United States • Environmental Protection Agency Office Of WatQr {4501 F) EPA840-N-94-002 Summer 1994 cvEPA Watershed Events A Bulletin on Sustaining Aquatic Ecosystems Watershed Events Expands With this issue, Watershed Events gains a board of con- tributing editors who represent eight federal agencies. This edito- rial expansion demonstrates the continuing commitment by the federal sector to work together to restore, manage, and protect aquatic resources. By broadening the editorial base for Watershed Events, we hope to beableto better informourread- ers of the watershed activities un- derway at the federal level. We intend to tap our collective knowl- edge in order to provide you with a broad picture of federal efforts. At the same time we plan to con- tinue to bring you news of activi- ties at the regional, state, and local level. The U.S. Environmental Pro- tection Agency (EPA) will continue to coordinate Watershed Events, and the agencies represented by con- tributing editors will provide in- put on a regular basis. The agen- cies joining EPA are: * Federal Highway Administration * National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration * USDA Soil Conservation Service * Tennessee Valley Authority * U.S. Army Corps of Engineers * U.S. Bureau of Reclamation * U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service * U.S. Geological Survey US Army Corps of Engineers Corps Initiates New Research Program to Evaluate Environmental Investments by Leigh Skaggs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Throughout the Nation, awareness and concern for the protection and restorationof environmental resources is increasing. Within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), new Con- gressional authorities (e.g., Sections 306 and 307 of the Water Resources Devel- opment Act (WRDA) of 1990, Sections 1103 and 1135 of WRDA 1986) and policy changes are providing more and more opportunities to pursue environ- mental initiatives. This increased em- phasis on the environment, however, brings with it a need for improved techniques for evaluating and com- paring environmental projects and pro- grams. More than one way to address a particular problem almost always ex- ists, and typically more projects and programs are waiting to be undertaken than funds are available. Currently, however, there is a lack of accepted methods for assessing the effective- ness (does the project achieve its objec- tive?) and efficiency (is it the least costly?) of investments in the protec- tion or restoration of environmental resources. To address these issues, the Corps has initiated the Evaluation of Envi- ronmental Investments Research Pro- gram (EEIRP). The EEIRP is intended to provide Corps planners with meth- odologies and techniques to aid in de- veloping supportable environmental restoration and mitigation projects and plans. Additionally, the EEIRP will develop a framework to provide deci- sion makers with information to facili- tate the allocation of limited funds among a range of proposed projects and programs. Historic Focus Historically, the Corps' Water Re- sources Development Program has been charged with improving and maintaining navigable waterways and reducing flood damages. Along with these primary missions have arisen complementary programs for generat- ing hydroelectric power, providing EEIRP continued on page 11 In This Issue*,, Reclamation's Plunge mto Watershed Activities (pg. 2) " Texas Aquifer Study Offers Clues to Controlling Highway Kimoff (pg> $} NOAA Opening Ecosystem Center (pg, 3) Understanding Water Qualify in the Hudson River Basin.~ (pg.4) Integrating the NPDES Program with Watershed Protection (pg. 6) Recent Releases (pg. 7) TVA's Clean Wafer Initiative,,, (pg,S) SCS Reviews PL-566 SmaE Watershed Projects (pg.9) New Watershed Approach in Prince ' William County (pg. 9> Calendar of Events (pg. 10) ------- Page 2 Watershed Events Summer 1994 Watershed Events Anne Robertson, Editor U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Contributing Editors: Carrie Carnes, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Ginny Finch, Federal Highway Administration Nancy Garli tz, USDA Soil Con- servation Service Denise Henne, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Eileen Kane, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion Kate 'Marx, Tennessee Valley Authprity Leigh Skaggs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Terry Thompson, U.S. Geologi- cal Survey Watershed Events is intended to update interested parties on the- development and use of watershed protection approaches. These approaches consider the primary threats to human and ecosystem health within the watershed, involve those people most concerned or able to take actions to solve those problems, and then take corrective actions in an integrated and holistic manner. Direct questions and comments about Watershed Events to: Anne Robertson U5.EPA(4501F) 401M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 (202)260-9112 Reclamation's Plunge into Watershed Activities by Carrie Carnes, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation From 1902 through the early 1990s, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) was a dam building agency renowned for its superior civil works structures. Today, those solid structures still stand in their stately significance. The dams will remain standing, but few more will be con- structed. The dam building era has come to an end. During the last 90 years, Reclama- tion, originally founded to reclaim water for agriculture, became multi- purpose in scope, providing water for fish and wildlife, recreation, energy, and flood control benefits. Today our mission has evolved even further to meet demanding needs for the management, development, and protection of water and related re- sources. Where we once reclaimed the arid West, now we are reclaiming the watersheds that have been depleted over the years due to dams, grazing, fishing, pollution, the demands of a growing Western population, and natural causes. To accommodate this change, we have shifted our focus to new priori- ties, which center on improving water management, operating and maintain- ing existingmultipurposefacilities,and restoring and enhancing the environ- ment. Being one of the world's leading water resource management agencies means tackling water resource chal- lenges on a watershed/river basin level. Reclamation recognizes the need to better coordinate watershed man- agement by enacting interagency com- mitments. Since the Nation's natural resources don't end where adminis- trative boundaries begin, interagency cooperation and partnerships are key to providing better protection and management for the Nation's natural resources. Reclamation is heavily involved in many interagency watershed initia- tives. They include the Glen Canyon Dam (Arizona) Environmental Impact Statement project, the Lower Colorado River (Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Nevada) Management Group, and the Lake Mohave (Nevada) Endangered Fish partnership on the Colorado River. As we work toward our goal of becoming the world's foremost water resource management agency, we will continue to form close ties with others interested in watershed restoration. For more information, contact Car- rie Carnes, U.S. Bureau.of Reclama- tion, W1540,1849 