United States
                   Environmental Protection
 Air and Energy Engineering
 Research Laboratory
 Research Triangle Park NC 27711
                   Research and Development
 EPA/600/S8-87/008  May 1987
SERA          Project Summary
                    Development  of  VOST  Sample
                   Analysis  Protocol  for
                   Water-Soluble Volatile
                    POHCs  and PICs

                    Mark H. Owens, Stephen A. Mooney, and Thomas Lachajczyk
                     This report gives results of a literature
                   review and laboratory research associ-
                   ated with applying the volatile organic
                   sampling train (VOST) to the sampling
                   and analysis of water-soluble, volatile.
                   Principal Organic Hazardous Constitu-
                   ents (POHCs) and Products of Incom-
                   plete Combustion  (PICs). Previous
                   studies  resulted in methods develop-
                   ment for analysis of volatile POHCs and
                   PICs, but did not address compounds
                   soluble in water.
                     The POHCs and PICs studied were
                   acetaldehyde,  acetone, acetonitrile,
                   acrolein, acrylonitrile,  1,4-dioxane,
                   ethyl acetate,  methyl ethyl ketone,
                   methyl formate, propionitrile, propyla-
                   mine, and  pyridine. The collection ef-
                   ficiency of each component of the VOST
                   was established for each  compound.
                   The accuracy  of current  analytical
                   methods for analysis of volatile POHCs
                   and PICs  when applied to volatile,
                   water-soluble POHCs and  PICs was
                   determined. New analytical techniques
                   were developed through  literature
                   search and experimentation, and were
                   evaluated against existing methods. An
                   accuracy goal  of 60-150% pollutant
                   recovery was set, along with an analy-
                   tical goal of  25%  or  less relative
                     Modifications to the existing method
                   of analysis (purge and  trap) include
                   elevating the purge temperature from
                   the standard (20°C) to 60°C, adding 1
                   g of either sodium chloride or sodium
                   sulfate salt to the sample before purging,
                   and a combination of both modifica-
tions. The modifications improved purge
efficiency by about 100% or more for
the compounds analyzed. Even with
the modifications, the highest purge
efficiency for 1,4-dioxane was no
greater than 21%. The resulting purge
efficiencies for these compounds ranged
from 19.1% for 1,4-dioxane to 127%
for acetaldehyde.
  The alternate analytical method  of
direct aqueous injection  into a liquid
chromatograph  was  performed with
condensate from the pyridine VOST
analysis.  VOST recovery of pyridine
with this analytical method was at best
23%.  Other compounds  (acrolein,
acrylonitrile, 1,4-dioxane, and methyl
formate)  did not meet the VOST re-
covery objective of 6O-15O% recovery.
Pyridine was analyzed by direct aqueous
injection  on the liquid chromatograph
because the purge efficiency was poor
and the liquid chromatograph offered a
viable alternative.
  This Project Summary was developed
by EPA's Air and Energy Engineering
Research Laboratory, Research Triangle
Park, NC, to announce key findings of
the research project that Is fully docu-
mented In a separate report of the same
title (see Project Report  ordering In-
formation at back).

  Sampling and analysis for determina-
tion of the concentration of organic pol-
lutants in stack gas effluents  present
unique problems due to the minute con-
centrations involved and the variety of

compounds present. Exacting analytical
procedures using advanced equipment
are required.  One of these methods,
developed after years of research, is the
Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST).
  The VOST was developed by the U.S.
EPA to sample volatile organic chemical
constituents in smoke stacks. One appli-
cation of VOST is the sampling of gaseous
effluent from hazardous waste incinera-
tors. The primary goal of this sampling is
to determine the destruction and removal
efficiency (ORE)  of  volatile Principal
Organic Hazardous Constituents (POHCs)
and Products of Incomplete Combustion
(PICs). DRE calculations  are used to
demonstrate  compliance  with federal
  A protocol for sampling and analysis of
volatile POHCs and PICs with VOST has
been developed. However, it did not pro-
vide guidance for analysis of volatile
POHCs and PICs that are water-soluble.
  Under  an EPA contract, the  VOST
procedures were evaluated with regard
to water-soluble, volatile POHCs and PICs
in order to develop an addendum to the
existing VOST sampting and analysis
protocol. A literature search and labora-
tory research  were conducted  into the
analytical  methods associated with the
application of the VOST method to water-
soluble, volatile  POHCs  and PICs.  The
results of that  research are summarized
in this document.
  The sample  collection  media in the
VOST include a Tenax trap, a condensate
collector, and a Tenax/charcoal trap. The
standard method of analysis for a volatile
POHC or PIC involves a thermal desorption
unit, purge and  trap  apparatus,  and a
GC/MS. The purge and  trap procedure
specified in the existing protocol may not
be suitable for analysis of some water-
soluble, volatile POHCs  and PICs. This
document summarizes results of experi-
ments to  develop modified methods of
analysis for those situations in which the
VOST may be used  to  sample water-
soluble volatile POHCs and PICs.

