at all," she said. Alicia
didn't handle the mercury.

The district hired Marine Pollution Control,
a Detroit-based environmental health
consulting firm, to do the cleanup at Hayes.
Mercury traces were found in the classroom
and lockers of five students, according to
the news release.  Equipment and furniture
are being replaced in the affected

Barry-Eaton District Health Department
will write its report on the incident and
provide copies for the Michigan Department
of Community Health and Grand Ledge
Public Schools, Rutherford said.

By Dec. 31, 2004, Michigan school districts
must remove all instruments containing
mercury that are handled by children,
according to recent state law.

"This is great information to go out in the
school system and tell people why we want
mercury out of the schools system,"
Rutherford said. "It does happen and it will

This can be found online at:
www. atsdr. cdc. gov/alerts/9 70626. html
           For more information, contact:
                          Loretta Bush
     A TSDR Office of Policy and External
                        (404) 639-0601
ATSDR and EPA Warn the Public about Continuing
Patterns of Elemental Mercury Exposure	
   Elemental (or metallic) mercury is a
hazardous chemical that can cause serious
health problems. Children (especially very
young children) and fetuses are most
vulnerable. The Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR),
part of the U.S. Public Health Service, and
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
are jointly issuing an alert to the general
public. There is a continuing pattern of
elemental mercury exposure in children and
teenagers and in persons using certain folk
medicines or participating in certain ethnic
or religious practices.
   ATSDR and EPA strongly advise
against the use of uncontained elemental
liquid mercury  (that is, mercury not properly
enclosed in glass as it is in thermometers)
in homes, automobiles, day care centers,
schools, offices, and other public buildings.
   It is important for the general public to
understand that either short-term or long
term exposures to elemental mercury can
lead to serious health problems. Human
exposure to elemental mercury occurs
primarily from breathing contaminated air.
Other forms of mercury can be absorbed by
drinking contaminated water, eating food
(usually fish containing mercury), and from
skin contact. At high levels, elemental
mercury can effect the nervous system and
may harm the developing fetus. Other forms
of mercury can damage other organs. Even
at low levels, elemental  mercury can cause
health problems.
Elemental mercury exposure can cause
harm before symptoms become evident.
Once released into the environment,
mercury is very hard to clean up.  If it is left
unattended where exposures can occur, it
can have dangerous effects on human
Incidents involving Schoolchildren
?  In recent years, increasing numbers of
   elemental mercury spills and
   contamination involving schoolchildren
   have been reported.
?   In August 1994, more than 500
   students in Belle Glade, Florida, were
   contaminated with elemental mercury
   after three children found 4 jars (totaling
   55 pounds) of mercury in an abandoned
   van. The local hazardous waste
   materials team decontaminated the
   children (removed contaminated
   clothing and washed the elemental
   mercury from their skin). More than 20
   families had to be evacuated while their
   homes were decontaminated.
?   In November  1994, college students at
   Florida Atlantic University in Boca
   Raton, Florida, removed elemental
   mercury from one of the school's
   laboratories. Students living in the
   dormitory were evacuated and housed
   in a local hotel while the dormitory was
?  In June 1996,  elemental mercury was
   taken from a middle school in St.
   Joseph, Missouri, and used in and
   outside of school by a group of
   teenagers. Approximately 200 children
   were tested for mercury exposure;  one
   child was hospitalized and another five
   underwent outpatient treatment to
   remove the mercury from their systems;
   20 other children had mildly elevated

   mercury levels. Two homes and a car
   required extensive decontamination.
?  In October 1996, a high school in
   Oskaloosa. Kansas and a convalescent
   home in Johnson County, Kansas, were
   contaminated with elemental mercury;52
   students and an unknown number of
   residents of the home were tested. On
   the basis of ATSDR recommendations,
   the school was closed for a week until
   indoor air levels were safe. A month
   later, sampling at the school identified
   an increase in air mercury
   concentrations. ATSDR re-evaluated the
   school and did additional  cleanup.
?  In November 1996, ATSDR again
   assisted state health officials and EPA
   in evaluating contamination at a high
   school and a home in  Dallas,
   Pennsylvania, near Wilkes-Barre. Four
   areas in the school had levels of
   elemental mercury contamination that
   required cleanup.
?  In March 1997, a middle school student
   on his way to school found elemental
   mercury on the street in front of his
   home in Montgomery County,
   Pennsylvania. The student took the
   mercury to school and shared it with
   three to four classmates. Also,  in March
   1997 a broken mercury thermometer
   was discovered after school on the floor
   of a bathroom stall in the  boys'
   bathroom. One thermometer was
   confirmed missing from the science
   department's inventory. The school was
   found to be clear of contamination with
   the exception of one science laboratory
   and the carpet in a classroom. Two
   homes required decontamination.
Schoolteachers, particularly science
teachers, and administrators need to
be aware of students' interest in
mercury, especially elemental mercury,
and take steps to ensure that children
are aware of its dangers and that any
mercury kept in school is  safely and
securely contained.
Incidents involving
religious practices
   Persons who use elemental mercury in
ethnic folk medicine and for religious
practices are at risk. Elemental mercury is
sold under the name "azogue" in stores
(sometimes called botanicas), which
specialize in religious items used in
Esperitismo (a spiritual belief system native
to Puerto Rico), Santeria (a Cuban-based
religion that venerates both African deities
and Catholic saints), and voodoo.
The use of azogue in religious practices is
recommended in some Hispanic
communities by family members,
spiritualists, card readers, and santeros.
Typically, azogue is carried on one's person
in a sealed pouch prepared by a spiritual
leader or sprinkled in the home or
automobile. Some botanica owners suggest
mixing it in bath water or perfume and
placing it in devotional candles.

