United States
                      Environmental Protection
 Pollution Prevention
 And Toxics
EPA 744-K-98-005
May 1999
                              Garment  and
                                Textile  Care
                           Resource  Guide
This booklet is part of a series of U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) publications on garment
and textile care industry issues, new technologies,
and research initiatives. Covering a wide range of
topic and organizations, the printed and electronic
information resources listed in this booklet provide
information on issues currently facing the professional
garment and textile care industry.

By staying on top of developments within the indus-
try, garment and textile care professionals can
improve their operations and bottom line, while
contributing to a healthy environment and safer
workplace. As consumers increasingly choose
"green" products and services, garment and textile
care professionals who consider the health and
environmental impacts of their business decisions
are more likely to successfully meet the challenges
of today's competitive marketplace.

Although this booklet is not an exhaustive list of
resources and organizations, it does offer a starting
point from which to explore issues relevant to today's
professional garment and textile care industry.
EPA's Design for the Environment Program

The Design for the Environment (DfE) Program harnesses EPA's expertise and leadership to facilitate
information exchange and research on risk reduction and pollution prevention efforts. Working with
businesses and industries on a voluntary basis, DfE strives to:

*  Assist businesses in incorporating environmental concerns into decision-making processes.

*  Work with specific industries to evaluate the risks, performance, and costs of various chemicals,
    processes, and technologies.

*  Help individual businesses undertake environmental design efforts through the application
    of specific tools and methods.

DfE partners include representatives from industry, professional institutions and associations, academia,
environmental, labor, and public interest groups, and other government agencies.

The DfE Garment and Textile Care Program is a voluntary collaboration between the garment and textile
care industry, environmental groups, and the U.S. EPA, dedicated to reducing risks and preventing pollution
associated with drycleaning chemicals. Specifically, the program has focused on the risks, costs, and
performance of traditional drycleaning operations in an effort to help garment and textile care professionals
incorporate environmental concerns into both their day-to-day and long-term business decisions. Toward
this end, EPA is promoting the evaluation of cleaner technologies and their increased use by professional

Single copies of the following publications, focusing on the
garment care industry, can be obtained, at no charge, from
EPA's Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse at:

    Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    401 M Street, SW. (7409)
    Washington, DC 20460
    Phone: 202 260-1023
    E-mail: ppic@epa.gov

Alternatively, these documents can be found at the following
Web Site: http://es.inel.gov/comply/sector/index.html

Design for the Environment: Garment and
Textile Care Program Fact Sheet
EPA 744-F-98-012 (February 1999) 2 pages
This fact sheet provides an up-to-date description of EPA's
DfE Garment and Textile Care Program and research efforts.
Also available in Korean (EPA 744-F-98-012K) and Spanish
(EPA 744-F-98-012S).

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment
for Professional Fabricare Processes
EPA 744-B-98-001 (June 1998)  474pages
The Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment (CTSA)
is a document developed by the DfE Program for a techni-
cally-informed audience. The purpose of the document is
to provide professional cleaners with a compendium of
information on various cleaning processes, making relative
comparisons on risk, cost, and performance. The EPA DfE
Program hopes to encourage drycleaners to consider environ-
mental issues, along with traditional parameters of cost and
performance, when making business decisions.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment
for Professional Fabricare Processes:
EPA 744-S-98-001 (June 1998) 56pages
This document, a much shorter summary version of the
Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Profes-
sional Fabricare Processes, was abstracted from the CTSA
itself and is also intended for technical audiences.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment
for Professional Fabricare Processes: Fact Sheet
EPA 744-F-98-011 (June 1998) 2 pages
This document provides an overview of the Cleaner Tech-
nologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare
Processes (CTSA). It describes what is covered in the fabri-
care CTSA and how it affects the public and drycleaners.
Also available in Korean (EPA  744-F-98-011K) and
Spanish (EPA 744-F-98-011S).
Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment
for Professional Fabricare Processes:
Response to Peer Review Comments
EPA 744-P-98-001 (June 1998) 410 pages
This document contains a list of the technical peer reviewers'
comments and formal responses written by the EPA Techni-
cal workgroup responsible for the development of the fabri-
cate CTSA.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment
for Professional Fabricare Processes:
Peer Review Process
EPA 744-S-98-002 (June 1998) 146pages
This document summarizes the results of the independent
technical peer review of the fabricare CTSA.

