United States Environmental Protection Agency Health Effects Research Laboratory Cincinnati OH 45268 vvEPA Research and Development EPA-600/S1-81-069 Feb. 1982 Project Summary APR r: .• HA'R PKJlECuON Development and Evaluation of an Ambient Viable Microbial Air Sampler Kerby F. Fannin and Stanley C. Vana The purpose of this project was to enhance existing capabilities for quantitative detection of viable micro- organisms in the air. The specific objectives were: (1) to review avail- able methodologies for ambient viable microbial air sampling; (2) to design an ambient viable microbial air sampler; (3) based on a new or an existing design, to fabricate an air sampler; and (4) to evaluate the suitability of this sampler for detecting aerosols con- taining bacteria and viruses. In addition this study was intended to assess the applicability of various sampling methods to studies of specific envi- ronmental microbial aerosol problems. To fulfill a need for a standard microbial large volume aerosol sampler, an air sampler design based on the principle of staged impaction was proposed. A major limitation of this sampler was that the microbial aerosol collecting substrate, consisting of a continuously wetted surface, required a considerable amount of development and optimization. Thus, to fulfill near- term needs for ambient viable micro- bial air sampling, the existing sampling concept of cyclone scrubbing was selected. Studies were performed to evaluate the suitability of cyclone scrubber samplers and a continuously wetted substrate for detection of several types of microorganisms. The samplers were evaluated in a dynamic aerosol chamber using all-glass impingers as reference samplers. Comparison of a stainless steel and a glass cyclone scrubber sampler for detecting Bacil- lus subtilis var. niger spore aerosols of about 1.1 - 3.3 fjm count median diameter showed no significant dif- ferences in their relative collection efficiencies. Consequently, based upon considerations such as ease of construction, present usage, and potential availability, the glass cyclone scrubber was selected for further evaluation. This sampler showed geometric mean relative collection efficiencies for B. subtilis var. niger spore aerosols of 52% and 68%, depending upon the composition of the disseminating fluid. In studies using different organisms, in similar sized aerosols, this relative efficiency was 46% for Serratia marcescens, 76% for f2 coliphage, and 92% for poliovirus type 1. During the process of aerosolization and collection, the greatest viability losses in both the reference and cyclone scrubber sam- plers were observed with poliovirus, followed by fa coliphage, and S. marcescens. Based on the studies, it was recom- mended that the methods used for the detection of low concentrations of ambient viable microbial aerosols be standardized, that a selected standard sampler be evaluated under a wide range of conditions for optimization of critical parameters, and that relative microbial aerosol evaluations be performed with a reference sampler having a sensitivity similar to that of the test sampler. ------- This Project Summary was developed by EPA's Health Effects Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio, to an- nounce key findings of the research project that is fully documented in a separate report of the same title /see Project Report ordering information at back). Introduction Project Objective The overall purpose of this project was to enhance existing capabilities for quantitative detection of viable micro- organisms in the ambient air. The specific objectives were: (1) to review available methods for ambient viable microbial air sampling; (2) to design an ambient viable microbial air sampler, (3) to fabricate an air sampler, based on a new or an existing design; and (4) to evaluate the suitability of this sampler for detecting aerosols containing bac- teria and viruses. In addition, this study was intended to assess the applicability of various sampling methods to specific environmental microbial aerosol problems. Rationale for Study The extent of environmental exposure of human populations to infectious microbiological aerosols and the effects of such exposure on incidence of infectious disease have not been conclusively determined. Such deter- minations can be made, provided that reliable and sensitive methods are available to detect such aerosols or indices of exposure. Detection of indices of human exposure requires that members of a population serve as sentinels until an observable effect is demonstrated. Such human exposure can, however, be mitigated if contami- nation by infectious aerosols is detected early and reduced. The detection of infectious aerosols with both precision and accuracy is dependent upon the availability of adequate sampling and assay methodologies. Numerous sampling techniques exist for detecting microbial aerosols. These techniques operate on a wide variety of principles and their use for applications requiring high sensitivity has not been standardized. Research in experimental