±;PA 440/1-74/049
jroup II
       Development Document for
 Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines
 and New Source Performance Standards
                  for the
           (TARS AND  ASPHALT)
         Point Source Category


                DECEMBER 1974








            (TARS AND ASPHALT)

            Russell E. Train

             James L. Agee
   Assistant Administrator for  Water
        and Hazardous Materials
             Mr. A.D. Sidio
  National Field Investigations Center
            Cincinnati, Ohio
              Allen Cywin
 Director, Effluent Guidelines Division

             John Nardella
            Project Officer
             December,  1974

      Effluent Guidelines Division
Office of Water and Hazardous Materials
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
        Washington, D.C.   20460

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This document presents the findings of an in-house study  of
the  asphalt  paving and roofing materials industry.  It was
completed by the EPA, National Field Investigations Center -
Cincinnati,  for  the   purpose   of   developing   effluent
limitations  guidelines and Federal standards of performance
for the industry, to implement Sections 304 and 306  of  the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended.

Effluent  limitations  guidelines contained herein set forth
the degree of  effluent  reduction  attainable  through  the
application  of  the  best  practicable  control  technology
currently available and the  degree  of  effluent  reduction
attainable  through  the  application  of the best available
technology economically achievable which must be achieved by
existing point sources by July 1, 1977, and  July  1,  1983,
respectively.   The standards of performance for new sources
contained herein set forth the degree of effluent  reduction
which  is  achievable  through  the  application of the best
available  demonstrated   control   technology,   processes,
operating methods, or other alternatives.

Supportive   data  and  rationale  for  development  of  the
proposed effluent limitations guidelines  and  standards  of
performance are contained in this report.

Section                                                   Page

I.  Conclusions                                             1
II. Recommendations                                         3
III.Introduction                                            7
         Purpose and Authority                              7
         Summary of Methods Used for Development of the     8
          Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards
          of Performance
         General Description of the Industry                9
IV. Industrial Categorization                               33
         Categorization                                     33
         Rationale for Selection of Subcategories           33
V.  Waste Characterization                                  37
         General Use                                        37
         Specific Uses                                      37
VI. Pollutant Parameters                                    41
         Selected Parameters                                41
         Major Pollutants                                   41
VII.Control and Treatment Technology                        51
         Summary                                            51
         Control Measures by Subcategory                    53
         Treatment Technology                               54
VIII.Cost, Energy and Non-Water Quality Aspect              57
         Introduction                                       57
         Cost Information                                   57
         Costs by Subcategory                               59
IX. Best Practicable Control Technology                     67
    Currently Available
         Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources        71
X.  Best Available Technology Economically Achievable       73
         Introduction                                       73
         Effluent Reduction Attainable Through              74
         the Application of Best Available
         Technology Economically Achievable
XI. New Source Performance Standards                        77
         Standards of Performance for New Sources           77
         Pretreatment Standards for New Sources             78
XII.Acknowledgments                                         81
XIII.References                                             83
XIV.Glossary                                                85
XV. Conversion Table                                        91

       Status of Wastewater Treatment and Disposal       2
       Practices at Plants in the Paving and Roofing
       Materials (Tars and Asphalt) Category (1974)

 2.    Effluent Limitations for Asphalt Emulsion         3

 3.    Effluent Limitations for Asphalt Concrete         4

 4.    Effluent Limitations for Asphalt Roofing          4

 5.    Effluent Limitations for Linoleum and Printed     5
       Asphalt Felt Plants

 6.    Gross Sales By Subcategories Covered in These    11
       Guidelines  (1971)

 7.    Data Base for Manufacturing Facilities in the    12
       Asphalt Paving and Roofing Industry

 8.    Typical Prepared Roofings                        19

 9.    Roofing Shipments in the United States           20

10.    Weights and Uses of Typical Felts                21

11.    Treatment Costs in Dollars for Asphalt           60
       Emulsion Plants

12.    Treatment Costs in Dollars for Asphalt Concrete  62

13.    Treatment Costs in Dollars for Asphalt           63
       Roofing Plants
       Earthen Stilling Basin Used

14.    Treatment Costs in Dollars for Asphalt Roofing   64
       Plants Settling Tank Used

15.    Treatment Costs in Dollars for Linoleum          65
       and Asphalt Felts Plants



  1      Half section view of asphalt oxidizing tower   14

  2      Controlled hot-mix asphalt concrete plant      16

  3      Schematic drawing of line for manufacturing    24
         asphalt shingles, mineral-surfaced rolls,
         and smooth rolls.

  4      Schematic drawing of line for manufacturing    30


                         SECTION I

This  report  proposes  effluent guidelines and standards of
performance, for the industries listed under  the  following
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code categories:

    SIC 2951 - Paving mixtures and blocks
    SIC 2952 - Asphalt felts and coatings
    SIC 3996 - Linoleum, asphalted-felt-base, and other hard
               surface floor coverings not elsewhere classified

These categories were subcategorized into the following four
industrial facilities:

    1.   Asphalt emulsion plants that make blown asphalt for
         use in either roofing or paving materials and  also
         produce asphalt emulsion.
    2.   Asphalt concrete  plants  that  manufacture  paving
         materials, such as blacktop.
    3.   Asphalt roofing plants that produce asphalt  felts,
         shingles,  and  other  products,  such  as  asphalt
         impregnated  siding,  expansion  joints,  tars  and
         pitch, and roofing cements.
    4.   Linoleum and printed asphalt felt plants that  make
         linoleum and printed asphalt felt floor coverings.

The  major selection criteria for the four subcategories are
the type of product manufactured and the quantity  of  waste
generated.   Other  factors, such as age, size, and location
of plants do not require further  subcategories.   The  main
pollutants  in  these  wastes  are  non-filterable suspended
solids and freon extractible oils.  The suspended solids can
be  removed  by  using  sedimentation,  filtration,  or  air
flotation  methods, while gravity separators, air flotation,
or deep bed filters can remove the oils.

A large number of  plants  in  all  four  subcategories  are
currently  achieving the 1977 requirement for application of
best practicable technology currently available and the 1983
requirement for the application of best available technology
economically achievable.  The number of plants doing  so  in
each subcategory are listed in Table 1.

                          TABLE 1

                         Status of
        Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Practices
                      At Plants in the
  Paving and Roofing Materials (Tars and Asphalt) Category
              	Approximate Number of Plants	
            Approx.   Meeting    Meeting  Using munic- With little
            No. of     1977       1983    ipal sewer     or no
Subcatggory plants	standards* standards*	system	treatment


3,600**   3,100+

Linoleum     20++
and printed
*   See Section III.
+   Industry - provided estimate
*   Included in total for 1977 standards.
**   An additional 1,200 plants do not use water in the processing,
++  Only one plant is known to produce linoleum.

New  source performance standards are proposed which reflect
internal  improvements  which  can   be   achieved   through
effective   design  and  layout  of  plant  operation.   The
resulting effluent may be recycled or discharged.

                          SECTION II

 The  following  effluent  limitations  guidelines  and  standards
 of   performance   are  recommended  for  the  asphalt  emulsion,
 asphalt  concrete,  asphalt   roofing,   linoleum,   and  printed
 asphalt  felt industries (Tables  2 through 5).

                          TABLE  2

                   Effluent  Limitations  For
                   Asphalt Emulsion  Plants*
or Standard
                                  Suspended Solids
30-day average
 kg/cu m lb/1000 gal
               Maximum daily
                kg/cu m lb/1000
Not Regulated
0.015  0.125
0.015  0.125
               Not Regulated
               0.023  0.188
               0.023  0.188
                                Oils and Grease
                        Note: pH within the range 6.0 to 9.0
*Limits are based on the containment of runoff resulting from
 7.62 cm (3 in)  of rain falling on a 4-hectare (10-acre) plant
 production site during a 2U-hour period.  The resulting volume
 of water is 3,028 cu m/day (0.8 mgd).  The limits are also based
 on weight of pollutant per volume of runoff water.
+Best practicable control technology currently available
#Best available technology economically achievable
**New source performance standards

                          TABLE 3

                  Effluent Limitations For
                  Asphalt Concrete Plants
or Standard
                              	Suspended Solids
30-dav average
 kg/kkg lb/1000 Ib
No Discharge
No Discharge
No Discharge
 Maximum daily
 kg/kkg lb/1000 Ib
No Discharge
No Discharge
No Discharge
*Best practicable control technology currently available
+Best available technology economically achievable
fNew source performance standards

                          TABLE 4

                  Effluent Limitations For
                  Asphalt Roofing Plants*
30-day average
 kg/kkg lb/1000 Ib
                                     Suspended Solids
   Maximum daily
    kg/kkg lb/1000 Ib
              NOTE:  pH within the range 6.0 to 9.0
*Limits are based on weight of pollutant per weight of product
 produced.  An average water discharge of 569 cu in/day  (0.15 mgd)
 and a daily production level of 454 kkg (500 tons) were used
 in the unit determination.
+Best practicable control technology currently available
tBest available technology economically achievable.
**New source performance standards

                          TABLE 5

                  Effluent Limitations For
         Linoleum and Printed Asphalt Felt Plants*
or Standard
                                     Suspended Solids
   30-day average
    kg/kkg lb/1000 Ib	
Maximum daily
 kg/kkg lb/1000
   0.025  0.025
   0.013  0.013
   0.013  0.013
pH within the range 6.0 to 9.0
*Limits are based on weight of pollutant per weight of product
produced.  An average water discharge of 23 cu in/day  (0.006 mgd)
and a daily production level of 27 kkg  (30 tons) were used in the
limit determination.
+Best practicable control technology currently available
#Best available technology economically achievable
**New source performance standards


                         SECTION III


                    Purpose and Authority

 Section  301 (b)  of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,
 as amended requires the achievement by not later  than  July
 1,  1977,   of  effluent limitations for point sources, other
 than publicly owned treatment works, which are based on  the
 application  of  the  best  practicable  control  technology
 currently  available as defined by the Administrator pursuant
 to Section 304   (b)   of  the  Act.    Section  301  (b)  also
 requires   the achievement by not later than July 1, 1983,  of
 effluent limitations for point sources, other than  publicly
 owned treatment works, which are based on the application  of
 the  best  available technology economically achievable which
 will  result  in   reasonable  further  progress  toward the
 national    goal   of   eliminating    the  discharge  of all
 pollutants,  as  determined  in  accordance  with  regulations
 issued by  the Administrator pursuant to Section 304 (b)  of
 the Act.   Section  306 of the Act requires the achievement  by
 new sources  of  a Federal standard of  performance  providing
 for  the   control   of  the  discharge  of  pollutants  which
 reflects the greatest degree of effluent reduction which the
 Administrator  determines  to  be  achievable  through  the
 application   of the  best  available  demonstrated  control
 technology,   processes,    operating   methods,    or    other
 alternatives,   including,   where  practicable,   a standard
 permitting no discharge  of pollutants.

 Section 304  (b) of the Act  requires   the  Administrator  to
 publish   regulations    providing  guidelines   for effluent
 limitations  setting  forth the degree  of   effluent   reduction
 attainable   through  the  application  of  the best  practicable
 control technology currently available   and   the   degree  of
 effluent reduction attainable through the application  of the
 best  available  control   measures  and  practices  achievable
 including  treatment  techniques,   process   and    procedure
 innovations,  operation methods and other alternatives.  The
 recommendations   proposed   herein   set   forth   effluent
 limitations  guidelines  pursuant  to Section 304  (b)   of the
Act for the  asphalt  emulsion,  asphalt  concrete,  asphalt
 roofing,  linoleum,  and  printed asphalt felt manufacturing
point sources.

  Summary of Methods Used for Development of the Effluent
  ~ Limitations Guidelines and Standards of Performance
The  effluent  limitations  guidelines  and   standards   of
performance  proposed herein were developed in the following
manner.  The point source category was first studied for the
purpose of  determining  whether  separate  limitations  and
standards  are appropriate for different segments within the
category.  This analysis included a determination of whether
differences  in  raw  material   used,   product   produced,
manufacturing process employed, age of plant, size of plant,
wastewater   constituents,   and   other   factors   require
development  of  separate  limitations  and  standards   for
different  segments  of  the point source category.  The raw
waste  characteristics  for  each  such  segment  were  then
identified.   This  included an analysis of:  (1) the source
flow and volume of water used in the  process  employed  and
the  sources  of waste and wastewaters in the plant; and (2)
the constituents (including  thermal)  of  all  wastewaters,
including  toxic  constituents  and other constituents which
result in taste, odor, and color in  the  water  or  aquatic
organisms.  The constituents of the wastewaters which should
be  subject to effluent limitations guidelines and standards
of performance were identified.

The  full  range  of  control  and  treatment   technologies
existing  within each segment was identified.  This included
an identification of each  distinct  control  and  treatment
technology,   including  both  in-plant  and  end-of-process
technologies,  which  are  existent  or  capable  of   being
designed   for   each   segment.    It   also    included  an
identification of, in terms of the  amount  of   constituents
 (including   thermal)   and   the  chemical,  physical,  and
biological characteristics of pollutants, the effluent level
resulting from the application of each of the treatment  and
control   technologies.    The  problems,   limitations,  and
reliability of each treatment and control technology and the
required  implementation  time  were  also  identified.   In
addition,  the  non-water quality environmental  impact, such
as the effects of the application of  such technologies  upon
other  pollution problems, including air, solid waste, noise,
and  radiation was also identified.   The energy  requirements
of each  control and treatment technology were identified  as
well as  the cost of the application of such technologies.

The  information,  as  outlined above, was  then  evaluated in
order  to determine what levels of technology constituted the
"best  practicable control technology  currently   available,"
the  "best available technology economically achievable," and

the    "best    available   demonstrated   control   technology,
processes, operating  methods,   or   other  alternatives."   In
identifying    such    technologies,   various   factors  were
considered.  These  included  the total cost of  application  of
technology in  relation to the  effluent  reduction  benefits  to
be achieved  from  such application,  the  age of  equipment  and
facilities   involved,  the process  employed, the  engineering
aspects of the application  of various  types   of   control
techniques,  process changes, non-water  quality environmental
impact (including energy requirements)  and other  factors.

The  data  on  which  the  above analysis  was  performed were
derived from  EPA  permit  applications,   EPA  sampling  and
inspections, and  industry submissions.

             General Description of  the,Industry

The  SIC  codes   (categories)   discussed in these guidelines

         1.    2951  -  Paving  mixtures and blocks
         2.    2952  -  Asphalt felts  and  coatings
         3.    3996  -  Linoleum,  asphalted-felt-base,
               hard-surface floor coverings, not elsewhere

These  categories   were  then   divided   into   the  following

    1.   Asphalt  emulsion plants engaged in  the  production
of blown asphalt  for  use in  roofing or  paving  materials.
    2.   Asphalt  concrete plants engaged in  the  production
of paving materials,  such as black  top
    3.   Asphalt  roofing plants  engaged  in the production of
asphalt  felts,   shingles,  and  other   products,  such   as
impregnated  asphalt  siding, expansion  joints, canal  liners,
roofing cements, tars and pitches,  and tar paper.
    4.   Linoleum and printed asphalt felt plants engaged in
the production  of  linoleum  floor  coverings  and   printed
asphalt felt floor coverings.

The waste waters generated by the Asphalt Paving and  Roofing
manufacturing  industry  has received almost no attention in
engineering and  pollution  control  literature.    Very  few
plants  have any information more extensive than the  results
of analyses of one or  a  few  grab  samples   of  the  final
effluent.    The  data used in this  document were, therefore,
necessarily very limited  and  were  derived   from  a  small
number  of sources.   Some of these were published literature
on manufacturing processes,  EPA  technical  publications  on

the  industry,  and  consultations with qualified personnel.
Most  of  the  information   on   wastewater   volumes   and
characteristics,  however, was obtained from:  1)  Refuse Act
Permit Program  (RAPP)  applications; 2)  an  on-site  sampling
program;  3)   telephone  conversations  with  people  in the
industry and from district  and  city  wastewater  treatment

Approximately  5,100 plants with gross sales of $1.8 billion
in 1971 manufacture  products  which  are  covered  by  this
document.   These plants are located throughout the country,
but  are  generally  near  large  metropolitan  areas.   The
numerical  breakdown  of  the plants in each subcategory and
the 1971 gross sales for each are shown in Table 6.

