Development Document for
Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines
and New Source Performance Standards
                for the
            Segment of the


        Point Source Category


               AUGUST 1974







                 for the

             SEGMENT OF THE
            Russell E. Train

              James L. Agee
  Assistant Administrator for Water and
           Hazardous Materials

               Allen Cywin
 Director, Effluent Guidelines Division

            Jeffery D. Denit
             Project Officer
              August, 1974

      Effluent Guidelines Division
 Office of Water and Hazardous Materials
  U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
        Washington, D. C.  20460



This document presents the findings of an extensive study of  the
meat  processing  industry by the Environmental Protection Agency
for the purpose of developing effluent limitations guidelines and
Federal standards of performance for the industry,  to  implement
Sections  304  and 306 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
amendments of 1972  (the "Act").

The meat processing plants  included  in  the  study  were  those
plants  that  manufacture  prepared  meats and meat products from
purchased carcasses, meat cuts, and other materials, but that  do
no  slaughtering  on the same plant site.  Processing plants that
produce 2730 kg  (6000 Ib)  of finished product per day,  or  less,
are  categorized  as  small processors; the rest of the industry,
the  large  processors,   includes   four   subcategories.    The
distinction  between  large  and small affects the implementation
proposed to meet the recommended limitations.

Effluent limitations are set forth for  the  degree  of  effluent
reduction   attainable  through  the  application  of  the  "Best
Practicable Control  Technology  Currently  Available,"  and  the
"Best  Available  Technology Economically Achievable," which must
be achieved by existing point sources by July 1, 1977,  and  July
1,  1983,  respectively.   The  "Standards of Performance for New
sources" set forth the degree  of  effluent  reduction  which  is
achievable   through   the  application  of  the  best  available
demonstrated control technology, processes, operating methods, or
other alternatives.  The  proposed  recommendations  require  the
best  secondary  treatment  technology  currently  available  for
discharge into navigable water bodies by July 1,  1977,  and  for
new source performance standards.  This technology is represented
by  chlorination  added  to  a  wide  variety  of waste treatment
practices currently in use by the industry;  e.g.,  septic  tanks
with  subsoil  seepage  for small processors which do not require
chlorination; and aerated lagoon systems, activated  sludge,  and
extended  aeration  for large processors, with about $2.5 million
in  capital  expenditures  required   by   the   industry.    The
recommendations  for  July  1,  1983,  are for the best secondary
treatment  and  in-plant  control,  as  represented   for   large
processors  by  reduced in-plant water use, air flotation with pH
control and flocculant addition, and a final sand or mixed  media
filter  in  addition to the waste treatment systems in use at the
present time.  Ammonia removal  will  also  be  required  if  the
effluent  exceeds  the limitation.  When sufficient suitable land
is available, land disposal via irrigation with no discharge  may
be the most economical option.

Supportive  data  and  rationale  for development of the proposed
effluent limitations and standards of performance  are  contained
in this report.




I.      CONCLUSIONS                                          1

II.     RECOMMENDATIONS                                      3

III.    INTRODUCTION                                         5

        Purpose and'Authority                                5

        Summary of Methods Used for Development of the
        Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards
        of Performance                                       6

        General Description of the Industry                  8

        General Process Description                          10

        Manufacturing Operations                             13

            Storage, Shipping and Receiving                  16
            Raw Material Thawing                             17
            Carcass/Meat Handling and Preparation            18
            Seasonings, Spices and Sauce Preparation         19
            Weighing and Batching                            20
            Grinding, Mixing and Emulsifying                 21
            Extrusion, Stuffing and Molding                  22
            Linking                                          23
            Pickle Application/Injection                     23
            Cooking, Smoking and Cooling                     24
            Casing Peeling                                   25
            Product Holding/Aging                            26
            Bacon Pressing and Slicing                       26
            Can Preparation, Filling and Covering            27
            Retorting                                        28
            Packaging                                        28
            Materials Recovery                               29

        Production Classification                            30

        Anticipated Industry Growth                          31

                      CONTENTS  (Continued)

Section                                                      Page

IV.     INDUSTRY CATEGORIZATION                               33

        Categorization                                        33

        Rationale for Categorization                          36

            Waste Water Characteristics and Treatability     36
            Finished Production Mix                           37
            Manufacturing Operations                          38
            Raw Materials                                     41
            Plant Size                                        41
            Age and Location                                  44


        Waste Water Characteristics                           45

            Raw Waste characteristics                         45
            Discussion of Raw Wastes                          52
            Process Waste Water Flow Diagrams                 54

        Water Use. - Waste Load Relationships                  58

        Sources of Waste Water and Waste Load                 60

           Meat Materials Preparation                         60
            Pickling                                          61
            Product Cooking and Cooling                       62
            Canning                                           63

VI.     SELECTION OF POLLUTANT PARAMETERS                     67

        Selected Parameters                                   67

        Rationale for Selection of Identified  Parameters     67

            5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand                   67
            Chemical Oxygen Demand                            69
            Suspended Solids                                  69
            Total Dissolved Solids                            71
            Grease                                            71
            Total Volatile Solids                             72
            Ammonia Nitrogen                                  72
            Kjeldahl Nitrogen                                 74
            Nitrates and Nitrites                             74
            Phosphorus                                        74
            Temperature                                       76
            Fecal Collform                                      76
            pH                                                78
            Others                                            79


                      CONTENTS  (Continued)



        Summary                                              81

        In-Plant Control Techniques                          83

            Pickling and Curing Solutions                    83
            Water Conservation Practices                     83
            Cleanup Operations                               84

        In-Plant Primary Treatment                           84

            Flow Equalization                                84
            Screens                                          85
            Catch Basins                                     87
            Dissolved Air Flotation                          88

        Waste Water Treatment Systems                        92

            Anaerobic Processes                              93
            Aerated Lagoons                                  96
            Aerobic Lagoons                                  96
            Activated Sludge                                 98
            Trickling Filter                                 101
            Rotating Biological Contactor                    102
            Performance of Various Secondary Treatment
            Systems                                          103

        Tertiary and Advanced Treatment                      105

            Chemical Precipitation of  Phosphorus             105
            Sand Filter                                      .107
            Microscreen-Microstrainer                        109
            Nitrification-Denitrification                    110
            Ammonia Stripping                                113
            Spray/Flood Irrigation                           115
            Ion Exchange                                     117


        Summary                                              121

        "Typical" Plant                                      126

        Waste Treatment Systems                              127

        Treatment and Control Costs                           128

            In-Plant Control Costs                            128
            Investment Costs Assumptions                      131

                      CONTENTS  (Continued)

Section                                                     Page

            Annual Costs Assumptions                          136

        Energy Requirements                                   137


        Nonwater Pollution by Waste Treatment Systems         137

            Solid Wastes                                      137
            Air Pollution                                     139
            Noise                                             139

        LIMITATIONS GUIDELINES                                141

        Introduction                                          141

        Effluent Reduction Attainable Through the
        Application of Best Practicable Control Technology
        Currently Available                                   142

        Identification of Best Practicable Control
        Technology Currently Available                        142

        Rationale for the Selection of Best Practicable
        Control Technology Currently Available                144

            Age and Size of Equipment and Facilities          144
            Total Cost of Application                         145
            Engineering Aspects of Control Technique
            Applications                                      145
            Process changes                                   148
            Nonwater Quality Environmental Impact             148

        GUIDELINES                                            149

        Introduction                                          149

        Effluent Reduction Attainable Through Application
        of the Best Available Technology Economically
        Achievable                                            151

        Identification of the Best Available Technology
        Economically Achievable                               151

                      CONTENTS  (Continued)


        Rationale for Selection of the Best Available
        Technology Economically Achievable                   153

            Age of Equipment and Facilities                  153
            Total Cost of Application in Relation to
            Effluent Reduction Benefits                      153

            Engineering Aspects of Control Technique
            Application                                      153
            Process Changes                                  154
            Nonwater Quality Impact                          154

XI.     NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS                     155

        Introduction                                         155

        Effluent Reduction Attainable for New Sources        155

        Identification of New Source Control Technology      156

        Pretreatment Requirements                            157

XII „    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                      159

XIII.   REFERENCES                                           161

XIV.    GLOSSARY                                             165




   1  General Process for Meat Cuts and Portion Control
      Products                                                11

   2  General Process for Hams and Bacon                      12

   3  General Process for Comminuted Meat Products            14

   4  General Process for Canned Meat Products                15

   5  Subcategories in the Meat Processing Industry           35

   6  Raw Waste Load Variations by Subcategory                42

   7  Process Waste Water Flow—Cut Meats and Comminuted
      Meats                                                   55

   8  Process Waste Water Flow—Hams and Bacon                56

   9  Process Waste Water Flow—Canned Meats                  57

  10  Raw Waste Load Variation with Flow                      59

  11  Suggested Meat Processor Waste Reduction
      Program                                                 82

  12  Dissolved Air Flotation                                 89

  13  Process Alternatives for Dissolved Air Flotation        90

  14  Anaerobic contact Process                               95

  15  Activated Sludge Process                                99

  16  Chemical Precipitation                                  105

  17  Sand Filter System                                      107

  18  Microscreen/Microstrainer                               109

  19  Nitrification/Denitrification                           111

  20  Ammonia Stripping                                       113

  21  Spray/Flood Irrigation System                           115

                       FIGURES  (Continued)
  22  Ion Exchange

  23  Waste Treatment Cost Effectiveness  at Flow of 38,000
      Liters/Day  (10,000 GPt>)                                 133

  24  Waste Treatment Cost Effectiveness  at Flow of 380,000
      Liters/Day  (100,000 GPD)                                134

  25  Waste Treatment Cost Effectiveness  at Flow of 908,000
      Liters/Day  (240,000 GPD)                                135



   1  Meat Processing Industry Production, Waste Water
      Volume, and Raw Waste Load by Subcategory               39

   2  Number of Plants in Each Subcategory with Indicated
      Raw Waste Load                                          40

   3  Plant Size Distribution of Meat Processing Plants
      That Returned Survey Questionnaire                      43

   U  Raw Waste Characteristics of Small Processors           47

   5  Raw Waste Characteristics of Meat Cutter Subcategory    49

   6  Raw Waste Characteristics of Sausage and Luncheon
      Meats Processor Subcategory                             50

   7  Raw Waste Characteristics of Ham Processor Subcategory  51

   8  Raw Waste Characteristics of Meat Canner Subcategory    53

   9  Performance of Various Secondary Treatment Systems      104

  10  Additional Investment Cost for the "Typical" Plant in
      Each Subcategory to Achieve Indicated Standards         122

  11  Addition to the Total Annual Cost and Operating Cost
      for a Plant in Each Subcategory to Operate Treatment
      System as Described                                     123

  12  Additions to the Annual Cost and Operating Cost Per
      Unit of Production for a Plant in Each Subcategory
      to Operate Treatment System as Described                125

  13  Operating Parameters for "Typical" Plants               128

  14  Waste Treatment Systems, Their Use and Effectiveness    129

  15  Secondary Treatment by Each Subcategory                 130

  16  In-Plant control Equipment Cost Estimates               131

  17  Sludge Volume Generation by Waste Treatment System      138

  18  Recommended Effluent Limitations for July 1, 1977       143

  19  Recommended Effluent Limitations for July 1, 1983       150

  20  Capital Investment, Operating and Total Annual Costs
      for New Point Sources                                   157

  21   Conversion Table                                          173



                            SECTION I


The  study presented herein is a part of an overall investigation
of the meat processing (no slaughtering of  animals  accomplished
in   the  plants)  and  rendering  (accomplished  independent  of
slaughterhouses, packinghouses, and poultry processors)   industry
segments of the meat products point source category.

Because  of  evidence  developed  early  in the investigation, it
became  apparent  that  meat   processing   operations   differed
materially   from  rendering  operations  as  to  raw  materials,
processes, products and other factors.  As a result,  an  initial
categorization which split the two industry segments was utilized
to  facilitate  a  thorough analysis with a separate study report
for each.  For a parallel  technical  report  on  rendering,  the
reader  is  refered  to  the,  "Development Document for Proposed
Effluent  Limitations  Guidelines  and  New  Source   Performance
Standards  for  the  Renderer  Segment  of  the  Meat Product and
Rendering Point Source Category." (June 1974).

A conclusion of this study is that the meat  processing  industry
comprises five subcategories:

          Small processor
          Meat cutter
          Sausage and luncheon meats processor
          Ham processor
          Meat canner

The primary criterion for the establishment of the categories was
the  _5-day  biochemical  oxygen  demand (BOD5) in the plant waste
water in relation to the nature of finished products as discussed
in Section IV.  Other  criteria  were  plant  size  and  type  of
product manufactured in the plant.  Information relating to other
pollutants and the effects of such parameters as age and location
of  plants,  type  of  raw  material,  production  processes, and
treatability of wastes all lent  support  to  the  categorization

The  wastes  from  all  subcategories  are amenable to biological
treatment processes, and no materials harmful to municipal  waste
treatment processes were found.

Discharge  limits, representing the average of the best treatment
systems in the industry for the five subcategories  and  transfer
of  technology  from  meat  packing  plants, are being met by 100
percent of the small processors and by 80 percent  of  the  large
processing  plants  for  which data are available, except for the
fecal coliform limit.  These limits plus a fecal  coliform  limit
are  recommended  for  1977.  The same limits are recommended for

new sources.  It is estimated  that  there  will  be  about  $2.5
million  in  capital costs required to achieve the 1977 limits by
the industry.

For 1983, effluent limits were determined as the best  achievable
in  the  industry  for  BODS  and  suspended  solids.  Limits for
Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, and phosphorus
were established on the basis  of  transfer  of  technology  from
other  industries  or of newly developing technology.  It is also
concluded that, where suitable and adequate  land  is  available,
land disposal is a more economical option.

It  is  estimated that the cost to achieve the 1983 limits by the
large processor group within the industry will be between $35 and
$60 million.  These costs represent between 10 and 18 percent  of
the  total  capital  expenditures estimated to have been spent by
the large processors over the last ten years.

                           SECTION II

                         R ECOMMENDATIONS

Limitations recommendations for discharge to navigable waters  by
large   processors   for   July   1,   1977,  are  based  on  the
characteristics of well-operated secondary treatment plants.  The
limitations for 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)  range, for
example, from 0.015 kg/kkg finished product (FP)  for meat cutters
to 0.33 kg/kkg FP for meat canning plants.

The limitations  recommendation  for  1977  and  1983  for  smal1
processors  is no allowable discharge.  This is already the level
of pollution control being accomplished by  all  plants  in  this
subcategory for which data were available, that are not connected
to municipal sewers.

Recommended  New  Source  Standards  are  the  same  as  the 1977

Limitations  recommended  for  large  processors  for  1983   are
considerably more stringent.  For example, BOD5 limits range from
0.009  kg/kkg  FP  for  meat cutters to 0.17 kg/kkg FP for a meat
canner.  Limits are also placed on the other parameters mentioned
above, with particular attention to the ammonia  discharge.   The
suspended  solids  range  from 0.012 to 0.22 kg/kkg FP; grease is
set at the levels commensurate with  current  materials  recovery
practiced  by  plants  coincident  with  biological treatment and
falls within the  limits  of  detection  by  standard  analytical
methods;   ammonia   and   phosphorus,   are   limited   by   the
concentrations achievable by the technology,  rather  than  by  a
relation  to  the  production level.  In cases where suitable and
adequate land is available, land disposal  (no discharge) will  be
a practical option.


                           SECTION III


                      PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY

Section  301(b)  of  the  Federal  Water  Pollution  Control  Act
Amendments of 1972  (the Act) requires the achievment by not later
than July 1, 1977, of effluent  limitations  for  point  sources,
other than publicly owned treatment works, which are based on the
application  of the best practicable control technology currently
available as defined by the  Administrator  pursuant  to  Section
304(b)  of the Act.  Section 301 (b) also requires the achievement
by not later than July 1, 1983, of effluent limitations for point
sources, other than publicly owned  treatment  works,  which  are
based  on  the  application  of  the  best  available  technology
economically achievable which will result in  reasonable  further
progress toward the national goal of eliminating the discharge of
all  pollutants,  as  determined  in  accordance with regulations
issued by the Administrator pursuant to  Section  304(b)   of  the
Act.   Section  306  of  the  Act requires the achievement by new
sources of a Federal standard of performance  providing  for  the
control  of  the  discharge  of  pollutants  which  reflects  the
greatest degree of effluent  reduction  which  the  Administrator
determines  to  be achievable through the application of the best
available demonstrated control technology,  processes,   operating
methods,  or  other alternatives, including, where practicable, a
standard permitting no discharge of pollutants.

Section 304(b)  of the Act requires the Administrator  to  publish
within  one  year  of enactment of the Act, regulations providing
guidelines for effluent limitations setting forth the  degree  of
effluent reduction attainable through the application of the best
practicable control technology currently available and the degree
of  effluent  reduction attainable through the application of the
best  control  measures  and  practices   achievable,   including
treatment   techniques,  processes,  and  procedure  innovations,
operation  methods  and  other  alternatives.   The   regulations
proposed   herein   set  forth  effluent  limitations  guidelines
pursuant to Section 304(b)  of the Act  for  the  meat  processing
plant subcategory within the meat products source category.

Section  306  of  the  Act requires the Administrator,  within one
year after a category of sources is included in a list  published
pursuant  to  Section  306  (b) (1)  (A)   of  the  Act,  to  propose
regulations establishing Federal standards of performance for new
sources within such categories.  The Administrator  published  in
the  Federal  Register of January 16, 1973 (38 F.R. 1624), a list
of 27 source categories.  Publication  of  the  list  constituted
announcement  of  the  Administrator•s intention of establishing,
under Section 306, standards of  performance  applicable  to  new
sources for the meat processing plant subcategory within the meat
products   source  category,  which  was  included  in  the  list
published January 15, 1973.


The effluent limitations guidelines and standards of  performance
proposed  herein  were  developed  in  the following manner. >The
point source category  was  first  studied  for  the  purpose  of
determining   whether  separate  limitations  and  standards  are
appropriate  for  different  segments  within  the  point  source
category.  This  analysis  included  a  determination  of whether
differences in raw material used, product produced, manufacturing
process used, age, size,  waste  water  constituents,  and  other
factors required development of separate effluent limitations and
standards  for  different  segments of the point source category.
The raw waste characteristics for each segment  were  identified.
This  included  an analysis of (1)  the source and volume of water
used in plants and the source of waste and waste waters in  these
plants; and  (2)  the pollutant constituents (including thermal)  of
all  waste waters such as BOD5, COD, suspended solids, and grease
which result in taste, odor, or color effects in water or aquatic
organisms.  The constituents of the waste waters which should  be
subject to effluent limitations and standards of performance were

The  full  range  of  control and treatment technologies existing
within each sufccategory was identified.   Each  distinct  control
and  treatment  technology  was identified including the influent
quantity of waste constituents (including thermal), the chemical,
physical, and biological characteristics of the  pollutants,  and
the  effluent  quality  resulting from the application of each of
the technologies.  The problems, limitatons, and  reliability  of
each   treatment   and   control   technology  and  the  required
implementation time  were  also  identified.   In  addition,  the
nonwater-quality  environmental impact of the application of such
technologies and the generation of air  pollution,  solid  waste,
noise,  and  other  pollution problems were also identified.  The
energy  requirement  of  each  of  the  control   and   treatment
technologies  was  identified as well as the economic cost of the
application of such technologies.

The information, as outlined above, was then evaluated  in  order
to  determine  what  levels  of  technology constituted the "best
practicable  control  technology  currently   available,11   "best
available  technology  economically  achievable"  and  the  "best
available demonstrated control technology,  processes,  operating
methods,   or   other   alternatives."    In   identifying   such
technologies, various factors were  considered.   These  included
the  total  cost  of application of technology in relation to the
effluent reduction benefits to be achieved from such application,
the age of equipment and facilities involved,  the  manufacturing
process  and  practices  employed,  the engineering aspects of the
application of  various  types  of  control  techniques,  process
changes,  nonwater-quality environmental impact (including energy
requirements), and other factors.

The data  used  to  describe  and  analyze  the  meat  processing
industry  were  derived  from a number of sources.  These sources
included  Refuse  Act   Permit   Program   data;   EPA   research
information; data from various state and city agencies with waste
water  disposal  responsibility;  data and information from North
Star files and reports; a voluntary questionnaire issued  through
the  American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP), formerly the
National  Institute  of  Locker  and  Freezer  Provisioners,  the
American  Meat  Institute   (AMI),  the  National Independent Meat
Packers Association (NIMPA),  and  Western  States  Meat  Packers
Association  (WSMPA);  qualified  technical consultation; and on-
site visits, interviews, and waste water sampling at several meat
processing plants in various areas of  the  United  states.   All
references   used  in  developing  the  guidelines  for  effluent
limitations and standards of  performance  for  new  sources  are
included in Section XIII of this document.

The  North  Star  industry survey questionnaire provided about 95
percent of the raw data  used  to  categorize  the  industry,  to
characterize  the  raw  waste,  and  to  determine the extent and
effectiveness of the use of various treatment systems.   A  total
of  some  143  plants  represented  the  raw data base, for which
production data were available for all 143, waste water flow data
for 91, and raw BOD5 load for 38 of the plants.  Information from
the USDA was primarily product and production data.  The data from
the Refuse Act Permit Program were of very  limited  value;  they
were  used  primarily  to  verify  the types of treatment used by
various  plants  and  to  assist  in  selecting   the   pollutant
parameters  listed  in  Section  VI.   Data were obtained for 148
identifiable plants and used for  categorization  and  raw  waste
characterization.   The  other sources, including site visits and
interviews, were used to fill in  the  information  gaps  and  to
provide  additional  insight  and  understanding  to  develop the
rationale in categorization.

The data were coded and stored in  a  computer  for  analysis  in
categorizing  the  industry  and characterizing the raw wastes of
each subcategory.   Seventy-seven  variables  were  available  to
describe each plant.  The variables were listed in either numeric
or  nonnumeric  form to accommodate the type of input information
available.  The numeric data included daily  production  figures,
water  quantities,  working  day  and  week, measures of 14 waste
water parameters in raw and treated effluent,  and  frequency  of
plant  and  equipment  cleanup.   The nonnumeric data covered the
data source, type of plant inspection, product line, processes in
use in the plant and  method  of  disposal  of  waste  from  each
process,  type  of  primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment of
waste water, and method of disposal of waste water.   Missing data
were coded as such.

Observation of meat processing industrial practices  led  to  the
consideration  and  subsequent  analysis  of those variables that
influence raw waste load.  The representative  parameter  of  the
raw  waste load was selected as BOD5, measured by kg  (Ib) of BOD5
in the primary treatment effluent per kkg  (1000 Ib)   of  finished

product  (FP).  Correlation analysis, cross tabulation, and linear
regression   were   used   with   the   computer  to  reduce  the
categorization variables under consideration to plant size, water
use, and product mix.

Within the sample of  plants  responding  to  the  questionnaire,
there  is  a  preponderance of plants producing less than 2730 kg
(6000 Ib) of finished product per day.  The rest of the  industry
sample covers the spectrum from about 3400 to 230,000 kg (7500 to
500,000  Ib)  of  finished  product per day.  The former group of
"small"  plants  was  found  to  generate   comparatively   small
quantities of waste water, averaging about 3200 liters (840 gal.)
per  day  which is in sharp contrast to the other group of plants
that averages  443,000  liters  (117,000  gal.)  per  day.    This
enables  the  small  meat processors to treat the waste water and
dispose of it through septic tanks and subsoil  seepage  systems,
thereby achieving no discharge of waste water.  Because the small
processors  typically  generate  these  small quantities of waste
water, which are amenable to this type of disposal,  treatability
of  wastes  in  a  unique  manner  is  applicable  as a basis for
categorization as small processors, in addition  to  the  primary
categorization criterion of size.

Among  those  plants that produce more than 2730 kg  (6000 Ib)  per
day, the normalized raw waste loading  was  found  to  be  fairly
widespread.  Product mix appeared to be the remaining possibility
for  the  rationalization  of  additional subcategories among the
large plants in the meat processing industry.

Observation of industry practice and analysis of the data led  to
the  identification  of specific products as categorization bases
rather than specific product mixes.  The product bases were found
to be the production of cut products only; any processed products
with no  ham  or  canned  products;  any  product  mix  with  ham
production,  but  no  canning;  and  canned meat products with or
without  other  processed  meat  products.    These   bases   for
categorization  yielded  statistically  separable  and unique raw
waste  load  distributions  and  yielded   to   explanation   and
justification  based  on  production  and  cleanup  processes and
Meat processing plants purchase animal carcasses, meat parts, and
other materials and manufacture  sausages,  cooked  meats,  cured
meats,  smoked  meats,  canned meats, frozen and fresh meat cuts,
natural sausage  casings,  and  other  prepared  meats  and  meat
specialities.  None of the plants in this industry engages in any
slaughtering  on  the same premises with the processing activity.
These plants are all classified under industry No.  2013  in  the
Office    of   Management   and   Budget,   Standard   Industrial
Classification Manual.

The product mix of plants in  this  industry  includes  virtually
every  possible  combination  of products.  There are plants that
specialize in one or two types of processed meat  products,  such
as  hams,  fresh sausage, canned meat products, or meat cuts, and
plants that produce a number of products up to the full  line  of
processed  meat  products.  This variation in product line occurs
in plants independent of the plant size.

There were 1374 meat processing establishments  reported  in  the
1967  Census  of  Manufacturers in the U.S.2  The USDA Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service reported  3465  "meat  only"  and
"meat  and poultry" processing plants under Federal inspection as
of June 30, 1973.3  An additional 168 meat processing plants were
reported to be under Talmadge-Aiken inspection  as  of  June  30,
1973.  The meat processing industry had shipments totalling about
$4  billion  in 1972.  Shipments are expected to be eight percent
higher in 1974 than in 1973; this  is  two  percent  higher  than
recent rates of six percent growth per year.*

The  small  plant  in  the  meat  processing  industry,  which by
definition in this study produces 2730 kg (6000 Ib)  or  less  of
finished  product  per  day, is estimated to account for 85 to 90
percent of the total number of plants.  However, that segment  of
the  industry  produces  only  10 to 15 percent of the total meat
processing output.  These estimates are based on information from
the North Star survey questionnaire and the assumption  that  the
profile  of  the  meat processing industry is similar to the meat
packing industry in regard to  the  higher  percentage  of  small
packers,  based  on  number  of  plants,  and  their small output
compared to that of the rest oif the industry.

Data on waste loads and the extent  of  use  of  municipal  waste
water treatment systems are not readily available.  Regarding the
municipal  systems,  the  FWPCA estimated that, in 1966, about 70
percent of all waste water from the meat packing  and  processing
industry  went  into  municipal  systems;  and  that  by 1972, 80
percent of the plants would discharge to municipal systems.s  The
North Star survey questionnaire data indicate that 90 percent  of
the meat processing plants discharge to municipal systems.

Slab  and  sliced bacon, hams (not including canned hams), franks
and wieners, and smoked or cooked luncheon meats  each  accounted
for  more  than  ten  percent  of  the quantity of processed meat
products shipped in 1963 and 1967.  Canned meat products had  the
greatest  increase in percentage of the industry's output, rising
from 6.8 percent in 1963 to 9.2 percent in 1967.z

The industry has plants throughout  the  country.   However,  the
middleAtlantic  and North Central regions of the country produced
over 50 percent of the $3 billion in shipments by the industry in
1967.  Illinois, with $450 million,  had  the  highest  value  of
shipments of processed meat products in 1967, followed closely by
California   and   New   York,   with   $386  and  $376  million,
respectively.  Pennsylvania and Massachusetts ranked  fourth  and
fifth  with  $244  and  $221 million in shipments.  Michigan, New

Jersey, Ohio, and Texas completed the list of  states  with  more
than $100 million of shipments in 1967.«

The  ranking  of  states  by  number  of federally inspected meat
processing plants as of June 30f 1973, was fairly  comparable  to
the  above,  with Pennsylvania first with 401 plants, followed by
New  York,  329  plants;  Illinois,  228;  California,  223;  and
Missouri  with  177  plants.   Massachusetts,  Texas, New Jersey,
Kentucky, Minnesota,  and  Washington  also  have  at  least  100
federally inspected meat processing plants each.3

Three  significant  developments  in the meat processing industry
relating to waste water generation, are the  greater  demand  for
portion-controlled   meats   by  hotels,  restaurants,  fast-food
outlets, and institutions; the use of high volume automated  meat
processing equipment; and the question of possibly continuing use
of certain chemicals such as nitrites in curing solutions.

Waste  waters  from the production of processed meat products and
the associated facilities, operations,  and  plant  or  equipment
cleanup  contain  organic  matter  (including  grease), suspended
solids, and inorganic materials such  as  phosphates  and  salts.
These materials enter the waste stream as meat and fat particles,
meat  extracts  and  juices,  curing  and pickling solutions, and
caustic or alkaline detergents.

The production of processed meat products is carried out  in  the
four  general  processes  presented in Figures 1 through 4.  Each
generalized process incorporates some operations  common  to  the
others;  however,  each  is  sufficiently  distinctive  to  merit
separate consideration.  The differences in use  and  arrangement
of  the  processing  operations  relates  directly to the type of
product  produced  in  each  process.   The   figures   represent
generalized   processes   with   major   processing  alternatives
included.  Specific plant practices may differ  somewhat  in  the
order or use of processing operations.

Meat  cuts and portion-controlled products are typically prepared
for hotels, restaurants,  institutions,  and  fast-food  outlets.
The products range from the standard steaks, chops, and roasts to
portion-controlled  hamburgers  and  minute  steaks.  The general
process for production of these products is presented  in  Figure

The  production of hams and bacon, depicted in Figure 2, involves
the  preparation  of  the  raw  material  for  the  injection  or
application of a pickle solution followed by cooking and smoking.
The  products  are  then  cooled,  aged  if  desired,  sliced  or
otherwise prepared for packaging, and packaged  for  storage  and

                     FINISHED PRODUCT
Figure 1.  General Process for Meat Cuts and Portion Control Products

                                        FROZEN MATLS.

       THAWING  IN
                             TEMPER  IN
                      FINISHED PRODUCT
                      STORAGE, SHIPPING
                                              BACON PRESS
           Figure 2.  General Process for Hams and Bacon

Comminuted  meat  products  include  those  products that require
substantial size reduction, intensive  mixing,  and  usually  the
molding  or  forming  of  the  finished  product  in  a casing or
container, which may or may not be part of the finished  product.
Figure  3  depicts  the  typical  process steps used in producing
these products.

Various types of meat  products  are  canned.   They  range  from
essentially  all  meat,  such  as canned hams, to comminuted meat
products, such as sandwich spreads, and to mixtures of  meat  and
other materials, such as stews.  The specific processing steps in
canning  may vary for different types of meat products.  However,
the basic  generalized  meat  canning  process  in  Figure  4  is
representative  of  a  typical  practice.   This  study  does not
include pet food production as a canned or a dry product.
Plants in the industry usually produce a  mix  of  products  thus
requiring  more than one of the generalized processes.  There are
a few plants that do specialize in one particular type of product
and process.  Meat processors who specialize tend  to  do  so  in
meat cuts, canning, or in hams.

The  number  of  processes and the operating procedures vary from
plant to plant.  This affects the effluent from a plant  and  the
waste  water  treatment requirements.  In-plant waste water catch
basins (skimming tanks), screens, etc., are defined as  "primary"
waste  treatment  for  purposes  of  this study.  The waste water
after "primary" treatment is defined as the  raw  waste  in  this

Meat processing operations include:

     1.   Materials and products storage, shipping and receiving
     2.   Raw material thawing
          a.   Wet
          b.   Dry
          c.   Chipping
     3.   Carcass/meat handling and preparation
          a.   Breaking
          b.   Trimming
          c.   Cutting
          d.   Boning
          e.   Tempering
          f.   Skinning
     4.   Seasoning, spicing, and sauce preparation
     5.   Weighing and batching
     6.   Grinding, mixing, emulsifying
     7.   Extruding, stuffing, molding
     8.   Linking


                     BREAKING, CUTTING,
                    FROZEN   MEAT
                           WATER OR
                      FINISHED PRODUCT
                      STORAGE, SHIPPING
       Figure 3.  General Process for Comminuted Meat Products
                (Sausage, Wieners, Luncheon Meats, etc.)

                    FINISHED PRODUCT
                    STORAGE, SHIPPING
      Figure  4.  General Process for Canned Meat Products

     9.   Pickle solution application/injection
    10.   Smoking
    11.   Cooking
    12.   Cooling
    13.   Casing peeling
    14.   Product holding
    15,   Bacon pressing and slicing
    16.   Can preparation
    17.   Can filling and covering
    18.   Retorting
    19.   Packaging
    20.   Materials recovery (primary treatment)

Some  of  these  operations contribute to the raw waste load of a
meat processing plant.  The source and relative quantity of waste
matter are identified in the description  of  each  manufacturing
operation.   The  materials  recovery operation serves as primary
waste treatment and thus removes waste matter and reduces the raw
waste load in the waste water stream.  Cleanup of  the  equipment
and  processing  areas  and the waste generation from cleanup are
described in  the  following  discussion  of  each  manufacturing

                 Storage, Shipping and Receiving

The  meat-type  raw  materials  and  virtually  all  the finished
products in a meat processing plant require refrigerated storage.
Some of the raw materials and finished products  are  frozen  and
require freezer storage.  The meat-type raw materials are brought
into  meat processing plants as carcasses, quarters, primal cuts,
and specific cuts or parts  that  are  packaged  in  boxes.   The
seasonings, spices and chemicals are usually purchased in the dry
form  and  are  stored  in  dry areas convenient to the sauce and
spice formulation area.

The meat processing plants of companies with nationwide sales and
plants located  throughout  the  country  also  use  the  storage
facilities  of meat processing plants as distribution centers for
products not manufactured at each plant.

The cleaning of freezers is always a dry process and only on rare
occasions would it generate a  waste  water  load.   Refrigerated
storage  space  does require daily wash down, particularly of the
floors, where juices and  particles  have  accumulated  from  the
materials stored in the refrigerated area.  The general policy of
the industry is to encourage dry cleaning of all floors including
storage  areas,  prior  to  the  final  washdown  of  the floors.
Frequently, actual practices does not include dry cleanup of  the
floors before washdown.

Shipping  and receiving always involve truck transportation.  The
primary source of waste material in this operation occurs in  the
transport of carcasses, quarters, and large cuts of meat from the
trucks  to  the  storage  area  within the meat processing plant.


Meat and fat particles falling from  the  raw  material  are  the
primary  source of waste material in this operation.   The receipt
and transport  of  other  raw  materials  and  finished  products
generate essentially now waste load.

                      Raw Material Thawing

The  frozen raw materials received by a meat processing plant are
handled in one of three different ways:

     1.   Wet thawing
     2.   Dry thawing
     3,   Chipping

Materials that are wet thawed are  submerged  in  tanks  or  vats
containing   warm  water  for  the  time  required  to  thaw  the
particular pieces of meat.  The  devices  used  for  wet  thawing
include  simple  carts  with  water  covering the meat, vats with
water flowing in and out with the exit temperature of  the  water
controlled  at  10°  to  16°C   (50° to 60°F) to avoid heating the
outer surfaces of the meat, and equipment where the  meat  pieces
are  suspended  in  a  tank of water and moved by some conveyance
through that tank for a time sufficient to thaw the meat.

Dry  thawing  involves  placing  the  frozen  meat  pieces  in  a
refrigerated  room  at  a temperature above freezing and allowing
sufficient time for the particular pieces of meat to fully thaw.

Chipping involves size-reduction  equipment  designed  to  handle
frozen  pieces  of  meat  and  to produce small particles of meat
which readily thaw and can be used directly in subsequent  mixing
or   grinding  operations.   This  type  of  thawing  is  usually
associated with the production of comminuted meat products.

Both wet and dry thawing generally are used when the entire piece
of meat, or a substantial  portion  of  it,  is  required  for  a
finished product, such as hams or bacon.

