United States
Environmental Protection
     Development Plan for the
     Causal Analysis/Diagnosis
     Decision Information System

                                        January 2004
     Development Plan for the Causal
Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information
              System (CADDIS)
           National Center for Environmental Assessment
             National Exposure Research Laboratory
              Office of Research and Development
             U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                  Washington, DC 20460


       This document has been reviewed in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency policy and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products
does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

       Increasingly, the regulatory, remedial, and restoration actions taken to manage impaired
environments are based on measurement and analysis of the biotic community.  When an aquatic
assemblage has been identified as impaired, an accurate and defensible assessment of the cause
can help ensure that appropriate actions are taken. The U.S. EPA's Stressor Identification
Guidance describes a methodology for identifying the most likely causes of observed
impairments in aquatic systems.  Stressor identification requires extensive knowledge of the
mechanisms, symptoms, and stressor-response relationships for various specific stressors as well
as the ability to use that knowledge in a formal method for causal analysis. This document
describes a strategy for developing the Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System
(CADDIS). CADDIS is envisioned as a decision support system that will help investigators in
EPA Regions, states, and tribes find, access, organize,  and share information useful for causal
evaluations in aquatic systems. It will include supporting case studies and analysis tools, and it
will provide access to databases that contain information useful for causal evaluations. The
system will be developed incrementally and iteratively, and frequent user input and feedback
will be essential to the system's success.
Preferred Citation:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2004) Development plan for the causal analysis/diagnosis decision
information system. National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington, DC; EPA/600/R-03/074.
Available from: National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA and .




   2.1. BACKGROUND	3

   3.1. CADDIS 1	9
   3.2. CADDIS 2	9
   3.3. CADDIS 3	10



       PLANS 	21

   7.1. OUTREACH	23
   7.3. GUIDANCE 	24



                        CONTENTS (continued)



                                  LIST OF TABLES
Table 1.      Overview of CADDIS products and timeline  	25

Table B-l.    List of CADDIS APMs in the Ecological Research MYP  	35

Table B-2.    List of CADDIS APMs in the Water Quality Research Program MYP  	39
                                 LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 1.     An overview of the CADDIS development timeline	2

Figure 2.     The CADDIS development process emphasizes three components (shown in the
             green squares) that will be interwoven to form the complete system 	7

Figure 3.     Example of conceptual model for altered food composition that causes the loss of
             invertebrates in a particular case	12

Figure 4.     The conceptual models above depict two individual causal pathways that may
             contribute to loss of aquatic invertebrates in a particular case  	13

Figure 5.     A species sensitivity distribution (SSD) plot illustrates multiple effects and the
             stressor intensity at which they were observed	14

Figure 6.     The relationship between Idaho's temperature preference metric, based on
             species tolerance values and maximum weekly temperature	15

Figure A-l.   The management context of the SI process	31


       This document presents a plan for developing the Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision
Information System (CADDIS).  CADDIS will be a decision support system to help scientists
and decisionmakers determine the causes of biological impairments so that appropriate remedial,
regulatory,  or restoration actions can be taken.
       This plan will serve as a guide for the system development team and is based, in part, on
the results of the Workshop on the Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System held
in August 2002. The workshop brought together individuals from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA's) Office of Research and Development (ORD), Office of Water
(OW), and Regions as well as representatives from the states for the purpose of conceptualizing
CADDIS and identifying critical research needs for system implementation and population.
From the workshop, a summary report was written (U.S. EPA, 2002a) that identifies key system
functionality and research needs and makes suggestions for the system's design, platform, and
architecture. The workshop report is being used as the basis of the CADDIS development plan.
       The draft of this plan was put together by representatives from ORD's National Center
for Environmental Assessment (NCEA), National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL), and
National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL). The draft was then reviewed by the
CADDIS workgroup, which has members from each major ORD laboratory and OW.
Comments from the workgroup  and NCEA managers were incorporated into the draft, which
was then released for peer review. Reviewers were chosen to reflect a mix of the user
community (i.e., OW, Regions,  and states), experienced system developers, research planners,
managers, and the ORD research community. After addressing the review comments, the draft
plan was finalized and made available to the public.
       We  hope this development strategy will cultivate a shared vision for CADDIS among
managers, research coordination representatives, potential users, and the research community.


      The National Center for Environmental Assessment and National Environmental
Research Laboratory within EPA's Office of Research and Development was responsible for the
preparation of this document, with substantial contribution from the National Risk Management
Research Laboratory.

EPA, Office of Research and Development
   National Center for Environmental Assessment
       Susan Norton
       Glenn Suter
       Leela Rao
       Patricia Shaw-Allen

   National Exposure Research Laboratory
       Susan Cormier
       Bhagya Subramanian

   National Risk Management Research Laboratory
       Scott Minamyer

EPA, Office of Research and Development
   National Exposure Research Laboratory
      Brad Autrey
      Steven Fine

EPA, Office of Water
   Office of Science and Technology
      William Swietlik

   Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds
      Douglas Norton


Midwest Biodiversity Institute and Center for Applied Bioassessment and Criteria
   Edward Rankin
   Chris Yoder

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
   303(d)/305(b) Program
      Michael Edmondson

EPA, Office of Research and Development
   National Center for Environmental Assessment
      Scott Freeman
      Jeff Frithsen
      Vic Serveiss
      Chieh Wu

   National Center for Environmental Research
      Jonathan  Smith

   National Exposure Research Laboratory
      Brenda Rashleigh

   National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory
      Robert Spehar

EPA, Region 5
   Water Quality Standards
      Candice Bauer

                               LIST OF ACRONYMS

APG         Annual Performance Goal
APM         Annual Performance Measure
BASS        Bioaccumulation and Aquatic System Simulation
CADDIS     Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System
CWA        Clean Water Act
DEP         Department of Environmental Protection
DO          Dissolved Oxygen
ECOTOX    Ecological Toxicity Database
EDAS        Ecological Data Application System
EERD        Ecological Exposure Research Division
EMAP       Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program
EPA         Environmental Protection Agency
ESD         Environmental Sciences Division
GAO         General Accounting Office
IT           Information Technology
LTG         Long-term Goal
MYP         Multi-year Plan
NRRSS      National Riverine Restoration Science Synthesis
NCEA       National Center for Environmental Assessment
NERL        National Exposure  Research Laboratory
NRMRL     National Risk Management Research Laboratory
NRC         National Research Council
ORD         Office of Research  and Development
OW         Office of Water
PC          Personal Computer
QA          Quality Assurance
QAPP        Quality Assurance Project Plan
SAS         Statistical Analysis Software
SI           Stressor Identification
SPRC        Science Planning and Research Coordination
SSD         Species Sensitivity  Distribution
STORET     STOrage and RETrieval database

                         LIST OF ACRONYMS (continued)

TIE          Toxicity Identification Evaluation
TMDL       Total Maximum Daily Load
UWRRC     Urban Water Resources Research Council

                             1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

       This document presents a plan for developing the Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision
Information System (CADDIS). The primary goal of the CADDIS project is to support
investigators in EPA Regions, states, and tribes in determining the most likely causes of aquatic
impairments.  CADDIS will make remediation and restoration strategies more effective by
ensuring that management actions are directed at the true causes of aquatic impairments.
CADDIS will be a decision support system based on the Stressor Identification Guidance
Document (U.S. EPA, 2000); however, it will make that causal assessment methodology easier
to use and will provide access to the required information.  The stressor identification (SI)
methodology was developed primarily to support the development of total maximum daily loads
(TMDLs) under the Clean Water Act (CWA). However, both the SI methodology and CADDIS
will be useful in effluent permitting, watershed assessments, contaminated site assessments, and
other situations in which a biological impairment is observed.
       The CADDIS development plan will serve as a guide for the  system development team
by describing the process for building CADDIS and the key functions that will make up the
system. It also describes the development of the knowledge base that is needed to conduct
defensible causal evaluations, including databases that make relevant research more accessible
and case studies that illustrate the application of the SI process.  The development strategy laid
out in the plan will also promote a shared vision for CADDIS among managers, research
coordination representatives, potential users, and the research community.
       The CADDIS development process consists of three components that will be developed
in roughly parallel time frames (Figure 1). The first component is the development of the
CADDIS platform, which provides the user interface;  the logical structure for analyzing,
organizing, and synthesizing causal evidence; and the mechanisms for accessing relevant
information. The second component is the development of the knowledge base that, when
combined with site-specific information, provides the substantive basis for causal inference. The
third component is the development of case studies that provide concrete illustrations of the
process and a mechanism for sharing experiences and increasing investigator expertise. As a
whole, the system is intended to evolve from a tool that provides streamlined access to
information in a static environment to an adaptive framework applied by the user to support and
document the decision-making process for individual sites.  The plan is based on the assumption
that sufficient resources will be available and maintained.

