United States Environmental Protection Agency Atmospheric Sciences Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park NC 27711 Research and Development EPA/600/S9-85/031 Jan. 1986 Project Summary Dispersion in Complex Terrain: A Report of a Workshop Held at Keystone, Colorado, May 17-20, 1983 Bruce A. Egan Since 1979, the American Meteoro- logical Society has collaborated with the Environmental Protection Agency through a cooperative agreement to improve the scientific basis of air qual- ity modeling. Under this continuing agreement, the American Meteorologi- cal Society conducted a workshop on dispersion in complex terrain held in Keystone, CO, during May 17-20,1983. The purpose of the workshop was to encourage atmospheric scientists working in the area of complex terrain dispersion modeling to exchange re- cently acquired information on atmo- spheric processes in mountainous ter- rain and to make recommendations regarding the present application of air quality models to complex terrain set- tings and the research necessary to meet future needs. The workshop report contains the thoughts and judgments of 32 atmo- spheric scientists who gathered to ex- change technical information and re- search results on atmospheric processes in complex terrain and to comment on matters relating to adjust- ments in current air quality modeling practices. This Project Summary was devel- oped by EPA's Atmospheric Sciences Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC, to announce key findings of the research project that is fuily docu- mented in a separate report of the same title (see Project Report ordering infor- mation at back). Introduction The presence of mountainous terrain introduces significant complexities in the atmospheric transport and diffusion processes affecting ambient air quality concentrations in a given area. Terrain acts to distort otherwise organized flow patterns, resulting in the creation of re- gions of converging and diverging flows, enhanced shear effects, and tur- bulent eddies. These alterations affect, to a large degree, flow trajectories and ambient turbulence levels. Terrain also determines the development of local circulations in mountain-valley settings. The net effect on air pollution concen- trations depends critically on the specific geometric and topographic re- lationships and on the characteristics of the flow fields. For similar source sizes and release heights, emissions from an air pollution source located in complex terrain may result in concentrations on nearby high terrain several times larger than the maximum ground-level con- centration expected in the absence of the high terrain. Similarly, stagnation effects in con- fined valleys can result in the buildup of concentrations much higher than those which would be observed under similar large-scale meteorological conditions over flat terrain. For these reasons, the prediction of air quality concentrations in regions of complex terrain has remained a key area of concern regula- tory agencies, and methods for quan- tifying atmospheric dispersion proc- esses have received considerable attention over the past several years. ------- *%* A workshop on dispersion in complex terrain was convened by the American Meteorological Society under a cooper- ative agreement with te U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency. Its purpose was to encourage atmospheric scien- tists working in this area to exchange recently acquired information on atmo- spheric processes in complex terrain and to make recommendations regard- ing the present application of air quality models to complex terrain settings and the research necessary to meet future needs. Conclusions This section summarizes the major conclusions of the workshop partici- pants concerning the present state-of- understanding of dispersion in complex terrain. A. Interaction of Elevated Plume with Windward-Facing Terrain Features The largest ground-level concentra- tions associated with elevated release near terrain rising above plume height are often associated with stable atmo- spheric conditions. The dynamics of the air flow depend on the Froude number of the upstream flow based on hill height. A related parameter, the divid- ing or critical streamline height, ap- pears to separate vertically a flow regime that can transport a plume up and over a terrain object from a flow regime that constrains plumes to stag- nate or to pass around the sides of a terrain feature. Verification of these above concepts has emerged from physical modeling efforts for a variety of terrain shapes and from field mea- surement results. Mathematical models are presently being refined to accom- modate these situations. Further verifi- cation is needed, however, for various scales of terrain geometries. B. Turbulent Dispersion Rates in Re- gions of Complex Terrain Atmospheric turbulent dispersion rates in complex terrain can often be expected to exceed those over flat ter- rain with otherwise similar conditions. This is especially true under stably strat- ified conditions, resulting from pres- ence of gravity-driven drainage flows, gravity waves, production of shear from flow deformation, and creation of ed- dies from upwind terrain features. The effect on ground-level concentrations depends on the specific source-receptor geometry. C. Lee Side Effects The flow on the lee side of terrain fea- tures can, under certain conditions, also cause high ground-level concentra- tions. During neutral conditions, flow "separation" can occur on leeward slopes, causing poor ventilation of emissions from lee side sources within the wake cavity region. Under stably stratified conditions, streamlines pass- ing over the crest may pass closest to the surface on the leeward side. This could give rise to highest ground-level concentrations on the lee side from plumes originating