United States
                                      Environmental Protection
                  May 1993
                                     SUPERFUND INNOVATIVE
                                     TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION
                                      Demonstration  Bulletin

                                        Microfiltration Technology

                                                EPOC Water, Inc.
Technology Description:  The EPOC mbrofiltratbn technology is
designed to remove suspended solids that are 0.1 microns in diameter
or larger from liquid wastes. Wastewaters containing dissolved metals
are treated by chemical precipitation, so that the metal contamination
present  is greater than or equal to 0.1  microns.  The precipitated
metals, along with all other particles down to 0.1 microns, are filtered
through  a fabric crossfbw microfilter (EXXFLOW).  The concentrate
stream is then dewatered in an automatic tubular filter press of the
same fabric material (EXXPRESS). Figure 1 presents a schematic of
EPOC's microfiltratbn system.

The EXXFLOW microfilter modules consist of an  array of parallel
permeable textile tubes which are endosed in an  outer tube shell.
Liquid wastes are pumped into the imbrofilter tubes, and suspended
matter in the liquid feed  forms a membrane  layer on  the internal
surface of each tube. The membrane formed is dynamb, continually
formed and swept clean by the  bngitudinal fbw of the feed liquid
through the tubes. Dynamic membranes of widely different characteris-
tics can  be produced by using different pretreatment chemicais. Per-
meate, or treated product liquid, filters radially through the membrane
layer and out of the textile tube walls for collection  in the outer tube
shell.  The EXXFLOW concentrate stream is discharged  to the
EXXPRESS feed tank.

The EXXPRESS portbn of the process dewaters the sludge from the
EXXFLOW concentrate. During operation, the discharge valve of the
EXXPRESS  remains closed as the concentrate stream enters the
module. A layer of solids forms on the inside of the tubular cloth of the
EXXPRESS tubes similar to that of the EXXFLOW  module. While in
the dead-end mode, the system builds pressure and the associated
water permeates through  the slurry membrane layer. The water is
collected and recycled back to the EXXFLOW feed tank. When the
membrane layer reaches a controlled thickness,  the discharge valve is
opened and the  module is traversed by mechanical squeeze rollers.
The rollers separate the membrane  layer from  the tube wall to form
solid chips (filter cake). The cake is expelled from the tubes with flush
water and the solids are separated from  the liquid with a  gravity
dewatering screen.  The discharge  water  is recycled  back  to the
EXXPRESS feed tank

In cases where the solids in the liquid feed are extremely high,
EXXPRESS can be used first, with EXXFLOW acting as a final polish
for the product water.

Waste Applicability: This technology is applbable to wastewaters
containing heavy metals, pesticides, oil and grease, suspended solids,
and constituents that can be precipitated into partble sizes greater
than 0.1 mbrons. The system can handle waste streams containing
2% to 5% solids.

Demonstration Results: A demonstration of the EPOC Water, Inc.
transportable, skid-mounted, pilot-scale Mbrofiltration Technology (2 to
7 gpm) has been performed under the Superfund Innovative Technol-
ogy (SITE) Program. The demonstratbn occurred during  May and
June of 1992 at the  Iron Mountain Mine Superfund site, located near
Redding, California.

During the Demonstratbn Test, the EPOC Mbrofiltratbn Technobgy
treated heavy metal contaminated acid  mine  drainage from the Old
Number 8 mine seep.  The primary chemical composition of Old
Number 8 was approximately:

    700 ppm aluminum;
    0.5 ppm cadmium;
    170 ppm copper;
    1900 ppm copper;
    7000 ppm sutfate;
    60 ppm zinc; and

For each of  the Demonstratbn Tests, different alkalies (treatment
chembals) were  used to precipitate the metals from solution. These
alkalies included:

  • Hydrated Lime (cabium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2);
  • Sodium Hydroxide (50% liquid caustb soda, NaOH); and
  • Magnesium Oxide (MgO).

Devebper claims for metal removals on Old Number 8, when neutral-
izing with NaOH and Ca(OH)2, were generally met or exceeded except
for aluminum.  This was  most likely due to the difficulty encountered
when using NaOH and Ca(OH)2 to control the pH of this waste stream.
The claims for all metals, including aluminum, were exceeded  when
MgO was used as the neutralizing agent. In most cases, there were no
detectable concentratbns of heavy metals in the permeate samples.

Filter cake produced  from the Demonstratbn Test contained approxi-
mately  12%, 31% and 30% solids when NaOH, Ca(OH)  and MgO
were used as  the treatment chembals,  respectively. TCLP leaching
tests performed on the  filter cake showed that teachable  levels  of
TCLP metals were below the regulatory limits for each of the treatment
chembals tested.
                                                                                                  Printed on Recycled Paper

An Applications Analysis Report and a Technology Evaluatbr Report
describing the complete Demonstratton Test will  be available in the
Summer of 1993.

For Further Information:

EPA Project Manager:
Jack Hubbard
U.S. EPA Risk Reductbn Laboratory
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45268
(513) 569-7507

Technology Developer Contact:

K. Scott Jackson
EPOC Water, Inc.
3065 Sunnyside, #101
Fresno, CA 93727
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of EPOC's Micro-filtration System.
                       'U.S. Government Printing Office: 1993 — 750-071/80012
   United States
   Environmental Protection Agency
   Center for Environmental Research Information
   Cincinnati, OH 45268

   Official Business
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