RAPP applications were available and used  to  study  43  of
these  facilities.   The  applications  provided data on the
characteristics of intake and effluent waters, water  usage,
wastewater  treatment  provided,  daily  production, and raw
materials used.

Because  the  process  used  by  each  subcategory  and  the
resulting  wastewater characteristics are similar in nature,
visiting one or two  plants  and  making  several  telephone
surveys  were  considered  sufficient  to  verify  the  data
collected  on  wastewater  characteristics   and   treatment

The   number  of  known  manufacturing  facilities  in  each
subcategory and the number of plants visited,  sampled,  and
contacted  by  telephone  are presented in Table 7.  It also
lists the number of plants that discharge  into  city  sewer
systems  and the number of RAPP applications  examined.

                          TABLE 6

                Gross Sales By Subcategories
               Covered In These Guidelines *
                           Number of  Gross Sales
SIC	Subcategory	Plants	_(Million_of _Dollars]L	
Asphalt emulsion plants
Asphalt concrete plants
Asphalt roofing plants
a, 800+

747. 5#
         1.  Asphalt and tar saturated
             felts and boards for non-
             building use.                         19.8
         2.  Roofing asphalts, pitch,
             coatings, and cements.               153.7
         3.  Asphalt and tar roofing
             and siding products.                 638.5
         4.  Asphalt felts and coatings.           13.9

3996     Linoleum and printed asphalt
           felt plants                     20     245.6

         1.  Linoleum, asphalt felt base,
             and supporting plastic floor
             covering.                           241.6
         2.  Hard surface floor covering __ 4^0 _
                              TOTAL     5,096  1,819.0
      From Reference 3
      This figure is comprised of approximately 900 asphalt concrete
      plants that are classed under SIC Code 2951, and approximately
      3,900 asphalt concrete plants that are classed under SIC Code 1611,
      Total gross sales for the combined SIC Code Group 2951 minus the
      sales from the plants classed under SIC Code 1611.

                          TABLE 7

                         Data Base
                  Manufacturing Facilities
                           in the
            Asphalt Paving and Roofing Industry
 No.  of Plants   RAPP    Plants	Surveyed  Discharge
 Reported   Applications  by     visited        to
	Phone    or sampled	city._sy_stem	
Asphalt Emulsion    50

Asphalt Concrete 4,880

Asphalt Roofing    226

Linoleum and
 Printed Felts      20




2        25

1      None Known

3       158

2        2C
         TOTAL   5,176
The  asphalt concrete and asphalt roofing plants are the two
largest subcategories in terms  of  numbers  of  plants  and
gross sales.  The asphalt emulsion and concrete plants gross
sales  for  1971  are given as a combined sum for the entire
2951  subcategory.   The  leading  product   of   the   2952
subcategory is the impregnated shingle.

Although  tar  products  are  listed under this subcategory,
their use is slowly being phased out.   Some  products  that
are labeled tar paper are, in fact, asphalt saturated felts.

SIC code group 3996 has been divided into linoleum, asphalt-
felt  base  and  hard-surface  floor  coverings.  The latter
accounts for such a small percentage of total sales that  it
will not be discussed further.

True  linoleum  is known to be produced by only one plant in
the United States, while approximately 20 plants produce the
less-expensive grade of printed asphalt felt floor covering-
Printed felts are often sold as linoleums,  but  in  reality
they  are not.  Both linoleum and printed asphalt felt floor

coverings are being phased out and being replaced with vinyl
floor coverings, which  are  easier  to  install  and  whose
wearing  surface  lasts longer.  A more detailed description
at each subcategory follows:

Asphalt Emulsion Plants (SIC 2951)

More than  90%  of  all  asphalt  and  asphalt  products  is
manufactured   from   the   residues  generated  when  crude
petroleum is distillated.   The residual, called  "resid"  or
"flux" is barged or trucked to the manufacturers* plants and
stored  in  heated  tanks  until  ready for processing.  The
resid which is heated  to  approximately  232°C  (450°F)  is
pumped  to  the top of a vertical tower.  The vertical tower
known as an oxidizing tower, oxidizes the  heated  resid  by
forcing  hot  air  through it  (Figure 1).  The rate at which
the resid is pumped into the oxidizing tower varies, but the
average flow is about 0.76 cu m/min  (200 gpm).  The hot  air
drives  off  the  high  volatiles  and  modifies some of the
resid's physical  properties  —  melting  point,  hardness,
penetration,   and  ductility.   The  longer  the  resid  is
oxidized, the more these physical properties  are  modified.
Asphalt  used  in  paving operations and paving emulsion are
oxidized continuously in a flow-through tower, while asphalt
used in roofing  applications  is  batch  processed  and  is
allowed to oxidize for a longer period of time.

Various  methods  can  be used to control air emissions from
the tower.  The exhaust gases may be passed through a series
of knockout drums before being burned or through a series of
wet scrubbers.  Knockout drums cause the  heavier  particles
in  the  air  stream to fall out and the remaining gases are
burned to remove any volatiles still present.   Wet scrubbers
trap the particles in water.

Paving asphalt is stored in  heated  tanks  as  soon  as  it
leaves   the  oxidizing  tower,  while  roofing  asphalt  is
packaged immediately or  is  emulsified  with  a  water  and
chemical mixture, then packaged.  The containers are made of
paper board or metal.

Emulsions that can be used in roofing or paving mixtures are
emulsified in colloidal mills.  Asphalt enters the mill at a
temperature  of about 177°C (350°F)  and is emulsified with a
water and chemical mixture which enters at a temperature  of
66°C (150°F).  The resulting emulsion temperature is between
99-110°C (210-230°F).  The emulsion is cooled in a shell and
tube  heat  exchanger and is then packaged in 19 or 208 1 (5
or 55 gal)  containers.  By varying the  water  and  chemical
mixture, different grades of emulsions can be produced.

                                     FIGURE 1
                                HALF SECTION VIEW
                             ASPHALT OXIDIZING TOWER
                                                           EXHAUST AIR
                                                         OXIDIZED ASPHALT

Plants in this subcategory range in size from 1,814 to 9,072
kkg/day   (2,000 to 10,000 tons/day).  The average size plant
used in developing these guidelines produced  5,443  kkg/day
(6,000   tons/day).   The  primary  use  of  water  in  this
subcategory is to control the temperature of  the  oxidizing
tower,  and  this  is  done  by  two  methods.  First, water
circulates through jackets around the outside of  the  tower
and  never  comes  in  contact  with  the asphalt.  The flow
varies between 190 and 3,790 cu m/day   (0.05  to  1.0  mgd).
Second,  water  is  injected into the oxidizing asphalt at a
carefully monitored rate so as not to disrupt the  oxidizing
process yet stay within the temperature limits.  The rate of
water  injection  is about 11.4 1/min (3 gpm).  As the water
is injected, it is vaporized by the heat of the tower.   The
heat  needed to do this is therefore expended and results in
a cooler tower temperature.

Only the first method results in a wastewater discharge, but
it is relatively free of contaminants because the  water  is
essentially   a   noncontact   type.   The  only  source  of
contaminated water is from the  wet  collection  of  exhaust
fumes or from runoff caused by precipitation.  This water is
usually sewered with the cooling water.

Asphalt Concrete Plants fSIC 2951)

Asphaltic  concrete is made by combining sand or gravel with
asphalt.  Sand or gravel is heated and  dried  in  a  rotary
drier  and  is  then  transported to a mixing hopper where a
weighed amount of asphalt is mixed in (Figure 2).

Until a few years ago, the  asphalt  concrete  industry  was
generally  recognized  as  a  major  source  of  particulate
emissions.  Poorly controlled asphalt concrete  plants  were
known  to  release  5  to  7.5  kg/kkg  (10 to 15 Ib/ton)  of
particulates to the atmosphere.  Considering an average size
plant produces approximately  181  kkg/hr  (200  ton/hr)   of
asphalt  concrete  an  installation  equipped  with only dry
centrifugal dust collectors, would  emit  907  to  1,361  kg
(2,000  to  3,000 Ib)  of particulate each hour of operation.
To reduce emissions, fabric filters or medium-energy venturi
scrubbers,  normally  preceded  by  a  cyclone  or  multiple
cyclones, can be used to collect dust from the drier.  Other
systems  of  collecting  the particulate matter can be used,
but the above methods are the two most widely used  in  this
subcategory.   The  wet  type  collection system is the most
commonly used system.   The amount of water needed for a  wet
collection  system may range from 0.2 to 0.8 cu m/min (50  to
200 gpm).  The resultant slurry is usually discharged to  an

                                                                    HOT SCREENS
                       MINERAL FILLER
                       FINES STORAGE
                                        PRIMARY DUST
                 (FROM REFERENCE 1)

open  pit where the particulates settle out; the clear water
is then recycled.

Asphalt Roofing Plants (SIC 2952)

Asphalt saturated felt products are used as a water barrier,
primarily  in  the  siding  and  roofing  materials   field.
Roofing  felts and impregnated roofing felts (shingles)  rank
ahead of  roofing  asphalts  and  tars,  tar  papers,  canal
liners,   expansion   joints,  roofing  cements,  and  other
asphalt-related   items   produced   by   plants   in   this
subcategory.  Only the roofing felts and impregnated roofing
felts will be discussed.

Asphalt roofings are classified as "prepared" or "built-up",
depending  on  the  method  of construction and application.
Roofings that are factory "prepared" and are  applied  to  a
roof  without  any  major constituent having to be added are
called prepared, composition, or ready roofings;  the  first
term  is  generally  preferred  by  the industry.  The major
components of built-up roofings are assembled just prior  to
being  applied.   Since  this  is  done on-site and not at a
factory, this type of roofing will not be discussed.

Prepared  roofings  are  composed  of  a   structural   felt
framework,  a relatively soft asphalt saturant for the felt,
and a relatively hard or viscous asphalt coating applied  to
the  surfaces  of the felt.  Minerals may be embedded in the
final coating.

The roofing may be  in  the  form  of  small  individual  or
multiple-cut units in large flat sheets or in long strips or
rolls.   Regardless  of  their form, they are designed to be
held on by nails or by nails and a small amount  of  cement.
They  consist  almost  entirely  of  asphalts  of  petroleum
origin.   Some  experimental  prepared  roofings  have  been
produced  employing  coal  tar   saturants  and coatings, but
these  have  not  been  manufactured   commercially.    When
marketed  in  the  form  of  small cut units they are called
shingles, and when supplied in roll form they are designated
roll roofings.  Prepared roofings sold in the form of  large
flat sheets are usually of multiple ply construction and are
termed plied or laminated roofings.

Roll  roofings may be dusted on both sides with fine mineral
matter, such  as  talc,  mica,  or  fine  sand,  to  prevent
sticking  in the rolls, or the side intended for exposure to
the weather may have the fine mineral replaced by relatively
coarse mineral granules.  The first  type  is  described  as
smooth-roll  roofing,  the  second  as granule-surfaced roll

roofing.  Asphalt  shingles  are  always  granule  surfaced.
(Table 8)

Several  terms  are  used  to  describe the various types of
prepared roofing.  Both  smooth  and  granule-surfaced  roll
roofings  are  described  as  composition or ready roofings.
Smooth roll roofings  are  also  sometimes  referred  to  as
rubber  roofings.  Granule-surfaced roofing is also known as
mineral surfaced roofing, slate  surface  roofing,  or  grit
roll  roofing.   Asphalt  shingles are called slate-surfaced
shingles, composition shingles, and frequently  as  asbestos
shingles,  even  though  they  usually  contain  no asbestos

As first  marketed,  prepared  roofings  made  with  asphalt
impregnants   and   coatings   were   not  granule-surfaced.
Granule-surfaced roll roofings first appeared in  1897,  and
granule-surfaced   (slate)  shingles were introduced in 1901.
Asphalt shingles did not come into general use  until  about
1911.   By  1971  asphalt-prepared  roofings  accounted  for
approximately 90% of all the roofing materials used  in  the
United  States.   Department of Commerce figures, which show
the  shipment  of  asphalt  roofing   material   sold,   are
summarized  in  Table  9.  The estimated dollar value of the
asphalt roofing sold in 1971 was approximately $826 million.
(Table 6)

Materials Used
Asphalt roofings  are  currently  made  of  three  types  of
roofing felt or fabric:  organic, asbestos, or glass fibers.
Felts  are  formed  on  a  machine  similar  to that used to
manufacture paper.  Typical weights and uses  are  presented
in Table 10.

         TABLE 8

Typical Prepared Roofings*

Weight, lb/100 sq ft
Felt base, % by wt
Saturant for felt, % by wt
Coating (filled) , % by wt
Surfacing, % by wt
Character of felt
Weight, lb/480 sq ft
Thickness, in.
Rag fiber, %
Chemical wood pulp, %
Mechanical wood pulp.
Character of saturant
Softening point (R&B) ,°F
Penetration at 77 °F
Character of coating
Filler (limestone) , % by
Softening point (R&B) ,
unfilled, °F
Softening point (R£B) ,
filled, °F
Smooth Roll


X 55


wt 50


Penetration at 77°F, unfilled 18
Character of surfacing
Cumulative retained
10-mesh sieve, %
14-mesh sieve, %
35-mesh sieve, %
100-mesh sieve, %
200-mesh sieve, %
* From Reference 5
+ Not measurable


Granule-surfaced Standard
Roll Roofing

















                          TABLE 9

          Roofing Shipments in the United States*
Asphalt Roofing
100 sq ft
Asphalt Siding
100 scr ft
Insulated Siding
100 sq ft
Saturated Felt
* From References 2 and 3

                           TABLE 10

              Weights  and Uses  of Typical Felts*
Fiber type
 Average dry weight  weight
	fib/100 sq ft)	fib/100 sq ft)
                 Saturated felt use

13-14+#     Built-up roofing,
            shingle underlayment,
            "building paper"

18-20       Lightweight roll roofing
26-27**     built-up and roll roofing
30-31++     shingles, standard and
32.5-34++   heavyweight shingles***
13-15ff     built-up roofing
18-20f#     roll roofing, smooth
            and granule surfaced
 4-6        built-up roofing,
            granule-surfaced shingles
 8-10       built-up rooding, roll
            roofing, shingles
    From Reference 5
    Must be at least 2.4 times the dry weight of dry felt.
    Saturated with asphalt or coal tar; all other products
    shown are asphalt saturated.
    Must be at least 2.5 times the dry weight.
    Must be at least 2.6 times the dry weight.
    Must be at least 1.4 times the dry weight.

The  asphalts  used  in  the manufacture of prepared roofing
consist almost entirely of petroleum origin.   The  asphalts
used  in  impregnating  the  felts, known in the industry as
"saturants," are usually of a semi-solid  consistency.   The
saturants  employed  for  shingles are generally harder, are
more viscous, and have a  higher  softening  point,  52-82°c
(125-180°F),  than  those  employed  in  manufacturing  roll
roofings, 38-52°C (100-125 °F).

Coating asphalts/ and those applied to the  surface  of  the
saturated felts in the manufacture of prepared roofings must
be fluid enough to spread uniformly over the saturated felt,
adhere  well to the felt, and hold mineral granules.  On the
other hand, the coating must be stable enough  not  to  flow
when  the  product  is  installed  on  the roof, and it must
continue to hold the granules in place.   The  viscosity  of
the  asphalt  coating at roof temperature is estimated to be
on the order of  7  x  10(8)  poises.   Such  coatings  have
softening  points  in  the range of 93-121° C (200 - 250°F).
Coatings consist of 100% asphalt or contain mineral  fillers
in amounts as high as 50-60% by weight of the mixture.  Most
manufacturers  add mineral fillers to increase the coating's
weatherability.  The fillers are  usually  of  100  mesh  or
finer and are ground from such weather-resistant minerals as
slate,  limestone,  silica,  trap  rock, diatomaceous earth,
talc, and mica.

The asphalts used as cements in  the  manufacture  of  plied
roofings have softening points between 66-121°C  (150-250°F),
and  are filled or unfilled depending on the type of roofing
involved and the manufacturer's preference.

Surfacing Materials

Smooth roll roofings, the backs  of  asphalt  shingles,  and
granular-surfaced  roll  roofings  are  usually  dusted with
pulverized minerals  to  prevent  them  from  sticking  when
packaged; talc and mica are the most widely used.

