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         APPENDIX A:


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                        PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

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                            SEDIMENT CHEMISTRY

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                                                                      Appendix A
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                                                                     Appendix A
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                            SEDIMENT GRAIN SIZE

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1984.  Health and safety for  toxicity testing.

                                                                    Appendix A
                      MESOCOSMS AND MICROCOSMS

Davey, E.W., K.T. Perez, A.E. Soper, N.F. Lackie, G.E. Morrison, R.L Johnson, and J.
F. Heltsche.  In press.  Significance of the surface micro-layer to the environmental fate
of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate predicted from marine microcosms.   U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory,  Ecosystems Effects Branch,
Narragansett, Rl.

Donaghay, P.L.  1984.  Utility of mesocosms to assess marine pollution. In Concepts in
marine pollution measurements,  ed. H.H. White, pp. 589-620.  Maryland Sea Grant
College, College Park, MD.

Dwyer,  R.L., and K.T.  Perez.   1983.   An  experimental examination of ecosystem
linearization. The American Naturalist 121 (3):305-323.

Grassle, J.P., and J.F. Grassle. 1984. The utility of studying the effects of pollutants on
single species populations in  benthos  of mesocosms and coastal ecosystems.  In
Concepts in marine pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 621-642.   Maryland
Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.

Grice, G.W.  1984. Use of enclosures in studying stress on plankton communities.  In
Concepts in marine pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 563-575.   Maryland
Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.

Leffler, J.W. 1984. The use of self-selected, generic aquatic microcosms for pollution
effects assessment. In  Concepts in marine pollution measurements, ed.  H. White, pp.
139-158. Maryland Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.

Oviatt, C.A. 1984.  Ecology as  an experimental science and management tool.  In
Concepts in marine pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp.  539-548  Maryland
Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.

Perez, K.T., E.W. Davey, N.F. Lackie,  G.E. Morrison, P.G. Murphy, A.E. Soper, and
D.L. Winslow. 1984.  Environmental assessment of phthalate ester, di(2-ethylhexyl)
phthalate (DEHP), derived from a marine microcosm. Special Technical Publication
802. American  Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),  Philadelphia, PA.

Perez, K.T., and G.E. Morrison. 1985.   Environmental assessments from simple test
systems and a  microcosm:  Comparisons of monetary costs.  In  Multispecies toxicity
testing, ed. J. Cairns, pp. 89-95.

Appendix A
Perez, K.T.,  E.W. Davey, G.E. Morrison, J.A. Cardin, N.F. Lackie, A.E. Soper,
R.J. Blasco, C. Bearce, R.L. Johnson, and S. Marino. 1989. Influence of organic
matter and industrial contaminants  in sewage effluent on marine ecosystems.
ERLN   Publication.  U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  Environmental
Research Laboratory, Ecosystems Effects Branch, Narragansett, Rl.

Perez, K.T.,  E.W. Davey, J. Heltsche, J.A. Cardin, N.F.  Lackie, R.L. Johnson,
R.J. Blasco, A.E. Soper, and E. Read. 1990. Recovery of Narragansett Bay, Rl:
A feasibility study.  ERLN Contribution No. 1148.   U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency,   Environmental Research  Laboratory,   Ecosystems  Effects  Branch,
Narragansett, Rl.

Perez, K.T.,  G.E.  Morrison, E.W.  Davey, N.F. Lackie, A.E. Soper, R.J.  Blasco,
D.L. Winslow, R.L. Johnson, P.G.  Murphy, J.F. Heltsche.  In press. Influence of
size on  the  fate and  ecological  effects of the pesticide  kepone in  a  physical
simulation model.   U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  Environmental
Research Laboratory, Ecosystems Effects Branch, Narragansett, Rl.

Pilson, M.E.Q. 1984.  Should we know the  fates of pollutants.  In Concepts in marine
pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 575-588.  Maryland Sea Grant College,
College Park,  MD.

Pontasch, K.W., B.R.  Niederlehner,  and  J.  Cairns,  Jr. 1989.   Comparisons  of
single-species microcosm and field responses to a complex effluent.  Environ. Tox. and
Chem. 8:521 -532.

Pritchard, P.H., and A.W. Bourquin.  1984.  A perspective on the role of microcosms in
environmental  fates and  effects assessments.   In Concepts in  marine  pollution
measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp.  117-138.  Maryland Sea  Grant College, College
Park, MD.

Santschi, P.H., U. Nyffeler, R.  Anderson, and S. Schiff. 1984.  The enclosure as a tool
for the assessment of transport and effects of pollutants in lakes. In Concepts in marine
pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 549-562.  Maryland Sea Grant College,
College Park,  MD.

Taub, F.B. 1984.  Introduction to  laboratory  microcosms.   In Concepts in marine
pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 113-116.  Maryland Sea Grant College,
College Park,  MD.

                                                                    Appendix A
Taub, F.B. 1984.  Measurement of pollution in standardized aquatic microcosms.  In
Concepts in  marine pollution measurements, ed. H.H. White, pp. 159-192.  Maryland
Sea Grant College, College Park, MD.
USEPA. 1983.  Project summary:  Experimental marine microcosm test protocol and
support document.   EPA-600/S3-83-055.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Environmental Research Laboratory, Narragansett, Rl.
USEPA.  1987.
Site-specific  aquatic  microcosm test.   Fed. Regist.  52(187):
USEPA. 1990.  Experimental marine microcosm test protocol and support document.
Revised.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory,
Ecosystems Effects Branch Narragansett, Rl.


              APPENDIX B:

PUBLISHED AT FR Vol. 45, No, 194, 65942-65954
            OCTOBERS, 1980


                                                                                      Appendix B

Federal Register / Vol. 45, No. 194  /  Friday,  October 3, 1980 / Rules and Regulations	

40 CFR Part 125

[FRL 1609-1]

Ocean Discharge Criteria

AGENCY: Environmental Protection

ACTION: Final rule.

SUMMARY: EPA is promulgating final
guidelines under section 403(c) of the
Clean Water Act. These guidelines will
be applied in issuing and revising
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Permits for
discharges into the territorial seas, the
contiguous zone and the oceans.

DATES: These guidelines become
effective on November 3,1980.

Kenneth Farber,  Office of Water
Regulations  and Standards (WH-586),
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M
 Street, SW. Washington, D.C. 20460,

 I. Background

   EPA is today promulgating revised
 guidelines for determining  the
. degradation of the territorial seas, the
 contiguous zone and the oceans.
 Pursuant to section 403(a) of the Clean
 Water Act, no National Pollutant
 Discharge Elimination System
 ("NPDES") permit for discharges into
 these marine waters may be issued
 when these guidelines are  in effect
 except in compliance with the
   These guidelines are issued pursuant
 to section 403(c)(l) which provides that:
   The Administrator shall, within one
 hundred and eighty days after enactment of
 this Act (and from time to time thereafter),
 promulgate guidelines for determining the
 degradation of the waters of the territorial
 seas, the contiguous zone, and the ocean,
 which shall include:
   (A) the effect of disposal of pollutants on
 human health or welfare, including but not
 limited to plankton, fish, shellfish, wildlife,
 shorelines, and beaches.
    B) the effect of disposal of pollutants on
 • ..irine life, including the transfer,
 concentration, and dispersal of pollutants or
 their byproducts through biological, physical,
 and chemical processes: changes in marine
 ecosystem diversity, productivity, and
 stability; and species and community
 population changes;
   (C) the effect of disposal of pollutants on
 esthetic, recreation, and economic values:
   (D) the persistence and permanence of the
 effects of disposal of pollutants;
                            (E) the effect of the disposal at varying
                          rates, of particular volumes and
                          concentrations of pollutants;
                            (F) other possible locations and methods of
                          disposal or recycling -of pollutants including
                          land-based alternatives; and
                            (G) the effect on alternate uses of the
                          oceans, such as mineral exploitation and
                          scientific study.
                            On October 15,1973, EPA
                          promulgated combined regulations
                          implementing section 102{a) of the
                          Marine Protection. Research, and
                          Sanctuaries Act and section 403(c) of
                          the Clean Water Act. The primary focus
                          of these regulations was on the ocean
                          disposal of waste material, including
                          sewage sludges, liquid and solid
                          industrial wastes and dredged materials,
                          by dumping from moving vessels.
                            In practice, these regulations proved
                          unworkable in many respects as section
                          403 ocean discharge criteria. At the
                          same time, operating experience
                          demonstrated that the ocean dumping
                          regulations themselves required
                          revision. EPA therefore determined that
                          both the ocean dumping regulations and
                          the ocean discharged criteria should be
                          revised and published as separate
                          regulations. All reference  to section
                          403(c) guidelines was deleted from the
                          revised ocean dumping regulations
                          which were promulgated on January 11,
                          1977 (42 FR 2468). However, the Agency
                          encountered substantial difficulty in
                          developing revised ocean discharge
                          guidelines, and, until recently, there
                          have been no published national
                          guidelines in place. Since withdrawal of
                          the original guidelines, permit writers
                          have been implementing section 403 on
                          a case-by-case basis.
                             On June 21,1979, the Pacific Legal
                          Foundation filed suit in United States
                          District Court for the Eastern District of
                           California, seeking, among other things,
                           that EPA promulgate revised section
                          403(c) guidelines, Pacific Legal
                          Foundation v. Costle, Civ. No. S-79-429-
                           PCW. The National Wildlife Federation
                           intervened in that lawsuit. On October1
                           31.1979, the Court ordered EPA both to
                           promulgate these guidelines and to
                           publish interim guidelines stating
                           Agency policy in reviewing, issuing, or
                           denying NPDES permits under  section
                           403, pending promulgation of the final
                           guidelines. The interim guidelines were
                           published in the Federal Register on
                           November 15i 1979, 44 FR 65751, and
                           they will be superseded by the final
                           guidelines published today.
                             The Agency then published proposed
                           ocean discharge criteria in the  Federal
                           Register (45 FR 9548) on February 12,
                           1980, held an oral hearing on the
                           proposal on March 21,1980, and
                           provided a comment period for
submission of written comments which
was to end on March 28,1980. At the
request of various interested groups, the
comment period was extended for 30
days. Based on the extended comment
period and on the large volume of
comments received, the Agency moved
the court to extend the final
promulgation date by 120 days beyond
the July 30 deadline. The court extended
the final deadline until September 30.
II. Development of the 403 Guidelines

