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<title>Everything You Wanted to Know About Environmental Regulations-- But Were Afraid to Ask : A Guide for Small Communities</title>
<type>single page tiff</type>

Everything You Wanted
to Know About
Regulations...    "
      But Were Afraid to Ask!
       A Guide for Small Communities
          1999 Revised Edition

This handbook was developed by the Region 8 Small Community Work Group. The
agencies and organizations represented on the work group include:

        American Water Works Association
        Colorado Department of Local Affairs
        Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
        City of Fort Lupton, Colorado
        Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service
        Midwest Assistance Program
        National Environmental Training Center for Small Communities
        North Dakota Department of Health
        Rural Community Assistance Corporation
        South Dakota Department of Environment & Natural Resources
        U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development
        US. EPA Region 8
        US. EPA Headquarters, Washington DC
        Utah Department of Environmental Quality
        Wyoming Casper College Environmental Training Center


This handbook was prepared with small units of local government (communities) in
mind. For purposes of this handbook, a small community is defined as a unit of local
government with a population of 5,000 or less. The handbook was prepared for use by
officials of such communities as a quick reference to information on addressing the
environmental issues facing their constituencies. If your  community is larger than
5,000 people, you will need, at a minimum, to comply with the environmental regula-
tory requirements outlined in this guide. It is likely that your larger community will
need to meet additional requirements; information on these requirements can be ob-
tained from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or your state regulatory agency.

Information presented in this handbook is meant only as a summary of basic environ-
mental requirements and/or EPA guidance. It is not intended to serve as a definitive
statement of the specific ways in which a community can ensure environmental com-
pliance, but rather, it is a quick guide to the environmental regulatory programs that
typically apply to most small communities.

The requirements and guidance presented in this handbook are based on federal regu-
lations and/or guidance documents in place in early 1999. These requirements are imple-
mented by a federal agency, generally the EPA. It should be expected that some of these
requirements/guidance documents will change  in the future. In addition,  states and
Indian tribes are required to adopt rules at least as stringent as the federal rules if they
assume the responsibility for implementation.  States and  tribes can adopt rules that
are somewhat different  and possibly more stringent in some cases;  e.g., frequency of
sampling or required dates of implementation. Be sure to ask for and read the rules
from the appropriate state or tribal agency in your area.

This document was initially prepared in late 1990 by the Midwest Assistance Program,
Inc. under contract to EPA Region 8. It was expanded by EPA Region 8 in early 1991 to
include the EPA non-regulatory programs that typically apply to small local units of
government. The handbook was updated in April 1993 and in January 1999 under the
direction of the Region  8 Small Community Coordinator.

                 Table of Contents
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990	4

RCRA - Hazardous Waste	5
Subtitle D Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Criteria	9
Underground Storage Tanks	11
Superfund	13

Water & Wetlands Protection	15
Non-Point Source Pollution (NFS)	18
Drinking Water	19
Injection Wells	44
Wellhead Protection	46
Source Water Assessment and Protection	48
    Discharge Permits Under the National Pollutant Discharge
      Elimination System (NPDES)	51
    Secondary Treatment of Municipal Wastewater	53
    Biosolids/Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal	54
    Pretreatment Requirements	57
    Storm Water	59
    State Revolving Fund Program	61

Pollution Prevention	62
Public-Private Partnerships	64
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)	67
Asbestos	,	70
Indoor Environments	74
Pesticides	,	78
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)	80
Community-Based Environmental Protection	82
Environmental Justice	,	,	83
Tribal Assistance	85



      Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
Do the Clean Air Act Amendments apply to my community?
Most provisions do not affect small communities, with a few exceptions. For example,
communities located in areas where National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
are not being met may be required to take corrective actions (e.g., requiring oxygenated
fuels in carbon monoxide non-attainment areas or placing restrictions on woodburning
in areas that are non-attainment for particulates).

Actions your community should be taking
Prior to initiating significant involvement to address air pollution issues that may
arise, small communities should contact their State Air Pollution Agency and the Re-
gional EPA Air Program for guidance.

Some  states have taken the  initiative in working with  small communities early on
when air quality concerns are identified. Often, the community and state can resolve
an issue before  the EPA needs to get involved. For example, a simple change in street
sanding practices may be all that is needed in a small community to control particu-
late emissions that violate clean air standards.

Additional Information
      »   Clean Air Act Amendments: Title VIII - Miscellaneous Provisions, Sec. 810.
          Impact on Small Communities

      »   Region 8 Small Community Air Contact (303) 312-6004

      *   EPA Air Program website at http:/www.epa.goy/oar/oaqps

            See the listing for State Air contacts in the resource section

       RCRA - Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste is found throughout all levels of commerce and industry. Wastes are
identified as hazardous if they pose a potential danger to human health and/or the
environment when not properly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise
managed. Potential dangers include explosions, fires, corrosive destruction of materi-
als, chemical reactions, and/or health impairing exposure to toxic chemicals. The greater
the quantity or concentration of chemicals exhibiting any of these dangers, the greater
the need  to assure their proper management.

In 1976, Congress enacted the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) as the
primary regulatory vehicle to assure that hazardous waste is properly managed, from
the point of its generation to its ultimate disposal or destruction, i.e., "from cradle to
grave." RCRA establishes a  very complex and comprehensive set of requirements to
define the materials that are subject to hazardous waste regulation.

The Act also describes the responsibilities of anyone who generates, transports, stores,
treats, disposes of or otherwise manages hazardous waste. At this time, individual
household wastes, many that may exhibit some of the dangers described above, are not
subject to federal RCRA requirements.

Many states are authorized to implement the hazardous waste program. In coopera-
tion with your local county  health officials, they sometimes conduct household haz-
ardous waste collection days. You should contact your state or county representatives
to find out when the next household hazardous waste pickup will be.

In 1984, Congress enacted the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment (HSWA) to
RCRA. These rules broadened EPA's authority to address past disposal of solid wastes at
active and inactive disposal facilities.

Currently, there are three categories of hazardous waste generators under the RCRA
program  requirements:

      »   Large Quantity Generator (LQG) - Facilities that generate more than 1,000
          kilograms per month of any hazardous waste or more than one kilogram of
          an "acute" hazardous waste. A kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds, and
          1,000 kilograms is approximately five, 55-gallon drums of material. Acute
          hazardous waste  is waste that poses additional threats to human health
          and the environment.

      •   Small Quantity Generator (SQG) - Facilities that generate less than 1,000
          kilograms per month of hazardous waste but more than 100 kilograms per
          month (approximately one half of a 55-gallon  drum). Small quantity gen-

     RCRA - Hazardous Waste

           erators are given additional time to comply with new regulations and for
           on-site storage of their waste.

       *    Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) - Facilities that
           generate less than 100 kilograms a month of any hazardous waste are con-
           ditionally exempt from the RCRA regulations. These facilities may gener-
           ally dispose of their waste in accordance with state "solid waste" require-
           ments such as those described under  the Subtitle D program (Municipal
           Solid Waste Landfill Criteria).

Does the RCRA Program apply to my community?
It is very likely that some types of hazardous wastes subject to RCRA regulations are
generated by businesses in your community or by your municipal facility operations
themselves. For example, hazardous wastes may be generated by vehicle repair shops,
auto body repair shops and dry cleaning facilities. Wastes may  include solvents, corro-
sives and materials containing metals (e.g., chromium, cadmium  and lead). Any dis-
carded material must be evaluated to determine if it has been listed by EPA as hazard-
ous waste or if the waste exhibits any of the following characteristics:  ignitability,
corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity as determined by the Toxic Characteristic Leaching
Procedure (TCLP) test.

In addition to used materials that might be considered hazardous waste, you also must
be careful with your disposal of products that no longer are  wanted or needed. For
example, leftover pesticides from  groundskeeping operations,  old paint thinner, etc.,
must be fully evaluated before you determine how you are going to do dispose of it.
EPA has identified several hundred chemical products, which  if disposed of improp-
erly, also would be considered "listed hazardous waste."

Another area of possible concern for your community is the operation of trash collec-
tion systems and/or landfills. Because household wastes are currently exempt  from
RCRA regulation, municipal landfills are regulated under a program referred  to as
"Subtitle D Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Criteria." These regulations are intended to
ensure  proper management of municipal landfills. However, the addition of commer-
cial waste materials collected and/or disposed of with the household materials might
trigger RCRA jurisdiction over the entire facility.

Used lubricating oil is another area of concern,  since improper disposal poses a threat
to the  environment. While EPA does not list  used oil as a hazardous waste,  it has
published specific management procedures to ensure proper disposal. Contact the RCRA
Hotline or your regional or state office for further information.

RCRA regulations were first published in 1980 and are constantly being amended to

                                                           LAND PROGRAMS
                                                  RCRA - Hazardous Waste

add new wastes that are subject to the program. Once you  determine that you are a
handler of hazardous waste (e.g., you generate, store, or transport it), you must notify
EPA and/or the State Hazardous ^X^ste Office of your activity and receive an EPA
RCRA identification number.

Different timetables and responsibilities apply to different activities. Hazardous waste
generators may accumulate waste on-site for up to 90 days without triggering a require-
ment to obtain a storage permit. Small quantity generators have up to 180 days or may
accumulate, one time only, up to 6,000 kg on-site.

Securing a permit to authorize the treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste is
a very  expensive and lengthy process.

Actions your  community should be taking
       *    Become familiar with the kinds of waste materials that are subject to RCRA

       »    Identify ways to reduce or recycle chemicals that are generating waste.

       #    Find non-toxic substitute products  for hazardous chemicals.

       *    Buy the right amounts of chemicals that you need, not  more.  Try to find
           someone to use unwanted, unused chemicals  rather  than throwing them

       »    Become familiar with industrial facilities located in your community. Un-
           derstand how they are managing their dangerous and hazardous waste.

Additional  Information
       *    RCRA regulations are published at 40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations)
           Part 260 through Part 272. Part 261 defines what materials  are hazardous
           waste  and, therefore, subject to RCRA requirements.

       «    EPA is reinventing  its approach to environmental protection  rather than
           focusing only on "end of pipe" regulatory controls. Much emphasis is now
           placed on pollution prevention/waste minimization in the hazardous waste
           program. Contact the Region 8 EPA Waste Minimization Office  at (303)
           312-6403 if you have innovative ideas for stopping or minimizing the gen-
           eration of hazardous waste and/or pollution prevention as it relates to haz-
           ardous waste, or if you wish to know more about what the Region is doing
           in  these areas.

RCRA - Hazardous Waste

 «   Many states have been approved by EPA to apply and enforce the federal
     RCRA hazardous waste requirements. \bu may wish to contact your state
     environmental agency to get more information on how your  state offices
     are involved.

 «   EPA also has established a toll-free RCRA Hotline to answer questions
     regarding the applicability or interpretation of the RCRA regulations. The
     RCRA Hotline number is (800) 424-9346.

 See the listing for State Hazardous Vt&ste contacts in the resource section

       Subtitle D  Municipal Solid Waste
       Landfill Criteria

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is non-hazardous waste generated at residences, com-
mercial establishments, and institutions.

The Subtitle D Municipal Solid Waste Landfill regulations were published October 9,
1991, and became effective on October 9, 1993. The regulations cover six aspects of
landfills: location, operation, design, groundwater monitoring  and corrective action,
closure and post-closure care, and financial assurance.

Does the regulation apply to my community?
The regulation applies only if your community owns or operates a landfill. Landfills
that were closed before October 9,1991, do not have to comply with any of the require-
ments of the new regulation. Landfills that stopped receiving solid waste before Octo-
ber 9, 1993, will have to comply only with the final cover requirements. Landfills that
were operating on October 9, 1993, must comply with all of the requirements of the
new federal regulations.  (Landfill owners and operators  need to remember that state
rules still apply regardless of the changes in the federal regulations)

If your landfill is small, receiving no more than an average of 20 tons of solid waste per
day on an annual basis,  it  may be exempt from the design, groundwater monitoring
and corrective action criteria of Subtitle  D, if it meets certain other requirements. These
include the following:

       *   There is no evidence of groundwater contamination.
       *   The landfill is located in an  area that receives less than 25 inches of precipi-
          tation annually.
       *   The community has no other practicable solid waste disposal alternative.

Communities should contact their state regulatory officials to determine their eligibil-
ity for this exemption. States with solid waste permitting programs approved by EPA
may be more flexible in  implementing the new regulations. All six states in Region 8
have received solid waste program approval.

For the majority of landfills the  new solid waste regulations became effective on
October 9, 1993. The regulations  for Municipal Solid Waste landfill units meeting
the small landfill exemption were effective on October 9, 1997.

Actions  your community should be taking
       «   Learn what impact Subtitle  D Solid Waste Regulations have on your land-

     Subtitle D Municpal Solid Waste

           fill and community.

       *    Consider joining with other nearby communities to jointly run and share
           costs of a "regional landfill."

       *    Plan and prepare a community solid waste management program that in-
           cludes recycling, composting, waste reduction and other disposal options
           in addition to landfills.

Additional Information
       «    RCRA  Subtitle D Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste  Facilities, 40 CFR
           Parts 257 and 258

       *    RCRA Solid Waste Hotline (800) 424 -9346

       »    Technical guidance is available from the EPA Region 8 Solid Waste  Office
           at(303) 312-7008

       *    EPA Region 8 Solid Waste website at http:/www.epa.govyregionQ8/waste/'

               See the listing for the State Solid V&ste and Recycling
                          contacts in the resource section

      Underground Storage Tanks

What is an Underground Storage Tank?
An Underground Storage Tank (UST) is any tank, including underground piping con-
nected to the tank, that has at least 10 percent of its volume underground.

Does the UST regulation apply to my community?
Yes, if a UST is storing either petroleum or certain hazardous chemicals and it fits the
UST definitions. Most communities have USTs covered by these regulations.

Does the UST regulation apply to all underground storage tanks?
No, some exclusions are:

      *   Farm or residential tanks holding 1,100 gallons or less of motor fuel used
          for noncommercial purposes;
          Tanks storing heating oil which is used on-site;
          Emergency spill or overfill containment UST systems;
          Septic tanks and systems for collecting storm or wastewater;
          Wastewater treatment tanks regulated under the Clean Water Act;
          Tanks with a capacity of 110 gallons or less;
      «   Storage  tanks on or above the floor of an underground  area, such as a
          basement,  tunnel or vault;
      »   Field-constructed  tanks.
If the UST regulation does apply, what must the owner do?
      »   Equip the UST with devices that prevent spill and overfills by December
      *   Protect the tank and piping from corrosion or structural failure by upgrad-
          ing it by December 1998.
      •   Equip the tank and piping with leak detection devices.
      *   Verify that the stored contents are compatible with the tank's interior walls.
      »   Be financially responsible for the cost of cleaning up a leak or compensat-
          ing other people for bodily injury and property damage caused by a leak-
          ing UST.

I own tanks to which regulations apply, but I'm not  using them; what  should I
Tanks not used for three to  12 months can be temporarily closed. For permanent clo-
sure (longer than 12 months), tanks must be emptied, cleaned, and possibly removed.
Whether the closure is temporary or permanent, you must follow state closure require-
ments. Your state agency will help you determine how best to close your USTs so that
you meet all local and state requirements.

Underground Storage Tanks
If a leak or spill should occur, what should I do?
      »    Contact the local fire  department to ensure that the leak does not pose a
           hazard to human health and safety.
      «    Notify the appropriate state agency within 24 hours; that regulatory au-
           thority will decide if you must take further action.
      »    Assume financial responsibility for taking corrective measures and com-
           pensating individuals  who are harmed  by leaks or spills from USTs that
           store petroleum products.
      «    If closure is necessary,  you must notify the state agency as soon as possible
           before you close your  UST.

What are the general reporting requirements for USTs?
Check with your state agency about the particular reporting requirements in your area.
If you are located within an Indian Reservation boundary, check with the Federal EPA
office for reporting requirements. You may need only to report to the state/Federal
agency at the beginning and  end  of the UST's operating life. However, if your UST
leaks or has a spill of over 25 gallons, it must be reported within 24 hours of occurrence.

Additional Information
      »    "Musts  for USTs: A Summary of the New Regulation for Underground
           Storage Tank Systems," US, EPA, Office of Underground Storage Tanks

      *    RCRA/Superfund Hotline (800) 424-9346

      *    EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks website at http:/

      »    Local Fire Marshall

      »    States may have different requirements for Underground Storage Tanks.
           Contact your State UST Office to obtain specific state information.

               Stt the listing for State UST contacts in the resource section

As the 1970s came to a close, a series of stories gave Americans a look at the dangers of
dumping industrial and urban wastes on the land. First, there was New "fork's Love
Canal. Hazardous waste buried there for 25 years contaminated streams and soil and
endangered the health of nearby residents who had to be evacuated.

It became increasingly clear that there were large numbers of serious hazardous waste
problems throughout the US. that were falling through the cracks of existing environ-
mental laws. The magnitude of these emerging problems moved Congress to enact the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)
in 1980. CERCLA, commonly known as Superfund, was established to deal  with the
dangers posed by the nation's abandoned or uncontrolled waste sites.

Since the Superfund program began, hazardous waste has surfaced as a major environ-
mental concern in every part the United States. It wasn't just the land that  was con-
taminated by past disposal practices, but chemicals in the soil were spreading into the
groundwater and into streams, lakes and wetlands. Toxic vapors contaminated the air
at some sites, while improperly disposed or stored wastes threatened the health of the
surrounding community and the environment.