                 2003   2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009
Data base
and info.
                 Development        CADDIS 1          CADDTS ?         CADDTS 3
                     _.             \^r\LsLsLj 1          V_-MUU1D £-         V_-MUU1D J
                          Sediments  Toxics
                 Willimantic                   Long Creek         Compilation
    Training &
                                      Watershed                   Guidance
                                    Academy Module
         Figure 1. An overview of the CADDIS development timeline. The products
         shown will be developed directly by the CADDIS development team.
         Databases and case studies developed by others also will be incorporated into
         CADDIS, as discussed in Chapters 4 and 5 of this plan.  Concurrently with the
         three components, training will be developed and the Stressor Identification
         Guidance revised.
       An essential characteristic of our proposed approach to development is the solicitation
and incorporation of user input throughout the process. To this end, the development team will
include members of the user community as well as scientists, programmers, and project
managers. In addition, we have developed plans for training, outreach, and publication of
additional guidance.
                                2. INTRODUCTION

       This document presents a plan for developing CADDIS.  The primary goal of the
CADDIS project is to help investigators in EPA Regions, states, and tribes determine the most
likely causes of aquatic impairments so that appropriate remedial, regulatory, restoration, or
protective actions can be taken.  CADDIS will be a computer-based system based on the Stressor
Identification Guidance Document (U.S. EPA, 2000); however, it will make that causal
assessment methodology easier to use and will provide access to the required information.  As
discussed below, the SI methodology was developed primarily to support the development of
TMDLs under the  CWA. However, both the SI methodology and CADDIS will be useful in

effluent permitting, watershed assessments, contaminated site assessments, and other situations
in which a biological impairment is observed and corrective action is being considered.
       This development plan presents the process for building CADDIS and describes the key
functions that will make up the system.  It also describes the development of the knowledge base
that is needed to conduct defensible causal evaluations, including databases that make relevant
research more accessible and case studies that illustrate the application of the SI process.  The
plan will serve as a guide for the system development team, its managers, and research
coordination representatives, and will provide the user and research communities with
information on the type of decision support system currently envisioned by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, or the Agency). The plan is based on the assumption
that sufficient resources will be available and maintained.
       Increasingly, the regulatory, remedial, and restoration actions taken to manage impaired
environments are based on measurement and analysis of the state of the biotic community. Use
of biological assessments and criteria as a tool to identify impaired water bodies in the United
States began in the early 1970s; currently, biological assessment programs are in place in all the
states and at least two tribal
nations (U.S. EPA, 2002b).
When an aquatic assemblage
has been identified as impaired,
an accurate and defensible
assessment of the cause can help
ensure that appropriate actions
are taken (text box).
       The lack of scientific
tools with which to properly
diagnose causes of biological
impairment has been identified
by States as a major impediment
to the further use of biological
assessments and criteria in their
water quality programs (GAO,
2000). Methods for identifying
cause are crucial for defensible
development of TMDLs, which
Stressor Identification and CADDIS Build on a
Foundation of Sound Biological Assessment Programs
       Stressor identification relies on data gathered from sound
biological assessment programs in the states and tribes. These data
are not used only to identify the biological impairments that trigger
the process; they can also provide key insights into the specific
changes that are occurring. The use of biological assessments and
biocriteria in state and tribal water quality standards programs is a top
priority for  EPA (U.S. EPA, 2003a). As such, one of the Agency's
objectives is to ensure that all states and tribes develop water quality
standards and supporting programs that
       produce accurate, comparable, comprehensive, and cost-
       effective monitoring data and assessments that are capable of
       meeting the goal of supporting all water quality management
       programs (e.g., Yoder, 1998),
       use bioassessment information to evaluate the condition of
       aquatic life in all waterbodies,
       establish biologically based aquatic life use designations,
       protect aquatic life use standards with narrative or numeric
       regulate pollution sources and assess the effectiveness of
       water quality management efforts, and
       communicate the condition of their waters.

are required under the CWA for waterbodies that do not meet their designated uses. Citizen
action groups initiated lawsuits in the mid 1990s charging that states and EPA were not fulfilling
the CWA requirements regarding TMDLs. Because of the lawsuits and associated settlements,
nationwide attention is now directed toward an accelerated cleanup of impaired waters through
the TMDL process.
       To meet the need for a consistent, defensible method for assessing cause, the Office of
Research and Development (ORD) and Office of Water (OW) developed SI guidance (U.S. EPA,
2000).  The guidance, summarized briefly in Appendix A, provides a methodology for
identifying the causes of observed biological impairments in aquatic systems.
       The SI process is prompted by biological assessment data that indicate that biological
impairment has occurred. The general SI process entails critically reviewing available
information, forming possible stressor scenarios that might explain the impairment, analyzing
those scenarios, and producing conclusions about which stressor (or stressors) is causing the
impairment. SI facilitates the development of defensible, high-quality, and effective remedial
strategies for impaired surface water by ensuring  that management actions are directed at the real
cause of the impairment.

       The primary goal of the CADDIS project is to facilitate the determination of causes of
aquatic impairments. Although the  SI guidance document provides a useful methodology for
addressing the need for causal analysis, it can be difficult to implement. First, the organization
and analysis of information and the  formulation of logical inferences can be complex.  Second,
the time required for acquisition and interpretation of the volumes of information needed for
defensible causal analyses is not available to TMDL developers, policy makers, and decision-
making officials who are faced with demanding court-ordered schedules.  CADDIS will alleviate
these problems by guiding state, Regional, and tribal investigators through the SI process and
providing easy access to relevant information and knowledge. Specifically, CADDIS will: (a)
provide easier access to supporting information, (b) provide support in organizing and
combining site-specific data with other information, (c) assist in performing the logical
inferences, and (d) facilitate the sharing of experiences and knowledge gained in conducting
causal evaluations.  Using CADDIS, defensible, transparent, and repeatable SI results will  be
much more readily  attained.
       The need for a system to aid in causal assessment was noted by the authors of the SI
guidance document. It was first articulated in the recommendations  of the OW/ORD Strategic
Planning and Research Coordination (SPRC) Diagnostics Group, which met in May 2000,  and it
is reflected in the diagnostics section of Aquatic Stressors Framework and Implementation Plan

for Effects Research (U.S. EPA, 2002c).  The National Academy of Sciences recently
highlighted the need for methods and models that link stressors to biological responses in order
to effectively use biological criteria in the TMDL program (NRC, 2001). The need for a system
such as CADDIS has also been indicated in two recent reports: the General Accounting Office's
(GAO' s) Water Quality: Key EPA and State Decisions Limited by Inconsistent and Incomplete
Data (GAO, 2000) OW's Twenty Needs Report:  How Research Can Improve the TMDL
Program (U.S. EPA, 2002d).
       The GAO report indicates that there is strong evidence of the need for additional
analytical methods and technical assistance to help states analyze complex pollution problems
and develop TMDLs.  A survey of state water quality data managers suggested that EPA:

       ...should  develop sample or standardized approaches, such as templates, that
       states could use to guide them through certain types of TMDLs.  In addition,
       several states pointed out the need for efficiency in developing TMDLs. For
       example, one state noted that states should be benefitting from others'
       experiences in developing TMDLs, rather than "reinventing the wheel."

The GAO report also describes how the diversity of approaches to identifying water quality
impairments and culpable stressors used by the different states results in inconsistent reporting.
The use of CADDIS to identify stressors should improve the consistency in reporting by  the
states, thereby making comparisons across states and classes of stressors more reliable.
       OW's Twenty Needs Report summarizes areas identified by TMDL practitioners  where
research efforts can improve the TMDL program (U.S. EPA, 2002d).  Of the needs specified in
the report, CADDIS will aid in addressing the following:

       •  Develop "state-of-the-science" syntheses in several high-priority subject areas to aid
          busy TMDL practitioners and decisionmakers,

       •  Mutually improve networking and access to expertise in ORD, OW, and EPA

       •  Provide ORD technical support and technical information transfer,

       •  Increase the quantity and quality  of completed TMDLs,

       •  Improve the science base concerning all stressors (pollutants and pollution) and their
          impacts, and

       •  Address numerous stressor-specific issues identified through the SPRC process.

