United States Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory Cincinnati OH 45268 Research and Development EPA/600/S2-86/101 Mar. 1987 Project Summary Dioxin and Furan Contamination in the Manufacture of Halogenated Organic Chemicals Anthony Lee, Beverly Campbell, and William Kelly The manufacture of halogenated or- ganic chemicals results in the forma- tion of small amounts of undesirable side reaction by-products. These con- taminants may be contained in the product chemical, separated into a processing step residue, or lost to the air or wastewater as a pollutant. The halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins (diox- ins) and halogenated dibenzofurans (furans) are substances which may be hazardous to human hearth or the envi- ronment. Identification of sources of these compounds will aid strategies to protect the public from exposure to these chemicals. For several years, attention has been focused on one member of the dioxin family, namely 2,3,7,8-tetra- chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD). In this report, a brief review of impor- tant chlorinated organic chemicals as- sociated with dioxin and furan contam- ination is followed by an extensive discussion of brominated organic chemical manufacturing. Potential for dioxin and furan contamination is pre- dicted and available information on ac- tual product analysis is presented. The results of this study may be used to identify sources of dioxins and furans and to develop methods to eliminate, reduce or isolate the occurrence of these compounds. This Project Summary was devel- oped by EPA's Hazardous Waste Engi- neering Research Laboratory, Cincin- nati, OH, to announce key findings of the research project that is fully docu- mented in a separate report of the same title (see Project Report ordering infor- mation at back). Introduction Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) have been the subject of inten- sive study by the scientific community for many years. Often dubbed as the "most toxic man-made substances," "carcinogenic," etc., the health and en- vironmental risks of this class of chemi- cals are a major concern throughout the world. There has been much confusion as to when PCDDs and their toxic effects first became known to the scientific world. The composition and toxic effects of PCDDs were known and reported in the scientific literature as early as 1957. Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are another class of contami- nants that have aroused public concern. They are frequently found with PCDDs in chlorophenol products and also as contaminants in polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Fires involving PCB- filled transformers and capacitors have been found to generate relatively large amounts of PCDFs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has taken a number of regula- tory actions to control these sub- stances. Actions by the Office of Pesti- cide Programs have effectively banned the use of trichlorophenol-based pesti- cide substances such as 2,4,5-T and Sil- vex® in which the contaminant 2,3,7,8- TCDD has been found. Recently, the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, acting under the Resource ------- Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), has proposed new rules for PCDDs- and PCDFs-contaminated wastes specifying stringent waste treatment require- ments. Additional action has also been taken to control exposure to PCBs. Con- cern over the generation of PCDFs and PCDDs in PCB-containing transformer fires has led to new regulations by the Office of Toxic Substances for phased removal and replacement of the PCB transformers. To date, scientific and regulatory in- terests have focused primarily on chlorinated substances, in particular the PCDDs, of which the 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro isomer has been the subject of greatest study. Similar chemical reactions are known to occur in the manufacture of brominated chemicals and thus polv- brominated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PBDC ) and polybrominated dibenzofurar . (PBDFs) may be formed as undesired contaminants in certain brominated chemical