United States
Environmental Protection Agency
March 1997
Prevention, Pesticides andToxic Substances (7406)
Publications List
Las publicaciones en espanol se
encuentran en este documento
hat Is the Design for the
Environment (DfE) Screen Printing
he Design for the Environment
(DfE) Screen Printing Project is a voluntary effort between representatives
of the screen printing industry and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. The goal of the Project is to provide screen printers with
information that can help them design an operation that is more
environmentally sound, safer for workers, and more cost effective. The
Project focused primarily on the process of screen reclamation and evaluated
several different reclamation systems. Information was gathered on the
performance, cost, and health and environmental risk tradeoffs of the
components of each screen reclamation system (ink removers, emulsion
removers, and haze removers). The partners of the Project provide this
information to help printers make more informed decisions about the
products they use in their shops.
Partners in the Design for the Emironment (DfE) Screen Printing Project:
the Screenprinting and Graphic Imaging Association International (SGLA),
the Screen Printing Technical Foundation (SPTF), individual screen printers,
manufacturers and suppliers of screen reclamation products, the University of
Tennessee Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies, and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
DfE Screen Printing Project Fact Sheet:
Designing Solutions for Screen Printers
This introduction to the DfE Screen Printing Project provides a
brief history of how and why the Project was started. It also
provides an overview of the three main Project areas: technical
studies, implementation, and outreach.
EPA 744-F-95-003, 2 pages, September 1995
. *»* Ltf version en espafiol se enciientra en las pdginas 6-7
Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment (CTSA):
Screen Reclamation
The CTSA is the full technical report of the Screen Printing
Project. It contains the detailed results of the performance
demonstrations, cost analyses, lab tests, and risk characterizations
of each of the screen reclamation systems that was tested. It also
discusses the Project background, and presents the methodology
used for testing the systems in each of the above categories.
EPA 744-K-94-005, 680 pages, September 1994
Designing Solutions for Screen Printers:
An Evaluation of Screen Reclamation Systems
Recognizing that not all printers have the time to read the larger,
more detailed CTSA, this booklet highlights the basic information
about each screen reclamation system. This includes chemical
composition, performance in a print shop or testing facility, cost,
occupational risk/exposure, regulatory concerns, ecological risks,
general population health risks, and safety issues.
52 pa^t-s, Scptcmhr 1996
DfE Screen Printing Project Case Study #1: Reducing the
Use of Reclamation Chemicals in Screen Printing
This case study presents the experience of one company that
carefully examined its entire screen reclamation process and
discovered several ways to reduce waste and improve efficiency.
See how the company improved its process by recycling
reclamation products, modifying application techniques, and ;
switching to less toxic screen cleaning products.
/;/:>. j 744-l~:93-015, 4 pases, October 1995
»!• IM rersion en. espciilol se enciientra en las patinas 6-7
DfE Screen Printing Project Case Study #2:
Changing Equipment and Reducing Solvent Use in
Screen Reclamation
Driven by concerns for worker health, this company wanted to
reduce its use of solvents. By changing to a high-pressure water
system, the company eliminated the need for an ink-removing
chemical. A less-toxic emulsion remover and a waste filtration
system completed the improvements, which made the shop safer
for workers and the environment, as well as more cost effective.
EPA 744-F-96-011, 4 pages, September 1996
*»* La version en espaiiol' se enemafra en las pagmas 6-7
DfE Screen Printing Project Case Study #3: Innovations in
Adhesives, Screen Cleaning and Screen Reclamation
Taking actions to improve product quality allowed this company to
improve its environmental performance and save money. Steps the
company took included incorporating more precision into adhesive
application, ink removal, and emulsion removal. Each of these
actions is discussed.
