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Analytical Methods Considerations

      •   It is recommended that simple measures of community structure be used to
          assess the condition of the benthos: number of individuals, number of
          species, dominance, infaunal index, abundance of pollution-sensitive
          species, abundance of pollution-tolerant species, and percent cover for
          hard-bottom indicator groups.

      •   Selected biological indices should retain biological meaning, be robust
          indicators of ecosystem "health," and incorporate species form and function.

      •   Indicator species should possess the following characteristics:

          -   sensitive to benthic perturbations of concern;
          -   cost-effective and statistically reliable alternative to measuring all species
             in a monitoring program;
          -   statistically reliable indicative measures of habitat perturbations; and
          -   appropriate for the spatial and temporal scale demanded by the study

      •   Selection of reference sites is key to the evaluation of environmental impact
          due to anthropogenic impacts; several reference sites may be required.

QA/QC Considerations

      •   Taxonomic standardization is essential to the analysis of community
          structure. Recommended protocols include consistent interactions among
          taxonomists, reidentification of selected samples, use of a reference
          collection, and re-sorting and analysis of selected samples or subsamples.

Statistical Design Considerations

      •   Power analyses  may be applied to determine the appropriate number of
          sample replicates required to detect a specified difference, thereby optimizing
          the high costs of collecting and processing samples.

Use of Data

      •   Data provide essential information in order to assess impacts due to
          anthropogenic perturbation, monitor recovery of the receiving environment,
          and validate community and population models.

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Pathobiological methods provide information concerning damage to organ systems of
fish  and shellfish through an evaluation  of their structure,  activity, and function.
Anatomic pathology methods can give an indication of the nature of an altered state, for
example, by identifying the specific type of tumor present in an animal.  Reproductive
developmental studies examine the reproductive capacity of animals and can provide
information to aid in estimating and predicting population abundance and recruitment.
Biochemical/enzymological studies seek to detect differences in enzymatic activity as a
measure of biological condition.   Immunological  methods can demonstrate altered
immune response, an indicator of changes in bodily defense mechanisms and increased
susceptibility to disease.

Pathobiological methods should be  used  in concert to investigate cause-and-effect
relationships as a result of contaminant exposure. Anatomic pathology can serve as a
vital  link between observed effects on populations and communities in an estuary and
the changes in activity and function observed by other methods.
Pathobiological methods can be used to examine adverse effects of pollutants on fish
and shellfish.  The presence of toxics in  water and sediments may not immediately
result in visible changes in these organisms.  Biomarkers offer a more sensitive and
reliable assessment  of  exposure  risks  than ambient  water  or  sediment  quality
monitoring.  Monitoring of pathobiological  effects provides  information necessary to
make determinations  of the existence of adverse  effects in animals  (e.g., tumors),
population productivity and stability (affected by reproduction and disease states), and
the loss of organisms  deemed valuable for ecological, aesthetic, recreational, scientific,
or economic reasons.  Table  4-21  outlines  some of the terms used to  describe
pathobiological methods.

Although the value  of these methods for establishing cause-and-effect links has  been
established during laboratory toxicity studies, some questions remain regarding their ability
to establish such links for field-collected organisms that are exposed to a variety of natural
environmental stresses and combinations of contaminants (Hinton and Couch, 1984; Couch
and Harshbarger, 1985; Mix, 1986;  Sindermann, 1990).  However, properly conducted
multidisciplinary monitoring  studies using these methods can provide regulatory agencies
with evidence of impaired health status in animals exposed  to contaminants in  estuarine
ecosystems.  This information can then be used to direct laboratory confirmation of the
cause, if necessary (see, for example, Buckley etal., 1985; Gardner et al., 1991). Continued
monitoring with these  methods  can be used to detect changes in a population's health
during and following environmental intervention.  Because  changes at the organismal
level  precede  changes in  population and  community characteristics, pathobiological
studies can provide an early indication of the effectiveness of management actions.


cytochrome P450


genotoxic agents






inclusion bodies


smooth endoplasmic
reticulum (SER)
Table 4-21. List of Pathobiological Terms

  any biological method used to detect the exposure of organisms to hazardous
  chemicals in the environment by measuring the response of the organisms to the
  contaminant through comparative molecular, biochemical, physiological, or
  anatomical observations of cellular dysfunction

  a protein in the microsomes of liver cells that is important in catalyzing the
  metabolism of steroid hormones and fatty acids and in the detoxification of a variety
  of chemical substances

  the study of cytology in relation to genetics, especially the study of chromosomal
  behavior in mitosis and meiosis. Modern cytogenetics has led to the identification of
  chromosomes as bearers of the genes and deoxyribonucleic acid (DMA) as the key
  molecule of the  gene

  chemical and physical agents that can produce genetic alterations at subtoxic
  concentrations and can result in altered heredity characteristics. Genotoxic agents
  generally possess specified chemical or physical properties that facilitate their
  interaction with nucleic acids

  of, or relating to, the liver

  pathologic histology; the science or study dealing with the cytologic and histologic
  (microscopic) structure of abnormal or diseased  cells, tissues, and organs in relation
  to their function

  the study of the  chemistry of cells and tissues using light and electron microscopy,
  special chemical tests, and special stains to determine the location of certain enzyme
  systems or reaction products in the cell

  measuring the protein and protein-bound molecules that are concerned with the
  reaction of an antigen with its specific antibody, as in the detection of hormones or
  other substances

  the study of being protected from a disease; the  study of the response of the body
  and its tissues to a variety of antigens, including  red cells, pollens, transplanted
  tissues, and even the individual's own cells

  bodies present in the nucleus or cytoplasm of certain cells in cases of infection by
  filtrable viruses or as the result of degenerative diseases or exposure to chemicals

  cells of the reticuloendothelial system having the ability to phagocytose particulate
  substances and to store vital dyes and other colloidal substances

  pathology, the study of disease, with emphasis more on the biological than the
  medical aspects of the essential nature, causes, and development of abnormal
  conditions,  as well as the structural and functional changes that result from the
  disease process

  a connecting network of tubules that course through the cytoplasm of the cell and can
  be viewed using the electron microscope; SER is essential to metabolic functions of
  the cells
SOURCES: Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 1982; Taber"s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 1985.

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
4.6.2     Monitoring Design Considerations

A field survey to collect target organisms  and tissue samples may be required for
pathobiological monitoring (Hargis et al., 1984; U.S. EPA, 1987b).  In certain instances,
a large sample size may be needed to  establish statistical significance because of
normal variation from animal to animal, species and generic differences, and migratory
habits  of fish.  For these reasons, and the labor-intensive nature of pathobiological
methods, the availability and allocation of funds, time, equipment, and trained personnel
must be considered when planning to include pathobiological  methods in  monitoring

Selection of Target (Indicator) Species

A key component of any pathobiological monitoring program  is the selection of target
species.  The fundamental criterion is the ability to use the selected species to make
comparisons between sampling locations and sampling periods.  It is recommended that
the target species possess the following characteristics:

      •  Abundant enough, temporally and spatially, to allow for adequate sampling;

      •  Large enough to provide adequate amounts of tissue for analysis;

      •  Sedentary (nonmigratory) in nature to ensure that pathobiological
         abnormalities are representative of the study area; and

      •  Easily collected.

It  is also  recommended  that  an  existing database  documenting  exposures and
sensitivities of the target organism specific to contaminants of concern is available.

Fish provide sufficient tissue for analyses and may indicate potential threats to human
populations. However, fish are motile and pathobiological abnormalities detected may
not be representative of the study area (see Vogelbein et al., 1990).

Bivalve molluscs, either attached to the substratum  or burrowing  in sediments, have
been sampled extensively to examine the condition of these commercially important
estuarine species (e.g., Mussel Watch, National Status and Trends program). The most
common target species have been oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and mussels (Mytilus
spp.), although pathobiological and bioassay studies have also been performed on other
species, such as crabs and penaeid shrimp.

Secondary  considerations, based on economic importance and status as  a bioassay
organism, may be  applied to further winnow the list of candidate  target species to  a
practical number of species to be analyzed.

Sampling Location

Appropriate locations of sampling stations depend on the objectives of the study.  For
example, to evaluate whether there is  a statistically significant increase in lesions,
stations should be located to collect specimens from contaminated and uncontaminated
(background  or  control) areas  for  statistical comparison.   It  is also  important to
demonstrate  a  dose-response relationship between  the pollutant concentration  and
incidence of tumors or other lesions  by locating sample stations along a contamination
gradient (i.e., from highly contaminated to moderately contaminated to uncontaminated).
It is recommended that stations be located in  areas where the geographic area of
contamination is large enough that sampled fish could reasonably be  expected to have
spent a considerable amount of time within the influence of the pollutant (U.S. EPA,
1987b). Nielsen and Johnson (1984) and Cailliet et al.  (1986)  may be consulted for
further fish  sampling  methodologies.  Information on sampling bivalves and other
invertebrates is contained in Couch  (1978), Yevich and Barszcz  (1983), Turgeon et al.
(1991), and other sources.

4.6.3    Analytical Methods Considerations

Anatomic Pathology Methods

Anatomic  pathology methods examine tissues with the naked  eye (gross  anatomic
pathology), the aid of a light microscope (LM methods), or the electron microscope  (EM
methods).  Gross anatomic methods are concerned with obvious adverse changes in
tissue that can  be observed in the  field  (Hunn,  1988; Hargis et  al.,  1984).   The
advantage of gross methods is  that large numbers  of specimens  can be examined
rapidly.  However,  the  methods are generally nonspecific  (i.e., it is not possible to
determine that a specific pollutant led to a specific disease).  An exception to  this is
cataracts  in  fish,  which have  been  linked with polynuclear  aromatic  hydrocarbon
pollution in the field (Hargis and Zwerner, 1988).

A  disadvantage of anatomic  pathology  methods is that they require specialized
personnel  and laboratories.  The methods are, however, generally standardized, routine,
and operational in existing Federal,  State, university, veterinary, and  private diagnostic
laboratories that specialize in aquatic animal pathology. Current  activities are aimed at
developing a field-to-laboratory response-diagnostic scenario in which adverse effects
are found in the field, diagnosis is made in the laboratory, and experimental studies are
initiated to verify results.   Refer to Yevich and  Barszcz (1980), Howard and  Smith
(1983), Johnson and Bergman (1984), Klontz (1985), Meyers and  Hendricks (1985), and
U.S. EPA (1987b) for more information on these methods and techniques.

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Light Microscopy Methods

LM (histologic) methods  use the  light microscope to view cells and tissues.  These
methods can  detect  changes  such as  inflammatory  responses,  alterations  in the
appearance of cells, cancerous/precancerous lesions, and damage due to parasites
(USEPA, 1986c).  The advantages of LM methods are that they are organ-specific (i.e.,
the lesion can be localized to a specific organ) and can detect microscopic and subtle
cellular alterations that are not evident on visual inspection. However, LM methods are
more expensive (approximately $30/sample) and slower than gross methods.

Electron Microscopy Methods

EM methods use the  electron microscope to detect changes  in tissue at cellular and
subcellular levels, such as the identification of the nature of inclusion bodies or changes
in the amount of smooth  endoplasmic reticulum.  An advantage of EM methods is that
they can be highly specific because the pollutant can be localized within certain parts of
the cell.  These inclusions may contain the causative chemical agent; lead, gold, iron,
bismuth, uranium, beryllium, mercury, copper, and arsenic are a few of the metals that
can be deposited intracellularly (Sorenson and Smith, 1981).  Additionally, EM methods
can  be used to investigate subcellular mechanisms of pollutant action.   The  major
disadvantage of EM methods is that they are very expensive (minimum $400/fish) and
very slow, requiring highly skilled technical expertise.

Histochemical Methods

Histochemical  methods use the microscope in conjunction with special chemical tests
and  stains to localize specific enzyme systems or reaction  products in the cell. For
instance, histochemical assays  have  been used on liver tissue during and after tumor
formation to yield important information on the biochemistry of specific lesions (Hinton et
al.,  1988; Prophet et al., 1992; Sumner, 1988). Histochemical methods are reliable and
can be highly specific for  certain classes of organic compounds and metals.  However,
highly skilled technical expertise is required  to carry out the methods in the laboratory.

In Vitro Tests

In vitro tests are generally more sensitive than whole animal systems, less expensive to
carry out, and of shorter duration. However, in in vitro tests, defense mechanisms found
in the intact animal are missing.  In  vitro  systems offer the greatest flexibility for the
testing and study of environmental contaminants.  They can be designed to be relevant
to the species of interest  in a given area,  and multiple types of measurements can be
taken from a single test  system (e.g., metabolic products, mitotic activity, cytotoxicity
and genetic damage).  However, comparative in vitro and in vivo studies are needed  to
correlate and relate changes that occur in each system (Landolt and Kocan, 1983).

Reproductive/Developmental Methods

Reproduction studies are  designed to examine a  number of parameters  in the
reproductive process:  gross examination of the egg and numbers of eggs,  embryo
viability,  the proportion  of fertilized  eggs  (i.e., fertilization  success),  and  larval
development and viability  (USEPA,  1986c).   Studies that  examine  the  egg itself
incorporate microscopic methods that are time-consuming and expensive (West, 1990),
but serve as a direct measure of reproductive success. Some methods deal with the
egg at the molecular level and analyze the action of chemical and physical  agents
whose toxicity is directed toward  genetic (DNA) components of the egg.

Different cytogenotoxic tests can be used to measure a diverse array of effects including
gene  mutation,  chromosome damage  (sister  chromatid exchange),  primary DNA
damage, or oncogenesis (i.e.,  tumor formation and development) (Brusick,  1980;
Landolt  and Kocan,  1983;  Klingerman, 1982; Shugart, 1990).   Another  area that is
currently being investigated as a  suitable, sublethal assay for toxicity of certain wastes in
the marine environment is the fin regeneration test (Weis et al., 1990). The information
collected using these methods can be used to assess the effects of pollutants on the
reproductive capacity of animals.  An understanding of these effects can be useful in
evaluating observed population and community-level changes relative to the occurrence
of specific pollutants.

Gonadotropic and steroidogenic hormones regulate the reproductive capacity of an
organism. The level of these hormones has been used to assess how pollutants affect
the reproductive  capacity of fish  (V. Varanasi, 1990, National Marine Fisheries Service,
NOAA,  personal communication).  The analysis is a  sensitive indicator  of exposure
affecting major  biological processes that impact the whole population.  However,
relatively detailed information about the normal reproductive cycle of  the  animals is
necessary to apply these methods in the field (V.  Varanasi, 1990, National  Marine
Fisheries Service, NOAA, personal communication).

Biochemical Methods

Biochemical methods have been used in field  studies to measure various indicators of
environmental contamination. These methods are inherently sensitive and may provide
basic information about early changes in response to  environmental contamination at
the cellular  level.  The development of a suite of indicators having both specific and
nonspecific responses can provide information on the type of stressors, mechanisms of
action,  extent   of  physiological  dysfunction,  and  potential   long-term  population
consequences (Thomas, 1990).

Fish can respond to generalized stress, contaminants being one type of stress, through
induction (increased synthesis)  of stress proteins (Pickering, 1981; Sanders, 1990).
Stress proteins  are  currently being investigated for use as  generalized biochemical

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
 indicators of stress  in fish, chemical-class pollutant indicators, and  mode of action
 indicators.   The  methods  for  detecting  stress proteins  involve  radioisotopic  and
 immunologic methods that measure the amount of stress protein present after a stress
 (i.e.,  exposure to a  pollutant) occurs.  At  present, cDNA  probes are being  used
 experimentally  to  measure  the correlation between stress  and induction  of stress
 proteins. These methods potentially afford a high degree of sensitivity.

 It has been suggested that  induction of the fish hepatic microsomal mono-oxygenase
 (MO) enzyme could serve  as a sensitive biological indicator  for certain classes of
 chemicals in water (Payne et al., 1987; Kleinow et al., 1987; Lech et al., 1982; Jimenez
 et  al.,  1990; Haux and Forlin, 1988).   Metallothioneins  (MT)  have  been under
 consideration for use as a monitoring tool for trace environmental metal pollution due to
 their induction as a result of exposure to certain metals (Engel and Roesijadi, 1987;
 Garvey,  1990;  Haux and Forlin, 1988).   However, additional  scientific research is
 required to  understand the basic biology of fish before the exact significance  of field
 studies using these techniques can be ascertained.

 A concern  when  measuring  biochemical  variables in fish  to  detect environmental
 pollutants is that their exact biological significance is rarely understood.  In addition, for
 most of the biochemical variables  studied,  the normal range for a particular  fish
 population and the factors influencing these variables are often  unknown (Neff, 1985).
 Even with  these  limitations,  biochemical  methods  hold  considerable  promise as
 sensitive  early indices of  exposure  to  environmental stressors  (Thomas,  1990).
 However, additional  research  is needed so  that simplified,  more cost-effective field
 methodologies can be developed.

 Immunoloaical Methods

 Immunological biomarkers are  simple, sensitive, reproducible,  and workable in the field
 (Weeks et al.,  1990; D. Anderson,  1990;  R.S.  Anderson, 1990).  These indicators
 provide supportive evidence  for linkage between a stressor (toxicant, etc.) and disease
outbreaks in fish and shellfish.  The immune response can be used to monitor a specific
antigen or microorganism responsible for pathological conditions in fish.  Biologists can
perform quick and sensitive  assays in the field or in their own diagnostic laboratories
because many immune assays are becoming available in kits (Rowley, 1990; Matthews
et al., 1990). Many immunological assays do not require sacrifice of the animal.  Blood
samples can be taken periodically to follow the kinetics of the effects of stress in a single
animal;  however, the effects  of handling  stress on aquatic species  must also be
considered in this case.  The immune response is physiologically similar among most
vertebrates and similar equipment and materials can be used to test all species of fish
as well as shellfish (see Anderson, 1987). There is a rapidly growing body of literature
on immunotoxicology from  veterinary and aquatic animal sciences.

The selection of immune system indicators for the study of stress effects depends on
many  factors,  including  specific  study  objectives,  available  equipment,  training,
personnel,  and length and number of assays.  The most  sophisticated and sensitive
assays are costly and require highly trained personnel, whereas simple assays can be
performed by field biologists with only basic laboratory supplies.

A major limitation of immune indicators is that the response is sometimes too broad to
provide conclusive  evidence that the  observed reaction is actually due to a  specific
complex to be considered. Cross-reactions and heightened  responses to  nonspecific
factors may prevent the interpretation  of assays with absolute certainty.  The immune
response in fish or shellfish will be distinctive for a specific antigen or disease-causing
agent.  This will frequently make it difficult to know which immune indicator  is most
affected and which  immunological assay to apply. Expensive materials and laboratory
equipment are needed for sophisticated immunological assays.  Confirmatory assays
are advisable to be sure that a particular stressor is the only cause of a particular effect.
Many animals should be sampled because of natural variability among individuals.

Physiological Methods

Hematological methods have  been used by biologists for many years to  assess the
general health of fish in  hatcheries and research laboratories.  The procedures are
well-standardized (Blaxhall and Daisley, 1973; Wedemeyer and  Yasutake, 1977) and
are easy to carry out, even in the field.  Hematological measures may be affected by the
stress of capture, but are far less influenced than some other measurements,  such as
blood  glucose  (Larson  et al., 1985).   Hematologic methods have been successfully
implemented in the field and have been  rated as  the best  physiologic  method  for
evaluation of  pollutants (U.S. EPA, 1986c).   For the measurement of  hematological
factors in  fish,  techniques  similar to those used  in  human and veterinary clinical
laboratories are generally used  with minor modifications (Heath, 1987;  Bouck 1984).
Blaxhall and Daisley (1973), Wedemeyer and Yasutake (1977), and Ellis (1977) provide
practical guides to the adaptation of these methods for use on fish  blood.

The hematocrii/erythrocyte determination may not be as sensitive to pollution as is the
leucocyte count, at least as far as its  response to metals  is concerned (Larson et  al.,
1985).  It remains  to  be determined  how  sensitive the procedure is to  subtle
environmental changes.  In general, chemical and physical stressors cause a decrease
in the leucocrit, whereas infections produce the opposite response.  However,  it is also
possible  to obtain  elevations  in granulocytes  concomitant  with  a decrease in
lymphocytes, thereby yielding an unchanged leucocrit (Peters et al., 1980). Thus, the
method has limitations for the detection of chronic stress (Wedemeyer et al., 1983).
Several obstacles, such as capture stress, limit the potential usefulness of physiological
tests in  field work.  Capture stress precludes the use of  sensitive, early indicators of
environmental  stress.  The use  of  physiological responses of wild fish to assess

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance

 environmental  quality is difficult because responses due to toxicants often cannot be
 distinguished from those induced during handling of the wild fish (Bouck, 1984; Folmar,

 4.6.4     QA/QC Considerations

 Pathobiological methods have a wide range of sensitivities and response times  (i.e.,
 when  a response  can  be detected).   For instance,  certain  immunologic, electron
 microscopic, and biochemical methods can detect early changes in cells and are  very
 sensitive.  Gross anatomic pathology methods, on the other hand, can detect cellular
 changes only after lesions can be seen and, therefore, are less sensitive.

 General considerations  for  QA/QC procedures have  been covered earlier in  this
 document.  With regard to  pathobiological methods, it should be noted that careful and
 consistent  handling  of  aquatic specimens  is  required  to  minimize  trauma  and
 confounding effects,  such as exposure  to air.   Organisms should be  held in the
 laboratory under conditions as near to those found at the site of collection as possible
 and for as  short a time  as practicable  before performing assays.  Fish and shellfish
 collected for histopathological examination must be properly fixed  (e.g., immersed  in a
 formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde solution) to stop metabolic activity.   This may require
 opening or sectioning the organisms to allow the fixative to rapidly penetrate all tissues
 and preserve the cellular structure in its existing condition.  The organisms must still be
 active or moribund, but not dead, before being fixed.  Failure to follow proper fixation
 procedures will  interfere with the interpretation of lesions in anatomic pathology studies.

 As with other monitoring methods, samples must be accurately labeled at the time of
 collection and  routine QA/QC  procedures should  be instituted, including  tracking
 samples, carefully recording methods used, using fresh solutions,  and treating both
 control and exposed samples equally.  Whenever possible, organisms for each group to
 be tested should be of the same species, age, and sex. Sections of tissues and organs,
 or for small  organisms, the whole  animal, should also be prepared as uniformly as
 possible with respect to homogeneity and orientation so that microscopic observations
 can be made on the same  organs and  areas  for each specimen.   Subsamples of
 sections should be  examined  (blind) by another pathologist to confirm the diagnoses.
 See  USEPA  (1987b)  for  additional   information  on  QA/QC  procedures  for
 histopathological examinations.

 4.6.5    Statistical Design Considerations

 Statistical strategies may mitigate the high costs of pathobiological monitoring methods.
As discussed earlier, power analyses considering the strategy of compositing samples
can often lead to a  cost-effective monitoring design strategy. Power-cost analyses  are
necessary in selecting the  appropriate sample/replicate number, sample location, and
sampling frequency.  If the primary  objective of a monitoring program is to determine

pathobiological differences between sampling locations, composite sampling may be an
appropriate strategy.  However,  a limitation of composite sampling is the inability  to
directly  estimate  the  range and variance of the population  of  individual samples.
Similarly, the use of space- or time-bulking strategies will severely limit a monitoring
program's ability to assess spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the samples.

Given that the monitoring program must accommodate a fixed level of sampling cost,
the best strategy for pathobiological monitoring is to collect more  replicates at fewer
locations.  For histopathology, from 25 to  100 animals per species may need to be
surveyed to detect low incidences of disease. The selection  of appropriate statistical
analyses must be made with these limitations in mind, as well  as the specific types of
statistical  analyses that can be  performed on different types  of data.  For example,
quantitative information from measurements of enzyme levels  or computerized image
analysis/morphometric programs  may be effectively analyzed by parametric statistics (if
the data fit the conditions for normal distributions, limitations of assumptions, etc.), but
histopathological  observations may  need to  be rated  on  presence/absence  or
categorized qualitative scales that will require  nonparametric techniques.   USEPA
(1987b) provides additional information on the types of sampling designs and statistical
tests that may be appropriate for these data.
Use of Data
Data Interpretation

Data interpretation for  pathobiological  methods may  be limited because there are
relatively  few trained  personnel,  facilities and  equipment  may be expensive, and
references for newly emerging techniques may be scarce.  However, because of the
recent interest in developing biomarkers for monitoring the effects of natural and
anthropogenic environmental stresses on aquatic organisms, many research programs
are under way at Federal, State, and academic facilities to develop, standardize, and
validate  the most promising  biomarkers for sentinel species  that  will  establish
cause-and-effect   links  for  pollutant  exposure.    Basic  laboratory  research  and
experimental studies must be conducted in conjunction with field work to elucidate the
relationships  between  contaminant  levels,  structural,  biochemical,  or functional
pathologies, and  population health (Johnson and Bergman, 1984; McCarthy, 1990).  A
critical concern is the coordination of efforts and creation of a multidisciplinary approach.

It is important to establish baseline data on selected species, as well as to demonstrate
the alterations in  the health of those species  due to contaminant exposures.  Methods
and techniques,   terminology,  and  interpretation  of  lesions  and  effects  must  be
standardized. In  addition to a rapidly expanding body of literature on baseline measures
of health, histological atlases for  several species  of fish and shellfish, and courses,
workshops, meetings, and special symposia (e.g.,  Responses of Marine Organisms to
Pollutants/Woods Hole,  MA, and Plymouth,  England; Annual Aquatic Toxicology

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Workshop,  Canada),  several  professional societies  (e.g.,  Society  for  Invertebrate
Pathology, American Fisheries Society/Fish Health Section)  are facilitating training in
techniques and communication among investigators and laboratories.  Diseases of fish
and shellfish have  been reviewed by  several authors (e.g.,  Sparks,  1985; Ferguson,
1989;   Roberts,  1989;  Sindermann,  1990;  Couch  and  Fournie,  1993).    For
histopathological  studies of tumors in fish,  standardization  of  nomenclature will be
available in Dawe et al. (in press).

As for  any  monitoring program,  long-term studies of health and disease in aquatic
organisms will aid  in identifying and  interpreting observed pathobiological effects.
Furthermore, it will be important to archive data so that they will be available for future
comparisons.  The Registry of Tumors in Lower Animals at the National Museum  of
Natural History, Smithsonian  Institution, Washington, DC, houses over 3,500  cases of
neoplastic and nonneoplastic  lesions  representing a wide variety  of  host aquatic
species, pathogens,  and environmental  stresses from  field and laboratory studies
conducted around  the world.   The  Registry also contains the  Registry of Marine
Pathology, originally developed by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and
the collection of  crustacean  histopathological material researched by Dr. Phyllis T.
Johnson,  NMFS.  Although primarily  serving as a clearinghouse for information on
neoplastic diseases and  research, the  Registry is also able  to direct inquiries for
information on nonneoplastic diseases, and the materials archived there are  available
for study by qualified investigators. Data collected from the long-term monitoring efforts
of NOAA's  National Status and  Trends  Program (NS&T) and  EPA's Environmental
Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)  will also provide useful information for the
interpretation of the various pathobiological methods that are being employed in these

Data Integration

Measuring or evaluating the effects of stressors on fish and shellfish by pathobiological
indicators is difficult  primarily  because  of the  large  number  of variables  that can
influence biological response.  Variables including water temperature, nutritional status,
species, sex, reproductive and developmental stages,  and physiological functions can
render tests difficult to compare and evaluate.

Anderson (1990) outlined a plan  including four levels of study in a tiered approach to
investigate the effects of stress on the immune system and to quantify the  possible
contribution of these environmental and physiological variables on the stress response.
The plan, generally speaking,  appears to  be  applicable to all pathobiological  methods
and may be  adapted to them using the following four levels: (1) observations of fish and
shellfish populations in the field; (2) studies of caged fish or shellfish in the field; (3) in
vivo exposures in the laboratory; and (4) in vitro assays in the laboratory.

The first level of study includes the collection of information from field observations on
relative  abundance, reduction in sport-fish catches, or decline in commercial harvests.
Reduced yields reported by anglers  in previously productive fishing grounds  may be
correlated with environmental stressors or pollutants occurring at these sites.  If sick or
moribund fish or shellfish are called to the attention of local biologists by anglers, gross
morphological descriptions might be made and isolation of the disease agent attempted.

The second level of investigation involves the use of caged fish or shellfish placed in the
field  to  test for the presence or action of environmental stressors.  Groups of fish or
shellfish can be placed in pens or cages at suspected sites and their responses (signs of
disease, acute mortality) can be compared with those of control fish or shellfish caged in
unstressful areas.  Organisms from the cages can be sampled at various intervals and
the intensity of various immune responses quantified as a function of the time the fish or
shellfish were  exposed.  Levels of immune responses can be compared by  injecting
specific disease agents into both control and test organisms, and recording disease and
death rates.

The  third level of assay is in vivo laboratory tests, by which immune response can be
evaluated in experiments with calibrated dilutions of specific contaminants and kinetic
measurements of the immune response at each dilution.  Challenges with  disease
agents can be more easily controlled  in the laboratory to provide information on how the
stressor makes the fish or shellfish more susceptible to specific pathogens.

A fourth level of investigation is the recently developed method for  testing the effects of
chemicals, drugs, and other stressors in vitro. Spleens and other immunopoietic organs
can  be removed from fish and placed  in tissue culture media and their reactions to
pollutants tested using the passive hemolytic plaque assay (Anderson et al., 1986). Use
of this method to measure the effects of stressors allows maximal control of the levels of
pollutants. Because the immune response is monitored under defined laboratory  and
environmental conditions, important information is obtained  about how specific stressors
affect the immune response.  In vitro methods require fewer fish than  in vivo  methods
because tissue and organ  samples can be divided  into  many sections, which also
reduces the variability of responses.

McCarthy (1990) presented  a research strategy to validate biomarkers and provide the
scientific  understanding  necessary  to  interpret biomarker responses.   An  evolving
monitoring program was proposed that focused broadly on evaluation of contamination
in an array of ecosystem types. The challenges and obstacles to be addressed in such
a program include the following:

       •  The quantitative and qualitative relationships between chemical exposure,
          biomarker response, and adverse effects must be established.

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
       •   Responses due to chemical exposure must be distinguishable from natural
          sources of variability (e.g., ecological and physiological variables,
          species-specific differences, and individual variability) if biomarkers are to be
          useful in evaluating contamination.

       •   The validity of extrapolating between biomarker responses measured in
          individual organisms and some higher-level effect at a population or
          community level must be established.

       •   The use of exposure biomarkers in animal surrogates to evaluate the
          potential for human exposure should be explored.

The plan is an ambitious multiyear research and development program involving the
formulation  of  a  long-term,  interagency,  interdisciplinary  activity  such  as  the
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) by EPA in cooperation with
other Federal agencies.

4.6.7     Summary and Recommendations


       •   Pathobiological methods provide information concerning biological organ
          systems that, through an evaluation of organ structure, activity, and function,
          can be used to determine adverse effects of pollutants in the environment.

       •   Pathobiological methods should be used in concert so that cause-and-effect
          relationships can be evaluated.

Monitoring Design Considerations

       •   Sampling stations should be located along a contamination gradient (i.e.,
          from highly contaminated to uncontaminated). This type of sampling strategy
          will allow dose-response relationships to be evaluated.

       •   Fish pathobiological monitoring should be conducted only if the target
          species could reasonably be expected to have spent a considerable amount
          of time within the area of contamination.

       •   Large sample sizes will frequently be required for fish pathobiological
          monitoring due to natural variability among individuals and taxa.

