oEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water WH-547 EPA 430/09-91-025 September 1991 Do More with SCORE Small-Community Outreach & Education Helps Solve Wastewater Problems U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1111 OFFICE OF WATER ------- Do MORE WITH SCORE Small-Community Outreach & Education Helps Solve Wastewater Problems Your small town's a nice place to live and you want to keep it that way. As a local official you want to solve your wastewater problems. You need to build a new system or improve the one you have. But what changes are needed and how will you pay? EPA's Small-Community Outreach and Education (SCORE) program can help you find the answers. WHAT SCORE IS SCORE is EPA'S wastewater information and technical assistance program for small communities. WHY SCORE? EPA's Office of Water created SCORE in 1988 to help small communities build and maintain self-sufficient wastewater facilities that meet clean water standards. WHAT SCORE SAYS SCORE'S message is that the keys to self-sufficient wastewater facilities are appropriate technology, sound financial management and operations, pollution prevention, and public education. WHAT SCORE DOES SCORE works with states, federal agencies, public- interest and advocacy groups, and educational institutions to help deliver SCORE'S messages to its audiences. SCORE AUDIENCES SCORE'S primary audience is composed of local officials, wastewater managers, their consultants, and citizens in small communities (fewer than 10,000 people) with wastewater problems. Secondary audiences include the organizations that help deliver SCORE messages and assistance. HOW SCORE WORKS: SCORE enlists the expertise and resources of many organizations. Among them are federal, state, and sub-state agencies; public interest and advocacy groups, and educational institutions. States play the key role in outreach delivery to their communities. EPA headquarters and regions, the National Small-Flows Clearinghouse and the National Environmental Training Center at West Virginia University, as well as the other participants form the SCORE network. SCORE PRODUCTS Workshops, help directories and other publications, videos, exhibits, toll-free telephones, information networks, outreach demonstration projects, and technical assistance are some of SCORE'S products. ------- SCORE ASSISTANCE INFORMATION SUPPORT Financial Financial management of wastewater facilities, including user charges. Technological Small wastewater systems such as septic systems, lagoons, overland-flow land treatment, constructed wetlands, and systems operation and maintenance. Public education Communication activities on how to win citizen support for increased revenues, pollution prevention, and water and energy conservation. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE National Small-Flows Clearinghouse Provides information and technical assistance on small wastewater systems. Products include workshops, toll-free telephone, electronic bulletin board, free newsletters, and referrals. National Environmental Training Center Develops training materials for environmental trainers and state and local officials. Subjects include wastewater, drinking water, and solid waste. State environmental training centers 39 states have centers. They offer classroom and onsite assistance to small wastewater facilities. EPA Operator Training Program States supply onsite operation and management support to small wastewater facilities. (See "Help" chart inside) SCORE PARTICIPANTS: THE NETWORK STATES Every state has an outreach coordinator who works to build state outreach programs. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Regions. Every region has a SCORE coordinator who helps develop regional and state outreach activities. Headquarters. SCORE promotes cooperative activities with organizations that have small-community expertise and communication networks. Among these are other federal agencies, public-interest and advocacy groups, educational institutions, and other environmental programs. OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES Agencies who work with SCORE include: • Dept. of Housing and Urban Development: Community Development Block Grant program. • Dept. of Agriculture: Cooperative Extension Service; Farmers Home Administration. • Dept. of Health and Human Services: Indian Health Service. PUBLIC-INTEREST and ADVOCACY GROUPS Organizations that work with SCORE include: • Coalition of Environmental Training Centers; • Government Finance Officers Association; • National Association of Towns and Townships; • Rural Community Assistance programs; • Water Environment Federation. NATIONAL SMALL-FLOWS CLEARINGHOUSE and the NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER The Clearinghouse produces and distributes SCORE products and gives technical assistance on small wastewater systems. The Training Center develops environmental training materials. ------- United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance (WH-547) Washington, DC 20460 HELP! WHERE TO GET IT CCORf O . u ORGANIZATION TYI>L 01 HELP / OTIILR INFORMATION ADDRESS / OTIILR National Small-Flows Clearinghouse National Environmental Training Center Information, technical assistance on small wastewater systems. Electronic database, case studies. Distributes SCORE & other products. Develops environmental training materials. West Virginia University P.O. Box 6064 Morgantown.WV 26506-6064 West Virginia University See above TELEPHONE Toll-free: 1-800-624-8301 Toll-free: See above PUBLIC - INTEREST & ADVOCACY GROUPS 'Small-Community outreach coordinator for wastewater. (All states have.) "Environmental Training centers: (39 states have.) Information & referrals on financial mgt, small systems, public education. Onsite & classroom assistance in financial mgt & O&M for small wastewater plants. U. S OVERNMENT EPA regional office Water Div. coordinators for: SCORE, O&M, small communities. Dept of Agriculture: Extension Service Information & technical assistance: outreach, small systems, financial management. Education in wastewater & other environmental subjects for local officials & citizens. Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) Rural Information Ctr Nat'l Agricultural Library Health & Human Services Indian Health Service Housing & Urban Development (HUD): Community Develop- ment Block Grants (CDBG) Loans/grants to rural areas or communities w/fewer than 10,000 people unable to get credit to build or improve wastewater facilities. Information/referrals on rural issues, ind. wastewater funding, publications. Funds to build sanitation facilities for Native Americans; onsite O&M assistance. Need-based grant program admini- stered by states incl. grants for water & wastewater needs. Contact state Ctr" or Coalition of Environmental Training Centers 2930 E. Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016-4412 See below* See below" 602-956-6099 G E N C I See back cover for EPA regional office addresses USDA Extension Service Natural Resource & Rural Development Program S.Agriculture Bldg,Rm3865 Wash. DC 20250 Your county or state agent; land-grant universities. FmHA state or district ofc. FmHA Water& Waste Disposal Division S.Agriculture Bldg.Rm 6322 Wash. DC 20250 USDA, NAL, RIC Rm304 Beltsville, MD 20705 HHS, IMS; Rm 5A-39 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 State government. HUD State-Small Cities Div Rm 7184; Seventh St. SW Wash. DC 20410 See back cover this publication 202-447-7185 See your local directory See your local directory 202-720-9583 1-800-633-7701 301-443-1046 See your local directory 202-708-1322 American Academy of Environmental Engineers Council of State Govts: Center for Environment Government Finance Officers Assn. National Assn of Towns & Townships (NATaT) National Assn of Develop- ment Organizations (NADO) National Assn of Regional Councils (NARC) National League of Cities: Small Cities Council National Rural Water Assn (NRWA) Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) Guidebook of certified environmental engineers. National information clearinghouse on environmental subjects. Wastewater financial mgt guidance for local govts. Mgt & technical training for local officials through state affiliates. Information & assistance on regional solutions to rural problems, incl. wastewater. Network of sub-state agencies that help local govts meet regional needs, incl. wastewater. Info & referrals for local officials. Works with state municipal leagues. Onsite assistance & classroom train- ing for water/wastewater personnel. National network of 6 regional centers that help rural, low-income com- munities solve water/wastewater problems. Water Environment Federation (WEF) Numerous information materials on wastewater issues. State member associations. 