1. Synopsis of the Guidelines
  Section 403 is intended to prevent
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment and to authorize imposition
of effluent limitations, including a
prohibition of discharge, if necessary, to
ensure this goal. These guidelines were
developed to satisfy this intent. They
provide flexibility to permit writers to
tailor application requirements, effluent
limitations, and reporting requirements
to-the specific circumstances of each
discharger's situation, while ensuring
consistency and certainty by imposing
minimum requirements, in situations
where the long-term impact of a
discharge is not fully understood.
  Under these guidelines, no NPDES
permit may be issued which authorizes
a discharge of pollutants that will cause
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment. Prior to permit issuance,
the director, defined as either the
Regional Administrator or the State
Director where there is an approved
State program, or an authorized
representative, is required to evaluate
whether a proposed discharge will cause
such degradation. In making this
determination, the director is to consider
the factors specified in § 125.122 (a) and
   In cases where sufficient information
is available for the director to make a
reasonable determination whether
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment will occur, the director is
governed by § 125.123 (a) and (b) of the
regulations. Discharges which will cause
unreasonable degradation will be
prohibited; other discharges may be
permitted under conditions necessary to
ensure that such degradation will not
   In those cases where the director is
unable to determine whether
unreasonable degradation will occur,
 § 125.123(c) governs. No discharge in
 this situation is allowed unless the
 director can reasonably determine that:
 (1) the discharge will not cause
irreparable harm to the marine
 environment while further evaluation is
 undertaken; (2) there are no reasonable


             Federal Register  /  Vol. 45,  No.  194 / Friday October 3, 1980 /  Rules and Regulations
 alternatives to the discharge; and (3) the
 discharge will comply with certain
 mandatory permit conditions, including
 a bioassay-based discharge limitation
 and monitoring requirements. These
 permit conditions will assist in
 determining whether and to what extent
 further limitations are necessary to
 ensure that the discharge does not cause
 unreasonable degradation. If further
 limitations are necessary, § 125.123(d)(4]
 provides that the permit must be then
 modified to include these additional
 limitations or else revoked.
  These guidelines encourage the use of
 available information in addition to any
 supplied by the permit applicant. Thus,
 the director may make determination
 based on information such as that
 contained in any relevant environmental
 impact statement section 301(h) or other
 variance applications, existing technical
 and environmental field studies, or EPA
 industrial and municipal waste surveys.
 2, Relationship Between the Statute and
 the Guidelines
  (a) Section 403(c)(l}—Section 403(c)(l)
 specifies seven factors which are to be
 included in guidelines for determining
 the degradation of marine waters. These
 factors form the basis for the
 determinations which must be made
 pursuant to these guidelines.
  Most of the statutory factors,
 including 403(c)(l](A). (B), (C). (D), (E).
 and a portion of (G), involve
 consideration of the biological effects of
 the discharge of pollutants. These
 factors, either directly or indirectly,
 must be evaluated by the director in
 determining whether a discharge will
 cause unreasonable degradation of the
 marine environment  Section 125.122(a)
 requires that the director assess such
 variables as the location of the
 discharge, including the composition of
 the biological community and existence
 of special aquatic sites, such as marine
 sanctuaries; the nature  of the pollutants
 which are to be discharged, including
 their quantities, composition, potential
 for bioaccumulation,  persistence and
 their transport in the  environment and
 the effect on human health. This
 assessment should adequately address
 the statutory factors relating to
 biological effects of the discharge.
  Section 403(c)(l)(C) also involves
 consideration of economic and social
 impacts of the discharge, as does section
403(c)(l)(G). The guidelines address
 these factors in assessing whether a
discharge will cause unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment.
Section 122.121(f) defines "unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment"
to include, among other things, "loss of
esthetic, recreational or economic
values which are unreasonable in
relation to the benefit derived from the
discharge." Thus, even where the
director has determined that there are
no significant changes in ecosystem
diversity, productivity and stability, and
there is no threat to human health, he
may conclude that a discharge may not
be authorized if the adverse impact on
such activities as fishing, recreation,
and/or other economic or social benefits
is unreasonable in relation to benefits,
such as oil and gas production, derived
from the  discharge.
  Section 403(c)(l)(F) involves
consideration of other possible locations
and disposal methods for pollutants.
Although EPA has considered this factor
in developing these guidelines, the
director is not required to assess
alternatives in all cases. Under section
125.123(c)(2) the director must assess the
availability of alternatives, including
land-based alternatives, only in those
cases where he cannot determine that a
discharge will not cause unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment.
  Additionally, the guidelines establish
a presumption that discharges in
compliance with sections 301(h), 316(a),
301 (g) and State water quality standards
under section 303 will not cause
unreasonable degradation. Although the
director may, on the basis of the factors
specified in § 125.122(a),  conclude that
additional permit limitations are in fact
necessary even though the requirements
of these other sections have been met,
the similarity between the objectives
and requirements of these provisions
and those of section 403 warrants a
presumption that discharges in
compliance with these sections also
satisfy section 403. Also, even though
the regulations provide that a successful
section 316(a) demonstration creates
only a rebuttable presumption that
section 403 has been satisfied, the
provisions of section 316(c) may in some
cases preclude the imposition of more
stringent limitations under section 403.
  POTWs obtaining section 301(h)
variances are entitled to  a presumption
that their entire discharge is in
compliance with section 403. However,
the presumption applies only to the
thermal component of a discharge
subject to a 316(a) variance or to those
specific non-conventional pollutants
subject to a section 301(g) variance or to
pollutants specifically limited by criteria
in State water quality standards. Each
of those provisions, like section 403, is
geared toward assessing the
environmental impact of a discharge. In
order for a point source to receive a
section 301{g), 301(h] or 316(a) variance,
an evaluation of the biological and
 environmental effect of the discharge is
 required. Indeed, the statutory factors
 specified in these sections are similar to
 those contained in section 403(c).
 Similarly, State water quality standards
 established pursuant to section 303 of
 the Act are designed to preserve the
 quality of waters under State
 jurisdiction, including the territorial
 seas, and compliance with these
 standards should insure protection of
 the uses for which the waters are
 designated with respect to pollutants for
 which standards have been established.
   (b)' Section 403(c)(2)—Section
 403(c)(2)  states that:
 Where insufficient information exists on any
 proposed discharge to make a reasonable
 judgment on any of the guidelines established
 pursuant to this section no permit shall be
 issued under section 402 of this Act.
   This section is the basis for two
 central elements of these requlations.
 First, the guidelines require that the
 director make potentially complex
 factual determinations on the basis of
 information which, in many cases, may
 be conflicting and in dispute. Section
 403(c)(2)  provides that the standard on
 which the director is to make these
 judgments is one of "reasonableness." In
 assessing the information in the
 administrative record, the director may
 authorize the discharge of pollutants if
 he is able to make a "reasonable
 judgment" about the determinations
 specified in the guidelines. Although
 these issues may involve scientific
 matters, the director is not bound by the
 same burden of proof which a scientist
 might require to reach a conclusion. The
 administrative process and the burden
 of proof in making these determinations
 are discussed below.
   Second, the regulation provides, as
 required by section 403(c)(2), that the
• director may not authorize the discharge
 of pollutants if there is insufficient
 information to make these judgments.
 The regulation does not, however,
 require that there be complete
 knowledge of the impact of a discharge
 prior to permit issuance. Section
 125.123(cJ provides that a permit may be
 issued if  the director has sufficient
 information to reasonably conclude.
 among other things, that the discharge
 will not cause  irreparable harm to the
 environment while additional
 information is  collected. The provision
 implements Congress' intent that
 "discharges permitted today will not
 irreversibly modify the oceans for future
 uses." S.  Rep. No. 92-414, 92nd Cong.,
 1st Sess.  at 75  (1971). It should insure
 adequate protection of the environment
 at all times while allowing the director
 to issue NPDES permits where existing

                                                                                       Appendix B

Federal Register / Vol. 45, No.  194 / Friday,  October 3,  1980 / Rules and Regulations	
data may not be adequate to assess the
long term impact of a discharge.

3. The Role of Section 403(c) Guidelines
in NPDES Permit Issuance

  These guidelines will be used to
develop NPDES permits for the   •
discharge of pollutants into the
territorial seas, the contiguous zone and
the oceans. Application  of the guidelines
will aid in protecting marine resources
and their uses from the impact of
pollution and in preventing
unreasonable degradation of the marine
  Although sometimes described here as
"guidelines" or "criteria", these
promulgated regulations establish
minimum requirements on discharges to
protect the receiving waters. These
guidelines will be used in evaluating
applications for new, modified or
renewed permits as they are submitted.
  These guidelines apply in addition to
other applicable provisions of the Clean
Water Act. Permittees subject to section
403 must still comply with all other
requirements of the Act'including
applicable technology-based
requirements specified by sections 301,
304 or 306 and water-quality based
limitations specified by sections 303 or
307. Permittees may in certain
circumstances be subject to the
provisions of section 311 as well.
   Section 403 applies to all discharges
seaward of the inner boundary of the
territorial seas. This boundary is defined
by section 502(a) of the Act to be the—
  belt of the seas measured from the line of
 ordinary low water along that portion of the
 coast which is in direct contact with the open
 sea and the line marking the seaward limit of
 inland waters. ...
   This definition limits the number of
 land-based dischargers subject to
 section 403. For example, Chesapeake
 Bay, Boston Harbor, New York Harbor,
 San Francisco Bay and Puget Sound lie
 inside this inner boundary so that
 discharges into these waters are not
 subject to section 403 requirements. Of
 the approximately 62,400 existing
 NPDES permittees, 232 are land-based
 point sources discharging seaward of
 this inner boundary. These include 102
 publicly-owned treatment works, 74
 industrial plants, 25 steam electric
 plants and 31 federal facilities. These
 figures do not  include the dischargers in
 Alaska whose location relative to the
 baseline defining the ocean boundary is
 not known.
    In addition to these land-based
 dischargers, section 403 applies to all
 other point sources discharging into the
 marine waters covered by this
 regulation. By far the largest group of
                           marine dischargers are oil and gas
                           exploratory and production facilities.
                           The Agency estimates that there are
                           approximately 3,000 such facilities now
                           III. Modifications to the Proposal
                             EPA provided both an oral hearing
                           and a written comment period on the
                           proposal, the latter extended by thirty
                           days in response to the request of
                           several interested groups. The preamble
                           to the proposal specifically solicited
                           comment on certain points, including
                           mixing zone definition and
                           determination, control of toxic
                           pollutants; monitoring requirements and
                           procedures; and effect of meeting
                           requirements for a Section 301(h)
                             Ten persons testified at the March 21,
                           1980 hearing on the proposal, and
                           written comments were received from 81
                           parties, including many industrial
                           groups, municipalities, conservation
                           groups, federal agencies and several
                           State governments. A listing of these
                           commenters is presented in Appendix A.
                           The commenters  addressed the issues
                           raised for comment in the preamble and
                           raised a range of additional issues
                            concerning EPA's approach in
                            developing the proposed regulations.
                            Detailed responses to the major public
                            comments are presented in Appendix B.
                              In conjunction with the public
                            comment review, EPA has reevaluated
                            the proposed regulations and concluded
                            that certain changes are appropriate.
                            The final regulations retain the basic
                            approach of the proposal. As in the
                            proposal, this regulation provides that
                            the director must determine whether a
                            discharge will cause unreasonable
                            degradation of the marine environment.
                            Based on review of the numerous
                            comments, however, EPA has made
                            certain modifications which are
                            intended to provide greater clarity to the
                            permit writer, to ensure consistency in
                            application of this regulation and to
                            minimize burdens on the permit
                               Under the proposed regulation,
                            applicants were required to submit a
                            wide range of analyses and evaluations.
                            Numerous commenters objected, stating
                            that submission of this information was
                            unnecessary, and in many cases
                            redundant. In response to these
                            comments, the final regulations now
                            provide that the  director may request
                            information from the applicant but is
                            encouraged to use other available
                            sources, such as environmental impact
                            statements, section 301(h) variance
                            applications, consolidated permit
                            applications, or EPA industrial and
                            municipal waste surveys.
  These final regulations also clarify the
director's authority to issue permits
where certain pre-issuance
determinations relating to the effects of
a discharge cannot be made. These
regulations now provide that, in those
cases, the discharge of pollutants may
be authorized only where the director
has sufficient information to make
reasonable determinations regarding the
potential for irreparable harm from the
discharge and on the availability of
alternatives. These regulations also
establish certain minimum permit
requirements in these cases. These
requirements, identified as possible
permit conditions in the.proposed
regulation, have been made mandatory
in part in response to comments that the
regulations needed to provide greater
guidance to the director and applicant
regarding permit conditions.
  Finally, with respect to the
relationship between the permit
requirements of section 403(c] and
variances issued under sections 301(g),
301(h), or 316(a), the final regulation
provides that an applicant who has met
the conditions necessary to receive such
a variance is presumed to be in
compliance with section 403(c) for those
pollutants to which the variance applies.
IV. Procedures for Issuance of Permits
Under Guidelines
1. Determination of Applicability of
Section 403
   The threshold determination for
 applicability of the section 403
 guidelines is whether a proposed
 discharge will occur seaward of the
 inner boundary of the territorial seas.
 EPA's consolidated permit regulations
 (45 FR 33290, May 19,1980} require that
 applicants list the latitude, longitude
 and name of the receiving waters for
 each outfall. Where the director is
 uncertain as to whether the outfall is
 within the waters covered by section
 403(c), he should request guidance from
 EPA headquarters. Where the proposed
 discharge is  in an area where the
 baseline defining the boundary of the
 territorial seas has not been determined,
 EPA will request a determination from
 the Department of State, which is
 responsible for defining the boundaries •
 of the territorial seas.
 2. Determination of Information
 Requirements Under Section 403(c)
   Once a determination has been made
 that section  403(c) applies to a particular
 discharge, the director must determine
 what information is required to evaluate
 the discharge according to the section
 403(c) criteria. The first thing that the
 director should do is survey the

