   Subsidiary^ A-T-O Inc
                                         I EC Report
                      Directory of Managers,
                     Engineers and Scientists
                        OCEAN WASTE
                      SCIENCE FIELDS
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                                     Prepared By
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                                       for the

                     Oceaii\Disposal Program Office
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             o N Contract 68-01-0796

INTERSTATE                                   REPORT 446OC1543
CORPORATION                                  JUNE  1973
Subsidiary of ATO Inc.
Oceanics Division
                      DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL
                     IN OCEAN WASTE DISPOSAL
                        Prepared for the

                    Under Contract 68-01-0796
                           Prepared by


                        Oceanics Division
         707 East Vermont Avenue,   Post Office Box 3117
           Anaheim, CA 92803   Telephone 714-772-2811

        A Directory of Personnel in Ocean Waste Disposal
            And Related Environmental Science Fields
This  directory  was  compiled  by  the  Oceanics  Department  of
Interstate  Electronics Corporation while performing research and
field surveys on ocean waste disposal.  This work  was  done  for
the  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ocean Disposal Program
Office tinder Contract No. 68-01-0796.

The purpose of  the  directory  is  to  facilitate  communication
between  managers,  engineers and scientists working in the field
of ocean waste disposal and related environmental sciences.

    *                 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460
                                                      OFFICE OF
                                                  AIR AND WATER PROGRAMS
 The Oceanics  Department  of Interstate flectronics
 Corporation/  Anaheim,  California,  is enaaaod in a studv of
 ocean  waste disnosal  practices in  selected aronraphic
 areas  of  the  Unntprt ^tate^.   In the per'porrnancp o* t^eir
 contract,  they  h.a^e contacted an extensive number of
 managers,  engineers and  scientists who are worHnrr on
 ocean  disposal  problems  or in closelv associated
 environmental science fields.  Pealizina that
 communications  are  a  maior problem in anv environmental
 program among those actively involved in the f^eVl, the
 Ocean  Disposal  Program Office decided to a°semK]e this
 directory.  We  realize in presenting anv document o^ this
 nature that there will bo errors and omissions.  mo
 correct these,  we solicit your cooneration in using the
 data entry forms provided at the back of the volumo.
 These  forms can bo  used  for additions, corrections and
 suggestions.  Material recinved wi11 be considered for
 incorporation into  subsequent issues.
                                     T. A. hastier
                                     Ocean Disposal Proaram

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. T. J. Achrem
Oceanographic Engineer
Interstate Electronics Corporation
Oceanics Division
707 E. Vermont Avenue
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
Dr. Daniel o. Adams
Manager, Technical Service, Kraft Division
North Charleston, South Carolina  29106
Mr. Robert Alderdice
Deputy Director
Flower Garden Ocean Research Center
Marine Biomedical Institute
200 University Blvd.
Galveston, Texas  77550
Dr. James Edward Alexander
Senior Research Scientist
New York Ocean Science Laboratory
Drawer EE
Montauk, New York  11954
Dr. M. V. Alper
Director, Environmental Civil Systems
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California  91109
Mr. Jonathan E. Amson
Aquatic Biologist, Water Quality Protection Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Off. of Air 6 Wtr. Program
Crystal Mall Building 12, Room 1125
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. V. L. Andreliunas
Chief, Operations Division
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
424 Trapelo Road
Waltham, Massachusetts  02154
Mr. Stephen Y. Arella
Assistant Civil Engineer - Research & Development
New York City Environmental Protection Administration
Department of Water Resources - Bureau of WPC
40 Worth Street
New York, New York  10013
A. H. Arvesen
Advertising Manager
World Dredging
P.O. Box 269
San Pedro, California  90733
Dr. Buddy Atwell
Earth Resources Laboratory
Mississippi Test Facility
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39520
LT Dave Bailey
Asst. to Chief, Pollution Prevention and Enforcement Branch
U.S. Coast Guard
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, D.C.  20590
Mr. Fred R. Barloga
Research Coordinator
Florida Coastal Coordinating Council
Larson Bldg., Rm. 682
Tallahassee, Florida  32304

JUNE 1973
Mr. Barney B. Barrett
Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife 6 Fisheries
P.O. Box 1U526, S.E. Station
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70808
Mr. D. J. Baumgartner
Chief, National coastal Pollution Research Program
Environmental Protection Agency
Pacific Northwest Environmental Research Laboratory
200 SW 35 th Street
Corvallis, Oregon  97330
Mr. Charles Bearden
Manager, Shellfish and Estuarine
State of South Carolina
SC Wildlife and Marine Resources Dept.
Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, South Carolina  29412
LTCOL Norman H. Bedell
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon, Rm. 1B666
Washington, D.C.  20301
Mr. Richard E. Bellis
Supervisor, Shellfish control Section
New Jersey, Dept. of Environmental Protection
Division of Water Resources
P.O. Box 1390
Trenton, New Jersey  08625
Mr. Kingsley Benham
President, Engineer, Field Office
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
3258 S. Rosecrans
San Diego, California  92136

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Gus Bennett
EPA Enforcement Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Region II
Federal Building, 26 Federal Plaza, Rm. 847
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Otto Benz
Chief, Permits and Statistics Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
1210 U.S. P.O. and Custom House
St. Paul, Minnesota  55101
Mr Harold Lacy Bernard
Chief, Agricultural and Marine Pollution Control Section
Environmental Protection Agency
1901 Fort North Fort Myer Drive
Room 326, Xerox Bldg
Washington, D.C.  22209
Mr. David Berquist
Minnesota Water Pollution control Agency
717 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55427
Dr. Richard J. Berry
Bears Bluff Laboratory
Bears Bluff, Wadmalaw Is.
P.O. Box 368
Johns Island, South Carolina  29455
Mr. Don Be shear
Manager, IEC, Bremerton
Interstate Electronics Corporation
P.O. Box 297
Bremerton, Wa shington  98310

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Gary N. Bigham
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Mr. Jim Black
Manager, IEC, Charleston
Interstate Electronics corporation
P.O. Box 4268
Charleston Heights, South Carolina  29405
Mr. H. A. Black
City of North Charleston
Sewer Department and Treatment Plant
1000 Elgin
North Charleston, South Carolina  29405
Mr. John Blake
Contract Specialist
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
R 6 D Procurement Division
Washington, D.C.  20460
Mr. Marshall Blank
Assistant to Division Engineer
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
100 McAllister Street
San Francisco, California  94102
Mr. William H. Bobb
Supervisor of Models
Waterways Experiment Station
U.S. Army Engineers
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Bernard Bochantini
Staff, Operations Division
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
219 S. Dearborn
Chicago, Illinois  60606
Mr. Mike Bonchonsky
Supervisor, Technical Branch, Ocean Disposal
Environmental Protection Agency, Enforcement Division, Region II, NY
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Urban W. Boresch
Chief, Operations - Maintenance Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 1027
Detroit, Michigan  U8231
LTJG Kenneth Bousquet
U.S. Coast Guard, 12th District Office
Maritime Environmental Protection Branch
630 Sansome Street
San Francisco, California  9U111
Dr. Malcolm J. Bowman
Assistant Professor of Oceanographer
Marine Sciences Research Center - State Univ. of New YORK
Stony Brook, New York  11790
Mr. M. Burton Boyd
Chief, Mathematical Hydrologic Branch
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Vicksburg Waterways Experimental Station
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Jack Bradovich
Assistant Clerk
California Supreme Court
Sacramento, California  95813
Mr. J. Thomas Breen
Chief, Agriculture Division
Dept. of Commerce
Bureau of Census
Washington, D.C.  20233
Mr. Mark Briggs
Staff, Clearing House
State of California, Council on Intergovernmental Relations
Governor's Office
1400 10th Street
Sacramento, California  95814
Dr. Thomas J. Bright
Biological Oceanographer
Dept. of Oceanography
Texas ASM University
College Station, Texas  77843
Mr. Lou Brinhurst
Environmental Protection Agency District Office
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55427
Mr. F. R. Brockschink
Acting Chief, Navigation Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon  97208

