United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Regulations and Standards Washington, DC 20460 EPA 440/5-88/025 September 1988 Water Dissolved Solids Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria ------- ------- DISCLAIM! This publication was prepared fc the U.S. Environmental Protection £ Secondary information sources were u in this document. Each State was gi and provide comments on a draft of t no event - shall either the United £ responsibility or liability for any the information contained herein, otherwise represent in any way the z or applicability of the contents her The reader should consult the particular State for exact regulator State. Copies of State water quali from the State's Water* Pollutic equivalent. Battelle under contract to incy (Contract 68-03-3534). id to compile data presented in an opportunity to review Is information document. In ites or Battelle have any se, misuse, or reliance upon 3r does either warrant or :uracy, adequacy, efficacy, ater quality standards of a language applicable to that / standards may be obtained Control Agency or its Additional information may alsc oe obtained from the; Standards Br Criteria and Standards E -Office of Water Regulati- U.S. Environmental Prc. Washington, D.C 202-475-72 ich /ision (WH-585) is and Standards sction Agency 20460 This document may be obtained only i Information .Service (NTIS) at the followir National Technical Infoi 5285 Front Royal Springfield, Virgir 703-487-4650 'm the National Technical address: • ition Service .oad • , 22161 The NTIS order number is: PB89-14157 ------- INTRODUCTION This digest is compiled to provide general information to the public as well as to Federal, State, and local officials. It contains excerpts from the individual Federal-State water quality standards establishing pollutant specific ^criteria for interstate surface waters. The water quality standards program is implemented by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency where responsibility for providing water quality recommendations, approving State-adopted standards for interstate waters, evaluating adherence to the standards, and overseeing enforcement of standards compliance, has been mandated by Congress. Standards, a nationwide strategy for surface water quality management, contain three major elements: the use (recreation, drinking water, fish and wildlife propagation, industrial, or agricultural) to be made of the navigable water; criteria to protect these uses; and an antidegradation statement to protect existing high quality waters, from degradation by the addition of pollutants. Guidance for the development of standards by individual States is contained in two EPA documents entitled Water Quality Standards Handbook (1983) and Quality Criteria for Water (1986). ' * Although natural waters contain dissolved solids, the subject of this digest, consisting mainly of carbonates, bicarbonates, chlorides, sulfates, phosphates, and possibly nitrates with traces of metallic elements, increases in these substances above normal are undesirable and sometimes detrimental. Concentrations or effects of these substances can be raised or synergistically altered by, for example, the addition of chemical wastes, dissolved salts, acids, alkalis, gas and oil-well brines, or irrigation drainage. Adverse effects may be unpalatable drinking water, fish kills, crop damage, or corrosion damage in water systems. tor The 1986 Quality Criteria for "Water recommends a criterion of 250 mg/1 chlorides and sulfates in domestic water supplies (welfare). Since water quality standards are revised from time to time, following procedures set forth in the Clean Water Act, individual entries in this digest may be superseded. This digest will be updated periodically. Because this publication is intended for use only as a general information reference, the re.ader needs to refer to the current approved water quality standards to obtain the latest information for special purpose and applications. These can be obtained from the State water pollution control agencies or the EPA Regional Offices. -2- ------- REFERENCES 3 Water Quality Boundaries and Standards (Arizona), Article 2. Surface Water Quality Standards, A.R.S R18.ll, 1987. 5 California Water Quality Standards by River Basins, ca. 1975 For more detailed information on selected basins, sub-basins and stretches of streams and coastal areas refer to California State Water Quality Standards. 