    Appendix B

            Federal Register  / Vol. 45. No.  194 / Friday October  3, 1980 / Rules and Regulations
 currently available information about
 the discharge itself and about the area
 •jj which the discharge would occur.
 This information would include'the data
 contained in the consolidated
 application form, as well as the data
 available from Agency reports and
 studies. The director should also notify
 tjse applicant of the existence of other
 currently available information.
  After completing this survey of the
 available information, the director
 should determine what additional
 information would be required from the
 applicant for the evaluation of the
 impact of the ocean discharge as
 required by section 403(c). The applicant
 will have the responsibility of collecting
 this additional information and of
 submitting it to the director.
 3. Determination of Unreasonable
 Degradation of the Marine Environment
  Section 125.121(e) defines
 "unreasonable degradation of the
 marine environment" to include—
  fl) significant adverse changes in
 ecosystem diversity, productivity and
 stability of the biological community within
 the area of discharge and surrounding
 biological communities; (2) threats to human
 health through direct exposure to pollutants
 or consumption of exposed aquatic
 organisms; or (3) loss of esthetic, recreational,
 identific or economic values which are
 unreasonable in relation to the benefits
 derived from the discharge.
  Sections 125.122 (a) and (b) specify an
 array of factors relevant in making these
  In many cases the director will be
 able to reach conclusions based on data
 related to the nature of the proposed
 discharge. In areas which do not contain
 sensitive species or unusual biological
 communities or are not important for
 surrounding biological communities, the
 director may conclude that discharges
 containing primarily conventional
 pollutants will not cause unreasonable
 degradation. This is especially
 appropriate where the data indicate that
 there will be significant mixing with the
receiving waters based on the flow of
 we discharge and the physical
 characteristics of the discharge site,
 such as water depth and turbulence.
This determination may be appropriate
 for such dischargers as small publicly
 owned treatment works ("POTWs") and
 for industrial dischargers such as fruit
 canneries and fish processors.
  For discharges into areas of biological
concern or for complex or toxic
discharges,  additional evaluation may
°e necessary to  determine whether a
Proposed discharge will cause
unreasonable degradation. In assessing
">e need for further evaluation, the
 director should consider the
 vulnerability of the area of discharge
 and its role in the larger biological
 community. Significant or sensitive
 areas might include spawning sites,
 nursery or forage areas, migratory
 pathways or areas necessary for other
 functions or critical stages in the life
 cycle of organisms, areas of high
 productivity, or areas under stress due
 to biological or climatic conditions or
 discharges from other sources.
 Additionally, the director should
 consider whether a discharge will affect
 marine and wildlife species which are
 identified as endangered or threatened
 pursuant to the Endangered Species Act,
 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq.r and those
 species critical to the structure or
 function of the ecosystem, such as in
 food chain relationships.
  An assessment of the potential
 toxicity of a discharge should initially
 focus on the pollutants which are
 present in significant quantities relative
 to marine water quality criteria
 developed pursuant to section 304(a).
 The potential for bioaccumulation or
 persistence of pollutants in the
 environment is of particular importance.
  The director must also consider the
 potential impacts of the discharge on
 human health either directly as through
 physical contact or indirectly through
 the food chain. These factors should be
 addressed when considering the
 location of the discharge and the  type
 and volume of the discharger's effluent. •
  Determinations of the economic
 impact of the discharge should be based
 on the potential effect of the discharge
•on such activities as commercial fishing,
 recreation, mineral exploitation and
 scientific study. In considering whether
 a discharge will cause unreasonable
 economic impacts, the social as well as
 economic effects on a community should
 be considered.
  Much, if not all, of the information
 necessary to make these evaluations
 already will be available to the director.
 Pursuant to section 122.53 of the
 consolidated permit regulations,
 applicants for NPDES permits must
 submit a range of significant
 information, including in many cases a
 detailed analysis of toxic pollutants in
 the waste stream. Additionally, any
 relevant environmental impact
 statements or section 301(h), 301(g) or
 316(a) variance applications should
 provide significant data about the
 environmental impact of the proposed
 discharge.  EPA industrial and municipal
 waste surveys and any data from
 relevant technical and environmental
 field studies that may have been
 conducted may serve as a source of
 information. Finally, Coastal Zone
Management Plans or proposals for
designation of an area as a marine
sanctuary should also contain relevant
  In cases where available information
is insufficient for the director to make a
determination, he may request
additional information of the applicant
pursuant to § 125.124. Where further
analysis of the area of the proposed
discharge is required, the director may
require the applicant to perform
assessments similar to those identified
in the Technical Support Document
prepared in conjunction with EPA's
section 301(h) regulations (44 FR 34784,
June 15.1979). EP'A headquarters will be
available to provide assistance to the
permit writer in developing information
requirements where the discharge may
be affecting an area of biological
  The director ^should work with the
applicant to determine what types of
assessment are necessary and to review
or evaluate the assessment as it
progresses. This level of participation is
intended to determine the actual
feasibility and the costs of such
assessments for the applicant.
Furthermore, it should avoid duplicative
or inadequate assessments, thereby
preventing delays in permit issuance.
The Agency recognizes that some of the
anticipated assessments required for
permit issuance on the Outer
Continental Shelf are beyond those  •
which can reasonably be expected of
the applicant and will require continued
Agency research efforts.
  The guidelines establish a
presumption that discharges in
compliance with sections 301(g), 301(h),
316(a) or State water quality standards
will not cause unreasonable degradation
with respect to the pollutants covered
by those sections. Unless available data
indicate that  a discharge will cause
unreasonable degradation, the director
need not take additional steps, including
the compilation of additional data, to
support a conclusion that no further
limitations on the discharge of these
pollutants is necessary.

4. Determination of Irreparable Harm
  Section 125.123(c)(l) requires that the
director determine  whether a discharge
will cause irreparable harm to the
marine environment in situations where
he cannot determine whether the
discharge will cause unreasonable
degradation. Although the concepts of
"irreparable harm" and "unreasonable
degradation" involve similar
considerations, the determination of
"irreparable harm" is much narrower in

                                                                                        Appendix B

Federal Register / Vol. 45,  No. 194 / Friday, October  3, 1980 / Rules and Regulations
  In assessing the probability of
"irreparable harm", the director need
not focus his analysis on the overall
impact of the discharge. Rather, he is
only required to make a reasonable
determination that the discharger,
operating pursuant to the permit
conditions established in § 125.123(c),
will not cause permanent and significant
harm to the environment during the
period in which further data on the
effects of the discharge are collected. In
cases where such data, primarily that
produced by monitoring, indicate that
continued discharge will produce
unreasonable degradation, the discharge
must be halted or additional limitations
established. Although evaluation of
irreparable harm may in some cases
involve difficult factual issues,
determinations of this kind are currently
a part of the NPDES permit issuance
process. Pursuant to 40 CFR
124.60(a)(2)(ii), the presiding officer at
an evidentiary hearing may authorize a
facility to commence discharging prior
to receipt of a final NPDES permit if the
permit applicant demonstrates, among
other things, that the discharge will not
cause "irreparable harm to the
environment . .  ." This is essentially
the same finding which the director must
now make pursuant to these guidelines.
  Certain factors are particularly
significant in assessing the likelihood of
"irreparable harm". Two such factors
are the quantity of pollutants expected
to be  discharged and their potential for
persistence in the marine environment.
For example, a permit writer might
authorize the operation of exploratory
oil  and gas facilities or a limited number
of production facilities based on a
conclusion that these limited operations
will not cause irreparable harm to an
  An additional factor is the sensitivity
of the area into which the discharge is
proposed. The director might conclude
that a discharge could cause irreparable
harm to unusual and interdependent
communities, such as the coral reefs and
associated communities of the Flower
Garden Banks proposed marine
sanctuary in the Gulf of Mexico. In such
areas special conditions, including the
prohibition of discharge, might be
  Finally, data on the effect of similar
discharges in similar areas is directly'
relevant to the determination of
irreparable harm. Information
demonstrating the recovery  of the
environment after the cessation of
discharges from similar facilities would
be  a strong indication that irreparable
harm is not likely to occur. For example,
data indicate that even in areas of
                            biological concern, biological
                            communities reestablish themselves
                            after the termination of discharges from
                            publicly-owned treatment works. Thus,
                            where the other provisions of
                            § 12S.123(c) are satisfied, the director
                            might properly conclude that discharges
                            from POTWs pursuant to this section
                            may be authorized while further
                            information is being collected.