Existing Analytical Methods

Anatomic Pathology Methods

      •   Tissues are examined with the naked eye or the aid of a microscope

      •  Light microscopic (LM) methods
         -  detect changes at the cellular level
         -  organ and time-series specific
      •  Electron microscopic (EM) methods
         -  detect subcellular changes
         -  specific as to area of cell or site of pollutant action
      •  Histochemical methods
         -  detect enzyme systems or reaction  products in the cell
         -  specific to chemical class
Reproduction/Development Methods
      •  Reproductive capacity is reflected in population recruitment and abundance
      .  Methods that examine the egg itself provide a direct measure of reproductive
         effects from pollutants
      •  Cytogenetic (DNA) tests
         -  in vitro tests offer greatest flexibility in terms of sensitivity, expense, and
            time required and are frequently conducted for convenience and
         -  sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) assays are DNA damage tests used as
            a screening tool and are dose-responsive and sensitive to low
            concentrations of pollutants.
         -  the aneuploidy technique is simple  and easy to use but is inaccurate for
            sublethal effects.
Biochemical Methods
      •   Several methods are specific for a certain compound class.
      •   Use a suite of indicators for environmental monitoring.
      •   Microsomal mono-oxygenase (MO) assays could serve as sensitive
          biological indicators for certain chemical classes.
      •   Metallothionein (MT) assays are nonspecific for metal exposure, but can
          provide information on the likelihood of a particular metal pool producing a
          pathological effect.
      •   Stress proteins are not pollutant-specific, but could result from generalized

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guttfance
Immunologic Methods
      •  Immunologic assays can provide information on pollutant-induced stress
         effects; however, they may require confirmatory assays.

      •  Many animals should be sampled because of natural variability among

Physiologic Methods

      •  Serious "interferences" can be caused by stress induced during collection
         and may limit the potential usefulness of physiological tests because effects
         of toxicants cannot be distinguished from those induced during handling of
         the wild organisms.

      •  Hematologic methods for fish, such as measurements of hematocrit (packed
         cell volume), hemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte count, and leucocyte
         count (or volume), can be successfully used.  Although the fish are not
         immune to stress of capture, hematologic methods are influenced far less
         than some other measurements such as blood glucose.

      •  The leucocrit can be a more sensitive measure of metal pollution than the

QA/QC Considerations

      •  Pathobiological methods have a wide range of sensitivities.

      •  Organisms must be carefully handled and properly prepared for each method.

      •  The main areas of concern with regard to analytical QA/QC are precision,
         accuracy, representativeness, completeness, and comparability.

Statistical Design Considerations

      •  Composite tissue sampling consists of mixing tissue samples from  two or
         more individuals collected at a particular location and time.

      •  Space-bulking (combining composites from several locations) and/or
         time-bulking (combining several composites over time from one location)
         strategies should be used judiciously since information concerning  spatial
         and temporal heterogeneity may be lost.

      •  Power analyses have shown  that for a fixed level of sampling effort, a
         monitoring  program's power is generally increased by collecting more
         replicates at fewer locations.

         The appropriate statistical tests must be performed and may vary depending
         on the type of data generated.
Use of Data
         Data use and interpretation may be limited by relatively few trained personnel
         and expensive equipment, but many research and training programs are now
         under way at Federal, State, and academic facilities to improve biomarker
         methods in sentinel species.

         Basic laboratory research must be conducted and biological methods must
         be tested in the field.

         Information communication

         -   need to coordinate efforts, communicate, and create a multidisciplinary
            approach to relate lab and field studies and establish cause-and-effect

         Data integration

         -   long-range research strategies should be followed to validate biomarkers
            and provide scientific understanding necessary to interpret biomarker

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
The objective of monitoring fish populations is  to  detect and describe spatial and
temporal changes in the abundance, structure, and  function  of fish communities.  To
attempt to protect  and preserve healthy fish  from  the possible  effects of pollutant
discharges, estimates of fish population abundance and detailed knowledge of fish life
histories are required.

Except in  the most severe  cases,  it is usually impossible  to directly  link pollutant
loadings to stock levels (i.e., there is a poorly established cause-and-effect relationship
between pollution and fish population responses).   Natural population fluctuations in
fishery stocks will usually be much greater than effects due to pollution. The effects of
discharges are obvious when fish are killed outright by high concentrations of toxic
substances (Rothschild, 1986).  However,  these  instances are rare compared to  the
prevalent situation,  in which fish are  exposed to lower pollutant levels that may not be
lethal but are thought to be harmful in some sense. Sublethal  pollutant loadings can be
expressed  in terms of increased body burden of toxicants or greater incidence of various
lesions. The effects of sublethal concentrations on growth, mortality, and reproduction
are not known (Rothschild,  1986)   As a  result  of  these limitations, fish population
measurement methodologies require further refinement and field validation before they
can be promoted for regular use in 403 monitoring or permit decisions.
Under section  403 of the Clean Water  Act, permitters  must use  10 guidelines  in
determining whether a discharge results  in unreasonable degradation  or  irreparable
harm to the marine environment.  Fish population studies have generally not been used
to directly  link  a source  of pollution to observed responses.  However, some recent
studies have indicated that selection of resident bottom fish as indicators of pollution can
support other data linking sources of pollution to environmental effects, especially if such
studies are conducted in conjunction with benthic studies and parallels can be drawn
between the two.  In addition, such methodologies do address the following three 403

       •  Composition and vulnerability of potentially exposed biological communities;

       •  Importance of the receiving water area to the surrounding biological
         community; and

       •  Existing or potential recreational and commercial fishing.

Population  effects can include those caused by changed reproductive rates or changed
distribution and migration  patterns.   Effects of suppressed  reproductive rates  on
population density have been clearly demonstrated in the diminishing populations of the
striped bass  in San Francisco Bay.  The suppressed reproductive  rates have been
shown to correlate with toxic concentrations in the bay (Whipple et al., 1984). Several

laboratory studies have demonstrated that certain fish can avoid toxics, including DDT,
endrin, and Duroban. There is, however, no proof that fish avoid toxicants in the field.  If
they do, "hotspots" would be avoided by such species and the population would suffer
less exposure to toxic effects.

One of the greatest problems in analyzing  effects of toxics on populations is separating
direct toxic  effects  from natural or non-pollution-related variations including climatic
changes and overfishing. Results of population studies must be evaluated together with
measurements   of  other  environmental  parameters  before  any  cause-and-effect
relationship can be established.

4.7.2    Monitoring Design Considerations

Specimen collection, analysis, and evaluation of fish community structure and function
are typically time-consuming,  labor-intensive, and  expensive  tasks.  A survey vessel
manned by an experienced crew and specially equipped with gear to collect organisms
is  required.   Expert taxonomists are needed to identify and enumerate collected fish

The results of fish  monitoring  programs  can  vary substantially depending on the
objectives  and  corresponding design  specifications.   The  characteristics  primarily
responsible for the variability in the results are the following:

      •  Type of sampling gear,

      •  Volume sampled, and

      •  Location and timing of sample collection.

It is essential to understand the effects of these monitoring design characteristics on the
results and to standardize them as much as possible to ensure the comparability of
sampled data.   Analyses  of power-cost  efficiencies are  useful  in  selecting  the
appropriate sampling gear and  sample processing protocols.   Ferraro et al. (1989)
provide an example of power-cost analyses.

Sampling Devices

Sample collection protocols influence all subsequent laboratory and data analysis; it is
key  that fish  population samples be  collected using  acceptable and standardized
techniques.  Several types of  devices can be used to collect fish samples:  traps and
cages, passive nets, trawls (active nets), and  photographic surveys (Fredette et al.,
1989).  Many of these devices selectively sample  specific types of fish.  Accordingly,
conducting comparisons between data collected  using different devices and even
different nets of the same type  is inadvisable.

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Traps and Cages

Traps and cages are usually designed to attract and capture specific organisms. They
are useful in studies examining the activities of a particular target organism in a given
area.  Traps and cages provide only qualitative measures of organisms in a particular

Passive Nets and Trawls

Nets vary in their selectivity of the species that are captured and in the efficiency of
retaining captured specimens.  The size of the net, its configuration and orientation, and
the avoidance behavior of the target species should be considered when using any net.
The mesh size affects the speed at which the net can  be towed, as well as the size of
fish caught.  The slower the towing  speed, the more likely that some organisms will
either avoid or escape  the  net.  It  is highly recommended that the mesh size, net
opening, and duration, direction, and speed of towing be set in order to compare trawls.
In any  monitoring program,  otter trawl net  size must be kept constant to  ensure
intercomparison of sampling results.

Passive nets (e.g., gill  nets)  are deployed  at a fixed position; organisms become
entangled or trapped within the netted area.  Passive nets are used to collect selected
target  species  and  to  provide a qualitative means  of sampling fish  populations.
Limitations associated with passive nets include: .

      •  Nets, ordinarily, must remain in place for an extended period of time.

      •  Deployment and recovery of nets are typically time-consuming processes.

Trawls (active nets) are drawn through the water, and results are more immediate than
those obtained through  the use of passive nets.  Trawls are typically used to collect
large quantities of fish at various depths (Fredette et al., 1989).

Photographic Surveys

Photographic surveys are effective when the bottom topography is uneven or trawling is
not possible.  The utility of photographic surveys is limited by water clarity, difficulties in
identifying species, and  fish avoidance of the camera system.  In addition,  further
studies comparing photographic surveys to trawls are required before comparisons may
be made.  This method is also limited by the qualitative nature of the data  (Fredette et

Volume Sampled

Different species  of fish have  different  scales of  horizontal  and  vertical  spatial
distribution (Gushing, 1975; Bond, 1979).  Costs of laboratory analysis of the sample
increase with increased  volume  sampled.  Analyses of spatial and  temporal scale,

statistical power, and costs will assist in determining optimal sample volume. It is highly
recommended that a standard sample volume (same tow duration, tow speed, and net
opening area) be analyzed to ensure data comparability (Green, 1979).

Selection of Sampling Period

Fish assemblages are dynamic; the most common temporal patterns  observed  in fish
communities are those  associated  with  daily activity  patterns  (diurnal),  seasonal
changes, and life history strategies. To minimize energy expenditure, most fishes mimic
the diurnal activities of their prey.  These diurnal fluctuations typically occur  in the
vertical scale and should be considered to ensure collection of representative samples.
Seasonal variation in fish assemblages may be due to changes in physical, chemical,
and/or biological parameters: i.e., temperature, light transmissivity, dissolved oxygen,
predation, reproductive stage, recruitment, etc.

Given  the  seasonal variation characteristic  of fish assemblages in general, it is
recommended that direct comparisons  between  samples collected  during  different
seasons be avoided. Studies investigating interannual variation in  the characteristics of
fish communities should be conducted during the same season (preferably the same
month) each year.

4.7.3    Analytical Methods Considerations

There are a variety of approaches to assess the effects of anthropogenic perturbance on
fish communities of the marine environment.  These assessment approaches may be
grouped into three categories :

      •  Biological indices,

      •  Indicator species, and

      •  Multivariate analyses.

There has  been little consensus among biologists regarding the  suitability of various
techniques for describing community characteristics and/or for assessing  impacts. A
critical evaluation of the use of biological  indices to detect environmental change is
presented in an EPA Technical Support Document  (USEPA, 1985d).  The indices,
shown in Table 4-22, are evaluated on the basis of the following criteria  :

      •  Biological meaning,

      •  Ease of interpretation, and

      •  Sensitivity to community changes due to anthropogenic sources.

The results of these evaluations and additional information on other analytical methods
are summarized below.

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
                          Table 4-22. Biological Indices
Biological Characteristic
        Bray-Curtis (Curtis and Peterson, 1978)

        Dominance (Swartz et al.,1985)

        Number of individuals (USEPA,1985d)

        Number of species (USEPA.1985d)

        Biomass (USEPA,1985d)

        Margalefs SR (Margalef,1969)

        J (Pielou,1966)

        Shannon-Wiener H' (USEPA,1985d)

    Community structure

    Total abundance

    Total taxa

    Standing crop



Biological Indices

The number of individuals and the number of species have been used as indicators of
anthropogenic disturbance, as well as other environmental stresses (USEPA,  1985d).
Furthermore, these simple biological indices are  less ambiguous and can  often be as
informative  as  diversity  indices  (USEPA,  1985d;  Green,  1979;  Hurlbert,  1971).
Measures of biomass have inherent problems in the collection of the data,  e.g., loss or
gain of weight due to preservative medium, drying times, or evaporative weight loss.

More   complicated indices-e.g.,  species  diversity,   species  richness,  dominance,
evenness-have found varying degrees of acceptance.  Because of this, these methods
should be  used in conjunction with other assessment  methods to help  verify results.
Diversity indices, which are measures  of the distribution of individuals among species,
have the following limitations (Green, 1984b):

      •  They often lack biological meaning;

      •  They are not robust empirical indicators of any important correlates of
         environmental health;

      •  They do not incorporate information on form and function of resident species; and

      •  They are susceptible to biases associated with well-described taxa.

Even so, species diversity indices are a widely used measure of community structure.
Although diversity may not be able to pinpoint a single problematic discharge in an area
that contains many, it can be an indicator of degraded water quality.  Species diversity in
fish communities is noted to increase with increasing distance from a pollution source
(Armstrong et  al., 1970; Bechtel and Copeland, 1970; Tsai, 1968).  In fact, Bechtel and
Copeland (1970) found a linear relationship between the volume of toxic effluent
entering the Houston Ship Channel and the fish diversity of shallow stations.

The  dominance index is a measure of  the  degree to which one or a few species
dominate the  community.   The dominance  index,  herein defined  as the  minimum
number of species required to account for 75 percent of the total number of individuals,
has been useful in describing community structure (Swartz et al., 1985). Its  advantages
are  that it  is easily calculated, it  does not assume  an underlying distribution of
individuals among species, and it is statistically testable.

Indicator Species

The  evaluation of abundances of individual indicator species is generally informative and
may reduce the cost of the analysis. The  absence of pollution-sensitive species and the
enhancement  of opportunistic and  pollution-tolerant species may assist in defining the
spatial  and temporal  extent  and  magnitude  of  impacts.    A  preponderance  of
unspecialized  feeders indicates areas of stress.  However,  indicator variables must
possess the following characteristics (Green, 1984b):

      •  They must provide a sufficiently precise and accurate appraisal of:

         -  species of concern,
         -  anthropogenic disturbances  to communities, and
         -  presence/absence or magnitude of anthropogenic perturbance to the

      •  They must provide a cost-effective and statistically reliable alternative to
         monitoring all critical measures of habitat perturbance.

      •  They must be appropriate for the spatial and temporal scale demanded  by
         the study objectives.

Further studies  of  the  response patterns of fish species subjected to anthropogenic
perturbations caused by discharges are required in order to select appropriate indicators
of environmental impact.  If a suitable indicator species is identified, it is desirable to

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
monitor the status and trend of that species' population. This will also be true of certain
species having high economic or public value (e.g.,  striped bass).  A wide variety of
methods can be used to measure the size of fish populations and assess  population
structure. These include mark and recapture techniques and various techniques used to
determine population sex and age structure. Nielson and Johnson (1984) and Cailliet et
al. (1986) provide thorough discussions of these techniques and  their  applications.
Bicker (1975) provides  an excellent discussion of methods for the sampling of fish

Statistical Analyses

Numerical classification encompasses a wide variety of techniques that have  been used
in the analysis of fish data to distinguish  groups of entities (e.g.,  sample locations)
according to similarity of attributes (e.g., species). These techniques differ from most
multivariate  methods in  that  no assumptions are made  concerning  the  underlying
distributions of the variables.   Detailed descriptions of numerical classification analysis
can be found in Romesburg (1984), Clifford  and Stephenson  (1975), Boesch (1977),
Sneath and  Sokal (1973), arid Anderberg (1973). Boesch (1977) is particularly valuable
as an introduction and guide to the use of numerical classification analysis in marine
environmental studies.   Guidance on  the interpretation  of  classification  results  is
provided in an EPA Technical Support Document (USEPA, 1988d).

Ordination analyses have also been  used to  reduce the dimensionality of the data set
while maintaining the relationship between similar and dissimilar entities. At  present no
single ordination technique has  been shown  to be clearly superior for the analysis  of
biological data (USEPA, 1985d).

Multivariate  analyses are effective heuristic tools.  They generate visual representations
that often indicate where further analyses ought to be conducted.

Analytical Approach Recommendations

Some of the most informative measures of community structure are the simplest (Table

       •   Number of individuals,

       •   Number of species,

       •   Dominance,

       •   Abundance of pollution-sensitive species, and

       •   Abundance of opportunistic and pollution-tolerant species.

These indices have proved to be useful over various habitats and regions in assessing
changes in fish population dynamics (USEPA, 1985d).  Values of these variables may
be determined from the list of species  abundances  generated  during the taxonomic
identification of collected specimens.  Furthermore, the values of these variables may be
easily tested  statistically  using  parametric or  nonparametric techniques.   It  is
recommended that no single index or analytical method be used to  assess impacts;
rather, the assessment of impacts should incorporate information that each variable and
method contributes concerning community structure.

Selection of reference sites is key to the evaluation of environmental impact assessment
of point source dischargers. Results of analyses using reference  measures provide the
means of comparison by which anthropogenic impacts are detected. It is essential that
selected reference sites exhibit similar habitat characteristics  compared to monitoring
program sampling sites. Several reference sites may be required to meet these criteria.

4.7.4     QA/QC Considerations

Sample Collection

Nets should be inspected for wear and tear leading to sample loss.

Taxonomic Identification

A key QA/QC issue is taxonomic standardization.  Consistent taxonomic identifications
are achieved through interaction among taxonomists working on each major group.
Participation of the laboratory staff in regional taxonomic  standardization programs  is
recommended to ensure regional consistency and accuracy of identification.

A sampling of the verified specimens should then  be placed in a permanent reference
collection.  All specimens in  the  reference collection should  be  stored  in  labeled
containers that are segregated by species and sample. Reference specimens should
be archived alphabetically within major taxonomic groups.

4.7.5     Statistical Design Considerations

Consideration of statistical strategies will mitigate the high  costs of collecting and
processing samples.   Power-cost  analyses are  necessary in  selecting  appropriate
sample/replicate number, sample location, and sampling frequency.

Temporal Stratification of the Data

The time of the year should be controlled or stratified  in the design; the use of annual
averages is seldom good practice.  Temporal stratification of the data should not be
attempted until sufficient knowledge  of long-term  natural cycles is  attained.  Initially,
simple regression analyses may be conducted on seasonally stratified data to identify

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
monotonic temporal trends.  Whether conditions are improving or degrading over time
may be further examined using various statistical time series analyses (e.g., temporal
autocorrelation, spectral analyses).

Statistical Power

Selection of the  number of replicates is an important component of program design.
The inherent patchy distribution of fish communities requires collection  of sufficient
replicate samples to ensure an accurate description of the area. However,  increases in
replication increase sample processing costs. Power analyses assist in the allocation of
sampling resources  (stations,  replication,  and frequency) with  regard  to program
finances and design.

Power analyses may be applied  to determine the appropriate  number of sample
replicates required to detect a specified difference (USEPA, 1987d).  The number of
replications  required to  detect a specified minimum  difference  is a function of  the
statistical  power and the variance  in the data.   Power  analyses  require  a priori
knowledge of the variability in the data. A best guess or, preferably, variation observed
in historical data is  often  used initially in the design of the monitoring program.

To  improve the power of a statistical test, while keeping the significance level constant,
the sample size should be increased.  Because of constraints in cost and time imposed
by the monitoring program, however, this option may not be available.  Power analyses
have shown that for a fixed level of sampling effort, a monitoring program's power is
generally increased by collecting more replicates at fewer locations.  The  number and
distribution of sampling locations required to evaluate the effectiveness of the monitoring
program will depend on the  size and complexity of the discharge and the surrounding
Use of Data
Monitoring of fish community structure provides a measure of the health of the marine
habitat and can be used as a tool in the evaluation of spatial and temporal effects of
marine discharges. The presence or absence of certain fish is useful in indicating the
condition  of the environment.   Monitoring  of fish communities  also provides  data
required in the design and  validation of fish population dynamics models and the
selection of biological indicators (USEPA, 1990d).

In addition, monitoring of fish communities may directly  provide accurate information
essential in assessing the effectiveness of pollution abatement programs.  Analyses of
fish communities may be effectively used to  monitor long-term change in the receiving
environment (Gushing,  1975).

Fish serve as effective indicators  of overall environmental condition,  delineating the
magnitude,  spatial  extent,  and  temporal  trends  of  anthropogenic  and  natural
perturbations to the ecosystem.  Monitoring of fish will provide relevant accurate data
fundamental to achieving the objectives of many  marine monitoring programs. Such
measurements, however, will not provide information linking specific pollution sources to
observed effects.  The results of the fish stock monitoring program can also be unclear
as a result of the mobility of fish and their range of natural fluctuation. The data can be
used to augment other monitoring data to obtain a  clearer picture of the discharge

4.7.7    Summary and Recommendations


      •  The objective is to detect and describe spatial and temporal changes in the
         size, structure, and function of fish communities to protect the economic,
         recreational, and aesthetic value of the resident fisheries.

      •  Monitoring provides in situ measures of habitat quality and is a powerful tool
         in assessing environmental impact.

Monitoring Design Considerations

      •  It is recommended that the types of sampling gear, the volume sampled, and
         the location and timing of sample collection be consistent to allow for
         comparisons among studies.

      •  To reduce the variation due to seasonal differences, sampling should be
         conducted during  the same season—preferably the same month—each year.

Analytical Methods Considerations

      •  It is recommended that simple measures of community structure be used to
         assess the condition of the marine fish: number of individuals, number of
         species, dominance, abundance of pollution-sensitive species,  and
         abundance of pollution-tolerant species.

      •  Indicator species should possess the following characteristics:

         -   sensitive to perturbances of concern;
         -   cost-effective and statistically reliable alternative to measuring all species
            in a monitoring program;
         -   statistically reliable indicative measures of habitat perturbance; and
         -   appropriate for the spatial and temporal scale demanded by the study

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
      •  Selection of reference sites is key to the evaluation of environmental impact
         due to discharges; several reference sites may be required to provide proper
         control for sampling sites.

QA/QC Considerations

      •  Taxonomic standardization is key to the analysis of community structure.
         Recommended protocols include consistent interactions among taxonomists,
         reidentification of selected samples, and use of a reference collection.

Statistical Design Considerations

      •  Power analyses may be applied to determine the appropriate number of
         sample replicates required to detect a specified difference, thereby optimizing
         the high costs of collecting and processing samples.

Use of Data

      •  Data provide essential information to assess impacts due to  anthropogenic
         perturbance,  monitor recovery of the receiving environment,  and validate
         community and population models.

Although  increased  primary production resulting from  intentional nutrient inputs has
been shown to  increase fish  stocks  in  some  experimental  systems,  the possible
increase in fisheries in naturally productive systems is considered insignificant. In fact, it
is more  likely that stocks will decrease due to  modification of the plankton  species
composition.  Biogeographical distributions of plankton  are  determined by  specific
environmental factors such as light, temperature, salinity, and nutrients.  Plankton vary
in size over a range of seven orders of magnitude.  Each predator species can utilize
only plankton within  two or three orders of magnitude in size,  at the most,  as a food
resource.  Additionally, the nutrient values of various prey differ so that a change in
species composition to less nutritive species may cause stress on the predator species.

The purposes of monitoring plankton characteristics are (1) to identify the dominant species;
(2) to detect short- and long-term  spatial and temporal trends  in overall  biomass and
productivity and species abundance, distribution, and composition; and (3) to examine  the
relationship between water quality conditions and these characteristics.

As was the case for fish population monitoring methods, measurements of plankton
biornass, productivity, and community structure/function are not sufficiently developed to
be used in a discharge-specific monitoring framework for section 403 assessments at
this time.  These measurements suffer from a lack of a specific cause-effect relationship
between pollution and plankton responses.
Although  not  directly applicable  for use  in  monitoring the site-specific impacts of
individual point source discharges, plankton measurements can be used to evaluate 3 of
the 10 guidelines presented in the section 403  regulations for assessing the potential for
unreasonable degradation:

       •  Composition and vulnerability of potentially exposed biological communities;

       •  Existing or potential recreational and  commercial fishing; and

       •  Importance of the receiving water area to the surrounding biological

Changes in nutrient concentrations in coastal waters may result in the potential for
long-term  biological changes in the plankton community that may lead to changes in
species distribution and  abundance (both primary producers  and consumers).  A
concern of the section 403 program is that  excessive nutrient inputs can result in
excessive phytoplankton biomass, which in turn can lead to increased turbidity and/or

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
changes in phytoplankton  species  composition  and perhaps the trophic structure.  If,
based on water quality monitoring data, changes in trophic structure are suspected of
occurring, periodic monitoring of the plankton community may be required.

The plankton component of a monitoring program could be used to provide data necessary
to assess the effectiveness of management programs in mitigating potential adverse effects
due to changes in the plankton community biomass and structure/function.

4.8.2     Monitoring Design Considerations


Plankton monitoring strategies should be able to delineate between natural  or seasonal
variability in plankton stocks and variations caused by changes in nutrient concentrations.
Characterization  of phytoplankton taxonomic abundance and  distribution  and  primary
productivity  provides indications of  water quality  conditions.   Monitoring  changes in
phytoplankton population composition and densities is critical for the  interpretation and
evaluation of long-term trends in water and habitat quality. Further understanding of the
causes  of excessive water  column  and sediment oxygen demand  requires tracking of
photosynthetic activity and metabolic rates over time  (Chesapeake Executive Council,
1988b).   Zooplankton  abundance  and distribution are  affected  by  both  changes in
phytoplankton and changes in predator populations. Therefore, population characteristics of
this group can indicate symptoms of water quality problems, fishing  pressure, and other
habitat problems for predator species  (Chesapeake Executive Council, 1988b).

Selection of Temporal Sampling Strategies

Because of  their  short  turnover times,  phytoplankton communities  may  respond  to
perturbations much more rapidly than  other biotic groups.  Therefore,  phytoplankton
samples should  be  collected  relatively  more frequently.   In  those  situations  where
phytoplankton communities  display pronounced seasonal  variations in  standing stock or
production, it may  be appropriate to use a temporally  stratified sampling approach.   For
example, in  the Maryland Chesapeake Bay Phytoplankton Monitoring Program, sampling
takes place once monthly from October through March and twice a month from April through
September (USEPA, 1989c).

The life span of zooplankton, on the other hand, is  longer than that of phytoplankton, so the
capacity for responding to perturbations is less than that of phytoplankton. Therefore, less
frequent  sampling  is required.  As  with the phytoplankton community, the  zooplankton
monitoring program should  consider the natural temporal  fluctuations in abundance and
species composition.

In many cases, regular monitoring of the zoopiankton community may not be necessary
unless changes in the phytoplankton community that would induce changes in the herbivore
community are observed.  Because many zoopiankton graze on phytoplankton, in areas
where the phytoplankton community has been affected,  alterations  of the zoopiankton
community are a distinct possibility.  In other cases, monitoring of zoopiankton may be
desirable only when there is evidence of previous impact on the zoopiankton community or
in those situations where point and nonpoint source discharges are located in areas where
there  is  high potential  impact  on  zoopiankton (for  example,  in  environments  with
macroplanktonic larvae of important commercial or recreational species).

Sampling Methods


Phytoplankton samples should be  collected at a variety of depths throughout the water
column,  including  some above and some below  the pycnocline.   For example,
composite water column samples  collected for the Virginia  Chesapeake Bay Plankton
Monitoring  Program  are  taken  from five depths  above and five depths  below  the
pycnocline (USEPA, 1989c). Vertical collection of chlorophyll a (an  indirect measure of
phytoplankton standing stocks) can be examined at such stations through the collection
of water samples  with water bottles at various  depths followed  by fluorometric or
spectrophotometric determination of chlorophyll a.  If available, a pump station may be
used  with a flow-through fluorometer for a  continuous profile of  chlorophyll a
concentration with depth (Lorenzen, 1966).   Samples to be used for taxonomy analysis
should be collected with water bottles because agitation associated with pumping may
damage cells, making  them  unidentifiable.    Pumps should  be  used  only  for
determination of chlorophyll a concentrations.

Continuous vertical profiles of chlorophyll a concentrations can be obtained by attaching
a fluorometer to a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) system. An additional sensor
measuring dissolved oxygen  can  be attached to the CTD system.  This combined
instrument package will make direct measurements of chlorophyll  a levels and water
column stratification.  The  advantage of this measurement system is that instead of
pulling water up from depth to a measuring device on the deck of a  ship, the instrument
is lowered through the water  column, taking samples  in undisturbed water. Sampling
rates can be as high as 24 samples per seconds with a locating speed of 1 meter per
second.  Data are usually  collected by a computer-based  data acquisition system; in
advanced systems, data can  be displayed in real time as they are being collected. A
rosette water sampler can be lowered at the same time as the CTD package to collect
water samples at discrete depths.  These samples will be used for taxonomy analysis
and to verify and calibrate chlorophyll a measurements from the CTD fluorometer. The
calibration will be carried out using laboratory spectrophotometer methods.

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance

Because zooplankton possess  varying degrees of  swimming  ability,  they  have the
potential for aggregating in patches or in a narrow depth  strata.  This introduces
additional complications into quantitative sampling. It also means that zooplankton are
able to avoid certain types of gear.   Until recently, the role of the microbial loop, which
consists of bacteria,  flagellates, ciliates, and microzooplankton (<200 |im), has been
overlooked.  These organisms may represent a significant pathway in the reutilization
and conversation  of dissolved  organic carbon into larger  zooplankton and  benthic
organisms (Azam et al., 1983; Pomeroy, 1984).  The sampling methods to be used for
collecting zooplankton   will  vary  depending  on  the  size of  the  organisms.
Microzooplankton (size range of 20 - 200 ja,m) can be collected with water  bottles at
various depths similar to those used for phytoplankton (Jacobs and Grant,  1978), or
small  (for example 44 |o,m) rnesh nets can be used. Pumping systems can also be used
(Beers et al., 1967). These have the advantage of being able to take samples while the
ship is  under  way, but they may damage soft-bodied organisms and  they  are more
expensive and complicated than water bottles.  Triplicate samples should be collected
from each station depth, thus allowing for statistical analysis of intrastation variability.

For small mesozooplankton (greater than 200  |im),  nets are usually used (UNESCO,
1968).  Additional tows  may have to  be made with  larger nets in order  to  collect
representative samples  of  larger zooplankton and  larval fish.  All tows should be
replicated.  The number of  replicates necessary for the desired precision of estimation
should be determined during a preliminary or pilot sampling program.  A number of other
considerations, including net mouth diameter, towing speed, and shipboard handling of
samples, will affect sampling results. Some problems associated with the use of nets for
zooplankton  sampling  include  avoidance,  which  may  result in  underestimating
abundance and diversity  (McGowan and  Fraundorf,  1966; Wiebe and Holland, 1968),
and clogging and loss of filtration efficiency.

4.8.3     Analytical  Methods Considerations


Biomass and Productivity

Phytoplankton biomass can be indirectly measured through  the measurement of the
concentration  of chlorophyll  a  in  the  water.  This is done through  fluorometric or
spectrophotometric measurements.  Within these methods are differences in  extraction
techniques for  chlorophyll  determination, including  various  methods of  filtration,
solvents, temperature, and/or physical treatment (sonication or grinding)  (D'Elia et al.,

The use of  chlorophyll  a  measurements,  especially  fluorometric,  has become
widespread primarily because the method is relatively fast,  simple, and reproducible.
With  both the fluorometric and spectrophotometric  determinations, however,  the
presence of accessory  pigments may interfere with determination of chlorophyll a.
Several researchers, nevertheless, have successfully used chromatographic procedures
to separate  interfering substances prior to determination  (D'Elia et al., 1986).  High
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is  generally acknowledged as the most
accurate  (and  most   expensive)  method  for   chlorophyll  determinations  (C.F.
Zimmermann,  1990, Chesapeake Biological  Laboratory,  Solomons,  MD,  personal

Other methods for estimating phytoplankton biomass used in  earlier monitoring surveys
include  cell  counts, total cell volume estimates, protein  estimates, and dry weight.
These and other methods have certain disadvantages related to speed of the technique
or degree of accuracy (D'Elia et al., 1986).