Coarse  mineral  granules  have been employed on the weather
face of prepared roofings since  1901,  and  slate  was  the
first  material employed for this purpose.  Granular facings
greatly improve the resistance to the weather, and they  are
also  used  to  vary  the color and texture of the roofings.
Although such natural minerals as slate still find extensive
use today, the greater percentage of granular surfacings   is
synthetically  prepared  to  provide  a  range   of color and
brilliance unobtainable in natural minerals.

The colored granules that have proved most satisfactory  for
use on prepared roofings are:

    1.   Natural granules,  such as  various  colored   slates
         and gray or green  stones.
    2.   Natural minerals fired at high  temperatures,   such
         as  shale  or  clay  to which a metallic pigment  is
         sometimes added to provide  color.   The color  may
         extend  throughout the body of the granule or be  on
         the surface.

     3.   Ceramic granules are manufactured  from  a  crushed
          base  rock,  such  as  trap  rock, basalt, or other
          opaque, weather-resistant rock.   They  are  coated
          with  a  mixture  of  pigment and inorganic bonding
          material and  subsequently  fired  to  insolubilize
          pigment   and   binder  onto  the  surface  of  the
     4.   Slag granules which may  be  either  blast  furnace
          slag or wet bottom furnace slag.   The blast furnace
          granules   are   usually   used   only  in  headlap
          surfacing,  whereas the wet bottom slag granules are
          used for exposed area surfacing and headlap.

 Any  of   these  four  types  may  be  further  treated  with
 materials to make them lipophilic and improve their adhesion
 to asphalt.

 Manufacturing Process

 Asphalt   roofings and  shingles  are  manufactured on high-
 speed,  continuously  operating  machines;   some  types  are
 produced  at  a  rate  as high as 152 m (500 ft)  per minute.
 The process  consists of saturating  the felt,   coating  the
 surfaces  with  asphalt,   surfacing  with  asphalt,  surfacing
 with pulverized or granular minerals,  cooling,  cutting,   and
 packaging (Figure 3).

 Dry felt and loopers

 A   roll   of   dry  felt  is  installed on the felt  reel  and is
 unwound  onto the "dry  looper,"  which  acts   as   a  reservoir
 that  can be  drawn  upon   by   the machine as  circumstances
 demand.   This eliminates  stoppages,  such as when  a  new  roll
 must  be put on  the  felt  reel or when an imperfection  in the
 felt must be cut out.

 Saturation of  felt

 After  passing  through  the dry looper,  the felt  is   subjected
 to   a  hot   saturating  process,  usually at a temperature of
 between  232-260°C  (450-500<>F) .   The  asphalt saturant   fills
 the  voids   in   the  felt,  helps   bind the felt  fibers,  and
 "primes" the   felt   to  assure   good   coating   adhesion   and
 improve  the weather resistance  of the  felt  without  damaging
 the  weather-resistant coating.

Wet  looper

At this point, an excess of saturant usually remains on  the
surface  of the  sheet.  It is therefore held for a time on a

                                                                      TO CONTROL



                                        ASPHALT    SATURATOR
                               TO STORAGE


 wet looper so that the natural shrinking of the asphalt that
 occurs upon cooling will cause the excess to be  drawn  into
 the felt,  resulting in a very high degree of saturation.


 The  sheet  is  then  carried to the coater where asphalt is
 applied to both the top and bottom surfaces,  usually  at  a
 temperature  of 177-204°C (350-400°F).   The quantity applied
 is regulated by rolls  which  can  be  brought  together   to
 reduce  the  amount  or  separated  to  increase it,  and this
 determines the product weight.  Many machines  are  equipped
 with  automatic scales which weigh the  sheets in the process
 of manufacture and warn the operator when  the  material   is
 running over or under weight specifications.

 Mineral Surfacing  Application

 When  smooth-roll   roofing   is  being  made, talc or mica or
 another "parting"  agent is  applied to the two sides   of  the
 sheet   and  pressed into the coating by rolls.   When mineral
 surfaced products  are being prepared, colored  granules  are
 added   from  a  hopper  and  spread thickly on one side,  and
 backing material is applied on the other side.   The  sheet is
 then run through a series of  cooling   and  press rolls   to
 properly  embed the granules.   The temperature at the  rolls
 is usually 107-135<>C  (225-275°F) .   The  granules  must   be
 screened  within  narrow limits  to assure uniform appearance
 and good adhesion.


 At this  point,  some products  are   pressed  by  an embossing
 roll which forms a pattern  on the  surface of the  sheet.

 Finish or  cooling  looper

 The  function  of this  looper  is to  cool  the  sheet  so that  it
 can  be  cut   and   packed  without   being    damaged.     The
 temperature  at  the   start of the  looper is  usually 82-93°C
 (180-200°F) and at  the  cutter  it  is   usually   about  38°C
 (100°F) .

     Water  or  air  is used to cool the  sheets.  Air is used
only if the production rate   is  slow  and   enough  time   is

The  water system involves the use of contact sprays or mist
or non-contact cooling drums.  These two methods can be used
separately or in conjunction with each other.

The amount of water used depends on the production rate, the
ambient air temperature, and the type of system  used.   The
non-contact system is essentially a recycling system and the
amount  of  water  discharged  is  less than 2% of the total
flow.  The amount of water used in the spray  system  ranges
from  1.2 1/cu m (0.03 gal/sq ft) to 412 1/cu m (10.1 gal/sq
ft); the latter values are equivalent to  about  379-948  cu
m/day (0.10-0.25 mgd) .

Shingle Cutter

Shingles  are  made  by feeding the material from the finish
looper into  a  cutting  machine,  where  the  sheet  passes
between  a  cutting  cylinder  and  a  pressure  roll.   The
cylinder cuts the sheets from the back or smooth  side,  and
they  are  then  separated  into  units  which accumulate in
stacks to be packaged.

Roll Roofing Winder

When roll roofing is being made, the sheet is drawn from the
finish looper to the winder where  a  mandrel  measures  the
length  of  the  material  as  it  turns.  When a sufficient
amount has accumulated, it is  cut  off,  removed  from  the
mandrel, and wrapped.

Linoleum and Printed Asphalt Felt Plants_jSIC 3996J

This  subcategory  is  listed  as  SIC  code  group  3996, a
miscellaneous category.  The industries that fall  under  it
produce  floor  coverings  that are slowly being replaced by
the vinyl floor coverings covered under SIC code group 3292,
which also encompasses the  makers  of  asphalt  tile.   The
plants covered under SIC code group 3996 are those that make
linoleum,  printed asphalt felt, and supported plastic floor
coverings.  The supported plastic floor coverings  will  not
be  discussed  because  they  represent such a small part of
this subcategory.

Linoleum has a relatively thick wearing surface that, extends
to a backing of burlap, cotton fabric, or felt.  The wearing
surface consists of a binder or cement of  blown   (oxidized)
drying  oils and resin that is filled with cork, wood flour,
mineral filler, or combinations  of  fillers  and  pigments.
Cork  was  once  the  principal filler, but its use has been
curtailed, because it  cannot  be  employed  in  the  bright
patterns now in demand.

Linoleums  fall  into four principal classes: plain colored,
marbled  (jaspe), straight-line inlaid,  and  molded  inlaid.

 The   marble   (jaspe)  patterns  are  prepared  by blending mixes
 of   two  or   more   colors   to   obtain   a  mottled    pattern.
 Straight-line inlaid  is  characterized  by  geometric  pieces  of
 several  patterns   arranged largely in straight lines.  The
 molded-type  materials may   have   many colors arranged   in
 geometric  patterns  formed by rubbing granular colors through
 stencils.    This material may  be embossed,  and some patterns
 simulate ceramic tile.

 Printed felt base   consists of a baked-enamel  decorative
 coating  on   an  asphalt-saturated felt  backing.   Although
 printed asphalt felts are not  linoleum, some  are sold  under
 that name.

 Production of Linoleum

 Oxidation  of oils and preparation  of cement

 Linoleum cement is  produced by bringing linseed oil or other
 drying  oils into contact with air.  The  problem of making a
 satisfactory linoleum cement consists  of  more than  producing
 a rubber-like binder  in  which  fillers  and  pigments  can   be
 incorporated  and   calendered  to a smooth sheet.  The cement
 must also  possess heat reactivity, so  it  will harden when
 stoved (a  curing process).

 Linseed  oil is by  far the  most important base material used
 in linoleum  manufacture.  Soybean  (soya)  oil  is also used  in
 appreciable   amounts,  and   its employment  appears  to   be
 increasing.    Linseed   oil  consists  principally  of  the
 glyceride  of  saturated,   oleic,  linoleic,   and   linolenic
 acids.   The same esters occur in  soybean oil, but  differ  in
 that  they  contain a minor amount of linolenate esters.    In
 addition   to  the  much  higher content of the triunsaturated
 linolenate   esters,   linseed  oil  contains  a much  larger
 proportion   of  the total di-  and  triunsaturated esters than
 soybean oil.   This lower  unsaturation  in  soybean  oil   is
 reflected  by  a  longer time  for  oxidation and stoving, but
 the  final  product is  very flexible and  possesses   excellent

 Before  being oxidized, either  of the oils  used is  often put
 in storage tanks to settle out  any solids.  The clear  oil  is
then pumped off the top and  into long-jacketed,  cylindrical
kettles  where it is  agitated  by a horizontal  shaft  and many
rotating arms.

The oil is then warmed to start oxidation, and air  is  blown
into the kettles.   In some instances,  the air is dried since
moisture retards oxidation.   After the induction period, the

oil  evolves  heat,  and  water is circulated to control the
temperature of the reaction — usually below  80°C  (176°F).
Sometimes the temperature is allowed to rise to 90°C {194°F)
and  is  then  decreased  to  60°C (140°F).  Oxidation takes
place more rapidly at higher temperatures,  but the color  of
the  oil  is  better  when  lower temperatures are employed.
During most of the usual 24-hour oxidation  period the oil is
fairly fluid, but during the last  hours,  the  mix  becomes
very viscous.  In some cases, agitator speed is reduced when
viscosity  increases.   The  process ends when the viscosity
has risen to the desired value or when the  desired "linoxyn"
content is reached; "linoxyn11 is oxidized material which has
polymerized to an insoluble gel.

The blown oil is then poured out  and  allowed  to  cool  in
thick  slabs.   It  is  often  allowed to age before use, as
further hardening occurs.  If resins  are  not  incorporated
into  the  oil  in  the  blowing operation, the blown oil is
fluxed with resins to form the cement.

Mixing and calendering

After the cement has been formed, linoleum mix  is  prepared
by  blending  fillers  and  pigments  into   the cement.  The
composition of the mix often varies according to the type of
linoleum in which it is to be used.   The  composition  also
varies,  depending  on  whether it is to be used in a solid-
color,  marble  (jaspe),  straight-line  inlaid,  or  molded
inlaid material, or in a wall covering.

Cork  has  been  an  important filler in linoleum and in the
early years constituted the principal  filler,  if  not  the
only one.  Today the trend has been toward cleaner, brighter
colors,  and the trend has operated against the use of large
amounts of cork in linoleum, since its dark  color  will  be
readily apparent.   Cork is still used to some extent, but in
some patterns it is not used at all.  If cork is used, it is
first  reduced in size in a crusher and then ground in stone
mills.  The cork is then sieved  to  size,   and  the  coarse
material is reground.

Wood  flour  has  largely  supplanted cork  as a low-density,
toothy filler.  Mineral fillers are used  with  wood  flour,
and  although  they  are considerably heavier, they are much
less susceptible to moisture.  Whiting   (calcium  carbonate)
is by far the most frequently used mineral  filler.  The wood
flours used are selected for their light color  (usually pine
wood)  and for their uniformity in texture  and particle size
to ensure a smooth finish.

 In  general,  the  same pigments used in paint  production  are
 employed  in  linoleum manufacturing.   Lithopone is regarded
 as  the   standard  pigment,   but  titanium  dioxide  is  also
 employed.    Natural   ochers   have been largely supplanted by
 synthetic  iron oxides.    Because  colors  are  now  popular,
 there has  been a trend toward using brighter and more stable

 The fillers  and pigments  are blended with the cement in a
 series  of  operations  in which  the  mix  is  continuously
 reworked.    Its  flow properties must be carefully controlled
 so  that it will  calender  satisfactorily.    Mixing  formulas
 for  the    various   types   of  linoleum  vary  greatly  and
 pigmentation  is  changed for  the   various   colors.     A
 representative  formulation  for linoleum is:   35-45% cement,
 25-30%  wood  flour, 30-40% pigments  and  whiting,   and  10%
 cork, scrap  linoleum,  or  clay.

 The cement, fillers,  and pigments are mixed in large steam-
 jacketed vessels and are  then passed through  two  or  three
 "germans"   (machines  equipped  with a heated cylinder and a
 screw feed).   The mix next passes  through  rotating  knives
 and is extruded from  the  mixer  in  the  form  of small
 sausages,  which  are  then  pressed  between   the  rolls  of   a
 calender  to  form  a  blanket.   The calender,  a wringer  type
 machine, is  equipped with a  hot top roller and a cold bottom
 roller.  As  the  blanket is being formed,  it  sticks   to  and
 wraps   itself  around the hot roller.   Another roller,  faced
 with many  sharp  points, is placed next to  the hot roller and
 picks small  particles  of  the mix  from  the  blanket.    This
 device   is    known   as   a   "scratcher"  and   the  resulting
 granulated product is  termed "scratch."  The scratch,  usually
 particles  about  1.6  mm  (1/16 in)  to  4.7   mm   (3/16   in)   in
 diameter,  is  then   either   stored or  conveyed to another
 calender for processing.  (Figure 4)

 For plain colors, a  single scratched mix is   supplied.   One
 roll  is  heated;  the  felt  or  other backing  material  is fed
 onto the other roll, which is cold.  The heat   and   pressure
 of  the  rolls consolidate  the  mix  into  a  smooth sheet and key
 the  mix  to  the  backing   material.    The  calendered sheet
 passes  from the  calender  into the  stoves for  curing.

The process is similar  for marble  (jaspe),  except  that  two
or  more scratched mixes  of  different  colors  are  supplied to
the  calender,  which  smears   the   two    colors    into   a
 longitudinal  striation.   For  certain marble  effects one of
the colors may be supplied to the   calender   in  pellets  of
various sizes before the backing is applied.  The backing is

                                           FIGURE  4
                                      SCHEMATIC DRAWING

                                            OF  LINE

                                  MANUFACTURING LINOLEUM
* r



pnoi iMr;


-••AIR ^

    I   MIX
                                                  TO HARDEN
"I .



                              LINOLEUM MIX

subsequently  applied  to  the  sheeted mix and rolled under

The rotary inlaying process is somewhat different.  The  mix
is  first blanketed between rolls without backing and passes
down conveyors to inlaying cylinders  equipped  with  knives
set  in a pattern, which cut out geometrical sections of the
sheet and press them against the backing.  The remainder  of
the  sheet  is reused.  Other sheets of different colors and
patterns are cut and applied to the  backing  at  subsequent
stations to make up the complete design.  The various pieces
are then consolidated by being passed through heated rollers
to key the surface to the backing.

In the manufacture of molded linoleum, the mix is applied in
granular  form  to the backing rather than being made into a
blanket.   Several  different  colors  are  applied  through
stencils  to  various  parts  of the backing until the whole
pattern  is  built  up.   The  backing  moves  horizontally,
stopping  at  a  number of stations where various colors are
applied.  The loose mix is consolidated by being  compressed
at  112 kg/sq cm (1600 psi), between the heated platens of a
hydraulic press.  The sheet is then cured.


Burlap  was  the  standard  backing  for  linoleum  until  a
shortage  of  jute  during  World  War  II led to a study of
replacement materials.   Canvas  has  been  used  with  some
success, but felt similar to roofing felt is generally used,
particularly in the lighter gages.

Curing linoleum

Linoleum  is  hung  in  large  ovens  to give it the desired
surface hardness.  A temperature of 66-82°C  (150-180°F)   is
maintained  during  the  maturing.   Since maturing does not
depend primarily on oxidation, forced circulation of air  is
not usually provided.