       The existing stressor-specific protocols for TMDL development and the SI guidance
document address some issues identified by the GAO and OW reports. However, CADDIS will
meet additional identified needs and will greatly increase the efficiency of technical support by
linking investigators with state-of-the-science information, conceptual model building tools, and
instructive case studies that would otherwise be unavailable or difficult to access.

       The development process described here emphasizes three components that will be
developed in roughly parallel time frames and interwoven to form the complete system (Figure
2). The first component is the development of the CADDIS platform, which provides the user
interface; the logical structure for analyzing, organizing, and synthesizing causal evidence; and
the mechanisms for accessing relevant information.  The second component is the development
of the knowledge base that, when combined with site-specific information, provides the
substantive basis for causal inference.  The third component is the development of case  studies
that provide concrete illustrations of the process and a mechanism for sharing experiences and
increasing investigator expertise.
       An essential attribute of our proposed approach to development is the solicitation and
incorporation of user input throughout the process.  To this end, the development team will
include members of the user community along with scientists, programmers, and project
managers. Depending on time availability, input from user community members may include
detailed reviews of interim products and drafts, comments on design features and priorities, and
development of case examples. The CADDIS team will also solicit feedback from  the broader
user community and incorporate its experiences into refining the system design and the
underlying SI process. Plans for outreach, training, and technical support are discussed in
Chapter 7.
       The CADDIS platform will be developed using a phased and modular approach
(described in greater detail in Chapter 3). A phased CADDIS development process has  many
benefits, including the ability to:  (a) provide some support quickly, (b) solicit early user and
management feedback, (c) keep up with changing technology (e.g., operating system  changes,
browser upgrades), (d) allow the development team to showcase successes quickly  and often,
and (e) keep the system focused on,  and relevant to, changing user needs. In addition, specific
functions of CADDIS will be developed as modules that can be accessed independently. A
modular CADDIS will: (a) make the system easier to update or upgrade, (b) allow  a broader

         CADDIS Platform
   Process description & guidance
   Links to relevant information
   Help analyze and interpret evidence
   Help organize, quantify, share results
and Database
            Case Studies
       Figure 2.  The CADDIS development process emphasizes three components
       (shown in the green squares) that will be interwoven to form the complete
       system. Concurrently with the three components, training will be developed and
       the stressor identification guidance document (U.S. EPA, 2000) will be revised.

base to take advantage of individual components of the system (e.g., a conceptual model builder
would be useful in risk assessment as well as causal analysis), and (c) make it easier to match the
strengths of different system platforms with functional needs.
       The development of the knowledge base, described further in Chapter 4, will also
proceed in a phased, modular approach, targeting the highest priority needs first. For example,
the development of stressor-response information has consistently been ranked as a high priority
need.  The development of the CADDIS knowledge base will build on information and expertise
that already exists or is being developed within ORD and OW.  The CADDIS development team
plans to form partnerships with others within and outside EPA in order to allow CADDIS users
easy access to databases developed for other purposes but containing information useful for
causal evaluations. All elements of the knowledge base will be easily and readily accessible in
each version of CADDIS through an Internet portal. Through a query interface, the investigator
will be able to search for and extract data useful for a particular case. As CADDIS becomes
more advanced, the system will have the capability to perform the query on the basis of the user
specifications and extract the relevant information directly into a useable format for the

investigator. Every effort will be made to ensure that the information imported and exported
through CADDIS will be compatible with the user's own data management and processing tools.
       Development of case studies is another important component of CADDIS and is needed
to continue the refinement of the SI process (Chapter 5).  Case studies will be developed to
illustrate the application  of the process to different impairments, stressors, and systems.  In early
versions, the case studies would be examples provided by EPA. However, as the functionality of
CADDIS improves and as outreach activities increase the community of users, CADDIS will
provide the option of uploading and storing user cases in a searchable database.  This Internet-
accessible, central repository of case studies is seen as a way to enable the community as a whole
to improve expertise in causal evaluations.  Making the database searchable will allow users to
find situations similar to the ones they are evaluating.
       Attention to quality assurance (QA) throughout the different aspects of development will
ensure confidence in the results obtained using the system, increase transparency in the quality
of information that underlies causal evaluations, and help users describe the uncertainly in their
conclusions. QA discussed in Chapter 6. Finally, we close the circle of user involvement  with
communication and outreach activities to solicit ad hoc input to the development process, to train
users, to obtain feedback once the system is in use, and to advance the development of causal
assessment methods (Chapter 7).
                             3.  THE CADDIS PLATFORM

       Participants in the CADDIS development workshop provided fundamental input to the
system's design, platform, and architecture, including identification of key functions, tools, and
information resources. This chapter describes the system's platform development. The platform
is defined as the portion of CADDIS that provides the user interface;  the logical structure for
analyzing, organizing, and synthesizing causal evidence; and the mechanisms for accessing
relevant information. The CADDIS team will consult with both ORD and other EPA
information technology staff early  and often throughout the development process to ensure that
the product adheres to all Internet guidelines put forth by EPA (U.S. EPA, 2003b), that it is
compatible with EPA system requirements, and that it is in the public domain.
       The system will be offered  for use in three main versions:  CADDIS 1, CADDIS 2, and
CADDIS 3. The three versions build on each other sequentially in a resource-efficient path
forward for development and implementation. The system is intended to evolve from a tool that
provides streamlined access to information in a static environment to an adaptive  framework
applied by the user to support and document the decision-making process for individual sites.

Phased development also allows for the incorporation of user feedback into the next stage of
development. Because of this iterative development plan, the final product may differ somewhat
from what is described here.

3.1. CADDIS 1
       The first version of CADDIS will be a simple, Internet-based resource that provides step-
by-step prompts and advice.  The user will also be assisted in recording site data onto blank
forms and tables and will be provided with warnings about pitfalls at critical stages. In addition
to walking the user through the SI process, CADDIS  1 will enhance the user's ability to conduct
a causal evaluation by providing access to relevant supporting information. Because CADDIS  1
will include links to outside sources of information, platform development will include a query
interface that allows users to precisely collect the information most useful to their site-specific SI
(e.g., information on specific stressors, effects, or geographic locations).  CADDIS 1 will also
provide examples in the form of completed worksheets and reports. These examples will come
from EPA-developed case studies that represent a variety of biological effects, stressors, regions,
and flowing-water systems, and they will seed a larger database that will  eventually include
information and knowledge contributed by CADDIS users in the SI community.

3.2. CADDIS 2
       The second version of CADDIS will enable investigators to use site-specific information
more interactively with the system.  This version will provide step-by-step prompts and advice in
a question-and-answer format, interact with user-supplied information from sites, and
automatically fill out forms and tables.  Supporting information will be collected from EPA
databases queried by the user, through CADDIS 2.  Conceptual models will be included that may
be customized by the user and a searchable library of case studies will be provided.  The final
output of CADDIS 2 will include supporting text, QA statements, and a bibliography, in addition
to the tables and forms.
       The functional aspects of CADDIS 2 will likely require a PC-based platform with
Internet access. Migrating to a PC-based system for CADDIS 2 will provide greater security for
user input information by allowing users to save their SI project locally and will allow users to
generate custom reports. A Web-based system may also be considered if security concerns and
user access needs can be addressed.  In either case, CADDIS 2  will have  a more complex query
interface due to the inclusion of the wider array of data modules that will be incorporated into
the system. In addition to the enhanced query interface, a simple rule base may be incorporated
into the platform of CADDIS 2. A rule base is the component of a system that contains the rules
describing the problem-solving knowledge (i.e., a collection of IF [conditions]-THEN

[hypothesis] statements).  Rule bases may be used to move users through the SI process or to
access information in databases not constructed primarily for the system. In the latter case, the
rule base would be used to process the data in order to make them directly applicable to causal
evaluations. Any rule base that is built into the platform will need to undergo a peer review
process that is separate  from the QA conducted on the program logic or basic system design.