130 Holiday Ct, Suite 100 Annapolis, MD. 21401 P.O. Box 11910 Iron Works Pike Lexington, KY 40578 1750 KStNW, Suite 200 Wash. DC 20006 1522 K St NW, Suite 600 Wash. DC 20005 400 N. Capitol St NW Suite 372 Wash. DC 20001 1700 KStNW Wash., DC 20006 1301 Pennsylvania Ave NW Wash. DC 20004 P.O. Box 1428 Duncan, OK 73534 Hq: 602 S.King St. Suite 402 Leesburg, VA 22075 Springdale, Ark. Sacramento, Calif. Winchendon, Mass. New Prague, Minn. Fremont, Ohio Roanoke, Va. 601 Wythe St. Alexandria, VA 22314-1994 301-266-3311 606-231-1826 202-429-2750 202-737-5200 202-624-7806 202-457-0710 202-626-3000 405-252-0629 703-771-8636 703-478-8652 501-756-2900 916-447-2854 508-297-1376 800-822-2981 419-334-8911 703-345-1184 703-684-2400 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS State land-grant universi- ties and others Rensselaerville Institute: Self-Help Program in coop- eration w/N.Y. State Depts of State, Environmental Conservation, & Health Univ. of Tennessee: Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) West Virginia Univ. Work w/U.S. Dept of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service: education/training in wastewater financial mgt & technology. Onsite guidance & technical assistance for local officials & citizens for selected water & wastewater projects. Citizens do some tasks professionals usually do. State wastewater mgt team gives onsite technical assistance to local officials. See Nat'l Small-Flows Clearinghouse State land-grant university Rensselaerville Institute Rensselaerville, NY 12147 Univ. of Tennessee (MTAS) 600 Henley St, Suite 120 Knoxville.TN 37996-4105 Nashville Jackson See first entry in this directory See your local directory 518-797-3783 615-974-0411 615-256-8141 901-423-3710 STATE ^SMALL-COMMUNITY OUTREACH COORDINATORS AND ^^ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTERS STATE Ala. Alaska Ariz. Ark. Calif. Colo. Conn. Del. Ra. Ga. Hawaii Idaho III. *OLTRLACII COORDINATOR Dept of Env. Mgt 205-271-7801 Dept. of Env. Conservation 907-465-261 2 Dept. of Health 602-257-2231 Dept of Pollution Control & Ecology: 501 -562-8910 Water Resources Control Board: 91 6-739-2725 Dept of Health 303-331-4830 Dept of Env. Protection 203-566-3282 Natural Resources & Env. Control: 302-739-5081 Dept of Env. Regulation 904-488-4524 Dept of Natural Resources 404-656-4769 Dept of Health 808-548-4127 Dept of Health & Welfare 208-334-5855 III. Env. Protection Agency 217-782-2027 **ENV.TRAINING CTR. Moundville 205-371-6750 None. Contact 907-465-2673 Tucson 602-722-7872 East Camden 501-574-4550 San Marcos 619-744-4150 Lakewood 303-980-9165 Bethany 203-393-2705 None Gainesville 904-392-9570 Carrol Iton 404-836-6656 Honolulu 808-548-6005 Meridian 208-888-1740 Edwardsville 618-692-2030 STATE Ind. Iowa Kans. Ky. La. Maine Mass. Md. Mich. Minn. Miss. Mo. Mont. *OUTREACII COORDINATOR Dept of Env. Mgt 31 7-232-8622; -8603 Dept of Natural Resources 515-281-8869 Dept of Health & Env. 913-296-5513 Natural Resources & Env. Protection: 502-564-3410 Dept of Env. Quality 504-342-0067 Dept of Env. Protection 207-289-7804 Dept of Env. Quality Engineering: 61 7-292-5711 Dept of Environment 410-631-3752 Dept of Env. Mgt 517-373-0997 Pollution Control Agency 612-296-9274 Dept of Natural Resources 601-961-5171 Dept of Natural Resources 314-751-7537 Dept of Health & Env. Sciences: 406-444-2406 **E\V.TRAINING CTR. None. Contact 317-633-0756 Cedar Rapids 319-398-5678 Topeka 913-296-5510 Frankfort 502-564-341 0 Lafayette 318-231-6231 So. Portland 207-767-2539 Millbury 508-756-7281 La Plata 301-934-2251 None. Contact 51 7-243-4752 None. Contact 612-296-7218 None Neosho 417-451-3583 Havre 406-265-4150 STATE