Few realized the size of the problem until the EPA began the process of site discovery
and evaluation. Congress directed EPA to establish a  list of sites to target and to set
priorities for cleanup based on the severity of the hazardous waste problems found.
Out of this process came the "final" National Priority List (NPL), which currently lists
1,194 of the most complex and compelling cases in the entire  inventory of potential
hazardous waste sites. There are another 56 sites currently being proposed for  the NPL.

The Superfund program responds immediately to problems  posing imminent threats
to human health and the environment. Including both NPL sites as well as those not
on the NPL, the program aims to prevent, stabilize or temper the effects of a release of
hazardous substances, or the threat of one, into the environment. Such releases might
occur at tire disposal  site fires or transportation accidents involving a  spill of hazard-
ous chemicals.

Superfund has completed  actions to reduce immediate threats  at over 1,760 NPL and
non-NPL sites.  Further remediation activities have been completed at  514 of the NPL
sites, with 174 of them now deleted from the final NPL.

Superfund activities also depend upon citizen participation. While EPA's job  is to ana-
lyze the hazards and deploy experts to help solve problems,  the Agency needs citizen
input. Because people in the community where a site is located will be those most

directly affected by the wastes and cleanup processes, EPA encourages citizens to get
involved in cleanup decisions.

Additional Information
      .   EPA Region 8 Superfund Program (303) 312-6766

      *   National  EPA  Superfund  website  at http:/

      *   Superfund/RCRA Hotline (800) 424-9346

                 & ^Cfetlands Protection
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, later amended and renamed the
Clean Stater Act (CWA), mandated a variety of protection programs for "waters of
the United States." U.S. waters include lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands and coastal
waters. The CW\, along with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, also
mandated that each Federal agency assesses the environmental impact of any pro-
posed Federal action on U.S. waters.

Protection of U.S. waters involves several Federal agencies, primarily the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, and the Natural Resource Conservation Service. In addition, many
state agencies, such as state departments of environmental quality, health, conser-
vation, transportation, and agriculture, have responsibilities for U.S. waters within
their boundaries.

The primary objectives of the Clean Water Act, other related legislation and subse-
quent regulations, include restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical and
biological integrity of all U.S. waters,

Designated Use Waters
The EPA Water  Quality Standards (WQS) program, a part of the Clean Water Act,
Section 303, requires state agencies  to designate uses for all waters of the state, and
to adopt and  implement criteria for protecting each of those uses or areas. Desig-
nated uses for water bodies may include:

      Aquatic  life - protection of fish and other aquatic organisms;
      Recreation - swimming, wading, boating and incidental contact;
      Drinking water - protection for downstream public water supply intakes;
      Miscellaneous - industrial or agricultural uses, tribal religious use, etc.

In addition, a WQS program must provide for protection of all downstream uses;
state provisions must include an anti-degradation policy to protect water quality
that is already better than state standards.

WQS differ from some other regulations in that they usually are  not  "self-imple-
menting." For example, in order to prevent point source discharges from violating
standards, specific limitations are included in discharge permits, and these permit
limitations become the "enforceable" provisions. Finally, state agencies are required
to review  state  WQS at least once every three years, to include a public review
process, and to  submit the WQS to EPA for review and approval.

State agencies that oversee water quality (e.g.,  departments of environmental qual-

Water & Wetlands
ity, health departments, etc.) have responsibility for implementing all aspects of WQS
programs, including designating uses, establishing protection criteria, and developing
anti-degradation policies and implementation strategies.

U.S. waters also include wetlands, generally defined as saturated or flooded areas where
there is a prevalence of aquatic hydrophytic vegetation, such as swamps, marshes, and
bogs. All states include wetlands (or are currently in the process of including them) in
their definition of "waters of the state."

Wetlands in our country are being lost at an alarming rate; less than half of our original
wetlands remain today. Some of the major causes of wetlands loss include, but are not
limited to, agriculture  drainage, urban  development, trash deposition, chemical con-
tamination and other types of pollution. Wetlands have many  functions and values
that make them  dynamic, and they serve many purposes, including the following:

       »    Helping maintain and improve water quality;

       *    Storing water during floods and reducing erosion;

       *    Providing sources of groundwater and surface water for domestic and agri-
           culture needs;

       *    Serving  as important wildlife habitats,  since many species are dependent
           on them for survival.

These biologically diverse areas are also recognized for their scientific, educational and
aesthetic opportunities.

Protection of wetlands means controlling activities that adversely affect or may poten-
tially adversely affect a wetlands area. Such activities often require a permit from the
Army Corps of Engineers (issued under Section 404 of the CWA). This permit is subject
to review by other Federal  agencies (including EPA)  and certification by the state.
Violation of WQS regulations and related environmental protection laws can involve
stiff penalties, including fines, requirements to restore the area, and/or imprisonment.

The four Federal agencies most frequently involved  in wetlands  protection are:

       »    U.S. Department of Defense: Army Corps of Engineers
       *    U.S. Department of Interior: Fish and Wildlife Service
       «    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
       *    Natural Resource Conservation Service

                                                         WATER PROGRAMS
                                                        Water & Wetlands
Additional Information
       *    The Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C 1251-1376)

       *    The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321)

       *    Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934, amended 1946,1958, 1977 (16
           U.S.C. 661-667e)

       »    River and Harbor Act of 1899, Section 10 Hazardous Waste

       «    Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 as amended (33
           U.S.C. 1431)

       »    The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451)

       *    The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531)

       *    US. Army Corps of Engineer Regulations (33 CFR Parts 320-330)

       »    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (40 CFR Part 230, also known as the
           404(bXl) guidelines)

       ,    Executive Order 11990, May 25, 1977, pages 26961-26965

       *    The Wetlands Protection Hotline operates Monday through Friday, exclud-
           ing holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (EST).  The  Hotline number is
           (800) 832-7828.

       «    EPA Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds  website at http:/

       »    EPA Region 8  Wetlands Program website  at http:/www.epa.goy/rggion8/
           cross/eco 7wetlands.html

           See the listing for Staff Wetlands contacts in the resource section

       Non-Point Source Pollution (NFS)

Despite progress in improving water quality impacts from industrial and municipal
dischargers (point sources), the U.S. still faces significant water quality challenges. Our
major remaining water pollution problems are caused by less obvious and more wide-
spread sources of pollution (non-point sources) that affect both surface water and ground-

Unlike other programs described in this book, Non-Point Source programs (NFS) may
or may not be regulatory, depending on a given state's regulations. Thus, these relatively
uncontrolled sources of pollution may contribute more to water quality degradation
than point sources. Leading non-point sources of pollution include agriculture, animal
grazing, forestry practices, construction and  urban runoff, mining, and hydrologic

Section 319 was added to the Clean Water Act in 1987 and  established the national
Non-Point Source program. Congress has provided funding under Section 319 to states
and tribes for the control of non-point source pollution since 1989. The  Non-Point
Source program is locally focused and state administered.

The NPS program is being implemented on a watershed-by-watershed basis, insofar as
possible.  This geographic targeting of watersheds focuses on ecological units - river
basins, estuaries, or the critical habitat of a species or group of species -  instead of on
political boundaries such as federal regions, states, tribal lands, counties, and/or mu-

A watershed approach relies on the collaborative efforts of many to restore and sustain
the health of watersheds in the nation.  This approach shifts the emphasis from par-
ticular pollutants or  pollution sources to a process that begins with the questions:
"What do we want this watershed  to look like? What is affecting the watershed? Can
the resources and activities be managed differently to achieve our goals?"

      See the listing for State N&n-fbint Source contacts in the resource section

The purpose of the Safe Water Drinking Act (SDWA) is to protect public health through
the medium of drinking water. The 1986 amendments to the SDWA significantly in-
creased the number of contaminants to be monitored for by Public Water Systems or
PWS (see the tables that follow). Many states produce a schedule each year tailored to
each PWS that describes when to monitor for each of the contaminants. PWSs should
transfer this schedule to a  calendar at the plant and  collect the samples as early as
possible in the  week, month, quarter or year in order to stay in compliance with
existing regulations.

The 1996 amendments  to  the SDWA revised and streamlined some  of the existing
regulations and created new,  more challenging ones for small systems. These regula-
tions will begin to have an impact on small systems beginning in 1999, and continue for
the next ten years. Operators of small systems can expect to see new requirements that
arsenic                            other inorganics
capacity development              pesticides & more volatile organic chemicals
consumer confidence reports         permanent monitoring relief for some chemicals
cross connection control             public notice provisions
disinfection byproducts             radionuclides and radon
enhanced surface water treatment    sanitary surveys
groundwater disinfection            sulfate
operator certification               watersheds

One of the most important additions to the SDWA is the creation of the State Revolv-
ing Fund (SRF). The SRF is a low-interest loan and grant program for water system
improvements. PWSs interested in SRF funds should contact their State Drinking Water

The best way to keep up-to-date on future regulations is to contact your State Drinking
Water Program and acquire a list of training programs  available throughout the year
and attend  those training sessions. Drinking water directly affects public health in
your community and the PWS  has  the ultimate responsibility  and liability for its

Drinking Water
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program
The 19% Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) authorized EPA to
award grants to states for capitalization of Drinking Water State  Revolving Funds
(DWSRF). These are intended to be a source of financial assistance to public water
systems in achieving compliance with Drinking Water Regulations and protecting public
health. States must provide state matching funds equal to at least 20% of the grant.

There are two elements of a DWSRF. First is a loan fund enabling a state to make
below-market loans to public water systems for the construction of projects. (A PWS
can be publicly or privately-owned but  some states have statutory or constitutional
restrictions limiting funding for privately-owned systems) States must adopt a priority
system  ranking projects based on considerations of public health, compliance  and
affordability (systems most in need) and are required to fund to the maximum extent
practical in priority order.

At least 15% of the amount credited to each loan fund each year must be reserved for
loans to small systems.  A priority list of eligible projects is to be published and  up-
dated only after giving notice and an opportunity for public comment. Loans can be
made only to systems that demonstrate they have adequate technical, financial and
managerial (TFM) capacity to comply with drinking water regulations or agree to
obtain such capacity. Up to 30% of the loan fund may be reserved for loan subsidies,
including forgiveness  of principal to disadvantaged communities (communities with
financial shortfalls as  defined by the state).

The second element of a DWSRF is the ability to set aside money for  administration of
the fund (4%), state program assistance (10%, requires an  additional 1:1 state match),
small systems technical assistance (2%), and local assistance (15%). These set-asides are
intended to assist PWSs in meeting regulatory requirements through direct assistance,
loans, and/or state grants funding capacity development, source water  assessment, source
water protection, and  operator certification.

Subject to minimal federal requirements, each state develops, implements and admin-
isters its unique DWSRF program. The loan fund is intended to operate in perpetuity.
To be eligible for a loan, projects must be on the state's priority list. After providing for
public review and comment, states prepare an annual Intended Use  Plan (IUP) identi-
fying the intended uses of the amounts available to the DWSRF. States have discretion
to determine how much money, if any, is to be allocated to any particular set-aside.
Also, states have the flexibility to transfer funds between the Clean Water State  Re-
volving Fund (CWSRF) and the DWSRF. Each state drafts a biennial  report to facili-
tate federal oversight.

                                                           WATER PROGRAMS
                                                            Drinking Water
Additional Information
    •    EPA Region 8 DWSRF Coordinator (303) 312-6347

    •    Initial Guidance for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds, February 1997

               See the listing for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
                           contacts in the resource section

Drinking Water
Capacity Development
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDUA), as amended in 1996, brings significant improve-
ments to the national drinking water program. Capacity development is an important
component of the SDWA's focus on preventing problems in drinking water. It refers to
the process of planning for, acquiring and maintaining adequate technical, managerial
and financial (TMF) capabilities necessary to enable public water systems to provide
safe drinking water on a consistent basis.

What is technical, managerial and financial (TMF) capacity?
Technical capacity is the physical and operational capability of a water system to meet
SD^XA requirements; it refers to the physical infrastructure of the  water system, which
encompasses source water and the treatment, storage and distribution infrastructure.
Technical capacity also refers to the ability of system personnel to operate and  main-
tain the system properly.

Managerial capacity is the ability of a water system's managers to  conduct its affairs in
a manner that will enable the system to achieve and maintain compliance with SDWA

Financial capacity is a water system's ability to acquire and manage sufficient financial
resources to allow the system to achieve and maintain compliance with SDWA require-

These three aspects of water system operations are interrelated. A deficiency in any one
area could disrupt the entire effort to deliver safe drinking water.

What does the SDWA call for?
First, states are encouraged to develop programs to ensure that  all new community
water systems and new non-transient non-community water systems demonstrate the
technical,  managerial, and financial capacity to comply with all national primary
drinking water regulations in effect upon initiation of operations. Second, states are
encouraged to develop and implement strategies  to assist all existing public  water
systems in acquiring and maintaining TMF capacity. [If a state fails to take either of
these first two steps towards building capacity, a portion  of the funds made available
for the State Revolving Fund will be withheld.] And third, states may provide assis-
tance through the State Revolving Fund only to systems that have adequate technical,
managerial and financial capacity, or have agreed to undertake the steps needed to gain
and maintain TMF capacity.

TMF Assistance Available
The SDWA provides states the opportunity to use federal funds to assist communities
in their capacity building efforts.  At the states' option, they may set aside up  to ten

                                                           WATER PROGRAMS
                                                            Drinking Water
percent of the funds available from their State Revolving Fund to support the states'
capacity development program and another ten percent to provide assistance, includ-
ing financial, to public water systems to help with their capacity development efforts.
Still other set-asides may be used for technical assistance and source water protection
measures.  Furthermore, low or interest-free financing may be made available from
your State Revolving Fund to fund infrastructure improvements for community water
systems and non-profit non-community water systems.

    See the Listing for State Capacity Development contacts in the resource section

Drinking Water
Consumer Confidence Rule
Beginning in 1999, all community public water systems (defined as drinking water
systems that serve at least 25 of the same people year-round, or that have at least 15
households) must prepare annual reports summarizing the quality of their drinking
water supplies. The reports must include information on:

    *   What chemical and bacterial contaminants (if any) were detected in the wa-
        ter system over the previous year;

    *   Any violations of the drinking water regulations that occurred over the previ-
        ous year,

    *   The drinking water source;

    «   The potential health effects of drinking water contaminants, as well as defini-
        tions of technical terms.

Public water systems must also ensure that copies of these annual reports are made
available  to their customers.

Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs)
Maximum contaminant level is the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in
water delivered to any user of a public water system. Compare your monitoring results
with the MCLs listed on the following pages. If your system exceeds any MCL, then
your system may need to install the best available technology (BAT) to  remove that

Treatment Technique Requirements
Where EPA is unable to establish an MCL, it must establish a treatment  technique
requirement in lieu of an MCL. PWSs must comply with these treatment require-
ments. Currently, there are surface water filtration and corrosion control requirements
in lieu of MCLs for several microorganisms and lead and copper, respectively.

                                                  WATER PROGRAMS
                                                   Drinking Water
                   WATER REGULATIONS (NPDWRs)
Table I
Total Coliforms
Giardia Lambiia
Heterotrophic Plate Count
Treatment Technique
Treatment Technique
Treatment Technique
Treatment Technique
Treatment Technique
<5.0 NTTJ at all times
<0.5 NTU in 95% of all samples
for conventional & direct filtration
<1.0 NTU in 95% of all samples for
diatomaceous earth and slow sand
filtration, and other filtration techniques ;
*If>40 samples/month: no more than 5% of the samples may be Total Coliform
  Positive. If < 40 samples/month: no more than 1 sample may be Total Coliform

Drinking Water
Table II
Numbers in tables refer to treatments m the folloieing list.
(Not necessarily BAT for variances & exemptions)

1.  Coagulation & Filtration
2.  Corrosion Control
3.  Direct Filtration
4.  Diatomite Filters
5.  Ion Exchange
6.  Lime Softening
7  Reverse Osmosis
                                   8. Electrodialysis
                                   9. Activated Alumina
                                  10. Granular Activated Carbon
                                  11. Public Education and Lead
                                     Service Line Replacement
                                  12. Chlorine Oxidation
0.006 mg/i
7 million fibers/liter
longer than lOum
0.05 mg/l
0.004 mg/l
0.005 mg/l
0.1 mg/l
Treatment Technique
0.2 mg/l
4.0 mg/l
Treatment Technique
Not yet specified in regulation.
However, technologies with the
highest removal efficiencies for
Arsenic are 1,6,7,9
1,5,6,7 (BAT for Chromium III)
1,5,7 (BAT for Chromium VI)
1,5,6,7 (Source Water BAT)
2,1 1 (Distribution System BAT)
Technologies with the highest removal
efficiencies are 7, 9
1,5,6, 7 (Source Water BAT)
2,1 1 (Distribution System BAT)

Drinking Water
Nitrate as (N)
Nitrite as (N)
Total Nitrate &
0.002 mg/l
10 mg/l
0.05 mg/l
0.002 mg/l
10 mg/l
[1,6,7] (BAT only if influent Mercury !
concentration is less than 10 ppb); 10 II
5,78 ;
1,6,78,9 (BAT for Selenium IV)
6,78,9 (BAT for Selenium VI)

Table III

Aldicarb sulfoxide
Aldicarb sulfone
MCL (mg/l)
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon


Drinking Water
Chloropropane (DBCP)
1 Dinoseb
1 Diquat
;| Endothail
; Ethylene dibromide (EDB)
: Glyphosate
Heptachlor epoxide
Oxamyl (Vydate)
: Polychlorinated by-
phenyls (PCBs)
i !
Granular Activated Carbon |
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Packed Tower Aeration
Oxidation (Chlorine a Ozone)
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon ;
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon i
Granular Activated Carbon • >
Granular Activated Carbon \
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon

Drinking Water
: Carbon Tetrachhloride
: Dichloroethylene(cis-l,2-)
1 Dichloroethylene (trans- 1,2-)
: Dichloromethane
'•'_ Dichloropropane(l,2-}
Ma (mg/l)
Granular Activated Carbon, ;
Packed Tower Aeration i
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration ;
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration :
Granular Activated Carbon, :
Packed Tower Aeration !'
Granular Activated Carbon ,
Packed Tower Aeration ;
Granular Activated Carbon, !
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration i
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aerat ion |
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon, :
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration i:
Granular Activated Carbon, i
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon, ;
Packed Tower Aerat ion ;
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration


Drinking Water
;• Toluene
Trichioroethane (1,1,1 -)
Trichloroethane (1,1,2-)
Trichloroethylene (ICE)
Trichlorobenzene (1,2,4 -)
Vinyi Chloride
Xylenes (Total)
Benzo(a)pyrene (PAH)
Hexach lorobenzene
(Chloroform. Bromoform.
Bromodich loromethane,
Treatment Tech.
Treatment Tech.
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon ,
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration
Polymer Addition Practices
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon
Polymer Addition Practices
Granular Activated Carbon
Granular Activated Carbon,
Packed Tower Aeration
Granular Activated Carbon
Chloramines, Chlorine Dioxide,
Improved Clarification for
THM Precursor Reduction,
Moving the Point of Chlormation
to Reduce TTHM, Powdered
Activated Carbon

Drink ing Water
; Gross Alpha Particle Activity 15pCi/! Reverse Osmosis
Gross Beta Particle Activity** 4mrem/yr Ion Exchange, Reverse Osmosis
r Radium-226 and 5pCi/l Ion Exchange, Lime
: Radium-228 (combined) Softening, Reverse Osmosis
* These are proposed EAT's for Radionuclides in the July 18, 1991 Federal Register.
** Gross Beta applies to small P\\"S only ifdoicnstreamfrom a man-made radioactive
contaminant (e.g nuclear power plant) and specifically required by the state.
'•', Aluminum
: Foaming Agents
: Odor
Total Dissolved Solids (IDS)
*Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels
0.05 to 0.2 mg/l
250 mg/l
15 Color Units
1.0 mg/l
2.0 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
0.3 mg/l
0.05 mg/l
3 Threshold Odor Number
0.1 mg/i
250 mg/l
500 mg/l
5.0 mg/l
are recommended, not mandatory standards.