3.3.  CADDIS 3
       Improvements to the CADDIS system will be heavily based on user feedback from the
initial versions;  therefore, it is difficult to predict the key functions of CADDIS 3. However, it is
likely that the platform  will be PC-based with Internet access because of data security and access
issues similar to those mentioned for CADDIS 2. We suspect that the final version of CADDIS
will be similar to CADDIS 2 in that it will provide step-by-step prompts and advice in a
question-and-answer format and automatically fill out forms and tables.  Advancements are
anticipated in the form of increased automation. As an example, CADDIS 3 could generate and
update conceptual models on the basis of site-specific input.  These custom conceptual models
can serve as the basis for calculating probabilities that a stressor is associated with the
impairment. In  addition, CADDIS 3 could generate custom species sensitivity distributions
using site data and  stressor-response data harvested from databases (see  Section 4.2, Figure 5).
Quantitative diagnostics models are an area of active research (e.g., U.S. EPA, 2002c), and
CADDIS 3 will be  designed to capitalize on advancements. Quantitative decision analysis
modules  would  likely require the development of an advanced rule base  or decision logic, which
will carry significant peer review and QA requirements above and beyond what is needed for the
basic platform design.

       A collection of databases that provide key information for investigators are the engines
that will make CADDIS a truly useful product.  The development and synthesis of this
knowledge is a primary function of the CADDIS project.
       The following sections summarize key information and database needs. Whenever
possible, CADDIS will take advantage of existing databases. In these cases, the role of CADDIS
is to create links (e.g., query interfaces) that allow this information to be more easily used for SI.
The development team also will prepare state-of-the-science syntheses to assist investigators in
finding and summarizing relevant information.  Sometimes, information is available, but it has
not been brought together in a form that can be queried. In these cases, the CADDIS team will


develop databases and encourage the complete reporting of data from research projects to
increase utility to CADDIS users. Additionally, functionality may be developed to allow users
to import or export spatial information between geographic information systems or spatial
models and CADDIS 2 and 3. The CADDIS team will also synthesize data into summaries that
provide easy access to pivotal results.
       The CADDIS team will identify promising ongoing and future research projects using
existing communication avenues such as OW/ORD joint planning meetings and ORD's multi-
year planning process to communicate the objectives and needs of CADDIS. We will encourage
complete reporting of data from research projects to increase utility to CADDIS users.  The
development of CADDIS will reveal information needs and spur additional applied research
useful for causal assessments.
       Within each category of information, the CADDIS team will first target the highest
priority stressors and responses for development. High-priority stressors identified through case
studies and needs of the TMDL program include clean sediments, habitat alteration, metals,
dissolved oxygen (DO), nutrients, and temperature. High-priority responses include changes in
fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages and stakeholder-valued fish populations.

       A Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection stakeholder defined conceptual
models as "exactly what you would need to put in front of managers/stakeholders." A diagram
that depicts the connection from types of source(s) to candidate cause(s) and intermediate effects
to the specific biological impairment can be invaluable for identifying the types of data that
might be useful.  Conceptual models communicate the ecological basis for suspecting a
candidate cause, organize the evidence, and ultimately illustrate findings of the causal
characterization to  stakeholders and managers (Figures 3 and 4).
       CADDIS 1  will provide downloadable models in a form that can be easily adapted for a
particular case. The files will also contain citations supporting the different pathways in each
model. CADDIS 2 and 3 may enable users to interactively modify conceptual models and may
include the capability to link users directly from the model to relevant data, case studies, or other
resources. In addition, these later versions of CADDIS may integrate the conceptual models
with tabular summaries of the evidence, providing a more visual presentation of the case.
       CADDIS will provide conceptual models that describe causal pathways for high-priority
sources, stressors, and biological impairments. For example, conceptual models will be
developed for commonly recognized causes listed in OW reports and biological assessment
results used by the  states and tribes as the bases for their biological criteria. These conceptual
models will build on existing generalized models (e.g., Karr et al., 1986).  The CADDIS team


Impound-  |
  ment    J
run-off, farms
 and homes.
                                   Farm run-off
Reduced \
 riparian   I
  zone  /


In ere

                   food supply


food s

Competition for
preferred foods •
            Loss of  ^v
          invertebrates   )
        Figure 3. Example of conceptual model for altered food composition that causes
        the loss of invertebrates in a particular case. Sources are indicated in octagons, the
        causal pathway by boxes and arrows, and the biological effect in the oval.

 will also aim to develop conceptual models for impacts on specific life stages of highly valued
species, such as spawning, juvenile survival, or migration.

       Tools for describing stressor-response relationship have been consistently mentioned by
stakeholders as a high-priority need.  These relationships often provide key evidence when
comparing the strength of evidence for different candidate causes.
       The CADDIS team will capitalize on existing databases, build additional  data modules to
fill data gaps, and synthesize stressor-response information for use in causal evaluations. The
existing databases we intend to build on are ECOTOX (U.S. EPA, 2003c) and the
Toxicity/Residue database (U.S. EPA, 2003d), which are invaluable sources of stressor-response
information for chemicals.  CADDIS will assist users in extracting and using information from
ECOTOX for SI. The team is currently designing a database for information that is not covered
in existing resources, specifically information from observational studies, empirical stressor-

  Furnace Brook
  watershed has
  more farms and
  homes, but it did
  not have similar
Riffle immediately
upstream from site
MR3 did not show
                             BOD, a surrogate
                             for organic matter,
                             increased but was
                             within Connecticut
                             standards     ,.

Canopy is open at
the site, providing
less allocthonous
input J

1 riparian 1
\ zone /
Decreased leaf
litter and
woody debris

Furnace Brook
watershed has less
forested riparian
zone, but it did not
have similar
impairment J-?

       Figure 4.  The conceptual models above depict two individual causal
       pathways that may contribute to loss of aquatic invertebrates in a particular
       case.  Evidence is shown in the rectangles with lifted corners.  The causal
       pathway shown on the left (loss of suitable habitat from increased fines) is not
       strongly supported (X), in part because a site located between the source (farm
       run-off) and the impaired site did not exhibit a loss of invertebrates. The right-
       hand figure depicts how the loss of riparian vegetations might cause the loss of
       invertebrates.  In this case, evidence is presented that supports and refutes this
       source and causal mechanism. (BOD = biological oxygen demand).

response models,  and on nonchemical stressors such as sedimentation, DO temperature, and
habitat alteration. Collection and syntheses of data on  additional stressors of high priority, such
as pesticides, ammonia, and nutrients, will rely on future funding and manpower.
       The CADDIS team will also contribute to the syntheses of stressor-response information
that will facilitate its comparison with site-specific stressor data. Exposure-response data will be
distilled into synthesis documents, including concentration-response relationships for organisms
and species sensitivity distributions (SSDs). An SSD is a cumulative distribution function that
describes the variation in toxic responses among a set of species to a certain compound or
mixture (Posthuma et al., 2002) (Figure 5).  Where data are available,  SSDs available through
CADDIS will address chronic exposure data as well  as specific effects data, including sensitive
endpoints and life stages.  The syntheses will include the annotated SAS code and the Microsoft
Excel template used to generate SSDs. Functionality in CADDIS 2 or 3 might include
automated generation of site- or species-specific SSDs that combine user-entered data with
information gathered from available databases. Selecting individual points in the CADDIS-
generated SSD would allow the user to view specific information about how the data were
collected, and, in  cases where the data point originated from dose-response data, the dose-
response curve could be provided. Additionally, CADDIS could allow the user to modify the
SSD figure or even  evaluate the impact of individual data points.