Wet  thawing  of  raw materials generates the largest quantity of
contaminated waste water.  The water used to thaw  the  materials
is  in  contact  with the meat and thereby extracts water-soluble
salts and accumulates particles of meat and fat.  The water  used
in  thawing  is  dumped into the sewer after thawing is complete.
The waste load generated in  dry  thawing  is  from  the  thawing
materials  dripping  on  the  floor and from the washing of these
drippings into the sewer.  The waste from the chipping of  frozen
meat  materials  includes the meat and fat particles remaining on
the chipping equipment and washed into the sewer during  cleanup.
Juices extruded from the meat product in the chipping process are
wasted to the sewer, although it is not a large waste load.

              Carcass/Meat Handling and Preparation

This  operation  includes  six  different  operations that may be
involved in handling and preparing meat materials for  subsequent
processing,  depending  on the processing plant.  Each of the six
operations is described separately.  All six  of  the  operations
are usually not required to produce a processed meat product.


Beef  is  frequently  received  by  meat  processors as halves or
quarters of a carcass.  Breaking involves the  cutting  of  these
half and quarter carcasses into more manageable sizes for further
handling  and  preparation  following  this operation.  The waste
load originates from the cutting and sawing  and  includes  small
meat and fat particles and relatively little liquid, all of which
fall to the floor and are washed into the sewer during cleanup.


The  removal  of excess or unwanted fat and of specific cuts from
larger pieces of meat is done in  the  trimming  operation.   The
unwanted  fat  trimmed  from meat products is usually disposed of
through rendering.  The materials for disposal are collected  and
stored  in  drums  which  are  picked up by Tenderers and trucked
away.  The waste load generated in trimming may be  greater  than
that  generated by the breaking operation.  The trimming requires
a greater number of cuts on a specific piece of  meat  to  obtain
the  required  quality  or  particular  cut  desired from the raw
material.  The waste water generated by  this  operation  results
from  the use of water by the personnel involved in the operation
during  the  operating  day  and  water  required  to  clean  the
equipment and floor of the trimming operation.


In  the  cutting  operation  the larger pieces of meat are cut or
sawed for  the  direct  marketing  of  the  smaller  sections  or
individual  cuts,  or for further processing in the production of
processed meat products.  The solid waste materials generated  in
cutting  are similar to those produced in trimming, plus the bone
dust from sawing the bones.   The  large  pieces  are  useful  in
sausages  or  canned meats or can be rendered for edible fats and
tallows.  The  waste  materials  from  the  equipment  and  floor
washdown  contribute  to  the  waste  load of the meat processing


Some raw materials are prepared for the consumer by  the  removal
of  internal  bones  prior to further processing in manufacturing

particular products such as  hams  and  Canadian  bacon.    Boning
might  also  be performed at the same location as trimming, prior
to the production of various meat cuts.   The  bones  removed  in
this  operation are disposed of through rendering channels.  Meat
and fat particles resulting  from  this  operation  are  normally
washed into the sewer of a meat processing plant.


The  processing  of  some  meat  products  has  been  found to be
enhanced by adjusting the temperature or moisture  content  prior
to  a specific processing step.  This is particularly true in the
production of bacon from pork bellies.  If the pork  bellies  are
to be skinned, tempering in a water-filled vat is frequently used
to  improve skin removal.  Hams and bacon are frequently tempered
following cooking and smoking by allowing sufficient holding time
in refrigerated storage for the desired  temperature  to  develop
within the particular product.  Some meat processors also find it
advantageous  to  allow  the  cooked  bacon slab to temper in the
refrigerated storage, following pressing and forming of the  slab
into  the  rectangular  shape used in the bacon-slicing machines.
The holding , of  essentially  finished  products  generates  very
little, if any, waste load.  However, the water-soaking tempering
technique employed prior to skinning pork bellies does generate a
waste  load comparable to that generated by wet thawing of frozen
meat materials by the direct  contact  of  water  with  the  meat
material and subsequent dumping of this water into the sewer.


The  removal  of  the  pork skin from a piece of meat can be done
either by machine or hand.  Skinning is most frequently  used  in
the  preparation of pork bellies for processing into bacon and in
ham production.  The common practice in the industry  is  to  use
machines  for  the  skinning process.  The skins that are removed
are disposed of through rendering channels.  Other products  that
require  skinning,  such  as  picnic  hams, are manually skinned,
frequently at the same time that the  raw  hams  are  boned.   In
either  type  of  skinning  operation, meat and fat particles are
generated and wasted by falling on the floor or by attachment  to
the  skinning equipment.  The subsequent cleanup would wash these
particles into the  sewer.   In  addition,  tempering  frequently
precedes  pork  belly  skinning  which  generates the waste water
stream described previously.

            Seasonings, Spices and Sauce Preparation

A wide variety of chemicals is used by meat processing to improve
product  characteristics  including  taste,  coloring,   texture,
appearance, shelflife, and other characteristics important to the
industry.   These  chemicals include salt, sugar, sodium nitrate,
sodium nitrite, sodium erythrobate,  ascorbic  acid,  and  spices

such  as  pepper,  mustard,  and paprika.  Other common materials
added in the preparation of processed meat products  include  dry
milk solids, corn syrup, and water, either as a liquid or as ice.

Other  than  water,  most  of these materials are solids, and are
handled in the solid state.  The  product  formulations  for  the
various  finished  products produced by a meat processor call for
the specific quantities of chemicals and seasonings.   These  are
preweighed  and  prepared  for  use  in a specific batch in a dry
spice preparation area. These spices and  chemicals  are  weighed
into  containers  and  added to batches in the grinding or mixing
operation.  Very little waste of either a dry or  wet  nature  is
generated  by  the  specific  operation  of  seasoning  and spice
formulation.  Sauces are prepared for use in canned meat products
particularly. Sauces are wet mixtures of seasonings, spices,  and
other  additives  described  above,  as well as meat extracts and
juices, and  are  used  to  prepare  a  gravy  type  of  product.
Typically,  the  meat  materials  are  mixed  into  the  sauce in
preparing a finished product mixture; thus, large kettles or vats
are involved in preparing the sauce and mixing the meat and sauce
to prepare the final product.  Significant  quantities  of  waste
are  generated  in  the preparation and handling of sauces and in
cleaning of kettles.  The residual materials are  washed  out  of
the  kettles directly into the sewer and contribute significantly
to the raw waste load of a meat processor that prepares a  canned
meat product.

                      Weighing and Batching

The   meat  processing  industry  uses  batch-type  manufacturing
operations in all  but  a  few  instances.   The  formulation  or
specification of type and quantity of materials that go into each
unit  of  production,  or  batch,  are  controlled  according  to
specifications established  by  the  individual  meat  processing
companies   in  accordance  with  government  standards  for  the
finished product. The quantity of lean and fat raw materials that
go into each batch are weighed and placed in portable tubs.   The
portable  tubs  of  weighed  raw  material  are  identified for a
specific product and moved to the next manufacturing operation.

The weighing and batching area is frequently located  in  one  of
the  refrigerated  raw  material  storage  areas.   The operation
involves  a  considerable  amount  of  manual  handling  of  meat
products  and pieces of trim fat.  Liquids, including meat juices
and water, frequently drip from the raw materials onto the  floor
of  the  batching  area.  Particles also drop off in the handling
process.  The tubs that are used to hold the  raw  materials  and
the  batches  of raw material contain liquids and solids that are
wasted  to  the  sewer  after  batches  have  been  dumped   into
subsequent processing equipment.

Cleanup  of  the  tubs  and  handling equipment is carried out as
needed during the production period, and at least once a day.

                Grinding, Mixing and Emulsifying

All processed meat products that are not marketed as cuts  or  as
specific items such as bacon or ham, or used in large pieces, are
processed  at  least  through  a grinding step in manufacturing a
finished product.  Grinding is the first  step  in  reducing  the
size  of  meat pieces for use as a processed meat product such as
hamburger, or in preparation for  further  mixing,  blending,  or
additional size reduction.  Grinders are frequently equipped with
plates  through which meat is forced or extruded.  Grinder plates
with holes measuring 1/8 to 3/8  are  in  most  common  use.   In
addition  to  size  reduction,  grinding equipment may be used to
prepare a mixture of various ingredients such  as  meat  products
from  different types of animals or lean and fatty meat products.
The particle size  of  the  meat  ingredients  in  a  product  is
critical.  Larger particle size is required in hamburger or fresh
pork  sausage  products.   A  slightly  smaller  particle size is
required in manufacturing  dry  or  semi-dry  sausages.   Various
sausages, including wieners and some luncheon meats, are prepared
by  a  substantial size reduction or comminution of the meaty raw
materials.  These products involve a stable  sausage  emulsion—a
suspension  and  uniform  dispersion  of fat droplets or globules
throughout a mixture so that the mixture takes on  a  homogeneous

Equipment is available to the meat processor that blends or mixes
the various ingredients, including the meat materials, to produce
stable  emulsions.   One type of equipment—the "silent cutter"—
involves the use of numerous knife  blades  spinning  at  a  high
velocity  to  reduce  the  particle  size and to produce a stable
emulsion.  The  other  type  of  equipment  used  to  produce  an
emulsion  has  the  appearance  of  a  common type of dry blender
comparable to the ribbon blender.

Control of the type  of  raw  materials  used,  the  sequence  of
addition,  the  time  and  intensity  of  grinding,  blending, or
emulsifying are all critical  to  the  quality  of  the  finished
product.  Some movement of materials is usually involved in these
operations  because  the stepwise processing is required for each
batch.  This movement is  accomplished  by  pumping  or  manually
using portable containers.

Solid  waste  materials  are  generated  from these operations by
spillage in handling and movement of materials and in cleanup and
preparation of equipment for different types of products.

These manufacturing operations are among the  major  contributors
to  the  waste  load  in  a  meat processing plant as a result of
equipment cleanup.   Since  the  processing  step  involves  size
reduction  of  lean  and  fatty  materials and the preparation of
stable mixtures of meat and other  ingredients,  these  materials
tend   to  coat  equipment  surfaces  and  collect  in  crevices,
recesses, and dead spaces in equipment.  All of  these  materials
are  removed  in  cleanup  and washed into the sewer.  This is in


contrast to larger size particles that can be readily dry-cleaned
off a floor prior to washdown and thereby reduce  the  raw  waste
load  in  the waste water stream.  Any piece of equipment that is
used in any of these operations is  cleaned  at  least  once  per
processing  day and may be rinsed off periodically throughout the
day, thereby generating a fairly substantial  quantity  of  waste
water and contributing to the raw waste load.

                 Extrusion, Stuffing and Molding

Following  the  preparation  of  a  stable emulsion or mixture of
ingredients for a processed  meat  product  such  as  wieners  or
sausage,  the mixture is again transported either by pump or in a
container to a manufacturing operation  where  the  mixtures  are
formed  or molded into the finished product.  Sausage casings and
stainless steel molds are commonly used  as  containers  in  this
operation.  Either natural casings, which are the intestines from
some  types of animals, or synthetic casings, which are only used
in the formation of the products and then are peeled and disposed
of before the product goes  to  the  consumer,  may  be  used  in
producing  sausages  and  wieners  and  in some kinds of luncheon
meats.  The stainless steel  molds  are  most  commonly  used  to
prepare  the  square shape characteristic of some of the luncheon

In the casing, stuffing, or  mold  filling  operation  a  product
mixture  is placed in a piece of equipment from which the product
mixture is either forced by air pressure or is  pumped  into  the
container  to  form  a  uniform  and  completely filled container
resembling the shape of the finished product.

Water is used to prepare the  natural  casings  for  use  in  the
stuffing  operation and the stainless steel molds are cleaned and
sterilized after every use.  The primary source of waste load and
waste water occurs in the cleanup of the equipment used  in  this
operation.   As in the previous operation, the residual emulsions
and mixtures contribute significantly to the waste  load  because
of  their  propensity to stick to most surfaces that they come in
contact with and to fill crevices and voids.  All equipment  used
in  this  operation  is  broken  down  at  least once a day for a
thorough cleaning.   This  cleanup  is  designed  to  remove  all
remnants  of  the  mixtures  handled  by  the  equipment and this
material is washed with the waste water into the  sewer,  thereby
contributing to the waste load.

Some  spillage  of  material  occurs in this operation.  Spillage
occurs during the transport of the  material  from  grinding  and
emulsifying  to  the extrusion operation, and particularly in the
extrusion or stuffing operation when the material being  extruded
exceeds the capacity of the container and overflows.


This  manufacturing operation is simply the formation of links or
specific sized lengths of product in a casing.   This is  done  by
twisting  or  pinching  the  casing at the desired length for the
specific finished product, either mechanically  or  manually.   A
small  stream  of  water is used to lubricate the casing to avoid
breakage or splitting.  When the full length of each  casing  has
been  linked,  the  product  is  hung  on a rail hanger, called a
"tree," in  preparation  for  the  next  manufacturing  operation
(usually cooking and smoking).

Unless  a casing splits or breaks, there should be no significant
amount of raw waste load  contributed  by  this  operation.   The
equipment  that  is  used  is  thoroughly  washed after use.  The
hangers which hold the products through the cooking  and  smoking
step  become  coated with greasy substances, which are washed off
and into the sewer after  each  use.   In  addition,  a  standard
maintenance  practice  is to coat the hangers with a thin film of
edible oil to protect them from rusting.  This oil is  ultimately
washed  off either in the over showering or in the washing of the
hangers following each use.  Some of the  larger  operations  use
automated spray cabinets for "tree" washing.

                  Pickle Application/Injection

A  pickle  or  caring  solution  is  prepared  with sugar, sodium
nitrite, sodium nitrate, and salt  as  the  main  ingredients  in
water.   The  pickle  solution  preparation  area  frequently  is
separated physically within the plant from the  actual  point  of
use.   There are various types of injection used to introduce the
pickle solution into the interior  of  a  meat  product.   Pickle
solution  may  also  be  applied by holding the meat product in a
curing brine for an adequate length of time for the pickle to  be
absorbed.   Or  the pickle may be injected or pumped into hams or
similar products by introduction of the brine through  an  artery
or  the  vascular system if it is relatively intact.  The product
may be injected through numerous needles which penetrate the  ham
over  a large area.  Hams, for example, are usually pumped to 110
or 120 percent of their green weight  or  starting  weight.   The
injection  may  also be done on both sides to assure thorough and
uniform pickling.  Following the pickle injection or application,
it is common practice  to  store  the  product  in  tubs  with  a
covering of pickle solution for some time.

Pickling   solutions   are   high  in  sugar  and  salt  content,
particularly the latter.  The large amount of  spillage  in  this
operation  comes  from  runoff  from  the  pickle injection, from
pickle oozing out of the meat after injection,  from  dumping  of
cover  pickle,  and  from  dumping  of  residual  pickle from the
injection machine at  the  end  of  each  operating  day.   These
practices  contribute  substantially to the waste water and waste
load from a meat processing plant.  Many of  the  ingredients  of
pickle   solutions   represent   pollutional   material  in  high

concentrations and add significantly to the raw waste  load  from
the  pickle  operation.   Cleanup of the tubs or vats holding the
product in brine solutions and cleanup of  the  pickle  injection
machines  is required at least once per day, or after each use in
the case of the vats.  This generates additional waste  load  and
waste water from a meat processing plant.

                  Cooking, Smoking, and Cooling

Most  of  the  meat  products  are cooked as part of the standard
manufacturing  procedure.   Notable  exceptions  are  fresh  pork
sausage,  bratwurst,  and bockwurst.  The processed meat products
may  be  cooked  with  moist  or  dry  heat.   Cooking   sausages
coagulates  the protein and reduces the moisture content, thereby
firming up the product  and  fixing  the  desired  color  of  the
finished  product.   Large  walk-in  ovens  or smokehouses are in
general use  throughout  the  industry.   These  smokehouses  are
equipped  with  temperature  controls,  humidity  controls, water
showers, and with the  facility  to  provide  smoke  for  smoking

The  smoking  of  meat products gives the finished meat product a
characteristic and desirable  flavor  and  also  some  protection
against oxidation and an inhibiting effect on bacterial growth in
the  finished  product.   Smoke is most commonly generated from a
hardwood sawdust or small-size wood  chip.   Smoke  is  generated
outside  the  oven  and  is  carried  to  the oven and introduced
through duct work.  A small stream of water is used to quench the
burned hardwood sawdust before dumping the sawdust to waste.  The
most  common  operation  is  to  overflow  the  water  from  this
quenching  section  and  to  waste the water into the sewer.  One
plant slurried the char from the smoke generator, piped it  to  a
static screen for separation of the char from the water, and then
wasted the water.

The  actual cooking operation generates waste water when steam or
hot water is used as the  cooking  medium,  such  as  in  cooking
luncheon meats in stainless steel molds.

The  steam  condensate and hot water are wasted to the sewer from
the cooking equipment.  It is standard  practice  to  shower  the
finished  product  immediately after cooking to cool the product.
This also generates a waste water stream containing a waste  load
primarily of grease.

Cleanup  of  the  cooking ovens is not done every day, but at the
discretion of the plant management.  The typical practice  is  to
clean  each  oven  and  the ductwork for the heated air and smoke
circulation at least once a week.  This cleaning includes the use
of highly caustic cleaning solutions to cut grease  and  deposits
from  the  smoking  operation  that  are  deposited on the walls,
ceiling, and ductwork in the ovens.  The  effluent  from  such  a
cleaning  operation  is  noticeably  dark colored.  This color is
thought to be the result  of  creosote-type  deposits  and  fatty


acids  from  the  smoke.   The other waste load generated in oven
cleanup is the grease from the walls and  floors  resulting  from
cooking the various products.

In  total  quantity,  the waste load and waste water generated in
this cleanup is not particularly significant.   However, there  is
the  noticeable coloration of the waste water during cleanup and,
depending on the extent of the use of caustic, an increase in the
pH of the waste water.

Processed meat products are cooled in different  ways,  depending
on  the  type  of  product.  Sausage products may be cooled while
still in the oven or smokehouse with a spray  of  cold  water  or
brine  solution.   Or they may be cooled in the aisle immediately
outside the smokehouse, to save heat and  increase  productivity.
The  brine  solution is used to achieve a lower spray temperature
and thereby a more rapid cooling of the product.   The  brine  is
recirculated until it is judged to be excessively contaminated to
permit  efficient  use,  at  which point it is usually discharged
into the sewer.

Hams and bacon products are not exposed to water, but instead are
moved quickly from the smokehouse to a refrigerated room  with  a
very   low   temperature   (-35°C)  and  higher  than  normal  air
circulation to achieve rapid cool-down.  The hams and  bacon  may
drip  a  small  quantity of juice or grease onto the floor of the
cold room before the surface temperature of the product reaches a
point which precludes any further dripping.  Cleanup of the floor
results in wasting of these drippings into the sewer.

Canned meat products and products  prepared  in  stainless  steel
molds  are usually cooled by submersion in cold water.  The water
is usually contained in a tank or raceway where it may be flowing
at a very low speed in a direction countercurrent to the movement
of the cans or molds.  Depending on the type of installation  and
product,  it was found that the water used in cooling need not be
dumped, and in fact can be continually recirculated with  only  a
nominal amount of blow-down to remove accumulated solids, just as
would  be  done  in  operating  a  boiler.   In other situations,
usually where  smaller  quantities  of  water  are  involved  and
luncheon  meat  molds  are being cooled, the water is dumped more
frequently:  up to once a day.  This dumping is necessary because
the seal on the molds is not tight enough to prevent  leakage  of
juices and grease to the exterior of the molds.

The  only  cleanup  of  cooling  equipment which would generate a
waste load is that from cleanup of the floors in the  cold  rooms
where  hams  and  bacon  are cooled.  This load would be small in
comparison to others from the plants.

                         Casing Peeling

Synthetic casings made from a plastic material are  used  in  the
production  of  a  large number of wieners in the meat processing

industry.  These casings are not edible  and  therefore  must  be
removed  from the wieners after cooking and cooling, but prior to
packaging for  sale  to  the  consumer.   The  peeling  equipment
includes  a  sharp knife which slits the casing material, a small
spray of steam to part the casing from the finished wiener, and a
mechanism to peel  the  casing  away  from  the  wiener.   Casing
material  is  solid waste that results from this operation; it is
collected and disposed of as  part  of  the  plant  refuse.   The
slitting  mechanism  will  occasionally  penetrate  the wiener in
addition to the casing and cut the wiener, rendering  it  useless
as  a  finished product.  However, these pieces of wiener are not
wasted but are used in other products prepared in the plant.  The
steam used in the casing peeling results in a small water  stream
from  this  operation,  but  it  is  so  small  it  is of no real

The equipment is cleaned at the end of every processing  day  and
may  contribute  a  small  quantity  of waste load as a result of
wiener particles that may be attached to  various  parts  of  the
mechanism  and  are  subsequently  washed  into  the sewer during
cleanup.  The volume  of  waste  water  and  the  waste  load  is
relatively insignificant in comparison with other waste sources.

                      Product Holding/Aging

Some  processed meat products require holding or aging as part of
their production process.  Hams, dry sausage and some  bacon  are
examples  of  products  that  require  intermediate  or  finished
holding periods before the product is shipped  out  of  the  meat
processing  plant.  The holding operation requires space and some
means of storing the particular meat product in the holding area.
These  holding  areas  are  refrigerated   and   some   drippings
accumulate  on  the  floor.   This  floor area, as with the other
processing floors, is cleaned once  every  processing  day.   The
quantity  of  waste  water and the waste load from the cleanup of
these holding areas is minimal  in  comparison  with  many  other
sources within the meat processing plants.

                   Bacon Pressing and Slicing

After the bacon has been cooked, smoked, cooled, and held for the
required  time,  two  processing  steps  are  required before the
product is ready for packaging.  Bacon  slabs  are  irregular  in
shape  after  cooking,  smoking  and  cooling,  and bacon slicing
equipment is designed to handle a slab with a fairly  rectangular
shape.   This  facilitates  the production of the typical uniform
bacon slice expected by the consumer.  The bacon slabs are placed
in a molding  press  which  forms  the  slabs  into  the  desired
rectangular shape.

Two  different  slicing procedures are used within the processing
industry after the  slabs  have  been  pressed  into  rectangular
shapes.   some  plants  slice  the  bacon slabs immediately after
pressing.  Others prefer to return the molded bacon  slabs  to  a

refrigerated  holding  area  to  allow the temperature within the
slab to cool down.   Each approach is successful and  the  method
actually used appears to depend only on individual preference for
a given operation.

Bacon  slicing  is  usually a high-speed operation in which slabs
are rapidly cut, the strips of bacon placed  on  a  cardboard  or
similar  receptacle  to  a  specified weight, and then fed onto a
conveying system which delivers the bacon to packaging.

There is little waste generated in  bacon  pressing  and  slicing
except  for  random  pieces of bacon which may fall on the floor.
These pieces are of sufficient size to be readily  picked  up  in
dry  cleaning  the  floors  before  washdown.   The  equipment is
cleaned at the end of  every  processing  day.   There  are  some
particles  as well as a fairly complete covering of grease on all
parts of the equipment that come in contact with the bacon slabs.
All of this is washed off in the cleanup operation.  The quantity
of waste water generated in cleaaup and the waste load from  this
cleanup is again relatively small in comparison to other sources.

             Can Preparation, Filling, and Covering

The  containers  used  to  hold  the canned meat products must be
prepared before filling and covering.  The  cans  are  thoroughly
cleaned  and  sterilized.   The wet cans are transported from the
preparation area to the processing area for filling and covering.
Water is present "all along the  can  lines  from  preparation  to
filling and covering.  The cans go through one last steaming just
before entering the can filling machine.

Can  filling  is  a  highly  mechanized high-speed operation.  It
requires the moving of the meat product to the canning  equipment
and  the  delivery  of  that  product into a container.  The high
speed and the design of the equipment results in  an  appreciable
amount of spillage of the meat product as the cans are filled and
conveyed to the covering equipment.  At the can covering station,
a small amount of steam is introduced under the cover just before
the  cover  is  sealed  to create a vacuum within the can when it
cools. This steam use also generates  a  quantity  of  condensate
which  drains  off  the  cans  and equipment onto the floor.  The
operation of the filling and  covering  equipment  results  in  a
substantial  quantity  of  waste  water containing product spills
that is wasted to the sewer.  Canning plants that have more  than
one  filling  and  covering  line  will have a waste load that is
roughly proportional to the number of such lines in use.

All of the equipment is washed at least once per day at  the  end
of the processing period.  If a can filling machine is to be used
for different products during the day, it will usually be cleaned
between  product  runs.  Meat products are frequently canned with
gravy-type sauces, or the meat product itself has been comminuted
to a small particle size and mixed to produce a flowable mixture.
This type of canned product results in greater  contamination  of
equipment  wash  water  because  of  the  tendency of the product

mixture to coat surfaces it comes in contact with and to fill all
dead spaces and crevices in  the  equipment.   The  equipment  is
highly  mechanized  with  many moving parts and is designed to be
cleaned intact rather than being dismantled first, as is grinding
and mixing equipment.  Cleaning the equipment while it is  intact
requires a high velocity water stream or steam to remove all food
particles   from   the  equipment.   The  tendency  of  operating
personnel is to use greater quantities of water than necessary to
clean the equipment.  This results in large quantities  of  waste
water with substantial waste loads from canning operations.

The  equipment  used  in transporting the meat product to the can
filling equipment also must be cleaned after it has been used  on
a  specific  product,  and it is always cleaned at the end of the
processing day.  This equipment is usually broken down,  and  the
product  characteristics that contribute to large waste loads, as
described above, also generate large waste loads  in  cleanup  of
the transport equipment as well.

Some  ham  products  are canned by manually placing ham pieces in
cans.  Manpower is used in place of mechanical equipment  because
the  pieces  are  random  sized  and the packer desires to have a
full, uniform appearance for the canned product.  A small  amount
of  gelatin  is  added to the canned product to fill out the dead
space and to provide moisture to the  product.   Waste  generated
from  this  type of operation probably is somewhat less than from
high-speed canning equipment.


The  pressurized  cooking  of  canned  meat  products  is  called
retorting.   The purpose of this operation is to destroy bacteria
in the canned product inside the  can  and  thus  to  extend  the
shelf-life  of  the  product.   Live steam is used as the heating
medium in retorting, and it is common practice to bleed  or  vent
steam from the retort vessels.  Virtually no waste water or waste
load  is  generated  by the retorting operation unless a can in a
particular batch should accidentally open and spill the  contents
of  that  can  into  the retort; this requires the wasting of the
contents of that can and the cleanup of the retort vessel.   This
rarely  happens,  and  the  retort vessels, as a matter of normal
practice, are not cleaned.  The  cans  that  are  placed  in  the
retort vessels are normally free of any potential source of waste

A  variety of packaging techniques is used in the meat processing
industry.   These  techniques  include   the   standard   treated
cardboard  package,  the  Cry-O-Vac  type  of package, the bubble
enclosure type  packages  used  for  sliced  luncheon  meats  and
wieners,  and  the  boxing  of  smaller  containers  or pieces of
finished product for shipment.  In some techniques of packaging a

substantial amount of product handling  is  involved.    This  may
result  in some wasted finished product.  However the size of the
pieces of wasted finished product are such that there  is  little
reason  for  it to be wasted to the sewer.  Instead, it should be
returned for subsequent  use  in  another  processed  product  or
directed to a rendering channel.

Cleanup  of the equipment would be the only time when water would
be generated by the packaging  operation.   Small  quantities  of
water  are adequate for cleanup of this equipment, and only small
quantities  of  waste  would  be  generated  in  cleanup  of  the
packaging equipment.

                       Materials Recovery

The  waste  water  from  a plant usually runs first through catch
basins or grease traps, or occasionally,  flotation  units.   The
primary  purpose  of  these  systems  is  usually the recovery of
grease, which goes into inedible rendering.  The  very  important
function  of  removal  of  pollutants  is  also  served.   Grease
recovery most often has  been  the  controlling  factor,  so  the
systems  may  be  considered  part of the manufacturing operation
rather than a stage in pollution abatement.  The most widely used
method of solids recovery uses a catch basin.  Solids  settle  to
the  bottom  and are removed continuously or periodically; grease
floats to the top  and  is  scraped  off,  continuously  in  some
plants.  For effective recovery, these units usually have greater
than  a  30-minute  detention  time  and are designed to minimize

The best grease recovery is accomplished by using  dissolved  air
flotation  in  a  tank.   The  tanks  are usually large enough to
retain the liquid between twenty minutes and  an  hour.   Air  is
injected  into  a  portion of recycled effluent or it is injected
into the total waste water stream before it enters the tank.  The
liquid is pressurized to "supersaturate" it with air.  The liquid
then enters the tank where air bubbles  coming  out  of  solution
rise  to  the  surface, carrying grease particles with them.  The
grease is removed by skimmers.  While the tanks are not  designed
for  the most effective removal of settleable solids, some solids
settle to the bottom and are scraped into a pit and  pumped  out.
In  some  cases, flotation is added to other recovery systems for
the primary purpose of pollution abatement.

In addition to these recovery systems, some plants  also  recover
solids  from  the waste water, before entering the grease removal
system, by using self-cleaning screens, either static, vibrating,
or rotating.  The solids that  are  recovered,  as  well  as  the
solids from the catch basin, are directed to rendering channels.


The  U.S.  Office  of  Management  and  the  Budget  in  Standard
Industrial Classification Manual  classifies  the  meat  products
industry  under  Standard  Industrial  Classification (SIC) group
code number 201 (Major Group 20) .  The meat processing plants are
classified as Industry No.  2013, which is defined as:

          "Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing
          sausages, cured meats, smoked meats, canned meats,
          frozen meats, natural sausage casings, and other
          prepared meats and meat specialties, from purchased
          carcasses and other materials.  Sausage kitchens and
          other prepared meat plants operated by packing houses
          as separate establishments also are included in this

          Bacon, side and sliced:  mfpm*
          Beef, dried:  mfpm
          Bologna:  mfpm
          Boneless meat:  mfpm

          Calf's foot jelly
          Canned meats, except baby foods:  mfpm
          Casings, sausage:  natural
          Corned beef
          Corned meats:  mfpm
          Cured meats:  brined, dried, and salted:  mfpm
          Dried meats:  mfpm
          Frankfurters, canned or not canned:  mfpm
          Hams:  boiled, boneless, roasted, and smoked:  mfpm
          Hams, canned:  mfpm
          Head cheese:  mfpm
          Lard:  mfpm
          Luncheon meats, canned
          Meat extracts:  mfpm
          Meat products:  cooked, cured, frozen, smoked, spiced and
                          boneless:  mfpm
          Pastrami:  mfpm
          Pigs' feet, cooked and pickled:  mfpm
          Pork:  pickled, cured, salted, or smoked:  mfpm
          Potted meats
          Puddings, meat:  mfpm
          Roast beef
          Sandwich spreads, meat:  mfpm
          Sausage casings, natural
          Sausages:  mfpm
          S cr appl e:  m fpm
          Smoked meats:  mfpm
          Spreads, sandwich:  meat:  mfpm
          Tripe:  mfpm
          Vienna sausage, canned or not canned

*mfpm:  Made from purchased materials or materials transferred from
        another establishment.


Shipments of meat processing products in 1972 were $4 billion and
are expected to rise by about twenty percent to $U.8  billion  in
1973.   The  U.S.  Industrial  Outlook:   1974 estimates that the
typical growth rate of 6 to 8 percent per year will be  sustained
through 1980 for American producers.

Factors  that  should  contribute  to growth can be distinguished
from  those  that  act  to  restrain  this  growth.   A   growing
population  and  rising  family incomes will continue to maintain
consumer demand for meat products.  Historically, as  incomes  of
American families have grown, they have substituted higher priced
food  products  such as meats and convenience foods for the bread
and potatoes in their diets.  Demand for beef, for  example,  has
continued  to grow on a per capita basis as well as in total.  In
1972 the average American consumed 115 pounds of beef, which  was
two  pounds  more  than  in 1971.  And, of importance to the meat
processing  industry,  are  the  larger  quantities  of  portion-
controlled  meats being processed in response to demands by fast-
food outlets, hotels, restaurants, and other institutions.

The primary restraint to continuing growth of the processed  meat
industry  is  high  prices.  The availability of meat substitutes
and their use in meat  products  may  have  some  effect  on  the
industry.   However,  the  direction and degree of that effect is
largely indeterminant at this time and no projections  have  been
made to predict.this impact.


                           SECTION IV

                     INDUSTRY CATEGORIZATION


In  developing  effluent  limitations guidelines and standards of
performance for the meat processing industry, a judgment was made
as to whether  limitations  and  standards  are  appropriate  for
different  segments  (subcategories)   within  the  industry.   To
identify any  such  subcategories,  the  following  factors  were

     o     Waste water characteristics and treatability

     o     Finished product mix

     o     Manufacturing operations

     o     Raw materials

     o     Age and location of production facilities

     o     Plant size.

After considering all of these factors, it was concluded that the
meat  processing  industry  consists  of two major groups:  Small
Processors and Large Processors.

A small processor is a meat processing plant that produces up  to
2730  kg  (6000 Ib) per day of any type or combination of finished
processed meat products  (finished  products  as  defined  in  the
listing in the previous Section.

A  large  processor is a meat processing plant that produces more
than 2730 kg  (6000 Ib) per day of processed meat  products.   The
large  processors  group is further subdivided into the following
four subcategories:

     1.   Meat cutter—a large processor that produces only fresh
          meat cuts as its finished product;

     2-   Sausage and luncheon meat processor—a large processor
          that produces any mix of finished products except hams
          and canned meat products;

     3.   Ham processor—-a large processor that produces any mix
          of finished products, including hams, but no canned
          meat products; this subcategory also includes those
          plants that produce only hams;

     4.   Canned meats—a large processor that produces any mix
          of finished products that includes canned meat products;
          this subcategory also includes those plants that produce
          only canned meat products.

Canned  pet  foods  are  not  included  in  the  meat  processing
industry.   Also,  it  should  be  noted  that the term "finished
products" refers to the listing  of  such  products  provided  in
Section   III   under  the  heading.  Production  Classification.
Relevant exclusions from this list for any given subcategory  are
provided  in  the  definitions  above.   Thus, for example, a ham
processor  must  accomplish  some  degree  of  cured/smoked   ham
production,   perhaps  entirely  producing  hams,  but  may  also
accomplish  some  meat  cutting,   sausage   or   luncheon   meat
processing,  smoked  meat processing, etc., but will carry out no
canning of meats.   On  the  other  hand,  small  processors  may
produce  any  one,  or  combination  of  products listed, but are
separated on the basis of daily production level.   With  respect
to the meat cutter subcategory it should be explained that thrust
of  the  designation is to isolate those operations which perform
the function of cutting whole or partial beef,  sheep,  or  swine
carcasses  into  steaks,  roasts, boned meats, portion cuts, etc.
All plants in this subcategory surveyed in  this  study  consider
themselves   "meat   cutters"   as  opposed  to  retail/wholesale
distributors (urban meat distributors, grocery warehouses,  etc.)
which   carry  out  the  same  functions.   Nevertheless,  as  an
industrial  "point  source"  some  overlap  between  cutters  and
distributors  may  occur (particularly in ultimate disposition of
products to institutional restaurant or hotel volume  buyers)  in
which case specific functions must be evaluated.  Grocery stores,
for example are not affected.

The   differences   between   the   five  subcategories  and  the
relationships between them are shown schematically in  Figure  5.
The  initial  division of the industry is based on size, with the
dividing point set at a production rate of 2730 kg (6000 Ib)  per
day  of  finished  products.   Product mix varies within both the
small and the large processing groups.  However, the  differences
in   product   mix   coupled  with  differences  in  waste  water
characteristics take on significance in  relation  to  raw  waste
loads  only  in the large processing plants.  Therefore, the four
subcategories based on product mix are established  only  in  the
large   processor   group.    The   critical   finished   product
distinctions are as indicated.

In summary,  the  designated  subcategories  have  been  given  a
nomenclature  and definition to convey a "primary characteristic"
of plants in any  given  group.   There  is  flexibility  in  the
definitions   to   account   for   intra-subcategory  differences
associated   with   the    variety    of    possible
Notwithstanding   this   flexibility,  there  is  no
available to indicate any significant excursion by a given
beyond the bounds of the chosen subcategorization.

