                                                  April 2006
          Design Manual

  Removal of Arsenic from
Drinking Water Supplies by
    Iron Removal Process

                Gary L. Hoffman
        ARCADIS Finkbeiner, Pettis & Strout, Inc.
              Cleveland, Ohio 44113

          Darren A. Lytle and Thomas J. Sorg
   U.S. EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory
              Cincinnati, Ohio 45268

          Abraham S.C. Chen and Lili Wang
              Columbus, Ohio 43201
          U.S. EPA Contract No. 68-C-00-185
               Task Order No. 0012
                 Awarded to
              Columbus, Ohio 43201
               Task Order Manager

                Thomas J. Sorg
        Water Supply and Water Resources Division

      National Risk Management Research Laboratory
          Office of Research and Development
          U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
              Cincinnati, Ohio 45268

The work reported in this document is funded by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) under Task Order (TO) No. 0012 of Contract No. 68-C-OO-
185 to Battelle. It has been subjected to the Agency's peer and administrative reviews
and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Any opinions expressed
in this paper are those  of the author(s) and do not,  necessarily,  reflect the official
positions and policies of the EPA. Any mention of products or trade names does not
constitute recommendation for use by the EPA.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged by Congress with
protecting the Nation's land, air, and water resources. Under a mandate of national
environmental laws, the Agency strives to formulate and implement actions leading
to a compatible balance between human activities and the ability of natural systems
to support and nurture life. To meet this mandate, EPA's research program is
providing data and technical support for solving environmental problems today and
building a science knowledge base necessary to manage our ecological resources
wisely, understand how pollutants affect our health, and prevent or reduce
environmental risks in the future.

The National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) is the Agency's
center for investigation of technological and management approaches for preventing
and reducing risks from pollution that threaten human health and the environment.
The focus of the Laboratory's research program is on methods and their cost-
effectiveness for prevention and control of pollution to air, land, water, and
subsurface  resources; protection of water quality in public water systems;
remediation of contaminated sites, sediments and ground water;  prevention and
control of indoor air pollution; and  restoration of ecosystems. NRMRL collaborates
with both public and private sector partners to foster technologies that reduce the
cost of compliance and to anticipate  emerging problems. NRMRL's research
provides solutions to environmental problems by: developing and promoting
technologies that protect and improve the environment; advancing scientific and
engineering information to support regulatory and policy decisions; and providing the
technical support and information transfer to ensure implementation of
environmental regulations and strategies at the national, state, and community

This publication has been produced as part of the Laboratory's strategic long-term
research plan. It is published and made available by EPA's Office of Research and
Development to assist the user community and to link researchers with their clients.
                            Sally Gutierrez, Director
                            National Risk Management Research Laboratory

This design manual presents the steps required to design and operate a water treat-
ment plant for removal of arsenic (As) from drinking water supplies using iron removal
processes. It also discusses the capital and operating costs, including the many vari-
ables that can raise or lower costs for identical treatment systems.

Iron removal  processes are generally simple,  reliable,  and cost-effective. Arsenic
removal is accomplished by adsorption of As(V) onto ferric hydroxides formed in the
iron removal process. Several iron removal treatment methods can remove arsenic
from drinking water supplies to levels  below the new arsenic maximum contaminant
level (MCL) of 0.010 mg/L; these methods include  oxidation  and filtration, and the
use of solid oxidizing media  products and manganese greensand. Many existing
water utilities have much if not all  of the appropriate technology in place for  iron
removal, but may need to modify or adjust the  processes in order to meet the new

Iron removal processes have operational options that vary with the oxidants used and
the media selected for filtration. Selection of the most appropriate process for a water
supply should be evaluated on a life-cycle basis. This design manual provides exam-
ples for  performing an economic evaluation, including the development of an equiva-
lent annual cost. The arsenic removal capacity may be affected by the raw water
quality,  particularly hydrogen sulfide,  organics,  and, in some cases, the pH  of the
water. Treatment processes incorporating oxidants require careful handling and stor-
age of corrosive chemicals, such as chlorine and potassium permanganate.

Abstract	iv
Acronyms and Abbreviations	ix

1.0 Introduction	1
    1.1   Purpose and Scope	1
    1.2   Background	1
    1.3   Arsenic Speciation	1
    1.4   Arsenic Removal Options	2

2.0 Arsenic Removal by Iron Removal Treatment Methods	3
    2.1   Introduction	3
    2.2   Oxidation	4
         2.2.1    Chemical Oxidants	5
         Chlorine	5
         Potassium Permanganate	6
         Ozone	7
         2.2.2   Solid Oxidizing Media	7
    2.3   Contact Time	7
    2.4   Filtration	7
         2.4.1    Anthracite/Sand	8
         2.4.2   Solid Oxidizing Filtration Media	8
         Pyrolusite	8
         Birm	11
         2.4.3    Manganese Greensand	11
         2.4.4    Other Media	14
    2.5   Jar Testing/Pilot Plant Studies	14

3.0 Central Water Treatment Plant Design	15
    3.1   Introduction	15
    3.2   General Plan	15
    3.3   Preliminary Design	17
         3.3.1    Manual or Automatic Operation	17
         3.3.2    Basis of Design	19
         General	19
         Project  Scope	20
         Process Design Data Summary	20
         Site	20
         Layout of Structure	20
         Structural	21
         Mechanics	21
         Electrical	21
         3.3.3   Treatment Equipment	22
         Aerator	22
         Treatment Vessels	22
         Process Piping Material	23
         Control  Valves	23

         3.3.4   Layout of Facilities	23
         3.3.5   Preliminary Project Cost Estimate	23
         3.3.6   Revisions and Approval	24
    3.4  Final Design	24
         3.4.1   General Guidelines	24
         3.4.2   Plan Content Guidelines	24
         Structural	24
         Schedules	25
         Miscellaneous	25
         Piping	25
         Electrical	25

4.0 Central Water Treatment Plant Capital Costs	27
    4.1   Introduction	27
    4.2  Cost Variables	27
         4.2.1   Existing  and Planned (Future) Treatment Plant Parameters	28
         Number and Location of Wells	28
         Potable Water Storage Facilities	  28
         Distribution and Consumption	28
         4.2.2   Water Chemistry	29
         4.2.3   Chemical Supply Logistics	29
         4.2.4   Manual Versus Automatic Operation	29
         4.2.5   Backwash and Regeneration Disposal Concept	29
         4.2.6   Climate	29
         4.2.7   Seismic  Zone	29
         4.2.8   Soil Conditions	30
         4.2.9   100-Year Flood Plain	30
         4.2.10  Financial Considerations	30
    4.3  Example Economic Evaluation	30

5.0 Central Water Treatment Plant Operation	35
    5.1   Introduction	35
    5.2  Chemical Treatment Equipment	35
         5.2.1   Chlorination Equipment	36
         5.2.2   Potassium Permanganate Feed Equipment	37
         5.2.3   Chemical Feed Pumps 	37
    5.3  Pressure Filters	37
         5.3.1   Treatment (Filtration) Operation	36
         5.3.2   Backwash Operation	38
         Draindown	38
         Air/Water Wash	38
         Refill	40
         Fast Wash	40
         Slow Wash	40
         Bed Settle	40
         Rinse	40
         5.3.3   Filter Loadings and Run Termination	40
         Gallons Treated	41
         Filter Run Time	41
         Pressure Drop	41
         5.3.4   Filter Operation	41
    5.4   Media   	44
         5.4.1    Support  Media	44
         5.4.2   Filter Media	44
         5.4.3   Limitations and Precautions	45
         Anthracite Caps	45

        Pyrolusite	45
        Birm	45
        Manganese Greensand	45
    5.5  Operator Requirements	46
    5.6  Laboratory Requirements	46
    5.7  Operating Records	46
         5.7.1    Plant Log	46
         5.7.2    Operation Log	46
         5.7.3    Water Analysis Reports	46
         5.7.4    Plant Operating Cost Records	47
         5.7.5    Correspondence Files	47
         5.7.6    Regulatory Agency Reports	47
         5.7.7    Miscellaneous Forms	47
    5.8  Treatment Plant Maintenance and Housekeeping	48

 6.0 Central Water Treatment Plant Operating Costs	49
    6.1  Introduction	49
    6.2  Treatment Chemicals	49
    6.3  Operating Labor	50
    6.4  Utilities  	51
    6.5  Media Replacement	52
    6.6  Replacement Parts and Miscellaneous Materials	52
    6.7  Operating Cost Summary	52

 7.0 References	53

 Appendix A: Economic Evaluation Example	55

 Appendix B: Operations Procedures for Iron Removal Plants	65

2-1.   Conventional Iron Removal by Aeration	3
2-2.   Arsenic Treatment Selection Strategy Guide (function of initial As and Fe
      content of water)	4
2-3.   Recommended Steps for Arsenic(lll) Removal Using an Iron Removal
      Process	5
2-4.   Typical Layout of Pressure Vessels Used for Filtration	9
2-5.   Service Flow Pressure Drop Through Greensand and Birm Media	12
2-6.   Backwash Bed Expansion Characteristics for Greensand and Birm	13
2-7.   Manganese Greensand Process with Continuous Regeneration	13
2-8.   Manganese Greensand Process with Batch Regeneration (ineffective for
      As removal)	13
3-1.   Example Report of Water Analysis	16
3-2.   Project Development Process	18
4-1.   Two Conceptual Iron Removal Water Treatment Plant Floor Plans for
      Cost Estimates	31
4-2.   500,000-gpd Iron Removal Water Treatment Plant with Aeration Followed
      with Filtration	32
4-3.   500,000-gpd Iron Removal Water Treatment Plant with Manganese
      Greensand Filtration	33
5-1.   Valve Number Diagram on a Typical Pressure Filter	36
5-2.   Pressure Filter Loss of Head Gauges	38

5-3.   Filter Effluent Flow Meter	39
5-4.   Air Release Valve	39
5-5.   Air Wash Blower and Motor	40
5-6.   Air Wash Blower Controls	40
5-7.   Typical Two-Filter Control Panel	42
5-8.   Pneumatically Operated Draindown Valves	43
5-9.   Filtered Effluent Pneumatically Operated Butterfly Valve	43
5-10.  Electric Valve Operator	44
5-11.  Typical Water Treatment Plant Filter Operation Log	47

2-1.   Relative Effectiveness of Various Oxidants	6
2-2.   Stoichiometry of Various Chemical Oxidants	6
2-3.   Characteristics of Filter Media for Iron Removal	10
5-1.   Valve Operation Chart for Pressure Filters with Air Wash	36

                 Acronyms and Abbreviations
ADA          Americans with Disabilities Act
ANSI          American National Standards Institute
APHA         American Public Health Association
ASME         American Society of Mechanical Engineers
AWWA        American Water Works Association
AWWARF     American Water Works Association Research Foundation

Birm          Burgess Iron Removal Method

EDR          electrodialysis reversal
ETV          Environmental Technology Verification

FRP          fiberglass reinforced polyester

GFAA         graphite furnace atomic adsorption
GHAA         gaseous hydroxide atomic adsorption
gpd           gallons per day
gpg           grains per gallon
gpm          gallons per minute

HOPE         high-density polyethylene
HTH          calcium hypochlorite
HVAC         heating, ventilating, air conditioning

ICP-MS       inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry

MCL          maximum contaminant level
mgd          million gallons per day

NEC          National Electrical Code
NSF          National Sanitation Foundation International
NTNC         nontransient, noncommunity
NTU          nephelometric turbidity unit

O&M          operations and maintenance
OSHA         Occupational Safety and Health Administration

P&ID          Process and Instrumentation Diagram
PLC          programmable logic controller
PPD          potassium permanganate demand
psi(g)          pounds per square inch (gage)
PVC          polyvinyl chloride

SDWA        Safe Drinking Water Act (of 1974)
SMCL         secondary maximum contaminant level
STP          stabilized temperature platform

U.S. EPA      United States Environmental Protection Agency

WEF          Water Environment Federation
WTP          water treatment plant

                                          1.0  Introduction
 1.1   Purpose and Scope

 This manual presents up-to-date information on how iron
 removal  processes can  be designed, operated, and
 modified to effectively remove arsenic from  drinking
 water supplies. The information provided is primarily for
 small central groundwater treatment plants ranging  in
 capacity from 30,000 to 1,000,000 gallons per day (gpd).
 However, this manual also can be adapted to both larger
 and  smaller systems.  For very small systems having
 capacities of less than  30,000 gpd (20 gallons per min-
 ute [gpm]), some equipment may be different and less
 expensive  (e.g.,  fiberglass  reinforced polyester [FRP]
 tanks  and automatic  control valves  likely would be

 1.2   Background

 The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974 mandated
 that the United States Environmental Protection Agency
 (U.S. EPA) identify and regulate drinking water contami-
 nants that may have adverse effects on human health
 and that are known or anticipated  to occur  in public
 water supply systems (Public Law, 1974). In 1975, under
 the SDWA, U.S.  EPA established a  maximum contam-
 inant level  (MCL) for arsenic at 0.05 mg/L (U.S. EPA,
 1975).  In 1996, Congress amended the SDWA to require
 that the U.S. EPA develop an arsenic research strategy,
 publish a proposal to revise the arsenic MCL by January
 2000, and finalize the new rule by January 2001 (Public
 Law, 1996).

 On January 22,  2001,  U.S. EPA  published a  final
Arsenic Rule in the Federal Register that revised the
 MCL for arsenic  at 0.01  mg/L  (10 ug/L) (U.S.  EPA,
2001).  Two months later,  in March 2001, the  effective
date of the rule was extended to  provide time for the
National Academy of Science to review new studies on
the health  effects of arsenic and for the National Drink-
ing Water  Advisory Council to review the economic
issues  associated with  the standard. After considering
the reports by these two review groups, U.S. EPA final-
ized the arsenic MCL at 0.01 mg/L (10 ug/L) in January
2002. In order to clarify the implementation of the  ori-
ginal rule, U.S. EPA revised the rule text on March  25,
2003 to express  the MCL as 0.010 mg/L  (U.S. EPA,
2003). The final rule requires  all  community and non-
transient,  non-community (NTNC)  water  systems  to
achieve compliance with the rule by January 23, 2006.

1.3  Arsenic Speciation

Arsenic is a  common,  naturally occurring contaminant
that originates from arsenic-bearing rocks and soils. It is
transported to natural waters through erosion and dis-
solution and exists primarily in  inorganic form. Common
sources of contamination include the erosion of  natural
deposits, pesticide runoff from orchards, and runoff from
glass and electronics production wastes. Inorganic arse-
nic is the form of arsenic most  likely to cause regulatory

The species  and  valence state  of  inorganic arsenic
depend on the oxidation-reduction conditions and pH of
water.  In general,  arsenite, the reduced, trivalent form
[As(lll)], is found  in groundwater  (assuming anaerobic
conditions); and arsenate, the oxidized, pentavalent form
[As(V)], is found  in surface water  (assuming  aerobic
conditions). This rule, however, does not always hold
true for groundwater.  Some groundwaters  have been
found to contain only As(lll), others with only As(V), and
still others with  a combination of both As(lll) and As(V).
Arsenate exists in four forms  in  aqueous  solution,
depending  on  pH: H3AsO4,  H2AsO4~,   HAsO42~,  and
AsO43~.  Similarly,  arsenite exits in five forms: H4AsO3+,
HaAsOs, H2As(V,  HAsO32~ and  AsO33".

Until recently, studies on the  preservation  of arsenic
species concluded that  no effective methods exist  to
preserve As(lll) and As(V) in water samples.  Because of
the lack of a good preservation method, field separation
methods developed by  Ficklin (1982),  Clifford  et  al.

(1983),  and Edwards et al. (1998), and  modified  by
Battelle (U.S. EPA, 2000) have been used to separate
As(lll)  from As(V). All of  the  methods use an  anion
exchange resin column and  have  been found  to  be
effective for speciating.  Their use  is recommended to
determine the  oxidation  state of arsenic in the source
water to be treated. The speciation of arsenic is impor-
tant because As(V) is more effectively removed by iron
removal  processes than As(lll);  therefore,  if source
water contains  predominantly As(lll), a strong oxidant
must be added to convert As(lll) to As(V) for more effec-
tive removal.

1.4   Arsenic Removal Options

Arsenic concentrations in  surface  water supplies nor-
mally are  less than the finalized U.S. EPA MCL of
0.010 mg/L. However, groundwater supplies often have
arsenic concentrations that are higher than the MCL due
either to the exposure of water to arsenic-bearing geo-
logic materials, or  to contamination by arsenic-bearing
water.  Because of the  revision of the MCL,  a large
number of utilities  that  previously  have been in com-
pliance will need to  install  new and/or modify existing
arsenic removal systems to meet the new MCL.  Many
treatment options exist for the  removal of arsenic from
surface and groundwaters. They include coagulation/fil-
tration using iron or aluminum  salts; lime softening; ion
exchange;  adsorptive   media;  membrane  processes
(such as reverse osmosis [RO]  and nanofiltration [NF]);
electrodialysis  reversal (EDR); and iron removal (U.S.
EPA, 2000).

This design manual focuses on the removal of excess
arsenic from source water using iron removal processes.
The concepts and principles outlined in the manual  can
be  adapted to  several different types  of iron removal
treatment options:
1.   Chemical oxidation followed by media filtration.
2.   Solid oxidizing media filtration.
3.   Manganese greensand filtration.

The variation  among the  different treatment options
depend on site and water quality factors.

Two other processes that  are particularly cost-effective
for  treatment of groundwater include ion exchange and
adsorptive media; a design manual for each process has
been published by U.S. EPA (Rubel, 2003a and 2003b).

Other  non-treatment lower-cost  options also exist for
reducing the arsenic level in a water supply. One option
is to locate an alternate water source within the service
area that complies with the arsenic MCL, as it may be
feasible to  blend the two sources and  achieve a com-
bined water quality that complies with the arsenic MCL.

A second option (which includes an element of risk) is to
drill a  new well (or wells)  within  the service  area. This
approach should be attempted only when there is sound
reason to believe that a sufficient quantity of acceptable
water can be located. The costs  (both capital and oper-
ating) of a new well should not exceed the costs of treat-
ing  the existing source.

A third option is to pump water of good  quality to the
service area  from  another service area. This imported
source either can be used alone  or can be blended with
the original source to achieve a combined water quality
that meets the MCL. However, the costs  of installing  a
delivery system and delivering the water become increas-
ingly unfavorable as  the distance increases,  the rise in
elevation increases,  and/or the  physical  barrier exists.
Factors to be considered are the  reliability, the cost, and
the assurance that the consumers will  only  use the
imported/blended source.

              2.0 Arsenic Removal  by Iron  Removal Treatment Methods
 2.1   Introduction

 This chapter provides an overview of the design consid-
 erations that are applicable to arsenic removal by use of
 iron  removal  treatment methods.  Iron-based treatment
 technology options  include chemical coagulation/filtra-
 tion  with iron salts,  adsorptive media (iron-based prod-
 ucts), and iron removal by oxidation and filtration (Gupta
 and  Chen, 1978; Edwards, 1994; McNeil! and Edwards,
 1995; Scott etal.,  1995; Holm, 1996; Heringetal.,  1996;
 McNeill and Edwards, 1997; Chen et al., 2002).  These
 processes are particularly effective at removing arsenic
 from aqueous systems because iron surfaces have a
 strong affinity to adsorb arsenic.  The adsorption and co-
 precipitation of As(lll) and As(V) on iron oxide surfaces
 have been investigated extensively (Manceau,   1995;
 Waychunas et al., 1996; Sun and Doner, 1998; Jain  et
 al., 1999). Research also has shown that As(V) is more
 effectively  removed by  iron removal  processes than
 As(lll)  (Edwards, 1994;  Hering et al., 1996; Leist et al.,
 2000; Chen etal.,  2002).

 Many arsenic-containing groundwaters also may contain
 significant levels of iron and manganese due to natural
 geochemistry.  Like arsenic, iron  exists in two primary
 valence states: Fe(ll) (ferrous  iron) and Fe(lll)  (ferric
 iron). Manganese has many valence states: Mn(ll),
 Mn(lll), Mn(IV), Mn(VI), and Mn(VII). The reduced forms
 of both elements (i.e.,  Fe(ll) and  Mn(ll) [manganous
 manganese]) are soluble. When oxidized, both elements
 are converted to insoluble forms  and can cause serious
 aesthetic problems in drinking water. Because  of these
 potential  problems,  secondary  maximum contaminant
 levels (SMCLs) were established  by U.S. EPA (1979) for
 iron (0.3 mg/L) and manganese (0.05 mg/L). Removing
 iron and manganese levels to below their SMCLs  elimi-
 nates many of the taste, odor, and color problems caused
 by high concentrations.