Drinking Water
;; Chloroform
i Bromodichloromethane
i ',
1,1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane
. Bromomethane
; 2,2-Dichioropropane
; o-Chlorotoluene
1, 3-Dichtoropropene
3- Hydroxycarbof uran

Sulfate !
Sodium j



"Unregulated means no MCL established; however, monitoring may be required.

                                                          WATER PROGRAMS     33
                                                           Drinking Water

Actions your community should be taking
The most important action for your community to take is to monitor for contami-
nants listed in  the National  Primary Drinking  Water Regulations  (NPDWRs). The
NPDWRs are written at the federal level by the EPA. Failure to comply with any of the
following is a violation:

       1)   A maximum contaminant level
       2)   A treatment technique
       3)   The schedule within a variance or exemption
       4)   A monitoring requirement
       5)   A testing procedure

Public notice must be given any time there is a violation. In addition, if a system is
granted a variance or an exemption, it must give public notice of the fact.

Guidelines for public  notification
Violations of items 1, 2, and 3 above require "Tier 1" or top priority public notice. Tier
1 is subdivided into "acute" and "non-acute" violations. Acute violations are those that
involve an immediate risk to human health. This includes violations of the MCL for
nitrate and/or nitrite, violations of the MCL for total cohforms, when fecal cohforms
or E.  Coli are present, waterborne disease outbreaks  in an unfiltered surface water
system, and other violations as specified by the state.

If your PWS has a Tier 1 violation, you must provide public notice as follows:

Acute violations only:
Notice must be given within 72 hours of the occurrence, through television and radio
stations serving the area; hand delivery {if no TV or radio available) or posting (if no
TV or radio available).

Acute and non-acute Tier 1 violations:
       «.    Notice must be given within 14 days, through a newspaper; posting (if no
           newspaper available) or hand delivery (if no newspaper available);
       *    Notice must be given within 45 days through direct mail or hand delivery;
       »    Notice must be repeated every three months by direct mailing or posting
           for as long as the violation exists.

Violations of (4) and (5) above are Tier 2 violations, requiring public notice as follows:
       *    Within three months, through a newspaper; posting (if no newspaper avail-
           able) or hand  delivery (if no newspaper available);
       *    Repeat the notification every three months by direct mailing or posting for
           as long as the violation exists.

Drinking Water
A Public Notice must contain the following:
       »    Clear explanation of the violation;
       «    Information about potential health effects;
       «    Information about the population at risk;
       »    Information about the necessity of seeking alternative water supplies;
       »    Preventive measures which will be taken until the violation is corrected;
       *    A telephone number of a contact at the PWS for additional information.

The public notice must also be "conspicuous" and not contain unduly small print, and
where appropriate, be multi-lingual.

Questions to ask the state
Are there additional state requirements for public notice? Does the state have model
language for or examples of public notices available for use by the PWS? Where should
the notices be posted?

Note:  Within  the next year or two, the public notification regulations will be re-
vised. For more information contact your state drinking water regulatory program.

Federal Monitoring Requirements
The monitoring requirements under the federal drinking water regulations can be com-
plex. Most of these regulations require initial monitoring (for new water systems, or for
existing systems with new water sources) at a certain frequency, and then repeat moni-
toring  at  a reduced frequency.  If  contamination is  found,  then the monitoring fre-
quency increases again. Both initial and reduced requirements may vary based on such
things  as the population served by the water system and the source of the water (sur-
face water or groundwater) that the system utilizes. Additionally, there is some  flex-
ibility  with the federal regulations on how states implement their programs. Finally,
state regulations must be at least as stringent as federal regulations, so some states may
have additional requirements not mentioned in this publication.  All communities
should contact their state regulatory agency to get detailed information on monitoring

Guidelines for  microbiological (coliform) monitoring
Bacteria from sewage and animal wastes have presented the most frequent and imme-
diate health risks to public water supplies over the years. The best and easiest way to
test for the presence of harmful bacteria in drinking water is to determine the presence
of coliform bacteria- Although the presence of coliform bacteria in  drinking  water is
not necessarily harmful by itself, it is a good indication of the presence of fecal coliform
bacteria and E. Coi: bacteria.

Fecal coliforms and E. Coli are particularly  pathogenic strains of coliform bacteria.

                                                          WATER PROGRAMS
                                                           Drinking Water
Their presence indicates that drinking water has been contaminated with sewage or
animal (including human) wastes. Such contamination presents an urgent health prob-

Sampling frequency for community PWSs is based on population. Non-community
PWS monitoring may differ according to source and population type. If your PWS
serves more than 5,000 people or is classified as a non-community PWS, contact your
state drinking water program for the number of samples required.

The following table shows monitoring  requirements for community systems with
populations up to 4,900:

                       Totai Coliform Monitoring Frequency

                 Population                     Samples Per Month
                 25 to 1,000	  1
                 1,001 to 2,500	2
                 2,501 to 3,300	3
                 3,301 to 4,100	4
                 4t101to4,900	5

The MCL is based on the presence or absence of total coliform. A system that takes 5
samples or less per month can have no more than one coliform positive sample before
it incurs a violation.

It a sample tests positive for total coliforms, four repeat samples must be collected
within 24 hours  of notification. These repeat samples  must be collected  within five
service connections of the original sample. One sample must be taken at the original
location, one within five  connections upstream from the original sample and one
within five connections downstream from the original sample. The  fourth  sample
may be taken anywhere within the system.

If total coliforms are detected in any repeat sample, the PWS is in violation of the
MCL. The  state must be notified by the  next business day and public notice must be

If fecal coliforms or £. Coli are also detected in the same month, the PWS violates the
MCL, incurs an acute violation and may  pose an urgent public health problem. For an
acute violation, contact the state the same day you receive the results. Public notice
must be given.

The month following any MCL violation the PWS must collect five routine samples.

Drinking Water
Microbial and Disinfection Byproducts
Disinfection of drinking water is one of the major public health advances in the 20th
century. One hundred years ago, typhoid and cholera epidemics were common through-
out American cities.  Disinfection was a major factor in reducing these epidemics.

However, the disinfectants themselves can react with naturally-occurring materials in
the water to form unintended byproducts which may pose health risks. Over the past
ten years, we have also learned that there are specific microbial pathogens, such as
Cryptosporidium that are highly resistant  to traditional disinfection practices.

A major challenge for water suppliers is how to balance the  risks  from microbial
pathogens and  disinfection byproducts. It is  important to provide protection from
these microbial pathogens  while simultaneously ensuring decreasing health risks to the
population from disinfection byproducts  (DBFs).

The 1996 Amendments to  the Safe Drinking Water Act required EPA to develop rules
to achieve these goals. The new Stage 1 Disinfectant and Disinfection Byproduct Rule
and Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule are the  fjrst of a set of rules
under the Amendments and were finalized in  November 1998.  These new rules are a
product of  six years of collaboration between  the water industry, environmental and
public health groups, and  local, State and federal government.

Stage 1  Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
Who Must Comply With the Rule?
The final Stage 1  Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule applies to commu-
nity water systems and non-transient non-community systems, including those serving
fewer than 10,000 people, that add a disinfectant to the drinking  water during any part
of the treatment process.

What Does the Rule Require?
The new Rule updates and supersedes the 1979 regulations for total trihalomethanes.
In addition, it will reduce  exposure  to  three disinfectants  and many disinfection

The rule establishes maximum residual disinfectant  level goals  (MRDLGs) and maxi-
mum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs) for three chemical disinfectants - chlorine,
chloramine and chlorine dioxide (see  Table VIII). It also establishes  maximum con-
taminant level  goals (MCLGs) and  maximum contaminant  levels (MCLs) for total
trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, chlorite and bromate (see Table VIII).

Drinking Water
Table Vltl - MRDLGs, MRDLs, MCLGs and MCLs for Stage 1 Disinfectants and
Disinfection Byproducts Rule

; Chiorine
: Chlorine Dioxide

Total trihalomethanes (TTHM)*
- Chloroform
- Bromodichloromethane
- Dibromochloromethane
- Bromoform
Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5)**
- Dichloroacetic acid
- Trichloroacetic acid


Annual Average :
Annual Average
Daily Samples
Annual Average

Annual Average

Monthly Average :
Annual Average
N/A - Not applicable because there are individual MCLGs for TTHMs or HAAs
*Total trihalomethanes is the sum of the concentrations of chloroform, bromodicbloro-
methane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform.
**Haloacetic acids (five) is the sum of the concentrations of mono- , di- , and trichloroacetic
acids and mono- and dibronwac e tic acids.
Witer systems that use surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of
surface water and use conventional filtration treatment are required to remove speci-
fied percentages of organic materials, measured as total organic carbon (TOC), that
may react with disinfectants to form DBFs (See Table IX). Removal will be achieved
through a treatment technique (enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening) unless a
system meets alternative criteria.

Drinking Water
Table IX -Required Removal of Total Organic Carbon by Enhanced Coagulation
          and Enhanced Softening for Subpart H Systems Using Conventional
Source Water TOC(mg/l)
Source Water Alkalinity (mg/l as CaC03)
*Systems meeting at least one of the alternative compliance criteria in the ride are not
required to meet the removals in this table.
**Systems practicing softening must meet the TOC removal requirements in the last
column to the right.

Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
Who Must Comply With the Rule?
The Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule applies to public water systems
that use surface  water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water
(GWUDI) and serve at least 10,000 people. In addition, states are required to conduct
sanitary surveys for all surface water and GWUDI systems, including those that serve
fewer than 10,000 people.

What Does the Rule Require?
The new Rule amends the existing Surface Water Treatment Rule to strengthen micro-
bial protection, including provisions specifically to address Cryptosporidium, and to
address risk trade-offs with disinfection byproducts. The final rule includes treatment
requirements for waterborne pathogens, e.g., Cryptosporidium. In addition, systems
must continue to meet existing requirements for Giardia Lamblia and viruses. Specifi-
cally, the rule includes:

       *   Maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) of zero  for Cryptosporidium

       *   2-log Cryptosporidium removal requirements for systems that filter

       •   Strengthened combined filter effluent turbidity performance standards
           Individual filter turbidity monitoring provisions

                                                          WATER PROGRAMS     39
                                                            Drinking Water

       *    Disinfection profiling and benchmarking provisions

       »    Systems using groundwater under the direct influence of surface  water
           now subject to the new rules dealing with Cryptosporidium

       »    Inclusion of Cryptosporidium in the  watershed control  requirements for
           unfiltered public water systems

       *    Requirements for covers on new finished water reservoirs

       *    Sanitary surveys, conducted by states, for all surface water systems regardsless
           of size

Communities should contact their Regional EPA Office or state drinking water agency
to get detailed information on the DBFs requirements.

Sanitary surveys
Drinking water regulations (40 CFR Part  14) require all public water systems that do
not collect five  or more routine bacteriological samples a month to undergo periodic
sanitary surveys. The regulations define a sanitary survey as "an on-site review of the
water source, facilities,  equipment, and operation and maintenance" of a public water
system. Most public water systems must undergo a sanitary survey at least once every
five years. Non-community public water systems that use only protected  and  disin-
fected groundwater must undergo a sanitary survey not less than once every ten years.

Questions to ask the state
When is the next sanitary survey scheduled for my PWS (at least one by June 29, 1994,
and every five years thereafter)?

Guidelines for Giardia Lamblia, heterotrophic plate count, legionella, virus and
turbidity monitoring
PWSs do not have to test directly for the above contaminants because of the difficulty
in testing these parasites. Instead, a treatment technique, filtration and disinfection, is
used. Any surface water or groundwater system under the influence of surface  water

       *    Provide  filtration
       *    Provide  a finished water turbidity less than 5.0 NTU at all times
       »    Provide  finished water turbidity less than 0.5 NTU in 95% of the samples
           taken every four hours (conventional  and direct filtration)
       *    Provide a finished water turbidity less than 1.0 NTU in 95% of the samples
           taken every four hours (slow sand, diatomaceous earth and other filtration

     Drinking Water

       »   Maintain a 0.2 mg/l of chlorine residual going into the distribution sys-
           tem at all times
       *   Maintain a detectable chlorine  residual  in the distribution system at all
       »   Insure that filtration and disinfection are achieving a 99.9% inactivation of
           Giardia Lamblia and 99.9% inactivation  of viruses

 Questions to ask the state
 Is my groundwater or spring affected by surface water? How and when will it be
 tested  for surface water influences? If my groundwater is affected by surface water,
 when must filtration be installed? Can I reduce turbidity or disinfection monitoring?
 How do I ensure that filtration and disinfection are  achieving a 99.9% inactivation of
 Giardia Lamblia and 99.9% inactivation of viruses? Should disinfection contact time
 be calculated daily? Should pH, temperature, raw and settled water turbidity be mea-
 sured every day?

 Guidelines for inorganic/organic chemical (IOC) monitoring
 One sample  from each source is required every  three years for groundwater. One
 sample from each source is required every year for surface water.

 Questions to ask the state
 How do I receive a waiver for IOC monitoring?

 Guidelines for IOC monitoring: nitrate and nitrite
 Water systems are required to monitor for nitrate at each entry point  to the distribu-
 tion system on an annual basis. It the results are greater than or equal to 50% of the
 nitrate MCL (i.e., 5  mg/l), increased  monitoring  is required. Initial  monitoring re-
 quirements for new water systems (or water systems with a new source) require those
 entry points that receive surface water to be monitored on a quarterly basis.

 Nitrite monitoring only needs to be performed one time at every entry point to the
 distribution system. If the sample results  are greater than  or equal to  50% of the
 nitrite  MCL (i.e., 0.5 mg/l), increased sampling is required. Otherwise, additional
 sampling is required only if requested by the state.

 Questions to ask the state
 VThen do I take the nitrate sample? For surface water sources only can I reduce moni-
 toring from quarterly to annually?

 Guidelines for IOC monitoring: asbestos
 Monitoring is required once every nine years.

                                                          WATER PROGRAMS
                                                           Drinking Water
Questions to ask the state
How do I receive a waiver for asbestos monitoring? When should I monitor for asbes-

Guidelines for lead and copper
A PWS serving fewer than 100 people must collect five first-draw tap water samples
for lead and copper analysis, 10 samples if serving between 101-500, and 20 samples if
serving between 501-3,300. Water for first-draw tap water sampling must stand motion-
less for at least six hours prior to sampling and may be collected by residents.

There are two consecutive six-month initial monitoring periods. If the 90th percentile
sample exceeds a lead action level of 0.015 mg/1 or a copper action level of 1.3 mg/1 at
any time, testing for water quality parameters and treatment techniques applies. If the
PWS does not exceed these action levels, then the PWS goes  on  an annual  testing
schedule and reduced monitoring may be available.

The four types of actions  required to remedy high lead and copper levels are: 1) corro-
sion control, 2) source water testing (and possible treatment), 3)  public education pro-
grams (within 60 days of the exceedance of the action level for lead only), and  4) lead
service line replacement.

