United States           EPA 744-F-96-022
Environmental Protection Agency   March 1997

Prevention, Pesticides andToxic Substances (7406)
Publications List
                       U.S. EPA*

         hat Is the  Design for the
Environment (DfE) Lithography
                        U.S. EPA
                            .he Design for the Environment (DfE)
Lithography Project is a voluntary effort between the lithographic printing
industry and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The goal of the
Project is to provide lithographers with information that can help them design
an operation that is more environmentally sound, safer for workers, and more
cost effective. The partners of the DfE Lithography Project evaluated 37 different
commercially available products, focusing on blanket •washes. Information was
gathered on the performance, cost, and health and environmental risk tradeoffs
of each substitute blanket -wash. The partners of the Project provide this
information to help printers make more informed decisions about the products
they use in their shops.

   Partners in the Design for the Environment (DfE) Lithography Project: Printing
   Industries of America, Graphic Arts Technical Foundation, the Environmental
   Conservation Board of the Graphic Communications Industry, The University of
   Tennessee, and individual printers and suppliers.

DfE Lithography Project Fact Sheet: Blanket Wash
Solutions for Small Printers
    This introduction to the DfE lithography Project provides a brief history of
    how and why the Project was started. It also discusses the three main Project
    areas: technical studies, implementation, and outreach.
           EPA 744-F-95-005, 2pages, September 1995

Cleaner-Technologies Substitutes Assessment (CTSA):
Lithographic Blanket Washes
    The CTSA is the complete technical report of the lithography Project. It
    contains detailed results of the performance demonstrations, cost analyses, lab
    tests, and risk character!nations of each of the substitute blanket washes. It also
    discusses the Project background, and presents the methodology used for
    evaluating the washes in each of the above categories.
           EPA-744-K-95-008, 447'pages, July 1996

DfE Lithography Project CTSA Booklet: Solutions for
Lithographic Printers: An Evaluationof Substitute Blanket
    Recognizing that not all printers have the time to read the larger, more detailed
    CTSA report, this booklet condenses the information found in the CTSA to
    answer printers' most immediate questions, such as: How do blanket washes
    affect worker health and safety?  How did the different blanket washes perform?
    What are the environmental risks associated with each wash? What are the costs
    associated with each? What steps can a printer take to test a new wash?
           EPA 744-F-96-009, Spring 1997

DfE Lithography Project Case Study #1: Managing  Solvents
and Wipes
    This case study tells how one company successfully improved its environmental
    and economic performance by using alternative press cleaners and reducing the
    overall use of press cleaners in its facility. The technical and procedural changes
    that this printer adopted are described.
           EPA 744-K-93-001, 4pages, October 1995

DfE Lithography Case Study #2: Pollution Prevention  at
Custom Print
    One printing facility's experience shows how a thorough step-by-step review of
    all processes in a print shop can uncover many ways to prevent pollution.
    Custom Print found opportunities in inventory control, in consolidation of
    chemicals, and even in changes to fixed costs such as air conditioning and
           EPA 744-F-96-001, 4pages, August 1996

DfE Lithography Project Bulletin #1: Substitute Blanket
Washes: Making Them Work
    Although printers experience many benefits from using substitute blanket
    washes, these washes may require different application methods than traditional
    blanket washes.  This bulletin shares the valuable knowledge of the printers who
    used substitute washes during the Lithography Project. These tips and hints can
    help any printer get the most out of a substitute blanket wash.
            EPA 744-F-96-002, 4pages, August 1996

DfE Lithography Project Bulletin #2: Workplace Practices
Make the Difference
    DfE asked 206 lithographers to share their best methods for reducing the use
    of chemicals in their facilities.  This bulletin describes the most popular of these
    pollution prevention practices. Implementing these practices can reduce worker
    exposure to harmful chemicals, minimize pollution, and improve productivity.
            EPA 744-F-96-008, 4pages, August 1996

DfE Lithography Project Bulletin #3: Vegetable Ester
Blanket Washes
    Blanket washes made of vegetable esters were one category of wash tested in
    the Lithography Project This bulletin discusses the potential performance, cost,
    and health and environmental benefits of using vegetable ester blanket washes.
            EPA 744-F-96-014, 4pages, October 1996

DfE Lithography Project Bulletin #4: A Worksheet to Help
You Choose a  Better Wash
    This bulletin contains a worksheet that provides printers with a helpful step-by-
    step guide to comparing different blanket wash formulations. Each wash is
    scored in areas such as performance, purchase price, percentage of  volatile
    organic compounds (VOCs), and fJammability. The bulletin also discusses the
    "hidden costs" of using a blanket wash and how printers can cut expenses by
    becoming aware of these. Finally, this bulletin provides tips on testing a new
            EPA 744-F-96-015, 6pages, October 1996