Nebr. Nev. N.C. N.Dak. N.H. N.J. N.Mex. N.Y. Ohio Okla. Oreg. Pa. P.R. *OL;TREACII COORDINATOR Dept of Env. Control 402-471-4207 Dept of Env. Protection 702-885-5870 Dept of Nat.Resources & Comm Dev.; 919-733-6900 Dept of Health 701-224-4827 Dept of Env. Services 603-271 -3503 Dept of Env. Protection 609-633-1170 Health & Environment Dept 505-827-281 2 Dept of Env. Conservation 518-457-3810 Env. Protection Agency 614-644-2798 Dept of Health 405-271-5205 Dept of Env. Quality 503-229-5398 Dept of Env. Resources 717-787-3481 Env. Quality Board 809-767-8073 **E\V.TRAININC; CTR. Hastings 402-463-9811 None. Contact 702-885-4670 None. Contact 919-733-5083 Bismarck 701-224-2354 Concord 603-271-3503 New Brunswick 201-932-9271 Las Cruces 505-527-7583 Albany 518-457-7297 Columbus 614-268-6826 Midwest City 405-733-7364 Albany 503-928-2361 None. Contact 717-787-8184 None STATE R.I. S.C. S.Dak. Tenn. Tex. Utah Va. V.I. Vt. W.Va. Wash. Wis. Wyo. "OUTREACH COORDINATOR Dept of Env. Mgt 401-277-3961 Dept of Health & Env. Control: 803-734-5300 Dept of Water & Natural Resources: 605-773-4216 Dept of Health & Env. 615-741-0638 Texas Water Commission 512-463-8215 Dept of Health 801-538-6146 State Water Control Board 804-257-1025 Dept of Planning & Natural Resources; 809-774-3320 Dept of Water Resources & Env. Eng.: 802-244-8744 Dept of Natural Resources 304-348-0641 Dept of Ecology 206-438-7044 Dept of Natural Resources 608-266-5896 Depl of Env. Quality 307-777-7781 **ENV.TRAININC CTR. None Sumter 803-778-1961 Pierre 605-773-4219 Murfreesboro 615-898-8090 None. Contact 408-845-6247 Orem 801-226-5000 Richmond 804-367-6425 None Waterbury 802-244-8744 Ripley 304-372-701 5 Auburn 206-833-9111 Madison 608-266-8907 Casper 307-268-2670 This publication isn't meant to be a comprehensive list of organizations that provide information or technical assistance to small communities. It tries to acquaint small communities with some organizations that provide information or assistance. ------- Do MORE WITH SCORE Small-Community Outreach & Education Helps Solve Wastewater Problems INFORMATION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COOPERATIVE NETWORK Financial Technological Public Education National Small-Flows Clearinghouse State Environmental Training Centers EPA States Federal Agencies Public-Interest & Advocacy Groups HELP! WHERE TO GET IT SCORE links the person who has the problem with the person who may have the solution. See inside panels for organizations that can help you. Or check with your EPA regional office SCORE Coordinator and the National Small-Flows Clearinghouse listed below. THE SCORE NETWORK If your small community needs to: • Build a new wastewater facility • Upgrade the one you have, or • Improve operation and management: Tap into the SCORE network. It may save you time, money, energy, materials. MORE INFORMATION FROM: NATIONAL SMALL-FLOWS CLEARINGHOUSE West Virginia University; P.O. Box 6064; Morgantown, WV 26506-6064; Toll-free: 1-800-624-8301. YOUR EPA REGIONAL OFFICE (SCORE COORDINATOR): 1. Boston (Conn., Maine, Mass., N.H., R.I., Vt.); JFK Federal Bldg, WCM-510; Boston, MA 02203; 617-565-3492. 2. New York (N.J., N.Y., P.R., V.I.); 26 Federal Plaza; New York, NY 10278; 212-264-8969. 3. Philadelphia (Del., Md., Pa., Va., W.Va., Wash. D.C.); 84! Chestnut Bldg; Philadelphia, PA 19107; 215-597-6526. 4. Atlanta (Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., N.C., S.C.,Tenn., Ky.); 345 Courtland St. NE; Atlanta, GA 30365; 404-347-3633. 5. Chicago (III., Ind., Ohio, Mich., Minn., Wis.); 77 W.Jackson Blvd.;Chicago,IL 60604; 312-886-0246. 6. Dallas (Ark., La., Okla., Tex., N.Mex.); 1445 Ross Ave., Suite 1200; Dallas, TX 75202; 214-655-7130. 7. Kansas City (Iowa, Kans., Mo., Nebr.); 726 Minnesota Ave.; Kansas City, KS 66101; 913-551-7217. 8. Denver (Colo., Utah, Wyo., Mont., N.Dak., S.Dak.); 999 - 18th St., Suite 500; Denver, CO 80202-2405; 303-294-1176. 9. San Francisco (Ariz., Calif., Guam, Hawaii, Nev., Amer. Samoa, Trust Territories of the Pacific); 75 Hawthorne St.; San Francisco, CA 94105; 415-744-1935. 10. Seattle (Alaska, Idaho, Oreg., Wash.); 1200 Sixth Ave.; Seattle, WA 98101; 206-553-8575. ------- |