C St., NW, Washing- ton, DC 20240, (202) 208-4662. A Note from the Editor It has been brought to my attention that the story entitled "The Blind People and the Watershed—A Parable," an adaptation by Jeffrey Keidel,, which was published in the Spring 1994 issue of Watershed Events was offensive to some readers especially those who are visually impaired. I would like to express my sincere apologies for this offense. The intention was certainly not to offend but to provide a tool that illustrates the need for all of us to consider all perspectives, not just one's own, when working in a watershed. If any of you are considering using this parable as a tool in the future, I urge you to remove all references to blindness and visual impairment and change the title to "Seven People and a Watershed." This revised version of the parable will clearly illustrate that all points of view need to be consid- ered and will not unintentionally offend members of your audience. For information on speaking and writing about people with disabili- ties, contact the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, 1331 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004. ------- Summer 1994 Watershed Events Page3 Texas Aquifer Study Offers Clues to Controlling Highway Runoff by Ginny Finch, Federal Highway Administration predetermined intervals, they used the humic peat, or zeolites below the sand, rainfall simulator—fifty4.3 meter-high they got better results. tripod stands, each mounted with a Once the project's researchers How do you study storm water runoff during a drought? A rainfall simulator was the solu- tion for water quality researchers from the Texas Department of Transporta- tion (TxDOT) and the University of Texas at Austin. For the past two years these researchers have been using such a system to spray both traffic and road surfaces on the city's Loop 1 express- way. Why go to all this trouble? Be- cause the research team wants to pro- tect a threatened aquifer—the Edwards Aquifer. The four-year, $1.4 million project funded by TxDOT is designed to predict runoff's effects on water quality and quantity in the Edwards before, during, and after construction of Loop 1 and, in the process, to create a storm water runoff prediction model for the entire watershed. The Edwards: No Ordinary Aquifer The Edwards, the only under- ground source for Austin's drinking water (and therefore covered under the "sole source aquifer" program of the Safe Drinking Water Act), is a frag- ile aquifer. It is covered by only thin layers of topsoil, so runoff flows virtu- ally unfiltered into the aquifer. What's more, the Edwards Aquifer is more like a pipeline than a filter, because it is made of cracked, cavernous limestone. "Since limestone is porous, surface water disappears quickly like water flushed through a plumbing system," says Carlos Swonke, Water Quality Coordinator at TxDOT. "In a more conventional, less porous aquifer sys- tem, water moves more slowly—slow enough to be filtered." According to the U.S. Geological Survey, 85 percent of the water reach- ing the Edwards originates in creek beds in the recharge zone, so the Loop 1 researchers have focused mostly on these areas. To prevent runoff into the creeks, they have tested temporary barriers like geotextile silt "fences" and more permanent water pollution con- trols like sand filters and sediment ponds. Their work has been thorough. To capture individual runoff pollutants at spray head, extending over a 228.6- meter length of highway. They have taken water samplings above and be- low new highway construction, in both dry and wet periods, and in varying traffic conditions. They have also con- ducted an extensive literature search on highway runoff and published their review in a 160-page technical report (A Review and Evaluation of Literature Pertaining to the Quantity and Control of Pollution from Highway Runoff and Con- struction).* Kinds and Amounts of Highway Runoff Determine Solutions The starting point for the Edwards research team was to discover thekinds and amounts of individual pollutants in the runoff. "The amount of damage to the environment caused by runoff de- pends on where it ends up," says Lyn Irish, designer of the project's rainfall simulator. "Before we build pollution controls; we've got to find out what's in the water and in what quantities." The critical "first flush" of runoff which the TxDOT and university re- searchers examined contained nutri- ents, heavy metals, and suspended solids. When they tested various run- off controls, they found that sand-only filters didn't work well for these com- pounds—the filters clogged easily. When the researchers placed an alter- native medium such as coal, f ibric peat, know more about which filters work best in treating runoff, they'll be able to develop a prototype runoff control measure. By the time the Edwards Aquifer research is completed, the Loop 1 re- searchers will also have clearer an- swers to questions like these: What is the relationship between average daily traffic and the amount of pollutants in the runoff? How do the number of dry- days preceding a storm affect runoff water quality? How significant are the intensity and the duration of the storm? What structural controls work best for treating storm water runoff? How much runoff do you need to catch to control pollution? AND. ..water quality experts across the country will have access to a state- of-the-art watershed computer model which can predict both the type and amount of contaminants for a site-spe- cific location. For more information, contact Carlos Swonke, Water Quality Coor- dinator, Environmental Division, TxDOT, 125 E. llth, Austin, TX78701, (512) 416-2625. This report can be ordered from: The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Research in Water Resources, Balcones Research Center, Austin, TX 78712, (512) 471-3131, FAX: (512) 471- 0072. NOAA To Open Center for Ecosystem Health by Eileen Kane, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration he National Oceanic and Atmo- spheric Administration's (NOAA) Center for Coastal Ecosystem Health is scheduled to open this summer in Charleston, South Carolina. The Cen- ter is expected to become a focal point for addressing specific problems, such as nonpoint source pollution, nutrient over-enrichment, and habitat loss and degradation. The overall goal of the Center is to contribute to the develop- mentand applicationof improved man- agement strategies for achieving coastal ecological, cultural, and economic sustainability. Planning teams hope to meet the Center's goal by forging part- nerships between science and man- agement communities to provide the technologies, methodologies, and in- formation necessary to assess, predict, and improve the health of the Nation's regional coastal ecosystems. The Center is scheduled to open in phases. The section opening this sum- mer provides library-type facilities for NOAA Center continued on page 12 ------- Page 4 Watershed Events Summer 1994 Understanding Water Quality in the Hudson River Basin: Working Together to Solve the Puzzle by Karen R, Murray and Ward O. Freeman, U.S. Geological Survey T Tnderstanding water quality is like *-J working on a jigsaw puzzle in which each pieceof informationcontrib- utes to thermal picture.Chemical, physi- cal, and biological conditions