General facts

   The following are general facts about
elemental mercury and its risks, as well as
information about how people can protect
themselves from exposure and resulting
health effects.

What is mercury and how is it used?
   Mercury occurs naturally in the
environment in several forms. Elemental
mercury is the liquid form used in
thermometers. Mercury is also used in other
common consumer products such as
fluorescent light bulbs,  barometers,  medical
equipment such as blood pressure
measurement instruments, and mercury
switches in children's sneakers that light up.
This alert focuses on elemental mercury,
which is the form of mercury that poses the
greatest risk to human health in the home
and school.

How could I be exposed to mercury?
   In the previously described cases of
contamination at school, children were
unaware of the dangers involved in
exposing themselves and their families to
this deadly poison. Adults are also often
unaware of the hazards associated with
mercury; some have even brought it home
from work  for children to play with. Just one-
half teaspoon of mercury spilled in the home
can be dangerous.
   Adults  using certain folk medicines or
participating in certain religious or ethnic
practices may also expose themselves and
their families to elemental mercury's effects.
Because elemental mercury vaporizes into
the air at room temperatures, it presents  an
immediate health risk to anyone spending a
significant amount of time in a room where
elemental  mercury is sprinkled or spilled
onto the floor, or where opened containers
of elemental mercury are present. Very
small amounts of elemental mercury (for
example, a few drops) can raise air
concentrations to levels that may be harmful
to health.

How does mercury affect health?
   At high levels, elemental mercury can
cause effects on the nervous system and
the developing fetus. Other forms of
mercury can damage other organs. Even at
low levels, elemental mercury can cause
health problems. Mercury exposure can
begin to cause harm before symptoms
become evident. Once symptoms do arise,
health problems related to elemental
mercury poisoning can include tremors,
changes in vision or hearing, insomnia,
weakness, difficulty with memory,
headache, irritability, shyness and
nervousness, and a health condition called
acrodynia. Acrodynia, which results from
dermal exposures to elemental mercury of
acute and/or intermediate duration, is
characterized by itching, swelling, and
flushing; pink-colored palms and  soles of
the feet; excessive perspiration; rashes;
irritability; fretfulness; sleeplessness; joint
pains and weakness. Children  exposed to
elemental mercury for long periods may
have trouble learning in school. Exposure to
mercury can result in communication and
learning disabilities that may be irreversible.
Pregnant women and their fetuses and
women of childbearing age are especially
vulnerable to the toxic effects of elemental
mercury because it readily passes from the
mother to the fetus. Mercury may
accumulate in higher concentrations in the
unborn baby than in  the mother. Young
children, who often play on the floor where
metallic mercury may have been spilled,  are
particularly at risk for effects on the central
nervous system. Mercury vapors are readily
absorbed into the bloodstream from the
lungs. Once in the lungs,  the developing
central nervous  system of young children
may be damaged.
    Health effects can result from short-term
or long-term exposure. The body gets rid of
mercury through the urine and feces.
Removal of this  substance from the body
can take up to several months after
exposure. When mercury levels in the body
are extremely high, "chelation" therapy is
necessary. Chelation therapy is an
unpleasant treatment that involves putting a
chemical into the bloodstream; the chemical
combines with the mercury to aid in its
removal from the body. Prevention is the
key to avoiding poisoning in homes,
schools, and families.

What is mercury contamination  and how
can I prevent it?
    Mercury contamination results from
exposure through the air, water, food, soil,
or direct contact. Exposure to elemental
mercury occurs  when it is  not stored in a
closed container. Contamination may
include the spilling of elemental mercury  on
clothes, furniture, carpet, floors, walls, the
natural environment, and even the human
body. Elemental mercury and its vapors are
extremely difficult to  remove from such
items as clothes, furniture, carpet, floors,
and walls. The vapors will also accumulate
in walls and other structures in
contaminated rooms. The contamination
can remain for months or years, posing a

risk to exposed individuals. The use of
elemental mercury in a home or apartment
not only poses a threat to persons currently
residing in that structure, but also to those
who subsequently occupy that dwelling and
are unaware of the past mercury use.
   Avoid using elemental  mercury.
Appropriate substitutes are available for
nearly all uses of elemental mercury.
Therefore, be sure you need to use it. If
substitutes are not available, make
arrangements to safely dispose of whatever
elemental mercury you might have by
calling your local  poison control center. If
you do need to use elemental mercury,
make sure it is safely stored  in a leak proof
container. Keep it in a secure space (e.g., a
locked closet) so  that others cannot easily
get it. Use of elemental mercury in a
controlled environment helps to reduce the
risk that contamination will occur.

Can I clean up mercury with a vacuum
   Never use a vacuum cleaner. Using a
vacuum cleaner causes elemental mercury
to vaporize in the air, creating greater health
risks. It also ruins the vacuum cleaner.