Phytoplankton  primary productivity should be measured by the 14C  light-dark  bottle
technique (UNESCO, 1973). This technique is more  sensitive than, and requires shorter
incubation times than the  02  light-dark bottle  method.  However, the 02  method
measures gross primary production, net primary production, and  respiration,  using
inexpensive  laboratory reagents, while the 14C technique estimates only net primary
production and requires specialized training  and  equipment,  as  well as  relatively
expensive radioisotopes.

Taxonomic Analysis

Subsamples drawn from  water collected in water sampling  bottles should be preserved
for later microscopic analysis to determine phytoplankton community composition. The
choice of fixation will depend on the dominant types of phytoplankton known to inhabit a
given area.  (Buffered formaldehyde and Lugol's solution  are two common fixatives.)
Preserved phytoplankton samples normally must  be concentrated  for quantitative
microscopic analysis. Analysis should include identification of dominant phytoplankton
taxa and counts of individual species.  The description and comparison of phytoplankton
communities can be performed through the evaluation of species diversity, richness
(number of species), evenness, or numerous other parameters.  Alterations to  the
phytoplankton  community should be analyzed in relation to other potential  impacts on
other biological communities. These include but are not limited to:

      •    Food web impacts;

      •   Occurrence of toxic or nuisance phytoplankton; and

      •   Potential secondary impacts on zooplankton or fish communities (e.g., shift
         from  "more desirable" diatom-dominated communities to "less desirable"
         flagellate- or cyanobacteria-dominated communities).

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance

The taxonomic analysis should include the identification of dominant zooplankton taxa
and counts of individual species whenever possible. Particular attention should be given
to mesoplankton larvae  of commercially, recreationally, or  ecologically important
species.  Characteristics of the zooplankton community should include but not be limited

      •  Species composition (richness and evenness),

      •  Abundance,

      •  Dominance, and

      •  Diversity.

Alterations in the zooplankton community should also be analyzed in relation to potential
impacts on other biological communities.  Such analyses should include, but not be
limited to, the structure and function of both larval  and adult zooplankton communities
and consideration of food web impacts.

Biological Indices

The numbers of individuals and the numbers of species  have been used as indicators of
anthropogenic disturbance, as well as other environmental stresses (USEPA, 1985b).
Furthermore, these simple biological indices are less ambiguous and can often be as
informative  as  diversity  indices  (USEPA,  1985b;  Green,  1979;  Hurlbert,  1971).
Measures of biomass have inherent problems in the collection of the data, e.g., loss or
gain of weight due to preservative medium, drying times, and evaporative weight loss.

More complicated indices  such as species diversity richness, dominance, and evenness
have found  varying degrees of acceptance.  Although diversity may not be able to
pinpoint a single  problematic discharge  in an area that contains many,  it can be an
indicator of degraded water quality.  Species diversity of phytoplankton (Patten, 1962)
and zooplankton (Copeland, 1966; Copeland and Wohlschlag, 1968; Odum et al., 1963)
communities is  noted to  increase  with  increasing distance from a pollution source.
Diversity indices, which are measures of the distribution of individuals among species,
have the following limitations (Green, 1984a):

      •  They often lack  biological meaning.

      •  They are not robust empirical indicators of any important correlates of
         environmental health.

      •  They do not incorporate information on form and function of resident species.

      •  They are susceptible to biases associated with well-described taxa.

Because of this, these methods should be used in conjunction with other assessment
methods to help verify results.

The dominance  index is a  measure of the degree  to which  one or a few species
dominate  the community.   The dominance index,  herein defined  as the minimum
number of species required to account for 75 percent of the total number of individuals,
has been useful in describing community structure (Swartz et al., 1985). Its advantages
are that it is easily  calculated,  it does  not  assume an underlying distribution  of
individuals among species, and it is statistically testable.

Indicator Species

The evaluation of the abundance of individual indicator species  is generally informative
and may reduce the cost of the analysis.  The absence of pollution-sensitive species
and the enhancement of opportunistic and pollution-tolerant  species may assist  in
defining the spatial and temporal extent and magnitude of impacts. However, indicator
variables must possess the following characteristics (Green, 1984a):

      •  They must provide a sufficiently precise and accurate appraisal of:

         -   species of concern,
         -   anthropogenic disturbances to communities, and
         -   presence/absence or magnitude of anthropogenic perturbance to the

      •  They must be a cost-effective and a statistically reliable alternative to
         monitoring all critical measures of habitat perturbance.

      •  They must be appropriate for the spatial and temporal scale demanded by
         the study objectives.

Further  studies  of the  response  patterns  of  zooplankton  species subjected  to
anthropogenic perturbations caused  by discharges  are  required in order to  select
appropriate indicators of environmental impact.
QA/QC Considerations
Variability in measurements caused by field heterogeneity is quantitatively determined
by the analysis of replicate field samples. Replicate sampling should be conducted at all
field stations where measurements are to be used in comparisons. Analysis of replicate
sample data is necessary for assessing the reliability of such comparisons.

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Laboratory performance and  calibration  should be  verified  at  the beginning and
periodically during the time analyses are performed. Commercially available chlorophyll
is available and recommended for use in calibration. Chlorophyll quality control samples
are  available from  EPA's  Environmental  Monitoring  and  Support  Laboratory  in
Cincinnati, Ohio.  Blind, split, or other control samples can  be  used to evaluate
performance. The Interim Guidance on Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)  for
the Estuarine Field  and Laboratory Methods (USEPA, 1985b)  provides  a standard
operating  procedure for chlorophyll measurements.

4.8.5     Statistical Design Considerations

Temporal  stratification of the data should not be attempted until sufficient knowledge of
long-term  natural  cycles is attained.   Initially,  simple  regression  analyses may  be
conducted on seasonally stratified data to identify monotronic temporal trends.  Further
examinations of whether conditions are improving or degrading over  time may  be
conducted using statistical time series analyses (e.g., temporal autocorrelation, spectral
analyses,  etc.).

Information derived from water quality monitoring will be important  in interpreting the
results of  plankton sampling.  For example, phosphate concentrations may indicate the
cause of  a phytoplankton "bloom," while  measures  of dissolved oxygen levels may
describe the  effects of the "bloom" on other living estuarine resources.  Therefore, the
selection  of  water  quality  and  plankton sampling  strategies must  not  be done
independently.  These programs should be integrated to the fullest  extent possible to
allow correlation of observed responses to changes in water quality  parameters. Also,
alterations to the plankton community should be analyzed in relation to other impacts on
biological  resources such as food web impacts on fish communities.
Use of Data
The analyzed, collected data will be used initially to identify the prominent species and
relate  the temporal and spatial distribution  patterns to  water quality parameters.
Statistical techniques will be used to make these comparisons.   As the discharge
guidelines are implemented,  a plankton monitoring  program can be used to track the
effectiveness of maintaining nutrient levels.  As plankton levels fluctuate, their effects on
oxygen levels and fish and shellfish communities can be assessed. Plankton monitoring
strategies should be able to delineate between natural variability in plankton stocks and
variations caused by anthropogenic changes in nutrient concentrations.

Characterization  of phytoplankton  species  abundance,  distribution,  and  primary
productivity  provides indications of water quality conditions.  Monitoring  changes  in
phytoplankton community composition and densities is critical for the interpretation and
evaluation of long-term trends in water and habitat quality. Further understanding of the
causes of excessive water column and sediment oxygen demand requires  tracking  of

photosynthetic activity and metabolic rates over time (Chesapeake Executive Council,
1988b).  Zooplankton  abundance and distribution are affected  by both changes in
phytoplankton  and  changes  in  predator   populations.     Therefore,  population
characteristics of this group  can indicate symptoms of water quality problems, fishing
pressure,  and other habitat  problems for  predator species (Chesapeake  Executive
Council, 1988b).

4.8.7    Summary and Recommendations


      •  Track phytoplankton and herbivore populations if changes in trophic structure
         are suspected.

      •  Purpose of monitoring is to assess the effectiveness of the management
         programs in mitigating the potential impacts caused by excessive nutrient
         inputs and resulting changes in the planktonic community biomass and

Monitoring Design Considerations

      •  Collect both phytoplankton and zooplankton samples at specific depths
         throughout the water column.

      •  Phytoplankton samples should be taken with water bottles and pumps used
         for chlorophyll concentrations.

      •  Zooplankton samples should be taken with bottles or nets of varying sizes.

      •  Monitoring programs should consider natural and temporal fluctuations in
         plankton biomass and species composition.

      •  Other components of the overall monitoring program, including water quality
         monitoring and fish and shellfish communities, should be analyzed relative to
         plankton community data to establish relationships and trends.

      •  Selected biological indices should retain biological meaning, be robust
         indicators of marine "health," and incorporate species form and function.

      •  Indicator species should possess the following characteristics:

         -  sensitive to planktonic perturbances of concern;
         -  cost-effective and statistically reliable alternative to measuring all species
            in a monitoring program;
         -  statistically reliable indicative measures of habitat perturbance; and
         -  appropriate for the spatial and temporal scale  determined by the study

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
      •  Selection of reference sites is key  to the evaluation of environmental impact
         due to anthropogenic perturbances; several reference sites may be requried
         to provide proper control for sampling sites.

Analytical Methods

      •  It is recommended that consistent types of sampling gear and location and timing
         of sample collection be implemented to allow for comparisons between studies.

      •  Phytoplankton biomass can be determined using fluorometric or
         spectrophotometric methods using a variety of filtration and extraction techniques.

      •  Phytoplankton productivity should be measured using the 14C light-dark bottle

      •  Taxonomic analysis should include identification and counts of dominant species.

QA/QC Analysis

      •  Replicate samples should be taken at all field stations where applicable.

      •  Laboratory performance evaluations and calibrations must be done on a
         regularly scheduled basis.

      •  Standard chlorophyll samples, obtained from EPA, should be used for

Statistical Design Considerations

      •  Power analyses may be applied to determine the appropriate number of sample
         replicates required to detect a specified difference.

      •  Temporal integration of the data should not be attempted until sufficient
         knowledge of long-term natural cycles is attained.
Data Use
         Identify dominant species.

         Detect short- and long-term spatial and temporal trends in overall biomass and

         Detect short- and long-term spatial and temporal trends in species abundance,
         distribution, and composition.

         Examine relationship between water quality condition and trends in plankton
         community characteristics.

         Examine relationship between plankton community characteristics and impacts
         on other living resources (e.g., fish and shellfish communities).

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
 Sensitive marine habitats serve a vital purpose as spawning grounds, nursery grounds,
 forage areas, energy sources, shelter, and migratory routes and destinations for a
 multitude of marine organisms.  Pollution-related damage can cause long-lasting harm
 to these habitats to the extent of altering ecosystem diversity and function.

 For the purpose of this discussion, a sensitive habitat can be defined as a physical area
 used, at least for a significant portion of the year, by a disproportionate abundance of
 individuals and/or species, or as an area essential to the functioning of the ecosystem.

 Habitats need not be permanent entities but may expand and contract on a seasonal
 basis.  Examples of transitory  habitats include sea grass beds and  ice floes.  Marine
 habitats  can be  organized  in a  hierarchical structure  to  be considered  under  the
 discharge guidelines and can be grouped in the following manner:

         Rock bottom
         Oyster/clam shell reef
         Unconsolidated bottom
         Mud-rich organic
         Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)
         Sea grass (Zostera, Thalassia)
         Algal and other submerged plant communities
         Water column

         Emergent vegetation (along exposed coasts)
      Ice Floes
The ocean discharge guidelines that relate to the presence of and impact on marine
habitats are the following;

      •  Importance of the receiving water area to the surrounding biological
         community, e.g., spawning sites, nursery/forage areas, migratory pathways
         and areas necessary for critical life stages/functions of an organism;

      •  The existence of special aquatic sites, including (but not limited to) marine
         sanctuaries/refuges, parks, monuments, national seashores, wilderness
         areas, coral reefs/seagrass beds;

      •  Existing or potential recreational and commercial fishing; and

      •  Any applicable requirements of an approved CZMP.

The identification and delineation of these habitats should be made in both temporal and
spatial dimensions to account for  variations in  use  by the  biological community
throughout the year.   Both the aerial extent and the functional value to  biological
resources must be determined in considering the  identification  and importance of a
sensitive marine habitat.

Even though an effluent discharge may not directly alter the biological population in a
certain area, if the habitat essential for the survival of those individuals is destroyed, the
ecological results could be the same as if the population had been exposed directly.
The loss of critical habitat could cause the supported population to be either removed or
displaced to less suitable habitat.

Monitoring of discharge effects can help to ensure that long-term sublethal doses do not
accumulate  and become toxic.   It can also provide assurance that effects such as
increased turbidity or sedimentation do not reduce biological resource productivity below
sustainable levels.

During the  permit  review  process,  all important and sensitive habitats should be
identified and delineated to serve as a baseline for future monitoring activities.  Habitat
quality in terms of functional values for fish, bird, and marine mammal populations must
also be taken into account to gain a complete valuation of the resources that could be
affected by discharges. Some habitat monitoring activities overlap with other biological
monitoring activities described in other sections.  For habitats, the main concern is to
map the physical  boundaries and  to correlate  biological  populations  to changes in
habitat distributions and functional values.

4.9.2    Monitoring Design Considerations

Habitat monitoring is a two-part process. First, the aerial coverage and boundaries must
be determined; second, the importance or the functional value to biological  resources
must be determined.   The first determination can  be  made by using  charts, remote
sensing,  or submersible remotely operated vehicles. The second  analysis is carried out
by using quantification techniques to establish the value  of that habitat for particular

                                          . Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Quittance
 species.  The combining of these two techniques allows the identification of those
 habitats critical to the functioning of the ecosystem. The determination of the functional
 value of a habitat is much more subjective than delineation and must be done with care.
 The results of these  procedures  should be combined with data on trends in species
 distribution and water quality to provide a more complete assessment of the causes and
 potential effects of habitat degradation.   Habitat monitoring will also  indicate which
 environmental parameters and areas are critical to the ecosystem so that monitoring
 activities can be tailored to assess these needs.

 To conduct a  habitat trend analysis, the sampling design  must account for  natural
 variations caused by  extraordinary meteorological events and other phenomena. The
 recovery rate of habitat functions and its effects on the functional analysis described
 above must also be considered.  The primary concern of the habitat assessment is to
 accumulate an adequate set of baseline data from which trends can be established.
 During this initial phase, seasonal variations must be taken into account during sampling
 phases. Sampling and delineation should be carried out at times of maximum biomass
 or physical extent.  For example, SAV beds or ice floes go through seasonal declines (or
 disappearances) and  thus a finite period of time exists to conduct sampling.   Diurnal
 factors  such as tides and  weather conditions also affect biological populations, and
 sampling must be conducted taking these factors into account.

 4.9.3    Analytical Methods Considerations

 Habitats are  generally classified in a hierarchical scheme as  mentioned  above.
 Classification methods that can be used are referenced in Appendix A. The first course
 of action  in identifying,  delineating,  and evaluating  critical marine habitats  entails
 mapping out the boundaries of the habitat, while the second involves a determination of
 its value as an ecological resource.  Table 4-23 lists the methods that can be used to
 identify and evaluate sensitive habitats.
                      Table 4-23. List of Analytical Methods
   Areal Trends
       Functional Trends
Aerial Photography
Satellite Imagery
Remotely Operated Vehicles
Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP)
Habitat Suitability Modeling
Minimum Habitat Matrix
Wetland Evaluation Technique (WET)

Habitat Delineation

Aerial Photography

Various government agencies (NOAA and USGS among others) have used aircraft to
produce  aerial photographs of wide  areas for a  number  of  years.   The  use of
photographs in delineating marine habitats is of limited value since many features below
the low tide line cannot be viewed.  Aerial photographs can be produced in a large range
of scales and spatial resolutions depending on the area in question.  Fine detail can be
resolved for relatively small tracts, while large areas can be viewed at lower resolutions
to define gross features.  In some  regions there is an  extensive  record  of historical
photographs that can  be used to  spot trends  and to establish  a baseline.   New
overflights can be expensive and require ideal weather conditions, but  they can be of
value for intertidal mapping and for mapping some submerged aquatic  vegetation and
other shallow-water habitats.


As a preliminary method, maps and charts can be used to obtain a quick assessment of
the presence and delineation of sensitive habitats in the discharge area. Maps are the
least expensive spatial  data source and are also the most  simple. Nautical charts,
compiled by the Coast  and Geodetic  Survey of NOAA, contain bottom characteristic
information that could  indicate the  location  of areas  of biological  importance.  This
information is  generally accurate for shallow-water areas but may  be  fragmentary or
nonexistent for areas farther offshore.  The coordinated use of U.S. Geological Survey
topographic quadrangle maps, U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife Service  National Wetlands
Inventory maps, and NOAA nautical charts can serve as an information base.

The principal advantages of using maps for delineating  habitats is their ease of use and
their low cost.   Disadvantages include the inaccuracies in the  plotting of habitat
boundaries and the fact that the maps in use may be outdated and thus do not reflect
current conditions.  In locations that have a history of human  use, there may be an
extensive list of earlier chart or map editions.' These earlier editions can  be an excellent
resource for spotting changes in habitat structure.

Satellite Imagery

Satellite imagery is a potential source of data when very large study areas are evaluated
and fine spatial detail  is not required.  This technique is useful to a maximum depth of
approximately 30 meters, and habitats can be resolved  only to a minimum of roughly 30
to 50 square meters.  For large study areas, the cost  of satellite images can be high,
especially when a long-term temporal series may be required for monitoring purposes.
If the area under investigation  contains large homogenous habitats, the resolution size
may not be a  constraining factor.  A major benefit of these images  is that the spectral

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
properties and brightness values are recorded digitally.  This technology lends itself to
advanced spatial analysis methods that can be used to quantify productivity values.
These determinations are not possible with most aerial photographs.

Remotely Operated Vehicles

Remotely  operated vehicles   (ROVs)  are  small,  unmanned,  remotely operated
submersibles that are equipped with lights and cameras used to view portions of the
ocean bottom.   These  submersibles receive power and commands from a  support
vessel and are highly versatile for identifying possible habitats.  EPA Region 4 has used
ROVs to investigate  and  record the ocean bottom  immediately'surrounding  the
discharge outfalls of oil  and  gas drilling wells.  This methodology produces a precise,
nondestructive record of the nature and extent of any physical habitat. The  main liability
of this system is that unless vast amounts of time are spent, only small areas can be
investigated.   These systems are  also rather expensive  and require  well-trained
technicians to operate them. In addition, a ROV is limited by the length  of its umbilical
and by the visibility  of the water column in the search area.  The visibility problem may
be compensated for by the  addition of such technology as side scan sonar or sonar
attached to the ROV. Because of these constraints, the use of this system would be
confined to areas of most concern near the zone of initial dilution.

Functional Analysis

Functional analysis attempts to assess the use of the habitat by biological  resources and
to compare the value of one habitat to that of another.  Another aspect of functional
analysis is to calculate the change in a habitat's value over time.  These processes
entail site-specific studies that can involve a large amount of time and money. The data
required by this technique can be collected in connection with the techniques described
in the biological methods section of this report. The analysis of these data will center on
spatial and temporal variations at a particular habitat. Various methods  for conducting
functional analysis  are  referenced in Appendix A.   Some of the  most widely used
procedures are described below.

Habitat Evaluation  Procedures

Habitat evaluation procedures (HEPs) are procedures developed  by the U. S. Fish and
Wildlife Service to document the quality and quantity of  available habitat  for selected
wildlife species.  The data generated are used to compare two habitats at the same
point in time and a single habitat over a length of time. By combining these two sets of
information, the impact of proposed discharges can be quantified (Lonard and Clairain,

In the evaluation procedure, the habitat quality of selected species is documented based
on an evaluation of the ability of key habitat components to supply the life requisites of
the selected species.  The evaluation involves using the same key habitat components
to compare existing habitat conditions and the optimum conditions for the species of
interest (USFWS, 1980).

The limitations in using this approach involve the use of habitat quality as  an evaluation
parameter, which limits the methodology to those situations in which measurable and
predictable habitat  changes are an  important variable.   This approach  also forces a
long-term averaging type of analysis. There is no assurance that populations will exist
at the levels predicted by the analysis since all the environmental or behavior variables
that affect population levels may not be included.  In addition, socioeconomic or political
constraints not taken into account may prevent the actual populations from reaching
their predicted levels (USFWS, 1980).

Habitat Suitability Modeling

Habitat  suitability  modeling consolidates  habitat  use  information  into  a framework
appropriate for field application and is scaled to  produce an index between 0.0 (unsuitable
habitat)  and 1.0 (optimum habitat). Habitat suitability models are designed for use with the
habitat evaluation procedures described above (Toole et al.,  1987).  Multiple  regression
equations are used to  describe relationships between environmental characteristics and
productivity. Once the model has been validated, sensitivity analysis can be carried out to
project the results of varied discharge rates on the health of the site.

For modeling to make reliable  predications, the input data must accurately  reflect the
range of natural conditions observed. This may involve expensive and time-consuming
field studies in which the error limits and the QA/QC parameters must be well defined.
The reliability and the extent of the field data can be a major limitation in these studies.

Minimum Habitat Matrix

Minimum habitat guidelines for various species  are a  technique  developed with the
ultimate goal of reestablishing  balanced ecosystems in environmentally stressed areas.
This method is designed to provide information on the minimum habitat quality needed
by  a target species and  identifies  those  factors (both  environmental  and ecological)
required for the species.  This  information  is formatted into a habitat requirement matrix
that defines the habitat parameters needed for successful reproduction and survival of
the indicated species.  Such matrices can indicate the vital environmental parameters
that should be monitored, thus facilitating the development of monitoring programs.  This
process is used to estimate the feasibility, benefits, and potential costs of maintaining
and protecting  an estuarine environment  suitable for the successful reproduction and
survival of the indicated species (Chesapeake Executive Council, 1988a).

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
 One potential problem with this method is that the primary indicated species and those
 organisms on  which the target species  depend  for food are both tracked with the
 intention  of maintaining habitat quality for both.   This method may not completely
 recognize the complex species interdependence within marine environments.

 Wetland Evaluation Technique

 The wetland evaluation technique (WET) was initially developed by the Federal Highway
 Administration and revised by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assess the function
 and value of various components of habitats  and their suitability for specific fish and
 invertebrate  species.    WET  evaluates  functions and  values in terms  of  social
 significance,  effectiveness, and opportunity  (Adamus et al., 1987).  Social significance
 assesses the value of a site to society due to its special designation, potential economic
 value, and strategic location.  Effectiveness assesses the capability of a wetland to
 perform a function as a result of its physical, chemical, or  biological characteristics.
 Opportunity assesses the opportunity for a habitat to perform a function to its level of

 WET assesses functions and values by characterizing a habitat in terms of its physical,
 chemical,  and biological processes and attributes  (Adamus  et  al.,  1987).   This
 characterization  is  accomplished  by  identifying threshold values  for  predictors.
 Predictors are  simple, or integrated, variables that directly or indirectly measure the
 physical,  chemical,  and biological processes  or attributes  of  a  habitat  and  its

 4.9.4     QA/QC Considerations

 Since  sensitive habitat identification  is relatively  subjective, close controls  must be
 exercised during sampling and delineation. In the delineation of habitats, two individuals
 should independently define the boundaries of a single habitat area.  Any disagreement
 between the two should be rectified before a final determination is reached.  Sampling
 programs demand a high level of expertise on the part of the individuals conducting
 them.  All personnel must have an advanced  understanding of such topics as taxonomy,
 sampling techniques, and statistics. The sampling  strategy used will depend at least in
 part on the level of expertise or training available. The selection of a functional analysis
 method should be made after a review of the strengths and limitations of each method
 has been conducted.

 4.9.5      Statistical Design Considerations

 In designing  a habitat monitoring program, the researcher  must  first determine the
 resources available.  This will determine the extent of the monitoring program and the
 level of detail it can  provide.   Aerial assessment can be done with limited resources,
while  functional analysis  requires greater commitments of both finances and  time.

Functional  assessments require that the researcher decide which  functions are of
greatest  interest  in  the area of study or which will provide  the most  information
concerning the habitat attributes perceived to be of greatest value to the area.

Most habitat evaluation  techniques involve some form of ranking, either quantitative or
qualitative. The purpose of the monitoring program is to periodically compare  baseline
conditions to conditions after the permit has been issued. In terms of habitat monitoring,
this  means comparing  the  baseline acreage  or functional  rating of  the  habitat to
conditions some time after discharge has commenced. Therefore, the ability to  replicate
results is imperative.

4.9.6    Use of Data

The  object of the data set is to obtain a clear and precise spatial and temporal picture of
the physical extent of a sensitive habitat. An evaluation of the functional value of that
habitat is also made so that the effects of various impacts can be judged.  Sensitive
habitats should be clearly delineated  on nautical charts or topographic maps along with
a  complete  description of  their  composition.   The description  should  include  a
characterization of the  extent of  natural  seasonal variations in  the boundaries.  A
complete description of the functional value of the habitat to the biological community,
as well as  an estimate  of potential for loss of the resource from the effects of effluent
discharge,  should also be made.

These data will act  as a baseline for future monitoring programs that will track the
changes to the system.  The baseline study and the monitoring program should be able
to discriminate between natural variations and discharge-induced changes.

4.9.7    Summary and Recommendations
          A sensitive habitat can be defined as a physical area utilized, at least for a
          significant portion of the year, by a disproportionate abundance of individuals
          and/or species, or as an area essential to the functioning of the ecosystem.

          Sensitive marine habitats should be identified and their boundaries delineated
          as part of an ongoing effort to assess the potential for impacts from effluent
          discharges on ecological communities.

          Monitoring programs that assess both the physical boundaries of the habitats
          and the support functions that they serve for biological communities should
          be conducted when sensitive habitats are present.

          Damage to habitats from discharge effluents can cause irreversible harm and
          create severe changes in ecosystem function and diversity.

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
      •  Monitoring programs can provide assurance that effects such as increased
         turbidity or sedimentation do not reduce biological resource productivity
         below sustainable levels.

Monitoring Design Considerations

      •  Habitat monitoring consists of two parts:  (1) aerial coverage and boundary
         delineation and (2) functional analysis, which determines the value of the
         habitat to the system.

      •  Habitat delineation can be fairly straightforward, but functional analysis is
         rather subjective and must be done with care.

      •  Sampling strategies must account for variations caused by natural processes
         and must be done at times of maximum extent or biomass.

      •  A functional analysis technique should be selected after a review of the
         strengths and limitations of each method for each particular site.

Analytical Methods Considerations

      •  Sensitive habitats can be identified  using maps, charts, and photographic
         techniques.  ROVs can be used to investigate near-field habitats in the zone
         of initial dilution.

      •  Functional analysis determines the  importance of a habitat to the biological

      •  Functional analysis techniques are  based on theoretical relationships of the
         ecosystem; consequently, both the  theory and the data used should be
         vigorously evaluated.

      •  For habitat identification and delineations, the following techniques can be

         -  aerial photography,
         -  maps/charts,
         -  satellite imagery, and
         -  remotely operated vehicles.

      •  Functional analysis can be carried out using various methods. Those
         described are the following:

         -  habitat evaluation procedures (HEP),
         -  wetland evaluation technique  (WET),
         -  habitat suitability modeling,  and
         -  minimum habitat matrix.

QA/QC Considerations

       •   Personnel identifying habitat should have advanced training, and two people
          should independently define the boundaries.

Study Design Considerations

       •   Ability to replicate results is important.

       •   The extent of the monitoring program can be based on funding level.

       •   Aerial assessments are inexpensive, while functional analyses are more
          expensive and more labor-intensive.

Use of Data

       •   Data  collected will consist of charts identifying the boundaries of sensitive
          habitats accompanied by complete descriptions.

       •   Functional analysis results will indicate which habitats are critical and the
          effects observed under various discharge scenarios.

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance

Bioaccumulation is the overall process of biological uptake and  retention of chemical
contaminants obtained from foods, water, sediments, or any combination of exposure
pathways. A number of expressions are used to describe the bioaccumulation potential
of contaminants.  These terms  are  explained in Table 4-24.   Bioaccumulation is a
consequence of an organism's physiological limitations to transform and excrete the
invading chemical substances. Potential consequences of bioaccumulation of chemical
contaminants in marine organisms include, but are not limited to:

      •   Significant mortality to susceptible organisms;

      •   Lethal or sublethal chronic toxic responses at later stages of the life cycle or
          under conditions of stress for susceptible organisms; and

      •   Transference of increasingly greater concentrations of toxic pollutants to
          organisms at higher trophic levels, including humans.

Bioaccumulation analyses  provide the link between exposure and effects  and thus can
generate important insights into ecological effects, human health  risks, and routes and
extent of pollutant exposure.

4.10.1    Rationale

The Clean Water Act section 403 point source discharge program requires  (among other
things) a determination of:



      Table 4-24.  List of Terms

A measure of the physicochemical access that a toxicant has to the
biological processes of an organism. The less the bioavailability of a
toxicant, the less its toxic effect on an organism (USEPA, 1991c).

Uptake and retention of substances by an organism from its surrounding
medium and from food (USEPA, 1990a).

Uptake of substances by an organism from the surrounding medium through
gill membranes or other external body surfaces (USEPA, 1990a).

The process by which the concentration of a compound increases in different
organisms occupying successive trophic levels (USEPA, 1990a)

      •  The quantities, composition, and potential for bioaccumulation or persistence
         of the pollutants to be discharged;

      •  The potential transport of the pollutants by biological, physical, or chemical

      •  The composition and vulnerability of potentially exposed biological communities;

      •  Potential direct or indirect impacts on human health.

Each of these determinations is addressed to some degree through bioaccumulation

Monitoring  of bioaccumulation data  is  essential in  relating the presence of selected
chemical residues in marine waters and sediment to their transfer and accumulation in
marine  organisms and potential transfer to humans.  Toxics can occur in the water
column  at or near analytical  detection  limits;  however, over time, these contaminants
can  accumulate in  fish and shellfish tissue  to  measurable concentrations.  In areas
where water and sediments show measurable contaminant levels, it is difficult at best to
predict  rates of  uptake and bioaccumulation, although direct monitoring can provide
spatial and temporal records of the concentration and bioaccumulation of toxics. The
assessment of bioaccumulation in the  surrounding biological  community should be a
component  of a monitoring program  required in  a  permit  issued  under the  "no
irreparable harm" clause of section 403.

4.10.2   Monitoring Design Considerations

Typically, bioaccumulation studies are formulated according to the study objectives. If
the objective is  to  determine the  effects of bioaccumulation on human health, then
commercial and/or recreational fish and shellfish are tested.  If determining the effects
on the habitat or ecosystem is the objective, usually the benthic macroinvertebrates are
surveyed.  Unfortunately, comparisons between  studies are valid  only if  the study
designs and procedures are comparable.  Standardization of monitoring design would
allow for comparison between various studies.

A  common  deficiency in  many programs is the inability to collect sufficient  tissue
biomass of appropriate species across sampling locations throughout the study.  The
selection of appropriate species and tissues  must account for  natural fluctuations in
populations as well as changes due to anthropogenic perturbations. Indigenous species
initially present may not be available later, limiting temporal and spatial comparisons.

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Quittance
Selection of Target Species

A key component of any bioaccumulation monitoring program is the selection of target
species.  Concentrations of chemical  residues in tissues of target species serve as
indicators of contamination throughout the biological system.  The fundamental criterion
is  the  ability  to  use the selected  species  to make comparisons between sampling
locations and  sampling periods.

Target Species Characteristics

It is recommended that the target species possess the following characteristics (USEPA,

      •  High bioaccumulation potential for selected contaminants of concern;

      •  Weakness or absence of metabolic regulation of selected contaminants to
         allow assessment of a "worst-case scenario";

      •  Abundant enough, temporally and spatially, to allow for adequate sampling;

      •  Large enough to provide adequate amounts of tissue for analysis;

      •  Sessile or sedentary in nature to ensure that bioaccumulation is
         representative of the study area;

      •  Easily collected; and

      •  Part of an existing data base of exposures and sensitivity.