Questions to ask the state
What is needed for a sample siting plan? Are videos available on how to sample at the
tap? If my results show that lead and copper are below the action level, can I  reduce

The following questions pertain to those systems that exceeded  the action level:

What are water quality parameters (WQP), and when do the samples for WQP need to
be taken? Do I continue to monitor for lead even though I am  over the action level?
Where do I get material for public education? How should this material be distributed
to residents? How often must I repeat these public education requirements? How do I
recommend optimal corrosion control treatment to the state?  How many source water
samples do I take? How do I recommend  treatment to the state if there is no lead in
the source water? Who can work with me to do a corrosion control study and install
corrosion control treatment? What happens if optimal corrosion is installed and I still
cannot meet the action levels?

Lead material ban
The lead ban went into effect in 1986 and prohibits lead material from plumbing used
for drinking water systems. Drinking water systems should  continue to ensure that
leaded  solder (more than 0.2°/o lead) is not being used in plumbing that distributes

     Drinking Water

drinking water.

Guidelines for radionuclide monitoring
All community PWSs must sample every four years.

Guidelines for volatile organic chemical (VOC) monitoring
New groundwater systems, surface water systems and systems with new sources of
water must take one year ot quarterly samples at each entry point to the distribution
system. Sampling is done annually thereafter. Groundwater systems can reduce moni-
toring after three rounds of annual  monitoring with no VOCs detected to once every
three years.

Questions to ask the state
Where do I sample tor VOCs? Where should the sample be taken? Is there a monitor-
ing waiver program for VOCs, and how do I apply for a waiver? Am I allowed to
"composite" my samples with samples from other water systems in order to reduce the
cost of monitoring'1

Guidelines for synthetic organic chemical (SOC) monitoring for systems serv-
ing fewer than 3,300 people
New groundwater systems, surface water systems and systems with new sources of
water must take one year ot quarterly samples at each entry point to the distribution
system. Sampling is done once every three years thereafter,

Questions to ask the state
When do I sample for SOCs? Where should the samples be taken? Is there a monitor-
ing waiver program for SOCs, and how do I apply for a waiver? Am I allowed to
"composite" my samples with samples from other water systems in order to reduce the
cost ot monitoring?

Guidelines for unreplated contaminant (VOC, SOC,  and IOC) monitoring
Monitoring must be performed once every five years, with either one sample or four
quarterly samples required. The list of unregulated contaminants to be monitored is
periodically updated, with contaminants being added or deleted.

Questions to ask the state
When do I sample for unregulated contaminants? Which contaminants must be moni-
tored? Where should the samples be taken? Is there a monitoring waiver program for
unregulated contaminants and how  do I apply for a waiver? Am ! allowed to "compos-
ite" my samples with samples from other water systems in order to reduce the cost of

                                                          WATER PROGRAMS
                                                          Drinking Water
General questions to ask the state
When I detect a contaminant, is a check sample required? When an MCL is exceeded,
is a check  sample required? What else should be done immediately when an MCL is
exceeded? Where can I get free fact sheets on these regulations? Can I "composite" my
samples with other systems? Where do I obtain the bottles and what types of bottles
do I use for taking the samples? W'here can I get instructions on how to sample? Who
can help me take the sample? What  is a certified laboratory, and why must I use a
certified laboratory to test  for NPDWRs?

Additional Information
      *    Your State Drinking Water Agency will be able to provide information and
           fact sheets,

      «    Region 8 Drinking Water  Program (800) 227-8917

      *    National SDWA Hotline (800) 426-4791

      *    American Water Works Association (AWWA) (303) 794-7711

      .    AWWA Small System Operational Support (800) 366-0107

      *    Your State Rural Water Association and Environmental Training Center

      »    Rural Community Assistance Corporation  (916) 447-2878

       See the listing for State Drinking Water contacts in the resource section

What is an injection well? EPA defines an injection well as a well into which fluids are
injected for purposes such as waste disposal, improving the recovery of crude oil, or
solution mining. Injection into a well is defined as the subsurface emplacement of
fluids, which can be semi-solid, liquid, sludge or in a gaseous or other state.

In the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Congress created the Underground Injec-
tion Control (UIC) program in order to prevent the contamination of Underground
Sources of Drinking Water (USDW)  by injection wells. A USDW is defined as  an
aquifer or its portion that supplies any public water system or contains a sufficient
quantity of groundwater to supply a public water system, and contains less than 10,000
mg/1 total  dissolved solids.

The UIC program divides injection wells into five main categories:

       »    Class I - Wells used to inject hazardous wastes or dispose of industrial and
           treated municipal sewage below the deepest USDW;
       *    Class II - Wells used to inject fluids associated with the production of oil
           and natural gas or fluids/compounds used for enhanced hydrocarbon  re-
       »    Class III - Wells that inject fluids used in subsurface mining of minerals
           such as salt and uranium;
       »    Class IV - Wells that  dispose of hazardous or radioactive wastes into or
           above a USDW (banned);
       •    Class V - Not included in the other classes, generally shallow wells inject-
           ing nonhazardous fluid into or above a USDW Shallow wells represent the
           largest number of wells and are the most common.

Does the UIC program apply to  my community?
Only shallow Class IV and V wells are likely to be found within your community.
However, it is these wells that generally pose the greatest threat to public and private
drinking water wells. The types of shallow disposal systems most commonly operated
in small communities include agricultural drainage wells, domestic wastewater dis-
posal wells (e.g., septic systems and cesspools) that serve  20 or more persons per day,
and commercial disposal wells used by small businesses (e.g., auto service stations and
car washes). Individual or single family residential septic systems or cesspools are not
regulated by the UIC program.

Although general regulations for all categories of wells presently exist, additional Fed-
eral  regulations for several specific categories of Class V injection wells,  including

                                                          WATER PROGRAMS
                                                           Injection Wells
commercial disposal wells and cesspools, are being developed. These are due to be
finalized in 1999 and effective in 2000.

Actions your community should be taking
Methods that have proven successful in locating injection wells include telephone and
mail surveys as well as public meetings. Community efforts should target residential,
agricultural, and commercial areas/facilities not served by or connected to a munici-
pal sewer system because this is where injection wells are most likely to be found. If an
injection well is found, its potential for contaminating groundwater will depend upon:

       *    Where injection  occurs relative to the groundwater aquifer;
       *    Well construction, design, and operation;
       »    Composition of the injected fluid;
       «    Volume of fluid  injected.

The threat of contamination to groundwater from  shallow injection wells can be re-
duced  significantly by utilizing Best Management Practices (BMP) and by reviewing
new applications for septic systems to ensure appropriate use.

Best Management  Practices  refers to methods that have been determined to be the
most effective,  practical means of preventing or reducing pollution from non-point
sources. For example, limiting the use of pesticides and fertilizers can reduce the amount
of chemicals that reach groundwater via agricultural drainage wells. Another BMP
example is that of developing public awareness programs to educate community mem-
bers on the adverse effects of disposing of household chemicals in septic systems. Such
best management practice programs can also encourage  small businesses (e.g., auto
service stations) to practice source reduction and recycling of used oil, antifreeze, sol-
vents,  and heavy metals  that  may otherwise be improperly disposed of (e.g., via a
septic system).

Additional Information
       .    National Safe Drinking Water Hotline - (800) 426-4791

       ,    "Shallow Injection Wells and How They Affect Drinking Water," U.S. EPA
           Region 8, Groundwater Program  - (303) 312-6312

       »    Residents of Colorado, Montana and South Dakota can  contact the U.S.
           EPA Region 8 (phone number listed above). Residents  of Utah, North Da-
           kota and Wyoming can contact their respective state agencies.

        See the listing for State Injection Wells contacts in the resource section

       \Cfellhead Protection

The 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) called upon each state
to develop a Wellhead Protection (WHP) program. This legislation established a  na-
tionwide program to encourage states to develop systematic and comprehensive pro-
grams to protect groundwater public water supply wells and wellfields within their
jurisdiction from contamination.

The statute mandated that all states  develop WHP programs. To date, every state in
Region 8 has developed and is implementing an EPA-approved WHP program. The
Region 8 states' programs are voluntary, with the exception of Utah, which operates a
mandatory program. (Certain  WHP  components are required to be implemented by
states under the Source Water Assessment Program [SWAP].) States encourage munici-
palities to participate and to exercise individual discretion in developing methods of
protecting groundwater used for drinking water. The Source Water Protection Program
incorporates  surface water systems and is very similar to Wellhead Protection (see
Source Water Assessment and Protection).

Under SDWA, Section 1-428, each state in Region 8 developed a WHP program consist-
ing of several elements. At a minimum,  each state's WHP program addressed:

      *   Specific roles and duties of  state agencies, local government entities, and
          public water suppliers, with respect to WHP programs;
      »   Delineation of the  wellhead  protection area (WHPA) for each wellhead;
      *   Identification of sources of contaminants within each WHPA;
      »   Development of management approaches to protect the water supply within
          WHPAs from such contaminants;
      »   Development of contingency plans for each public water supply system to
          respond to well or  wellfield  contamination;
      »   Properly siting  of  new wells to maximize yield and minimize potential
      *   Ensuring public participation.

Actions your community should be taking
The Wellhead Protection program requires the participation of all levels of govern-
ment. The Federal government is responsible for approving state wellhead protection
programs and tor providing technical support to state and local governments. States
must develop and implement  Wellhead Protection programs that  meet requirements
of the SDWA Amendments. While the  responsibilities of local  governments depend
upon the particular requirements of the state's Wellhead Protection program, local gov-
ernments are often in the best position to implement measures to ensure that wellhead
areas are properly protected from contamination.

                                                          WATER PROGRAMS
                                                       Wellhead Protection
Local governments typically have jurisdiction to implement zoning decisions, develop
land use plans, oversee building  and fire codes, implement health requirements, sup-
ply water and sewer services, and enforce police powers. Each of these local powers
may be used to protect the quality of local aquifers.

Cities and counties are also often the innovators in developing Wellhead Protection
programs by applying combinations of management tools {e.g., zoning and potential
contaminant source prohibitions) to meet unique local conditions. Localities often pro-
tect groundwater as part of larger  projects, such as developing growth management
plans or economic development  efforts. In close cooperation with regional, state and
Federal agencies, local governments can take positive steps to protect their wellhead

Additional Information
       »   Region 8 WHP Coordinator (303) 312-6719

       «   Safe Drinking Water  Hotline (800) 426-4791

       »   National Center for Environmental Publication and Information (800) 490-

       »   EPA  Wellhead  Protection  website at   http:/www.epa.go\yQGWDW/

     See the listing for State Wellhead Protection contacts in the resource section

      Source Water Assessment & Protection      1
EPA has supported states and communities in their voluntary efforts to protect sources
of drinking water since 1986, when the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)  Amend-
ments established the Wellhead Protection program (WHP). The 1996 SDWA Amend-
ments have expanded upon this effort, and now require states with responsibility for
regulating public water supplies to develop a Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP).

SWAP addresses both surface water and groundwater sources of drinking water, and
integrates the earlier WHP activities into it.  The SWAP approach continues to rely
upon a clear state lead in program development and management, and upon strong
public participation.

States must form advisory committees to assist in development of their Source Water
Assessment and Protection program, as follows:

      *   Technical advisory committee - to provide input on the technical feasibil-
          ity and effectiveness of the proposed SWAP plan;

      *   Citizen advisory committee - to evaluate the SWAP plan  for appropriate-
          ness and desirability.

The committees may be combined, but members must represent a wide cross-section
ol stakeholders from  throughout the state, and must be able to  evaluate technical
material and/or policy issues. SWAP documents submitted to EPA will need to de-
scribe the committees' advice regarding key issues.

States must submit SWAP plans to EPA for review  by February 1999. EPA must ap-
prove or disapprove the SWAP programs within nine months of submittal. States
must begin implementation immediately upon approval, and they must complete
program implementation  within three and one-half years, including any allowable

The SWAP plan forms the framework for undertaking required assessments of sources
of groundwater and surface water for all public water systems in the state, and for
identifying activities within designated source water protection areas that could con-
taminate water quality. The resulting assessments provide enough information about
drinking water sources so that drinking water utilities can take action to prevent
contamination of the sources.

States have considerable discretion in fulfilling SWAP requirements  since EPA guid-
ance provides for alternatives and options in completing their SWAP plans. However,

                                                           WATER PROGRAMS     49
                                       Source Water Assessment & Protection

each SWAP must include the following elements:

       *    Delineation of the Source "Water Protection Area - Basically, this is a topo-
           graphical map of the land area surrounding a surface or groundwater drink-
           ing water source through which contaminants could  move and reach the
           well or intake.

       »    Contaminant Inventory - Identification of land uses, industries, and ac-
           tivities within the source water protection area that could contribute con-
           taminants to the source of drinking water and, thereby,  degrade  water

       »    Susceptibility Analysis - Determination of the likelihood that a contami-
           nant, once it has entered the drinking water source, will reach the intake or
           drinking water well in an amount that will affect the  public water system
           and its ability to deliver safe drinking water.

       »    Public Notification - The SWAP plan must describe how the results of the
           assessments will be made available to the public.  In  its report to the
           public, the state must provide maps showing  the delineated areas, the
           location of the contaminants, and the results of the  susceptibility analysis.

States are encouraged to use information and data  sources that already exist at  many
different Federal, state, and local agencies in developing their  SWAP plans. SWAP
implementation can then serve as an opportunity for states to collect existing informa-
tion in one place and use it to conduct susceptibility analyses.

EPA recommends that states use an iterative process in completing the required assess-
ments: that is, collect the available information necessary for completing assessments,
and then determine if a collection of additional information is warranted in order to
undertake complex susceptibility analyses. Information  collected  under an existing
WHP would remain acceptable upon review and appropriate updates.

States' SWAP plan submittals to EPA need  to report whether or not they will be devel-
oping a Source Water Protection Program (SWPP). While not  mandatory, the SWPP
will  describe how  the information  collected through SWAP implementation will be
used to advance pollution prevention and protection efforts.  Additionally, a Source
Water Protection Program  provides guidelines and advice  to  local communities  on
subsequent development of plans for protecting their sources of drinking water.

Several states have chosen to incorporate SWPP measures within their existing Well-
head Protection  Program. States may also actively assist communities in  protecting

Source Water Assessment & Protection
their drinking water sources by providing technical assistance and financial resources
in the form of grants and loans.

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
A new addition to SDWA is the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, for which states
must provide an overall 20% match. From this  state-administered fund, they can
provide public water systems with low interest loans to improve the treatment and
distribution of drinking water.  (See Drinking Water SRF section for more informa-
tion.)  In addition, several "set-asides" are included, whereby states can take a percentage
of the  fund for other activities, including source water  assessment and protection.
Depending on use, set-aside funding is available to states as either grants or loans for
the following activities:

       «    Source water assessment programs (available from 1997 money only);
       *    Source water protect ion /source water petition  programs;
       »    Purchase of land or  conservation easements;
       «    Wellhead protection programs;
       «    Program administration or technical assistance for source water protection.

Actions your community should be taking
Active protection of drinking water sources remains the responsibility of the people
who drink the water, working in coordination with their public water supplier.  Local
protection efforts are the key to protecting drinking  water supplies, and local govern-
ment units are in the best position to implement measures to ensure that  source waters
are properly protected from contamination.

Local governments typically implement zoning decisions,  develop land-use  plans, oversee
building and fire codes, implement health requirements, supply water and sewer ser-
vices, and enforce police powers.  Through these local  actions, positive steps can be
taken to protect the quality of source waters. Combinations of management tools (e.g.,
zoning, source  prohibitions), easements and purchases  can be used to  meet unique
local conditions. Additionally, cooperation can be sought with state and federal agen-
cies.  Such cooperative approaches can be used to  provide technical assistance and
funding sources to enhance protective measures.

Additional Information
       .    EPA Region 8 Source Water Protection  Program  (303) 312-6550

       *    Region  8 Source Water  Assessment and Protection  website at hup://
           www.epa. gov/unixQ008 / wa ter/s wa p/swa ml

          Sfe thf listing for State Source Water Assessment and Protection
                          contacts in the resource section


Discharge Permits Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimina-
tion System (NPDES)
Public Law 92-500, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended in 1972, estab-
lished a national policy to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological
integrity of the nation's waters. [PL 92-500 was later renamed the Clean Water Act (CWA),]
One of the chief mechanisms to achieve these goals is the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit program. The U.S. EPA or the state environmen-
tal control agency has responsibility for administering the NPDES permit program.
NPDES permits are issued to operators discharging any pollutant (including wastewa-
ter effluent) to state/U.S. waters (such as streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, etc).

Specific term? and conditions for NPDES permits vary from state to state, but each
primacy state must administer the program to meet minimum EPA standards.  In
addition,  permit requirements within a given state may also vary because of different
designated beneficial uses of the receiving water and other factors at the discharge site.

Actions your community should be taking
Maximize community awareness of and develop education programs about:

      »   wastewater collection and disposal
      *   alternative solutions available
      «   funding resources and procedures tor implementing appropriate wastewa-
          ter treatment programs

Because ot reduced levels of Federal funding tor wastewater collection and disposal
systems, rural communities and their technical consultants must identify less expen-
sive alternative technologies in order to reduce project cost and operating expenses.

Numerous technical and administrative resources are available at little or no  cost to
small communities, either at the state or Federal level. Local regulatory authorities.
funding agencies,  and technical consultants must become knowledgeable about  the
resources available and work cooperatively in order for rural America to have effective
wastewater collection and disposal systems.

