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<title>Save Our Species Endangered Species Coloring Book</title>
<type>single page tiff</type>
<keyword>species endangered threatened animals snake states plants crayfish lives extinct insects cockaded eggs leopard cactus desert state plant indigo passenger</keyword>

      ndansered  Species
          olor nB  Book
United States
Environmental Protection Agency (7506P)
Washington, DC 20460
May 2008

     This coloring book is published by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA's) Office of Pesticide Programs.

     bid you know that when people use pesticides to kill insects
and other pests, they can also endanger the lives of plants and
animals? That's why EPA has a program to protect threatened
and endangered species from contact with pesticides that
might be harmful.

     If EPA determines that a pesticide may put at risk an
endangered or threatened species, EPA will tell you on the label
of the pesticide  container  how to find out what you need to do
to protect that species. EPA will have a bulletin that explains
how to use the product in a way that will not harm the species.

     The plants and animals shown in this coloring book are not
always threatened by pesticides; however, they do represent
many different species our program is protecting.
                                  Endangered Species Protection Program

What Are  Endangered
and Threatened
     A century ago, a bird called the
passenger pigeon lived in North
America.  There were so many
passenger pigeons that people often
saw thousands, even millions, of birds
flying overhead. Today, there is not
a single one left. What happened?

     The passenger pigeon became
extinct.  All passenger pigeons
disappeared from the earth entirely.
The passenger pigeon became extinct
for two reasons. First, the forests
where it lived were cut down to make
way for farms and cities. Second,
many pigeons were shot for sport and
because they  were good to eat.  At
that time, there were no hunting laws
to  protect endangered species like
there are now.
mammoths, and saber-toothed tigers all
became extinct long ago. More
recently, the dodo bird and the sea mink
also have disappeared. Extinction has
been going on since life began on earth
but today, extinction is happening faster
than ever
are more
than 1,000
species in the United States today. Can
you count to 1,000? Endangered
species are those plants and animals
that are so rare, they are in danger of
becoming extinct. Threatened species
are plants and animals whose numbers
are very low or becoming low quickly.
Threatened species are not endangered
yet, but are likely to become
endangered in the future.

How Do Plants and Animals Become
     The passenger pigeon is one of        Species disappear because of
the many plants and animals that once  changes to the earth that are caused
lived on our planet and have become    either by nature or by the actions of
extinct. For example, dinosaurs,
         people. Sometimes a natural
         event, like a volcano erupting,
         can kill an entire species.
         Other times, extinction will
         happen slowly as nature
         changes our world. For
         example, after the Ice Age,
         when the great glaciers
         melted and the earth became
         warmer, many species died
         because they could not live in

a warmer climate.  New
species that could
survive a warmer
environment took their

      People can also
cause the extinction of
plants and animals.  The
main reason that many
species are endangered or threatened
today is because people have changed
the species' homes  or habitats. A
habitat includes not only the other
plants and animals in an area, but all of
the things needed for the species' to
live — food, water, and shelter. The
United States has many habitats, from
ocean beaches to mountain tops.  Every
species requires a certain habitat in
order to live. A cactus, for example,
needs the sunny, dry desert to grow.
                       A polar bear,
                       on the other
                       hand,  would
                       not live in a
                       because it
                       could  not find
                       enough food
                       and water.

                       can also
                       wildlife and
                       contribute to
The Nashville crayfish is endangered
mainly because the creek where it lives
has been polluted.  Pesticides and
other chemicals can harm plants and
animals if they are not used correctly.
The bald eagle is one bird that was
harmed by pesticides. In the past, a
pesticide called DDT was used  by many
farmers. Rains washed the pesticide
into lakes and streams, where it
poisoned fish. After eat ing the
poisoned fish, the eagles would lay
eggs with very thin shells. These eggs
were usually crushed before they
could hatch. Today, people are not
allowed to use DDT.
     This coloring book will show you
21 endangered and threatened plants
and animals found in the  United States.
As you color these pages, you will
journey to oceans, swamps, deserts,
and islands and bring to life a variety
of plants and animals. If we all work
together, we can continue to share the
earth with these fascinating and
important species and enjoy them  in
the wild — not only in the pages of

                    Shortnose Sturgeon
The fish gets its name from its
short, pointy nose. The shortnose
sturgeon is shaped like a torpedo.
This helps it swim very fast.  The
fish lives in rivers. In the winter
and spring, it swims upstream to lay
eggs.  The trip can be over 100        —~\XJ
miles long! Then, in the summer and   £   \
fall, the fish swims to its second
home in the ocean.
In what states is this species found?