11 Hawaii Administative Rules, Title II, Hawaii Department of Health, Chapter 54: Water Quality Standards, 1988. 31 Water Quality Standards for Interstate and Intrastate Streams in New Mexico, State of New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission, 1988. 43 Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, Texas Water Commission, Rule Change, 1988. 44 Utah Standards of Quality for Waters of the State, Wastewater Disposal Regulations: Part II, State of Utah Department of Health: Division of Environmental Health, 1988. 48 Water Quality, Standards, West Virginia Legislative Rules, State Water Resources Board, 1985. 53 Revised Guam Water Quality Standards, Guam Environmental Protection Agency, 1984, p. 10. 54 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Marine and Fresh Water Quality Standards, Commonwealth Register, Vol. 8 No. 5,. August 15, .1986, p. 4465. 56 Marine and Fresh Water Quality Standard Regulations, Trust Territory, 1986, p. 7. ENVIRONMENT REPORTER, The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Washington, D.C. 20037 2 Pages 706:1003-1004, November 7, 1986 4 Pages 716:1005-1007, August 30, 1985 6 Page 726:1010, August 22, 1986 9 Pages 746:1011, January 21, 1983 13 Pages 766:0505-0508,,December 2, 1983 14 Pages 771:1005-1006, August 10, 1984, 771:1008, December 26, 1980, 771:1015, January 10 1986 15 Page 776:1005, February 13, 1987 -3- ------- 17 Pages 786:1008, 1010, November 29, 1985 18 Pages 79151006-1007, January 18, 1985 21 Page 806:1003, June 21, 1985 22 Page 811:1003, February 13, 1987 23 Pages 81681014-1019, June 25, 1982 24 Pages 821:: 1003-1004, October 25, 1985 28 Pages 841:1001, 1013, 1069-1083, February 22, 1985, 841:1005, 1008-1009, 1027-1068,, June 29, 1984 30 Pages 851:: 1014-1024, April 4, 1986 32 Pages 861:1007-1011, November 29, 1985 33 Pages 866:1009-1014, August 29, 1986 35 Pages 876:1011, 1023, May 24, 1985 36 Page 881:1009, September 26, 1986 37 Pages 886:1005-1037, May 9, 1986 38 Page 891:1008, August 9, 1985 41 Pages 911:1005-1007, March 22, 1985 42 Pages 916:0541-0542, September 7, 1984 46 Page 936:1006.4, February 28, 1986 49 Page 951:1002, March 13, 1987 55 Pages 896:1003-1004, December 23, 1983 -4- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Alabama Alaska2 Not specified ¥ater Supply: Drinking, culinary and food processing. Shall not exceed 500 rag/1. Neither chlorides nor sulfates shall exceed 200 mg/1. Agriculture, including irrigation and stock watering. Shall not exceed 1000 mg/1. Aquaculture, Growth and Propagation of Fish, Shellfish and other Aquatic Life, and Wildlife Including Waterfowl and Furbearers. Shall not exceed a maximum of 1,500 mg/1 including natural conditions. Increase in IDS shall not exceed one-third of the concentration of the natural condition of the body of water. Industrial. No amounts above natural conditions vhich can cause corrosion, scaling, or process problems. Arizona" Colorado River Salinity Standards: the flow-weighted average annual salinity in the lower main stem of the Colorado River system shall be maintained at or below the average value found during 1972, while allowing the Colorado River Basin states to continue to develop their compact-apportioned waters. The flow-weighted average annual salinity values for the year 1972 were: Below Hoover Dam Below Parker Dam At Imperial Dam 723 mg/1 747 mg/1 879 mg/1 Any municipal point source discharge that may have a direct -or indirect impact on the lower main stem of the Colorado River above Imperial Dam shall not discharge IDS in concentrations exceeding 400 mg/1 above the flow-weighted average salinity concentration of the intake water supply, unless the Department determines that it is not practicable to attain this limi.t. Demonstration of practicability shall be consistent with the criteria set forth in the "1984 Review: Water Quality Standards for Salinity, Colorado River System" and supplement thereto, which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference and is on file •with the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Office of the Secretary of State. -5- ------- State Arkansas Designated Use and .Criteria Value Mineral Quality. Existing mineral quality shall not be altered by municipal, industrial or other waste discharges or stream activity so as to interfere with other beneficial uses. The following limits apply to the streams indicated, and represent concentrations of chloride (Cl), sulfate (S04) and total dissolved solids (IDS) not to be exceeded in more than (1) in ten (10) samples collected over a period not less than 30 days or more than 360 days: Concentration - mg/1 Stream Arkansas River Basin: Arkansas River (Mouth to L&D #7) Arkansas River- #10) Cadron Creek Arkan'sas River (L&D #10 to Oklahoma line, including Dardanelle Reservoir) James Fork Illinois River White River Basin: White River (Mouth to L&D #3) Big Creek Cache River Bayou DeView Little Red River Black River- Strawberry River Spring River Eleven Point River South Fork Spring River Cl 250 (L&D 250 20 250 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20.. so4 100 #7 to 100 20 .. 