                                                 Tolerant" species effects sequence
                                             Observed range of stressor
                                             levels at the site
                                                                         9 reproductive
                                                                         _ mortality
                                                                           blood chemistry
                                    log stressor mg/L
          Figure 5. The species sensitivity distribution (SSD) plot illustrates
          multiple effects and the stressor intensity at which they were observed. A
          custom SSD plot would illustrate multiple effects, the stressor intensity at
          which they were observed, and the disposition of site specific data relative to
          SSD data (shaded area).
       Assigning tolerance values to organisms has been a useful approach for developing
indices (e.g., Hilsenhoff, 1987; Karr et al., 1986) that can then be used to estimate the degree of
environmental degradation at sites.  In the best cases, tolerance values can be used to develop
empirical stressor-response relationships on the basis of assemblage composition that then can be
used to evaluate whether effects would be expected given the level of a stressor. For example, a
metric developed by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality uses taxon-specific
temperature tolerances to relate the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage composition to stream
temperature (Brandt, 2003) (Figure 6).
       Ideal tolerance values are quantitative, stressor-specific, and reproducible. There are
currently no agreed-upon methods for developing tolerance values,  and no repository of
tolerance values has been developed to date. An EPA regional tolerance value workgroup is
providing the focal point for this work. A workshop planned for fall 2003 will begin the process
of developing consensus on appropriate methods for tolerance value development and
identifying tolerance values for compilation in a database. We anticipate that the CADDIS team
will provide assistance in populating the database and developing queries so that the information
can be brought into causal evaluations. Additional work may include cross-validating tolerance







                           5        10       15        20       25
                           Maximum Weekly Average Temperature
       Figure 6.  The relationship between Idaho's temperature preference metric,
       based on species tolerance values and maximum weekly temperature.
       Source: Brandt (2003).
with the stressor-response information discussed above and confirming tolerance values in
laboratory studies.

       Providing access to information about what, where, and when mitigation or restoration
activities have been effective can be valuable in assessing causality in similar situations.
Specifically, experimental manipulations are used as a line of evidence when comparing or
eliminating candidate causes. For the purposes of SI, an experiment is defined as the
manipulation of a candidate cause by eliminating a source or altering exposure for the purpose of
evaluating its relationship to an effect (i.e., mitigation and restoration results).
       Several sources of mitigation and restoration information currently exist. For example,
the National Risk Management Research Laboratory has developed an inventory of restoration
projects within the mid-Atlantic region.  This inventory has been incorporated into the OW's
National River Corridor and Wetland Restoration database (U.S. EPA, 2003e).  Another major
effort is underway to develop a National Riverine Restoration Science Synthesis, which will
provide information about restoration practices and their effectiveness.  This effort is being led
by American Rivers in partnership with several academic, governmental, and research center
organizations. An additional example is the National Stormwater Best Management Practices
Database (UWRRC, 2003) developed by the Urban Water Resources Research Council under a

cooperative agreement with EPA. Finally, mitigation information is provided to EPA under the
TMDL program, Non-Point Source program, and other programs. It would be very useful to
collect this information and make it accessible from CADDIS.
       The CADDIS team will monitor the progress of these databases and facilitate their
development when possible. CADDIS 1 will link users to these information sources; later
versions will aim to help users extract and use this information for SI.

       In human and veterinary medicine, the causes of diseases are diagnosed by examining
symptoms and determining which cause is indicated by the observed symptom set.  Similarly,
CADDIS 1 will provide worksheets to guide users through the diagnostic steps and direct them
to references currently available for fish kills (e.g., Meyer and Barclay, 1990), fish diseases (U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, 2003), and wildlife diseases (U. S. Geological Survey, 1999).
CADDIS 2 and 3 may have more interactive systems that will prompt the user to make specific
observations or tests that will enable the cause of aquatic impairments to be determined on the
basis of symptomology.
       Diagnostic keys have not been developed for some of the more common types of
biological impairments, for example, those identified through changes in assemblages.
Diagnosis of these impairments is more difficult because stressor-specific symptoms are
unknown or the observed changes are common to many causes.  For instance, an impairment that
is frequently described is a decrease in the abundance of Ephemeroptera (mayflies).
Unfortunately, there are too many possible causes of this effect for any one to be proven by
diagnostic methods.  Nevertheless, there is hope that future research may reveal symptomatic
characteristics from more than one taxon and at different levels of organization, such as a
combination of genetic markers, biochemical properties, physical deformities, sensitive taxa or
species, or other characteristics that will provide a diagnostic set of symptoms. A number of
researchers have made inroads into these emerging capabilities (e.g., Norton et al., 2000, 2002;
Yoder and Rankin, 1995; Riva-Murray et al., 2002), and CADDIS will be designed to
accommodate the latest developments in this area.

       Toxicity identification evaluations (TIEs) put field-collected samples through a battery of
physical/chemical manipulations coupled with toxicity tests (U.S. EPA,  1991, 1992, 1993a,
1993b). Determining which physical/chemical manipulations affect toxicity of the samples
provides useful evidence for identifying the causative agent. Developing a database of TIEs
would have utility for similar cases.  Users could determine whether the TIE approach had been
applied successfully in a similar situation to the one under investigation, or they could use past

TIE results for similar cases to identify potential candidate causes (e.g., toxic components of
similar effluents).
       The CADDIS team will monitor the progress of TIE applications and field validation
efforts and facilitate the development of a TIE database.

       Statistical and process models have many potential uses for SI. Some model results, such
as stressor-response relationships or tolerance values, will be incorporated into the databases
described in the sections above.  However, statistical and process models have many other
potential applications, ranging from quantifying consistency of association for particular regions
to exploring possible causal mechanisms.  Statistical models can describe how often an effect
and candidate cause occur together in different places or times, and they can be used to develop
surrogates for causes that can be difficult to measure. For instance, estimates of flow can be
generated on the basis of rainfall accounts, nearby gauging stations, cover, soil type, and
topography. Water temperature extremes might be estimated on the basis of some water
temperature data, air temperatures,  and information  about cover and rain events.  Future
possibilities include classifying watersheds according to their vulnerability to different stressors
or estimating the likelihood of observing particular stressors on the basis of landscape level
information. Process models based on knowledge of ecological mechanisms (e.g., Aquatox,
BASS) can be used to explore the consequences of different stressor scenarios. When compared
with data from the  site, they can be used to evaluate whether observations are consistent with
ecological theory.
       Statistical and process models are an area of active research. Because of the wide variety
of potential models and uses, CADDIS will direct users to specific models when it can be shown
how they may be applied in SI (e.g., indicate how they were used in a case study or describe the
specific systems for which model results have been verified). Model results will be incorporated
into appropriate databases so that they can be queried. Finally, the CADDIS team will monitor
promising research, facilitate model development and application to SI, and  aim to accommodate
the latest model developments.
                                   5.  CASE STUDIES

       Case studies that provide concrete illustrations of the process and a mechanism for
sharing experiences and increasing investigator expertise are an essential component in the
continuing refinement of the SI process.  We plan a close interaction between the development
of these case studies and CADDIS. The case studies will help identify critical information

needs, help test CADDIS functions (e.g., report generation), and provide a way to obtain
feedback on CADDIS and the SI process from users. Incorporating a database of case studies
into CADDIS will help to create a community that shares and builds a knowledge base of causal
analyses and mitigation information. Making the database searchable allows users to find
situations similar to the ones they are evaluating and reduce the effort required to perform causal
analyses that are relatively similar.  Depending on feedback, resources, and QA requirements, a
future feature may include a mechanism by which users can input their own case studies into the
       Four case studies that have either been developed or are scheduled for activity will be
included in CADDIS to illustrate how SI is being used to determine the cause of impairment:

       •  Little Scioto, OH:  The Little  Scioto River was determined to be impaired on the
          basis of results of macroinvertebrate and fish surveys. Candidate causes investigated
          included habitat alteration from channelization, toxic substances from historical and
          current industrial uses, and excess nutrients from agricultural land uses and municipal
          waste treatment.

       •  Willamantic, CT: The Willamantic River in Connecticut was determined to be
          impaired,  based on the results of macroinvertebrate surveys. Candidate causes
          investigated included toxic substances from historical and current industrial uses,
          nutrients from upstream agriculture and a municipal waste treatment plant, and flow
          and sediment changes from impoundments.

       •  Long Creek, ME: Long Creek is located in a rapidly urbanizing watershed and no
          longer sustains a brook trout population.  Candidate causes of the impairment under
          investigation include excess nutrients, high temperature, low DO, flow regime
          changes, and toxic substances.