and their interactions need to be described, and effects of farming practices, urbaniza- tion, water use, and other human activi- ties need tobedetermined.TheNational Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program of the US. Geological Survey provides some of this information for the Hudson River Basin by conducting field investigations that include stream and ground water chemistry, fish and insect ecology, and sediment contami- nation surveys. Because no single pro- gram can provide all the pieces to this puzzle, NAWQA personnel share data, coordinate sampling, and discuss find- ings with scientists and resource manag- ers fromuniversities,stateandlocal gov- ernments, and private groups to help complete the picture. NAWQA scien- tists also participate in high school edu- cation programs to help foster an inter- est in water resource investigation so that some of these young people may contribute to 'future work on the "water quality puzzle."»Some examples of how NAWQA .scientists work with others are summarized below. Local Guidance Through Liaison Committee NAWQA project personnel work witha liaison committee of government researchers and managers, university scientists, and others in many stages of the project, from design and data collec- tion to interpretation of results. Early in the design of the Hudson River Basin study, the liaison committee identified locally critical water quality issues, in- cluding nonpoint source pollution of rivers and streams from urban and agri- cultural runoff; contamination of sus- pended sedimentby metals; contamina- tion of the Hudson River's bottom sediments, water, and the food web by PCBs; and the lack of information on ground water quality in the basin. They also suggested locations for stream and aquifer surveys. Periodic liaison com- mittee meetings provide a forum for informing water resource managers and sdentistsofNAWQA'sfindingsanddis- cussing water quality issues. For ex- ample,arecentliaisonmeetingincluded presentationof preliminary results from (1) a survey of contaminants in fish tis- sue, (2) a survey of water chemistry in 42 streams, and (3) a study of historical trends in stream and ground water qual- ity. The meeting also included presenta- tion of research being done in the basin by two other agencies. Teaming Up With New York State NAWQA personnel coordinate data collection efforts with several State pro- grams to enhance acquisition and use of water quality information. Oneexample Contamination of rivers and streams by metals is a major water quality concern... is coordination between the NAWQA program and the Rotating Intensive Ba- sin Survey (RIBS) of the New York State Department of Environmental Conser- vation. The objectives of the NAWQA programand RIBS are complementary— NAWQA's focus is nonpoint source pollution such as urban and agricultural runoff, whereas RIBS' focus is point source pollution such as effluent from sewage treatment plants. Scientists from NAWQA and RIBS frequently cooper- ate to collect samples and share data. 'Teaming up" this way allows both pro- grams to obtain more information on a greater number of streams than either program could .afford to obtain on its own, and may increase our knowledge oftherelativecontributionofpointsource and nonpoint source pollution to water quality conditions in the Hudson River Basin. Training Future Scientists NAWQA scientists help support environmental education in 13 local high schools that participate in the River Watch Network. River Watch Incorpo- rated and other private and public spon- sors provide training for teachers, tech- nical advice, and equipment to give stu- dents hands-on experience in stream measurements, chemical sampling, and identification of aquatic insects. Sharon Behar, Education Coordinator for River Watch, said, "The success of this pilot project exceeded our expectations in terms of the numbers of students in- volved, sustainability of the program after the grant period, and school-com- munity connections." Modelling Watersheds Excessive amounts of carbon, nitro- gen, and phosphorus in streams can cause water quality problems such as nuisance algal blooms, oxygen deple- tion, and damage to fisheries. Nutrients in runoff from urban and agricultural lands into lakes and rivers commands national attention and is also of concern in the Hudson River Basin. Dr. Robert Howarth, project director of the Water- shed Modelling Program at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York), states, 'To fully understand the effect of land use on the export of sediments and chemi- cal constituents to theHudsonRiver will require data from actual watersheds." Dr. Hpwarjth and hjs team use field data, provided by NAWQA scientists, to develop a computer model of the quantities of sediments, nutrients, and organic material discharged to the Hudson River from watersheds with various landuse and geologic character- istics. The use of NAWQA data in this model could vastly expand theNAWQA program's spatial-coverage within the Hudson River Basin. Researching Hazardous Metals Transport , Contaminationofriversand streams by metals is a major water quality con- cern, according to the HudsonNAWQA liaison committee. For example, the world's highest known levels of con- tamination by elemental cadmium and nickel have been found in sediments of Foundry Cove, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund site on the lower Hudson River (near West Point). High concentrations of these metals can be toxic to fish, other wildlife, and hu- ------- Summer 1994 Watershed Events PageS mans. Dr. Ronald Gibb, of the Univer- sity of Delaware at Lewes, is exploring the way in which waterborne sediment particles transport these and other met- als into the Hudson River. NAWQA scientists are collecting suspended sedi- ment samples for Dr. Gibb's study. This cooperation between researchers at the University of Delaware and NAWQA personnel will help explain how metals and other contaminants such as PCBs are transported in the river. National Geographic Society Supports NAWQA Related University Research Two studies on water quality in the Hudson River Basin are currently (1994) funded through a memorandum of agreement between NAWQA and the National Geographic Society. Dr. Rich- ard Bopp, of Rensselaer Polytechnic In- stitute (Troy, New York), was awarded a grant to conduct a basinwide study involving age determi nation of contami- nated bottom sediments in the Hudson River Basin. Dr. Bopp states, "One of the best means to characterize major sources of contaminants and to reveal historical trends in contaminant levels is through the use of dated sediment cores." The second National Geographic Society grantwasawarded to Dr.Rebecca Schneider of Cornell University, to in- vestigate the effect of wetlands on Hudson River water quality. "Wetlands play a major role in trapping sediments, decreasmgnutrientconcentrations,stor- ing flood waters, and mediating the ef- Laka Tear otlhe ClouOs 1 VERMONT MASSACHUSETTS CONNECTICUT fects of other factors on water quality in a stream system," says Dr. Schneider. PCB Findings Lead to State Follow-Up PCBscanbioaccumulatetohighlev- elsinfish, birds, and mammals. They are known to produce toxic effects in these organisms and may cause cancer in hu- mans. PCBs were once widely used in . electrical transformers