Frequently Asked Questions About Drycleaning
EPA 744-K-98-002 (June 1998) 8 pages
This plain English document answers a number of frequently
asked questions about drycleaning. Also available in Korean
(EPA 744-K-98-002K) and Spanish (EPA 744-K-98-002S) .

Wetcleaning Directory
EPA 744-B-99-002 (May 1999) 16 Pages
This booklet offers a list of professional cleaners nationwide
and in Canada that offer wetcleaning services.

Garment and Textile Care: An Eye To
the Future:  1998 Conference Proceedings
EPA 744-R-98-006 (October 1998) 360pages
This proceedings document is a record of a conference held
among key stakeholders in March 1998, to discuss the changes
in cleaning technologies, state of the science, and taking an
industrial ecology approach to garment care. The presenta-
tions included in these proceedings are based on presenters'
submissions, transcribed presentations, copies of visual aids
presented during the conference, and a summary of discussion

Apparel Care and the Environment—
Alternative Technologies and Labeling: 1996
Conference Proceedings
EPA 744-R-96-002 (September 1996) 219 pages
This proceedings document is a record of a conference held
among key stakeholders in September 1996, to learn about
and discuss developments in alternative technologies and care
labeling. These proceedings include transcribed presentations,
copies of visual aids presented during the conference, and a
summary of discussion sessions.

Training Curriculum for Alternative Clothes
Cleaning, Volumes I and II
EPA 744-R-97-004a (Vol. I: Curriculum) 115 pages
EPA 744-R-97-004b (Vol. II: Instructor's Manual and
Presentation Materials) 192 pages
This training course teaches garment care professionals and
staff about wetcleaning. Developed under an EPA grant by

can key in wetcleaning, and your "browser" software will
search the Internet for any site that contains that word. The
user then has the option to visit the sites found in the search
by clicking on the name of the site.
Primary Program Contacts
For Information on the EPA Design for the Environment
Garment and Textile Care Program:
Cindy Stroup, Program Manager
401 M Street, SW (7406)
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 260-3889
(202) 260-0816
E-mail: stroup.cindy@epa.gov

For information on the EPA Clean Air Act Perc
George Smith, Emissions Standards Division
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
(919) 541-1549
E-mail: smith.georgef@epa.gov

For information on overall enforcement and
compliance issues:
Joyce Chandler, Office of Enforcement
and Compliance Assurance
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 564-7073
(202) 564-0009
E-mail: chandler.joyce@epa.gov

EPA Regional Drycleaning Contacts
EPA's 10 regional offices work closely with state and local
governments, as well as with EPA headquarters. Listed below
are contacts within EPA's regional offices that can answer
questions about garment care regulatory compliance, manage-
ment of garment care solvents, and pollution prevention
options (where noted).

Region 1 [CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT]
1 Congress Street Suite, 1100 (SEA)
Boston, MA 02114-2023

Doug Koopman, Compliance
(617) 918-1747, fax: (617) 918-1809

Region 2 [NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands]
290 Broadway
New York, NY 10007-1866
Diane Buxbaum, Drycleaning Project/Compliance Assistance
(2DECA-CAPS) 21st Floor
(212) 637-3919, fax (212) 637-4035

Carl Plossl, Engineer, RCRA Compliance (2DECA-RCB)
22d Floor, (212) 637-4137; fax: (212) 637-4949 22d Floor

Venkata Rao, Air Compliance (2DECA-ACB) 21st Floor
(212) 637-4053; fax (212) 637-3998

Region 3 [DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV]
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029

Richard Segrave-Daly, Compliance and Drycleaning
Pollution Prevention Business Assistance Center (3RA20)
(800) 228-8711 or (215) 814-5535
Fax (215) 814-2783

Artra B. Cooper, Enforcement (3AP22)
(215) 814-2096
(215)814-2114 fax

Region 4 [AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN]
61 Forsyth Street, SW.
Atlanta, GA 30303-3415

Rosalyn Hughes, Compliance (4APT-AEEB)
(404) 562-9206
fax (404) 562-9164

Region 5 [IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI]
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, JJL 60604-3590