                            5. Determination of Reasonable
                              These guidelines establish two bases
                            for determining whether reasonable
                            alternatives to the proposed discharge
                            exist. The first is the physical
                            availability of alternative sites for
                            disposal of pollutants. Such alternative
                            sites might inciude either disposal
                            facilities located on land, discharge
                            point(sj within internal waters, or
                            existing ocean dumping sites approved
                            pursuant to the Marine Preservation,
                            Research and Sanctuaries Act. In
                            determining whether a site is a
                            reasonable alternative to on-site
                            disposal, the director should consider its
                            distance from the site of the proposed
                            discharge and whether its use would
                            cause unwarranted economic impact on
                            the discharger. For example, shipping
                            wastes over long distances  would likely
                            impose such impact. This provision is
                            intended to ensure some rule of reason
                            in evaluating alternatives, it is not
                            intended to impose a "cost/benefit"
                            analysis of alternative sites.
                              In considering the availability of
                            alternatives the director shall consider,
                            based on available information or that
                            requested from the applicant, the
                            estimates of the amount of material
                            requiring disposal. He should review the
                            availability of existing land-based
                            disposal sites and ocean dumping sites
                            within a reasonable distance from the
                            point of discharge and the estimated
                            uncommitted capacity of such sites. The
                            director should evaluate any reports of
                            economic impact of discharge
                            alternatives as may be supplied by the
                              The second basis for evaluating the
                            feasibility of alternative sites relates to
                            the relative environmental harm of
                            disposal. Pursuant to section 121(e)(2),
                            alternative disposal sites are not
                            considered "reasonable alternatives" if
                            on-site disposal is judged to be
                            environmentally preferable. Thus, the
                            discharge of pollutants might be
                            authorized where disposal in alternative
                            sites might produce equal or greater
                            environmental harm than on-site
                            discharge, or where transportation to
                            alternative sites might produce a
                            significant risk of greater environmental
                            harm or a significant risk to human
 safety. For example, during certain
 seasons it may be undesirable to
 transport wastes off-site in areas of the
•North Atlantic or Alaska. Where the
 environmental or human health risks of
 transportation are significant, such
 transportation should not be considered
 a reasonable alternative.

 6. Determination of Permit Conditions
  Section 125.123(d) identifies specific
 permit conditions which are required for
 the issuance of a permit where a pre-
 permit issuance determination regarding
 degradation of the marine environment
 cannot be made. The director may also
 require any necessary permit conditions
 identified in section 125.123(d) to assure
 that unreasonable degradation of the
 marine environment will not occur
 under § 125.123(a).
  (a) Limiting Permissible
 Concentration Requirements—Section
 125.123(d)(l) requires, if a determination
 regarding unreasonable degradation
 cannot be made, that the discharge must
 pass certain bioassay-based
 requirements similar to those of EPA's
 ocean dumping regulations (40 CFR Part
  The applicant must demonstrate that
 his discharge will not exceed the
 limiting permissible concentration
 ("LPC") at the boundary of the mixing
 zone for a liquid phase  and a suspended
 particular phase bioassay, in
 accordance with procedures for
 determining the LPC which are
 described in Bioassay Procedures for
 the Ocean Disposal Permit Program,
 U.S. EPA 600/9-78-010  March 1978 and
 in Ecological Evaluation of Proposed
 Discharge of Dredge Material into the
 Ocean  Waters, EPA/Corps of Engineers,
 July 1977. If these manuals are revised in
 the future, bioassays shall be performed
 in accordance with any such revisions.
  These regulations require an LPC
 which is derived from, but not identical
 to, the ocean dumping bioassay
 requirements. First, these regulations do
 not use section 304(a)(l) marine water
 quality criteria as a basis for
 determining an LPC. By use of a
 bioassay-based LPC, the ocean
 discharge criteria address the impact of
 the whole effluent and account for any
 synergistic or antagonistic effects. EPA
 recognizes that section  304(a)(l) criteria
 may in some cases require changes to
 reflect site-specific conditions, and the
 Agency is Devaluating  the use of marine
 water quality criteria in the ocean
 dumping  program.  ,  .,
  The ocean discharge  criteria also use
 a mixing  zone extending laterally 100
 meters in all directions  from the
 discharge point(s) or to the boundary of
 the zone of initial dilution as calculated

    Appendix B

            Federal Register  /  Vol. 45, No. 194 / Friday  October 3,  1980 / Rules and Regulations
hy a plume model approved by the
director, whichever is greater, unless the
jjrector determines that the more
restrictive mixing zone or another
definition of the mixing zone is more
appropriate. In calculating the dilution
it the boundary of the mixing zone, the
discharger may use any of the various
documented plume models and
dispersion models appropriate for the
discharge and approved by the director.
Some of these models are referenced in
the technical documents for EPA's ocean
dumping regulations and the technical
document for EPA's section 301(h)
  Where the discharge contains a solid
phase, the applicant will be required to
perform the solid phase bioassay and
bioaccumulation testing on.the waste
material in accordance with procedures
described in Ecological Evaluation of
Proposed Discharge of Dredge Material
into the Ocean Waters. EPA/Corps of
Engineers, July 1977. For example, if a
bioassay analysis is required in the case
of offshore oil and gas platforms, the
solid phase bioassay would be
conducted  as a test on drilling muds and
cuttings which are to be discharged.
  Not all applicants may have to
perform bioassay tests on their effluents.
Applicants may submit bioassay
analyses performed on other wastes if
the applicant provides documentation to
«how that the composition of the waste
analyzed typifies that which the
applicant is discharging or intends to
  (b) Monitoring Requirements—Where
a pre-issuance determination regarding
degradation of the marine environment
cannot be made, § 125.123(d)(2) requires
that a monitoring program be in place
which is sufficient to assess the impact
of the discharge on water, sediment, and
biological quality including, where
appropriate, analysis of the
bioaccumulative and/or persistent
impact on aquatic life of the discharge.
This monitoring program may include
effluent analysis, bioassay analysis and
field studies. The technical document Tor
EPA's section 301(h) regulations should
provide support in developing such a
monitoring program. It is not possible to
oake an a priori determination as to
what constitutes an acceptable
monitoring program. Site-specific
conditions such as the size of the
discharger's waste stream, the types of
Pollutants  discharged, and the location
of the discharge will play a role in
determining what if any specific
Monitoring will be required under
section 403(c) in addition to other
"PDES monitoring requirements.
  Section 125.123(d)(2) provides the
director a flexible mechanism to develop
such site-specific monitoring
requirements. For example, a low
volume discharger whose waste stream
is unlikely to contain significant
amounts of toxic pollutants will not be
required in most cases to establish a
monitoring program under these
regulations. Similarly, a discharger of
pollutants into an area of biological
concern may be subject to more
stringent monitoring requirements than
one not discharging into such an area.
  Monitoring programs, in some
instances, may be coordinated for
several dischargers. For example, with
offshore oil and gas platforms,  areawide
monitoring programs for several
dischargers may be the desirable
monitoring approach. EPA headquarters
has been active in assisting the regions
in developing monitoring programs for
offshore oil and gas exploration in areas
of biological concern such as the Flower
Garden Banks and Georges Bank. Those
monitoring programs will serve as
valuable guides for the development of
additional monitoring programs for
other areas of offshore oil and  gas
exploration and production. EPA
headquarters will continue to play an
active role in providing technical
assistance in developing such
monitoring programs.
  (c) Other Permit Conditions—Under
§ 125.123(d)(3), the director may also
require under other permit conditions on
the discharge. For example, the director
may require seasonal restrictions on the
volume of wastes discharged where
such restrictions are needed to assure
protection of the marine environment.
Seasonal restrictions may be necessary
where the discharge is itself affected by
seasonal conditions or where the
biological community may become more
sensitive to the impact of the discharge
during certain seasonal conditions, such
as during migration or spawning.
  The director may require that the
applicant perform bioaccumulation
testing of the liquid and/or suspended
particulate phase of the discharge where
the director suspects such potential for
bioaccumulation may exist, based oiv
the nature of the pollutants discharged.
  The director may also require process
modifications, such as the substitution
of less hazardous chemicals for those
which are potentially harmful. He may
also require process changes which
would favor the recycling and reuse of
potentially harmful pollutants. The
Agency has recently established a task
force to evaluate the discharges from
offshore oil and gas exploration and
production facilities and to evaluate
alternate control strategies to  mitigate
the effects of such discharges, which
include drilling muds and cuttings- and
produced water. Its recommendations
may be used in drafting future
requirements under section 403(c)
  The director may also require that
diffuser systems for the discharger be
sufficient to assure adequate dispersion
of the waste stream.

7. The Administrative Process and
Burden of Proof
  Under the Act and this regulation, the
director is responsible for making
"reasonable judgments" on the
preceding issues, and these judgments
will be made oil available information
compiled in the administrative record of
the permit issuance. As discussed
above, this information may come from
many sources including data submitted
under the consolidated permit
application form, environmental impact
statements or section 301(h) variance
applications. These guidelines  do not
require that all applicants submit
specific information to support the
section 403 determinations, and the
director is  encouraged to make use of
existing information not prepared by
  However, under the Clean Water Act,
the Administrative Procedure Act, and
EPA's consolidated permit regulations it
is the applicant who is responsible for
persuading the Agency that a permit
should be issued. See 40 CFR
124.85(a)(l) and Opinion of the General
Counsel No. 72. This obligation is
particularly apparent with respect to
applicants seeking permits to discharge
into marine waters. Section 403(c)(2)
requires that the director deny an
NPDES permit application if there is
insufficient information to make
reasonable judgments under the
guidelines. This means that the permit
applicants should be prepared to submit
sufficient information to support a
determination to issue an NPDES permit.
  Under the Agency's permit issuance
procedures there is opportunity to
submit information for the
administrative record. An applicant or
interested  person who disputes any
permit condition or tentative decision to
deny an application must submit
available information supporting their
position during the public comment
period. 40 CFR 124.13. In any subsequent
evidentiary hearing on the permit, the
Agency will have the burden of going
forward to present its case supporting a
challenged permit condition, but, at the
conclusion of the Agency's presentation,
the applicant or any other hearing
participant has the burden of going ••
forward to present its case. 40 CFR
124.85(a) (2) and (3). Moreover, the
ultimate burden of persuading the

                                                                                       Appendix 8
Federal Register / Vol. 45, No.  194 / Friday, October 3, 1980  /  Rules  and Regulations   	
Agency to issue a permit remains at all
times on the permit applicant.
V. Cost and Economic Impacts
  Executive Order 12044, 43 FR 12661
(March 23,1978), requires EPA and other
agencies to perform Regulatory
Analyses of certain regulations. EPA's
plan for implementing Executive Order
12044, 44 FR 30988 (May 29,1979),
requires a Regulatory Analysis for major
regulations involving annual compliance
costs of S100 million or meeting other
specified criteria. Where these criteria
are  met, EPA's implementation plan
requires a formal Regulatory Analysis
including an economic impact analysis
and an evaluation of regulatory
alternatives. The Agency has
determined that none of the criteria for
requiring a regulatory analysis has been
exceeded and therefore, the
promulgated regulations for ocean
dischargers do not require a formal
Regulatory Analysis. Nevertheless, EPA
performed an analysis that does meet all
the  requirements of Executive Order
12044 and EPA's plan for its
  In accordance with the requirements
under section 2(d)(8) of Executive Order
12044, the Agency intends to review the
effectiveness and need for continuation
of the provisions contained in this action
no more than five (5) years from the
effective date of these regulations. In
particular, we will solicit comments
from affected parties with regard to
actual  costs incurred and other burdens
associated with compliance and will
also review environmental data to
evaluate the effectiveness of the
regulation after it has gone into effect.
  EPA's economic analysis divides the
affected dischargers under the proposed
regulation into five subcategories:
POTWs, industrial dischargers, electric
utilities, federal facilities, and offshore
oil and gas wells. This analysis has
assessed unit price increases,
production changes for industrial
dischargers, and user cost increases at
  The  total cost of compliance is
expected to be $13 million in 1981 and to
increase to $28 million by 1985, in 1980
dollars. Costs may increase in-
succeeding years. The Agency expects
no significant economic impacts will
result from this regulation.