andhydraulicflu- ids and for many other industrial appli- cations. Although use and productionof PCBs have been banned for many years, these contaminantsarehighlypersistent in the environment. PCBs were one of the more common synthetic organochlorine compounds detected in fish specimens in a 1992 NAWQA survey of 13 sites on streams and rivers in the Hudson River Basin. PCB concentrations in fish tissue corre- sponded broadly with the degree of ur- banization and industrialization in the watershed. HighestconcentrationsofPCBswere found in fishfromtheHudsonRiver and its largest tributary, the Mohawk River. NAWQA results for the Hudson River correspond withlevels previously docu- mented by the New York State Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation and do not indicate any new conditions. PCB concentrations in whole body com- posites of carp (Cyprinws carpio) from the Mohawk River were as high as 33 micrograms per gram (parts per mil- lion). These concentrations indicate a need for additional information on con- ditions and causes of PCB contamina- tion. After a briefing on NAWQA find- ings, State scientists have taken steps toward establishing a health advisory for the affected reach of the Mohawk River. They are also planning a follow- up survey to (1) assess PCB concentra- tions in game fish and other species, (2) delineate the affected section of river, and (3) investigate possible sources. Linking of the NAWQA PCB find- ings with subsequent State follow-up is a good example of working together to assemblepiecesofthepuzzleand thereby improve our understanding of water quality in the Hudson River basin. Formoreinformation,contactChief, HudsonRiverBasinNAWQA,U.S.Geo- logical Survey, P.O. Box 1669, Albany, NY 12201, (518) 472-3107. ------- Page 6 Watershed Events Summer 1994 Integrating the NPDES Program with Watershed Protection by Dan Weese, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to region. By integrating its program « NPDES Permits - Encourage functions into the broader Watershed NPDES permit issuance on a Protection Approach, the NPDES pro- watershed basis using one of gram can meet this challenge and cost- effectively address remaining ..point source environmental impacts. . On March 11,1994, Bob Perciasepe, Assistant Administrator for Wa- ter at the U.S. Environmental Protec- tion Agency (EPA), signed the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sys- tem (NPDES) Watershed Strategy. The Strategy was developed over a six month period with detailed input from statesand all of EPA's water programs. Becauseof its broadrange of functions and activities, the NPDES program occupies a unique position within the overall water program; it is both a key customer and an essential partner in supporting and achieving many of EPA's broader water quality goals. Over the past 20 years, the NPDES program has employed technology- based and water-quality-based permit requirements to achieve significant re- ductionsinpollutantdischarges to sur- face waters from hundreds of thou- sands of NPDES regulated entities. The schematic to the right illustrates the scope of the NPDES Program. There are approximately 48,000 industrial sources—commercial and manufactur- ing facilities that discharge process wastewater directly into waters of the United States. Municipal sources, or thedischarge points of Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), number" about 15,000. The National Pretreat- . ment Program regulates 30,000 signifi- cantindustrial users (SIUs) and several hundred thousand other non-domes- tic sources which discharge wastes to POTWs. In recent years, the NPDES pro- gram has broadened to include a num- ber of additional initiatives aimed at addressing remaining sources of pol- lutant discharges including 1,100 com- munities with combined sewer over- flows, over 15,000 treatment works treating domestic waste (sewage sludge), and storm water discharges from over 100,000 industrial facilities and 200 municipal separate storm sewer systems. The challenge for the NPDES pro- gram is managing baseline program requirements and newer initiatives within the context of both limited re- sources and environmental impacts that vary from state to state and region two methods: (1) development of a basin management plan and synchronization of permit Municipal Sewage Sludge ' Domestic Sources Indirect Industrial Users [30,000 SIUs] uniapal Treatment Plants [15,000 Permits] Combined Sewer Overflows ^ [10,770 Overflows!""^ Storm Water (Industrial) [100.000 Permits] Direct Industrial Sources [48,000 Permits] —. I!1* *" Separate Storm Water (Municipal) [173Citig&and 47 Counties], Scope of the NPDES Program the NPDES Watershed Strategy • outlines national objectives and imple- mentation activities "to (1) integrate NPDES program functions into the broader Watershed Protection Ap- proach and (2) support development of state-wide Basin Management Ap- proaches (BMAs). The strategy identi- fies six areas that are considered essen- • tial for EPA Headquarters and Regions. to support these objectives: • State-wide Coordination - Promote development of ba- sin management frameworks that identify the roles and re- sponsibilities of participating programs, establish long-term programmatic and environ- mental goals, geographically delineate basins, and establish a schedule for periodically evaluating the environmental condition of each basin. »issuance within basins, or (2) ^development of a basin man- agementplan-anda'ssuringthat permits are issue'd'in accor- dance with it. Monitoring and Assessment- Promote the development of state-wide monitoring strate- gies to assure the most effec- tive targeting of limited re- sources and coordinate collec- tion and analysis of NPDES, nonpoint source, and other watershed data. Programmatic Measures and Environmental Indicators - Revise national accountability measures to facilitate imple- mentation of watershed pro- tection activities and establish new measures of success that reflect assessment of progress ------- Summer 1994 Watershed Events Page 7 toward watershed protection goals. • Public Participation - Pro- mo te long-term public support •» for basin management activi- ties by provide opportunities for the public to participate in goal development, priority set- ting, strategy development, and implementation. • Enforcement - Coordinate compliance and enforcement programs and activities both at the Federal and State level to focus resources on priority point sources within identi- fied basins. While the essential compo- nents listed above focus on action items for the NPDES program, they also emphasize critical areas in which the NPDES program must coordinate its activities with the efforts of other sur- face and ground water programs. The Strategy recognizes that, while the NPDES program will play a central environmental protection role in a number of watersheds, in many other watersheds, point sources will not rep- resent the primary stressors. The NPDES program's main task in the latter watersheds will be to support and facilitate effective implementation activities for meeting environmental objectives (e.g., monitoring, public par- ticipation). In either case, the NPDES Watershed Strategy is not intended to supersede or impede existing water- shed protection efforts; rather, it is in- tended to support ongoing