Suggested fish and macroinvertebrate  target species for various  regions of the United
States are listed in Tables 4-25 and 4-26 (USEPA,  1985a).

Secondary considerations based on economic importance and status  as a bioassay
organism may be applied to further winnow the  list of candidate target  species to a
practical number of species to be analyzed.

Candidate  target  species  should  be  objectively  ranked  based  on  ecological
characteristics that would enhance their potential for bioaccumulation and facilitate
sampling and analytical procedures (USEPA, 1985a). The advantages of using benthic
macroinvertebrates as target species are:

      •  They are sendentary and therefore represent bioaccumulation in the study

      •  They represent a significant food source  for higher trophic levels and
         therefore indicate the existence of contaminants in the food web.

              Table 4-25.  Highest-Ranking Candidate  Fish for Use
                    as Bioaccumulation Monitoring Species
                                                    Secondary Selection Criteria





lE.iir' ^rjaSssi


South Essex


Fall River

New Bedford


Upper East River

Lower East River

Lower Hudson River
Cape May


Virginia Beach

Winter flounder
Yellowtail flounder
Ocean pout
Winter flounder
Yellowtail flounder
Ocean pout
Winter flounder
Yellowtail flounder
American eel
Ocean pout
Winter flounder
Yellowtail flounder
Ocean pout
Winter flounder
Winter flounder
Summer flounder
Winter flounder
Winter flounder
American eel
Red hake
Summer flounder
Summer flounder
Atlantic croaker
Red hake
Summer flounder
tea *Jy,'XS >£«""!'»''*••* W»x A
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yfAsffiW t.-s'^W-v?*' -. '-., ,v ,-W,
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Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Quittance
* s , ->-.-•/>*•: ^"fj, ',-w, ''3&'j;?3&!


(^'•^tff^ff, , %J1 ^J'jJ^"** -fr"" V'*'*' **X %'"'****'• > JVJ , V^-Jifc, ^^^^K.^VX'-SSvMX.Xvs^A^'v^v..
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Table 4-25. (continued)
San Francisco
Santa Cruz
Santa Barbara
L.A. County
Orange County
San Elijo
San Diego
Central Puget Sound
^fy^ t°'Vv- •",, "

Secondary Selection Criteria
Economic Bioassay
Species Importance Species
English sole
Pacific sanddab
Big skate
English sole
Starry flounder
Pacific staghorn
English sole
Curlfin sole
English sole
English sole
Curlfin sole
Dover sole
Pacific sanddab
Longspine combfish
Spotted cusk-eel
English sole
Pacific sanddab
Dover sole
Curlfin sole
English sole
Dover sole
Pacific sanddab
English sole
Dover sole
Longspine combfish
Big skate
California skate
Dover sole
Blackbelly eelpout
Pacific sanddab
English sole
Dover sole
English sole
Pacific sanddab
Longspine combfish
English sole
Dover sole
Rock sole
Spotted ratfish
Rex sole
C-O sole

           Table 4-26.  Recommended Large Macroinvertebrate Species
                          for Bioaccumulation Monitoring
    Recommended Species3
Massachusetts to Virginia
Alaska to California
Florida, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico

American lobster (Homarus americanus)
Eastern rock crab (Cancer irroratus)
Hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaris)
Soft-shell clam (Mya arenaris)
Ocean quahog (Artica islandica)
Surf clam (Spisula solidissima)
Edible mussel (Mytilus edulis)

Spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus)
Dungeness crab (Cancer magistei1)
Rock crab (Cancer antennarius)
Yellow crab (Cancer anthonyi)
Red crab (Cancer productus)
California mussel (Mytilus californianus)

Spiny lobster (Panulirus argus)

Spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus)
a Additional species that may occur at specific discharge sites and are considered acceptable
bioaccumulation monitoring species include the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and the Pacific
oyster (Crassostrea gigas).
A disadvantage of macroinvertebrates is  the lack of  adequate  tissue  biomass for
analyses.  Adult fish are often used not only for their significant biomass, but also as a
measure of possible contaminants available to the human population.  Fish, however,
are motile and may not be representative of the study area.

Ideally, studies  should include samples of  numerous species from many phyla.  This
diversity will  ensure the  collection of  bioaccumulation  data for a wide  spectrum of
contaminants and will indicate a species' potential to bioaccumulate those contaminants.
For example, oysters and other bivalves are ideal for monitoring bioaccumulation of
PAHs because of their limited ability to metabolically transform these contaminants.  The
monitoring of a food chain could establish  the  potential  for transport from one trophic
level to another.  Species with extensive bioaccumulation data would be preferred.  A
fundamental criterion is the ability to use the selected species to make comparisons
between sampling locations and sampling periods.

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Caged Indicator vs. Indigenous Species

The California Mussel Watch Program, the U.S. Mussel Watch Program, and the NOAA
Status and  Trends Program have employed the use of both  resident and caged
transplant mussels to monitor bioaccumulation of toxic chemicals  over space and time
(Goldberg etal., 1978; Boehm, 1984; Ladd etal., 1984). Caged indicator target species
offer several advantages over indigenous species :

      .  The biology and ecology of these indicator species are usually well described.

      •  Descriptions of culture and/or maintenance of the organisms under laboratory
         conditions are often available.

      .•  The method provides control of initial temporal and spatial variation of
         individuals and/or biomass.

      •  The method allows the use of a specific age, size, and/or genetic stock.

      •  The method ensures on-site bioaccumulation.

By controlling for initial conditions, the rate of change of tissue contamination may be
calculated.  In addition, the Long Island Sound National Estuary Program has shown
that  performing chemical residue analyses on caged indicator species appears to be  a
promising approach for identifying sources of pollution (USEPA, 1982c).

The  use of a caged indicator species indicates only uptake due to exposure to the water
column, and unfortunately methods for caging sediment-ingesting organisms are not yet
available.  The bioaccumulation of sediment-sorbed contaminants is thought to be
indicated by transfer through interstitial waters (Knezovich and  Harrison, 1987), and the
results often do not relate to species found on site. Therefore, caged organisms may
not provide a full-spectrum  profile of the contaminants that are bioavailable at any one

The advantages of indigenous species are as follows:

       •   Results obtained will relate directly to those species which may be impacted
          and will provide a direct measure of potential risks to human health.

       •   There is no cost of transplanting organisms.

       •   There is no possibility of loss of cage/buoy system.

       •   There is no possibility of introduction of a "nuisance" species.

Unfortunately, common indigenous  species may not meet  the criteria for use as
bioaccumulation target species, negating any advantage of using a native species. The
most common  problem is  collecting sufficient tissue  biomass of appropriate species

 across sampling locations throughout the study.  The composition of benthic community
 species  is subject to large natural fluctuations,  as well as fluctuations in response to
 pollution (Pearson and Rosenberg, 1978); indigenous species initially present may not
 be available later, limiting temporal and spatial comparisons.

 Selection of Tissues

 The type and location of tissue analyzed will depend on the objectives of individual
 monitoring programs. It is strongly recommended that all analyses be conducted with
 the same species  and tissue  type  in  order that scientifically  and statistically valid
 comparisons may be made.

 In  fish, liver tissue is closely associated  with  regulation and storage of many toxic
 substances (Fowler, 1982).  Its high fatty tissue content tends to accumulate lipophilic
 contaminants.  Therefore, contaminant levels in the liver can be used to estimate the
 range of contaminants being assimilated.  For macroinvertebrates, hepatopancreas or
 digestive gland tissue performs functions analogous to those of fish liver tissue.

 Contaminants in edible muscle tissue represent those contaminants that are retained in
 a form that allows transfer to humans.  Sampling of muscle tissue is appropriate for
 human exposure assessments  and  quantitative health risk  determinations.  Within a
 fillet, contaminant concentrations may vary; therefore,  it  is  recommended  that a
 consistent location within the muscle tissue be analyzed (USEPA,  1989a).

 Whole-body analyses should be conducted when predators consume the whole body of
 the  target organism.   If organisms are not cleansed of materials  contained  in the
 digestive tract, contaminants  in the gut contents will be included in the analyses.  To
 provide the most accurate estimate of the total amount of  contaminants available  to
 most macroinvertebrate predators, this type of cleansing may  not be required.

 Total Organic Carbon and Acid Volatile Sulfides. and Tissue Lipid Normalization

 Toxic sediment concentrations  of hydrophobic contaminants have been  found to be
 related to the total  organic carbon content (TOC) of the sediment (Karickhoff  et al.,
 1979). The bioavailability of  metal contaminants has been found to be related  to the
 acid volatile sulfide (AVS) concentrations of the sediment (DiToro  et al., in press).  TOC
 and AVS normalizations  have  been conducted  to  estimate the  concentrations of
 sediment contaminants  that are bioavailable  over different  sampling   locations.
 Sediment TOC and AVS normalizations are recommended to account for the variability
 in bioavailable sediment contaminant concentrations between  locations.

 Lipids  appear to be a storage  site of organochlorines,  hydrocarbons, and  other
 hydrophobic contaminants in  a variety of organisms (de Boer, 1988).  In fact, just as
TOC and AVS are considered by many to be the most important parameters in defining

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
organic and metal concentrations in sediments, lipid content is considered the salient
parameter in defining hydrophobic residue concentrations found in tissues (Phillips and
Segar, 1986).  Likewise, tissue lipid normalizations have been suggested to account for
the variability in tissue contaminant concentrations between individuals.

Normalization  of  sediment  contaminant  concentrations  to  TOG  and  AVS  and
normalization of tissue contaminant concentrations to the tissue  lipid concentrations
have been made to permit comparisons of toxic chemical residues in tissues between
studies,  locations,  individuals,  and  tissue  types.    These  sediment and tissue
normalizations assume the following::

      •  Contaminants partition predominantly to sediment TOC, sediment AVS, and
         organismal lipids.

      •  Contaminants partition reversibly between the sediment particles and the

      •  Rapid steady-state kinetics of contaminants are maintained.

      •  Sediment is the only source for the bioaccumulation.

Lipid normalization has been performed  in order that individuals with differing  body fat
levels may be compared.  Again, it is essential that all analyses be conducted with the
same tissue type from the same species to ensure that scientifically and  statistically
valid comparisons may be made.  TOC/lipid normalized accumulation factors (AF) have
also been used to predict tissue residue concentrations (Ferraro et al., 1990; Lake et al.,

Threefold differences in lipid concentration may result as a consequence of various lipid
analysis  techniques.   Development  of protocol  standardization or intercalibration
between lipid techniques is required  before  chemical residues in tissues  can be
compared  between studies,  Microtechniques have been developed for analyses of
lipids from single individuals (Gardner et al.,  1985). Finally, the decision to normalize for
TOC, AVS, and  percent  Ispid will depend on monitoring  program  objectives.  For
example, if the monitoring objective is to identify "hot spots"—i.e., those areas where
high body burdens present a risk to human and ecological  health—normalization may
not be appropriate.  If the objective  is to  identify temporal trends in bioaccumulation
rates, however, normalization may be justified.

Selection of Sampling Period

The timing of sampling  should  be based on biological  cycles that  influence an
organism's susceptibility to bioaccumulation.  For example, for crustaceans, just after
molting and before hardening of the integument occurs, restricting its permeability, there
is a significant increase in potential  for bioaccumulation  of toxic  contaminants.  The

frequency of sampling should be related to the  expected rate of change in  tissue
concentrations of contaminants. A consistent sampling period is recommended in order
that spatial and temporal comparisons may be conducted.

For many aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate organisms, the reproductive cycle exerts a
major influence  on tissue concentrations of many contaminants, especially lipophilic
compounds  (Phillips, 1980). For many species, lipophilic contaminants are transferred
from the muscle  and liver to the eggs as lipids are mobilized and transported to the egg
during oogenesis (Spies  et al., 1988; Gardner et al., 1985).  There is evidence  that
lipophilic contaminants have deleterious effects on the developing egg and/or the  larvae
(Spies et al., 1988; Hansen et al., 1985; Niimi, 1983).  Transfer of contaminants from
adult to egg and  its  potential impacts on future fisheries recruitment and fisheries
production are under investigation.

It  is  recommended  that  target  species  be  sampled when  tissue  contaminant
concentrations are  expected to be at their highest levels in order to evaluate worst-case
scenarios. For those organisms where the body is consumed whole, contaminant levels
are usually at their  highest at or just before spawning. For organisms where the muscle
tissue is consumed, contaminants in muscle tissue usually reach a peak well before

4.10.3   Analytical Methods Considerations

Factors to be considered  during the choice of an appropriate analytical method include
the parameters  of interest, desired detection limits, sample size  requirements or
restrictions, methods of preservation, technical and practical holding times, and matrix
interferences.  Several USEPA documents (1986b, 1987c, 1990c) discuss the common
analytical problems encountered during monitoring analyses of tissue samples.

Chemical Residue Analyses

Several factors  determine  achievable detection  limits  for  a specific contaminant,
regardless of analytical procedure. These factors include:

      •  Size of the tissue sample available for analysis.  In general, the more tissue
         available  for analysis, the better the detection levels that can be achieved; a
         minimum of 30 g (wet weight) is usually considered adequate (USEPA,

      •  Presence of interfering substances;

      •  Range  of pollutants to be analyzed—an optimal method may be developed
         without regard to potential effects on other parameters;

      •  Level of confirmation—qualitative vs. quantitative analyses; and

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
      •   Level of pollutant found in the field and in analytical blanks.

Selection of appropriate methods ought to be based on a trade-off between full-scan
analyses, which are  economical  but  cannot provide  optimal  sensitivity for  some
compounds, and alternative methods that are more sensitive for specific compounds but
can result in higher analytical costs. A list of analytical techniques is presented in Table

The Computerized Risk and Bioaccumulation System (CRABS, Version 1.0) is an expert
system   designed  to  predict tissue residues of 15  neutral  organic  pollutants  in
sediment-dwelling  organisms  and  the  human   cancer risk from  consumption  of
contaminated  shellfish  (USEPA,  1990c).   Thermodynamic  partitioning,  first-order
kinetics,  or toxicokinetic models are used to predict  bioaccumulation  from bedded
sediment.  Steady-state tissue residues  are predicted from any of the models, whereas
the two kinetic models are used to predict either non-steady-state uptake or elimination.
The lifetime human cancer  risk is then predicted for the consumption of clams and other
nonmobile sediment-dwelling organisms containing the predicted  or measured tissue
residue.  The cancer risk is predicted for a single pollutant from a single-species diet.
Shellfish consumption rates can be estimated if site-specific rates are available.
            Table 4-27. List of Analytical Techniques (USEPA, 1986b)


      •  Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AA)             USEPA 7000 series methods
            graphite furnace (GFAA)
            cold vapor
            gaseous hydride (HYDAA)
USEPA method 7470
USEPA methods 7060 and 7740
      •  Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry (ICP)  USEPA method 6010


      •  Gas Chromatography (GC)
            with electron capture detection (GC/ECD)
            with mass spectrometry (GC/MS)	
USEPA method 8080
USEPA methods 8240 and 8270

This program is  now available for distribution.  All inquiries should be directed to the
Narragansett,  Rhode  Island,  Environmental  Research  Laboratory  (Hatfield Marine
Science Center, Newport, OR 97365, 503/867-4042).

Tissue residue data necessary for the evaluation of dredged materials and for ecological
and human risk  assessments are most directly derived using bedded sediments (i.e.,
deposited rather than suspended sediments) in bioaccumulation tests (USEPA, 1989d).
Sediments are the largest receiving grounds for toxics known to bind with particles, such
as organics with high octanol-water partitioning coefficients (e.g., PCBs  and DDT) and
many heavy metals. Previous techniques have varied to meet specific requirements for
the task at hand, and comparability of results is questionable.   USEPA  (1989d)
standardizes  an approach  for  conducting  sediment  bioaccumulation  tests  using
sediment-ingesting organisms  exposed to bedded marine sediments.   Guidance  is
presented for "routine" testing in the laboratory and has  not been tailored for specific
regulations or geographic locations.  Data can be generated by the 28-day test that is
applicable for quantitative ecological and human health risk assessments.  It should be
noted that this is a "living" document subject to revisions warranted by experience.

Metals and Metalloids

Nitric acid/perchloric acid digestions  should be  considered  for analysis of tissue
samples. Perchloric acid is especially useful for the dissolution of fat.

Trace element analyses by  inductively coupled plasma  emission spectrometry  (ICP)
allow for several elements to be  measured simultaneously.  However, the detection
limits of ICP are generally not as sensitive as those achieved by graphite furnace atomic
absorption spectrophotometry (GFAA).

The combination of atomic absorption spectrophotometry techniques (AA) and ICP is
the recommended  analytical method for detection of metals and metalloids since no
technique is best for all elements.  Cold vapor AA analysis is the only  recommended
technique for mercury.

GFAA is more sensitive than  flame AA,  but  is more subject to matrix and  spectral
influences. GFAA requires particular caution with regard to laboratory contamination. In
either case, the  concentration of each element is determined by a separate analysis,
making the analysis of a large  number of contaminant metals both labor-intensive and
relatively expensive compared to ICP.

Semivolatile Organic Compounds

Analysis of semivolatile organic compounds involves a solvent extraction of the sample,
cleanup  of the  characteristically complex  extract,  and gas  chromatography  (GC)
analysis and  quantification.  There  are two gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
 (GC/MS)  options  for  detecting extractable  organic  compounds:  internal  standard
 technique and isotope  dilution.   Isotope  dilution is  recommended  because reliable
 recovery corrections can be made for each analyte with a labeled analog or a chemically
 similar analog (Tetra Tech, 1986).

 The identification of pesticides and PCB can be made by gas chromatography/electron
 capture detection (GC/ECD) analysis.   GC/ECD provides greater sensitivity relative to
 GC/MS;  however,  GC/ECD does  not  provide  positive  compound  identification.
 Confirmation of pesticides and PCBs on an alternative  GC/ECD column or preferably by
 GC/MS, when sufficient concentrations occur, is recommended for reliable results (Tetra
 Tech, 1985).  All other organic compound groups  are recommended for analysis by
 GC/MS (Tetra Tech, 1985).

 Volatile Organic Compounds

 The purge-and-trap  GC/MS  technique is employed for  detecting volatile  organic
 compounds  in water. A successful variation for detection of volatile organic residues in
 tissues involves a device that vaporizes volatile organic compounds from the tissue
 sample under vacuum and  then condenses the volatiles in a super-cooled trap (Hiatt,
 1981). The  trap is then transferred to a purge-and-trap device, where it is treated as a
 water sample. The isotope  dilution option is recommended because it provides reliable
 recovery data for each analyte (Tetra Tech, 1986).

 4.10.4   QA/QC Considerations

 Analysis of blanks should be conducted to demonstrate freedom from contamination.  At
 least one method blank must  be included with each batch of samples and  must
 constitute at least 5 percent of all samples analyzed.

 Spike recovery analyses are  required  to assess  method performance on the sample
 matrix. This method serves as an indication of analytical accuracy, but not necessarily
 of extraction efficiency.

 Replicates must be  analyzed to monitor  the precision  of laboratory analyses.   A
 minimum of 5 percent of the analyses should be laboratory replicates.  Triplicates should
 be performed with each sample batch over 40 samples.

 Laboratory performance and calibration  should be verified at the beginning and end of
 each 12-hr shift during which analyses are performed.

 Reports delineating the  essential elements of the bioaccumulation component of  the
 program should be included with the quantitative QA/QC analyses. It is recommended
that these reports be recorded  and stored in a data base for future reference.

4.10.5   Statistical Design Considerations

Composite Sampling

Composite tissue  sampling consists  of  mixing  tissue samples from  two or more
individual organisms, typically of a single species, collected at a particular location and
time period.  The analysis of a composite sample provides an estimate of an average
tissue concentration for the individual  organisms  composing  the composite sample.
Advantages of the composite sampling strategy are :

      •  It provides a cost-effective strategy when individual chemical analyses are

      •  It provides a means to analyze bioaccumulation when the tissue mass of an
         individual is insufficient for the analytical protocol.

      •  It results in a more efficient estimate of the mean at specified sampling

Because of the  reduced sample variance, composite sampling results in a considerable
increase in statistical power.  If  the primary objective of a monitoring  program is to
determine differences  in contaminant  tissue among  sampling locations,  composite
sampling is an appropriate strategy.

Composite sampling is not recommended if the objective of the monitoring program is to
determine compliance with  specified tissue contaminant concentration limits since this
sampling method does not detect the true range of tissue contaminant concentrations in
the population.  Special considerations related to composite sampling  include :

      •  The range and the variance of the population of individual samples cannot be
         directly estimated.

      •  If species are mixed, tissue composites are likely to be composed of different
         proportions of species and numbers of individuals, confounding whether
         patterns of tissue residue concentrations are due to differences in locations or
         to interspecific differences in bioaccumulation.

Space-bulking consists of sampling of individual organisms from several locations and
combining tissue samples into one or more composite samples.  Time-bulking involves
taking multiple samples over time from a single location and compositing these samples.
The use of space- and/or time-bulking strategies should be carefully considered since
significant information concerning spatial and temporal heterogeneity may be lost. The
adoption of composite strategies will depend on the objective of individual  monitoring

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Statistical Power

Tetra Tech (1987) demonstrated that the statistical power increases with the increase of
the number of individuals in each replicate composite sample.  However, a diminished
return of statistical  power exists  with the addition of successive individuals to each
composite.  For composites of greater than 10  individuals, the increase of power is
negligible given typical levels of data variability.

For moderate levels of variability in chemical residue data, 6 to 10 individuals composing
each of 5 replicate composites should be  adequate to detect a treatment difference
equal to 100 percent of the  overall mean among treatments (Tetra Tech, 1987).  For
analyses of individuals, a minimum of five organisms at each site is recommended.

To improve the power of a statistical test, while keeping the significance level constant,
the sample size should be increased.  Because of constraints in cost and time, however,
this option may not be available.  Power analyses have shown that for a fixed level of
sampling effort, a monitoring program's power is generally increased by collecting more
replicates  at fewer locations.  The  number and  distribution of sampling locations
required to evaluate the effect of a discharge will depend on the volume and transport of
the effluent.

4.10.6   Use of Data

Results of the bioaccumulation analyses can be used to :

      •  Establish spatial and temporal trends in the bioaccumulation of toxicants of
         selected marine fish and macroinvertebrates;

      •  Identify existing arid potential problem areas for fish and macroinvertebrate
         contamination; and

      •  Supply data that can be used to calculate the human health risk of
         consuming marine fish and shellfish.

4.10.7   Summary


      •  Monitoring the accumulation of chemical residues in tissues of marine
         organisms will provide information essential in relating the presence of
         selected contaminants in marine waters and sediment to their transfer and
         accumulation in marine organisms.

Monitoring Design Considerations

      •  Target species should possess the following characteristics :

         -   high bioaccumulation potential for selected contaminants of concern;
         -   weak or absent metabolic regulation of selected contaminants;
         -   abundant enough, temporally and spatially, to allow for adequate
         -   large enough to provide adequate amounts of tissue for analysis;
         -   sessile or sedentary in nature to ensure bioaccumulation is representative
             of the study area; and
         -   easily collected.

      •  Caged indicator species

         -   Method allows for control of initial temporal and spatial variation of
             individuals and/or biomass.
         -   Method allows for the use of specific age, size, and/or genetic stocks.

      •  Indigenous species

         -   Results obtained will relate directly to those species that may be impacted.

      •  Target tissues

         -   Fish liver or macroinvertebrate hepatopancreas analyses may be used to
             estimate the range of contaminants being assimilated.
         -   Muscle tissue analyses are appropriate for human exposure assessments
             and quantitative health risk determinations.
         -   Whole-body analyses should to be conducted when predators consume
             the whole body of the target organism.

      •  TOC/Lipid Normalization

         -   Allow comparisons of chemical residue concentrations in tissues between
             locations,  individuals, and tissue type.
         -   Limitations in use due to differences in lipid analysis techniques.
         Time of Sampling

         -   Timing of sampling should be based on biological cycles that influence an
            organism's susceptibility to bioaccumulate.
         -   It is recommended that target species be sampled when tissue
            contamination concentrations are expected to be at their highest level.

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Analytical Methods Considerations

      •  Metals/Metalloids

         -   A combination of AA and IGP is recommended for the detection of metals
            and metalloids.
         -   Cold vapor AA is the recommended protocol for mercury detection.

      •  Organics

         -   GC/MS in conjunction with isotope dilution is recommended for the
            detection of semi volatile organic compounds.
         -   Super-cooled trap, in conjunction with a purge-and-trap device, is
            recommended for the detection of volatile organics.

QA/QC Considerations

      •  Blank, spike recovery, and replicate analyses are recommended quality
         control checks.

      •  Reports delineating the essential elements of the bioaccumulation
         component of the program should be included with the quantitative QA/QC

Statistical  Design  Considerations

      •  Compositing tissue sampling consists of mixing tissue samples from two or
         more individual organisms collected at a particular location and time period.

      •  Space-bulking (combining composites from several locations) and
         time-bulking (combining several composites over time from one location)
         strategies should be used judiciously because information concerning spatial
         and temporal heterogeneity may be lost.

      •  Six individuals composing each of five replicate composites should be
         adequate to detect a treatment difference equal to 100 percent of the overall
         mean among treatments.

Use of Data

      •  Establish spatial and temporal trends in the bioaccumulation of toxicants of
         selected marine fish and macroinvertebrates.

      •  Identify existing arid potential problem areas for fish and macroinvertebrate

      •  Supply data that can be used to calculate the human  health risk of
         consuming marine fish and shellfish.

4.11      PATHOGENS

Monitoring for pathogenic microorganisms is currently conducted by State environmental
and human health agencies in shellfish harvesting areas and bathing beaches.  National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) pathogen  monitoring programs may
be under way at selected locations both to assess the condition of water in the vicinity of
discharges and surrounding areas and to assess relative pathogen contributions from
these permitted effluent discharges.

The National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP) has been established as a joint effort
involving the Food and  Drug Administration  (FDA),  State agencies, and the shellfish
industry to set forth guidelines for the management of State shellfish programs.  As part
of the NSSP, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides technical assistance to
States for studying specific pollution  problems, provides data to establish closure levels
for shellfish  harvesting, conducts applied research on various contaminants to assist in
developing standards and criteria, and evaluates the  effectiveness  of State shellfish
sanitary control programs. In addition, since 1966, data have been compiled periodically
by FDA  and the  National  Oceanic  and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the
classification by States  of coastal and estuarine waters with regard to suitability  for
shellfishing activities.  In addition to classifying their waters as to their  suitability  as
shellfish  harvesting areas,  States also  issue beach closures.   These closures are
typically based on water quality criteria developed by the Federal government.

4.11.1     Rationale

Monitoring of pathogens  in the marine environment can be used in the CWA section 403
point source discharge program to address the following ocean discharge guideline:

      •   Potential direct or indirect impacts on human health.

Human  pathogens  found  in  the  marine  environment include  viruses,  bacteria,
protozoans,  helminth and parasites.  In the United States, viruses and bacteria are the
most important pathogens,  in terms  of both the  number of organisms released to the
environment and the severity of the diseases they cause (OTA, 1987).

Humans can be exposed to pathogens by direct contact with contaminated waters (e.g.,
swimming, surfing, diving) or indirectly through  ingestion of  contaminated food (e.g.,
molluscan shellfish). The preponderance of evidence indicates that the etiologic agents
for waterborne  outbreaks of acute  gastroenteritis (AGI)  are the  Norwalk-like  viruses
(Kaplan et al. 1982).  Hepatitis A has been  linked to the consumption  of raw or partially
cooked molluscan shellfish (Feingold, 1973; CDC, 1979; Ohara et al., 1983).  Bacteria
responsible for typhoid and cholera are known to be water- and seafood-borne. These
pathogens can  enter  the marine environment through the discharge of raw sewage,
wastewater effluent from sewage treatment plants, failing septic tanks, and the dumping
of sewage sludge (OTA,  1987).  Monitoring of human pathogens provides information

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
essential in relating the  presence of pathogens in marine waters and shellfish to
outbreaks of disease.   Monitoring data may be used to identify potential sources of
pathogens. The assessment of pathogen contamination should be a component of a
monitoring  program where pathogens may  present a risk to human health and the
economic vitality of the marine environment.

4.11.2    Monitoring Design Considerations

Water Column Sampling

Bacteria are not uniformly distributed throughout the water column (Gameson, 1983);
bacterial abundances, several orders of magnitude greater than underlying waters, can
be found in a thin microlayer on the surface of the water (Hardy, 1982).  If feasible, it is
recommended that samples of this microlayer and separate samples of the underlying
waters be collected. However, standardized  methods for sampling this microlayer have
not been established.  If it is not feasible to sample both  the microlayer and underlying
waters, the "scoop" method should be used to ensure that the surface  microlayer is
sampled (USEPA, 1978).

Water samples  for bacterial analyses are frequently collected using sterilized plastic
bags (e.g., Whirl-Pak) or screw-cap,  wide-mouthed bottles.  Several depths may be
sampled  during one cast, and/or replicate samples may be collected at a particular
depth by using Kemmerer or Niskin samplers (USEPA, 1978).  Any device that collects
water samples in unsterilized  tubes should  not be  used for collecting bacteriological
samples without first obtaining data that support its use. Pumps may be used to sample
large volumes of the water column (USEPA, 1978).

Sentinel Organisms

Analyses  of  sentinel  shellfish tissue (e.g., mussels   and  oysters)  offer several

      •  They concentrate pathogens and may be useful viral analyses since viruses
         are often present in low numbers.

      •  They provide a means of temporally integrating water quality conditions.

      •  They may be direct measures of human exposure to pathogens (i.e.,
         consumption of  contaminated food).

      •  They may be deployed and maintained in a number of diverse locales.
However, the disadvantages of sentinel organisms include:

      •  Transplanting organisms may be costly;

         There is a possibility of losing the cage/buoy system; and

         Species may not be tolerant of all test site conditions (e.g., low salinity, high
It is essential that monitoring design elements be standardized to allow for comparisons
between marine studies. The selection of a standard sentinel species appropriate to the
locality is recommended; interspecies differences would not allow comparisons of body

4.11.3   Analytical Methods Considerations

Many  pathogens  can  be present  in  wastes,  contaminated media,  and  infected
organisms. Human pathogens are of concern in marine waters because they are:

      •  Associated with major debilitating diseases (e.g., hepatitis, cholera);

      •  Infectious at low doses;

      •  Resistant to environmental stress; and

      •  Not readily enumerated due to low numbers.

Table 4-28 provides examples of pathogenic organisms known to cause adverse human
health effects. The alternative to  directly identifying pathogens of concern has been the
enumeration  of bacteria,  which are indicators  of human waste contamination or
indicators of human illness.

Indicators of Human Health Risks

Because of the inability to enumerate  pathogens of concern, indicators  of human
pathogen densities have been used to assess human health risks.  Indicators useful in
predicting infectious disease rates should have the following characteristics:

      •  High abundances should be consistently found in human fecal wastes.

      •  No significant extra-human fecal sources should be present.

      •  The indicators must provide temporally and spatially reliable and accurate
         appraisals of the  pathogen of concern.

Currently,  there is no consensus on which indicator organism, if  any, is specific for
human feces.

                                                 Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
    Table 4-28.  Microorganisms Responsible for Causing Adverse Human Health
Hepatitis A virus
Non-A and non-B
hepatitis virus

Aeromonas hydrophilia
and Plesiomonas

Vibrio mimicus

Vibrio parahaemolyiicus
                                   Vibrio vulnificus

                                   Vibrio cholera, O group
                                   Vibrio cholera,
                                   Non-O group 1

                                   Norwalk virus
                                  Small round structured

Raw oysters
Steamed clams
Steamed and raw clams
Raw clams
Raw oysters
Raw molluscan shellfish

Raw molluscan shellfish
Raw oysters

Clams and snails
Raw oysters

Raw oysters

Raw oysters
Boiled shrimp, boiled crab

Raw oysters
                                Raw oysters
                                Raw clams

                                Raw oysters
                                Raw clams
a Includes naturally occurring microorganisms as well as microorganisms associated with pollution.