infectious aerobiology has involved aerosol generation in static or dynamic chambers at concentrations detectable with conventional instrumentation, usually at relatively low air sampling rates and short operational time limits. Determination of low concentrations of microbial aerosols in the ambient outdoor environment, however, requires more sensitive instrumentation. Eval- uation of the risk of exposure and potential infection with source-related infectious microbial aerosols often requires an extensive sampling pro- gram. The methods used for such sampling must be sufficiently sensitive to detect such aerosols at very low concentrations. This may necessitate sampling at relatively high air flow rates for long time periods. The applicability of available air samplers to ambient environmental aerobiological studies is determined by the inherently designed capabilities. Ideally, such a sampler should have a high collection efficiency, maintain the viability of collected micro- organisms without permitting growth, discriminate between respirable and non-respirable particles and collect the sample so that it can be easily assayed. In addition it should be easily sterilized, highly reliable, simple to operate, and capable of remote-control operation, and its cost should be such that it can be used in routine monitoring programs. Before undertaking the task of de- veloping a new sampler, the available air samplers were examined to deter- min and select operational characteris- tics that would be applicable to the final design. Main emphasis was placed on air sampling devices used for detection of viable microbial aerosols. The princi- pal aerosol collection concepts reviewed for their application to viable microbial aerosol sampling included sedimenta- tion, filtration, impingement, precipita- tion, centrifugal separation, and impac- tion. Experimental Approach The research effort was performed as several consecutive task. The direction of each task was dependent upon the findings of previous tasks and program decisions made in consultation with the U.S. EPA Project Officer. The project tasks can be summarized as follows: Review of Literature A review of literature related to air samplers having application to the project objective was performed. The purpose was to determine the availabil- ity and suitability of existing instrumen- tation as samplers of ambient viable microbial aerosols. Air Sampler Design The need fora new air sampler design was based on the review of existing concepts of microbial air samplers. '"^ design of the new air sampler was> based on such criteria as estimated collection efficiency, sensitivity, reli- ability, ease of sterilization, viability of collected organisms, ease of sample assay, capacity for remote operation, particle size discrimination, and cost of construction and operation. The con- ceptual design was reviewed by several staff members of organizations desig- nated by the U.S. EPA Project Officer. Air Sampler Construction Samplers based on existing designs were fabricated. The number of samplers constructed was sufficient to perform evaluation studies, and to provide additional samplers as required by the U.S. EPA Project Officer. Air Sampler Evaluation The sampler selected for further study was evaluated by comparing its per- formance in collection of viable and non-viable aerosols to that of a reference sampler. The purpose of these compara- tive studies was to determine the relative collection efficiency of the two samplers for the recovery of aerosols containing uranine dye, bacteria (Bacil- lus subtilis var. niger spores and Serratia marcescens), and viruses (fl coliphage and poliovirus type 1). This relative aerosol collection efficiency was expressed as: CE = where (R, x R2)/2 100 CE = relative aerosol collector efficiency S = aerosol concentration ai determined by test sample 2= aerosol concentration a; determined by paired ref erence samplers at pre-S position. The aerosol slippage through the tes sampler was determined by comparin< the chamber aerosol concentration: detected with reference sampler; located at the pre- and post-sample positions. The pre-sampler position wa upstream from the test sampler whili the post-sampler position was down stream. The percent survival of bacteri and viruses during the aerosohzatio and sampling process was determine relative to B. subtilis var. niger spore aerosolized simultaneously with th ------- test organism. The percent survival was calculated as follows: PS = where 100 (2) B, PS = percent survival B = B. subtilis var. niger concentra- tion in the spray suspension (B0) or in the aerosol sampler (61) T = test organism concentration in the spray suspension (T0) or in the aerosol sampler TI). The method of sampler operation, including the sampling medium used, air sampling rates, duration of collec- tion, and sampling fluid flow rates, was typical of that used in field studies and did not necessarily include an evalua- tion of multiple methods of operation. The comparative studies were performed in a dynamic aerosol chamber system