John Kelly, Compliance (AR-18J)
fax (312) 886-5824

Phil Kaplan, Pollution Prevention (DW-8J)
(312)353-4669 fax:(312)353-4788

Region 6 [AR, LA, NM, OK, TX]
1445 Ross Avenue (6EN-AA)
Dallas, TX 75202-2733

Mary K. Marusak, Compliance and Enforcement
(214) 665-7598; fax (214) 665-7446

Region? [IA, KS, MO, NE]
726 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66101-2798

Alma Moreno-Lahm, Compliance, Drycleaning Sector Team
(913) 551-5232  (ENSV/ARCM)
fax: (913) 551-5287

Gary Schlicht, Compliance (MACT air rule) (ARTD/APCO)
(913) 551-7097; fax (913) 551-7065

Ron Stone, DfE Drycleaning Sector (ARTD/SWPP)
(913) 551-7158; fax (913) 551-7065

                                :?,Ki[	  "  "	:l;

     Jennifer Anderson. DfE Drycleaning Sector (ARTD/SWPP)
    i''"'!s ant:1 Tii^ihiniiinNiiiiin^              i tniMu	r i	-I-	 	< '	Si' •
'IIfiCsfury Bertram, General DfE Program Contact (ARTD/SWPP)
        ^^3Qpjj| proper cleaning methods for garments
                                                                       and helps consumers and garment care professionals
                                                                       clean products without damaging them. FTC is consider-

        |ion 8 [CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY]
      enver Place. Suite 500
                                                                         imgWSca&cation of the Care Labeling Rule to permit the
                                                                  	,	Jabel^ when appropriate. The latest developments on the
                                                                       amendment of the Care Labeling Rule are posted on the
                                                                         FTC's homenase at httD://www.ftc.j*ov.
                                                                         Federal Trade Commission
                                                                         601 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Room 4302 (S)
                                                                         Washington. DC 20580
                                                                         Connie Vecellio
      ill Business Assistance Program (8P-AR)
 	  .OS	3T53OT	
 ,,,•! Niijjjii* ' ", .Wiii,:1.,!1!1:,. iiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiii'niiwiiM^iiiiiiiiiiiiiih'iiiiiiihiidiii,!,' " i	':"jiBiBiiiii, 'li'iMi'iiiiiH'11,,!<:!,<::	'!• ":',i ,	'ii,'1:,1.."!..!,,,,',;,
                                                                         (202) 326-2966
                                                                        	iE-Qjajl:	cvecellip@ftc.gov
f!	^l^^tt^ST^P^S^''1'"11
I	i,	it	^riii^ii	ill
                [AZ,''CArNV, HI, Aimerlcan'Samoa,
                                                                         Stephen Eckhind, Bureau of Consumer Protection
                                                                         (202) 326-2558 fax
                                                                         E-mail: secklund@ftc.gov
                      " 'Hiiill'1  (liiWl!
                                                                   •   National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
                                                                    I" <,|l,|j;jpijil|! 	Ill'I'll JI, ', VR'lilll'lill, , 'III, iljplliil'lh'Vlini'ii !'	Ulill , LIHI'lliLVlllllllliltljU1,,' l| illl'i,1! ,jj|»i!i,,l,,i,lii"	 11,1	'I ,K '..'I,' ', , ' ,»,!!«	,,,n	''„,,»	 	
                                                                       (NIOSH) is charged with researching health and safety
   •	'SSan Francisco, CA 94105
                                                                       aspects of industry and generating information from its
        gela, Bwancp,
                        -Comphance Asst Program (AIR-6)
 NIOSH has evaluated drycleaning machines, potential
	retrofits, associated work practices, and the effects of
 perc exposure.

                                                                         4676 Columbia Parkway, R5
                                                                         Cincinnati, OH 45226-1998
                                                                      ^U^ej^ Mickdspn
ijjjii^'jfizoi} Sixth Avenue
            WA 98101
             iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii	iiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiii	niiigii	iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini!!!ii	in!	i*!	11!	iii*
              r, Drycleaning Project (OAQ-107)
           5    so	
                                                                       (513) 841-4380 or (800) 35-NIOSH (64674)
                                                                       (513) 841-4506 fax
                                                                    	E-mail: rhn3@cdc.gov