1. POTWs.
  There are presently 102 POTWs
discharging 2.1 billion gallons of effluent
a day into the ocean. These POTWs are
currently operating under EPA's NPDES
regulations. Under these regulations
POTWs may be required to monitor,
perform benthic analyses.
                           bioaccumulation tests and run further
                           analyses of disposal alternatives in
                           addition to those required under their
                           present NPDES permit. The Agency
                           performed an economic analysis to
                           determine the potential costs and
                           increases in user charges currently paid
                           by households serviced by affected
                           POTWs. EPA estimates that 47 POTWs
                           will incur additional costs, due to their
                           location and the size of their discharges,
                           consisting of a first year cost of S1.2
                           million and an average annual cost of
                           $.828 million thereafter.
                              For 46 of the 47 affected POTWs. user
                           charges will increase between S.09 to
                           S.83 per family per year. The impact
                           analysis then compared these costs to
                           median family incomes and  found that
                           no significant economic impacts would
                           occur. However, the impact  analysis  has
                           indicated that for one community user
                           costs could increase by S33.00 per family
                           per year.
                              Currently 36 POTWs subject to these
                           regulations have applied for 301(h)
                           variances. EPA has not yet begun to
                           issue decisions on section 301(h)
                           variance requests. However, much of the
                           information generated for purposes of
                           section 301(h) applications can be
                           utilized in determining compliance, with
                           the requirements of these regulations.
                           Furthermore, in recent years there has
                           been a trend towards centralization of
                           POTWs in many coastal areas. This
                           continued centralization will reduce  the
                           number of ocean outfalls, thus lowering
                           total monitoring and user costs.
                           2. Industrial Dischargers
                              Industrial dischargers will face the
                           same type of compliance requirements
                           as POTWs. Monitoring and  compliance
                           requirements for industrial dischargers
                           are dependent on the particular
                           geographic area as well as the
                           composition and volume of the effluent.
                           At the present time there are 74
                           industrial operations affected by this
                           regulation, discharging approximately
                           212 million gallons per day of effluent.
                           The Agency expects that small
                           industrial plants discharging non-toxic
                           pollutants will not be affected by this
                           regulation. EPA estimates 46 dischargers
                           will incur additional costs due to  this
                           regulation, with a first year  cost of S4.72
                           million, and annual costs of $3.52 million
                           in the following years.
                              An analysis was conducted for a
                           sample of industrial dischargers on both
                           the East and West Coasts to determine
                           the potential price increases that  could
                           result due to this regulation. EPA
                           estimates that average unit prices for
                           products  produced will generally
                           increase less than .1 percent to comply
                           with this  regulation. No plant closures,
unemployment or other significant
economic impacts are expected due to
these requirements.

3. Federal Facilities

  At the present time there are 31
federal facilities affected by this
regulation. These facilities are
discharging approximately 124 million
gallons per day of effluent into the
ocean. The greater part of the total, 75
million gallons per day, originates from
the strategic oil reserve construction site
on the Texas coast. The remaining 49
million gallons a day are from a variety
of small sources, e.g., Defense
Department and Coast Guard
installations. The Agency estimates that
four federal facilities discharging 102
million gallons per day will actually
incure additional costs from this
regulation. The total  annual costs for
compliance under the proposed
regulation is expected to be
approximately S.476 million, with tne
largest proportion of this amount being
related to the construction of  the United
States strategic oil reserve. EPA does
not expect any significant economic
impacts to occur due to expenditures by
these facilities.

4. Electric Utilities

  The Agency does not expect any
significant costs to be incurred by
electric utilities. Compliance with the
present effluent limitation requirements
and with regulations implementing
section 316(a) of the Clean Water Act
are expected to result in compliance
with requirements in this regulation. The
Agency expects that monitoring for
chlorine discharges may be required at
some facilities. However, the  cost of
such monitoring would not be
significant, and no economic impacts are
expected to occur.

5. Offshore Oil and Gas Operations

  There are presently fewer than 30 oil
and gas platforms which are expected to
incur additional costs due to this
regulation. The Agency estimates that
7,582 exploratory and production wells
will be drilled between 1981-1985 with
approximately 835 (11 percent) expected
to incur additional costs resulting from
compliance with this regulation. The
Agency has based its assessment on the
assumption that compliance with
applicable NPDES permit requirements
will generally result in compliance with
these regulations for all oil and gas
wells except those located in  areas of
.biological concern. Wells that cannot
meet the requirements of this  regulation
through compliance with their NPDES
permit terms  will be required  to initiate

    Appendix B

            Federal Register / Vol. 45.  No. 194 / Friday October 3, 1980 / Rules and  Regulations
monitoring, testing, or changes in their
discharge practices.
  The Agency's evaluation of the
economic effects of this regulation
assumed the installation of "zero
discharge" technologies in order to
evaluate the maximum possible impact
of these regulations. The cost of "zero
discharge" varies according to
geographic location, differences in
weather conditions, water depths,
biological communities, and other
similar factors. The economic analysis
groups wells into four regions—the
Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Ocean,  West
Coast, and Alaskan waters.
  The number of wells that would need
to make expenditures beyond those
required under existing NPDES permit
requirements was estimated from
Department of Interior data regarding
current and future lease tracts in  the
ocean and from current trends in new
drilling. The estimates here project
activity from 1981-1985. Should the
amount of new drilling increase or
decrease beyond that time the annual
cost of this regulation would increase or
decrease proportionately.
  It is estimated that the annual cost for
offshore oil and gas operations locating
in or near areas of biological concern
will incur compliance costs ranging from
seven to 23 million dollars per year
between 1981 and 1985. Costs for
various forms of monitoring are
expected to be less. There are numerous
alternatives which include process
changes, mud substitution and shunting
as potential compliance alternatives. A
number of combinations are possible,
depending on geographic location, water
depth, temperature and specific
biological life. For this reason only the
worst case, "zero discharge"
requirement is presented here.
  The typical compliance cost per year
for each geographical area for the no
discharge alternative is presented
below. Costs for operations in the
Atlantic Ocean are expected to range
between .6 and 6.9 million dollars per
year, and Gulf of Mexico operations will
face costs ranging between 1 and 3.6
million dollars per year. Operations
located on the West Coast will face
costs ranging between 4.3 and 12.4
million dollars per year. However, the
California Ocean Plan requires outer
continental shelf operations  to conform
to strict State requirements, which may
reduce the incremental compliance costs
under this regulation. Alaskan
operations will face compliance costs
ranging between 1.2 and 4.5 million
dollars per year.
  Oil and gas prices at the well head are
not expected to be affected by this
regulation, since compliance costs
cannot be directly passed forward due
to various price controls. However, the
cost of this regulation may be
manifested in reduced bids for new
lease tracts. The net effect of this
regulation would be a loss in future
revenues to the federal government in
the amount which this regulation costs
the oil industry.
  Dated: September 26.1980.
Douglas M. Costle,
Appendix A—Public Comments
  The following parties responded with
comments regarding the February 12,
1980 Ocean Discharge Criteria
postmarked on or  before the April 28,
1980 close of the public comment period:
Charles A. Lunsford, Commonwealth of
Virginia, State Water Control Board;
State of Hawaii, Dept. of Health; County
of San Diego,  Community Services
Agency, Dept. of Sanitation & Flood
Control: City of Los Angeles, California
Dept. of Public Works: Menasha
Corporation; National Manufacturing
Company; Commonwealth of Virginia,
State Water Control; County Sanitation
Districts of Los Angeles County; Crown  ,
Zellerbach Environmental Services;
Kaiser Aluminum  & Chemical
Corporation; Boise Cascade, Paper
Group; Davies Hamakua Sugar
Company; Dept. of Health, Education &
Welfare, Public Health  Service;
Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association;
Hilo Coast Processing Company;
Netarts-Oceanside Sanitary District;
International  Paper Company; State of
Alaska, Dept. of Fish  & Game;
Commonwealth of Virginia, Hampton
Roads Sanitation District; Marathon Oil
Company, Production Operations; San
Francisco Wastewater Program, City
and County of San Francisco, California;
U.S. Cape May County Municipal
Utilities Authority, New Jersey; Dept. of
the Army, South Atlantic Division,
Corps of Engineers; State of California,
Resources Agency, Dept. of Fish and
Game; National Fisheries Institute, Inc.,
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.,
Sussex County Council, Georgetown,
Delaware; American Paper Institute/
National Forest Products Association,
Environmental Program, Houston
Audubon Society; Texas Eastern
Transmission Corporation; State of
Delaware, Department  of Natural
Resources and Environmental Control,
Division of Environmental Control;
Department of the Air Force,
Engineering and Serivce Center; Star-
Kist Foods, Inc.; State of California,
Resources Agency, State Water
Resources Control Board; Office of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense, Energy,
Environment and Safety; the Ocean
County Utilities Authority, New Jersey,
National Wildlife Federation;
Department of the Army, Office of the
Chief of Engineers; Shell Oil Company;
Texaco, Inc., American Cyanamid
Company; Atlantic Richfield Company;
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company,
Inc.; Public Service Company of New
Hampshire; Chevron U.S.A., Inc.,
Environmental Affairs; Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Aqueduct
and Sewer Authority; Exxon Company,
U.S.A.; Offshore Operators Committee,
Southern California Edison Company;
Virgin Islands Rum Industries, Ltd.,
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &
Kampelman; Chevron U.S.A. Inc.,
Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro; City of
Watsonville, California; Conoco, Inc.;
Conservation Law Foundation of New
England, Inc.; Mobil Oil; Corporation;
Western Oil & Gas Association; Alaska
Lumber and Plup Company, Inc.,
Robertson, Monagle, Eastaugh &
Bradley; American Petroleum Institute;
Cody Biggs; Chemical Manufacturers
Association, Covington & Burling; City
of Skagway, Alaska, Robertson,
Monagle, Eastaugh & Bradley;  Columbia
Gas System Service Corporation;
Department of Energy; Gulf Oil
Exploration & Production Company;
National Food Processors Association;
Pacific Legal Foundation; Phillips
Petroleum Company; Tuna Research
Foundation, Inc.; Union Oil Company of
California; U.S. Department of
Commerce, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration,
Environmental Research Laboratories;
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.;
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Alaska
Area Office; Utility Water Act Group,
Hunton, & Williams; Department of
Water & Power, the City of Los Angeles,
California; U.S. Department of the
Interior, Geological Survey.
  The following parties responded with
comments postmarked after the April 28,
1980 close of public comment period:
U.S. Department of the Interior;
Chevron, U.S.A., Pillsbury, Madison &
Sutro; University of Southern Maine for
State Planning Office, State of Maine;
Monmouth County Board of Health,
New Jersey; State of Maine, State
Planning Office; Western Oil and Gas
  The following parties testified at the
March 21,1980 hearing: George P. Haley,
Chevron USA; Frank Parker,
Coordinator, Environmental and
Government Affairs Chevron USA;
Elizabeth F. Kroop, Counsel for the
National Wildlife Federation; Walter J.
Zizik, Project Coordinator, South
Monmouth Regional Sewerage