Can electronic equipment collect
mercury vapors?
   Elemental mercury vapors can
accumulate in electronic equipment,
especially computers. When the computer is
turned on, the mercury revaporizes. This
cycle of elemental mercury collecting and
vaporizing from computers has been seen
in several incidents in schools. Mercury
vapors are very dangerous and are virtually
undetectable. Avoid breathing mercury dust,
vapor, mist, or gas. Avoid contact with eyes,
skin, and clothing. If you feel you have been
exposed directly to elemental mercury,
wash thoroughly after handling.  Remove
contaminated clothing and wash before
reuse. If someone has breathed in mercury,
provide  as much clean air as possible.
  What should I do to keep my home safe?
     Care must be taken in handling and
  disposing of all items in the home that
  contain elemental  mercury. Elemental
  mercury is used in a variety of household
  and industrial items including thermostats,
  fluorescent light bulbs, barometers, glass
  thermometers, and some blood pressure

     If a thermometer breaks, remove
  children from the area. Clean up the bead of
  elemental mercury by carefully rolling it onto
  a sheet of paper or sucking it up with an eye
  dropper. After picking up the mercury, put it
  into a jar or airtight container. Do not wash
  it down the drain or throw it outside. The
  paper or eye dropper should also be
  bagged and disposed of properly according
  to guidance provided by environmental
  officials or your local health department. Try
  to ventilate the room to the outside and
  close off from the rest of the home. Use
  fans for a minimum of one hour to speed the
  ventilation. If larger amounts of elemental
  mercury are found (for example, a jar),
  make sure that the mercury is in an airtight
  container and call  your local health
  department for instructions in how to safety
  dispose of it. If a larger amount is spilled,
  leave the area and contact your local health
  department and fire authorities. Do not
  simply throw it away, but instead  seek
  professional guidance from environmental
                       officials or your local
             ^ /.  -    health department.
Important Telephone Numbers
? Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry (ATSDR)
Emergency Response
? Hotline (24 hours): (404) 639-0615
? National Response Center
? Superfund Information Hotline:
? You may also call your local health

             Mercury in the Environment

Activity 3 - Mercury in the Food Chain

This activity will help the students reinforce their understanding of food webs while
gaining a new understanding of bioaccumulation.

Students will:
   1)  Display a graphic understanding of an aquatic food web for a specific local body
      of water
   2)  Demonstrate an understanding of bioaccumulation
•S  A map of your state showing waterways (a state highway map will usually work),
   paper and something to draw with
S  Copies of "Example from Florida aquatic food web and mercury cycle" and
   information provided in Mercury in the Environment section of this curriculum
S  If you choose the teacher lead option you will need the following materials

   •  10 very small (1-2 oz.) cups

      (clear containers are the best, but use what you have).

   •  5 small containers (4 -5 oz.)

   •  3 medium containers (around 8 oz.)

   •  1 clear container (large to hold around 7-8 cups)

   •  Glitter (3 colors) or small beads (3 colors) or something similar that is very small
      and can be found in 3 distinct colors


1.  Select a body of water or a number          may use the Florida example on
   of water systems in your state.               page 12 as an example.
2.  Divide the class into study groups.         3.  Select either student self-discovery
   Assign each  group a lake, river, bay,          or teacher lead and follow
   coastal area, etc. Each group should          accordingly.
   then create a food web for their           4.  Students should share their findings.
   study site. Include as many of the
   components  that they can find. You

Select one of the two options:
   student self-discovery or teacher

Student self-discovery: Present each
group the following scenario - the
water they are in charge of has
shown signs of mercury
contamination. As scientists they are
to demonstrate to the public what
"bioaccumulation" is and why we
have to be concerned about it.
1. Allow them to use a variety of
2. Give each group 5 minutes for
   their demonstration.
3. If you wish, you can set up a town
   board to judge who did the best
   job of demonstrating the issue.

Teacher lead:
You will need to gather the following
materials: (clear containers are the
best, but use what you have).

   •   10 very small (1-2 oz.) cups

   •  5 small containers (4 -5 oz)

   •  3 medium containers (around

   •   1 clear container (large to
      hold around 7-8 cups)

   •  Glitter (3 colors) or small
      beads (3 colors) or something
      similar that is very small and
      can be found in 3 distinct

1. Fill each container to one-third full
   with water.
2. Now, representing mercury, you
   will put a pinch of one color of
   glitter in each of the 10 very small
   (1-2 oz.) cups, another color in
   the 5 small containers (4 -5 oz.),
   and the third color in the 3
   medium containers (8 oz.)

Using one of the food chains the
students developed, have the
students label the 10 very small ones
as the micro-organisms, the 5 small
ones as the animal that eats the
microorganisms (small fish, insects,
etc.), the medium would be the
animal that eats the small ones and
the clear container will represent a
top predator.

Now have the students help you with
the demonstration and put the food
chain and  bioaccumulation  into
action. First the  10 very small
containers (they are being eaten by
the primary consumer) are poured
into the small containers. Some of
the glitter might  stay in each
container as you pour. That is OK; it
represents the mercury that is
excreted by the  animal (not 100
percent of the mercury
accumulates). Now the small
containers will be eaten by the
medium or secondary consumer.
And finally the medium are  eaten by
the top predator (tertiary consumer).

Discuss what just happened, with
special emphasis on the glitter. How
much of the mercury was
accumulated by the top predator?

Regardless of whether you  did the
student self-discovery or the teacher
lead option, now hand out the
Bioaccumulation in humans  chart
(on page 13) and discuss what they
have learned through the activity.

         OEPOSTICN (H^JIX O-bH^
Example from Florida aquatic food
web and mercury cycle

Bioaccumlation in humans

                  Activity  4 - School Mercury Audit
Now it is time to conduct a mercury school audit!!

Schools are places where mercury and
children might come together. They are
also places where we can model
appropriate health and environmental
protection behaviors. Last, schools can
also be catalysts for reducing mercury in
the homes of students (and staff).


• Involve students  in a meaningful, real
life opportunity to do something about
an environmental problem at their
• Reduce or eliminate opportunities for
students and staff to come in contact
with mercury.
• Prevent the release of mercury into the
environment from mercury or mercury-
containing devices at school, by
properly disposing of Hg.