                                                                   f   Occupational Safety and Health Administration
                                                                      , (OSHA) is evaluating the industries affected by the
                                                                                                               ts, one of
                                                                         which is the garment and textile care industry. OSHA's
                                                                         research efforts focus on reducing worker exposure to
                                                                         perc, assessing technologies in terms of exposure levels,
                                                                         and investigating viable substitutes.
:j.!iiill lig ;
       "'".gepar'trnerit of Corrraerce^pffice of'Textiles and

      'h-i:    ,,
         14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
  200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room 3718
 Washington, DC 20210
 Linda Penniman, Office of Health Standards
 E-mail: Linda.penniman@osha-no.osha.gov
       	Deputy Assistant Secretary
       ,!' ; r'ujjt !i±,J™»«N	to''5, La""" 'jin.^'!!!.! I»H ',• un,	 	•	 	
  i; f:
                                                                       Paul Bolon, Office of Regulatory Analysis
                                                                       E-mail: Paul.bolon@osha-no.osha.gov

Small Business Administration's Small Business
Development Center (SBDC) Program provides
management assistance to current and prospective small
business owners. SBDC offer one-stop assistance to small
businesses by providing a wide variety of information
and guidance in central and easily accessible branch
locations. For a complete list of SBDCs nationwide,
call (202) 205-6766. The following SBDC contacts
specialize in environmental assistance.
http ://www.sbaonline.sba.gov

California Trade and Commerce
80 IK Street Suite 1700
Sacramento, CA 95814
Kimberley Neri
(916) 324-9538

Iowa State University
137 Lynn Ave
Ames, Iowa 50010
Ron Manning

Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs
620 East Adams
Springfield, IL 62701
Mark Enstrom
(217) 524-5856

University of Kentucky
Business and Economics Building, Room 227
Lexington, KY 40506
Greg Copley

University of Nebraska at Omaha
1313 Farnam Street, Suite 132
Omaha, NE 68182
Rick Yoder

Department of Development
77 South High St 28th Floor
Columbus, OH  43216
Holly Schick

University of Nevada in Reno
College of Business Administration/032
Reno, NV 89557-0100
Kevin Dick
(775) 689-6677

University of Pennsylvania
3733 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Christopher Lynch
(215) 573-7555
    Dallas County Community College
    1402 Corinth Street, Suite 1520
    Dallas, TX 75215
    Bill Weddle
    (214) 860-5822

    Vermont Technical College
    P.O. Box 188
    Randolph Center, VT 05061
    Peter Crawford
    (802) 728-9101

    Department of Business Assistance
    707 East Main Street, Suite 300
    Richmond, VA 23219
    Robert Wilburn, State Director
    (804) 371-8254
    (804) 225-3384
    E-mail: Rwilburn@dba.state.va.us

    University of Wisconsin
    432 North Lake Street Room 423
    Madison WI 53706
    Erica Kauten
    (608) 263-7794
•»   Environment Canada, the Canadian equivalent of EPA,
    has general information about such issues as Canadian
    environmental assessments, national water research, pollu-
    tion data, and climate information. It also has published a
    workbook for garment care professionals called The
    Green Team, which outlines better work practices and
    pollution prevention ideas that garment care professionals
    can implement to reduce workers' exposure to perc.

    4905 Dufferin Street, Toronto
    Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T4 Canada
    Brad Cumming
    (416) 739-5883
    (416) 739-4251 fax

•   Hohenstein Institutes
    Independent, internationally recognized research and
    service center with more than 150 experienced scientists
    and staff. In state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities,
    basic and applied research focuses on innovative products
    and processes for the textile, apparel, and the textile care
    industries. The institutes performed the first comprehen-
    sive research and field studies that led to the evolution of
    environmentally friendly textile care technologies.

»   Cleaners and Lauriderers Association
    P.O. Box 924135
    Houston, TX 77292
    Jean Wanike, Secretary
    (713) 869-3805

•   Coin Laundry Association
    1315 Butterfield Road, Suite 212
    Downers Grove, IL 60515
    Doug Ewald, Chairman
    (630) 963-5547
    (630) 963-5864 fax

*   Federation of Korean Drycleaners Association
    Byung II Cho, President
    1309 Fenwick Lane
    Silver Spring, MD 20910
    (301) 589-2700
    (301) 589-1410 fax

*   Halogenated Solvents Institute of America (HSIA)
    was formed in 1980 by a group of executives and scien-
    tists in the chlorinated solvents industry to meet the
    growing challenges of government regulation. HSIA
    is dedicated to serving the interests of the halogenated
    solvents industry - interests that include solvent equip-
    ment manufacturers, and producers, distributors, and
    commercial users of halogenated solvents.

