~  O/O
                        United States
                        Environmental Protection
                            Pollution Prevention
                            and Toxics
April eOQQ
     The Environmental Protection
     Agency's (EPA's) Design for the
     Environment (DfE) Program is a vol-
untary initiative that forms partnerships
to encourage businesses to incorporate
environmental concerns into the design
and redesign of products, processes, and
management systems. Publications for
the DfE Program's Printed Wiring Board
Project are listed in this brochure. Many
of these publications can be viewed via
the DfE Web site at
. Unless other-
wise noted, all of these publications can
be ordered through the Pollution
Prevention Information Clearinghouse
(PP1C) online at
An order form for these materials fol-
lows the abstracts. In order to receive
your materials, please be sure to fill out
all sections of the order form. Publications
also can be obtained by placing an order
via phone, fax, e-mail, or regular  mail at
the addresses and numbers listed below:

Pollution Prevention Information
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
Washington, DC 20460
Hotline: 202 260-1023
Fax: 202 260-4659
E-mail: ppic@epa.gov

National Service Center for
Environmental Publications (NSCEP)
P.O. Box 42419
Cincinnati, OH 45242-2419
Phone: 800 490-9198
Fax: 513 489-8695
                        Design   for  the  Environment
                        Printed  Wiring  Board  Project
                                    Project Summaries
Printed Wiring Board Project Fact Sheet (EPA744-F-99-006)
Provides an overview of the Design for the Environment (DfE) Printed Wiring Board
(PWB) Project and the search for viable pollution prevention alternatives in the PWB
industry. Also includes information on the projects technical studies, and communication
and implementation efforts.                                              2 pages
                                                              December 1999
                                tjeet Publishes Direct Metallization Results and
A CircuiTree article that summarizes the results of the Cleaner Technologies Substitutes
Assessment (CTSA) for "making holes conductive" technologies, and describes the CTSA for
PWB surface finishes.                                                   4 pages
                                                                 March 1999
The Design for the Environment Printed Wiring Board Project: A Partnership to
Identify Cleaner  Technologies (EPA742-F-99-022)
A Plating and Surface Finishing article that summarizes the results of the CTSA for "making
holes conductive" technologies, and describes the CTSA for PWB surface finishes.  4 pages
                                                                January 1999

Design for the Environment Project Releases Direct Metallization Performance
Results (EPA742-F-97-007)
A January 1997 CircuiTree article that summarizes the methodology and results of the DfE
PWB Project performance demonstration for the electroless copper process and six direct
metallization technologies.                                     •          6 pages
                                                                January 1997

EPA and the PWB Industry Team Up on Environmental Assessment of Technologies
A September 1995 CircuiTree article that describes EPA's DfE Program and the work con-
ducted with the PWB industry.                                            3 pages
                                                              September 1995

Design for the Environment: A Partnership for a Cleaner Future
An April 1995 Printed. Circuit Fabrication article that provides an overview of the DfE
Program and describes its work with the PWB industry.                        3 pages
                                                                  April 1995

Reinventing Government Through Common Sense and Design (EPA742-F-95-016)
A February 1995 CircuiTree article that discusses EPA's Common Sense Initiative and its
applications for the PWB industry. Also provides an overview of the joint IPC and U.S.
EPA DfE PWB Project.                                                 2 pages
                                                               February 1995
                                                                  ^Printed on paper that contains at least 30 percent postconsumer fiber.

 Reference/Technical  Reports

 Implementing Cleaner Printed Wiring Board Technologies:
 Surface Finishes (EPA744-R-00-002)
 Describes lessons learned and suggestions for implementing and
 using alternative surface finishes for printed wiring boards. 43 pages
                                                March 2000

 Alternative Technologies for Making Holes Conductive:
 Cleaner Technologies for Printed Wiring Board
 Manufacturers (EPA744-R-98-002)
 Summarizes an analysis of the comparative risk, performance,
 cost, and natural resource use for technologies that can perform
 the "making holes conductive" function during printed wiring
 board manufacturing. Includes the standard electroless copper
 process and six formaldehyde-free alternatives.          44 pages
                                            September 1998

 Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes
 Assessment: Making Holes Conductive, Volumes 1 and 2
 (Vol. 1: EPA744-R-98-004aandVoI. 2: EPA744-R-98-
 Volume 1 presents a detailed technical analysis of the comparative
 risk) performance, cost, and  natural resource use for technologies
 that can perform the "making holes conductive" function during
 PWB manufacturing. Includes the standard electroless copper
 process and six formaldehyde-free alternatives. Volume 2 contains
 the appendices cited in Volume 1, including raw data tables.
                                           Vol. 1:405 pages
                                            Vol 2: 410 pages
                                               August 1998