S   "Mercury at School: Where to Look
And What to Look For": Information
about conducting a school mercury
S   Copies of Mercury Audit Checklist
(one per team)

Note to Teachers:
This activity assumes that you and your
school's administration are open to
removing and replacing mercury and
mercury-containing devices from your
school.  Please proceed with your
students accordingly.

• Obtain approval from your principal.
• Discuss the audit with your school's
engineering and/or janitorial staff.
• Introduce the topic of mercury to the
class, using any or all of the materials
included in the Focus on Mercury
section of this package (pages 1-11).
• Hand out copies of "Mercury at
School: Where to Look and What To
Look For" to students and ask them to
review it ahead of time.
• Divide your school or classroom up
and assign research teams to cover
specific areas. (Obtaining the building
blueprint would be very helpful but is not
• Now have the students develop an
audit "plan," i.e. what will they look for,
who will they talk to, and what will they
ask. They might wish to map the
locations of mercury or suspected
• Conduct the audit  using the mercury
audit form or a form designed by the
• Have students discuss the results with
the principal, science teachers, school
nurse, and engineering and/or janitorial
staff. Make recommendations for safely
recycling mercury and replacing
mercury-containing  products or
equipment, as appropriate.

                  Mercury at School:
                  Where to Look and What to Look  For
Science, Chemistry, Physics and
Biology Classrooms	

Check for: pure mercury, mercury
   compounds, thermometers,
   barometers, or other devices that
   might contain mercury

Why? Mercury and mercury compounds
   have been used in various
   experiments. They might or might not
   be used now, but they might still be in
   the cabinet or chemical closet.
   Mercury thermometers, barometers, or
   other mercury-containing devices
   might be used in science, chemistry,
   biology and physics classes.

Alternatives: Other chemicals can be
   used in class experiments to illustrate
   science or chemistry principles.
   Alcohol or electronic thermometers are
   readily available and sufficiently

Whom to Talk to: Chemistry and other
   science teachers

Questions to Ask:
   (1) Are mercury or mercury
      compounds currently used in
   (2) If they are being  used, could other
      chemicals replace them?
   (3) Do you know if these have been
      used in the past  in science classes
      in this school?
   (4) Are these being stored in a closet,
      cabinet or elsewhere?
   (5) How many mercury thermometers
      or other mercury devices are in the
   (6) Have you ever experienced a spill
      of mercury or a broken mercury
      thermometer in your classroom?
   (7) Is a mercury spill kit readily
      available if a spill occurs?
   (8) Are you familiar with the proper
      spill control procedures for

Possible Actions: Make sure any
mercury, mercury compounds, or
thermometers are in non-breakable
containers. These should all be collected
by school engineering and/or janitorial
staff and held in a safe, secured area prior
to recycling them.

Your school should not wait for mercury
thermometers to break before replacing
them with non-mercury alternatives. If a
barometer is to be retained, make sure it
is protected by a Plexiglas or similar
enclosure. If mercury thermometers or
barometers will not be replaced at this
time, obtain spill kits for the science
classrooms and storage rooms. Make
sure that at least several staff people are
trained in proper spill control procedures.





           &."  Mercury at School:
                 Where to Look and What to Look For
        Nurse's Office
Check for: thermometers, blood pressure
   measuring devices
   (sphygmomanometers), nasal spray and
   contact lens solution

Why? Mercury thermometers are used to
   check for fever. Sphygmomanometers
   can contain up to several pounds of
   mercury. Nasal spray and contact lens
   solution might contain thimerosal (an
   ingredient that has mercury in it), phenyl
   mercuric acetate or phenyl mercuric

Alternatives: Alcohol or electronic
   thermometers are readily available.
   Aneroid blood pressure devices are just
   as effective as the mercury versions.
   Many brands of nasal spray and contact
   lens solution do not contain mercury;
   however, the labels do not always
   indicate which ones are mercury free.

Whom to Talk to: School Nurse

Questions to Ask:
   (1) How many mercury thermometers
      are in the nurse's office?
   (2) Have you ever experienced a broken
      mercury thermometer?
   (3) Is a mercury spill kit readily
      available, if a spill occurs?
   (4) Are you familiar with the proper spill
      control procedures for mercury?
   (5) Do you use a sphygmomanometer?
      If yes, have you considered
      replacing it with an aneroid blood
      pressure device that does not
      contain mercury?
   (6) Do you stock nasal spray or contact
      lens solution? If yes, have you
      contacted the manufacturer to make
      sure they do not contain mercury?

Possible Actions:
   Make sure mercury thermometers are in
   non-breakable containers.

   These should all be collected by school
   engineering or janitorial staff and held in
   a safe, secured area prior to recycling

   Do not wait for mercury thermometers to
   break before replacing them with alcohol
   or electronic alternatives.

   Replace sphygmomanometers with
   aneroid blood pressure devices.

   If mercury thermometers or
   sphygmomanometers will not be
   replaced at this time, obtain a spill kit for
   the nurse's office. Make sure that the
   nurse(s) are trained in proper spill
   control procedures.

   Use up existing stock of nasal spray or
   contact lens solution containing mercury
   and then purchase mercury-free


                  Mercury at School:
                  Where  to Look and  What to Look For
Electrical And Heating
Check for: thermostats, "silent" light
   switches and recycling of fluorescent
   light bulbs

Why? Thermostats are used to control
   the temperature in buildings.
   Approximately 75 percent of
   thermostats in use today contain
   mercury. Mercury light switches on
   walls (also known as "silent" switches)
   were manufactured prior to 1991 and
   still exist in many buildings.  Each
   fluorescent tube in overhead lighting
   fixtures contains a minute amount of
   mercury. However, your school
   probably uses a large number of these
   fluorescent bulbs throughout the
   building, so the total amount of
   mercury can be significant.