120 100 20 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 TDS 600 750 100 750 275 300 430 270 270 270 100 270 270 290 270 270 L&D -6- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Stream Myatt Creek Current River White River (Dam #3 to Missouri line, including Bull Shoals Reservoir) Buffalo Creek Crooked Creek White River (Missouri line to Headwaters, including Beaver Reservoir) Kings River West Fork White River St. Francis River Basin: St Francis River (Mouth to 36 N. Lat.) L'Anguille River Tyronza River * Little River Pemiscot Bayou St. Francis River (36° N. Lat to 36° 30' N. Lat.) Ouachita River Basin: Bayou Bartholomew Chemin-a-Haut Creek Overflow Creek Bayou Macon Boeuf River 'Big Cornie Creek Little Cornie Creek Three Creeks Concentration - Cl SO, 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 20 ' 20 20 20 10 30 50 20 30 90 230 200 800 30 20 20 - 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 20 30 40 30 30 10 10 mg/1 TDS 270 2.70 180 200 200 160 •150 150 330 235 350 365 380' 180 220 570 170 330 460 560 400 1500 -7- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Stream Little Cornie Bayou Bayou D'Loutre Ouachita River (Louisiana line to Camden) Saline River Hurricane Creek Lost Cre^k Holly Creek Moro Creek Smackover Creek Ouachita River (Camden to Carpenter Dam) Little Missouri River Garland Creek Ouachita Reiver (Carpenter Dam to Headwaters, including Lake Ouachita tributaries) Red River Basin: Bayou Dor cheat Cypress Creek Crooked Creek Bbdcau Creek Post en Bayou Kelly Bayou Red River Sulphur River Days Creek McKinney Bayou Little River Concentration - Cl SO 200 20 800 160 20 20 20 20 30 1000 50 10 250 10 100 250 350 250 120 90 340 120 500 180 20 90 40 40 500 500 500 20 30 40 10 250 10 10 70 10 70 40 40 220 100 250 60 20 mg/1 IDS 560 1500 350 120 1000 1000 1000 260 1700 150 ' 90 500 100 -250 500 650 650 1000 660 1160 500 . 800 480 100 -8- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Stream Saline River Rolling Fork Mountain Fork Concentration Cl SO, 20 20 20 Mississippi River (Louisiana line to Arkansas River) 60 Mississippi River (Arkansas River to Missouri line) 60 10 20 20 150 175 mg/1 TDS 90 100 110 425 450 As a guideline for tributary streams not listed above, an increase up to 15 mg/1 chlorides and 15 mg/1 sulfates or an increase of 1/3 over naturally occurring levels, whichever is greater, may be permitted. In no case shall discharges - cause concentrations in the tributary streams to exceed 250, 250, and 500 mg/1 of chlorides, sulfates and total dissolved solids, respectively, or cause concentrations to exceed the applicable criteria in the streams to which they are tributary. California" (2) San Francisco Bay Basin - Alameda Creek Watershed The following chemical quality limits shall be maintained in the surface waters of the Alameda Creek watershed above Niles: TDS:250 mg/1 90 day-arithmetic mean 360 mg/1 90 day-90th percentile 500 mg/1 daily maximum Chlorides: 60 mg/1 90 day-arithmetic mean 100 mg/1 90 day-90th percentile 250 mg/1 daily maximum (5 A,B,C) Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. This includes water quality objectives that apply to all inland surface waters (excluding the Delta) of the basins, and objectives that apply only to specific surface water bodies. Goose Lake. Shall not exceed 1,300,000 tons. North Fork, American River, Source to Folsom Lake, Middle Fork, American River, Source to Folsom Lake 'South Fork, American River, Source to Folsom Lake American River, Folsom, Dam to Sacramento River. Shall not exceed 125 mg/1 (90 percentile) Folsom Lake. Shall not exceed 100 mg/1 (90 percentile) -9- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value This presents specific numeric objectives which apply to all waters of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. All waters lying within the legal