    2001 L Street, N.W.
    Suite 506A
    Washington, DC 20036
    Steve Risotto
    (202) 775-0232 or (888) 594-4742
    (202) 833-0381 fax

 •  International Fabricare Institute
    12251 Tech Road
    Silver Spring, MD 20904
    William Fisher, Chief Executive Officer
    E-mail:  fisher@ifi.org
    (301)622-1900, Ext. 113
    (301) 236-9320 fax

 *  Korean Drycleaners Business Group
    4715 Commerce Lane
    Bethesda, MD 20814
    Max Oh, President
    (301) 654-1500

 *  National Coalition of Petroleum Drycleaners
    4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 404
    Calverton, MD 20705-3106
    (888) 256-2732 or (301) 348-2004
    (301) 348-2020 fax
•   Neighborhood Cleaners Association- International
    252 West 29th Street
    New York, NY 10001
    William Seitz, Executive Director
    (212) 967-2240 fax

*   Non Affiliated Drycleaners Alliance
    7950 Henry Avenue
    Suite 5A
    Philadelphia, PA 19128-3005
    Scott R. Alloway
    (215) 482-4036
    E-mail: sralloway@aol.com

*   Uniform and Textile Service Association
    1300 North 17th Street
    Suite 750
    Arlington, VA 22209
    David Hobson, President
    (703) 247-2600

Regional Trade Associations
•   California Cleaners Association
    The Messersmith Group
    17301 Street
    Suite 240
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    Lee Adler, CAE
    E-mail: Lee@assn-ofGces.com
    (916) 443-9023 or (916) 443-0986
    (916) 443-8065 fax

•   Illinois State Fabricare Association
    3077 West Jefferson Suite 205
    Joliet, IL 60435
    (815) 729-0137
    (815) 729-0152 fax
    Http ://www.isfa.net

*   Mid-America Fabricare Association
    4233 Sulpher Ave.
    St. Louis, MS 63109
    Dennis Loomis, Executive Director
    (314) 832-1839
    (314) 832-6775 fax
    (Serving Kansas and Missouri)
    E-mail: mafa@niel.com

*   Mid-Atlantic Cleaners & Launderers
    7430 Little Chatterton Lane
    King George, VA  22485
    David Norford, Executive Vice President
    (540) 775-2525
    (540) 775-7441 fax
    (Serving Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia,
    and Washington, DC)

     Fora .Gpsselin, President
                                                                 ,271	^Je46West,,  „	„, ,	
                                                                  Suite D203
                                                                   Fairfield NJ 07004
          942-7393 fax
          	Mil iHiidiliHiillUJjiiK	inilllllllliiU iiii!"iill!IEI;illl	' , ,<|iyrli Iii	i'^i.liBI'Vliniii.i	 iniPHn.i, iliir'.i'il'iliil
             Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New
                                                                  	JDayid Potter, Executive Director
                   !.,arj3 Maine)
           vest Drycleaners Association
          oitts Cleaners
     Mercer Island, WA 98040
       	 ,    _	   "I   - 	.„	' | ,„	|	[|; , ; ,	 , i]|h. n>i|	.
     ^--"'injpitt. Executive Director
                                                                   9910 West Layton Avenue
                                                                   Greenfield, WI53228
                                                                   Joe Phillips
                                                                   (414) 529 4722 fax
          dng Washington)
                                                              Labor Unions
                                           I	:	
                                                                      IIO!^                            	:;;;,
 lj$LJ£jl ^SJ<;§ Mountain Fabricare Association
     Gary Leeper, Executive Director
     (303) 433-4446
     fy'ii ''.l.il'J'IS.ii.SilililiiiiijLjIji;' Uiill'l i!ii VJuN'ii'ii'iliiii'iiiii'iiiii	!	liiirniiiniiiinilv • lini
            ;CpJQra;do,:,Utah, and Wyoming)
                                                                   United JNeedleworkers and Industrial Textile
                                                                   Employees (UNITE)
                                                                   275 Seventh Avenue
                                                                   Sixth Floor
                                                                  	New York, NY 10001
                                                                   Eric Frumin
                                                                   (212) 807-0874 fax
     	4 .•ll|l              ,
    Danenn« WusoEL President
                                                           ;|.: fli, 'i|:!;i! htfp://www.uniteunipn.org'
                                                              Public Interest Groups
                                                               ' •  ' "ir n   ...... "1,     v : ...... I''i ' n  1 , i : "pit1 , ,11-!  i , i s  * •
                                                                    wi; ...... N"1:, ihiewn; t,
                                                                                  ' nr 1 1, , i iii:i "ipit1 , i,;11-! Lioiwit , iiiy is 1 1