 Iron and manganese can be removed from source water
 by several technologies. The traditional  removal method
for both elements involves a two-step process: (1) oxida-
tion of the soluble Fe and Mn forms to the common insol-
uble forms of Fe(OH)3(S) and MnO2(S) and, (2) filtration of
 these formed precipitates. Figure 2-1 shows a schematic
 of conventional iron removal by aeration.
 FIGURE 2-1. Conventional Iron Removal by Aeration

 Note that, although manganese has  properties similar
 to iron,  it  does not have  a  high  capacity for  arsenic
 removal. Thus,  the amount of arsenic removed  by pro-
 cesses  designed to remove  both iron and manganese
 depends primarily on the iron removed. Therefore, this
 manual  has been devoted to iron removal processes.

 Arsenic  in  source  waters can be  removed by taking
 advantage of the arsenic adsorptive capacity of natural
 iron particles formed following the oxidation of Fe(ll) to
 Fe(lll). Arsenic removal is achieved  through two primary
 mechanisms: adsorption, which involves the attachment
 of arsenic to the surface  of Fe(lll) particles; and co-
 precipitation, which involves  the entrapment of arsenic
within growing Fe(lll) particles by inclusion, occlusion, or
adsorption (Benefield and  Morgan,  1990; Chen et al.,
2002). In essence, iron  removal processes also can act
as effective arsenic removal processes.

The capacity of a given iron removal process to remove
arsenic and the potential to meet the new arsenic MCL
depends largely on the amount of  arsenic and  natural
iron in  the  source water. Sorg  (2002) proposed an
arsenic  treatment selection  strategy screening  guide,

which is derived from the prediction that source waters
having an iron to arsenic ratio of 20:1 are potential can-
didates for arsenic removal to below the MCL by remov-
ing the iron (U.S. EPA, 2001 and 2002). Converting this
ratio into  a  removal  guide  indicates that  1 mg/L iron
should be capable of removing 50  ng/L arsenic under
optimum  adsorptive and process operational conditions
(Figure 2-2).

The actual capacity to remove arsenic  via iron removal
depends  on several  factors, including water chemistry,
operating considerations, and the sequence of treatment
processes. Studies  have  shown that  the sorption  of
arsenic onto iron solids is  affected by many factors,
including  the  amount and form  of As(lll) and  As(V)
present; pH; water chemistry; amount and  form of iron
present;  and  the existence of  competing ions,  such
as phosphate,   silicate, and  natural  organic  matter
(Andreae, 1979;  Azcue and Nriagu,  1993;  Edwards,
1994; Al-Juaid et al., 1994;  Borho and  Wilderer,  1996;
Chen et al., 2002).  Redox relationships between  arse-
nic, iron,  and oxidants are particularly important to con-
sider when optimizing the removal of arsenic via an iron
removal process.

Several variations on traditional iron   removal  oxida-
tion/filtration technology for groundwater exist; the  basic
process includes oxidation, contact  time (optional), and
filtration. The most common oxidants used  for iron pre-
cipitation are oxygen, chlorine, and  potassium perman-
ganate; however, aeration is not an effective method for
oxidizing  arsenic (Frank and Clifford, 1986; Lowry and
Lowry, 2002).  To  achieve arsenic removal by iron
                                removal, the use of a strong chemical oxidant is required.
                                The oxidation step is usually followed by detention (con-
                                tact time) and filtration.

                                Filtration options  consist of sand (only),  anthracite  and
                                sand (dual media), manganese greensand, and various
                                synthetic  filtration media. The manganese greensand
                                media is a special media that removes iron and manga-
                                nese by combination of oxidation, adsorption, and filtra-
                                tion all within the media  itself. Oxidation and  filtration
                                processes as well as the significance of contact time and
                                jar/pilot testing  will be discussed  in more detail in  Sec-
                                tions 2.2 through 2.5.

                                2.2  Oxidation

                                When oxidizing iron and  arsenic to optimize removal,
                                one must consider (1) the addition  of a strong  oxidant,
                                and (2) the point of chemical oxidant addition.

                                In general, arsenic in groundwater containing both arse-
                                nic and iron will exist in the reduced  form, As(lll). To opti-
                                mize arsenic removal, neutrally charged As(lll) needs to
                                be oxidized to As(V). As(V) exists as  a negatively charged
                                ion and can  be adsorbed onto positively charged  sur-
                                faces of ferric hydroxide particles.  Consequently, if the
                                arsenic in the source  water is  predominately As(lll),
                                oxidizing As(lll) to As(V) using a  strong oxidant will
                                result in a higher rate of arsenic  removal by an  iron
                                removal process.  Figure 2-3 shows the recommended
                                sequence of steps for removing As(lll) via iron  removal
                                using a strong chemical oxidant.
45 -

40 -

35 -

30 -
O  25 -
8>  20 -

   15 -


                           Media Adsorption
                           Iron Coag/Filt
                           Ion Exchange
                           Iron Removal(M)
                                            Modified Iron Removal Process
                             Iron Removal Process
                       (Optimized for Maximium As Removal)
                                                                                 • As MCL
                                                   0.5   0.6

                                               Iron - mg/L
0.7   0.8    0.9   1.0 or above
FIGURE 2-2. Arsenic Treatment Selection Strategy Guide (function of initial As and Fe content of water)
             (Sorg, 2002)

                          Oxidant injection
                                             Contact basin
 FIGURE 2-3.  Recommended Steps for Arsenic(lll) Removal Using an Iron Removal Process
 2.2.7  Chemical Oxidants

 As(lll) can be easily converted to As(V) using chemical
 oxidants such  as chlorine, potassium  permanganate,
 and ozone, which are known to improve arsenic removal
 (Ghurye and Clifford,  2001 and 2004).  The dosage of
 oxidants will depend on the concentrations of other sub-
 stances in the source water, such as  iron, manganese,
 sulfide, and dissolved organic matter. Oxidants that do
 not effectively convert As(lll) to As(V)  include  oxygen
 (i.e., aeration), chlorine dioxide, and chloramine.

 The effectiveness of various chemical oxidants for iron,
 manganese,  and arsenic  is shown in Table 2-1. The
 table  lists the effectiveness of these oxidants for manga-
 nese  because the oxidation option selected for arsenic
 removal may be determined by the need to oxidize both
 iron and manganese.

 The stoichiometric amount of oxidant  necessary to oxi-
 dize As(lll), Fe(ll), and Mn(ll) is  important when approx-
 imating chemical feed  dosage  in iron/arsenic removal
 systems. It is important not to under-dose on the oxidant
 because under-dosing can result in incomplete oxidation
 of As(lll). Table 2-2 presents the stoichiometric relation-
 ships  between relevant oxidants and  Fe(ll), Mn(ll) and
As(lll). Note that the oxidant demand of Fe(ll) and Mn(ll)
dominates relative to that of arsenic. Other water quality
constituents also may have an oxidant demand  (e.g.,
ammonia, dissolved organic matter). Thus, when deter-
mining the oxidant dose, the total oxidant demand of the
source water must be determined.

The point of chemical oxidant addition also is critical
in  achieving  optimal arsenic removal.  Research has
shown that pre-formed iron particles have less capacity
to  remove As(V) than  iron particles that are formed in
the presence of As(V).  Edwards (1994) reported that
 pre-formed  iron hydroxides only reached a  maximum
 adsorption density  of  0.1  M As(V)/M hydroxide  solid,
 compared to a  maximum  adsorption density of 0.5 to
 0.6 M As(V)/M  for iron hydroxides formed in the pres-
 ence of As(V). The differences  in adsorption densities
 were attributed to different adsorption mechanisms: strict
 surface adsorption of As(V) onto pre-formed iron hydrox-
 ides versus adsorption/co-precipitation with iron hydrox-
 ides formed in the presence of As(V).

 Hering et al. (1996) examined the water quality factors
 that affect arsenic removal during iron coagulation and
 adsorption to pre-formed  hydrous ferric oxides.  Based
 on experimental results and surface complexation mod-
 eling, the authors  demonstrated that, although  it is an
 important mechanism, adsorption is not the only mecha-
 nism controlling  arsenic  removal during coagulation.
 Similar results were  found at an  iron removal treatment
 plant that used aeration to oxidize iron, followed by chlo-
 rination or potassium permanganate  to oxidize As(lll);
 this  was  another  situation  where iron particles  were
 formed  prior to  arsenic oxidation. Lytle  and Snoeyink
 (2003) observed that arsenic removal would be  lower
 during this sequence of treatment steps, as opposed to
 the preferred process of oxidizing both Fe(ll)  and As(lll)
 at the same time. Consequently,  oxidation of iron and
 arsenic should occur at  the same time to achieve
 optimal arsenic removal.   Chlorine

 Chlorine has long  been  used  as  the  disinfectant  of
 choice for most drinking water supplies. The oxidizing
 power of chlorine is not only effective with iron, but also
with  many other contaminants found  in raw water, both
organic and  inorganic. Chlorine also effectively oxidizes
As(lll), Fe(ll) and Mn(ll). The simple oxidation reactions
between chlorine and arsenic, iron, and manganese are
as follows:

TABLE 2-1.  Relative Effectiveness of Various Oxidants
Oxygen (aeration)
Chlorine dioxide
Potassium permanganate
Iron (Fe)
Not effective
Manganese (Win)
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Not effective
Not effective
Not effective
Not effective
TABLE 2-2. Stoichiometry of Various Chemical Oxidants
     Iron (Fe)
(mg oxidant/mg Fe)
 Manganese (Mn)
(mg oxidant/mg Mn)
oxidant/ug As[lll])
Chlorine (CI2)
Chloramine (NH2CI)
Ozone (O3)
Chlorine dioxide (CIO2)
1 -electron transfer
5-electron transfer
Potassium permanganate (KMn04)



     NaOCI + H3AsO3 ^ H2AsO4" + Na+ + CI" + H+

    HOCI + 5H2O + 2Fe2+ - 2Fe(OH)3 (s)+ CI" + 5H+

      HOCI + H2O + Mn2+ - MnO2 (s) + Cf + 3H+

Oxidation of As(lll),  Fe(ll), and Mn(ll) by chlorine occurs
fairly rapidly  in pH ranges of 6.5-8.0. To  determine the
dosage of chlorine,  0.64  mg/L  of chlorine (as  CI2) is
needed to  oxidize 1.0 mg/L of iron.  However,  because
other materials in the source water may have a chlorine
demand, this dose rate may need to be increased.  For
example, water with manganese requires  1.29 mg/L of
chlorine (as  CI2) to oxidize 1.0 mg/L of  manganese.
Arsenic typically is present at microgram levels, so negli-
gible amounts of additional oxidant  are  required.  It is
common practice to use the stoichiometric value  plus
10% when  establishing initial dosages.

In recent years, the use of chlorine gas has come under
increased  scrutiny  for safety reasons; sodium hypo-
chlorite and calcium  hypochlorite are  two common alter-
natives, especially in smaller plants.

Chlorine gas is delivered by tanker cars (either truck or
rail) for very large plants; 2,000-lb containers are used
by most cities. For smaller  plants, 150-lb cylinders are
more typical.  The gas is drawn  by  a  vacuum  into the
water,  and the resulting solution  is injected into the  raw
water stream to oxidize iron. Typically, this oxidation step
takes place in 10 to 15 seconds (Sommerfeld, 1999).
                Note that the use of chlorine gas requires the ability to
                isolate chlorine leaks. At treatment plants, this normally
                involves the use of specially modified rooms with appro-
                priate safety gear,  ventilation systems,  and, in some
                cases, gas scrubbers.

                Sodium hypochlorite is delivered in bulk by tankers or in
                smaller quantities such as carboys and 5-gallon cartons.
                It is pumped directly into the raw water stream to oxidize
                soluble iron. One of the other results of adding  sodium
                hypochlorite to hard water  is the formation of caustic
                soda that tends to soften the water and precipitate cal-
                cium  and  magnesium. These precipitates can  harden
                onto pipe walls and eventually restrict pipe flow if  not
                maintained. Careful consideration to the point of applica-
                tion must be given for maintenance reasons. Shelf life is
                diminished  at higher temperature readings  and when
                exposed to  sunlight.  Control of off-gassing  is another
                design issue.

                Calcium hypochlorite is provided in a dry form and is typ-
                ically used in low-flow applications. It can  be provided in
                tablet form  for use in automatic feed equipment or in a
                dry powder. Degradation occurs over time. It is the most
                expensive of the three forms of chlorine and can lead to
                scale formation in hard waters.

         Potassium Permanganate

                Potassium  permanganate (KMnO4) is a strong chemical
                oxidant. When dissolved in water,  it imparts a pink to
                purple color depending on the concentration. Potassium

 permanganate is similar to chlorine in being able to oxi-
 dize Fe(ll),  Mn(ll), and As(lll). The  chemical  also has
 been used for taste and odor control.

 The most common  application  of potassium  perman-
 ganate in water treatment is as an oxidant for iron and
 manganese. A byproduct of this oxidation step  is insolu-
 ble manganese dioxide.  Potassium permanganate can
 be used in combination with either gravity filters or pres-
 sure filters. The most popular  type  of  pressure filter
 media used is manganese greensand.

 Potassium permanganate also is effective at  oxidizing
 As(lll)  to As(V), which then readily adsorbs to iron parti-
 cles (not manganese dioxide  particles) in water; these
 iron particles are of a size that can be filtered for removal.
 Therefore, filtration must follow oxidation  to remove the
 insoluble iron and manganese particles.

 The simple oxidation reactions between potassium per-
 manganate  and arsenic, iron, and manganese are as

 2KMnO4 + 3H3AsO3 = 3H2AsO4~ + 2MnO2(s) + H2O + 3H*

 KMnO4 + 7H2O + 3Fe2+ = 3Fe(OH)3(s)+ MnO2(S) + 5H+ + K+
    2KMnO4 + 2H20 + 3Mn2+ = 5MnO2(s) +4H+ + 2K+

 Potassium permanganate normally is purchased as dry
 solid crystals in  bulk or in  drum containers. The chemical
 is mixed with water and the solution  is pumped directly
 into a  raw water line. The maximum  solubility of potas-
 sium permanganate is about 6.5% at 20°C. After the dry
 crystals are added to the water,  the solution should be
 mixed  for at least 15 minutes with a mechanical agitator.
 Continuous mixing is recommended.  Ozone
 Ozone (O3)  has been  shown to  effectively oxidize iron
 and manganese at the same time removing arsenic and
 other metals to below detection  limits. An ozone gen-
 erator  can be used to  make ozone, which can then be
 dispensed into a water stream  to convert Fe(ll) to Fe(lll)
 and As(lll) to As(V). It is also a potential disinfectant, but
 unlike chlorine, ozone does not impart a lasting residual
 to treated water. Research has shown that the effective-
 ness of ozonation  can be significantly affected by the
 presence  of organic matter  and sulfide  (S2~)  (Ghurye
 and Clifford, 2001 and 2004). The simple oxidation reac-
tions between ozone and arsenic, iron, and manganese
are as follows:

    O3 + H3AsO3 = H2AsO4" +  O2 + H+ (@ pH 6.5);

    O3 + H3AsO3 = HAsO42" + O2 + 2H+ (@ pH  8.5)
      O3 + 5H2O + 2Fe+2 = 2Fe(OH)3(s)+ O2 + 4H+
         O3 + H2O + Mn2+ = MnO2(s) +2H+ + O2

 2.2.2  Solid Oxidizing Media

 Current studies indicate that some solid oxidizing media,
 such as Filox-R and Pyrolox, will oxidize As(lll) to As(V)
 (Ghurye and Clifford, 2001 and 2004;  Lowry et al., 2005).
 Although both media have  been used primarily for filtra-
 tion, Filox-R has been used to oxidize As(lll) as a pre-
 treatment step  before  anion exchange treatment for
 As(V) removal (Lowry et al., 2005). However, stand-alone
 solid oxidizing treatment is better suited for small treat-
 ment plants with low iron concentrations. The removal
 capacity of solid oxidizing media depends largely on the
 type of media used and  the dissolved oxygen concentra-
 tion  and sulfide levels in  the source water. A more
 detailed discussion  on solid oxidizing media is provided
 in Section 2.4.2.

 2.3   Contact Time

 Strong chemical oxidants oxidize  As(lll) and Fe(ll)  very
 rapidly (AWWARF, 1990; Ghurye  and Clifford, 2001 and
 2004), thus  contact time generally is  not a critical factor
 for optimizing arsenic removal. Lytle and Snoeyink (2004)
 report  that  a  majority  of arsenic is  incorporated  into
 Fe(lll) particles during the first several minutes following
 oxidant addition. Relatively small  amounts of additional
 arsenic adsorption/removal may occur with extended  con-
 tact time. Extended contact time may provide some  ben-
 efit to particle development and filterability, and should be
 considered particularly when anticipated arsenic removal
 is not achieved.  Cost savings can be achieved by elimi-
 nating the need for contact basins. Also, a detention/set-
 tling  tank can help  reduce the filter  load and increase
 filter performance and run time.

 2.4   Filtration

 After the oxidation step (with or without a detention or
 settling tank), the source water is  filtered through a  filter
 media in either a pressure vessel or a gravity filter to
 remove the  iron/arsenic solids  formed in the water.  A
 typical layout for pressure vessels is shown in Figure 2-4.

 The  filtration media  in  these  systems may consist of
 sand, sand and  coal anthracite (dual media),  or  propri-
etary/patented products, such as Pyrolox, Filox-R, Birm,
and manganese greensand. Table  2-3 provides the costs
and  physical properties of several commercially avail-
able  iron removal media. Effective removal of iron parti-
cles  is critical to good arsenic removal because all  iron
 particles in the filter effluent  contain (adsorbed) arsenic.

Some media, such as manganese greensand, have the
ability to both oxidize and filter iron and  manganese
effectively and at the same time. Manganese greensand,
pyrolusite, Birm,  or any media coated with  manganese
dioxide has the capacity to oxidize iron and  manganese
and  filter the  insoluble  precipitates  with  the filter  bed.
These media also have some, but limited,  capacity for
As(lll) oxidation and arsenic adsorption.

2.4.1  Anthracite/Sand

Anthracite and sand usually are used in gravity filters to
remove  particles. A coarse anthracite bed in  the  size
range of  0.80-1.20 mm generally  will  capture  ferric
hydroxide  solids.  Anthracite is generally  used  in a 12-
18 inch depth followed by 12-18 inches of sand  ranging
from 0.45-0.55 mm. Sand alone may  be used without
the anthracite  cap, but terminal head loss may develop
sooner, requiring more frequent backwashing.

Iron and arsenic leakage or breakthrough of  the filter can
be caused by a number of factors, including:

•   Inadequate oxidation that may allow soluble Fe,
    As(lll), and As(V),  to pass through the filter

•   Improper backwashing that does not adequately
    remove the captured solids containing iron and
    arsenic, causing them to be "pushed" through
    the filter when it is put back into service;

•   Waiting too long to backwash a filter, which can
    cause iron and arsenic particles to leak through
    the filter as the bed becomes packed with these
    particles; and

•   Operating  a filter at high loading rates  or
    excessive  pressure across the filter.

Properly trained operators can control these factors with
regular cleaning  and maintenance. Cleaning of the filter
media is accomplished through a water backwash. The
need for backwashing a gravity filter is usually prompted
by one of three factors:

•   Head loss up to 8-10 ft due to a "dirty" filter.

•   Turbidity breakthrough or other deterioration of
    the effluent quality.

•   Filter run time exceeding a predetermined limit,
    often set at 80-120 hours.
Fluidization of the bed is accomplished by an upward
flow of  water through the media  of sufficient velocity
to suspend the grains in  water. This flowrate generally
begins at 4-6  gpm/ft2 and  proceeds up to 15 gpm/ft2. The
resulting collision of particles and scrubbing action loos-
ens the  trapped precipitates, and the carrying velocity of
the water removes the  particles  to a waste  stream.
Expansion of the filter media varies according  to media
particle  size,  specific gravity, and uniformity coefficient.
For example, a rate that expands the  sand media  30-
35% may expand the anthracite 50%. Actual backwash-
ing rates should be determined for the type of media
used. If pressure vessels are used, adequate freeboard
within the filtration  vessels  must be designed so that
media is not carried out to waste.

For pressure filters, dual media filtration rates are typ-
ically in  the range of 3 to 5 gpm/ft2.  Filter run times may
be affected by the type of media, filtration rate, and the
levels of  iron being  removed.  Some treatment units
operating at a high filtration rate (>4 gpm/ft2) and remov-
ing high concentrations of iron (3-10 mg/L) may require
backwashing  daily. Other filters with lower levels of iron
being removed and  lower filtration rates may not need to
be backwashed for several days. In those cases, good
operation  generally initiates a  backwash  between  80-
120 hours of operation  to  prevent potential  bacteria
growth in the  filter bed.