The  time  in the stove depends principally on the thickness
of the linoleum and increases with the gage.  Other factors,
such as the composition, may have  an  effect,  but  play  a
lesser  role  in  the  process.   The  rate  of  maturing is
carefully controlled, since overstoving can make  a  product
too stiff.

When  the  linoleum  has  satisfactorily  matured, a process
which requires from a few days to seven weeks, the  material
is removed from the stoves.  The surface may then be given a

thin  coating  of  lacquer  or  wax  to  protect  it  during
installation.  The edges are then trimmed, and the  linoleum
is   inspected  for  possible  surface  imperfections.   The
linoleum is then rolled and crated for shipment.

Production of Printed Felt Base

This low-cost floor covering is produced by printing a heavy
film of paint on asphalt-saturated felt to which one or  two
layers of sealant have been applied to keep the asphalt from
discoloring  the  paint and to level the surface.  A backing
coat is simultaneously applied.  The coating paints used for
sealing and leveling  the  felt  contain  linseed,  soybean,
tung, fish or oiticica oil.  Natural or synthetic resins are
used  in  these  vehicles,  and  emulsion paints or solvent-
thinned vehicles are also employed.  The backing is  applied
with a doctor blade, which smooths the coating and trims the
excess.  This coating is dried in a heated tunnel.  The face
of  the  felt  is  coated  on a revolving drum and the first
coating paint is applied with a doctor blade and stoved.   A
second  layer  of  coating  paint is applied, and the coated
felt is again dried by festooning in the oven.

The requirements for a satisfactory paint are rather  severe
since  it  must:  (1) have a low volatility when applied;  (2)
exhibit little tendency to flow;  (3) dry  readily  in  films
much   thicker   than  those  usually  applied  in  painting
operations; and  (4) produce a  durable,  high-gloss  wearing
surface.  The vehicle used in the enamels is comparable to a
long-oil  varnish.   Ester  gum  "pure"  and  rosin-modified
phenolic resins have been used in  the  vehicle,  and  alkyd
resins have also been employed.  Tung oil is employed in the
manufacture  of  the  enamels  and  its hardness and reduced
water susceptibility are desirable qualities.  Oiticica  oil
may  also  be  used  in  print paints, as well as dehydrated
castor oil.

The paint was once printed on  the  felt  base  from  wooden
blocks,  but  rotogravure  printing  became  more  generally
employed.  Many colors  are  applied  and  each  is  printed
separately.  The printed felt is then dried in ovens, heated
to  66-79°C   (150-175°F),  either  in horizontal racks or in
festoons.  The felt base matures in a few days and  is  then
inspected, rolled, and packaged for shipment.

                         SECTION IV


                       Cateqori z ation

In  developing these effluent limitations guidelines for the
Asphalt Paving and Roofing Industry, the question  arose  as
to  whether  limitations  and  standards are appropriate for
different segments  (subcategories) within the industry.   In
arriving   at   an   answer,   the  following  factors  were

    1.   Wastewater characteristics
    2.   Wastewater treatability
    3.   Raw materials used
    4.   Manufacturing processes  (operations)
    5.   Size of facilities
    6.   Age of facilities
    7.   Location of facilities

After  considering   all   the   parameters,   manufacturing
processes  were  selected  as the bases for establishing the
following subcategories:

    1.   Asphalt Emulsion Plants
    2.   Asphalt Concrete Plants
    3.   Asphalt Roofing Plants
    4.   Linoleum and Printed Asphalt Felt Plants

          Rationale for Selection of Subcategories

Wastewater Characteristics

The  waste  waters  generated  originate  from  one  of  two
processes:  cooling  or cleanup operations.  While there are
distinct differences in the  quality  and  quantity  of  the
various  wastewaters generated, they are directly related to
the  product  manufactured  and  the  manufacturing  process
employed.   As  an  example,  in plants that produce asphalt
concrete, the average flow expected is 68  cu  m/day   (0.018
mgd)  and  the  average  expected  suspended solids level is
13,876 mg/1, while in plants that produce asphalt  emulsions
the  average  expected flow is 1,895 cu m/day (0.50 mgd) and
the  expected  suspended  solids  level  is  58  mg/1.   The
suspended  solids  value  is  higher for plants that produce
asphalt concrete because they use a vast amount  of  crushed
rock  and  this results in more fines being collected in the

wastewaters.  Plants that  produce asphalt emulsions   use  no
rock.    Since  wastes  generated  are   similarly  related to
products and processes in  the remainder of the  industry,   a
subcategorization  on this  basis is not  warranted, because it
is  effectively  accomplished  by  the  manufacturing  process

Wastewater Treatability

The waste waters generated by the plants  in  this  industry
contain  as major pollutants, nonfilterable suspended  solids,
and  freon extractable oil and grease.  The suspended solids
are usually treated by sedimentation and the oils by  a  oil
skimmer.   The  concentrations  of  each  parameter may vary
within   the   industry,   but   they   do    not    warrant

Raw^Materjals Used

The major raw materials used in the industry is the residual
from  the  distillation  of  crude  oil, called asphalt.  By
mixing   or  coating  other  raw  materials   with   asphalt,
different products result.  The secondary raw materials are:
sand,  gravel,  organic or asbestos felts, and water.  While
there are a  number  of  distinctions  related  to  the  raw
material   used,   the  data  collected  indicate  that  the
differences are not sufficiently important to form  a  basis
for subcategorization.

Manufacturing Processes (Operatigns|

The  manufacturing  processes  used  in  the production of a
given  product  in  this  industry  differ  sufficiently  to
support  subcategorization.  The principal processes employed
in  producing  asphalt emulsions are forcing hot air through
"crude"  asphalt and mixing the "oxidized" asphalt with water
and a chemical solution.

The process employed to produce asphalt concrete "black top"
is simply the mixing of asphalt with crushed rock or gravel.

The process employed to produce asphalt roofing consists  of
saturating  and  coating  an organic felt with asphalt.   The
coated felt may then be impregnated with crushed rock on one

The processes  employed  to  produce  linoleum  and  printed
asphalt  felts  call  for  saturating  an  organic felt with
asphalt and then painting or embedding a design on one  side
of the saturated felt.

Manufacturers  of  several  of  the above mentioned products
vary their production process, but the resulting differences
are too slight to warrant further subcategorization.

Plant Size

Plant size alone was not found to be  a  factor  in  further
subcategorizing  the  industry.  The operational efficiency,
quality of housekeeping, labor availability, and  wastewater
characteristics  of the plants do not differ because of size
variations.  In some instances,  a  large  plant  uses  less
water  than  a smaller one because the former employs better
housekeeping practices.

Plant size does  not  affect  the  type  or  performance  of
effluent control measures.  As described in Section VII, the
basic   waste  treatment  operation  for  this  industry  is
sedimentation.  Design is based on hydraulic flow  rate  and
plants  with smaller discharges can use smaller and somewhat
less  costly  treatment  units.    The   approximate   daily
production  ranges  for the product categories were reported
to be:

                              kJS3                    Tons

Asphalt Emulsions         1,813-9,072             2,000-10,000
Asphalt Concrete            363-1,089               400- 1,200
Asphalt Roofing             181-  635               200-   700
Linoleum-Printed Felts       14-   41                15-45

Plant Age

The ages of the plants in the industry range from less  than
one  to over 50 years.  The manufacturing equipment is often
newer than the building housing the plant;  in  some  cases,
however,  used  machines  have been installed in new plants.
Plant  age  could  not  be   correlated   with   operational
efficiency,   quality   of   housekeeping,   or   wastewater
characteristics, therefore it is not  an  appropriate  basis
for subcategorizing the industry.

Geographic Location

Plants  in  the  asphalt  paving industries are located near
most, if not all, cities in the United States that  house  a
Federal, State, County, or City highway department.   Asphalt
roofing  plants are located throughout the United States but
generally are located along the East, West, and Gulf Coasts.
This  wide  geographic  spread  may  influence  the   yearly
production  rate,  but  the  wastewater  characteristics are

basically the same.  Therefore  subcategorization  based  on
geographic location is not warranted.

                         SECTION V


                        General Uses

These  four  subcategories  generally use water for cooling,
air emission control, and/or cleanup purposes.  The quantity
of  water  expended  varies,  but  the  wastewaters  contain
basically the same pollutants.

The  waters  used  for  heat-reduction purposes are employed
basically in  cooling  pumps,  agitator  bearings,  rotating
shafts,  glands,  and  process  controls.   In  the  asphalt
roofing subcategory, water is  also  used  to  cool  asphalt
saturated  felts before they are packaged.  The use of water
for air emission  control  and  cleanup  purposes  are  self

                       Specific Uses

Asphalt Emulsion Plants

The  major  water  use  at plants in this subcategory is for
cooling pumps and process controls.  The water is  generally
noncontact in nature and is, therefore, relatively pollutant
free.   Runoff  caused  by  precipitation  is the only known
source   of   contaminated   water.    It   contains    high
concentrations  of  oils;  a  maximum  value  of 50 mg/1 was
reported.   At  older  plants  or  at  plants   where   poor
housekeeping  practices  are  common,  the  production  area
grounds are usually saturated with  oils  and  asphalt.   At
older  plants, it used to be common practice to control dust
by spraying waste oil on plant grounds.  Oil leaking out  of
pump  seals  and  packing glands and spills at loading docks
also  tend  to  saturate  the  surrounding  grounds.    When
precipitation falls, some of the accumulation is carried off
and deposited in nearby receiving waters.

Asphalt Concrete Plants

In  this  subcategory,  water  is  used  only to control air
emissions.  Various types of water scrubbers are employed to
collect dust given off during drying and mixing  operations.
The  characteristics  of  the  raw wastewater were developed
from reported data and from  telephone  conversations.    The
major constitutents in these wastewaters are:

Total Solids
Total Suspended Solids
lb/1fOOO Ib*
    *The average production and flow rate are 544 kkg/day
     (600 ton/day)  and 68 cu m/day (.018 mgd), respectively.

The  nature  of  the  solids  content varies with geographic
location.  The type of rock used in the mix depends  on  its
availability.   If a carbonate-type rock is used, the amount
of solids collected in the wastewater will be higher than if
igneous rock is employed.  If a limestone rock is  used,  pH
values will be high.

The  oil  and  grease  content  of  the  raw  wastewater was
reported to range from less than detectable to 8 mg/1.

Asphalt Roofing Plants

Water is used in this subcategory to cool  the  product  and
process  controls.   Only 10-25% of the total volume is used
for the latter purposes.

The product is cooled  by  one  or  both  of  the  following
methods.   First,  water  is  circulated  through  cylinders
(called cooling  drums)  around  which  the  saturated  felt
passes.   This water is allowed to cool then is recirculated
through the cooling drums.  In the  second  method,  a  fine
mist  is sprayed directly on the saturated felt.  The volume
of water used depends on whether the first method  has  been
employed.   If  it  has  been, the rate is 11 1/min  (3 gpm),
otherwise the rate is 394 to 657 1/min   (104  to  174  gpm).
When  both  methods  are  used  very  little  wastewater  is
discharged because 75-80%  of  the  small  amount  of  water
sprayed  on  the  saturated  felt evaporates.  When  only the
second method is used, almost all of the water sprayed  onto
the  saturated  felt is discharged.  Many plant managers are
now using this water  for  other  processes  that  call  for
heated  water.  It should be noted that approximately 50% of
the plants in this subcategory produce their own felt.   The
heated waters can be used as "white water" makeup.   The felt
making   process  is  covered  under  the  effluent guideline
development  document  entitled  "Builders  Paper  and   Board
Manufacturing Point Source Category."

The  characteristics  of the wastewaters from plants in this
subcategory  were  developed  from  sampling   data  and  from
reported  values.   Typical  values for  different parameters

_ Parameter
Total Solids
Total Dissolved
Total Suspended


     *The  average  production  and flow rates  are 454  kkg/day
      (500 tons/day)  and  569  cu in/day (0.15  mgd) ,  respectively.

The  amount of  solids present in the   wastewater  depends   on
the  method  of   cooling used.   Hardly  any solids  reach  the
wastewaters if the  first method or both   methods  are   used.
If only the second  method is used, the direct  cooling  of  the
saturated felts  washes  some of the  granules off. The  nature
of these  solids depends  on the type  of crushed rock that   is
being  used.   Another   source  of   solids   is the backing
material   (usually   mica or  talc)   employed   to  keep  the
finished  product  from sticking when  packaged.   When water is
sprayed   on the felt to  cool it some of  the backing material
is washed off.

Almost all roofing  plants have  a  tower where  asphalt   is
oxidized,  and the   grounds around  it may  be  saturated with
oils and  grease.  The runoff  from   such areas   is usually
sewered along  with the cooling waters.

Linoleum  and Printed  Asphalt Felt Plants

The  major  source  of  wastewater   in   this   subcategory  is
cleanup operations.   Water is  also used  to  prepare  the  dyes
which   are  mixed  with  the  paints,  but  this   water   is
consolidated with the end product.   Solvents   are  used   in
certain   clean  up  operations,  but  the   spent  solvent  is
usually reclaimed and the resulting  sludges  are disposed   of
in drums.

The   characteristics   of   these  cleanup  waters  in  this
subcategory were developed from reported data and from  plant
inspections.   Typical values are:
_ Parameter
Total Solids
Total Suspended Solids
Total Nitrogen
lb/1.000 Ib*
    *The average production and flow rates  are  27  kkg/day
    (30 tons/day)  and 23 cu m/day (0.006 mgd), respectively.

The  solids  content  usually  consists of dried paint.  The
mixing vats  in  which  the  dyes  are  prepared  are  steam
cleaned,  and  the  resulting  condensate  is the wastewater

                         SECTION VI

                    POLLUTANT PARAMETERS

                    Selected Parameters

The  chemical,  physical,  and  biological  parameters  that
define the pollutants in wastewaters from this industry are:

Total Suspended Solids             Dissolved Solids
Oils and Grease                    Nitrogen
pH                                 Phosphorus
Temperature                        Phenols
BOD5                               Heavy metals
COD  (or TOC)

All  pollutant  parameters  except TSS, oils and grease, pH,
and  temperature  are   not   normally   present   in   high
concentrations,   but   they   have  been  included  because
significant levels of one or more have been detected in  the
effluent from individual plants.

Pollutants  in  non-process  wastewater,  such as those from
boiler blowdown and from water treatment facilities are  not
included in this document.

The  rationale  for selecting the listed parameters is given

                      Major Pollutants

Total,Suspended Solids

Suspended  solids  include  both   organic   and   inorganic
materials.  The inorganic components include sand, silt, and
clay.   The  organic  fraction  includes  such  materials as
grease, oil, tar, animal and vegetable fats, various fibers,
sawdust, hair, and various  materials  from  sewers.   These
solids  may settle out rapidly and bottom deposits are often
a mixture  of  both  organic  and  inorganic  solids.   They
adversely  affect  fisheries  by  covering the bottom of the
stream or lake with a blanket of material that destroys  the
fish-food  bottom  fauna  or  the  spawning  ground of fish.
Deposits containing organic  materials  may  deplete  bottom
oxygen   supplies   and  produce  hydrogen  sulfide,  carbon
dioxide, methane, and other noxious gases.

In raw water sources for domestic use,  state  and  regional
agencies  generally specify that suspended solids in streams
shall not be  present  in  sufficient  concentration  to  be
objectionable   or   to   interfere  with  normal  treatment
processes.  Suspended solids in  water  may  interfere  with
many  industrial processes, and cause foaming in boilers, or
encrustations on equipment exposed to water,  especially  as
the  temperature rises.  Suspended solids are undesirable in
water for textile industries;  paper  and  pulp;  beverages;
dairy  products;  laundries;  dyeing;  photography;  cooling
systems, and power plants.  Suspended particles  also  serve
as a transport mechanism for pesticides and other substances
which are readily sorbed into or onto clay particles,.

Solids may be suspended in water for a time, and then settle
to  the  bed of the stream or lake.  These settleable solids
discharged  with  man's  wastes   may   be   inert,   slowly
biodegradable materials, or rapidly decomposable substances.
While  in  suspension,  they  increase  the turbidity of the
water,   reduce   light   penetration   and    impair    the
photosynthetic activity of aquatic plants.

