United States
                       Environmental Protection
Office of Solid Waste
and Emergency
     vvEPA     Data  Quality  Objectives
                       Process  for Superfund
   Office of Emergency and Remedial Response (5201)
   Hazardous Site Evaluation Division (5204-G)
Publication 9355.9-01 FS
EPA/540/F -93/043
September 1993
                         Quick Reference Fact Sheet
 EPA Order 5360.1, entitled, Policy and Program Requirements to Implement the Mandatory Quality Assurance Program,
 establishes mandatory quality assurance (QA) requirements for Agency environmental data collection activities.  The National Oil
 and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) mandates specific Superfund QA requirements.  Both documents
 emphasize two requirements: (1) Superfund environmental data must be of known quality; and (2) QA plans based on generic or
 site-specific procedures are required to obtain the first objective. The Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER)
 has developed this fact sheet to promote the Data Quality Objective Process  for Superfund:  Interim Final Guidance. The focus
 here is the development and implementation of a quality system which requires all Superfund activities to develop and operate
 management processes and structures for assuring that the data collected are  of known quality. The Data Quality Objective
 process is an effective means by which managers and technical staff may plan  and design a more efficient QA plan and a more
 timely  sampling and analysis program that is consistent with the integrated site assessment and accelerated response activities of
 the Superfund Accelerated Cleanup Model (SACM).  Conforming to this guidance will help ensure that site managers  generate
 data of known quality that are sufficient for their intended use.
This fact sheet describes the Interim Final Guidance on the
Data Quality Objectives Process for Superfund  (September
1993)1.   This new guidance supersedes previous  1987
Superfund guidance on Data Quality Objectives (DQOs),
Data Quality Objectives for Remedial Response Activities:
Development Process, EPA/540/G-87/003. This fact sheet
also introduces the Guidance for Conducting Environmental
Data Quality Assessment and  the DQO Decision  Error
Feasibility Trials software.

What are DQOs?  DQOs are qualitative and quantitative
statements derived  from the  outputs of each  step of the
DQO Process that:
(1) Clarify the study objective;
(2) Define the most appropriate type of data to collect;
(3) Determine the most appropriate conditions from which
    to collect the data; and
(4) Specify acceptable levels of decision errors that will be
    used as the basis for  establishing the  quantity and
    quality of data  needed to support the decision.

The DQOs  are then used to  develop a  scientific and
resource-effective sampling design.
   What is the Data Quality Objective Process?

   The DQO Process is a scientific and legally defensible data
   collection planning process to help users decide what type,
   quality,  and  quantity  of data will  be  sufficient  for
   environmental decision making.

   What are the products of the DQO Process?

   The  products  (outputs)  of the  DQO  process   are
   statements that define data quality criteria and sampling
   design performance specifications. The key data quality
   criteria state  "how good" the data should be and  are
   expressed as  acceptable probabilities of decision errors.
   Other data  quality  criteria  include  the  spatial  and
   temporal boundaries of the study, and a precise statement
   of the environmental conditions that will be studied to
   determine the need  for  remedial or removal actions.
   Sampling  design  performance  specification outputs
   include the sampling design method, the numbers  and
   locations of samples and the sample collection method.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1993.  Data Quality Objectives Process for Superfund:  Interim Final Guidance.  EPA/540/R-93/071.

What are the benefits of using the DQO Process to plan
Superfund studies?

The DQO Process offers site managers a way to plan field
investigations so that the quality of data collected can be
evaluated with  respect to the data's  intended use.  The
DQO  process provides a method by  which site managers
can estimate how data quality contributes to the quality of
their decisions.

Specifically, the DQO process:
•    helps site managers decide how many samples and
     analyses are required to support defensible decision
•    helps site managers define where and when samples
     are to be collected;
•    helps  site  managers develop  a  statistical sampling
     design  that allows  the  uncertainty  in  data to  be
•    helps   field personnel   identify  resource-efficient
     sample collection methods;
•    helps laboratory analysts identify resource-efficient
     analytical methods;
•    can drastically  reduce overall  project costs;
•    provides the QA community with a scientific basis for
     defining the right type and number of  quality
     control  and assessment  samples and  associated
     analytical precision and recovery requirements;
•    provides a  structure for clarifying  multiple study
     objectives into specific decisions;
•    encourages  the participation and communication of
     data users and  relevant technical experts  in planning,
     implementation and assessment.