Alternatives: Electronic thermostats and
   non-mercury switches are widely
   available. Fluorescent bulbs should be
   recycled, rather than thrown out.

Whom to Talk to: School engineering or
   janitorial staff

Questions to Ask:
   (1) How many thermostats and "silent"
      light switches are there in your
      school building?
    (2) How many of these contain
   (3) How are used fluorescent bulbs
      managed? Are they recycled or
      thrown out in the trash?
   (4) If they are recycled,  how and
      where are they stored before they
      are taken from the building for
      recycling? How are they protected
      to avoid breaking them?

Possible Actions:
   Place stickers (designed by the
   students) on any mercury thermostats
   or silent switches that indicate:

   (1) This device contains mercury.
   (2) When this device is disposed of,
      the  mercury should be recycled.
   (3) When purchasing a replacement, a
      mercury-free model should be

Notify the purchasing department to try to
get mercury-free thermostats or light
switches when purchasing replacements.
Many HVAC contractors will recycle
mercury thermostats.

Your school should recycle used
fluorescent bulbs by replacing them in
their original box in a safe, secure storage
area until they are picked up by a
recycling contractor.

Mercury at School:
Where to  Look and  What to Look For
Fluorescent & High-Intensity
Discharge (HID) Lamps
Which Lamps Contain Mercury?
•  fluorescent lamps
•  mercury vapor lamps
•  metal halide lamps
•  high-pressure sodium lamps
•  neon lamps

Why Use Fluorescent
and HID Lighting?
   Fluorescent and HID lighting is an
excellent business and environmental
           choice because it uses less
           than 50 percent of the
           electricity required by
           incandescent lighting. The
           U.S. Environmental
           Protection Agency
           encourages homes, schools,
           and businesses to "change
a light," replacing incandescent bulbs with
compact fluorescent bulbs.
   Nonetheless, used fluorescent,
compact fluorescent, and HID lamps must
be managed properly because they
contain mercury.
How Do I Dispose of the Lamps?

•  Store lamps in an area and in a way
   that will prevent them from breaking,
   such as in their original shipping boxes
   or boxes supplied by lamp recyclers.

•   Mark the lamp storage area with the
   words "Fluorescent lamps for
•   Do not break or crush lamps, because
   mercury might be released.
•   If lamps are accidentally broken, store
   them in a sealed container. Scoop up
   spilled powder and add it to the sealed
•   Take lamps to a consolidation site* or
   arrange with a lamp transporter to pick
   them up. Contact your city, county or
   state environmental office or solid
   waste office for services available in
   your area. To protect yourself from
   future liability, save the invoices that
   track your used lamps and include the
   following information:
   •   the date of shipment
   •   the number of lamps
   •   the location from where the lamps
      are being shipped
   •   the destination of the shipment

*These services might not be available in your area.



                                          Activity 4
Mercury Audit: Assessment Checklist for Schools
Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology Rooms
Elemental Mercury
Mercury Thermometers
Mercury Barometers
Mercury Vacuum Gauges
Hg Spectral Tubes
Mercury Molecular Motion
Mercury Sling Psychomotor
Mercury Compounds
Mercury Oxide
Mercury (II) chloride
Mercury (II) sulfate
Mercury nitrate
Mercury iodine
Zenker's Solution
Other Mercury Materials



How Many/
How Much?


Nurse's Office/ Medical
Mercury Fever Thermometers
Sphygmomanometers (Blood
Pressure Devices)- with silver
Nasal Spray
Contact lens solution



How Many/
How Much?


Fluorescent Lamps
Mercury Thermostats
Mercury Vapor Lamps,
Metal Halide Lamps
High-Pressure Vapor Sodium
Mercury Gauges



How Many/
How Much?



Mercury-containing ("Silent")
Light Switches
Mercury Float Control Switches
(e.g. on Sump Pumps)
Flow Meters with Mercury
Other equipment with mercury
switches (e.g. flame sensors, fire
alarms, safety valves)
Older fungicides and pesticides
(prior to 1991)

Mercury Cooking Thermometer
True Vermilion Paint (contains
mercuric sulfide)
Cadmium Vermilion Red
Mercury Oxide/Mercury Zinc
Batteries (old alkaline type, prior
to 1996 and button batteries)



How Many/
How Much?


This form was borrowed from "Mercury in Schools & Communities, " Northeast Waste
Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA).
http://www. newmoa. org/Newmoa/htdocs/prevention/mercury/schools/checklist. cfm

                    Household Mercury
      The following information
illustrates how the average household
contributes to the use and release of
mercury to the environment. The idea is
to provide a sense of how our daily
activities, as well as devices and
products in our homes, contribute to the
overall picture of mercury release and
      Charts are provided to show
percentages of where mercury is most
likely found in homes, "Presence/Use of
Mercury in Households," and what
contributes most to the release of
mercury, "Annual Mercury Releases
from  Households."  Mercury "releases"
are defined very broadly and include air
emissions, discharges to streams, lakes
or sewers, and placement in landfills.
The following types of uses or releases
from  households have been

•  coal combustion to produce electricity
• fluorescent lamps

• gasoline combustion in motor vehicles

• heating oil combustion

• appliance switches
(chest freezers, washing machines)

• automotive switches

• thermostats

• dental fillings

• wastewater discharged to sewers

• button batteries

• gas-pilot ranges

• light switches

• thermometers

                   Annual Mercury Releases from
      Oil Combustion
Dental Fillings
                      Presence/Use of Mercury in Households
                 Switches - Automotive
          Lighting Switches
                 Dental Fillings
                     Switches - Appliances
Adopted from "Mercury Source Sector Assessment for the Greater
Milwaukee Area" by the Pollution Prevention Partnership and Milwaukee
Metropolitan Sewage District. 1997

          Activity 5 - Hunt for Mercury At Home
Students will expand their school efforts
by looking at where mercury occurs in
their homes.