State initia- tives and supplement the efforts of other environmental programs byiden- tifying areas where the NPDES pro- gram can contribute. Several States and EPA Regions have taken significant steps towards Recent Releases Biennial Report to Congress On the Administration of the Coastal Zone Management Act, 1992-1993 - A 2- vplumereportfeaturing over 200 pages of photographs, feature articles, and fast Facts, all describing theprogress of coastal programs-under ;the Coastal Zone Management Act ContactElaine Vaudreuil, NOAA,'l305 East-West, Hwy., N/ORM4, Silver Spring, MD ,20910, (301) 713-3087. Drinking Wate.r-Glossary: A Dictio- nary of Technical and Legal Terms Related to Drinking Water (EPA810- B-94-006) - An A to Z glossary of drinking water terms, ContactNCEPI, 11029 KenwoodRd.,Bldg. 5, Cincin- nati, OH45242.FAX: (513)891-6685. National Estuary Program: Bringing Our Estuaries New Life (EPA842-F- 93-002) -Describes theNational Estu- ary Program and the 21 estuaries cur- rently in the program. Thereverseside folds out into a poster with a list of contacts. Contact NCEPI, 11029 Kenwood Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, OH 45242, FAX: (513) 891-6685. Office of GroundWater and Drinking Water Publications (EPA810-B-94- 001) - Lists publications currently avail- able from the U.S. Environmental Pro- •tection Agency's Office of Ground Wa- ter and Drinking Water. Contact NCEPI, 11029 Kenwood Rd,, Bldg. 5, Cincinnati,OH45242,FAX: (513)891- 66.85, SlopeiStabilization and Erosion Con- trol Using Vegetation; A Manual of Practice for Coastal Property Owners (#93-30) - Designed for property own- ers currently experiencing slope ero- sion problems. Contact Douglas Can- ning, Washington State Department of Ecology, Shorelands Program, P.O. Box47690,Olympia,WA98504-7690. Vegetation Management: A Guide for Puget Sound Bluff Property Owners (#93-31) ' Describes howproperty own- ers can manage existing slope vegeta- tion. Contact Douglas Canning, Wash- ington State Department of Ecology, Shorelands Program, P.O. Box 47690, Olympia, WA 98504-7690. integrating NPDES program activities into the broader Watershed Protection Approach, however, the program na- tionally is a largely untapped resource. To promote implementation of the NPDES Watershed Strategy on a na- tional level, Assistant Administrator Bob Perciasepe has asked each EPA Regional office to complete the follow- ing action items by September 1,1994: • Regional State by State As- sessments and Action Plans - Assess current watershed pro- tection activities in each state and, in the context of that as- sessment, develop Regional action plans for fiscal year 1995 that identify how the Region will support and facilitate each state's movement toward the Watershed Protection Ap- proach. • State/EPA Workplan Agree- ments - Include specific ac- tivities within state/EPA workplans for fiscal year 1995 which •will promote the cen- tral componentsoftheNPDES Watershed Strategy. • Internal Coordination - De- velop Regional strategies which describe the Regional decision making processes, oversight role, and internal coordination efforts necessary to ensure support for the Wa- tershed Protection Approach. During-the months of June and July 1994, staff fronvEPA Headquar- ters visited each EPA Regional water program office to gain an understand- ing of its process for completing these action items. The information gath- ered during the visits will be compiled into a national report summarizing and highlighting Regional efforts to imple- ment the NPDES Watershed Strategy. A major objective of the national re- port is to provide information to Re- gions about other Regional successes and needs as they implement the Strat- egy- For more information, contact Jeff Lape, NPDES Watershed Matrix Man- ager, U.S. EPA (4203), 401 M St., SW, Washington DC 20460, (202) 260-5230. ------- PageS Watershed Events Summer 1994 TVA's Clean Water Initiative Starts to Pay Off by John Camarata, Tennessee Valley Authority In 1992, the Tennessee Valley Au- thority (TV A) announced its goal of making the Tennessee River the cleanestandmostproductivecommer- cial river system in the Nation. To get the job done, TVA created the Clean Water Initiative (CWIXSee Spring 1993 Watershed Events, "TVA Launches Clean Water Initiative"), an organiza- tion comprised of small, self-directed teams of technical specialists. Eventu- ally, each of the TVA region's twelve watersheds will have a River Action Team (RAT) assigned to it. The mission of each RATis to work with other agencies, private groups, and concerned citizens to clean up the Tennessee River. Four RATs are now operating, with several more slated for startup in the next fiscal year. They are collecting data about water resource conditionsin their assigned watersheds and developing cooperative projects aimed at solving priority pollution problems as well as protecting unique resources. Since its inception in 1992, the CWI has achieved several successes, a sample of which are described be- low. Monitoring the River's "Vital Signs" The first step toward protecting and improving our lakes and streams is an evaluation of their condition. Therefore water quality monitoring and assessment are vital parts of CWI operations. TV A now operates one of the most comprehensive waterquality monitor- ing programs in the Nation. Physical, chemical, and biological variables are measured at key locations on most of TVA's 35 lakes and on major tributary rivers and streams. TVA also monitors about 260 swimming areas, checking them for fecal coliformbacteria, as well as cooperating with state agencies to check fish for toxic contamination. The results of all this testing are used to evaluate the overall condition of the river system, identify areas that need corrective action, and measure the effectiveness of programs already in place. TVA conveys the monitoring re- sults to the public through CWI's an- nual report on the river's condition, called RiverPulse. Produced in the form of a colorful magazine, RiverPulse is written primarily for people who live on TVA lakes or use them for recre- ation. Its simple maps and graphics give readers the answers to three main questions: where is it safe to swim? is it safe to eat the fish? and what is the overall health of the river? RiverPulse provides the public with understand- able information on the health of the rivers and streams and is one of the best received publications TVA has ever released, with a distribution of over 60,000. Middle Fork Holston "Come on up and sit on the front porch, and you can tell me about what's going on in the creek." Dairy farmer Sonny Johnson's invitation was a sur- prise to Frank Sagona of TVA's Clean Water Initiative. Around Hutton Creek, a tributary to the Middle Fork Holston, when a person invited you up on the porch to talk, it meant that they wanted to listen to what you had to say. Frank had been monitoring this part of Hutton Creek for two years, and he knew that the invitation was important. Building bridges and forming partnerships with people is TVA's style of working for clean water, and this chance was too good to miss. At the time of the invitation, tak- ing samples from the creek was the extent of Frank's involvement in the watershed. You didn't have to be a scientist to tell that the creek was in trouble. "You just had to go