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Al Bromberg
Surveillance and Analysis
Environmental Protection Agency
Edison, New Jersey  08817
Mr. Joe Brown
Water Pollution Control Specialist - Harbor Supervision
U.S. Corps of Engineers Operations Division
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Howard B. Brown
Asst. Technical Director - Water Resources and solid Wastes
Manufacturing Chemists Association
1825 Connecticutt Ave., NW
Washington, D.C.  20009
LCDR George Brown
Chief, Pollution Response
U.S. Coast Guard
Maritime Environmental Protection Branch
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, D.C.  20590
LT Scott Brown
Environmental Group
U.S. Army Corps District
100 McAllister St.
San Francisco, California  94102
Mr. Hugh L. Brownlee
Chief, Operations Division
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 60267
New Orleans, Louisiana  70160

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Dr. K. R. Brunn
Manager, Oceanics
Interstate Electronics Corporation
707 E. Vermont
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
J. B. Burford
Manager, Hydrologic Data Center
Dept. of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Plant Industry Station, North Bldg. Rm 305
Beltsville, Maryland  20705
Mr. Louis C. Burney
Coastal Zone Planner
Florida Coastal Coordinating Council
Larson Bldg., Rm. 682
Tallahassee, Florida  32304
Mr. William Busch
Manager, Permit Section, Division of Water Pollution Control
State of Illinois, Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Water Pollution Control
2200 Churchill Road
Springfield, Illinois  92706
Mr. Oscar Cabra
Chem Engineer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VI
1600 Patterson St., Suite 1100
Dallas, Texas  75201
Mr. Lewis Caccese
Chief, Operations Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
U.S. Custom House, 2nd 6 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19106

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr, Lou A. Caccesso
Chief, Operations Branch
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
District Office
Customs House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19105
Mr. Dick Galloway
Staff, National Coastal Pollution Research Program
Environmental Protection Agency
Pacific Northwest Environmental Research Laboratory
200 SW 35th Street
Corvallis, Oregon  97330
Mr. John B. Campbell
Permits Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 60267
New Orleans, Louisiana  70160
Mr. W. T. Carlton
Division of Beaches & Shores
Fla. Dept. of Natural Resources
107 W. Gaines St., Larson Bldg.
Tallahassee, Florida  32304
LTCMDR William A. Caster
Chief, Oceanography Branch
U.S. Coast Guard, Western Area
630 Sansome Street
San Francisco, California  94126
Dr. N. A. ChamberIan
College of Charleston Marine Biological Lab
Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, South Carolina  29412
4460C1543                                                     10

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Mark Chandler
Attorney, Enforcement Section
EPA Region VI
1600 Patterson Street. Suite 1100
Dallas, Texas  75202
Ensign   Chapman
Response Coordinator
U.S. Coast Guard
11th Coast Guard District
19 Pine Street
Long Beach, California  90802
Mr. R. E. Chase
Sanitary Engineer
Environmental Protection Agency
Region I
424 Trapello Road, Bldg. 134
Waltham, Massachusetts  02154
Dr. J. Y. Christmas
University Marine center
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory
East Beach
P.O. Box AG
Ocean  Springs, Mississippi   39564
 Ms. Jean  Circiello
 Environmental  Protection Agency
 100 California Street
 San Francisco, California  94111
 Mr.  Curtis  Clark
 Operations  Division
 U.S.  Army Corps of Engineers
 Office of chief of Engineers
 10th and Independence
 Forrestal Bldg., Room 4F087
 Washington, D.C.  20314

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Dennis Clark
On site Technical Manager
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA/NESS SPOC Group
3737 Branch Ave., Suite 305
Washington, D.C.  20031
Dr. Duane G. Clarke

Rohm and Haas Company
Engineering Division
P.O. Box 581
Bristol, Pennsylvania  19007
Dr. Roy Clem
Environmental Section
National Data Buoy Center (NOAA)
Mississippi Test Facility
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi  39520
Mr. Kerry dough
Data Management Analyst
Environmental Protection Agency
National Environmental Research Center
Cincinnatti, Ohio  a5268
Mr. William Cloward
Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Office
1121 Peacktree St. NE, Suite 300
Atlanta, Georgia  30309
Dr. James Coleman
Coastal Studies Bldg.
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803
4160C1543                                                      12

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Donald Conlon
Environmental Section
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 2288
Mobile, Alabama  36628
Mr. E. B. Conner
Head, Projects Operations Branch
Dept. of the Army
Corps of the Engineers
Washington, D.C.  20460
Ms. Ann K. Cook
Public Affairs
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, NESS Project
Washington, D.C.  20230
Mr. James O. Covington
Operations Manager
Flower Garden Ocean Research center
Marine Biomedical Institute
200 University Blvd.
Galveston, Texas  77550
Dr. Geraldine V. Cox
Technical Coordinator, Advanced Environmental Programs
Raytheon Company
P.O. Box 360
Portsmouth, Rhode Island  02871
Dr. F. A. Cross
Dept. of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service
Atlantic Eestuarine Fisheries Center
Pivers island
Beaufort, North Carolina  28516
HU60C1543                                                     13

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Arthur P. Crouse
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 919
Charlestonf South Carolina  29402
Mr. Ronald A. Cucina
Asst. Chief, Operations Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 1715
Baltimore, Maryland  21203
Mr. Stan Curry
Attorney, Permits Section
Environmental Protection Agency, Region VI
1600 Patterson St. Suite 1100
Dallas, Texas  75202
Mr. Allen Cywin
Director, Effluent Guidelines
Environmental Protection Agency* Research and Monitoring
Water Programs Planning and Standards
Xerox Bldg.
Washington, D.C.  20460
Mr. J. J. Danaher
Chief, Engineering Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 2288
Mobile, Alabama  36628
Mr. Bill Davern
Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife
Dept. of Interior
450 Golden Gate
San Francisco, California  94102
446OC1543                                                     14

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr.Michael Davinich
Chief, Construction Operations Division
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 1027
Detroit, Michigan  48231
Mr. William S. Davis
Biological Science Administrator, Water Quality Protection Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Off. of Air and Wtr. Programs
Crystal Mall Building i2. Room 1125
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460
Mr. Perry Davis
Public Affairs Officer
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 2711,1300 N. Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California  90053
Mr. Al Davis
Permits Branch, Enforcement Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX
100 California Street
San Francisco, California  94111
Dr. William Demaran
Marine Biologist
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory
Mississippi Marine Conservation Commission
East Beach
P.O. Box AG
Ocean Springs, Mississippi  39564
Mr. Ferris Dendy
Hydrologic Engineer
Dept. of Agriculture
Sedimentary Laboratory
P.O. Box 30
Oxford, Mississippi  38655
4460C1543                                                      15