Coliform Bacteria

For decades, the concentration of coliform bacteria, either total or fecal coliform, has
been considered a reliable indicator of the presence and density of pathogens.  The use
of total coliform bacterial criteria to protect human health from disease associated with
contaminated water is widespread. Furthermore, total coliform concentrations have the
advantage of providing a basis for comparison with historical data (USEPA, 1988f).

However,  these indicators  and their corresponding water quality standards have not
been  related to incidences of disease through epidemiological studies.  Controversy
exists on  the efficacy of coliform bacteria to predict the  presence and inactivation  of
other  types of pathogens (Pederson,  1980).  In fact, recent studies indicate that fecal
coliform bacteria may not be a reliable indicator for predicting the  risks associated with
direct exposures to pathogens in the  marine environment (Cabelli et al.,  1979,  1982).
Fecal conforms are not pathogenic  and  are less  resistant to  environmental  stress
compared to many  pathogens (Borrego et  al., 1983).   Furthermore, fecal  coliform
bacteria are not specific to mammalian fecal pollution.   The lack of this specificity
prompted the development of methods for enumerating fecal coliform bacteria specific to
mammalian fecal pollution (e.g., Escherichia coli). However, with respect to recreational
water quality criteria, EPA has not recommended the use of E. coli tor marine waters.


Enterococci  are streptococcus bacteria  indigenous  to the intestines  of warm-blooded
animals.   Cabelli  et al. (1983)  found that  the  densities of enterococci were  highly
correlated with the  incidence of gastrointestinal (Gl) symptoms among  swimmers;
reported swimming-associated Gl symptoms were poorly correlated with fecal coliform
densities.  Enterococci also have the following advantageous characteristics:
         They are tolerant to high salinity and are of particular value in the analysis of
         marine waters.

         Taxonomic identifications are relatively simple and can reveal the origin of
         mammalian pollution (e.g., humans, livestock).

         Genetic fingerprinting techniques that can link these bacteria in the
         environment to specific sources of contamination have been developed.
State-of-the-art genetic fingerprinting techniques are very costly and require further
study in order to assess their reliability. EPA has adopted enterococci as an indicator of
microbiological water quality for recreational marine waters.

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Gurafance
Viruses are being recognized as major etiologic agents for many outbreaks of human
illness as a result of swimming in contaminated water and consuming  contaminated
seafood. Viruses are excreted only by infected individuals; they are not normal flora in
the intestinal  tract.   Traditional indicators of microbial  contaminants appear to be
inadequate for predicting human health risks associated with both consuming molluscan
shellfish and swimming in waters that contain sewage-associated viruses.  However,
examination of water for enteric viruses is not recommended at this time, except in
special  circumstances,  because  of  methodology  limitations.  Even state-of-the-art
methods for concentrating viruses from water are still being researched and continue to
be modified and improved.   None of the available virus detection methods have been
tested adequately with  representatives  from  all of the virus groups of  public health
importance.  In addition, some of these methods require  expensive equipment and
materials for sample processing and all virus assay and identification procedures require
expensive cell culture and related virology laboratory facilities.

Laboratory Techniques

It  should  also be  noted  that no  single  procedure   is  adequate to  isolate all
microorganisms from water, and the presence of one microorganism does not signify the
presence or absence of any other (Table 4-29). A more detailed description of analytical
methods for a number of pathogens  is  presented in  Standard  Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 1989).

Fecal Bacteria

Two standard  methods are presented  here  for the detection of fecal  bacteria:  the
membrane filter procedure and the multiple-tube fermentation procedure.

The membrane filter (MF) technique involves sample filtration followed by direct plating
for detection and enumeration of coliform bacterial densities. The MF technique can be
used  to  test  relatively large volumes of samples and yields numerical  results more
rapidly than does the multiple-tube  procedure.  The statistical reliability  of  the  MF
technique is greater than that of the Most Probable Number (MPN) procedures (APHA,
1989).  However, the MF technique  has limitations, particularly in testing waters with
high turbidity and noncoliforrn (background) bacteria.  The MF technique can be used to
measure bacterial densities of  Escherichia coll (E.  coif)  and enterococci  in ambient
waters (USEPA, 1985e) since EPA has approved this technique for use in seawater.

The  multiple-tube  fermentation technique  involves a series of fermentation tubes
containing growth media that are inoculated with the appropriate decimal dilutions of
water (multiples and  submultiples of  10  ml_),  based  on the probable  coliform density.
Following inoculation at 35  ± 0.5°C for 24 ± 2 hr, the tubes are examined for gas or
acidic growth  (distinctive yellow color).  If no gas or acidic  growth  has formed, the

            Table 4-29.  Laboratory Procedures for Bacterial Indicators
                                          Laboratory Procedures
Test Organisms
Fecal coliform
MPN tubes using A-l
broth (APHA, 1989)
(fecal coliform
bacteria/100 mL)
MPN tubes using A-l
broth (APHA, 1989)
(fecal coliform
bacteria/100 mL)
MPN tubes using EC
broth (APHA, 1989)
(fecal coliform
bacteria/1 00 mL)
Fecal coliform

C. perfringensb
mTEC (DuFour et al.,
1981)(E. co/^ 00 mL)

mE (Levin et al.,  1975)a
(enterococci/100 mL)

MPN tubes using iron
milk (St. John et al.,
1982) (C. perfringensl
100 mL)
MPN tubes using iron
milk (St. John et al.,
1982) (C. perfringensl
100 mL)
MPN tubes using iron
milk (St. John et al.,
1982) (C. perfringensl
aThis method is a tedious process. EPA Region 2 and the State of New Jersey have developed a
modified mE isolation technique.

h'wo laboratory techniques are available for C. perfringens: mCP by membrane filtration for water
(Bisson and Cabelli, 1979) and sediment (Emerson and Cabelli, 1982), and iron milk tube using MPN
techniques (St. John et al., 1982). The latter method is recommended (pending comparative data)
because the procedure is simpler and less costly.
samples are reincubated and examined again at the end of 48 ± 3 hr. Production of gas
or acidic growth  on tubes  after this  time period constitutes a positive presumptive
reaction.  These samples are then submitted to the confirmed phase of testing, in which
the culture is transferred to a fermentation tube containing brilliant green lactose bile
broth. The tubes are then inoculated for 48 ± 3 hr at 35 + 0.5°C.  Formation of gas in
any amount of time constitutes a positive confirmed phase.  The Most Probable Number
(MPN) index is then used to estimate bacterial density.   This technique is commonly
used in assessing bacterial levels in shellfish.

The MPN index is an index of the number of coliform bacteria that, most probably, would
produce the results observed in the laboratory examination (APHA, 1989).  Values for
the  MPN  index can be obtained from  standard tables  based  on the  results  of the
multiple-tube fermentation technique or from Thomas's formula (APHA, 1989).

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
 Detecting viruses in marine waters requires collecting a representative water sample,
 concentrating viruses in the sample, and identifying and estimating abundances of these
 concentrated viruses. Difficulties in detecting virus abundances include:

       •   Viruses are very small (20-100 nm).

       •   Virus concentrations in waters are spatially and temporally variable, and
          typically low.

       •   Dissolved and suspended material in the sample interferes with accurate
          virus detection.
Because virus concentrations may be very low, significant volumes of water may be
required (e.g., on the order of tens to thousands of liters).  Dose-response curves are
lacking for most pathogens; however, as few as  10 to  100 bacteria are capable of
inducing disease (OTA, 1987).

Three different techniques for concentrating and enumerating viruses are presented in
Standard Methods (APHA, 1989):

       •  Adsorption to and elution from microporous filters;

       •  Aluminum hydroxide adsorption and precipitation; and

       •  Polyethylene glycol hydroextraction-dialysis.

The adsorption and elution technique pressure-filters viruses on microporous filters and
then elutes them from the filter in a small liquid volume.  Generally, two types of filters
are  available:   electronegative  and electropositive  filters.    Currently,  insufficient
documentation  on  the  efficacy of electropositive  filters exists.   Limitations  of this
technique include:

       •  The adsorbent filter may be clogged by suspended material.

       •  Dissolved colloid material may interfere by competing with viruses for
         adsorption sites on the filter.

       •  Viruses adsorbed to suspended material may be removed during suspended
         material clean-up procedures.

Methods for recovering solids-associated viruses are found in APHA (1989). In spite of
these limitations,  the  adsorption and elution technique  remains the most promising
method for detecting viruses.

Aluminum   hydroxide   adsorption   and   precipitation   and   polyethylene   glycol
hydroextraction-dialysis are used to reconcentrate viruses in proteinaceous and organic
buffer eluates.  These  methods may be used to concentrate viruses in waters having
high virus densities (e.g., wastewaters).  They may  also be used as a second-step
concentration  procedure   following  processing  of   large  fluid  volumes  through
microporous  filters.   However,  these two techniques  are impractical  for primary
processing of large fluid volumes (APHA, 1989).

New Techniques

Traditional techniques  lack the ability to detect apparently viable, but nonculturable,
microorganisms.  Recently developed monoclonal antibody and gene probe techniques
permit  the   detection  and  enumeration   of  both  culturable  and  nonculturable
microorganisms.   Since  these  methods  have the  ability to  detect  nonculturable
organisms, they may serve as more  precise techniques for monitoring microbial water
quality. Furthermore, these new techniques will allow direct monitoring of pathogens of
concern.  The  goal of monitoring  specific  pathogens, such as  Salmonella,  Shigella,
Giardia, or Legionella, may soon be realized.

Sample Handling

Preservation and  storage of water samples can be significant sources of error. Sample
bottles must be resistant to sterilization procedures.   Samples should be refrigerated
(1-4°C) during  transport to a laboratory and analyzed within  6 hours of  collection
(USEPA, 1978).

4.11.4    QA/QC Considerations

It is recommended that sterile distilled water be transported to the field, transferred to a
sample bottle, and processed routinely as a field blank to ensure  that samples were not
contaminated during collection and transport. It is also recommended that 10 percent of
the samples be analyzed in duplicate.  Furthermore, 10 percent  of the samples should
be split and  analyzed by two or more laboratories.

Intralaboratory and interlaboratory quality control practices should be documented, and
QC reports should be available for inspection. Further recommended quality assurance
guidelines for a  microbiology laboratory are available (Inhorn,  1977; Bordner et al.,
1978) and are also discussed in APHA (1989).

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
4.11.5   Statistical Design Considerations
Bacterial counts often are characterized as having a skewed distribution because of
many low  values  and a few high ones  (APHA,  1989).   Application  of  parametric
statistical techniques requires the assumption of symmetrical distributions such as the
normal curve.  An approximate normal distribution can  be obtained from positively
skewed data by converting numbers to their logarithms (APHA, 1989). Accordingly, the
preferred  statistic  for  measuring  central tendency  of microbiological  data is the
geometric mean.

Consideration  of statistical strategies will mitigate the high costs of collecting and
processing samples.   Power-cost analyses are necessary in  selecting appropriate
sample/replicate number, sample  location, and  sampling frequency (Ferraro et al.,

4.11.6   Use of Data

The assessment of pathogen contamination should be a component of a  monitoring
program where pathogens may present a risk to human health and the economic vitality
of an estuary.  Monitoring of human pathogens provides information essential in relating
the temporal and spatial distribution of infectious agents in marine waters and shellfish
to the epidemiology of pathogens of concern  (e.g.,  affected  human populations,
locations, and timing of the outbreak).

Furthermore, monitoring data can be used to identify discharges that may be significant
sources of pathogens  and to ensure that water quality standards are maintained.
Monitoring  data  can also be  used to verify fate  and transport, human health risk
assessment, and epidemiological modeling predictions.

4.11.7   Summary and Recommendations


      •  The objective is to detect and describe spatial and temporal changes in
         abundances of indicators of human health pathogens.

      •  Monitoring indicators of human pathogens provides information essential  in
         relating the presence of infectious agents in marine waters and shellfish to
         the incidence of disease outbreaks and potential sources of these agents.

Monitoring Design Considerations

      •  If feasible, samples of the surface microlayer should be collected separately
         from samples of underlying waters. If not feasible, samples containing both
         underlying and microlayer waters should be collected.  It is highly
         recommended that consistent types of sampling protocols be implemented to
         allow for comparisons between studies.

      •  Analysis of tissues of sentinel organisms (e.g., mussels and oysters) confers
         the following advantages:

         -   such organisms concentrate pathogens;
         -   such organisms provide a means of temporally integrating water quality
             conditions; and
         -   such organisms may be deployed and maintained in a number of locales.

Analytical Methods Considerations

      •   Indicators of human pathogens should have the following characteristics:

         -   should be consistently found in high abundance in human fecal wastes;
         -   should not have significant extra-human fecal sources; and
         -   must provide temporally and spatially reliable and accurate appraisals of
             the pathogen of concern.

      •   Fecal coliform bacteria densities.

         -   May not be a reliable indicator for predicting the risk associated with direct
             exposures to pathogens.
         -   This measure provides a means to compare current data to historical data.
         -   Laboratory analyses include membrane filter and multiple-tube
             fermentation techniques.

      •   Enterococci densities

          -   Densities are highly correlated with the incidence of gastrointestinal
          -   Taxonomic identifications are relatively simple and can reveal the kinds of
             mammalian pollution.
          -   State-of-the-art genetic fingerprinting techniques can link bacteria in the
             marine environment to specific sources; however, these techniques are
             very costly and require further study to assess their reliability.
          -   Laboratory analyses include membrane filter technique.

      •   Virus densities

          -   Viruses are recognized as major etiologic agents for many outbreaks of
             human illness.

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
         -   Examination of water samples for enteric viruses is not recommended
             because of methodology limitations.
         -   Laboratory analyses include absorption to an elution from microporous
             filters, aluminum hydroxide absorption-precipitation, and polyethylene
             glycol hydroextraction-dialysis.

      •  Monoclonal antibodies and gene probes show promise in detecting and
         enumerating both culturable and nonculturable microorganisms.

QA/QC Considerations

      •  Sterile distilled water should be transported and transferred to sample bottles
         as field blanks to assess contamination during collection  and transport.

      •  Ten percent of the samples should be analyzed in duplicate.

      •  Ten percent of the samples should be split and analyzed at two or more

Statistical Design Considerations

      «  The preferred statistic for measuring central tendency of  microbiological data
         is the geometric mean.

Use of Data

      •  Provide essential information to assess threats to human health;

      •  Establish temporal and spatial trends in pathogen densities and identify
         potential relationships between the presence of the indicator and incidence of
         human illness; and

      •  Provide information that can be used to verify fate and transport, human
         health risk, and epidemiology models.


"End-of-pipe" effluent characterizations  based on  laboratory studies can  be used to
predict biological impacts of an effluent prior to a discharge.  The  Technical Support
Document  for Water Quality-based Toxics Control (USEPA,  1991c) presents (among
other things) an integrated approach for ensuring protection of aquatic life and human
health from  impacts caused  by  the release of toxics to surface waters.   For the
protection  of aquatic life,  the integrated  strategy involves the use of three control
approaches: the chemical-specific control approach, the whole-effluent toxicity control
approach,  and  the biological  criteria/bioassessment and biosurvey approach.  For the
protection of human  health, technical constraints do not yet allow for full reliance on an
integrated  strategy,  and thus primarily chemical-specific assessments  and control
techniques should be employed.  Table 4-30 contains a list of terms used in effluent

Pollutant-specific criteria  developed pursuant  to CWA  section  304(a)(1)  present
scientific data and guidance on the environmental effects of pollutants that reflect the
latest EPA recommendations on acceptable limits for aquatic life  and  human health
protection.   These limitations  are generally  developed  from  laboratory-derived,
biologically-based numeric water quality criteria adopted within a State's water quality
standards.  Water quality criteria are adopted by a State for the protection of designated
uses of the receiving water. Criteria can be specific numeric limits or, in the absence of
specific numeric criteria for a chemical, biological, or physical parameter, can be based
on narrative criteria. EPA publishes chemical-specific  water quality criteria that may
provide the basis on which States adopt their criteria (USEPA, 1986-1988).   EPA has
published 25 chemical-specific saltwater aquatic life criteria (acute and chronic).

When an effluent's constituents are not completely known or when a complex mixture of
potentially  additive,  antagonistic, or synergistic toxic pollutants  is discharged,  a
whole-effluent  toxicity  limitation  can  be. implemented.   The whole-effluent toxicity
limitation can also be appropriate when more than one discharger is located in a specific
area and the potential exists for  effluent mixing and additive toxic effects, and when a
pollutant-specific evaluation is impractical because of a lack of information about the
toxic effects of a pollutant. Toxicity  evaluations such as these can be used as part of
403 monitoring.

4.12.1     Rationale

 Effluent characterization can  be  used in the CWA section 403 point source discharge
 program to address  the following  evaluation criteria:

                                                    Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
             Table 4-30.  List of Terms Used with Effluent Characterization
Acute-to-chronic ratio

Composite sample
Effective concentration
Grab samples
A stimulus severe enough to rapidly induce an effect; in aquatic toxicity tests,
an effect observed in 96 hours or less typically is considered acute. When
referring to aquatic toxicology or human health, an acute effect is not always
measured in terms of lethality.

The ratio of the acute toxicity of an effluent or a toxicant to its chronic toxicity.
ACR is used as a factor for estimating chronic toxicity on the basis of acute
toxicity data, or the reverse.

A stimulus that lingers or continues for a relatively long period of time, often
one-tenth of the life span or more. Chronic should be considered a relative
term depending on the life span of an organism. The measurement of a
chonic effect can be reduced growth, reduced reproduction, etc., in addition
to lethality.

A single effluent sample collected over a 24-hour period, on which only one
toxicity test is performed.

A point estimate of the toxicant concentration that would cause an
observable adverse effect (such as death, immobilization, or serious
incapacitation) in a given percentage of the test organisms.

Samples collected over a very short period of time and on a relatively
infrequent basis. A separate toxicity test must be performed on each grab
Lowest-Observed-Adverse- The lowest concentration of an effluent or toxicant that results in statistically
Effect Level (LOAEL)       significant adverse health effects as observed in chronic or subchronic
                          human epidemiology studies or animal exposure.
Effect Level (NOAEL)

Concentration (NOEC)

Toxicity characterization

Whole-effluent toxicity
A tested dose of an effluent or a toxicant below which no adverse biological
effects are observed, as identified from chronic or subchronic human
epidemiology studies or animal exposure studies.

The highest tested concentration of an effluent or a toxicant at which no
adverse effects are observed on the aquatic test organisms at a specific time
of observation. Determined using hypothesis testing.

A determination of the specific chemicals responsible for effluent toxicity.

The aggregate toxic effect of an effluent (usually measured directly with a
toxicity test).

      •   The quantities, composition, and potential for bioaccumulation or persistence
          of the pollutants to be discharged;

      •   The potential impact on human health through direct and indirect pathways; and

      •   Marine water quality criteria developed pursuant to section 304(a)(1).

Assessment  of these evaluation criteria  can be made through whole-effluent toxicity
testing (acute and chronic)  and analysis of the  chemical  composition of the  effluent.
This assessment would demonstrate potential impacts from  the effluent in question.

4.12.2    Monitoring Design Considerations

Determination of whether an effluent sample is typical of the wastewater may require the
collection of  a large number of samples.  Further, what constitutes a "representative"
sample is a function of the parameter of concern.  Guidelines for determining the
number and frequency of samples required to represent effluent quality are contained in
the  Handbook for Sampling and  Sample  Preservation  of Water and  Wastewater
(USEPA, 1982b).

Both quantitative  (change  in  concentration)  and  qualitative  (change  in toxicants)
variability commonly occur in effluents.   Changes  in effluent toxicity are the  result of
varying concentrations of individual toxicants, different toxicants, changing in-stream
water  quality  characteristics  (affecting  compound  toxicity),  and  analytical  and
toxicological error. Conventional parameters, BOD, TSS, and other pollutants limited in
the facility's permit will provide  an indication of the operational status of the treatment
system on the day of sampling. This information may be used in a determination as to
whether the system is operating properly,  requires repair, or needs to be upgraded.  For
industrial discharges, information on production levels and types of operating processes
may be helpful in determining the required magnitude of the monitoring program.

4.12.3    Analytical Methods Considerations


The choice of grab or composite samples will depend on the specific discharge  situation
(e.g., plant retention time) and the  objectives of the test.   In toxicity characterization
testing, samples that are very different from one another give results that are difficult to
interpret. However, composite sampling has an averaging  effect, which tends  to dilute
toxicity peaks and may thus provide misleading results when testing for acute toxicity.
Composited samples, therefore, are more appropriate for  chronic toxicity tests where
peak toxicity of short duration is of less concern. If the toxicity of the effluent is  variable,
grab samples collected during peaks of effluent toxicity provide a measure of maximum
effect.  However, while grab sampling may provide information on maximum effluent

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
toxicity, it can be difficult to schedule sampling to coincide  with  peaks in toxicity.
Aeration during collection and transfer of effluents should be minimized to reduce the
loss of volatile chemicals.

Chemical-Specific Analysis

Pollutant-specific testing  for comparison  to  water quality criteria should  be done
following standard methods.  Choice of a particular method may vary depending on the
precision and accuracy required and the resources available for the study. A review of
water chemistry analytical methods is presented  in the section in  this report on water
quality and in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA,
1989).  However, it should  be noted that pollutant concentrations are considerably
higher in  effluent streams and the  precision required for adequate measurement is

Whole-Effluent Toxicity Analysis

Whole-effluent toxicity testing can be somewhat more complex than a pollutant-specific
approach. Upon  arrival of the sample in the laboratory, temperature, pH, hardness, and
conductivity should be measured.   Total residual  chlorine, total  ammonia,  alkalinity,
dissolved oxygen (DO), and organic carbon  measurements may also be appropriate.
These measurements  can  provide  necessary information should the toxicity of the
effluent change over time.

EPA recommends that for whole-effluent toxicity data generation the process should be
divided into three basic steps: initial dilution determination, toxicity testing procedures,
and triggers for permit limit development.  The dilution determination is an estimate of
the effluent dilution at the edge of the mixing zone and should take  any applicable State
mixing zone requirements into consideration.

Whole-effluent toxicity testing should entail both  acute and chronic testing.   An acute
toxicity test is defined as a test of usually less than 96 hours in duration in which lethality
is the measured endpoint. A chronic toxicity test is defined as a long-term test in which
sublethal effects, such as fertilization, growth, and reproduction are usually measured,
although in highly toxic effluents lethality may also result. Traditionally, chronic tests are
full-life-cycle tests or at least 30-day tests.  However, the  duration of most of the EPA
chronic toxicity tests has been  shortened to 7 days by focusing on the most sensitive
life-cycle stages.  For this reason, the EPA chronic toxicity tests are called  short-term
chronic tests.  Whole-effluent toxicity limits  can be inserted into permits as a means of
controlling pollutants when  chemical-specific criteria  have  not  been developed  or
synergistic effects are found to occur.

 For whole-effluent toxicity testing, EPA recommends that three species (a vertebrate, an
 invertebrate, and a plant) be tested quarterly for a minimum of 1 year.  This may be
 adjusted to require testing of only the most sensitive species. Conducting tests quarterly
 for 1 year is recommended to adequately assess the variability of toxicity observed in
 effluents.  The  use of three  of the five commonly used  marine organisms—inland
 silverside, sheephead minnow, mysid shrimp, Champia, and sea urchin—has generally
 been sufficient to measure the toxicity of any effluent for the purposes of projecting
 effluent toxicity impact and making regulatory decisions.  Specific test  methodologies
 can  be found in a variety of EPA manuals, including Methods for Aquatic Toxicity
 Identification Evaluations - Phases I, II,  and III (USEPA, 1988a, b, c), Methods for
 Measuring  the  Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine  Organisms
 (USEPA, 1985c), Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents
 and Receiving  Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms  (USEPA, 1988e),  and
 Biomonitoring for Control of Toxicity in Effluent Discharges to the Marine Environment
 (USEPA, 1989b).  Numerous other sources of toxicity testing methodologies exist (see
 reference list) and may be more appropriate for the effluent of interest.

 Biological Criteria/Bioassessment

 To fully protect aquatic habitats, water quality criteria should address biological integrity.
 Biocriteria should be used as a supplement to existing chemical-specific criteria and as
 criteria where such chemical-specific criteria have not been established.  Biocriteria are
 numerical values or narrative expressions that describe the reference biological integrity
 of aquatic communities inhabiting  unimpaired waters.  The biological communities in
 these waters represent the best attainable conditions (USEPA, 1991c).

 Resident biota integrate  multiple impacts over  time and  can detect impairment  from
 known and  unknown causes.  Biocriteria can be used  to verify improvement in water
 quality in response to  regulatory efforts and detect continuing degradation  of waters.
 Numeric criteria  can  provide effective  monitoring criteria  for  inclusion  in  permits
 (USEPA, 1991).

 The  assessment of biological integrity should include measures of  the structure  and
 function  of  an  aquatic community of species  within a specified habitat.  Expert
 knowledge  of the  system  is  required  for the  selection  of  appropriate  biological
 components and measurements indices.  See Section 4.5 for  further discussion of
 benthic community structure.

 4.12.4   QA/QC Considerations

 Basic  sampling  and  laboratory  quality assurance  and  quality  control   (QA/QC)
 procedures for pollutant-specific characterization are addressed in the section on water
 chemistry. QC problems specific to effluent characterization include variability in effluent
 concentrations and toxicity response of test organisms, and changes in effluent toxicity

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
over time.  A quality assurance project plan (QAPj'P) should be developed and adhered
to.  The QAPjP should include quality verification, which entails a demonstration that the
proposed study plan was followed as detailed and that work carried out was properly
documented.  The  QAPjP  should increase communication  between clients, program
planners, field and  laboratory personnel, and data analysts. The QAPj'P must make
clear the specific responsibilities of each  individual.  The QC procedures involve
standardized guidelines, such as  the number of samples to be taken and the mode of
collection,  standard operating procedures  for analyses,  and spiking protocols.  QC
protocols for standard toxicity test  methods are described in USEPA (1985c).

4.12.5    Statistical Design Considerations

Statistical design of an effluent characterization  project must account for variability in
effluent and toxicity testing response.  However, the  design of any given experiment
must be weighed against the importance of the data and decisions to be based on the
data. The critical nature  of certain data will demand stringent controls, while statistical
rigor (and associated costs) can be lessened in  other experiments having less impact
(e.g., initial toxicity testing).

The choice of a statistical method to analyze toxicity test data and the interpretation of
the results of the analysis of the data from toxicity tests can be problematic because of
the inherent variability and  sometimes unavoidable anomalies in biological data.  The
assistance of a trained statistician is recommended  before selecting the method  of
analysis and interpretation  of the results.   The data should be plotted  to help  detect
problems and unsuspected  trends or  patterns in  the  responses and  to aid  in
interpretation of the results. The analysis of the data is dependent upon  the number of
replicates and  the distribution and homogeneity of the data.  A variety of  statistical
methods for the analysis of toxicity data (including  Dunnett's procedure, Bonferroni's
t-test, Steel's many-one rank test,  the Wilcoson Rank Sum test, and the Probit analysis)
are presented in USEPA (1988e).

4.12.6    Use of Data

Pollutant-specific effluent characterization can be used for comparison to State water
quality standards.  A chronic criterion is a level  at which aquatic organisms and their
uses  should not be affected unacceptably if the 4-day average  concentration  of the
pollutant is not exceeded more than once every 3 years on average.  An  acute criterion
is a limit at which the pollutant concentration should not be exceeded more than once
every 3 years on average. Care should be taken  when applying these criteria  to assess
potential impacts on locally important species that are very sensitive.

Whole-effluent toxicity testing data (both acute and chronic) may be  used to screen an
effluent for potential unreasonable degradation  of  the environment.   Whole-effluent
toxicity  is a useful parameter for assessing and  protecting  against impacts  on water

quality and designated uses caused by the aggregate toxic effect of the discharge.
Thus, toxicity itself is used as the effluent parameter, and the toxicants creating the
toxicity need not be specifically identified or controlled unless a Toxicity Reduction
Evaluation (TRE) is required to ensure compliance with a toxicity limit in the permit.

If a threshold of toxicity is desired, then the results of whole-effluent toxicity testing may
be  used  to  derive  the  No-Observed-Effect  Concentration   (NOEC)  and  the
Lowest-Observed-Effect Concentration (LOEC). Whole-effluent toxicity testing can also
produce a concentration-dependent result of some amount of adverse effect called the
Effective Concentration (EC).  For example,  ECso  is the effluent concentration that
would affect 50 percent of the organisms tested. Interpretation of EC values, therefore,
requires the judgment of a toxicologist.

4.12.7   Summary and Recommendations


      •  Effluent characterization may be used to assess potential impacts, both acute
         and chronic, of the effluent on the surrounding biological communities without
         interference from other sources.

Monitoring Design Considerations

      •  Effluent variability, including potential changes in contaminants and
         contaminant concentrations, should be considered when designing a
         monitoring plan.

Analytical Methods Considerations

      •  Grab or composite samples should be used depending on the objectives and
         type of test performed.

      •  Chemical-specific testing can be performed to characterize toxicity and
         ensure compliance with water-quality standards.

      •  Both acute and chronic tests can be used to assess whole-effluent toxicity.

QA/QC Considerations

      •  See section on water chemistry.

      •  QAPjP should be developed, adhered to, and documented.

                                            Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance

Statistical Design Considerations

      •   Effluent variability and toxicity testing response must be accounted for in the
          monitoring plan.

Use of Data

      •   Chronic and acute toxicity levels can be set in permits.

      •   Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TREs) can be required.

      •   Threshold and effective concentrations can be established to predict
          ecological risk.


The use of mesocosms and microcosms for the assessment of ecological impacts from
marine dischargers is considered to be premature. This monitoring approach  is the
focus of research and holds promise for future use.  It has been used to some extent by
EPA's Office of Pesticides to predict impacts from the use of pesticides.

Microcosms and mesocosms, on a small to medium size scale, respectively, attempt to
simulate the complex nature of natural environments. An effort is made to determine the
response  of  an  ecosystem to  perturbation  through  an accurate simulation of the
physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of an ecosystem and the  biological
interactions of the organisms in the ecosystem.  While there is no  absolute separation
between  a mesocosm  and a microcosm, in  practice  most mesocosms are outdoors
where temperature and light intensity  are  ambient for the parent community.   Most
mesocosm researchers try to realistically  scale for the factors they think  are  most
important in controlling  ecological relationships.  Most microcosms are incubated in the
laboratory and are subject to greater environmental control. Microcosms are usually
smaller, and more replicates are used.

4.13.1    Rationale

Of the 10 guidelines used  to determine unreasonable degradation or no irreparable
harm, several can be  addressed through the  use of mesocosms and microcosms

      •  The potential  transport of such pollutants by biological, physical or chemical
         processes and

      •  The composition and vulnerability of potentially exposed biological

Mesocosms  and  microcosms can be  used to gain  a realistic  characterization of
ecosystem-level impacts of marine discharges subject to section 403. With mesocosms
and  microcosms,  the   responses  of  complete  ecosystems to  pollutants  can  be
investigated.   Other advantages include the possibility of  experimentation, at near
natural conditions, with  addition of isotopic tracers to an ecosystem and the opportunity
to test numerical transport models under near natural conditions.

If  insufficient  information  exists to determine  whether a discharge will  result in
unreasonable degradation of the marine environment, EPA must make a determination
as to whether a  discharge will cause irreparable  harm during the period in  which
monitoring is undertaken.  The use of microcosms  allows for the incorporation of
ecosystem recovery (a  critical factor in making a determination of irreparable harm) as
an endpoint for future ecological risk assessment (Perez et al., 1990).