What  role does statistics play in the DQO Process?

The statistical procedures used in the DQO Process provide:
•    a scientific basis for making inferences  about areas of
     a site based  on information contained in environmental
•    a basis for defining data quality criteria and assessing
     the achieved data quality for supporting  integrated site
     assessment decisions;
•    a  foundation for defining meaningful quality  control
     procedures that  are based on the intended use of the
•    quantitative  criteria for knowing  when  site managers
     can  stop sampling (i.e.,  when  the site has  been
     adequately characterized); and
•     a  solid  foundation  for  planning subsequent  data
     collection activities.
 How does the DQO  Process fit into integrated site

 The  DQO process  provides  a  logical framework  for
 planning  multiple field investigations,  thereby improving
 cross-program  response planning  and  allowing  optimal
 cross-program data useability, which are important goals of
 integrated site assessment under the Superfund Accelerated
 Cleanup Model (SACM).   By emphasizing the  need  to
 place limits on the probability  of taking incorrect actions,
 the  DQO Process  complements   the  integrated  site
 assessment objective of evaluating the need for action. The
 DQO Process places a worthwhile investment in planning,
 which results in timely and efficient cleanups.

 How does the  DQO Process address early  and  time-
 critical activities?

 The DQO Process should  be used to plan  all significant
 Superfund field investigations,  regardless of the sampling
 objectives.  Application of the  DQO Process to early and
 time-critical  sampling  activities,  such  as time-critical
 removals   and  early  remedial  actions,  allows  On-Scene
 Coordinators,   Site Assessment Managers,  and Remedial
 Project Managers to generate data of known quality that are
 sufficient for their intended use. For these early and time-
 critical  decisions,  a  less rigorous  approach  to  DQO
 development  is  consistent  with  Superfund  policy  on
 accelerated response activities.

 How can  site managers acquire statistical support for
 field  investigation   planning   and   Data   Quality

 Site managers  can  access  statistical  support  through
 Regional  and Headquarters  quality  assurance  staff, the
 alternative remedial contracting strategy (ARCS) contracts
 and other Superfund contracts.

EPA  has  also  developed the following  software  and
guidance to provide additional support.

PC Software for DQO Decision Error Feasibility Trials

EPA  has  developed an  interactive PC-based software
package "DQO Decision Error Feasibility Trials"  to help
site managers develop feasible and affordable DQOs. Site
managers  can use this statistical tool to quickly vary their
DQOs, such as limits on decision errors, then see how these
changes  affect the  number  of  samples and  resources


  Identify the decision that requires
  new environmental data to
  address the contamination


• Identify the key decision for the
  current phase or stage of the project.
• Identify alternative actions that may
  be taken based on the findings of the
  field investigation.
• Identify relationships between this
  decision and any other current or
  subsequent decisions.
 Identify the information needed to
 support the decision, and specify
 which inputs require new
 environmental measurements.
• Identify the informational inputs
  needed to resolve the decision.
• Identify sources for each
  informational input, and  list those
  inputs that are obtained  through
  environmental measurements.
• Define the basis for establishing
  contaminant-specific action levels.
• Identify potential sampling
  approaches and appropriate
  analytical methods.
 Summarize the contamination problem
 that will require new environmental data
 and identify the resources available to
 resolve the problem.

 • Identify members of the scoping team.
 • Develop/refine the conceptual site model.
 • Define the exposure scenarios.
 • Specify available resources.
 • Write a brief summary of the
  contamination problem.
 Specify the spatial and temporal
 aspects of the environmental media
 that the data must represent to support
 the decision.