         <  2730 Kg/day
         SUBCATEGORY 2
         MEAT CUTS, ONLY
         NO  OTHER
                                     MEAT PROCESSING
                                               LARGE PROCESSOR
                                               >  2730 Kg/day
                   SUBCATEGORY 3
                   SAUSAGE AND
                   LUNCHEON MEATS
                   NO HAMS  OR
                   CANNED MEATS
                      Figure 5.  Subcategories in the Meat Processing Industry


          Waste Water Characteristics and Treatability

Industrial  practices  within  the  meat  processing industry are
diverse and produce variable waste  loads.   It  is  possible  to
develop  a  rational  division  of  the industry, however, on the
basis of factors  which  group  plants  with  similar  raw  waste
characteristics.    The   waste   water  characteristic  used  in
characterizing the categories of this industry segment  is  five-
day  biochemical  oxygen demand (BOD5) in units per 1000 units of
finished  product:   kg  BOD^/kkg  finished  product   (FP)    (Ib
BOD5/1000  Ib  FP).  BOD5 provides the best measure of waste load
pollution parameters measured, and more  data  are  available  on
BODS  than  for  all  other  parameters  except suspended solids.
Suspended solids  data  serve  to  substantiate  the  conclusions
developed from BOD5, in characterizing the industry subcategories.

As  explained  below,  the derivation of the subcategories,  using
BOD5 as the common measure,  evolved  on  the  basis  of  readily
discernible  groupings  by  plant  size,  finished  product,  and
manufacturing  process.   The  factors  of  age  of  plant,    raw
materials,  and  plant  location  seemed  to  verify the selected
subcategories.   The  major  plant  waste  load  is  organic  and
biodegradable:   BOD5, which is a measure of biodegradability, is
the best measure of the load entering the waste stream  from  the
plant.  Furthermore, because biological waste treatment processes
are used, BOD5 also provides a useful measure of the treatability
of  the  waste  and  the  effectiveness of the treatment process.
Chemical oxygen demand (COD)  measures total organic  content  and
part of the inorganic content of the waste stream.  COD is a good
indicator  of  change in oxygen demand in treatment, but does not
relate directly to biodegradation, and thus does not indicate the
oxygen demand on a biological treatment process or on a stream.

As developed in more detail in Section  V,  specific  differences
exist in the BOD5> load of the raw wastes for five distinct groups
of  meat  processing  operations.   As defined above, these groups
are substantiated as subcategories on the basis  of  waste  load.
Table  1  presents  a  summary of average production, waste water
volume, and BOD5 load for each subcategory.

A number of additional parameters were  also  considered.   Among
these  were  nitrites  and  nitrates, Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia,
total dissolved solids, chlorides, and phosphorus.  In each case,
data were insufficient to justify categorization on the basis  of
these  specified parameters;  on the other hand, the data on these
parameters helped to verify judgments based upon BOD5.

Judging from secondary waste treatment  effectiveness  and  final
effluent  loading data for this industry and the similar but more
extensive data on the meat packing  industry,  waste  water  from
plants  throughout the industry contain the same constituents and
are  amenable  to  the  same  kinds   of   biological   treatment

technologies.  It was anticipated that geographical location, and
hence climate, might affect the treatability of the waste to some
degree.    Climate   will  occasionally  influence  the  kind  of
biological waste treatment  used,  but  has  not  influenced  the
ultimate   treatability  of  the  waste  or  potential  treatment
effectiveness, with the appropriate operation and maintenance.

The small processor generates, on the  average,  a  significantly
smaller  quantity  of  waste  water,  both  in absolute terms and
normalized on the basis of volume of waste water per  1000  units
of  finished  product,  in  comparison with most of the industry.
The average waste water from 40 plants  in  the  small  processor
subcategory  is  3335  liters  per  kkg (400 gal. per 1000 Ib) of
finished product.  The  total  waste  water  quantity  represents
about 8.0 percent of the cut meats category average and about 0.7
percent  of  the  next  lowest subcategory, ham processors.  This
results in a unique capability to treat waste water for the small
processor, which is confirmed in actual  practice  by  plants  in
that  subcategory.   Among  the 85 small processing plants in the
North Star survey, all ten that treat their own waste water  have
achieved  no  discharge  of waste water through the use of septic
tanks and subsoil seepage systems.  The other 75 plants discharge
their waste water to municipal sewer systems.

                      Finished Product Mix

The finished product mix of large meat processing plants provides
an important basis for subcategorization and fully  substantiates
the  BOD  characteristic  of  the  waste  water  discussed above.
Analysis of product mix variation and its  effect  on  the  waste
load  of  small processors confirms the decision to have a single
subcategory for small processors.

The cause and effect relationship  between  raw  waste  load,  as
measured primarily by BOD£, and product mix is more apparent than
that   between  raw  waste  load  and  manufacturing  operations.
However, the rationalization  of  product  mix  as  a  factor  in
subcategorization  rests  on  the  differences  in  manufacturing
operations used to produce  a  given  product  mix.   It  is  the
manufacturing  process or discrete grouping of processes required
to produce a specific product(s) that  generates  a  typical  raw
waste  load for a specific subcategory that differs significantly
from that for  another  subcategory.   But  the  distinction  and
definition  of  the  subcategories  is  valid  and  more  clearly
understood when expressed on the basis of product mix.   Table  2
presents   data  on  the  distribution  of  the  raw  waste  load
frequencies for each subcategory.   Statistical  tests  of  these
distributions   further  validate  the  proposed  categorization.
Tests of statistical significance, including the "t" test on  the
difference  of the means of the raw waste load of the sausage and
luncheon meat processors and of ham processors, and a chi  square
computation on the raw waste load distributions yields confidence
levels greater than 95 percent that the subject subcategories are
indeed  different  and distinct.  In addition, one of the two ham

processing plants at the unusually  low  BOD^  loading  for  that
subcategory   can   be  explained  by  the  meticulous  operating
practices used in that plant.

There are few large processors that produce only meat  cuts.   In
our  sample  of  six  plants,  three  plants  average  116,000 kg
 (225,000 Ib) of production per day and the  other  three  average
8200   kg    (18,000  Ib)  per  day.   Thus,  if  this  sample  is
representative, plants in this subcategory tend to be very  large
or  very  small.  However, the waste water flow from these plants
is uniformly low, averaging about 37,850 liters (10,000  gallons)
per  day;  and the raw waste load, reported by two of the plants,
averages 0.52 kg BOD5/kkg (0.52 lb/1000 Ib) FP.  This  low  waste
load  is  only  20.0  percent  of the next lowest average for any
other large processor subcategory.

At the other end of the waste load spectrum for this industry  is
the  large  processor  who  has canned meat products in his line.
Such plants are closely  grouped  in  terms  of  high  production
volume,  with an average of 81,000 kg (178,000 Ib) per day, and a
high raw waste load average of 11.5 kg/kkg (11.5 lb/1000  Ib)  FP
as  indicated  in  Table  1.   The  manufacturing  equipment  and
operating procedures used in canning result in  large  quantities
of  water.   All  of  these factors substantiate the selection of
this separate subcategory.

The remaining plants in the industry had widely variable  product
mixes  and  raw  waste loads.  The one factor that separated them
into fairly distinctive groups, based  on  raw  waste  load,  was
whether  or  not the plant produced hams.  The average production
quantity and waste water flow of these two subcategories are  not
significantly different.  However, as indicated in Tables 1 and 2
and  in  Figure 6, there is a substantial difference in raw waste
load between plants that process hams  and  those  that  do  not.
This distinction does not include meat product canners, which are
in  a separate subcategory.   The reason for the difference in raw
waste  load  is  reasonably  attributable  to  the  manufacturing
operations, which will be discussed below.  However, as discussed
previously,   the   rationalization   and   description   of  the
subcategories is best related to differentiation in product mix.

                    Manufacturing Operations

Manufacturing operations as they were reflected in  the  finished
product  mix,  also indicated a requirement for subcategorization
of the meat processing industry.  The use of specific  operations
in  the  production of each product group, and the raw waste load
and waste water generated by those operations,  as  described  in
Section V, support the categorization as stated.  Even though the
industry  operating practices and the level of technology used in
the manufacturing operations are substantially uniform throughout
the industry in both large and small  processors  for  any  given
product  or  group  of  products,  a  change  in products clearly
indicates differences in manufacturing procedures.  However,  the

Table 1.  Meat Processor Industry Profile by Subcategory

Average Production, kkg/day
(lOOO Ib/day)
Range, kkg/day
Standard dev, , kkg/day
No. observations
Average total waste water, I/day
Range, liters/day
Standard dev. , liters/day
No. observations
Average normalized waste water,
liters/kkg FP
(gal./lOOO Ib FP)
Range, liters/kkg FP
Standard dev. , liter/kkg •
No . observations
Average raw waste BODs load
kg/kkg FP
(lb/1000 Ib FP)
Range, kg/kkg FP
Standard dev. , kg/kkg FP
No . observations


Meat Cutter
16 , 800


Sausage & Luncheon
Meats Processor


Ham Processor


Meat Canner



Table 2,  Number of Plants  in Each Subcategory with Indicated  Raw Waste Load
                  Number of Plants in Each Subcategory with Indicated Raw Waste Load

Small Processor
Meat Gutter
Sausage and
Luncheon Meat
Ham Processor
Meat Canner
Raw Waste Load (kg BOD^/kkg FP)





























production  volume  and  associated  waste  load  do  not justify
product distinction in the small processor subcategory.

Such generalized manufacturing operations  as  cooking,   smoking,
curing,  and  cooling  overlap  various  products and do not lend
themselves to a distinctive grouping of plants  strictly  on  the
basis of these types of production operations.

                          Raw Materials

The  characteristics  of  raw  materials help to substantiate the
above  categorization  and  are  generally  consistent  for  each
subcategory.  The raw materials include animal carcasses and meat
parts,  both  frozen  and unfrozen, water, seasonings and spices,
chemicals, and fuel.  Although different forms  of  raw  material
require  some  different processing techniques, these effects are
best handled by incorporation into other factors.   For  example,
production  variations are accounted for by normalizing; i.e., by
dividing waste parameter values by  the  daily  finished  product
quantity,  to  facilitate  comparisons and analysis of individual
plant practices; this gives a waste load per unit  of  production
quantity.   The effects on waste load of differences in the plant
processes that are dependent on raw materials, per  se,   are  not

A  relationship .was  found  between raw waste load and water use
within  a  given  subcategory,  as  described   in   Section   V.
Generally,   the  BOD5  raw  waste  load  will  increase  as  the
normalized waste water volume  increases.   Variations  in  water
flow between subcategories are the result of different processing
requirements.  Highly varying water use in plants within the same
subcategory   is   the   result  of  varying  in-plant  operating

The chemicals used in  processing  plants  (i.e.,  preservatives,
cure,  pickle,  and  detergents)  are  not  useful as a basis for
subcategorization.  Differences in waste load that may be  caused
by  chemicals  are  the  result of different operating practices.
Fuels are usually natural gas or fuel oil.  They have  no  effect
on categorization.

                           Plant Size

The plant size distribution in the meat processing industry might
be  fairly  approximated  by  the  distribution  of the sample of
plants that responded to the  survey  questionnaire.   This  size
distribution  of  the  study sample is presented in Table 3.  The
distribution is approximately bi-modal with  the  median  of  the
small  plants at about 950 kg (21CO Ib) per day and the median of
the large plants at about 34,500 kg  (75,000 Ib) per  day.   Thus,
there  was found to be a very real and distinct separation of the
industry into two general plant sizes—small and large—with  the
typical  large plant being about 35 times larger than the typical
small plant.  In addition, the waste water flow from the  typical





I [

                          Figure 6.  Raw Waste Load Variations by Subcategory

large plant is more than 100 times that  from a  small plant.  This
information  clearly  lends  credence to the subcategorization  by

The maximum production level for the small processor   subcategory
was  set  in the middle of the range between the highest  recorded
production level for a small processor—2300  kg   (5000   Ib)  per
day—and  the  lowest  output for large  processors, 3400  kg  (7500
Ib) per day.  The production data is from the North  Star survey
questionnaire.   There  is  a  very  obvious gap in the output  of
plants between 2300 and 3400 kg per day  (5000 to 7500  Ib).

There can be an enforcement problem posed by the   plant   with   an
output  slightly  greater  than the dividing line, wherever  it  is
set.  The middle part of the range of  output   with  no   recorded
plants was selected to minimize this problem.   Presuming  the data
is  representative,  there should be fewer plants  in the  industry
close to or just exceeding this dividing line between  large and
small processors by the choice of 2730 kg  (6000 Ib) per day.
           Table  3.  Plant Size Distribution of Meat Processing
                    Plants That Returned Survey Questionnaires
Plant Size
Less than 2750
46,001 and
Less than 6000
100,001 and
of Plants
of Total
The  production and waste water differences between the  small  and
large plants are reflected in the raw waste load and in  the  type
    waste water treatment used by the respective groups.   This is
the critical test in determining the utility of a
factor, and plant size obviously meets the test.
All  ten  of  the small plants that reported on-site treatment  of
their own waste  water  use  septic  tanks  and  subsoil   seepage
systems  and  thus  have a "no-discharge" type of treatment.  The
small waste water  quantity  allows  these  plants  to  use  this
treatment technique effectively.

Raw  waste  data  are  not  generally available for small  plants.
North Star sampled the waste water from two such plants, and  the
average  BOD5  was  found to be 1.06 kg per kkg  (1.06 Ib per 1000
Ib) FP.  This, in comparison  with  the  average  for  the large
plants  of  5.2  kg  per  kkg  (5.2  Ib  per  1000  Ib) FP firmly
substantiates the selection of plant size as a  valid  basis  for

                        Age and Location

Processing  plant age and location are not meaningful factors for
deriving segmentation of the industry.  Neither information  from
this study nor that from previous studies reveals any discernible
relationship  between  these  factors and effluent quality or any
other basis for categorizing.

Age as a factor might be expected to  be  at  least  amenable  to
quantitative identification and interpretation, but unfortunately
age  does  not  even achieve that degree of usefulness.  The meat
processing  industry,  like  the  meat   packing   industry,   is
relatively  old,  and some old plants incorporate early operating
ideas and practices.  Some plants, on the other  hand,  are  very
new and incorporate the latest operating ideas and practices.

Nevertheless,  most  older  plants  have been updated by internal
changes in processes and equipment.  Therefore,  to  say  that  a
plant  was  built  50  years  ago  and  is  50  years  old is not
particularly meaningful in terms of interpreting plant practices.
In addition, no consistent pattern  between  plant  age  and  raw
waste characteristics was found.

Examination  of  the  raw waste characteristics relative to plant
location reveals no apparent relationship or pattern.

                            SECTION V



Water is used in  the  meat  processing  industry  as  a  product
ingredient;  to cleanse, cure, cook, and cool products; to remove
and convey unwanted material from equipment  and  process  areas;
and   to   heat  or  cool  operating  equipment.   The  principal
operations and processes in meat processing  plants  where  waste
water originates are;

     o    Meat materials preparation

     o    Pickling

     o    Product cooking and cooling

     o    Canning

     o    Cleanup

     o    Plant and equipment cooling.

Waste  waters  from meat processing plants contain organic matter
(including grease") , suspended  solids,  and  inorganic  materials
such   as   phosphates,  nitrates,  nitrites,  and  salt.   These
materials enter the waste stream as meat and fatty  tissue,  meat
juices, product spills and losses, curing and pickling solutions,
preservatives, and caustic or alkaline detergents.

                    Raw Waste Characteristics

The  raw waste load from all subcategories of the meat processing
industry discussed  in  the  following  paragraphs  includes  the
effects of in-plant materials recovery  (primary waste treatment).

The  parameters  used  to characterize the raw effluent are flow,
BOD5, suspended solids  (SS), grease, chlorides,  phosphorus,  and
Kjeldahl   nitrogen.    As  discussed  in  Section  VI,  BOD5  is
considered to be, in general, the most representative measure  of
the  raw waste load.  The parameter used to characterize the size
of the operations  is  the  amount  of  processed  meat  products
produced.   All  values  of the waste parameters are expressed as
kg/kkg of finished product  (FP), which  has  the  same  numerical
value  as lb/1000 Ib FP.  In some cases; certain waste components
in effluents are diluted so that concentration becomes  the  more
significant measure of waste load.  In these cases, concentration
is  reported  as  mg/1, which is equivalent to parts per million.
The quantity of processed meat products or finished  products  is
reported in kg/day and waste water flow is reported in liters/kkg

The data used to compute the values presented in Tables 4 through
8  were obtained through questionnaires distributed to members by
the major trade associations—the American  Meat  Institute,  the
National Independent Meat Packers Association, the Western States
Meat  Packers  Association,  and the American Association of Meat
Processors, formerly the National Institute of Locker and Freezer
Provisioners; through data provided directly  by  companies;  and
through  data obtained from state and municipal pollution control
agencies and  sewer  boards,  and  the  Environmental  Protection
Agency.   Some  information  on  the amount and type of processed
products  for  specific  plants  was  obtained  from   the   U.S.
Department  of Agriculture.  Survey questionnaire information was
collected on 148 identifiable plants.  Data on 38 of these plants
were useful in categorization and in characterization of the  raw
waste  and  waste  treatment practices.  Information found in the
open literature was not detailed enough to be included.

A  summary  of  data  including  averages,  standard  deviations,
ranges,  and  number of observations (plants)  is presented in the
following sections for each of  the  five  subcategories  of  the
industry.  These subcategories are:

     1.   Small processors
     2.   Meat cutters
     3.   Sausage and luncheon meat processors
     4.   Ham processors
     5.   Meat canners.

A  detailed  description  of  the  subcategories was presented in
Chapter IV.

Small Processors

The small processor may produce a wide range of products, but  in
small quantities, 2730 kg  (6000 Ib) per day or less.  Most of the
plants  in  the  study  sample  prepared  fresh meat cuts.  Fresh
sausage was the second most frequent product, followed by  a  few
plants  that produced hams or wieners,  usually in addition to the
meat  cuts  and  sausage.   The  waste  water   flow   originates
predominately  from  cleanup.   The  scale  of production and the
typically limited finished product mix  precluded  the  need  for
substantial  quantities  of  water  during  the  production  day.
Cleanup generates the major portion of waste  water  in  a  small
processing  plant—on  the order of 50 to 90 percent of the total
waste  water  flow.   Table  4  summarizes  the  pertinent   data
collected in this subcategory.

Meat Cutters

The  large  processor  that produces only meat cuts as a finished
product  requires  virtually  no  process  water,   and   thereby
generates a waste water stream primarily during cleanup.  A plant
in this subcategory uses manual labor to break, trim, and cut the

Table 4.  Raw Waste Characteristics  of
          Small Processors
Waste water
Suspended solids
Total volatile
Total dissolved
Kjeldahl nitrogen
Total phosphorus
Total coliform
no./ 100 ml
Fecal coliform
no./ 100 ml
950 kg/day
(2100 Ib/day)
3335 1/kkg FP
(400 gal./lOOO Ib)
1.06 kg/kkg FP
0.80 kg/kkg FP
0.49 kg/kkg FP
1.87 kg/kkg FP
1.62 kg/kkg FP

1.84 kg/kkg FP
(3990 mg/1)
200 mg/1
68 mg/1
11.8 mg/1
2.1 mg/1
1060 mg/1
68 mg/1

0.6 MM

140-2300 kg/day
83-25,000 1/kkg
0.99-1.1 kg/kkg
0.73-0.86 kg/kkg
0.45-0.53 kg/kkg
1.7-2.05 kg/kkg
1.5-1.74 kg/kkg

1.57-2.1 kg/kkg
40-360 mg/1
24-113 mg/1
7. 2-16. 4 mg/1
0.24-4.0 mg/1
433-1060 mg/1
40-96.2 mg/1
0.75 MM &
36 MM
0.31 MM &
0.89 MM
Number of




large  meat  parts  into  single-portionmeat  cuts.   Very little
equipment, other than saws and knives, comes in contact with  the
meat   products.    The  relative  simplicity  of  operation  and
equipment results in small quantities  of  process  water  and  a
small waste load in the cleanup water.  The raw waste and related
data are summarized in Table 5.
Sausage and Luncheon Meat Processors

This subcategory of the industry tends to be quite similar to the
small  processor,  but  with  a slightly expanded product mix and
substantially higher production rates and waste water flows.  The
expanded product mix tends to  include  products  requiring  more
intensive  processing.   Higher  product  rates tend to result in
higher water use; however,  there  is  no  reliable  quantitative
relationship  between  normalized waste water flow and production
quantity.  This is true for all subcategories.  The data  on  the
plants  that  are  large processors but produce no hams or canned
products are listed in Table 6.
Ham Processors

This  subcategory  includes  the  large  processing  plants  that
produce  hams  as their only product and plants that produce hams
and  any  combination  of  other  products,  particularly   cured
products.   The  operations  involved  in ham production use more
water than the typical meat processing operations; and because of
the direct water-ham contact, the waste water load is  increased.
The  production  operations  and  cleanup  in  the  rest  of  the
processing plant is,fairly comparable in practice  and  resulting
waste  load to that of the previous subcategory.  As indicated by
the data in Table 7,  the plants in this subcategory  tend  to  be
somewhat  smaller,  but have a higher normalized waste water flow
than the large sausage  and  luncheon  meat  plants  (those  that
produce no hams or canned products).
Meat Canners

The  large  processors  that produce canned meat products are, on
the average, the larger plants in the industry with  the  highest
normalized  waste  water  flow.   Some plants produce only canned
products, while some  produce  a  full  line  of  processed  meat
products.   Canning  involves  a  number of processing operations
unique to this subcategory of  the  industry.   These  operations
require  special  equipment  and  generate normalized waste water
flows greater than other meat processing operations.
The  increased  water  use  occurs  during  both  production  and
cleanup.   In  addition,  preparation  of the meat products to be
canned will usually require a number of processing steps such  as

Table 5.  Raw Waste Characteristics of
          Meat Cutter Subcategory

Waste water
Total volatile
Total dissolved
Total coliform
(no./lOO ml)
Fecal coliform
(no./lOO ml)
63,000 kg/day FP
(138,000 Ib/day)
600 1/kkg FP
(72 gal./ 1000 Ib)
0.52 kg/kkg FP
0.64 kg/kkg FP

0.12 kg/kkg F?
0.29 kg/kkg FP
0.23 kg/kkg FP

0.26 kg/kkg FP
(1204 mg/1)
5.0 mg/1

1-. 3 mg/1
0.88 mg/1
0.04 mg/1
162 mg/1
8.42 mg/1

46.5 MM

0.44 MM

6400-158,000 kg/day

175-3635 1/kkg

0.23-1.09 kg/kkg
0.34-0.94 kg/kkg

0.066-0-17 kg/kkg















Table 6.  Raw Waste Characteristics of
          Sausage and Luncheon Meats
          Processor Subcategory
Waste water
Total volatile
Total dissolved
Total coliform
(no./lOO ml)
Fecal coliform
(no./lOO ml)
48,000 kg/day FP
(105,000 Ib/day)
9600 1/kkg FP
(1150 gal./lOOO Ib)
2.65 kg/kkg FP
3.46 kg/kkg FP
1.22 kg/kkg FP
4.6 kg/kkg FP
3.9 kg/kkg FP
12.6 kg/kkg FP
(1147 mg/1)
26.7 mg/1
1.52 mg/1
1.14 mg/1
0.3 mg/1
464 mg/1
18.2 mg/1
3500-227,000 kg/day
1084-26,100 1/kkg
0.5-5.4 kg/kkg
0.12-12.0 kg/kkg
0.01-3.86 kg/kkg
0.85-9.8 kg/kkg
0.28-16.1 kg/kkg
0.65-57.7 kg/kkg
6.2-90.9 mg/1
0.14-3.56 mg/1
0.018-3.3 mg/1
0.001-1.05 mg/1
29-1320 mg/1
0.8-40.9 mg/1
Number of

Table 7.  Raw Waste Characteristics of
          Ham Processor Subcategory
Waste water
Total volatile
Total dissolved
Total colifora
(no./lOO ml)
Fecal coliform
(no./lOO ml)
33,000 kg/day FP
(73,000 Ib/day)
10,600 1/kkg FP
(1270 gal./ 1000 lb)
5.5 kg/kkg FP
3.28 kg/kkg FP
2.37 kg/kkg FP
12.9 kg/kkg FP
8.2 kg/kkg FP
31.4 kg/kkg FP
(1938 mg/1)
21.4 mg/1
1.52 mg/1
2.07 mg/1
0.82 mg/1
758 mg/1
27.2 mg/1
22 MM
0.38 MM
Range . •. ---
3600-227,000 kg/day
288-29,200 1/kkg
0.24-16.2 kg/kkg
0.15-9.45 kg/kkg
0.08-5.4 kg/kkg
1.06-32.1 kg/kkg
0.88-14.6 kg/kkg
2.4-110 kg/kkg
9.7-45.1 mg/1
0.97-3.06 mg/1
1.01-4.33 mg/1
0.01-2.89 mg/1
414-1400 mg/1
8.4-64 mg/1
100 - 1.6 MM


size  reduction,  mixing  and blending, and cooking.  The data on
raw waste, production, and waste water  flow  are  summarized  in
Table 8.

                    Discussion of Raw Wastes

The  data in Tables 4 through 8 cover a waste water flow range of
600 to 11,250 liters per kkg FP (72 to 1350 gal. per 1000 Ib FP) ;
a waste load range of 0,52 to 11.9 kg BOD5/kkg FP  (0.52  to  11.5
lb/1000 Ib FP); and a production range of 0.95 to 80.8 kkg FP/day
(2.1  to  178  thousand  Ib/day).   A comparison of the data shows
that the averages of the waste parameters are higher for the more
complex  plants.   This   substantiates   the   basis   for   the
categorization  of  the  industry.   It should also be noted that
large size alone does not result in higher waste loads.   Product
mix does affect the waste load.

Some variations in waste water flow and loading within any one of
the  five  subcategories  can be attributed to differences in in-
plant processing techniques, product mix, building and  equipment
cooling, and effectiveness of materials recovery in primary waste
treatment.   Increased  water  use generally results in increased
raw waste load, on a normalized basis.  The effect of waste water
flow on waste load is discussed in  more  detail  later  in  this

In  the  four large-processor subcategories, correlation analysis
of the data revealed that the raw BOD5 waste load correlates with
suspended solids, with grease, and with Kjeldahl  nitrogen  on  a
normalized  basis.   This means that an increase (or decrease)  in
BOD5 will be accompanied with a certain predictable increase  (or
decrease)  in the other parameter.

The  effect  of  plant  size,  as  measured by output of finished
product, on waste water generation and waste  load  was  analyzed
for  each  subcategory  by  the use of correlation and regression
analysis.   No statistically significant relationship was found in
any subcategory.  Waste water volume  and  raw  waste  load  both
varied widely at the same level of production.  There also was no
consistent   pattern   of   increase  or  decrease  at  different
production levels.  This suggests  that  in-plant  practices  and
controls  are  the  controlling  factors in waste water and waste
load generation.

Data in Tables 4 through 8 show that  there  are  far  less  data
available  for  the  waste  parameters other than BOD5, suspended
solids, and grease.  Thus, conclusions regarding these parameters
are more tentative, but they are of value.  The data on all waste
parameters reflects the impact on the raw waste load of  the  in-
plant operating techniques and housekeeping practices employed by
specific  plants.   This is one reason for the variation in waste
load within each subcategory.  However,  the  data  confirm  some
relationship  of  waste  load  to  product  mix, particularly for
specific products such as hams and canned meat products.

Table 8.  Raw Waste Characteristics of
          Meat Canner Subcategory
Waste water
Total volatile
Total dissolved
Total coliform
(no./lOO ml)
Fecal coliform
(no./lOO ml)
81,000 kg/day FP
(178,000 Ib/day)
11,250 1/kkg FP
(1350 gal./lOOO Ib)
11.5 kg/kkg FP
4.54 kg/kkg FP
2.08 kg/kkg FP
27.4 kg/kkg FP
17.0 kg/kkg FP
23.2* kg/kkg FP
(1524 mg/1)
40.0 mg/1
6.6 mg/1
0.04 mg/1
0.14 mg/1
13.5 & 138 mg/1
82.5 mg/1
0.56 MM
0.012 MM
33,000-204,000 kg/day
3170-20,375 1/kkg
0.8-24 kg/kkg
0.46-11.5 kg/kkg
0.42-7.68 kg/kkg
16.6-38.3 kg/kkg
5.1-28.8 kg/kkg
Number of

The  average  normalized  raw  waste  load  for  every   reported
pollutant in the meat cutter subcategory was lowest of the entire
industry.   The  small  meat processor subcategory had an average
raw waste load that was second lowest in the industry  for  every
pollutant  except  nitrates.   The number of plants in the sample
was small for both meat cutters and small  processors.   However,
low  waste  loads  were expected from the production of a product
such as meat cuts, and from the scale of production and water use
in small processors; the data confirm these expectations.

The impact of ham processing was  found  to  be  manifest  as  an
increase  in  the average normalized waste load of the pollutants
in waste water from plants in the ham processing  subcategory  in
comparison  with otherwise comparable plants that produce no hams
(sausage and luncheon meat  subcategories).   This  higher  waste
load  occurs  in  spite of the fact that the sausage and luncheon
meat plants are larger and generate  more  waste  water,  on  the
average,  than  the ham processing plants.  The largest effect of
ham processing, however, is observed in the  nitrates,  nitrites,
dissolved  solids (including salt), and Kjeldahl nitrogen content
of the raw waste.  Nitrates,  nitrites,  and  salt  are  used  in
curing and pickling solutions.

The  meat  canners  have  the largest plants and produce the most
waste water in  the  industry.   The  canners  have  the  highest
average  normalized  waste  loading except in grease and in those
components used in curing and pickling.  The average grease  load
in  the  canners1 waste water is slightly less than that from the
ham processors.  This might be explained by the canners1 practice
of cooking the meat materials  before  extensive  handling.   The
fats  and  grease  from  the  cooking  operation are confined and
collected for rendering and thereby are kept out of the sewer.

                Process Waste Water Flow Diagrams

The origin and estimate of relative process waste water  quantity
is  indicated for each of three general product groups in Figures
7, 8, and 9.  The waste  water  from  cleanup,  which  is  almost
always  the largest and strongest waste load, is not indicated in
these figures  because  cleanup  involves  virtually  the  entire
processing  plant,  with  the exception of the freezer areas, and
the cleanup waste water follows the same path through  the  plant
as the process waste water.

The  sources  and  relative  quantities  differ  for  each group.
However, the materials  recovery  in  a  catch  basin,  sometimes
preceded  by  a static or vibrating screen, is typically the same
throughout the industry.  There may be no recovery facilities  in
the plants; this usually occurs only in plants which discharge to
a  municipal sewer.   Based on the survey questionnaire results, a
rough estimate would be that about one-third of all plants in the
industry have a materials recovery catch basin or the equivalent.

                    CUTTING, ETC.
SM-small volume
MED-medium volume
LGE-large volume
V SM-very small volume






                    SANITARY SEWER
              TO SECONDARY
            •^AND DISCHARGE
              CITY SEWER
              SOLIDS TO
           Figure  7.  Process Waste Water Flow—
                     Cut Meats  and Comminuted Meats

                       (SOLIDS  TO
                         TO SECONDARY
                        t TREATMENT
                        *)AND DISCHARGE
                         CITY  SEWER
                                   SM-small volume
                                   MED-medium volume
                                   LGE- large volume
                                   V SM-very small volume
            Figure 8.  Process Waste Water Flow—
                      Hams and Bacon

Figure 9.  Process Waste Water Flow — Canned Meats
SM-small volume

MED-medium volume

LGE- large volume
V SM-very small


                   CATCH  BASIN
                      'SOLIDS TO
                                    V SM
                          TO SECONDARY
                       T*1AND DISCHARGE
                          CITY  SEWER

The other options available to the industry are also indicated in
these figures.  The plant utilities waste water may  by-pass  the
catch  basin and, if the water is noncontaminated, it should also
by-pass secondary treatment.  The dilution and  increased  volume
of  waste  water  only  serves  to  inhibit  secondary  treatment
effectiveness.  The sanitary sewage always enters the waste water
downstream from the catch basin.

Those operations using recycled water, brine solutions, or pickle
solution are indicated in the  figures.   Some  include  periodic
dumping of the entire batch of a solution when it is contaminated
to  a certain point, usually set by management in accordance with
government standards.

Increased water use is  usually  associated  with  increased  raw
waste  load  of  pollutants  within  subcategories  in  the  meat
processing  industry.   This  was  verified  by  regression   and
correlation analyses of the data for each of the subcategories.

Figure  10  shows  the average and range of results of regression
analysis on flow-waste load data for  three  subcategories  among
the large processors,  of the three lines presented in Figure 10,
only  the  sausage  and  luncheon  meats  line  is  statistically
substantiated with a correlation  coefficient  of  0.625  and  12
observations.   The  canned  meats  and  ham processing lines are
based on 8 and 13 observations respectively and are line of sight
estimates, lacking rigorous statistical  confirmation.   However,
the  generalized  trend  in  these  subcategories, as in the meat
packing industry, is for increased raw waste loading to occur  as
waste  water  volume increases.  For example, this figure clearly
illustrates that water use and waste load are  closely  related—
increased  water  use  will  increase  the waste load by a fairly
predictable amount.  For example, the  figure  shows  that  a  20
percent reduction in water use would, on the average, result in a
BOD5  reduction of 2.5, 1.0, and 0.5 kg/kkg FP (2.5, 1.0, and 0.5
lb/1000 Ib FP) for canned meats, ham processing, and sausage  and
luncheon meats subcategories, respectively.

Further  evidence  for  the dependence of pollutant waste load on
waste water flow is that, within the  subcategories,  the  plants
with the lowest waste load had normalized waste water flows lower
than the average for the subcategory.

Low  water  use, and the correspondingly low waste load, requires
good in-plant water management practices.  For  example,  a  meat
cutting  plant with a water use of 209 liters/kkg FP  (26 gal./lOO
Ib FP)  had a raw waste BOD5 of 0.25 kg/kkg FP  (0.25  lb/1000  Ib
FP) in comparison with the subcategory average of 0.52 kg/kkg FP.
The  same  is  true  for the canners, the ham processors, and the
sausage and luncheon meat subcategories.  Low  waste  water  flow
and  low  pollutant  waste load do occur together.  The cause and

                                                                      CANNED MEATS


effect  relationship  is  reasonable  and  there  is  a  definite
empirical relationship as indicated in Figure 10-


                   Meat Materials preparation

This  group of operations in a meat processing plant includes all
of the handling and preparation of meat materials from  receiving
and  storage  of  raw  materials  through each processing step to
stuffing, extruding, or molding of  processed  meat  products  in
preparation for cooking,  A large quantity of highly contaminated
waste  water  is  generated  by  thawing  frozen raw materials by
immersion in cool water.  Substantial  quantities  of  water  are
required  and  the  direct contact between the water and the meat
material results in a high waste load in this water.   One  study
of  this  pollution  source  concluded that slow freezing of hams
ruptures some of the cells  and  thawing  drains  the  water  and
juices  resulting  from  the ruptured cells,*  The waste includes
meat and fat tissue, dissolved salts, and nitrogenous  materials.
Hams  are  frequently thawed by immersion and because of the high
volume of ham production in the industry a substantial waste load
results from this practice.

The breaking, cutting, trimming, and boning of meat materials  in
preparation for further processing requires very little water and
generates  very  little waste load.  Referring to the meat cutter
category as an example of the waste load from  these  operations,
the water use per kkg of FP is only 600 liters (72 gal./lOOO lb),
including  cleanup.   The  BOD5  raw  waste loading averages 0.52
kg/kkg FP (0,52 Ib/lQCO lb FP)7   Tempering  a  raw  material  by
immersion in water does not require as much water as wet thawing;
however, the waste load is similar.