• Involve students in a meaningful, real-
life opportunity to do something about
an environmental problem at home.

• Reduce or eliminate opportunities for
students and their families to come in
contact with mercury.

• Prevent the release of mercury into the
environment from mercury or mercury-
containing devices at home.

• Students will be able to analyze and
then determine the level of threat of
mercury in their homes.

-/  "Hunt for Mercury at Home,"
information  for conducting a home
mercury audit

s  Sample  letter to the parents

s  "Hunt for Mercury at Home -
Inventory Results" form
• If appropriate, get the permission of
your principal and then inform your
parent organization.

• Introduce the topic of mercury to the
class, using any or all of the materials
included in the Focus on Mercury
section of this package (Pages 1-11).
Consider doing one or more of the other
mercury related activities first.

• Try to find out the local contacts for
household hazardous waste collection
and add these to the bottom of the third
page of "Hunt for Mercury at Home."
The sewage treatment plant and
department of public works are good
places to find out if there is a household
hazardous waste collection program in
your area.

• Hand out copies of  "Hunt for Mercury
at Home" to students and allow them
3-7 days to complete the exercise.

• Have the students develop their own or
use the sample letter provided to send
home to each family.

• Make sure that students understand
that they need to discuss this activity
with their families before they do it and
that it works  best if they get help from
family members.

• Have students compare their results
and discuss safe ways of addressing the
mercury in their homes.

Dear Parent,
      One topic being covered at school is mercury. Mercury is an element that occurs
naturally in the earth's surface. It can be found in many household products and
products at school. Mercury presents an environmental threat because it can
accumulate in animals and people and can be toxic. Its toxicity can endanger living
organisms and can produce adverse health effects in people, such as headache,
weakness, memory loss, and nervousness, among others. Mercury poisoning is
possible just by breathing mercury vapors, which are invisible.

      There are many efforts across the nation to educate people about mercury, its
risks, and how to dispose of it. Mercury can be found in common household items such
as thermometers, thermostats, fluorescent lamps, and certain types of appliance
switches. An important thing to know is that the primary concerns with many of these
mercury-containing products are how you dispose of them and what to do  if they break.
Simply having them in your home is harmless unless the devices break or are disposed
of improperly. You do not need to throw out all the mercury-containing products that you
find. Any device that contains mercury needs to be recycled properly and cannot be
thrown in the trash. Try to find a household hazardous waste collection, or contact the
sewage treatment  plant or department of public works. When it is time to replace a
mercury-containing product, use a mercury-free alternative. There are safe,
dependable, and easy to use alternatives for all mercury-containing devices used in
your home.

      Your child has studied mercury at  school and its effects on human health and the
environment and has been given an information packet titled, "Hunt for Mercury at
Home," along with an "Inventory Results" sheet. Please go through this with your child
and fill out the "Inventory Results" sheet.  Do not be alarmed if you come up with many
objects in your home that contain mercury. The purpose of this is to make  you aware of
them and what to do with them.  When it  comes time to replace them, remember that
buying smart is a great way to prevent pollution.

Thank you

            Hunt For Mercury At Home
Information and Checklist to Help
You Inventory the Mercury in Your
Home and Learn about Safe Disposal
Options and Mercury-Free Products

   This guide provides a list of what to
look for, what to do about mercury-
containing products if you find them and
what mercury-free substitutes are
   Before getting started, share
information about mercury with your
family and let them know why you are
searching for it in your home. Family
members might be able to help you
identify products that contain mercury
and help you decide what to do about
   Remember, the primary concern with
many of these mercury-containing
products is how you dispose of them.
Using them  safely in your home does
not pose a problem  unless the products
break. You do not need to throw out all
the mercury-containing products that
you find.
   A good example is thermostats.
Many of you will find thermostats with
mercury in your homes. These are
designed  to last a long time and are not
a hazard to you and your family unless
they break and spill  the mercury. The
best approach is to let your parents
know that different types of thermostats
are available and, if they replace the
one they have now,  they should install a
mercury-free thermostat and properly
recycle the old one.
   This guide provides advice for what
to do about each of the mercury-
containing products that you might find
in your home.  Make sure to consider
common sense, recycling, safety and
pollution prevention before taking action.
You can also use this guide to help you
and your family buy products that do not
contain mercury. If you are careful about
not buying mercury-containing
thermometers, toys, thermostats, etc.,
you won't have to worry about mercury
in your home in the future. Buying smart
is a great way to prevent pollution!