                   Dwarf Wedge  Mussel
Do you see the squiggly line on the
river bottom?  It wasn't made by a
snake or a worm. It was made by a
dwarf wedge mussel when it dragged
itself along the river bottom. These
animals look like small clams.  Like
small clams, they have hard shells
and soft bodies. Female mussels can
carry thousands of eggs inside their
very small shells!
In what states is this species found?

                     Nashville Crayfish
The Nashville crayfish looks like a
very small lobster.  Like a lobster,
the crayfish has claws that can pinch.
Ouch! As a young crayfish grows, it
gets too big for its shell. When this
happens, it grows a bigger shell.
Then it casts off the old, smaller
shell.  This is similar to a snake
shedding its skin when it grows.
                                      In what state is this species found?

              Red-Cockaded Woodpecker
 t  vy-^y^rJ
TAP TAP TAP! High up in the trunk
of a pine tree, the red-cockaded
woodpecker digs a hole with its
sharp beak. Sap flows from the
tree and collects around the hole.
The sap is sticky like glue.  This
keeps the woodpecker safe from
predators, such as snakes. We need
to protect the pine trees so the red-
cockaded woodpecker will  have a
In what states is this species found?

                 Eastern Indigo  Snake
When full grown, the eastern
indigo snake is longer than most
people are tall! Indigo is the blue-
black color of the snake's skin.
This snake eats birds, frogs, and
even other snakes. Snakes smell
with their tongues. Stick out your
tongue like a snake. What do
humans smell with?
In what states is this species found?

                     West Indian Manatee
This gentle animal lives in the coastal
waters of Georgia, Florida, Texas, and
Puerto Rico.  It is about 10 feet long
and can weigh up to 2,000 pounds — as
much as a car! Manatees are
herbivores (meaning they eat only
plants). After eating they may swim
to the bottom of the water and rest.
Manatees can hold their breath for up
to 12 minutes at a time!
In what states is this species found?

                        Monito Gecko
This little lizard with bulging eyes is
quite an acrobat.  It races easily
across cliffs and  can even walk
upside down!  Full-grown Monito
geckos are about  as big as your
thumb — only 1-1/2 inches long.
In what state is this species found?

                       Florida Panther
The Florida panther has a cowlick
of fur in the middle of its back
that sti cks out. Li ke housecats,
the Florida panther keeps clean by
licking its fur.  These graceful cats
make a lot of different noises to
communicate with one another.
They chirp, peep, growl, and hiss.
Panther kittens make a sound like a
whistle to tell their their mother
where they are.
In what state is this species found?

                    Green Pitcher Plant
This plant eats insects!  Do you
like to eat insects? When an
insect lands on one of the
plant's leaves, it gets stuck in a
gooey liquid.  Then the insect
slides down the leaf and into
the plant's empty stem.  The
insect is digested just like we
digest food in our stomachs.
In what states is this species found?

               Mississippi Sandhill  Crane
These birds are about 4 feet tall
when standing straight up on their
feet.  Sometimes, a group of cranes
will dance in a great circle.  The
cranes bow to their partners and
leap into the air.  This tall, grayish
bird lives in savannah habitats and is
very rare.
In what state is this species found?

                   Ozark Big-Eared Bat
This bat has big ears and orange-
red fur. During the day, it sleeps
hanging upside down inside caves.
At night, the bat hunts for moths
and other insects. On summer
evenings, you might see bats flying
back to their caves.  Hungry
babies are waiting to be fed!
In what states is this species found?

                       Leopard Darter
These little fish have leopard spots
and leopard speed!  They zip through
rivers in a wink of an eye, darting
after the insects they eat. Leopard
darters grow to only 3 inches long
and live for 1 to 3 years.
In what states is this species found?

                      Wyoming  Toad
The Wyoming toad has green skin
with dark blotches. This coloring
helps it blend into the grass to hide
from animals that might want to eat
it. These toads have lived in
Wyoming a long time — since the
great glaciers of the Ice Age
disappeared  more than 12,000 years
In what state is this species found?

                     Black Lace Cactus
This tiny cactus is only 6 inches
tall,  and grows in the desert of
southern Texas.  The plant's pink
and purple flowers with red
centers are very pretty but watch
out because this plant, like most
cacti, has spines as sharp as pins!
In what state is this species found?