Solids  in  suspension  are aesthetically displeasing.  When
they settle to form sludge deposits on the  stream  or  lake
bed, they are often much more damaging to the life in water,
and  they  retain  the  capacity  to  displease  the senses.
Solids, when  transformed  to  sludge  deposits,  may  do  a
variety  of damaging things, including blanketing the stream
or lake bed and thereby destroying  the  living  spaces  for
those  benthic  organisms  that  would  otherwise occupy the
habitat.  When of  an  organic  and  therefore  decomposable
nature,  solids use a portion or all of the dissolved oxygen
available in the area.  Organic materials also  serve  as  a
seemingly  inexhaustible  food  source  for  sludgeworms and
associated organisms.

Turbidity is principally a measure of  the  light  absorbing
properties  of suspended solids.  It is frequently used as a
substitute method of quickly estimating the total  suspended
solids when the concentration is relatively low.

The suspended solids levels in wastewater at plants in these
four subcategories vary from a low of less than 10 mg/1 to a
high  of  over  35,000 mg/1.  The solids are generally heavy
and settle quickly.  The nature of the solids depends on the
plant locale and the type of readily available rock that  is
used  in  the  processes.   Usually when carbonate rocks are
used, a higher level of  suspended  solids  results,  and  a
lower  level  occurs  when  igneous  rocks are employed.  If

discharged into a stream or lake, these solids would blanket
the bottom, cause turbidity,  and possibly harm aquatic life.

Oil and Grease

Oil and grease exhibit an oxygen demand.  Oil emulsions  may
adhere  to  the  gills  of fish or coat and destroy algae or
other plankton.  Deposition of oil in the  bottom  sediments
can   serve   to   inhibit    normal  benthic  growths,  thus
interrupting the aquatic food chain.  Soluble and emulsified
material ingested by fish may taint the flavor of  the  fish
flesh.   Water  soluble components may exert toxic action on
fish.  Floating oil may reduce the re-aeration of the  water
surface and in conjunction with emulsified oil may interfere
with  photosynthesis.  Water  insoluble components damage the
plumage and coats of  water   animals  and  fowls.   Oil  and
grease   in   a   water  can  result  in  the  formation  of
objectionable surface slicks  preventing the  full  aesthetic
enjoyment of the water.

Oil  spills  can damage the surface of boats and can destroy
the aesthetic characteristics of beaches and shorelines.

The oils found at plants in   these  four  subcategories  are
usually  floating  oils  and  their concentrations range from
less than 0.1 mg/1 to over 50 mg/1.

pH. Acidity and Alkalinity

Acidity and alkalinity are  reciprocal  terms.   Acidity  is
produced   by  substances  that  yield  hydrogen  ions  upon
hydrolysis and alkalinity is  produced  by  substances  that
yield  hydroxyl  ions.  The terms "total acidity" and "total
alkalinity" are often used to express the buffering capacity
of a solution.  Acidity  in   natural  waters  is  caused  by
carbon dioxide, mineral acids, weakly dissociated acids, and
the  salts  of  strong  acids and weak bases.  Alkalinity is
caused by strong bases and the salts of strong alkalies  and
weak acids.

The term pH is a logarithmic  expression of the concentration
of  hydrogen  ions.   At a pH of 7, the hydrogen and hydroxyl
ion concentrations are essentially equal and  the  water  is
neutral.    Lower  pH  values  indicate  acidity while higher
values indicate alkalinity.   The relationship between pH and
acidity or alkalinity is not necessarily linear or direct.

Waters with a pH below 6.0  are  corrosive  to  water  works
structures,   distribution  lines,   and  household  plumbing
fixtures  and can thus  add  such  constituents  to  drinking

water as iron, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead.  The hydrogen
ion concentration can affect the "taste" of the water.  At a
low  pH  water  tastes  "sour".   The bactericidal effect of
chlorine  is  weakened  as  the  pH  increases,  and  it  is
advantageous  to  keep  the  pH  close  to  7.  This is very
significant for providing safe drinking water.

Extremes  of  pH  or  rapid  pH  changes  can  exert  stress
conditions  or  kill  aquatic  life  outright.   Dead  fish,
associated algal blooms, and  foul  stenches  are  aesthetic
liabilities  of  any  waterway.   Even moderate changes from
"acceptable" criteria limits of pH are deleterious  to  some
species.   The  relative  toxicity  to  aquatic life of many
materials  is  increased  by  changes  in  the   water   pH.
Metalocyanide  complexes  can  increase  a  thousand-fold in
toxicity with a drop of 1.5 pH units.  The  availability  of
many  nutrient  substances  varies  with  the alkalinity and
acidity.  Ammonia is more lethal with a higher pH.

The  lacrimal  fluid  of  the  human  eye  has   a   pH   of
approximately  7.0  and  a deviation of 0.1 pH unit from the
norm  may  result  in  eye  irritation  for   the   swimmer.
Appreciable irritation will cause severe pain.

The  wastewaters  from  these four subcategories may contain
carbonate rock dust that results in elevated pH values.  The
values for pH may range from a low of 5.0 to a high of 12.0.
Any values outside the range of 6.0 to 9.0  are  harmful  to
aquatic life.

Other Pollutants

The  following  parameters  were considered in the course of
this study, but were not included for either or both of  the
following  reasons: 1) only insignificant amounts were found
in the wastewaters; 2) insufficient data were available upon
which to base a limitation.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand  (BOD)

Biochemical oxygen demand  (BOD) is a measure of  the  oxygen
consuming  capabilities of organic matter.  The BOD does not
in itself cause direct harm to a water system, but  it  does
exert an indirect effect by depressing the oxygen content of
the  water.  Sewage and other organic effluents during their
processes of decomposition exert a BOD,  which  can  have   a
catastrophic effect on the ecosystem by depleting the oxygen
supply.   Conditions are reached frequently where all of the
oxygen is used and the continuing decay process  causes  the
production  of  noxious  gases  such as hydrogen sulfide and

methane.  Water with a high BOD indicates  the  presence  of
decomposing  organic  matter  and  subsequent high bacterial
counts that degrade its quality and potential uses.

Dissolved oxygen  (DO) is a water quality  constituent  that,
in appropriate concentrations, is essential not only to keep
organisms  living  but also to sustain species reproduction,
vigor,  and  the  development  of  populations.    Organisms
undergo  stress  at reduced DO concentrations that make them
less competitive and able to sustain  their  species  within
the   aquatic   environment.    For   example,   reduced  DO
concentrations  have  been  shown  to  interfere  with  fish
population  through  delayed  hatching of eggs, reduced size
and vigor of embryos, production of  deformities  in  young,
interference  with  food  digestion,  acceleration  of blood
clotting, decreased tolerance to certain toxicants,  reduced
food   efficiency  and  growth  rate,  and  reduced  maximum
sustained swimming speed.  Fish food organisms are  likewise
affected  adversely in conditions with suppressed DO.  Since
all aerobic aquatic  organisms  need  a  certain  amount  of
oxygen,  the  consequences of total lack of dissolved oxygen
due to a high BOD can kill all inhabitants of  the  affected

If  a  high  BOD  is  present,  the  quality of the water is
usually visually degraded by  the  presence  of  decomposing
materials  and  algae  blooms  due to the uptake of degraded
materials that form the foodstuffs of the algal populations.

The  BOD5  levels  in  the  wastewaters  from   these   four
subcategories are usually very low -zero to 50 mg/1.


Temperature  is  one  of  the most important and influential
water quality characteristics.  Temperature determines those
species that may be present; it activates  the  hatching  of
young,   regulates   their   activity,   and  stimulates  or
suppresses their growth and development;  it  attracts,  and
may  kill  when the water becomes too hot or becomes chilled
too   suddenly.    Colder   water    generally    suppresses
development.   Warmer  water  generally accelerates activity
and may be a primary cause of aquatic plant  nuisances  when
other environmental factors are suitable.

Temperature is a prime regulator of natural processes within
the  water  environment.  It governs physiological functions
in  organisms  and,  acting  directly   or   indirectly   in
combination   with  other  water  quality  constituents,  it
affects  aquatic  life  with  each  change.   These  effects

include   chemical   reaction  rates,  enzymatic  functions,
molecular  movements,  and   molecular   exchanges   between
membranes  within  and between the physiological systems arid
the organs of an animal.

Chemical reaction rates vary with temperature and  generally
increase as the temperature is increased.  The solubility of
gases in water varies with temperature.  Dissolved oxygen is
decreased by the decay or decomposition of dissolved organic
substances  and  the decay rate increases as the temperature
of the water increases reaching  a  maximum  at  about  30 °C
(86°F) .   The  temperature  of  stream  water,  even  during
summer,  is  below  the  optimum  for   pollution-associated
bacteria.   Increasing  the  water temperature increases the
bacterial  multiplication  rate  when  the  environment   is
favorable and the food supply is abundant.

Reproduction   cycles   may   be  changed  significantly  by
increased temperature  because  this  function  takes  place
under restricted temperature ranges.  Spawning may not occur
at  all  because  temperatures  are  too high.  Thus, a fish
population may exist in a  heated  area  only  by  continued
immigration.    Disregarding   the   decreased  reproductive
potential, water temperatures need not reach  lethal  levels
to decimate a species.  Temperatures that favor competitors,
predators,  parasites,  and disease can destroy a species at
levels far below those that are lethal.

Fish food organisms are altered severely  when  temperatures
approach  or exceed 90°F.  Predominant algal species change,
primary  production  is  decreased,  and  bottom  associated
organisms  may be depleted or altered drastically in numbers
and distribution.  Increased water  temperatures  may  cause
aquatic plant nuisances when other environmental factors are

Synergistic  actions of pollutants are more severe at higher
water  temperatures.   Given  amounts  of  domestic  sewage,
refinery  wastes,  oils, tars, insecticides, detergents, and
fertilizers more rapidly deplete oxygen in water  at  higher
temperatures,  and  the  respective  toxicities are likewise

When water  temperatures  increase,  the  predominant  algal
species  may change from diatoms to green algae, and finally
at high temperatures to blue-green algae, because of species
temperature  preferentials.   Blue-green  algae  can   cause
serious  odor  problems.   The  number  and  distribution of
benthic organisms decreases as water  temperatures  increase
above  90°F,  which  is close to the tolerance limit for the

 population.  This  could  seriously  affect  certain   fish  that
 depend on benthic  organisms  as  a food  source.

 The  cost  of  fish being attracted to  heated water in  winter
 months may be  considerable,  due to fish mortalities that may
 result when the  fish return  to  the cooler water.

 Rising temperatures stimulate the  decomposition  of sludge,
 formation  of  sludge  gas,  multiplication  of  saprophytic
 bacteria and fungi (particularly in the presence of organic
 wastes),  and  the consumption of  oxygen  by putrefactive
 processes, thus  affecting the   esthetic   value  of a  water

 In  general,   marine  water  temperatures do  not change as
 rapidly or range as widely as those of freshwaters.    Marine
 and  estuarine  fishes,   therefore,  are  less  tolerant of
 temperature variation.   Although this  limited  tolerance is
 greater  in  estuarine   than in   open water marine species,
 temperature changes are  more important to those   fishes in
 estuaries  and  bays  than   to  those  in open marine  areas,
 because of the nursery and replenishment  functions of   the
 estuary   that  can   be   adversely  affected  by extreme
 temperature changes.

 Thermal increases  are  caused   by  contact  and  non-contact
 cooling  waters.   Reported  temperatures  for effluents reach
 maximum levels   of  71°C (160°F).   This  water   is   either
 recycled  into  the  process water or allowed to cool  before
 being used again as a cooling water.

 Dissolved Solids

 In natural waters  the dissolved  solids   consist   mainly  of
 carbonates,  chlorides,   sulfates,  phosphates, and possibly
 nitrates of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium,   with
 traces of iron, manganese and other substances.

 Many communities in the  United States and in other  countries
 use  water  supplies  containing  2,000  to  4,000  mg/1  of
 dissolved salts, when no  better water  is  available.     Such
waters  are  not  palatable,  may not quench thirst, and may
have a laxative action on new users.   Waters containing more
than 4,000 mg/1 of  total  salts  are  generally  considered
unfit  for  human  use, although in hot climates such higher
 salt concentrations can be tolerated whereas they could  not
be  in  temperate climates.   Waters containing 5,000 mg/1 or
more are reported to  be  bitter  and  act  as  bladder  and
intestinal  irritants.   It is generally agreed that the salt

concentration of good, palatable water should not exceed 50C

Limiting concentrations of dissolved solids for  fresh-water
fish  may  range  from  5,000  to  10,000 mg/1, according to
species and prior acclimatization.  Some fish are adapted to
living in more saline waters, and a few  species  of  fresh-
water  forms  have  been found in natural waters with a salt
concentration of 15,000 to 20,000  mg/1.   Fish  can  slowly
become acclimatized to higher salinities, but fish in waters
of  low  salinity  cannot  survive  sudden  exposure to high
salinities, such as those resulting from discharges of  oil-
well brines.  Dissolved solids may influence the toxicity of
heavy metals and organic compounds to fish and other aquatic
life,  primarily  because  of  the  antagonistic  effect  of
hardness on metals.

Waters with  total  dissolved  solids  over  500  mg/1  have
decreasing utility as irrigation water.  At 5,000 mg/1 water
has little or no value for irrigation.

Dissolved  solids  in industrial waters can cause foaming in
boilers and cause interference  with  cleanness,  color,  or
taste of many finished products.  High contents of dissolved
solids also tend to accelerate corrosion.

Specific  conductance  is a measure of the capacity of water
to convey an electric current.  This property is related  to
the  total  concentration of ionized substances in water and
water temperature.  This property is frequently  used  as   a
substitute method of quickly estimating the dissolved solids

The   dissolved   solids   levels   are  high  in  all  four
subcategories and range from 60 mg/1  to   850  mg/1.   These
levels do not warrant the added expense of removal.


During  the  past  30 years, a formidable  case has developed
for the belief that increasing  standing   crops  of  aquatic
plant growths, which  often interfere with  water uses and are
nuisances  to  man,   frequently   are  caused   by  increasing
supplies of phosphorus.   Such phenomena  are associated  with
a  condition  of  accelerated  eutrophication  or  aging  of
waters.  It is generally  recognized that phosphorus  is  not
the  sole   cause of eutrophication, but  there  is evidence to
substantiate that  it  is frequently the  key element in all of
the  elements required by  fresh water  plants and  is generally
present in  the  least  amount  relative  to  need.  Therefore, an

increase in phosphorus allows use of other, already  present,
nutrients  for  plant  growths.    Phosphorus    is   usually
described, for this reasons, as a "limiting factor."

When  a  plant  population  is  stimulated in production and
attains a nuisance status,  a  large  number  of  associated
liabilities  are immediately apparent.  Dense populations of
pond weeds  make  swimming  dangerous.   Boating  and  water
skiing  and  sometimes  fishing may be eliminated because of
the mass of vegetation that serves as an physical impediment
to such activities.  Plant populations have been  associated
with  stunted fish populations and with poor fishing.  Plant
nuisances emit vile stenches, impart  tastes  and  odors  to
water  supplies,  reduce  the  efficiency  of industrial and
municipal water treatment, impair aesthetic  beauty,  reduce
or  restrict resort trade, lower waterfront property values,
cause skin rashes to man during water contact, and serve  as
a desired substrate and breeding ground for flies.

Phosphorus  in the elemental form is particularly toxic, and
subject to bioaccumulation in much the same way as  mercury.
Colloidal  elemental  phosphorus  will  poison  marine  fish
(causing skin tissue breakdown  and  discoloration).   Also,
phosphorus   is  capable  of  being  concentrated  and  will
accumulate in organs and  soft  tissues.   Experiments  have
shown  that  marine  fish  will  concentrate phosphorus from
water containing as little as 1 ug/1.

Nitrogen levels in raw wastewaters from these  subcategories
are normally low; they usually range from less than 0.1 mg/1
to  21.79  mg/1  of  total  nitrogen.  Nitrogen was included
because at this level,  it  could  influence  eutrophication
rates in some water bodies.

Phosphorus  levels  reported  in  the wastewaters from these
subcategories range from 0.01 mg/1 to 3.38 mg/1 This element
can also influence eutrophication and should be monitored to
ensure that levels are acceptably low.