       We plan to develop several additional case studies during a problem-solving workshop in
which waterbodies identified as impaired by EPA Regions, states, and tribes will undergo causal
analyses by teams of interested state, tribal, Regional, federal, and academic environmental
professionals.  This effort will serve the dual purpose of training scientists to do causal analyses
and fostering a scientific community approach towards addressing environmental protection.
       In selecting case studies, the team has sought to represent a variety of biological effects,
stressors, regions, and flowing-water systems.  Additional case studies may be developed,
perhaps extending the concepts to lakes, estuaries, coastal systems, wetlands, and terrestrial
ecosystems. We also will seek opportunities to coordinate and collaborate with case studies
under development by other groups within EPA.

                              6.  QUALITY ASSURANCE

       This chapter provides the first steps toward outlining a CADDIS Quality Assurance
Project Plan (QAPP) and discusses issues affecting each CADDIS component. A single general
QAPP will be developed for CADDIS to ensure cohesiveness and consistency in system quality.
However, documentation of QA is required for the major components of CADDIS, necessitating
individual QA plans for each element of the system as it is developed.  Section 6.2 contains a
description of QA issues associated with platform development, defined here as the design,
programming, and rule bases needed for queries or interaction with user-supplied data. QA
issues associated with data modules, which encompass the modules developed by the CADDIS
project (i.e., databases of refereed literature and gray literature), data referred to by CADDIS
(e.g., ECOTOX), and data input into CADDIS by users (e.g., case study examples), are
discussed in section 6.3.  Because not all system and data elements will be used in all versions of
CADDIS, the level of QA needed will increase with increasing system complexity. This will be
reflected in both the general QAPP and the individual component-specific QAPPs.

       General  issues of QA that affect all aspects of CADDIS will be addressed in the
overarching QAPP. Data quality objectives selected for CADDIS components can strongly
influence the eventual magnitude, complexity, functional capabilities, and reliability of
CADDIS. The generic QA principles that should guide the QAPP development are:

       •   Every function designed into CADDIS should be periodically verified as performing
          to specifications that are defined in individual QAPPs,

       •   The level of effort devoted to QA of CADDIS components will be commensurate
          with the purpose of each component and the consequences of encountering  error,

       •   Satisfactory performance of the system at large will be ensured through periodic
          checks of the specifications list in the QAPP,

          CADDIS has a responsibility to characterize and effectively communicate the type
          and level of QA of the information a user may encounter through CADDIS  and/or use
          in an analysis,

       •   CADDIS will provide users with information on the quality and source of data
          supplied for use in their analyses, and

       •   Information resource selection criteria will be developed objectively and stated
          clearly to be eliminate any appearance of bias.

       The QAPP will contain information on project management, data acquisition,
assessment/oversight,  and data validation and usability. The project management section will
identify the project's organization, problem definition, quality objectives, and necessary
documentation (e.g., individual component QA plans).
       The data acquisition section will demonstrate that the intended data acquisition and
processing methods are appropriate for achieving project objectives; it will include design,
specifications, and performance and acceptance criteria for each component. Data acquisition
for CADDIS will  consist of the gathering, synthesis, and analysis of secondary data. Because
the acquisition varies significantly with each system version, this will be covered in detail in the
individual component-specific QA plans.  However, it will be  important to document how the
components will be incorporated and managed into the project's data management system. This
may be described  through "requirements documentation," which describes the characteristics
and behaviors that the system must possess to function adequately for its intended purpose,
including scientific defensibility of the approach.  The documentation should be written with
sufficient detail so it can be used as the foundation for design and testing.
       In order to ensure consistent quality across all components, this section of the QAPP will
include a description of the CADDIS design, specifications, and performance and acceptance
criteria for each component.  The design and specification documentation is a description of how
each component will meet its "requirements."  Specifically, the section on design describes
design layout, and the specification documentation describes how information is stored and
transferred between components created by different developers.
       The assessment and oversight section of the QAPP will include basic information on the
assessments, response actions, and reports to the CADDIS management team. Assessments
discuss how the data can be used to address the project objectives. Lists of planned assessments,
performance and acceptance criteria, and methods for each assessment will not be included in the
general QAPP because they are dependent on the system component or database. The QAPP
may, however, identify which of the following general reports to management are required:

          Technical project and budget reports,
       •   QA Project Plan deviations and impacts,
       •   Need for and results to corrective actions,
          Calibration reports,
       •   Assessment reports,
       •   Peer review reports, and
       •   System evaluation reports.

       The data validation and usability section of the QAPP identifies the assessment
procedures needed for confirming that the data are of the type and quality needed and ensures
that the data use limitations are defined.  Data validation methods should be written in a test
plan, which might include peer review, code verification, validation of input data, or assessment
of system output.  This section also includes a reconciliation of final output assessment results,
with user-defined requirements to accept, reject, or describe the uncertainty of the output for its
intended use.

       This section describes the two major categories of system QA considerations: QA of the
program logic (i.e., the basic system design) and QA of the rule base. Basic system design QA is
certain to dominate CADDIS QA early on, and peer review will be conducted for the system
design document and any related prototypes. System programming QA requirements will vary
with the functionality and tools that eventually make up CADDIS. These may be incremental,
and thus, compatibility with pre-existing CADDIS components and functions will be important.
       Issues that the system-specific QA plans may address include:

       •   The use of automated unit test and systems tests that can mechanize some of the QA
          on an ongoing basis;

          Configuration management, or how components interrelate; and

          The use of paired programming to integrate Q A at the programming stage by
          assigning two programmers to write and continually review designs and code as they
          are created.

       The second category of system QA involves the rule base, or decision logic, that drives
the expert systems utilized  by CADDIS.  This type of QA will  not be necessary until the latter
versions of CADDIS, and its development may rank  among the most complicated QA tasks.
Both a peer review of the causal analysis assumptions and  decisions  and an assessment of the
program functionality would be needed,  although use of existing  expert system shells may assist
in the latter.

       Three major types of data will be used in CADDIS: data within CADDIS, data referred
to by CADDIS, and data input into CADDIS by users.  The knowledge base within CADDIS
will be in the form of databases built primarily by gathering and synthesizing data from peer-
reviewed and gray literature.  QA requirements for these databases include not only QA of the


secondary data, but also QA of the database structure itself. Database developers will need to be
cognizant of the structure and content of related databases to ensure consistency of assumptions
and data transfer between systems. QA requirements for the data referred to by CADDIS and
data input into CADDIS by users will focus heavily on documentation and ensuring user access
to metadata records.
       The largest component of CADDIS data may be causal analysis literature search and
retrieval. For the most part, the QA responsibilities lie with the originators of this information,
and the CADDIS QA role is more in characterizing than performing QA.  Literature QA
considerations affect inclusion/rejection of general categories of literature as well as individual
documents. Also, future decisions about how CADDIS handles its literature functions (e.g.,
citation retrieval only, external key words, CADDIS-assigned keywords, external search engine,
annotated bibliographies) will have additional QA implications that need to be addressed in
module-specific QA plans.
       Rules for characterizing QA will be necessary and should be included in the general
CADDIS QAPP to ensure consistency of QA across information databases. Peer-reviewed
sources will likely be the core of CADDIS literature data, but numerous gray literature sources
may also be useful due to their often greater detail.  Such sources are typically difficult to obtain,
making their inclusion in CADDIS valuable. Peer review and publication are no guarantee of
relevance or quality if the data or methods relevant to causal analysis were not specifically
QA'ed. Gray literature, on  the other hand,  despite lacking refereed publication, may still contain
well QA'ed causal information, but it will need to be verified and documented.
       User input data are likely to be a growing  source of data in CADDIS,  and significant QA
responsibilities will be associated with this resource. However, as with the QA considerations
for literature, the QA burden lies primarily with the originator. CADDIS is responsible for
characterizing and documenting its QA and making the metadata available to users. Further QA
requirements, such as acceptance/rejection criteria, will need to be addressed in a module-
specific QA plan.

       We plan to identify and reach out to representative user groups during all phases of
CADDIS development. During the early phases, communication with users will help refine our
understanding of their needs as well as encourage system use. After the system has been
developed, we will add training and technical support components.