2.4.2  Solid Oxidizing Filtration Media

Two media that are gaining  wider acceptance  for filtra-
tion  use in iron and manganese removal are  pyrolusite
and  Birm. Pyrolusite is manganese dioxide in a granular
form that can be used within a pressure vessel for filtra-
tion. Birm, on the other hand, is a manufactured material
that  begins with a base material coated with manganese

Both types of media oxidize iron  on the media surface
and trap ferric hydroxide particles in the filter bed. Some
As(V) can  be adsorbed  to the ferric  hydroxide solids,
which then are backwashed  out of the  filter. The use of
oxidizing media should be  considered only as a pre-
treatment step to remove iron  solids and convert As(lll)
to As(V).  As such, it is  recommended that processes
such as adsorptive media or ion exchange  resins  be
used as a polishing  step to remove As(V).    Pyrolusite
Pyrolusite is  the common name for naturally  occurring
manganese dioxide and is available in the United States,
United Kingdom, South America, and Australia. It is dis-
tributed under brand  names such as  Pyrolox, Filox-R,

                                                               AIR RELEASE
                                                                       SOURCE WATER
                              DRAIN FOR AIR
                              WASH (IF  USED)
                                  AIR SUPPLY
FIGURE 2-4.  Typical Layout of Pressure Vessels Used for Filtration

TABLE 2-3. Characteristics of Filter Media for Iron Removal'3'
Silica sand
Light brown
Taupe, brown to
Dark brown
3 0-5.0
3 5-5.0
Effective Size
0 30-0.35
0 45-0.55
0 25-0 35
1 3
<1 65
1 1-1 2
1 7
1 5-2 0 oz (by
weight) of
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
1 5-2.0oz(by
weight) of
KMn04 per ft3
6.2-8 5
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Backwash Bed
(% of bed
Note: Information compiled as of January 2004
(a)   Some media are available in various mesh sizes Contact vendors for more information
(b)   Costs may vary with the order size

 and MetalEase. It is a mined ore consisting of 40 to 85%
 manganese dioxide by weight. The various configurations
 of pyrolusite provide extensive surface sites available for
 oxidation of soluble iron and manganese. Removal rates
 of iron in excess of 20 mg/L are achievable.

 Pyrolusite is a coarse oxidizing media available in 8 to
 20 mesh with a high specific gravity of about  4.0. Like
 silica sand,  pyrolusite is a hard media with small attrition
 rates of 2-3% per year.  Pyrolusite may be used in the
 following two ways: (1) Mixing with sand, typically at 10-
 50% by volume, to combine a filtering media with the
 oxidizing properties of  pyrolusite; (2) Installing 100%
 pyrolusite in a suitably graded filter to provide  oxidation
 and filtration.  Maximum hydraulic loading  rates  of 3-
 5 gpm/ft2 should be the  basis of design  for a  pressure
 vessel. No chemical regeneration is required.

 Backwash is critical for proper operation.  Attrition during
 backwash can be a benefit as it exposes more surface
 sites for oxidation of soluble iron and manganese. The
 density of pyrolusite is in the range of 120 Ib/ft3,  requiring
 a backwash rate of 25-30 gpm/ft2 to fluidize  the  bed,
 scrub the media, and  redistribute the media throughout
 the bed. Air scour and backwashing are recommended
 in simultaneous mode. If water backwash alone is used,
 air scour prior to backwash is recommended with a
 water backwash designed for 30 gpm/ft2  in  order to flu-
 idize the bed at least 30%. If a gravel support over the
 underdrain  is used, a gravel retaining screen should be
 included in  the design. The manufacturer recommends
 daily backwashing to maintain the effectiveness of the
 media for oxidizing and removing iron.   Birm

 Birm is an  acronym that stands for the "Burgess  Iron
 Removal Method" and is a proprietary product manu-
 factured by  the Clack Corporation in Wisconsin. Typical
 applications have been point-of-use treatment, but it has
 been used  in municipal treatment plants. Birm has the
 capacity to  oxidize iron,  but  is not very  effective  at
 oxidizing As(lll) to As(V).

 Birm is produced  by impregnating manganous salts to
 near saturation  on aluminum  silicate sand,  a base
 material. The manganous ions then are oxidized to a
 solid form of manganese oxide with potassium  perman-
 ganate. This process is similar to that used to manufac-
ture  manganese greensand. The  manufacturer indicates
that  the presence of dissolved oxygen  is necessary for
 Birm to function as an oxidizing media for iron oxidation.

 Birm is available in a 10 * 40 mesh with an effective  size
of 0.48 mm and a specific gravity of 2.0. To be effective,
it must  be  used in water with a pH range  of 6.8-9.0.
 Alkalinity should be greater than two times the combined
 sulfate and  chloride concentration.  Injection of com-
 pressed air ahead of the media to maintain a dissolved
 oxygen content of at least  15% of the iron content may
 be required, especially for source water with iron at con-
 centrations of 3 mg/L or greater.  The dissolved oxygen
 oxidizes iron with Birm media serving as a catalyst that
 enhances the  reaction  between  dissolved oxygen and
 dissolved iron  and  manganese  in the  water. Further,
 formed ferric hydroxide attracts oxidized arsenic, which
 then is captured in the filter bed.

 Filter loading rates should be between  3.5-5.0 gpm/ft2
 with a bed depth of 30-36 inches.  Birm is not suitable for
 use with water containing  hydrogen sulfide or organic
 matter exceeding 4-5 mg/L. Chlorination  greatly reduces
 Birm's  effectiveness  and  at  high concentrations can
 deplete the catalytic coating. Polyphosphates can  coat
 the  media, thus  reducing its  effectiveness  for  iron
 removal.  Manufacturer  information  is  available  at

 No chemical addition or regeneration  is required for
 Birm. Backwash rates should be controlled in  the range
 of 10-12 gpm/ft2 in order to achieve suitable bed expan-
 sion of approximately 30% for cleaning.  An excessively
 high backwashing  rate and air scour  should be avoided
 to minimize attrition  loss.  Underdrains  may  include a
 gravel support  bed or may be of the gravel-less type.
 Figures 2-5 and 2-6 provide information  for normal ser-
 vice pressure drops and backwash bed expansion char-
 acteristics for Birm and manganese greensand.

 2.4.3  Manganese Greensand

 Another media  that converts soluble forms of iron and
 manganese to insoluble forms that can then be filtered is
 manganese greensand.  Manganese greensand  has
 been  used  in North America for several decades and is
 formed from processed glauconite sand.  The glauconite
 is synthetically  coated with a  thin layer of manganese
 dioxide, which gives the dark sand a definite green color
 and thus its name. There is only one North American
 manufacturer of manganese greensand and it is located
 in New Jersey. Limitations for manganese greensand
 include a maximum limit of 5 mg/L of hydrogen sulfide
 removal and  15 mg/L for iron removal;  also, water pH
 should be in the range of 6.2-8.5 (Zabel, 1991).

The  combination  of  a strong  oxidant and manganese
greensand filtration media for iron removal is commonly
 referred to as  the  "Manganese  Greensand Process."
 Either potassium permanganate or chlorine can be used
to effectively regenerate  manganese greensand  filters.
However, if chlorine is used alone, it  may be necessary
to periodically  regenerate  the  manganese greensand

                                    SERVICE  FLOW PRESSURE  DROP
                                            SHOWING GREENSAND  & BIRM
            CO uj
            Ul CK
            o: s
                                                                  89 10
                                                                                      20   25
                                                   FLOW RATE
                                     (GALLONS PER M/Nl/TE / SQUARE TOOT OF BED AREA)

FIGURE 2-5.  Service Flow Pressure Drop through Greensand and Birm Media
             (Source: Hungerford & Terry, Inc. and Clack Corporation)
using potassium permanganate by a batch process in
order to maintain optimum effectiveness of the media.
Prechlorination is often recommended if iron levels  are
significantly greater than 1 mg/L in order to reduce  the
need for the more expensive potassium permanganate.

Continuous regeneration of greensand with a strong ox\-
dant serves two purposes: (1) it reactivates the manga-
nese dioxide on the greensand and (2) it oxidizes  Fe(ll)
and As(lll). This allows the newly formed As(V) and any
residual As(V) to adsorb to the ferric hydroxide particles,
which then are captured in  the filter bed. Potassium
permanganate should be fed in the piping far enough
ahead of the filter to allow mixing and contact for several
                                   seconds before entering the filter. Figures 2-7 and 2-8
                                   illustrate continuous versus batch regeneration.

                                   Manganese greensand is somewhat smaller than typical
                                   filter sand, with an effective size of 0.30-0.35 mm and a
                                   specific gravity of about 2.4. The density of greensand at
                                   85 Ib/ft3 is considerably lower than pyrolusite, but greater
                                   than  Birm.  A vigorous backwash with  air scouring  is
                                   recommended. Backwash rates typically are in the range
                                   of 10-12 gpm/ft2 and should be preceded by an air scour
                                   of the media  to attain at least 30% bed expansion. A
                                   gravel support bed  with  a gravel  retaining screen  is
                                   recommended over the underdrain system.


                 2 5i  30X

   Z  20X
V  "
o  £
•<  OL
                       I OX
                               BACKWASH  BED  EXPANSION
                                    SHOWING GREENSAND  & BIRM

                                                              60T    80T
                                                              (16'C;   (2TC)
                                             FLOW  RATE
                              (GALLONS PER MINUTE / SQUARE FOOT OF BED AREA;

FIGURE 2-6.  Backwash Bed Expansion Characteristics for Greensand and Birm
            (Source: Hungerford & Terry, Inc. and Clack Corporation)
FIGURE 2-7.  Manganese Greensand Process with
            Continuous Regeneration
                                FIGURE 2-8.  Manganese Greensand Process with
                                            Batch Regeneration (ineffective for
                                            As removal)

It is common to implement a dual media system for iron
and arsenic removal that consists of anthracite followed
by manganese greensand. Anthracite readily captures
most of the iron hydroxides containing As(V). The water
then passes through  the manganese greensand, which
oxidizes and precipitates any residual iron and manga-
nese. Similar  to conventional dual media  filters, it  is
common to have a 12-18 inch depth of anthracite (with a
size  range of  0.80-1.20 mm) followed  by at least 15-
24 inches of greensand.

Greensand can be used without an anthracite cap, but
filter runs may be shortened  significantly.  The  actual
depth of manganese  greensand will depend on the oxi-
dizing capacity desired of the media. As a  rule of thumb,
oxidizing capacity of 1 ft3 of manganese greensand media
for raw water  with 1  mg/L  of  iron is  exhausted after
10,000 gallons of throughput. Therefore, a filter with 3 ft3
of greensand filtering a raw water with 1 mg/L of iron
would need to  be backwashed after filtering 30,000 gal-
lons.  However, because the continuous  regeneration
system  is  recommended for removing arsenic, the oxi-
dizing function  of the greensand  is  not  critical to the

2.4.4  Other Media

A variety of filtration media are available for iron-removal
systems, and some companies have developed their own
proprietary filtration media. One example is the Macrolite
media used  by Kinetico of Newbury, OH.  Macrolite is a
patented ceramic, round-shaped  media with a diameter
of 0.215 mm. The media is marketed as having the abil-
ity to operate at a filtration rate of 10 gpm/ft2 to have an
indefinite service life. It is always good to research the
different types of filtration media and their  ability to meet
the treatment objectives.

2.5  Jar Testing/Pilot Plant Studies

Jar tests and  pilot plant  studies are important tools  in
drinking water  treatment design, process control, and
research.  In  the drinking  water field, jar tests often are
used as  a "bench-scale" simulation of full-scale water
treatment processes. Although more commonly associ-
ated with coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation of sur-
face waters, jar tests  can successfully  simulate iron,
manganese,  and arsenic removal. Jar tests are relatively
simple, low-cost, and can be completed in a short time
frame (Lytle, 1995). These procedures are highly recom-
mended as they can provide very valuable information  to
address arsenic removal efficiency, oxidant type, contact
time, filtration media removal efficiency, and other water
quality issues well before full-scale removal systems are
planned.  Small pilot studies may be  very  valuable  in
some cases to evaluate the filtration  system for iron

                         3.0 Central Water Treatment Plant Design
 3.1   Introduction

 When designing  a central water  treatment plant, the
 design engineer typically divides the project into three

 1.  General Plan - This is the conceptual design with
    basic design  information  and  is often  required for
    regulatory agency review.

 2.  Preliminary Design -  This  typically  includes the
    completion of 30% of system design drawings, which
    are used  to establish  a  cost  estimate and select
    potential major equipment suppliers.

 3.  Final Design - This is the completion of the contract
    documents, which are used to bid and construct the
    central treatment plant,  subject to regulatory agency
    review and approval.

 The concepts  and principles outlined in this chapter can
 be adapted to the design of several  different types of iron
 removal treatment systems including:

 1.  Chemical oxidation followed by media filtration.

 2.  Solid oxidizing media filtration, including pyrolusite,
    Birm,  and other  solid oxidizing  media  filtration

 3.  Manganese greensand filtration.

 3.2    General Plan

 The General  Plan is  prepared to  provide  background
 information on the project and outline specific issues that
 must  be  addressed in order to treat the  source water.
 The General Plan should summarize the basis of design
 for all  elements of the project and evaluate those against
any regulatory standards to make  sure that regulatory
compliance will be met. Key elements of the plan include
an analysis of the  source  water,  reliability of supply,
evaluation of the appropriate treatment process,  estab-
lishment of  design  data  in accordance with regulatory
requirements,  and conceptual layout.  Budget cost esti-
mates are derived  using  general guidelines with con-
servative  contingencies  provided for unknown  items,
which  may  be determined during  the preliminary  and
final design.

An analysis of the raw or source water is perhaps the
most  critical consideration during this phase of system
design. The data from  the  source  water analysis will
impact  all  aspects  of system  design, from treatment
selection to labor and materials costs. An example of the
different types of information required for a raw water
analysis is provided  in Figure 3-1.

Another major consideration at this phase is siting of the
central water treatment plant. The treatment facility should
be placed in such  a  location that expensive improve-
ments do not  need  to be made in  order  to convey the
water to the customers of the central water treatment
plant. In some cases, the existing well pumps may be
able to provide adequate flow and pressure through the
central treatment plant to customers. The  well pumps
also may need to be modified to allow for the additional
pressure required to pump the water through the treat-
ment  plant. Another option to consider is  the possibility
of providing storage  at the water treatment plant site and
re-pumping the finished water to the distribution system.
In this case, the well pumps may need to be modified to
reduce  the  pressure  being   discharged  to  the  water
treatment plant.

Other items  that need to be  determined in the General
Plan include the following:

•   Hours of operation and whether the facility will
    be automatically or manually operated. With
    manual operation,  personnel must be available
    or on site during operation of the water treat-
    ment plant. Automatic operation can save labor
    costs if designed properly.

Report of Water Analysis
Name and Address: Source of Water:
Sample Date:
Taken By:
Analysis *
Total Cations
Total Alkalinity (M)**
Phenolphthalein Alkalinity (P)**
Total Hardness**
Phosphate (PO4)
Silica (SiO2)
Free Carbon Dioxide
Hydrogen Sulfide
Iron (Fe) Unfiltered
Iron (Fe) Filtered
Turbidity (NTU)
Color (Units)
Total Arsenic
Soluble Arsenic
Particulate Arsenic
Arsenic (III)
Arsenic (V)
pH (Units)
Specific Conductance (micro-mhos)
Temperature (°C)








      * All units reported in mg/L except as noted.
      ** As CaCO3.
FIGURE 3-1. Example Report of Water Analysis

 •  Water storage facilities must be evaluated to
    balance the hours of operation against the sizing
    of the plant. In general, storage for an average
    day of use is desirable. This would theoretically
    provide complete turnover of the water and
    storage on a daily basis,  thus preserving quality
    and providing quantity in case of an emergency.

 •  Construction materials must comply with
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    (OSHA) standards, local  building codes, and
    health department requirements. Materials also
    must be suitable for the pH range of the water
    and be compatible with any pretreatment
    chemicals. Consideration for oxidants being
    used will determine the types of materials and
    ventilation system used in the treatment
    facilities.  Both drinking water chemicals and
    system components should comply with
    NSF/ANSI STD 60 and 61, respectively.

 •  Treatment system equipment should be pro-
    tected from ambient weather. It is recommended
    that the system be housed within a treatment
    building, although housing is not mandatory in
    some locations.

 •  The cost of wastewater disposal is a major
    consideration in the design of any central water
    treatment system. Wastewater resulting from
    backwash and regeneration of the treatment
    media can only be disposed of in a manner per-
    mitted by state and/or local regulatory agencies.
    Wastewater handling options should be carefully
    evaluated including performing a life-cycle
    analysis to determine the best options. Sepa-
    rate local and state regulatory reviews may be
    required for wastewater disposal. Quantifying
    the backwash waste and  determining the
    disposal requirements also should be outlined.

A General Plan report containing all  of this information
as well as a preliminary project estimate and schematic
drawings should be  submitted for review and  approval
by the  appropriate  authorities. This  document can be
used to establish funding requirements for the project. A
determination  of what  funding  is available  should be
made before the project is authorized for preliminary and
final design. If the preliminary estimate of project costs
exceeds the  available funds, adjustments should be
made to increase the funding or reduce the scope of the
project. Figure  3-2  illustrates the steps  of the project
development  process from project authorization through
final design.
 3.3  Preliminary Design

 Once funding is in place and the General Plan has been
 reviewed and approved by the  appropriate authorities,
 preliminary design can begin on the project.

 3.3.1  Manual or A utomatic Operation

 One of the first  decisions to  be made is whether the
 plant should  be manually or automatically operated. In a
 manual operation, the plant operator personally performs
 all  of  the operating  functions and  makes all  operat-
 ing decisions. The treatment  plant equipment does not
 accomplish any function independent of the operating per-
 sonnel. The equipment is simple and performs the basic
 functions that the operator implements. Manual  opera-
 tion includes the following:

 1.  Motors (pumps, chemical pumps, etc.) with  manual
    start/stop controls. Some motors have manual speed
    adjustment capability. Chemical pumps have manual
    speed and stroke length adjustment capability.

 2.  Valves with manual handle, lever, hand wheel,  or
    chain wheel operators.

 3.  Instrumentation sensors with indicators. Instrumen-
    tation is  installed  in-line when  operating data such
    as flowrates,  total flow, pressure, pH  and liquid lev-
    els are indicated.  Besides the pump operations and
    the chemical feed adjustments,  the  biggest single
    function performed by the operator is the backwash-
    ing of the filters.

 In the automatic operation of a treatment plant, computer
 controls will basically  control  the plant. Initial program-
 ming of  the  computer controls is  done by  an outside
 specialist who works with the treatment plant operator to
 program the plant. The equipment used by the operator
 during  the performance of treatment plant functions is
 the operator interface and the printer.

 Controls can  be used  for many other purposes to assist
 the operator in the proper  operation of the plant. These
 controls can automatically shut down equipment or notify
 the operator of high/low pressure; levels control of tanks
 (high or  low); problems with chemical  feed equipment
 that can  be automatically shut off; and other items  par-
ticular to each individual system.

The addition  of automatic controls increases the initial
cost of  the system, but the plant  will  require minimal
operator  attention (i.e.  decreases associated operation
costs).  For remote treatment  plants or where operator

                      Project Authorized

                        Specialty Requirements
                       Identify Critical Decisions
                       Preliminary Design

                      Geotechnical Services
                      Client Meetings
                      Basis of Design
                      Drafting of Existing Treatment
                      Design Sketches
                      Equipment Information
                      Hydraulic Profiles
                      Electrical/Mechanical Data
                      Operational Description
                      Estimate of Costs

                     Client Comments
                     Resolve Potential Regulatory Issues
                           Final Design

                    Detailed Drawings
                    Detailed Specifications
                    Quality Control Review
                    Agency Reviews
                    Client Reviews
                    Estimate of Cost
                    Final Contract Documents Completed
FIGURE 3-2.  Project Development Process

 availability is limited, automatic operation can be a great

 Automatic operation includes the following:

 1.  Motors for pumps, chemical pumps, air compressors,
    etc. are automatically turned on and off and may have
    speed adjustment controls.  Chemical  pumps  may
    have a manual stroke length adjustment but can be
    paced by the flow and on/off operation of the plant.

 2.  Valves with either  pneumatic/hydraulic  or electric
    operators are required  on the equipment. Valves
    require manual overrides during startup, power  fail-
    ure,  or compressed air  failure. Valves  should have
    opening and closing speed controls to prevent water
    hammer  during automatic operation, especially on
    pump systems.