Phenols and phenolic  wastes  are  derived  from  petroleum,
coke,   and  chemical  industries;  wood  distillation;   and
domestic and animal wastes.   Many  phenolic  compounds  are
more  toxic than pure phenol;  their toxicity varies with the
combinations and general nature of total wastes.   The effect
of  combinations  of   different   phenolic   compounds   is

Phenols   and   phenolic  compounds  are  both  acutely  and
chronically toxic to fish and other aquatic animals.   Also,
chlorophenols produce an unpleasant taste in fish flesh that
destroys their recreational and commercial value.

It  is  necessary  to  limit phenolic compounds in raw water
used for drinking water supplies, as conventional  treatment
methods  used  by  water  supply  facilities  do  not remove
phenols.  The ingestion of concentrated solutions of phenols
will result in severe  pain,  renal  irritation,  shock  and
possibly death.

Phenols  also  reduce  the  utility  of  water  for  certain
industrial uses, notably food and beverage processingv where
it creates unpleasant tastes and odors in the product,

The presence of measurable phenol levels has  been  reported
in  wastes  from  all  four  subcategories,  but  the levels
reported were all less than 1 mg/1.  Even though the  levels
are  low,  these  chemicals can cause serious taste and odor
problems in the receiving water.  Phenol  discharges  should
be monitored to ensure that levels are acceptably low.

Heavy Metals

Individual  plants  have  reported  that  one or more of the
following metals were present in trace quantities  in  their
effluents:  cadmium,  chromium,  copper, iron, lead, nickel,
zinc, aluminum, calcium, fluoride, chloride, magnesium,  and

Several  of  the  plants  also  reported  that  arsenics and
cyanides were present.  These materials, which originate  in
the  stone  or  rock that is used, were at levels well below
those specified as being safe for drinking water.

                         SECTION VII



The  discharge   of   wastewater   from   mills   in  the   asphalt
paving,   roofing,   and  flooring  industries  into receiving
waters   can  be reduced   to    required    levels    by    the
conscientious   application  of  established  in-plant  controls
against  process losses and water recycling  measures   and  by
well-designed  and  operated external  treatment  facilities.

This section   describes  in-plant and external  technologies
which are in wide  use or are under  development  to   achieve
various   levels of pollutant reduction.   External technology
is   used  to   achieve  the  final  reduction  of pollutants
discharged to  receiving waters.


Sedimentation   and various  auxiliary  operations   yield an
effluent that  has  a low pollution  potential  when   properly
applied.   The settled solids are  inert,  dense,  and  suitable
for  disposal in a  landfill.

Treatment beyond   sedimentation  and  oil   control   is  not
necessary for  wastes  from  this  industry.  The  only pollutant
constituent  present   at  significant  levels  is  dissolved
solids.   While these  may be  found  at undesirably high levels
in certain industrial  water   uses,  they   do  not   present
serious   hazards   to   human  health  or to aquatic life.  To
remove the dissolved  solids  would  require advanced treatment
techniques,  e.g.,  reverse  osmosis,  electrodialysis,   or
distillation.   The initial  and  annual costs associated with
such operations are so  high that  alternative  solutions—
complete   recycle  of  wastewaters—will be implemented by the
industry  instead of providing further treatment.

During the course of  the study carried out to  prepare  this
document,  it  was  found that approximately 3,100 plants in
this industry  are  considering, developing,  or   implementing
the complete recirculation of wastewaters.  This estimate is
based  on  statements made by the industry that approximately
Q0% of the plants are  currently recycling  their  production


The  in-plant  control  measures  and  end-of-pipe treatment
technology outlined below can be  implemented  as  necessary
throughout  the  industry.   Factors  relating  to plant and
equipment age, manufacturing process and capacity, and  land
availability  do  not play a significant role in determining
whether a given plant can make the changes.   Implementation
of  a  particular  control or treatment measure will involve
approximately  equal  degrees  of  engineering  and  process
design  skill  and  will  have  the  same  effects  on plant
operations, product quality, and process flexibility at  all

In-Plant ContrQl_Measures

Many  plants  in  this  industry  incorporate  some in-plant
practices  that  simultaneously  reduce   the   release   of
pollutant  constituents  and  result  in  economic benefits,
e.g., reduced water supply or waste disposal costs, or both.

Wastewater Segregation

In  all  cases,  sanitary  sewage  should  be  disposed   of
separately   from   process   wastewaters.    Public  health
considerations as well  as  economic  factors  dictate  that
sanitary wastes not be combined with these wastewaters.

Housekeeping Practices

Conscientious  housekeeping is by far the most important in-
house measure that  influences  wastewater  characteristics.
If  all  sump  areas  are  kept clean and open and all loose
materials are swept up, the amount of  solids  reaching  the
final discharge point will be drastically reduced.

Water Usage

Fresh  water  should  be  used  first  for pump seals, steam
generation, showers, and in similar applications where  high
contaminated  levels  cannot  be  tolerated.  The discharges
should then go into the  manufacturing  process  as  make-up
water  and  for  other  purposes  when water quality is less

Water  conservation  equipment  and  practices   should   be
installed to prevent overflows, spills, and leaks.  Plumbing
arrangements  that  discourage  the unnecessary use of fresh
water should be incorporated.

               Control Measures By Subcategorv

 Asphalt  Emulsion Plants

 Approximately eight plants  in this subcategory are currently
 recycling some of their cooling waters  by  using  a  cooling
 tower  or  a  cooling basin.   To control contaminated runoff,
 all  areas where spills have   occurred  or  where  one  might
 occur, have been paved to collect runoff or collection sumps
 have been constructed under the areas.   The cooling water
 flow is  typically in the range of .105  to .418 cu  m/kkg  (25
 to  100 gal/ton)  of product.

 Asphalt  Concrete Plants

 Approximately 3,100 plants in this subcategory are currently
 practicing complete  recycle and 1,200 use no water at all.
 Typical  flows from a wet collection system are in  the  range
 of 0.094 to 0.125 cu m/kkg  (22.5 to 30  gal/ton)  of product.

 Asphalt  Roofing Plants

 Approximately  23  plants  in this subcategory practice some
 sort of  recycle.   A  major   factor  that  is   considered in
 recycling water is its dissolved solids content.   Several of
 the  plants   that  recycle   their contact  cooling  water have
 found that high  levels of  dissolved  solids  cause  some
 discoloration  in  the  product.    These levels  vary so much
 that no  determination has yet been made as to  what  levels
 cause  discoloration.    The  darker the  coating granules are,
 the  higher the   dissolved   solids  content  can  be  before
 discoloration begins.

 The  success   of  these 23 plants  proves that  water usage can
 be cut down in  this  subcategory.   Splash or spray  water can
 be   eliminated   if  cooling drums  are  installed.  The cooling
 drums represent  essentially  a noncontact   system,   and the
water  used   is  relatively pollutant  free.  In some  cases, a
 fine mist  spray  is  used  in   conjunction  with  the   cooling
 drums.    The  mist   is   sprayed   only   on   the  back  of the
 saturated  felt   and   almost   75-80%  of    this    water  is

Good housekeeping practices  in this subcategory  will  prevent
high  concentrationsof   solids from entering  the wastewater.
If all  sump areas are kept clean  and all loose   material  on
the   floors  are  kept  swept  up,  the   concentrations  of
suspended solids  are usually  in the  range  of   100  to  884

Typically  wastewater  flows from plants in this subcategory
are influenced by the type  of  cooling  system  used.   The
range of flow therefore is 1.49 to 2.09 cu m/kkg (357 to 500
gal/ton) of product.

Linoleum and Printed Asphalt Felt Plants

The  only  known  in-house  method  used to reduce pollutant
concentrations is good  housekeeping  practices.   All  wash
waters  flow  into  sumps  where  the  solids settle and are
removed.   If  these  sumps  are  kept  clean,  the   solids
concentrations  can  be  kept  low.   Typical flow ranges at
these plants are .57 to  .93  cu  m/kkg  (133.33  to  222.22
gal/ton) of product.

                    Treatment Technology

Most  plants in this industry treat their raw wastewaters in
some way before discharging them.  In virtually  all  cases,
this  treatment  is  sedimentation.   Fortunately, the waste
solids are dense and almost any  period  of  detention  will
accomplish major removals.

Technical Considerations

Sedimentation is the oldest of all treatment unit operations
in  sanitary  engineering  practices.  It is well understood
and  its  costs,  ease   of   operation,   efficiency,   and
reliability   make   it   ideally   suited   for  industrial


Sedimentation is an appropriate form of treatment  for  this
industry    regardless   of   plant   size   and   capacity,
manufacturing process, and plant and equipment age.   Design
is  based on the hydraulic discharge and plants with smaller
effluent volumes  can  use  smaller  units.   The  treatment
system  can  be  sized  to accommodate surges and peak flows
efficiently.   Because  wastes  from   this   industry   are
basically  inert biologically, overdesign does not result in
solids management problems.

Land Requirements

If necessary, complete settling facilities large  enough  to
treat  the  waste  flows  can be placed on an area no larger
than 0.1 hectare  (0.25 acre).  Land is usually available  to
cover the settled solids.

      Control and Treatment Technologies By Subcatecrory

 Asphalt Emulsion Plants

 External  control at the plants in this subcategory involves
 the collecting of the entire  runoff  flow  from  the  plant
 production  area.   This  can  be  achieved  by  diking  the
 perimeter of the  plant  area  or  by  putting  in  a  sewer
 collection  system;   the  runoff  can  then  be treated at a
 common point.

 Various methods can   be  used  to  separate  oils  from  the
 wastewater,  but the  device commonly used in this subcategory
 is   an   oil  skimmer.    Since  the  oils  encountered  are
 relatively  insoluble  and  float  on  the  surface  of  the
 wastewater,   a  good operating system can remove from 75-8535
 of them.   Other systems may be used,  such as air  flotation,
 emulsion  breaking,   or  deep  bed  filters,  but their high
 initial and  operating costs may not make them economical for
 all plants in the subcategory.

 Asphalt Concrete Plants

 The external controls at these plants involve  treating  the
 wastewater  from  a  wet collection system for air emissions.
 The wastewater has a very high  concentration  of  suspended
 solids   that  settle readily.   Sedimentation works well with
 this type of wastewater,  and an earthen stilling basin or  a
 mechanical  sedimentation basin can be used.   The first type
 is commonly  found at large stationary plants because  land is
 available, and usually a  worked-out gravel  pit is  used.    A
 portable   mechanical  sedimentation  basin   has been  used at
 mobile  plants,  but the earthen stilling basin is the   system
 usually  used.    No   other  system  can  be  used  to remove
 suspended solids  economically,  because of the large quantity
 involved.  The quantity of solids  present in the wastewaters
 depends on the type  of rock being  used in  the  product.    A
 carbonate-type  rock  produces   more   dust  and fine granules
 when crushed than  igneous-types.   For  example,   1,360   kg
 (3,000  Ib)   of  solids can settle  out  at a  181 kkg (200 ton)
 per-hour  plant.    The  solids   that  are removed  from  the
 settling   system are allowed to dry and are  then landfilled.
 The  landfill  need  not  be  lined  because  the   nature   of  the
 solid does not harm  the surrounding area.

Asphalt Roofing Plants

The external  controls  at plants  in  this  subcategory are such
that  either  a  sedimentation  or filter  unit can  be used to
remove the suspended solids present in  the wastewater.

Sedimentation can be accomplished  in  an  earthen  stilling
basin or a mechanical sedimentation basin.  Both can achieve
the desired effluent quality, but the choice of which to use
depends on land availability.

Rapid  sand  filters  and  clarifiers  can  also  be used to
achieve the desired effluent quality  needed  by  1977,  but
their  initial  and operating costs may be too high for some
of the plants in this subcategory.

The 1983  limits  are  lower  than  the  1977  requirements,
therefore,  the  above  methods may have to be used.  if the
plants use the splash type cooling method, large amounts  of
the backing material (mica or talc)  are washed off.  To meet
the  1983  suspended solids limit, either additional time is
needed for  sedimentation  or  a  clarifier  must  be  used.
Depending  on  the  quantity and type of this fine suspended
material, coagulants may have to  be  used.   The  resulting
sludge  is  landfilled.   The nature of this sludge does not
warrant the use of lined disposal pits.

Linoleum and Printed Felt Plants

External controls for this subcategory involve  passing  the
wastewater through an earthen stilling basin or a mechanical
sedimentation  basin.   The  wastewater  flow from plants in
this  subcategory  contains  suspended  solids  that  settle
readily.   These  settled  solids  may  contain  potentially
harmful materials.  In some cases, settled solids  may  need
to  be  disposed  of  in  a  manner  that  will not harm the

                        SECTION VIII



The plants used to  develop  representative  treatment  cost
information  were  selected  because  of the relatively high
quality of  their  treatment  facilities,  the  quantity  of
wastewater  discharged, the availability of their cost data,
and  the  adequacy  of  verified   information   about   the
effectiveness  of  the  treatment facility.  The plants used
typical, standard manufacturing processes  and  incorporated
some of the in-plant contacts described in Section VII.

The end-of-pipe control technologies were designed, for cost
purposes,  to  require  minimal  space and land area.  It is
believed that no additional land would be required  at  most
plants.  At locations with more land available, larger, more
economical  facilities  of  somewhat  different  design, but
equal efficiency, could be used.

This cost information is intended to apply to most plants in
these four subcategories.  Differences in  age  or  size  of
production  facilities,  level of implementation of in-plant
controls, manufacturing process, and local non-water quality
environmental aspects all reduce to one basic variable,  the
volume of wastewater discharged.

                      Cost Information

Costs  that  were considered in this document are investment
and annual costs, which are based on the 1973 dollar.

    Investment Cost
         Mechanical and electrical equipment
         Site preparation
         Plant sewers
         Construction work

    Annual Cost

         Operation and maintenance

Investment Costs

Investment costs are defined  as  the  capital  expenditures
required  to  bring the treatment or control technology into
operation.   Included,  as  appropriate,  are  the  cost  of
excavation  ($3.00/cu  yd),  concrete ($1.00/sq ft for 4 in.
thick  slabs  and  $lUO.OO/cu  yd  for  wall  construction),
mechanical  and  electrical equipment installed (varies with
type),   piping    ($6.50/ft),   grating   ($2.4C/ft) ,    and
transportation ($6.00/ton).  Additional amounts equal to 1056
and  25%  of  the  total  of  the  above were added to cover
engineering design services  and  construction  supervision,
respectively.    Also  an  additional 10% of the total amount
was added to cover unforeseen costs for new sources (30% for
old  sources).   It  is  believed  that  the   interruptions
required  for  installation  of  control technologies can be
coordinated with normal plant shut-down and vacation, periods
in most cases.  As noted above, the control facilities  were
estimated  on  the  basis  of  minimal  space  requirements.
Therefore, no additional land, and, hence no cost, would  be
involved for this item.

Capital costs

The  capital costs are calculated as 10% of total investment


Straight-line depreciation for 10 years or 10% of the  total
investment cost is used in all cases.

Operation and Maintenance Costs

Operation  and  maintenance  costs include labor, materials,
any  solid  waste  disposal,  effluent   monitoring,,   added
administrative  expenses,  taxes,  and  insurance.  Manpower
requirements were based on the typical  number  of   personnel
needed to operate the required control  facilities.  A salary
cost  of  $10 per man-hour was used.  The costs of  chemicals
used in treatment were added to the costs of materials  used
for operation and maintenance.

The  costs  of  solid waste handling and disposal were based
primarily on information  supplied  by  officials   operating
solid waste handling  facilities.

Energy  and  Power Costs

Power   costs  were   estimated   on   the   basis   of  $0.025  per
kilowatt hour.

                     Costs By Subcategory

Asphalt Emulsion Plants

All costs for this subcategory  were determined  for   a  plant
which   has  a 4 hectare  (10 acre) production area and has no
means to collect runoff.

Best Practicable Control Technology Currently
Available (BPCTCA1

As stated in Section IX, all runoff from the production area
should  be collected and treated.  Installation  and operating
costs that would be incurred at a typical  size  plant,  are
presented  in  Table  11.  It was assumed that:  (1) no more
than three inches of rain will fall during a 24-hour period;
(2) a peripheral collection system  is necessary and  that  a
gravity separator is needed to treat the runoff.