boundaries of the Delta are covered by these objectives unless otherwise specified. Total Dissolved Solids - _ The total dissolved solids (TDS) ^ concentration of 'Delta waters shall be maintained below the indicated limits for the waters specified. If a reliable correlation can be demonstrated between TDS and EC, such correlation can be used to aid in monitoring for compliance with these objectives. (1) At Cache Slough at the City of Vallejo intake, the TDS shall not exceed 250 mg/1. (2) At Rock -Slough at Contra Costa Canal intake, the mean tidal cycle 'value TDS shall not exceed 750 mg/1 and in addition shall not exceed 380 mg/1 for at least 65 percent of any year. (3) In the San Joaquin River near Vernalis, the mean average TDS concentration shall not exceed 500 mg/1 over any consecutive 30-day period. (4) In eastern Delta channels, the mean monthly TDS concentration shall not exceed 700 mg/1. (5) At Terminous in Little Potato Slough, at Rio Vista in the Sacramento River, at San Andreas Landing in the San Joaquin River, at Clifton Court Ferry in Old River, and after the initial operation of the Peripheral Canal, at the bifurcation of Middle River and Old River, a. a mean daily TDS concentration of 700 mg/1 or less when measured on the basis of the average mean daily value for any 14 consecutive days, b. a mean monthly TDS concentration of 500 mg/1 or less when measured on the basis of the average mean daily value for any calendar month, c. a mean annual TDS concentration of 450 mg/1 or less when measured on the basis of the average mean daily value for any calendar year. (6) After 1 April in a dry or critical year and after 1 August in a below normal year and until 31 December of the same calendar year, the TDS criteria specified in (5) above may reach, but not exceed 800 mg/1 for item a, 600 mg/1 for item b, and 500 mg/1 for item c; provided,, however, the average of the values of the -10- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value total dissolved solids concentration at all of the named locations shall not exceed, for the balance of the calendar year, the mean values specified in (5) above. (7) Whenever the recorded TDS concentration in the Sacramento River at Green's Landing exceeds a mean 14-day or mean monthly value of 150 mg/1, the quality criteria in (5) and (6) may be changed by adding to those values the product of 1 1/2 times the amount by which the recorded TDS concentration at Green's Landing exceeds 150 mg/1. (8) At Antioch, in the San Joaquin River, the average of mean daily TDS for any 14 consecutive days shall not exceed 450 mg/1 throughout a period of at least 150 days in each normal or below normal water year; provided, however, that the period is reduced to 120 days during dry water years and 100 days during critical water years. These objectives shall not apply when the State Board determines that adequate substitute supplies are available to all existing municipal and industrial water users located in the vicinity of Antioch and Pittsburg. Colorado Drinking Water Supply Chloride—250 mg/1 30-day avg. Sulfates—250 mg/1 30-day avg. The Commission recognizes that excessive salinity and suspended solids levels can be detrimental to the water use classifications. The Commission has established salinity standards for the Colorado River basin ("Water Quality Standards for Salinity including Numeric Criteria and Plan of Implementation for Salinity Control", Commission Regulation 3.9) but has not established or assigned other standards for salinity or suspended solids. This section is reserved for additional salinity and suspended solids control practices to be developed through 208 plans, coordination with agricultural agencies, and further studies of existing water quality. Connecticut g Delaware Not specified Not specified -11- ------- State Florida' Designated Use and Criteria Value Class 1 mg/1 as time. - Potable Water Supply. Not to exceed 500 a monthly average or exceed 1,000 mg/1 at any . 10 Georgia Not specified Hawaii11 NON-FILTERABLE RESIDUE CRITERIA: Streams. Geometric Mean not to exceed 20 mg/1. Not to exceed 50 mg/1 more than 10* of the time. Not to exceed 80 mg/1 mor than 2% of the time. Geometric mean not to 'exceed 10 mg/1. Not to exceed 30 mg/1 more than 10% of the time, Not to exceed 55 mg/1.more than 2% of the time. 1 Wet season, November 1 through April 30. 