The  waste  load  in a meat processing plant originates primarily
from the cleaning of the equipment  used  for  grinding,  mixing,
blending,  and  emulsifying  the  materials  for  processed  meat
products.  Water is used to clean the carts that are used to move
the materials from one size reduction station to another  in  the
"sausage kitchen" area of a meat processing plant.  Changing from
the  production  of  one  product  to  another may also require a
superficial cleaning of a piece of equipment during the operating

The size reduction, and hence equipment use, depends on the  type
of  product ranging from a coarse grind in a product such as ham-
burger to the emulsion used in wiener manufacturing.  The reduced
size of the meat materials results in more  spillage  and  easier
disposal  into  the  sewer  in  washing  down  the  equipment and
processing areas.  The frequent  handling  and  movement  of  the
materials   from   one   station  to  another  also  creates  the
opportunity for  spillage  and  for  additional  contact  of  the
product  materials  with  equipment  surfaces, thereby generating
additional waste loads.

The final group  of  operations  in  materials  preparation  that
generate  waste  water  and  a waste load includes the processing
steps that involve the forming or  the  containerization  of  the
product  mixture  just  prior  to  cooking;   i.e., the extrusion,
stuffing, or molding operations.  These  operations  follow  size
reduction;  therefore, any contamination of this equipment by the
comminuted product mixture will be similar to that from the  size
reduction   equipment.    Waste   water   originates  from  these
operations primarily in the cleanup of the equipment.  Some water
is used in preparing natural casings and in  cleaning  the  molds
used in luncheon meat manufacturing.

The  actual extrusion or stuffing of the product mixture into the
casings or molds involves feeding  the  product  mixture  through
equipment  to  fill  the  containers  or  casings.   All  of this
equipment is thoroughly coated with product mixture wherever  the
mixture contacts the equipment,  whenever a product change occurs
during  the  operating  day,  this equipment must be cleaned.  As
with all other  processing  equipment,  it  is  disassembled  and
thoroughly  cleaned  after  every processing day.   Cleanup is the
largest source of waste water and waste load from  the  extrusion
and stuffing operations.


The  pickling  or  curing solution is a water solution containing
table salt, sugar-, and other chemicals including nitrites.  It is
the primary source of salt  and  nitrite  chemicals  in  the  raw
waste.  The sugar content of the solution also contributes to the
BOD5  loading  of  the  waste  water.   The  pickling solution is
frequently prepared at a location remote from the point of use of
the solution in the processing plant.  The solution  is  prepared
in  stainless  steel tanks with mixers and pumps and it is stored
in these tanks for subsequent use in the pickling of hams, bacon,
and other products.  It is general  practice  to  reuse  pickling
solution  after  it  has  been  in contact with meat materials by
screening  prior  to  reuse.   The  total  quantity  of  pickling
solution  is  dumped  periodically,  ranging from once per day to
once per week, depending on in-plant practice and on the rate  of
accumulation of contaminants.

Pickle solution is applied or injected in the production of hams,
bacon,  and  related  cured  products.   The  typical  method  of
injection of pickle  solution  into  these  products  is  by  the
penetration  of a bank of hollow needles through which the pickle
solution is pumped into  the  meat  product.   The  products  are
usually  "pumped"  with  pickle to a point where the pickle oozes
out of the meat product  when  the  needles  are  withdrawn.   In
addition,   particularly   in  bacon  production,  a  substantial
quantity of solution simply runs off the product as it is hanging
on a  hanger  or  "tree"  prior  to  further  processing.   After
injection or application of pickle, it is common practice to hold
the  hams  or  bacon  slabs  in  a vat or cart with a covering of
pickling solution.

The drippings from the pickle injection or application  equipment
are  substantial.   Most of this equipment is designed to collect
the excess pickle after injection of each piece of meat and reuse
that pickling solution in subsequent injections or  applications.
However,  the  solution  remaining  in the injection equipment is
dumped at the end of every processing day.

Also, the entire amount of pickling solution used as cover pickle
is dumped directly into the sewer from the tub when the  hams  or
bacon  are to be further processed.  The same type of tub is also
used without cover  pickle  to  hold  the  hams.   Excess  pickle
solution  and  meat  juices are squeezed from the hams because of
the weight of other hams piled one on another in the tub.  All of
this liquid is dumped into the sewer when  the  hams  are  to  be
processed further.

The  hams  or  bacon  are  also  taken  from  the  pickle pumping
equipment and hung on "trees" that are designed to hold a  number
of  bacon  slabs  or hams for transport and holding in the smoke-
house or oven.  Drippings from the hanging hams  and  bacon  also
result  in  pickle  solution  and meat juice contamination of the
floor area  under  the  "trees."   These  floor  areas  that  are
frequently  contaminated with liquids tend to become slippery and
require frequent washing or hosing down during the processing day
as a safety measure.  This results in a waste load  being  washed
directly to the sewer.

                   Product Cooking and Cooling

Processed meat products are cooked in one of two types of cookers
that are in general use in the industry.  The products are cooked
in  gas-fired  hot  air  ovens  or  steam coil heated ovens, also
called smokehouses, and in wet cookers using live  steam  or  hot
water.   Cooking  and  cooling  of  canned  meat products are not
discussed in this section, but in the following  section.   Those
products  that  are  prepared  in  stainless steel molds, such as
luncheon meats, are cooked in ovens that use  live  steam.   This
live  steam  condenses  and  flows  out  as  waste water.  Molded
products are also cooked in hot water tanks which are open to the
atmosphere.  In either case, the waste  water  from  the  cooking
operation  has  been  in  direct  contact  with  the meat product
container.  This container may be contaminated with grease on the
outside surfaces from contact with  processing  equipment.   This
grease  will  contaminate  the  hot water used for cooking and be
dumped into the sewer.  The waste load in this cooking  water  is
comparatively  small.   Cleanup of the wet cookers is minimal and
the waste water from cleanup has a very low waste content.

The smokehouse is one of the most common pieces of  equipment  in
the  meat processing industry.  It is used to cook a wide variety
of processed meat  products.   The  oven  is  used  for  cooking,
smoking,  and  initial  product  cooling  of  meat products.  The
cooking in this type of oven results in no immediate waste  water
load.   The  grease  generated in cooking and smoking, but washed

into the sewer only during  cleanup,  can  be  minimized  by  low
temperature  smoking  at  about 55°C (130°F)  instead of the older
practice of smoking at high temperatures.  The smoking  operation
usually  requires  a  small  quantity  of  water  in  the  smoke-
generating equipment to quench the  sawdust  after  it  has  been
brought  up  to  temperature for generating the smoke.  The waste
water quantity from quenching is small; however, it  may  contain
suspended  solids from the charred sawdust and also water-soluble
chemicals dissolved from the char.

Upon completion  of  the  cooking  and  smoking,  it  is  general
practice , to drench the products, other than hams and bacon, with
cold water or a cold brine solution, while  still  in  the  oven.
This is accomplished with water spray nozzles that are positioned
inside  the  oven to assure maximum coverage of the products with
water or brine.  The cooling water  is  dumped  directly  to  the
sewer.   If  a brine solution is used, the brine is collected and
reused for a period of time before dumping into the  sewer.   The
cooling  water  or  brine  comes  in direct contact with the meat
product that has been cooked and with the wall and floor  of  the
oven,  all  of  which are coated with juices, grease, and liquids
resulting from the cooking operation.  All of these  contaminants
of  the cooling medium result in a waste load which is ultimately
dumped into the sewer.

In spite of the sprays that  are  used  in  processing  the  meat
products,  the ovens accumulate a substantial quantity of buildup
on the walls, ceiling, and piping in the ovens.   The  ovens  are
cleaned superficially once per day.  However, a thorough cleaning
of  all surfaces in an oven with highly caustic chemicals is done
as needed, usually once a week  or  more.   In  addition  to  the
materials  resulting from cooking the meat products, a buildup of
the volatile components in the wood smoke occurs in the duct work
and the interior  of  an  oven.   The  cleaning  of  an  oven  or
smokehouse  generates  a  raw  waste  that contains grease, has a
somewhat higher pH  because  of  the  caustic  materials  in  the
cleaning  agents,  and  is very highly colored as a result of the
volatiles  that  have  been  deposited  from  the  wood   smoking
operation.   Substantial  quantities of water are required in the
oven cleaning process.

The preparation of a canned meat product  in  a  meat  processing
plant generates a large amount of water.  The average total water
use  in  liters per day for the canning subcategory is double the
average of sausage and luncheon meat processors—the  subcategory
with  the  next  highest  waste  water  volume.   However,  on  a
normalized basis per kkg FP, the water use  by  canners  is  only
about  6.0  percent  higher than ham processors who have the next
highest water use per unit of output.  The raw  waste  load  from
canning  is  much  higher  than  for any other subcategory in the
industry, as previously indicated.  The canning of a meat product
involves a processing  sequence  which  can  be  described  as  a

canning  line.   This  line  is a sequential step-wise processing
operation required for the preparation of a canned meat  product.
The  first  step  in  this  canning  line  involves  washing  and
sterilizing the cans, prior to filling.   In  addition,  the  can
preparation  area  is  frequently  located some distance from the
filling and closing operation and the  cans  are  transported  in
conveyors that are frequently lubricated with water.

Paralleling  can  preparation,  the  meat product is prepared for
canning  in  operations  such  as  breaking,  cutting,  grinding,
cooking,  etc,, which are similar to those used in preparation of
other  meat  products.   In  addition,   canned   meat   products
frequently  involve the use of sauces, gravies, or other mixtures
which  are  also  prepared  within  the  processing  plant.   The
preparation  of  these mixtures requires multiple handling of the
ingredients with the resulting spillage.

The meat product or meat product mixture which is to be canned is
prepared in batches  comparable  to  the  batching  operation  in
sausage  making.  The batches are prepared and held in vats.  The
can and the meat product are brought together at the  can-filling
step,   which  involves  the  use  of  high  volume,  high  speed
equipment.  The cans are usually sprayed  with  hot  water  or  a
steam-water  mixture  just  before the filling operation, and the
water is allowed to run directly to the floor and into the sewer.
The can-filling operation itself tends  to  be  so  fast  that  a
significant  waste  load is generated by the spills from the full
cans and from the filling machine itself.   The  closing  of  the
cans  involves  a  final spray of steam into the can, followed by
immediate closing which creates the vacuum-packed type of  canned
product.   This spray also generates a small, but constant, waste
water stream.

The filled cans are placed in large portable baskets for  heating
in  retorts.   The canned product is thoroughly heated within the
can in order to assure a sanitary product after the  can  filling
and closing.  Retorting is usually done in a pressure vessel with
live steam which is constantly vented.  The waste water generated
in retorting is not significant.

After  the  cans  have  been fully heated in the retort, they are
cooled by immersion in a large tank or container of  cold  water.
Movement  of  the  cans and circulation of the water assures heat
transfer and cooling  of  the  canned  product.   This  water  is
usually  recirculated  through  cooling  towers  to  maintain the
temperature and is not sewered nor otherwise  disposed  of.   It,
therefore, generates essentially no waste water or waste load.  A
small  amount of fungicide is sometimes added to this water since
it is being recirculated for  a  long  time.   A  small  blowdown
quantity  will  enter the waste water stream and result in a very
low concentration of the fungicide chemical, if such  a  chemical
is being used.

The  data  on canning do not include any plants with an automated
high capacity canning line.  The waste water volume per  unit  of

production  should
described above.
be  less in this type of plant than in plants
The cleanup of canning equipment  requires  great  quantities  of
water  to  clean  the numerous batching and mixing containers and
the can-filling  equipment.   The  batching  containers  or  vats
contain  residual  quantities  of  the  canned  meat product.  In
addition, the pumping system and piping  used  to  transport  the
mixture  to  the  can-filling  equipment  are  also  filled  with
material.  All of this residual material is washed directly  from
the equipment into the sewer system.

The  can-filling  equipment  may  be  cleaned  with high pressure
steam.  This results in the widespread dispersion of particles of
the product left on  the  can-^filling  equipment.   The  residual
material  is washed to the floor, and, usually, directly into the
sewer.  Large quantities of water are also used in  cleaning  the
floors  and  walls  in  the  processing and canning area.  If dry
cleaning of the floors or manual cleanup of larger size particles
is not carried out prior to washdown, the raw waste load will  be
substantially increased due to floor cleaning as well.


                           SECTION VI


                       SELECTED PARAMETERS

Based  on  a review of the corps of Engineers Permit Applications
from meat processing plants, state and municipal sewer board  and
pollution  control  administration data from various parts of the
country, industry  data,  survey  questionnaire  data,  and  data
obtained  by  sampling  meat processing plant waste waters during
this study, the  following  chemical,  physical,  and  biological
constituents  are  defined  as  pollutants in accordance with the

     BOD5  (5-day, 20°C, biochemical oxygen demand)
     COD (chemical oxygen demand)
     Total suspended solids (TSS)
     Total dissolved solids (TDS)
     Oil and Grease
     Total volatile solids  (TVS)
     Ammonia nitrogen
     Kjeldahl nitrogen
     Nitrates and nitrites
     Fecal Coliform
     pH, Acidity, Alkalinity

On the basis of all of the information considered,  there  is  no
evidence  of any purely hazardous pollutant  (such as heavy metals
or pesticides)  in the waste water discharged from meat processing
plants.  On the basis of the amount and reliability of  available
data,  costs,  and  removal technology, effluent limitations have
been recommended only for the principal parameters BOD5, TSS, Oil
and grease, fecal coliforms, ammonia, phosphorus, and pH.   Other
parameters  are  discussed  because  they are known to be in meat
processor waste waters and may be of environmental significance.


             5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

This parameter is an important measure of the oxygen consumed  by
microorganisms in the aerobic decomposition of the wastes at 20°C
over  a  five-day period.  More simply, it is an indirect measure
of the biodegradability of the organic pollutants in  the  waste.
BOD5  can  be  related  to the depletion of oxygen in a receiving
stream or to the requirements for  waste  treatment.   Values  of
BOD5  range  from 70 to 2900 mg/1 in the raw waste.  However, the

median value for the industry is between 350 and 500 mg/1 and the
typical range is from 200 to 1200 mg/1 of BOD5.

If the final effluent from  a  meat  processing  plant  enters  a
stream  at  too  high  a BOD5 level, it will reduce the dissolved
oxygen level in that stream to a level below  that  necessary  to
sustain  most  fish  life; i.e., below about 4 mg/1.  Many states
currently restrict the BOD5 of effluents to below 20 mg/1 if  the
stream  is  small in comparison with the flow of the effluent.  A
limitation of 200 to 300  mg/1  of  BOD5  is  often  applied  for
discharge  to  a municipal sewer, and surcharge rates often apply
if the BOD5 is above the designated limit.

A 20-day biochemical  oxygen  demand  (BOD20),  sometimes  called
"ultimate"  BOD,  is  usually  a better measure of the waste load
than BOD5.  However, the test for BOD2J3 requires 20 days to  run,
so it is an impractical measure for most purposes.

Correlation  analysis of the data for each subcategory revealed a
high positive correlation between BOD5 and the grease content  of
the raw waste.  Data for the luncheon meat and sausage processors
and  ham  processors subcategories were sufficient to determine a
high positive correlation between BOD5  and  COD,  and  BOD5  and
total   volatile   solids.    Such  correlations  are  useful  in
identifying contributing factors in the raw  waste  load  and  in
relating  known  changes  in  waste loading by one contaminant to
predicted changes by another contaminant.

Biochemical oxygen demand  (BOD)  is  a  measure  of  the  oxygen
consuming  capabilities  of  organic matter.  The BOD does not in
itself cause direct harm to a water system, but it does exert  an
indirect  effect  by  depressing the oxygen content of the water.
Sewage and other organic  effluents  during  their  processes  of
decomposition  exert  a BOD,  which can have a catastrophic effect
on the ecosystem by depleting the oxygen supply.  Conditions  are
reached  frequently  where  all  of  the  oxygen  is used and the
continuing decay process causes the production of  noxious  gases
such  as  hydrogen  sulfide  and  methane.  Water with a high BOD
indicates  the  presence  of  decomposing  organic   matter   and
subsequent  high  bacterial  counts  that degrade its quality and
potential uses.

Dissolved oxygen (DO)  is a water  quality  constituent  that,  in
appropriate   concentrations,  is  essential  not  only  to  keep
organisms living but also to sustain species reproduction, vigor,
and the development of populations.  Organisms undergo stress  at
reduced  DO  concentrations  that  make them less competitive and
able to sustain their species  within  the  aquatic  environment.
For  example,  reduced  DO  concentrations  have  been  shown  to
interfere with fish population through delayed hatching of  eggs,
reduced  size  and vigor of embryos, production of deformities in
young, interference with food digestion,  acceleration  of  blood
clotting,  decreased tolerance to certain toxicants, reduced food
efficiency  and  growth  rate,  and  reduced  maximum   sustained

swimming  speed.   Fish  food  organisms  are  likewise  affected
adversely in conditions with suppressed DO.    Since  all  aerobic
aquatic   organisms   need   a  certain  amount  of  oxygen,  the
consequences of total lack of dissolved oxygen due to a high  BOD
can kill all inhabitants of the affected area.

If  a  high  BOD  is present, the quality of the water is usually
visually degraded by the presence of  decomposing  materials  and
algae  blooms  due  to the uptake of degraded materials that form
the foodstuffs of the algal populations.

                  Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

COD is yet another measure of oxygen  demand.   It  measures  the
amount   of  organic  plus  some  inorganic  pollutants  under  a
carefully controlled direct chemical oxidation by  a  dichromate-
sulfuric  acid  reagent.   COD  is  a  much more rapid measure of
oxygen  demand  than  BODjj,  and  is  potentially  very   useful.
However,  it  does not have the same significance as a measure of
biodegradability and  cannot  be  substituted  for  BOD5  because
COD:BOD,5  ratios  vary  with  the type of waste constituents in a
waste stream.  Thus a COD level is not included in  the  proposed
limitations.   The  COD  range for meat processing plants is from
290 to 4600 mg/1 with the median for the industry between 500 and
800 mg/1.

COD provides a rapid determination of waste strength.  Changes in
value can be used  to  indicate  a  serious  plant  or  treatment
malfunction  long  before  the BOD5 analysis can be run.  A given
plant or waste treatment system usually has a  relatively  narrow
range of COD:BOD5 ratios, if the waste characteristics are fairly
constant.   If  so, processing plant operations relative to waste
load could be monitored on the basis of measured COD values.   In
the  meat  processing  industry,  the  normalized COD ranges from
about 3 to 1.8 times the normalized BOD5 with  relatively  little
change  in  this  ratio  beyond  a BOD5 of 5 kg per kkg FP.  This
ratio may have greater variability at low  BODf>  values  for  raw
wastes,  and at high COD values following secondary treatment for
a given plant.  This  may  occur  because  the  readily  degraded
material,  as  indicated  by  BOD5,  will  be reduced to very low
levels in secondary treatment.

                  Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

This parameter  measures  the  suspended  material  that  can  be
removed  from  the  waste waters by laboratory filtration; but it
does not include coarse or floating matter than  can  be  readily
screened  or settled out.  Suspended solids are visually apparent
and a rapid measure of pollution.  SS are also a measure  of  the
material  that  may  settle  in  tranquil or slow-moving streams.
Suspended solids loadings per unit of  production  in  the  waste
from meat processing plants correlate very well with COD, but not
as well with BOD5.  A high level of suspended solids is generally
an  indication  of  high oxygen demand.  The normalized suspended
solids range from about one-third to  1.5  times  the  normalized

BODji   values   in   the   raw   waste.    The  suspended  solids
concentrations in the meat processing industry range from  70  to
1500  mg/1  and  the industry median is between 250 and 350 mg/1.
Suspended solids measurement also provides an indication  of  the
effectiveness  of  solids  removal systems such as clarifiers and
fine screens in waste treatment.
Suspended solids include both organic  and  inorganic  materials.
The  inorganic  components  include  sand,  silt,  and clay.  The
organic fraction includes such materials  as  grease,  oil,  tar,
animal  and  vegetable  fats,  various fibers, sawdust, hair, and
various materials from  sewers.   These  solids  may  settle  out
rapidly  and  bottom deposits are often a mixture of both organic
and  inorganic  solids.   They  adversely  affect  fisheries   by
covering  the  bottom  of  the  stream  or lake with a blanket of
material that destroys the fish-food bottom fauna or the spawning
ground  of  fish.   Deposits  containing  organic  materials  may
deplete  bottom  oxygen  supplies  and  produce hydrogen sulfide,
carbon dioxide, methane, and other noxious gases.

In raw  water  sources  for  domestic  use,  state  and  regional
agencies generally specify that suspended solids in streams shall
not be present in sufficient concentration to be objectionable or
to  interfere  with normal treatment processes.  Suspended solids
in water may interfere with many industrial processes  and  cause
foaming  in  boilers,  or  encrustations  on equipment exposed to
water, especially as the temperature rises.  Suspended solids are
undesirable in water for  textile  industries;  paper  and  pulp;
beverages;   dairy   products;  laundries;  dyeing;  photography;
cooling systems, and  power  plants.   Suspended  particles  also
serve   as   a  transport  mechanism  for  pesticides  and  other
substances which are readily sorbed into or onto clay particles.

Solids may be suspended in water for a time, and then  settle  to
the   bed  of  the  stream  or  lake.   These  settleable  solids
discharged with man"s wastes may be inert,  slowly  biodegradable
materials,   or   rapidly   decomposable  substances.   While  in
suspension, they increase the  turbidity  of  the  water,  reduce
light  penetration  and  impair  the  photosynthetic  activity of
aquatic plants.

Solids in suspension are aesthetically  displeasing.   When  they
settle  to  form  sludge deposits on the stream or lake bed, they
are often much more damaging to  the  life  in  water,  and  they
retain  the  capacity  to  displease  the  senses.   Solids, when
transformed to sludge deposits, may  do  a  variety  of  damaging
things,  including  blanketing the stream or lake bed and thereby
destroying the living spaces for  those  benthic  organisms  that
would  otherwise  occupy  the  habitat.   When  of an organic and
therefore decomposable nature, solids use a portion or all of the
dissolved oxygen available in the area.  Organic  materials  also
serve  as  a  seemingly inexhaustible food source for sludgeworms
and associated organisms.

Turbidity  is  principally  a  measure  of  the  light  absorbing
properties  of  suspended  solids.   It  is  frequently used as a
substitute method  of  quickly  estimating  the  total  suspended
solids when the concentration is relatively low.

                  Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

The  dissolved  solids  in  the  waste water are mainly inorganic
salts.  The salt present in the  largest  amount  is  table  salt
(sodium  chloride).   Loadings of dissolved solids in waste water
thus vary to a large extent with the amount  of  sodium  chloride
entering  the  waste stream.  In the meat processing industry the
raw waste range of dissolved solids concentration is from  76  to
2900  mg/1  and the industry median is between 800 and 1200 mg/1.
The range of sodium chloride percent in the dissolved  solids  is
from  14  to  44  percent, increasing as the normalized dissolved
solids loading increases.

Another salt  sometimes  present  in  significant  quantities  is
sulfate.   This  may come from sulfate in the incoming raw water,
or perhaps from water conditioning treatment of the water supply.
Sulfates become  particularly  troublesome  in  causing  odor  in
anaerobic   treatment   systems,  where  they  are  converted  to

Dissolved solids in the final  effluent  were  at  concentrations
between  1200  and  1800  mg/1 in the three plants reporting such
data.  The dissolved solids are  particularly  important  because
they  are relatively unaffected by biological treatment processes
(except  sulfates,  as  mentioned  above).    Therefore,   unless
removed, they will accumulate on recycle or reuse of water within
a    plant.    Furthermore,   dissolved   solids   at   discharge
concentrations  greater  than  1500  mg/1  may  be   harmful   to
vegetation   and   preclude   various  irrigation  options.   The
technology required for dissolved solids removal is  uneconomical
for this industry and therefore no limitation has been proposed.

                         Oil and Grease

Grease,  also  called  oil  and  grease, or hexane solubles, is a
major pollutant in  the  raw  waste  stream  of  meat  processing
plants.   Grease  forms  unsightly  films  and  layers  on water,
interferes with aquatic life, clogs sewers,  disturbs  biological
processes  in sewage treatment plants, and can also become a fire
hazard.  The loading of grease  in  meat  processing  raw  wastes
varies  from 15 to 560 mg/1.  The variation in average loading in
the industry is from 0.12 to 222 kg per  kkg  FP.   The  industry
median  grease  concentration in the raw waste is about 120 mg/1.
As indicated earlier in this section, grease  and  COD  correlate
very  well  and  in  a  positive  direction;  i.e.,  increase for
increase.  Thus,  a  change  in  one  contaminant  measure  is  a
reliable indication of a change in the other.

Grease   may  foul  municipal  treatment  facilities,  especially
trickling filters, and reduce their  effectiveness  to  virtually
nil.   Thus,  it  is  of  great interest and concern to municipal

treatment plants when grease exceeds 100  mg/1  in
raw  waste
                   Total Volatile Solids  (TVS)

Total  volatile solids are a rough measure of the total amount of
organic matter in the waste water.  Specifically,  they  are  the
total  amount of combustible material in the dissolved solids and
suspended solids.  Volatile solids in the  raw  waste  waters  of
meat  processing  plants vary from 170 to 1700 mg/1 with a median
of about 400 mg/1.  The normalized loadings vary from 0.23 to  29
kg per kkg FP.

Oil  and  grease  exhibit  an  oxygen  demand.  Oil emulsions may
adhere to the gills of fish or coat and destroy  algae  or  other
plankton.  Deposition of oil in the bottom sediments can serve to
exhibit  normal  benthic  growths,  thus interrupting the aquatic
food chain.  Soluble and emulsified material ingested by fish may
taint the flavor of the fish flesh.  Water soluble components may
exert toxic action on fish*  Floating  oil  may  reduce  the  re-
aeration  of the water surface and in conjunction with emulsified
oil  may  interfere   with   photosynthesis.    Water   insoluble
components  damage  the  plumage  and  costs of water animals and
fowls.  Oil and grease in a water can result in the formation  of
objectionable   surface  slicks  preventing  the  full  aesthetic
enjoyment of the water.

Oil spills can damage the surface of boats and  can  destroy  the
aesthetic  characteristics  of  beaches and shorelines.  Volatile
solids correlate quite well with BOD5 and  COD  in  the  luncheon
meats  and sausages and ham processing subcategories, where there
were  sufficient  data  to  ascertain  this  correlation.   Total
volatile  solids  are relatively easy to determine in waste water
analysis; thus they can be used as a rapid method to determine  a
serious  plant or treatment system malfunction.  The correlations
with BOD5 and COD are essential to this use  of  this  parameter.
The  BOD5  measure is inclusive enough to preclude the need for a
volatile solids limitation.

                        Ammonia Nitrogen

Ammonia nitrogen in raw waste  is  just  one  of  many  forms  of
nitrogen  in  a  waste  water stream.  Anaerobic decomposition of
protein, which contains organic nitrogen, leads to the  formation
of  ammonia.   Thus,  anaerobic lagoons or digesters produce high
levels of ammonia.  Also, septic (anaerobic) conditions in traps,
basins, etc., may lead to ammonia formation in the  waste  water.
Another source of ammonia can be leakage of ammonia refrigeration
systems, which are common in meat processing plants.

Ammonia   is   oxidized   by   bacteria   in   a  process  called
"nitrification" to nitrites  and  nitrates,  thus  consuming  the
available oxygen.  This may occur in an aerobic treatment process

or  in a stream.  Thus, ammonia will deplete the oxygen supply in
a stream and its oxidation products are recognized nutrients  for
aquatic plant growth.  Also, free ammonia in a stream is known to
be harmful to fish.

A typical or median concentration in meat processing raw waste is
about  1.5  mg/1  with  an  industry  range  of  0.5  to 28 mg/1.
However, after treatment  in  an  anaerobic  secondary  treatment
system,  the concentration of ammonia can reach as high as 100 to
200 mg/1, which is a serious limitation for  anaerobic  treatment

Ammonia  is  a  common  product  of  the decomposition of organic
matter.  Dead and decaying animals and plants  along  with  human
and  animal  body wastes account for much of the ammonia entering
the aquatic ecosystem.  Ammonia exists in  its  non-ionized  form
only  at  higher  pH  levels and is the most toxic in this state.
The lower the pH, the more ionized  ammonia  is  formed  and  its
toxicity  decreases.   Ammonia,  in  the  presence  of  dissolved
oxygen, is converted to nitrate  (NO3)  by  nitrifying  bacteria.
Nitrite   (NO2),  which is an intermediate product between ammonia
and nitrate, sometimes occurs in quantity when  depressed  oxygen
conditions  permit.   Ammonia can exist in several other chemical
combinations including ammonium chloride and other salts.

Nitrates are considered to be among the poisonous ingredients  of
mineralized  waters,  with potassium nitrate being more poisonous
than sodium nitrate.  Excess nitrates  cause  irritation  of  the
mucous linings of the gastrointestinal tract and the bladder; the
symptoms  are  diarrhea  and  diuresis, and drinking one liter of
water containing 500 mg/1 of nitrate can cause such symptoms.

Infant methemoglobinemia,  a  disease  characterized  by  certain
specific  blood  changes  and  cyanosis,  may  be  caused by high
nitrate concentrations in the water used  for  preparing  feeding
formulae.    While  it  is  still  impossible  to  state  precise
concentration limits, it has been widely recommended  that  water
containing  more  than 10 mg/1 of nitrate nitrogen  (NO3-N) should
not  be  used  for  infants.   Nitrates  are  also   harmful   in
fermentation processes and can cause disagreeable tastes in beer.
In  most  natural  water  the pH range is such that ammonium ions
(NH4+)   predominate.    In   alkaline   waters,   however,   high
concentrations  of  un-ionized  ammonia in undissociated ammonium
hydroxide increase the toxicity of ammonia solutions.  In streams
polluted with sewage, up to  one-half  of  the  nitrogen  in  the
sewage  may  be in the form of free ammonia, and sewage may carry
up to 35 mg/1 of total nitrogen.  It has been  shown  that  at  a
level  of  1.0 mg/1 un^ionized ammonia, the ability of hemoglobin
to combine with  oxygen  is  impaired  and  fish  may  suffocate.
Evidence  indicates  that  ammonia  exsrts  a  considerable toxic
effect on all aquatic life within a of less than  1,0  mg/1
to  25  mg/1,  depending  on  the  pH  and dissolved oxygen level

in  use  by  the  meat processing industry, and once in the waste
waters they are very costly to remove.


Because of the long detention time at ambient temperatures in the
biological treatment systems used for  treating  meat  processing
waste  water,  the temperature of the final effluent is virtually
the same as the temperature  of  the  receiving  body  of  water*
Thus,   there   is   no   need   for  a  temperature  limitation-
Noncontaminated cooling water is discharged at a maximum  of  40°
to  43°C  (105° to 11C°F) during the summer months, and is cooler
at other times of the year.  The quantity of this  cooling  water
varies  from  small to large when compared with the process waste
water flow, depending on in-plant equipment and  practices.   The
temperature  of  the  raw  waste  typically averages between 22°C
(70°F) and 32°C (90°F).  These  temperatures  are  an  asset  for
biological treatment of the waste, fostering high rates of growth
of the microorganisms needed for waste treatment.

Temperature  is  one  of the most important and influential water
quality characteristics.  Temperature  determines  those  species
that  may  be  present;  it  activates  the  hatching  of  young,
regulates their activity,  and  stimulates  or  suppresses  their
growth   and  development;  it  attracts  and  may  kill  aquatic
organisms when the water becomes too hot or becomes  chilled  too
suddenly.  Colder water generally suppresses development.  Warmer
water  generally  accelerates activity and may be a primary cause
of aquatic plant nuisances when other environmental  factors  are

Temperature  is a prime regulator of natural processes within the
water  environment.   It  governs  physiological   functions   in
organisms  and, acting directly or indirectly in combination with
other water quality constituents, it affects  aquatic  life  with
each  change.   These  effects  include  chemical reaction rates,
enzymatic functions, molecular movements, and molecular exchanges
between membranes within and between  the  physiological  systems
and the organs of an animal.

Chemical  reaction  rates  vary  with  temperature  and generally
increase as the temperature  is  increased.   The  solubility  of
gases  in  water  varies  with  temperature.  Dissolved oxygen is
decreased by the decay  or  decomposition  of  dissolved  organic
substances and the decay rate increases as the temperature of the
water  increases  reaching  a  maximum at about 30°C (86°F).  The
temperature of stream water, even during  summer,  is  below  the
optimum  for pollution-associated bacteria.  Increasing the water
temperature increases the bacterial multiplication rate when  the
environment is favorable and the food supply is abundant.

Reproduction  cycles  may  be  changed significantly by increased
temperature because this function takes  place  under  restricted

temperature  ranges.   Spawning  may  not  occur  at  all because
temperatures are too high.  Thus, a fish population may exist  in
a  heated  area  only by continued immigration.   Disregarding the
decreased reproductive potential,  water  temperatures  need  not
reach  lethal  levels  to  decimate a species.  Temperatures that
favor competitors, predators, parasites, and disease can  destroy
a species at levels far below those that are lethal.

Fish  food  organisms  are  altered  severely  when  temperatures
approach or  exceed  90°F.   Predominant  algal  species  change,
primary  production is decreased, and bottom associated organisms
may  be  depleted  or  altered   drastically   in   numbers   and
distribution.   Increased  water  temperatures  may cause aquatic
plant nuisances when other environmental factors are favorable.

Synergistic actions of pollutants are more severe at higher water
temperatures.  Given amounts of domestic sewage, refinery wastes,
oils,  tars,  insecticides,  detergents,  and  fertili zers   more
rapidly  deplete  oxygen in water at higher temperatures, and the
respective toxicities are likewise increased.

When water temperatures increase, the predominant  algal  species
may  change  from  diatoms  to  green   algae, and finally at high
temperatures to blue-green algae, because of species  temperature
preferentials.  Blue-green algae can cause serious odor problems.
The  number  and  distribution  of benthic organisms decreases as
water temperatures increase above 90°F, which  is  close  to  the
tolerance  limit for the population.  This could seriously affect
certain fish that depend on benthic organisms as a food source.

The cost of fish being attracted to heated water in winter months
may be considerable, due to fish mortalities that may result when
the fish return to the cooler water.

Rising  temperatures  stimulate  the  decomposition  of   sludge,
formation  of  sludge gas, multiplication of saprophytic bacteria
and fungi (particularly in the presence of organic  wastes),  and
the   consumption  of  oxygen  by  putrefactive  processes,  thus
affecting the esthetic value of a watercourse.

In general, marine water temperatures do not change as rapidly or
range as widely as those of freshwaters.   Marine  and  estuarine
fishes,  therefore,  are  less tolerant of temperature variation.
Although this limited tolerance is greater in estuarine  than  in
open water marine species, temperature  changes are more important
to  those  fishes  in  estuaries  and  bays than to those in open
marine areas, because of the nursery and replenishment  functions
of  the  estuary  that  can  be  adversely  affected  by  extreme
temperature changes.

                         Fecal Coliform

The coliform bacteria contamination of  raw waste is substantially
reduced in the waste treatment  systems  used  in  the  industry.


                           SECTION VII



The  waste  load  discharged from the meat processing industry to
receiving streams can be reduced to desired levels, including  no
discharge  of  pollutants, by conscientious water management, in-
plant waste controls,  process  revisions,  and  by  the  use  of
primary, secondary and tertiary waste water treatment.  Figure 11
is  a  schematic  of  a suggested waste reduction program for the
meat processing industry to achieve a high quality effluent.

This section describes many of the  techniques  and  technologies
that  are  available  or  that are being developed to achieve the
various levels of waste reduction.  In-plant  control  techniques
and  waste  water  management  suggestions  are  described first.
Waste treatment technology normally used as a  primary  treatment
is  then described.  In the case of the meat processing industry,
this "primary" treatment is a materials recovery process, and  is
considered as part of the in-plant system, although many of these
systems  have  been  improved  to  reduce  pollution levels.   The
effluent from primary treatment is considered  the  "raw  waste."
Secondary  treatment systems are used in the treatment of the raw

This section presents a description of  each  treatment  process,
the specific advantages and disadvantages of each system, and the
effectiveness  on  the specific waste water contaminants found in
meat plant waste.  Much of the  information  on  waste  treatment
effectiveness  for  meat  processing  waste  water  is  based  on
information  on  meat  packing  plant  waste  treatment   systems
collected  by  North Star in a study of the red meat industry for
the EPA.9  This was necessary because of the very small number of
meat processing plants with their own waste treatment systems and
the paucity of data.  The inference regarding  the  applicability
of  meat packing practices to meat processing waste treatment was
justified in that the waste water from plants in the two  groups,
meat  processor and packer, was similar, except for the typically
lower water volume and lower concentration of some pollutants for
the processor.