Best Available Technology Economically
Achievable  (BATEAi

BATEA  for  the typical asphalt emulsion plant consists of a
sedimentation basin where additional  removal  of  oils  and
suspended  solids can be achieved.  The incremental costs of
achieving BATEA are shown in the second column of Table 11.

                          TABLE 11

                 Treatment Costs in Dollars
                For Asphalt Emulsion Plants*
                              Technology Level
Type Of Cost                  BPCTCA    BATEA+      NSPS
Total Investment Cost
Capital cost
Depreciation and Interest
Operation and Maintenance
Total Annual Cost
Cost per kkg per day
*Daily Production 5,443 kkg  (6,000 ton)
+Marginal costs after BPCTCA has been achieved.

New Source Performance Standards  (NSPS)

It is recommended that new sources be  required  to   install
control  equipment  equivalent  to  BATEA,  and the costs  for
doing this at a typical plant are shown  in  the third   column
of  Table  11.  They are lower than the  total for BPCTCA  and
the incremental costs  of  BATEA,  because   of   the   reduced
expense associated with the  construction and installation of
new facilities.

Asphalt Concrete,Plants

Plants   in  this  subcategory  have   production capacities
ranging from 91 to 363 kkg/hr  (100-400 ton/hr),   but   during
an  average  work day, the expected time of actual  mixing is
from  2 to  4  hours.  On some  occasions  this  range may  be  10-
12  hrs.,  and  again  it  may  be 1-2 hours.  The  length of
actual operation depends on  the season,  and the  type  of  job
being done.

About  90%  of  the plants in this subcategory meet the 1977
requirement  for BPCTCA,  but  for  cost  estimation, plants with
little or  no treatment were  used.    The  basic   assumptions
that  were  used  to   develop   costs   are:    (1)  The  daily
production levels used were  340  kkg/day   (375  ton/day),  544
kkg/day   (600  ton/day),   and  851 kkg/day  (938 ton/day);   (2)

the average expected wastewater  flow is 1.04  cu  m/kkg   (250
gal/ton);  (3) a pond large enough to give a 2 hour  detention
time;   (4) the solids collected  per hour of operation amount
to 1,361 kg  (3,000 Ib);  (5) the  pond will be  cleaned   every

A mechanically cleaned settling  tank was considered, but  its
high initial and operating costs obviated its use.

The level of treatment required  of this subcategory for 1977
is  the  same  as  that  required  in  1983;  also new Source
Performance Standards are the same, namely, no discharge.

The incremental costs of applying BPCTCA,  BATEA,  and  NSPS
for  each of the three daily production levels are listed in
Table 12.

                          TABLE 12

                 Treatment Costs in Dollars
                For Asphalt Concrete Plants*
                               Daily Production Levels
Type of Cost             340 kkg     544 kkg        851 kkg
                        (375 ton)   (600 ton)       (938 ton)
Total Investment Cost 4,600
Capital Cost 460
Depreciation and Interest 460
Operation and Maintenances, 700
Energy 1,375
Total Annual Cost 7,995
Cost per kkg per day 0.12
*The costs needed to achieve BPCTCA, BATEA, and NSPS are
 the same.

Asphalt Roofing Plants

The typical plant is assumed  to  have  a  capacity  of  454
kkg/day   (500 ton/day) and a wastewater flow of 569 cu m/day
(0.15 mgd) .

Best^ Practicable control Technology Currently
Available  (BPCTCA1

At  the  majority  of  plants  in  this  subcategory,  large
suspended  materials are settled in a pond or detention sump
before the effluent is discharged.  BPCTCA requires that all
plants employ primary settling.  The costs  of  BPCTCA  have
been  developed  for  situations  in  which:  (1) an earthen
stilling  basin  is  installed;   (2)  a  steel  or  concrete
settling  tank  is  used.  It is assumed that:   (1) both are
cleaned monthly by manual methods;  (2) sprays or  mists  are
installed to reduce the volume of wastewater; (3) the use of
coagulants is not needed.

The  costs of applying BPCTCA in each situation are shown in
the first column of Tables 13 and 14, respectively.

Best Available Technology Economically Achievable  /BATEA)

Since BATEA assumes that coagulants will be needed to  settle
out more suspended solids, the costs of applying BATEA allow
for expenses incurred in having the resulting sludge removed
continuously and mechanically.  It  is  assumed,  therefore,
that  the  earthen  stilling basin which is acceptable under
BPCTCA is replaced by  a  settling  tank.   The  incremental
costs of achieving BATEA  (depending on which settling  method
is  used  under  BPCTCA)  are  shown in the second column of
Tables 13 and 14.

                          TABLE 13

                 Treatment Costs in Dollars
                For Asphalt Roofing Plants*
                Earthen Stilling Basin Used
                                      Technology Level
Type Of Cost                          BPCTCA    BATEA+
Total Investment Cost                 5,125     50,000
Capital Cost                            510      5,000
Depreciation and Interest               510      5,000
Operation and Maintenance             1,600     10,000
Energy                                  100        375
Total Annual Cost                     2,720     20,375
Cost per kkg per day                  0.024      0.18
*Daily Production 454 kkg (500 ton)
•••Marginal costs incurred after BPCTCA has been achieved.

                          TABLE 14

                 Treatment costs in Dollars
                For Asphalt Roofing Plants*
                    Settling Tank Used
Type of Cost
Technology Level
Total Investment
Capital cost
Depreciation and Interest
Operation and Maintenance
Total Annual Cost
Cost per kkg per day
*Daily Production 454 kkg (500 ton)
•••Marginal costs incurred after BPCTCA has been achieved.

New Source Performance Standards  (NSPS)

NSPS require that the equivalent of BATEA be  applied.   The
total  costs  are shown in the third column of Table 14 only
because it is assumed that a new source would use a settling
tank and a continuous, mechanical method of sludge removal.

Lingleum and Printed Asphalt Felt_Plants

The typical plant has a capacity of 27 kkg/day  (30  ton/day)
and  a  wastewater  flow  of 23 cu m/day (0.006 mgd).  It is
assumed that the wastewater is not treated.

Best Practicable Control Technology Currently
Available IBPCTCA)

BPCTCA requires that suspended solids be settled out of  the
wastewater  prior  to  discharge.  The cost estimate assumes
that a settling tank is installed and  that  the  sludge  is
manually removed from it at recurring intervals  (Table 15).

                          TABLE 15

                 Treatment Costs in Dollars
           For Linoleum and Asphalt Felt Plants*
Type of Cost
Total Investment
Depreciation and Interest
Operation and Maintenance
Total Annual Cost
Cost per kkg per day
*Daily Production 27 kkg (30 ton)
^Marginal costs incurred after BPCTCA has been achieved.

Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BATEA)

BATEA  requires  that  coagulants  be  used  to increase the
amount of suspended materials removed.  The costs are  shown
in the second column of Table 15.

New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)

NSPS  requirements dictate that BATEA be applied.  Costs are
shown in the third column of Table 15.


                         SECTION IX

The effluent limitations which must be achieved by  July  1,
1977,  are  to  specify  the  degree  of  effluent reduction
attainable through the application of the  best  practicable
control  technology currently available (BPCTCA).  BPCTCA is
generally based on the average  of  the  best  levels  being
achieved   by  plants  of  various  sizes,  ages,  and  unit
processes within the subcategory.   Consideration  was  also
given to:

    1.   The total cost  of  application  of  technology  in
         relation  to  the effluent reduction benefits to be
         achieved from such application.
    2.   The  size,  age  of   equipment,   and   facilities
    3.   The processes employed.
    4.   The  engineering  aspects  of  the  application  of
         various types of control techniques.
    5.   Process changes
    6.   Non-water quality environmental  impact,  including
         energy requirements.

BPCTCA  emphasizes  treatment facilities employed at the end
of  a  manufacturing  process  but  includes    the   control
technologies  within  the process itself when the latter are
considered to be normal practice within the industry.

A further  consideration  is  the  degree  of   economic  and
engineering  reliability  which  must be established for the
technology to be  "currently  available."  As   a  result  of
demonstration projects, pilot plants, and general use, there
must  exist  a  high degree of confidence in the engineering
and economic practicability of the technology   at  the  time
construction starts or control facilities are installed.

                  Asphalt Emulsion Plants

As discussed in Sections III through VII, water is used only
for  cooling  purposes.   Since  this water is  a non-contact
type,  it  contains  no  pollutants,  and  its   temperature
increases  only  slightly.   The  water  is  commonly pumped
through cooling towers or basins and is then  discharged  or
returned  for  reuse.   The flow varies from 190 to  3,790 cu
m/day  (0.05 to 1.0 mgd).

As stated before, the only sources of contaminated water  in
this  subcategory  is  runoff caused by precipitation and/or
water collected from the wet air  scrubber  systems.   These
wastewaters  are  pumped  through oil skimmers to remove the
oils that are present.

The most common treatment method used in this subcategory is
to collect all runoff flow from the production area and pump
it through a gravity oil skimmer.  The wastewater  from  the
wet air scrubber is also pumped to the oil skimmer.

Since  these  contaminated  waters  are  not  a  function of
production but depend on climatology, BPCTCA is based on the
following wastewater flow assumptions which are derived from
information presented in Section V:

    1.   Production Area  Size:   that  area  in  which  the
oxidation towers, loading facilities, and all buildings that
house  product  processes are located.  The average size was
determined to be approximately H hectares (10 acres).
    2.   Amount  of  Precipitation:    the   average   daily
rainfall  for  the entire United States was determined to be
7.62 cm (3 in).

The  limitations  are  based  on   the   following   removal

    Oil and Grease:  75-85%

When  the  above  technology  is  implemented  there  is  no
significant non-water guality impact, and the  solid  wastes
generated are landfilled.

The  above  control  facilities  are  currently in use at 18
plants located throughout the United States as listed below:

     State                     Number of facilities

   California                           U
   Colorado                             1
   Delaware                             1
   Indiana                              1
   Maryland                             1
   New Jersey                           2
   Ohio                                 3
   Oklahoma                             1
   Oregon                               1
   Texas                                3

Based on the information contained in Sections  III  through
VIII  and  summarized  above,  a determination has been made
that the degree of effluent  reduction  attainable  and  the
maximum  allowable discharge within this subcategory through
the application of BPCTCA are as follows:

                      	Oil-Grease	     _pH
                        (kg/cu m)  (lb/1,000 gal)     (units)

30-day average            0.015       0.125       6.0-9.0
Maximum daily             0.020       0.167       6.0-9.0

                  Asphalt Concrete Plants

The manufacture of asphalt concrete may or may not result in
the generation of wastewater depending on the  type  of  air
emission   control  equipment  used.   The  unit  operations
required were discussed in detail in Section III, the wastes
derived from the operation were characterized in Section  v,
and treatment and control technology was detailed in Section

Any  wastewater  generated  is  pumped into earthen stilling
ponds where settling occurs.  The resulting clear  water  is
recycled  through  the  scrubber  systems,  and  the settled
solids are dredged out and landfilled.  This control  method
is  commonly  used at over 3,100 plants in this subcategory,
according to industry estimates.

Based on the information contained in Sections  III  through
VIII  and  summarized  above,  a determination has been made
that the degree of effluent reduction attainable through the
application of BPCTCA is  no  discharge  of  wastewaters  to
navigable waters.

                   Asphalt Roofing Plants

As discussed in Sections III through VII, the primary use of
water  is  for cooling purposes.  The water may be a contact
or non-contact type.  The majority of  the  plants  in  this
subcategory    utilize    a   non-contact   cooling   method
supplemented by contact cooling  water  in  the  form  of  a

The wastewater from the non-contact cooling system is pumped
to   cooling   basins   or   cooling  towers  to  lower  its
temperature, and it is then recycled through the system.  As
stated in Section V, if the plant  produces  its  own  felt,
this  heated water may be used as make-up water in the white
water system.  The spray water is the only known  source  of

contaminated  water.   The flow, which varies from 11 to 657
1/min (3-171 gpm), is pumped into settling tanks  or  ponds.
The  settled  sludge  is usually dredged out and landfilled.
The resulting clearwater is then recycled or discharged.

The above control facilities are  currently  in  use  at  46
plants  located  throughout  the  United  States,  as listed

   New Jersey
   North Carolina
No« of facilities

Runoff  from  the  asphalt  storage  areas  and   from   the
oxidization   tower   area   contain   oil   and  grease  in
concentrations  that  may  present  problems  in   receiving
waters.  With the utilization of good housekeeping practices
these concentrations of oil and grease can be kept low.

BPCTCA  for  this  subcategory  is  based  on  the following
production raw waste and wastewater flow assumptions,  which
have been derived from information presented in Section V:

    Average Production Rate:  454 kkg/day (500 ton/day)
    Average  Effluent  Discharge  Rate:   569 cu m/day  (0.15
    Average Daily Suspended Solids Concentration:  184 mg/1

The limits are based on the following removal efficiencies:

         Suspended Solids:  85-955J

Based on the information contained in Sections  III  through
VIII  and  summarized  above,  a determination has been made
that the degree of effluent  reduction  attainable  and  the
maximum  allowable discharge in this subcategory through the
application BPCTCA are as follows:

                    Suspended Solids	     pH	
                 (kg/kkg)  (lb/1,000 Ib)      (units)

30-day average    0.038     0.038           6.0-9.0
Maximum daily     0.056     0.056           6.0-9.0

          Linoleum and Printed Asphalt Felt Plants

As discussed in Sections III through VII, the primary use of
water in this subcategory is for clean-up  operations.   The
amount used varies from 8-38 cu m/day  (0.002-0.01 mgd).  The
wastewater  is  pumped to sumps, which act as settling pits,
and is then discharged.  The  settled  material  is  usually
disposed  of  in sealed containers, because some potentially
harmful materials may be present.

BPCTCA is based on the following production  raw  waste  and
wastewater  flow  assumptions,  which have been derived from
information presented in Section V:

    Average Production Rate:  27 kkg/day (30 ton/day)
    Average Effluent Discharge Rate:   23  cu  m/day   (0.006
    Average Daily suspended Solids Concentration:  11 mg/1

The limits are based on the following removal efficiencies:

         Suspended Solids:  85-95S

Based  on  the information contained in Sections III through
VIII and summarized above, a  determination  has  been  made
that  the  degree  of  effluent reduction attainable and the
maximum allowable discharge in this subcategory through  the
application of BPCTCA are as follows:

                 	Suspended Solids       	pH
                 (kg/kkg)  (lb/1,000 Ib)     (units)

30-day average     0.025     0.025         6.0-9.0
Maximum daily      0.038     0.038         6.0-9.0

        Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources

Of  the  4,800  plants  covered  under  the asphalt concrete
subcategory, none is known to discharge  wastewater  into  a
city  sewer  system, but approximately 200 of the 300 plants
covered in the other three subcategories  use  this  method.
Except  for  oils, which have a petroleum origin, and are in
low  concentrations  in  all  but   the   asphalt   emulsion
subcategory,  the  wastewaters from these four subcategories
do  not  contain  any  pollutants  that  are  classified  as
incompatible.  All major contributing industries may have to
pretreat  their  incompatible  wastes  if over the specified
limit.  As defined, a  major  contributing  industry  is  an
industrial user of the publicly owned treatment works that:

    1.   has a flow of 190 cu m (50,000  gal)   or  more  per
         average work day.
    2.   has a flow greater than 5% of the flow  carried  by
         the municipal system receiving the waste.
    3.   has in  its  waste,  a  toxic  pollutant  in  toxic
         amounts   as  defined  in  standards  issued  under
         Section 307 (a) of the act.
    4.   is found  by  the  permit  issuance  authority,  in
         connection  with the issuance of an NPDES permit to
         the publicly owned treatment  works  receiving  the
         waste, to have significant impact, either singly or
         in  combination with other contributing industries,
         on that treatment works  or  upon  the  quality  of
         effluent from that treatment works.

If  the  industry does not fall into any of the above cases,
it does not need to pretreat its incompatible wastes.

These waste waters also contain large volumes  of  suspended
solids  which  consist  of suspended sand and gravel and may
cause or contribute to sewer line obstruction if present  in
significant concentrations.