 Pollution Prevention and Control Technology: Analysis of
 Updated Survey Results (EPA744-R-98-003)
 Analyzes the results of a 1997 survey of pollution prevention and
 control technologies used by printed wiring board manufacturers,
 as well as information provided by technology vendors and
 obtained through a literature search. Contains analysis of produc-
 tion methods and materials; wastewater; pollution prevention and
 water conservation methods; bath maintenance; recycling and
 recovery methods; off-site recycling; and end-of-pipe treatment
 methods.                                         135 pages

 Implementing Cleaner Technologies in the Printed Wiring
 Board Industry: Making Holes Conductive (EPA744-R-97-
 Describes lessons learned and suggestions for using and imple-
 menting the "making holes conductive" alternatives evaluated in
 the CTSA. Alternative technologies discussed include carbon,
 graphite, palladium, and conductive polymer methods.   56 pages
                                             February 1997

Making Holes Conductive Performance Testing Results
 Describes the "making holes conductive" performance demonstra-
 tion methodology and results. The results of the demonstration
suggest that direct metallization technologies perform at least as
 well  as electroless copper if operated according to specifications.
                                                  20 pages
                                             October 1996
 Printed Wiring Board Pollution Prevention and Control:
 Analysis of Survey Results (EPA744-R-95-006)
 Presents the results of a 1995 pollution prevention and control sur-
 vey of PWB manufacturers and describes the state of PWB envi-
 ronmental technology and practices at that time. Includes discus-
 sions of production methods and materials; wastewater; pollution
 prevention and water conservation methods; bath maintenance,
 recycling, and recovery methods; off-site recycling; and end-of-pipe
 treatment.                                        102 pages
                                           September 1995

 Printed Wiring Board Industry and Use Cluster Profile
 Describes industry demographics, types of products produced, size
 of the PWB market, and trends in international trade in 1995.
 Also describes the  basic steps in PWB manufacturing, and alterna-
 tive technologies and processes for each of the major steps.
                                                  84 pages
                                           September 1995

 Federal Environmental Regulations Affecting the Electronics
 Industry (EPA744-B-9 5-001)
 Summarizes the 1995 federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act,
 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Superfund,
 Community Right-to-Know, and Toxic Substances Control Act
 requirements that affect the electronics industry.         67 pages
                                           September 1995

 Pollution  Prevention Case Studies

 Printed Wiring Board Case Study #1: Pollution Prevention
 Work Practices (EPA744-F-95-004)
 Provides guidance on planning and implementing a pollution pre-
 vention program, and discusses several methods to reduce chemical
 use, conserve water, recover materials, and reduce copper buildup
 and sludge generation.                                 4 pages
                                                July 1995

 Printed Wiring Board Case Study #2: On-Site Etchant
 Regeneration (EPA744-F-95-005)
 Describes the economic and environmental advantages of regenerat-
 ing spent etchant on-site, and provides an overview of the different
 types of etchant regeneration systems available on the market.
 Includes system descriptions, product features, availability, and cost
 savings information.                                  4 pages
                                                July 1995

 Printed Wiring Board Case Study #3: Opportunities for
Acid Recovery and Management (EPA744-F-95-009)
 Highlights the pollution prevention efforts of a medium-sized
 PWB manufacturer. Explains the economic and environmental
 benefits of acid recovery, microetchant regeneration, and full panel
 solder strip recycling.                                4 pages
                                            October 1995

Printed Wiring Board Case Study #4: Plasma Desmear: A
 Case Study (EPA744-F-96-003)
 Describes the successes enjoyed by a manufacturer of double-sided
 and multilayer PWBs after  implementing plasma desmear technol-
 ogy, and outlines the economic and environmental savings result-
 ing from implementing the process.                    4 pages
                                          September 1996
                                                                                                    continued on back cover