EPA ^44-F-96-012, 4 pages, Septemhr 1996
V Lei version en espaiiol se eiiciientra e/i las pagmas 6-7
DfE Screen Printing Project Bulletin #1:
Technology Alternatives for Screen Reclamation
This bulletin describes three alternative screen reclamation
technologies—high-pressure screen washing, automatic screen
washing, and spraying with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). All
three technologies are discussed, along with their health and
environmental risks, performance differences, and costs.
l:PA ~42-l:-95-008, 4 pt(Sfs, Jn/y 1996
*«* IM nrstdii en espaiiol se encnentra en las ptvjinas 6-7
DfE Screen Printing Project Bulletin #2: Smarter, Safer
Screen Reclamation—Alternative System Epsilon
This bulletin highlights one of the alternative screen reclamation
systems tested in the Screen Printing Project. The Epsilon System
includes an ink remover, emulsion remover, and haze remover. All
three components are discussed, and the entire system is evaluated
for its performance, health and environmental risks, and costs.
ILPA 742-l:-95-009, 4 pases, July 1996
*«* lui rersidn en espaiiol se enaieiitni til las patinas 6- ~?
DfE Screen Printing Project Bulletin #3:
Work Practice Alternatives for Screen Reclamation
Any print shop can benefit from simple workplace practices that
reduce its" "costs and improve its environmental performance. This
bulletin discusses how to perform a step-by-step evaluation of a
shop to find where such opportunities exist. The practices that are
discussed include process improvements, inventory control, and
waste management.
EPA 742-F-95-OW, 4 pages, July 1996
«J* l^a version en espaiwlsi enatentra en las paginas 6-7
DfE Screen Printing Project Bulletin #4; Smarter, Safer
Screen Reclamation—Alternative System Chi
This bulletin highlights another alternative screen reclamation
system tested in the Screen Printing Project. The Chi System
includes an ink remover, emulsion remover, and haze remover. All
three components are discussed, and the entire system is evaluated
for its performance, health and environmental risks, and cost.
EPA 742-F-95-011,4 pages, July 1996
*** IM version en espanol se enatentra en las paginas 6-7
Printing Industry and Use Cluster Profile
This resource provides an in-depth profile of the United States
printing industry. Demographic information is given for the entire
'industry, as well as for the specific sectors: Screen Printing,
Lithography, Gravure, Flexography, and Letterpress. The Profile
also presents detailed information about the processes and
technological trends involved in each sector.
L:l\[-44-R-94-OQ3, 183 pays, June 1994
Federal Environmental Regulations Potentially Affecting
the Commercial Printing Industry
This helpful report summarizes the requirements of Federal laws
that apply to the commercial printing industry, such as the Clean
Air Act; the Clean Water Act; the Resource Conservation arid
Recovery Act; the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (Superfund); the Community
Right-to-Know Act; and the Toxic Substances Control Act.
EPA 744-B-94-001, 71 pages, March 1994
Summary of Focus Group Discussions with Screen
Printers and Lithographers for the Design for the
Environment Printing Project
EPA conducted 'eight focus groups with screen printers and
lithographers to discuss the DfE Screen Printing and Lithography
Projects. This report presents the focus group methodology and
summarizes the meetings. Sources of environmental information
that may be most useful to printers are also listed.
EPA 742-R-94-004, 89 pags, June 1994
Saving Money, Reducing Waste—A Short Course in
Pollution Prevention for Screen Printers
This short, entertaining video shows screen printers simple,
effective ways to improve efficiency, prevent pollution, minimize
waste, and reduce costs in their shops. Topics include improved
inventory control procedures, reduced chemical use, work practice
changes, and employee training. A.vailable from SGIA only.
15 winutes.
Cost: S25.00 for SGL-l members and nprenunent entities; S35.00 for
non-SCL-1 members
Pollution Prevention at Action Graphics, Inc.
This video focuses on one printer's efforts to prevent pollution and
reduce risks to workers. Specifically, the video shows how the
company eliminated the need for an ink remover in the screen
cleaning process, and greatly reduced its use of other solvents.
l:R-\ 744-1 '-96-001, r minutes
Environmental Cost Accounting and Capital Budgeting:
Videotape Seminar and Handouts
This video seminar discusses the elements of environmental
accounting and of Total Cost Assessment (TCA), a methodology
for the comprehensive financial assessment of environmental
projects. Actual applications of TCA are also discussed.