substances. The full report presents available data on processes used in the manufacture of brominated compounds which are most likely to be contaminated with PBDDs and PBDFs. The chemical reac- tions involved in the synthesis of the brominated compounds are evaluated in light of the reaction mechanisms that lead to the formation of polyhalo- genated dioxins and furans. Through this assessment, it may then be possible to identify critical data gaps and needs, such as product assays and process modifications to reduce the release of PBDDs and PBDFs into the environ- ment. Brominated Organic Chemicals Table 1 gives basic information on brominated organic chemicals which have a potential for PBDD or PBDF con- tamination due to the raw materials and processes used in their manufacture. Relatively little recent data are available due to the confidential nature of busi- ness information in the organic chemi- cals industry. Few brominated organic chemical products have undergone chemical analysis for the presence and concen- tration of dioxin and furan contamina- tion. Some information is available for 2,4,6-tribromophenol, pentabromophe- nol and tetrabromobisphenol A. The an- alytical procedure in each case was high resolution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. No dioxins or furans were found in the pentabromophenol. Contaminants in the 2,4,6-tribromophe- nol included: • Dibromodibenzo-p-dioxin • Tribromodibenzo-p-dioxin • Tetrabromodibenzo-p-dioxin (main component, —90 ppb) • Pentabromodibenzo-p-dioxin • Dibromodibenzofuran • Tribromodibenzofuran • Tetrabromodibenzofuran • Pentabromodibenzofuran • Hexabromodibenzofuran • Heptabromodibenzofuran • Octabromodibenzofuran Contaminants in the tetrabromobisphe- nol A were: • Pentabromodibenzofuran • Hexabromodibenzofuran • Heptabromodibenzofuran • Octabromodibenzofuran (main component, —30 ppb) Possible reaction pathways and most likely dioxin and furan contaminants are listed for many other compounds ap- pearing in Table 1. ------- Table 1. Compounds with Potential PBDD and PBDF Contamination Name Structure Uses Production BROMINATED PHENOLS 4-Bromo-2,5-dichlorophenol - 2,5-Dichloro-4-bromophenol - Leptophos phenol - Phosvel phenol o-Bromophenol - 2-Bromophenol OH Cl Br OH Br N.D. Synthesis of resorcinol, other organics N.D.1 N.D. OH m-Bromophenol - 3-Bromophenol p-Bromophenol - 4-Bromophenol 2,6-Dibromo-4-nitrophenol - 4-Nitro-2,6-dibromo- phenol 2,4-Dibromophenol Br OH Br OH Br^^ Br N02 OH .Br • Antiseptic • Synthesis of other compounds - flame retardant intermediate N.D. N.D. 2:5,000 Ibs or $5,000 sales (USITC, 7984; N.D. Br 2,6-Dibromophenol Pentabromophenol - F/ammex 5BP Tetrabromocatechol • Tetrabromopyrocatechol 2,4,6-Tnbromo-m-cresol - 2,4,6-Tribromo-3-methyl phenol - Triphysan - Triphysol OH Br o Br Br OW Br OH c* N.D. Flame retardant intermediate Molluscicide (experimental) N.D N.D. < 1,000 Ibs/yr (EPA estimate) N.D. N.D. N.D. Br 2,4,6-Tribromophenol - Bromkal Pur 3 - Bromol - Flammex 3BP - Great Lakes PH-73 - Tribromophenol OH Br ^^ Br Br • Flame retardant intermediate • Anti-fungal agent • Chemical intermediate • Antiseptic germicide >2.27 x W3 kg (1979} >4.54 x W3 kg (1981) ------- Table 1. (Continued) Name Structure Uses Production BROMINATED COMPOUNDS Bromobenzene - Monobromobenzene - Phenylbromide • Solvent • Top-cylinder compound • Chemical intermediate z454 kg z450 kg (197* s5,000 Ibs or $5,000 sales (USITC, 198- o-Bromofluorobenzene - l-Bromo-2-fluorobenzene - o-F/uorobromobenzene - 2-Fluorobromobenzene - 1-Fluoro-2-bromobenzene < 1,000 Ibs/yr (EPA CBI Aggregate) Decabromodiphenyloxide - Berkflam 81OE - Bis (pentabromophenyl) ether - Bromkal 81 - Bromkal 82-ODE - Bromkal 83-1 ODE - BR55N -DE 83 - DE 83R - Decabrom - Decabromobiphenyl ether - Decabromobiphenyloxide - Decabromodiphenyl ether - Decabromophenoxybenzene - Decabromophenyl ether - EB10FP - EBR 700 - FR 300 - FR 300BA - FRP 53 - FR-PE - Planelon DB100 - Saytex 102 - Saytex 102E Br Br Br Br - Flame retardant 2-8 million Ibs yr (1976) Br Br Br Br 2,6-Dibromobenzene - m-Dibromobenzene - 1,3-Dibromobenzene Br ^^ Br 0 Ingredient of fire extinguishers Flame retardant Ingredient of heat transfer fluids