stand on the bank and look in," said Frank. The water was full of mud and animal waste, and there were few fish to be seen. Frank decided that a fish survey might give a clearer picture. That pic- ture was a bleak one. Hutton Creek rated in the "poor" category. WhenSonnyand Frank firstbegan talking on- the porch, Frank worried about how to tell Sonny, without of- fending him, that his dairy was pollut- ing the creek. It turned out that the Johnsons were already working on their own conservation projects. "When Frank came, we had cattle on the creek, and we knew that it was a bad situation . . . but while there's a lot of things you'd like to do, you just can't do them all at once," remembers Sonny. Sonny was retired, and his son David was running the farm. Soravy began to talk about his boyhood, how he fished and swam in the creeks, and how clean the water was then. He wished his grandchildren could enjoy those streams like he once did. That talk on Sonny's porch grew into a partnership for TVA and a last- ing friendship. Frank Sagona learned that the Johnson family wanted cleaner water in Hutton Creek, and the Johnsons learned that TVA wasn't there to tell them what they had to do on their own land. There was no need to search for common ground; they were stand- ing on it. The Holston Watershed, covering partsofnortheastTennesseeand south- west Virginia, was one of the first four watersheds to have a river action team assigned to it. TVA's partnership with the Middle Fork Holston Water Qual- ity Committee and concerned citizens like the Johnsons is paying off with increased awareness of water quality issues in the area, and cleaner water in the Middle Fork Holston. The Holston RAT has collected extensive data on the water resources of the watershed; is helping with a cleanup project for Steele Creek Lake in Bristol, Tennessee; and supporting local officials in their ef- forts to organize a North Fork Holston Water Quality Committee. Meanwhile, David Johnson's sense of ecological responsibility has helped turn the family farm into a model op- eration featuring fenced creek banks, controlled animal crossings, and state of the art animal waste handling sys- tems. If s paying off. The dairy opera- tion is growing, the stream is cleaner, and the fish are coming back. A third generation joined the part- nership when David's wife Jo launched her Girl Scout Troop on a water quality monitoring project. The Scouts, in- cluding two of their three daughters, used equipment supplied by TVA to monitor the creek and then presented Clean Water Initiative continued on page 12 ------- Summer 1994 Watershed Events Page 9 SCS Reviews PL-566 Small Watershed Projects by Christine Williams, USD A Soil Conservation Service The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Soil Con- servation Service (SCS) is reviewing all Public Law 83-566 (PL-566) Small Wa- tershed Projects under construction or approved for future construction. The purpose of the review is to ensure that each project supports local needs and meets environmental standards. For 40 years, PL-566 projects have aided many rural communities, im- proved soil conservation, and reduced upstream flood damages. Some prac- tices that may have been appropriate 40 years ago, however, may no longer be the best choice for today. The focus on structural measures, such as dams and channels for flood prevention, tended to be high in cost and environ- mental impact. Over the past 15 years, SCS has been redirecting the PL-566 Small Watershed Program to take a more ecosystem-based approach. SCS Chief Paul Johnson has called for a more comprehensive approach to managing natural resources in all pro- grams administered by the agency and has established a team to evaluate the Small Watershed Program. This evalu- ation should help SCS better meet society'snarural resource conservation needs and make the changes needed to improve service. This evaluation will be made in two phases—an initial screening for removing infeasible work from current plans and an analysis of incomplete structures that can be com- pleted. In the long-run, SCS plans to have an improved watershed program—one that takes advantage of the unique perspective of the watershed approach, has ample support, and works for the good of the ecosystem and its local community. For more information contact Tom Wehri, Assistant Direc- tor, Watershed Projects Division, SCS, P.O. Box 2890, Washington, DC 20013- 2890, (202) 720-9574, FAX: (202) 690- 1462. New Watershed Approach in Prince William County by Rich Everett and Tamara McCandless, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), working through its Chesapeake Bay field office in Annapo- lis, Maryland, joined a consortium of federal, state, and local partners to de- velop a new, innovative approach to watershed management in the Mid- Atlantic region. The multi-million dol- lar program to restore urban water- sheds was initiated by the U.S. Envi- ronmental Protection Agency'(EPA) and the government of Prince William County, Virginia to develop a water- shed management program that inte- grates environmentally sensitive man- * agement of urban storm water runoff with protection and restoration of streams and wetlands. Development of the Prince William County program,, which will occur over a five-year pe- • riod, will set the stage for other areas to adopt a more environmentally feasible approach to watershed management. Additional program partners include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), U.S. Geological Survey, Vir- ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, George Mason University, and the Northern Virginia Planning District Commission (NVPDC), Prin- cipal funding sources for the program have been Prince William County, NVPDC, and the participating federal agencies. Prince William County, located 30 miles south of Washington, DC, is fac- ing rapid development under newer, stricter, water quality regulations. The county has been pressing EPA and the Corps to permit regional storm water management ponds as an alternative to many small on-site water detention ^facilities. Regional facilities, although perceived as better from an engineer- ing standpoint than on-site structures, can have serious adverse effects on wetland and stream channel habitats through changes in hydrologieal re- gimes.