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Peter Denny
Chief, Navigation and Coastal Planning Section
U.S. Army Engineer District
1519 Alaskan Way South
Seattle, Washington  98134
Mr. James DeSista
Chief, Regulatory Functions Branch
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Permits Section
Forrestal Bldg.
Washington, D.C.  20314
Mr. R. Dewling
Surveillance & Analysis Division
EPA Region II
Raritan Arsenal
Edison, New Jersey  08817
Mr. Jack A. Dovel
Chief, Publications Branch
Environmental Protection Agency
Research and Monitoring
Crystal Mall, Bldg 2
Washington, D.C.  20460
Mr. Edward Dubost
Chief, Permit Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Enforcement Division
100 California Street
San Francisco, California  94111
Dr. Iver W. Duedall
Assistant Professor
Marine Sciences Research Center - State Univ. of New York
Stony Brook, New York  11790
4460C1543                                                      16

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Thomas W. Duke
Environmental Protection Agency
Gulf Breeze Laboratory, Sabine Island
Gulf Breeze, Florida  32561
Mr. Kurt Duval
Manager, Field Office
Dept. of Interior, Trust Territories of Pacific Islands
Fort Mason
San Francisco, California  94111
Dr. Alyn C, Duxbury
University of Washington
Ocean Dumping Survey
Department of Oceanography
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington  98101
Dr. Benjamin C. Dysart
Environmental Systems Eng.
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina  29631
Col. - Eastburn
Deputy District, Chief Engineer
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 919
Charleston, South Carolina  29U02
Dr. Billy Edge
Environmental Systems Eng.
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina  29631
4U60C1543                                                     17

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Norman Edmisten
Chief, Standards Implementation Branch
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
Control Programs Development Division
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina  27711
Mr. William J. Eisele, Jr.
Supervisor - Shellfish Control Unit
New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection
Division of Water Resources - Bureau of Water Pollution Control
209 E. State St.
Box 1390
Trenton, New Jersey  08625

Mr. Ned P. Everett
Chief Counsel, Sub-Committee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation
House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine & Fisheries
Washington, D.C.  20515
Dr. Lloyd L. Falk
Engineering Dept.
DuPont DeNemours
1007 Market Street
Wilmington, Delaware  19898
Mr. Orman Farley
Research Biologist
Gulf Coast Fisheries Center
National Marine Fisheries service
4700 Avenue U, Bldg. 306
Calveston, Texas  77550
Mr. J. Farlow
Environmental Protection Agency
Research and Monitoring, Oil Spills Branch
Edison Water Quality Research Laboratory
Edison, New Jersey  08817
UU60C1543                                                     18

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Dr. Milton H. Feldman
Head of Chemical-Biological Branch, NCPRP
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Environmental Protection Agency
200 SW 35th
Corvallis, Oregon  97330
Mr. James H. Fieken
Hydrologist, Monitoring Specialist
Dept. of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
NASA - MTF, Gulf Coast Hydro Science Center
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi  39520
Mr. W. L. Fink
Manager, Project Support Laboratory
National Maritime Research Center
Pelican Island
P.O. Box 1600
Galveston, Texas  77550
Mr. Everette A. Flanders
Chief, Construction - Operations Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
Bldg. 96, Fort Armstrong
Honolulu, Hawaii  96813
Dr. Henry S. Fleming
Senior Scientist
GURC Operations Center
Mississippi Test Facility
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi  39520
Mr. John Fogerty
Director, News Bureau
Council on Environmental Quality
722 Jackson Place, NW
Washington, D.C.  20006
UU60C15U3                                                     19

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
LTJG Richard E. Ford
Maritime Environmental Protection Branch
Eighth Coast Guard District
Rm 332 D, Customs House
H23 Canal Street
New Orleans, Louisiana  70130
Mr. J. R. Ford
Program Manager
Interstate Electronics Corporation
707 E. Vermont Ave.
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
Mr. Jerry Fore
Water Quality Investigator, Comprehensive Studies
Michigan Water Resources Commission
Station A, Steven T. Mason Bldg.
Lansing, Michigan  48913
Mr. William E. Fox
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air and Water Programs
Crystal Mall Building f 2, Room 1007
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460
Mr. Arnold Freiberger
Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Office
26 Federal Plaza, Room 847
New York, New York  10007
Mr. L. T. French
Chief, Hopper Dredge Schedule
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
606 Santa Fe Bldg.
Galveston, Texas  77550
4460C1543                                                     20

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Dan Fryberger
Manager, Systems Planning
Interstate Electronics Corporation
1911 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Suite 1001
Arlington, Virginia  22202
Mr. Bard O. Gage
Assistant chief
Permit Branch
U.S. Army corps of Engineers
606 Santa Fe Bldg.
P.O. Box 1229
Galveston, Texas  77550
Dr. Sherwood M. Gagliano
Coastal Studies Bldg.
Louisiana state University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803
Mr. Charles Galloway
Dredging Operations Section, Navigation Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon  97208
Mr. Weldon M. Gamel
Chief, Construction Division
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Santa Fe Bldg.
Galveston, Texas  77550
Mr. Gary Gardner
Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Office
6th and Walnut Sts.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19106
4460C15U3                                                     21

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Doyle Gates
Regional Manager
Marine Resources Region
Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game
350 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California  90802
Dr. Richard A. Geyer
Dept. of Oceanography
Texas ASM University
College Station, Texas  778U3
Mr. John Geyer
Professor of Environmental Engineering
John Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland  21218
Mr. William B. Gingrich
Public Information Officer
Regional Water Quality control Board
San Francisco Board
36t 14th Street
Oakland, California  94612
Mr. William L. Goetz
Chief, Construction - Operations Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
1217 U.S.P.O. 6 Custom House
St. Paul, Minnesota  55101
Dr. Edward D. Goldberg
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
La Jolla, California  92037

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Richard D. Goodenough
Director - Division of Marine Services
New Jersey Department, of Environmental Protection
Labor and Industry Building
Trenton, New Jersey  08625
Ms. Mary M. Goodwin
Staff, Environmental Protection Program
Dept. of the Navy, HQS, Naval Procurement Command
MAT 0342 G
Washington, D.C.  20360
Mr. Ancil Lawrence Grabham
Meteorologist and Oceanographer, ERTS-A Investigator for MESA
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Nat'l Envir'l Sat. Service (NESS)
Spacecraft Oceanography Group, SPOC
3737 Branch Avenue
Washington, D.C.  20031
Mr. James A. Grafton
Sanitary Engineer, Office of Permit Programs
Environmental Protection Agency
Crystal Mall, Building §2, Room 716
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460
Mr. Gail G. Gren
Chief, Operations Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
Federal Bldg., 400 W. Bay St.
P.O. Box 4970
Jacksonville, Florida  32201
MAJ F. H. Griffis. Jr.
Program Manager, Office of Dredged Material Research
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
4160C1543                                                     23