using aerosol concentrations of dye or microorganisms that were detectable with both the test and reference samplers. The aerosol particle size, >1 //m count median diameter (CMD), was similar to that which might be observed in field studies of source-related ambient viable microbial aerosols. Continuously Wetted Substrate Evaluation A continuously wetted substrate was evaluated in a test stand device to determine its potential suitability for use in a viable microbial aerosol impacting-type sampler. The substrate was evaluated to determine: The recovery of B. subtilis var. niger spores after collection in nutrient broth and transferring the membrane surface to nonselective nutrient agar; Its applicability for recovery of total coliform (Enterobacter aerogenes), fecal coliform (Eschenchia coli], and fecal streptococcus (Streptococcus fecalis) by plating onto selective media; and The performance of the substrate- containing device compared to that of a slit sampler for recovery of B. subtilis and S. marcescens. Conclusions 1. There is a need for standardization of methods for detecting low-level ambient viable microbial aerosols. 2. An air sampler based on the principle of staged impaction, with aerosol classification into respirable and non-respirable size ranges, may be superior to existing samplers. 3. A major limitation of this sampler design, however, is that the sub- strate for final microbial aerosol collection required further devel- opment and optimization prior to use in such a sampler. 4. A continuously wetted surface developed as a potential collecting substrate is suitable for collecting bacterial aerosols. Additional studies are needed to determine operating conditions optimal for survival of collected organisms on such a surface. 5. Until the collection substrate is optimized and the sampler design concept developed, an existing sampler, such as a cyclone scrub- ber, should be used for viable microbial aerosol studies where low concentrations are expected. 6. The existing sampling concept that demonstrates the greatest overall superiority, in terms of the criteria used for sampler evaluation, is that of cyclone scrubbing. 7. Comparison of a glass and a stainless steel cyclone scrubber showed that there was no signifi- cant difference in their relative efficiencies for collecting B. subtilis var. niger spore aerosols. 8. Further studies with the glass cyclone scrubber showed that the geometric mean relative collection efficiency for 1 to 3.5 fjrr\ CMD aerosols containing B. subtilis var. niger spores was 52% and 68%, depending upon the aerosol com- position. The efficiency for S. marcescens was 46%, for f2 coli- phage 76%, and for poliovirus type 1 92%. 9. S. marcescens, ^2 coliphage, and poliovirus type 1 showed viability losses during the aerosolization- sampling process. The survival of poliovirus was less than or equal to 1 % of that observed for the coliphage in samples collected with all-glass impinger reference samplers and with a glass cyclone scrubber. 10. Because of the great disparity between the air volumes sampled with the all-glass impinger and the cyclone scrubber test samplers, substantial fluctuations in relative aerosol collection efficiencies can be observed. Recommendations 1. Methods used for detecting low- level ambient viable microbial aero- sols should be standardized. These methods should employ a sampler that is specifically designed for this application, and that is reliable, robust, and can be effectively steri- lized by conventional methods. Until such a sampler is developed, an existing device such as a cyclone scrubber sampler, should be used. 2. The standard sampler should be evaluated under varied and controlled conditions to optimize collection efficiency by selecting appropriate collecting media for the organisms being studied and by controlling critical parameters such asfluidflow and air sampling rates. 3. These evaluations should employ a viable microbial aerosol reference sampler that operates at an air sampling rate similar to that of the device under evaluation Kerby F Fann/n is with IIT Research Institute, Chicago, IL 60616, and Stanley C Vana is with the Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 Walter Jakubowski is the EPA Project Officer (see below) The complete report, entitled "Development and Evaluation of an Ambient Viable Microbial Air Sampler," (Order No PB 82-113 689, Cost $11 00, subject to change) will be available only from National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Telephone 703-487-4650 The EPA Project Officer can be contacted at Health Effects Research Laboratory U S. Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, OH 45268 U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1982 - 559-017/7452 ------- United States Environmental Protection Agency Center for Environmental Research Information Cincinnati OH 45268 Postage and Fees Paid Environmental Protection Agency EPA 335 Official Business Penalty for Private Use S300 RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED Third-Class Bulk Rate ------- |