 3.  Instrumentation may be electronic, pneumatic,  or a
    combination of both. The  instruments and  controls
    should always be capable of transmitting and receiv-
    ing electronic information to and from the computer
    system.  Backup  manual  instruments  are recom-
    mended to provide  verification of automatic instru-
    mentation.  Comprehensive  automatic  alarms   that
    notify operators and/or shutdown key components of
    the system are necessary and need to be incorpo-
    rated in the design.

 4.  Filter backwashing  also can be  accomplished  by
    automatic controls. However, systems can be modi-
    fied so that major operations will  not occur without
    operator initiation. For example, when a filter needs
    to be backwashed,  a  warning or  an alarm can be
    provided to notify the operator that a filter needs to
    be backwashed.  The operator then can  choose to
    continue to run the filter, take it offline, or backwash
    the filter. At that point,  the  operator would initiate
    backwashing  by  giving  the command  through  the
    computer system to do so.

 It is the  responsibility of an operator to calibrate  and
 check all components of the automatic operating equip-
 ment system on a routine basis.  Regular maintenance
 by the operator or a qualified instrumentation and control
 specialist should be performed. The person responsible
 for  maintenance should  also be  capable of emergency
 repair of  all components. Every function included in an
 automatic system should be capable of manual opera-
 tion by the operator.

 3.3.2 Basis of Design

The Basis of Design is a document, outline, or strategic
plan that  is developed early in a water treatment system
 project in order to record and summarize decisions that
 have a major and  extensive impact on  project design
 and implementation.  The Basis  of Design also helps
 minimize late changes, additions,  or modifications to the
 project, as well as minimize the high expenses com-
 monly associated with late changes. The following sub-
 sections discuss elements that should be addressed in a
 Basis of Design.

 Note that the development of the Basis of Design should
 not  be performed solely by the  Project Manager;  the
 owner of the water treatment system must have oppor-
 tunity to  review and comment on the  content  of each
 design element.    General

 1.  State  the purpose of the project (i.e., what problem
    the project is designed to correct?).

 2.  Identify areas of new or unique design and provide

 3.  Identify areas where evaluation of alternatives must
    first be completed before initiating final design. Iden-
    tify alternatives to be evaluated.

 4.  Identify  critical  structures,  processes, or complex
    areas that require early engineering and design effort
    to avoid later delays.

 5.  State major constraints such as maximum construc-
    tion cost, and court-imposed or client-imposed dead-

 6.  Note  availability of prior drawings and dates when
    previous on-site project work was done.

 7.  Note  major potential trip-up items  (i.e., flood plain
    location? historic  register? property or easement
    availability? financing?).

 8.  Identify provisions to be made  for future construction
    and expansion,  beyond present scope,  for sizing of
    or location of structures or equipment.

9.  Note  who has jurisdiction for  permit approvals (i.e.,
    plumbing, electrical, building, elevator,  elevated tank,
    groundwater protection, U.S. EPA, etc.).

10.  Identify unusual situations that will affect design (i.e.,
    rock, unstable soil, high groundwater, corrosion).

11.  List specific  points where  client has expressly  re-
    quested to be advised of design decisions, or where
    client will require  involvement of staff  in decision-

12. Identify hazards or hazardous areas (i.e., asbestos,
    windowless building story, confined space, fire, NEC
    explosion areas, corrosion, fumes,  dust, odor).  For
    asbestos,  determine  responsibility  for discovery,
    arrange testing, and determine  level of abatement

13. Identify large or complex structures that will require
    special  building  code  compliance  review prior to
    initiating final design.    Project Scope

1.  Provide a  schematic  process  flow  diagram  (i.e.,
    show such items as water or wastewater flow, chem-
    ical feed, site sanitary sewer, and drain piping).

2.  Provide a list of building, structures, and equipment.

3.  Based on client's input, identify  major equipment or
    brands of equipment to be used or not used.

4.  Prepare tentative list of plan sheets.    Process Design Data Summary

1.  List design  data summary. Note  average, maximum,
    and  peak hydraulic flowrate capacities. Define con-
    centrations and loading  to be removed or treated.
    Identify "Design Parameters" and "Units Furnished"
    for each unit process or major equipment item.    Site
1.  Provide a simple  site  plan with  locations of existing
    and  new structures, including sanitary  and storm-
    water pumping stations as applicable.

2.  Note any special consideration related to  design
    (i.e., location in flood  plain, dike construction,  loca-
    tion  to adjacent residential areas or parks, require-
    ments for site clearing, major underground facilities
    that will affect location of new improvements).

3.  Summarize  concept for  removing stormwater from

4.  Identify any site constraints  (i.e., required area set
    aside for future expansion, other client land uses).

5.  Identify structures to be demolished.

6.  Determine general fencing requirements and whether
    motorized gates are desired.

7.  Identify extent of landscaping if desired by client.

8.  Identify 100-year flood  plain elevation if applicable.   Layout of Structure
1.   Identify approximate structure size and  preliminary
    location of rooms and/or major equipment on a floor

2.   Determine building(s) use group, fire resistance rat-
    ings, ceilings, stairwells, height and area restrictions,
    special fire and life safety requirements, and means
    of egress strategy to at least the level that they will
    affect preliminary building layouts and costs. Address
    requirements of the Americans  with Disabilities Act

3.   Coordinate location and layout of chlorine rooms.

4.   Identify particular client preferences early for archi-
    tectural details.

5.   Determine architectural style and requirements, with
    consideration to insulation requirements:

    a.  Wall construction (i.e., brick and block, concrete
        block, glazed structural block, sound block, metal
        siding, pre-engineered, aggregate panels).

    b.  Roof construction (i.e., pre-cast concrete, poured-
        in-place concrete, steel deck and bar joists, wood
        trusses). Consider type of structure and  its inter-
        ior use (i.e., wet areas, chemical feed area, etc.).

    c.  Roofing materials (i.e., single-ply ballasted or
        adhered membrane, built up, shingles, metal).

    d.  Windows (i.e., natural light, ventilation,  aesthet-
        ics). Match or replace existing windows:  material
        (i.e.,  aluminum, steel, wood, vinyl) and/or finish
        (i.e., anodized, painted, primed).

    e.  Doors. Match or replace existing doors:  material
        (i.e.,  hollow  metal,  aluminum,  FRP,  stainless
        steel, wood, acoustical).

    f.   Overhead and/or roll-up doors.  Identify  electric
        operator versus manual lift doors.

6.  Provide room finish schedules based on  client input.
    Items to include are listed as follows:

    a.  Interior  wall  construction   (non-load  bearing);
        material (i.e., concrete block, glazed  block, steel
        or wood stud walls); finishes (i.e.,  unfinished,
        painted, gypsum board, wallpaper, paneling, chair
        railing, molding at ceiling and floor).

    b.  Flooring. Unfinished or sealed concrete, seam-
        less floor covering, vinyl, carpeting, tile (i.e., thin-
        set or  thick-set),  terrazzo,  applied  composite

        material  with  urethane  overcoats,  embedded
        steel mats where  heavy steel  wheel loads are
        anticipated (i.e., dumpster containers).

    c.  Ceilings.  Material and finishes.

7.  Identify stair  type (i.e., concrete pan, metal, cast in

8.  Identify method of removing rainwater from roofs of
    each building and point of discharge (i.e., roof drains,
    gutters  and downspouts, roof scuppers discharging
    to ground, or  storm sewers).

9.  Identify locations of rest rooms (for both genders) in

10. Identify locations of drinking fountains and coolers.

11. Identify areas where service sinks  or portable sam-
    pler wash down basins will be provided.

12. Specify grating material (i.e., aluminum, steel,  FRP
    such as in certain chemical feed and fill areas).

13. Determine extent of laboratory improvements.

14. Identify any existing structures to be re-roofed or re-

15. Write preliminary outline of requirements for OSHA
    (i.e., signing,  color coding, fire extinguishers)  and
    ADA.   Structural

1.  Identify  local  code requirements for seismic design,
    frost depths, wind loads, and snow loadings.

2.  Identify design of live load requirements for stairway,
    office,  and corridor  floors. Also floor loadings for
    operating and storage areas.

3   Identify design for water, earth, and  live load require-
    ments for foundation walls.

4.  Identify  likely areas where peripheral  drains  and
    hydrostatic  pressure relief valves will be necessary
    to prevent flotation and reduce exterior pressures (if
    high groundwater conditions are known to exist prior
    to obtaining soil boring data).

5.  Identify requirements for protection  of existing adja-
    cent structure foundations  that could be damaged
    during excavation.
6.  Identify any material handling that is required (mono-
    rails, crane, davit, dock access, eyebolts) and approx-
    imate lifting capacities.

7.  Identify major equipment and provide approximate
    weights (i.e., pumps, blowers,  generators, engines).

8.  Note any structural repairs required in  existing build-
    ings or any new or enlarged wall or floor openings.
    Note any concrete repairs or  masonry rehabilitation
    and coordinate with client.

9.  Identify design strength criteria for reinforced con-
    crete and steel.   Mechanics

1.  For heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC)
    and other mechanical building systems, identify any
    special or specific  expectations or the client.

2.  Identify energy  source(s) to be  used for providing
    building heat (i.e., natural gas or electric) and sup-

3.  State method of  providing  heat to each structure,
    building, or section of building  such  as  a lab or office
    area.  Identify preliminary location of central heating
    and cooling facilities.

4.  Identify ventilation  method for each  building and pre-
    liminary location of exhaust fans, louvers, air hand-
    ling systems and ventilation rate criteria (air changes,
    cfm/ft , cfm/person).

5.  Provide conceptual  strategy  for dealing with dust
    control, explosion  resistance, fire protection, humid-
    ity control, emergency showers and/or eyewash, and
    hazard detection interlocks with ventilation. Describe
    equipment  to be provided.

6.  Identify mechanical building system requirements for
    generator and engine rooms (ventilation, combustion
    air, cooling  system strategy, fuel system and stor-
    age, and drainage).

7.  Identify areas to  be air conditioned or de-humidified.   Electrical

1.  Provide any special or  specific expectations of the
    client. Note any problems with existing equipment,  if
    applicable,  or certain manufacturer's  equipment to
    be used or not used.

2.  Identify power supply source.

3.  Identify source and  location of emergency  power
    generator if required.

4.  Provide general control descriptions that will be used
    to develop loop descriptions for automatic controls.

5.  Complete an "Equipment and Controls Listing" as
    completely as possible.

6.  Confirm instrumentation and control philosophy with
    the client (i.e., completely manual, data acquisition
    and logging  with manual control, automated control
    of specific equipment or processes, or completely

7.  Identify work required at remote site from the project
    site (i.e., lift stations, well sites, booster stations, ele-
    vated tanks,  other plants).

8.  Identify equipment that  is to be driven by variable
    speed systems.

9.  Determine whether plant power distribution is to be
    overhead and/or underground.

10. Identify if existing lighting is to be revised with the

11. Identify method of  providing outdoor lighting (i.e.,
    high mast lights, pole-mounted street lights, or wall-
    mounted exterior building lights).

12. Identify whether Process and Instrumentation  Dia-
    gram (P&ID) drawings  are required and how many
    there will be.

13. Identify areas where electrical equipment including
    computers must be located in rooms  with special
    temperature  or humidity environments.

14. Identify pumps requiring seal water systems  with
    solenoid valves, pressure switches, and controls for

3.3.3  Treatment Equipment

From the General  Plan, the basic treatment equipment
has been determined from one of the following treatment

1.  Chemical Oxidation  and Filtration  - Elements com-
    prising  this  alternative include aeration  (optional);
    chemical oxidant  addition (chlorine);  and  filtration
    (sand and anthracite).

2.  Solid Oxidizing Media Filtration - Elements compris-
    ing  this alternative  include  filtration  with  the  solid
    oxidizing media. Depending on the media used, the
    addition of air may be required to maintain manufac-
    turer suggested dissolved oxygen levels in the source

3.  Manganese  Greensand Filtration  - Elements com-
    prising this alternative include continuous  chemical
    oxidant  addition (potassium  permanganate and/or
    chlorine) with  time for mixing followed  by manga-
    nese greensand filtration.

For each alternative, disposal of backwash waste streams
is a design consideration to be addressed.

A general discussion of treatment equipment in this sec-
tion  should  be  applied  to  the  appropriate alternative
selected. Certain elements, such as aeration, do not apply
to each alternative,  but a discussion of the filtration pres-
sure vessel does.    Aerator

For  aeration,  in most cases, one aerator  is required
along with one detention tank and a bypass around both
the aerator and detention tank to the filters. A minimum
of two filters must be provided so that the peak flow can
be met if the largest filter goes out of service. Depending
on  the  configuration  constraints,  the  designer  should
determine how many filters need to be provided for the
project.   Treatment Vessels

Treatment vessels generally are piped in parallel with a
downflow treatment mode through  the filters.  Up  to a
diameter of  approximately 12 ft, most pressure vessels
are vertical but horizontal pressure vessels can be used
as well. Treatment vessel piping should be configured to
provide for  media  backwashing up through the filters.
The materials of construction are generally FRP or car-
bon  steel with  fabrication, assembly,  and testing that
complies with the American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neer's (ASME) code section VIII, Division 1. The interior
should  be  lined with  abrasion-resistant vinyl  ester or
epoxy coating.  Interior lining material  should  be NSF-
certified for potable water application and suitable for pH
range of  2.0-13.5.  Vessel  pressure  rating should  be
50 pounds per square  inch gage (psig) or the minimum
necessary to satisfy the system  requirements.  In  gen-
eral,  the  rating  should  be at approximately  25  psig
greater  than the normal  service  pressure. Other vessel
materials of construction for the  internal components of
the vessels  should  take  into consideration the abrasion
and corrosive atmosphere that the components will face.
Materials such as abrasion-resistant epoxy, rubber, stain-
less steel, brass, and fiberglass all can be used within
the pressure vessel

Depending on the depth of media selected and the type
of space  requirements  available,  underdrain  systems
should be evaluated for the vessels. Underdrains can be
of a slotted nozzle type installed on a plate and installed
with or without gravel supporting media to the sand and
anthracite. Other systems including header laterals sys-
tems with  a gravel supporting bed may be used. Unused
areas below the underdrain system, which could poten-
tially hold  stagnant water, should be filled with concrete.
Fabrication of pressure vessels is typical in 6-inch incre-
ments over a range of diameters from  6 inches up  to
several feet in diameter.

Distribution of water in the pressure vessels typically is
done through a  header system in the top of the pressure
vessels that distributes the water evenly over the top of
the media. A system of collection pipes also should be
available to allow the backwash waste to go through this
piping during the backwash sequence.

Placement of air release valves on the highest point of
the piping at each vessel needs to be considered so that
air binding will  not occur. This  air release  piping can
either be  automatic or manual. The discharge from the
air release valves should be piped  to waste because of
the spray, which  will  occur as the vessel dispels air.
Cross-connections must be avoided. At least two access
ports  of sufficient  size to meet OSHA requirements
should be provided for entrance into the pressure vessel
as well as for providing a means of changing media.    Process Piping Material

When  considering  process  piping for use in conveying
the water  between treatment units and connecting  pres-
sure vessels and pumping systems, selection of materi-
als becomes critical. For piping  4 inches and larger in
diameter,  ductile  iron is  recommended.  For smaller
diameters, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), FRP, carbon steel,
and copper may be used  as long  as the limitations  of
each  of the  types  of  piping are  evaluated for plant-
specific conditions.  If  temperature  conditions vary dra-
matically or if temperatures in a treatment facility exceed
99°F,  then PVC materials should  be avoided due to their
loss  in strength and thermal  expansion features.  FRP
may be a  better choice for the strength and support that
is required at elevated temperatures. Carbon steel may
present a corrosion concern  and  copper may  not be
strong enough  for the type of piping necessary.  Care
should be taken to  economically match  the right piping
system with the  application.    Control Valves

Isolation and process control valves may be wafer style
butterfly type, except  in low-flowrate  systems where
small pipe size dictates the use of true union ball valves.
The  use of inexpensive, easily maintained valves that
operate manually provide minimum  capital costs. The
valves can be automated by the inclusion of pneumatic,
hydraulic,  or electric operators. Valves  on the face  of
pressure vessels, which are automatically operated, may
include pneumatic-type diaphragm valves. These valves
are somewhat more expensive than butterfly valves, but
give  a positive control and are very reliable. As a part of
the preliminary design, the electrical and  instrumentation
needs should  be analyzed and summarized in  tables to
determine the power requirements and  the monitoring
and control points in  the system. One-line diagrams and
process and instrumentation diagrams  should  be pro-
vided at this stage.

3.3.4  Layout of  Facilities

Once all of the individual components have been deter-
mined and  preliminary choices have been  made, the
pieces need to be laid out and assembled in an efficient
design that will  meet the needs  of  the operator. It is
recommended that the operator and those responsible
for maintaining  the   facility  provide design  input  to
address the needs of the treatment system operators.
Sufficient  space for  proper  installation,  operation, and
maintenance of the treatment system needs to be eval-
uated. Clearances and constructability  reviews should
be performed to determine the adequacy of the building.
Items such as workshops, storage facilities, and mainte-
nance facilities are sometimes overlooked but add signif-
icant costs to the project when included.  The layout also
should include a projection of potential future expansion
at the site. Factors such as duplicating facilities and the
design of  the external components of the building  (e.g.,
driveways and utility locations) also should be evaluated.

The  type  of building used needs to meet  the  require-
ments of  the local  personnel maintaining the facility.
Protection from the elements will depend on the climate.
Standard pre-engineered steel buildings may be adapted
for use, as well as concrete block or other masonry type
structures. Standard building dimensions  should be used
with  adequate access doors, lighting, security, ventila-
tion,  emergency showers, and laboratory facilities  to
monitor and control the process.

3.3.5  Preliminary Project Cost Estimate

A  preliminary  cost estimate for the  treatment facilities
can be made once the following has been completed:

•  The Basis of Design is finished;

•  Preliminary drawings have been completed that
   show the layout of the building, the selection of

    building materials, and an inventory of the power
    supply needs and instrumentation points; and,

•   The preliminary selection of equipment and
    capital cost quotes of the equipment from manu-
    facturers and suppliers is completed.

This preliminary cost estimate should be within approxi-
mately 20% of the final cost estimate. A full discussion of
key cost factors is provided in Section 4.2 of this manual.

3.3.6 Revisions and Approval

To complete the preliminary design process, additional
floor plans and even sections of the proposed treatment
facility should  be  completed. Specialty items should all
be compiled and summarized in a detailed design memo
with  the drawings and cost estimate,  and explained  to
the client. These specialty items can include checking for
natural gas for heating purposes;  subsurface investiga-
tion to determine foundation requirements; and disposal
requirements  that may require special permitting.  Upon
review of the preliminary design by the client, revisions
should be  incorporated for which  the  final  scope  of
design details  can be determined. With these revisions,
a final design can  be drafted and authorized.

3.4   Final Design

After completion of the preliminary design and approval
by the client,  the  final design can be drafted. The final
design includes a detailed  design of all  process equip-
ment and piping, a complete process system design with
all of the chemical feed equipment incorporated,  building
modifications, and site work. The final capital cost should
be within  10% of the estimated final cost  and should
include a 15%  contingency allowance.

The  deliverable items at the completion of  final design
include a set of contract documents containing the con-
struction drawings and specifications, and a final capital
cost estimate.  The final design includes treatment sys-
tem equipment; continues with the  building specifications
including  heating, cooling,  painting,  lighting,   utilities,
laboratory, personnel facilities, etc.; and finishes with the
site specifications, including outside utilities,  drainage,
paving and landscaping.

3.4.1 General Guidelines

Some ways to simplify the final design and keep costs
under control include minimizing the amount of custom-
ized details on the project; allowing shop fabrication  of
platforms, pipe supports,  and other items which then
would not have to be done  in the field; providing skid-
mounted equipment where feasible; and using the inher-
ent heating and cooling capabilities of groundwater with
the treatment vessels in  the building  system  Humidity
issues must be considered, but heating and cooling may
be tempered by allowing the  pressure vessels to moder-
ate the indoor temperature of the facilities.

The drawings  and  specifications should provide  all
information  necessary  to  manufacture and  install  the
treatment system equipment. The general  principle is to
provide  enough information  on the drawings and in  the
specifications that a contractor  can clearly determine
what is intended and needs to be accomplished. It is up
to the contractor to provide the means and the methods
for finishing the project.

The specifications should include spare parts as part of
the deliverables  during the  construction project for  the
equipment. All specialty tools such as  forklifts or barrel
dollies, or other such items which may not be common to
most utilities, should be included as well.

3.4.2  Plan Content Guidelines

To  receive competitive bids  and  to avoid costly change
orders during construction, it  is important to provide suffi-
cient information in the final design to accurately portray
what is  intended  by the design.  Duplication of informa-
tion can  be a hindrance as  it provides opportunities for
errors. The  following guidelines should be used by  the
designer to be accurate without duplicating unnecessary
information.   Structural
1.  Use  bold lines for walls,  slabs, etc. where new con-
    crete is proposed.