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Dr. M. Grant Gross
Chief, Oceanographic Services
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA
Office for Environmental Monitoring 6 Prediction
6010 Executive Blvd.
Rockville, Maryland  20852
Mr. John C. Guillou
Chief, Division of Water Resources Management
Dept. of Transportation
201 W. Monroe Street
Springfield, Illinois  92706
Mr. John E. Hagan
Environmental Protection Agency
Southeast Water Quality Lab
Athens, Georgia  30601
Dr. Mike Hall
Chief Scientist
National Data Buoy Center,  (NOAA)
Mississippi Test Facility
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi  39520
Mr. Robert Hanks
Program Analyst, Plans and Policy Development Staff
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA
National Marine Fisheries Service
3300 Whitehaven, Page 2 Bldg.
Washington, D.C.  20235
Dr. Donald V. Hansen
Physical Oceanography Lab
NOAA; Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Lab
15 Rickenbacker Causeway, Virginia Key
Miami, Florida  33149
4160C1543                                                     2
DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Charles D. Hardy
Lecturer & Research Assoc.
Marine Sciences Research Center - State Univ. of New York
Stony Brook, New York  11790
Mr. Richard A. Harris
Supervising Water Quality Control Engineer
Los Angeles Region
Calif. Regional Water Quality Control Board
107 So. Broadway
Los Angeles, California  90012
Dr. John Harrison
Chief, Office of Dredged Material Research
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Waterways Experimental Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Mr. Greg Hartman
Dredging Operations Section, Navigation Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon  97208
Mr. Bert Heimer
Staff, Permits Branch
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
i»00 west Bay Street
Jacksonville, Florida  32202
Ensign   Heiner
U.S. Coast Guard Base
196 Tradd Street
Charleston, South Carolina  29402
U460C1543                                                     25

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Marty Helper
Staff, Permits Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Region II, New York
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Richard Hennecke
Mech. Engineer
Enforcement Division
Permits Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region  IX
100 California Street
Room 302
San Francisco, California  94111
Mr. Kenneth W. Herkimer
Eng. Services and Facilities Manager
Interstate Electronics Corporation, Oceanics Division
707 E. Vermont Ave.
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
Mr. Frank A. Herrmann, Jr.
Chief, Estuarine Hydrology Div.
Waterways Experiment Station
U.S. Army Engineers
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Mr. Norman E. Hill
California Resources Agency
1416 9th Street
Sacramento, California  95814
Mr. Robert Hiller
Engineer, Research and Monitoring Section
Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Office
1600 Patterson St., Suite 1100
Dallas, Texas  75202
4460C1543                                                     26

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
COL L. K. Himelright
Head, Dept. of Civil Engineering
The Citadel
Charleston, South Carolina  29402
Dr. George E. Hlavka
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project  (SCCWRP)
1500 E. Imperial Highway
El Segundo, California  90215
Mr. J. E. Hollis, Jr.
Construction Operations Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
606 Santa Fe Bldg.
P.O. Box 1229
Galveston, Texas  77550
Mr. Evan Hong
Permit Branch, Enforcement Division
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District
100 McAllister
San Francisco, California  94102
Mr. Doug Hotchkiss
Los Angeles County
Sanitation Districts
2020 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, California  90057
Mr. Mark Wakeman Howe
On-board instructor
Floating Laboratory
Orange County Dept. of Education
1104 Civic Center Drive
Santa Ana, California  92701
446OC1543                                                     27

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Kay K. Huffstutler
Chief, Surveillance Branch
Florida Dept. of Pollution Control
Tallahassee Bank Bldg., Suite 300
Tallahassee, Florida  32301
Mr. Robert M. Ingle
Director of Research
Fla. Dept. of Natural Resources
107 W. Gaines St., Larson Bldg.
Tallahassee, Florida  32304
Mr. Arthur Ippen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Civil Engineering and Hydrology Dept
77 Massachusetts
Cambridge, Massachusetts  02139
Mr. Kenneth M. Jackson
Civil Engineer, Permits Branch
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
New England Division
424 Trapelo Road
Waltham, Massachusetts  02154
Mr. Richard Jackson
Navigation Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 1890
Wilmington, North Carolina  28401
Dr. Thomas W. Jackson
Project Manager
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
55 West Bluff Road
Savannah, Georgia  31406
4460C1543                                                     28

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. John Jacobson
Chief, Construction Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 7002
Anchorage, Alaska  99510
Dr. Holger w. Jannasch
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Woods Hole, Massachusetts  02543
Mr. Bob Joe
Chief, Environmental Resources Branch
Los Angeles District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
300 No. Los Angeles Street
P.O. Box 271
Los Angeles, California  90053
Mr. Bruce Johnson
Florida Coastal Coordinating Council
Larson Bldg., Rm. 682
Tallahassee, Florida  32304
Mr. Norman Johnson
Chief, Permit Section
U.S. Army Engineer District
1776 Niagara St.
Buffalo, New York  14207
Mr. Robert J. Johnson
Oceanographer, Water Quality Protection Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Off. of Air & Wtr. Program
Crystal Mall Building i2. Room 1125
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460
446OC1543                                                     29

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Lt. G. E. Johnston
Environmental Officer
U.S. Navy
Long Beach Naval Station
Bldg. 144 Long Beach Naval Station
C/O Port Services
Long Beach, California  90801
Mr. Tom Jones
Section Chief, Resources Management
Environmental Protection Agency, Management Division
100 California Street
San Francisco, California  94111
Dr. Ed Joseph
Director, Marine Laboratory
South Carolina Marine Center
Fort Johnson
James Island, South Carolina  29407
Mr. Rolph Juhl
Chief, Resource Assessment
National Marine Fisheries Service
3209 Frederick Avenue
P.O. Drawer 1207
Pascagoula, Mississippi  39567
Mr. L. T. Kane
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Marine Division
North Atlantic Division
90 Church Street
New York, New York  10007
Lt. Maria Kazanowska
U.S. Navy
Office of Oceanographer of the Navy
Alexandria, Virginia  22301
4460C1543                                                     30

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Dr. John W. Keeley
Manager, Aquatic Disposal Research Project
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Dr. George H. Keller
Marine Geological 6 Geophysical Lab
15 Rickenbacker Causway, Virginia Key
Miami, Florida  33149
Mr. S. T. Kelly
Ocean Engineer - Project Manager
Interstate Electronics Corporation, Oceanics Division
707 E. Vermont Ave.
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
Mr. John Ketteringham
Regional Engineer
Fla. Dept. of Pollution Control
t»4U1 Emerson Street
P.O. Box 10396
Jacksonville, Florida  32207
Mr. Lowell E. Keup
Acting Chief, Water Quality Protection Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Off. of Air 6 Wtr. Programs
Water Quality and Non-Point Source Control Division
Crystal Mall Building f2. Room  1128
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460
CAPT J. Paul King
District Environmental Officer
New Orleans District
D.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Building 19
P.O. Box 60267
New Orleans, Louisiana  70160
4460C15U3                                                     31

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Dr. Conrad J. Kirby, Jr.
Manager, Habitat Development Research Project
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Waterways Experimental Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Mr. Robert Knecht
Acting Director
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA
Office of Coastal Environment and Coastal Zone Mgt.
Rockwall Bldg.
Rockville, Maryland  20852
Dr. Richard C. Kolf
Research Director
National Science Foundation
1800 G Street, NW
Washington, D.C.  20550
Mr. Eric Krabbe
Staff, Permits Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Region II, New York
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Robert Kulick
Office of Environmental Affairs
Dept. of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, D.C.  20520
Mr. Robert A. La Fleur
Executive Secretary
Louisiana Stream Control Commission
P.O. Drawer FC, University Station
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803
W60C1543                                                      32

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Col. J. L. Lairanie
District Engineer
U.S. Army Engineer District
100 McAllister Sm.
San Francisco, California  94102
Mr. Joe Lancaster
Permits Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
Federal Bldg., 400 West Bay St.
P.O. Box 4970
Jacksonville, Florida  32201
Mr. Martin Lang
Department of Water Resources
New York City Environmental Protection Administration
Municipal Building
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Robert La Veille
Chief, Office Services Branch
Environmental Protection Agency
Planning and Management, Data and Support Systems Division
Waterside Mall; Room 3108E
Washington, D.C.  20460
Dr. Donald W. Lear, Jr.
Microbiologist and Oceanographer, Chief, Biology Section
Environmental Protection Agency, Annapolis Field Office
Annapolis Science Center
Annapolis, Maryland  21401
Mr. Ron Lee
Chief, Construction Permits Section
Environmental Protection Agency
Ocean Dumping Survey
1200 Sixth Ave.
Seattle, Washington  98101
4460C1543                                                      33