Additional Information
      »   Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (33 US.C 1342) - Commonly
          referred to as the Clean Water Act

      *   EPA Administered Permit Programs:  The National Pollutant Discharge

     Wastewater - NPDES

Elimination System, 40 CFR Part 122

       *    "Small Wastewater Systems - Alternative Systems for Small Communities
           and Rural Areas," EPA National Small Flows Clearinghouse, (800) 624-8301

       «    "It's \bur Choice - A Guidebook for Local Officials on Small Community
           Wastewater Management Options," EPA National Small Flows Clearing-
           house, (800) 624-8301

       «    "Self-Help Handbook," Jane Schautz and Christopher  M. Conway, The
           Rensselaerville Institute, Rensselaerviile, NY 12147, (518) 797-3783

       «    "Community Managed Septic Systems ~ A Viable Alternative to Sewage
           Treatment Plants," Controller General Report to the Congress of the United
           States, CED 78-168, 11/3/78

       «    "Design  Manual - Constructed Wetlands and Aquatic Plant  Systems for
           Municipal Wastewater Treatment," Center for Environmental Research In-
           formation, Cincinnati, OH 45268, EPA/625/1-88/022

     Set the listing for State Water Quality flrrmit contacts in the resource section

Secondary Treatment of Municipal Wastewater
Secondary treatment is the minimum treatment requirement for most Publicly Owned
Treatment Works (POTW), Secondary treatment, among other things, requires that
effluent concentrations of five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD.) and total
suspended solids limits not exceed 30 mg/1 as a thirty-day average. Some states allow
higher total suspended  solids  limits  if certain conditions are met. In general, at a
minimum the treatment process must be a stabilization pond.

Does the secondary treatment regulation apply to my community?
Yes, all treatment facilities that discharge to waters of the  U.S. must comply. Desig-
nated beneficial uses of the receiving waters may necessitate that higher quality efflu-
ent be discharged or possibly allow no discharge at all.

Actions your community should be taking
If a wastewater treatment plant discharges to state/US, waters (such as streams, lakes,
wetlands, etc), it is required to have a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sys-
tem  (NPDES) permit.  States may have slightly different names for their permit
programs, but the permit will specify effluent limitations and  monitoring require-
ments. If the POTW cannot  meet the effluent limitations  specified in the permit, it
may be necessary to upgrade the treatment facility, review operational improvements,
and/or improve the sewer collection system to correct excess inflow/infiltration prob-
lems. Another approach would be to minimize water use by instituting water conser-
vation measures, such as the use of low-flow plumbing fixtures in homes and build-

If you suspect that  there  is a problem having to do with secondary treatment of
municipal wastewater in your community, notify the appropriate parties. Starting
with the POTW itself, this could include community officials, county sanitarians, or
state officials responsible for water quality and/or wastewater discharge permits.

Additional Information
      «    Office of Wastewater Management website at http:/

      »    EPA Secondary Treatment regulations, 40 CFR Part 133

      *    "Needs Survey Report to Congress," EPA, February 1997 published every
           four years

      »    "Overview of Selected  EPA Regulations and Guidance Affecting POTW
           Management," EPA, September 1989

     See the listing for State Water Quality Permit contacts in the resource section

Blosolids/Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal
Until about 25 years ago, what was then called sewage sludge or municipal wastewater
sludge was disposed of in landfills or incinerated. During the past quarter century the
practice has changed to recycling biosohds, a byproduct of the wastewater treatment
process. Environmental regulations ensure that biosohds are handled properly and are
of sufficient quality for use as a soil conditioner, fertilizer, or for other intended uses.

How do Biosoiids differ from Sewage Sludge?
Biosolids are primarily organic treated wastewater materials from municipal wastewa-
ter treatment plants (with the emphasis on the word  treated] that  are suitable for
recycling as a soil amendment.  Sewage sludge now refers to untreated primary and
secondary organic solids from the wastewater  treatment process.  This differentiates
biosolids, which have received stabilization treatment at a municipal wastewater treat-
ment plant, from sewage sludge, as well as the many other types of sludge (such as oil
and gas field wastes) that cannot be beneficially recycled as soil amendments.

Exactly what are Biosolids?
Biosolids are, in eilect, a slow release nitrogen fertilizer with low concentrations of
other plant nutrients.  In addition to significant amounts of nitrogen, biosolids also
contain phosphorus, potassium, and essential micronutrients, such as zinc and iron,
which are of great  benefit in the West, where many soils are deficient in micronutri-
ents. Since biosolids are also rich  in organic matter, they can improve soil quality by
improving water-holding capacity, soil structure and air and water transport. Proper
use of biosolids can ultimately decrease topsoil erosion.

When applied at agronomic rates (the rates at which plants require nitrogen during a
defined growth period), biosohds provide an  economic benefit  in addition to their
environmental advantages. Colorado State University agronomists have shown that
application of three dry tons of biosolids per acre every other year to dryland  wheat
crops produces comparable yields, higher protein content, and larger economic returns
when compared with dryland wheat produced using  50 to 60 pounds per acre of
commercial nitrogen fertilizer.

What are the Federal Requirements for Biosolids?
The  EPA in  1993  set forth requirements for management of all biosolids generated
during the process of treating municipal wastewater. commonly called the 503 Rule.
The  503 Rule encourages the beneficial reuse of biosohds, and establishes strict stan-
dards under which wastewater residuals can and cannot be beneficially recycled  as soil
amendments. The EPA believes that  biosolids are ,m important resource  that can and
should be safely recycled.

                                                          WATER PROGRAMS
                                                    Wastewater - Biosolids
The 503 Rule is designed to protect public health and the environment.  Most of the
requirements are based on  the results of extensive environmental risk assessment and
on more than 25 years of independent research. The 503 Rule established standards for
pathogen destruction and for levels of metals that can be present in biosolids. It also
governs reduction of the attraction of vectors (such as flies), agricultural practices, site
restrictions, and crop harvesting restrictions.

What are the Reuse/Disposal Options?
The only  options for reuse/disposal  of biosolids are incineration, surface disposal,
landfilling, or recycling as soil amendments. Incineration is very expensive. Landfilling
and surface disposal are really temporary solutions to a permanent problem. Because
biosolids are a valuable resource, recycling as soil amendments is the preferred disposal

Do the Biosolids (sewage sludge) regulations apply to my community?
\es, if the wastewater treatment system  includes  any form ot central  treatment or
mechanical plant, including a lagoon, which will need  to be cleaned, whether it is
covered in your NPDES permit or not.

Even septage is now covered in the regulations as sewage sludge, as long as it is prima-
rily domestic. Commercial/industrial septage is not included.

Additional Information
       *   "Biosolids Management Handbook for Small Publicly Owned Treatment
          Works (POTWs)," September 1995, U.S. EPA Region 8

       *   "Use of Reclaimed Water & Sludge  in Food  Crop Production," National
          Research Council National Academy Press, Washington, DC 1996

       »   "Questions & Answers About Biosolids Recycling in Colorado," Colorado
          Department of Public Health & the  Environment, Water Quality Control
          Division & U.S. EPA Region 8

       »    "Guide to Soil  Suitability and  Site Selection for Beneficial Use of Domestic
          Wastewater Biosolids: Manual 8."  Oregon State  University Extension Ser-

       *    "A  Guide to the Biosolids Risk Assessments for the EPA  Part 503 Rule,"
           EPA,/ 832/B-93-005, September 1995

       *    "A Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule," EPA/832/R-93-
          003, September 1994

     Wastewater - Biosotids

       •   Preparing Sewage Sludge for Land Application or Surface  Disposal - A
          Guide for Preparers on the Monitoring, Record-keeping, and  Reporting
          Requirements of Federal Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge,
          40 CFR Part 503 (EPA, 1993)

       #   Surface Disposal  of Sewage Sludge  - A Guide for Owners/Operators of
          Surface Disposal Facilities on the Monitoring, Record-keeping, and Notifi-
          cation Requirements of the Federal  Standards for the Use or Disposal of
          Sewage Sludge, 40 CFR Part 503 (EPA, 1994)

       »   Region 8 Biosolids Management Program website at http:/www.epa.goy/

       «   Colorado State University  Cooperative Extension website  at  http:/

       •   Water Environment Federation website at http:/www.

       .   EPA Region 8 Biosolids Coordinator (303) 312-6129

       «   Information  may also be obtained by contacting your county sanitarian.

          See the listing for State Biosolids contacts in the resource section

Pretreatment Requirements
Pretreatment refers to processes used to reduce, eliminate, or alter the nature of waste-
water pollutants from non-domestic sources before they are discharged into publicly
owned treatment works (POTWs). A pretreatment program will include development
of appropriate ordinances, education programs for operators, inspections, monitoring,
and enforcement.

Specifically, pretreatment programs control pollutants that are incompatible or will
interfere with the treatment process for domestic water, or pass-through the POTW
untreated and cause problems in the receiving waters.  In  addition, pretreatment re-
quirements can  improve opportunities to recycle and reclaim domestic wastewaters
and sludges.

Do the pretreatment requirements apply to my community?
Generally, smaller POTWs are not required to establish EPA or state-approved pretreat-
ment programs  since small communities have few, if any, non-domestic users.  How-
ever, many smaller communities are opting to establish their own pretreatment pro-
grams voluntarily in order to enhance protection of their POTWs and receiving waters.

If a community does have non-domestic users (such as food processing plants, metal
finishers, significant trucked and hauled waste contributors, etc) discharging pollut-
ants that could  pass through the POTW untreated or interfere with operations, the
community may have to implement a pretreatment program  to satisfy National Pol-
lutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements. (See the NPDES
section for more information on the permit program)

Your facility's current NPDES permit contains a section on prohibited discharges for
industrial or commercial users. This section requires all municipalities to protect their
POTWs from pass-through, interference, sludge contamination or adverse effects on
worker safety from  the  discharge of pollutants by non-domestic users.  These are, in
effect, pretreatment  requirements and are designed to ensure that  you protect your

If the rule applies to my community, what should I do?
If your community is required to establish a pretreatment program or if you establish
one voluntarily,  your local  POTW governing unit must enact ordinances to imple-
ment pretreatment requirements and identify a person responsible for ensuring that
the program is administered according to regulations.

Discharge limitations are developed and enforced by POTWs to implement prohibi-

Wastewater - Pretreatment
tions and  to protect the POTW They are site specific to ensure that pretreatment
standards are in place to protect the POTVt,r the receiving stream and municipal sludge

If your community wants to establish a local pretreatment program but is not required
to do so by your NPDES permit, contact your state wastewater agency or the Regional
Office of tbe EPA for assistance.

If you suspect  that there is a problem with a non-domestic user in your community,
notify your  POTW operator and EPA Regional Office, or the department  of state
government  responsible for wastewater discharge permits.

Additional Information
      *   Pretreatment Final Rule, 40 CFR Part 403

      »   EPA Region 8 Pretreatment website at hup'!/wwwiepa_igoy/unixOOQ8/water/
          npdes/pret reatju ml

        See the listing for State Pretreatment contacts in the resource section


Storm Water
Storm water runoff flows over parking lots and other areas, collects in street gutters
and storm drains, and can eventually flow to water bodies after little or no treatment.
In addition to the usual pollutants, storm water can be further contaminated by dumping
used motor oil, leftover paint, pesticides and other household chemicals on the ground,
in parking lots and in  streets. This can severely affect nearby surface waters.

In 1987, Congress amended the Clean Water Act to require the establishment of a
comprehensive two-phased approach to control storm water discharges. The  Phase I
regulations were published in the Federal Register on November 16, 1990, and  concen-
trate primarily on:

       *   Discharges  associated with industrial activity including construction  projects
          disturbing  more than five acres.

       *   Discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) serving a
          population of 100,000 or more.

Municipalities under 100,000 population have had fewer requirements under the Phase
I regulations. They have  been  required to get  permit coverage tor  storm water dis-
charges from airports,  power plants, and uncontrolled sanitary landfills that they own
or operate. The state or EPA may require, on a case-by-case  basis, permits for storm
water discharges from other activities owned  or operated by municipalities under
100,000 population  if considered necessary to control contaminated runoff. Some small
MS4s (serving  fewer than 100,000 people) may  also be covered under Phase I regula-
tions if they have interconnections with medium or large MS4s, or if their discharges
can negatively affect local receiving waters.

Phase II, which is currently under development, will address all storm water discharges
not covered  under  Phase  I. The proposed Phase II rule was published in the Federal
Register on January 9, 1998, and the final  rule is scheduled  to be published  in early
1999. Specifically, Phase II storm water regulations  would affect municipalities under
100,000 population by:

       «   Requiring  them to apply for MS4  permits if they are located within an
          urbanized  area, as defined by the US. Census Bureau, or if designated by
          the state or EPA as  needing a permit.

       «   Requiring  them to apply for permits for storm water discharges from mu-
          nicipal  construction projects that disturb one acre  or more and for other

     Wastewater - Storm Water

           municipally-owned or operated facilities that are defined as associated with
           industrial activity (e.g., certain sewage treatment plants, vehicle mainte-
           nance operations, etc).

Actions your community should be taking
Maintain coverage under existing storm water discharge permits, as necessary, for Phase
I municipal sources (e.g., airports, power plants, uncontrolled sanitary landfills). If you
are still unclear whether certain municipal operations need coverage under Phase I
storm water discharge permits, contact your state or EPA National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permitting authority.

Contact  your state or EPA NPDES permitting authority by the middle of 1999 to
determine the applicability of the Phase II storm water requirements to your commu-
nity. Apply for storm water  discharge permits, and implement controls as necessary,
according to Phase II storm water regulations.

Even if your community is not affected by storm water regulations, consider develop-
ing an information and education program  to increase the awareness of municipal
employees and  residents of the relationship between the storm water drainage system
and the  local lake  or  stream. Communities should also consider establishing  local
ordinances prohibiting non-storm water hookups and discharges or disposal of chemi-
cals into the storm water drainage system.

Additional Information
Contact your state or EPA Regional storm water contact for more information about
the storm water permitting program or visit the following storm water Internet  sites:

       *    EPA's NPDES Storm Water Program site at  http:/www.epa.goy/owm/

       »    EPA's Wet Weather site at httrx/

       *    EPA's Storm Water Library at http:/

       *    EPA Region 8  Storm  Water site  at httpj/ww^.epA.gQVjinixOQQ8/waier/

       »    EPA Region 6 Storm Witer site at http:/ r^6en/w/sw/

         Stc the listing for State Storm V&ter contacts in the resource section

State Revolving Fund Program
Title VI of the 1987 Amendments to the Clean Water Act authorized EPA to award
annual grants  to states for funding of State Revolving Funds (SRFs). These funds are
intended to be a source of financial assistance for water pollution control projects in
perpetuity. States must provide at least a 20 percent match for each grant.  However,
the program allows states to employ optional, innovative financial strategies to in-
crease the amount of loan funds available earlier in the SRF's life. An SRF may pro-
vide financial  assistance to municipalities, inter-municipal, state and interstate agen-
cies for construction of publicly owned wastewater treatment works (POTWs). Projects
can include storm water facilities, and non-point source (NFS) management programs.
For NFS projects, the SRF can also assist  private citizens directly through loans for
projects such as helping bring a private septic system into compliance.

The types of financial assistance  available include  loans, purchase or refinancing of
existing municipal debt, guarantee of municipal or state obligations and purchase of
insurance to guarantee municipal debt ror wastewater systems. Direct grants are not
authorized.  Loans can cover 100% ot eligible project costs with no cash up front.

Each state develops, implements and administers  its own SRF  program, which is
meant to be a one-stop technical and financial service, subject to minimal federal
requirements.  Each state must prepare for public comment an annual Intended Use
Plan on SRF operations for the upcoming year. Loans granted  through an SRF must
meet these basic criteria:

       »    Interest rates at or below market, including zero percent;
       »    Amortization schedules of 20 years or less;
       *    Annual principal and interest payments commencing not later that  one
           year after project completion;
       *    Pledge of a dedicated source of revenue by each borrower.

Additional Information
       «    EPA Region 8 SRF Coordinator (303) 312-6277

       t    Initial Guidance for State Revolving Funds, January, 1988

       *    EPA State Revolving Fund Program Implementation Regulations, 40 CFR
           Part 35, Subpart K

       *    State Revolving Fund, Final Questions  and Answers, July, 1990

       See the listing for State Revolving Fund contacts in the resource section

      Pollution Prevention

EPA's Pollution Prevention Approach
The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 establishes pollution prevention as national policy,
that is, EPA's preferred approach for protecting human health and the environment.
The primary goal of pollution prevention is  to prevent or reduce the generation of
wastes and pollutants at the source. Pollutants that cannot be prevented should be
recycled whenever possible. Pollutants that cannot be prevented or recycled should be
treated in an environmentally safe manner. Disposal or other release of pollutants into
the environment should be used only as a last resort and should be conducted in an
environmentally safe manner.

In summation, instead of using traditional pollution treatment and control methods to
stop existing pollutants from reaching the environment, pollution prevention aims to
anticipate  and avoid the generation of pollutants in the first place.

Actions for Communities
Small communities are in a unique position to make things happen and to win the
battle against pollution because they can deal  directly with local environmental prob-
lems.  Local governments can encourage and stimulate the practice of pollution preven-
tion at all  levels  by working with industry and manufacturing, business and govern-
ment  (including agriculture, transportation, energy generators, hospitals and schools),
communities, and individuals.

Following  are specific suggestions on how community leaders can fight  pollution and
preserve environmental quality, human health and natural resources:

      »    Set pollution prevention as a major goal  and integrate the concept into
           governmental activities. Publicly recognize pollution prevention as a prior-

      »    Practice what you preach—set an example.