       Participants from regions, states, and local governments at the CADDIS workshop
provided valuable input regarding all aspects of system development (U.S. EPA, 2002a).  We
will use various forms of communication, ranging from electronic interactions to training
sessions, to expand our access to as broad a cross-section of the potential user community as
possible. Anticipated activities include:

          Speaking and holding informational or training sessions at professional and
          coordinator meetings (e.g., EPA Region meetings, and meetings of Water
          Coordinator groups, the Council of State Governments, Society of Environmental
          Toxicology and Chemistry, North American Benthological Society, American Water
          Resources Association, the Bioassessment and Biocriteria Academy);

       •  Writing articles in newsletters and trade journals (e.g., OW's Watershed Events and
          Nonpoint Source Newsnotes, Ohio EPA Newsletter);

       •  Posting messages on an established listserv, e-mail distributions, and discussion
          databases (e.g., U.S. EPA Techloops, the Biological Assessment Discussion
          Database,  STORET and NHD listservs, Water Quality Standards listserv);

       •  Speaking on established conference calls held by various groups;

       •  Creating a training module for the OW "Watershed Academy" website;

          Creating a feedback form on the current EPA SI Guidance website; and

       •  Developing a briefing page or presentation that demonstrates to the EPA Regions,
          states, and tribes how OW programs and ORD programs  such as EMAP and CADDIS
          all fit together.

       Once CADDIS is developed, users will need technical support.  This will require a long-
term commitment.  The group has thus far considered three different approaches to technical
support. The first, and most resource intensive, would be establishing a dedicated technical
support team that could work on a one-on-one basis with users who call or e-mail. An
alternative approach would be to establish a listserv or discussion database with a searchable
archive function to allow users to help each other. The technical support team would monitor
the listserv/database and respond to questions that could not be answered by the user community
and ensure that the help offered by users was correct.  The third method of technical support
involves publishing an ongoing list of known system problems and solutions and any planned
system improvements.

       We anticipate that our experiences in developing CADDIS, conducting case studies, and
interacting with users will lead to substantial advances in our knowledge of causal evaluation.
This will be captured in a revision of the current SI guidance document.

       This development plan describes the development of CADDIS using a phased, modular
approach.  This approach will allow for early release of products while additional development
takes place (Table 1). The products shown in Table 1 generally coincide with the annual
performance measures (APMs) described in the multi-year plans for ORD research. As of the
writing of this strategy, relevant APMs are included in the Multi-Year Plans for Water Quality
(Goal 2) and Ecological Research (Goal 4). The detailed APM list is provided in Appendix B.

Table 1. Overview of CADDIS products and timeline
The CADDIS Platform
CADDIS Development Plan
Release CADDIS 1
Release CADDIS 2
Release CADDIS 3

Database and Information Components
Methods/indicators for diagnosing
impairments due to sediment
Methods/indicators for diagnosing
impairments due to toxic metals
Conceptual models for high-priority
causal pathways

Case Studies
Case study: causes of biological
impairment (Willamantic)
Case study: urban setting with
non-point source (Long Creek)
Collection of case studies

Guidance and Training
Watershed Academy website
Problem-solving workshop: determining
the causes of biological impairment
Guidance on causal evaluation


                                  9. PROJECT RISKS

       The CADDIS project faces many challenges to becoming a widely used, effective
product.  We have identified some general risks and our intended approaches to minimizing their

Risk:  CADDIS is too difficult to use.

       •   Release the system soon so users can identify areas/features that are too complex and
          provide feedback early,

       •   Provide simple interfaces through which users can report problems as they are using
          the system,

       •   Continue training workshops, and

       •   Allow investigators to use CADDIS with their own data analysis and word processing

Risk:  Users are unaware of CADDIS or cannot obtain it.  Alternatively, value to resource-
limited state and tribal users is insufficient to justify the time and effort necessary to learn a
complex process. This is also known as "We build it but no one comes."

       •   Provide functionality that significantly improves on existing approaches to causal

       •   Build linkages between CADDIS and Agency programs that use causal assessments
          (e.g., 303d listing efforts);

       •   Conduct outreach through existing lines of communication and incorporate CADDIS
          into an outreach program to provide assistance with site assessments;

          Continue outreach to: (1) identify critical gaps and information needs, (2) provide
          those critical functions and data, (3) make sure that users are aware that they can
          obtain the information/functions from CADDIS, and (4) make it easy for the users to
          obtain that information;

       •   Continue case studies to demonstrate the value-added and new features from
          CADDIS; and

       •   Become familiar with user requirements to determine the best method(s) of
          accommodating investigators' computing systems, such as:

          -   retaining and updating simpler versions of CADDIS to accommodate a variety of
              user needs and computing requirements;

          -   providing system as software that can be downloaded updated either online or on
              CDs mailed to the user; and

          -   housing CADDIS on a server outside of EPA to avoid firewall, data security, and
              down-time issues.

Risk.  EPA is perceived as giving a stamp of approval to poor-quality information if CADDIS is
used to conduct causal analyses based on poor quality information.

       •   Include metadata with records in the data modules.

       •   Increase awareness of the need for high-quality information and a sound biological
          assessment program (see the text box in Section 2.1).

Risk:  Key team members leave and are not replaced.

       •   Verify to those with intellectual investment that their efforts are resulting in
          constructive improvements in environmental  decision making and that the value of
          these efforts are recognized by both management and the SI community;

          Seek management backing for project at the Assistant Administrator level and on the
          Research Coordination Teams;

       •   Provide avenues  for continued growth and innovation;

       •   Recruit and maintain a quality CADDIS workgroup committed to excellence in
          environmental decision making and state-of-the-science approaches to environmental
          problem solving; and

       •   Expand the scope of the CADDIS program so that it does not become simply a
          maintenance activity; for example, add  terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

       Although the risks we have identified are not trivial, they are also not insurmountable,
and the potential benefits of CADDIS are substantial. By defensibly directing management

actions toward the true cause of impairment, remedial and restoration strategies will be more
effective in improving the quality of the nation's surface waters.

                         APPENDIX A

Modified from the U.S. EPA (2000)


       Figure A-l provides an overview of the SI process within the context of water quality
management and data collection. The SI process is initiated by the observation of a biological
impairment (shown in the top box). Decisionmaker and stakeholder involvement is shown along
the left-hand side; this involvement is particularly important in defining the scope of the
investigation and listing candidate causes.  At any point in the process of identifying stressors, a
need for additional data may be identified; the acquisition of these data is indicated by the box
on the right-hand side of the diagram. The accurate characterization of the probable cause
allows managers to identify appropriate management action to restore  or protect biological
condition.  Once stressors are identified and management actions are in place to control them,
the effectiveness of the SI process (as demonstrated by improved conditions) can be monitored
using appropriate tools and designs.
       The SI process may be applied to any level of biological organization (e.g., individuals,
populations, communities) and to any type of waterbody (e.g., freshwater streams, estuaries,
wetlands); however, some of the criteria presented for evaluating evidence may be specific to a
waterbody type (e.g., references to upstream/downstream associations).  Similarly, the logic of
the SI process may be applied in straightforward, single-stressor situations or in complex
situations with multiple stressors and cumulative impacts. Complex situations may require
investigators to refine the definition of the study area, gather new data, or do multiple iterations
of SI to identify all the  important stressors.
       The core of the  SI process is shown within the bold  line of Figure A-l and consists of
three main  steps:

       Step 1.  Listing candidate causes of impairment.

       Step 2.  Analyzing new and previously existing data to generate evidence for each
               candidate cause.

       Step 3.  Producing a causal characterization using the evidence generated in Step 2
               to draw conclusions about the stressors that are most likely to have caused
               the impairment.

       Step 1 in the SI process is to develop a list of candidate causes, or stressors, that will be
evaluated.  This is accomplished by carefully describing the effect that is prompting the analysis
(e.g., unexplained absence of brook trout) and gathering available information on the situation

Detect or Suspect Biological Impairment





     /I	K

    \i	1/
              Sticssoi Identification
                        LIST CANDIDATE CAUSES
                               ANALYZE EVIDENCE
                          CHARACTERIZE CAUSES
                                Diagnose      Strength of Evidence
/I	K

Eliminate or Control Causes;
      Monitor Results



                  Biological Condition Restored or Protected
     Figure A-l:  The management context of the SI process. The SI process is

     shown in the center box with a bold line.  SI is initiated with the detection of a

     biological impairment. Decision maker and stakeholder involvement is

     particularly important in defining the scope of the investigation and in listing

     candidate causes. Data can be acquired at any time during the process. The

     accurate characterization of the probable cause allows managers to identify

     appropriate management action to restore or protect biological condition.