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Fred Leif
Staff, Environmental Impact Review Section
Environmental Protection Agency
100 California Street
San Francisco, California  94111
Mr. G. Leighton
Assistant, Operational Facilities Construction Division
Dept. of the Navy, Code 051C
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
200 Stovall St.
Alexandria, Virginia  22332
Mr. Sel Leonard
Environmental Protection Agency, Water Quality Standards
1600 Patterson St.
Dallas, Texas  75201
Mr. Jack J. Lesemann
Chief, Engineering Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 919
Charleston, South Carolina  29402
Mr. Allen Levin
Executive Secretary, President's Air and Water Advisory Boards
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of the Administrator, Room 1127
Washington, D.C.  20460
Mr. John Lewis
Manager, Southern Regional Office
Interstate Electronics Corporation
3390 Peachtree Road, NE
Suite 1718
Atlanta, Georgia  30326
4460C1543                                                     34

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. John Lewis
Regional Water Quality Control Board
Los Angeles Board
107 So. Broadway Street
Los Angeles, California  90012
Mr. Miles B. Lewis
Manager, Field Operations
Interstate Electronics Corporation, Oceanics Division
707 E. Vermont Ave.
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
Mr. Robert L. Little
Staff, Analytical Methodology Information Center  (AMIC)
Battelle Memorial Institute
500 King Avenue
Columbus, Ohio  43201
Mr. Joe Logan
Chief of Fisheries
So. Carolina wildlife Resources Commission
P.O. Box 167
Columbia, South Carolina  29202
Dr. E. Alan Lohse
Manager, NW Gulf Office
Gulf Universities Research Consortium
1611 Tremont Street
Galveston, Texas  77550
Mr. E. G. Long, Jr.
Chief, Engineering Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 1890
Wilmington, North Carolina  28401
W60C1543                                                      35

DIRECTORY OP PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mrs. Aurora Loss
Construction Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 7002
Anchorage, Alaska  99510
Mr. Justine Lynge
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dept. of Civil Engineering
77 Massachusetts
Cambridge, Massachusetts  02139
Mr. Albert Machlin
Regional Engineer for Environmental Quality
New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation
State University of New York, Building
Stonybrook, New York  11790
Mr. Kenneth M. Mackenthum
Office of Technical Support 6 Special Projects
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air and Water Programs
Waterside Mall, East Tower, Rm 737A
Washington, D.C.  20460
Mr. W. A. Maloney
Director, Marine Products, Code 30
Dept. of the Navy
Naval Oceanographic Office
Washington, D.C.  20373
Mr. W. L. Mann
Manager, Environmental Health Dept.
N. L. Industries, Inc.
111 Broadway
New York, New York  10007
U460C1513                                                     36

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Dr. John H. Martin
Researcher, California State College System
Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, P.O. Box 223
Moss Landing, California  95039
Mr. George Maul
Project Officer, Remote Sensing and Ground Truth Coorelation
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA
Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Labs
15 Rickenbacker Causeway, Virginia Key
Miami, Florida  33149
Mr. Lewis J. Mauriello
Engineer, Compiler of Annual National Hopper Schedules
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Marine Division
North Atlantic Division
90 Church Street
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Edwin B. May
Asst. Chief Biologist
Marine Resources Division
Alabama  Dept. of conservation & Natural Resources
P.O. Box 188
Dauphin Island, Alabama  36528
Mrs. V. McAuley
Chief Librarian
Environmental Protection Agency
National Environmental Research Center
200 SW 35th Street
Corvallis, Oregon  97330
Mr. Victor T. McCauley
Marine Geologist, Water Quality Protection Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Off. of Air 6 Wtr Programs
Crystal Mall Building §2, Room 1125
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460
446OC1543                                                     37

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Charles F. McFarlane
Assoc. Oceanographer
Interstate Electronics, Oceanics
707 E. Vermont Ave.
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
Mr. E. D. McGehee
Assistant Chief
Construction Operations Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
606 Santa Fe Bldg.
P.O. Box 1229
Galveston, Texas  77550
Dr. J. L. McHugh
Senior Research Oceanographer
Marine Sciences Research Center
State University of New York
J Building, South Campus
Stonybrook, New York  22790
Dr. Paul McLane
3737 Branch Avenue
Washington, D.C.  20031
Mr. W. J. McPherson
Senior, Sanitary Engineer
California, Dept. of Public Health
Bureau of sanitary Engineering
P.O. 30327, Terminal Annex
Los Angeles, California  90030
Mr. George Mehaileson
Manager, Contract Operations
Dept. of the Interior
Office of Saline Water
18th and C Street NW
Washington, D.C.  20240
U460C1543                                                     38

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. W. B. Merselis
Oceanographer - Project Manager
Interstate Electronics Corporation, Oceanics Division
707 E. Vermont Ave.
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
Mr. Bill Meyer
Chief, Project Operations Section
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 1027
Detroit, Michigan  48231
Mr. Ian A. Miller
Project Coordinator
GURC Operations Center
Mississippi Test Facility
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi  39520
Dr. Don Miller
Bears Bluff Laboratory
Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina  29487
Mr. David R. Minard
Marine Biologist
Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX
Surveillance and Analysis Division
100 California Street
San Francisco, California  94111
Ms. Pamela K. Mintz
Environmental Health Scientist
Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, New York
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
4460C1543                                                     39

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Dennis A. Mishik
Area Engineer
Regional Water Quality Control Board
San Francisco Region
361 11th Street
Oakland, California  91612
Mr. Charles Mitchell
Marine Biological Consultants, Inc.
1865 Park Avenue
Costa Mesa, California  92626
Mr. George E. Mitchell
Chief, Pollution Control Center
National Maritime Research Center
Todd Shipyards Corp., Pelican Island
P.O. Box 1600
Galveston, Texas  77550
Mr. F. W. Moehle
Chief, Permits Branch
Operations Division
U.S. Army Engineer District, New England Division
121 Trapelo Road
Waltham, Massachusetts  02151
Dr. Erik Molo christensen
Professor, Oceanology Dept.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rm 51-1713
77 Massachusetts Ave. Room 51-1713
Cambridge, Massachusetts  02139
Mr. A. Montague
Environmental Protection Agency, Region III
Office of Research and Monitoring
Curtis Bldg., 6th and Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19106
116OC1513                                                     10

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Mac Montgomery
Sanitary Engineer
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 60
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Mr. Raymond L. Montgomery
Manager, Dredged Material Enhancement Research Project
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Mr. Donald Moore
Area Supervisor
Water Resources Division
National Marine Fisheries Service
1700 Avenue U, Bldg. 306
Galveston, Texas  77550
COL Robert L. Moore
District Engineer
U.S. Army Engineer District
1776 Niagara St.
Buffalo, New York  14207
Mr. Richard Moore
Water Quality Biologist
California, Dept. of Fish and Game
350 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California  90802
Dr. James P. Morgan
Dept. of Geology - Room 308
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. George Morrison
Deputy Chief, Shellfish Sanitation Branch
Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
Food and Drug Administration, BF-230
200 c Street, SW
Washington, D.C.  20204
Mr. Colin A. Morrissey
Dade County Pollution Control Department
846 N.W. 23rd Street
Miami, Florida  33127
Mr. Ken Mosbaugh
Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Office
1200 6th Ave.
Seattle, Washington  98101
Mr. William C. Muir
Chief, Monitoring and Data Support
Environmental Protection Agency
Crystal Mall Building *2, Room 928
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460
Mr. Bill Murden
Chief, Plant and Supply Branch, NAEN/CWD/S
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Office of Chief Engineer
Forrestal Bldg., 1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C.  20314
Mr. Jack Murray
Captain Mustange II
194 Calhoun
Charleston, South Carolina  29402
4460C1543                                                     42