The  following  pretreatment limitations are recommended for
asphalt concrete plants which discharge  to  publicly  owned
treatment  systems  and  whose effluent may cause sewer line
obstruction or damage:

                                   Suspended Solids 	
                              kg/kkg or lb/1000 Ib product

        30 day average                   0.10
        Maximum daily                    0.20

These pretreatment limitations are  based  upon  the  medium
size  plant  with  water  use  at  131  gal/1000 Ib product.
Concentrations  for  the  30   day   average   and  maximum  daily
limitations  are 100 mg/liter and 200  mg/liter, respectively.

                         SECTION X

The  effluent  limitations which must be achieved by July 1,
1983, are  to  specify  the  degree  of  effluent  reduction
attainable  through  the  application  of the best available
technology economically achievable (BATEA).   BATEA  is  not
based  on  an  average  of  the  best  performance within an
industrial category, but is determined  by:  1)  identifying
the very best control and treatment technology employed by a
specific  plant  within  the  industrial  subcategory; or 2)
concluding that such technology is readily transferable from
one industry process to  another.   Consideration  was  also
given to:

    1.   The total  cost  of  application  of  this  control
         technology in relation to the effluent reduction to
         be achieved from such application.
    2.   Energy requirements.
    3.   Non-water quality environmental impact.
    4.   The  size  and  age  of  equipment  and  facilities
    5.   The process employed,
    6.   Process changes.
    7.   The engineering aspects of the application of  this

BATEA also considers the availability of in-process controls
as  well  as  control  or  additional  end-of-pipe treatment
techniques.  This control technology is the  highest  degree
that  has  been  achieved  or  has  been  demonstrated to be
capable of being designed for plant scale operations  up  to
and including "no discharge" of pollutants.

Although   economic   factors   are   considered   in   this
development, the cost for this level of control is  intended
to  be  the top-of-the-line of current technology subject to
limitations imposed by economic and engineering feasibility.
However, this control technology  may  be  characterized  by
some   technical   risk  with  respect  to  performance  and
certainty of costs.  Therefore, this control technology  may
necessitate  some  industrially  sponsored  development work
prior to its application.

   Effluent Reduction Attainable Through the Application
    Qf Best Available Technology Economically Achievable

Based on information contained in Sections III through  VIII
of  this  document,  a  determination has been made that the
degree  of  effluent  reduction   attainable   through   the
application  of  BATEA  for  the  four  subcategories  is as

Asphalt Emulsion Plants
            Suspended Solids       	Oil 6 Grease	gtt	
          (kg/cu m)  (lb/1,000 gal)   (kg/cu m) (lb/1,000 gal)   (units)










The above figures are given in terms  of  volume  of  runoff
produced  by  a  7.62  cm  (3-in) rainfall on an average-size
production area of 4 hectares  (10 acres)  during  a  24-hour
period—approximately 3,028 cubic meters (0.800 mgd) .

Asphalt Concrete Plants

The limitation for this subcategory is that there will be no
discharge to navigable waters.

Asphalt Roofing Plants
               	Suspended Solids          _pH
              (kg/kkg)  (lb/1,000 Ib)       (units)
30-day average  0.019     0.019         6.0-9.0
Maximum daily   0.028     0.028         6.0-9.0
The  above figures are given in weight per weight of product
produced.  The average size plant discharges  569  cu  m/day
(0.15 mgd) of wastewater, and has a daily production rate of
454 kkg  (500 ton) .

Linoleum and Printed Asphalt Felt Plants
                     Suspended Solids^
                 (kg/kkg)    (lb/1,000 Ib)        (units)
verage 0.013
daily 0.019
The  above figures are given in weight per weight of product
produced.  The average size plant  discharges  23  cu  m/day
(0.006  mgd),  of wastewater and has a daily production rate
of 27 kkg (30 ton).

The limits required by the application of BATEA for the four
subcategories  can  be  reached  by  using  the  recommended
treatment  technology  as  stated  in  Section  IX  of  this
document  plus  employing  either  additional  sedimentation
facilities  or  increasing  the  capacities.   There  is  no
evidence that this control technology  will  result  in  any
unusual  air  pollution  or  solid  waste disposal problems,
either in kind or magnitude.

The above control facilities are currently being employed by
a number of plants in each subcategory throughout the United
States as listed below.

                                  No. of facilities
     State             Asphalt Emulsions    Asphalt Roofing
New Jersey
North Carolina





There are 3,360 plants in the asphalt  concrete  subcategory
that are also achieving this level.

                         SECTION XI


          Standards of Performance for New sources

This level of technology is to be achieved by new sources of
wastewaters.   A  "new source" is defined in the Act as "any
source, the construction of which  is  commenced  after  the
publication  of  proposed regulations prescribing a standard
of performance"
In  defining  performance   standards
consideration has been given to:
1.costs and energy requirements;
2.non-water quality environmental impact;
3.process   changes   including   changes  in
operating methods, and recovery of materials;
4.engineering aspects of application.
          raw  material
Based on the information contained in Sections  III  through
VIII  of  this  document  and  the  considerations presented
above, a determination has been  made  that  the  degree  of
effluent reduction attainable through application of the New
Source  Performance Standards are the same as those outlined
in Section X of this document.  A summary  of  these  limits

Asphalt Emulsion Plants
               Suspended Solids
Oil & Grease
(kg/cu m) (lb/1,000  (kg/cu m) (lb/1,000   (units)
              gal)                gal)
The  above  figures  are  given in terms of volume of runoff
produced by a 7.62 cm  (3-in)  rainfall  on  an  average-size
production  area  of  4 hectares  (10 acres) during a 24-hour
period—approximately 3,028 cu m  (0.800 mgd).

Asphalt Concrete Plants

The requirement for this  subcategory  is  no  discharge  of
wastewaters to navigable waters.

Asphalt Roofing Plants
Suspended Solids pH
(kg/kkg) (lb/1,000 Ib) (units)
30-day average
Maximum daily
0.019 6.0-9.0
0.028 6.0-9.0
The  above figures are given in weight per weight of product
produced.  The average-size plant discharges  569  cu  m/day
(0.15   mgd)   of  wastewater,  and  has  an  average  daily
production rate of 454 kkg  (500 ton) .

Linoleum and Printed Asphalt Felt Plants
                     Suspended Solids             _p.H
                    (kg/kkg)(lb/1,000 Ib)          (units)
30-day average       0.013    0.013               6.0-9.0
Maximum daily        0.019    0.019               6.0-9.0
The above figures are given in weight per weight of  product
produced.   The  average-size  plant  discharges 23 cu m/day
(0.006  mgd)  of  wastewater,  and  has  an  average   daily
production rate of 27 kkg (30 ton).

As  stated  in  Section  X  of  this  document,  there is no
evidence that the application of this standard  will  result
in  any  unusual  air  pollution  or  solid  waste  disposal
problems, either in kind or magnitude.

           Pretreatment Standards for New Sources

The level of treatment required for  the  incompatible  oils
and  greases,  by  each  of  the  four  subcategories  which
discharge into a  municipal  system  is  the  same  as  that
required  of  plants  discharging  directly  into  navigable
waters as discussed in Section IX.   These  wastewaters  may
also  contain  suspended  solids composed of sand and gravel

which may cause or contribute to  sewer  line  obstructions.
All  major  contributing  industries  shall  pretreat  their
incompatible  wastes  to  the  specified  limits;  a   major
contributing  industry  was  defined  in Section IX.  If the
industry does not fall into any of these cases, it does  not
need to pretreat its incompatible wastes.

Waste  waters  from  asphalt  concrete  plants contain large
volumes of suspended solids which consist of suspended  sand
and  gravel  and  may  cause  or  contribute  to  sewer line
obstruction if present in significant concentrations.

Pretreatment limitations for asphalt concrete  plants  which
will  discharge  effluent in significant volumes as to cause
possible sewer line obstruction to publicly owned  treatment
plants  are  the  same  as  those  recommended  for existing

                           	Suspended Solids  	
                           kg/kkg or lb/1000 Ib product
       30 day average                   0.10
       Maximum daily                    0.20


                         SECTION XII

 This  report was  prepared  by  the  Environmental  Protection
 Agency»s   Water   Quality  Engineering Branch of the National
 Field Investigations  Center,   Cincinnati,   Ohio  under  the
 management  of   Mr.  A,  D.  Sidio,  Director.   Mr.  Wayne Mello,
 Project Engineer and  Mr.   Victor  F.   Jelen,   Chief,  Water
 Quality Engineering  Branch made significant contributions to
 the preparation  of this report.

 Mr.   John   Nardella,  Project   Manager,   Effluent  Guidelines
 Division contributed to the overall   coordination  of  this
 study and  assisted in the  preparation of  the final report.

 Mr.   Allen Cywin, Director Effluent Guidelines  Division,  Mr.
 Ernst Hall,  Deputy Director,   Effluent Guidelines  Division
 and    Mr.    Walter    J.  Hunt,  Chief,  Effluent  Guidelines
 Development  Branch,    offered   guidance    and     helpful

 Members    of   the    working  Group/Steering Committee  who
 coordinated the  internal EPA review are as  follows:

      Mr. Walter  J. Hunt, Effluent Guidelines Division
      Mr. John A.  Nardella,  Effluent Guidelines  Division
      Mr. David G. Davis, Office of Planning and  Evaluation
      Mr. Courtney Riordan,  Office of  Enforcement and
       General Counsel
      Mr. Wayne Mello, National  Field  Investigation Center
      Mr. Victor  F. Jelen,  National Field  Investigation
      Mr. Leon Myers,  Ada Laboratory, Office of Research
       and  Development

 Acknowledgment and   appreciation   is  given to  secretarial
 staff  for their efforts  in  the  preparation  of this  report:

      Ms. Talmedge Dunkle, NFIC
      Ms. Carolyn Stumf, NFIC
     Ms. Ann Covert, NFIC
     Ms. Nancy Zrubek, EGD
     Ms. Alice Thompson, EGD
     Ms. Kay Starr,  EGD

Appreciation  is  extended  to  the  National Asphalt  Paving
Association   and   the   Asphalt   Roofing   Manufacturers

Association  for  the  valuable  assistance  and cooperation
given to this project.

Appreciation is extended to  the  following  companies  that
participated in the study:

     Aerodyne Inc.
     Arctic Roofing Inc.
     Armstrong Cork Company
     Aqualogic Inc.
     Bird and Son Inc.
     Brewer Company
     Carthage Mills Inc.
     Celotex Corporation
     Certain-teed Products Inc.
     Chexron Asphalt Company
     Congoleum Industries Inc.
     Del-Val Asphalt Company
     Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Company
     Flintkote Company
     G.A.F. Inc.
     Hercules Inc.
     Johns-Manville Corp.
     Logan Long Company
     Mannington Mills Inc.
     National Floor Products, Inc.
     Stroud Roofing Company
     Trumbull Asphalt Company
     Valley Asphalt Corp.
     Wapora Inc.
     Warren Brothers Company

                        SECTION XIII

1.Background information for proposed new source performance
standard:  Asphalt  Concrete Plants, Vol. 1, Main text, EPA,
Publication No.  APTD-1352a.

2.Industry Profile, Annual  Survey  of  Manufacturers  1970,
Department of Commerce, Publication No. M70(AS)-10.

3.Value of Product Shipments, Annual Survey of Manufacturers
1971, Department of Commerce, Publication No. M71(AS)-2.

4.Asphalt  and  Tar  Roofing and Siding Products Summary for
1972, Current Industrial Reports,  Department  of  Commerce,
Publication No.  MA-29A(72)-1.

S.Kirk-Othmer,  Encyclopedia  of Chemical Technology, Second
Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.


                        SECTION XIV

The Federal Water Pollution Control
Act Amendments of 1972.

Annual Operating Costs;Those annual costs attributed to the
manufacture of a product or operation
of equipment.  They include capital
costs, depreciation, operating and
maintenance costs, and energy and
power costs.


A dark-brown to black cementitious
material, solid or semisolid in con-
sistency, in which the predominating
constituents are bitumens which occur
in nature as such or are obtained as
residue in petroleum refining.

Begt Available Demonstrated Control Technology  {BADCT)

Treatment required for new sources as
defined by Section 306 of the Act.
(See Section XI of this report).

Best Available Technology Economically Achievable

Treatment required by July 1, 1983,
for industrial discharges to surface
(BATEA)waters as defined by Section 301  (b)
(2) (A) of the Act. (See Section X
of this report).

Best Practicable control Technology
Currently Available (BPCTCA)

Treatment required by July 1, 1977,
for industrial discharges to surface
waters as defined by Section 301  (b)
(1) (A) of the Act. (See Section IX
of this report).


A mixture of hydrocarbons occurring
both in the native state and as
residue from petroleum distillation.


A machine equipped with rollers that
smooth the linoleum mix into a smooth
blanket or sheet.

Capital Cost

Financial charges which are computed
as the costs of capital times the
capital expenditures for pollution
control.  The cost of capital is based
upon a weighted average of the separate
costs of debt and equity.
An organic compound which upon saponi-
fication yields an acid fraction and an
an alcohol fraction; in this report
restricted to those compounds which
yield glycerine as the alcohol fraction.

External Controls

Technology applied to raw waste
streams to reduce pollutant level.


Loops or curves of saturated felts,
linoleums, or printed felts.


As used by the asphalt industries,
the residue from refining.
A device utilizing a soft wear resistant
material used to minimize leakage between
a rotating shaft and the stationary
portion of a vessel, such as a pump.


To saturate.

|n-Plant Controls

Technology applied within the manu-
facturing process to reduce or
eliminate pollutants in the raw

Investment Costs

The capital expenditures required to
bring the treatment or control tech-
nology into operation.  These include
the traditional expenditures, such as
design, purchase of land and materials,
site preparation, construction and
installation, plus any additional
expenses required to bring the tech-
nology into operation including
expenditures to establish necessary
solid waste disposal.


A substance having a strong attraction
for fats or other liquids.


A white pigment consisting of 28%
zinc sulfide and 72% barium sulfate;
used widely in paints.

New Source

Any building, structure, facility, or
installation from which there is or may
be a discharge of pollutants and whose
construction is commenced after the
publication of the proposed regulations.


Any of various colored earthy powders
consisting essentially of hydrated
ferric oxides mixed with clay, sand,

Operation and ffa3.ntenance

Costs required to operate and maintain
pollution abatement equipment.  They
include labor, material, insurance,
taxes, solid waste disposal, etc.


The process in which air is forced
through a substance, such as asphalt
or linseed oil.


Treatment applied to waste water before
it is discharged to a publicly-owned
treatment works,


A unit of coefficient of viscosity,
defined as the tangential force per
unit area required to maintain unit
difference in velocity between two
parallel planes separated by 1 cm
of fluid.

Res id

Another name for residual oil, a
liquid or semiliquid product obtained
as residue from the distillation of
petroleum.  It contains asphaltic


A printing process using photogravure
cylinders on a rotary press.
Standard Industrial classification


A curing process in which linoleum
or printed felt floorings are hung in


Finely ground, naturally occurring
calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

                                 CONVERSION TABLE

acre                    ac
acre - feet             ac ft
British Thermal
  Unit                  BTU
British Thermal
  Unit/pound            BTU/lb
cubic feet/minute       cfm
cubic feet/second       cfs
cubic feet              cu ft
cubic feet              cu ft
cubic inches            cu in
degree Fahrenheit       °F
feet                    ft
gallon                  gal
gallon/minute           gpm
horsepower              hp
inches                  in
inches of mercury       in Hg
pounds                  lb
million gallons/day     mgd
mile                    mi
  inch (gauge)          psig
square feet             sq ft
square inches           sq in
ton  (short)             ton
yard                    yd
         by                TO OBTAIN (METRIC UNITS)


cu m

kg cal
kg cal/kg
cu m/min
cu m/min
cu m
cu cm
cu m/day
(0.06805  psig +1)*   atm
       0.0929       sq  m
       6.452        sq  cm
       0.907        kkg
       0.9144       m
cubic meters

kilogram - calories

kilogram calories/kilogram
cubic meters/minute
cubic meters/minute
cubic meters
cubic centimeters
degree Centigrade
cubic meters/day

atmospheres (absolute)
square meters
square centimeters
metric ton  (1000 kilograms!
 * Actual conversion, not a multiplier

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