2.  Where  drawings  become complex,  use  separate
    drawings to show reinforcing steel.

3.  Try to limit showing re-steel to section views. Only
    show re-steel on sectional plans when necessary to
    cover changes in steel  shown  in  sections. Where
    possible to identify re-steel clearly, do so via plan
    notes covering bar size and spacing and do  not
    show lines and dots in walls, slabs, etc.

4.  Provide required job-specific structural  notes  on
    drawings when additional drafting can be minimized.
    Make use of specifications  for notes that do  not
    relate directly to the drawings.

-------   Schedules
1.  Use room finish schedules to eliminate separate call
    outs, which tend to clutter drawings.

2.  Develop schedules and  details for doors, windows,
    louvers, vent  fans,  meters,  valves,  pipe  support
    beams, room finish, and  ladders, and locate these in
    one specific location in  a drawing  set rather than
    scattered throughout the drawings.

Avoid excessive call outs of items that appear more
than once on a sheet, such as piping sizes, grating
thickness, downspouts,  gutters,  types of masonry
walls. Label items once.

Reduce the amount  of  detail  shown on  existing
structures to avoid clutter on drawings, which con-
fuses bidders  and causes  wasted time during  bid-
ding. For example, for existing wall sections where
no work is being  done, just show wall  outlines  and
eliminate all the  fill-ins  depicting the  type  of  wall
3.  With existing structures, do not dimension and call
    out items within these structures if no work is to be
    performed or if the information is not  related to the
    new construction proposed.

4.  For site plans, show building outlines only if there
    are specific areas  where  new  construction is to
    connect to existing construction.

5.  Avoid  excessively  precise depictions  of  building
    materials such as  shingles,  grating  and checker
    plate hatching,  brick,  block, and filter media. The
    lines clutter the  drawings and make it  difficult to
    assess the quality of materials.

6.  Avoid showing unnecessary background information
    when cutting sections. Only show background infor-
    mation  not  shown in other views or to avoid inter-

7.  Avoid repeating details of similar structures in plan
    views or site plans.  Actually, it is not necessary to
    show the "inner workings" of any treatment tanks on
    site plans. Only the outside wall lines  of the tanks
    are of interest to the contractor.

8.  Do not overly detail layouts or dimensions for manu-
    factured  items  such  as pumps, motors, blowers,
    couplings, etc. Let the specifications describe these

9.  Reduce the amount of dimensioning to avoid clutter
    and confusion and reduce possibility for error.  For
    vertical  dimensioning, if slab thicknesses and slab
    elevations are  provided, do not add  more dimen-
    sions. Also reduce repetition on dimensioning. Do it
    once for a section, plan,  or sectional plan, but unless
    dimensions change,  do not repeat dimensions  on
    the same sheet or another sheet where a  similar
    view is shown.

10. On the Location Plan, show a street address for the
    job site and provide a statement noting the city or
    county the project is located in.

11. Do not provide roof  plans of  simple  structures if
    sections cut through the building convey adequate
    information concerning  the dimensions and  con-
    struction of the roof.

12. Leave  details  of  equipment off drawings that  are
    made to show other information on the structure and
    piping within it.   Piping
1.  Do not overly detail small  piping layouts. Leave the
    small  piping off structure  plan views and sections.
    Small piping  could be  defined as 2-inch-diameter
    and less for water supply and process piping.  Show
    this piping on piping schematics for each structure.   Electrical
1.  Do not show  electrical  conduit routes on bidding
    documents.  Use  one-line  diagrams for clarity and
    simple understanding  of the project. Use schedules
    to  illustrate  what  electrical components (such  as
    motor control centers  and  lighting panels) are to  be
    installed in each location.

                    4.0  Central Water Treatment Plant Capital Costs
4.1   Introduction

This chapter discusses factors that affect the capital
costs of an iron removal treatment plant, and  provides
an  example economic evaluation  between  two  iron
removal system alternatives. The owner  of a central
water treatment plant should be provided with the most
cost-effective iron/arsenic removal system possible, one
that can remove  the excess arsenic from a sufficient
quantity of water but that also will satisfy all water con-
sumption requirements.

4.2  Cost Variables

An  economic evaluation should include the  initial capital
costs,  operation and maintenance  (O&M) costs,  and
replacement  costs over a  20-year  period. The water
treatment design flowrate is the major variable  affecting
capital costs. Other factors which  have varying impacts
on the capital costs  include, but are  not limited to, the

1.  Existing and planned (future) potable water system

    •   Number of wells, location, storage, distribution
    •   Water storage (amount, elevation, location)
    •   Distribution (location, peak flows, total flow,
        pressure, etc.)
    •   Consumption (daily, annual)

2.  Raw water arsenic and iron concentrations

3.  Chemical and physical parameters including but not
    limited to pH, alkalinity, iron, manganese, hydrogen
    sulfide, hardness,  silica, sulfate, sodium, and turbidity

4.  Stability and/or pH adjustment of water supply

5.  Media selected for treatment system
6.  Chemical and media supply logistics

7.  Manual versus automatic operation

8.  Backwash wastewater disposal

9.  Climate (temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.)

10. Seismic zone

11. Soil conditions

12. 100-year flood elevation

13. Financial considerations (cost trends, capital financ-
    ing costs, cash flow, labor rates, utility rates, chemi-
    cal costs, etc.).

Ideal conditions for designing and operating an effective,
minimum-cost iron/arsenic removal water treatment sys-
tem would resemble the following:

1.  Well capacity for peak consumption day

2.  Raw water quality presents no problem  (moderate
    temperature, adequate alkalinity, moderate iron lev-
    els,  no interference of treatment due  to  hydrogen
    sulfide, organics, sulfate, etc.)

3.  Existing  wastewater disposal capability adjacent to
    treatment site

4.  Warm moderate climate (no freezing, no high tem-
    perature, minimal precipitation, no high wind)

5.  No seismic requirements

6.  Foundation on well compacted, high-bearing-capacity

7.  Secure site not in a neighborhood

8.  Low-cost utilities

9.   Accessibility for deliveries

10. Financial capability.

The more these ideal conditions exist, the  more favor-
able and significant the cost savings are.

4.2.1   Existing and Planned (Future)
        Treatment Plant Parameters

Many existing  and planned (future) plant configurations
can influence capital costs. The most important factors
are discussed in this section.    Number and Location of Wells

When only one well requires treatment, the removal of
arsenic  from source water should be accomplished prior
to the water entering the distribution system. Theoretic-
ally, treatment can occur before or after entering stor-
age. Practically speaking, treatment  prior to entering
storage is much easier to control because the treatment
plant flowrate will be constant.  If treatment takes place
after storage,  or  if there is no storage, the treatment
flowrate is intermittent and variable,  and pH control is
only achievable using  a sophisticated automatic pH con-
trol/acid feed system.

When more than one well requires treatment, it must be
determined whether a single plant treating water from all
wells manifolded together is  more efficient and cost-
effective than  operating  individual treatment  plants at
each well. Factors such as distance between wells,  dis-
tribution arrangement, system pressure, and variation in
water quality should be evaluated for that decision.  If all
of  the  wells are  in close proximity  and pump  similar
quantity and  quality  water,  a  single treatment plant
serving the entire system is preferable. When  wells are
widely dispersed, manifolding costs become prohibitively
expensive,  so individual  treatment   plants  must   be
installed at each well. Frequently, the  distances may be
such that the  decision is not clear; in that case, other
variables  should  be evaluated  such  as water quality,
system pressure,  distribution  configuration, and  land

Systems  that  require multiple  treatment plant installa-
tions can  achieve cost savings by employing an identical
system at each location. This results in an assembly-line
approach  to procurement, manufacture, assembly, instal-
lation, and operation.  Material cost savings, labor reduc-
tion, and engineering  for  a  single  configuration  will
reduce  costs for the individual plant.   Potable Water Storage Facilities
The  number, size,  and location of storage tanks can
affect treatment plant size (flowrate) and capital costs. If
there is no storage capacity in the water treatment sys-
tem, the well pump should  be capable of delivering a
flowrate equal to the system's  momentary  peak  con-
sumption; this could be many times the average flowrate
for a peak day. Therefore, if no storage capacity exists, a
storage tank should be added to the system  for storage
of treated water. Otherwise, automatic disinfection and
pH  instruments and controls will be required to pace
chemical feedrates to the varying process water flowrates.

Most water treatment systems have an existing  storage
capacity. The storage may  be  underground reservoirs,
ground-level storage tanks, or elevated storage  tanks
(located on high ground or structurally supported stand-
pipes). The first two require repressurization; the latter
does not. The  elevated storage tanks apply a  back-
pressure on the ground-level treatment system, requiring
higher pressure (and more costly) construction of treat-
ment vessels and piping systems.

The amount of storage capacity also affects treatment
system costs.  The larger the storage capacity  (within
limits), the lower  the  required treatment plant flowrate
(and resulting costs). Some regulatory agencies require
a one day,  average day storage capacity.  A minimum
storage capacity of one-half of a system's peak day con-
sumption is recommended.   Distribution and Consumption

The factors that determine  the sizing  of the treatment
system are the well (or feed) pump flowrate,  the storage
capacity, and  the  system consumption characteristics.
Those factors should be coordinated to provide a capac-
ity to deliver a  peak treated water supply to satisfy all
possible conditions of  peak  consumption.  If there is
adequate storage  capacity, the momentary peaks are
dampened.  The  peak  day then  defines  the  system
capacity. The  well  (or feed) pump should  be sized to
deliver the  peak daily  requirement and the treatment
system in turn  should be sized to treat the volume of
water that the well (or feed) pump delivers.

The distribution system may anticipate future growth or
increased consumption. The well  (or feed)  pump then
either should pump a flow equal to or greater than the
maximum anticipated peak daily flows, or should be able
to adjust to future increased  flowrate. The treatment plant
in turn should incorporate capacity to treat the ultimate
peak flowrate or include provisions to increase the treat-
ment capacity in the future.

 4.2.2  Water Chemistry

 Water chemistry  can affect both capital and operating
 costs. With a clear understanding of the raw water qual-
 ity, its possible variations,  and adverse characteristics,
 the effect  on  capital  costs can  be determined readily.
 Required pH adjustment to make the water treatable or
 to stabilize the treated water before distribution can add
 significantly to chemical costs and, therefore, the capital
 costs for  equipment. Treatment for hydrogen sulfide,
 organics, or other contaminants may require additional
 treatment  processes  such as aeration  and/or  signifi-
 cantly escalated  oxidant chemical  requirements. High
 hardness  levels  may require an additional softening
 treatment  process to  bring water to acceptable  quality
 parameters. In addition, byproducts from the additional
 treatment  processes may significantly  impact  waste
 disposal requirements.

 Each of the physical and chemical characteristics of the
 raw water should  be evaluated. The technical as well as
 the economic feasibility for the entire project could hinge
 on these factors.

 4.2.3  Chemical Supply Logistics

 Chlorine in its various forms  (gas and  liquid) varies  in
 price depending on the quantities involved. For example,
 a  Midwest survey in 2002  of gas chlorine costs found
 that ton containers were  approximately $0.24/lb  and
 150-lb cylinders were  approximately $0.40/lb. The same
 survey  revealed that  sodium hypochlorite delivered  in
 4,000-gallon  bulk trucks  was $0.70/gal; partial bulk
 truckload deliveries were $0.75/gal; and  330-gallon totes
 were $0.90/gal. In very small plants, the cost of storage
 tanks for those volumes  is not justified and, therefore,
 smaller  volumes  with higher unit prices  should  be

 For  small  applications,  potassium  permanganate  is
 available in 25-kg (55-lb)  pails  made  of high-density
 polyethylene (HOPE).  Most commonly,  steel containers
 weighing 150 kg  (331 Ib) are provided  in drums about
 20 inches in diameter  and 30 inches high. Large quanti-
 ties in 1,500-kg (3,307-lb) bins are available as well as
 bulk shipments up to 48,000 Ib. The price of potassium
 permanganate averaged approximately $1.35/lb in 2002.

 4.2.4   Manual  Versus
       Automatic Operation

Automatic operation is  feasible,  but semi-automatic oper-
ation is  most common in iron removal  treatment sys-
tems.  However, the presence of an operator is required
periodically in any mode of  operation. The capital costs
 of automation (computer hardware/software,  valve oper-
 ators, controls,  instrumentation, etc.) as well as  main-
 tenance costs may exceed  budget limits that the client
 can accept. Therefore, either  manual or semiautomatic
 operation may  be  more  economical. The advantages
 and  disadvantages  of  manual, automatic,  and  semi-
 automatic operation require careful evaluation.

 4.2.5  Backwash and Regeneration
        Disposal Concept

 Disposal of waste backwash water and waste solids is
 not included in the scope of this manual. Depending on
 wastewater discharge limits established by  U.S.  EPA,
 state, and  local regulatory  agencies,  wastewater dis-
 posal is a significant cost item that should be evaluated
 in the capital  (and  operating)  cost  projection. Require-
 ments can vary from zero discharge to discharge into an
 existing and available receiving facility. If the regulatory
 agency permits disposal by conventional methods  (such
 as surface discharge and percolation), the disposal costs
 are minimal. The total volume of wastewater backwash
 generally is 100-300 gal/ft3 of filter media when washed
 on a  daily basis for the types of iron removal systems
 outlined in this manual. Compared to filtration daily vol-
 umes of 4,000-7,000 gal/ft3 of filter media,  the  waste
 disposal requirements range from 2-7% of filtered water

 4.2.6  Climate

 The installation  costs for  the buildings along with their
 associated civil work are a major portion of  the overall
 capital cost. Care in interpreting the climatological condi-
 tions  and their requirements is necessary. Temperature
 extremes, precipitation, and high wind will necessitate a
 building to house the treatment system equipment. High
 temperature and direct  sunlight adversely  affect the
 strength of plastic piping materials.  Freezing can  dam-
 age  piping  and in  some extreme cases  can  damage
 treatment  vessels.  Temperature  variation  introduces
 requirements for special  thermal expansion/contraction
 provisions.  A  building with heating  and/or cooling and
 adequate  insulation will eliminate these problems and
 their costs, but will increase the cost of the building. The
 building cost should  accommodate wind and snow loads
 as well as thermal and seismic requirements. Operator
 comfort in place of economic considerations may dictate
 the building cost.

 4.2.7 Seismic Zone

Compliance with the seismic design requirements of the
 local building codes can impact capital costs. Buildings
and tall slender equipment  are vulnerable to  seismic

loads.  The magnitude  of seismic design requirements
should be  determined. In  zones of  extreme seismic
activity, low-profile equipment and buildings are recom-

4.2.5 So/7 Conditions

Unless soil  boring data are  already  available  for the
treatment plant site, at least one boring in the location of
the foundation for each  heavy equipment item (treatment
vessels,  chemical storage tanks, and  backwash waste
tank) is required. If the  quality of the soil is questionable
(fill, or very  poor load-bearing capacity), additional soil
borings should be obtained. Poor soil may require costly
excavation/backfill and foundations.

Combinations of poor  soil with rock or large boulders
can make foundation work more complex  and costly.
Rock and boulders in combination with extreme temper-
atures can result in very high installation costs for sub-
surface raw,  treated, and wastewater piping.

4.2.9  100-Year Flood Plain

For water treatment facilities  located within a 100-year
flood plain, the entire  site should be relocated to another
site outside of the 100-year flood plain, be elevated 3 ft
above  the 100-year flood  level, or be  protected on all
sides  by  a dike system that extends a  minimum of 3 ft
above the 100-year flood level.

4.2.10 Financial Considerations

Many financial  factors should  be  considered  by the
treatment plant designer and the owner. The client can
impose financial restrictions (beyond  any of the technical
factors mentioned above),  which result in increased (or
decreased) capital costs. These restrictions  include, but
are not limited to, the following:  inflationary trends,  inter-
est rates, financing costs,  land  costs  (or  availability),
cash  flow,  labor rates, electric utility  rates,  chemical
costs,  and  auxiliary  features  to  the  basic  building
required. If interest rates are low, inflation is anticipated,
cash is available, and labor and electric utility rates are
high, the designer and the owner may consider increas-
ing capital investment and reducing  operating costs; or
the opposite  can  be true.

4.3  Example Economic Evaluation

This section  provides  an example cost evaluation for two
hypothetical  iron/removal treatment systems.  For this
example, the costs to design and operate two 500,000-
gpd iron  removal treatment plants over a 20-year period
were evaluated and compared. One system  is based on
aeration  and chlorination  followed by filtration  for the
treatment process, and the other is a manganese green-
sand  filtration plant. Simple  floor plans for  each are
shown in Figure 4-1, and were used as a  basis for devel-
oping cost estimates outlined in Figures  4-2 and 4-3.  A
detailed  breakout  of  the  design  data  and  equivalent
annual cost  calculations for each  system is included  in
Appendix A.

Estimated costs were organized  into three categories:
capital, O&M, and replacement costs. Assumptions made
for the analysis were:

•   Iron levels at 1.0 mg/L, arsenic at 0.03 mg/L,
    and manganese at 0.1  mg/L

•   Backwash holding tank sized to hold two

•   Building  on concrete slab with  metal siding and

•   Maximum flowrate is 500,000 gpd and average
    is 250,000 gpd

•   Normal plant operation is 12 hours at
    500,000  gpd rate

•   High service pump discharge is 60 psi at
    500,000  gpd

•   O&M costs average increase 3% annually

•   Chemical feed and high-service pumps replaced
    after 15 years

•   Filter media replaced after 10 years

•   All other equipment assumed to have a life of
    20 years

•   20-year analysis using federal  interest rate
    of 57/8%.

The capital cost for the manganese greensand filtration
plant is slightly less than the aeration/filtration plant. The
manganese greensand system had an Equivalent Annual
Cost of $165,774, which is 4% higher than the aeration/
filtration treatment plant cost of $159,611. The difference
was due to the  impact of the slightly higher operational
cost for the  manganese greensand  plant on a 20-year
basis. Overall, the two treatment plant options are within
10% on an equivalent annual cost basis, making  them
essentially equal from an economic perspective.

                                     CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT
                                                             SOURCE WATER
                                                             FROM WELLS
                       500.000 GPD MANGANESE GREENSAND WTP
                                     CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT

                                          40'-0"             .  ±10'-0"
FIGURE 4-1.  Two Conceptual Iron Removal Water Treatment Plant Floor Plans for Cost Estimates


Backwash holding tank, 25,500 gal, concrete
Laboratory casework and equipment
Clean/veil, 10, 500 gal, steel
HVAC and Plumbing
Civil Site

Process Equipment - 20 Yr
Aerator and detention tank
Vertical pressure filters, 9 ft diameter, w/o media
Blower and air piping
NaOCI drum scale
NaOCI day tank
Piping and valves

Process Equipment - 15 Yr
NaOCI feed pumps

Auxiliary Equipment - 15 Yr
High service pumps

Auxiliary Equipment - 10 Yr
Filter Media, sand and anthracite


Total - Preliminary Construction Cost Opinion
(nearest $1000)













Unit ($)






Total ($)







FIGURE 4-2.  500,000-gpd Iron Removal Water Treatment Plant with Aeration Followed with Filtration


Backwash holding tank, 25,500 gal, concrete
Laboratory casework and equipment
Clearwell, 10,500 gal, steel
HVAC and Plumbing
Civil Site

Process Equipment - 20 Yr
Vertical pressure filters
Blowers and air piping
KMnC-4 mixing tank and mixer
NaOCI drum scale
NaOCI day tank
Piping and valves

Process Equipment - 15 Yr
NaOCI feed pumps
KMnO4 Feed Pumps

Auxiliary Equipment - 15 Yr
High service pumps

Auxiliary Equipment - 10 Yr
Greensand Filter Media


Total - Preliminary Construction Cost Opinion
[nearest $1000)













Unit ($)






Total ($)







FIGURE 4-3. 500,000-gpd Iron Removal Water Treatment Plant with Manganese Greensand Filtration

                       5.0  Central Water Treatment Plant Operation
 5.1   Introduction

 Upon completion and approval of the final water treat-
 ment plant design package (plans  and specifications),
 the owner/client proceeds to advertise for bids for con-
 struction of the  treatment plant. The construction con-
 tract  normally is awarded to the  firm submitting  the
 lowest qualified bid.