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Ms. Marian Musser
Secretary, Water Quality Protection Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Off. of Air & Wtr Programs
Crystal Mall Building 12, Room 1118
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20U60
Mr. Ted W. Musser
Physical Scientist, Ocean Disposal Program Office
Environmental Protection Agency, Off. of Air & Wtr Programs
Water Quality Protection Branch
Waterside Mall East, Room 735
Washington, D.C.  20160
Mr. Norman Nash
Deputy Director - Plant Operations
New York City Environmental Protection Administration
Department of Water Resources - Bureau of WPC
40 Worth Street
New York, New York  10013
Mr. William G. Neely
Permit Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
606 Sante Fe Bldg.
P.O. Box 1229
Galveston, Texas  77550
Mr. C. J. Nettles
Asst. Chief, Operations Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 60267
New Orleans, Louisiana  70160
Mr. David J. Nichollas
Chief, Operations Branch
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Box 7002
Anchorage, Alaska  99510
4460C1543                                                      U3

JUNE 1973
Dr. Fred H. Nichols
Oc eano gr ap her
Dept. of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, California  94025
Dr. Worth Nowlin
Physical Oceanographer
Dept. of Oceanography
Texas ASM University
College Station, Texas  77843
Mr. Phil Nunn
Systems Analyst
Center of Environmental Studies
1447 Lake Drive, S.F.
Grand Rapids, Michigan  49506
Mr. John Nye
Manager, literature search requests
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Programs
Air Pollution Technical Information Center  (APTIC)
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina  27711
Mr. John P. O'Hagan
O.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 1715
Baltimore, Maryland  21203
Ms. Maria O«Mailey
Marine Biologist, Biology Section
Environmental Protection Agency* Annapolis Field Office
Annapolis Science Center
Annapolis, Maryland  21401

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. G. O'Neal
Environmental Protection Agency, Region X
Surveillance and Analysis
1200 6th Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98101
Dr. Eugene P. Odum
Georgia Institute of Ecology
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia  30601
Dr. George F. Oertel
Consultant Marine Sedimentologist
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
P.O. Box 136887
Savannah, Georgia  31406
Dr. John C. Ogden
Resident Marine Biologist
West Indies Laboratory
P.O. Annex Box 4010
Christiansted, St. Croix
U. S. Virgin Islands 00820
Mr. Harold E. Ohanian
Group Manager, Advanced Programs
Interstate Electronics Corporation, Oceanics
707 E. Vermont Ave.
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
Mr. Owen Opine
U.S. Army Engineer District
219 S. Dearborn St.
Chicago, Illinois  60604
4460C1543                                                     45

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Clarence Oster
Environmental Protection Agency District Office
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55427
Mr. Steven Osvald
Chief, Permits and Statistics Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 889
Savannah, Georgia  31402
Mr. Jack J. Otis
Permits Section
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 2288  (SAMED-E)
Mobile, Alabama  36628
Mr. Thomas J. Owens
Solid Waste Management Branch
Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Office
1 NW Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois  60606
Mr. Thomas R. Patin
Civil Engineer
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Mr. Richard Paulson
Dept. of Interior
Geological Survey, Federal Bldg.
P.O. Box 1107
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania  17108
4460C1543                                                     46

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
LTJG S. J. Pavlak
U.S. Coast Guard, District Office
Maritime Environmental Protection Branch
19 Pine Avenue
Long Beach, California  90802
Dr. Jack B. Pearce
Director Marine Contaminant 6 Coastal Ecosystems Investigations
Middle Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Center
Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory
Highlands, New Jersey  07732
Miss Robin Penick
Secretary, Office of Director
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air 6 Wtr. Programs
Water Quality and Non-Point Source Control Div.
Crystal Mall Building §2, Room 1107
1921 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia  20460

Dr. Willis E. Pequegnat
Biological Oceanographer
Dept. of Oceanography
Texas A & M University
College Station, Texas  77843
Mr. Lincoln Peschiera
Supervisor, Waste Control, Industrial Control
N L Industries, Inc.
Titanium Pigment Div. Sayreville
P.O. Box 58
South Amboy, New Jersey  08879
Dr. Donald K. Phelps
Project Manager, Ecological Studies
Environmental Protection Agency
National Marine Water Quality Laboratory
P.O. Box 277
West Kingston, Rhode Island  02892
HU60C1543                                                     47

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Dr. Philip J. Phillips
Biologist - Ph.D.
Planning Division
Army corps of Engineers - North Atlantic Division
90 Church St.
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Peter Phillips
Marine Resources Region
Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game
350 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California  90802
Mr. R. J. Pickering
Chief, Water Quality Branch
Dept. of Interior, Water Resources Division
U.S. Geological Survey
Washington, D.C.  20242
Mr. W. Pierce
Chief, Permits Branch
Enforcement Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX
100 California Street
San Francisco, California  91111
Mr. Louis W. Pinata
Assistant Chief - Operations Division
U.S. Corps of Engineers, New York District
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Bronko Popovich

Administrative Assistant
Texas State Senate
2101 Mechanic Avenue
Calveston, Texas  77550
M60C1543                                                     U8

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Frank Potter
Counsel, Merchant Marine 6 Fisheries Committee
U.S. House of Representatives
133i» Longworth House Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C.  20515
Mr. Robert F. Powell
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air and Water Programs
Waterside Mall, East Tower, Rm 827B
Washington, D.C.  20460
Mr. Clinton Pray
Administrative Aide
State of Louisiana, Governor's office

Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70804
Mr. Dwain Preble
Dept. of Interior, Geological Survey
Gulf Coast Hydro Sciene Center, NASA - MTF
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi  39520
Mr. William (Bill) Pressman
Administrative Engineer - Research & Development
New York City Environmental Protection Administration
Department of Water Resources - Bureau of WPC
40 Worth Street
New York, New York  10013
Mr. Walker Rayburn
D.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 1890
Wilmington, North Carolina  28401
1460C1543                                                     49

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. James H. Redman
Associate Aquatic Biologist  (marine)
New York State Dept. of Environmental conservation
Marine Environmental Control  (Shellfish Sanitation)
State University of New York, Building fUO
Stonybrook, New York  11790
Mr. Lloyd A. Reed
Environmental Protection Agency, Permits Branch chief
Ocean Dumping
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Sixth Ave.
Seattle, Washington  98101
Mr. Wendle Reese
Chief, Navigable Waterways Unit, Operations Branch
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
300 N. Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California  90053
Mr. James R. Reese
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
Dr. Ernest Regna
Chief, Permits Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Region II, Room 908
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
Congressman Henry S. Reuss

House of Representatives
Committee on Government Operations
Washington, D.C.  20515
4U60C1543                                                     50

