                                   United States
                                   Environmental Protection
                 August 1995
                                   SUPERFUND INNOVATIVE
                                   TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION
                                   Demonstration  Bulletin

                    Clor-N-Soil PCB Test Kit L2000 PCB/Chloride Analyzer
                                                 Dexsil Corp.
Technological Description: DEXSIL CORP(Environmental Test
Kits)The Dexsil  Corporation (Dexsil) produces two test kits that
detect polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in soil: the Dexsil Clor-N-
Soil PCB Screening  Kit, and  the Dexsil  L2000 PCB/Chloride
Analyzer. The Dexsil Clor-N-Soil PCB  Screening Kit extracts
PCBs from soil and dissociates the PCBs with a sodium reagent,
freeing chloride ions. These ions then react with mercuric ions to
form mercuric chloride compound. The  extract is then treated
with diphenylcarbazone, which  reacts with  free mercuric ions to
form a purple color. The less  purple the color, the  greater  the
concentration of PCBs in the extract.

The Dexsil L2000  PCB/Chloride Analyzer also extracts PCBs
from soil and dissociates the PCBs with a sodium reagent,
freeing chloride ions. The extract is then analyzed with a cali-
brated chloride-specific  electrode. The L2000 instrument then
translates the output from the electrode into parts per million
(ppm) PCB concentration.

Waste Applicability: These technologies produce analytical re-
sults at different data quality levels. The Clor-N-Soil PCB Screen-
ing Kit identifies samples above or below a single concentration,
which is generally  tied  to regulatory action levels.  The Dexsil
L2000 PCB/Chloride Analyzer quantifies specific concentrations
of PCBs in a sample over the range of 2 to 2000 ppm. The
applicability of these methods depends on the data quality needs
of a specific project. Both technologies can be used on site for
site characterization or removal action.

The Dexsil Clor-N-Soil PCB Screening Kit and the Dexsil L2000
PCB/Chloride analyzer can detect PCB concentrations in soil,
sediment, and transformer oils.

Demonstration Results: These test kits were demonstrated at a
PCB-contaminated  facility in EPA Region  7. One hundred and
forty four soil samples were collected and analyzed on site using
the Dexsil test kits.  Soil samples were not dried prior to analysis.
Split samples were submitted to the offsite formal laboratory for
confirmatory analysis by SW-846 Method  8080. Demonstration
data were used to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the test
kits, relative to internal quality control samples and to formal
laboratory data. This demonstration evaluated costs, ease of use,
ruggedness and other operational aspects of the technology.

The sampling and field analyses for this technology demonstra-
tion were completed in August 1992.

The L2000 is best suited for use at sites where the Aroclor of
concern is known and where interferents are known to be absent.
During  the demonstration the Clor-N-Soil Test Kit produced 87
correct  assays, 58 false positives, and one false negative.

An Innovative Technology Evaluation Report (ITER) describing
the complete demonstration will be available in late 1995.

Acknowledgment: This Bulletin was prepared for the U.S. Envi-
ronmental Agency, Office of Research and Development, Na-
tional Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH

For Further Information:

EPA Project Manager:
Jeanette Van Emon
U.S. EPA             ,
Exposure Research Laboratory
944 East Harmon       :
P.O. Box 93478        !
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478

Technology Developer Contact:
Steve Finch
Dexsil Corporation
One Hamden Park Drive
Hamden, CT06517
Fax: 203-248-6235
                                                                                           Printed on Recycled Paper

United States
Environmental Protection Agency
National Risk Management Research Laboratory (G-72)
Cincinnati, OH 45268

Official Business
Penally for Private Use
   PERMIT No. G-35