2 Dry season, May 1 through October 31. Idaho12 Not specified Illinois13 The following levels of chemical constituents shall not be exceeded: General Water Quality Standards. Chloride—500 mg/1, STORET No. 00940 Sulfate 500 mg/1, STORET No. 00945 TDS 1000 rag/1, STORET No. 70300 Public and Food Processing Water Supply Standards. Chloride—250 mg/1. Sulfate 250 mg/1. TDS 500 mg/1. Secondary Contact and Indigenous Standards. TDS 1500 mg/1. Lake Michigan. Chloride—12.0 mg/1. Sulfate 24.0 mg/1. TDS 180.0 mg/1. Aquatic Life Indiana 14 Water Quality for Potable Supply. The concentrations of either chlorides or sulfates shall not exceed 250 mg/1 other than due to naturally occurring sources. -12- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Water Quality for Industrial Water Supply. The standard to ensure protection of water quality at the point at which water is withdrawn for use (either with or without treatment) for industrial cooling and processing is that, other than from naturally occurring sources, the dissolved solids shall not exceed 750 mg/1 as a monthly average, nor exceed 1,000 mg/1 at any time. Values of specific conductance of 1,200 and 1,600 micromhos/cm (at 25°C) may be considered equivalent to dissolved solids concentrations of 750 and 1,000 mg/1. the Ohio River Main Stem and the Interstate Portion of Wabash River. Dissolved Solids Maximum monthly average—500 mg/1. Maximum allowable—750 mg/1. Chloride—250 mg/1. Sulfate—250 mg/1. Parameter Inner Harbor, Gary Harbor Lake and Burns Harbor Michigan Filtrable Residue (mg/1) (Total Dissolved Solids) Monthly average 185 172 Daily maximum 215 200 Chlorides (mg/1) Monthly average 15 15 Daily maximum 20 20 Sulfates (mg/1) Monthly average 26 26 Daily maximum 50 50 Vest Branch of Grand Calumet River. Filtrable Residue — 500 mg/1. = Chlorides — 125 mg/1 maximum. 40 mg/1 as a 12 month average. Sulfates —— 225 mg/1 maximum. 75 mg/1 as a 12 month average. E. Branch of Grand Calumet River and Indiana Harbor Ship Canal. Filtrable Residue — 350 mg/1. Chlorides — 125 mg/1 maximum. 40 mg/1 as a 12 month average. Sulfates — 100 mg/1 maximum. 60 mg/1 as a 12 month average. -13- ------- State Iowa 15 Designated Use and Criteria Value IDS shall not exceed 750 . mg/1 in any lake or impoundment or any stream with a.- flow equal to or greater than 3 times the upstream point source discharges. Kansas 16 500 rag/L for Domestic Water Supply Kentucky ,17 Aquatic Life. IDS shall not be changed to the extent that the indigenous aquatic community is adversely affected. Chloride - 600 mg/1 Domestic Vater Supply. Chloride - 250 mg/1 Sulfate - 250 mg/1 TDS - 750 rag/1 Louisiana Chlorides, Sulfates, and Total Dissolved Solids — By segment, generally between 100-500 mg/1, with a few segments between 1,000 and 3,000 mg/1. For tributary, distributary and ancillary streams and waterbodies not specifically listed in the numerical criteria tables, increases over background levels of chlorides, sulfates and total dissolved solids may be permitted. Such increases will be at the discretion of the Office on a case-by-case basis and shall not cause instream concentrations to exceed 250, 250 and 500 gm/1 for chlorides, sulfates, and total dissolved solids respectively. Under no circumstances, shall an allowed increase induce a violation of any numerical criteria in any listed waterbody or a violation of any other general or numerical criteria in either listed or unlisted waterbodies. Numerical criteria for these parameters generally represent the arithmetic mean of the nearest existing data plus one standard deviation. For criteria of specific segments, see Environment Reporter p. 791:1021-1056. Maine 19 Not specified Maryland 20 Not specified Massachusetts 21 Class A. TDS shall not exceed 500 mg/1. Chlorides shall not exceed 250 mg/1, and sulfates shall not exceed 250 mg/1. -14- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Michigan 22 Rule 51. (1) The addition of any dissolved solids shall not exceed concentrations which are or may become injurious to any designated use. Point sources containing dissolved solids in the waters of the state shall be limited through the application of best practicable control technology currently available as prescribed by the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency pursuant to section 304(b) of United States Public Law 92-500, as amended, 33 U.S.C. §466 et. seq., except that in no instance shall IDS in the waters of the state exceed a concentration of 500 mg/1 as a monthly average nor more than 750 mg/1 at any time, as a result of controllable point sources. (2) The waters of the state designated as a public water supply source shall not * exceed 125 mg/1 of chlorides as a monthly average, except for the Great Lakes and connecting waters, where chlorides shall not exceed 50 mg/1 as a monthly average. Minnesota 23 Domestic consumption. Classes A, B, and C: Total Dissolved Solids 500 mg/1. Chlorides . 