     Source: Stressor Identification Guidance Document, EPA 822-B-00-025.

and potential causes. Evidence may come from the case at hand, other similar situations, or
knowledge of biological processes or mechanisms.  The outputs of this initial step are a list of
candidate causes and a conceptual model that shows cause-and-effect relationships.
       Step 2, analyzing evidence, involves analyzing the information related to each of the
potential causes. Virtually everything that is known about an impaired aquatic ecosystem is
potentially  useful in this step. For example, useful data may come from chemical analysis of
effluents, organisms, ambient waters, and sediments; toxicity tests of effluents, waters, and
sediments;  necropsies;  biotic surveys; habitat analyses; hydrologic records; and biomarker
analyses. These data do not in themselves, however, constitute evidence of causation. The
investigator performing the analysis must organize the data in terms of associations that could
support or refute proposed causal scenarios.  This includes considering levels of associations

       •   Measurements of the candidate causes and responses,

       •   Measures of exposure at the site and measures of effects from laboratory studies,

       •   Site measurements and intermediate steps in a chain of causal processes, and

           Cause and effect in deliberate manipulations of field situations  or media.

These associations make up  the body of evidence used to characterize the cause.
       In Step 3, characterize causes, the investigator uses the evidence to eliminate, diagnose,
and compare the strength of evidence to identify a probable cause. The input information
includes a description of the effects to be explained, the set of potential causes, and the evidence
relevant to  the characterization. Evidence is brought in and analyzed as needed until sufficient
confidence in the causal characterization is reached. In straightforward cases, the process may
be completed in linear fashion. In more complex cases, the causal characterization may  require
additional data or analyses, and the investigator may iterate the process.

       The SI process may be iterative, beginning with retrospective analysis of available data.
If the stressor is not adequately identified in the first attempt, the SI process continues using
better data  or testing other suspected stressors.  The  process repeats until the stressor is
successfully identified. The certainty of the identification depends on the quality of information
used in the SI process.  In some cases, additional data collection may be necessary to confidently
identify the stressor(s). Although the SI process cannot accurately identify stressors without

adequate data, completing the SI process is helpful even without adequate data because the
exercise can help target future data-collection efforts.

       SI is only one of several activities required to improve and protect biological condition
(Figure A-l). In some cases, the most effective management action will be obvious after the
probable cause has been identified.  In many cases, however, the investigation must identify
sources and apportion responsibility among them. This can be even more difficult than
identifying the stress in the first place (e.g., quantifying the sources of sediment in a large
watershed) and may require environmental process models.  The identification and
implementation of management alternatives can also be a complex process that requires
additional analyses (e.g., economic  comparisons, engineering feasibility) and stakeholder
involvement. Once a management alternative is selected and implemented, monitoring its
effectiveness can ensure that biological goals are attained and provide valuable feedback to the
SI process (e.g., Yoder and Rankin  1998).
       All  of these important activities are outside the scope of the current document.  However,
accurate and defensible identification of the cause through the SI process is the key component
that directs management efforts towards solutions that have the best chance of improving
biological condition.

                APPENDIX B

             MULTI-YEAR PLANS

Table B-l. List of CADDIS APMs in the Ecological Research MYPa
Ecological Research Multi-Year Plan (Goal 4: Communities and Ecosystems)
LTG 2: Managers and researchers understand links between human activities, natural dynamics, ecological stressors, and ecosystem condition.

Causal tools:
Suter lead

Sub LTG Dl: Environmental managers are able to characterize ecosystem properties and processes in a manner that supports diagnosis of
current condition 2008
APG 55: Environmental managers are able to implement new, more efficient methods for stressor identification and characterization 2005

APM 199: Report
on methods/
indicators for
determining when
impairments of
rivers and streams
are due to
Water Quality

Table B-l. List of CADDIS APMs in the Ecological Research MYPa (continued)
Ecological Research Multi-Year Plan (Goal 4: Communities and Ecosystems)
LTG 2: Managers and researchers understand links between human activities, natural dynamics, ecological stressors, and ecosystem condition.

Case Studies:
Cormier lead

Guidance and

Sub LTG D3 : Diagnostic methods exist that incorporate knowledge of and contributions of multi-stressor interactions 2006
APG: Risk assessors can attribute causes of impairment when caused by more than one stressor input 2007

Case study
determining the
causes of
impairment in an
urban setting with
non-point source
impacts so that
states and tribes
will have
prototypes to
completion of
TMDLs (Water
Quality MYP)*
Academy website
training for causal
analysis (Water

       Table B-l. List of CADDIS APMs in the Ecological Research MYPa (continued)
                                   Ecological Research Multi-Year Plan (Goal 4: Communities and Ecosystems)
    LTG 2: Managers and researchers understand links between human activities, natural dynamics, ecological stressors, and ecosystem condition.
                Sub-LTG D4: Protocols are available to regional, state and watershed scientists and managers that provide the scientific basis for determining
                the cause of observed ecological effects 2009
                APG: Methods are demonstrated that allow regional, state and watershed scientists to determine the causes of observed ecological effects 2009
Case Studies:
Cormier lead
APM95: Case
demonstrating the
Process that
identifies the
causes of
impairment in the
(EERD) Water
Quality MYP, APG

Ecological Research Multi-Year Plan (Goal 4: Communities and Ecosystems)
LTG 2: Managers and researchers understand links between human activities, natural dynamics, ecological stressors, and ecosystem condition.

Norton lead

Guidance and

Parameters and the
architecture for a
Causal Analysis
and Diagnosis
(CADDIS), that
helps users
identify causes of
impairment in the

Release Level 1
Causal Analysis
and Diagnosis
(CADDIS [l])d


Release Level 2
Causal Analysis
and Diagnosis
(CADDIS [2])d


Release Level 3
Causal Analysis
and Diagnosis
(CADDIS [3])d

APG: Guidance on causal evaluation is made available to regional, state and watershed scientists and managers 2009

Guidance on
causal evaluation
is made available
to regional, state
and watershed
scientists and
(Proposed as a
              Italicized APMs are cross-referenced in the Ecological Research MYP and the Water Quality Research MYP and are listed again in Table B-2. All text
              taken from the April 1, 2003, MYP Draft, with revisions as submitted December 2003.
              Responsible laboratory = NERL
              Responsible laboratory = NERL/NCEA
              Responsible laboratory = NCEA/NERL
                     Table B-2. List of CADDIS APMs in the Water Quality Research Program MYPa

Water Quality Research Program Multi-Year Plan Timeline (Goal 2: Water)
LTG 2: Provide the tools to assess and diagnose sources and causes of impairment in aquatic systems

Case Studies:
Cormier lead

Causal Tools:
Suter lead

APG: Equip EPA Regions, States and Tribes with knowledge, skills and tools to determine the causes of impairments for freshwater and
coastal systems required in various regulations 2007
Case study
demonstrating the
Process that
identifies the causes
of biological
impairment in the

Report on
for determining
when biological
impairments of
rivers and streams
are due to sediment0

Report on
for determining
when biological
impairments of
rivers and streams
are due to toxic
Case study
determining the
causes of biological
impairment in an
urban setting with
non-point source
impacts so that
states and tribes will
have prototypes to
facilitate completion

Conceptual models
for high priority
causal pathways'5'6

Case study focusing
on the special needs
to perform causal
analysis in
impaired aquatic
systems rivers.0

Collection of case
studies determining
the causes of
impairment, the
scientific basis, tools
and applications
toward improving
stream quality.0

           Table B-2. List of CADDIS APMs in the Water Quality Research Program MYPa (continued)
Water Quality Research Program Multi-Year Plan Timeline (Goal 2: Water)
LTG 2: Provide the tools to assess and diagnose sources and causes of impairment in aquatic systems

Guidance and



Training and
problem solving
determining the
causes of biological
impairment, the
scientific basis, tools
and applications
applied to state-
listed 303d streams °
Watershed Academy
website training for
causal analysis0



    a All text taken from the April 28, 2003 MYP Draft, with revisions as submitted December 2003
o  b Responsible laboratory = NERL
    c Responsible laboratory = NERL/NCEA.
    d Responsible laboratory = NCEA/NERL.
    e Not currently listed in MYP; proposing as new APM.


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