      *    Educate the public as well as business and industry about pollution preven-

      »   Create an awareness of the profitability and benefits of pollution preven-
           tion through greater efficiency and utilization of natural resources.

      »    Develop programs to:

           1.  Recycle paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, scrap metal, motor oil, and
              yard wastes.

                                                             OTHER PROGRAMS
                                                         Pollution Prevention
           2.   Use less energy.  Set back thermostats, insulate, buy  energy-efficient
               lighting and appliances, and make creative use of daylight.

           3.   Use less water. Be conservative. Use ultra-low flush toilets; install wa-
               ter meters; repair leaks; review maintenance schedules; use water con-
               serving landscaping.

           4.   Buy energy efficient automobiles and other fleet vehicles and keep
               them tuned.

           5.   Car pool, bike, walk, or use mass transit when possible.

           6.   Take advantage of natural methods of crop protection. Apply insecti-
               cides and herbicides carefully if they must be used at all.

           7   Reduce smoke, radon, asbestos and other indoor-air pollutants.

           8.   Reduce use of materials that produce hazardous or toxic waste; encour-
               age product substitution and modification of industrial operations to
               preclude generation ot hazardous and/or toxic waste. Recycle used motor

           9.   Buy recycled or recyclable products. Seek out products with reusable,
               recyclable or returnable packaging.

           10.  Be careful around surfaces covered with lead-based paint, and be cau-
               tious when children are nearby during renovation or rehabilitation of
               old buildings. Be sure drinking water does  not contain harmful levels
               of lead or other contaminants.

           11.  Plant trees, shrubs, and indoor plants. They replenish the earth's oxygen
               supply and clean the air by removing pollution.

Additional Information
      .    EPA, Region 8, Pollution Prevention Program (303) 312-6385

      *    EPA Region 8 Pollution Prevention Program website at http:/

      See the listing for State Pollution Prevention contacts in the resource section

      Public-Private Partnerships

As a community leader, you face the prospect of building or upgrading public facilities
to comply with growing environmental protection requirements and expectations. At
the same time, Federal grant funds for public works have been substantially reduced,
which means that state and local governments face expanded responsibilities while
constrained by limited budgets. As these pressures grow, local community leaders must
find new ways for their communities to hold down costs and build public support for
necessary additional expenses. One approach a municipality may consider is to region-
alize services with surrounding communities. Public-private partnerships offer another
possible solution.

Public-Private Partnerships: What and Why?
A public-private environmental partnership is a contractual  relationship between a
public and private partner (e.g., a municipality and a local firm or district) that com-
mits both to providing an environmental  service. The private sector can be involved in
A variety of ways, from the initial design  of a facility to its daily operation and main-

Although each arrangement is unique, most public-private partnerships fall into one of
the following categories:

Contract Services: The private sector is  contracted to provide a specific municipal
service, such as garbage collection, or to maintain and operate a facility such as a waste
treatment plant. The facility is owned by the public sector.

Turnkey Facility: The private sector designs, constructs, and operates an environmen-
tal facility that is owned by the public sector. While the public sector generally as-
sumes the financing risk, the performance risk for minimum  levels of service and/or
compliance usually is assumed by the private partner.

Developer Financed: In this type of arrangement, the private sector (usually private
developers) finances the construction or expansion of an environmental facility in re-
turn for the right to build houses, stores or industrial facilities.

Privatization: In privatization, the private sector owns, builds and operates a facility.
They also partially or totally finance the  facility

Merchant Facility: In this type of arrangement, not only does the private sector own
and operate the facility, as in privatization deals, but they also make the decision to
provide an environmental service to a community. It is similar in concept to a fast food
franchise except that it involves environmental services.

                                                            OTHER PROGRAMS
                                                   Public-Private Partnerships
There are benefits associated with each of these categories.  Communities enter into
partnerships for various  reasons, including access to more sophisticated technology;
cost-effective design, construction and/or operation; flexible financing; sharing of re-
sponsibility and risk; and guaranteed costs.

Building a Public-Private Partnership
No two communities build a partnership in exactly the same way, but all must take
roughly the same steps. There is now a publication called "Public-Private Partnerships
for Environmental Facilities: A Self-Help Guide for Local Governments'' written to
acquaint local officials with the concept of public-private partnerships, their benefits,
and the steps a community must take to build relationships with the private sector.

The guide presents an action checklist of the steps that will help a community make
the many decisions necessary to enter into a partnership contract with a private firm.
For example, a community initiates the partnership process by evaluating its  service
needs, reviewing available  technology, and identifying resources that may be able to
assist in the development of the contract.  At the same time, community leaders in-
volved in this process must also try to generate public support for the proposed part-
nership project.

It is also important to review a potential private partner's performance record prior to
entering into negotiations. Eventually, local officials must narrow partnership options,
select and conduct the procurement process and, finally, develop the service agreement.

Financing, Procurement, and the Service Agreement
Three of the most difficult steps in building a public-private partnership are financing,
procurement, and the service agreement.

In choosing a financing method, a  community should estimate the capital required
and identify various financing options. The financing options should then be assessed
in relation to the financial condition of the municipality, the project's costs and poten-
tial risks.  The community then must select the option that is most appropriate by
comparing costs and benefits of the various options.

Next comes the procurement process. The three types of procurement most communi-
ties select are advertised procurement, competitive negotiation, and two-step advertis-

Advertised Procurement involves preparing a very specific invitation for bid; bidders
cannot alter or amend the terms. This type of procurement works best when a commu-
nity knows precisely  what it wants to buy or  build and how the project is to be

      Public-Private Partnerships


Competitive Negotiation offers the opportunity to negotiate with one or more bidders
and allows you  to be less  specific about the  project and its financing. It offers the
opportunity to define project needs generally; that is, to identify performance needs
rather than a particular technical or financial approach.

Two-Step Adi>ertising Procurement is a combination of the other two processes. It can
be used to obtain flexibility when competitive negotiation is not permitted.

Finally,  a partnership arrangement  must be spelled out in a "service  agreement" or
contract. Each contract must include the following elements:

      «    description of the project and performance criteria
      «    compensation method and timetable
      «    provision for changes
      «    risk allocations
      «    provision for contract termination and step-in rights

Insurance and bonding should also be considered since they may affect the terms of the

Additional information
      «    EPA? Region 8,  Reinvention Program, (303) 312-6387

      «    "Public-Private Partnerships for Environmental Facilities: A Self-Help Guide
           for Local Governments," is available on the Internet  at http:/w\
           in the Publications Section or by calling (800) 490-9198.

      Emergency Planning &  Community
      Right-to-Know Act

Also Known as the Superfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act (SARA), Title III

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), enacted in
1986, has two major purposes: 1) to increase public knowledge of and access to informa-
tion on the presence of toxic chemicals in communities, releases of toxic chemicals into
the environment, and waste management activities involving toxic chemicals; and 2) to
encourage and support planning for responding to environmental emergencies.

What is an Environmental Emergency?
An environmental emergency is a sudden threat to the public health or the environ-
ment arising from the release or potential release of oil, radioactive materials, or haz-
ardous chemicals into the air, land, or water. These emergencies may occur as a result
of transportation accidents, events at chemical or  other facilities that use or manufae
ture chemicals, or as a result of natural or man-made disasters. While there are many
other serious environmental problems about which EPA is concerned, EPCRA focuses
generally on sudden,  immediate threats.

What are some of the requirements under this law?
Section 304 of the Act requires facilities to report immediately releases of toxic chemi-
cals to air, water, and land.

Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act requires
certain businesses to submit annual reports to the  U.S. EPA and the state no later than
July 1 of each year. These reports include  the amounts of toxic chemicals their facilities
release into the environment, either routinely or as a result of accidents. The purpose
of this reporting is to provide a database  known as the Toxics Release  Inventory (TRI)
that informs local governments and the  public about releases of toxic chemicals into
the environment.

EPCRA also mandated formation of State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs),
which must appoint Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs). SERCs must be
notified by facilities of chemical accidents subject to EPCRA requirements.

LEPCs are required to analyze hazards and  develop a local emergency plan to respond
to chemical emergencies in each local district. Additionally, the LEPC must exercise,
review and update the plan annually and make it available to the public.  Businesses
and industrial facilities  must report annually to the LEPC on the  chemical types,
storage amounts and locations at their facilities. The LEPC must also make this inven-
tory information available to the public.


In addition, if there  is a chemical accident or other environmental emergency at a
facility, responding organizations, such as the local fire department, will be prepared to
deal effectively with the problem because of information and training available through

As a result of the TRI database and the hazardous chemical inventory information,
EPCRA enables state  and local governments and the public to identify what needs to
be done at the local level to better deal with pollution and chemical emergencies. It
provides one vehicle to fulfill the community's right-to-know.

Does the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act apply to my
Yes, the chemicals released by manufacturing and other types of facilities in and near
your community may pose a threat to citizens, to employees working at the facilities,
and to the greater total environment. Chemicals being stored or  processed at these
facilities  may also present a hazard  to  individuals (such as fire fighters, emergency
medical and  law  enforcement personnel)  asked to respond to accidents, spills,  and
other hazardous situations.

Compliance with EPCRA regulations can influence land use planning decisions for
your community.  For example, you would not want to locate a business or industry
using chemicals that  might present a hazard to individuals next to a school.

EPCRA provides stiff penalties for facilities that do not comply, and it allows citizens
to file lawsuits against companies and even government agencies to force them to obey
the law.

If the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act applies, what
should I  do?
As a member of the public, you should, first, be informed. The TRI database is avail-
able to you on the Internet (at
from Envirofacts Warehouse and other computer accessible data banks, on CD-ROMs
available from the EPA and at some libraries. In addition, there are two documents
published annually by EPA, "Toxics Release Inventory; Public Data Release," and "Toxics
Release Inventory, Public Data Release, State Fact Sheets." With this information, you
as an individual and as part of citizen groups can work to encourage reductions in TRI
annual emissions by local industry and business.

As a local official, you should insist on complete planning and adequate preparation
for environmental emergencies. You should review the membership list of your Local
Emergency Planning Committee to make sure that it is representative of the commu-
nity and includes individuals from citizen groups, fire departments, hospitals, schools,

                                                          OTHER PROGRAMS
state and local governments, medical, industry and business groups, and farmers if you
live in a rural area. It is important for the LEPC not only to carry out the emergency
planning process but also to communicate with the public about its activities.

In short, you should become familiar with the law so that you will know what tools
are  being made available to better assess and  manage toxic  chemical risks present
within your community.

Whom  to notify and how to be prepared in case of an environmental emer-
In the event  of a public health emergency, officials of the facility involved must first
contact local emergency response agencies, and  then notify the appropriate state and
Federal authorities. To report oil and chemical spills, call the National Response Center
at (800) 424-8802.

Knowledge and training provide the best preparation in case of environmental  emer-
gencies.  Emergency response organizations, such as local fire departments, will be pre-
pared to deal effectively with chemical accidents and other environmental emergencies
because of information and training available through EPCRA.

Additional Information
      *   EPA, Region 8, Preparedness, Assessment & Emergency Response (303) 293-
          1788 or (800) 227-8914

      »   EPA, Region 8 EPCRA Section 313 Program (303) 312-6447

      «   Region 8 EPCRA Program website at httrj;/vv'ww.epa^gov/region08/toxicsj/

      *   EPA, Region 8 EPCRA Enforcement (303) 312-6210

      «   Toxics Release Inventory Public Data Release Report at http:/www.epa.goy/

      «   SARA Title III Hotline (800) 424-9346

      *   EPA Region 8 Preparedness and Prevention Team Publication (908-F-98-003,
          July 1998)

      *   EPA Region  8 Emergency Response Program (March 1997)

     See the listing for State Emergency Response contacts in the resource section

Asbestos is a general term for a number of naturally occurring fibrous mineral silicates;
as minerals, the silicates crystallize in narrow veins as parallel bundles of extremely
minute  fibers. Any physical disturbance of these compact bundles generally  breaks
them down into individual fibers or finer bundles.

Asbestos has high thermal stability, excellent tensile strength, resistance to chemical
attack, good thermal and electrical resistance and the ability to be subdivided into fine
fibers. Because of these unique qualities, asbestos is useful as insulation (electrical and
thermal), roofing and flooring, and as reinforcing additions to cements, mortars and
other coatings.

However, the physical properties that give asbestos its resistance to heat and decay are
linked with several adverse human health effects because asbestos tends to break into a
dust of microscopic fibers when disturbed. Because of their size and shape, these tiny
fibers can remain suspended in the air for long periods of time and can  easily penetrate
body tissues when inhaled. Because ot their durability, these fibers can  lodge and re-
main in the body tor many years.

Asbestos is now  known to cause  asbestosis,  lung cancer,  and mesothelioma.  Other
cancers, primarily ot the digestive tract, also have been associated with exposure to
asbestos. These asbestos-related diseases have a long latency period; that  is, symptoms
may not appear until 20 to 40 years alter exposure. No "safe" exposure threshold for
asbestos has been established, but the risk of disease generally increases with the length
and amount of exposure.

Discovery of the adverse health effects of asbestos brought about Federal regulation of
its use; manufacture and use of asbestos is now prohibited in the U.S.

Federal Regulations Governing Asbestos
National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)
Probably the largest single source of asbestos in the indoor air we breathe is insulation,
since it had been used in most of the buildings built tor some fifty years. In accordance
with the Clean Air Act, Section 112, EPA established National Emissions Standards for
Hazardous  Air Pollutants (NESHAP) to protect  the public health, and promulgated
the Asbestos NESHAP in 40 CFR Part 61 on April 6, 1973.

A revised NESHAP  regulation was  promulgated on  November 20, 1990.  Asbestos
NESHAP regulations protect the public by minimizing the release of asbestos fibers
during activities involving the processing, handling, and disposal of asbestos-contain-
ing material (ACM). They specify work practices to be followed  during demolition

                                                           OTHER PROGRAMS
and renovation of all structures, installations, and buildings (excluding residential build-
ings having four or fewer dwelling units). In addition, NESHAP regulations require
building owners and/or contractors to notify the applicable state {or EPA Regional
office) before  any demolitions or renovations of buildings that will disturb a certain
threshold amount of asbestos.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) (School Buildings)
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), signed into law on October
22,1986, required all schools in the U.S. to develop "management plans" to address how
to control their asbestos-containing material (ACM) (i.e., material greater than  1%
asbestos by weight).

As part of these requirements, EPA requires  schools to appoint an asbestos manager,
called the "AHERA Designated Person," to be responsible for asbestos-related activities,
including implementation of the management  plan and ensuring compliance with
federal asbestos regulations. EPA has observed that the quality of school asbestos pro-
grams depends  heavily upon the dedication and work of the AHERA Designated
Person (DP). DPs who follow AHERA requirements can prevent the release of asbestos
fibers through their own actions, as well as through hiring and overseeing the work of
qualified personnel to conduct asbestos-related activities at their school buildings.

Provisions for  training these individuals is provided under AHERA's Model Accredita-
tion Program  (MAP) to certify people who conduct inspections for asbestos, develop
management plans, and perform the work needed to clean up asbestos problems in
schools. AHERA also  established five accredited training programs for persons per-
forming asbestos-related work in schools.

School asbestos management plans must be available to all concerned persons, such as
faculty, staff, parents, or other interested parties. You may call your local school and
ask to see a copy of the plan. Most schools will request that you make an appointment
so that a school official can sit down  with you and discuss the management plan.

Asbestos Ban and Phase-Out (ABPO)
On July 12, 1989. the EPA Promulgated the Asbestos Ban and Phase-Out Rule (ABPO)
under authority of the Toxic  Substances Control  Act (TSCA). Under this rule, certain
asbestos-containing products  were scheduled to  be  banned at staged intervals over a
seven-year period. The  objective was to reduce unreasonable health risks to the public
by eliminating certain  asbestos-containing products and replacing them with safer al-

The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated most of the Asbestos Ban and Phase-out
Rule and remanded it  to EPA. in October, 1991. However, it left intact the portion of

the rule that regulates products that were not being manufactured, produced, or im-
ported when the rule was published - in other words, all products made after July 12,

Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act (ASHARA) (Public and/
or Commercial Buildings)
On November 28, 1990, the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act
{ASHARA) became law. Section 15 of ASHARA amended the Asbestos Hazard Emer-
gency Response Act (AHERA) to require accreditation for any person who inspects for
asbestos-containing materials (ACM) or who designs or conducts response actions with
respect to friable ACM in any public or commercial building (not just school build-
ings). Based on the ASHARA amendments, EPA promulgated a revised Model Accredi-
tation Plan (MAP) in February 1994, which not only extended the accreditation require-
ment but also increased the number of training hours required  for accreditation.

