United States EPA 510-F-95-002 " Environmental Protection June 1995 Agency Solid Waste And Emergency Response (5403W) ~ AERA-Don't Wart Until 1998 Brief Facts Was your underground storage tank installed before December 22, 1988? You need to act now to meet a deadline in December 1998... Printed on Recycled Paper ------- Don't Wait... Was your underground storage tank (UST) installed before December 22, 1988? If the answer is "yes," by December 22, 1998, you must: • Upgrade the UST by adding spill, overfill, and corrosion protection, OR • Replace it with a new UST that has spill, overfill, and corrosion protection, OR » Properly close the old UST. The information that follows will help you upgrade, replace, or close USTs. Remember the deadline: December 22, 1998. Spill Protection Spills often occur at the fill pipe when the delivery truck's hose is disconnected. You must add spill protection by installing a "spill bucket." A spill bucket is a catchment basin sealed around the ------- existing tank from the damage of corrosion. You have three choices: • Add cathodic protection, OR • Add tank interior lining, OR » Combine cathodic protection AND tank interior lining. Cathodic Protection There are two types of cathodic protection and both must be designed by corrosion experts. One type, sacrificial anodes, is commonly used with new, steel tanks having corrosion-resistant coatings. For existing bare metal tanks, corrosion experts recommend another type called an "impressed"current system." This system supplies a continuous underground electrical current that protects the UST from corrosion. Tank Interior Lining To protect a tank from corrosion, trained professionals must empty the tank, clean the interior to a white metal surface, check the soundness of the tank, make any necessary repairs, add a thick layer of noncorrodible material, and conduct follow-up inspections. Note: Flexible inner liners (bladders) that fit inside a tank do not meet the tank interior lining requirements. Piping Existing piping must also be protected from corrosion. Piping made of (or ------- enclosed in) noncorrodible material (such as fiberglass) meets the corrosion protection requirements! Existing metal piping must have cathodic protection, and new metal piping must have cathodic protection and a corrosion- resistant coating. Replacing USTs Existing USTs can be replaced only by properly installing new USTs that have spill, overfill, and corrosion protection. Don't forget, all new and existing USTs must meet leak detection requirements. Closing USTs If USTs are not closed properly, they can leak and create problems. You need to notify the regulatory authority that you intend to close your UST. Then make sure only trained professionals safely and correctly close your UST. Get More Info FREE EPA has a 16-page booklet available that provides much more detail on meeting the 1998 deadline. You can order this free booklet by calling EPA's toll-free Hotline at 800 424-9346 and asking for Don't Wait Until 1998: Spill, Overfill,, And Corrosion Protection For USTs. You can also use the Hotline to ask questions about UST requirements. ------- |