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Dr. Richard Rezak
Geological Oceanographer
Dept. of Oceanography
Texas ASM University
College Station, Texas  77843
Mr. Edward L. Ridley
Director, Physical Oceanography Division, Naval Research Laboratory
Dept. of the Navy
Naval Oceanographic Office, Code 73
Washington, D.C.  20373
Mr. Richard N. Rigby
Managing Editor
Marine Technology Society Journal
1730 M Street, NW
Washington, D.C.  20036
CDR Lawrence Riley, USN
Dept. of the Navy, Oceanographer of the Navy
Hoffman Bldg., No. 2
Alwxandria, Virginia  22314
Mr. David L. Robbins
Acting Chief, construction - Operations Division
U.S. Army Engineer District, Pacific Ocean Division
Bldg. 96, Fort Armstrong
Honolulu, Hawaii  96813
Frederick G. Roberts
Associate Director
Marine Sciences Research center - State Univ. of New York
Stony Brook, New York   11790
 4U60C1543                                                     51

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Capt. S. L. Robeson
Professor of Civil Engineering
The Citadel
Charleston, South Carolina  29409
Mr. Richard K. Robinson
Fishery Biologist, Office of Environmental Quality
Dept. of Interior
Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife
Interior Bldg.
Washington, D.C.  202UO
Mr. Richard B. Roe
Chief, Exploratory Data Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
3209 Frederick Ave.
P.O. Drawer 1207
Pascagoula, Mississippi  39567
Mr. John E. Romanosky
Chief, Operations Division
Department of the Army
U 5 Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 919
Charleston, south Carolina  29402
Mr. J. H. Rook
Director, Environmental Control System
American Cyanamid Company
859 Berdan Ave.
Wayne, New Jersey  07U70
Mr. E. Thacker Ross
Resident Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Drawer 59
Miami Beach, Florida  33139
1460C1543                                                     52

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Robert A. Rotan Jr.
Director of Development
Ocean Science Center of the Atlantic
318 East Bay St.
P.O. Box 9986
Savannah, Georgia  31401
Dr. Robert Roy
Director, Chesapeake Bay Research Consortium, Inc.
Johns Hopkins University
Whitehead Hall, rm. 100
Baltimore, Maryland  21218
Mr. Willis E. Ruland
Environmental Section
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 2288 (SAMED-E)
Mobile, Alabama  36628
Mr. R. J. Ryder
Chief, Permits and Statistics Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
1210 U.S. P.O. and Custom House
St. Paul, Minnesota  55101
Mr. Albert Sanderson, Jr.
Coordinator for Research, Water Resources Administration
State of Maryland, Dept. of Natural Resources
Div. of Water Quality Services
Taylor Avenue at Rowe Blvd.
Annapolis, Maryland  21401
Dr. Roger T. Saucier
Manager, Productive uses Research Project
Assistant Chief, Office of Dredged Material Research
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
4460C1543                                                     53

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. Gerard (Gerry) S. Savage
Civil Engineer
Construction Operations North Atlantic Division
U.S. Corps of Engineers
90 Church street
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Carl Schaffer
Chief, Chemicals and minerals branch
Environmental Protection Agency
Office Permit Programs, Enforcement Division
Waterside Mall
Washington, D.C.  20U60
Mr. Thomas Schino
U.S. Army Engineer District
2nd and Chestnut St.
U.S. Custom House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19106
Mr. H. J. Schmitz
Professional Engineer
Dade County Pollution Control Department
846 N.W. 23rd Street
Miami, Florida  33127
Mr. Lou Schmitz
Oakland Scavenger Company
2601 Peralta Street
Oakland, California  94607
Dr. Eric Schneider
Environmental Protection Agency, Nat'l Marine W/Q Laboratory
P.O. Box 277, Liberty Lane at Fairgrounds Road
West Kingston, Rhode Island  02892
UU60C1543                                                     54

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Hon. A. R. Schwartz
Senator, State of Texas
Room 129-B, Capitol Bldg.
Austin, Texas  78711
Mr. N. Robert Scocca
Chief of Harbor Supervision and Compliance Section
U.S. Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch, Operations Division
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
Mr. D. H. Scott
Director, Division of Planning
Florida Dept. of Pollution Control
Tallahassee Bank Bldg., Suite 300
Tallahassee, Florida  32301
Mr. J. J. Scott Jr.
Chief Engineer
S.C. State Ports Authority
P.O. Box 817
Charleston, South Carolina  29402
MAJ James Scott
Deputy District Engineer
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
400 Fernandez Juncos Avenue
San Juan, Puerto Rico  00901
Mr. John P. Seifert, P.E.
Pollution Control Engineer
Dade County Pollution Control Department
846 N.W. 23rd Street
Miami, Florida  33127
U460C1543                                                      55

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Dr. James M. Sharp
Gulf Universities Research Consortium
1611 Tremont Street
Galveston, Texas  77550
Mr. Jack Sherman
Program Manager of NESS
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, SPOC Group
3737 Branch Avenue
Washington, D.C.  20031
Mr. Carl. M. Shy
Researcher, Div. of Health Effects Research
Environmental Protection Agency
National Environmental Research Center
Bioenvironmental Measurement Branch
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina  27709
Mr. Jim Silva
Environmental Protection Agency
1421 Peachtree St. N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia  30309
LCDR Joel Sipes
Chief, Pollution Prevention and Enforcement Branch
U.S. Coast Guard
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, D.C.  20590
Dr. Fredrick D. Sisler
Technical Assistant, Transport Processes Branch
Environmental Protection Agency, Room 220
1901 North Fort Myer Drive
Rosslyn, Virginia  22209

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. James F. Smith
Research Sanitary Engineer
Environmental Protection Agency, Water Quality Office
Advanced Waste Treatment Research Laboratory
Cincinnati Ohio  15226
Mr. Robert G. Smith
Exclusion Specialist
Division of Plant Industry
California Department of Agriculture
61U3 Columbus Ave
Riverside, California  92504
Mr. Eugene Smith
Head - Environmental Group
U.S. Army Corps District
100 McAllister St.
San Francisco, California  9U102
Mr. Phil Soper
Executive Office of the President
Council on Environmental Quality
722 Jackson Place, NW
Washington, D.C.  20006
Dr. Richard D. Spear
Physical Scientist
EPA, Region II
Surveillance and Analysis Division - Ocean Dumping Section
Raritan Arsenal
Edison, New Jersey  08817
Ms. Merie Spivey
Chief Librarian, Research Library
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Vicksburg Experimental Station
Vicksburg, Mississippi  39180
1U6OC15U3                                                     57

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Dr. Lyle S. St. Amant
Assistant Director
Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries Commission
i»00 Royal Street
New Orleans, Louisiana  70130
Mr. Harold G. Stanley
Ocean Disposal Data Coordinator
Interstate Electronics Corporation
Oceanics Division
707 E. Vermont Avenue
Anaheim, California  92803
Mr. F. F. Stevens
Chief, Permits Section
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 2288 (SAMED-E)
Mobile, Alabama  36628
Dr. Harris B. Stewart
Atlantic Oceanographic 6 Meteorological Lab
15 Rickenbacker Causeway, Virginia Key
Miami, Florida  331U9
Mr, Edward Stockton
Vice President
National Sanitation Foundation
3475 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan  48105
Dr. Reed Stone
Dept. of Interior

Dept. of Interior Bldg., Room 7000
Washington, D.C.  20240
U460C1543                                                     58