-A principal objective of the col- laborating partners is to develop alter- native, ecologically sensitive ap- proaches to storm water management that can be implemented as the area is being transformed by residential and commercial development. As part of this effort to restore urban watersheds, a model project to evaluate the effectiveness of riparian restoration asabestmanagementprac- tice for addressing storm water im- pacts will take place in the county. Three contiguous watersheds are serv- ing as demonstration sites for this model watershed management project: Neabsco Creek, Powells Creek, and Quantico Creek. The three watersheds provide an excellent opportunity within which to develop and imple- ment a more ecologically compatible approach to storm water management. Neabsco Creek watershed has suf- fered significant habitat degradation from loss of natural land cover due to past development and storm water fa- cilities designed withoutconsideration of environmental conditions. Devel- opment in the watershed spans the range of low density residential to high density commercial. The focus in Neabsco Creek watershed will-be to develop innovative approaches' and techniques that can be retrofit into the existing developed landscape and re- store natural stream functions and habi- tat for fish and wildlife. Powells Creek watershed, pre- dominantly rural, faces heavy devel- opment pressure over the next two to three decades. Stream and wetland habitat conditions in the upper water- shed and estuarine habitats in thelower watershed are better than in Neabsco Creek, but are already beginning to exhibit signs of stress from increasing development. The challenge in Powells Creek watershed is to develop a sys- tem of protective methods that can be implemented prior to or during devel- opment. Quantico Creek watershed, serv- ing as a reference site, is somewhat Prince William County continued on page 12 ------- Paee10 Watershed Events Summer 1994 Watersheds '94: Creating the Links..JPeople> Politics, Science and Stewardship September 28 - 30,1994: Bellevue, Washington This conference will identify ap- proaches and strategies for effective watershed stewardship. The goal of the conference is to share informa- tion about watershed tools, technol- ogy, and philosophies and to build partnerships. For more information, contact Andrea Lindsay, U.S. EPA, (206) 553-1896 or 1-800-424-4EPA, or Bob Naiman, University of Wash- ington, (206) 543-6920. Calendar of Events of wetlands in water resource man- agement, the role of ecoregion man- agement, and basin-wide management case studies. For more information, contact North American Lake Man- agement Society, 14th International Conference, One Progress Blvd., Box 27, Alachua, FL 32615-9536, (904) 462- 2554. Riparian Forest Buffers in the Chesapeake Watershed October 5-6,1994 Ellicott City, Maryland This meeting will examine the sci- ence of buffers, the policy issues and technical challenges related to estab- lishing them, and the concerns of landowners and local governments related to costs, incentives, and long term management. Case Studies il- lustratingsuccessful buffer programs will be presented. For more informa- tion, contact Fran Flanigan, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, 6600 York Rd., Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21212, (410) 377-6270. 14th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society Managing Water Resources for the 21st Century: Finding Workable Solutions October 31 - November 5,1994 Orlando, Florida This symposium will provide an op- portunity for attendees to discuss is- sues related to the management of lakes and reservoirs. Topics include forest watershed management, role 30th Annual AWRA Conference November 6 -10,1994 Chicago, Illinois This national symposium will focus on water quality, the future of the Great Lakes, and the National Water Quali ty Assessment Program. For more infor- mation, contact American Water Re- sources Association, 950 Herndon pkwy., Suite 300, Herndon, VA 22070, (703) 904-1225. Watershed WISE: A Workshop on Watershed Ecology November14-16,1994 Grand Junction, Colorado This workshop is intended to encour- age and support practical and effec- tive approaches to watershed stew- ardship, and allowparticipants to share experiences and exchange ideas, tools, technology, philosophy, and values useful to watershed initiatives. The workshop focuses on western water- sheds. For more information, contact Thorne Ecological Institu te, 5398 Man- hattan Circle, Suite 120, Boulder> CO 80303, (303):499-3647, FAX: (303) 499- 8340. 1994 [ 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 IS 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 a 10 17 24 31 ••:"::: 4 11 18 Zb u Women Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: On the Road to Beijing and the 2lst Century November 15,1994 Oakland, CA This official U.S. preparatory meet- ing for the Fourth United Nations (UN,) Conferenceon Women,, which will take place in Beijing, China in September 1995, will provide work- shops for participants to examine is: sues such as the particular susceptability of women to certain health effects (breast cancer, repro- ductive damage) due to consump- tion of contaminated fish or Shellfish and how women can increase their access to environmental decision- makers. For the first time the UN. Platform for Action on the Status of Women willaddress therelationships between women and their environ- ments (home, work, community, glo- bal), For more inforrnation, contact Betsy Tarn, U.S. EPA (4504F), 401M St.,SW,Washington,DC20460,(202) 260-6466, FAX; (202) 260-9960. Protecting Ground Water: Promoting Understanding, Accepting Responsibility, and Taking Action December 12 -tt, 1994 Washington,DC This conference is designed to foster an exchange of practical information on ground water pollution and to educate stakeholders on the tools and techniques they can use to address ground water pollution in their com- munities. "Ground water and water- shed issues; nonpoint sources, eco- systems and surface water" is one of six topics being covered at this con- ference. For more information, con- tact Ground Water Protection Con- ference, c/o Terrene Institute, 1717 K St., NW, Suite 801, Washington, DC 20006, (202) 833-8317, FAX: (202) 296- 4071. ------- Summer 1994 Watershed Events Page 11 EEIRP continued from page 1 water supplies, protecting coastal shorelines, managing natural re- sources, and providing recreation op- portunities. Individual projects typi- cally began with an authorization by Congress to develop a plan to address a particular water resources problem. These studies were most often initi- ated by local interests. They included a partnership, with non-Federal inter- ests, and public participation in the planning and implementation process. And they were justified by an eco- nomic analysis, comparing bo th project benefits (for example a reduction in flood damage) and construction and operation costs in monetary terms. The traditional engineering projects that resulted (for example dams, levees, and modifications of river channels) were built with the expectation of improv- ing the Nation's material welfare, but often resulted in substantial alterations to existing watershed features and pro- cesses. Changing Public Values The Corps' water resources pro- gram has changed significantly over the past two decades. These changes reflect changing national preferences and desires. Alteration of watersheds for such purposes as flood control and navigation is no longer considered a sure path to economic development. There is more, concern today for the protection and restoration of the natu- ral services of heavily altered water- sheds, many of which were related to previous Corps water resource devel- opment projects. Since the early 1970s, the emphasis of the Corps' water resources program has shifted from the construction of new projects to the improved opera- tion of existing projects with increased concern for the environment. Today, Corps funds budgeted for the opera- tion and maintenance of existing projects exceed thosebudgetedfornew construction. Environmental restora- tion is now a "high priority" mission in the Corps budgetary process, along with the more traditional missions of navigation and flood control. In addi- tion, the Corps can participate