                                                                   Buslgess ..... and ..... PrgJess|o,na|,People for the Public
                                                                  17 East Monroe Street #212
                                                                  Chicago, IL 60603
                                    iiiiijiiiiii	iiiiiii!	ii)	i	|i	
    Southeastern Fabricate Association
             r Mill Road
                                                                  	(312)	641-5570	
                                                                   (312) 641-5454 fax
                                 	in	sal	IIIHT	riittia	i*	a	
                   Acting Executive Director
    J.MH iii n!!1'1?1 ifllWiib JMB1 "S'T ;iii'i! til11'!' ii«i«:  i'1,!!!"!!!1!!:!!!',«» .d'ililf|
    (I70K 998-1441 fax
                                                                                                                , is a
    (SgjyjngmAla,b,a|na,,,,,Ge_prgia, Florida, and
                                                                   nonprofit organization established to provide consumers
         i Carolina)
II"'X	 O_Y .«__.____
                                                                   with.information.and advice on goods, services, health,
                                                                  ;:	and personal finance^ and to initiate and cooperate with
                                                                   mdividual	anci group efforts to rnaintam and enhance the
               :inii!d»^^          	!l	t:|i4ii!l!i^      	iiii44il:i±ihi	r
               Drycleaners Association

             Lo<3p 410, Suite 308
                                                                   101 Truman Avenue
       i Antonio. TX 78210
                                                                  Yonkers. NY 10703-1057
              tan|e^ Jr., CAEjExecutiye Director
                                                                	(914137,8-29,28	fax	
                                                                                                            ""!"' 	','
                                                            >'< 3!1 m

                              	iliil	i	iiiiii	iij !ii!	iiiiii!	!i
                              jfci	;	i	;	tt^ijtfe	li"-A
                              niSy.;^,!:../;	W	
                             	itii^fexSJx	*4^	i	'<*&&	I:;	i:	l:!iSjiii	4:	Iiiiiii	U&	IMllpl^t^
                             jij^^^     	|^^^^                   	|||i^	|ii^^    	H         	i	l!llii|i

*   Greenpeace, a nonprofit research and advocacy organiza-
    tion, will issue a new report on garment care and the role
    of alternative technologies in 1999. The report, tenta-
    tively titled Out of Fashion: Transition to a Toxic-free
    Fabric Care Industry, champions wetcleaning and looks
    ahead to innovations such as liquid carbon dioxide and
    other nontoxic cleaning methods, as well as addresses
    issues such as transition planning. For the latest status
    on this document, contact:

    417 South Dearborn Street
    Suite 420
    Chicago, IL 60605
    Dave DeRosa
    (312) 554-1224 fax

*   Korean Youth and Community Center (KYCC)
    Cleaners Assistance Program is committed to provid-
    ing Korean;American drycleaners with accurate, timely,
    and bilingual information on new technologies in the
    industry.  KYCC hosts demonstration tours and intensive
    workshops on the wetcleaning process with a Korean
    cleaner who converted from drycleaning to wetcleaning
    after 12 years. KYCC's resources include an information
    packet, a wetcleaning video, resources for financing,
    training and general business technical assistance.

    680 South Wilton Place
    Los Angeles, CA 90005
    Jenni Cho, Program Manager
    (213) 365-7400, Ext. 118
    (213) 383-1280
    E-mail: jennicho@hormail.com

Research and Technical

Assistance  Organizations
*   Ann Hargrove and Associates is an alternative
    technologies consultant that specializes in wetcleaning

    8132 Salisbury Avenue
    Lyons, EL  60534
    Marilyn Flemming, President
    (414) 783-5575
    (414) 783-7296 fax
    E-mail: natural@thepark.net

*   CAMP, Inc.  (formerly Cleveland Advanced Manufac-
    turing Program), a nonprofit organization based in the
    Cleveland, Ohio area, has a 5-year plan to reduce the
    release of chlorinated solvents, including perc, in the
    Great Lakes Basin. With help from the Center for
    Neighborhood Technology, CAMP provides resources
    to assist garment care professionals interested in
    wetcleaning as an alternative to using perc.