                                                                                       Appendix B

Federal  Register / Vol.  45. No. 194  /  Friday, October 3, 1980 / Rules  and  Regulations
Authority; Curt D. Rose. Manager,
Aquatic Sciences Division, Energy
Resources Company: Frank Melone,
Southern California Edison Company;
William A. Anderson. Attorney, Utility
Water Act Group; Joseph F. Dietz,
Coordinator of Environmental Affairs,
San Diego Gas and Electric Company;
Edward G. Gladbach, Civil Engineer,
Department of Water and Power, City of
Los Angeles: Peter Holmes, Research
Assistant. Atlantic Coast Project,
Natural Resources Defense Council.

Appendix B—Response to Public
  1. Comment. The Agency received
several public comments questioning the
accuracy of the inventory in the
proposal and noting that there was
uncertainty over the exact location of
the baseline marking the landward
boundary of the territorial seas,
particularly in parts of Alaska, Florida,
Puerto Rico, Oregon and Washington.
  Response. Even where the baseline
has not been plotted, there are available
nautical charts for the various bays and
harbors in  question. The Office of the
Geographer in the Department of state is
responsible for the charts plotting
closing lines across islands and
shoreline markers depicting the baseline
of the territorial sea. That  office is
assisted by the Interagency Baseline
Committee, chaired by the Department
of State, with other members coming
from the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, the Coast
Guard, and the Departments of Justice
and the Interior. The Committee meets
several times a year to make baseline
  To facilitate the ongoing
implementation of section 403, EPA has
identified dischargers whose coverage
under that provision is in question, due
 to uncertainty concerning the location of
the baseline. The Agency has submitted
 a written rquest to the Department of
 State and the Interagency Baseline
 Committee for a determination whether
 these dischargers are outside the
 baseline of the territorial seas and thus
 subject to  section 403. EPA will continue
 to  seek determinations when NPDES
 permits are issued, modified, or
 reissued, where there is doubt as to
 whether a discharger is within the
 purview of section  403.
   2. Comment. One commenter stated
 that while it appeared that the Agency
 intended for coastal electric utilities to
 be subject to the regulations, these
 plants were not counted among the 71
 land-based industrial dischargers.
   Response! Electric utilities outside the
 baseline are covered by this regulation
 and EPA. in response to the comment.
                            confirmed this with representatives of
                            the affected industry during the public
                            comment period. The Agency also
                            extended the comment period by thirty
                            days, at the request of this commenter
                            and others, to allow additional time for
                            submission of comments on the
                              The Agency has identified 25 covered
                            plants, which are included in the cost
                            and economic impact analysis for the
                            regulation. In addition, EPA has updated
                            the inventory of subject marine
                            dischargers. As the preamble notes, the
                            number of land-based dischargers
                            subject to section 403 is limited. The
                            updated inventory identifies 232 such
                            dischargers..including 102 POTWs, 74
                            industrial facilities, 25 steam electric
                            utilities, and 31 federal facilities. These
                            figures do not include dischargers in
                            Alaska whose location relative to the
                            baseline defining the boundary of the
                            territorial seas has not been established.
                            However, the Agency believes that most
                            of these dischargers are small and that
                            any environmental or economic impacts
                            would be minimal. The Agency also
                            estimates that there are some 3,000
                            subject offshore oil and gas platforms.
                              3. Comment. A number of commenters
                            stated that under the proposed
                            regulation, ocean dischargers might be
                            subject to more stringent controls and,
                            accordingly, might incur higher costs
                            than would dischargers into potentially
                            more sensitive estuarine and freshwater
                            systems where the assimilative capacity
                            of the body of water may be less than in
                            the oceans and the potential impact of
                            pollution on the ecosystem greater.
                              Response. As the preamble to the
                            regulation notes, the Clean Water Act
                            limits the coverage of section 403 to
                            dischargers into waters seaward of the
                            baseline marking the territorial seas.
                            This additional assurance of protection
                            and its limitation to the waters of the
                            territorial seas, the contiguous zone, and
                            the oceans is, therefore, a matter of
                            Congressional mandate. EPA has
                            designed its regulations to provide this
                            protection, as Congress has directed. As
                            to the  question of costs, the Agency
                            anticipates that in most cases,
                            technology-based effluent limitations
                            required under other provisions of the
                            Act will be adequate in themselves to
                            afford the necessary protection for the
                            marine environment. As to freshwater
                            and estuarine  systems, the Agency
                            agrees that these waters must be
                            protected also; the statutory authority to
                            accomplish this, however, rests in other
                            sections of the Act and in other
                            environmental statutes.
                              4. Comment. A number of commenters
                            suggested that the ocean discharge
                            criteria should merely have the effect of
guidelines, rather than regulatory
requirements, and should provide
flexibility and allow for discretion on
the part of the director to apply
appropriate portions of the guidelines to
the situation of an individual discharger.
  Response. As noted in the preamble,
these regulations, although from time to
time described as "guidelines" or
"criteria" to avoid repetition, establish
mandatory requirements authorized by
section 403(c). Whatever the
terminology, they have the effect of
mandatory regulations because, at any
time that promulgated guidelines are in
effect,  no NPDES permit may be issued
"except in compliance with such
guidelines."  Nevertheless, the regulation
provides the permit writer flexibility in
tailoring information requests and
permit conditions to the  circumstances
of individual dischargers, based on local
  5.  Comment. Several commenters
expressed the concern that while the
proposed regulation required a permit
applicant to demonstrate to the director
that its discharge would have no
unreasonable adverse impact on the
environment, or that adequate toxics
control and monitoring programs were
in place, the proposal failed to tell the
applicant how to make such a
  Response. In order to  ensure "that
applicants will receive adequate
guidance, the final regulation has been
clarified to require that the director
inform an applicant of any specific
information that must be supplied. In
addition, in an attempt to minimize the
information collection obligation of
applicants, the final regulation provides
that the  director may consider
information already available to him in
making the determinations required
under § 125.123(a), (b), or (c).
   6. Comment. Several commenters
suggested that, for the territorial seas,
the purposes of  section 403 were being
served already by State water quality
standards required under section 303
and by technology-based effluent
limitations under sections 301 and 304 of
the Clean Water Act. Another
commenter stated that pretreatment
programs required under section 307
should also ensure protection of the
marine environment.
   Response. The Agency agrees that
State water quality standards,
technology-based limitations and
pretreatment programs are all necessary
to protect the marine environment.
While in most instances discharges in
compliance with such standards, limits,
and programs will also be determined to
pass the "no unreasonable degradation
 test in these regulations, there may be