  The primary objective of this project
was to provide technical  information for
the development of a protocol for VOST
sampling of volatile, water-soluble POHCs
and  PICs.  In  order to accomplish the
primary objective, four secondary objec-
tives were identified:
1) Identification of suitable representative
   water-soluble compounds for  use in
   methods analysis and development.
2) Determination of the accuracy of cur-
   rent analytical methods for analysis of
   water-soluble, volatile  POHCs and
3) Development of new analytical tech-
   niques through literature search and
   experimentation, and evaluation  of
   these techniques by  comparison  to
   existing methods.
4) Determination of the collection effici-
   ency of each component of the VOST
   for each compound.

Scope of Work
  Compounds were identified  for study
based on criteria developed  in  the plan-
ning phase. Ten  compounds were then
evaluated with regard to purge efficiency.
Then, modifications and  alternatives to
the purge and trap method were devel-
oped, evaluated, and compared to estab-
lish  a  preferred  analytical technique.
Finally, VOST experiments were run  for
selected compounds, and recovery effici-
encies for each component of the VOST
(i.e., Tenax trap 1, condensate, Tenax trap
2, and charcoal  trap) were  determined
using the preferred analytical technique.
Although the overall objective of the pro-
ject  included development of  modifica-
tions to the analytical protocol, it was
beyond the scope of the project to develop
modifications to the sampling protocol
(e.g., substitution for Tenax).

Summary and Conclusions

Analytical Method Modification
  The standard purge and trap procedure
for analyzing volatile POHCs and PICs in
VOST  impinger  condensate was con-
sidered potentially inadequate when used
to analyze water-soluble volatile POHCs
and PICs. Improved analytical techniques
were developed and evaluated. Modifica-
tions to the  standard  purge  and trap
method included  elevating the  purge
temperature to 60°C and adding  1 g of
sodium chloride or sodium sulfate salt to
the condensate before purging. An alter-
native analytical method  using  direct
aqueous injection in a high  pressure
liquid chromatograph (HPLC)  was also
  The  basis of comparison   between
alternate methods was purge efficiency,
defined as the ratio of the GC/FID curve
area  response  generated  by a  given
quantity of pollutant after purge and trap
of the pollutant, to the  direct aqueous
injection into the GC/FID.
  The  mean purge efficiency for the 12
compounds studied, at room temperature
purge without salt addition, was 20.7%,
and  ranged from 0.0%  for pyridine to
44.6% for acrolein. The mean purge ef-
ficiency using alternate optimal methods
was  more than 3.7 times greater.

Analytical Results Summary
  The  highest  recovery efficiencies
achieved for each POHC or PIC evaluated
using the VOST are given in Table 2-1 of
the full report. These recovery efficiencies
are the  cumulative pollutant recoveries
achieved through the combined collection
in all components of the VOST system
(Tenax trap 1, condensate impinger, Tenax
trap  2, and charcoal trap), divided by the
standard weight used in the VOST run.
The  recovery values  reported were the
highest  cumulative  recoveries demon-
strated through a series of three runs for
each compound, using  standard  (un-
modified) VOST analytical protocol.

1) The VOST protocol for sampling and
   analysis of volatile POHCs and PICs
   can be adapted to include the analytical
   protocol  for  some volatile, water-
   soluble POHCs and PICs.
2) The distribution of the trapped com-
   pounds in the various components of
   the VOST train (Tenax trap 1, con-
   densate trap, Tenax trap 2, and char-
   coal  trap)  is  highly  variable  and
   appears to be compound-specific.
3) Purge efficiency of VOST condensate
   can be greatly enhanced by elevating
   the purge temperature and by salting
   the sample with 1 g of NaCI or Na2S04
   before purging. However, even with
   these modifications, purge efficiency
   for some compounds, though improved,
   will still be low.
4) Na2SO4 appears to improve purge ef-
   ficiency to a greater extent than NaCI
   when used in similar  circumstances
   (i.e., in conjunction with a 60°C purge
5) VOST recoveries  of  60-150%  were
   demonstrated using the methods men-
   tioned above for five  water-soluble,
   volatile POHCs and PICs: acetaldehyde,
   acrylonitrile, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl
   ketone, and propionitrile.
6) VOST recoveries  of  60-150%  were
   not demonstrated,  even  with the
   methods mentioned  above, for five
   water-sol,uble, volatile POHCs and
   PICs: acetonitrile,  acrolein,  1,4-
   dioxane, methyl formate, and pyridine.

     M. Owens, S. Mooney. and T Lachajczyk are with Envirodyne Engineers, Inc.,
       St. Louis, MO 63146.
     Larry D. Johnson is the EPA Project Officer (see below).
     The complete report, entitled "Development of VOST Sample Analysis Protocol
       for Water-Soluble Volatile POHCs and PICs," (Order No.  PB 87-165 239/
       AS; Cost: $18.95, subject to change) will be available only from:
             National Technical Information Service
             5285 Port Royal Road
             Springfield. VA  22161
             Telephone: 703-487-4650
     The EPA Project Officer can be contacted at:
             Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory
             U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
             Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
United States
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