    18554 Haskins Road
    Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
    Joseph Chadbourne
    (440) 543-7303
    (440) 543-7160 fax

*   Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT),
    is home to the premier research and technical assistance
    clearinghouse for information on alternative clothes
    cleaning processes.  A nonprofit, educational and tech-
    nical support organization, CNT is a stakeholder in
    the DfE Garment and Textile Care Program. CNT has
    developed a report on a wetcleaning demonstration shop,
    the Greener Cleaner, that includes financial and perform-
    ance data. A promotional video on wetcleaning called
    WetcleanzKgv the Wave of the Future is also available.

    2125 West North Avenue
    Chicago, IL 60647
    Sylvia Ewing
    (773) 278-4800, Ext. 129
    Anthony Star
    (773) 278-4800, Ext. 117
    (773) 278-3840 fax

*   Cuyahoga Community College FabriCare Technol-
    ogy Center is a comprehensive source of technology
    transfer, training, and information for the garment care
    industry. The center provides services and support in
    both traditional and emerging technologies. It also
    provides outreach at both the state and national levels.

    FabriCare Technology Center
    Cuyahoga Community College
    Cleveland, OH 44114
    Christine Kovach
    (216) 987-3700
    (216) 987-3702 fax
    E-mail: christine.kovach@tri-c.cc.oh.us

*   Ecology Action is a private, nonprofit organization
    working with businesses and local governments to
    reduce hazardous and solid waste and conserve material
    resources. In 1997, the group started the Safer Technolo-
    gies in Fabricare Program to provide technical  assistance
    for drycleaners to reduce perc usage while educating
    them about alternatives such as wetcleaning, G>2, Rynex,
    and Ultrasound. As part of this program, Ecology Action
    is hosting wetcleaning workshops covering equipment
    operation, cleaning techniques, marketing approaches,
    and financial incentive programs. The Safer Technolo-
    gies in Fabricare Program also trains cleaners in a peer

*   Georgia Tech School of Textile & Fiber Engineering
    80 IFerst Drive
    Atlanta, GA 30233-0295

*   North Carolina State University (NCSU)
    College of Textiles (COT) COT is housed in new
    buildings with the most modem teaching, research and
    laboratory facilities on the Centennial Campus of NCSU.
    Two departments, the Department of Textile Engineer-
    ing, Chemistry and Science (TECS) and the Department
    of Textile & Apparel Technology and Management
    (TATM) graduate more than half of the textile graduates
    in the United States each year. Innovative programs
    bridge the gap between traditional education, research
    and extension activities of the university and the fiber,
    textile, apparel and retail industries, consumers and the
    textile care industries.

    North Carolina State University
    College of Textiles
    Box 8301
    Raleigh, NC 27695-8301
    Dr. Perry Grady, Associate Dean
    (919) 515-3057 fax
    E-mail: pgrady@tx.ncsu.edu

*   Philadelphia College of Textiles  and  Science
    School of Textile and Materials Technology
    Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science
    Schoolhouse Lane and Henry Avenue
    Philadelphia, PA 19144
    (215)  951-2615 fax

*   Texas Research Center for Laundry and Dryclean-
    ing, at Texas Woman's University, provides a facility for
    educational programs, research, and training in laundering
    and garment care technology. In addition, applied research
    relating to cleaning technology with consideration for
    environmental and quality concerns in  the laundry and
    garment care industry is conducted there.

*   Texas Woman's University
    P.O. Box 425529
    Denton, TX 76204
    Dr. Charles Riggs
    (940) 898-2670
    (940) 898-2711 fax
    E-mail: criggs@twu.edu
Testing and Standard Setting

•   American Association of Textile Chemists and
    Colorists (AATCC)
    1 Davis Drive
    Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
    Dr. John Daniels, Executive Director
    (919) 549-8933 fax

*   American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
    100 Bar Harbor Drive
    West Conshohocken, PA 19428
    Bodie Buckley
    (610) 832-9740
    (610) 832-9666 fax
    E-mail: bbuckley@astm.org

Other Non-government Resources
•   Fabricare Legislative and Regulatory Education
    (FLARE) is a grassroots organization composed of volun-
    teers from within the garment care industry. FLARE's
    mission is to foster an environment in which the garment
    care industry can prosper. The organization seeks to
    accomplish this by providing a communications channel
    for the industry to facilitate discussion and education
    among industry members, regulators, legislators, and
    the general public on issues pertaining to the industry.