The tertiary and advanced treatment systems that  are  applicable
to  the waste from typical processing plants are described in the
last part of this section.   some  of  these  advanced  treatment
systems  have  not  been  used  in  full scale on meat packing or
processing  plant  waste;  therefore,  the  development   status,
reliability,  and  potential  problems  are  discussed in greater
detail than for the primary and secondary treatment systems  that
are in widespread use.

     Waste Reduction.
     Waste Reduction^
        Point of
Settling -
                                   BOD, Sus
                                   to 98.5%
                                     Figure 11.  Suggested Meat Processor Waste Reduction Program


The  waste  load  from  a  meat processing plant is composed of a
waste water stream containing the various pollutants described in
Section VI.  The cost and effectiveness of treatment of the waste
stream will vary with the quantity of water and the  waste  load.
In  fact,  as  indicated  in  Section V, the pollutant waste load
increases as water use increases.   In-plant  control  techniques
will  reduce  both  water use and waste Ipad.  The latter will be
reduced directly by minimizing the entry of solids into the waste
water stream and indirectly by reducing water use.

The in-plant control techniques described below have been used in
meat  processing  plants  and  packing  plants   or   have   been
demonstrated as technically feasible.

                  Pickling and Curing solutions

These  solutions  are high in salt content and frequently high in
sugar content.  Salt is a difficult pollutant to remove and sugar
has a very high BOD5.   The  operations  involving  injection  or
soaking of meat products in these solutions should be equipped to
collect  all  of  the  solution presently wasted.  The collection
pans and equipment should be designed to permit  reuse  of  these
solutions. to, 11
                  Water Conservation Practices

The  following  practices  and equipment should be used to reduce
the water consumption in plants and to achieve a reduction of the
pollutant waste load:10,11

     1.   Replace all drilled spray pipe systems with spray nozzles
          designed and located to provide the specifically desired
          water spray pattern.

     2.   Replace all washwater valves with squeeze- or press-to-open
          valves wherever possible.  Foot- and knee-operated valve
          control is useful where operator fatigue is a problem or
          where the operation requires the operator to work with
          both hands.

     3,   Install foot-pedal operated handwashing and drinking
          fountain water valves to eliminate continuously running

     4.   Install spray-on-demand controls for sprayers which need
          to operate only about 50 percent of the time or less.

     5.   Product chillers using cold water may be economically
          replaced by chillers using a cryogenic liquid such as
          nitrogen, thus reducing water consumption and perhaps
          improving product quality.

          Waste water from the boiler (blowdown)  is soft water and
          should be considered for use in cleanup or in the plant
          laundry.  Detergent use will be reduced as well as water

          Plant cleanup as an operating procedure consumes a
          substantial quantity of water in most plants.  Reduced
          water use can be achieved with equipment such as high
          pressure spray systems, steam and water mix spray
          systems, or automated clean-in-place (CIP)  systems.
          Management control is particularly vital in cleanup
          operations if water is to be conserved and cleanliness
          standards are to be maintained.

          Whenever possible, water should be recycled or reused
          in lower quality needs.  The general rule should be to use
          the lowest quality of water satisfactory for the
                       Cleanup Operations

In addition to water conservation practices, other steps can also
be taken to reduce the waste load from cleanup.  Floors and other
surfaces should be dry squeegeed or scraped  prior  to  washdown,
wherever  possible,  to  keep  the  maximum  amount of solids and
grease out of the waste  water.   The  drain  baskets  should  be
pulled  only  after cleanup has been completed.  Use a minimum of
water  and  detergent,  consistent  with  cleaning  requirements.
Automate  cleaning  of  conveyors,  piping  and  other  equipment
wherever possible.*°,n

                        Flow Equalization

Equalization facilities consist of a  holding  tank  and  pumping
equipment  designed  to reduce the fluctuations of waste streams.
They can be economically advantageous, whether  the  industry  is
treating  its  own  wastes or discharging into a city sewer after
some pretreatment.  The equalizing tank will  store  waste  water
either  for  recycle  or  reuse, or to feed the flow uniformly to
treatment facilities throughout  a  24-hour  day.   The  tank  is
characterized by a varying flow into the tank and a constant flow

The  major  advantages of equalization are that treatment systems
can be smaller since they can be designed for the 24-hour average
rather than the peak flows, and secondary waste treatment systems
operate  much  better  when  not  subjected  to  shock  loads  or
variations in feed rate.


Since  so  much  of  the  pollutant  matter  in  meat  wastes  is
originally a solid (meat and fat particles), interception of  the
waste  material  by  various  types of screens is a natural first
step.  To assure the best performance  on  a  plant  waste  water
stream, flow equalization should precede screening equipment.

Unfortunately,  when  the  pollutant  materials  enter the sewage
stream, they are subjected to turbulence, pumping, and mechanical
screening and they break down and release soluble  BOD  into  the
stream,  along  with  colloidal,  suspended,  and  greasy solids.
Waste treatment  (that is,  the  removal  of  these  solids  after
discharge) is very expensive.  It usually is far simpler and less
expensive to keep the solids out of the sewer entirely.

Static,  vibrating  and rotary screens are the primary types used
for this  step  in  the  in-plant  primary  treatment.   Whenever
possible,  pilot  scale  studies are warranted before selecting a
screen, unless specific operating  data  are  available  for  the
specific use intended and under the same operating conditions.

Static Screens

The  primary  function  of a static screen is to remove "free" or
transporting fluids.  This can be accomplished in  several  ways,
and in most older concepts, only gravity drainage is involved.  A
concavely  curved  screen  design  using  high  velocity pressure
feeding was developed and patented  in  the  1950's  for  mineral
classification  and has been adapted to other uses in the process
industries.  This design employs bar interference to  the  slurry
which knives off thin layers of the flow over the curved surface.

Beginning in 1969, United States and foreign patents were allowed
on  a  three-slope  static screen made of specially coined curved
wires.   This  concept  used  the  Coanda  or   wall   attachment
phenomenon to withdraw the fluid from the under layer of a slurry
which is stratified by controlled velocity over the screen.  This
method  of  operation  has  been  found to be highly effective in
handling slurries containing fatty or  sticky  fibrous  suspended

The specific arrangement and design of transverse wires provide a
relatively  nonclogging surface for dewatering or screening.  The
screens are precision-made in No. 316  stainless  steel  and  are
extremely rugged.

Harder,  wear-resisting  stainless  alloys  may  also be used for
special purposes.  Openings of 0.025 to 0.15 cm (0.010  to  0.060
inch) meet normal screening needs.

Vibrating Screens

The  effectiveness  of  a  vibrating  screen  depends  on a rapid
motion.  Vibrating screens operate between 900 rpm and 1800  rpm;
the  motion can be either circular or straight line, varying from
0.08 to 1.27 cm (1/32 to 1/2 inch) total travel.  The  speed  and
motion are selected by the screen manufacturer for the particular

Of prime importance in the selection of a proper vibrating screen
is the application of the proper cloth.  The capacities on liquid
vibrating  screens  are  based on the percent of open area of the
cloth.  The cloth is selected  with  the  proper  combination  of
strength  of  wire and percent of open area.  If the waste solids
to be handled are heavy and abrasive, wire of a greater thickness
and diameter should be used to assure long life.  However, if the
material is light or sticky in  nature,  the  durability  of  the
screening  surface  may  be  the  least consideration.  In such a
case, a light wire may be desired to provide an increased percent
of open area.

Rotary Screens

One type of barrel or rotary screen, driven by external  rollers,
receives  the  waste  water  at  one  open end and discharges the
solids at the other open end.  The screen is inclined toward  the
exit  end  to  facilitate  movement of solids.  The liquid passes
outward through the screen (usually stainless steel screen  cloth
or  perforated  metal)  to  a receiver and then to the sewer.  To
prevent clogging, the screen is usually sprayed continuously by a
line of external spray nozzles.1*

Another rotary screen commonly used throughout the meat  industry
is driven by an external pinion gear.  The raw waste water is fed
into the interior of the screen, below the longitudinal axis, and
solids  are  removed  in  a  trough  and  screw  conveyor mounted
lengthwise at the axis (center line) of the barrel.   The  liquid
exits  outward  through  the screen into a tank under the screen.
The screen is partially submerged in the liquid in the tank.  The
screen is usually 40 x 40 meshr with 0.4 mm (1/64 inch)  openings.
Perforated lift paddles mounted lengthwise on the inside  surface
of  the  screen  assist  in  lifting  the  solids to the conveyor
trough.  This type is also generally sprayed externally to reduce
blinding.  Grease clogging can be reduced  by  coating  the  wire
cloth   with   teflon.   Solids  removal  up  to  82  percent  is


A broad range of applications exists for  screens  as  the  first
stage  of in-plant waste water treatment.  These include both the
plant waste water and  waste  water  discharged  from  individual
processes, especially streams with high solids content.

                          Catch Basins

The catch basin for the separation of grease and solids from meat
plant waste waters was originally developed to recover marketable
grease.   Since  the  primary  objective was grease recovery, all
improvements were centered on skimming.  Many catch  basins  were
not  equipped  with  automatic  bottom  sludge removal equipment.
These basins could often be completely drained to the  sewer  and
were  "sludged  out"  weekly  or  at frequencies such that septic
conditions would not cause the sludge to rise.  Rising sludge was
undesirable because it could affect  the  color  and  reduce  the
market value of the grease.

In the past twenty years, with waste treatment gradually becoming
an added economic incentive, catch basin design has been improved
in  the  solids  removal  area  as well.  In fact, the low market
value of inedible grease and tallow  has  reduced  concern  about
quality  of the skimmings, and now the concern is shifting toward
overall effluent quality improvement.   Gravity  grease  recovery
systems  will  remove  20  to  30  percent  of the BOD5, UO to 50
percent of the suspended solids, and 50  to  60  percent  of  the
grease (hexane solubles).

The majority of the gravity grease recovery basins (catch basins)
are  rectangular.   Flow rate is the most important criterion for
design; 30 to 40 minutes detention time at one-hour peak flow  is
a  common  design sizing factor.11  The use of an equalizing tank
ahead of the catch basin obviously minimizes the size requirement
for the basin.   A  shallow  basin—up  to  1.8  m   (6  feet)—is

A "skimmer" skims the grease and scum off the top into collecting
troughs.   A  scraper  moves  the  sludge  at  the  bottom into a
submerged hopper from which it can be pumped.  Both skimmings and
sludge go to by-product recovery.

Usually two identical catch  basins,  with  a  common  wall,  are
desirable   so   operation  can  continue  if  one  is  down  for
maintenance or repair.  Both concrete and steel tanks are used.

Concrete tanks have the  inherent  advantages  of  lower  overall
maintenance  and  more  permanence  of  structure.  However, some
plants prefer to be able to modify  their  operation  for  future
expansion or alterations or even relocation.

Tanks  fabricated entirely from steel have the advantage of being
semiportable, more easily field-erected, and more easily modified
than  concrete  tanks.   The  steel   tanks,   however,   require
additional  maintenance  as  a  result  of wear from abrasion and
A tank using steel walls and a concrete bottom  is
best  compromise  between  the  completely  steel
completely concrete tank.  The advantages are  the
 probably  the
tank  and  the
 same  as  for

steel;  however, the steel tank requires a footing underneath the
supporting members, whereas the concrete bottom forms  the  floor
and supporting footings for the steel wall tank.

                     Dissolved Air Flotation

This  system is, by definition, a primary treatment system; thus,
the effluent from a dissolved air flotation system is  considered
raw waste.  This system is normally used to remove fine suspended
solids  and  is  particularly  effective  on  grease in the waste
waters  from  meat  processing  and  packing  plants.   It  is  a
relatively recent technology in the meat industry; however, it is
in  fairly  widespread  use  and increasing numbers of plants are
installing these systems, particularly in meat packing plants.

Dissolved air flotation appears to be the single  most  effective
device that a plant can use to reduce the pollutant waste load in
its  raw  waste  water  stream.   It  is expected that the use of
dissolved air flotation will  become  much  more  common  in  the
industry, especially as a step in achieving the 1983 standards.

Technical Description

Air  flotation  systems are used to remove any suspended material
from waste water with a specific gravity close to that of  water.
The  dissolved  air system generates a supersaturated solution of
waste water and air by pressurizing the waste  water  stream  and
introducing  compressed  air,  then mixing the two in a detention
tank.   This  "supersaturated"  waste  water  flows  to  a  large
flotation tank where the pressure is released, thereby generating
numerous  small  air  bubbles  which  effect the flotation of the
suspended organic material  by  one  of  three  mechanisms:    (1)
adhesion  of  the  air  bubbles  to  the particles of matter;  (2)
trapping of the air bubbles in the floe structures  of  suspended
material  as  the bubbles rise; (3)  adsorption of the air bubbles
as the floe  structure  is  formed  from  the  suspended  organic
matter.12   In  most  cases, bottom sludge removal facilities are
also provided.

There  are  three  process  alternatives  that  differ   by   the
proportion of the waste water stream that is pressurized and into
which  the  compressed air is mixed.  In the total pressurization
process. Figure 12, the entire waste water stream  is  raised  to
full pressure for compressed air injection.

In  partial  pressurization.  Figure 13, only a part of the waste
water stream is raised to the pressure of the compressed air  for
subsequent mixing.  Alternative A of Figure 13 shows a sidestream
of  influent  entering  the  detention  tank,  thus  reducing the
pumping required in the  system  shown  in  Figure  12.   In  the
recycle  pressurization  process.  Alternative  B  of  Figure 13,
treated  effluent  from  the  flotation  tank  is  recycled   and
pressurized  for  mixing with the compressed air and then, at the


fRetention\ >,
I Tank J
i 	 > Treated

Tota 1 Pressurization x
Float to
Sludge  to
                                  Figure  12.  Dissolved Air Flotation

                            Recycle Pressurizotion
                                 (Alternative B)
                                  	(Retention U	
Feed from j,
Primary 	 1 	 ^ >
Treatment 1
i 	 ^(Retention | 	 1
V Tank J
\ Treated
	 • 	 ^ t-inuein

Float to
Partial Pressurization
   (Alternative A)
     Figure 13.  Process  Alternatives for Dissolved  Air Flotation

point of pressure release,  is  mixed  with  the  influent  waste
water.  Operating costs may vary slightly, but performance should
be essentially equal among the alternatives.

Improved  performance  of the air flotation system is achieved by
coagulation of the suspended matter prior to treatment.   This  is
done  by pH adjustment or the addition of coagulant chemicals, or
both.  Aluminum sulfate, iron sulfate, lime, and polyelectrolytes
are used as coagulants at varying concentrations up to 300 to 400
mg/1 in the raw waste.  These chemicals are  essentially  totally
removed  in  the  dissolved air unit, thereby adding little or no
load  to  the  downstream  waste  treatment  systems.    Chemical
precipitation  is also discussed later, particularly in regard to
phosphorus removal, under tertiary treatment; phosphorus can also
be removed at this primary (in-plant) treatment  stage,    A  slow
paddle  mix will improve coagulation.  It has been suggested that
the proteinaceous matter in meat  processing  and  packing  plant
waste  could  be removed by reducing the pH of the waste water to
the isoelectric point of about 3.5.42  The proteinaceous material
would be coagulated at that point and readily  removed  as  float
from  the  top of the dissolved air unit.  This is not being done
commercially in the meat industry in the  United  States  at  the
present time.

Similarly, the Alwatec process has been developed by a company in
Oslo,  Norway,  using  a  lignosulfonic  acid  precipitation  and
dissolved air flotation to recover a high protein product that is
valuable as a feed.13 Nearly instantaneous protein  precipitation
and  hence,  nitrogen  removal,  is  achieved when a high protein
containing effluent, such as that from a meat  processing  plant,
is acidified to a pH between 3 and 4 with a high molecular weight
sodium salt of lignosulfonic acid.  EOD5 reduction is reported to
range  from  60  to 95 percent.  The effluent must be neutralized
before further treatment by the addition of milk of lime or  some
other  inexpensive  alkali.   This  process is being evaluated on
meat packing waste in one plant  in  the  United  States  at  the
present time.1*

Dissolved  air  flotation  equipment  may  be expected to achieve
sustained removals of up to 60-percent for suspended  solids  and
80   to  90  percent  grease  removal  without  the  addition  of
chemicals.  With the addition of 300 to  UOO  mg/1  of  inorganic
coagulants  and  a  slow  mix to coagulate the organic matter, 90
percent or more  of  the  suspended  solids  and  grease  can  be
removed.*5   Nitrogen  reduction  between  35  and 70 percent was
found in  dissolved  air  units  surveyed  in  the  meat  packing

The  operation of several dissolved air units was observed during
the verification sampling program and plant visits  of  the  meat
packing industry.  One plant that was visited controlled the feed
rate  and  pH  of  the  waste water and achieved 90 to 95 percent
removal of solids and grease.  Other plants had  relatively  good
operating  success,  but  some  did  not achieve the results that

should have been attainable, perhaps due

Problems and Reliability
to  improper  operating
The reliability of the dissolved air flotation process and of the
equipment seems to be well established, although it is relatively
new  technology  for  the meat processing industry.  As indicated
above, it appears that the use of the dissolved air system is not
fully exploited by some of the companies who  have  installed  it
for  waste  water  treatment.   The  potential reliability of the
dissolved air process can be realized by proper installation  and
operation.    The  feed  rate  and  process  conditions  must  be
maintained at the proper levels  at  all  times  to  assure  this
reliability.   This  fact does not seem to be fully understood or
of sufficient concern to some companies, and thus full benefit is
frequently not achieved.

The sludge and float taken from the dissolved air system  can  be
disposed  of  with  the  sludges  obtained  from  secondary waste
treatment systems.  The addition of polyelectrolyte chemicals was
reported to create some problems for sludge dewatering;  however,
this  may  have  been the unique experience of one or two plants.
The mechanical equipment involved in the dissolved air  flotation
system is fairly simple, requiring standard maintenance attention
for such things as pumps and mechanical drives.

The  secondary  treatment methods commonly used for the treatment
of meat processing and meat packing wastes after in-plant primary
treatment (solids removal) are the following biological  systems:
anaerobic processes, aerobic lagoons, variations of the activated
sludge  process,  and  high-rate  trickling  filters.  Several of
these systems are capable of providing  70  to  97  percent  BOD5
reductions and 80 to 95 percent suspended solids reduction, while
combinations of these systems can achieve reductions greater than
99  percent  in  BOD5  and grease, and greater than 97 percent in
suspended solids, as  observed  primarily  in  the  meat  packing
industry.  Based on operating data from a pilot-plant system, the
rotating biological contactor also shows potential as a secondary
treatment system.

The  selection  of a secondary biological system for treatment of
meat processing wastes depends upon a number of important  system
characteristics.   Some  of  these  are waste water volume, waste
load   concentration,   equipment   used,   pollutant   reduction
effectiveness  required,  reliability, consistency, and resulting
secondary pollution problems (e.g.,  sludge)   disposal  and  odor
control).   The  characteristics  and  performance of each of the
above mentioned secondary treatment systems,  and also for  common
combinations of them, are described in Section VIII.

                       Anaerobic Processes

Elevated  temperatures  (29°  to  35°C,  or 85° to 95°F)  and high
concentrations of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nutrients in
some meat processing wastes make  these  wastes  well  suited  to
anaerobic  treatment.   Anaerobic  or facultative microorganisms,
which function in the absence of dissolved oxygen, break down the
organic  wastes  to  intermediates  such  as  organic  acids  and
alcohols.    Methane  bacteria  then  convert  the  intermediates
primarily to carbon dioxide and methane.  Unfortunately, much  of
the  organic  nitrogen  present  in  the influent is converted to
ammonia nitrogen.  Also, if sulfur compounds are present (such as
from highsulfate raw water—50 to  100  mg/1  sulfate),  hydrogen
sulfide  will  be  generated.   Acid  conditions  are undesirable
because  methane  formation  is  suppressed  and  noxious   odors
develop.  Anaerobic processes are economical because they provide
high  overall  removal of BOD5 and suspended solids with no power
cost  (other than pumping)  and with low  land  requirements.   The
two  types  of  anaerobic  processes  commonly used are anaerobic
lagoons and anaerobic contact systems.

Anaerobic Lagoons

Anaerobic lagoons are widely used in the meat packing industry as
the first step in secondary treatment or as pretreatment prior to
discharge to a municipal system.  Reductions of up to 97  percent
in  BOD5 and up to 95 percent in suspended solids can be achieved
with the lagoons; 85 percent reduction is  common.   Occasionally
two  anaerobic  lagoons  are  used  in  parallel and sometimes in
series.  These lagoons are relatively deep (3  to  5  meters,  or
about 10 to 17 feet), low surface area systems with typical waste
loadings  of  240  to  320 kg BOD5/1000 cubic meters (15 to 20 Ib
BOD5/1000 cubic feet) and detention times of five to ten days.  A
thick scum layer of grease is frequently allowed to accumulate on
the surface  of  the  lagoon  to  retard  heat  loss,  to  ensure
anaerobic  conditions,  and  hopefully to retain obnoxious odors.
Low pH and wind can adversely  affect  the  scum  layer.   Paunch
manure  and straw may be added to this scum layer by meat packing

Plastic covers of nylon-reinforced Hypalon,  polyvinyl  chloride,
and  styrofoam  have  been  used on occasion in place of the scum
layer; in fact, some states  require  this.   Properly  installed
covers provide a convenient means for odor control and collection
of the by-product methane gas.

The  waste  water  flow inlet should be located near, but not on,
the bottom of the  lagoon.   In  some  installations,  sludge  is
recycled to ensure adequate anaerobic seed for the influent.  The
outlet  from  the  lagoon  should  be  located  to  prevent short
circuiting of the flow and carry-over of the scum layer.

For best operation, the pH should fce between  7.0  and  8.5.   At
lower  pH, methane-forming bacteria will not survive and the acid
formers will take over to produce very noxious odors.  At a  high
pH  (above  8.5),  acid  forming  bacteria will be suppressed and
lower the lagoon efficiency.

Advantages-Disadvantages.   Advantages  of  an  anaerobic  lagoon
system  are  initial low cost, ease of operation, and the ability
to handle large grease loads  and  shock  waste  laods,  and  yet
continue    to   provide   a   consistent   quality   effluent.16
Disadvantages of an anaerobic lagoon  are  the  hydrogen  sulfide
generated  from  sulfate-containing waters and the typically high
ammonia concentrations in the effluent of 100 mg/1 or  more.   If
acid   conditions   develop,   several   odor   problems  result.
Incidentally, if the gases evolved are contained, it is  possible
to use iron filing to remove sulfides.

Applications.    Anaerobic  lagoons  used  as  the first stage in
secondary treatment are  usually  followed  by  aerobic  lagoons.
Placing   a   small,  mechanically  aerated  lagoon  between  the
anaerobic and aerobic lagoons is becoming popular.  A  number  of
plants are currently installing extended aeration units following
the anaerobic lagoons to obtain nitrification.  Anaerobic lagoons
are  not permitted in some states or areas where the ground water
is high or the soil conditions are adverse (e.g., too porous), or
because of odor problems.

Anaerobic Contact System

Anaerobic  contact  systems  require  far  more   equipment   for
operation  than do anaerobic lagoons, and consequently are not as
frequently used, especially in the meat  packing  industry.   The
equipment,  as illustrated in Figure 14, consists of equalization
tanks,  digesters  with  mixing  equipment,  air  or  vacuum  gas
stripping  units,  and sedimentation tanks (clarifiers)*  Overall
reduction of 90 to 97 percent in BOD5  and  suspended  solids  is

Equalized  waste  water  flow is introduced into a mixed digester
where anaerobic decomposition takes place at a temperature of 33°
to 35°C (90° to 95°F).  BOD5 loading into the digester is between
2.4 and 3.2 kg/cubic meter (0.15 and 0.20 It/cubic foot) and  the
detention  time  is  between  three  and twelve hours.  After gas
stripping, the digester  effluent  is  clarified  and  sludge  is
recycled at a rate of about onethird the raw waste influent rate.
Sludge  is removed from the system at the rate of about 2 percent
of the raw waste volume.

Advantages-Disadvantages.  Advantages of  the  anaerobic  contact
system  are  high  organic  waste  load reduction in a relatively
short time; production and collection of methane gas that can  be
used  to  maintain a high temperature in the digester and also to

          Equalizing Tank
8     Effluent
                                         Sludge  Recycle
                           Figure  14.  Anaerobic Contact Process

provide auxiliary heat and  power;  good  effluent  stability  to
grease  and  waste  load  shocks;  and application in areas where
anaerobic lagoons cannot be  used.   Disadvantages  of  anaerobic
contactors  are  higher  initial  cost  and maintenance costs and
potential odor emissions from the clarifiers.

Applications.  Anaerobic contact systems are restricted to use as
the first stage of secondary treatment and can be followed by the
same systems as anaerobic lagoons or roughing trickling filters.

                         Aerated Lagoons

Aerated lagoons have been used successfully for many years  in  a
small  number  of  installations  treating  meat  packing wastes.
However, with the tightening of effluent limitations, and because
aerated lagoons can provide the additional treatment, the  number
of installations is increasing.

Aerated   lagoons   use   either  fixed  mechanical  turbine-type
aerators, floating propeller-type aerators,  or  a  diffused  air
system  for  supplying  oxygen  to  the waste water.  The lagoons
usually are 2.4 to 4.6 meters (8 to 15 feet)   deep,  and  have  a
detention time of two to ten days.  BOD5 reductions range from 40
to  60  percent, with little or no reduction in suspended solids.
Because of this, aerated lagoons approach conditions  similar  to
extended aeration (discussed below)  without sludge recycle.


Advantages  of  this system are that it can rapidly add dissolved
oxygen  (DO)  to convert anaerobic effluent to  an  aerobic  state;
provide  additional  BOD5 reduction; and it requires a relatively
small  amount  of  land.    Disasvantages   include   the   power
requirements  and  the  fact  that the aerated lagoon, in itself,
usually does not reduce BOD5 and suspended solids  adequately  to
be  used  as  the  final  stage  in  a high performance secondary


Aerated lagoons  are  usually  the  first  or  second  stages  of
secondary  treatment,  and  must be followed by aerobic  (shallow)
lagoons to reduce suspended solids and to  provide  the  required
final treatment.
                         Aerobic Lagoons

Aerobic  lagoons  (stabilization  lagoons or oxidation ponds) are
large surface area, shallow lagoons, usually 1 to 2.3  meters   (3
to 8 feet)  deep, loaded at a BODji rate of 23 to 57 kg per hectare

(20  f' 50 pounds per acre).   Detention times vary from about one
month to six or seven months; thus, aerobic lagoons require large
areas of land.

Aerobic lagoons serve three main functions in waste reduction:

     o    Allow solids to settle out;

     o    Equalize and control flow;

     o    Permit stabilization of organic matter by aerobic and
          facultative microorganisms and also by algae.

Actually, if the pond is quite deep, 1.8 to 2.4 meters  (6  to  8
feet),  the  waste water near the bottom may be void of dissolved
oxygen  and  anaerobic  organi sms  may  be  pre sent.   Therefore,
settled  solids  can be decomposed into inert and soluble organic
matter by aerobic, anaerobic, or facultative organisms, depending
upon the lagoon conditions.  The soluble organic matter  is  also
decomposed  by  microorganisms.   It  is  essential  to  maintain
aerobic conditions in at least the upper six to twelve inches  in
shallow  lagoons,  since  aerobic  microorganisms  cause the most
complete removal of  organic  matter.   Wind  action  assists  in
carrying   the  upper  layer  of  liquid   (aerated  by  air-water
interface and photosynthesis) down into the deeper portions.  The
anaerobic  decomposition  generally  occurring  in   the   bottom
converts  solids  to  liquid organics, which can become nutrients
for the aerobic organisms in the upper zone.

Algae growth is common in aerobic lagoons; this  currently  is  a
drawback  when  aerobic  lagoons  are  used  for  final treatment
because the algae appear as suspended solids and contribute BOD5.
Algae added to receiving waters are thus considered a  pollutant.
Algae  in  the  effluent may be reduced by drawing off the lagoon
effluent at least 30 cm  (about  14  inches)  below  the  surface,
where  concentrations  are  usually  lower.  Algae in the lagoon,
however, play an important role in stabilization.  They use  CO2,
sulfates,  nitrates, phosphates, water and sunlight to synthesize
their own organic cellular  matter  and  give  off  oxygen.   The
oxygen  may  then  be  used  by  other  microorganisms  for their
metabolic processes.  However, when algae die they release  their
organic matter in the lagoon, causing a secondary loading.

Ammonia disappears without the appearance of an equivalent amount
of  nitrite  and  nitrate in aerobic lagoons.  From this, and the
fact that aerobic lagoons  tend  to  become  anaerobic  near  the
bottom, it appears that some denitrification is occurring.

Ice and snow cover in winter reduces the overall effectiveness of
aerobic  lagoons  by  reducing algae activity, preventing mixing,
and preventing reaeration by wind  action  and  diffusion.   This
cover, if present for an extended period, can result in anaerobic
conditions.  When there is no ice and snow cover on large aerobic
lagoons,  high  winds  can  develop a strong wave action that can
damage dikes.  Riprap, segmented lagoons, and  finger  dikes  are

used  to  prevent  wave  damage.   Finger  dikes,  when  arranged
appropriately, also prevent short circuiting of the  waste  water
through   the   lagoon.    Rodent  and  weed  control,  and  dike
maintenance are all essential for good operation of the lagoons.

Advantages-Disadvantages  Advantages of aerobic lagoons are  that
they  reduce  the  suspended  solids  and  colloidal  matter, and
oxidize the organic matter of the influent to  the  lagoon;  they
also  permit flow control and waste water storage.  Disadvantages
are reduced effectiveness during winter months that  may  require
no  discharge,  the  large  land  requirements,  the algae growth
problem leading to higher suspended solids, and odor problems for
a short time in spring, after the ice melts and before the lagoon
becomes aerobic again.

Aerobic lagoons usually are the last stage in secondary treatment
and  frequently  follow   anaerobic   or   anaerobic-plus-aerated
lagoons.   Large  aerobic  lagoons  allow  plants  to store waste
waters for discharge during periods of high flow in the receiving
body of water or to store  for  irrigation  purposes  during  the
summer.   These  lagoons  are particularly popular in rural areas
where land is available and relatively inexpensive.

                        Activated Sludge

The conventional activated sludge process is schematically  shown
in  Figure  15.   In  this  process  recycled biologically active
sludge or floe is mixed in aerated tanks  or  basins  with  waste
water.  The microorganisms in the floe adsorb organic matter from
the  wastes  and  convert  it by oxidation-enzyme systems to such
stable products as carbon dioxide, water, and sometimes  nitrates
and  sulfates.   The  time  required for digestion depends on the
type of waste and its concentration, but the average time is  six
hours.   The floe, which is a mixture of microorganisms (protozoa
and filamentous types), food, and slime material, can  assimilate
organic  matter  rapidly when properly activated; hence, the name
activated sludge.

From  the  aeration  tank  the    sludge-waste   water   mixture,
nitrification  has  taken place, is discharged to a sedimentation
tank.  Here the sludge settles out, producing a  clear  effluent,
low  in BOD5, and a biologically active sludge.  A portion of the
settled sludge, normally about 20 percent, is recycled  to  serve
as  an  inoculum  and  to  maintain a high mixed liquor suspended
solids content.  Excess  sludge  is  removed   (wasted)  from  the
system,  usually  to  thickeners  and  anaerobic digestion, or to
chemical   treatment   and   dewatering    by    filtration    or

Aeration  Tank
                                            [_Return  Activated Sludge
                                               Waste I
                                    Figure 15.  Activated Sludge Process

This  conventional  activated  sludge process can reduce BOD5 and
suspended solids up to 95 percent.  However,  it  cannot  readily
handle  shock  loads  and  widely  varying  flows  common to meat
processing waste waters without upstream flow equalization.

Various modifications of the activated sludge process  have  been
developed,  such  as the tapered aeration, step aeration, contact
stabilization,  and  extended  aeration.   Of   these,   extended
aeration  processes  are most frequently being used for treatment
of meat processing and meat packing wastes.

Extended Aeration

The extended aeration process  is  similar  to  the  conventional
activated  sludge  process,  except that the mixture of activated
sludge and raw materials is maintained in  the  aeration  chamber
for longer periods of time.  The usual detention time in extended
aeration  ranges from one to three days, rather than six hours as
in the  conventional  process.   During  this  prolonged  contact
between  the  sludge  and  raw waste, there is ample time for the
organic matter to be adsorbed by the  sludge  and  also  for  the
organisms  to  metabolize  the  organic  matter  which  they have
adsorbed.  This allows for a  much  greater  removal  of  organic
matter.  In addition, the organisms undergo a considerable amount
of  endogenous  respiration,  and  therefore  oxidize much of the
organic matter which has been built up into the protoplasm of the
organism.  Hence', in addition to high organic removals  from  the
waste  waters,  up  to  75  percent  of the organic matter of the
microorganisms  are   decomposed   into   stable   products   and
consequently less sludge will have to be handled.

In  extended  aeration,  as  in the conventional activated sludge
process, it is necessary to  have  a  final  sedimentation  tank.
Some  of  the  solids resulting from extended aeration are rather
finely divided and therefore settle slowly,  requiring  a  longer
period of settling.

The  long  detention  time in the extended aeration tank makes it
possible for nitrification  to  occur.   In  nitrification  under
aerobic conditions, ammonia is converted to nitrites and nitrates
by specific groups of nitrifying bacteria.  For this to occur, it
is  necessary  to  have  sludge  detention times in excess of ten
days.*6  This can be accomplished by regulating  the  amounts  of
recycled and wasted sludge.  Oxygen-enriched gas could be used in
place   of   air   in  the  aeration  tanks  to  improve  overall
performance.  This  would  require  that  the  aeration  tank  be
partitioned   and  covered,  and  that  the  air  compressor  and
dispersion system be replaced by a rotating sparger system.  When
concurrent, staged flow and recirculation of gas back through the
liquor are employed, between 90 and  95  percent  oxygen  use  is
claimed.  Although this modification of extended aeration has not
been  used  in  treating  meat  plant  wastes,  it  is being used
successfully for treating other wastes.

Advantages-Disadvantages.,   The  advantages   of   the   extended
aeration  process are that it is immune to shock loading and flow
fluctuations because the incoming raw waste load  is  diluted  by
the  liquid  in  the  system to a much greater extent than in the
conventional  activated  sludge.   Also,  because  of  the   long
detention  time,  high  BOD  reductions  can  be obtained.  Other
advantages of the system are the elimination of sludge  digestion
equipment  and  the  capability  to produce a nitrified effluent.
Disadvantages are that it is difficult  to  remove  most  of  the
suspended  solids  from  the  mixed  liquor  discharged  from the
aeration tank; large volume  tanks  or  basins  are  required  to
accommodate  the  long  detention  times; and operating costs for
aeration are high.

Applications.  Because of  the  nitrification  process,  extended
aeration  systems are being used following anaerobic processes or
lagoons to produce low-BOD5 and low  ammonia-nitrogen  effluents.
They  are  also  being  used  as  the  first  stage  of secondary
treatment, followed by polishing lagoons.

                        Trickling Filter

A trickling filter consists of a bed  of  rock  or  prefabricated
plastic  filter media on the surface of which the microbial flora
develops; a rotary arm waste water distribution  system;  and  an
under-drainage    system.    The   distribution   arm   uniformly
distributes waste water over the filter  media.   The  microflora
adsorbs  and  eventually  metabolizes  the  organic matter in the
liquid as it trickles down through the media.   When  the  growth
becomes  fairly thick, it begins to slough off the surface of the
media as large pieces of  solids,  which  are  carried  with  the
liquid  out through the under-drainage system.  Consequently, the
trickling filter must be followed by an appropriate sedimentation
tank to remove the  solids.   To  avoid  clogging  the  trickling
filter,  the  waste  water  must be pretreated  (primary, in-plant
treatment) to remove most solids and grease.