250 mg/1. Sulfates 250 mg/1'; Class P, after treatment: Total Dissolved Solids 500 mg/1. Chlorides 250 mg/1. Sulfates 250 mg/1. Fisheries and Recreation. Class A: » Chlorides 50 mg/1. Industrial Consumption. Class As Chlorides 50 mg/1. Hardness 50 mg/1. Class B: Chlorides 100 mg/1. Hardness - 250 mg/1. Class C: Chlorides 250 mg/1. Hardness 500 mg/1. -15- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Agriculture and Wildlife. Class A: Total dissolved salts 700 mg/1. Sulfates 10 mg/1, applicable to water used for production of vild rice during periods when the rice may be susceptible to damage by high sulfate levels. Class B: Total salinity 1000 mg/1. Mississippi 24 Public Water Supply. Chlorides: There shall be no substances added which will cause the chloride content- to exceed 250 mg/1 in fresh water streams. Dissolved Solids: There shall be no substances added to the waters to cause the dissolved solids to exceed 500 mg/1. Recreation, Fish and Vildlife. Dissolved Solids: There shall be no substances added to the water to cause the dissolved solids to exceed 750 mg/1 as a monthly average value, nor exceed 1500 mg/1 at any time for freshwater streams. Missouri Montana26 25 Not specified Not specified Nebraska 27 Not specified Nevada 28 Class A, B and C. Must not exceed 500 mg/1 or one-third above that characteristic of natural conditions (whichever is less). Values for total dissolved solids in mg/1 apply at the three lower main stem stations of the Colorado River as follows: Below Hoover Dam Below Parker Dam Imperial Dam West Walker River Annual Average Single Value 723 mg/1 747 mg/1 879 mg/1 Not more than 100 mg/1 Not more than 170 mg/1 -16- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Topaz Lake Annual Average Single Value Not more than 100 mg/1 Not more than 170 mg/1 West Walker River (Wellington) Annual Average Not more than 150 mg/1 Single Value Not more than 240 mg/1 (Above Confluence vith E. Walker) Annual Average Not more than 290 mg/1 Single Value Not more.than 485 mg/1 Sweetwater Creek Annual Average Single Value Not more than 220 mg/1 Not more than 300 mg/1 East Walker River (State Line) Annual. Average Not more than 175 mg/1 Single Value . Not more than 300 mg/1 (Yerington) Annual Average Single Value Walker River Annual Average : Single Value Chiatovich Creek Annual Average Single Value Desert Creek Annual Average Single Value Indian Creek Annual Average Single Value Leidy Creek Annual Average Single Value Snake Creek Annual Average Single Value Big Goose Creek Annual Average Single Value Not more than 250 mg/1 Not more than 390 mg/1 Not more than 360 mg/1 Not more than 530 mg/1 Not more than 60 mg/1 Not more than 75 mg/1 Not more than 110 mg/1 Not more than 130 mg/1 Not more than 225 mg/1 Not more than 300 mg/1 Not more than 135 mg/1 Not more than 150 mg/1 Not more than 100 mg/1 Not more than 125 mg/1 Not more than 140 mg/1 Not more than 160 mg/1 -17- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Salmon Falls Creek Annual Average Single Value" Shoshone Creek Annual Average Single Value Not more than 200 mg/1 Not more than 250 mg/1 Not more than 200 mg/1 Not more than 250 mg/1 East Fork Jarbidge (Below Murphy's Hot spring) Annual Average Not more than 120 mg/1 Single Value Not more than 200 mg/1 Jarbidge River.(Upstream from Jarbidge) Annual Average Not more than 50 mg/1 Single Value Not more than 75 mg/1 (Downstream) Annual Average Single Value West Fork Bruneau River Annual Average Single Value Not more than 65 mg/1 Not more than 80 mg/1 Not more than 160 mg/1 Not more than 180 mg/1 East Fork Owyhee (Above Mill Creek at Ranger Station) Annual Average Not more than 170 mg/1 Single Value " Not more than 200 mg/1 East Fork Owyhee River (South of Owykee) Annual Average . Not mere than 200 mg/1 Single Value Not more than 250 mg/1 (State Line) Annual Average Single Value South Fork Owyhee River Annual Average Single Value Smoke Creek Annual Average Single Value Not more than 200 mg/1 Not more than 250 mg/1 Not more than 240 mg/1 Not more than 280 mg/1 Not more than 225 mg/1 Not more than 275 mg/1 Bronco Creek (At Hirschdale Road) Annual Average Not