             Hunt For Mercury At Home
What To Do
Mercury-Free Alternative
Silver liquid in tube
Bring to Household Hazardous
Waste Facility
Alcohol or digital thermometer
All non-electronic models
When it needs replacing, recycle
Electronic "set back" models can help
save on energy bills
Fluorescent lights
Light bulbs in the form of long
or curved tubes
Continue to use these, however,
recycle them at the Household
Hazardous Waste Facility
None, although some newer bulbs
have less mercury than others
Old Alkaline Batteries
Bought before 1990. Check
expiration date
Bring to Household Hazardous
Waste Facility
Rechargeable batteries
An old time antiseptic for cuts
and scraps
Bring to Household Hazardous
Waste Facility
New antiseptics do not contain
Maze Toys
Contain blob mercury
Bring to Household Hazardous
Waste Facility
Mercury-free games
Shoes that Light Up or Make
Bought between 1991 and 1994
Bring to Household Hazardous
Waste Facility
Sneakers that don't light up

             Hunt For Mercury At Home
What To Do
Mercury-Free Alternative
Chemistry Sets
Might contain mercury
Bring mercury or mercury
compounds to Household
Hazardous Waste Facility
Other mercury-free toys
Vials or Jars of Mercury,
Sometimes on Necklaces
Small containers of mercury
used for ceremonial purposes.
Might be found in basements or
Bring to Household Hazardous
Waste Facility
      Nearest Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility:
             Person to Call to Find Out About Household Hazardous Waste Collection in Your Community:

          Hunt For Mercury At Home
Mercury Thermometers

      Some fever thermometers
contain mercury and should not be
thrown in the trash. A typical fever
thermometer contains about 0.5 grams
of mercury.
      Many thermometers used to
measure air and water temperature also
contain mercury, and they are used by
homeowners, businesses, institutions,
and anglers. When these thermometers
break outdoors, the mercury from them
is difficult to capture.
      Alcohol or digital thermometers
are as accurate as mercury
thermometers for most applications.
They are mercury-free, so no mercury
will be released if they break or when
they are thrown away. Digital
thermometers last longer because they
do not break. Consequently, they cost
less in the  long run.
      Change to alcohol or digital
thermometers whenever feasible. In the
meantime,  save old or broken mercury
thermometers in a closed container. If a
thermometer breaks, pick up all the
mercury you can and add it to the
container.  Use two pieces of paper or
two razor blades to scoop it up from a
smooth surface. Use an eyedropper to
pick up pieces of mercury from the floor
or the ground. Place all cleanup tools in
the closed  container for disposal with
the mercury. Mercury spill kits are
available from safety equipment supply
companies for larger mercury spills.
Homeowners can use local  household
hazardous waste  collection  programs*
for broken  thermometers.
Mercury-Containing Thermostats

      Mercury-containing tilt switches
have been used in thermostats for more
than 40 years. They provide accurate
and reliable temperature control, require
little or no maintenance, and do not
require a power source. However, each
switch contains approximately 3 grams
of mercury.
      Mercury-free thermostats are
available. Electronic thermostats, for
example, provide many of the same
features as mercury thermostats and
can be programmed to lower room
temperatures at pre-set times. This
results in fuel cost savings and
environmental benefits from burning
less fuel.
      Contact your heating, ventilating,
and air conditioning (HVAC) wholesaler.
Thermostat manufacturers provide  a
special container for thermostats to
each participating HVAC wholesaler.
wholesaler consolidates thermostats
from heating contractors and mails them
intact to  the manufacturer.
*These services might not be available in your area

Mercury in  Fluorescent Lights and the Environmental Impacts
The Use of Mercury in Efficient Electric
Lamps - An Update
Heightened concern about mercury buildup
in the environment has led to several recent
legislative or regulatory actions targeted at
all mercury-containing products. The
general objective is to reduce or remove the
mercury content of products.

Fluorescent Lamps
All efficient fluorescent lamps contain
mercury.  Fundamentally, these lamps are a
discharge in mercury vapor. When excited,
the mercury vapor discharge is an
extremely efficient source of ultraviolet
radiation; this is converted to visible light by
the phosphor powder that coats the interior
walls of the lamp.

HID Lamps
For the high-pressure sodium and metal
halide lamps, mercury is used to initiate and
maintain the discharge. Once started,  the
light output  generated by the sodium, or by
the metal halides, dominates the discharge.
Mercury-free developments
Mercury-free fluorescent discharges are
available using Xenon. The efficiency is
approximately 30 percent of a normal
mercury based fluorescent lamp, and
therefore this technology is environmentally
counterproductive for general lighting
applications. Despite continuous research
by the private sector, government research
labs, and academia, no viable replacement
has been discovered for mercury in general
purpose fluorescent lamps. The search
continues.  There are better prospects for
mercury-free HID lamps, whereas metal
halide lamps without mercury present a
greater challenge. The high-pressure sulfur
lamp is fundamentally mercury-free but is
unstable and requires forced cooling.

The EPA mercury report to the U.S.
Congress in 1997 identified combustion
sources (coal-fired utilities, waste
incineration and boilers) as the three major
sources of man-made mercury emissions in
the United  States. Together they represent
87 percent of the total. By contrast, lamp
disposal represented less than 1 percent
each for lamp breakage and lamp recycling.
It is ironic that the use of efficient mercury
containing  lamps is the No. 1 choice for
reducing power demand and thereby
influencing utility emissions. Lamp disposal
by incineration with other municipal wastes
is a relatively recent phenomenon in some
states. This represents the riskiest form of
disposal with less than 90 percent mercury
emission into the atmosphere where no
controls exist on the incinerator. Recycling
large quantities of lamps, where they are
shipped intact to the recycling location,
represents one of the lowest  environmental
emissions and the least legal liability arising
from the U.S. Superfund legislation.