/;/M 744-B-96-001, 245 minutes {pins 134 pays of handouts), July (995
Environmental Cost Accounting and Capital Budgeting for
Small to Midsized Manufacturers:
Videotape Seminar and Handouts
This video seminar discusses the connection between
environmental cost accounting and investment decision-making. It
introduces Total Cost Assessment (TCA), an approach to capital
budgeting for environmental projects that improves on more
conventional cost accounting practices, and features company case
studies that show how firms have benefited from taking a TCA
EPA 744-B-96-002, 165 minutes {plus 7S pages of handouts), December 1995
P2/FINANCE for Screen Printers:
Total Cost Assessment Software Program
This is a user-friendly, menu-driven software tool for screen
printers. It is designed to help printers determine when it makes
economic sense to switch to a less toxic chemical, add a new press
or dryer, increase ventilation, or invest in pollution prevention
technologies. Available from SGL4 only.
Cost: S25.00 for SGL-l members and gircrnment entities; S50.00 for
noii-SCl.-l members.
ublicaciones en espanol
Hoja de Informacion del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigraffa del
DfE: Diseno de Soluciones para la Impresion de Serigraffa
Esta introduccion al Proyecto dc Impresion de Serigraffa del Dffi provee
una breve historia sobre como y por que comenzo el proyecto. Tambien
provee un resumen de las tres areas principales del proyecto: estudios
tecnicos, implementacion, y alcance.
ER-l 744-^-9 5-00 3a, 2 pdgiins. stptu>ubn dc 1995
Caso de Estudio #1 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigraffa del
DfE: Reduccion del Uso de Reactivos Qufmicos de Recuperacion
en Serigraffa
Rste caso de estudio presenta la experiencia de una comparifa que
examine') cuidadosamente su proceso complete) de recuperacion de tamices
y descubrio varias formas de reducir el desperdicio y mejorar la eficiencia.
\rea como la companfa mejoro su proceso por medio de reciclar los
productos de recuperacion, modificar las tecnicas de aplicacion, y cambiar
a productos de limpieza de tamices menos toxicos.
KPA 7:;• rt fit- 1996
Caso de Estudio #3 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigraffa del
DfE: Innovaciones de Adhesivos, Limpieza de Tamices, y
Recuperacion de Tamices
HI tomar accinn para mejorar la calidad del producto, le permitio a esta
companfa mejorar su desetnpeno ambiemal y ahorrar dinero. Los pasos
que la companfa tomo incluyeron la incorporacion de mas precision en la
aplicacion de adhesivos, la retnocion de tinta, y la remocion de emulsion.
Cada una de estas acciones es discutida.
/;/M '744-}-'-96-OI2i/, 4 ^imis, stthwlm- ci< 1996
Boletfn #1 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigrafi'a del DfE:
Alternatives Tecnologicas en la Recuperacion de Tamices
Este boletfn describe tres tecnologfas alternas en la recuperacion de
tamices: lavado de alta presion de los tamices, lavado automatico de los
tamices, y lavado con bicarbonato de soda. Se discute cado tipo de
tecnologfa, junto con los riesgos ambicntalcs y de salud, las diferencias en
desempeno, y los costos.
EPA 742-F-95-008<>, 4 paging jnlio (h 1996
Boletfn #2 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigrafi'a del DfE:
Alternativas Qufmicas en la Recuperacion de Tamices (Sistema
Alterno Epsilon)
Este boletfn resalta uno de los sistemas alternos de recuperacion de
tamices probados en el Proyecto cle Impresion de Serigrafia. El sistema
Epsilon incluye un removedor de tinta, un removedor de emulsion, y un
removedor de nebulosidad. Los tres componentes son discutidos, y el
sistemo entero es evaluado por los riesgos ambientales y de salud, las
diferencias-: en desempeno, y los costos.
FLPA 742-l-'-9>009a, 4 frig/mis, jtiiiodt 1996
Boletfn #3 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigrafi'a del DfE:
Practicas de Trabajo Alternativas para la Recuperacion de Tamices
Cualquier taller de impresion se puede beneficiar de las practicas de
trabajo simples que reduccn costos y mejoran su desempeno ambiental.
