United States
                     Environmental Protection
                      Industrial Environmental Research
                      Research Triangle Park NC 27711
                     Research and Development
                      EPA-600/S2-84-012  Feb. 1984
&EPA          Project  Summary
                     Analysis  of
                     Water-Soluble  Organics
                     Linda H. Sadowski and Judith C. Harris
                       This  report des
                     ment of methods
                     extractable water-
                     terial. To date, no
                     exist for the comp
                     and detection of su
                     procedures for
                     deal  only  with  c<
                     extract into  an
                     procedures described
                     oped with a view
                     information as pos
                     extractable water-
                     tent of a given sample
                     would  complement
                     included in the
                     common organic
                     by EPA's Indust
                     Research Laboratoi -y.
                     Park, NC, to anno
                     the research projei
  ribes the develop-
  for analyzing  non-
 soluble organic ma-
  analytical methods
 ehensive separation
  h compounds. Most
    organic material
  mpounds that will
organic solvent. The
    here were devel-
   obtaining as much
 sible about the non-
 soluble organic con-
   . These procedures
    those presently
   Level  1 and other
analysis schemes.
 to i
                       This Project Summary was developed
  ial Environmental
  •, Research Triangle
 ince key findings of
  t that is fully docu-
                     mented in a separa te report of the same
                     title (see Project Report ordering infor-
                     mation at back).

                       Selected  current journals  and other
                     readily available literature were reviewed
                     to obtain  information on analytical tech-
                     niques or methods which would be direct-
                     ly applicable in achieving the objectives of
                     this task.  Most of the cited articles offered
                     solvent extraction  as the mechanism of
                     separation for polar organic material from
                     pH-adjusted aqueous media.
                       Part I of the experimental portion of this
                     work was directed toward the analysis of
                     aqueous  solutions of model compounds
                     selected from the non-extractable water-
                     soluble organic category. The procedures
                     included direct aqueous injection (DAI) on
                     five High  Performance Liquid  Chromato-
                     graphic Systems and one Gas  Chromato-
graphic/Flame lonization Detection
System. Part II of the experimental ap-
proach addressed additional areas of
investigation; e.g., the application of
compound category colorimetric indicator
tests on mixtures of water-soluble or-
ganics. Methods for isolating the model
compounds from the aqueous media were
also investigated, and included total
organic carbon/freeze drying and modifi-
cation of the Level 1 scheme with  gas
chromatography/Fourier transformation
infrared as a method of detection.
  The DAI approach was investigated to
determine if it would provide qualitative
and semi-quantitative information for the
presence of water-soluble organic mater-
ials in aqueous matrices. Several model
compounds from nine different categories
were analyzed on five chromatographic
systems. The retention time data obtained
were used to construct standardized elu-
tion profiles.  Positive identification of a
compound category for an unknown
species is made when the retention time
of a detected peak falls within the correct
retention time window for that category
in each chromatographic system.
  The model compounds were analyzed
at concentrations of 1 5 to 200 mg/L.
With few exceptions, the precision of the
methods was defined by correlation coef-
ficients greater than 0.998.  Detection
limits  for most compounds were lower
than 25 mg/L. The DAI approach, utilizing
the fivefold retention time data base,
shows promise as a screening technique
for at least eight of the nine categories of
water-soluble model compounds investi-

     L. H. Sadowski and J. C. Harris are with Arthur D. Little. Inc., Cambridge. MA
     Raymond S. Steiber is the EPA Project Officer (see below).
     The complete report, entitled "Analysis erf Water-Soluble Organics," {Order No.
       PB 84-141 225; Cost: $ 16.00, subject to change) will be available only from:
             National Technical Information Service
             5285 Port Royal Road
             Springfield. VA 22161
             Telephone: 703-487-4650
     The EPA Project Officer can be contacted at:
             Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory
             U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
             Research Triangle Park. NC 27711
                                                •trd.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1984-759-015/7303
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