          Attwater's  Greater Prairie Chicken
Oo-loo-woo, sings the male prairie
chicken to his mate. Prairie
chickens sing and dance every
spring in the grasslands of Texas.
Their dancing area is called the
"booming ground" because of the
loud songs of the males.
In what state is this species found?

                        Desert Tortoise
This tortoise lives in the deserts
of Arizona, southern Utah,
Nevada, and California. Actually,
it mostly lives under the desert!
In the summer, the tortoise digs
tunnels underground to hide from
the sun. Then all winter it sleeps,
or "hibernates," in deep holes.
In what states is this species found?

         Valley Elderbeny Longhorn Beetle
Some insects are endangered, too.
The valley elderberry longhorn
beetle lives only in California.
Female beetles lay their eggs in
cracks and crevices in tree bark.
From the time egg is laid, it takes 2
years for an adult beetle, with its
bright green wings trimmed with
orange, to appear!
In what state is this species found?

                   Mission Blue Butterfly
The mission blue butterfly flies and
flutters, looking for just the right
flower in which to lay its eggs.  In a
few weeks, these eggs hatch into
caterpillars.  Sometimes,these
caterpillars are guarded by ants that
protect them from enemies like flies
and other insects.  The caterpillars
"pay" the ants back by giving off a
sweet liquid that the ant likes to eat.
In what state is this species found?

                 Mauna Kea Silversword
The Mauna Kea silversword is
found only in the State of Hawaii
on the island of Maui.  The pretty
pink flowers of this plant can rise
over 7 feet high! At the bottom
of the plant is a ball of pointed,
silvery leaves that  look like
swords.  The leaves are sharp like
swords, too.
                                     In what state is this species found?

                           Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is our national symbol
and represents strength, courage, and
freedom.  Its eyesight is so good that
it can spot a fish from more than a
mile away! It is so fast that it can
swoop down through the air at 100
miles an hour to catch this tasty meal
with its strong claws. Until recently,
it was endangered. The population of
eagles had gone down rapidly with the
use of DDT.  DDT was  banned and
now the eagle population is rebuilding.
In what states is this species found?

                         Grizzly Bear
 V	3
You'd look pretty short standing
next to this 8-foot tall bear! The
grizzly bear is one of the biggest
animals in North America. Adult
grizzly bears are  shy and usually
live alone. Young cubs stay with
their mother  for several years
while she teaches them to hunt,
fish, and find berries and nuts.
In what states is this species found?

                  Index of  Species' Common  Name,
                     Scientific  Name, and Status
3      Shortnose sturgeon
4      bwarf wedge mussel
5      Nashville crayfish
6      Red-cockaded woodpecker
7      Eastern indigo snake
8      Florida manatee
9      Monito gecko
10     Florida panther
11     Green pitcher plant
12     Mississippi sandhill crane
13     Ozark big-eared bat
14     Leopard darter
15     Wyoming toad
16     Black lace cactus

17     Attwater's greater prairie
18     besert tortoise
19     Valley elderberry longhorn
20     Mission blue butterfly
21     Mauna Kea silvers word

22     Bald eagle
23     Grizzly bear
Acipenser brevirostrum
Alasmidonta heterodon
Orconectes shoupi
Picoides boreal is
brymarchon corals couperi
Trichechus manatus
Sphaerodactylus micropithecus
Felis concolor coryi
Sarracenia oreophila
Grus canadensis pulla
Plecotus townsendii ingens
Percina pant herina
Bufo hemiophrys baxteri
Echinocereus reichenbachii var.
Tympanuchus cup ido attwateri

&opherus agassizii
besmocerus californicus dimorphus

Icaricia icarioides missionensis
Agyroxiphium sandwicense spp.
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Ursus arctos (=U.a. horrib ills)




No longer
 (As of June
To learn more about how EPA, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service protect endangered
species, please visit the following Web sites:

EPA  -

FWS  -

NOAA  Fisheries Service -

                                                        Mission Blue
VallBy Eltterbarry
Locighorn Beetle
                                       Attwater's Greater Prairie Chicken

                                    Gzark Big-Eared Bat
                                             »               West Indian Manatee
Black Uiw Cactus
                     If you would like more Information about EPA's
                     Endangered Spades Protection Program, contact:
                     Endangered Species Protection Program (7507P)
                     U.S. EftvirownanlBr Pfoiiictlon
                     1200 Psnatylrtnfcl AV*flU*
                               , 0-C. 20480
                                                     Nashville Crax-fish
                                    Pitchar Plant
                         Mqrtto Gecko
Mauna K*a Silversword
                                                              Wyommg Toad

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