                                          Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Quittance
4.13.2    Monitoring Design Considerations

A microcosm should be designed to represent a miniature ecosystem  that responds
quickly to perturbation.   The  emphasis is on ecosystem-level  properties, although
species-level attributes such as fecundity and mortality can also be monitored if desired.
Most generic microcosms do not simulate a site-specific natural system, but function as
very generalized simulations of a large class of ecosystems.   However, the use of
undisturbed, natural aquatic, and benthic communities (through the use of a sediment
core) in a single system allows for the simulation of a natural system (USEPA, 1983b).
The design of the microcosm allows the system to be defined in terms of its physical and
temporal  boundaries,  its light and  temperature  regime,  its water composition, the
turbulence and turnover rate, the ratio of benthic surface area to seawater volume, the
sediment characteristics, and the water flow rate over the sediment surface.

The results of microcosm or mesocosm experiments are measured by the ecological
effects on the biota of the  system.  When selecting biota to include in the test, two
factors should be considered, both of which involve selection of the benthic component
of the system. If the natural system has more than one distinct benthic community, then
those organisms which are directly linked  to human consumption or those which are
important to the  economics and aesthetics of the area should  be  considered for
experimental use. Moreover, if some of the benthic communities contain species known
to be more  sensitive to environmental contaminants than others, these communities
should also be considered.

4.13.3   Analytical Methods Considerations

Microcosms for which ecosystem effects protocols have  been  developed are small,
static,  open ecosystems.    Kenneth Perez and  other  researchers at  the  EPA
Environmental  Research Laboratory in  Narragansett, Rhode Island,  developed an
experimental marine microcosm  test protocol that employs  a time frame of 30 days
(USEPA, 1983b).  The methodology was published in the Federal Register (volume 52,
number  187, pages 36352-36360)  for use  in  developing  site-specific data on the
chemical fate and ecological effects of chemical substances subject to regulation under
the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and could  be adapted to  the  403 ocean
discharge program. This protocol attempts to couple undisturbed pelagic  and benthic
communities within a single system,  the physical and chemical conditions of which are
equated  to those in the  natural  system  being simulated.  The protocol and  support
document (USEPA, 1990e)  describes the steps necessary to develop the experimental
microcosm (tanks, paddles,  benthic cylinders, pumps, and pump air supply) and support
equipment (room, water bath, light and turbulence fixtures, test compartments, and an
air  evacuation  system).   A diver-collected  sediment core is  used for  the  benthic
subsystem, and the test water  is collected by a nondestructive method and exchanged
at least three times a week, coinciding with biological and chemical sample collection.
Water flow, turbulence,  light  intensity, temperature, and  simulated tidal  flow are all
controlled to simulate the natural system for the 30-day time period.

 Other researchers contend that to study ecosystem-level effects it is essential that the
 microcosms function (1) as homeostatic, self-sustaining ecosystems capable of existing
 through at least a year and  (2) independent of outside subsidies except for light and
 replacement of evaporated water.  Each microcosm is considered a unique ecosystem
 and intraexperiment  replication among  microcosms  is  enhanced  by using defined
 chemical  media  and standard  physical conditions  (light,  temperature,  day length).
 Inoculation with well-developed  interactive  couplings of the organisms is essential to
 achieve these goals.  Selection of the exact species to be used should be based on the
 specific objectives of the study.

 During microcosm studies, effluent to  be tested should  be added on  a  gradient.  A
 typical experimental design might consist of six replicates in each of four treatment
 groups: a control, a single addition  of a low concentration,  a  single addition of a high
 concentration, and repeated additions of low concentrations.  Example protocol steps
 and the variables monitored for this type of generic microcosm are described in Taub

 The physical  structure  of  a mesocosm  system  determines  the ability  of water,
 organisms, and pollutants to move from compartment to compartment within the system.
 Coastal ecosystems and the fate and effects of pollutants within these systems are
 strongly  affected by vertical  mixing and the  interaction of  planktonic  and benthic
 processes.   Donaghay (1984) classified  mesocosm systems  by  their degree  of
 planktonic/benthic coupling into three  categories:  single well-mixed benthic coupled,
 single stratified,  and totally benthic decoupled.   Single well-mixed  benthic  coupled
 systems are composed of a well-mixed water column in direct contact with sediment and
 benthos.  This system has been used extensively at the  Marine Ecosystem Research
 Laboratory (MERL) with very good results validating field data; defining loadings, fates,
 and effects; and  manipulating natural systems to  define underlying processes.  The
 single stratified system design involves well-mixed top and bottom layers separated  by
 an  unmixed thermocline with  only the bottom layer in contact with the sediment.  The
 system  is used to study systems where stratification is important.  The single system
 without benthic coupling is intended to model fates and effects in stratified deep water
 systems without benthic coupling.

 4.13.4    QA/QC Considerations

 In some cases the accuracy of the results of  mesocosms and  microcosms  may  be
 limited by a number of factors.   The  size of  the systems  most  often excludes
 macrofauna such as fish and  large crustaceans.   The size of a microcosm can also
 affect the mixing rates of surficial sediments. An increase in the size of a microcosm will
 result in an increase in  exposure of sediment particles to the  overlying water column.
 Results  from smaller-sized systems have underestimated potential risks of complex
 effluent  (Perez et al., in press;  Pontasch et  al., 1989); however, attempts  are  being

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
made to develop "scaling laws" to describe this relationship.  These systems are also
limited to photo-stable test substances because the light intensity may be higher than
that which would occur naturally.

4.13.5   Statistical Design Considerations

The results of the microcosm and mesocosm experiments assist in determining the fates
and ecological effects of contaminants within a marine system.  The pelagic biota are
characterized by the number and species  composition of phytoplankton, zooplankton,
and transient larval forms.  The benthic community is characterized by the structural
composition (see Section 4.5, Benthic Community Structure).  The experimental marine
test protocol (USEPA, 1990e) recommended test design and statistical analysis allow for
the independent assessment of the solvent carrier (if  used) and the effluent for all
variables measured. Also,  the differences in the biotic response between the control
microcosms and the natural system will provide a measure  of the  validity of the test
response.  A  multivariate analysis of variance, followed by univariate analysis, and
regression techniques are recommended for the analysis of all data.

Statistical  design considerations of mesocosms must consider that the scientific and
financial resources for mesocosm studies are limited.  Therefore, efforts must be made
to maximize the  information gained and  the statistical rigor of the analysis  while
minimizing  the number of systems analyzed.  Four different experimental designs are
presented by Donaghay (1984): single system, paired  system,  replicated, and single
gradient. Each design has advantages and disadvantages, and each is appropriate for
specific purposes.

4.13.6   Use of Data

Mesocosm research and microcosm research serve somewhat different purposes. If a
researcher wants to have  maximum confidence in extrapolating back to a specific,
large-scale environment, the mesocosm provides greater realism in that it allows more
large-scale processes to be included in the system.  If simplification  is the goal—either
to semi-isolate certain components to determine their importance in  the degradation of
pollutants  or to provide more easily  analyzed ecosystems for test purposes—then
microcosms are more appropriate.

The use of microcosms and/or  mesocosms in an ocean discharge criteria evaluation as
mandated under section 403 would be most appropriate for general permits issued for a
whole category of discharges (e.g., regional oil and gas exploration/production activities)
mainly  because of the higher cost associated with implementing a  series of such
experiments. However, the use of microcosms  and mesocosms can be less expensive
than  implementing field  experiments  and can  provide  quantitative estimates of
processes and responses that can only be assessed qualitatively with field experiments.
In addition, Perez and Morrison (1985) showed that the monetary costs of environmental

assessments of a single chemical using a single microcosm system versus a series of
simple bioassay and physicochemical test systems are, at the worst case,  effectively
equivalent. Assessments of complex effluents performed using microcosms could result
in more accurate results with a potential cost savings.

The use  of  microcosms  and/or mesocosms  could  add significant  benefits to an
ecological risk assessment of an ocean discharge.  Microcosms and/or mesocosms can
be  used  to estimate  ecological  effects,  chemical  fate,  transport  mechanisms,
bioaccumulation, and  ecological  risk.  Where multiple discharges occur in  one area,
microcosms and/or mesocosms  could  be used  to assess  the  risk associated  with
individual  discharges or combinations of discharges.  Estimating ecosystem recovery
through the use of mesocosms in ecological risk assessments is a recent application
(Perez et al.,  1990) and could provide important information concerning the occurrence
of irreparable harm.

4.13.7   Summary and Recommendations


      •  Mesocosms and microcosms can be used to gain a realistic characterization
         of ecosystem-level impacts of marine discharges subject to section 403(c).

      •  The transport and fate of pollutants to the complete ecosystems  can be
         investigated in near natural conditions.

Monitoring Design Considerations

      •  A microcosm should be designed to represent a miniature ecosystem that
         responds quickly to perturbation.

      •  Most generic microcosms do not simulate a site-specific natural system, but
         function as very generalized simulations of a large class of ecosystems.

      •  The design of the microcosm allows the system to be defined in terms of its
         physical and temporal boundaries, its light and temperature regime, its water
         composition, the turbulence and turnover rate, the ratio of benthic surface
         area to seawater volume, the sediment characteristics, and the water flow
         rate over the sediment surface.

      •  The results of microcosm or mesocosm experiments are measured by the
         ecological effects on the biota of the system.

      •  Microcosm studies have been designed for 30 days to more than a year in

                                           Section 403 Procedural and Monitoring Guidance
Analytical Method
      •  During microcosm studies, effluent to be tested should be added on a
         gradient. A typical experimental design might consist of six replicates in each
         of four treatment groups: a control, a single addition of a low concentration, a
         single addition of a high concentration, and repeated additions of low

      •  Mesocosm systems can be classified by their degree of  planktonic/benthic
         coupling into single, well-mixed benthic coupled; single stratified; and totally
         benthic decoupled systems.

QA/QC Analysis

      •  The results of microcosm and mesocosm studies are limited by the size of
         the system.

      •  Scaling laws may be used to translate from microcosms to full-scale

Statistical Design Considerations

      •  A multivariate analysis of variance, followed by univariate analysis, and
         regression techniques are recommended for the analysis of all data.

      •  Efforts must be made to maximize the information gained and the statistical
         rigor of the analysis while minimizing the number of systems analyzed.

Use of Data

      •  Data can be used to estimate ecological  effects, chemical fate, transport
         mechanisms, bioaccumulation, and ecological risks.

      •  Data can also be used to assess impacts of individual or multiple discharges
         and to estimate recovery time.

      •  Mesocosms are most appropriate for use when maximum confidence in
         extrapolating back to a specific, large-scale environment is desired.

      •  Microcosms are most appropriate for use when simplification is the goal,
         either to isolate certain components to determine their importance  or to
         provide more easily analyzed ecosystems for test purposes.

      •  Microcosms and  rnesocosms may be most appropriate for use for  general
         permits issued for a whole category of discharges.

      •  There can be cost advantages to using microcosms and rnesocosms under
         certain circumstances.


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                                                                      Appendix A
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1984.  Health and safety for  toxicity testing.

                                                                    Appendix A
                      MESOCOSMS AND MICROCOSMS

Davey, E.W., K.T. Perez, A.E. Soper, N.F. Lackie, G.E. Morrison, R.L Johnson, and J.
F. Heltsche.  In press.  Significance of the surface micro-layer to the environmental fate
of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate predicted from marine microcosms.   U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory,  Ecosystems Effects Branch,
Narragansett, Rl.

Donaghay, P.L.  1984.  Utility of mesocosms to assess marine pollution. In Concepts in
marine pollution measurements,  ed. H.H. White, pp. 589-620.  Maryland Sea Grant
College, College Park, MD.

Dwyer,  R.L., and K.T.  Perez.   1983.   An  experimental examination of ecosystem
linearization. The American Naturalist 121 (3):305-323.

Grassle, J.P., and J.F. Grassle. 1984. The utility of studying the effects of pollutants on
single species populations in  benthos  of mesocosms and coastal ecosystems.  In
Concepts in marine pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 621-642.   Maryland
Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.

Grice, G.W.  1984. Use of enclosures in studying stress on plankton communities.  In
Concepts in marine pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 563-575.   Maryland
Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.

Leffler, J.W. 1984. The use of self-selected, generic aquatic microcosms for pollution
effects assessment. In  Concepts in marine pollution measurements, ed.  H. White, pp.
139-158. Maryland Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.

Oviatt, C.A. 1984.  Ecology as  an experimental science and management tool.  In
Concepts in marine pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp.  539-548  Maryland
Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.

Perez, K.T., E.W. Davey, N.F. Lackie,  G.E. Morrison, P.G. Murphy, A.E. Soper, and
D.L. Winslow. 1984.  Environmental assessment of phthalate ester, di(2-ethylhexyl)
phthalate (DEHP), derived from a marine microcosm. Special Technical Publication
802. American  Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),  Philadelphia, PA.

Perez, K.T., and G.E. Morrison. 1985.   Environmental assessments from simple test
systems and a  microcosm:  Comparisons of monetary costs.  In  Multispecies toxicity
testing, ed. J. Cairns, pp. 89-95.

Appendix A
Perez, K.T.,  E.W. Davey, G.E. Morrison, J.A. Cardin, N.F. Lackie, A.E. Soper,
R.J. Blasco, C. Bearce, R.L. Johnson, and S. Marino. 1989. Influence of organic
matter and industrial contaminants  in sewage effluent on marine ecosystems.
ERLN   Publication.  U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  Environmental
Research Laboratory, Ecosystems Effects Branch, Narragansett, Rl.

Perez, K.T.,  E.W. Davey, J. Heltsche, J.A. Cardin, N.F.  Lackie, R.L. Johnson,
R.J. Blasco, A.E. Soper, and E. Read. 1990. Recovery of Narragansett Bay, Rl:
A feasibility study.  ERLN Contribution No. 1148.   U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency,   Environmental Research  Laboratory,   Ecosystems  Effects  Branch,
Narragansett, Rl.

Perez, K.T.,  G.E.  Morrison, E.W.  Davey, N.F. Lackie, A.E. Soper, R.J.  Blasco,
D.L. Winslow, R.L. Johnson, P.G.  Murphy, J.F. Heltsche.  In press. Influence of
size on  the  fate and  ecological  effects of the pesticide  kepone in  a  physical
simulation model.   U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  Environmental
Research Laboratory, Ecosystems Effects Branch, Narragansett, Rl.

Pilson, M.E.Q. 1984.  Should we know the  fates of pollutants.  In Concepts in marine
pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 575-588.  Maryland Sea Grant College,
College Park,  MD.

Pontasch, K.W., B.R.  Niederlehner,  and  J.  Cairns,  Jr. 1989.   Comparisons  of
single-species microcosm and field responses to a complex effluent.  Environ. Tox. and
Chem. 8:521 -532.

Pritchard, P.H., and A.W. Bourquin.  1984.  A perspective on the role of microcosms in
environmental  fates and  effects assessments.   In Concepts in  marine  pollution
measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp.  117-138.  Maryland Sea  Grant College, College
Park, MD.

Santschi, P.H., U. Nyffeler, R.  Anderson, and S. Schiff. 1984.  The enclosure as a tool
for the assessment of transport and effects of pollutants in lakes. In Concepts in marine
pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 549-562.  Maryland Sea Grant College,
College Park,  MD.

Taub, F.B. 1984.  Introduction to  laboratory  microcosms.   In Concepts in marine
pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 113-116.  Maryland Sea Grant College,
College Park,  MD.

                                                                    Appendix A
Taub, F.B. 1984.  Measurement of pollution in standardized aquatic microcosms.  In
Concepts in  marine pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 159-192.  Maryland
Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.
USEPA. 1983.  Project summary:  Experimental marine microcosm test protocol and
support document.   EPA-600/S3-83-055.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Environmental Research Laboratory, Narragansett, Rl.
USEPA.  1987.
Site-specific  aquatic  microcosm test.   Fed. Regist.  52(187):
USEPA. 1990.  Experimental marine microcosm test protocol and support document.
Revised.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory,
Ecosystems Effects Branch Narragansett, Rl.


              APPENDIX B:

PUBLISHED AT FR Vol. 45, No, 194, 65942-65954
            OCTOBERS, 1980


                                                                                      Appendix B

Federal Register / Vol. 45, No. 194  /  Friday,  October 3, 1980 / Rules and Regulations	

40 CFR Part 125

[FRL 1609-1]

Ocean Discharge Criteria

AGENCY: Environmental Protection

ACTION: Final rule.

SUMMARY: EPA is promulgating final
guidelines under section 403(c) of the
Clean Water Act. These guidelines will
be applied in issuing and revising
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Permits for
discharges into the territorial seas, the
contiguous zone and the oceans.

DATES: These guidelines become
effective on November 3,1980.

Kenneth Farber,  Office of Water
Regulations  and Standards (WH-586),
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M
 Street, SW. Washington, D.C. 20460,

 I. Background

   EPA is today promulgating revised
 guidelines for determining  the
. degradation of the territorial seas, the
 contiguous zone and the oceans.
 Pursuant to section 403(a) of the Clean
 Water Act, no National Pollutant
 Discharge Elimination System
 ("NPDES") permit for discharges into
 these marine waters may be issued
 when these guidelines are  in effect
 except in compliance with the
   These guidelines are issued pursuant
 to section 403(c)(l) which provides that:
   The Administrator shall, within one
 hundred and eighty days after enactment of
 this Act (and from time to time thereafter),
 promulgate guidelines for determining the
 degradation of the waters of the territorial
 seas, the contiguous zone, and the ocean,
 which shall include:
   (A) the effect of disposal of pollutants on
 human health or welfare, including but not
 limited to plankton, fish, shellfish, wildlife,
 shorelines, and beaches.
    B) the effect of disposal of pollutants on
 • ..irine life, including the transfer,
 concentration, and dispersal of pollutants or
 their byproducts through biological, physical,
 and chemical processes: changes in marine
 ecosystem diversity, productivity, and
 stability; and species and community
 population changes;
   (C) the effect of disposal of pollutants on
 esthetic, recreation, and economic values:
   (D) the persistence and permanence of the
 effects of disposal of pollutants;
                            (E) the effect of the disposal at varying
                          rates, of particular volumes and
                          concentrations of pollutants;
                            (F) other possible locations and methods of
                          disposal or recycling -of pollutants including
                          land-based alternatives; and
                            (G) the effect on alternate uses of the
                          oceans, such as mineral exploitation and
                          scientific study.
                            On October 15,1973, EPA
                          promulgated combined regulations
                          implementing section 102{a) of the
                          Marine Protection. Research, and
                          Sanctuaries Act and section 403(c) of
                          the Clean Water Act. The primary focus
                          of these regulations was on the ocean
                          disposal of waste material, including
                          sewage sludges, liquid and solid
                          industrial wastes and dredged materials,
                          by dumping from moving vessels.
                            In practice, these regulations proved
                          unworkable in many respects as section
                          403 ocean discharge criteria. At the
                          same time, operating experience
                          demonstrated that the ocean dumping
                          regulations themselves required
                          revision. EPA therefore determined that
                          both the ocean dumping regulations and
                          the ocean discharged criteria should be
                          revised and published as separate
                          regulations. All reference  to section
                          403(c) guidelines was deleted from the
                          revised ocean dumping regulations
                          which were promulgated on January 11,
                          1977 (42 FR 2468). However, the Agency
                          encountered substantial difficulty in
                          developing revised ocean discharge
                          guidelines, and, until recently, there
                          have been no published national
                          guidelines in place. Since withdrawal of
                          the original guidelines, permit writers
                          have been implementing section 403 on
                          a case-by-case basis.
                             On June 21,1979, the Pacific Legal
                          Foundation filed suit in United States
                          District Court for the Eastern District of
                           California, seeking, among other things,
                           that EPA promulgate revised section
                          403(c) guidelines, Pacific Legal
                          Foundation v. Costle, Civ. No. S-79-429-
                           PCW. The National Wildlife Federation
                           intervened in that lawsuit. On October1
                           31.1979, the Court ordered EPA both to
                           promulgate these guidelines and to
                           publish interim guidelines stating
                           Agency policy in reviewing, issuing, or
                           denying NPDES permits under  section
                           403, pending promulgation of the final
                           guidelines. The interim guidelines were
                           published in the Federal Register on
                           November 15i 1979, 44 FR 65751, and
                           they will be superseded by the final
                           guidelines published today.
                             The Agency then published proposed
                           ocean discharge criteria in the  Federal
                           Register (45 FR 9548) on February 12,
                           1980, held an oral hearing on the
                           proposal on March 21,1980, and
                           provided a comment period for
submission of written comments which
was to end on March 28,1980. At the
request of various interested groups, the
comment period was extended for 30
days. Based on the extended comment
period and on the large volume of
comments received, the Agency moved
the court to extend the final
promulgation date by 120 days beyond
the July 30 deadline. The court extended
the final deadline until September 30.
II. Development of the 403 Guidelines

1. Synopsis of the Guidelines
  Section 403 is intended to prevent
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment and to authorize imposition
of effluent limitations, including a
prohibition of discharge, if necessary, to
ensure this goal. These guidelines were
developed to satisfy this intent. They
provide flexibility to permit writers to
tailor application requirements, effluent
limitations, and reporting requirements
to-the specific circumstances of each
discharger's situation, while ensuring
consistency and certainty by imposing
minimum requirements, in situations
where the long-term impact of a
discharge is not fully understood.
  Under these guidelines, no NPDES
permit may be issued which authorizes
a discharge of pollutants that will cause
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment. Prior to permit issuance,
the director, defined as either the
Regional Administrator or the State
Director where there is an approved
State program, or an authorized
representative, is required to evaluate
whether a proposed discharge will cause
such degradation. In making this
determination, the director is to consider
the factors specified in § 125.122 (a) and
   In cases where sufficient information
is available for the director to make a
reasonable determination whether
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment will occur, the director is
governed by § 125.123 (a) and (b) of the
regulations. Discharges which will cause
unreasonable degradation will be
prohibited; other discharges may be
permitted under conditions necessary to
ensure that such degradation will not
   In those cases where the director is
unable to determine whether
unreasonable degradation will occur,
 § 125.123(c) governs. No discharge in
 this situation is allowed unless the
 director can reasonably determine that:
 (1) the discharge will not cause
irreparable harm to the marine
 environment while further evaluation is
 undertaken; (2) there are no reasonable


             Federal Register  /  Vol. 45,  No.  194 / Friday October 3, 1980 /  Rules and Regulations
 alternatives to the discharge; and (3) the
 discharge will comply with certain
 mandatory permit conditions, including
 a bioassay-based discharge limitation
 and monitoring requirements. These
 permit conditions will assist in
 determining whether and to what extent
 further limitations are necessary to
 ensure that the discharge does not cause
 unreasonable degradation. If further
 limitations are necessary, § 125.123(d)(4]
 provides that the permit must be then
 modified to include these additional
 limitations or else revoked.
  These guidelines encourage the use of
 available information in addition to any
 supplied by the permit applicant. Thus,
 the director may make determination
 based on information such as that
 contained in any relevant environmental
 impact statement section 301(h) or other
 variance applications, existing technical
 and environmental field studies, or EPA
 industrial and municipal waste surveys.
 2, Relationship Between the Statute and
 the Guidelines
  (a) Section 403(c)(l}—Section 403(c)(l)
 specifies seven factors which are to be
 included in guidelines for determining
 the degradation of marine waters. These
 factors form the basis for the
 determinations which must be made
 pursuant to these guidelines.
  Most of the statutory factors,
 including 403(c)(l](A). (B), (C). (D), (E).
 and a portion of (G), involve
 consideration of the biological effects of
 the discharge of pollutants. These
 factors, either directly or indirectly,
 must be evaluated by the director in
 determining whether a discharge will
 cause unreasonable degradation of the
 marine environment  Section 125.122(a)
 requires that the director assess such
 variables as the location of the
 discharge, including the composition of
 the biological community and existence
 of special aquatic sites, such as marine
 sanctuaries; the nature  of the pollutants
 which are to be discharged, including
 their quantities, composition, potential
 for bioaccumulation,  persistence and
 their transport in the  environment and
 the effect on human health. This
 assessment should adequately address
 the statutory factors relating to
 biological effects of the discharge.
  Section 403(c)(l)(C) also involves
 consideration of economic and social
 impacts of the discharge, as does section
403(c)(l)(G). The guidelines address
 these factors in assessing whether a
discharge will cause unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment.
Section 122.121(f) defines "unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment"
to include, among other things, "loss of
esthetic, recreational or economic
values which are unreasonable in
relation to the benefit derived from the
discharge." Thus, even where the
director has determined that there are
no significant changes in ecosystem
diversity, productivity and stability, and
there is no threat to human health, he
may conclude that a discharge may not
be authorized if the adverse impact on
such activities as fishing, recreation,
and/or other economic or social benefits
is unreasonable in relation to benefits,
such as oil and gas production, derived
from the  discharge.
  Section 403(c)(l)(F) involves
consideration of other possible locations
and disposal methods for pollutants.
Although EPA has considered this factor
in developing these guidelines, the
director is not required to assess
alternatives in all cases. Under section
125.123(c)(2) the director must assess the
availability of alternatives, including
land-based alternatives, only in those
cases where he cannot determine that a
discharge will not cause unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment.
  Additionally, the guidelines establish
a presumption that discharges in
compliance with sections 301(h), 316(a),
301 (g) and State water quality standards
under section 303 will not cause
unreasonable degradation. Although the
director may, on the basis of the factors
specified in § 125.122(a),  conclude that
additional permit limitations are in fact
necessary even though the requirements
of these other sections have been met,
the similarity between the objectives
and requirements of these provisions
and those of section 403 warrants a
presumption that discharges in
compliance with these sections also
satisfy section 403. Also, even though
the regulations provide that a successful
section 316(a) demonstration creates
only a rebuttable presumption that
section 403 has been satisfied, the
provisions of section 316(c) may in some
cases preclude the imposition of more
stringent limitations under section 403.
  POTWs obtaining section 301(h)
variances are entitled to  a presumption
that their entire discharge is in
compliance with section 403. However,
the presumption applies only to the
thermal component of a discharge
subject to a 316(a) variance or to those
specific non-conventional pollutants
subject to a section 301(g) variance or to
pollutants specifically limited by criteria
in State water quality standards. Each
of those provisions, like section 403, is
geared toward assessing the
environmental impact of a discharge. In
order for a point source to receive a
section 301{g), 301(h] or 316(a) variance,
an evaluation of the biological and
 environmental effect of the discharge is
 required. Indeed, the statutory factors
 specified in these sections are similar to
 those contained in section 403(c).
 Similarly, State water quality standards
 established pursuant to section 303 of
 the Act are designed to preserve the
 quality of waters under State
 jurisdiction, including the territorial
 seas, and compliance with these
 standards should insure protection of
 the uses for which the waters are
 designated with respect to pollutants for
 which standards have been established.
   (b)' Section 403(c)(2)—Section
 403(c)(2)  states that:
 Where insufficient information exists on any
 proposed discharge to make a reasonable
 judgment on any of the guidelines established
 pursuant to this section no permit shall be
 issued under section 402 of this Act.
   This section is the basis for two
 central elements of these requlations.
 First, the guidelines require that the
 director make potentially complex
 factual determinations on the basis of
 information which, in many cases, may
 be conflicting and in dispute. Section
 403(c)(2)  provides that the standard on
 which the director is to make these
 judgments is one of "reasonableness." In
 assessing the information in the
 administrative record, the director may
 authorize the discharge of pollutants if
 he is able to make a "reasonable
 judgment" about the determinations
 specified in the guidelines. Although
 these issues may involve scientific
 matters, the director is not bound by the
 same burden of proof which a scientist
 might require to reach a conclusion. The
 administrative process and the burden
 of proof in making these determinations
 are discussed below.
   Second, the regulation provides, as
 required by section 403(c)(2), that the
• director may not authorize the discharge
 of pollutants if there is insufficient
 information to make these judgments.
 The regulation does not, however,
 require that there be complete
 knowledge of the impact of a discharge
 prior to permit issuance. Section
 125.123(cJ provides that a permit may be
 issued if  the director has sufficient
 information to reasonably conclude.
 among other things, that the discharge
 will not cause  irreparable harm to the
 environment while additional
 information is  collected. The provision
 implements Congress' intent that
 "discharges permitted today will not
 irreversibly modify the oceans for future
 uses." S.  Rep. No. 92-414, 92nd Cong.,
 1st Sess.  at 75  (1971). It should insure
 adequate protection of the environment
 at all times while allowing the director
 to issue NPDES permits where existing

                                                                                       Appendix B

Federal Register / Vol. 45, No.  194 / Friday,  October 3,  1980 / Rules and Regulations	
data may not be adequate to assess the
long term impact of a discharge.

