Untied States
Environmental Protection
March 1994
Demonstration Bulletin
GIS\Key™ Environmental Data Management System
GIS\Solutions, line.
Introduction: GISVSolutions, Inc. has developed a software
system that fulfills a set of needs that is typically answered by
multiple, independently run pieces of software. GIS\Key™ takes
proven software and puts it under one shell. The results of this
integration allow for enhanced database management activities
that would otherwise be more difficult or costly to perform. This
Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) demonstra-
tion was undertaken because the data management capabilities
provided by GIS\Key™ are applicable to any Superfund site.
Technology Description: The GIS\Key™ Environmental Data
Management System, developed by GIS\Solutions, is a custom
developed software system compatible with 386 and 486 micro-
computers. The system uses several commercial, off-the-shelf
products (i.e., AutoCAD®, FoxBASE™, and QuickSurf™) to cre-
ate a comprehensive environmental database management sys-
tem that meets the needs of industry and satisfies hazardous
waste site reporting requirements. GISXKey™ facilitates the col-
lection, reporting, and analysis of site management data by
producing a variety of site-specific tables, graphs, and maps.
The system's capabilities include producing geologic cross-sec-
tions, boring logs, potentiometric maps, isopleth maps, structure
maps, summary tables, hydrographs, chemical time series graphs,
tables, and other maps and line graphs that meet reporting
requirements. GIS\Key™ site maps typically start with digitized
basemaps, including U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute quad-
Tablel. GIS\Key™ Output
rangle Jmaps, to provide general topography and features such as
streets-, highways, schools, and bodies of water for the GIS\Key™
data management system. Site-specific features such as build-
ings and waste management units are then added. Project maps
for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facilities ,
and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability Act (CERCLA) sites are stored inside the regional
basemaps and act as the visual starting points from which users
can obtain specific chemical, geologic, and hydrologic data for
each map point.
A primary benefit of GIS\Key™ is that nearly all project data is
stored tin a single, unified, and structured database. Data redun-
dancy | is reduced or eliminated, providing a greater ability to
manage data quality. Environmental data for a project—chemical,
geological, and hydrological—is stored in the GIS\Key™ data-
base, la relational data management system implemented in
FoxBASE™. The database is linked to the other component of
the geographical information system, GIS\Graphics, which is built
in AutoCAD®. The GISVKey™ graphical interface depicts wells
and boreholes on a map of a site. Data can be entered into the
GIS\Key™ database either manually or electronically. Table 1
lists the GIS\Key™ software output.
GIS\K(by™ can be used both by staff with little computer exper-
tise or with more advanced data management or AutoCAD®
skills. f3IS\Key™ graphical and text-based menus guide the user
through complex data manipulation and display steps.
• Isopleth maps of soil or water quality plan or section view
• Chemical concentration time series graphs
• Chemical versus chemical graphs, inter- and intra-well
• Trilinear Piper diagrams
• Chemical concentration versus distance graphs
• Presentation-quality data tables
•Boring logs with company logos
• Geologic cross section maps
• Isopach maps \
• Structure maps ;
• Presentation-quality data tables
• Density-corrected water level contour maps
• Floating product contour maps
• Hydraulic conductivity contour maps
• Water elevation versus time graphs
• Floating product thickness versus time graphs
• Extraction well graphs
• Presentation-quality data tables
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GISSSolutions provides two levels of system training to accommo-
date a range of users.
Applicability: This system is designed to assist managers of
RCRA facilities and CERCLA sites in the graphical characteriza-
tion of applicable sites and the management of data The system
handles both soil and groundwater contaminants but does not
provide a means for managing ecological assessment or air
pollutant data.
Evaluation Results: The evaluation determined whether the
software performs the functions claimed by the developer and
assessed the accuracy of the GIS\Key™ output. Also, the
GIS\Key™ procedures used were reviewed to ensure the data
integrity, to evaluate the general usability of GISXKey™, and to
compare GIS\Key™ features to user requirements.
The GIS\Key™ software can successfully generate four types of
contour maps to assist in groundwater mapping: hydrogeologic
maps, chemical concentration isopleths, geologic structure maps,
and geologic structure thickness isopach maps. Several standard
chemistry reports and construction and borehole summary tables
can be prepared using the GIS\Key™ menu commands. The
system can prepare well and borehole logs based on the informa-
tion contained in the database.
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