 Upon award  of  the construction contract, the engineer
 may be requested to observe the work of the construction
 contractor in  order to notify the client of the compliance
 or lack of compliance with the design. This responsibility
 may be limited to periodic visits to the site to assure the
 client that the general intent of the  design is being ful-
 filled; or it may include day-to-day field  observation and
 reporting of the work as it is being performed. Payment
 to the contractor should  be  made by the client after
 receiving the written  review of the pay estimate  by the
 engineer. The engineer should state that the amount is in
 accordance with  the construction completed and with cer-
 tifications from the contractor that he has paid all sub-
 contractors and  suppliers for the  work  completed. The
 engineer should review all shop drawings and other infor-
 mation submitted by the contractor.  All  acceptable sub-
 stitutions should  be approved in writing by the engineer.

 Upon completion of the  construction phase of the proj-
 ect, the engineer normally is requested to perform a final
 inspection along with the client before final payment is
 made. This entails a  formal approval indicating  to  the
 client that all  installed items are in compliance with  the
 requirements  of the design. Any corrective work required
 at that time is covered by a punch  list and/or warranty.
 The  warranty  period (normally  one year) commences
 upon final acceptance of the project by the  client from the
contractor. Final  acceptance and final payment  usually
take place upon completion of all major punch list items.

Preparation for treatment plant startup and operation is
important, but training for these functions may or may not
be included in the construction contract. Before system
 startup, it  is essential that system operating  supplies,
 such as treatment chemicals, laboratory supplies, and
 recommended spare parts, are procured and stored on
 site.  The treatment plant  operating  and maintenance
 instructions (or O&M  Manual) also should  be  available
 for use. Included in the O&M Manual are diagrams and
 operational procedures for basic operation, maintenance,
 and troubleshooting of equipment. Valves,  pumps, and
 other similar equipment should be identified by a number-
 ing system for ease of correlation with the O&M Manual.
 For example, valves may be designated as "V-1",  "V-2",
 etc. which  corresponds to identification tags on  the
 valves (see  Figure 5-1).  A valve  directory should be
 included in the O&M Manual and reference made to these
 numbers in the explanation  of operating procedures (see
 Table 5-1).

 The following sections discuss the activities and events
 that lead up to routine plant startup and operation. They
 also address  different process  elements of the  three
 alternative  treatment types  (i.e.,  oxidation and filtration,
 solid  oxidizing media  filtration,  and manganese green-
 sand filtration). Note that discussion of pressure  filters
 operation applies to all three treatment types. Appendix B
 provides operation procedures for iron removal plants.

 5.2  Chemical Treatment Equipment

 Proper training and instruction in the handling and use of
 chemicals at a water treatment plant is critical for opera-
 tors. Appropriate  protective apparel and safety stations
 which include eyewashes or showers in the event of a
 spill need to be a part of the treatment facility. Mainte-
 nance of chemical storage  areas to prevent contamina-
 tion and appropriate isolation is to be observed.

 Chemical  storage tanks should be  clearly labeled or
 color coded, indicating the chemical contained within the
 tank.  The piping, valves, pumps,  etc., also should be
 clearly labeled or color coded. It is the responsibility of
the client  to properly   label or color code  the storage
tank,  pump, and  associated equipment in  accordance
with the plant color system or labeling.

             1. Iniel Valve

             2, Outlet / Backwash
             3. Backwash Outlet

             4. Rinse Outlet

             5. Draindown

             6. Slow Refill
               (air / water scour)

             7. Air Intel
             8. Air Release Valve

             9, Flow Indicator

             10, Pressure Gauges

             1 LAP Switch
             12. Backwash Isolation
             13 Effluent Isolation
FIGURE 5-1. Valve Number Diagram on a Typical Pressure Filter
TABLE 5-1. Valve Operation Chart for Pressure Filters with Air Wash(a>
                                                                    Valve No.
                           8  12   13
                Treatment - in service
Air/Water Wash
Fast Wash
Slow Wash
Bed Settle

Treatment - offline
Treatment - in service
Treatment Start
X )
X )

X )
• ;
< X
< •

< X
< X


X )
X )

X )
X )

( )

< >
< )
( X
( X

( X
c •
               (a)  Refer to Figure 5-1 for valve location
               Legend: x = valve closed; • = valve open.
Maintenance personnel should be familiar with the safety
precautions associated  with  the  chemical contained in
the system and  warned about  the  potential hazards
before starting to work.

If a color coding  system is used, the personnel should
be familiar with the system so they know what chemical
is  contained within the  equipment on  which they  are
about to work.

5.2.1   Chlorination Equipment

Gas chlorination operation should only be accomplished
by trained personnel. Training includes proper procedures
in  connecting gas cylinders; repair and  maintenance
practices for piping, chlorination equipment, and safety
equipment,  including ventilation; proper  use of safety
equipment; and  a thorough understanding  of an emer-
gency plan in the event of a leak.

Liquid  chlorination  systems with the use of a sodium
hypochlorite or a calcium hypochlorite solution  need to
be  maintained  in the  proper environment  to  preserve
shelf life.  These systems  typically are comprised  of a
day tank on a scale with a chemical feed pump to with-
draw the solution to an application point. If calcium hypo-
chlorite (HTH)  is supplied in dry powder,  then mixing
the powder into  a solution  tank will be required. Typical

 available chlorine is about 65% in a calcium hypochlorite
 solution. Sodium hypochlorite is delivered  in liquid form
 within a range of 5-15% available chlorine.

 To calculate the pounds of calcium hypochlorite required
 on a daily basis, the following equation may be used:

                Ib/day hypochlorite =
        (million gallons per day) (8.34) (mg/L)
      (percent available chlorine in hypochlorite)

 To  determine  the  amount  of  HTH  required at 65%
 strength  for treated water flow of  80,000 gpd  (0.080
 million gallons per day [mgd]) and a dosage of chlorine
 required  of 3.0 mg/L, the calculation is:

  0.08 mgd (8.34)(3.0 mg/L) / 0.65 =  3.1 Ib/day of HTH

 5.2.2  Potassium Permanganate
        Feed Equipment

 Similar to  liquid  chlorination systems, potassium per-
 manganate systems typically are comprised of  a  day
 tank on a scale with a chemical feed pump.  It is  impor-
 tant to maintain a fixed and uniform concentration of the
 solution in the tank by accurate addition of the chemical
 and frequent stirring. A 1% solution can be prepared by
 dissolving one ounce of potassium permanganate in one
 gallon of water:

     1 oz. KMnO4 (dry weight) per gallon of water

 One of the common maintenance problems is the occa-
 sional plugging  of chemical feed pumps with  permanga-
 nate crystals. This  is usually the result of inadequate
 stirring in the day tank. Many operators keep a continu-
 ous stirring of the day tank to insure chemical dissolu-
 tion. If crystal formation continues, then it is possible that
 the solution strength is too high and better accuracy in
 the solution preparation is required.

 Cleaning  and flushing of permanganate systems is easily
 accomplished with water.  Hot water will dissolve any
 residues or buildups more quickly.

 5.2.3 Chemical Feed Pumps

 For chemical  pumping  systems, it is most common to
 use either piston stroke pumps or, for  smaller applica-
 tions, electronic pulse pumps. For piston stroke pumps,
chemical  feed adjustment is by the length of the piston
stroke on the  pump. The stroke length is adjusted by a
lever or knob, graduated from 0% to 100% of stroke. For
electronic pulse  pumps, the number of pulses per minute
 can be set on a keypad to control chemical feed. Pump
 instruction manuals should be used for complete O&M

 5.3  Pressure Filters

 The filter vessel and piping should  be disinfected  in
 accordance with American Water Works Association
 standard  procedures  (AWWA, 1984 and 1999) and as
 outlined in the specifications. The media then is placed
 in the treatment vessels and is ready for operation.

 There are two basic modes of operation: treatment and
 backwash. Slight variations to each mode depend on the
 media being used and the use of air scouring during
 backwash. Operating details  for  each of these modes
 are discussed as follows.

 5.3.1  Treatment (Filtration) Operation

 Figure 5-1 shows the position of the valves on a typical
 pressure filter. During normal filtration, water is routed
 through Valve No. 1 to the influent distribution  header.
 The influent distribution header is a  large-diameter,  low-
 velocity piping array at the top of the filter vessel designed
 to evenly distribute the water over the surface of the
 media.  It  also serves as a collection header for wash
 water during the  backwash cycle.

 The water moves through the media at an approved rate
 (depending on media type). After filtration, the water  is
 collected by the underdrain system. The underdrain sys-
 tem  is designed to collect  filtered water and to evenly
 distribute  backwash  water across  the  bottom of the
 media. After being collected by the underdrain system,
 the water exits the bottom  of the filter and passes into
 the finished water piping through Valve No. 2.

 While  in  operation,  the influent pressure above  the
 media  and the effluent pressure  below  the media are
 indicated on pressure gauges (Valve No. 10 in Figure 5-1;
 a photo is provided as Figure 5-2). For plants monitored
 or controlled automatically, the  lines connecting  the
 gauges to the influent and effluent pipes also connect to
 pressure transducers at the filter.  These devices convert
 the pressures to  electrical signals  that are monitored by
 a programmable  logic controller (PLC) inside the control
 panel.  The pressure  drop  indicated by these gauges
 (Influent-Effluent) should  be monitored  regularly.  The
filter must not be operated  if the  differential pressure is
in excess of 8-10 psi. This condition will result in fracture
to  some media types. For accuracy, gauges should be
selected to have normal operating  points in  the  mid-
range of the gauge.

                   FIGURE 5-2. Pressure Filter Loss of Head Gauges
Filter effluent flow is used to balance the flow between
the filters.  Each effluent pipe  is equipped  with a flow
meter,  such as depicted in Figure 5-3. The signal from
this meter is used by the  PLC to control the motorized
operator and position of the valve on each effluent pipe.

Additionally, these meters  provide a direct display of the
present flow and provide totalized flow with reset. This
feature is useful for manual initiation of backwash based
on  gallons  filtered.  For automatic operation, totalized
flow resets automatically upon backwash initiation.

5.3.2   Backwash Operation

The importance of proper backwashing of the filter media
cannot be overemphasized. Backwashing is essential to
maintaining  the efficiency of  the filter media and the
quality of the finished water.

The backwash  process can vary slightly depending  on
whether the use of air scouring is employed in back-
washing. Some media, such as Birm, do not require nor
can it withstand the turbulent collision of particles, which
occur during an air scouring operation. Other media, such
as manganese  greensand, require air scouring to clean
the media. In general, the backwash  sequence  can  be
broken into seven stages:

•   Draindown
•   Air/Water Wash
•   Refill
•   Fast Wash
•   Slow Wash
•   Bed Settle
•   Rinse.   Draindown

During draindown, the water level in the filter is lowered
to approximately six inches above the media. To do this
Valve No. 1 (the influent valve), Valve No. 2 (the effluent
valve), and Valve No. 6 (the slow wash/refill valve) are
closed,  isolating the filter  from the rest  of the system.
Once these  valves are  closed  there will be a  pro-
grammed delay of one minute. Then,  Valve  No.  5, the
draindown valve, and Valve No. 3,  the backwash outlet
valve, are opened. The draindown valve  is programmed
to remain open for five minutes. While draindown is  in
progress, Valve No. 8 (the air release valve) will allow air
to enter the top of the filter  (see Figure 5-4).   Air/Water Wash

This phase  of  the  backwash process  mixes air  with
water under the media, agitating the media and causing
the  media grains to rub together producing a very effi-
cient scrubbing action. During this phase, the blower and
the  backwash pump are used (see Figures 5-5 and 5-6).
The valves will be configured as follows:  Valve No. 6
(the slow wash valve), Valve No. 7  (the air wash valve),

                   FIGURE 5-3.  Filter Effluent Flow Meter
                     FIGURE 5-4.  Air Release Valve
and Valve No. 12 (the wash water isolation valve) are
opened. Valve No. 3 (the backwash outlet valve) remains
open, while  Valve No. 13 (the effluent isolation valve)
and Valve No. 5 (the draindown valve) are closed.

Once the valves are properly configured, the blower will
start. At the same time, the backwash pump will  start
and its rate  is held by the backwash control valve at
approximately one-third of the maximum backwash rate
used in the fast wash sequence. In automatic mode, this
low rate is  monitored  by  the backwash  flow  meter
reading, and  is controlled by the backwash rate  valve.
This process is programmed  to continue for a short
period, usually about three minutes. During this time the
filter will partially refill.


FIGURE 5-5. Air Wash Blower and Motor
FIGURE 5-6.  Air Wash Blower Controls   Refill

After the air/water wash the blower  stops and Valve
No. 7 closes, the wash water will continue for two more
minutes. This ensures that there is sufficient water above
the media to prevent any initial  surges in the fast wash
flow from disrupting the media.   Fast Wash

During the fast wash, water is forced through the media
counter to its normal flow at velocities sufficient to expand
the media to the desired  level, usually 30-40% depend-
ing on  the manufacturer's recommendation. This allows
the previously entrained filtered particles to be suspended
and then flushed from the filter  by the backwash water.
After refill, the backwash rate control is stepped from the
refill rate to a maximum  rate prescribed for the media
type. For example, manganese greensand would typic-
ally have a refill  rate of 4 gpm/ft2, and the  maximum
backwash rate would be 12 gpm/ft2. Wash water leaving
the filter should be checked periodically for the presence
of anthracite. If anthracite is present in more than trace
quantities, the fast wash  flow may need to  be lowered.
This phase  of the  backwash  cycle  is typically  pro-
grammed to continue for 20 minutes.   Slow Wash

After the fast wash  has ended, the backwash  rate  is
decreased to the refill rate for one minute. This low rate
allows  the  media to reclassify and settle evenly inside
the filter.   Bed Settle

 After the slow wash has ended, all wash water flow to
 the filter is stopped and the media is allowed to settle for
 approximately two minutes.   Rinse

 This  stage also is referred to as filter-to-waste. During
 this phase Valve No. 2 (the filtered effluent valve), Valve
 No. 3 (the backwash outlet valve), Valve No. 6 (the slow
 wash/refill valve), and Valve No. 12 (the backwash water
 isolation valve) are closed; and Valve No. 1 (the raw influ-
 ent valve) and Valve No. 4 (the rinse valve) are opened.
 The filter is operated at its normal filtration rate with the
 effluent going to waste. The purpose for this is to make
 sure  any particles dislodged  but not removed from the
 lower portion of the  media go to waste rather than into
 the finished water.

 5.3.3  Filter Loadings and
        Run Termination

 For treatment systems involving  solid oxidizing  media
 filtration (i.e., pyrolusite and Birm), daily backwashing  is
 recommended for optimal filter efficiency. For oxidation
 and filtration as well  as manganese greensand systems,
 three methods can be used to assess the need for back-
 washing this type of filter:

 •  Gallons treated
 •  Filter run time
 •  Pressure drop across the media.

-------    Gallons Treated

 The "gallons treated" method is used because the total
 volume of water filtered can be directly converted to the
 quantity of iron and manganese precipitated. When this
 reaches a predetermined limit, backwash is initiated. This
 method is used most frequently for filtration  media that
 filters the precipitates,  such  as  dual media anthracite
 and silica sand or anthracite and manganese greensand.
 Iron and  manganese precipitates  often  are extremely
 small and will move down into the media bed rather than
 being stopped on the surface of the bed. When the pre-
 cipitates collect evenly throughout the depth of the media,
 there will be only a slight pressure drop across the media,
 compared to the  pressure drop encountered when the
 precipitates collect  primarily  in the  upper three to four
 inches  of the bed.  As such, breakthrough may occur
 without significant pressure buildup through the filter.

 For a  manganese greensand  system,  the  filter run
 between regenerations/backwashes can  be calculated
 based on the  potassium permanganate demand (PPD)
 of the water and the PPD capacity of greensand (Ficek,
 1994). The PPD of water is defined  as the stoichiometric
 amount of KMnO4 necessary to oxidize  Fe(ll) and and
 Mn(ll) (see Table 2-2), as calculated using the following

 PPD = Fe as mg/L + (2 x Mn as mg/L) = mg/L Fe and Win

       mg/L Fe and Mn /17.1 = gpg Fe and Mn

 Concentrations of iron  and manganese  are  expressed
 as  mg/L, which can be converted  to grains per gallon
 (gpg) by dividing by  17.1.

 According to the greensand  manufacturer,  one cubic
 foot of greensand has about 300  grains (or 19.4 grams)
 of manganese removal capacity. Since two parts of per-
 manganate are required to oxidize each part of manga-
 nese, the PPD capacity of greensand is twice that for
 manganese or 600 grains (or 38.8 grams).

 The following  calculations are an  example  of how to
 determine the gallons  filtered between  regenerations/
 backwashes for a manganese greensand  system. For a
water containing  1.5 mg/L Fe,  0.5 mg/L Mn, and no
other oxidizable contaminants, the PPD is:

  PPD of water = 1.5 mg/L  + (2 x 0.5 mg/L) = 2.5 mg/L

               2.5/17.1 =0.146 gpg

Assuming that greensand  has a PPD capacity of 600
grains per cubic foot, a  filter with  an area  of 50 ft2 (8-ft-
diameter pressure vessel)  and an 18-inch media depth
has a total capacity:
       600 gr/ft3 x 1.5 ft x 50 ft2 = 45,000 grains

 If each gallon  of  raw water contains 0.146 grains  of
 KMnO4 demand, the number of gallons of water a filter
 can treat would be:

      45,000 grains / 0.146 gpg = 308,219 gallons

 This is the amount of water that may be treated before
 the filter would require regeneration and backwashing.    Filter Run Time

 Filter run time can be used to initiate backwash when the
 filter is operated at a constant flowrate. This allows the
 run time  to be  directly converted to volume throughput.
 Using the previous  example that determined  308,219
 gallons of water treated between two backwash cycles,
 and filtering at a 3.0 gpm/ft2 rate, the filter run time is:

            3.0 gpm/ft2 x 50 ft2 =  150 gpm
      308,219 gallons /150 gpm = 2,055 minutes.

 This would allow for a run time of:

   2,055  minutes / 60 minutes per hour = 34.2 hours.    Pressure Drop

 Pressure drop is used to initiate a backwash when the
 pressure difference between the  inlet and  outlet pres-
 sure reaches 8-10 psig. As  larger precipitates accumu-
 late on the top  of the media bed, the head loss through
 the filter increases. Depending on the size of the precipi-
 tates, the filter run time could  be  significantly shorter
 than  that  calculated based on  the gallons  filtered

 When the head loss across the filter reaches 10 psig, a
 backwash cycle must be initiated  regardless of the gal-
 lons that  have  been filtered. Monitoring the head loss
 across the filters also can be used to identify operating
 problems  with the filter. As the media ages, it will  gen-
 erally decrease in size and  the difference between the
 smallest grains  and the largest grains will increase. This
 condition  will cause the filter to exhibit higher initial head
 loss under clean bed conditions.

 5.3.4 Filter Operation

 Filters may be operated manually or automated through
 a PLC in  the filter control panel (see Figure 5-7). The
startup and shutdown of plant production and filter oper-
ation  are typically based  on the level of water storage
facilities. An example of a common sequence of opera-
tion is described as follows:

                                                                   Two-Filter Control Panel
                                                       Effluent Rate Meters
                   Influent Meter   Disconnect

                                                        Inlet Valve Switches
                                                                            Plant Effluent
                          Blower Motor Switch
                                                                  Valve Position Meters As %
                                                       Effluent Valve  Bank A Backwash Bank B Backwash
                                                          Switch      Full Flow—Low Flow—Close—Auto
                                                       Backwash Inlet Valves
                       Pump #3
PLC Interface
                                                       Backwash Outlet
                                                       Rinse Outlet Valves

                                                       Draindown Valves
                                                         OPEN/ CLOSE/
                     Unit    Air/Water
                    Select    Wash
                    Auto/    INCLUDE
                  1-2-3-4-5-6   OMIT
                   PUSH TO START

                   Filter Sequence/
                    Time Control
                                                       Air Wash Inlet Valves
FIGURE 5-7. Typical Two-Filter Control Panel
    When the storage tank falls below a pre-desig-
    nated low level 1, the well pump control panel
    starts the well pump(s) designated under a
    LEAD/LAG matrix.

    If the storage tank continues to fall until it
    reaches low  level 2, additional well pump(s)
    designated under the LAG steps of the matrix
    will be started.

    When the pumps are started, the filter control
    PLC will configure the influent and effluent
    valves for normal filtering.

    This process continues as the storage tank level
    rises. When  the storage tank level reaches high
    level 1, the LAG pump(s) will stop. When the
    storage tank level reaches high level 2, the
    LEAD pump(s) will be signaled to stop.
Displayed on the control panel are the vital flow param-
eters which consist of:

•   Flow from each filter
•   Plant effluent and influent
•   Backwash flow
•   Filter effluent valve positions.

Provisions are made available on the panel for both the
manual and automatic  operation of the following system
components and operations:

•   Filter valves
•   Individual filter backwash operations
•   Air wash operations.