Workers must now take a four-day, 32-hour EPA-approved training course consisting of
topics such as potential health effects of asbestos exposure, the use of personal protec-
tive equipment, and state-of-the-art work practices. Contractors/supervisors must take
a five-day, 40-hour EPA-approved course; inspectors and project designers take a three-
day course; and management planners take a two-day course. By the early  1990's, 44
states had become EPA-approved and were active participants in this nationwide pro-

Additional Information
The following documents  are available by contacting the Region  8 Environmental
Information Center at (800) 227-8917 or the Regional Asbestos Coordinator at (303) 312-

       «    Managing Asbestos in Place: A Building Owners Guide to Operations and
           Maintenance Programs for Asbestos-Containing Materials, 20T-2003, July
           1990 (The "Green Book")

       «    How to Manage Asbestos in School Buildings: AHERA Designated Person's
           Self Study Guide, January 1996

       *    The ABC's of Asbestos in Schools, Office of Pesticides & Toxic Substances,
           June 1989

       »    Asbestos in the Home: A Homeowner's Guide, December 1998

       *    Environmental  Hazards In \bur School: A Resource Handbook, EPA 2DT-
           2001, October 1990

                                                  OTHER PROGRAMS
 A Guide to Performing Reinspections Under the Asbestos Hazard Emer-
 gency Response Act (AHERA), EPA 700/B-92/001, February 1992

 Federal Register: 40 CFR Part 763: Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools,
 Final Rule and Notice, October 30, 1987

 Federal Register: 40 CFR Part 61: National Emissions Standards for Hazard-
 ous  Air Pollutants (NESHAP); Asbestos NESHAP Revision; Final Rule,
 November 20, 1990

 Federal Register: 40 CFR Part 763: Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan Rule,
 Interim Final Rule, February 3, 1994

See the listing for the State Asbestos contacts in the resource section

      Indoor Environments

Comparative risk studies performed by EPA and its Science Advisory Board have con-
sistently ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public
health. Most people are aware that outdoor air  pollution can  be  harmful  to their
health but may not know that indoor air pollution can also have significant effects. In
fact, EPA studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air  levels of
many pollutants  may be 2-5 times, and sometimes 100 times, higher than  outdoor
levels. These levels of indoor  air pollutants  are of particular concern because it is
estimated that  most people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors.

EPA's Indoor Environments Program was established in 1995 from existing Radon and
Indoor Air Programs to protect and promote human health and welfare in the indoor
environment. To accomplish this, EPA has identified the following goals to date:

       *   By 2005, 15 million more Americans will live or work in homes, schools, or
          office buildings with healthier indoor  air than in 1994.

       *   To  reduce lung cancer, other respiratory diseases and other health prob-
          lems,  by 2005, 11.5 million more  Americans will be  exposed to healthier
          indoor air in their homes. This will include the mitigation of high radon
          levels in 700,000 homes, as well as the construction of one million homes
          with new radon-resistant construction techniques. Goals also include the
          reduction of the proportion of households with children six years and un-
          der who are regularly exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), from
          27% in  1994 to 15°-o.

       4   To reduce health problems in the nearly 10 million children made  ill annu-
          ally from indoor air problems in schools, by 2005,15°/o of the nation's schools
          will adopt practices consistent with EPA's "Indoor Air Quality Tools for
          Schools" guidance.

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S.  For persons who smoke,
the health risk associated with elevated radon levels is especially high due to a  synergis-
tic interaction between smoking and radon. The EPA has established an "action level"
for indoor radon levels of 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/1) and a procedure for testing
homes, schools and commercial buildings. Nearly one out of every 15 homes in the
US. is estimated  to have radon levels that exceed this action level.

Under the Indoor Radon Abatement Act (IRAA), enacted by Congress in 1988, funds

                                                           OTHER PROGRAMS
                                                       Indoor Environments
are provided for state governments  to establish radon programs and to assist local
governments and communities in encouraging residents to test for radon and mitigate
elevated radon levels.  The IRAA also required the  EPA to develop a program to
evaluate radon mitigation contractors and radon measurement labs. In response, the
EPA established:  (1) four regional  radon training centers to train radon professionals;
(2) a national proficiency exam to test the knowledge of radon contractors; and (3) a
Radon Contractor Proficiency (RCP) list.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), or "secondhand smoke," is the mixture of smoke
that come from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar, and smoke exhaled by a
smoker. ETS contains over 4,000  compounds, more than 40 of which are known to
cause cancer in humans or animals and many others  of which are strong respiratory
irritants.  In 1992, EPA completed a major assessment of the respiratory health risks of
ETS. The report concludes that exposure to ETS is responsible for approximately 3,000
lung cancer deaths each year in nonsmoking adults, and impairs the respiratory health
of hundreds of thousands of children, including the exacerbation and  increased onset
of childhood asthma. The  Indoor Environments Program focus is to intensify efforts
that will generate public awareness of the health risks associated with childhood expo-
sure to ETS in the home.

Indoor Air Pollution & Schools
Children may be especially susceptible to air pollution. The  same concentration of
pollutants can result in higher body burden in children than in adults because children
breathe a greater volume of air relative to their body weight. For this reason, air quality
in schools is of particular concern. Good indoor air quality contributes to a favorable
learning and working environment as well as  a sense of comfort, health and well being
for people in school buildings.

EPA instituted a voluntary program in September 1995 called Indoor Air Quality Tools
for Schools (lAQ^TfS) to  address this issue. The program offers guidance on how
school staffs can achieve and maintain good indoor air  quality using low or no-cost
techniques. The IAQ_TfS kit is available to school administrators and  is intended as a
"do-it-yourself IAQmanagement plan. It is designed to help prevent indoor air qual-
ity problems from occurring and to  guide schools through quick and  efficient resolu-
tion of problems  if and when they do occur. The program focuses on both awareness
and effective communication.

This proactive approach helps schools avoid  the premature spending of money on air
sampling and consulting fees, since  many indoor air quality  problems can  be easily
identified and corrected without hiring professional help. lAQTfS is a voluntary, non-

Indoor Environments
regulatory program. EPA's role is simply to promote good indoor air quality through
education and to motivate schools to use this valuable information.

Does the indoor environments program apply to my community?
Local communities, in concert with state governments, play a vital role in reducing
the public health risk associated with indoor air pollution. It is very likely that there
are homes, schools and commercial buildings in your community that have elevated
indoor air pollutant concentrations.

Currently, most indoor environment policies are non-regulatory. EPA, state, and local
governments have focused their energies on educating the public about the health
risks of indoor air pollution and encouraging voluntary actions, such as  testing in-
door environments for radon  and implementing the Indoor Air Quality Tools for
Schools Action Kit, Some states have developed radon regulations that require certi-
fication of radon professionals, mandatory testing of all public schools and disclo-
sure of radon concentrations in real estate transactions. There are a limited number
of states that have adopted legislation for indoor air quality policies in schools and
commercial buildings.

Actions your community should be  taking
Local governments can act to protect their residents from indoor air pollution in
several ways:

      *   Through developing indoor air quality education and outreach  programs;

      »   Through adopting radon-resistant building codes for new construction,
          encouraging radon testing and ensuring local radon contractors are RCP-

      »   Through community education on the health risks associated with child-
          hood exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in the home;

      *   Through encouraging local schools to implement EPA's Indoor Air Qual-
          ity Tools for Schools Action Kit;

      *   By working in conjunction with state radon and indoor air quality pro-
          grams and community organizations, such as the American Lung Asso-
          ciation, to elevate local attention to this important health risk.

Additional Information
The EPA has established a toll-free number to obtain indoor air quality information.

                                                           OTHER PROGRAMS
                                                       Indoor Environments
For general indoor air quality inquiries and indoor air publications, contact
at (800) 438-4318. For radon inquiries, contact the radon hotline at (800) SOS-RADON.
Many states also have staff available to answer questions regarding radon.

      *    "The Inside Story. A Guide to Indoor Air Quality," US. EPA, April 1995,

      *    "A Citizen's Guide to Radon," U.S. EPA, September 1994, EPA 402-K-92-001

V              See the listing for State Indoor Environments/Radon
j                        contacts in the resource section

The EPA registers and regulates the use of pesticides under the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act

Under FIFRA, EPA has the authority to require manufacturers to submit specific re-
search data to EPA in order to determine whether a chemical can be registered for
production, sale, distribution and use in the United States. Upon approval by the EPA,
products covered under FIFRA regulations are given a registration number. EPA also
has the authority to cancel, suspend or place more use restrictions on a chemical prod-
uct should that be necessary in order to protect the public or the  environment.

On August 13, 1992, the Worker Protection Standards became  law and greatly ex-
panded  protection to workers and other handlers of pesticide products. Employers
must now ensure that these individuals are properly trained and that necessary safety
measures are taken to protect users of these chemicals. Additionally, employers must
provide medical assistance and decontamination facilities to those who may acciden-
tally become exposed to a chemical. The Worker Protection Standards also increase the
labeling requirements for all pesticide products.

The Federal Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) was created as an amendment to
FIFRA and FFDCA in August 1996, and encompasses several major changes  in both

Under FIFRA, FQPA accomplishes the following:

      «   Expedites the review of safer pesticides

      *   Detines two new pesticide applicators: maintenance applicators and service
          technicians, and  provides for their training

      «   Divides anti-microbial pesticide control into two groups, to be supervised
          by the EPA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

      *   Allows for emergency suspension of use of a particular pesticide when
          necessary to protect the public and the environment

      »   Extends EPA's right to collect reregistration fees

      *   Provides more incentives for registering minor use pesticides

      •   Calls for the periodic review of pesticide registrations

                                                            OTHER PROGRAMS    79

In the case of FFDCA, FQPA does the following:

      *   Reevaluates current pesticide tolerance standards

      »   Considers what other provisions should be included when setting tolerance

      •   Makes special provisions with regard to infants and children

      +   Establishes "consumer right-to-know" provisions

      4   Requires endocrine disrupter screening of all chemicals

      »   Allows for pesticide benefits to be considered only within narrower circum-
          stances than previously allowed

In the near future, Final Rule publication is expected that will  address issues dealing
with the hazards of pesticide contamination of groundwater, and the killing of threat-
ened and endangered species due to the use of pesticides. States  are now being encour-
aged by EPA to develop plans with the cooperation of local units of government that
will address these items. On matters dealing with the use, storage, sale, registration or
health and environmental problems relating to pesticide use, contact the Region 8 EPA

Additional Information
      »   EPA Region 8 Pesticide Program -  (303) 312-6020

      «   EPA Region 8 Pesticide Program website at  ht_tp;/www.epa.goy/unix0008/

       Bolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

The term "PCB" is an acronym for polychlorinated biphenyls. Due to their non-flam-
mability, chemical stability, and electrical insulating properties,  PCBs were used as
dielectric fluid in various types of electrical equipment including heat transfer sys-
tems, fluorescent lamp ballasts, television sets, and numerous other kinds of electrical
appliances. PCBs were also used as plasticizers in paints, plastics and rubber products,
in pigments, dyes, carbonless copy paper and many other applications. They were sold
under various trade  names, such as Aroclor,  Inerteen, Pyranol, Askaral, and  many

However, it  was discovered that PCBs are also toxic substances that are a hazard to
human health and the environment due to their persistence, bioaccumulation  in the
food chain, toxicity, and delayed reproductive effects. PCBs are chlorinated hydrocar-
bons that do not occur naturally in biological systems.

Health Effects
Studies indicate that exposures to PCBs may cause cancer, nerve damage, damage to
the reproductive  system, immune system suppression, liver damage, and endocrine
disruption. PCBs can enter the body through the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and skin.
They circulate throughout the body and are stored in the body's fatty tissue.  Studies
also indicate that prenatal exposure to PCBs can result in developmental abnormali-
ties. Postnatal effects, for example, learning disabilities, have been seen following expo-
sure to PCBs via breast milk.

Environmental Effects
PCBs are among the most stable organic compounds known; they  remain in the envi-
ronment and bioaccumulate in the fatty tissue of living organisms. Studies also indi-
cate that PCBs affect the productivity of phytoplankton and the composition of phy-
toplankton communities; phytoplankton are the foundation of the ocean food chain
and are the major source of oxygen in the atmosphere.

The transfer of PCBs up the food chain from phytoplankton to invertebrates, fish,
bird, and mammals can result in human exposure through consumption of PCB-con-
taining food sources. The consumption of PCB-contaminated fish  is a major source of
human exposure.

In addition,  virtually every municipality and utility in the U.S. is, or has been, in
possession of equipment containing PCBs. Manufacturers and servicers inadvertently
introduced PCBs into a large proportion of the mineral oil-filled electrical equipment
in use prior to July 2,1978 (the publication date of the first PCB regulations), primarily
through mixing PCBs and  mineral oil during servicing operations.

                                                          OTHER PROGRAMS
Federal Regulation of PCBs
Concerned about industrial chemical toxicity and persistence in the environment, Con-
gress enacted the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) (Public Law 94-469, October 11,
1976), which included prohibitions on the manufacture, processing, and distribution in
commerce of PCBs. Under TSCA, Congress mandated the  regulation of PCBs from
manufacture to disposal, or from "cradle to grave" throughout the U.S.

Under Section 6(e), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was  required to promul-
gate rules for marking, storing  and disposing of PCBs. On June 1998, the Agency
published the Final Rule, providing many major changes in the disposal of PCBs.

Although TSCA prohibited further manufacture, processing and distribution of PCBs,
many products containing PCBs are still in use (i.e. PCB-containing equipment). EPA
intends to allow these uses to continue as long as the equipment is  properly monitored
and maintained. Dielectric fluid less than 50 parts per million (ppm) PCB is consid-
ered "non-PCB," but disposal according to regulations is required. These fluids may not
be used for any purpose except  that they may be burned in specified  industrial fur-
naces and space heaters. Fluid containing more than 50 ppm PCB is regulated for use
and disposal.

Additional Information
      *   PCB Regulations: Title 40 CFR, Part 761
          PCB Q> A Manual, 1994 edition. U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution Prevention
          and Toxics, Chemical Management Division, Operations Branch

          US.  EPA Region 8 contacts:
               (800) 227-8917 for the  Information Center
               (303) 312-6027 or (303) 312-6036 for Technical Assistance
               (303) 312-6973 for Enforcement

      Community-Based Environmental
As a nation, we have made significant progress over the past 25 years in reducing
pollution. During that time the EPA has used regulatory standards to reduce pollution
from specific sources. Unfortunately, many environmental problems cannot be solved
with regulations alone. These problems, such as pollution from automobiles, and run-
off from roads, can  have serious environmental impacts, and solving them  usually
requires a different approach.

Community-Based Environmental Protection (CBEP) offers an alternative process to
use in solving diverse environmental problems. CBEP assumes that local people have
the greatest capacity and need to protect the air, water, soil, and other resources of
their communities. Efforts to protect a specific component of the environment may
be organized around  a neighborhood, town, city, or region, depending on the environ-
mental issues and the desires of the community. For CBEP to be successful, the people
involved must have  a common interest in protecting shared natural resources and
quality of life. CBEP integrates environmental, economic, and social  goals at the com-
munity  level.

Key elements of CBEP
      »   Geographic Focus - For EPA, CBEP involves reaching out to communities,
          nurturing the formation of community groups while listening to the  di-
          verse viewpoints oi local people.

      *   Emphasis on Environmental Results - Rather than focusing on individual
          facilities, CBEP is concerned with overall environmental improvements
          and trends in a particular area.

      »   Partnerships and Local Involvement - CBEP partnerships may include con-
          cerned citizens, government, industry, agriculture, mining, recreation, and

The EPA can hetp with:
      «   Partnership development         »    Technical and financial support
      «   Information on  regulations       «    Information source
      »   Facilitation and mediation        *    Project leadership

Additional Information
      •   EPA Region 8 Ecosystem Protection Program (800) 227-8917 or (303) 312-

      «   EPA Region 8 Community-Based Environmental Protection Program website
          at httpi/^trgss/cbepycbepJitml

      Environmental Justice
What is Environmental Justice?
Environmental Justice is the concept of focusing attention on the environmental and
human  health conditions in minority communities and low-income communities in
an effort to ensure a quality environment for all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity,
or other socioeconomic factors. It is also concerned with promoting nondiscrimina-
tion among low-income and minority communities to ensure access to public informa-
tion on, and public participation in matters relating to human health and the environ-

EPA's Environmental Justice Program
On February 11, 1994, the President signed Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to
Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Loiu-Income Populations,
This order is designed to focus federal attention on these populations and to achieve
environmental justice.

EPA's response to this Executive Order was to develop its Environmental Justice pro-
gram. It works to prevent minority and  low-income communities from being subject
to disproportionately high adverse environmental effects from activities such as land-
fills, toxic dumps, oil refineries, and highway construction.

EPA's Environmental Justice program promotes nondiscrimination in Federal programs
that substantially affect human health  and the environment and advances certain
provisions in existing laws that can help ensure that all individuals and communities
across the nation live in a safe and healthful environment.

How can  the Environmental Justice program benefit my community?
The Environmental Justice program provides a number of services to assist communi-
ties in addressing local environmental problems.  These services include:

      »   Raising awareness of Environmental Justice  issues;

      *   Identifying, assessing, addressing, and responding to inequitable environ-
          mental impacts;

      *   Holding public meetings to receive public comments on local environmen-
          tal protection activities;

      «   Communicating with  the public about opportunities for involvement with
          environmental decision-making;

     Environmental Justice

       »    Providing information about EPA activities;

       »    Providing funding to community groups to address environmental justice

Environmental Justice Funding Opportunities
The Environmental Justice Grants program provides financial assistance to commu-
nity-based and other non-profit organizations, as well as state, local, and tribal govern-
ments to work on Environmental Justice projects.

To assist communities and groups in understanding and applying for Environmental
Justice Grants, the Region 8 Environmental Justice program provides workshops both
at the Regional office in Denver and on-site, at the request of states or municipalities.

Additional Information
       »    EPA Region 8 Environmental Justice Program (303) 312-6053

       »    Environmental Justice Bibliography includes listings of websites, books, and
           journals specific to Environmental Justice and also includes lists of materi-
           als specific to Environmental Justice issues affecting Tribes and Latino com-

       •    The Resource Conservation Recovery Act's (RCRA) Expanded Public Partici-
           pation Rule. This brochure explains the Expanded Public Participation Rule.