The high rate trickling filter is used  in  treating  meat  plant
waste  waters either as a roughing filter, preceding conventional
secondary treatment such as  activated  sludge,  or  as  complete
secondary, treatment  in  several  stages.  Hydraulic loading for
high rate trickling filters is generally in the range of 93.5  to
187  million  liters per hectare (10 to 20 million gal. per acre)
per day.


Advantages of the roughing  trickling  filter  are  that  it  can
smooth  out  hydraulic and BOD_5 loadings and provide some initial
reduction in BOD5 (40 to 50 percent).  Also, it is not materially
affected by extended inactivity, such as weekends.   However,  if
there  are  long  periods  of  inactivity,  it  is  desirable  to

recirculate the effluent of one of the settling tanks through the
filter to keep the floe moist.  Another advantage of the roughing
filter is  its  reliability  with  minimum  care  and  attention.
Disadvantages of the trickling filter system include high cost of
installation,  the  possible  necessity  to  cover the filters in
winter  to   prevent   freez ing,   and   effluent   concentration
fluctuation with changes in incoming waste load.

                  Rotating Biological Contactor

Process Description

The  rotating  biological contactor (RBC)  consists of a series of
closelyspaced  flat  parallel  disks  which  are  rotated   while
partially   immersed  in  the  waste  waters  being  treated.   A
biological growth  covering  the  surface  of  the  disk  adsorbs
dissolved  organic  matter  present  in  the waste water.  As the
biomass on the disk builds  upf  excess  slime  is  sloughed  off
periodically  and  is  settled  out  in sedimentation tanks.  The
rotation of the disk carries a thin film of waste water into  the
air  where  it  absorbs  the  oxygen  necessary  for  the aerobic
biological activity of  the  biomass.    The  disk  rotation  also
promotes  thorough mixing and contact between the biomass and the
waste waters.  In many ways the RBC system is a  compact  version
of a trickling filter.  In the trickling filter, the waste -waters
flow over the media and thus over the microbial flora; in the RBC
system, the flora is passed through the waste water.

The system can be staged to enhance overall waste load reduction.
Organisms  on the disks selectively develop in each stage and are
thus particularly adapted to the composition of the waste in that
stage.  The first stages might be used for removal  of  dissolved
organic  matter,  while  the  latter  stages  might be adapted to
nitrification of ammonia.
Development status

The RBC system was developed  independently  in  Europe  and  the
United  states about 1955 for the treatment of domestic waste; it
found application only in Europe, where there  are  an  estimated
1000  domestic  installations.16  However, the use of the RBC for
the treatment of meat plant  waste  is  being  evaluated  at  the
present  time.   The  only operating information available on its
use on meat packing waste is  from  a  pilot-scale  system.   The
pilot-plant  studies  were conducted with a four-stage RBC system
with four-foot diameter disks.  The system was treating a portion
of the effluent from the  Austin,  Minnesota,  anaerobic  contact
plant  used  to treat meat packing waste.  These results showed a
BOD5 removal in excess of 50  percent  with  loadings  less  than
0.037  kg  BOD5  per  unit  area  on  an  average  BOD5  influent
concentration of approximately 25 mg/1.17

Data from Autotrol Corporation,  one  of  the  suppliers  of  RBC
systems,  revealed  ammonia removal of greater than 90 percent by
nitrification in a multistage unit.   Four  to  eight  stages  of
disks  with  maximum  hydraulic loadings of 61 liters per day per
square meter (1.5 gallons per day per square foot)  of  disk  area
are considered normal for ammonia removal.

A  large  installation  was  recently  completed at the Iowa Beef
Processors plant  in  Dakota  City,  Nebraska,  for  the  further
treatment  of  the  effluent from an anaerobic lagoon.18  No data
are available on this installation, which has been  plagued  with
mechanical problems.


The  major  advantages  of  the RBC system are its relatively low
first cost; the ability to  stage  to  obtain  dissolved  organic
matter  reduction  with  the  potential for removal of ammonia by
nitrification; and its good resistance to hydraulic shock  loads.
Disadvantages are that the system should be housed, if located in
cold  climates,  to  maintain  high  removal  efficiencies and to
control  odors.   Although  this  system  has  demonstrated   its
durability  and  reliability  when  used  on  domestic  wastes in
Europe, it has not yet been fully proved on meat plant wastes.

Rotating biological contactors  could  be  used  for  the  entire
aerobic  secondary  system.  The number of stages required depend
on the desired degree of treatment  and  the  influent  strength.
Typical   applications  of  the  rotating  biological  contactor,
however,  may  be  for  polishing  the  effluent  from  anaerobic
processes   and   from   roughing   trickling   filters,  and  as
pretreatment prior to discharging wastes to a  municipal  system.
A  BOD5  reduction  of 98 percent is reportedly achievable with a
fourstage RBC.»*

       Performance of Various Secondary Treatment Systems

Table 9 shows BOD5, suspended solids  (SS),  and  grease  removal
efficiencies  for  various  biological  treatment systems on meat
packing plant waste  waters.   Exemplary  values  each  represent
results  from  an  actual treatment system except for the data on
the anaerobic plus  aerobic  lagoon  system  which  includes  two
plants.   The  exemplary  system  is  considered  to  be the most
effective for that type of treatment system and the selection  is
based on data collected in on-site sampling.

The  number of systems used to calculate average values are shown
in Table 9.  It is  apparent  that  the  anaerobic  plus  aerobic
lagoon system is the most commonly used.

              Table 9.   Performance of  Various  Secondary
                        Treatment Systems
Secondary Treatment System
(number of systems used
to determine averages)
Anaerobic + Aerobic
lagoon (22)
Anaerobic + aerated +
Aerobic lagoon (3)
Anaerobic Contact Process +
Aerobic lagoon (1)
Extended Aeration +
Aerobic lagoon (1)
Anaerobic lagoon + Rotating
Biological contactor
Anaerobic lagoon + Extended
Aeration 4- Aerobic lagoon
Anaerobic lagoon +
Trickling filter (1)
2-Stage Trickling filter (1)
Aerated + Aerobic
lagoon (1)
Anaerobic Contact (1)
Water Wasteload Reduction
Average Values
98. 5e

Exemplary Values






e - estimated

The  estimated  reduction  of BOD5 shown for the anaerobic lagoon
plus rotating  biological  contractor  is  based  on  preliminary
pilot-plant results.

The  values shown for the anaerobic lagoon plus extended aeration
system are based on estimates  of  their  combined  effectiveness
that  are below the value calculated by using the average removal
efficiency for the two components  of  the  system  individually.
For  example, if the BOD5 reduction for both the anaerobic lagoon
and  the  extended  aeration  were  90  percent,  the  calculated
efficiency of the two systems combined would be 99 percent.

              Chemical Precipitation of Phosphorus

Phosphorus  is  an  excellent  nutrient  for  algae  and thus can
promote heavy algae blooms.  As such,  it  cannot  be  discharged
into  receiving  streams  and  its  concentration  should  not be
allowed to build up in a  recycle  water  stream.   However,  the
presence  of  phosphorus is particularly useful in spray or flood
irrigation systems as a nutrient for plant growth.

The effectiveness of chemical precipitation. Figure 16, has  been
verified  in  full  scale  during  the  North  Star  verification
sampling program of the meat packing industry.  One packing plant
operates  a  dissolved  air  flotation  system  as   a   chemical
precipitation  unit and achieves 95 percent phosphorus removal to
a concentration of less than 1 mg/1.



           Figure 16.  Chemical Precipitation
Chemical  precipitation  can  be  used  for  primary    (in-plant)
treatment  to  remove  BOD5,  suspended  solids,  and  grease, as
discussed earlier in conjunction with  dissolved  air  flotation.
Also,  it  can  be used as  a final treatment following biological
treatment to remove suspended solids in addition to phosphorus.

Technical Description

Phosphorus  occurs  in  waste  water  streams  from  meat  plants
primarily  as  phosphate  salts.   Phosphates can be precipitated
with trivalent iron and trivalent aluminum salts.  It can also be
rapidly precipitated by the addition of lime; however,  the  rate
of removal is controlled by the agglomeration of the precipitated
colloids   and   by  the  settling  rate  of  the  agglomerate.12
Laboratory investigation and experience with  inplant  operations
have  substantially confirmed that phosphate removal is dependent
on pH and that this removal tends to be limited by the solubility
behavior of the three  phosphate  salts—calcium,  aluminum,  and
iron.   The  optimum  pH  for the iron and aluminum precipitation
occurs in the 4 to 6 range,  whereas  the  calcium  precipitation
occurs on the alkaline side at pH values above 9.5.*2

Since  the  removal of phosphorus is a two-step process involving
precipitation and then agglomeration, and both are  sensitive  to
pH,  controlling  the pH level takes on added significance.  If a
chemical other than lime is used in the precipitation-coagulation
process, two levels of pH are required.  Precipitation occurs  on
the acid side and coagulation is best carried out on the alkaline
side.    The  precipitate  is  removed  by  sedimentation  or  by
dissolved air flotation.12 Polyelectrolytes are polymers that can
be used as primary coagulants, flocculation aids, filter aids, or
for sludge conditioning.  Phosphorus removal may be  enhanced  by
the  use of such polyelectrolytes by producing a better floe than
might occur without such chemical addition.19

The chemically precipitated sludge contains  grease  and  organic
matter  in  addition  to the phosphorus, if the system is used in
primary treatment.  If it is used as a post-secondary  treatment,
the  sludge  volume  will  be  less and it will contain primarily
phosphorus salts.   The  sludge  from  either  treatment  can  be
Development Status

This  process  is  well  established  and understood technically.
Although its use on meat packing waste is  very  limited,  it  is
gaining  acceptance  as a primary waste treatment process.  Where
it is in use, it is being operated successfully  if  the  process
chemistry  is  understood and if the means to control the process
are available and properly used.

Problems and Reliability

As indicated above, the  reliability  of  this  process  is  well
established;  however,  it  is  a  chemical  process  and as such
requires the appropriate control and operating  procedures.   The
problems  that  can  be encountered in operating this process are
frequently the result of a lack of  understanding  or  inadequate
equipment.   Sludge  disposal  is  not  expected to be a problem.

although the use of polyelectrolytes  and  their  effect   on  the
dewatering  properties of the sludge are open to  some  question at
the present time.

                           Sand Filter

A slow sand filter is a specially prepared bed of sand or  other
mineral  fines  on  which doses of waste water are  intermittently
applied and from which effluent is removed by  an  under-drainage
system  (Figure  17);  it  removes  solids   from  the  waste water
stream.  BOD5 removal occurs  primarily  as  a  function   of  the
degree  of solids removal, although some biological action occurs
in the top inch or two of sand.  Effluent from the  sand filter is
of a high quality, with BOD5 and suspended solids  concentrations
of  less  than  10  mg/l.a°   Although  the  performance of a sand
filter is well known and documented, it  is  not  in  common  use
because  it is not needed to reach current waste  water standards.
A rapid sand filter may operate under pressure in a closed vessel
or may be built in open concrete tanks.  It  is primarily  a  water
treatment  device  and  thus would be used as tertiary treatment,
following secondary treatment.  Mixed media  filters are   special
versions of rapid sand filters that permit deeper bed  penetration
by  gradation  of particle sizes in the bed.  Up-flow  filters are
also special cases of rapid filters.

    Primary or
                                        for Odor Control
                               Surface nr Back
                                Clean    Wash
                                to Regenerate

                   Figure 17.   Sand Filter System

Technical Description

The slow sand filter removes  solids primarily at the  surface  of
the  filter.  The rapid sand  filter is operated to allow a deeper
penetration of suspended solids into  the  sand  bed  and  thereby
achieve  solids  removal  through  a  greater cross section of the
bed.  The rate of filtration  of the rapid filter  is  up  to  100
times  that  of the slow filter.   Thus,  the rapid filter requires
substantially less area than  the slow filter;  however, the  cycle
time  averages  about  2U hours  in comparison with cycles of up to
30 to 60 days for a slow filter.2*  The larger area required  for
the latter means a higher first cost.   For small plants, the slow
sand filter can be used as secondary  treatment.   In larger sizes,
the  labor  in  maintaining and cleaning the surface may mitigate

its use.  The rapid sand filter, on the other hand, can  be  used
following  secondary  treatment.   However, it would tend to clog
quickly and require frequent backwashing,  resulting  in  a  high
water use, if used as secondary treatment.  This wash water would
also  need  treatment  if  the  rapid  sand  filter  were used in
secondary  treatment  with  only  conventional   solids   removal
upstream in the plant.

The  rapid  filters  operate essentially unattended with pressure
loss controls and piping  installed  for  automatic  backwashing.
They are contained in concrete structures or in steel tanks.19

Cleanup  of the rapid sand filter requires backwashing of the bed
of sand with a greater quantity of water than used for  the  slow
sand  filter.   Backwashing is an effective cleanup procedure and
the only constraint is to  minimize  the  washwater  required  in
cleanup,  since  this  must  be  disposed  of in some appropriate
manner other than discharging it to a stream.

Development Status

The slow sand filter has been in use for 50 years and  more.   It
has  been  particularly  well suited to small cities and isolated
treatment systems serving hotels, motels, hospitals, etc.,  where
treatment  of  low  flow  is  required  and  land  and  sand  are
available.  Treatment in these applications has been of sanitary-
or municipal-type raw waste.  The Ohio  Environmental  Protection
Administration  i's  a  strong  advocate of slow sand filters as a
secondary treatment for small meat plants, following some form of
settling or solids removal.  As of early 1973,  16  sand  filters
had  been  installed  and  eight were proposed and expected to be
installed in Ohio.  All 24 of these installations were  on  waste
from meat plants.zz  The land requirements for a slow sand filter
are  not  particularly  significant in relation to those required
for  lagooning  purposes  in   secondary   treatment   processes.
However,  the  quality and quantity of sand are important and may
be a constraint  in  the  use  of  sand  filters  in  some  local
situations.   It  should  also  be  recognized  that this process
requires hand labor for raking the crust  that  develops  on  the
surface.  Frequency of raking may be weekly or monthly, depending
upon the quality of pretreatment and the gradation of the sand.

Problems and Reliability

The  reliability  of  the  slow  sand  filter  seems  to  be well
established in its long-term use as a municipal  waste  treatment
system.   When  the  sand filter is operated intermittently there
should be  little  danger  of  operating  mishap  with  resultant
discharge  of  untreated  effluent or poor quality effluent.  The
need for bed cleaning  becomes  evident  with  the  reduction  in
quality  of  the effluent or in the increased cycle time, both of
which are subject to monitoring and control.  Operation  in  cold
climates is possible as long as the appropriate adjustment in the

surface  of the bed has been made to prevent blanking off the bed
by freezing water.

Chlorination, both before and after sand filtering,  particularly
in  the  use  of  rapid  filters, may be desirable to minimize or
eliminate potential odor  problems  and  slimes  that  may  cause

The  rapid  sand  filter  has  been  used  extensively  in  water
treatment plants and in municipal sewage treatment  for  tertiary
treatment;  thus,  its  use  in  tertiary  treatment of secondary
treated effluents from meat plants  appears  to  be  a  practical
method  of  reducing  BOD5  and  suspended solids to levels below
those expected from conventional secondary treatment.


A microstrainer is a filtering  device  that  uses  a  fine  mesh
screen on a partially submerged rotating drum to remove suspended
solids  and thereby reduce the BOD5 associated with those solids.
Figure 18.  The microstrainer is used  as  a  tertiary  treatment
following  the removal of most of the solids from the waste water
stream, and suspended solids and BOD5 have been reduced to 3 to  5
mg/1 in applications on municipal waste,12  There are no  reports
of their use in the tertiary treatment of meat plant wastes.
Backwash to
    Clear Screen/Strainer
               Figure 18.  Microscreen/Microstrainer
Technical Description

The  microstrainer  is  a   filtration  device  in which a stainless
steel microfabric is used  as the   filtering   medium.    The  steel
wire cloth is mounted on the periphery of  a drum which is rotated
partially  submerged  in   the  waste water.   Backwash immediately
follows the deposition of   solids   on   the fabric,   and  in  one
installation,  this  is followed by ultraviolet light exposure to
inhibit microbiological growth.12   The backwash water  containing
the  solids  amounts to about 3 percent of the waste  water stream
and must be disposed of by recycling to the   secondary  treatment
system.23   The  drum is rotated at a  minimum of 0.7,  and up to a

maximum of 4.3 revolutions per minute.12  The  concentration  and
percentage  removal  performance  for  microstainers on suspended
solids and BOD5 appear to be approximately the same as  for  sand
Development Status

While  there  is general information available on the performance
of microstrainers and on tests involving the use of  them,  there
appears  to  be only one recorded installation of a microstrainer
in use on municipal waste; the requirements for effluent  quality
have   not   necessitated   such   installation.    The  economic
comparisons  between  sand   filters   and   microstrainers   are
inconclusive;   the   mechanical   equipment   required  for  the
microstrainer may be a greater factor than the land required  for
the sand filter at the present time.

Problems and Reliability

The test performance of the microstrainer.fairly well establishes
the  reliability of the device in its ability to remove suspended
solids  and  the  associated  BOD5.   Operating  and  maintenance
problems  have not been reported; this is probably because of the
limited use of the  device  in  full-scale  applications.   As  a
mechanical  filtration  device requiring a drive system, it would
have  the  normal  maintenance   requirements   associated   with
mechanical  equipment.   As  a device based on microopenings in a
fabric, it would be particularly  intolerant  to  any  degree  of
grease loading.


This  two-step  process  of  nitrification  and  denitrification.
Figure 19, is a system to remove the nitrogen  which  appears  as
ammonia  in treated meat plant waste waters, and it is of primary
importance for removal of  the  ammonia  generated  in  anaerobic
secondary  treatment  systems.   Ammonia removal is becoming more
important because of stream standards being set at levels as  low
as  1  to  2 mg/1.  Removal of ammonia can be virtually complete,
with nitrogen gas as the end product.

Technical Description

The large quantities of organic matter in  raw  waste  from  meat
processing  and  packing  plants  are  frequently and effectively
treated in anaerobic  lagoons.   Much  of  the  nitrogen  in  the
organic  matter,  present  mainly  as  protein,  is  converted to
ammonia  in  anaerobic  systems   or   in   localized   anaerobic
environments (see Figure 19).  The sets of equations indicate


^ Anaerobic ^ Aeration ^ Tertiary

* ' Pond ' Cell " Treated

e.g. Methanol
          Figure  19.   Nitrification/Denitrification

     NH3 + 02
Denitrification (using m'ethanol as carbon  source)
     6H4"  + 6N03~ + 5CH3OH
                              5C02 + 3N2 + 13 H20
     Small amounts of N20 and NO are also  formed
                                     (Facultative heterotrophs)

the  nitrification  of  the  ammonia  to  nitrites  and nitrates,
followed  by  the  subsequent  denitrification  to  nitrogen  and
nitrous oxide.2*  The responsible organisms are also indicated.

Nitrification  does  not  occur to any great extent until most of
the carbonaceous material has been removed from the  waste  water
stream.  The ammonia nitrification is carried out by aerating the
effluent  sufficiently  to  assure  the  conversion  of  all  the
nitrogen in the raw effluent to the nitrite-nitrate  forms  prior
to the anaerobic denitrification step.

The  denitrification  step,  converting  nitrates to nitrogen and
nitrogen oxides, takes place in the absence  of  oxygen.   It  is
thought   to  proceed  too  slowly  without  the  addition  of  a
biodegradable carbon source such as sugar, ethyl alcohol,  acetic
acid,  or methanol.  Methanol is the least expensive and performs
satisfactorily.  Investigators working on this process have found
that a 30-percent excess  of  methanol  over  the  stoichiometric
amount is required.i»,as

In  current  waste treatment practice using anaerobic and aerobic
lagoons, ammonia nitrogen that disappears in the  aerobic  system
does  not  show  up  to  a large extent as nitrites and nitrates.
Ammonia stripping is not likely to  account  for  the  loss.   It
appears  that  denitrification  must actually be occurring in the
bottom reaches of the aerobic lagoons, where anaerobic conditions
are probably approached.

Presuming  total  conversion  of  the  ammonia  to  nitrites   or
nitrates,  there  will  be virtually no nitrogen remaining in the
effluent from the denitrification process.  Nitrogen removal  can
be  maintained  at  about  90 percent over the range of operating
temperatures; the rate increases with temperature to  an  optimum
value  at  approximately  30°C  for  most  aerobic waste systems.
Temperature increases beyond 30° result in a decrease in the rate
for the mesophilic organisms.2*

The waste water is routed to a second  aeration  basin  following
denitrification,  where  the  nitrogen  and  nitrogen  oxide  are
readily stripped from the waste stream as gases.  The sludge from
each stage is settled and  recycled  to  preserve  the  organisms
required for each step in the process.

Development Status

The   specific  nitrification-denitrification  process  described
herein has only been carried out at the  bench-  and  pilot-scale
levels.   Gulp  and  Gulp* *  suggest  that  the  "practicality of
consistently maintaining the necessary biological  reactions  and
the  related  economics  must  be  demonstrated  on a plant-scale
before the potential of the process can be accurately evaluated."
A pilot model of a three-stage  system  using  this  process  was
reportedly  developed at the Cincinnati Water Research Laboratory
of the EPA and is being built at Manassas, Virginia.26  This work

is also reported to be experimental.  Thus, it can  be  concluded
that this process is, as of now, unproven.  However, as mentioned
above,  observations of treatment lagoons for meat packing plants
gives some indication that the suggested reactions are  occurring
in  present  systems.  Also, Halvorson27 reported that Pasveer is
achieving success in denitrification by carefully controlling the
reaction rate in an oxidation ditch,  so  that  dissolved  oxygen
levels  drop  to  zero  just before the water is reaerated by the
next rotor.
Problems and Reliability

In view of the experimental status of this process, it  would  be
premature  to  speculate on the reliability or problems incumbent
in a full-scale operation.  It would appear that there  would  be
no   exceptional   maintenance  or  residual  pollution  problems
associated with this process in view of the mechanisms  suggested
for its implementation at this time.

                        Ammonia Stripping

Ammonia  stripping  is  a  modification  of  the  simple aeration
process for removing gases in water.  Figure  20.   Following  pH
adjustment,  the waste water is fed to a packed tower and allowed
to flow down through the tower with a countercurrent  air   stream
introduced at the bottom of the tower flowing upward to strip the
ammonia.   Ammonia-nitrogen removals of up to 98 percent and down
to concentrations of less than  1  mg/1  have  been  achieved  in
experimental ammonia stripping towers.19
                       Figure 20.  Ammonia Stripping
Technical Description
The  pH  of  the waste water from a secondary treatment system  is
adjusted to between 11 and 12 and the waste water  is  fed  to   a
packed  or  cooling  tower  type  of  stripping  tower.  As pH  is
shifted to above 9, the ammonia is present as a  soluble  gas   in
the  waste  water  stream,  rather  than  as  the ammonium ion.25
Ammonia-nitrogen  removal  of  90  percent  was   achieved   with
countercurrent  air  flows  between  1.8 and 2.2 cubic meters per

spray  runoff  irrigation  is  an alternative technique which has
been tested on the waste from a small meat packer and on  cannery
waste.28   With  this  technique,  about  50 percent of the waste
water applied to the soil is allowed to run off  as  a  discharge
rather  than  no  discharge,  as  discussed  here.  The runoff or
discharge from this  type  of  irrigation  system  is  of  higher
quality  than  the  waste  water as applied, with BOD5 removal of
about 80 percent; total organic carbon and ammonia  nitrogen  are
about  85  percent  reduced,  and  phosphorus is about 65 percent

Irrigation also provides a water supply for  agricultural  needs.
It  is particularly useful in those same areas where the need for
water is greatest.  Thus, there are a  number  of  benefits  from
irrigation  of  waste  water:   to  the point source of the waste
water, to the farmer who makes use of the  water,  including  the
contaminant  nutrients,  and  to  society  because  of  the  more
efficient use of resources.

The following factors will affect the  ability  of  a  particular
land  area to absorb waste water:   (1) character of the soil,  (2)
stratification of the soil profile, (3) depth to groundwater,  (4)
initial moisture content, and (5) terrain and groundcover.

The potentially greatest concern in the use of  irrigation  as  a
disposal  system  is  the  total  dissolved  solids  content  and
particularly the salt content of the waste water.  A maximum salt
content of 0.15 percent  is  suggested  by  Eckenfelder,z*   Some
plants  or  some locations may require fresh water leaching as an
adjunct to waste water irrigation to minimize the impact  of  the
dissolved solids and the salt content to insure acceptable levels
for continuing application of the waste water on land.

An  application  rate  of up to 330 liters per minute per hectare
(35  gallons  per  minute  per  acre)   has  been   suggested   in
determining the quantity of land required for various waste water
flows.   This  amounts  to almost 5 cm (2 inches) of moisture per
day, and is relatively low in comparison with  application  rates
reported  by  Eckenfelder for various spray irrigation systems.2*
However, soils vary widely in their  percolation  properties  and
experimental  irrigation  of a small area is recommended before a
complete system is built.  In this report, land requirements were
based on 2.5 cm (one inch)  applied  per  operating  day  for  six
months  of the year with lagoon storage for six-months' accumula-
tion of waste water.

Furthermore, it has been assumed that the area irrigated will  be
managed to produce and harvest a forage crop.  Thus, the economic
benefit  from spray irrigation has been estimated on the basis of
raising two crops of grass or hay per season with a yield of 13.4
metric tons of dry matter per hectare  (six  tons  per  acre)  and
valued  at  $22  per metric ton  ($20 per ton).  These figures are
reportedly conservative in terms of the number of crops  and  the
price  to  be  expected from a grass or hay crop.  The supply and
demand sensitivity as well as transportation problems for  moving

the  crop  to a consumer all militate against any more optimistic
estimate of economic benefits.30

Cold climate uses of spray irrigation  may  be  subject  to  more
constraints  and  have  greater  land  requirements  than  plants
operating in more temperate climates.  However, a meat packer  in
Illinois  reportedly  operated an irrigation system successfully.
Eckenfelder also  reports  that  wastes  have  been  successfully
disposed   of   by  spray  irrigation  from  a  number  of  other

North Star found in its survey of  the  meat  industry  that  the
plants   located  in  the  arid  regions  of  the  southwest  and
California were most inclined to use spray  or  flood  irrigation
systems   successfully.   One  plant  was  found  that  has  been
irrigating cotton crops for more than  30  years  with  virtually
untreated  waste water along with fresh water at about five times
the volume of the waste water.
Problems and Reliability

The long-term reliability of spray or flood irrigation systems is
a function of the ability of the soil to continue to  accept  the
waste,  and  thus  reliability remains somewhat open to question.
Problems in maintenance are  primarily  in  the  control  of  the
dissolved  solids  level  and salinity content of the waste water
stream and  also  in  climatic  limitations  that  may  exist  or
develop.  Many soils may be improved by spray irrigation.
                          Ion Exchange
Ion  exchange,  as  a  tertiary  waste  treatment,  is  used as a
deionization process in which specific ionic species are  removed
from  the  waste  water stream. Figure 22.  Ion exchange would be
used to remove salt (sodium chloride) from waters.  Ion  exchange
resin  systems  have  been  developed  to  remove  specific ionic
species, to achieve maximum  regeneration  operating  efficiency,
and  to  achieve  a  desired  effluent quality.  In treating meat
processing waste, the desired effluent quality would be  a  total
waste water salt concentration of 300 mg/1.  Ion exchange systems
are  available that will remove up to 90 percent of the salt in a
water stream.12  They can also be used to remove nitrogen.

Technical Description

The deionization of water by means of ion exchange resin involves
the use of both cation and anion exchange resins in  sequence  or
in combination to remove an electrolyte such as salt.

The normal practice in deionization of water has been to make the
first  pass  through a strong acid column, cation exchange resin,
in which the  first  reaction  shown  in  the  equations  occurs.
Effluent  from  the  first column is passed to a second column of
anion exchange resin to remove the acid formed in the first step,
as indicated in the second reaction.  As  indicated  in  the  two
reactions,  the  sodium  chloride ions have been removed as ionic
species.  A great  variety  of  ion  exchange  resins  have  been
developed over the years for specific deionization objectives for
various water quality conditions.

Waste   water   treatment  with  ion  exchange  resins  has  been
investigated and attempted for over  40  years;  however,  recent
process  developments in the treatment of secondary effluent have
been particularly successful in achieving high  quality  effluent
at reasonable capital and operating costs.  One such process is a
modification  of  the  Rohm  and  Hass, Desal process.12  In this
process a weak base  ion  exchange  resin  is  converted  to  the
bicarbonate  form  and  the  secondary effluent is treated by the
resin to convert the inorganic salts.  After the first step,  the
process includes a floculation/aeration and precipitation step to
remove  organic  matter; however, this should be unnecessary if a
sand filter or comparable system is  used  upstream  of  the  ion
exchange system.  The effluent from the first ion exchange column
is  further  treated  by  a weak cation resin to reduce the final
dissolved salt content to approximately 5 mg/1.  The anion  resin
in  this  process  is  regenerated  with aqueous ammonia, and the
cation resin with an aqueous sulfuric acid.  The resins  did  not
appear  to  be susceptible to fouling by the organic constituents
of the secondary effluent used in this experiment.

Other types of resins are  available  for  ammonia,  nitrate,  or
phosphate  removal  as  well  as  for  color bodies, COD and fine
suspended matter.  Removal  of  these  variuos  constituents  can
range   from   75   percent  to  97  percent,  depending  on  the

The cycle time on the ion exchange unit will be a function of the
time required to block or to  take  up  the  ion  exchange  sites
available  in the resin contained in the system.  Blockage occurs
when  the  resin  is  fouled  by  suspended  matter   and   other
contaminants.   The ion exchange system is ideally located at the
end of the waste water processing scheme, thus having the highest
quality effluent available as a feedwater.

To achieve a recycleable water quality, it may  be  assumed  that
less  than  500  mg/1  of total dissolved solids would have to be
achieved.  Of the total dissolved solids, 300  ppm  of  salt  are
assumed  to  be  acceptable.   To  achieve  this  final  effluent
quality, some portion or all of the waste water stream  would  be
subjected to ion exchange treatment.

The  residual  pollution will be that resulting from regeneration
of the  ion  exchange  bed.   The  resin  systems,  as  indicated

Backwash  ft
                   Figure 22.  Ion Exchange

earlier,  can  be  tailored to specific ion removal and efficient
use of regeneration chemicals, thus minimizing liquid wastes from
the regeneration step.

Development status

Ion exchange as a unit operation is well established and commonly
used in a wide range of applications in water treatment and water
deionization.  Water softening  for  boiler  feed  treatment  and
domestic  and  commercial use is probably the most widespread use
of ion exchange in water treatment.  Deionization of water by ion
exchange is used to remove carbon dioxide; metal  salts  such  as
chlorides,   sulfates,  nitrates,  and  phosphates;  silica;  and
alkalinity.  Specific resin applications such as in  waste  water
treatment  have not been widespread up to the present time, since
there has not  been  a  need  for  such  a  level  of  treatment.
However, process development and experimental work have shown the
capability  of  ion exchange systems to achieve the water quality
that may be required particularly for closed-loop  water  recycle

Part  of  the  economic  success  of  an  ion  exchange system in
treating processing plant waste will probably depend  on  a  high
quality effluent being available as a feed material.  This again,
can  be  provided  by  an  upstream treatment system such as sand
filtration to remove a maximum  of  the  particularly  bothersome
suspended organic material.  However, the effect of a low quality
feed  would be primarily economic because of shorter cycle times,
rather than a reduction in the overall effectiveness of  the  ion
exchange  system  in  removing  a  specific ionic species such as
Problems and Reliability

Inasmuch as ion exchange is widely used, the reliability  of  the
concept  is  well established.  The application of the technology
in meat processing  waste  treatment  has  not  been  tested  and
therefore  the  reliability  in  that  application  has yet to be
established.   The  problems   associated   with   ion   exchange
operations  would  primarily center on the quality of the feed to
the ion exchange system and its effect on the cycle time.   other
concerns,  particularly  for  devising  the  scope of a given ion
exchange system, include means for disposal of spent  regenerants
and brine concentrates which may require careful consideration to
avoid  soil  or  ground  water  contamination.  The operation and
control of the deionization-regeneration  cycle  can  be  totally
automated,  which  would  seem  to  be the desired approach.  Re-
generation solution is  used  periodically  to  restore  the  ion
exchange  resin  to  its  original state for continued use.  This
solution must be disposed of  following  its  use  and  that  may
require  special  handling  or  treatment.   The relatively small
quantity  of  regenerant  solution  will  facilitate  its  proper
disposal by users of this system.

                          SECTION VIII



The  waste  water  from  meat  processing  plants  is amenable to
treatment in secondary and tertiary waste  treatment  systems  to
achieve low levels of pollutants in the final effluent,  In-plant
controls,   by-product  recovery  operations,  and  strict  water
management practices can be  highly  effective  in  reducing  the
waste  load  and waste water flow from any meat processing plant.
The water management practices will reduce the requisite size  of
secondary  and tertiary treatment systems and improve their waste
reduction effectiveness.

The additional investment required of a "typical" plant  in  each
subcategory  to install a waste water treatment system to achieve
the indicated performance is presented in Table 10.  A  "typical"
plant  is  a  hypothetical plant in each subcategory with a waste
water volume and raw waste BOD5 equal  to  the  average  for  the
subcategory, as indicated on the following page.
Small Processor
Meat Cutter
Sausage and Luncheon
Meat Processor

Ham Processor
Meat Canner

3200 liters/day
(840 gal./day)

38,000 liters/day
(10,000 gal./day)

454,000 liters/day
(120,000 gal./day)

352,000 liters/day
(93,000 gal./day)

908,000 liters/day
(240,000 gal./day)

1.06 kg/kkg FP

0.52 kg/kkg FP

2.65 kg/kkg FP

5.5 kg/kkg FP

11.5 kg/kkg FP
Typical plants in the industry, other than small processors, will
need  to  add  chlorination treatment to their existing treatment
systems to meet the 1977 limitations or by management  intent  in
pursuit of recycleable effluents in plants.  The 1983 limitations
may  require  the  addition of some of the following treatment to
existing systems by the large processors:

    Chemical precipitation to remove phosphates and suspended
    Ammonia stripping
    Sand filter for solids removal
    Denitrification for nitrate and nitrite removal.

                                       Table 10.  Additional Investment Cost for the "Typical"
                                                  Plant in Each Subcategory to Achieve indicated
Subcategory Standards
Small Processor '0
Meat Cutters $2500
Sausage and 4500
Luncheon Meat
Ham Processor 4000
Meat Canner 6500

$ 6,400

New Point
$ 5,000


                   Table 11.  Addition to the Total Annual Cost and Operating* Cost for a Plant
                              in Each Subcategory to Operate Treatment System as Described
Small Processor
Meat Cutter
Sausage and
Luncheon Meat
Ham Processor
Meat Canner
1977 Standards
1983 Standards
$ 71,000
$ $3,800
$ 5,100
New Point Sources
$ 200
$ 1,200
      *Total annual cost includes operating cost plus capital cost and depreciation in dollars per year.
       Total operating cost includes manpower and burden, supplies, chemicals, power, taxes, and
       insurance in dollars per year.

The ammonia stripping and denitrification may  not  be  necessary
fnr  exvtxm  r»is»rH-_   jf  neither  is  needed,  the
for  every  plant.   If  neither  is  needed,  the  tot
investment for a plant is reduced to about  55  percent
indicated in Table 10.
total capital
     of  that
The cost of the irrigation option is presented to demonstrate the
economic  attraction of a waste treatment system that produces no
discharge.  Irrigation by the small processor may  be  attractive
in  specific  situations,  but  does  not seem to be necessary or
warranted for general use.

The investment  costs  for  new  point  sources  of  waste  water
effluent are cost estimates of treatment systems presently in use
in the industry, based on the average flow for the subcategory as
previously  discussed.   The  estimated total investment cost for
the meat processing industry to achieve the 1977  limitations  is
$2.5  million.  Among the respondents to the questionnaire survey
of the industry, no plants were found to be  dumping  raw  waste.
However,  it  was  assumed  that  one-half  of 1.0 percent of the
industry—20 plants—are dumping raw waste into receiving  bodies
of  water.   These  plants are estimated to require an investment
equal to the new point source cost indicated in Table  10.   This
cost  for  the 20 plants plus the cost for adding chlorination to
the plants with treatment results in the estimated  $2.5  million
cost for the industry.