3. The Role of Section 403(c) Guidelines
in NPDES Permit Issuance

  These guidelines will be used to
develop NPDES permits for the   •
discharge of pollutants into the
territorial seas, the contiguous zone and
the oceans. Application  of the guidelines
will aid in protecting marine resources
and their uses from the impact of
pollution and in preventing
unreasonable degradation of the marine
  Although sometimes described here as
"guidelines" or "criteria", these
promulgated regulations establish
minimum requirements on discharges to
protect the receiving waters. These
guidelines will be used in evaluating
applications for new, modified or
renewed permits as they are submitted.
  These guidelines apply in addition to
other applicable provisions of the Clean
Water Act. Permittees subject to section
403 must still comply with all other
requirements of the Act'including
applicable technology-based
requirements specified by sections 301,
304 or 306 and water-quality based
limitations specified by sections 303 or
307. Permittees may in certain
circumstances be subject to the
provisions of section 311 as well.
   Section 403 applies to all discharges
seaward of the inner boundary of the
territorial seas. This boundary is defined
by section 502(a) of the Act to be the—
  belt of the seas measured from the line of
 ordinary low water along that portion of the
 coast which is in direct contact with the open
 sea and the line marking the seaward limit of
 inland waters. ...
   This definition limits the number of
 land-based dischargers subject to
 section 403. For example, Chesapeake
 Bay, Boston Harbor, New York Harbor,
 San Francisco Bay and Puget Sound lie
 inside this inner boundary so that
 discharges into these waters are not
 subject to section 403 requirements. Of
 the approximately 62,400 existing
 NPDES permittees, 232 are land-based
 point sources discharging seaward of
 this inner boundary. These include 102
 publicly-owned treatment works, 74
 industrial plants, 25 steam electric
 plants and 31 federal facilities. These
 figures do not  include the dischargers in
 Alaska whose location relative to the
 baseline defining the ocean boundary is
 not known.
    In addition to these land-based
 dischargers, section 403 applies to all
 other point sources discharging into the
 marine waters covered by this
 regulation. By far the largest group of
                           marine dischargers are oil and gas
                           exploratory and production facilities.
                           The Agency estimates that there are
                           approximately 3,000 such facilities now
                           III. Modifications to the Proposal
                             EPA provided both an oral hearing
                           and a written comment period on the
                           proposal, the latter extended by thirty
                           days in response to the request of
                           several interested groups. The preamble
                           to the proposal specifically solicited
                           comment on certain points, including
                           mixing zone definition and
                           determination, control of toxic
                           pollutants; monitoring requirements and
                           procedures; and effect of meeting
                           requirements for a Section 301(h)
                             Ten persons testified at the March 21,
                           1980 hearing on the proposal, and
                           written comments were received from 81
                           parties, including many industrial
                           groups, municipalities, conservation
                           groups, federal agencies and several
                           State governments. A listing of these
                           commenters is presented in Appendix A.
                           The commenters  addressed the issues
                           raised for comment in the preamble and
                           raised a range of additional issues
                            concerning EPA's approach in
                            developing the proposed regulations.
                            Detailed responses to the major public
                            comments are presented in Appendix B.
                              In conjunction with the public
                            comment review, EPA has reevaluated
                            the proposed regulations and concluded
                            that certain changes are appropriate.
                            The final regulations retain the basic
                            approach of the proposal. As in the
                            proposal, this regulation provides that
                            the director must determine whether a
                            discharge will cause unreasonable
                            degradation of the marine environment.
                            Based on review of the numerous
                            comments, however, EPA has made
                            certain modifications which are
                            intended to provide greater clarity to the
                            permit writer, to ensure consistency in
                            application of this regulation and to
                            minimize burdens on the permit
                               Under the proposed regulation,
                            applicants were required to submit a
                            wide range of analyses and evaluations.
                            Numerous commenters objected, stating
                            that submission of this information was
                            unnecessary, and in many cases
                            redundant. In response to these
                            comments, the final regulations now
                            provide that the  director may request
                            information from the applicant but is
                            encouraged to use other available
                            sources, such as environmental impact
                            statements, section 301(h) variance
                            applications, consolidated permit
                            applications, or EPA industrial and
                            municipal waste surveys.
  These final regulations also clarify the
director's authority to issue permits
where certain pre-issuance
determinations relating to the effects of
a discharge cannot be made. These
regulations now provide that, in those
cases, the discharge of pollutants may
be authorized only where the director
has sufficient information to make
reasonable determinations regarding the
potential for irreparable harm from the
discharge and on the availability of
alternatives. These regulations also
establish certain minimum permit
requirements in these cases. These
requirements, identified as possible
permit conditions in the.proposed
regulation, have been made mandatory
in part in response to comments that the
regulations needed to provide greater
guidance to the director and applicant
regarding permit conditions.
  Finally, with respect to the
relationship between the permit
requirements of section 403(c] and
variances issued under sections 301(g),
301(h), or 316(a), the final regulation
provides that an applicant who has met
the conditions necessary to receive such
a variance is presumed to be in
compliance with section 403(c) for those
pollutants to which the variance applies.
IV. Procedures for Issuance of Permits
Under Guidelines
1. Determination of Applicability of
Section 403
   The threshold determination for
 applicability of the section 403
 guidelines is whether a proposed
 discharge will occur seaward of the
 inner boundary of the territorial seas.
 EPA's consolidated permit regulations
 (45 FR 33290, May 19,1980} require that
 applicants list the latitude, longitude
 and name of the receiving waters for
 each outfall. Where the director is
 uncertain as to whether the outfall is
 within the waters covered by section
 403(c), he should request guidance from
 EPA headquarters. Where the proposed
 discharge is  in an area where the
 baseline defining the boundary of the
 territorial seas has not been determined,
 EPA will request a determination from
 the Department of State, which is
 responsible for defining the boundaries •
 of the territorial seas.
 2. Determination of Information
 Requirements Under Section 403(c)
   Once a determination has been made
 that section  403(c) applies to a particular
 discharge, the director must determine
 what information is required to evaluate
 the discharge according to the section
 403(c) criteria. The first thing that the
 director should do is survey the

    Appendix B

            Federal Register  / Vol. 45. No.  194 / Friday October  3, 1980 / Rules and Regulations
 currently available information about
 the discharge itself and about the area
 •jj which the discharge would occur.
 This information would include'the data
 contained in the consolidated
 application form, as well as the data
 available from Agency reports and
 studies. The director should also notify
 tjse applicant of the existence of other
 currently available information.
  After completing this survey of the
 available information, the director
 should determine what additional
 information would be required from the
 applicant for the evaluation of the
 impact of the ocean discharge as
 required by section 403(c). The applicant
 will have the responsibility of collecting
 this additional information and of
 submitting it to the director.
 3. Determination of Unreasonable
 Degradation of the Marine Environment
  Section 125.121(e) defines
 "unreasonable degradation of the
 marine environment" to include—
  fl) significant adverse changes in
 ecosystem diversity, productivity and
 stability of the biological community within
 the area of discharge and surrounding
 biological communities; (2) threats to human
 health through direct exposure to pollutants
 or consumption of exposed aquatic
 organisms; or (3) loss of esthetic, recreational,
 identific or economic values which are
 unreasonable in relation to the benefits
 derived from the discharge.
  Sections 125.122 (a) and (b) specify an
 array of factors relevant in making these
  In many cases the director will be
 able to reach conclusions based on data
 related to the nature of the proposed
 discharge. In areas which do not contain
 sensitive species or unusual biological
 communities or are not important for
 surrounding biological communities, the
 director may conclude that discharges
 containing primarily conventional
 pollutants will not cause unreasonable
 degradation. This is especially
 appropriate where the data indicate that
 there will be significant mixing with the
receiving waters based on the flow of
 we discharge and the physical
 characteristics of the discharge site,
 such as water depth and turbulence.
This determination may be appropriate
 for such dischargers as small publicly
 owned treatment works ("POTWs") and
 for industrial dischargers such as fruit
 canneries and fish processors.
  For discharges into areas of biological
concern or for complex or toxic
discharges,  additional evaluation may
°e necessary to  determine whether a
Proposed discharge will cause
unreasonable degradation. In assessing
">e need for further evaluation, the
 director should consider the
 vulnerability of the area of discharge
 and its role in the larger biological
 community. Significant or sensitive
 areas might include spawning sites,
 nursery or forage areas, migratory
 pathways or areas necessary for other
 functions or critical stages in the life
 cycle of organisms, areas of high
 productivity, or areas under stress due
 to biological or climatic conditions or
 discharges from other sources.
 Additionally, the director should
 consider whether a discharge will affect
 marine and wildlife species which are
 identified as endangered or threatened
 pursuant to the Endangered Species Act,
 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq.r and those
 species critical to the structure or
 function of the ecosystem, such as in
 food chain relationships.
  An assessment of the potential
 toxicity of a discharge should initially
 focus on the pollutants which are
 present in significant quantities relative
 to marine water quality criteria
 developed pursuant to section 304(a).
 The potential for bioaccumulation or
 persistence of pollutants in the
 environment is of particular importance.
  The director must also consider the
 potential impacts of the discharge on
 human health either directly as through
 physical contact or indirectly through
 the food chain. These factors should be
 addressed when considering the
 location of the discharge and the  type
 and volume of the discharger's effluent. •
  Determinations of the economic
 impact of the discharge should be based
 on the potential effect of the discharge
•on such activities as commercial fishing,
 recreation, mineral exploitation and
 scientific study. In considering whether
 a discharge will cause unreasonable
 economic impacts, the social as well as
 economic effects on a community should
 be considered.
  Much, if not all, of the information
 necessary to make these evaluations
 already will be available to the director.
 Pursuant to section 122.53 of the
 consolidated permit regulations,
 applicants for NPDES permits must
 submit a range of significant
 information, including in many cases a
 detailed analysis of toxic pollutants in
 the waste stream. Additionally, any
 relevant environmental impact
 statements or section 301(h), 301(g) or
 316(a) variance applications should
 provide significant data about the
 environmental impact of the proposed
 discharge.  EPA industrial and municipal
 waste surveys and any data from
 relevant technical and environmental
 field studies that may have been
 conducted may serve as a source of
 information. Finally, Coastal Zone
Management Plans or proposals for
designation of an area as a marine
sanctuary should also contain relevant
  In cases where available information
is insufficient for the director to make a
determination, he may request
additional information of the applicant
pursuant to § 125.124. Where further
analysis of the area of the proposed
discharge is required, the director may
require the applicant to perform
assessments similar to those identified
in the Technical Support Document
prepared in conjunction with EPA's
section 301(h) regulations (44 FR 34784,
June 15.1979). EP'A headquarters will be
available to provide assistance to the
permit writer in developing information
requirements where the discharge may
be affecting an area of biological
  The director ^should work with the
applicant to determine what types of
assessment are necessary and to review
or evaluate the assessment as it
progresses. This level of participation is
intended to determine the actual
feasibility and the costs of such
assessments for the applicant.
Furthermore, it should avoid duplicative
or inadequate assessments, thereby
preventing delays in permit issuance.
The Agency recognizes that some of the
anticipated assessments required for
permit issuance on the Outer
Continental Shelf are beyond those  •
which can reasonably be expected of
the applicant and will require continued
Agency research efforts.
  The guidelines establish a
presumption that discharges in
compliance with sections 301(g), 301(h),
316(a) or State water quality standards
will not cause unreasonable degradation
with respect to the pollutants covered
by those sections. Unless available data
indicate that  a discharge will cause
unreasonable degradation, the director
need not take additional steps, including
the compilation of additional data, to
support a conclusion that no further
limitations on the discharge of these
pollutants is necessary.

4. Determination of Irreparable Harm
  Section 125.123(c)(l) requires that the
director determine  whether a discharge
will cause irreparable harm to the
marine environment in situations where
he cannot determine whether the
discharge will cause unreasonable
degradation. Although the concepts of
"irreparable harm" and "unreasonable
degradation" involve similar
considerations, the determination of
"irreparable harm" is much narrower in

                                                                                        Appendix B

Federal Register / Vol. 45,  No. 194 / Friday, October  3, 1980 / Rules and Regulations
  In assessing the probability of
"irreparable harm", the director need
not focus his analysis on the overall
impact of the discharge. Rather, he is
only required to make a reasonable
determination that the discharger,
operating pursuant to the permit
conditions established in § 125.123(c),
will not cause permanent and significant
harm to the environment during the
period in which further data on the
effects of the discharge are collected. In
cases where such data, primarily that
produced by monitoring, indicate that
continued discharge will produce
unreasonable degradation, the discharge
must be halted or additional limitations
established. Although evaluation of
irreparable harm may in some cases
involve difficult factual issues,
determinations of this kind are currently
a part of the NPDES permit issuance
process. Pursuant to 40 CFR
124.60(a)(2)(ii), the presiding officer at
an evidentiary hearing may authorize a
facility to commence discharging prior
to receipt of a final NPDES permit if the
permit applicant demonstrates, among
other things, that the discharge will not
cause "irreparable harm to the
environment . .  ." This is essentially
the same finding which the director must
now make pursuant to these guidelines.
  Certain factors are particularly
significant in assessing the likelihood of
"irreparable harm". Two such factors
are the quantity of pollutants expected
to be  discharged and their potential for
persistence in the marine environment.
For example, a permit writer might
authorize the operation of exploratory
oil  and gas facilities or a limited number
of production facilities based on a
conclusion that these limited operations
will not cause irreparable harm to an
  An additional factor is the sensitivity
of the area into which the discharge is
proposed. The director might conclude
that a discharge could cause irreparable
harm to unusual and interdependent
communities, such as the coral reefs and
associated communities of the Flower
Garden Banks proposed marine
sanctuary in the Gulf of Mexico. In such
areas special conditions, including the
prohibition of discharge, might be
  Finally, data on the effect of similar
discharges in similar areas is directly'
relevant to the determination of
irreparable harm. Information
demonstrating the recovery  of the
environment after the cessation of
discharges from similar facilities would
be  a strong indication that irreparable
harm is not likely to occur. For example,
data indicate that even in areas of
                            biological concern, biological
                            communities reestablish themselves
                            after the termination of discharges from
                            publicly-owned treatment works. Thus,
                            where the other provisions of
                            § 12S.123(c) are satisfied, the director
                            might properly conclude that discharges
                            from POTWs pursuant to this section
                            may be authorized while further
                            information is being collected.

                            5. Determination of Reasonable
                              These guidelines establish two bases
                            for determining whether reasonable
                            alternatives to the proposed discharge
                            exist. The first is the physical
                            availability of alternative sites for
                            disposal of pollutants. Such alternative
                            sites might inciude either disposal
                            facilities located on land, discharge
                            point(sj within internal waters, or
                            existing ocean dumping sites approved
                            pursuant to the Marine Preservation,
                            Research and Sanctuaries Act. In
                            determining whether a site is a
                            reasonable alternative to on-site
                            disposal, the director should consider its
                            distance from the site of the proposed
                            discharge and whether its use would
                            cause unwarranted economic impact on
                            the discharger. For example, shipping
                            wastes over long distances  would likely
                            impose such impact. This provision is
                            intended to ensure some rule of reason
                            in evaluating alternatives, it is not
                            intended to impose a "cost/benefit"
                            analysis of alternative sites.
                              In considering the availability of
                            alternatives the director shall consider,
                            based on available information or that
                            requested from the applicant, the
                            estimates of the amount of material
                            requiring disposal. He should review the
                            availability of existing land-based
                            disposal sites and ocean dumping sites
                            within a reasonable distance from the
                            point of discharge and the estimated
                            uncommitted capacity of such sites. The
                            director should evaluate any reports of
                            economic impact of discharge
                            alternatives as may be supplied by the
                              The second basis for evaluating the
                            feasibility of alternative sites relates to
                            the relative environmental harm of
                            disposal. Pursuant to section 121(e)(2),
                            alternative disposal sites are not
                            considered "reasonable alternatives" if
                            on-site disposal is judged to be
                            environmentally preferable. Thus, the
                            discharge of pollutants might be
                            authorized where disposal in alternative
                            sites might produce equal or greater
                            environmental harm than on-site
                            discharge, or where transportation to
                            alternative sites might produce a
                            significant risk of greater environmental
                            harm or a significant risk to human
 safety. For example, during certain
 seasons it may be undesirable to
 transport wastes off-site in areas of the
•North Atlantic or Alaska. Where the
 environmental or human health risks of
 transportation are significant, such
 transportation should not be considered
 a reasonable alternative.

 6. Determination of Permit Conditions
  Section 125.123(d) identifies specific
 permit conditions which are required for
 the issuance of a permit where a pre-
 permit issuance determination regarding
 degradation of the marine environment
 cannot be made. The director may also
 require any necessary permit conditions
 identified in section 125.123(d) to assure
 that unreasonable degradation of the
 marine environment will not occur
 under § 125.123(a).
  (a) Limiting Permissible
 Concentration Requirements—Section
 125.123(d)(l) requires, if a determination
 regarding unreasonable degradation
 cannot be made, that the discharge must
 pass certain bioassay-based
 requirements similar to those of EPA's
 ocean dumping regulations (40 CFR Part
  The applicant must demonstrate that
 his discharge will not exceed the
 limiting permissible concentration
 ("LPC") at the boundary of the mixing
 zone for a liquid phase  and a suspended
 particular phase bioassay, in
 accordance with procedures for
 determining the LPC which are
 described in Bioassay Procedures for
 the Ocean Disposal Permit Program,
 U.S. EPA 600/9-78-010  March 1978 and
 in Ecological Evaluation of Proposed
 Discharge of Dredge Material into the
 Ocean  Waters, EPA/Corps of Engineers,
 July 1977. If these manuals are revised in
 the future, bioassays shall be performed
 in accordance with any such revisions.
  These regulations require an LPC
 which is derived from, but not identical
 to, the ocean dumping bioassay
 requirements. First, these regulations do
 not use section 304(a)(l) marine water
 quality criteria as a basis for
 determining an LPC. By use of a
 bioassay-based LPC, the ocean
 discharge criteria address the impact of
 the whole effluent and account for any
 synergistic or antagonistic effects. EPA
 recognizes that section  304(a)(l) criteria
 may in some cases require changes to
 reflect site-specific conditions, and the
 Agency is Devaluating  the use of marine
 water quality criteria in the ocean
 dumping  program.  ,  .,
  The ocean discharge  criteria also use
 a mixing  zone extending laterally 100
 meters in all directions  from the
 discharge point(s) or to the boundary of
 the zone of initial dilution as calculated

    Appendix B

            Federal Register  /  Vol. 45, No. 194 / Friday  October 3,  1980 / Rules and Regulations
hy a plume model approved by the
director, whichever is greater, unless the
jjrector determines that the more
restrictive mixing zone or another
definition of the mixing zone is more
appropriate. In calculating the dilution
it the boundary of the mixing zone, the
discharger may use any of the various
documented plume models and
dispersion models appropriate for the
discharge and approved by the director.
Some of these models are referenced in
the technical documents for EPA's ocean
dumping regulations and the technical
document for EPA's section 301(h)
  Where the discharge contains a solid
phase, the applicant will be required to
perform the solid phase bioassay and
bioaccumulation testing on.the waste
material in accordance with procedures
described in Ecological Evaluation of
Proposed Discharge of Dredge Material
into the Ocean Waters. EPA/Corps of
Engineers, July 1977. For example, if a
bioassay analysis is required in the case
of offshore oil and gas platforms, the
solid phase bioassay would be
conducted  as a test on drilling muds and
cuttings which are to be discharged.
  Not all applicants may have to
perform bioassay tests on their effluents.
Applicants may submit bioassay
analyses performed on other wastes if
the applicant provides documentation to
«how that the composition of the waste
analyzed typifies that which the
applicant is discharging or intends to
  (b) Monitoring Requirements—Where
a pre-issuance determination regarding
degradation of the marine environment
cannot be made, § 125.123(d)(2) requires
that a monitoring program be in place
which is sufficient to assess the impact
of the discharge on water, sediment, and
biological quality including, where
appropriate, analysis of the
bioaccumulative and/or persistent
impact on aquatic life of the discharge.
This monitoring program may include
effluent analysis, bioassay analysis and
field studies. The technical document Tor
EPA's section 301(h) regulations should
provide support in developing such a
monitoring program. It is not possible to
oake an a priori determination as to
what constitutes an acceptable
monitoring program. Site-specific
conditions such as the size of the
discharger's waste stream, the types of
Pollutants  discharged, and the location
of the discharge will play a role in
determining what if any specific
Monitoring will be required under
section 403(c) in addition to other
"PDES monitoring requirements.
  Section 125.123(d)(2) provides the
director a flexible mechanism to develop
such site-specific monitoring
requirements. For example, a low
volume discharger whose waste stream
is unlikely to contain significant
amounts of toxic pollutants will not be
required in most cases to establish a
monitoring program under these
regulations. Similarly, a discharger of
pollutants into an area of biological
concern may be subject to more
stringent monitoring requirements than
one not discharging into such an area.
  Monitoring programs, in some
instances, may be coordinated for
several dischargers. For example, with
offshore oil and gas platforms,  areawide
monitoring programs for several
dischargers may be the desirable
monitoring approach. EPA headquarters
has been active in assisting the regions
in developing monitoring programs for
offshore oil and gas exploration in areas
of biological concern such as the Flower
Garden Banks and Georges Bank. Those
monitoring programs will serve as
valuable guides for the development of
additional monitoring programs for
other areas of offshore oil and  gas
exploration and production. EPA
headquarters will continue to play an
active role in providing technical
assistance in developing such
monitoring programs.
  (c) Other Permit Conditions—Under
§ 125.123(d)(3), the director may also
require under other permit conditions on
the discharge. For example, the director
may require seasonal restrictions on the
volume of wastes discharged where
such restrictions are needed to assure
protection of the marine environment.
Seasonal restrictions may be necessary
where the discharge is itself affected by
seasonal conditions or where the
biological community may become more
sensitive to the impact of the discharge
during certain seasonal conditions, such
as during migration or spawning.
  The director may require that the
applicant perform bioaccumulation
testing of the liquid and/or suspended
particulate phase of the discharge where
the director suspects such potential for
bioaccumulation may exist, based oiv
the nature of the pollutants discharged.
  The director may also require process
modifications, such as the substitution
of less hazardous chemicals for those
which are potentially harmful. He may
also require process changes which
would favor the recycling and reuse of
potentially harmful pollutants. The
Agency has recently established a task
force to evaluate the discharges from
offshore oil and gas exploration and
production facilities and to evaluate
alternate control strategies to  mitigate
the effects of such discharges, which
include drilling muds and cuttings- and
produced water. Its recommendations
may be used in drafting future
requirements under section 403(c)
  The director may also require that
diffuser systems for the discharger be
sufficient to assure adequate dispersion
of the waste stream.

7. The Administrative Process and
Burden of Proof
  Under the Act and this regulation, the
director is responsible for making
"reasonable judgments" on the
preceding issues, and these judgments
will be made oil available information
compiled in the administrative record of
the permit issuance. As discussed
above, this information may come from
many sources including data submitted
under the consolidated permit
application form, environmental impact
statements or section 301(h) variance
applications. These guidelines  do not
require that all applicants submit
specific information to support the
section 403 determinations, and the
director is  encouraged to make use of
existing information not prepared by
  However, under the Clean Water Act,
the Administrative Procedure Act, and
EPA's consolidated permit regulations it
is the applicant who is responsible for
persuading the Agency that a permit
should be issued. See 40 CFR
124.85(a)(l) and Opinion of the General
Counsel No. 72. This obligation is
particularly apparent with respect to
applicants seeking permits to discharge
into marine waters. Section 403(c)(2)
requires that the director deny an
NPDES permit application if there is
insufficient information to make
reasonable judgments under the
guidelines. This means that the permit
applicants should be prepared to submit
sufficient information to support a
determination to issue an NPDES permit.
  Under the Agency's permit issuance
procedures there is opportunity to
submit information for the
administrative record. An applicant or
interested  person who disputes any
permit condition or tentative decision to
deny an application must submit
available information supporting their
position during the public comment
period. 40 CFR 124.13. In any subsequent
evidentiary hearing on the permit, the
Agency will have the burden of going
forward to present its case supporting a
challenged permit condition, but, at the
conclusion of the Agency's presentation,
the applicant or any other hearing
participant has the burden of going ••
forward to present its case. 40 CFR
124.85(a) (2) and (3). Moreover, the
ultimate burden of persuading the

                                                                                       Appendix 8
Federal Register / Vol. 45, No.  194 / Friday, October 3, 1980  /  Rules  and Regulations   	
Agency to issue a permit remains at all
times on the permit applicant.
V. Cost and Economic Impacts
  Executive Order 12044, 43 FR 12661
(March 23,1978), requires EPA and other
agencies to perform Regulatory
Analyses of certain regulations. EPA's
plan for implementing Executive Order
12044, 44 FR 30988 (May 29,1979),
requires a Regulatory Analysis for major
regulations involving annual compliance
costs of S100 million or meeting other
specified criteria. Where these criteria
are  met, EPA's implementation plan
requires a formal Regulatory Analysis
including an economic impact analysis
and an evaluation of regulatory
alternatives. The Agency has
determined that none of the criteria for
requiring a regulatory analysis has been
exceeded and therefore, the
promulgated regulations for ocean
dischargers do not require a formal
Regulatory Analysis. Nevertheless, EPA
performed an analysis that does meet all
the  requirements of Executive Order
12044 and EPA's plan for its
  In accordance with the requirements
under section 2(d)(8) of Executive Order
12044, the Agency intends to review the
effectiveness and need for continuation
of the provisions contained in this action
no more than five (5) years from the
effective date of these regulations. In
particular, we will solicit comments
from affected parties with regard to
actual  costs incurred and other burdens
associated with compliance and will
also review environmental data to
evaluate the effectiveness of the
regulation after it has gone into effect.
  EPA's economic analysis divides the
affected dischargers under the proposed
regulation into five subcategories:
POTWs, industrial dischargers, electric
utilities, federal facilities, and offshore
oil and gas wells. This analysis has
assessed unit price increases,
production changes for industrial
dischargers, and user cost increases at
  The  total cost of compliance is
expected to be $13 million in 1981 and to
increase to $28 million by 1985, in 1980
dollars. Costs may increase in-
succeeding years. The Agency expects
no significant economic impacts will
result from this regulation.

1. POTWs.
  There are presently 102 POTWs
discharging 2.1 billion gallons of effluent
a day into the ocean. These POTWs are
currently operating under EPA's NPDES
regulations. Under these regulations
POTWs may be required to monitor,
perform benthic analyses.
                           bioaccumulation tests and run further
                           analyses of disposal alternatives in
                           addition to those required under their
                           present NPDES permit. The Agency
                           performed an economic analysis to
                           determine the potential costs and
                           increases in user charges currently paid
                           by households serviced by affected
                           POTWs. EPA estimates that 47 POTWs
                           will incur additional costs, due to their
                           location and the size of their discharges,
                           consisting of a first year cost of S1.2
                           million and an average annual cost of
                           $.828 million thereafter.
                              For 46 of the 47 affected POTWs. user
                           charges will increase between S.09 to
                           S.83 per family per year. The impact
                           analysis then compared these costs to
                           median family incomes and  found that
                           no significant economic impacts would
                           occur. However, the impact  analysis  has
                           indicated that for one community user
                           costs could increase by S33.00 per family
                           per year.
                              Currently 36 POTWs subject to these
                           regulations have applied for 301(h)
                           variances. EPA has not yet begun to
                           issue decisions on section 301(h)
                           variance requests. However, much of the
                           information generated for purposes of
                           section 301(h) applications can be
                           utilized in determining compliance, with
                           the requirements of these regulations.
                           Furthermore, in recent years there has
                           been a trend towards centralization of
                           POTWs in many coastal areas. This
                           continued centralization will reduce  the
                           number of ocean outfalls, thus lowering
                           total monitoring and user costs.
                           2. Industrial Dischargers
                              Industrial dischargers will face the
                           same type of compliance requirements
                           as POTWs. Monitoring and  compliance
                           requirements for industrial dischargers
                           are dependent on the particular
                           geographic area as well as the
                           composition and volume of the effluent.
                           At the present time there are 74
                           industrial operations affected by this
                           regulation, discharging approximately
                           212 million gallons per day of effluent.
                           The Agency expects that small
                           industrial plants discharging non-toxic
                           pollutants will not be affected by this
                           regulation. EPA estimates 46 dischargers
                           will incur additional costs due to  this
                           regulation, with a first year  cost of S4.72
                           million, and annual costs of $3.52 million
                           in the following years.
                              An analysis was conducted for a
                           sample of industrial dischargers on both
                           the East and West Coasts to determine
                           the potential price increases that  could
                           result due to this regulation. EPA
                           estimates that average unit prices for
                           products  produced will generally
                           increase less than .1 percent to comply
                           with this  regulation. No plant closures,
unemployment or other significant
economic impacts are expected due to
these requirements.

3. Federal Facilities

  At the present time there are 31
federal facilities affected by this
regulation. These facilities are
discharging approximately 124 million
gallons per day of effluent into the
ocean. The greater part of the total, 75
million gallons per day, originates from
the strategic oil reserve construction site
on the Texas coast. The remaining 49
million gallons a day are from a variety
of small sources, e.g., Defense
Department and Coast Guard
installations. The Agency estimates that
four federal facilities discharging 102
million gallons per day will actually
incure additional costs from this
regulation. The total  annual costs for
compliance under the proposed
regulation is expected to be
approximately S.476 million, with tne
largest proportion of this amount being
related to the construction of  the United
States strategic oil reserve. EPA does
not expect any significant economic
impacts to occur due to expenditures by
these facilities.

4. Electric Utilities

  The Agency does not expect any
significant costs to be incurred by
electric utilities. Compliance with the
present effluent limitation requirements
and with regulations implementing
section 316(a) of the Clean Water Act
are expected to result in compliance
with requirements in this regulation. The
Agency expects that monitoring for
chlorine discharges may be required at
some facilities. However, the  cost of
such monitoring would not be
significant, and no economic impacts are
expected to occur.

5. Offshore Oil and Gas Operations

  There are presently fewer than 30 oil
and gas platforms which are expected to
incur additional costs due to this
regulation. The Agency estimates that
7,582 exploratory and production wells
will be drilled between 1981-1985 with
approximately 835 (11 percent) expected
to incur additional costs resulting from
compliance with this regulation. The
Agency has based its assessment on the
assumption that compliance with
applicable NPDES permit requirements
will generally result in compliance with
these regulations for all oil and gas
wells except those located in  areas of
.biological concern. Wells that cannot
meet the requirements of this  regulation
through compliance with their NPDES
permit terms  will be required  to initiate

    Appendix B

            Federal Register / Vol. 45.  No. 194 / Friday October 3, 1980 / Rules and  Regulations
monitoring, testing, or changes in their
discharge practices.
  The Agency's evaluation of the
economic effects of this regulation
assumed the installation of "zero
discharge" technologies in order to
evaluate the maximum possible impact
of these regulations. The cost of "zero
discharge" varies according to
geographic location, differences in
weather conditions, water depths,
biological communities, and other
similar factors. The economic analysis
groups wells into four regions—the
Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Ocean,  West
Coast, and Alaskan waters.
  The number of wells that would need
to make expenditures beyond those
required under existing NPDES permit
requirements was estimated from
Department of Interior data regarding
current and future lease tracts in  the
ocean and from current trends in new
drilling. The estimates here project
activity from 1981-1985. Should the
amount of new drilling increase or
decrease beyond that time the annual
cost of this regulation would increase or
decrease proportionately.
  It is estimated that the annual cost for
offshore oil and gas operations locating
in or near areas of biological concern
will incur compliance costs ranging from
seven to 23 million dollars per year
between 1981 and 1985. Costs for
various forms of monitoring are
expected to be less. There are numerous
alternatives which include process
changes, mud substitution and shunting
as potential compliance alternatives. A
number of combinations are possible,
depending on geographic location, water
depth, temperature and specific
biological life. For this reason only the
worst case, "zero discharge"
requirement is presented here.
  The typical compliance cost per year
for each geographical area for the no
discharge alternative is presented
below. Costs for operations in the
Atlantic Ocean are expected to range
between .6 and 6.9 million dollars per
year, and Gulf of Mexico operations will
face costs ranging between 1 and 3.6
million dollars per year. Operations
located on the West Coast will face
costs ranging between 4.3 and 12.4
million dollars per year. However, the
California Ocean Plan requires outer
continental shelf operations  to conform
to strict State requirements, which may
reduce the incremental compliance costs
under this regulation. Alaskan
operations will face compliance costs
ranging between 1.2 and 4.5 million
dollars per year.
  Oil and gas prices at the well head are
not expected to be affected by this
regulation, since compliance costs
cannot be directly passed forward due
to various price controls. However, the
cost of this regulation may be
manifested in reduced bids for new
lease tracts. The net effect of this
regulation would be a loss in future
revenues to the federal government in
the amount which this regulation costs
the oil industry.
  Dated: September 26.1980.
Douglas M. Costle,
Appendix A—Public Comments
  The following parties responded with
comments regarding the February 12,
1980 Ocean Discharge Criteria
postmarked on or  before the April 28,
1980 close of the public comment period:
Charles A. Lunsford, Commonwealth of
Virginia, State Water Control Board;
State of Hawaii, Dept. of Health; County
of San Diego,  Community Services
Agency, Dept. of Sanitation & Flood
Control: City of Los Angeles, California
Dept. of Public Works: Menasha
Corporation; National Manufacturing
Company; Commonwealth of Virginia,
State Water Control; County Sanitation
Districts of Los Angeles County; Crown  ,
Zellerbach Environmental Services;
Kaiser Aluminum  & Chemical
Corporation; Boise Cascade, Paper
Group; Davies Hamakua Sugar
Company; Dept. of Health, Education &
Welfare, Public Health  Service;
Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association;
Hilo Coast Processing Company;
Netarts-Oceanside Sanitary District;
International  Paper Company; State of
Alaska, Dept. of Fish  & Game;
Commonwealth of Virginia, Hampton
Roads Sanitation District; Marathon Oil
Company, Production Operations; San
Francisco Wastewater Program, City
and County of San Francisco, California;
U.S. Cape May County Municipal
Utilities Authority, New Jersey; Dept. of
the Army, South Atlantic Division,
Corps of Engineers; State of California,
Resources Agency, Dept. of Fish and
Game; National Fisheries Institute, Inc.,
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.,
Sussex County Council, Georgetown,
Delaware; American Paper Institute/
National Forest Products Association,
Environmental Program, Houston
Audubon Society; Texas Eastern
Transmission Corporation; State of
Delaware, Department  of Natural
Resources and Environmental Control,
Division of Environmental Control;
Department of the Air Force,
Engineering and Serivce Center; Star-
Kist Foods, Inc.; State of California,
Resources Agency, State Water
Resources Control Board; Office of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense, Energy,
Environment and Safety; the Ocean
County Utilities Authority, New Jersey,
National Wildlife Federation;
Department of the Army, Office of the
Chief of Engineers; Shell Oil Company;
Texaco, Inc., American Cyanamid
Company; Atlantic Richfield Company;
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company,
Inc.; Public Service Company of New
Hampshire; Chevron U.S.A., Inc.,
Environmental Affairs; Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Aqueduct
and Sewer Authority; Exxon Company,
U.S.A.; Offshore Operators Committee,
Southern California Edison Company;
Virgin Islands Rum Industries, Ltd.,
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &
Kampelman; Chevron U.S.A. Inc.,
Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro; City of
Watsonville, California; Conoco, Inc.;
Conservation Law Foundation of New
England, Inc.; Mobil Oil; Corporation;
Western Oil & Gas Association; Alaska
Lumber and Plup Company, Inc.,
Robertson, Monagle, Eastaugh &
Bradley; American Petroleum Institute;
Cody Biggs; Chemical Manufacturers
Association, Covington & Burling; City
of Skagway, Alaska, Robertson,
Monagle, Eastaugh & Bradley;  Columbia
Gas System Service Corporation;
Department of Energy; Gulf Oil
Exploration & Production Company;
National Food Processors Association;
Pacific Legal Foundation; Phillips
Petroleum Company; Tuna Research
Foundation, Inc.; Union Oil Company of
California; U.S. Department of
Commerce, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration,
Environmental Research Laboratories;
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.;
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Alaska
Area Office; Utility Water Act Group,
Hunton, & Williams; Department of
Water & Power, the City of Los Angeles,
California; U.S. Department of the
Interior, Geological Survey.
  The following parties responded with
comments postmarked after the April 28,
1980 close of public comment period:
U.S. Department of the Interior;
Chevron, U.S.A., Pillsbury, Madison &
Sutro; University of Southern Maine for
State Planning Office, State of Maine;
Monmouth County Board of Health,
New Jersey; State of Maine, State
Planning Office; Western Oil and Gas
  The following parties testified at the
March 21,1980 hearing: George P. Haley,
Chevron USA; Frank Parker,
Coordinator, Environmental and
Government Affairs Chevron USA;
Elizabeth F. Kroop, Counsel for the
National Wildlife Federation; Walter J.
Zizik, Project Coordinator, South
Monmouth Regional Sewerage

                                                                                       Appendix B

Federal  Register / Vol.  45. No. 194  /  Friday, October 3, 1980 / Rules  and  Regulations
Authority; Curt D. Rose. Manager,
Aquatic Sciences Division, Energy
Resources Company: Frank Melone,
Southern California Edison Company;
William A. Anderson. Attorney, Utility
Water Act Group; Joseph F. Dietz,
Coordinator of Environmental Affairs,
San Diego Gas and Electric Company;
Edward G. Gladbach, Civil Engineer,
Department of Water and Power, City of
Los Angeles: Peter Holmes, Research
Assistant. Atlantic Coast Project,
Natural Resources Defense Council.