upwind of a terrain feature. No widely accepted models ex- ist for these situations. D. Valley Situations A number of air pollutions phenom- ena are associated with the constraints on ventilation that valleys impose or with the gravity-driven local flows cre- ated by valley side walls. The most severe effects are the occurrence of multi-day air pollution episodes within deep valleys during periods in which high pressure systems stagnate over a region. Mathematical models for air pollution applications in deep valleys are in the developmental stage at the present time. E. Physical Modeling Capabilities The use of physical modeling princi- ples with wind tunnels and towing tanks has increased markedly over the past several years. These techniques allow systematic investigations of flow situa- tions under controlled conditions not practically achievable with field studies. Properly interpreted, the results of these tests add substantially to the understanding of phenomena. Limita- tions remain for the study of two- dimensional terrain feaures under sta- ble conditions and in the spectral range of turbulence, which can be simulated. F. Mathematical Modeling Capabilities As new information emerges from theoretical efforts, physical modeling, and field experiments, better and more refined mathematical models are being developed that simulate many of the phenomena, although no model as yet can simulate all of the phenomena for a given setting. The verification of models is difficult due to the general lack of ex- tensive data bases. The trend of lower computer costs will encourage the de- velopment of more advanced models capable of using more extensive input data. Recommendations The following section summarizes the major recommendations of the work- shop participants regarding use of the science and needs for further research « and development. A. The workshop participants sup- ported the approach by current major research efforts in gathering field and laboratory experimental data for ultimate use in developing better mathematical models. B. A need to quantify uncertainty in model predictions was identified, with the recognition that more infor- mation about flow conditions is needed to estimate mean values from deterministic models. C. Participants believed that the disper- sion of pollutants in complex topog- raphy involves interactions of air flows and terrain structure leading to certain natural fluid dynamic time and space scales that are not neces- sarily as important in simpler (e.g., flat) terrain problems. If such time scales are larger than the averaging time of application interest, esti- mates of concentrations by deter- ministic models would contain larger uncertainties. Thus, it was suggested that the stochastic nature of the phenomena be recognized and accepted by those developing or applying models for these circum- stances. D. The meteorological input data needs for complex terrain models are greater than those required for level terrain models. Specific require- ments for vertical profiles of temper- ature and velocity emerge from the need to estimate Froude numbers and dividing streamline height. On- site turbulence measures were also identified as being especially appro- priate for complex terrain modeling efforts. E. The workshop participants identified a number of specific technical areas needing further research to advance our ability to predict ground-level concentrations of pollutants in com- plex topography. Table 1 lists the topics in summary fashion and iden- tifies the status of available observa- tional data, physical conceptualiza- tions, and modeling efforts. The order of topics in this list does not signify the order of the priorities. ------- Table 1. Recommended Future Research Topics Topic Stable Plume Impact/on Effects on Lee Side Sources Fumigation in Complex Terrain Hypotheses or Subcomponents to be Tested Dividing Streamline Height; Scales of Applicability Downwash; Dividing Streamline Height Boundary Layer Depth; Turbulence Characteristics Data Gathering Status/Needs Data Available or Scheduled to Be Gathered Field Data Needed More Field Data Needed Physical Model Status/Needs Partially Accomplished Some Accomplished Modeling Needed Mathematical Modeling Some Accomplished Development Needed Some Accomplished Stagnant Air Masses within Valleys Convective Flows in Complex Terrain Interaction of Boundary Layer with Free Atmosphere; Sloshing and Net Ventilation Rates Interaction of Boundary Layer with Slopes Field Data Not Yet Needed Field Data Not Yet Needed More Modeling Needed Exploratory Modeling Needed More Development Needed Some Accomplished Mesoscale Transport Coastal/Complex Terrain Interface Flow Field Models; Boundary Layer Depths Boundary Layer Depths; Data Representativeness More Data Needed Field Data Not Yet Needed Not Applicable Modeling Needed Some Accomplished Modeling Needed Bruce A. Egan is with Environmental Research & Technology, Inc., Concord, MA 01742. Francis A. Schiermeier is the EPA Project Officer (see below). The complete report, entitled "Dispersion in Complex Terrain: A Report of a Workshop Held at Keystone, Colorado, May 17-20, 1983," (Order No. PB 86- 122 694/AS; Cost: $11.95, subject to change) will be available only from: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Telephone: 703-487-4650 The EPA Project Officer can be contacted at: Atmospheric Sciences Research Laboratory U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 ------- United States Environmental Protection Agency Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 EPA/600/S9-85/031 Center for Environmental Research Information Cincinnati OH 45268 ME €ESP/ G-35 OC00329 PS U S ENVIR PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 5 LIBRARY 230 3 DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO IL 40604 ------- |