more than 225 mg/1 Single Value Not more than 300 mg/1 Gray Creek (At Hirschdale Road) Annual Average Not more than 125 mg/1 Single Value Not more than 165 mg/1 -18- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Lake Head Flow Weighted Annual Average Single Value (in mg/1) <723 measured below Hoover Dam <1000 Muddy River (At Glendale Bridge) Annual Average Not more than 1000 mg/1 Single Value Not more than 1700 mg/1 Maximum allowable IDS increase above receiving water concentration of IDS: 400 mg/1 not to exceed single value standard. For the Humboldt River segments, refer to Environment Reporter pages 841:1076-1082. For more specific values, for example, Chlorides and Sulfates, refer to Environment Reporter pages 841:1014-1082. ' 29 Nev Hampshire Not specified New Jersey 30 FV2. Total Dissolved Solids—no increase in background which may adversely affect the survival growth or propagation of the aquatic biota or would interfere with the designated or existing uses, or 500 mg/1, whichever is more stringent. (increases up to 133 percent of background are deemed to be in compliance with the narrative criterion above. Increases above 133 percent of background may .be granted where the discharger demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the department, that the proposed increase will not adversely affect the aquatic biota.) All SB. IDS—None which would render the water unsuitable for the designated uses. . Delaware River, Zones 1C, ID, IE, 2, 3. TDS not to exceed 133 percent of background or 500 mg/1, whichever is less. (Background is 90 mg/1 for Zones 1C and ID and 200 mg/1 for Zones IE and 2.) Zones 4, 5, 6. background. TDS not to exceed 133 percent of New Mexico 31 Total Dissolved Solids criteria are segment specific. New York 32 Class AA,A. TDS shall be kept as low as practicable to maintain the best usage of waters, but in no case shall it exceed 500 mg/1. -19- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Class B,C. None at concentrations which will be detrimental to the growth and propagation of aquatic life. Waters having present levels less than 500 mg/1 shall be kept below this limit. Class A-Special. Should not exceed 200 mg/1. No criteria are specified for any other class. North Carolina33 Classes TO-I, WS-II, VS-III. TDS not greater than 500 mg/1. Sulfates not greater than 250 mg/1. North Dakota 34 Not specified Ohio 35 Warmvater Habitat, Exceptional ffarmvater Habitat, Seasonal Salmonid, Coldvater Habitat. Not to exceed 1500 mg/1 as a 30-day average. (Equivalent 25°C specific conductance value is 2400 micromhos/cm.) Public Water Supply. Not to exceed a maximum of 750 mg/1, or 500 mg/1 as a 30-day average. (Equivalent 25 C specific conductance values are 1200 microhos/cm as a maximum and 800 microhos/cm as a 30-day average. Agricultural Water Supply. This criterion is determined by the Aquatic Life Habitat or the Nuisance Prevention use designation assigned to the stream segment. Lake Erie. Should not exceed 200 mg/1. Ohio River. TDS should not exceed 500 mg/1 as a monthly average value, nor exceed 750 mg/1 at any time. (Equivalent 25 C specific conductance values are 800 and 1200 micromhos/cm.) Chlorides should not exceed 250 mg/1. Sulfates should not exceed 250 mg/1. Oklahoma 36 Agriculture (Livestock and Irrigation) For chlorides, sulfates and total dissolved solids at 180°C (see Standard Methods), the arithmetic mean of the concentration of the samples taken for a year in a particular segment shall not exceed the historical "yearly mean standard" determined from Table 3 and Appendix I calculated for that segment. Furthermore, not more than one (1) in twenty (20) samples randomly collected at a site shall exceed the .historical value -20- ------- State Oregon 37 Designated Use and Criteria Value of the "sample standard" calculated for that segment.. Increased mineralization from other elements such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and their associated anions shall be maintained at or belov a level that will not •restrict any beneficial use. Historical data are available only for sparsely distributed , sampling stations. Therefore, the data in each segment are averaged, and the mean chloride, sulfate, and total dissolved solids at 180°C are presented in the following table. It is anticipated that as sources of pollution are identified and adequately addressed, the mineral concentrations may decrease over a period of time. Segment averages should be used unless more