in the modification of existing projects for the purposes of fish and wildlife habi- tat restoration. Evaluating Environmental Investments Although there is a change in em- phasis, there is every reason to believe the planning approaches of the past might be adapted for evaluating envi- ronmental projects. Authorization by Congress for individual projects or programs will still be required, as will partnerships with non-Federal inter- ests and public involvement. Limited funds will be available to allocate among these projects and programs, and there will still be the need to an- swer the analytical question of how much should the fish and wildlife habi- tat or the watershed be altered in rela- tion to some existing condition. How- ever, unlike more traditional projects, many outputs of environmental resto- ration and mitigation cannot be mea- sured in monetary terms. The chal- lenge, therefore, becomes how to se- lect the most efficient and effective projects when they cannot all be com- pared in like, monetary terms. Ques- tions that the EEIRP must address in- clude how to incorporate "uncertain" measuresrof output and differing pub- lic and institutional values into a ra- tional and supportable evaluation and selection process. New Research.Program The overall objective of the EEIRP is to provide an evaluation framework, techniques, and procedures to assist planners, managers, and regulators in addressing both the site and portfolio issues; i.e., whether the recommended action is the most effective and effi-, cient alternative for a particular loca- tion, and how to allocate limited re- sources among competing recom- mended actions. One goal of the pro- gram is the development of a series of environmental evaluation procedures manuals ("how to" manuals) address- ing various steps in the planning, evalu- ation, and prioritization processes. To accomplish these objectives, the re- search program has been divided into ten more specific study areas, called work units. These study areas include: • Determining and Describing Environmental Significance • Determining Objectives and Measuring Outputs • ObjectiveEvaluationofCultural Resources • Engineering Environmental In- vestments - Formulating Inputs and 'Monitoring Effectiveness • Cost Effectiveness Analysis Techniques • Monetary and Other Valuation Techniques • Incorporating Risk and Uncer- tainty into Environmental Evalu- ation • Environmental Database and Information Management • Evaluation Framework • Interagency Coordination and Program Management Research on each of these topics will take place over the next two years, culminating in the publication of the environmental evaluation procedures manuals series by the end of 1996. For more information on the EEIRP, contact Darrell Nolton, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources, 7701 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA 22315-3868, (703) 355- 3084. Call For Abstracts National Estuary Program, Coastal Technology Transfer Conference February 13-16,1995 New Orleans, Louisiana This conference will focus on four major environmental problems which are common to most estuar- ies; nutrients, pathogens, toxic sub' stances, and habitat loss. The con- ference will be designed to share new approaches for identifying, characterizing, and correcting or preventing these problems, as well as assessing progress'in estuanne and coastal management Abstracts are due September 30,1994 For more information, contact Betsy Tarn, U.S. EPA (4504F), 401 M St., SW, Washington, DC 20460, (2Q2) 260-6466, FAX: (202) 260-9960. ------- Page 12 Watershed Events Summer 1994 Prince William County continued, from page 9 insulated fromdevelopmentpressures because it lies almost entirely within. thePrinceWilliamForestNationalPark and Quantico Marine Base. Habitat quality of streams and wetlands are high throughout the upper watershed. Quantico Creekhabitats will serve as a benchmark for habitat quality goals in Neabsco and Powells Creeks. USFWS's two main objectives as a participant in the program are to re- store habitat values and water quality to benefit fish and wildlife popula- tions, and to evaluate restored natural floodplains and wetlands as an alter- native to the use of engineered storm water management facilities. Cur- rently, USFWS biologists are directing two demonstrationprojects inNeabsco Creek watershed, one in a residential area and the other in a commercial area. The demonstration projects will restore approximately 1 mile of stream channel, 6 acres of associated riparian forest, and 20 acres of emergent wet- land habitat. Degradation of these ar- eas has had a direct impact on impor- tant habitat for anadromous fish and migratory song birds. The potential pay-offs are three-fold: (1) improve- ment of water quality and habitat con- ditions at the restoration sites, (2) dem- onstration of the cost-effectiveness of habitat restoration for achieving water Ckan Water Initiative continued from page 8 NOAA Center continued from page 3 their findings at a water quality confer- ence organized by the Water Quality Committee. They got a standing ova- tion. Now Jo wants to make the pro- gram a long term effort. The continuity is encouraging, from the grandfather who remembers how clean the water used to be, to the son working to make it clean again, to the granddaughters who will inherit it and hopefully preserve it. That's what this success is all about. For more information, contact Chris Ungate, TV A, 400 Summit Hill Dr. (WT-10D), Knoxville, TN 37902, (615) 632-8502. people researching coastal and ocean ecosystem management. NOAA has established a manage- ment committee of senior NOAA arid state coastal managers to advise the Center on programs and operations. Center activities currently being dis- cussed include providing information on environmental, legal, regulatory, and management practices; offering restoration services; and providing near real-time, high-resolution data from satellite and ocean color sensors for coastal areas. The Center is being established at the Charleston Navy Yard site. Con- quality improvements, and (3) dem- onstration of the potential for integrat- ing habitat restoration as a component of a comprehensive watershed man- agement program. Although federal, state, and local protection programs over the last sev- eral decades have produced great im- provements in the quality of the Nation's aquatic resources, much work remains to rectify generations of ne- glectful and abusive water policy and practice. Difficult and controversial issues, such as urban storm water man- agement, will require cooperative ac- tion by all parties concerned. For more information, contact Rich Everett or Tamara McCandless, USFWS, Chesapeake Bay Field Office, 177 Admiral Cochrane Dr., Annapolis, MD 21401, (410) 224-2732. gress has mandated the closure of the Charleston Navy Yard, and the Center is an example of how closed military facilities can be put to other uses. In addition to utilizing the Navy facili- ties, the Center may also employ some of the Navy Yard's technical experts and support personnel. The Center will open in phases as the Navy Yard closes in phases. For more information, contact Joe Uravitch, NOAA, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, 1305 East-West Hwy., N/ORM, Silver Spring, MD 20910, (301) 713-3087. ------- |