       •    Brochure on  the Model Plan for Public Participation. Developed  by  the
           National Environmental Justice Advisory Council as a guide for any orga-
           nization or agency that addresses public participation.

       *    EPA Environmental Justice Strategy. This publication highlights the goals,
           principles and objectives of the Executive Order on Environmental Justice.

      Tribal Assistance

The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) of the EPA coordinates the Agency-
wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian Coun-
try throughout the United States. The AIEO places a special  emphasis on building
tribal capacity to administer its own environmental programs.  AIEO also oversees
development and implementation of the Agency's Indian policy and strives to ensure
that all EPA Headquarters and Regional offices implement EPA's Indian program in a
manner consistent  with the Agency's established policy of working with  tribes on a
government-to-government basis.

The EPA Region 8 Tribal Assistance Program (TAP) office was created in 1995 in re-
sponse  to expanding tribal environmental protection and remediation needs and to
fulfill the overall commitment to Indian tribes required by the Trust relationship and
established in EPA policy. The TAP office serves as a first point of contact for tribes
seeking delegation of Federal environmental programs and financial and technical
assistance relating to the development of tribal environmental programs. The TAP also
provides a coordination point for tribal environmental issues among EPA  staff, tribal
representatives, and the public.

Services Provided
The Tribal Assistance Program serves  the needs of Indian tribes through grants man-
agement,  training  and technical assistance, and coordination  of services  with other

Additional Information
      *   EPA Region 8 Tribal Assistance Program (800) 227-8917

      »   EPA Region 8 Tribal Assistance Program website at http:/

      *   EPA Headquarters Tribal website at http:/

      *   EPA Region 8 Policy for Environmental Protection in Indian Country (March
          14, 1996)

      »   Announcement of Action for Strengthening EPA Tribal Operations (Memo-
          randum from EPA Administrator July 14, 1994)

      *   Government-to-Government Relation with Native  American Tribal Gov-
          ernment (Memorandum from the President, April  19, 1994)

      *   EPA/State/Tribal Relations (Memorandum from EPA Administrator, July
          10, 1991)

      *   EPA Policy for the Administration of Environmental Programs on Indian
          Reservations (Memorandum from the EPA Administrator, November 8,

Anti-degradation - A provision in the air and water quality laws that prohibits deterio-
ration of air or water quality in areas where the pollution levels are presently below
those allowed.

Antimicrobial - An agent that kills microbes.

Asbestosis - A chronic disease of the lungs which makes breathing progressively more
difficult and can lead to death.

Bioaccumulation - The tendency for substances to increase in concentration in living
organisms as they take in contaminated air, water, or food because the substances are
very slowly metabolized or excreted.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) - A measure ot the amount of oxygen consumed
in the biological processes that break down organic matter in water. The greater the
BOD, the greater the degree of pollution.

Coliform Organisms - Microorganisms found in the intestinal  tract of humans and
animals. Their presence in water indicates fecal pollution and potentially adverse con-
tamination by  pathogens.

Delegation - With reference to Indian tribes: Delegation of authority to a tribe to
administer its  own environmental programs, upon approval  by EPA, just as a state

Designated Beneficial  Use - Desirable uses that  water quality  should support (e.g.,
drinking  water, recreation, aquatic life). Each designated use has a  unique set of water
quality requirements that must be met for the use to be realized.

Dielectric - Any substance or medium that transmits the electric force by a process
different  from  conduction, as in the phenomena of induction; a nonconductor.

Endocrine Disrupter - Any chemical that can disrupt the hormones in people.

Friable Asbestos - Any material containing more than one-percent asbestos and that
can be crushed, pulverized, or reduced to powder by normal hand pressure.

Giardia Lamblia - Protozoan in the feces of humans and animals that can cause severe
gastrointestinal ailments. It is a common contaminant in surface water.

                                                                 GLOSSARY i  87
Hazardous Waste - Byproducts of society that can pose a substantial or potential haz-
ard to human health or the environment when improperly managed. Possesses at least
one of four characteristics (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity), or appears on
special EPA lists.

Mesothelioma - A cancer of the chest and abdominal membranes; is exclusively linked
to asbestos exposure.

Mkronutrient - A nutrient found in relatively small amounts (<100 mg/kg) in plants.

Municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s):
        Large - serving a population of more than 250,000
        Medium - serving a population of 100,000 to 250,000
        Small - serving  a population of fewer than 100,000

Non-Community  Water System - A public  water system that is not a community
water system; e.g., the water supply at a campsite or national park.

Non-Point Sources (NPS) - Diffuse pollution  sources (i.e.,  sources without  a single
point of origin; not introduced into a receiving stream from a  specific outlet). Ex-
amples:  agriculture, construction, city streets,

Non-Transient Non-Community Water System  - A public water system that regularly
serves at least 25 of the same non-resident persons per day for more than six months per

Organic - Referring to or derived from living organisms. In chemistry, any compound
containing carbon.

Organic Matter -  Carbonaceous waste contained in plant or animal matter and origi-
nating from domestic or industrial sources.

Pesticide Benefits - The economic and social benefits of the  pesticide.

Pesticide Tolerance - The amount of pesticide residue allowed by law to remain in or
on a harvested crop. EPA sets these levels well below the point where the compounds
might be harmful to consumers.

Pollutant - Generally, any substance introduced into the environment that adversely
affects the usefulness of a resource or the health of humans, animals, or ecosystems.

Primacy (State) - Having the primary responsibility for administering and enforcing

Primary Treatment - The first stage in wastewater treatment, in which substantially
all floating or settleable solids are mechanically removed by screening and sedimen-

Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) - A waste treatment works owned by a
state, unit of local government, or Indian tribe, usually designed to treat domestic

Receiving Water - A river, lake, stream, ocean or other watercourse into which waste-
water or treated effluent is discharged.

Registration - Formal listing with EPA of a new pesticide before it can be sold or

Reregistration - The reevaluation  and relicensing of existing pesticides originally
registered prior to current scientihc and regulatory standards. EPA  reregisters pesti-
cides through its Registration Standards Program.

Response Action - Generic  term for actions taken in response to actual or potential
health-threatening environmental events such as spills, sudden releases, and asbestos
abatement/management problems.

Septage - The liquid and  solid material  pumped from a septic tank, cesspool, or
similar domestic  sewage treatment system, or a holding  tank when the system  is
cleaned or maintained.

Secondary Treatment -  The second step  in  most publicly owned waste treatment
systems in which bacteria consume the organic parts of the waste. It is accomplished
by bringing together waste, bacteria, and oxygen in trickling filters or in the activated
sludge process. This treatment removes floating and  settleable solids and about 90
percent of the oxygen-demanding substances and suspended solids. Disinfection  is
the final  stage of secondary treatment. (See primary and tertiary treatment)

Small Community - A unit of local government with a population of 5,000 or less.

Stabilization Pond/Lagoon - A shallow pond where sunlight, bacterial  action, and
oxygen work to purify wastewater.

Storm Water Facility (Storm Sewer) - A system of pipes (separate from sanitary

                                                                  GLOSSARY   89
sewers) that carries water runoff from buildings and land surfaces.

Suspended Solids - Small particles of solid pollutants that float on the surface of, or
are suspended in, sewage or other liquids. They resist separation by conventional means.

Tertiary Treatment - Waste water treatment beyond the secondary or biological state
that includes removal of nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen and a high per-
centage of suspended solids.

Toxic Waste -A waste that can produce injury if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through
the skin.

Treated Wastewater - Wastewater that has been subjected  to one or more physical,
chemical, and biological processes to reduce its potential of being  a health hazard.

Uncontrolled  Sanitary Landfill - A landfill or open  dump, whether in operation or
closed, that does not meet the requirements for run-on and run-off controls established
pursuant to Subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.


North Dakota
South Dakota

Air Pollution Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530
G03) 692-3100

Air & Waste Management Bureau
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901

Div. of Env. Engineering
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Air Quality Program
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pterre.SD 57501-3181

Division of Air Quality
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box  144820
Salt Lake City. UT 84114-4820

Air Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschter Building
122 West 25^ Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600

999 18r Street, Suite 500
Denver. CO 80202-2466
RCRA/Hazardous Waste

Solid Waste & Incident Mgmt. Sect.
Dept. of Pubiic Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

Solid & Hazardous Waste Bureau
Dept, of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901

Division of Waste Management
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Division of Environmental Regulations
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181

Div. of Solid & Hazardous Waste
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880

Solid Waste Program
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4W Floor
122 West 251f Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
C307) 777-7752

999 18!" Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466

Waste Minimization Program

                                                                      RESOURCES    91

North Dakota
South Dakota
Solid Waste

Solid Waste & Incident Mgmt. Section
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

Permitting & Compliance Division
Department of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, Montana  59620-0901
(406) 444-2409

Division of Waste Management
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Office of Waste Management
Dept. of Env. & Natural  Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Ptefre,SD 57501-3181

Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste
Dept. of Environmental  Quality
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4880

Solid & Hazardous Waste Division
Department of Environmental Quality
250 Lincoln Street
Lander, WY  82520
(307) 332-6924

999 18!n Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466

Office of Energy Conservation
1675 Broadway, Suite 1300
Denver, CO 80202-4613
(303) 620-4292
Planning, Assistance & Prevention Division
Department of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, Montana  59620-0901

Division of Waste Management
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Office of Waste Management
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181

Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144810
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4810

Solid & Hazardous Waste Division
Department of Environmental Quality
2 50 Lincoln Street
Lander, WY  82520
(307) 332-6924

999 18>h Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466


North Dakota
South Dakota
Underground Storage Tanks

State Oil Inspection Office
Tower 3
1515 Arapahoe Street, Suite 600
Denver, CO  80202
603) 620-4300

UST Coordinator
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901

UST Coordinator
Division of Waste Management
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, NO 58506-5520

UST Coordinator
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181

UST Branch Manager
Div. of Env. Response Remediation
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144810
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4810

UST Coordinator
Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschter Building, 4m Floor
122 West 25* Street
Cheyenne, WY  82002-0600

999 18* Street, Suite 500
Denver,  CO 80202-2466
Water Quality Standards

Water Quality Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO  80246-1530

Water Quality Division
Dept, of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406) 444-2406

Division of Water Quality
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520
Division of Water Resources Mgmt.
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre,SD 57501-3181

Division of Water Quality
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4870
(801) 538-6146
Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4tn Floor
122 West 2 5* Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
£307) 777-7072
999 18th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO  80202-2466

                                                                     RESOURCES    93

North Dakota
South Dakota
Wetlands Protection

Dept. of Natural Resources
1313 Sherman St., Room 718
Denver, CO 80203
Wetlands Program/Water Quality Bureau
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406) 444-2406

North Dakota Water Commission
900 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505-0850
(701) 328-4940
Dept. of Agriculture/Wetlands Program
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181
(605) 773-4432

Governor's Office Planning & Budget
State Capitol .Room 116
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4th Floor
122 West 25tR Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600

999 18tn Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO  80202-2466

Public Outreach
Non-Point Source

Water Quality Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT  59620-0901

Division of Water Quality
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Dept. of Env. & Natural  Resources
Joe Foss Building
52 3 East Capitol
Pierre,SD 57501-3181

Division of Water Quality
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4870

Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4th Floor
122 West 25* Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
(307) 777-5622/7079

999 18th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466


North Dakota
South Dakota
 Drinking Water

Water Quality Protection Section
Dept of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

Public Water Supply Section
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406) 444-4400

Federal Office Building
Drawer 10096, 301 S. Park
Helena, MT 59626-0096

Drinking Water Program
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Office of Drinking Water
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181

Division of Drinking Water
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, ITT  84114-4870

999 18m Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO  80202-2466
or (800) 227-8917
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

Water Quality Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

Technical and Financial Assistance Bureau
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
Division of Municipal Facilities
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND  58506-5520

Water and Waste Funding Assistance
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181
(605)  773-4216

Division of Drinking Water/Engr'g Section
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144830
Salt Lake City, LTT  84114-4830
(801)  536-4197

Office of State Lands and Investments
Herschter Building
122 West 25* Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600

999 18th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466

                                                                       RESOURCES  I  95

North Dakota
South Dakota
Capacity Development

Water Quality Protection Section
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530
C303) 692-3500

Public Water Supply Section
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406) 444-4400

Drinking Water Program
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Office of Drinking Water
Dept. o1 Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181

Division of Drinking Water
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, LTT  84114-4870
(801) 536-4200

Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4th Floor
122 West 25ltl Street
Cheyenne, WY  82002-0600

999 18th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466
Injection Wells

Shallow Injection Wells
(See U.S. EPA)
Federal Office Building
Drawer 10096, 30 IS. Park
Helena, MT 59626-0096
Water Quality Division
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND  58506-5520

(See U.S. EPA)
Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4870

Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4th Floor
122 West 25* Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
(307) 777-7095

9991 S^Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO  80202-2466
                                   (800) 759-4372


 North Dakota
South Dakota
Wellhead Protection,
Source Water Assessment &PrptectJQn

Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530
Pollution Prevention Bureau
Department of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406) 444-4806

Federal Office Building
Drawer 10096, 301 S. Park
Helena, MT 59626-0096

Division of Water Quality
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Ground Water Quality Program
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181

Division of  Drinking Water
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P. O.Boxl44830
Salt Lake City, Of  84114-4830

Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4^ Floor
122 West 25^ Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600

999 IS''Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO  80202-2466

(202) 260-7077
Water Quality

Water Quality Protection Section
Dept. of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

Department of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406) 444-2406
Division of Water Quality
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Division of Water Resources Mgt.
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD  57501-3181

Division of Water Quality
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4870

Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 41" Floor
122 West 25^ Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600

999 18'"  Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466

                                                                       RESOURCES  I  97

North Dakota

South Dakota

Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO  80246-1530
C303) 692-3613

Federal Office Building
Drawer 10096, 301 S. Park
Helena, MT 59626-0096

(See U.S. EPA)

Division of Water Resource Mgmt.
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Fbss Building
5 23 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181
(605) 773-3351 -Technical Assistance

Division of Water Quality
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4870
(801)  538-6146 -Technical Assistance

Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4m Floor
122 West 25"1 Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
(307)  777-7775 -Technical Assistance

999 18* Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466

(See U.S. EPA)
U.S. EPA (8MO)
Federal Office Building
Drawer 10096, 30 IS. Park
Helena, MT 59626-0096

(See U.S. EPA)

Division of Water Resource Mgmt.
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capito!
Pierre,SD  57501-3181

Division of Water Quality
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4870

(See U.S. EPA)
999 18th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466


North Dakota
South Dakota
Storm Water

Water Quality Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO  80246-1530
C303) 692-3500
Permitting & Compliance Division
Department of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901

Division of Water Quality
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Division of Environmental Services
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181

Division of Water Quality
Dept, of Environmental Quality
P.O. Sox 144870
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4870

Water Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4" Floor
122 West 25- Street
Cheyenne. WY 82002-0600

U.S. EPA Region 8 (8EPR-EP)
999 18r Street, Suite 500
Denver. CO 80202-2466
Water Quality State Revolving Fund

Outreach & Assistance Unit
Water Quality Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO  80246-1530

Technical & Financial Assistance Bureau
Department of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901

Division of Municipal Facilities
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Ave.
Bismarck, ND  58506-5520
(701) 328- 5220

Div. of Financial & Technical Assistance
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181

Division of Water Quality
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4870
(801) 538-6146

Water Quality Division
Department of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building, 4r Floor
122 West 25;r Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600

999 18" Street, Suite 500
Denver. CO 80202-2466

                                                                     RESOURCES    99

 North Dakota
 South Dakota
Pollution Prevention

Pollution Prevention Program
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530
(303) 692-2975

Department of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406) 444-6697

Montana State University Ext. Service
300 Taylor Hall
Bozeman,  MT 59717-0312

Environmental Health Section
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
52 3 East Capitol
Pierre, SD  57501-3181

Office of  Planning & Public Affairs
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144810
Salt Lake  City, UT  84114-4810
(801) 536-4477

Pollution Prevention Coordinator
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
(307) 777-6105

999 18* Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466
Air Pollution Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80222-1530

Department of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
Division of Emergency Management
State Emergency Operations Center
P.O. Box 5511
Bismarck, ND 58502-5511
(701) 328-3300 or(800) 472-2121

Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre,SD 57501-3181
(605) 773-3296

Div. of Env. Response & Remediation
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144840
Salt Lake City, LJT 84114-4840

State Emergency Response Comm.
WY Emergency Management Agency
5500 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82009
999 18m Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466

 North Dakota
 South Dakota

Air Pollution Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver; CO 80246-1530

Denver Dept. of Health & Hospitals
605 Bannock Street, Room 333
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 285-4057

Air & Waste Management Bureau
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406)  444-2690

Div. of Environmental Engineering
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520

Dtv. of Environmental Regulations
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building, 523 East Capitol
Pierre. SD 57501-3181

Division of Air Quality
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144820
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4820

Air Quality Division
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Herschler Building
122 West 25ft Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600

999 18tr Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202-2466

ASHAA (Schools)
Indoor Environments/Radon

Radiation Control Division
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530
Dept. of Environmental Quality
1520 East Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-090
(406) 444-6768
Div. of Environmental Engineering
Department of Health
1200 Missouri Avenue
Bismarck. ND 58506-5520

Div. of Environmental Regulations
Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building,523 East Capitol
PierreTSD 57501-3181

Division of Radiation Control
Dept. of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144850
Salt Lake City, UT  84114-4850
(801)  536-4250

Department of Health
Hathaway Building, Room 486
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
999 18th Street. Suite 500
Denver, CO  80202-2466

or (800) 767-7236

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