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Dr. Albert Story
Gulf Coast Water Hygiene Laboratory
U.S. Public Health Service
Dauphin Island, Alabama  36528
Mr. J. J. Strobel
Associate Director
Dept. of Interior
Office of Saline Water
Washington, D.C.  902UO
Mr. Al Strong
3737 Branch Avenue
Washington, D.C.  20031
CDR B. E. Stultz
Asst' Chief of Staff, Environmental Quality
Dept. of the Navy
Office of the Oceanographer
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, Virginia  22332
Ms. Mary Lou Stursa
Information Coordinator
Coastal Coordinating Council
Florida Department of Natural Resources
Larson Bldg.
Tallahassee, Florida  32304
Mr. John F. Sustar
Civil Engineer
Project Director Bay Dredge Disposal Study
U.S. Army Corps Engineer District
100 McAllister Street
San Francisco, California  94102
•IU60C1543                                                     59

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Dennis Suszkowski
Oceanographer - Operations Division
U.S. Corps of Engineers New York District
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York  10007
Mr. Wayne Swingle
Chief Biologist
Marine Resources Division
Alabama Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources
P.O. Box 188
Dauphin Island, Alabama  36528
Mr. W. H. Tamm
Chief, Engineering Division
U.S. Army Engineer District
Fort Norfolk, 803 Front St.
Norfolk, Virginia  23510
Mr. Thomas V. C. Tanaka
Acting Director of Public Works
Government of Guam
Dept. of Public Works
Agana, Guam 96910
Mr. Bruce Taylor
Director, Public Affairs
Orange County .Sanitary Districts
108UU Ellis Avenue
Fountain Valley, California  92708
Mr. Robert F. Temple
Assistant Director
Gulf Coast Fisheries Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
4700 Avenue U, Bldg. 302
Galveston, Texas  77550

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Paul Templet
Louisiana Advisory conun. on Coastal & Marine Resources
52-60 Old Law Center
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803
Mr. Vern Tenney
Director, Office of Research and Monitoring
Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Office
100 California St.
San Francisco, California
Mr. Donald Thomas
Environmental Protection Agency, Enforcement Division
Permit Branch, Room 358
100 California Street
San Francisco, California  94111
Ms. Sarah Thomas
Environmental Protection Agency
Waterside Mall, Rm 322 4A
Washington, D.C.  20460
Mr. Richard Timme
Vice President
Spectra Research Systems, Inc.
2212 Dupont Drive
Irvine, California  92664
Dr. James Timmerman
South Carolina Marine Center
Fort Johnson
James Island, South Carolina  29407
4460C1543                                                     61

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. R. Kenneth Tinsley
Chief, Water Pollution Control Division
State of South Carolina
Pollution Control Authority
1321 Lady Street
P.O. Box 11628
Columbia, South Carolina  29211
Mr. Leo Tobias
Field Coordinator
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Chief of Engineers, Operations Division
Washington, D.C.  20044
Mr. K. M. Trumpeter
Facility Manager
Dept. of Interior
Office of Saline Water
Box P.O. 2208
Roswell, New Mexico  88201
Dr. Edward Tryzina
Minnesota Water Pollution Control Agency
717 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55427
Dr. Robert Tucker
Investigation Chief, Marine Contaminants
National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA
Sandy Hook Marine Lab
Highlands, New Jersey  07732
Mr. Charles T. Tucker
Manager, Ocean Systems
Interstate Electronics Corporation, Oceanics Division
707 E. Vermont Ave.
P.O. Box 3117
Anaheim, California  92803
4460C1543                                                     62

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Richard Turner
Chief, Navigation Branch
U.S. Army Engineer District
P.O. Box 1890
Wilmington, North Carolina  28401
Mr. John Twiss
National Science Foundation
Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration
1800 G Street, NW
Washington, D.C.  20550
Mr. Joe W. Tyson
Senior Scientist
Gulf Universities Research consortium
1611 Tremont street
Galveston, Texas  77550
Dr. Johannes L. VanBeek
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Marine Sciences
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803
COL William Vandenberg

Assistant to the South Pacific Division Eng. for Regional Studies
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers
100 McAllister Street
San Francisco, California  94102
Dr. Jack Van Lopik
Director - coastal Studies
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803
4460C1543                                                     63

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr, Jack Van Norman
Field Operations Manager
Fla. Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund
206 E. Madison Street
Tallahassee, Florida  32304
CAPT James L. Verber
Health Service Officer, Director North East Techn1! Service Unit
Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
Public Health  Service, Bldg. S-26
Davisville, Rhode Island  02854
Dr. F. J. Vernberg
Belle W. Baruch Coastal Resources Institute
University of South Carolina
Columbia, south Carolina  29208
Mr. H. R. Vick
Chief, Dredging Planning Section
New Orleans District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Building 19
P.O. Box 60267
New Orleans, Louisiana  70160
Mr. Thomas D. Walker
Agency coordinator
Florida Coastal Coordinating Council
Larson Bldg., Rm. 682
Tallahassee, Florida  32304
Mr. Bruce Wallace
U.S. Army Engineer District
1210 U.S. P.O. £ Custom House
St. Paul, Minnesota  55101
4460C1543                                                     64

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. Ed Wallace
Chief, Projects Operations
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 2288  (SAMED-E)
Mobile, Alabama  36628
Mr. Bill Walsh
Environmental Protection Agency
New England Regional Lab.
240 Highland Ave.
Needham Hts.f Massachusetts  02194
Mr. C. M. Walter
Environmental Protection Agency, Region VII
1735 Baltimore Avenue
Kansas City, Maryland  64108
Mr. Joe Walters
Chief, Operations Branch
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Fort Armstrong, Bldg. 96
Honolulu, Hawaii  96810
Mr. T. A. Was tier
Ocean Disposal Program
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C.  20460
Dr. Cornelius I. Weber
Chief, Biological Methods
Environmental Protection Agency
Analytical Quality Control Laboratory
National Environmental Research Center
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
4460C1543                                                     65

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE  1973
Mr. C. G. White
Chief, Planning Division
U.S. Corps of Engineers
South Atlantic Division
510 Title Bldg., 30 Pryor St. S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia  30303
Mr. Donald J. Whittinghill
Director, Joint Legislative Committee on Environmental Quality
State of Louisiana
P.O. Box 44033
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70804
LTJG Douglas Williams
Environmental Pollution Prevention Branch
U.S. Coast Guard, GWEP/73
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, D.C.  20590
Mr. Vern W. Wilson
Staff Engineer
Shell Chemical Company
Plans and Analysis Dept. Mfg. Dept.
1 Shell Plaza, P.O. Box 2463
Houston, Texas  77001
Mr. James W. Winchester
National Data Buoy Center  (NOAA)
Mississippi Test Facility
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi  39520
Dr. D. A. Wolfe
Director, Estuarine Research Laboratory
Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Center  (NOAA)
Formerly:  Center for Estuarine and Menhaden Reserach
Beaufort, North Carolina  28516
4460C1543                                                     66

DIRECTORY OF PERSONNEL                            JUNE 1973
Mr. John Wood
U.S. Army, COE, Los Angeles District
Permit Branch, Navigable Waterways Unit, Room 6201
300 N. Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California  90053
Ms. BarBara Wygal
Ocean Disposal Program Office
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C.  20460
Mr. Dwight K. Wylie
Industrial Waste Section
Miss. Air 6 Water Pollution Control Comm.
6th Floor - Robt. E. Lee Bldg.
P.O. Box 827
Jackson, Mississippi  39205
Mr. Gordon Yessir
Chief, Construction Operations Division
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
1776 Niagara Street
Buffalo, New York  14207
U460C1543                                                      67