An operator interface is provided for control and adjust-
ment of automatic filter operations.  The PLC  has  an

operator interface on the right side of the panel (see Fig-
ure 5-7), providing direct access to the control panel.

Valves operated with pneumatic or hydraulic actuators
can be either open or closed  (see Figures 5-8 and 5-9).
The switches present on  the control panel for electric
operators will allow the plant  operator to manually open
or close the valves. Additionally, the controls on the filter
control panel should be designed to allow the plant oper-
ator to open and close the valve. Valves operated with
electrical  operators  may be  positioned at  any point
between fully opened and  fully closed.  The position of
these valves is indicated  as  to what  percentage  the
valve is fully opened (see Figure 5-10).
               FIGURE 5-8.  Pneumatically Operated Draindown Valves
                                Solenoid-Operated Air Valve
               FIGURE 5-9. Filtered Effluent Pneumatically Operated Butterfly Valve




Position Sensor/Transmitter
               FIGURE 5-10. Electric Valve Operator
5.4   Media

The  placement of the media in the treatment vessel,
which takes place immediately prior to initial startup or
during replacement of spent media, is a critical step in
the future system performance. The media is usually
delivered in bags on pallets. The volume of the media is
determined on a dry weight basis.

5.4.1  Support Media

Some filters are designed to have an underdrain system
that does not require support media; these are usually of
a porous plate or strainer nozzle design. For an under-
drain system that  requires support media  (e.g.,  gravel,
garnet, and/or torpedo sand), care must be taken in the
placement of the support media.

Before packing the support media, it is important to be
sure that the  interior  of the  tank is clean  and that the
underdrain is clear and secure.  The support media then
is placed  around  and over the underdrain system  and
each gradation is measured for proper depth. Support
media should be properly leveled before adding the next
size layer.
                           For vessels with air scour, the air distribution laterals
                           should be  inspected to ensure that  the openings are
                           facing  downward into  the  support media.  Gravels in
                           3/16-inch, 10 mesh then are placed in the tank to cover
                           the air wash distributor. Care  must be taken to prevent
                           debris  from entering the tank, as it  may cause inter-
                           ference with the air distribution.

                           Air scour systems which require a gravel retaining screen
                           should place the screen at the junction where the top
                           layer of gravel  will be leveled off and the layer of green-
                           sand will be started. In packing the last layer of gravel, it
                           must be  mounded  slightly above the top of the screen
                           support angle  so that, when the screen is installed, the
                           gravel will be tight underneath  the screen.

                           5.4.2 Filter Media

                           The filter media should be packed under water. With
                           water available to the unit, clean water is fed to the tank
                           until it stands  about 12-18 inches deep above the sup-
                           porting bed. The filter media may be  placed in the filter
                           tank by  pouring it through the tank opening until the
                           required  amount is packed.  Care should  be taken to
                           prevent bags or any portion of the shipping containers

from entering  the tank, as this could cause  excessive
pressure loss  and/or channeling  of  water through  the
bed during the service run.

After the required  filter media has been placed in  the
tank and leveled, the filter must be given a conditioning
backwash and the  fines must be skimmed from the bed
surface. The filter  then should be backwashed at  the
flowrate required to achieve bed fluidization for at least
15 minutes. Following this backwash,  the filter should be
given a short downflow rinse, and then the filter should
be backwashed again.

Following  this second backwash, the filter should be
drained completely. An inspection will show  a  layer of
fine material on  the bed surface from 1/2-inch to %-inch
thick, which must be removed with a flat trowel or flat
shovel and  discarded.  It is  important not to  rake  or
scrape this material across the bed surface, as this will
only push the fines down into the bed.

For dual media filters, anthracite may be added after the
fines have been skimmed from the bed. Water should be
allowed to enter the filter until it stands about 6-8 inches
above the bed. Anthracite then is placed into the filter to
the required depth. Caution  should again be exercised to
prevent debris from entering the tank. After the required
amount of anthracite has been placed into the tank,  the
filter may be backwashed again until the  water passing
to waste  is  clear  and clean.  Anthracite  should  be
skimmed to remove fines. A short rinse should  then be
performed before the unit is drained.
While the unit is draining,  it is important to observe the
draindown and close the rinse valve when the water level
is about 12 inches above the bed surface. The filter then
is ready for conditioning (if required) and disinfecting.

5.4.3  Limitations and Precautions

Depending on the filter media, certain  limitations and
precautions should be observed.   Anthracite Caps
When using anthracite, the backwash wastewater should
be monitored closely to determine media loss. Because
anthracite is more easily fluidized than other media, it is
more likely to experience a greater  rate of attrition and
carryover in the backwash waste.  Also, it may be more
likely to fracture under air  scour or high rate backwash-
ing, thus reducing its effective  size and beginning to plug
the filter bed, resulting  in higher head loss through the
filter. Besides periodically  taking samples  of backwash
waste during  high-rate  backwashing, annual inspection
of the anthracite cap is recommended to determine the
depth and effective size of the media.    Pyrolusite

Along with silica sand, pyrolusite is among the most dur-
able of the available iron filter media. However, because
of its high specific gravity, backwash rates must be able
to redistribute the pyrolusite evenly throughout the sand
filter bed. Using water alone for backwash requires 25-
30 gpm/ft2, a rate difficult to achieve for many smaller
treatment plants.  The use of air scour with water back-
wash is  best  in redistributing  the pyrolusite.  If iron
removal effectiveness begins to decline, it may be due to
uneven distribution of the media, and backwashing prac-
tices should be  examined.    Birm
The  effectiveness of the Birm media  is compromised
when it  is operated  outside  of defined ranges. Free
chlorine  concentration in backwash water should  not
exceed  0.5 mg/L (as CI2).  Water containing  hydrogen
sulfide  or polyphosphates  will reduce the   oxidizing
capacity  of the media  and must be  avoided.  During
installation, disinfection of the  treatment tank  with chlo-
rine  should take  place just  prior to the addition of the
Birm media. The tank should be thoroughly rinsed of any
chlorine residue before placing the media. Careful place-
ment of media to avoid contamination must be  observed.    Manganese Greensand

Before manganese greensand is placed  into  service, it
must be  conditioned and  disinfected.  Conditioning is
accomplished by  filling the  filter until the water level is
approximately 12 inches over the bed. In  accordance
with  the  manufacturer  recommendation, a  prescribed
amount  of potassium  permanganate  is dissolved  in
water and then added  to the filter by any convenient
means (bucket or pump) through the tank top opening. It
is important to  prevent undissolved crystals of perman-
ganate from  entering the tank.  The tank top opening
should then be closed and the tank completely filled with
water. With all  valves closed,  the inlet valve should be
opened, followed  by the slow opening of the rinse valve.
Rinsing should continue until the rinse water tests free of
iron and manganese. The filter then is ready for service.

Sometimes it  is impractical to add potassium permanga-
nate in solution. Although it is  not desirable to add per-
manganate crystals because they dissolve very slowly, if
necessary, they may  be added to the 12 inches of water
over the  bed.  The time required for  rinsing may be
extended considerably if potassium permanganate crys-
tals are added.

5.5  Operator Requirements

A qualified operator for an arsenic removal water treat-
ment plant, licensed in accordance with any regulatory
requirements, should  have thorough arsenic removal
process training,  preferably at an  existing  treatment
plant.  The operator should be able to service pumps,
piping systems, instrumentation, and electrical accessor-
ies. The operator should  be  fully  informed about the
safety requirements and physical/chemical characteris-
tics of  all  chemicals  required  for  use  at the  plant.
Corrosive  chemical safety requirements  for  clothing,
equipment, antidotes,  and  procedures  must  be thor-
oughly understood. The operator should  be thoroughly
trained to run routine water analyses including the meth-
od for determining arsenic levels.  The operator  should
be well grounded in  mathematics for  operation cost
accounting and treatment run recordkeeping. The opera-
tor, above all, should be dependable and conscientious.

5.6  Laboratory Requirements

In addition to the O&M Manual,  the treatment plant should
have the  latest edition  of Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater prepared jointly
by the  American  Public  Health Association-American
Water Works Association-Water Environment Federa-
tion (APHA-AWWA-WEF).  This  manual  supplies the
plant operators with necessary  information for accept-
able methods for  analyzing water. A recommended  list
of items for analysis  is illustrated in Figure 3-1. The
primary requirement  is  accurate analysis  for arsenic,
iron, manganese,  and pH.  As long as pH meters are
calibrated  and cleaned  regularly,  high precision mea-
surements are easily  obtained. Care should be exer-
cised to prevent contamination  of pH buffers.

Total arsenic can  be preserved effectively in field sam-
ples and analyzed by several  analytical methods to the
MCL of 10 ug/L or less. Preservation of total arsenic is
accomplished by acidifying the sample to  pH <2. The
Arsenic Rule lists four  U.S.  EPA-approved analytical

•   Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy

•   Graphite furnace atomic absorption (GFAA),

•   Stabilized temperature platform (STP) GFAA,

•   Gaseous hydride atomic absorption (GHAA).

These methods are U.S. EPA-approved for compliance
requirements and  require expensive analytical  equip-
ment that is found only at large water treatment plants or
laboratories. During the past several years, several com-
panies have developed portable test kits for field analy-
sis of arsenic.

Several arsenic tests kits have been evaluated under the
U.S. EPA  Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
program by  the Advanced Monitoring  Systems Center
managed  by Battelle in partnership  with U.S.  EPA.
These kits were tested for monitoring arsenic in the 1 to
100 ug/L range. Information on the test kits can be found
on the internet (http://epa.gov/etv/verifications/vcenter1-
21.html) Although they may be adequate for monitoring
process performance, these test kits are not U.S.  EPA-
approved methods for use in reporting MCL compliance
data. For regulatory data, water samples must be ana-
lyzed by U.S. EPA and state-certified testing laboratories
employing U.S. EPA-approved methods.

5.7  Operating Records

A system of records should be  maintained on file at the
treatment plant covering plant activity, plant procedures,
raw water chemical analyses,  plant expenditures, and
inventory of materials (spare parts, tools, etc.). The plant
operators should have the responsibility of managing all
aspects of the treatment plant operation. The operators
are accountable to the water system management. The
recommended record system should include, but not be
limited to, items described below.

5.7.1  Plant Log

A daily log should be maintained in which the plant oper-
ators  record  daily activities  at the  plant.  This record
should include a  listing of scheduled maintenance,
unscheduled  maintenance,   plant visitors, purchases,
abnormal weather conditions, injuries, sampling for state
and other  regulatory  agencies, etc.  This record should
also be used as a tool for planning future routine and
special activities.

5.7.2  Operation  Log

The operators should maintain a  log  sheet  for  each
treatment run for each treatment unit, so that  a perma-
nent plant performance record will be on file. Figure 5-11
illustrates a copy of a  suggested condensed form.

5.7.3  Water Analysis Reports

It is recommended that the plant operators run  an analy-
sis of raw and treated arsenic levels once each week for
each  unit,  and a total  raw water  analysis  once  per
month. Changes in raw water may necessitate changes

                                      WATER TREATMENT PLANT
                  FILTER NO.

Rate of


Hours in











                  FILTER NO.

Rate of


Hours in











FIGURE 5-11. Typical Water Treatment Plant Filter Operation Log
in the treatment process.  Raw water changes that can
impact the treatment process include, but are not limited
to, pH, alkalinity, arsenic, iron, manganese, hardness,
phosphate, silica, sulfate, total dissolved solids, and tur-
bidity. Figure 3-1 illustrates a copy of a suggested water
analysis form. A permanent file of these  reports can be a
valuable tool.

5.7.4  Plant Operating  Cost Records

Using accounting forms supplied by the water system's
accountants, the plant operators should keep a complete
record of purchases of all spare parts, chemicals,  labor-
atory equipment and reagents, tools, services, and other
sundry items.  This should  be supplemented by a  file of
up-to-date competitive prices for items  that have been
previously purchased.

5.7.5  Correspondence Files

The plant operators should  retain  copies  of all corre-
spondence pertaining to the treatment plant in chrono-
logical order. Included would be intradepartmental notes
and  memos in  addition  to correspondence with other
individuals  and/or organizations.  Faxes and copies of
emails should be part of the file.

5.7.6 Regulatory Agency Reports

The plant operators should maintain a complete file of
copies of all reports received from  state, county, or other
regulatory agencies pertaining to the treatment plant. In
addition,  training records of plant  staff should  be main-
tained to  demonstrate compliance  with license and other
certification requirements.

5.7.7 Miscellaneous Forms

The operators should have an adequate supply of acci-
dent and  insurance forms.

5.8  Treatment Plant Maintenance and

The maintenance concept for the water treatment plant
is to isolate the equipment to be serviced by means of
shutoff valves, vent and drain lines (as required), repair
or replace equipment, fill lines, open  valves, and start
treatment service.  All system components are equipped
with isolating  valves and all piping systems have vents
at high points and drains at low points to improve main-
tenance efficiency.

Equipment  manufacturers' recommended spare  parts
should  be stocked at the treatment plant to avoid lengthy
maintenance shutdowns.

Bypassing of components  in the plant should  be pro-
vided for periods of maintenance on those components.
However, care should be taken to avoid bypassing treat-
ment and sending untreated water with excessively high
arsenic to distribution, an event that  should not occur
and would result in a violation of primary drinking water

A  preventive  maintenance  program should be imple-
mented to sustain the reliability of the plant and reduce
operating  costs.  Scheduled  maintenance should  be
planned and actual maintenance recorded in  a syste-
matic manner.

The plant operator should wash down all equipment at
least once per month. Floors should be swept. Bathroom
and laboratory  fixtures should  be  cleaned once  per
week. All light bulbs should be replaced  immediately on
failure. Emergency shower and eyewash stations should
be tested once  per week. Any chemical spill should be
neutralized  and cleaned  up  immediately. Equipment
should be repainted at least once every five years.

                   6.0  Central Water Treatment Plant Operating Costs
 6.1  Introduction

 The primary objectives in central water treatment plant
 design are to provide the owner/client with a low-capital
 cost  installation that works efficiently  and  reliably;  is
 simple to operate; and is inexpensive to operate.  Iron
 removal  systems include  chemical  pretreatment, filtra-
 tion,  and/or disinfection,  and  each system  should be
 designed with maximum capability and flexibility.

 Similar to capital costs, many variables affect operating
 costs. This chapter  discusses the  types  of operating
 costs that are evaluated during each stage of the design
 phase of the project  and  the operation of the treatment
 plant. The costs include:

 1.  Treatment chemicals

 2.  Operating labor

 3.  Utilities

 4.  Replacement of equipment and media, and
    miscellaneous materials

 5.  Waste disposal (not included in this manual).

 Operating costs normally are passed directly onto the
 water user in the monthly water bill. As the consumer's
 water bill normally is based on metered water consump-
 tion, the  costs for treatment are prorated on the unit of
 volume  measurement.  The unit of volume  is usually
 1,000 gal, or 100 ft3 (750 gal).  The rate units employed
 in this design manual is $/1,000 gal. Some systems do
 not meter  consumption;  instead, they  charge a  flat
 monthly rate based on the size of the branch connection
 to the water main. Although this latter mode of  distri-
 bution saves the cost of meters as well as the reading of
 meters, it does  not promote water conservation. There-
fore, far more water is pumped, treated, and distributed,
 resulting in a net increase in operating costs.
 The common denominator that applies to both the oper-
 ating costs and the bill for water consumption is the unit
 of volume, 1,000 gal. Each operating cost factor can be
 reduced to cost/1,000 gal. The sum total of the annual
 operating costs  based on total water production yields
 the cost per 1,000 gallons.

 Treatment system size is another variable that impacts
 costs. Operating labor requirements do not vary directly
 with the size of the system, but do vary with the type of
 operation; smaller systems would tend to  employ the
 simplest operation.  In general, the labor cost per 1,000
 gallons of water is less for larger plants. For example, if
 it takes the same amount of labor to operate a 50,000-
 gpd plant as it does a 500,000-gpd water plant, the labor
 cost will be ten  times less per 1,000 gallons for the
 larger plant.

 Besides treatment system size, other variables that influ-
 ence the costs of operation are the source water con-
 centrations of iron, arsenic,  and other contaminants  that
 must be  removed.  Increased  chemical addition  and
 numbers of backwash cycles per 1,000 gallons increase
 when iron concentrations  are higher. For example, water
 with 1  mg/L of raw iron may require  chlorination of
 1 mg/L  and will not load  filter media  as quickly as  raw
 water with 3 mg/L, which  may require 3 mg/L of chlorine
 for oxidation.

 The costs of treatment chemicals, utilities, waste  dis-
 posal,  and availability of  operating personnel vary with
 geographic locations and  may be deciding factors in the
 best treatment option available for a particular treatment

 6.2   Treatment Chemicals

 The  treatment chemicals  discussed in this chapter  are
 limited to  chlorine in  its  various forms and potassium
 permanganate. Both are oxidants and are highly corro-
sive, requiring compatible materials of construction, con-
tainment provisions, safety provisions, weather protection,

and operator training. Although special precautions and
training are required, they are routinely  accomplished.
Other chemicals may  be used for other requirements,
such as corrosion inhibition or pH adjustment; however,
such site-specific requirements are not covered in this

The  chemicals  used for treatment of water for public
consumption require NSF/ANSI STD 61 certification by
most state regulatory agencies. It also is recommended
that the chemical supplier be required to  certify  that the
containers used to store and deliver the chemicals have
not been used for any other chemical; or if they have,
that they have been decontaminated  according to pro-
cedures required by the governing regulatory agency.

Chemical costs are variable;  recently these costs have
been volatile. Like all commodities, there is  sensitivity to
the supply and  demand fluctuation of the marketplace.
The  geographic  location of the treatment  plant site  in
relation to that of the supplier has an impact on the deliv-
ered cost. In some cases, the  delivery costs are greater
than the  costs of the chemical. The conceptual design
evaluates the  chemical logistics  and determines the
most  cost-effective  mode  of  procurement  as  well as
whether chemicals for pH adjustment are economically

Chemical costs are sensitive to the volume  and contain-
ment mode of the commodity purchased. In  general, gas
chlorine  is shipped  in  either 2,000-lb  containers or
smaller 150-lb cylinders. Liquid chlorine  (sodium hypo-
chlorite and calcium hypochlorite) come in  various con-
tainers from bulk deliveries to small containers. Because
commodity handling  is minimized,  bulk tank truck quan-
tities entail the least cost.

Bulk deliveries  require chemical  storage  tanks within
containment basins  located at the treatment plant site
with necessary safety provisions and weather protection.
The  same commodities can  be routinely purchased  in
drums (55-gal or 30-gal), totes, carboys, gallon jugs, etc.
These packaged quantities result in  much higher unit
prices than bulk quantity. The drum and other small con-
tainer prices also depend  on the quantity procured  at
one  time. Small containers   also  introduce additional
handling  requirements for the treatment  plant operator.
For small treatment systems, bulk  procurement and
storage of liquid chlorine can be a limiting factor.

Potassium permanganate is delivered in a dry, crystal
form and can be  shipped in 48,000-lb bulk shipments but
more commonly is  provided  in 330-lb steel drums or
55-lb high-density polyethylene (HOPE) pails.
The  following  provides  an  example  operational  cost
evaluation for a hypothetical manganese greensand iron
removal treatment plant.  For this example, it is assumed
that the system that has an average flow of 500,000 gpd
and  uses chlorine  and  potassium permanganate as
oxidants. Concentration of raw iron is 1 5 mg/L, and raw
manganese is 0.10 mg/L.

The  quantity of chlorine and potassium  permanganate
required can be calculated as follows:

             mg/L chlorine = mg/L iron
   mg/L KMnO4 = 0.2 * mg/L iron + 2.1 x mg/L Mn

With no chlorine, the potassium permanganate demand is;

   mg/L KMnO4= 1.1 x mg/L iron + 2.1 x mg/L Mn


   Flowrate = 500,000 gpd
   Raw Iron =  1.5 mg/L
   Raw Manganese = 0.10 mg/L
   Chlorine (gas) = $0.40/lb
   Potassium Permanganate = $1.35/lb


   Chlorine Ib/yr:
      (1 x 1.5 mg/L) x 0.5 mgd x 8.34 x 365 =
      2,283 Ib/yr

   Potassium permanganate Ib/yr:
      [(0.2 x 1.5 mg/L) + (2.1 x 1 mg/L)] x 0.5  mgd x
      8.34 x 365 = 776 Ib/yr

   Chlorine cost:
      2,283 Ib/yr x $0.40/lb = $913/yr

   Potassium permanganate cost:
      776x$l.35/lb = $1,048/yr

   Total chemical cost = $1,961/yr

   Total gallons water produced:
      500,000 gpd x 355 days/year =
      182,500,000 gal/year

   Chemical Cost/1,000 gallons:
      $1,961 / (182,500) = $0.01/1,000 gallons

6.3   Operating Labor

Operating labor costs are difficult to quantify. The opera-
tors are required to be dependable and competent; how-
ever, the  positions are not always  full-time. Depending
on the size of  the system and the other duties available

 for the operators, the operators' time should be distributed
 over several accounting categories. Automatic backwash-
 ing of filters can significantly reduce the time required at
 the plant.