* Information taken from OSRAM SYLVANIA's
web site, the North American division of OSRAM

        Activity 6 - Trade-offs
   One way to reduce mercury pollution from coal-burning electrical plants is to use
   less electricity. Fluorescent light bulbs use much less energy than incandescent light
   bulbs, but most fluorescent bulbs contain tiny amounts of mercury. What makes
   sense ecologically?

   Evaluate the pros and cons of two alternative technologies.

   Learn how to organize data and determine the mathematical relationships needed to
   solve a problem.

   Coherently present the results of calculations to support a recommended choice or

   S   Handout titled "Trade-Offs: Your Lights, Your Environment and your
   •S   Trade-offs: question sheet and answer sheet

   • This activity can be done as homework, or as an individual or group assignment.
   • Make copies and distribute "Trade-Offs: Your Lights, Your Environment and Your
    Checkbook," and the "Questions" sheet to the students and ask them to prepare
    answers and justifications for all questions.
      Fluorescent Bulbs
            (Containing mercury)
Incandescent bulb

"Trade-Offs: Your Lights, Your Environment and Your Checkbook"
Incandescent vs. Compact Fluorescent Bulbs-
Energy Use, Mercury Emissions and Cost

      The largest source of mercury to the environment is coal-burning electric power
plants. There is a very small amount of mercury in the coal that is burned to produce
electricity. However, because vast amounts of coal are burned, the amount of mercury
released up the smokestacks is very significant.
      One of the largest uses of the electricity produced by these power plants is for
lighting homes, buildings and streets. Can the choice of light bulbs in our homes make a
difference in terms of the amount of electricity used, the amount of mercury released
and the amount that we pay for electricity? Let's figure it out.

                       Incandescent Bulb             Fluorescent Bulb
Energy Requirement	60 watts	15 watts
Light Output	870 lumens	925 lumens
Average Life	1,000  hours	10,000 hours
Purchase Price	$1.79 for 4 bulbs	$2.75 each

Cost of electricity from the power plant: $0.07 per kilowatt-hour
Pounds of mercury released per kilowatt-hour of energy used=
3.69E-08 (= 0.0000000369)

Keep in Mind-
   1 kilowatt  =1,000 watts
   A lumen is a measure of brightness
   A kilowatt-hour is a measure of total energy used over a period of time
   1 pound = 454 grams
   It takes 10 Incandescent bulbs to last as long as 1 compact fluorescent bulb

Equations to Use:
1. Efficiency = light output -r- energy requirement

2. Amount of  mercury released = hours of use x energy requirement x pounds of
mercury released per kilowatt-hour of energy x 454 grams/pound of mercury -r-1000

3. Electricity cost = Hours of use x energy requirement x cost of electricity ^-1000


1. Which type of light bulb - incandescent or compact fluorescent - is more
   efficient? Why?
2. After 10,000 hours of use, how much mercury (in grams) is released to the
   environment from the use of each of these two types of light bulbs?
3. After 10,000 hours of use, what are the total costs, including purchase price and
   electricity, for each type of light bulb?
4. Which type of bulb would you recommend? Why?

5. Make an educated guess as to how many light bulbs are in use in your community.
   Based on this estimate, design a study to determine the differences in cost and in
   mercury released if all those bulbs were either incandescent or compact fluorescent.

Which type of light bulb - incandescent or compact fluorescent - is more efficient?
Efficiency, in this case, is measured by light output per amount of energy used. For the compact
fluorescent bulb, this is 925 lumens/15 watts = 61.67. For the incandescent bulb, this is 870
lumens/60 watts = 14.5. Thus, the fluorescent bulb is 4.25 times more efficient.

After 10,000 hours of use, how much mercury is released to the environment from
using each  of these two types of bulbs?
The amount of mercury released from using the compact fluorescent bulb is as follows:
       10,000 hours X 15 watts X .0000000369 pounds per kilowatt-hour X 454 grams per
       pound -T- 1,000  watts per kilowatt = .0025 grams.
The equation for the incandescent bulb is the same,  except that 60 watts is substituted for 15
       watts. Thus, the amount of mercury released is 4 times greater for the incandescent
       bulb,  or .01 grams.
Note: A compact fluorescent bulb contains approximately 4mg  (0.004g) of mercury, which is
also  released to the environment if the bulb is not properly recycled.

After 10,000 hours of use, what are the total costs, including purchase price and
electricity, for each type of light bulb?
Purchase price-
   Compact fluorescent - $2.75
   Incandescent- $1.79/4X 10,000/1,000 = $4.48
Electricity cost-
   Compact fluorescent
   10,000 hours X 15 watts X$.07 per kilowatt-hour-=-1,000 watts per kilowatt = $10.50
   10,000 hours X 60 watts X $.07 per kilowatt-hour -r-1,000 watts per kilowatt = $42.00
Total cost-
   Compact fluorescent
   $2.75 (purchase) + $10.50 (electricity) = $13.25
   $4.48 (purchase) + $42.00 (electricity) = $46.48
Thus, the incandescent bulb is three and a half times more expensive.

Which  type of bulb would you recommend?
Consider efficiency (compact fluorescent is 4.25 times more efficient), amount of mercury
released (4 times less for compact fluorescent if the  compact fluorescent bulb is properly
recycled) and total cost (three and a half times less for compact fluorescent).

Study design to determine the differences in cost and in mercury released for the community if
all those bulbs were either incandescent or compact fluorescent.
The study design should include identification of the  following steps:
• estimates of the number of bulbs used in lighting homes, streets and businesses
• assumptions about the frequency of bulb replacement
• determination of the total energy used  by the community to light the bulbs
• application  of the mercury released per kilowatt factor to determine total mercury  releases
• determination of purchase and electricity costs


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