                                         Publication  Order  Form
 Complete this form before ordering. Please allow two weeks for delivery. Submit your request to the National Service Center for Environmental
 Publications (NSCEP), P.O. Box 42419, Cincinnati, OH 45242-2419, Phone: 800 490-9198, Fax: 513 489-8695.
 Send to:
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 O Faculty; Name of course in which materials will be used	
    type of course:  O credit  CJ noncredit;  # of students impacted per semester.
 O Student; major	
 CJ Business owner/Employer; type of business
 D Other.	
 Project Summaries
 O Printed Wiring Board Project Fact Sheet (EPA744-F-99-006)
 D IPC/DfE Printed Wiring Board Project Publishes Direct Metallization Results and Evaluates Alternative Surface Finishes (EPA742-F-99-021)
 D The Design for the Environment Printed Wiring Board Project: A Partnership to Identify Cleaner Technologies (EPA742-F-99-022)
 d Design for the Environment Project Releases Direct Metallization Performance Results (EPA742-F-97-007)
 O EPA and the PWB Industry Team Up on Environmental Assessment of Technologies (EPA742-F-95-015)
 a Design for the Environment: A Partnership for a Cleaner Future (EPA742-F-96-018a)
 O Reinventing Government Through Common Sense and Design (EPA742-F-95-016)
 Reference/Technical Reports
 O Implementing Cleaner Printed Wiring Board Technologies: Surface Finishes (EPA744-R-00-002)
 O Alternative Technologies for Making Holes Conductive: Cleaner Technologies for Printed Wiring Board Manufacturers  (EPA744-R-98-002)
 O Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Making Holes Conductive, Volume 1  (EPA744-R-98-004a)
 D Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Making Holes Conductive, Volume 2  (EPA744-R-98-004b)
 O Pollution Prevention and Control Technology: Analysis of Updated Survey Results  (EPA744-R-98-003)
 O Implementing Cleaner Technologies in the Printed Wiring Board Industry: Making Holes Conductive (EPA744-R-97-001)
 a Printed Wiring Board Pollution Prevention and Control: Analysis of Survey Results (EPA744-R-95-006)
 D Printed Wiring Board Industry and Use Cluster Profile (EPA744-R-95-005)
 D Federal Environmental Regulations Affecting the Electronics Industry (EPA744-B-95-001)
 Pollution Prevention Case Studies
 O Printed Wiring Board Case Study # 1: Pollution Prevention Work Practices  (EPA744-F-95-004)
 & Printed Wiring Board Case Study #2: On-Site Etchant Regeneration  (EPIVAAf-QB-QQS)
 H Printed Wiring Board Case Study #3: Opportunities for Acid Recovery and Management  (EPA744-F-95-009)
 O Printed Wiring Board Case Study #4: Plasma Desmear A Case Study (EPA744-F-96-003)
 O Printed Wiring Board Case Study #5: A Continuous-Flow System for Reusing Microetchant (EPA744-F-96-024)
 O Printed Wiring Board Case Study #6: Pollution Prevention Beyond Regulated Materials (EPA744-F-97-006)
 O Printed Wiring Board Case Study #7: Identifying Objectives for Your Environmental Management System (EPA744-F-97-009)
 a Printed Wiring Board Case Study #8: Building an Environmental Management System: H-R Industries' Experience (EPA744-F-97-010)
O Printing Wiring Board Case Study  #9: Flexible Simulation Modeling of PWB Costs (EPA744-F-9M04)
General DfE Information
O EPA Design for the Environment Program Brochure: Partnerships for a Cleaner Future (EPA744-F-96-018)
O CTSA Methodology and Resource Guide (EPA744-R-95-002)

Printed Wiring Board Case Study #5: A Continuous Flow
System for Reusing Microetchant (EPA744-F-96-024)
Highlights the experience of a PWB manufacturing facility in
implementing a continuous-flow system for reusing sulfuric acid-
potassium pcrsulfatc microetchant.                    4 pages
                                          December 1996

Printed Wiring Board Case Study #6: Pollution Prevention
Beyond Regulated Materials (EPA744-F-97-006)
Describes the experience of Tri-Star Technologies, a PWB manufac-
turer, in implementing pollution prevention measures. These new
measures led to both energy and water use reductions, resulting in
significant cost savings for the company.                4 pages
                                               May 1997

Printed Wiring Board Case Study #7: Identifying Objectives
for Your Environmental Management System (EPA744-F-97-
Describes the benefits of initiating an environmental management
system (EMS), and describes the process by which a company can
identify the environmental aspects of its operations and determine
their significance, based on the experiences of H-R Industries, Inc.,
a PWB manufacturer.                                4 pages
                                            December 1997

Printed Wiring Board Case Study #8: Building an
Environmental Management System: H-R Industries'
Experience (EPA744-F-97-010)
Describes the initial steps taken by a PWB manufacturer (H-R
Industries, Inc.) to develop an EMS, shows the similarity between
the requirements for ISO 14001 and ISO 9000, and demonstrates
how the ISO 9000 quality system may be used to begin building an
ISO 14001 EMS.                                    4 pages
                                           December 1997
Printing Wiring Board Case Study #9: Flexible Simulation
Modeling of PWB Costs (EPA744-F-99-004)
Describes the validation of a flexible model designed to simulate
costs of using different technologies for the "making holes conduc-
tive" step of PWB manufacturing (e.g., direct metallization process-
es). The model takes into account environmental costs, such as
waste generation and treatment and water and energy use, as well as
traditional costs such as capital expenditures, labor, and materials.
                                                   4 pages
                                                May 1999

General  DIE Information

EPA Design for the Environment Program Brochure:
Partnerships for a Cleaner Future (EPA744-F-96-018)
Provides an overview of EPAs DfE Program and includes brief
descriptions of the program's goals and projects.         8 panels
                                           September 1996

CTSA Methodology and Resource Guide (EPA744-R-95-
Explains the methods and resources required to conduct a Cleaner
Technologies Substitutes Assesment (CTSA). CTSAs evaluate the
comparative risks, performance, and cost of alternative products,
processes, or technologies. The guide breaks the process into 22
modules and describes the goals of each module, skills required,
methodologies, information flows, analytical models, published
guidance, and data sources.                          509 pages
                                           September 1996

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