    Appendix B

             Federal Register /  Vol.  45,  No. 194  / Friday October  3, 1980  /  Rules  and Regulations
 ^stances where this will not be the
 case. For example, there may be
 instances where no State water quality
 standards have been established for
 specific pollutants being discharged.
 Further. State water quality standards
 do not generally apply beyond the limits
 of the territorial seas, while the section
 403 criteria apply also to the contiguous
 zone and the oceans. In addition, there
 nay be instances in which technology-
 based controls will not be sufficient to
 assure protection of a particular marine
 environment, necessitating more
 stringent controls  to assure that the
 section 403 criteria are met. Such may
 also be true of pretreatment programs;
 while the director may consider the
 effectiveness of a given pretreatment
 program in making the "unreasonable
 degradation" determination, he should
 not assume that the existence of
 pretreatment ensures protection of the
 marine environment for purposes of
 section 403.
  7. Comment. Several commenters
 stated that while the proposed
 regulation differentiated special "areas
 of biological sensitivity" to assure those
 areas were not adversely affected, the
 regulation failed to adequately define
 what constitutes such areas. Another
 commenter suggested that the term
 should be replaced by "areas of
 biological concern" because "biological
 sensitivity" connotes a narrow concern
 for unique or fragile ecosystems. The
 commenter suggested that the emphasis
 of the regulation should be on
 unwarranted ecological damage
 regardless of the biological sensitivity of
 the  area.
  Response. The scope of this regulation
 is broader than protecting only those
 areas that are termed "sensitive"; as in
 the  proposed regulation, these
 guidelines seek to prevent unreasonable
 degradation of the marine environment
 regardless of where the discharge
 occurs. Although the regulation no
 longer attempts to classify  areas as
 "sensitive" or "nonsensitive", the
 location of the discharge is an important
 element in determining the level of
 control necessary  to prevent such
 degradation. Section 125.122 identifies
 for the director a number of factors
 relating to the biology  of the local
 community which are important in
assessing the impact of a discharge.
  8. Comment. A substantial number of
 comments submitted on behalf of
various dischargers suggested that the
 dischargers in question—including small
 POTWs, electric utilities, seafood
processors, Alaskan logging operations,
and offshore oil and gas exploration and
Production wells—should be exempt
from the requirements of section 403.
Several commenters made the argument,
in some cases based on submissions of
technical data and reports, that their
discharges already were subject to
controls adequate to protect the marine
environment. Some stated that their
discharges resulted in only de minimus
effects on the environment. Some stated
that compliance with various provisions
of the proposal would result in economic
  Response. EPA has concluded that
there is no basis for categorically
exempting classes of subject dischargers
from the coverage of section 403. While
the data submitted by some commenters
may be useful in determining whether a
particular discharge will meet the
"unreasonable degradation" test, it does
not provide a basis for such a blanket
exemption. However, while a permit
writer is not precluded from seeking
additional site-specific information, the
submission of large quantities of data
for particular dischargers or classes of
dischargers makes it unlikely that a
permit writer will find it necessary to
require these applicants to submit any
substantial quantity of additional data.
Similarly, in the cases of small POTWs
and others where the discharge is
expected to have only a minimal impact,
the flexibility which the final regulation
provides will allow the permit writer to
take this situation into.account, rather
than mandating a rigid across-the-board
application of all requirements, with
their associated costs.
  9. Comment. Several commenters
suggested that POTWs granted section
301(h) variances from secondary
treatment requirements should be
exempt from section 403 because of
significant similarities in the two
provisions. Another commenter,
however, stated that section 301(h)
contains no analogue to section
403(c)(l)(F) or (G) and asserted that
toxic pollutants are not adequately
controlled under section 301(h).
  Response. Despite differences in
statutory language, sections 403 and
301(h) share similar objectives in
seeking to assure protection of the
marine environment, and the respective
determinations whether those objectives
have been met under each provision is
based on similar information.  Section
301(h)(2) requires that a successful
applicant for a variance demonstrate,
among other things, that "such modified
requirements will not interfere with the
attainment or maintenance of that water
quality which assure protection of
public  water supplies and the  protection
of shellfish, fish, and wildlife,  and
allows recreational activities in and on
the water." Section 125.61 of EPA's
section 301(h) regulations requires full
and detailed descriptions of the physical
characteristics of the discharge, its
biological impact on the marine
environment, and its impact on public
water supplies and recreation. Given
therefore that a successful section 301(h)
applicant will have collected and
presented substantial amounts of data
on the  effect of its discharge on the
marine environment,  including its
inhabitants and uses, the final ocean
discharge regulations provide that a
successful section 301(h) demonstration
creates a rebuttable presumption that an
applicant will satisfy the section 403(c)
guidelines as well. While a permit writer
is not precluded from placing additional
requirements on such an applicant under
these regulations, it is unlikely that this
will be necessary in light of the through-
going demonstration the applicant has
made for purposes of section 301(h).
  This approach is consistent with
legislative history to the effect that
section 301 (h) applicants must comply
also with section 403. This language
indicates that Congress did not intend
for section 403 to become a dead letter
with the subsequent enactment of
section 301(h). Unlike the approach of
those commenters who sought to make
compliance with section 403 automatic
for an applicant who had obtained a
section 301(h) variance, the "rebuttable
presumption" approach does not treat
section 403 as redundant. Nor, however,
does it impose a redundant data-
gathering task on successful section
301(h) applicants either, taking account
as it does  of the unmistakable
similarities in the showings required
under the two provisions.
  The Agency disagrees with the
comment that the toxic control
provisions of the section 301(h)
regulations are not adequate. Moreover,
if a permit writer determines that toxic
pollutants in the discharge of a
successful section 301(h) applicant are
not adequately controlled for purposes
of section 403,  he can require additional
controls or, if necessary, require zero-
discharge permit terms for those
  10. Comment. Several commenters
suggested that coastal steam electric
utility plants granted a variance under
section 316(a) of the Act should be
exempt from demonstrating compliance
with section 403, on the grounds that the
demonstration necessary for obtaining a
section 316(a) variance provides the
requisite assurance that the marine
environment is protected for purposes of
section 403(c).
  Response. To obtain a section 316(a)
variance, an applicant must demonstrate

                                                                                      Appendix 6
Federal Register / Vol. 45, No. 194 / Friday, October 3,  1980 / Rules  and Regulations
that effluent controls on its thermal
discharge will be sufficient to assure the
protection and propagation of a
balanced indigenous population of
shellfish, fish and wildlife in and on the
water. The Agency agrees that  in most
cases the demonstration required of a
successful section 316(a) applicant will
be sufficient to allow the permit writer
to conclude that there will be no
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment due to excess heat. While
on the reasoning set out in the previous
response successful section 316(a)
applicants will not be exempt from
section 403, the regulation provides that
a successful section 316(a) application
creates a rebuttable presumption of
compliance with section 403(c) for the
thermal component of the discharge.
  11. Comment.  Commenters also
suggested that those publicly-owned
treatment works which installed
secondary treatment should be exempt
from requirements under section 403.
  Response. Limitations established
pursuant to section 403 are a supplement
to technology-based limitations such as
secondary treatment for POTWs, and no
class of  a discharger is exempt from
compliance with these regulations.
However, it is likely that secondary
treatment will generally be adequate to
satisfy section 403 requirements where
there is adequate pretreatment by
industrial sources and whers the POTW
is not discharging into areas of
biological concern.
   12. Comment. As noted above, some
 commenters asserted that the  ocean
 discharge criteria should merely be
 guidelines providing information to the
 permit writer. Other commenters,
 however, stated that the guidelines
 should require that a discharge pass a
 quantitative test, such as the bioassay
 requirements used in the ocean dumping
 regulations, and comply with State and
 EPA water quality criteria as a
 prerequisite to permit issuance.
   Response. The Agency has revised the
 proposed regulation to allow necessary
 flexibility to the director in assessing
 both the impact of a discharge and
 permit limitations. However, the
 regulation does impose minimum permit
 limitations, including a bioassay-based
 limitations, in areas where the long
 range impact of a discharge is not fully
 understood. This approach should
 provide certainty and consistency in
 permit limitations in areas where the
 determinations by the permit  writer
 would be the most difficult and complex.
    Discharges into the territorial seas
 must comply with any applicable state
 water quality criteria. However, the Act
 generally does not provide for the
  application of these criteria to the
                           contiguous zone and oceans. Although
                           the Act establishes a complete water
                           quality program for State waters based
                           on designated uses and supporting
                           criteria, no such scheme exists for
                           marine waters beyond State jurisdiction.
                           The 403(c) regulation is consistent with
                           the Agency policy outlined in the section
                           301(h)  regulations (44 FR 34810-34811),
                           and will utilize water quality criteria
                           published pursuant to section 304{a)(l),
                           as they are developed, as a basis for
                           assessing the environmental impact of
                           such pollutants.
                             13. Comment. Several commenters
                           asserted that, under the proposed
                           regulation, no predischarge
                           determination was required by the
                           director to assure that the marine
                           environment was protected. Instead,
                           commenters stated, the proposed
                           regulation relied on post discharge
                             Response. Under the final regulations,
                           no discharge of pollutants may be
                           authorized unless, before permit
                           issuance, the director has sufficient
                           information to make a reasonable
                           determination that there will be no
                           irreparable harm to the  environment
                           while  monitoring is undertaken to
                           determine if there will be unreasonable
                           degradation. In addition the permit must
                            specify certain mandatory limitations.
                              14. Comment. The Agency received
                           numerous comments regarding the
                            monitoring requirements outlined in
                            section 125.127 of the proposed
                            regulation. The major issue raised was
                            that the monitoring requirements should
                            be as  flexible as possible providing an
                            applicant a clear description of the
                            information he must provide.
                            Commenters suggested that the rigor ofi
                            the monitoring program should be
                            tailored to site-specific conditions such
                            as the nature and location of the
                            discharge. In addition, a number of
                            commenters stated that compliance with
                            the proposed monitoring requirements
                            would result in severe economic
                            hardship for small dischargers. It was
                            suggested that the latter, especially
                            small POTWs, be exempted from the
                            monitoring requirements.
                              Response. As discussed in the
                            preamble, these regulations have been
                            revised to allow the permit writer to
                            request from the applicant only that
                            information necessary to make
                            judgments required by  the guidelines. In
                            some cases this will involve monitoring
                            programs, and the director will work
                            with the applicant in identifying specific
                            information that must be supplied as
                            part of the permit application process.
                              Since no discharge may be allowed
                            which would result in unreasonable
                            degradation of the marine environment,
and since the permit writer must be
afforded the means to make the
necessary determinations under these
regulations, EPA has concluded that it
may not exempt categories of
dischargers, even small dischargers,
from monitoring requirements as an
initial matter. Nevertheless, the final
regulations do not require monitoring in
all cases, and, where monitoring is
necessary, provide for flexibility in
fashioning site specific requirements.
Although any monitoring that may be
necessary will depend on the nature and
location of the discharge in question.
small dischargers generally are not
expected to incur significant economic
costs as a result of this regulation.
  15. Comment. Several commenters
suggested that, in light of the similarities
between section 403(c) of the Clean
Water Act and section 102(a) of the
Marine Protection, Research and
Sanctuaries Act, the. ocean discharge
criteria should be similar to the  ocean
dumping regulations.
  Response. EPA recognizes that in
section 403(c) of the  Clean Water Act
and section 102(a) of the Marine
Protection. Research, and Sanctuaries
Act, Congress adopted similar although
not identical provisions. Hence, in the
regulations implementing the respective
statutes, similar criteria may be
   EPA first promulgated ocean dumping
criteria in 1973; those criteria were
amended in 1977. Initially, the
regulations served as joint regulations
for the CWA and the MPRSA. Since
promulgation of the  ocean dumping
regulations, however, EPA has received
a number of comments based on those
regulations. In addition, increasing data
has become available in respect to the
 environmental impact of disposing of
 material at various locations in the
 ocean, by various methods.
   The ocean discharge regulations being
 promulgated today are based on the
 latest data and information available to
 EPA, and the Agency believes these
 regulations are consistent with  the CWA
 and with current scientific and technical
 knowledge. Various factors, including
 the MPRSA comments and the new
 data, suggest that it may now be
 appropriate for EPA to review the ocean
 dumping regulations as well. Such a
 review may provide further insights on :
 an appropriate overall approach for
 protecting the ocean; and
 inconsistencies which may exist
 between the current sets of regulations
 can be resolved in the context of that
 action. However, in addition to any
 statutory distinctions, differences in uw
 manner of disposal  and the types of   .
 pollutants discharged may warrant