Appendix B—Response to Public
  1. Comment. The Agency received
several public comments questioning the
accuracy of the inventory in the
proposal and noting that there was
uncertainty over the exact location of
the baseline marking the landward
boundary of the territorial seas,
particularly in parts of Alaska, Florida,
Puerto Rico, Oregon and Washington.
  Response. Even where the baseline
has not been plotted, there are available
nautical charts for the various bays and
harbors in  question. The Office of the
Geographer in the Department of state is
responsible for the charts plotting
closing lines across islands and
shoreline markers depicting the baseline
of the territorial sea. That  office is
assisted by the Interagency Baseline
Committee, chaired by the Department
of State, with other members coming
from the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, the Coast
Guard, and the Departments of Justice
and the Interior. The Committee meets
several times a year to make baseline
  To facilitate the ongoing
implementation of section 403, EPA has
identified dischargers whose coverage
under that provision is in question, due
 to uncertainty concerning the location of
the baseline. The Agency has submitted
 a written rquest to the Department of
 State and the Interagency Baseline
 Committee for a determination whether
 these dischargers are outside the
 baseline of the territorial seas and thus
 subject to  section 403. EPA will continue
 to  seek determinations when NPDES
 permits are issued, modified, or
 reissued, where there is doubt as to
 whether a discharger is within the
 purview of section  403.
   2. Comment. One commenter stated
 that while it appeared that the Agency
 intended for coastal electric utilities to
 be subject to the regulations, these
 plants were not counted among the 71
 land-based industrial dischargers.
   Response! Electric utilities outside the
 baseline are covered by this regulation
 and EPA. in response to the comment.
                            confirmed this with representatives of
                            the affected industry during the public
                            comment period. The Agency also
                            extended the comment period by thirty
                            days, at the request of this commenter
                            and others, to allow additional time for
                            submission of comments on the
                              The Agency has identified 25 covered
                            plants, which are included in the cost
                            and economic impact analysis for the
                            regulation. In addition, EPA has updated
                            the inventory of subject marine
                            dischargers. As the preamble notes, the
                            number of land-based dischargers
                            subject to section 403 is limited. The
                            updated inventory identifies 232 such
                            dischargers..including 102 POTWs, 74
                            industrial facilities, 25 steam electric
                            utilities, and 31 federal facilities. These
                            figures do not include dischargers in
                            Alaska whose location relative to the
                            baseline defining the boundary of the
                            territorial seas has not been established.
                            However, the Agency believes that most
                            of these dischargers are small and that
                            any environmental or economic impacts
                            would be minimal. The Agency also
                            estimates that there are some 3,000
                            subject offshore oil and gas platforms.
                              3. Comment. A number of commenters
                            stated that under the proposed
                            regulation, ocean dischargers might be
                            subject to more stringent controls and,
                            accordingly, might incur higher costs
                            than would dischargers into potentially
                            more sensitive estuarine and freshwater
                            systems where the assimilative capacity
                            of the body of water may be less than in
                            the oceans and the potential impact of
                            pollution on the ecosystem greater.
                              Response. As the preamble to the
                            regulation notes, the Clean Water Act
                            limits the coverage of section 403 to
                            dischargers into waters seaward of the
                            baseline marking the territorial seas.
                            This additional assurance of protection
                            and its limitation to the waters of the
                            territorial seas, the contiguous zone, and
                            the oceans is, therefore, a matter of
                            Congressional mandate. EPA has
                            designed its regulations to provide this
                            protection, as Congress has directed. As
                            to the  question of costs, the Agency
                            anticipates that in most cases,
                            technology-based effluent limitations
                            required under other provisions of the
                            Act will be adequate in themselves to
                            afford the necessary protection for the
                            marine environment. As to freshwater
                            and estuarine  systems, the Agency
                            agrees that these waters must be
                            protected also; the statutory authority to
                            accomplish this, however, rests in other
                            sections of the Act and in other
                            environmental statutes.
                              4. Comment. A number of commenters
                            suggested that the ocean discharge
                            criteria should merely have the effect of
guidelines, rather than regulatory
requirements, and should provide
flexibility and allow for discretion on
the part of the director to apply
appropriate portions of the guidelines to
the situation of an individual discharger.
  Response. As noted in the preamble,
these regulations, although from time to
time described as "guidelines" or
"criteria" to avoid repetition, establish
mandatory requirements authorized by
section 403(c). Whatever the
terminology, they have the effect of
mandatory regulations because, at any
time that promulgated guidelines are in
effect,  no NPDES permit may be issued
"except in compliance with such
guidelines."  Nevertheless, the regulation
provides the permit writer flexibility in
tailoring information requests and
permit conditions to the  circumstances
of individual dischargers, based on local
  5.  Comment. Several commenters
expressed the concern that while the
proposed regulation required a permit
applicant to demonstrate to the director
that its discharge would have no
unreasonable adverse impact on the
environment, or that adequate toxics
control and monitoring programs were
in place, the proposal failed to tell the
applicant how to make such a
  Response. In order to  ensure "that
applicants will receive adequate
guidance, the final regulation has been
clarified to require that the director
inform an applicant of any specific
information that must be supplied. In
addition, in an attempt to minimize the
information collection obligation of
applicants, the final regulation provides
that the  director may consider
information already available to him in
making the determinations required
under § 125.123(a), (b), or (c).
   6. Comment. Several commenters
suggested that, for the territorial seas,
the purposes of  section 403 were being
served already by State water quality
standards required under section 303
and by technology-based effluent
limitations under sections 301 and 304 of
the Clean Water Act. Another
commenter stated that pretreatment
programs required under section 307
should also ensure protection of the
marine environment.
   Response. The Agency agrees that
State water quality standards,
technology-based limitations and
pretreatment programs are all necessary
to protect the marine environment.
While in most instances discharges in
compliance with such standards, limits,
and programs will also be determined to
pass the "no unreasonable degradation
 test in these regulations, there may be

    Appendix B

             Federal Register /  Vol.  45,  No. 194  / Friday October  3, 1980  /  Rules  and Regulations
 ^stances where this will not be the
 case. For example, there may be
 instances where no State water quality
 standards have been established for
 specific pollutants being discharged.
 Further. State water quality standards
 do not generally apply beyond the limits
 of the territorial seas, while the section
 403 criteria apply also to the contiguous
 zone and the oceans. In addition, there
 nay be instances in which technology-
 based controls will not be sufficient to
 assure protection of a particular marine
 environment, necessitating more
 stringent controls  to assure that the
 section 403 criteria are met. Such may
 also be true of pretreatment programs;
 while the director may consider the
 effectiveness of a given pretreatment
 program in making the "unreasonable
 degradation" determination, he should
 not assume that the existence of
 pretreatment ensures protection of the
 marine environment for purposes of
 section 403.
  7. Comment. Several commenters
 stated that while the proposed
 regulation differentiated special "areas
 of biological sensitivity" to assure those
 areas were not adversely affected, the
 regulation failed to adequately define
 what constitutes such areas. Another
 commenter suggested that the term
 should be replaced by "areas of
 biological concern" because "biological
 sensitivity" connotes a narrow concern
 for unique or fragile ecosystems. The
 commenter suggested that the emphasis
 of the regulation should be on
 unwarranted ecological damage
 regardless of the biological sensitivity of
 the  area.
  Response. The scope of this regulation
 is broader than protecting only those
 areas that are termed "sensitive"; as in
 the  proposed regulation, these
 guidelines seek to prevent unreasonable
 degradation of the marine environment
 regardless of where the discharge
 occurs. Although the regulation no
 longer attempts to classify  areas as
 "sensitive" or "nonsensitive", the
 location of the discharge is an important
 element in determining the level of
 control necessary  to prevent such
 degradation. Section 125.122 identifies
 for the director a number of factors
 relating to the biology  of the local
 community which are important in
assessing the impact of a discharge.
  8. Comment. A substantial number of
 comments submitted on behalf of
various dischargers suggested that the
 dischargers in question—including small
 POTWs, electric utilities, seafood
processors, Alaskan logging operations,
and offshore oil and gas exploration and
Production wells—should be exempt
from the requirements of section 403.
Several commenters made the argument,
in some cases based on submissions of
technical data and reports, that their
discharges already were subject to
controls adequate to protect the marine
environment. Some stated that their
discharges resulted in only de minimus
effects on the environment. Some stated
that compliance with various provisions
of the proposal would result in economic
  Response. EPA has concluded that
there is no basis for categorically
exempting classes of subject dischargers
from the coverage of section 403. While
the data submitted by some commenters
may be useful in determining whether a
particular discharge will meet the
"unreasonable degradation" test, it does
not provide a basis for such a blanket
exemption. However, while a permit
writer is not precluded from seeking
additional site-specific information, the
submission of large quantities of data
for particular dischargers or classes of
dischargers makes it unlikely that a
permit writer will find it necessary to
require these applicants to submit any
substantial quantity of additional data.
Similarly, in the cases of small POTWs
and others where the discharge is
expected to have only a minimal impact,
the flexibility which the final regulation
provides will allow the permit writer to
take this situation into.account, rather
than mandating a rigid across-the-board
application of all requirements, with
their associated costs.
  9. Comment. Several commenters
suggested that POTWs granted section
301(h) variances from secondary
treatment requirements should be
exempt from section 403 because of
significant similarities in the two
provisions. Another commenter,
however, stated that section 301(h)
contains no analogue to section
403(c)(l)(F) or (G) and asserted that
toxic pollutants are not adequately
controlled under section 301(h).
  Response. Despite differences in
statutory language, sections 403 and
301(h) share similar objectives in
seeking to assure protection of the
marine environment, and the respective
determinations whether those objectives
have been met under each provision is
based on similar information.  Section
301(h)(2) requires that a successful
applicant for a variance demonstrate,
among other things, that "such modified
requirements will not interfere with the
attainment or maintenance of that water
quality which assure protection of
public  water supplies and the  protection
of shellfish, fish, and wildlife,  and
allows recreational activities in and on
the water." Section 125.61 of EPA's
section 301(h) regulations requires full
and detailed descriptions of the physical
characteristics of the discharge, its
biological impact on the marine
environment, and its impact on public
water supplies and recreation. Given
therefore that a successful section 301(h)
applicant will have collected and
presented substantial amounts of data
on the  effect of its discharge on the
marine environment,  including its
inhabitants and uses, the final ocean
discharge regulations provide that a
successful section 301(h) demonstration
creates a rebuttable presumption that an
applicant will satisfy the section 403(c)
guidelines as well. While a permit writer
is not precluded from placing additional
requirements on such an applicant under
these regulations, it is unlikely that this
will be necessary in light of the through-
going demonstration the applicant has
made for purposes of section 301(h).
  This approach is consistent with
legislative history to the effect that
section 301 (h) applicants must comply
also with section 403. This language
indicates that Congress did not intend
for section 403 to become a dead letter
with the subsequent enactment of
section 301(h). Unlike the approach of
those commenters who sought to make
compliance with section 403 automatic
for an applicant who had obtained a
section 301(h) variance, the "rebuttable
presumption" approach does not treat
section 403 as redundant. Nor, however,
does it impose a redundant data-
gathering task on successful section
301(h) applicants either, taking account
as it does  of the unmistakable
similarities in the showings required
under the two provisions.
  The Agency disagrees with the
comment that the toxic control
provisions of the section 301(h)
regulations are not adequate. Moreover,
if a permit writer determines that toxic
pollutants in the discharge of a
successful section 301(h) applicant are
not adequately controlled for purposes
of section 403,  he can require additional
controls or, if necessary, require zero-
discharge permit terms for those
  10. Comment. Several commenters
suggested that coastal steam electric
utility plants granted a variance under
section 316(a) of the Act should be
exempt from demonstrating compliance
with section 403, on the grounds that the
demonstration necessary for obtaining a
section 316(a) variance provides the
requisite assurance that the marine
environment is protected for purposes of
section 403(c).
  Response. To obtain a section 316(a)
variance, an applicant must demonstrate

                                                                                      Appendix 6
Federal Register / Vol. 45, No. 194 / Friday, October 3,  1980 / Rules  and Regulations
that effluent controls on its thermal
discharge will be sufficient to assure the
protection and propagation of a
balanced indigenous population of
shellfish, fish and wildlife in and on the
water. The Agency agrees that  in most
cases the demonstration required of a
successful section 316(a) applicant will
be sufficient to allow the permit writer
to conclude that there will be no
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment due to excess heat. While
on the reasoning set out in the previous
response successful section 316(a)
applicants will not be exempt from
section 403, the regulation provides that
a successful section 316(a) application
creates a rebuttable presumption of
compliance with section 403(c) for the
thermal component of the discharge.
  11. Comment.  Commenters also
suggested that those publicly-owned
treatment works which installed
secondary treatment should be exempt
from requirements under section 403.
  Response. Limitations established
pursuant to section 403 are a supplement
to technology-based limitations such as
secondary treatment for POTWs, and no
class of  a discharger is exempt from
compliance with these regulations.
However, it is likely that secondary
treatment will generally be adequate to
satisfy section 403 requirements where
there is adequate pretreatment by
industrial sources and whers the POTW
is not discharging into areas of
biological concern.
   12. Comment. As noted above, some
 commenters asserted that the  ocean
 discharge criteria should merely be
 guidelines providing information to the
 permit writer. Other commenters,
 however, stated that the guidelines
 should require that a discharge pass a
 quantitative test, such as the bioassay
 requirements used in the ocean dumping
 regulations, and comply with State and
 EPA water quality criteria as a
 prerequisite to permit issuance.
   Response. The Agency has revised the
 proposed regulation to allow necessary
 flexibility to the director in assessing
 both the impact of a discharge and
 permit limitations. However, the
 regulation does impose minimum permit
 limitations, including a bioassay-based
 limitations, in areas where the long
 range impact of a discharge is not fully
 understood. This approach should
 provide certainty and consistency in
 permit limitations in areas where the
 determinations by the permit  writer
 would be the most difficult and complex.
    Discharges into the territorial seas
 must comply with any applicable state
 water quality criteria. However, the Act
 generally does not provide for the
  application of these criteria to the
                           contiguous zone and oceans. Although
                           the Act establishes a complete water
                           quality program for State waters based
                           on designated uses and supporting
                           criteria, no such scheme exists for
                           marine waters beyond State jurisdiction.
                           The 403(c) regulation is consistent with
                           the Agency policy outlined in the section
                           301(h)  regulations (44 FR 34810-34811),
                           and will utilize water quality criteria
                           published pursuant to section 304{a)(l),
                           as they are developed, as a basis for
                           assessing the environmental impact of
                           such pollutants.
                             13. Comment. Several commenters
                           asserted that, under the proposed
                           regulation, no predischarge
                           determination was required by the
                           director to assure that the marine
                           environment was protected. Instead,
                           commenters stated, the proposed
                           regulation relied on post discharge
                             Response. Under the final regulations,
                           no discharge of pollutants may be
                           authorized unless, before permit
                           issuance, the director has sufficient
                           information to make a reasonable
                           determination that there will be no
                           irreparable harm to the  environment
                           while  monitoring is undertaken to
                           determine if there will be unreasonable
                           degradation. In addition the permit must
                            specify certain mandatory limitations.
                              14. Comment. The Agency received
                           numerous comments regarding the
                            monitoring requirements outlined in
                            section 125.127 of the proposed
                            regulation. The major issue raised was
                            that the monitoring requirements should
                            be as  flexible as possible providing an
                            applicant a clear description of the
                            information he must provide.
                            Commenters suggested that the rigor ofi
                            the monitoring program should be
                            tailored to site-specific conditions such
                            as the nature and location of the
                            discharge. In addition, a number of
                            commenters stated that compliance with
                            the proposed monitoring requirements
                            would result in severe economic
                            hardship for small dischargers. It was
                            suggested that the latter, especially
                            small POTWs, be exempted from the
                            monitoring requirements.
                              Response. As discussed in the
                            preamble, these regulations have been
                            revised to allow the permit writer to
                            request from the applicant only that
                            information necessary to make
                            judgments required by  the guidelines. In
                            some cases this will involve monitoring
                            programs, and the director will work
                            with the applicant in identifying specific
                            information that must be supplied as
                            part of the permit application process.
                              Since no discharge may be allowed
                            which would result in unreasonable
                            degradation of the marine environment,
and since the permit writer must be
afforded the means to make the
necessary determinations under these
regulations, EPA has concluded that it
may not exempt categories of
dischargers, even small dischargers,
from monitoring requirements as an
initial matter. Nevertheless, the final
regulations do not require monitoring in
all cases, and, where monitoring is
necessary, provide for flexibility in
fashioning site specific requirements.
Although any monitoring that may be
necessary will depend on the nature and
location of the discharge in question.
small dischargers generally are not
expected to incur significant economic
costs as a result of this regulation.
  15. Comment. Several commenters
suggested that, in light of the similarities
between section 403(c) of the Clean
Water Act and section 102(a) of the
Marine Protection, Research and
Sanctuaries Act, the. ocean discharge
criteria should be similar to the  ocean
dumping regulations.
  Response. EPA recognizes that in
section 403(c) of the  Clean Water Act
and section 102(a) of the Marine
Protection. Research, and Sanctuaries
Act, Congress adopted similar although
not identical provisions. Hence, in the
regulations implementing the respective
statutes, similar criteria may be
   EPA first promulgated ocean dumping
criteria in 1973; those criteria were
amended in 1977. Initially, the
regulations served as joint regulations
for the CWA and the MPRSA. Since
promulgation of the  ocean dumping
regulations, however, EPA has received
a number of comments based on those
regulations. In addition, increasing data
has become available in respect to the
 environmental impact of disposing of
 material at various locations in the
 ocean, by various methods.
   The ocean discharge regulations being
 promulgated today are based on the
 latest data and information available to
 EPA, and the Agency believes these
 regulations are consistent with  the CWA
 and with current scientific and technical
 knowledge. Various factors, including
 the MPRSA comments and the new
 data, suggest that it may now be
 appropriate for EPA to review the ocean
 dumping regulations as well. Such a
 review may provide further insights on :
 an appropriate overall approach for
 protecting the ocean; and
 inconsistencies which may exist
 between the current sets of regulations
 can be resolved in the context of that
 action. However, in addition to any
 statutory distinctions, differences in uw
 manner of disposal  and the types of   .
 pollutants discharged may warrant

    \ooendix B
           Federal Register  / Vol. 45. No.  194 / Friday October 3,  1980 / Rules and Regulations
Different regulatory approaches under
jhese two statutes.
  16, Comment. Several commenters
niegested that dischargers who were not
causing unreasonable degradation of the
nanne environment should not be
-quired to assess the availability of
alternatives.                    _
  Response. The proposed regulation
jjt» been modified to require the
usesjment of reasonable alternatives
only where the director cannot
(Jeterraine whether the discharge will
cat^e unreasonable  degradation of the
jjjrine environment. In cases where the
director determines that the discharge
will not cause such degradation, an
NPDES permit may be issued
notwithstanding the  availability of an
illemative to ocean  disposal.
  Although the Clean Water Act
contains as an ultimate goal the
complete elimination of the discharge of
pollutants, the water quality provisions
of Ihe Act. including sections 303 and
403, dq not require that discharges into
either inland or offshore waters be
prohibited in the absence of
unreasonable water  quality impacts.
. 17. Comment. Several commenters
expressed concern that the requirements
{or general permits, specified in section
125.129 of the proposed regulation, were
aot consistent with the requirements fof
Individual permits*.
  Response. Section 125.129 has been
deleted from the final regulation, and
lt« director is required to make the
uzne determinations when issuing
either general or individual permits.
  18. Comment. A few commenters
objected to language in the preamble of
&e proposal to the effect that the
J*raiiUing authority  would be free to
&aw on his own knowledge of
conditions in  the vicinity of an outfall in
Determining whether a discharge
xJversely affected the marine
*nvironment. These  commenters
expressed the "due process" concern
"•' this language allowed the
   nitling authority to issue permits on
   basis of information not made
      to the permittee and not in the
Mministrative record.
         e. The language in question
**« not appear in the final regulation or
nits preamble. While the regulation
Provides that the director make the
"tlerminatlons under §.125.123(a), [b),
? w) on the basis of "available
^formation." that language was added
* response to the suggestion of
oamerous  commenters that permit
*PP!icants should not be required for
P^Poses of Section 403 to resubmit data
"fitch was already available to the
•""nit writer.
  19. Comment. EPA received comment
to the effect that the reference in the •
proposed regulations to schedules
allowing additional time for compliance
with Section 403'requirements should be
limited to existing dischargers,
consistent with the provisions of the
NPDES regulations.
  Response. Section 125.123(d)(3) of the
final regulation provides for "schedules
of compliance for existing dischargers,"
as suggested above.
  20. Comment. The Agency received
several comments regarding the mixing
zone analysis  as described in § 125.123.
Some commenters suggested that the
models identified by the Agency in the
proposal would not be appropriate for
all types of discharge. Other
commenters suggested that the Agency
should use the ocean dumping mixing
zone definition.
  Response. The mixing zone analysis
in the final regulations is intended for
use in calculating whether the limiting
permissible  concentration is violated in
instances where bioassay analysis is
required. The proposed regulation
required a mixing zone analysis for all
.dischargers  to assure that, following
initial dilution, the discharge was
dispersed so as not to adversely affect
areas of biological sensitivity. As noted
previously, this requirement has been
deleted from the final regulation. In the
final regulation, a mixing zone analysis
is required only in those instances
where the director cannot determine
that unreasonable degradation will not
occur and where a bioassay analysis is
  The mixing zone definition in these
regulations is consistent with the ocean
dumping mixing zone definition
identified in the EPA/Corps of Engineers
technical manual, with some
modifications  to account for the
differences in  the nature of discharged
wastes versus those which are dumped.
The ocean dumping mixing zone was
devised primarily to facilitate analysis
of impacts from intermittent discharges
from moving vessels, whereas the 403(c)
regulations are intended to facilitate
analysis of continuous discharges from
stationary sources. The final regulation
also allows  the discharger to use
alternative methods for determining the
mixing zone where scientific evidence
demonstrates  they are appropriate and
where EPA concurs.
  A new Subpart M is added to read as

Subpart M—Ocean Discharge Criteria

125.120  Scope  and purpose. '
125.121  Definitions.
125.122 Determination of unreasonable
   degradation of the marine environment.
125.123 Permit requirements.
125.124 Information required to be
   submitted by applicant.
§ 125.120  Scope and purpose.
  This subpart establishes guidelines for
issuance of National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permits for
the discharge of pollutants from a point
source into the territorial seas,  the
contiguous zone, and the oceans.
§ 125.121  Definitions.
  (a) "Irreparable harm" means
significant undesirable effects occurring
after the date of permit issuance which
will not be reversed after cessation or
modification of the discharge.
  (b) "Marie environment" means that
territorial seas, the contiguous zone and
the oceans.
  (c) "Mixing zone" means the zone
extending from the sea's surface to
seabed and extending laterally to a
distance of 100 meters in all directions
from the discharge point(s) or to the
boundary of the zone of initial dilution
as calculated by a plume model
approved by the director, whichever is
greater, unless the director determines
that the more restrictive mixing zone or
another definition of the mixing zone is
more appropriate for a specific
  (d) "No reasonable alternatives"
means: (1) No land-based disposal sites,
discharge point(s) within internal
waters; or approved ocean dumping
sites within a reasonable distance of the
site of the proposed discharge the use of
which would not cause unwarranted
economic impacts on the discharger, or,
notwithstanding the availability of such
  (2) On-site  disposal  is
environmentally preferable to other
alternative means of disposal after
consideration of: (i) The relative
environmental harm of disposal on-site,
in disposal sites located on land, from
discharge point(s) within internal
waters, or in approved ocean dumping
sites,  and
  (ii) The risk to the environment and
human safety posed by the
transportation of the pollutants.
  (e) "Unreasonable degradation of the
marine environment" means: (1)
Significant adverse changes in
ecosystem diversity, productivity and
stability of the biological community
within the area of discharge and
surrounding biological communities,
  (2) Threat to human health through
direct exposure to pollutants or through
consumption of exposed aquatic
organisms, or

                                                                                        Appendix B
Federal Register /  Vol. 45. No. 194 / Friday, October 3.  1980 /  Rules and Regulations
   (3) Loss of esthetic, recreational,
 scientific or economic values which is
 unreasonable in relation to the benefit
 derived from the discharge.

 § 125.122  Determination of unreasonable
 degradation of the marine environment.
   (a) The director shall determine
 whether a discharge will cause
 unreasonable degradation of the marine
 environment based on consideration of:
 (1) The quantities, composition and
 potential for bioaccumulation or
 persistence of the pollutants  to be
   (2) The potential transport of such
 pollutants  by biological, physical or
 chemical processes;
   (3) The composition and vulnerability
 of the biological communities which
 may be exposed to such pollutants,
 including the presence of unique species
 or.communities  of species, the presence
 of species identified as endangered or
 threatened pursuant to the Endangered
 Species Act, or the presence of those
 species critical to the structure or
 function of the ecosystem, such as those
 important for the food chain;
   (4) The importance  of the receiving
 water area to the surrounding biological
 community, including the presence of
 spawning sites, nursery/forage areas,
 migratory pathways, or areas necessary
 for other functions or  critical  stages in
 the life cycle of an organism.
   (5) The existence of special aquatic
 sites including, but not limited to marine
 sanctuaries and refuges, parks, national
 and historic monuments, national
 seashores, wilderness areas and coral
   (6) The potential impacts on human
 health through direct and indirect
   (7) Existing or potential recreational
 and commercial fishing, including
 finishing and shellfishing;
   (8) Any applicable requirements of an
 approved Coastal Zone Management
   (9) Such other factors relating to the
 effects of the discharge as may be
   (10) Marine water quality criteria
 developed pursuant to section 304(a)(l).
   [b) Discharges in compliance with
 sections 301(g), 301(h), or 316(a)
 variance requirements or State water
 quality standards shall be presumed not
 to cause unreasonable degradation of
 the marine environment, for any specific
pollutants or conditions specified in the
variance or the standard.

§ 125.123  Permit requirements.
  (a) If the director on the basis of
available information including that
supplied by the applicant pursuant to
                            § 125.124 determines prior to permit
                            issuance that the discharge will not
                            cause unreasonable degradation of the
                            marine environment after application of
                            any necessary conditions specified in
                            § 125.123(d), he may issue an NPDES
                            permit containing such conditions.
                              (b) If the director, on the basis of
                            available information including that
                            supplied by the applicant pursuant to
                            § 125.124 determines prior to permit
                            issuance that the discharge will cause
                            unreasonable degradation of the marine
                            environment after application of all
                            possible permit conditions specified in
                            § 125.123(d), he may not issue an NPDES
                            permit which authorizes the discharge of
                              (c) If the director has insufficient
                            information to determine prior to permit
                            issuance that there  will be no
                            unreasonable degradation of the marine
                            environment pursuant to  § 125.122, there
                            shall be no discharge of pollutants into
                            the marine environment unless  the
                            director on the basis of available
                            information, including that supplied by
                            the applicant pursuant to § 125.124
                            determines that: (1) Such  discharge will
                            not cause irreparable harm to the
                            marine environment during the period in
                            which monitoring is undertaken, and
                              (2) There are no reasonable
                            alternatives to the on-site disposal of
                            these materials, and
                              (3) The discharge  will be in
                            compliance with all permit conditions
                            established pursuant to paragraph (d) of
                            this section.
                              (d) All permits which authorize the
                           discharge of pollutants pursuant to
                           paragraph (c) of this section shall: (1)
                           Require that a discharge of pollutants
                           will: (A) following dilution as measured
                           at the boundary of the mixing zone not
                           exceed the limiting permissible
                           concentration for the liquid and
                           suspended particulate phases of the
                           waste material as described in section
                           227.27(a) (2) and (3), section 227.27(b),
                           and section 227.27(c) of the Ocean
                           Dumping Criteria; and (B) not exceed
                           the limiting permissible concentration
                           for the solid phase of the waste material
                           or cause an accumulation  of toxic
                           materials in the human food chain as
                           described in sections 227.27 (bj and (d)
                           of the Ocean Dumping Criteria;
                             (2) Specify a monitoring program,
                           which is sufficient to assess the impact
                           of the discharge on water, sediment,  and
                           biological quality including, where
                           appropriate, analysis of the
                           bioaccumulative and/or persistent
                           impact on aquatic life of the discharge;
                             (3) Contain any other conditions, such
                           as performance of liquid or suspended
                           particulate phase bioaccumulation tests,
                           seasonal restrictions on discharge.
 process modifications, dispersion of
 pollutants, or schedule of compliance for
 existing discharges, which are
 determined to be necessary because of
 local environmental conditions, and
   (4) Contain the following clause: In
 addition to any other grounds specified
 herein, this permit shall be modified or
 revoked at any time if, on the basis of
 any new data, the director determines
 that continued discharges may cause
 unreasonable degradation of the marine

 § 125.124   Information required to be
 submitted by applicant
   The applicant is responsible for
 providing information which the director
 may request to make the determination
 required by this subpart. The director
 may require the following information as
 well as any other pertinent informaton:
 (a) An analysis of the chemical
 constituents of any discharge;
   (b) Appropriate bioassays necessary
 to determine the limiting permissible
 concentrations for the discharge;
   {c) An analysis of initial dilution;
   (d) Available process modifications
 which will reduce the quantities of
 pollutants which will be discharged;
   (e) Analysis of the location where
 pollutants are sought to be discharged,
 including the biological community and
 the physical description of the discharge
   (f) Evaluation of available alternatives
 to the discharge of the pollutants
 including an evaluation of the possibility
 of land-based disposal or disposal in an
 approved ocean dumping site.
[FR Doc. 80-30723 Filed 10-2-80:8:45 am)
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