The  estimated  total  investment  cost  for  the meat processing
industry to achieve  the  1983  limitations  varies  between  $33
million  and  $60  million,  depending  on  the need for specific
treatment processes throughout the industry.

The investment  cost  required  of  the  industry  for  the  1983
limitations involves only those plants that treat their own waste
water,  or  about  12  percent  of  the  number  of plants in the
industry.  Based  on  the  distribution  of  plants  between  the
subcategories  as  found  in  the  study  survey  and the average
production for each subcategory, the investment cost  per  annual
kg  FP  is  found  to  vary between 1.3 and 2.4 cents (0.6 to 1,1
cents per annual  Ib  FP)  for  those  plants  with  waste  water

The  additions  to plant operating cost and total annual cost, in
total dollars and per  unit  of  production,  for  the  treatment
systems  required  to achieve the proposed limitations are listed
in Tables 11 and 12.  The additional costs listed  for  1977  are
the  result of adding chlorination and the equivalent of 0.5 man-
years, including a burden  rate  of  50  percent.   The  negative
operating cost for the irrigation of the canned meats waste water
results  from  the  revenue from the grass crops harvested on the
irrigated land.  The additional annual unit costs vary from about
0.5 to 1.2 cents per kg of product (0.2 to 0.5 cents per  Ib)  to
meet the 1983 requirements.  The unit operating cost addition for
the   1983  limitations,  which  does  not  include  capital  and
depreciation costs, amounts to about  40  percent  of  the  total

               Table 12.  Additions  to  the Annual  Cost  and Operating Cost Per Unit of Production for

                          a Plant  in Each Subcategory to  Operate Treatment System as Described
Small Processor

Meat Cutter

Sausage and
Luncheon Meat
Ham Processor

Meat Canner

1977 Standards


1983 Standards




New Point Source

annual  unit  cost  increase  for  the  plants  with  waste water
treatment in the large processor subcategories.

Neither  the  capital  requirements  nor  the  additions  to  the
operating   and   total   annual  costs  appears  to  exceed  the
capabilities of plants in the industry to raise the capital or to
compete effectively and profitably and  to  earn  a  satisfactory
return.    An   estimate   of   the  ten-year  total  of  capital
expenditures (1963 to 1972)  for the meat processing  industry  is
$360  million.   The small processor subcategory would account for
about 5.0 percent of that total, or about  $18  million.   Recent
expenditures  by  the large processor segment of the industry are
estimated to be in the middle $40-million-per-year range.

The total energy consumption in waste water treatment by the meat
processing  industry  is  of  essentially   no   consequence   in
comparison to the present power consumption.  The waste treatment
power  consumption  amounts  to  about 1.4 percent of the current
total consumption of fuel and electricity by meat processors.

With the implementation of the proposed standards,  land  becomes
the primary waste sink instead of air and water.  The waste to be
land   filled   can   improve   soils  with  nutrients  and  soil
conditioners contained  in  the  waste.   Odor  problems  can  be
avoided or eliminated in all treatment systems.
                         "TYPICAL" PLANT

The  waste  treatment  systems applicable to waste water from the
meat processing industry can be  used  by  plants  in  the  large
processors   subcategories   of  the  industry.   A  hypothetical
"typical" plant was constructed in each subcategory as the  basis
for  estimating  investment  cost  and  total annual cost for the
application  of  each  waste   treatment   system   within   each
subcategory.  The costs were estimated and, in addition, effluent
reduction,  energy  requirements, and nonwater quality aspects of
the treatment systems were determined.

The waste treatment systems are applied on the basis of the plant
constructs for each subcategory, as shown in Table 13.

                     WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS

The  waste  treatment  systems  included  in   this   report   as
appropriate  for use on meat processing plant waste water streams
can  be  used,  subject  to  specific  operating  constraints  or
limitations  as  described later, by most plants in the industry.
The  use  of  some  treatment  systems  may  be  precluded   from
consideration  by technical, physical, or economic impracticality
for some plants.

The waste treatment systems, their uses, and the minimum effluent
reduction associated with each are listed in Table 14.

The dissolved air flotation system can be used  upstream  of  any
secondary treatment system.  When operated without chemicals, the
by-product grease recovered from the skimmings has a market value
estimated  at 110/kg (52/lb).  The use of chemicals will increase
the quantity of grease removed from the waste water  stream,  but
may  reduce  the  value  of  the  grease  because of the chemical

The secondary treatment  systems  are  generally  land  intensive
because of the long retention time required in natural biological
processes.   Mechanically  assisted systems have reduced the land
requirements, but increased the energy consumption  and  cost  of
equipment  to achieve comparable levels of waste reduction,  some
of the tertiary systems are interchangeable.  They can be used at
the end of any of the secondary treatment systems, as required to
achieve a specific effluent quality.  Chlorination is included as
a disinfection treatment.  A final clarifer has been included  in
costing  out  all  biological  treatment  systems that generate a
substantial sludge volume; e.g., extended aeration and  activated
sludge.    The clarifer is needed to reduce the solids content of
the final effluent.
The most feasible system  for  large  processors  to  achieve  no
discharge  at  this time is flood or spray irrigation or, in some
cases, evaporation from a shallow pond.  Closing the  loop  to  a
total  water  recycle  or  reuse  system is technically feasible,
particularly as a potential method for reducing fresh water needs
in many clean-up operations.  The irrigation option does  require
large  plots  of  accessible  land—roughly  2.0 hectares/million
liters (1.8 acres/thousand gallons)  of waste water  per  day  and
limited   concentrations  of  dissolved  solids.   More  detailed
descriptions of each treatment system and its  effectiveness  are
presented in Section VII—Control and Treatment Technology.

Of  all  the  plants  responding  to the study questionnaire, ten
percent reported having  their  own  waste  water  treatment,  90
percent  indicated discharging raw waste to a municipal treatment
system.   Fifteen  plants   reported   some   on-site   secondary
treatment.   Ten of the fifteen are small processors using septic

tank systems.  The  others  use  a  variety  of  combinations  of
secondary treatment processes.

Dissolved air flotation is used as primary treatment along with a
catch basin by two plants in the sample.  Chlorination is used by
five plants, according to the available information.

Other  than sand filters and irrigation, there is no reported use
of any of the  advanced  treatment  systems.   Sand  filters  are
preferred  for  secondary  treatment in Ohio instead of  anaerobic
lagoons,  which  are  discouraged  by  the   Ohio   Environmental
Protection Administration.  Irrigation systems tend to be located
in arid regions of the Southwest and California.
Municipal  treatment  is used by most of the  industry.   The  small
processors not connected to  city  sewers  have   achieved a  "no
discharge" treatment level with septic tank systems.  A breakdown
of the sample by subcategory is indicated  in  Table  15.

             Table 13.  Operating Parameters for "Typical"  Plants

(1000 Ib/day)
Total waste
water flow
liters /day
(gal. /day)
Waste water flow
liter s/kkg FP
Cgal./lOOO lb FP)
Raw waste, BOD5
kg/kkg FP
(lb/1000 lb FP)
Industry Subcategory








S aus age
& Luncheon











                      In-Plant Control Costs

The   cost   of   installation  of  in-plant controls is primarily a
function of the specific plant situation.   Building  layout  and
construction   design  will largely dictate what can be done, how.

        Table 14.  Waste Treatment  Systems, Use and Effectiveness
   Effluent Reduction
Dissolved air flotation
DAF with pH control and
flocculants added
Anaerobic + aerobic
Anaerobic + aerated +
aerobic lagoons
Anaerobic contact
Activated sludge
Extended aeration
Anaerobic lagoons +
rotating biological

Sand filter,


Ion exchange
Ammonia stripping
Carbon adsorption
Chemical precipitation

Reverse osmosis

Spray irrigation
Flood irrigation
Ponding and evaporation
Primary treatment
or by-product

Primary treatment
or by-product
Secondary treatment

Secondary treatment

Secondary treatment

Secondary treatment
Secondary treatment
Secondary treatment
Finish and
Tertiary treatment &
Secondary treatment
Tertiary treatment
Tertiary treatment
Tertiary treatment
Tertiary treatment
Tertiary treatment

Tertiary treatment

Tertiary treatment

No discharge
No discharge
No discharge
Grease, 60% removal, to
  100 to 200 mg/1
BOD5, 30% removal
SS, 30% removal
Grease, 95-99% removal,
BOD5, 90% removal
SS, 98% removal
BOD , 95% removal
BOD , to 99% removal
BOD , 90-95% removal
BOD , 90-95% removal
BOD , 95% removal
BOD , 90-95% removal
BOD5, to 5-10 mg/1
SS, to 3-8 mg/1
BOD5, to 10-20 mg/1
SS, to 10-15 mg/1
TDS, 90% removal
Salt, 90% removal
90-95% removal
BOD5, to 98% removal as
  colloidal & dissolved
Phosphorus, 85-95% removal,
  to 0.5 mg/1 or less
Salt, to 5 mg/1
TDS, to 20 mg/1

                                 Table 15.  Secondary Treatment by Each Subcategory  (%)

No discharge
Sausage &
Processor .
North Star
Sample of
                           *The  90-10  split  for  the  sausage  and  luncheon meats  subcategory  is  an
                            estimate which differs from the  sample results,  but is based on the
                            practices  in the other large processor eubcategories.

and at what cost  in regard to in-plant waste  control  techniques.
Therefore,  no  in-plant  control  costs  were   included  in  the
investment cost estimates.  Rough approximations of the range  of
costs  for  the in-plant controls requiring capital equipment are
listed in Table 16.
            Table 16.  In-Flant Control Equipment Cost Estimates
     Plant Area
Equipment Cost Range
     Pickle and Curing
     Water Conservation
     Water Conservation
Solution collection,
treatment, reuse
Install spray
Press-to-open and
foot operated valves
 $10,000 -  $20,000
  $3,000 - $6,000
  $5,000 - $10,000
                   Investment Costs Assumptions

The waste  treatment system costs  are  based on  plant  production,
waste  water  flow,  and  BOD5  figures  listed  previously for  a
"typical,"  but  hypothetical,    plant   in   each   subcategory„
Investment costs for specific waste treatment systems are largely
dependent   on  the  waste water flow.   Some of the lagoon systems
are designed on BOD5 loading, which has been  shown  to  increase
with increased water use.

Cost  effectiveness  data is presented in Figures 23, 24, and  25,
as investment cost required to achieve the indicated BOD5 removal
with two different waste treatment systems  (shown  in  the  text
below  as   "low cost" and "high cost"  systems)  at three levels of

waste water flow.  The lowest flow  (Figure 23)  is the average for
the meat cutters subcategory; the highest flow (Figure 25)  is the
canners average, and the intermediate flow (Figure 24) is  within
20  percent  of  the average flow for each of the other two large
processor subcategories.  The raw waste reduction is based on the
construct of waste treatment systems with-the  incremental  waste
reduction  achieved  by adding treatment components to the system
as indicated in the table below.

Both the low- and high-cost systems include treatment  components
and  combinations that are in use in the meat processing and meat
packing industry.  The raw waste reduction is based on  the  data
reported in Section VII and this section.
     Low Cost System
                                                      Total Raw
                                                   Waste Reduction
High Cost System
       Catch basin

     * Dissolved air

     * Anaerobic" and
       aerobic lagoons

     + Aerated lagoon

     + Sand filter
  Catch basin

+ Dissolved air

+ Activated sludge
+ Extended aeration

+ Sand filter




99 +
In  averaging  the  wa ste  water  flow  for  the  1 arge processor
subcategories, it was found that one standard deviation was about
100 percent of the average total water  flow.   This  variability
coupled  with that in the cost estimating suggests that the waste
treatment investment costs for  a  specific  plant  may  be  only
within an accuracy of * 50 to 100 percent.

The  investment  cost  data  were  collected from the literature,
personal  plant  visits,  equipment  manufacturers,   engineering
contractors,  and  consultants.   The  costs are "ball-park" type
estimates implying an accuracy of _+ 20 to 25 percent.  Rarely  is
it  minus.   All  costs  are  reported  in  August  1971 dollars,
Percentage factors were added to the basic treatment system  cost
estimate   for  design  and  engineering  (10  percent)  and  for
contingencies  and  omissions  (15  percent) .   Land  costs  were
estimated to be $2470 per hectare  ($1000 per acre) .
In  addition  to  the  variation  in  plant  water flows and
loadings, and the inherent inaccuracy  in  cost  estimating,  one
additional  factor  further  limits  the probability of obtaining


H 99.5
B "
UJ 98
o ^
8 90
§ 70
UJ 60
< 50
< 30
a: 'yj
[if 20
g 10
Q- /-
Q. ^
/ i
Z_»j j
• I
. 	 I i * ^FrnMHAPY TnrflTMriMT
^" — w oc.'wL/wuHrt T i nc.Mi mciM i





                   0    40  80  120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520  560  600 640 680 720

                                   INVESTMENT  COST ($IOOO's)

                              Figure 23.  Waste Treatment Cost Effectiveness at Flow
                                         of 38,000 Liters/Day (10,000 GPD)

o o 8 8 § § 8 3 8 88 $8?
-h u
i i
40 80 120
rmiviMru inc.Miiwc.iMi
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720
                                     INVESTMENT COST ( $ 1000's)
                               Figure  24.  Waste Treatment  Cost Effectiveness  at Flow
                                          of 380,000 Liters/Bay (100,000 GPD)

                    99.9 •
0 to 
precise cost estimates for waste treatment systems.  This  factor
was  reported  by a number of informed sources who indicated that
municipal treatment systems will cost up to 50 percent more  than
comparable  industrial  installations.   The  literature  usually
makes no distinction between municipal or industrial installation
in reporting investment costs.

                    Annual Costs Assumptions

The  components  of  total  annual   cost   are   capital   cost,
depreciation,  operating  and  maintenance  costs, and energy and
power costs.  The cost of capital is estimated to be ten  percent
of  the  investment cost for the meat processing industry, or the
same as the  meat  packing  industry.   This  cost  should  be  a
weighted  average  of  the  cost  of equity and of debt financing
throughout  the  industry.   Neither  individual  companies   nor
industry   associations  have  a  known  figure  for  this  cost.
Presuming that target and realized return-on-investment (ROI)   or
return-on-assets  (ROA)  figures  incorporate  some  estimate  of
capital cost plus an acceptable profit or  return,  industry  and
corporate  reports  were  used  as  a  guide in selecting the ten
percent figure for the meat  packing  industry.   One  sample  of
companies  reported  earning  7.1  percent  of  total  assets for
1971.3*  A recent business periodical reported earnings  at  10.1
percent  of  invested  capital,32  and  general  industry sources
report corporate target ROI and ROA figures at 12 to  15  percent
for   new   ventures.    The   ten  percent  figure  is  probably
conservative and thus tends to contribute to a high  estimate  of
total annual cost.  Operating cost includes all the components of
total  annual cost except capital cost and depreciation, wherever
it is reported.

The depreciation component of annual  cost  was  estimated  on  a
straightline  basis over the following lifetimes, with no salvage

     Land costs — not depreciated
     All other investment costs for treatment—10 years

The operating and maintenance costs for the 1983  system  include
the  cost  of  one man-year at $4.20 per hour plus 50 percent for
burden, supervision, etc.  A licensed  waste  treatment  operator
would  add  another  $5000 to operating costs per year.  One-half
man-year was used for the annual cost for  the  1977  limitations
plus  the  50  percent  burden,  etc.   General  and  maintenance
supplies, taxes, insurance,  and  miscellaneous  operating  costs
were  estimated  as  5.0 percent of the total investment cost per
year.  Specific chemical-use costs were added when such materials
were consumed in the waste treatment system.  By-product  income,
relative  to  waste treatment was credited only in the irrigation
system for 13,400 kg (29,480 Ib)  of dry matter (hay or grass)  per
hectare at $22 per 100 kg of hay with two crops per  year.   This

is  equivalent  to a yield of six tons per acre valued at $20 per
ton of dry hay.

                       ENERGY REQUIREMENTS

The electrical energy consumption by the meat processing industry
was reported for 1967 at 646 million KWH and total heat and power
consumption at 4718 KWH.2  The meat processing industry  consumes
relatively  small  quantities  of  electrical  energy,  but large
quantities  of  fuel  for  cooking  meat  products.   The   waste
treatment   systems  require  power  primarily  for  pumping  and
aeration.  The aeration horsepower is a  function  of  the  waste
load, and that for pumping depends on waste water flow rate.

Total  power  consumption for current waste treatment, which will
substantially  be  the  consumption  for  1977  limitations,   is
estimated  to  be  about  50  million  KWH  per year for the meat
processing  industry.   This  amounts  to  8.0  percent  of   the
industry's electrical energy consumption and 1.1 percent of total
energy  consumption  reported  for  1967,  and  approximately 1.4
percent of current  total  energy  consumption.   The  additional
power  consumption  to  achieve  1983  limitations amounts to two
percent of electrical energy and 3.0  percent  of  total  energy;
this  does  not  appear  to  raise  serious  power supply or cost
questions for the  industry.   However,  the  widespread  use  of
chlorine  as  a disinfectant may pose some energy problems in the
future, or, conversely, the future  supply  of  chlorine  may  be
seriously affected by the developing energy situation.

Waste  treatment  systems  impose  no significant addition to the
thermal energy requirements of plants.  Waste water can be reused
in cooling and condensing service if it is kept separate from the
process waters.  Heated waste waters improve the effectiveness of
anaerobic ponds which are  best  maintained  at  32°C   (90°F)  or
higher.    Improved   thermal   efficiencies  are  coincidentally
achieved within a plant  when  waste  water  is  reused  in  this
Waste  water treatment costs and effectiveness can be improved by
the use of energy and power conservation practices and techniques
in the processing plant.  The waste load increases with increased
water use.  Reduced water use therefore reduces the  waste  load,
pumping  costs,  and  heating  costs,  the  last  of which can be
further reduced by water reuse, as suggested previously.
                          Solid Wastes

Solid  wastes  are  the  most  significant  nonwater   pollutants
associated  with  the  waste  treatment systems applicable to the

meat processing  industry.   Screening devices  of  various  design
and  operating principles  are used primarily for removal of large
solids from waste  water.   These solids  may  have   some  economic
value  as inedible rendering material, or they may  be  land filled
or spread with other solid wastes.

The solids material separated from the waste water   stream  which
contains organic and inorganic matter, and the chemicals added to
aid  solids   separation  are  called  sludge.   Typically, sludge
contains 95 to 98  percent  water  before  dewatering  or  drying.
Both  primary and  secondary  treatment  systems   generate  some
quantity of sludge; the quantity will vary by the type of  system
as shown by the  general estimates in Table 17.

The  raw  sludge can be concentrated, digested, dewatered, dried,
incinerated,  land  filled on site, or  spread  in  sludge  holding
ponds.   The  sludge from any of the treatment systems, except air
flotation with polyelectrolyte chemicals added,  is  amenable  to
any of these  sludge handling processes.
                    Table 17.  Sludge Volume Generation
                             by Waste Treatment Systems
     Treatment System
     Dissolved air flotation

     Anaerobic lagoon

     Aerobic and aerated lagoons

     Activated sludge

     Extended aeration

     Anaerobic contact process

     Rotating biological contactor
Sludge Volume as Percent of Raw
Wastewater Volume
Up to 10%

Sludge accumulation in these
lagoons is usually not sufficient
to require removal at any time.

10 - 15%

5 - 10%

Approximately 2%

The   sludge   from  air flotation with chemicals addition has been
difficult  to dewater.  A dewatered sludge  is  an  acceptable  land
fill  material.    Sludge  from  secondary   treatment  systems  is
normally ponded  by meat industry plants  on  their  own  land  or
dewatered  or digested sufficiently for  hauling and deposition in
public  land  fills.  The final dried sludge material can be safely
used  as an effective soil builder.  Prevention of  run-off  is  a
critical   factor  in  plant-site  sludge holding ponds.  Costs of
typical sludge handling techniques for each  secondary  treatment
system  generating  sufficient  quantities of  sludge to require
handling equipment are included in the costs  for these  treatment

                          Air Pollution

Odors  are  the only significant air pollution problem associated
with waste treatment in the meat processing industry.   Malodorous
conditions usually occur in anaerobic waste  treatment  processes
or  localized  anaerobic  environments  within  aerobic  systems.
However, it is generally agreed that  anaerobic  ponds  will  not
create  serious  odor  problems  unless  the  process water has a
sulfate content; then it most assuredly will.  Sulfate waters are
definitely a localized condition, varying even from well to  well
within  a  specific  plant.   In northern climates, the change in
weather in the spring may be accompanied by a period of increased
odor problems.

The anaerobic pond odor potential is  somewhat  unpredictable  as
evidenced by a few plants that have odor problems without sulfate
waters.  In these cases a cover and collector of the off-gas from
the pond controls odor.  The off-gas is burned in a flare.

The  other potential odor generators in the waste water treatment
are leaking  tanks  and  process  equipment  items  used  in  the
anaerobic contact process involving methane generation.  However,
with  the process confined to a specific piece of equipment it is
relatively easy to confine and control odors  by  collecting  and
burning  the  off-gases.   The  high heating value of these gases
makes it worthwhile, and a frequent practice, to recover the heat
for use in the waste treatment process.

Odors have been generated by some air flotation systems which are
normally housed in a building, thus localizing, but  intensifying
the  problem.  Minimizing the unnecessary holdup of any skimmings
or grease-bearing solids has been suggested as a  remedy.   Odors
can  best be controlled by elimination at the source, rather than
resorting to treatment for odor control,  which  remains  largely
unproven at this time.


The  only  material  increase  in noise within a processing plant
caused by waste treatment is that caused by the  installation  of
an  air  flotation  system  or  aerated lagoons with air blowers.
Large pumps and an air compresser are part of  an  air  flotation
system.  The industry normally houses such a system in a low^cost
building;  thus,  the  substantial  noise  generated  by  an  air
flotation  system  is  confined,  but   perhaps   amplified,   by
installation  practices.   All  air compressors, air blowers, and
large pumps in use on intensively aerated treatment systems,  and
other  treatment  systems  as  well,  may produce noise levels in
excess of  the  Occupational  Safety  and  Health  Administration
standards.  The industry must consider these standards in solving
its waste problems.


                           SECTION IX


The  effluent  limitations  which  must be achieved no later than
July 1, 1977, are to specify the  degree  of  effluent  reduction
attainable  through  the  application  of  the  Best  Practicable
Control Technology Currently Available.  Best Practicable Control
Technology  Currently  Available  is  generally  based  upon  the
average  of  the  best existing performances by plants of various
sizes, ages, and unit processes within  the  industrial  category
and/or subcategory.

In the meat processing industry, on-site waste water treatment is
relatively uncommon; based on our survey, 80 to 90 percent of the
plants in each subcategory discharge to municipal systems.  Thus,
the  determination  of best existing performance is based on that
achieved by one or two plants in each subcategory or on  transfer
of technology from the meat packing industry, and expert opinion.

Consideration is also given to:

     o    The total cost of application of technology in relation
          to the effluent reduction to be achieved from such
          application and the financial capabilities of the
          typical plant in the subcategory;

     o    The size and age of equipment and facilities involved;

     o    The process employed;

     o    The engineering aspects of the application of various
          types of control techniques;

     o    Process changes;

     o    Nonwater quality environmental impact (including
          energy requirements) .

Also,  Best  Practicable  Control  Technology Currently Available
emphasizes treatment facilities at the  end  of  a  manufacturing
process,   but  includes  the  control  technologies  within  the
processing plant when the latter  are  considered  to  be  normal
practice within an industry.

A further consideration is the degree of economic and engineering
reliability  which  must  be established for the technology to be
"currently available."  As a result  of  demonstration  projects,
pilot  plants, and general use, there must exist a high degree of

confidence in the engineering and economic practicability of  the
technology  at  the  time of start of construction of the control


Based on the information contained in Sections III  through  VIII
of this report, a determination has been made that the quality of
effluent   attainable   through   the  application  of  the  Best
Practicable Control Technology Currently Available is  as  listed
in  Table  18.   In  the  North  Star  sample,  all  of the small
processors that handle their own waste water  meet  the  proposed
standard.  Five plants in the four large processing subcategories
report  having  their  own  secondary treatment and four of these
plants meet the proposed BOD.5 limitations.


The best practicable control technology currently  available  for
the  meat  processing  industry  is  a function of plant size and
subcategory as follows:

     Small processors 2730 kg (6000 Ib)  per day of FP or less,
                      septic tank(s)  and underground drainage
                      system (cesspool or drain field)

     Large processors more than 2730 kg (6000 Ib)  per day of FP,
                      biological waste treatment following
                      in-plant removal of solids and grease from
                      the waste water
To assure that the biological treatment will successfully achieve
the specified  limits  for  large  processors,  certain  in-plant
practices should be as follows:

     1,  Reduce water use by shutting off water when not needed,
         by always using extensive dry cleanup of floors before
         washing with water, and by exercising attentive
         management control over housekeeping and water use
         practices.  A reduction in water use will result in a
         reduction in waste load.  The following figures are the
         averages of water use by plants in each subcategory, and
         could be considered "typical."  Rates above these should
         be reduced through special attention to in-plant

                            Table 18.  Recommended Effluent Limitations, July 1, 1977

Meat Cutters
Sausage and
Luncheon Meat
Ham Processors
Meat Canners
kg/kgg FP
or lb/1000 lb


kg/kkg FP
or lb/1000 lb
, ,

kg/kkg FP
or lb/1000 lb



Fecal Coliform
Max. Count /100 ml



                   Liters/kkq FP

Small processors      3.335

Meat, cutters            600

Sausage and luncheon  9,600
meats processors
          Ham processors

          Meat canners

Gal./lOOO Ib FP





     2.   In-plant recovery or removal of waste material should
          include, at a minimum, a gravity catch basin with at
          least a 30-minute detention time.  This catch basin
          should be cleared of solids and grease on a
          daily basis.

     3,   Noncontaminated cooking water and cooling water from
          processing or auxiliary equipment should not be
          discharged through the in-plant waste recovery  of the
          biological waste treatment system.

The   preceding   in-plant   practices,   in   addition  to  good
housekeeping, can produce a raw waste load below  that  cited  as
average  for  each  subcategory  in  Section  V.   The  following
biological  treatment  systems  are  adequate  to   achieve   the
suggested standards with an average raw waste load:

     1.   Extended aeration + aerobic  (shallow)  lagoon

     2.   Activated sludge + extended aeration

     3.   Anaerobic lagoon + aerobic (shallow) lagoon

     4.   Aerated lagoon + aerobic (shallow) lagoon

A clarification pond may be required prior to final discharge for
plants  in certain location, and climates.  Disinfection, perhaps
by chlorination, may be necessary to achieve the  fecal  coliform
            Age and Size of Equipment and Facilities

The  industry has generally modernized its plants as new economic
methods have been introduced.  No  relationship  between  age  of
plant and effectiveness of its pollution control was found.

Size  of  plant  is  a basis for categorization with the division
between large and small processors found to be 2730 kg (6000  Ib)
per  day of FP.  All ten of the small processor plants that treat
their own waste water use septic  tanks  with  or  without  drain
fields  and  thereby  achieve  the  recommended  limitation of no
discharge.  Because the output of products per  plant  from  this
subcategory   is  small,  only  small  quantities  of  water  are
required, and  this  is  usually  only  in  cleanup.   Thus,  the
limitation  is  reasonable, based on industry practice and on the
feasibility of no discharge with  the  low  average  waste  water
volume from a typical plant in the subcategory.

The  variation  in size of plants in the other four subcategories
is not a significant factor in terms  of  waste  water  treatment
capability.   Neither  water use nor raw waste load were found to
be related directly to production output or size of plant.

The processes employed in the industry are basically similar  for
large and small plants and are dependent, instead, on the product
mix.   The practicable control technology is affected only by the
different raw waste concentrations that  apparently  occur  as  a
result  of the production of different products.  These differing
waste  concentrations  require   somewhat   different   treatment
techniques,   which  are  described  in  greater  detail  in  the
discussion on engineering aspects of control technology.

                    Total Cost of Application

Based on the  information  contained  in  Section  VIII  of  this
report,  the  industry as a whole would have to invest about $2.5
million to achieve the  recommended  effluent  limitations.   The
data  and  information available on the industry indicate a need,
in general, only to upgrade  the  operating  performance  of  the
treatment  systems  in use and to add chlorination.  No plant was
found in the survey that will have to add any  treatment  process
other  than  chlorination  to its existing system.  The operating
performance of the treatment systems will require improvement  in
some   cases,   but  the  installed  treatment  technology,  with
chlorination, should  be  adequate.   One  way  to  improve  this
operating performance would be to add an employee to devote part-
time  to  the  in-plant  recovery  system  and  to the biological
treatment  system.   This,  plus  chlorination,  could  mean   an
addition to plant operating costs of up to $20,000 per year.

      Engineering Aspects of control Technique Applications

The  specified  level  of technology is practicable; the required
technology is  in  use  by  plants  within  the  meat  processing
industry and by plants in the meat packing industry where the raw
waste composition and concentration is comparable.

Small  Processors  The control technology specified for the small
processors  to  achieve  the  proposed  no  discharge  limitation
involves  the  use  of  septic  tanks  and  drain  fields.   This
technology results in no  waste  water  discharge  from  a  small
processor  into  a  receiving  body  of water.  The technology is
basic and is practiced by all of  the  small  processors  in  the
North  star  sample  who  treat  their own waste water.  The sole
consideration appears to be volume of water to  be  treated,  and
the  average  of  840  gallons per day would be comparable to the
waste water volume from two average sized families.   The  septic
tank-drain  field  technology  is clearly well established and in
widespread use on volumes of waste water comparable to those from
the small processing plants.

Large Processors

The other four subcategories within the industry are included  in
the  large  processor group.  Of the 63 plants in this group that
responded to the survey questionnaire, only five reported  having
their  own  waste  water  treatment  systems.   One of these five
plants irrigated virtually treated effluent with no  run-off  and
thereby achieved a level of treatment equal to no discharge.

The  small  number, but wide variety, of treatment systems in use
by the meat processing industry meant  that  the  data  base  was
minimal   for   establishing   achievable  limitations  for  each
subcategory.  There was only the experience of one or two  plants
from  which  to draw.  However, the typical meat processing waste
water composition and concentration were very  similar  to  those
characteristics  of the waste water from much of the meat packing
industry.  While the limitations are proposed  on  the  basis  of
actual  meat  processing  plant  waste treatment performance, the
meat  packing  industry  experience  in  waste  water   treatment
supports  the  limitations.   The transfer of technology within a
single industry group such as meat products is technically  sound
and not at all speculative.

The transfer of control technology from the meat packing industry
was  used  to  determine  a  limiting  concentration  for a waste
component in the final effluent.  Six meat packing  plants  using
the  suggested waste treatment technology achieved final effluent
BOD!)  concentrations  of  25  milligrams  per  liter   or   less.
Literature sources and expert opinion suggest that concentrations
become limiting in the range of 20 to 30 milligrams per liter for
BOD5   in   the  final  effluent  from  the  suggested  treatment
technology.  Thus, subject to other consideration,  the  limiting
BOD5 concentration was set at 25 mg/liter for the "typical" plant
final   effluent   quality.    The   limiting   suspended  solids
concentration was set at 1.2 times the BOD5 concentration; again,
subject  to  other  considerations;  and  likewise,  the   grease
effluent concentration limit was set at 10 mg/1.

A second limitations constraint based on meat packing plant waste
treatment   experience  was  the  overall  removal  effectiveness

required of a treatment system on  a  specific  waste  component.
These data were presented previously, in Sections VII and VIII.
Meat Cutters

There is one plant in the sample of this subcategory with a waste
treatment  system.   The treatment system includes a sand filter,
which is considered a tertiary treatment device.  This plant  has
an  effluent  that  is  of better quality than the concentration-
based limitations proposed for this subcategory  for  each  waste
component.   The proposed limitations for a typical plant reflect
an effluent quality that is routinely  met  or  exceeded  by  the
performance of this one plant because best practicable technology
cannot achieve a comparable final effluent, given the average raw
waste for the sufccategory.

Sausage and Luncheon Meat Processors

The  sample  of  plants in this subcategory that responded to the
survey questionnaire includes no  plants  with  their  own  waste
water  treatment.  The effluent limitations were therefore set at
the concentration limiting level.   Treatment  effectiveness  was
computed  with  these limitations as a percent of the average raw
waste load for the subcategory and was found  to  be  technically

Ham Processors

This subcategory includes the meat processing plant in California
that  irrigates cotton fields with treated effluent.  There is no
run-off from the irrigation system.  There are also two plants in
the sample of this subcategory that treat their own waste  water.
One  plant  has  a  final  effluent  of  better  quality than the
proposed limitations which are set at the concentration limit for
each parameter; the other plant has an effluent  not  within  the
Meat Canners

There  is  only  one plant in the sample of this subcategory with
its  own  waste  water  treatment  system.   The  proposed   BOD5.
limitation,  as  defined  on  a normalized basis of kg per kkg of
finished product, is equal to  the  BOD5  content  in  the  final
effluent  from  this  one  plant.   This  level of performance is
reasonable, as measured by the percent removal required  for  the
"typical" plant in the subcategory at the average raw waste load,
and  as  indicated  by  the fact that the one plant in the sample
with treatment meets the standard.

The proposed limitations on the other  components  of  the  waste
stream-suspended   solids   and  grease—are  set  as  previously
described at 1.2 times BOD5 for suspended solids and 10 mg/1  for
grease.   The plant in this subcategory with waste treatment also
meets these limitations.
                         Process Changes

No in-plant changes will be needed by most  plants  to  meet  the
limits  specified.   Most  plants  will  need  to  improve  water
conservation practices and housekeeping, both requiring insistent
plant management and control.

              Nonwater Quality Environmental Impact

The major impact, when the option  of  an  activated  sludge-type
process  is  used  to  achieve the limits, will be the problem of
sludge  disposal.   Nearby  land  for  sludge  disposal  may   be
necessary; in some cases a sludge digester (stabilizer) may offer
a  solution.   Properly  operated  activated  sludge-type systems
should permit well-conditioned  sludge  to  be  placed  in  small
nearby plots for drying without great difficulty.

Potential  problems  with  anaerobic  lagoons are the periodic or
occasional odor emission and the spring break-up of ice with  the
resultant  lagoon  mixing  and  high  load in the effluent.  Both
problems can  be  controlled  if  anticipated  and  planned  for,
including  the  collection  and burn-off of the odorous gases and
the proper sizing of the lagoons for winter operation in northern
climates.  Avoidance of high  sulfate  fresh  water  supplies  is
necessary  to  prevent  lagoon odors; totally aerobic systems are
also effective for avoiding odors.

 The  energy  situation  is  a  serious  consideration  in  waste
treatment  at  this  time  and undoubtedly will be in the future.
The aerated lagoon and extended aeration techniques consume  more
power  than  the  other approaches.  It may be the best choice to
exchange power consumption for  land,  whenever  this  option  is
available; i.e., the use of extensive, perhaps oversized, aerobic
lagoons  to achieve the same result as a small aerated lagoon, or
irrigation of the land with waste  water  to  raise  crops.   The
dollar cost of energy does not reflect the comparative supply and
demand  situation,  particularly  in  comparison with other plant
costs.  However, management in the industry will  undoubtedly  be
thoroughly  aware  of  the  energy situation in considering waste
treatment alternatives.

                            SECTION X


The effluent limitations which must be  achieved  no  later  than
July 1, 1983, are not based on an average of the best performance
within  an industrial category, but are determined by identifying
the very best control and treatment technology used by a specific
point source within the industrial category or subcategory, or by
one industry where it is  readily  transferable  to  another.   A
specific  finding  must  be  made  of the availability of control
measures and practices to eliminate the discharge of  pollutants,
taking into account the cost of such elimination.