Printing Industry and Use  Cluster Profile
    This resource provides an in-depth profile of the United States printing industry.
    Demographic information is given for the entire industry, as well as  for the
    specific sectors:  Screen Printing, Lithography, Gravure, Flexography, and
    Letterpress. The Profile also presents detailed information about the processes
    and technological trends involved in each sector.
            EPA 744-R-94-003, 183pages, June 1994

Federal Environmental Regulations Potentially Affecting the
Commercial Printing Industry
    This helpful report summarizes the requirements of Federal kws that apply to
    the commercial printing industry, such as the Clean Air Act; the Clean Water
    Act; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; the Comprehensive
    Environmental Response, Compensation and liability Act (Superfund); the
    Community Right-to-Know Act; and the Toxic Substances Control Act
          EPA 744-B-94-001, 71 pages, March 1994

Summary  of Focus Group Discussions with Screen
Printers and Lithographers for the Design for the
Environment Printing Project
    EPA conducted eight focus groups with screen printers and lithographers to
    discuss the DfE Screen Printing and lithography Projects. This report presents
    the focus  group methodology and summarizes the meetings. Sources of
    environmental information that may be most useful to printers are also listed.
          EPA 742-R-94-004, 89pages, June 1994

Environmental Cost Accounting and Capital Budgeting:
Videotape Seminar and Handouts
    This video seminar discusses the elements of environmental cost accounting
    and Total Cost Assessment (TCA).  TCA allows printers and others to
    thoroughly assess the financial implications of environmental projects.  In
    addition, actual applications of TCA are discussed.
          EPA 744-B-96-001, 245 minutes (plus 134pages of handouts), July 1995

Environmental Cost Accounting and Capital Budgeting for
Small to Midsized Manufacturers: Videotape Seminar and
    This video seminar discusses the connection between environmental cost
    accounting and investment decision-making. It introduces Total Cost
    Assessment (TCA), an approach to capital budgeting for environmental projects
    that improves on more conventional cost accounting practices, and features
    company  case studies that show how firms have benefited from taking a TCA
          EPA 744-B-96-002, 165 minutes (plus 78pages of handouts), December 1995

      \ou> to  order your free
DfE  Lithography  Project Materials
Materials in this booklet can lie ordered free of charge from EPA's Pollution Prevention
Information Clearinghouse (PPIC).  You should receive your materials within about 2 weeks from
the day we receive your order.

To order by mail:
Check off the items on the next page that you -would like to receive, fill out the name
and address information, cut out the page, and mail it to:
        Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
        U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
        401 M Street, SW (7409)
        Washington, DC 20460

To fax your order:
Check off the items on the next page that you -would like to receive, fill out the name
and address information, photocopy the page, and fax it to PPIC at:
        (202) 260-4659

To order by telephone, call PPIC at:
        (202) 260-1023

To order by e-mail:
Send a message with the full title and EPA document number for each document you
•want, as -well as your name and mailing address, to:

For more information about the Design for the Environment Program, to view some
of these documents online, or to learn about other DfE industry projects, please visit
the DfE Homepage on the WorldWideWeb:

Please send me the following materials (specify the number
of each and please limit your order to 15 documents total):
        DfE lithography Project Fact Sheet: EPA 744-F-95-005

        CTSA: Lithographic Blanket Washes (447 pages): EPA-744-R-95-008

        CTSA Booklet: Solutions for Lithographic Printers: EPA 744-F-96-009

        DfE Lithography Project Case Study #1: EPA 744-K-93-001

        DfE Lithography Project Case Study #2: EPA 744-F-96-001

        DfE Lithography Project Bulletin #1: EPA 744-F-96-002

        DfE Lithography Project Bulletin #2: EPA 744-F-96-008

        DfE Lithography Project Bulletin #3: EPA 744-F-96-014

        DfE Lithography Project Bulletin #4: EPA 744-F-96-015

        Printing Industry & Use Cluster Profile: EPA 744-R-94-003

        Federal Environmental Regulations—Commercial Printing: EPA 744-B-94-001

        DfE Focus Group Discussions—Printing Industry: EPA 742-R-94-004

        Environmental Cost Accounting Video (245 min.): EPA 744-B-96-001

        Environmental CostAccountingVideo (165 min.): EPA 744-B-96-002
  Send my order to:
  Street Address .

  City, State, Zip
  Telephone (in case -we need to reach you)


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