    P.O. Box 5157
    Naperville, IL 60567-5157
    James Mayberry
    (630) 416-6221
    (630) 416-4150 fax
    E-mail: info_flare@aol.com

In addition to EPA information on garment care, the Internet
houses information on an abundance of relevant organizations,
articles, and feet sheets, including:

*   ApparelNet, an online guide for the apparel industry,
    is a comprehensive, fast, free and easy-to-use resource
    for apparel-related companies, information, products
    and services, http://www.apparel.net/about.cgi

*   Better Business Bureau offers drycleaning related in-
    formation on its website at http://www.bbb.org/

*   The Center for Neighborhood Technology, a nonprofit
    educational and technical assistance  organization, has a
    homepage that is an excellent source of news about alter-
    native garment care options, with a focus on wetcleaning.
    The site also offers a list of resources that can be requested
    by e-mail, http://www.cnt.org/wetcleaning/

Office of Water Home Page
The office of Water is located at http://www.epa.gov/ow/.
This site contains links to detailed information on all of the
Office of Water Programs.

Superfimd Program Homepage
The Superfund Program is located at http://www.epa.gov/
superfund/. Superfimd locates, investigates and cleans up
hazardous waste sites throughout the United States. This site
provides information on the Superfimd Program and includes
links to various aspects of the Program.

Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance (OECA)/Office of Research and
Development (ORD) Network
This network, also known as EnviroSenSe, is an interagency-
supported system operated by the (OECA) and the (ORD).
The network allows regulators, the regulated community,
technical experts, and the general public to share information
regarding pollution prevention and innovative technology;
environmental enforcement and compliance assistance; laws,
Executive orders, regulations, and policies; points of contact
for services and equipment; and other related topics. The
network houses industrial sector notebooks on 18 major
industries, including garment care at http://es.epa.gov/
The garment care sector notebook includes:
»  A comprehensive environmental profile of the industry.
•*  Industrial process information.
 *  Pollution prevention techniques.
*  Pollutant release data.
*  Regulatory requirements.
•»  A compliance and enforcement history of the industry.
•f  Innovative programs.
*  Contact names for further information.

Additional information on garment care can be found by
contacting the OECA/ORD technical information page at
http://es.epa.gov/techinfo/techinfo.html, including:

•*  Fact Sheet: Dry/cleaning and Waste Reduction Page
    provides tips on better garment care work practices.

 *  Drycleaning Industry Page outlines steps that garment
    care professionals can take to ensure proper perc separa-
    tion in water separators, http://es.epa.gov/techinfo/

 *  Filter Drying Units Studied for Use at Drycleaners
    Page describes a study measuring the efficiency of
    carbon adsorption technology, http://es.epa.gov/studies/
American Drycleaner
500 North Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60610-4901
Earl V. Fischer, Editor
(312) 337 8654 fax
E-mail: Adcmag@aol.com

American Textiles International (ATI)
2100 Powers Ferry Road
Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 955-5656
(770) 952-0669 fax

Bobbin World
Bobbin Publishing Group of Miller Freeman Inc.
P.O. Box 1986/1110 Shop Rd.
Columbia, SC 29201
(800) 845-8820 or 803-771-7500
(803) 799-1461 fax

Drycleaners News
70 Edwin Avenue
P.O. Box 2180
Waterbury, CT 06722-2180
Dave Johnston, Editor
(203) 755-0158 or 800 325-6745
(203) 755-3480 fax

12251 Tech Road
Silver Spring, MD 20904
(301) 622-1900
E-mail: communications@ifi.org

Korean Drycleaners Monthly
P.O. Box 318
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
John Chung, Editor
(201) 585-7299

Korean Drycleaners  Times
145 Madison Avenue, Sixth Floor
New York, NY 10016
J.C. Choe, Publisher
(212) 545-1815