N.D. 2,4-Dibromofluorobenzene - 1,3-Dibromo-4-fluoro- benzene 2,6-Dibromofluorobenzene Hexabromobenzene - Benzene hexabromide -HBB - Perbromobenzene Intermediate for agricultural and pharmaceutical chemicals N.D. - Flame retardant N.D. N.D. 908 kg 454 kg (1975 ------- Table 1. (Continued) Name Structure Uses Production Pentabromochlorocyc/ohexane - Chloropentabromocyclohexane - FR 651A - 1,2,3,4,5-Pentabromo-6- chlorocyclohexane c/ Br - Flame retardant W6-W7 Ibs/yr (EPA estimate) Pentabromoethylbenzene - EB 80 - Saytex 105 Pentabromotoluene - Flammex 5BT - Pentabromomethylbenzene Tetrabromophthalic Anhydride - Bromphthal -FG4000 - FireMaster PHT4 - Great Lakes PHT4 - Saytex RB-49 1,2,4-Tr/bromobenzene 1,3,5-Tribromobenzene ^ ' Br Br CH3 Br " ~ Br Br ° Br 0 Br Br Br - Flame retardant Flame retardant " Flame retardant - Oil additive il additive N.D. N.D. --2.27 x 103 kg (1979) =6.87 x 103 kg (1981) N.D. N.D. BROMINATED BIS PHENOLS 1,2-Bis(tribromophenoxy) ethane - BTBPE - FireMaster 680 >^-\ _ Br -/ \OCH2CHzoC /^ _ y Br - Flame retardant N.D. 2,6-Dibromobisphenol A r CH f=\ • /=\ H° \___7~ ^ \__y~°H - Flame retardant N.D. Octabromodiphenyloxide - DE-79 - FR 143 - Octabromodiphenyl ether - 1,1'-Oxybis-octabromo- benzene - Tardex 80 Br Br Br Br ) — <>. ; — \ ^ V 0 -T ^ \-=-' ^^Y Br Br - Flame retardant N.D. Pentabromodiphenyloxide -DE71 - 1,1'-Oxybis-pentabromobenzene - Pentabromodiphenyl ether ( _ _ , // \.o/' \ \ ~ / \ — / Br Br Br - Flame retardant N.D. ------- Table 1. (Continued) Name Structure Uses Production Tetrabromobisphenol A -BA59 - BA 59P - 2,2-Bis(3,S-dibromo-4- hydroxyphenyl) propane - Bromdian - Fireguard 2000 - FireMaster BP4A - 4,4'-lsopropylidene bis- (2,6-dibromophenol) - Saytex FtB-100 - Tetrabrodian - Tetrabromodihydroxy diphenyl propane * CH3* C^OH Br °"3 Br - Flame retardant - Plasticizer (limited) >106 Ibs/yr Tetrabromobisphenol A, allyl ether - 1,l-(l-Methylethyllidene)- bis(3,5-dibromo)-4- (2-propenyloxy)-benzene )—\ CH3 i—< H°\-/ ? \- /-°- *-—' r~u ^~~< Br CHa Br • Flame retardant N.D. Tetrabromobisphenol A-bis-2,3-dibro- mopropyl ether Br - 2,2-Bis[3,5-dibromo-4- BrCH2CHCH20 •(' ^}-C-(' ^\OCH£HBrCH,Br (2,3-dibromopropoxy) phenyl\-propane - Fire Guard 3100 - Great Lakes PE-68 Tetrabromobisphenol A-bisethoxylate Tetrabromobisphenol A, bismethylether Tetrabromobisphenol A-diacrylate - 4,4'-lsopropylidene- bis(2,€-dibromophenyl)- acrylate) Tetrabromobisphenol B PESTICIDES Br CH3 CH3 Br - Flame retardant N.D. Br CH3CH20 -C CH: Br Br Br Br Br /-\ CHa /-A CH30-{' V c -C XVOCW3 \^y • \-/ Br CH* Br O Br CH3 Br Q ^O-r' _ /- C -V _ ^OCCH=CH2 Br Br CH3 ^Br Br Br gr - Propane - Flame retardant - Flame retardant - Flame retardant - Flame retardant N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Bromophos - Brofene - o-(4-Bromo-2,5-dichloro- phenyl)-o,o-dimethyl, phosphorothioate - Bromofos - Brophene - Nexion - Nexion 40 - SI 942 CH3O S CH30' Cl - Insecticide N.D. ------- Table 1. (Continued) Name Structure Uses Production Bromoxynil butyrate • 2,6-Dibromo-4-cyano- phenyl butanoic ester Bromoxynil octanoate - Bronate - Buctril • 3,5-Dibromo-4-octanoyl- oxybenzonitrile Br Q ) — v - Br Br Br - Insecticide Herbicide N.D. N.D. Profenofos - o-(4-Bromo-2-chloro- phenyl)-o-ethyl-S-propyl- phosphorothioate - CCA 15324 - Curacron - Polycron - Selecron P-O/' >Br Cl • Insecticide N.D. 1N.D. = No Data ------- Anthony Lee, Beverly Campbell, and William Kelly are with Technical Resources, Inc., Rockville. MD 20852. Brian A. West fall is the EPA Project Officer (see below). The complete report, entitled "Dioxin and Furan Contamination in the Manufacture of Halogenated Organic Chemicals," (Order No. PB 87-119905/ AS; Cost: $13.95, subject to change) will be available only from: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield. VA 22161 Telephone: 703-487-4650 The EPA Project Officer can be contacted at: Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati. OH 45268 United States Environmental Protection Agency Center for Environmental Research Information Cincinnati OH 45268 BULK RATE POSTAGE & FEES EPA PERMIT No G- Official Business Penalty for Private Use S300 EPA/600/S2-86/101 0000329 PS S CHICAGO AGENCY ------- |