• Define the geographical areas of the field
• Specify the characteristics that define the
  population of interest.
• Divide the population into strata having
  relatively homogenous characteristics.
• Define the scale of decision making.
• Determine the time frame to which the
  decision applies.
• Determine when to collect samples.
• Identify practical constraints that may
  hinder sample collection (reconsider
  previous steps as necessary).
he Data Quality Objectives

^j State the Problem
-I Identify the Decision
-| Identify Inputs to the Decision
J Define the Study Boundaries 1
| Develop a Decision Rule [
| Specify Limits on Decision Errors [-

1 Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data [^

Sampling and Analysis Plan
                                                                                              Data Quality
                                                                                                                                           5. DEVELOP A DECISION RULE


                                                                                                                                        Develop a logical "if...then..." statement that
                                                                                                                                        defines the conditions that would cause the
                                                                                                                                        decision maker to choose among alternative
                                                   • Specify the parameter of interest (such as mean,
                                                    median, or proportion).
                                                   > Specify the preliminary action level for the
                                                   • Combine the outputs of the previous DQO steps
                                                    into an "if...then..." decision rule that includes the
                                                    parameter of interest, the action level and the
                                                    alternative actions.
                                                                6. SPECIFY LIMITS ON DECISION ERRORS

                                                                  Specify the decision maker's acceptable
                                                                  limits on decision errors, which are used
                                                                  to establish appropriate performance
                                                                  goals for limiting uncertainty in the data.
                                                                 • Determine the range of contaminant levels that
                                                                   may be encountered at the site.
                                                                 • Define both types of decision errors and identify
                                                                   the potential consequences of each.
                                                                 • Specify a range of contaminant levels over
                                                                   which the consequences of decision errors are
                                                                   relatively minor (the gray region).
                                                                 • Assign acceptable limits on decision errors
                                                                   above and below the gray region.
                                                                 • Check for consistency.

 Identify the most resource-effective sampling and
 analysis design for generating data that are expected
 to satisfy the DQOs.


• Review the DQO outputs and existing environmental
• Develop general sampling and analysis design
• For each design alternative, verify that the DQOs are
• Select the most resource-effective design that
  satisfies all of the DQOs.
• Document the operational details and theoretical
  assumptions of the selected design in the Sampling
  and Analysis Plan.

 Data Quality Assessment
Points to Remember
 EPA  has  developed a Data Quality  Assessment (DQA)
 guidance   document   (Guidance   on   Conducting
 Environmental Data Quality Assessment, EPA QA/G-9) that
 explains how a site manager can evaluate whether the data
 satisfy the pre-specified DQOs.

 What is  the  link between quality  control  and DQO

 DQOs define complete data  collection design performance
 specifications. DQOs are  the driving component of quality
 assurance project plans (QAPPs), which are required as part
 of the Sampling and Analysis Plan for each data collection
 operation.  A quality  control (QC) program  is a required
 element of the QAPP and is  defined based on DQOs.  QC
 programs  provide real-time measurements and  monitoring
 of data collection operations to facilitate corrective action
 support subsequent data validation and assessments.
 QC programs can also be used to evaluate whether expected
 decision error rates have been met.
    The DQO Process is a scientific and legally defensible
    data collection planning approach.
    The DQO Process is  a  framework  for  organizing
    existing QA planning procedures.
    The DQO Process helps produce data of appropriate
    quality for making defensible decisions.
    The DQO Process helps identify the
    most effective use of field investigation
    The DQO Process helps develop a statistical sampling
    design  which  allows  site  managers  to  quantify
    uncertainty in data and control the probabilities of
    decision errors.
    The DQO Process provides a basis for defining QA/QC
    programs  and  associated  analytical  precision  and
    recovery requirements.
    The DQO Process leads to identification of efficient
    sampling and analytical  methodologies.
    The DQO Process can drastically reduce overall project
 Where can more information about the Superfund DQO
 guidance, the DQO process, and QA training be found?

 For more information on Superfund DQO guidance contact
 Duane Geuder, QA Manager for the Office of Emergency
 and Remedial Response (OERR), at 703-603-8891.  EPA
 provides  quarterly  DQO and DQA  training and quality
 assurance workshops at the EPA Institute (202-260-3297).
 The  training  courses  are a series  of  presentations  and
 exercises  that  engage  the  audience   in  actual  DQO
 development and DQA activities.
    Copies of this Fact Sheet and related DQO documents
can be obtained from:

    National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
    5285 Port Royal Road
    Springfield, VA 22161
    Interim Final Guidance
    Fact Sheet
 United States
 Environmental Protection
 Washington, D.C. 20460

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