appropriate data are available. . In assigning permit limitations based on Water Quality Standards or enforcing the standards for total dissolved solids, sulfates or chlorides interpolated between monitoring stations may be acceptable where appropriate. The following criteria for total dissolved solids are not to be exceeded unless otherwise specifically authorized by DEQ upon such conditions as it may deem necessary to carry out the general intent of this plan and to protect the beneficial uses set forth in rule 340-41-282. Columbia River — 500 mg/1. o All other fresh ,water streams and tributaries thereto — 100 mg/1. Mid Coast Basin — 100 mg/1. Umpqua Basin — 500 mg/1. South Coast Basin ~ 100 mg/1. : Rogue Basin — 500 mg/1. . Willamette Basin -- 200 mg/1. Sandy Basin, Main Stem Columbia River (river miles 120 to 147) — 200 mg/1. ' o All other basin waters — 100 mg/1. , = ... "-'„•_ ^ -•" Hood Basin ~ 200 mg/1. " ' Deschutes Basin — 500 mg/1. John Day River and Tributaries — 500 mg/1. -21- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Walla Walla Basin — 200 mg/1. Main Stem Grande Ronde River— 200 mg/1. Main Stem Snake River— 750 mg/1. Pennsylvania 38 TDS.. Not more than 500 mg/1 as a monthly average value; not more than 750 rag/1 at any time. TDS L. 'Not more than 1,500 rag/1 at any time. TDS,. Not to exceed 133% of ambient stream concentrations or 500 mg/1, whichever is less. TDS^. Not to exceed 133% of ambient stream concentration. Rhode Island 39 Not specified South Carolina Not specified South Dakota' 41 Domestic vater supplies. TDS may not exceed 1000 nig/1 and chloride may not exceed 250 mg/1, with variations allowed under subdivision 74:03:02:32(2). Coldwater permanent fish life propagation waters. Chlorides may not exceed 100 mg/1 with a variation allowed" under subdivision 74:03:02:32(2). Wildlife propagation and stock watering waters. TDS may not exceed 2500 mg/1. •• Commerce and industry waters. TDS may not exceed 2000 mg/1 with a variation allowed under subdivision 74;03:02:32(2). Tennessee 42 Domestic water supply. TDS shall at no time exceed 500 mg/1. Industrial water supply. TDS shall at no time exceed 500 rag/1. Texas .43 By Segment -22- ------- State Utah 44 Designated Use and Criteria Value Agriculture. 1200 mg/1. All other classes. Insufficient evidence to warrant the establishment of numerical standard. Limits assigned on case-by-case basis. Vermont 45 Not "specified Virginia 46 Surface Public Water Supplies. Total Dfssolved Solids—500 mg/1. Chloride—250 mg/1. Sulfates—250 mg/1. Washington 47 Not specified West Virginia 49 Wisconsin All Categories A,• B, & C. Chloride not to exceed 250 mg/1. Public Water Supply. IDS not to exceed 500 mg/1 as a monthly average value, nor exceed 750 mg/1 at any time. Wyoming 50 Not specified American Samoa' 51 'Not specified 52 District of Columbia Not specified Guam 53 All marine waters. Shall not exceed 133% of the ambient value. No alterations of the marine environment shall occur that would alter the salinity of marine or estuarine waters more 'than +/-102 of the ambient conditions, except when due to natural conditions. Fresh water, Classes S-l, S-2, S-3. The maximum' allowable amount of chlorides and sulfates shall be 250 mg/1, 'and the total dissolved solids shall not exceed 500 mg/1 or 133% of the ambient condition. The salinity of fresh-water sources shall not be increased more than ,20% above ambient by discharges of saline water. -23- ------- State Designated Use and Criteria Value Northern Mariana Islands 54 Surface water classes AA, A. No change in channels, basic geometry or fresh water influx shall be made which would cause permanent changes in isohaline patterns of more than 10% from the natural conditions or which would otherwise adversely affect the indigenous biota and natural sedimentary patterns. Puerto Rico 55 Class SA. causes. IDS shall not be altered except by natural Classes SB, SC. For Class SB and SC estuarine waters, sulfates shall not exceed 2,800 mg/1. Class SD. IDS shall not exceed 500 mg/1. Chlorides shall not exceed 250 mg/1. Trust Territory .56 All Waters. No change in channels, basin geometry or fresh water influx shall be made which would cause permanent changes in isohaline patterns of more than 10Z from the natural conditions or change in salinity outside the range of 29-35 o/oo, or which would otherwise adversely affect the indigenous biota and natural sedimentary patterns. Virgin Islands 57 Not specified -24- ------- |