Furniture  Flame Retardancy Partnership
 What Is EPA's Design for the
 Environment Program?

 EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE)
 Program works in partnership with a broad
 range of stakeholders to reduce risk to
 people and the environment by preventing
 pollution. Partnerships focus on industries
 that combine the potential for chemical risk
 reduction with a strong motivation to
 make lasting, positive changes.  DfE
 convenes partners, including  industry
 representatives and environmental groups,
 who develop goals and guide the work of
 the partnership.

 As incentives for participation and driving
 change, DfE offers unique technical tools,
 methodologies, and expertise.  Partnerships
 evaluate the human health and
 environmental risks, performance, and cost
 of traditional and alternative technologies,
 materials, and processes.

 DfE has formed partnerships with a range
 of industries including:
    • Auto refinishing
    • Chemical product formulators
    • Electronics
     • Printed wiring board manufacturing
     • Lead-free solder
     • Computer displays
    • Furniture
    • Garment and textile care
    • Industrial and institutional  laundry
    • Printing
    • Wire and cable
                U.S. EFA
for Furniture  Foam
What is the Furniture Flame Retardancy Partnership?
The Furniture Flame Retardancy Partnership is a
multi-stakeholder effort to investigate and
disseminate information on alternative
flame-retardant technologies for achieving furniture
fire safety standards. Partners include the American
Fire Safety Council (AFSC), the American Home
Furnishings Alliance (AHFA), the Business and
Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (B1FMA), the
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), GreenBlue Institute
(GreenBlue), and EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE) Program.
Pentabromodiphenyl ether (pentaBDE) has been the primary flame
retardant in the manufacture of low-density, flexible polyurethane
foam for furniture. PentaBDE, with its ability to delay ignition of
materials, has saved lives, but there are concerns over its use. Studies
worldwide have found pentaBDE to be widespread in the
environment and in human tissues. Because pentaBDE was voluntarily
phased out at the end of 2004, it is important to find environmentally
preferable ways to achieve fire safety.

The partnership was formed with the belief that enhanced fire safety is
critical and that it should be achieved in a way that minimizes risk to
human health and the environment

What Work Has Been Conducted by the Partnership?

The first product of the partnership is the report: "Environmental
Profiles of Chemical Flame-Retardant  Alternatives for Low-Density
Polyurethane Foam," which evaluates the leading chemical alternatives
to pentaBDE for flame retarding low-density foam. Note, however,
that the report does not include an assessment of other
flame-retardant technologies, such as  barriers or fabric backcoatings,
which may be used in the future to meet a planned CPSC national
flammability standard for residential upholstered furniture.

How Did the Partnership Evaluate Chemicals?

Leading U.S. flame-retardant chemical manufacturers identified 14
chemical formulations that are potentially viable substitutes for
large-scale production of low-density  flexible polyurethane foam.
September 2005
EPA 742-F-05-001

EPA assessed the hazards, potential exposures and
tendency to bioaccumulate and persist in the
environment for the chemicals in each formulation. EPA
presented hazard concern levels for key toxicological
and environmental endpoints based on experimental
data where available, or estimated data. EPA also
provided information on potential routes of exposure,
based on physical and chemical properties.

The screening-level hazard and exposure
information is presented in the report at three levels to
meet the needs of a range of audiences and maximize

       • A table showing a qualitative summary of each
         formulation that assigns a high, moderate, or low
         hazard concern level for each chemical according to
         the key human  health and environmental
       • Quantitative summaries of the toxicity and exposure
         data from publicly available literature, EPA's
         confidential databases, chemical companies,
         EPA's New Chemicals Program, as well as the
         professional judgment of EPA staff.
       • Detailed hazard data reviews with a summary of the
         availability and adequacy of data and a full data
         review by endpoint. References are included for
         chemicals that are not proprietary.

Which Flame Retardant Chemical Should I

The report does not rank flame-retardant formulations;
the Partnership agreed that no single alternative is
expected to provide an ideal solution to address every
situation.  While not providing full risk assessments, the
report does provide screening-level  information on the
hazard concerns and potential routes of exposure
associated with chemical components of flame-retardant

Concerns over  pentaBDE center on  its persistence in the
environment and its tendency to bioaccumulate. The
flame retardants evaluated in the report, however, do
not appear to have concerns for persistence and

The report contains the following goals for developers
and users of flame-retardant chemicals to minimize  risk
to human health and the environment. Risk is composed
of two parts - hazard and exposure. These goals are
based on minimizing the potential for  hazard and
                 • Low persistence and bioaccumulation
                 • Low toxicity -less potential for harm, even if some
                   exposure occurs
                 • Low exposure (e.g., some flame-retardant chemicals
                   may be more stable in the foam matrix, reducing the
                   potential for release into the environment)
                 • Low potential for persistence, bioaccumulation, and
                   toxicity for breakdown products

          Other considerations include:

                 • Aesthetic and performance considerations:
                   appearance, durability, and fire safety
                 • Process, equipment and cost considerations
                 • Alternative technologies and  design (e.g., the use of
                   barriers and inherently flame-retardant materials)

          The report is available on the DfE website at

          What Are Next Steps for the Partnership?

          The partnership plans to develop and implement a
          process to identify additional toxicological data needed
          for adequately  assessing the flame-retardant alternatives
          reviewed in this report.  In the future, the partnership
          intends to evaluate additional chemical flame retardants
          and other materials that  may be necessary to meet
          planned  national fire safety standards.
            How Can I Get More Information?

            To learn more about the DfE Program or the Furniture
            Flame Retardancy Partnership, or to obtain an electronic
            version of this fact sheet (document #EPA 742-F-05-001),
            visit the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics' DfE
            Program Web site: www.epa.gov/dfe.

            To obtain hard copies of DfE Program technical reports,
            pollution prevention case studies, and project
            summaries, contact:

            National Service Center for Environmental Publications
            U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
            P.O. Box 42419
            Cincinnati, OH 45242
            Phone: (513) 489-8190, (800) 490-9198
            Fax: (513) 489-8695
            E-mail: ncepimal@one.net
EPA 742-F-05-001
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