 On routine operating days, the operators check the sys-
 tem to see that equipment is operating properly, take and
 analyze water samples, check instruments (flow, temper-
 ature, pressure),  and make entries in  daily logs. Other
 activities, which may  occur  on  a  less frequent basis,
 include,  but are not limited to, arsenic analyses in the
 treatment plant laboratory, equipment maintenance, and
 chemical tank truck  deliveries. During  the remainder of
 the time, the operators are able to operate and maintain
 other systems (distribution,  pumps, storage, etc.), read
 meters, or handle other municipal responsibilities  (e.g.,
 operate  sewage  treatment  plant).  Backup operators
 should always be available to take over in case of an
 emergency. Those individuals should be well versed in
 the operation of the plant.

 Assuming that the plant operations are  charged an aver-
 age of 20  hours per week for labor, the cost of opera-
 tional labor will be as follows  (it is assumed  that the
 hours  not  used for treatment  plant operation  will  be
 efficiently used on other duties):


   Annual average use = 20 hr/wk
   Operator annual salary = $35,000
   Overhead and fringe benefits = 30%
   Available Annual Hour = 2,040 hr


   Total plant operator time:
   20 hr/wk x 52 wk/yr                  =  1,040 hr
   Operator hourly rate: 35,000/2,040     =  $17.16/hr
   30% (overhead and fringe benefits):    =  $5.15/hr
   Operator Rate:                          $22.31/hr

   Total operator cost:
      1,040 hr/year x $22.31/hr = $23,200/yr

   Total gallons water produced:
      = 182,500,000 gal/yr

   Labor cost/1,000 gal:
      $23,200/182,500 = $0.13/1,000 gallons

If the operators had no other responsibilities and the oper-
ator's entire salary were expended against this treatment
plant operation, the operating labor cost would become
$0.25/1,000 gal.  Depending on the operational philoso-
phy of the designer/planner/manager, the operating labor
 costs can be minimized or maximized over a very broad
 range. In the  case of a very high production plant, the
 operating labor requirement is not significantly larger
 than that for  a very small treatment  plant. Therefore,
 depending on relative salaries, the resulting cost per
 1,000  gal can range from a few cents to more than a

 6.4  Utilities

 Utility  costs normally  are for electrical power,  but can
 include costs for telephone and/or for oil or natural gas.
 Telephone service to the  treatment building is  recom-
 mended as a safety precaution in  case of accident as
 well as  operator  convenience. Cost  for that  service
 should be the minimum available monthly rate. Depend-
 ing on the local climate, the costs for heating can vary.
 The purpose of the  building is to protect the equipment
 from elements (primarily freezing),  not for operator com-
 fort. Normally the treatment units act as heat sinks, main-
 taining an insulated  building at a temperature near that
 of the raw water.  In cold climates, the building should
 have  an auxiliary heat source to  prevent freezing of
 pipes in the event that the water is not  flowing. If the
 client determines that the treatment building is to serve
 additional functions,  heating and air conditioning to  a
 comfortable temperature could be an additional required

 Electric power is needed for the following functions:

 1.  Chemical feed equipment
 2.  Instrumentation and controls
 3.  Pumps (well and high service)
 4.  Lighting
 5.  Office/lab/maintenance
 6.  Aerator
 7.  Air blowers
 8.  Backwash pump
 9.  Backwash waste holding pumps.

 Items 1, 2, 4, and  5  are negligible. Item 3 is the  largest
 use of power and  the use  of energy efficient motors is
 recommended. Item  6 is a relatively small load (1-3 hp
 blower motor).  Items 7, 8 and 9 are intermittent loads,
 but significant.

 Electrical utility rates also  vary  considerably from one
geographic location to another. In 2002,  rates varied from
$0.05 to $0.20/kwh. The electrical utility cost can range
from $0.005 to $0.02 per 1,000 gallon under normal con-
ditions.  Under abnormal  conditions, the cost could be
$0.05/1,000 gallon  or higher.

6.5  Media Replacement

Properly maintained media may be replenished annually
due to  attrition, but generally has a useful life of many
years. It is not uncommon to use media for 10 years or
longer before total replacement. Media is typically priced
per cubic foot. Costs of media in 2002 were in the follow-
ing ranges:
    Silica sand
supplies. An operating cost allowance of $0.01/1,000 gal
of treated water is conservative.

6.7  Operating Cost Summary

The range of iron removal water treatment plant operat-
ing costs discussed  above are impacted by the factors
presented  in Sections 6.2 through 6.6. For the manga-
nese greensand water treatment plant example used in
Section 6.2, the sum of the operating costs would be:
6.6   Replacement Parts and
      Miscellaneous Materials

This is a very small operational cost item. Replacement
parts  (e.g.,  chemical  pump diaphragms,  seals, and
replacement pump heads) should be kept in stock in the
treatment plant to prevent extended plant shutdown if a
part is required. Also included are consumables such as
laboratory reagents (and glassware), and recordkeeping
    Chemical cost:
    Labor cost:
    Utility cost:
    Miscellaneous cost:
$0.01/1,000 gallons
$0.13/1,000 gallons
$0.02/1,000 gallons
$0.01/1,000 gallons
                                         Total Operating Cost: $0.17/1,000 gallons

                                      For an average flow of 500,000 gpd, the annual operat-
                                      ing cost for the plant is $31,025. This annual cost does
                                      not include waste disposal.  Other water-related  costs
                                      including distribution maintenance or administrative costs
                                      such as meter reading and billing are not included.

                                          7.0  References
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U.S.  EPA. 2001. Federal Register:  Final Arsenic  Rule.
40CFRParts9, 141, and  142.

U.S.  EPA.  2002.   Implementation  Guidance for the
Arsenic Rule—Drinking Water Regulations for Arsenic
and  Clarifications  to Compliance  and New  Source
Contaminants  Monitoring.  EPA/816/K-02/018. United
States  Environmental  Protection  Agency,   Office of
Water, Washington,  DC.

U.S.  EPA.  2003.  Minor Clarification  of  the National
Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Arsenic. Federal
Register, 40 CFR Parts 141. March 25.

Waychunas, G.A., C.C. Fuller, B.A. Rea, and J.A. Davis.
1996. "Wide Angle  X-Ray Scattering  (WAXS) Study of
Two-Line'  Ferrihydrite  Structures:  Effect of Arsenate
Sorption and Counterion Variation and Comparison with
EXAFS Results." Geochimica et Cosmochimica  Acta,
57(10): 2251.

Zabel, K.R. 1991. "Manganese Options." Water  Tech-
nology, (November): 50-51.

                                           Appendix A

                               Economic Evaluation Example
An economic comparison was made between a conventional iron removal water treatment plant (WTP) with aeration
and a manganese greensand iron removal WTP. The following is a summary of the design data followed by an
equivalent annual cost analysis.

Design Data Summary

Option  1: Iron Removal with Aeration WTP (500,000 gpd)

Process: Well Pumping -» Aeration -> Filtration -» Disinfection -» Clean/veil -» High Service Pumping - Distribution

       Maximum day:         500,000 gpd (used to size process equipment)
       Average day:          250,000 gpd (used to calculate chemical usage)

Pressure Filters*
       Max flow, total:        500,000 gpd total (350 gpm)
       Flow per filter:         175 gpm
       Filtration rate:         3 gpm/ft2
       Required filter area:    58.33 ft2 (175 gpm / 3 gpm/ft2)
       Filter diameter:        9'- 0" (nearest size exceeding required area)
       Actual filter area:       63.62 ft2 per filter
       *actual allowable rate and filter redundancy requirements will vary among state regulatory agencies

Filter Media
       Media depth:          36" (typical)
       Media volume:         190.9 ft3 per filter (filter area * depth)
       Media type:            Sand and anthracite
       Media cost:            $10-$15 per ft3

Backwash Tanks
       Backwash rate:        10 gpm/ft2 of filter area
       Backwash duration:    20 min
       Required volume:      25,440 gallon*
       * volume = (filter area) * (rate) * (duration) * (number of filters)

Clearwell Detention
       Detention time:        30 minutes (groundwater)
       Required volume:      10,500 gallon (350 gpm * 30 min)

Disinfection Chemical
       Chemical:             Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCI)
       Delivery:               Liquid, 12.5% trade strength, no dilution
       Dosage:               1.0mg/L
       CI2 required/day:       2.1 Ib/day (Ib/day = 0.25 mgd x 1.0 mg/L * 8.34)
       CI2 from NaOCI:        Approximately 1 Ib CI2 per gallon 12.5% NaOCI
       NaOCI required:        2.1 gallons/day
       NaOCI cost:           $1 .00 to $1 .50 per gallon delivered

High Service Pumping
       Pumping head:         60 psi (1 39 ft TDH)
       Pumps:               Horizontal split case centrifugal
       Power:                20 HP each pump*
        where y = 62.4 Ib/ ft3, H = head in ft, Q = flow in cfs, rp pump efficiency

       Pumping:              kW = HP x 0.746
       Heating/Ventilation:     Varies (typically 12.5 to 15.0 kW per 1,000 ft2)
       Lighting:               Varies (typically 0.75 to 1 .5 kW per 1 ,000 ft2)
       Miscellaneous         Varies
       Electric cost:           Varies (typically $0.06 to $0. 1 2 per kW-hr)

Option 2: Manganese Greensand WTP (500,000 gpd)

Process:  Well pumping -» Chemical Oxidation -> Filtration -» Disinfection -> Clean/veil -» High Service Pumping
       Distribution system

Process calculations:  same as for Option  1 except media type and chemical oxidation.

Filter Media
       Media depth:           36" (typical)
       Media volume:         1 90.9 ft3 per filter (filter area x depth)
       Media type:            Manganese greensand and anthracite
       Media cost:            $84-$90 per ft3

Chemical Oxidation
       Chemical:             Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) liquid
       Dosage:               1.1 Ib KMnO4 per Ib Fe, 2.1 Ib KMnO4 per Ib Mn removed
       Iron (Fe):              1.0 mg/L
       Manganese (Mn):      0.1 mg/L
       KMnO4,day for Fe:     2.3 Ib/day (Ib/day = 0.25 mgd x 1.0 mg/L x 8.34 x 1.1 Ib/lb)
       KMnO4/day for Mn:     0.4 Ib/day (Ib/day = 0.25 mgd x 0.1 mg/L x 8.34 x 2.1 Ib/lb)
       Total  KMnO4/day:      2.7 Ib/day*
       KMnO4 cost*:          $3.50 to $5.50  per Ib in crystal form

       *does not include periodic dosing of filter for media regeneration.

                   Project Name:

                 Alternative Name:
Project Economic Analysis

Option 1 - Iron Removal with Aeration WTP
                      Planning Period in years:
                  Initial Year of Planning Period:
                   Construction Period, in years:

                      Interest Rate %:

                      Structures Value, year 0:
 Process Equipment
                   20 yr. Equipment Value, year 0:
                   15 yr. Equipment Value, year 0:
 Auxiliary Equipment
                   15 yr. Equipment Value, year 0:
                   10 yr. Equipment Value, year 0:

                       Land Cost:
                   Total Construction Cost:
                       Contingences, % :
                   Technical Services, % :

      Salaries and Administrative Cost, year

  Power and Gas? type Y, just Power? type P:
                       Power Cost, year

                    Chemical Cost, year

        Repair and Maintenance Cost, year











Salaries and Administrative



 Repair and Maintenance
         Project Economic Analysis

   Option 1 - Iron Removal with Aeration WTP










    Yearly Increase





                            Project Economic Analysis

                     Option 1 - Iron Removal with Aeration WTP


                              Initial Cost       Replacement        Replacement     Salvage
                                  at             Cost at             Cost at         Value
                                YearO           Year 10            Year 15        Year 20

A. Structures
   50 year life                      $360,000
   Salvage Value                                                                  $216,000

B. Process Equipment
   20 year life                       321,000
   15 year life                         5,000
   Replacement Cost                                                       5,000
   Salvage Value                                                                     3,333

C. Auxiliary Equipment
   15 year life                       20,000
   10 year life                       17,500
   Replacement Cost                                    17,500            20,000
   Salvage Value                                                                    13,333

D. Other Costs
   Contingencies                     108,525
   Technical Services                      0
   Land                     	0	0	0

TOTAL PROJECT COST            $832,025
TOTAL REPLACEMENT COST                           $17,500           $25,000

                                Project Economic Analysis
                         Option 1 - Iron Removal with Aeration WTP
Planning Period: 20 Years
Initial Cost of Project:
Replacement Cost at Year 10:
Replacement Cost at Year 15:
Salvage Value at Year 20:
   Process Equipment
   Auxiliary Equipment
Constant Annual O&M Cost:
Variable Annual O&M Cost:

Interest Rate:
          $832,025        Construction Period:

         1.0 Year
                                            $0 Year 0 to
                                       $55,450 Year 20
Factors:  ( 20 years at         5.875 %, unless noted)
Present worth (PW) of constant annual O&M cost:
PW of variable annual O&M cost (annual increase):
Present worth of replacement cost - Year 10:
Present worth of replacement cost - Year 15:
Present worth of salvage value:
Interest during construction = Initial cost x (0.5) x Period of
   Construction (Years) x Interest rate.
Equivalent annual cost = Total present worth  x

 1.  Initial Cost
 2a.  Constant O&M
 2b.  Variable O&M
 3.  Replacement Cost
 4.  Salvage Value
 5.  Interest During Construction
 6.  Total Present Worth

            $1,849,450 x     0.0863

Project Name:
Alternative Name:
Planning Period in years:
Initial Year of Planning Period:
Construction Period, in years:
Interest Rate %:
Structures Value, year 0:
Process Equipment
20 yr. Equipment Value, year 0:
15 yr. Equipment Value, yearO:
Auxiliary Equipment
15 yr. Equipment Value, yearO:
10 yr. Equipment Value, yearO:
Land Cost:
Total Construction Cost:
Contingences, % :
Technical Services, % :
Salaries and Administrative Cost, year
Power and Gas? type Y, just Power? type P:
Power Cost, year
Chemical Cost, year
Repair and Maintenance Cost, year
Plant Economic Analysis
Option 2 - Manganese Greensand WTP
0 $35,000
20 $63,000
0 $28,000
20 $50,500
0 $6,100
20 $11,000
0 $5,000
20 $9,000

                                  Plant Economic Analysis

                             Option 2 - Manganese Greensand WTP


                                      Q                                       20

Salaries and Administrative                         $35,000                             $63,000

 ower                                          28,000                              50,500

 ihemicals                                        6,100                              11,000

Repair and Maintenance                             5,000                               9,000
TOTAL O&M COSTS                             $74,100                           $133,500

TOTAL FIXED O&M                               74,100                             74,100

TOTAL VARIABLE O&M                                $0                            $59,400

Yearly Increase	$2,970	

                                  Plant Economic Analysis
                            Option 2 - Manganese Greensand WTP

                                   Initial Cost   Replacement    Replacement     Salvage
                                       at          Cost at         Cost at         Value
                                     YearO        Year 10         Year 15        Year 20
A. Structures
   50 year life
   Salvage Value

B. Process Equipment
   20 year life
   15 year life
   Replacement Cost
   Salvage Value

 ;. Auxiliary Equipment
   15 year life
   10 year life
   Replacement Cost
   Salvage Value

D. Other Costs
   Technical Services


                                Plant Economic Analysis
                          Option 2 - Manganese Greensand WTP
Planning Period: 20 Years
Initial Cost of Project:
Replacement Cost at Year 10:
Replacement Cost at Year 15:
Salvage Value at Year 20:
   Process Equipment
   Auxiliary Equipment
Constant Annual O&M Cost:
Variable Annual O&M Cost:

Interest Rate:
          $820,525        Construction Period:

          1.0 Year
                                           $0 Year 0 to
                                       $59,400 Year 20
Factors:   ( 20 years at        5.875 %, unless noted)
Present worth (PW) of constant annual O&M cost:
PW of variable annual O&M cost (annual increase):
Present worth of replacement cost - Year 10:
Present worth of replacement cost - Year 15:
Present worth of salvage value:
Interest during construction = Initial cost x (0.5) x Period of
   Construction (Years) x Interest rate.
Equivalent annual cost = Total present worth  x

 1.  Initial Cost
 2a.  Constant O&M
 2b.  Variable O&M
 3.  Replacement Cost
 4.  Salvage Value
 5.  Interest During Construction
 6.  Total Present Worth

           $1,920,862 x    0.0863

                                            Appendix B

                     Operations Procedures for Iron Removal Plants
1)  When approaching the plant, first look to see if the
    lights are on around it or listen to hear if the gen-
    erator is running. Check for power outages, integrity
    of fence, doors, windows, louvers, etc.

2)  Once  out  of the vehicle, look to see  if water  is
    coming out from under the doors or up  from the
    ground around the plant. Then look to see if every-
    thing else appears as it should.

3)  Once inside, listen for familiar sounds:

    •   Are the chemical feed pumps running?
    •   Are the high  service pumps running?
    •   Are the backwash pumps running?
    •   Are there any unusual sounds?
    •   Is anything running  that shouldn't be?

4)  Check the control panel for alarms.

5)  Check chart recorders for normal flow patterns and
    mark abnormalities.

6)  Check the flow split between  the filters.

7)  Check totals on filters  to see that they are back-
    washing as required.

8)  Check the filters for anything  unusual.

    A common problem with filter systems that  use  a
    Venturi to  measure flow is that the orifices  in the
    tube will plug with a slime-like residue from the pre-
    cipitated iron. In some cases the slime is caused by
    the iron-metabolizing bacteria.

    One cure is to increase  the chlorine feed if it is used
    or add a small amount of chlorine if aeration is used.
    If  the  chlorine feed  is  increased  or  started  in  a
    softening plant, the carryover dose should not be
    greater than 0.1 mg/L.

    The tubing from the Venturi to the sensor should be
    flushed regularly. Do not attempt to adjust the bal-
    ance valves on the sensor.

    If these procedures do not correct the problem, the
    Venturi will need to be removed and cleaned.  All
    orifices and tubing  should be cleaned and  flushed
    and then reassembled.

9)  When permanganate is being fed, a sample of the
    effluent from each filter should be analyzed daily for
    residual. This can be done quickly with a DPD colori-
    meter. The reading  is multiplied by 0.891 to get the
    permanganate  residual. A quick check method is to
    draw the effluent into a white styrofoam cup. If you
    see pink, you are overfeeding.

    The concept of these filters  is to remove manga-
    nese, so any carryover would be putting it back in.

    Greensand media has an exchange capacity, so the
    best method of operation is to  feed an  amount of
    permanganate that is very slightly below the demand,
    and once a week increase the feed (KMnO4) until
    pink is seen in the effluent, then turn the feed back
    down. This recharges the media.

10) When chlorine  is used to oxidize iron,  there should
    be a slight carryover to keep iron from fouling the
    greensand. This should be checked daily. If the filter
    is followed by  softening, the  residual  must not  be
    more than 0.1 mg/L on a continuous basis and not
    be allowed  to  exceed 0.3 mg/L. Most  resins will
    tolerate 0.3 mg/L for very short duration peaks.

11) If filter backwashing or softener regeneration is set
    up for automatic operation, the operator should be at

   the plant for several of these occurrences each week
   to make sure the different events are happening on
   schedule and to check the operation of the  equip-
   ment involved.

   A sample of the washwater should be taken and
   checked for washed out media.

   The operation of the  backwash pumps, valves, and
   flow meters should be checked.

12) If the different pumps are not controlled through a
   pump rotator, reset the LEAD/LAG sequence once a

13) Check chemical levels daily.

14) Check  levels in waste  holding  tanks daily  and
   monthly in waste-holding lagoons.

15) Check dehumidification equipment monthly.
16) Check air scour systems daily. It is not uncommon for
    water to leak past valves and flood the air blowers.

17) Compare tank level readings to the stop/start points
    of the equipment operated from those levels.

18) Open each filter annually and measure and core the
    media. While the filter is open, all of the other com-
    ponents should be checked.

19) Exercise and inspect all of the valves around each
    filter 2 to 3 times per year.

20) Depending on the types of valves in use, keep an
    assortment of repair parts on hand. Valves that are
    electric solenoids  often have problems. For valves
    where the normal  position of the valve requires the
    solenoid to  be energized, regular failure of the coil
    can be seen. Coils are quickly and easily replaced.
    Also, repair kits for air switching valves need to be
    kept on hand at the plant.