Consideration must also be given to;

     o    The age of the equipment and facilities involved;

     o    The process used;

     o    The engineering aspects of the application of various
          types of control techniques;

     o    Process changes;

     o    The cost of achieving the effluent reduction resulting
          from application of the technology;

     o    Nonwater quality environmental impact  (including energy

Also,   Best   Available   Technology   Economically   Achievable
emphasizes in-process controls as well as control  or  additional
treatment  techniques  employed  at  the  end  of  the production

This level of technology  considers  those  plant  processes  and
control  technologies  which, at the pilot-plant, semi-works, and
other levels, have demonstrated  both  technological  performance
and economic viability sufficient to reasonably  justify investing
in  such  facilities.   It  is  the  highest  degree  of  control
technology that has been achieved or has been demonstrated to  be
feasible  for  plant-scale  operation/  up  to   and including "no
discharge"  of  pollutants.   Although   economic   factors   are
considered  in  this  determination,  the costs  for this level of
control will be the maximum for currently  available  technology,
as previously defined, and within the financial  capability of the
industry.   However,  there  is  some uncertainty with respect to
technical performance and even more so with respect to  the  cost

                                  Table  19.   Recommended Effluent Limitations for July 1, 1983

Sausage and

kg/kkg FP



kg/kgg FP





Waste Pa












Count/100 ml



estimates.   Therefore,  some  industrially sponsored development
work and cost refinement may be needed prior  to  application  of
any specific technology not in current use.

Based  on  the information contained in Sections III through VIII
of this report, a determination has been made that the quality of
effluent attainable through the application of the Best Available
Technology Economically Achievable is as listed in Table 19.  The
technology  to  achieve  these  goals  is  generally   available,
although  it  may  not yet have been applied specifically to meat
processing plant waste or on a full scale.

It should be pointed out that a meat processor  should  seriously
consider  land disposal, and hence no discharge, for 1983.  Where
suitable land is  available,  evaporation  or  irrigation  is  an
option that not only is recommended from the discharge viewpoint,
but  also  will  usually  be  more  economical  than  the  system
otherwise required,

                     ECONOMICALLY ACHIEVABLE

The Best Available Technology  Economically  Achievable  includes
that   listed  under  the  Best  Practicable  Control  Technology
Currently  Available.   In   addition,   it   includes   improved
pretreatment, such as dissolved air flotation with pH control and
chemical  flocculation; an ammonia control step which may involve
ammonia stripping or  a  nitrification-denitrification  sequence;
and a sand filter or equivalent following biological treatment.

In-plant  controls and modifications are also required to achieve
the specified levels.  These include:

     o    Water control systems and procedures to reduce water
          use to about 50 percent of that listed in Section IX,
          except for small processors;

     o    Reduction in the waste water resulting from thawing

     o    Provision for improved collection and greater reuse
          of pickle and cure solutions;
          Prepackaging products  (e.g., hams) before cooking
          and smoking to reduce grease contamination of smoke-
          house floors and walls;

          Revision of equipment cleaning procedures to collect
          and reuse wasted materials, or to dispose of them

          through channels other than the sewer;

     o    Initiation and continuous enforcement of meticulous
          dry cleanup of floors before washing;

     o    Installation of properly designed catch basins and
          maintenance of them with frequent, regular grease
          and solids removal.

To reduce the water use to the required levels,  several  changes
in  normal plant operations may be required.  Push-to-open valves
need  to  be  used  wherever  possible.   Spray  nozzles  can  be
redesigned  for  lower  water  flow.  Automatic valves that close
when the water is not in use should  be  installed.   Preliminary
dry  cleanup  of  the  floors  will  reduce  water  used in floor

Water reuse should be maximized, by recycling, or  reusing  water
for  lower quality needs.  Noncontaminated water should always be
reused or recycled, after any necessary appropriate  intermediate
treatment.    If  this noncontaminated water is wasted, it should
not be mixed with the contaminated waste  water  from  the  plant
upstream of the waste treatment facility.

Dissolved  solids  can  be  minimized  by  changing  some current
practices.   Excess  cure  solutions  should  be  collected   and
treated,  if  necessary,  for  reuse;  they should not be dumped.
Salt should not be used on floors as an antislip material;  other
methods  and  plant  practices  are  available to counteract this

If  suitable  land  is  available,  land  disposal  is  the  best
technology;  it  achieves  a  treatment  level  of  no discharge.
Depending on the amount and type  of  land,  the  above  in-plant
techniques   and   primary   treatment  may  be  adequate  before
discharging  to  the  land.   In  some  locations,  a   secondary
treatment  system  may  be  required before disposal on the land.
Any of the systems mentioned in Section IX, or even simpler ones,
are suitable.  The  potential  problem  of  dissolved  solids  in
irrigation systems can usually be avoided by minimizing dissolved
solids as described above; in some cases a part of the stream may
need to be treated by ion exchange.

The  technology  is  available and in use by the small processors
for no discharge via the use of  septic  tanks  with  underground
drainage  using  a  drain  field.   Strict  in-plant controls are
readily managed in the small plant  to  minimize  the  raw  waste

                 Age of Equipment and Facilities

The  age of plants and equipment do not affect the end~of-process
pollution control effectiveness.  Although in-plant  control  can
be  managed  quite  effectively  in  older  plants,  some  of the
technologies  required  for  reducing  the  raw  waste  loads  to
realistically  low  levels may be more costly to install in older

            Total Cost of Application in Relation to
                   Effluent Reduction Benefits

Based on information contained in Section VIII  of  this  report,
the total investment cost to the industry will be between $33 and
$60  million  to  achieve  the 1983 limitations.  This investment
cost will involve only the large  processors  because  the  small
processors  already  meet  the  1983  level  with  their  present
treatment technology.  This  approximate  total  investment  cost
amounts  to  between  $160  and  $280 per kkg of annual installed
production capacity  ($75 to $125 per 1000 Ib per year).  It  also
amounts  to  between  10  and  18  percent of the estimated total
capital spending--$347 million—by the large processors over  the
last ten years; 1963 through 1972.

The  additional  operating cost for the more complete waste water
treatment required for 1983 amounts to between 0.30 and 1.1*  per
kg FP  (0.140 to 0.540 per Ib FP) depending on the subcategory and
how  extensive the additional treatment system is.  The unit cost
of waste treatment will be lower for larger plants  because  most
of the operating costs are fixed rather than variable costs.

All plants discharging to receiving bodies of water can implement
the   Best  Available  Technology  Economically  Achievable;  the
technology is not affected by different processes used in  plants
throughout the meat processing industry.

      Engineering Aspects of Control Technique Application

The  specified  level of effluent is achievable.  It is presently
being met for all pollutants, except nitrates, by  at  least  one
plant in the industry.  Typically, newer technology is being used
by  the  plant  or  they  are  especially  careful in their plant

Phosphorus is effectively removed by chemical  treatment  in  air
flotation, and by filtration of the final effluent from secondary
treatment.    The   greatest   unknown   is   the  nitrification-
denitrification step.

However, nitrification has been achieved in pilot units and to  a
limited  extent  in  plant  operations.  Denitrification has been
explored with  some  success  on  laboratory  and  pilot  scales.
Ammonia   stripping   may   require   pH   adjustment  and  later
neutralization;  it  is  a  technology  transferred  from   other

Each  of  the identified technologies, except ammonia removal and
nitrif ication-rdenitrification, is currently  being  practiced  in
the  meat  products industry.  They need to be combined, however,
to achieve the limits specified.

Technology for land disposal by irrigation is being used by  meat
processing   and   meat  packing  plants  in  the  Southwest  and
California.  It is being planned for a  packing  plant  in  Iowa.
Other   industries,   e.g.,   potato  processing,  are  using  it
extensively.  Secondary treatment and large holding ponds may  be
required  in the North for land disposal during about one-half of
the year.  Application of technology to reduce in-plant water use
will facilitate land disposal alternatives.

                         Process Changes

In-plant changes will be needed by most plants to meet the limits
specified.  These were outlined in  the  "Identification  of  the
Best Available Technology Economically Achievable," above.

                     Nonwater Quality Impact

None  of  the  additional  technology  required  to meet the 1983
limitations is energy intensive.  The primary energy  consumption
occurs  in pumping the waste water and the other material streams
in the treatment processes.

The major impact will occur when  the  land  disposal  option  is
chosen.   The  potential  long-term  effect on the soil caused by
irrigation of processing plant wastes is unknown.   It  has  been
done successfully by one California plant for over 3C years.  The
impact  will  probably depend on location, soil conditions, waste
strength, climate and other factors and relationships which  have
yet to be determined.

                           SECTION XI



The effluent limitations that must be achieved by new sources are
termed   performance   standards.   The  New  Source  Performance
Standards apply to any source for which construction starts after
the prcrmilgaticn arid publication of the proposed  regulations  as
Standards.   The  standards  are  determined  by  adding  to  the
consideration  underlying  the   identification   of   the   Best
Practicable    Control    Technology   Currently   Available,   a
determination of what higher  levels  of  pollution  control  are
available through the use of improved production processes and/or
treatment  techniques.  Thus, in addition to considering the best
in-plant  and  end-of-process  control  technology.  New   Source
Performance  Standards  are based on an analysis of how the level
of effluent may be reduced by  changing  the  production  process
itself.   Alternative  processes,  operating  methods,  or  other
alternatives are considered.  However,  the  end  result  of  the
analysis  is  to identify effluent standards which reflect levels
of control achievable through  the  use  of  improved  production
processes  and  practices (as well as control technology), rather
than prescribing a particular type of process or technology which
must be employed.  A further  determination  is  made  whether  a
standard permitting no discharge of pollutants is practicable.

Consideration must also be given to:

     o    Operating methods;

     o    Batch, as opposed to continuous, operations;

     o    Use of alternative raw materials and mixes of
          raw materials;

     o    Use of dry rather than wet processes (including
          substitution of recoverable solvents for water);

     o    Recovery of pollutants as by-products.


The  effluent  limitation for new sources is the same as that for
the Best Practicable Control Technology Currently Available   (see
Section  IX).   This  limitation  is  readily achievable in newly
constructed  plants.   However,  the  limitations  for  the  Best
Available  Technology  Economically  Achievable should be kept in
mind; it may be a more practical approach to design a plant which
approaches the 1983 limitations.  Consideration  should  also  be
given  to  land  disposal,  which  would be no discharge; in many

cases this will be the most  attractive  and  economical  option.
Estimates  of  capital investment cost, operating cost, and total
annual cost for waste treatment by new point sources  are  listed
for each subcategory in Table 20.


The  technology  is  the  same  as  that  identified  as the Best
Practicable Control Technology Currently Available  (see  Section
IX).   However,  certain steps that will be necessary to meet the
1983  guidelines  should  be  considered  and,  where   possible,
incorporated.  These include:

     In-plant Controls

     o    water control systems and procedures to reduce water
          use considerably below that cited in Section IX,
          except for small processors;

     o    Reduction in the waste water from thawing operations;

     o    Provision for improved collection and greater reuse
          of cure and pickle solutions;

     o    Prepackaging products  (e.g., hams)  before cooking to
          reduce grease contamination of smokehouse floors and

     o    Revision of equipment cleaning procedures to collect
          and reuse wasted materials, or to dispose of them
          through channels other than the sewer;

     o    Noncontaminated water should be reused or recycled
          whenever possible;

     o    Initiation and continuous enforcement of meticulous
          dry cleanup of floors before washing;

     o    Installation of properly designed catch basins and
          maintenance with frequent regular grease and solids
     End-of-process Treatment

     o    Land disposal (evaporation, irrigation)  wherever possible;
          this should be a primary consideration;

     o    Sand filter or microscreen for biological treatment of

     o    Solid waste drying, composting, and upgrading of protein


No  constituents  of   the effluent discharged from a plant within
the  meat  processing   industry  have  been  found  which   would
interfere with, pass through,  or otherwise be incompatible with a
well—designed  and  operated,   publicly owned activated sludge or
trickling filter waste water   treatment  plant.   The  effluent,
however,  should  have passed  through materials recovery (primary
treatment) in the plant to remove settleable solids and  a  large
part  of  the grease.   The concentration of pollutants acceptable
to the municipal treatment plant is  dependent  on  the  relative
sizes  of  the  treatment facility and the meat processing plant,
and must  be  established  by   the  treatment  facility.   It  is
possible  that  grease remaining in the processing plant effluent
will cause difficulty  in  the treatment system; trickling  filters
appear to be particularly sensitive.  A concentration of 100 mg/1
is  often cited as  a limit, and this may require an effective air
flotation system in addition to the usual catch  basin.   If  the
waste strength, in  terms  of BODj>, must be further reduced, any of
the  various  components   of  secondary  treatment systems can be
used,  such  as  anaerobic  contact,  trickling  filter,  aerated
lagoons, etc., as pretreatment.
             Table 20.  Capital Investment,* Operating and
                       Total Annual Costs for New Point
Cost per
per Year
Sub category




Sausage and
Luncheon Meats





25 , 800

   *Capital investment cost based on aerated lagoon plus aerobic lagoon
    treatment system, except small processors.


                           SECTION XII
The program was conducted under the overall supervision of Dr. E.
E,   Erickson.   Robert  J. Reid was the Project Engineer; he was
assisted by Messrs. J. P. Pilney and Robert J.  Parnow.   special
assistance  was provided by North Star staff members:  Mrs. Janet
McMenamin, Messrs.  R. H. Forester and A. J. Senechal, and Dr. L.
L, Altpeter.

The contributions and advice of  Mr.  A.  J.  Steffan  of  Purdue
University,  Mr.  W. H. Miedaner of Globe Engineering, and Dr. H.
O. Halverson are gratefully acknowledged.  Also, James and  Paula
Wells  of Bell, Galyardt, and Wells made invaluable contributions
in numerous telephone conversations.

Special thanks are due Mr. Jeffery D. Denit, Effluent  Guidelines
Division,  for  his  guidance in the direction of the program and
for his invaluable help  in  carrying  out  all  aspects  of  the
research program.

The  help  of  Dr.  Dwight  Ballinger  of  EPA  in  Cincinnati in
establishing The American Association  of  Meat  Processors,  The
American  Meat  Institute,  the National Independent Meat Packers
Association, and the  Western  states  Meat  Packers  Association
deserve  special  mention,  as  do  many  companies that provided
information and cooperation in plant visits and on-site  sampling

Th  help  of  Dr.  Dwight  Ballinger  of  EPA  in  Cincinnati  in
establishing sampling and testing procedures used for  the  field
verification studies was also appreciated.

Various  offices  in the United states Department of Agriculture,
especially the Meat and Poultry  Inspection  Division,  and  many
state and local agencies were also helpful and much appreciated.


                          SECTION XIII


1.  Standard Industrial Classification Manual,  Executive  Office
    of  the  President,  Office  of  Management  and Budget, U.S.
    Government Printing Office, Washington, 1972.

2.  1967 Census of  Manufactures,  Bureau  of  the  Census,  U.S.
    Department  of  commerce,  U.S.  Government  Printing Office,
    Washington, 1971.

3.  "F.I. Plants Are up 900 for  Fiscal  Year  But  Drop  Outside
    USDATapped  States,"  The  National  Provisioner  (August 25,

4.  U.S. Industrial Outlook, 1974, with Projections to 1980, U.S.
    Department of  Commerce,  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,

5.  The Cost of Clean Water, Industrial Waste Profile No. 8, Meat
    Products, U.S. Department  of  the  Interior,  Federal  Water
    Pollution  Control  Administration,  U.S. Government Printing
    Office, Washington.

6.  Personal communication with W. Miedaner, January 1974.

7.  Basics of Pollution Control, Gurnham &  Associates,  prepared
    for  Environmental Protection Agency Transfer Program, Kansas
    City, Mo., March 7-8, 1973, Chicago, Illinois.

8.  Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, Revised 1962,
    U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Public
    Health Service Publication No. 956, U.S. Government  Printing
    Office, Washington, 1962.

9.  Development  Document  for  Proposed   Effluent   Limitations
    Guidelines  and  New Source Performance standards for the Red
    Meat Processing Segment of the  Meat  Product  and  Rendering
    Processing   Point   Source   Category,   U.S.  Environmental
    Protection Agency,  Report  No.  440/1-73/  012,  Washington,
    October 1973.
10. Miedaner,  W.J.,  "In*Plant  Waste  Control,»  The
    Provisioner  (August 19, 1972).
11. Steffan, A.J., "In-Plant Modifications  to  Reduce  Pollution
    and Pretreatment of Meat Packing Wastewaters for Discharge to
    Municipal  Systems,"  prepared  for  Environmental Protection
    Agency Technology Transfer Program, Kansas City,  Mo.,  March
    7-8, 1973.

12. Water Quality Improvement by Physical and Chemical Processes,
    Earnest F. Gloyna  and  W.  Wesley  Eckenfelderr  Jr.,  Eds,,
    University of Texas Press, Austin, 1970.

13. Rosen, G.D., "Profit from Effluent," Poultry Industry  (April

14. Personal communication with J. Hesler, Greyhound Corporation,

15. Telephone communication with M.  Hartman,  Infilco  Division,
    Westinghouse, Richland, Virginia, May 1973.

16, Upgrading Meat Packing Facilities to Reduce Pollution:  Waste
    Treatment   Systems,  Bell,  Galyardt,  Wells,  prepared  for
    Environmental  Protection  Agency  Transfer  Program,  Kansas
    City, Mo., March 7-8, 1973, Omaha.

17. Private communication from Geo* A. Hormel & Company,  Austin,
    Minnesota, 1973.

18. Chittenden, Jimmie A., and Wells, W. James, Jr., "BOD Removal
    and  Stabilization  of  Anaerobic  Lagoon  Effluent  Using  a
    Rotating  Biological Contactor," presented at the 1970 Annual
    Conference, Water Pollution Control Federation, Boston.

19. Gulp, Russell L., and Gulp, Gordon  L.,  Advanced  Wastewater
    Treatment, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1971.

20. Babbitt, Harold E., and  Baumann,  E.  Robert,  Sewerage  and
    Sewage  Treatment,  Eighth  Ed.,  John  Wiley  &  Sons, Inc.,
    London, 1967.

21. Fair, Gordon Maskew, Geyer, John Charles,  and  Okun,  Daniel
    Alexander,  Water and Wastewater Engineering: Volume 2. Water
    Purification and  Wastewater  Treatment  and  Disposal,  John
    Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1968.

22. Personal communication with H.O. Halvorson, 1973.

23. Fair, Gordon Maskew, Geyer, John Charles,  and  Okun,  Daniel
    Alexander,  Water and Wastewater Engineering: Volume 1, Water
    Supply and Wastewater Removal, John Wiley & Sons,  Inc.,  New
    York, 1966.

24. Eckenfelder,  W.  Wesley,  Jr.,  Industrial  Water  Pollution
    Control, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New Yorkr 1966.

25. Eliassen, Rolf and Tchobanoglous, George, "Advanced Treatment
    Processes," Chemical Engineering  (October 14, 1968).

26. Knowles, Chester L., Jr., "Improving  Biological  Processes,"
    Chemical Engineering/Deskbook Issue  (April 27, 1970).

27. Personal communication, H.O. Halvorson, May 1973.

28. Witherow,  Jack  L.,  Small  Meat  Packers  Wastes  Treatment
    Systems,   Presented   at  4th  National  Symposium  on  Food
    Processing Wastes, Syracuse, N.Y., March 26-28, 1973.

29. Pilot Plant Installation for Fungal  Treatment  of  Vegetable
    Canning  Wastes,  The  Green  Giant Company for Environmental
    Protection Agency, Grant No. 12060 EDZ, August 1971.

30. Personal communication, C.E. Clapp, United States  Department
    of  Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, University of
    Minnesota, Minneapolis, May 1973.

31. Financial  Facts  About  the  Meat  Packing  Industry,  1971,
    American Meat Institute, Chicago, August 1972.
32. "Survey of Corporate Performance:  First
    Business Week, p. 97 (May 12, 1973).

                  SECTION XIV


The  Federal  Water  Pollution Control Act Amendments of
Activated Sludge Process:  Aerated basin in  which  waste  waters
are mixed with recycled biologically active sludge for periods of
about six hours.
liquid by
  The introduction and immediate contacting of air and a
  mechanical  means,  such  as  stirring,  spraying,  or
Aerobic:   Living  or occurring only in the presence of dissolved
or molecular oxygen.

Algae:  Major groups of lower  plants,  single  and  multicelled,
usually  aquatic  and capable of synthesizing ^their foodstuffs by

Ammonia Stripping:  Ammonia removed from  a  liquid,  usually  by
immediate contact with an ammonia-free gas such as air.

Anaerobic:  Living or active only in the absence of free oxygen.

Bacteria:   Primitive  plants,  generally  free of pigment, which
reproduce by dividing into one,two or three planes.   They  occur
as  single  cells,  chains,  filaments,  well-oriented  groups or
amorphous masses.  Most bacteria do  not  require  light,  but  a
limited number are photosynthetic and draw upon light for evergy.
Most  bacteria  are  heterotrophic (use organic matter for energy
and for growth materials), but a few are autotrophic  and  derive
their bodily needs from inorganic materials.

Biodegradable:  The condition of a substance which indicates that
the  energy content of the substance can be lowered by the action
of biological agents (bacteria) through chemical  reactions  that
simplify the molecular structure of the substance.

Biological  Oxidation:  The process whereby, through the activity
of living organisms in an aerobic environment, organic matter  is
converted to more biologically stable matter.

Biological  Stabilization:   Reduction in the net energy level of
organic matter as a result of the metabolic activity of organisms
so that further biodegradation is very slow.

Biological Treatment:  Organic waste treatment in which  bacteria
and/or   biochemical  action  are  intensified  under  controlled

Blinding:  The plugging of the openings in the  screen
fabric that is part of a process screening device.
                                  or  metal
Blowdown:   A  discharge  of  water  from  a  system to prevent a
buildup of dissolved solids, e.g., in a boiler.

BOD5:  A measure of the oxygen consumption by  aerobic  organisms
over  a  5-day test period at 20°C.  It is an indirect measure of
the concentration of biologically degradable material present  in
organic wastes contained in a waste stream.

Casing:   A  tubular  container  made  of  natural  or  synthetic
material  used  to  hold  semiliquid  sausage   mixtures   in   a
cylindrical  shape  until  cooked.   Natural  casings usually are
sheep intestines; synthetics are plastic materials.
Canned products:  Any meat product from SIC code  2013  which
packaged for sale in a sealed can or similar container.
Category  and  Subcategory:   Divisions  of a particular industry
which possess  different  traits  that  affect  raw  waste  water

Chemical   Precipitation:   A  waste  treatment  process  whereby
substances dissolved in  the  waste  water  stream  are  rendered
insoluble  and  form  a  solid  phase  that settles out or can be
removed by flotation techniques.

CIP System:  "Clean-in-place" equipment and plant cleaning system
using a spray-on detergent that remains in place wherever  it  is
sprayed until it is rinsed off.

Clarification:   Process of removing undissolved materials from a
liquid.  Specifically, the removal of solids either  by  settling
or filtration.
Clarifier:   A  settling
from waste waters.

cm:  Centimeter.
    basin  for separating settleable solids
Coagulant:  A material, which, when added  to  liquid  wastes  or
water,  creates  a  reaction which forms insoluble floe particles
that adsorb and precipitate colloidal and suspended solids.   The
floe  particles  can be removed by sedimentation.  Among the most
common chemical coagulants used in sewage  treatment  are  ferric
sulfate and alum.
Coanda  phenomenon:
curved surface.
Tendency  of a flowing fluid to adhere to a
COD:   Chemical  oxygen  demand;  an  indirect  measure  of   the
biochemical  load  imposed  on  the oxygen resources of a body of
water when organic  wastes  are  introduced  into  the  water;  a
chemical test is used to determine COD of waste water.

Comminuted  Products:  Processed meat products prepared with meat
and fat pieces that have been reduced to  minute  particle  size;
e.g., wieners, luncheon meats, bologna.

Contamination:   A  general term signifying the introduction into
water of microorganisms, chemical, organic, or inorganic  wastes,
or sewage, which renders the water unfit for its intended use.

Cryogenic  Liquid:   A liquid that remains in the liquid state at
very low temperatures.

Curing:   A  process,  method,  or  treatment  involving   aging,
seasoning,  washing,  drying,  injecting,  heating,  smoking,  or
otherwise treating  a  produce,  especially  meat,  to  preserve,
perfect, or ready it for use.

Denitrification:    The   process   involving   the   facultative
conversion by anaerobic bacteria of nitrates  into  nitrogen  and
nitrous oxides.

Digestion:    Though   "aerobic"  digestion  is  used,  the  term
digestion commonly refers to the anaerobic breakdown  of  organic
matter  in  water  solution  or  suspension  into simpler or more
biologically stable compounds or both.   Organic  matter  may  be
decomposed to soluble organic acids or alcohols, and subsequently
converted  to such gases as methane and carbon dioxide.  Complete
destruction of organic solid materials by bacterial action  alone
is never accomplished.

Dissolved  Air Flotation:  A process involving the compression of
air and liquid, mixing  to  supersaturation,  and  releasing  the
pressure to generate large numbers of minute air bubbles.  As the
bubbles  rise  to  the  surface of the water they carry with them
small particles that, they contact.  The process  is  particularly
effective for grease removal.

Dissolved  Oxygen:   The  oxygen  dissolved  in sewage, water, or
other liquid, usually expressed as milligrams  per  liter  or  as
percent of saturation.
Liquid which flows from a containing space or process
Emulsion:  A system consisting of one  component,  such  as  fat,
thoroughly  dispersed  in  an  immiscible  mixture in droplets or
globules  so  that  the  total  system  takes  on  a  homogeneous

Equalization  Tank:   A  means  of  liquid  storage capacity in a
continuous flow system, used  to  provide  a  uniform  flow  rate
downstream in spite of fluctuating incoming flow rates.

Eutrophication:   Applies  to  a  lake  or pond, becoming rich in
dissolved nutrients, with seasonal oxygen deficiency.

Evapotranspir ation:   Loss  of  water  from  the  soil,  both  by
evaporation and by transpiration from the plants growing thereon.

Extended Aeration:  A form of the activated sludge process except
that the retention time of waste waters is one to three days.

Facultative  Bacteria:   Bacteria  which  can exist and reproduce
under e.'ther aerobic or anaerobic conditions.

Facultative Decomposition:  Decomposition of  organic  matter  by
facultative microorganisms.
A material which flows into a containing space or process
Filtration:  The process of passing a  liquid  through  a  porous
medium  for  the  removal  of  suspended  material  by a physical
straining action.

Finger Dikes:  Barriers or walls extending out into  lagoons;  in
waste  treatment,  to  prevent  or  minimize the flow of incoming
water directly to the outlet and  thereby  short  circuiting  the
treatment process.

FP   (Finished  Product):   The product of a plant in its final or
finished form and ready for packaging and shipment.
Floe:  A mass formed by the  aggregation  of  a
suspended particles.
                                         number  of  fine
Flocculation:   The  process  of forming larger flocculant masses
from a large number of finer suspended particles.

Floe Skimmings:  The flocculant mass formed on a  quieted  liquid
surface and removed for use, treatment, or disposal.
Influent:   A
process unit.
       liquid  which  flows  into  a  containing space or
Ion Exchange:  A reversible chemical reaction between a solid and
a liquid by means of which ions may be interchanged  between  the
two.    It  is  in  common  .use  in  water  softening  and  water

Isoelectric Point:  The value of the pH of a  solution  at  which
the soluble protein becomes insoluble and precipitates out.

kg:  kilograms or 1000 grams; a metric unit of weight.

kkg:  1000 kilograms.

Kjeldahl  nitrogen:  A measure of the total amount of nitrogen in
the ammonia and organic forms in waste water.

KWH:   Kilowatt*hours;  a  measure  of  total  eleetri cal  energy

Lagoon:    An  all-inclusive  term  commonly  given  to  a  water
impoundment in which organic wastes are stored or  stabilized  or

m:  Meter; metric unit of length.

mm:  Millimeter; 0.001 meters,

mg/1:   Milligrams  per  liter;  approximately  equals  parts per
million; a term used to indicate concentration  of  materials  in
water.  MGD or MGPD:  Million gallons per day.

Microstrainer/Microscreen:   A  mechanical filter consisting of a
cylindrical surface of metal filter fabric with openings of 20-60
micrometers in size.

Municipal Treatment:  A city- or community-owned waste  treatment
plant for municipal and possibly industrial waste treatment.

New  Source:   Any  building, structure, facility or installation
from which there is or may be a discharge of pollutants and whose
construction is commenced after the publication of  the  proposed

Nitrate,  Nitrite:   Chemical  compounds  that  include  the  NO3
(nitrate) and NO2  (nitrite) ions.  They are composed of  nitrogen
and oxygen in varying proportions.  They are nutrients for growth
of algae and contribute to eutrophication.

Nitrification:  The process of oxidizing ammonia by bacteria into
nitrites and nitrates.

No  Discharge:   No  discharge  of effluent to a water course.  A
system of land disposal with no run-^off; or total recycle of  the
waste water may be used to achieve no discharge.

Nonwater  Quality:  Noise, and all other environmental parameters
except water.

Off-gas:  The gaseous products of a process  that  are  collected
for  use  or  more typically vented directly, or through a flare,
into the atmosphere.

Organic Content:  Synonymous  with  volatile  solids  except  for
small   traces  of  some  inorganic  materials  such  as  calcium
carbonate  which  will  lose  weight  at  temperatures  used   in
determining volatile solids.

Oxidation Lagoon:  Synonymous with aerobic or aerated lagoon.

Oxidation Pond:  Synonymous with aerobic lagoon.

Percolation:  The movement of water through the soil profile.

pH:  A measure of the relative acidity or alkalinity of water.  A
pH  of 7.0 indicates a neutral condition.  A greater pH indicates
alkalinity and a lower pH indicates acidity.  A one  unit  change
in  pH  indicates  a  tenfold change in concentration of hydrogen

Pickle Solution:  A water solution that may contain salt,  sugar,
curing,  or  pickling agents, preservatives, and other chemicals.
It is used for injection or soaking of meat to  prepare  finished
meat products.

Point Source:  Regarding waste water, a single plant with a waste
water stream discharging into a receiving body of water-

Pollutant:  A substance which taints, fouls, or otherwise renders
impure or unclean the recipient system.

Pollution:  The presence of pollutants in a system, sufficient to
degrade the quality of the system.

Polishing:  Final treatment stage before discharge of effluent to
a  water  course.   Carried  out  in a shallow, aerobic lagoon or
pond, mainly to remove fine suspended  solids  that  settle  very
slowly.  Some aerobic microbiological activity also occurs.

Polyelectrolyte  Chemicals:   High  molecular  weight  substances
which dissociate into ions when  in  solution;  the  ions  either
being  bound  to  the  molecular  structure  or  free  to diffuse
throughout the solvent, depending on the sign of the ionic charge
and the type of electrolyte.  They are often used as flocculating
agents  in  waste  water  treatment,  particularly   along   with
dissolved air flotation.

Ponding:  A waste treatment technique involving the actual holdup
of  all  waste  waters  in  a confined space with evaporation and
percolation the primary mechanisms operating to  dispose  of  the
ppm:   Parts  per  million;  a
expressed currently as mg/1.
measure of concentration, usually
Pretreatment:  Waste water treatment located on  the  plant  site
and upstream from the discharge to a municipal treatment system.

Primary  Waste Treatment;  In-plant by-product recovery and waste
water  treatment  involving  physical  separation  and   recovery
devices   such  as  catch  basins,  screens,  and  dissolved  air

Process Water:  All waters that come into direct contact with the
raw  materials,  intermediate  products,  final   products,   by-
products,  or contaminated waters and air.  Raw Waste:  The waste
water effluent from the in-plant primary waste treatment system.

Recycle:  The return of a quantity of effluent  from  a  specific
unit  or  process  to the feed stream of that same unit including
the return of treated plant waste water for general plant use.
Rendering:  Separation of fats and water from tissue by
physical energy.
heat  or
Return-on-Assets  (ROA):   A  measure  of  potential  or realized
profit as a percent of the total assets (or fixed assets)  used to
generate the profit.

Return on Investment  (ROI):  A measure of potential  or  realized
profit as a percentage of the investment required to generate the

Reuse:  Re, water reuse, the subsequent use of water following an
earlier use without restoring it to the original quality.

Riprap:   A  foundation  or sustaining wall usually of stones and
brush, so placed on an embankment of a lagoon to prevent erosion.

Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC):  A  waste  treatment  device
involving  closely  spaced  lightweight  discs  which  are partly
immersed in and rotated through the waste water, allowing aerobic
microflora to accumulate on  each  disc  and  thereby  achieve  a
reduction in the waste content.   Sand Filter:  A filtering device
incorporating  a  bed  of  sand that, depending on design, can be
used in secondary or tertiary waste treatment.

Sedimentation Tank:  A tank or basin in which  a  liquid  (water,
sewage,  liquid manure) containing settleable suspended solids is
retained for a sufficient time that part of the suspended  solids
settle  out  by  gravity.   The  time interval that the liquid is
retained in the tank is called  "detention  period".   In  sewage
treatment,   the  detention  period  is  short  enough  to  avoid

Secondary Treatment:  The waste treatment following primary,  in-
plant  treatment,  typically involving biological waste reduction
systems.  Settling Tank:  Synonymous with "Sedimentation Tank".

Sewage:  Water after it has been fouled by  various  uses.   From
the standpoint of source it may be a combination of the liquid or
watercarried  wastes  from  residences,  business  buildings, and
institutions,   together   with   those   from   industrial   and
agricultural  establishments,  and with such groundwater, surface
water, and storm water as may be present.

Shock Load:  A quantity of waste water or pollutant that  greatly
exceeds  the  normal  discharged into a treatment system, usually
occurring over a limited period of time.

Sludge:  The accumulated settled solids deposited from sewage  or
other  wastes, raw or treated, in tanks or basins, and containing
more or less water to form a semiliquid mass.

Slurry:  A solids-water mixture, with sufficient water content to
impart fluid handling characteristics to the mixture.

Stoichiometric Amount;  The amount of a substance involved  in  a
specific chemical reaction, either as a reactant or as a reaction

Suspended  Solids  (SS):  Solids that either float on the surface
of, or are in syspension,  in  water,  sewage,  or  other  liquid
wastes,  and  which are largely removable by laboratory filtering
as in the analytical determination of SS content of waste water.

Surface Waters:  The waters of the United States,  including  the
territorial seas.

Talmadge-Aiken  Inspection;   The  sharing  of  meat  and poultry
inspection responsibility  and  activity  by  state  and  federal
inspectors in certain states.

Temper:  To soften or to allow the return to a previous condition
of temperature, moisture content, etc.

Tertiary  Waste Treatment;  Waste treatment systems used to treat
secondary  treatment  effluent  and  typically  using   physical-
chemical  technologies  to  effect  waste reductions.  Synonymous
with "Advanced Waste Treatment."

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS);  The solids content of waste  water
that is soluble and is measured as total solids content minus the
suspended solids.

Zero  Discharge:   The  discharge  of  no pollutants in the waste
water stream of a plant that is discharging into a receiving body
of water.

                              TABLE 21

                           METRIC TABLE

                         CONVERSION TABLE

JLTIPLY  (ENGLISH UNITS)                   by

 re -  feet
 'itish Thermal
Iritish Thermal
  Unit/ pound
[ubic feet/minute
lubic feet/second
 ubic feet
 ubic feet
 ubic inches
 egree  Fahrenheit
[all on/minute
 nches  of mercury
 lillion gallons/ day
  inch  (gauge)
square  feet
square  inches
                      ac ft


                      cu ft
                      cu ft
                      cu In
                      in Hg

                      sq ft
                      sq in
Actual conversion,  not  a multiplier
(0.06805 psig +1)*
cu m
kg cal
kg cal /kg
cu m/min
cu m/min
cu m
cu cm
cu m/day
sq m
sq cm
                                                            TO OBTAIN  (METRIC  UNITS)

                                                   ABBREVIATION   METRIC  UNIT
cubic meters

kilogram - calories

kilogram calories/kilogram
cubic meters/minute
cubic meters/minute
cubic meters
1i ters
cubic centimeters
degree Centigrade
cubic meters/day

atmospheres (absolute)
square meters
square centimeters
metric ton (1000 kilograms)