    \ooendix B
           Federal Register  / Vol. 45. No.  194 / Friday October 3,  1980 / Rules and Regulations
Different regulatory approaches under
jhese two statutes.
  16, Comment. Several commenters
niegested that dischargers who were not
causing unreasonable degradation of the
nanne environment should not be
-quired to assess the availability of
alternatives.                    _
  Response. The proposed regulation
jjt» been modified to require the
usesjment of reasonable alternatives
only where the director cannot
(Jeterraine whether the discharge will
cat^e unreasonable  degradation of the
jjjrine environment. In cases where the
director determines that the discharge
will not cause such degradation, an
NPDES permit may be issued
notwithstanding the  availability of an
illemative to ocean  disposal.
  Although the Clean Water Act
contains as an ultimate goal the
complete elimination of the discharge of
pollutants, the water quality provisions
of Ihe Act. including sections 303 and
403, dq not require that discharges into
either inland or offshore waters be
prohibited in the absence of
unreasonable water  quality impacts.
. 17. Comment. Several commenters
expressed concern that the requirements
{or general permits, specified in section
125.129 of the proposed regulation, were
aot consistent with the requirements fof
Individual permits*.
  Response. Section 125.129 has been
deleted from the final regulation, and
lt« director is required to make the
uzne determinations when issuing
either general or individual permits.
  18. Comment. A few commenters
objected to language in the preamble of
&e proposal to the effect that the
J*raiiUing authority  would be free to
&aw on his own knowledge of
conditions in  the vicinity of an outfall in
Determining whether a discharge
xJversely affected the marine
*nvironment. These  commenters
expressed the "due process" concern
"•' this language allowed the
   nitling authority to issue permits on
   basis of information not made
      to the permittee and not in the
Mministrative record.
         e. The language in question
**« not appear in the final regulation or
nits preamble. While the regulation
Provides that the director make the
"tlerminatlons under §.125.123(a), [b),
? w) on the basis of "available
^formation." that language was added
* response to the suggestion of
oamerous  commenters that permit
*PP!icants should not be required for
P^Poses of Section 403 to resubmit data
"fitch was already available to the
•""nit writer.
  19. Comment. EPA received comment
to the effect that the reference in the •
proposed regulations to schedules
allowing additional time for compliance
with Section 403'requirements should be
limited to existing dischargers,
consistent with the provisions of the
NPDES regulations.
  Response. Section 125.123(d)(3) of the
final regulation provides for "schedules
of compliance for existing dischargers,"
as suggested above.
  20. Comment. The Agency received
several comments regarding the mixing
zone analysis  as described in § 125.123.
Some commenters suggested that the
models identified by the Agency in the
proposal would not be appropriate for
all types of discharge. Other
commenters suggested that the Agency
should use the ocean dumping mixing
zone definition.
  Response. The mixing zone analysis
in the final regulations is intended for
use in calculating whether the limiting
permissible  concentration is violated in
instances where bioassay analysis is
required. The proposed regulation
required a mixing zone analysis for all
.dischargers  to assure that, following
initial dilution, the discharge was
dispersed so as not to adversely affect
areas of biological sensitivity. As noted
previously, this requirement has been
deleted from the final regulation. In the
final regulation, a mixing zone analysis
is required only in those instances
where the director cannot determine
that unreasonable degradation will not
occur and where a bioassay analysis is
  The mixing zone definition in these
regulations is consistent with the ocean
dumping mixing zone definition
identified in the EPA/Corps of Engineers
technical manual, with some
modifications  to account for the
differences in  the nature of discharged
wastes versus those which are dumped.
The ocean dumping mixing zone was
devised primarily to facilitate analysis
of impacts from intermittent discharges
from moving vessels, whereas the 403(c)
regulations are intended to facilitate
analysis of continuous discharges from
stationary sources. The final regulation
also allows  the discharger to use
alternative methods for determining the
mixing zone where scientific evidence
demonstrates  they are appropriate and
where EPA concurs.
  A new Subpart M is added to read as

Subpart M—Ocean Discharge Criteria

125.120  Scope  and purpose. '
125.121  Definitions.
125.122 Determination of unreasonable
   degradation of the marine environment.
125.123 Permit requirements.
125.124 Information required to be
   submitted by applicant.
§ 125.120  Scope and purpose.
  This subpart establishes guidelines for
issuance of National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permits for
the discharge of pollutants from a point
source into the territorial seas,  the
contiguous zone, and the oceans.
§ 125.121  Definitions.
  (a) "Irreparable harm" means
significant undesirable effects occurring
after the date of permit issuance which
will not be reversed after cessation or
modification of the discharge.
  (b) "Marie environment" means that
territorial seas, the contiguous zone and
the oceans.
  (c) "Mixing zone" means the zone
extending from the sea's surface to
seabed and extending laterally to a
distance of 100 meters in all directions
from the discharge point(s) or to the
boundary of the zone of initial dilution
as calculated by a plume model
approved by the director, whichever is
greater, unless the director determines
that the more restrictive mixing zone or
another definition of the mixing zone is
more appropriate for a specific
  (d) "No reasonable alternatives"
means: (1) No land-based disposal sites,
discharge point(s) within internal
waters; or approved ocean dumping
sites within a reasonable distance of the
site of the proposed discharge the use of
which would not cause unwarranted
economic impacts on the discharger, or,
notwithstanding the availability of such
  (2) On-site  disposal  is
environmentally preferable to other
alternative means of disposal after
consideration of: (i) The relative
environmental harm of disposal on-site,
in disposal sites located on land, from
discharge point(s) within internal
waters, or in approved ocean dumping
sites,  and
  (ii) The risk to the environment and
human safety posed by the
transportation of the pollutants.
  (e) "Unreasonable degradation of the
marine environment" means: (1)
Significant adverse changes in
ecosystem diversity, productivity and
stability of the biological community
within the area of discharge and
surrounding biological communities,
  (2) Threat to human health through
direct exposure to pollutants or through
consumption of exposed aquatic
organisms, or

                                                                                        Appendix B
Federal Register /  Vol. 45. No. 194 / Friday, October 3.  1980 /  Rules and Regulations
   (3) Loss of esthetic, recreational,
 scientific or economic values which is
 unreasonable in relation to the benefit
 derived from the discharge.

 § 125.122  Determination of unreasonable
 degradation of the marine environment.
   (a) The director shall determine
 whether a discharge will cause
 unreasonable degradation of the marine
 environment based on consideration of:
 (1) The quantities, composition and
 potential for bioaccumulation or
 persistence of the pollutants  to be
   (2) The potential transport of such
 pollutants  by biological, physical or
 chemical processes;
   (3) The composition and vulnerability
 of the biological communities which
 may be exposed to such pollutants,
 including the presence of unique species
 or.communities  of species, the presence
 of species identified as endangered or
 threatened pursuant to the Endangered
 Species Act, or the presence of those
 species critical to the structure or
 function of the ecosystem, such as those
 important for the food chain;
   (4) The importance  of the receiving
 water area to the surrounding biological
 community, including the presence of
 spawning sites, nursery/forage areas,
 migratory pathways, or areas necessary
 for other functions or  critical  stages in
 the life cycle of an organism.
   (5) The existence of special aquatic
 sites including, but not limited to marine
 sanctuaries and refuges, parks, national
 and historic monuments, national
 seashores, wilderness areas and coral
   (6) The potential impacts on human
 health through direct and indirect
   (7) Existing or potential recreational
 and commercial fishing, including
 finishing and shellfishing;
   (8) Any applicable requirements of an
 approved Coastal Zone Management
   (9) Such other factors relating to the
 effects of the discharge as may be
   (10) Marine water quality criteria
 developed pursuant to section 304(a)(l).
   [b) Discharges in compliance with
 sections 301(g), 301(h), or 316(a)
 variance requirements or State water
 quality standards shall be presumed not
 to cause unreasonable degradation of
 the marine environment, for any specific
pollutants or conditions specified in the
variance or the standard.

§ 125.123  Permit requirements.
  (a) If the director on the basis of
available information including that
supplied by the applicant pursuant to
                            § 125.124 determines prior to permit
                            issuance that the discharge will not
                            cause unreasonable degradation of the
                            marine environment after application of
                            any necessary conditions specified in
                            § 125.123(d), he may issue an NPDES
                            permit containing such conditions.
                              (b) If the director, on the basis of
                            available information including that
                            supplied by the applicant pursuant to
                            § 125.124 determines prior to permit
                            issuance that the discharge will cause
                            unreasonable degradation of the marine
                            environment after application of all
                            possible permit conditions specified in
                            § 125.123(d), he may not issue an NPDES
                            permit which authorizes the discharge of
                              (c) If the director has insufficient
                            information to determine prior to permit
                            issuance that there  will be no
                            unreasonable degradation of the marine
                            environment pursuant to  § 125.122, there
                            shall be no discharge of pollutants into
                            the marine environment unless  the
                            director on the basis of available
                            information, including that supplied by
                            the applicant pursuant to § 125.124
                            determines that: (1) Such  discharge will
                            not cause irreparable harm to the
                            marine environment during the period in
                            which monitoring is undertaken, and
                              (2) There are no reasonable
                            alternatives to the on-site disposal of
                            these materials, and
                              (3) The discharge  will be in
                            compliance with all permit conditions
                            established pursuant to paragraph (d) of
                            this section.
                              (d) All permits which authorize the
                           discharge of pollutants pursuant to
                           paragraph (c) of this section shall: (1)
                           Require that a discharge of pollutants
                           will: (A) following dilution as measured
                           at the boundary of the mixing zone not
                           exceed the limiting permissible
                           concentration for the liquid and
                           suspended particulate phases of the
                           waste material as described in section
                           227.27(a) (2) and (3), section 227.27(b),
                           and section 227.27(c) of the Ocean
                           Dumping Criteria; and (B) not exceed
                           the limiting permissible concentration
                           for the solid phase of the waste material
                           or cause an accumulation  of toxic
                           materials in the human food chain as
                           described in sections 227.27 (bj and (d)
                           of the Ocean Dumping Criteria;
                             (2) Specify a monitoring program,
                           which is sufficient to assess the impact
                           of the discharge on water, sediment,  and
                           biological quality including, where
                           appropriate, analysis of the
                           bioaccumulative and/or persistent
                           impact on aquatic life of the discharge;
                             (3) Contain any other conditions, such
                           as performance of liquid or suspended
                           particulate phase bioaccumulation tests,
                           seasonal restrictions on discharge.
 process modifications, dispersion of
 pollutants, or schedule of compliance for
 existing discharges, which are
 determined to be necessary because of
 local environmental conditions, and
   (4) Contain the following clause: In
 addition to any other grounds specified
 herein, this permit shall be modified or
 revoked at any time if, on the basis of
 any new data, the director determines
 that continued discharges may cause
 unreasonable degradation of the marine

 § 125.124   Information required to be
 submitted by applicant
   The applicant is responsible for
 providing information which the director
 may request to make the determination
 required by this subpart. The director
 may require the following information as
 well as any other pertinent informaton:
 (a) An analysis of the chemical
 constituents of any discharge;
   (b) Appropriate bioassays necessary
 to determine the limiting permissible
 concentrations for the discharge;
   {c) An analysis of initial dilution;
   (d) Available process modifications
 which will reduce the quantities of
 pollutants which will be discharged;
   (e) Analysis of the location where
 pollutants are sought to be discharged,
 including the biological community and
 the physical description of the discharge
   (f) Evaluation of available alternatives
 to the discharge of the pollutants
 including an evaluation of the possibility
 of land-based disposal or disposal in an
 approved ocean dumping site.
[FR Doc. 80-30723 Filed 10-2-80:8:45 am)
                                    15-003  /01006


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