Este boletfn discute paso por paso, como llcvar a cabo una evaluacion de
un taller y encontrar donde existen estas oportunidades. Estas practicas
discutidas incluyen mejoras al proceso, control de inventario, y manejo de
I -PA ~42-l :-95-0 /()M.f,/'////o d 1996
Boletfn #4 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigrafi'a del DfE:
Practicas de Trabajo Alternativas para la Recuperacion de Tamices
(Sistema Alterno Chi)
Este boletfn resalta otro sistema alterno en la reeuper.icu'm de tamices
probado en el Proyecto de Impresion cle Serigratfa. El sistema Chi
incluye un removedor de tinta, un removedor de emulsion, y un
removedor de nebulosidad. Cada uno de estos es discutido, y el sistema
complete) es evaluado para su desempeno, riesgos de salud y ambientales,
y los costos.
l:PA 742-1 -'-95-01 1 ti. 4 points, jnlio d, 1996
on> to order jour free
DfE Screen Printing Project Materials
Matt-Hals in this booklet can b? ordtnd five of charge**from HP/\'s Pollution invention
Information Clearinghouse (PPIC). You should receive \nnr materials mthin about 2 weeks from
the day ire receive your order.
To order by mail:
Check off the items on the next page that you would like to receive, fill out the name
and address information, cut out the page, and mail it to:
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, S\\" (~4D9)
Washington, DC 20460
To fax your order:
Check off the items on the next page that you would like to receive, fill out the name
and address information, photocopy the page, and fax it to PPIC at:
(202) 260-4659
To order by telephone, call PPIC at:
(202) 260-1023
To order by e-mail:
Send a message with the full title and KPA document number for each document you
want, as well as your name and mailing address, to:
ppic(5" epamail.epa.gov
l:or more information about the Design for the Environment Program, to view some
of these documents online, or to learn about other DfE industry projects, please visit
the DfE Homepage on the \\orld\\ ide\\eh:
"'The "Stii'iiig Money, Reducing Wash " ridco and the "R?.//'7A',-1.\(.7: for Screen,Printers"
sothrare are available only thruwji SGI.-1. To p/irchasi either of these materials, please contact
Screcnprinting and Graphic Imaging Association International
10015 Main Street
Fairfax, YA 22031
Telephone: ("703) 385-1335
Fax: p)3) 2"73-28~0
L'RI.: http://www.sgia.org
Please send me the following materials (specify the number
of each and please limit your order to 15 documents total):
DfE Screen Printing Project Fact Sheet: EPA 744-F-95-U03
CTSA: Screen Reclamation (680 pages): EPA 744-R-94-005
Designing Solutions for Screen Printers: EPA 744-F-96-01U
DfE Screen Printing Project Case Study #1: EPA 744-F-93-015
DfE Screen Printing Project Case Study #2: EPA 744-F-96-011
DfE Screen Printing Project Case Study #3: EPA "44-F-96-012
DfE Screen Printing Project Bulletin #1: EPA -42-F-95-008
DfE Screen Printing Project Bulletin #2: EPA 742-F-95-009
DfE Screen Printing Project Bulletin #3: EPA "742-F-95-010
DfE Screen Printing Project Bulletin #4: EPA "42-F-95-011
Printing Industry & Use Cluster Profile: EPA "44-R-94-003 '
O - - -
Federal Environmental Regulations—Commercial Printing: I-.PA 44-B-94-1«> 1
DfE Focus Group Discussions—Printing Industry: EPA ~42-R-')4-i>i)4
Pollution Prevention at Action Graphics: EPA "44-Y-96-001
Environmental Cost Accounting Video (245 min.): EPA "44-B-96-OU1
Environmental Cost Accounting Video (165 min.): EPA ~44-B-9(>-l)l>2
IMS pitbliiiifioiifs fii tifiitiitil:
DfE Proyecto de Impresic'm de Serigrah'a: EPA ~44-F-95-0<>3a
Caso de Estudio de Serigrafia #\: EPA "44-F-t)3-(U5a
. Caso de Estudio de Serigrafia #2: EPA ~44-I:-96-01 Li
Caso de Estudio de Serigrafia #3: EPA ~44-I;-96-l)12a
Provecto de Impresion Bolt-tin #1: EPA ~42-F-95-5-i)ln.i
_____ Proyecto de Impresion Boletin #4: 1;.PA ~42-I:-l)5-lll la
Send my order to:
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