c/EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Washington DC 20460 EPA/600/F-94/042 December 1994 Development of a Mailing List to Announce Competitive Assistance Agreements Purpose of This Announcement The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Office of Research and Development (ORD), is develop- ing a mailing list of organizations and individuals that want to be notified when solicitations for a research proposal are to be announced for competition. This mailing list will be used to mail material that includes a statement of work, conditions, procedures, and requirements of a proposed assistance agreement. Solicitations will be distributed at the time a requirement for research is defined. Background ORD is responsible for conducting research, development, and other technical activities in support of EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment. In carrying out its responsibilities, ORD seeks to produce scientific and technical information of the highest quality addressing current problems and future concerns related to environ- mental issues. To accomplish this mission, ORD seeks to establish and maintain assistance agreements (cooperative agreements and grants) with scientific and academic organizations in subject areas related to EPA's environmental research and development program. Research Perspective EPA's primary goal is to prevent or mitigate the adverse impacts of pollution on human health and the environment. Toward this end, Agency management must make deci- sions regarding the development of policy, guidance, and regulations and the appropriate tools for implementing pollution prevention and abatement strategies. ORD , conducts ,the^Agency's.research:program at 12 environ- mental laboratories, located across the country, and the Office of Exploratory Research in Washington, DC. These facilities employ some 2,000 people, with an annual budget of approximately $350 million. The research focuses on 13 areas (see reverse side) targeted in the planning process as requiring additional emphasis in order to provide the information required for Agency decision making. All competitive assistance agreements are subject to the availability of funds. ORD's core research and development program is focused on the following areas: • Health effects research - to determine the adverse effects of pollutants on human health • Ecological effects research - to determine the adverse effects of pollutants on ecosystems • Environmental process and fate research - to understand how pollutants are transported and modified as they move through soils, ground and surface water, and the atmosphere • Environmental monitoring research - to develop methods of identifying pollutants in the environment and measuring exposure to such substances • Risk assessment research - to develop methods to integrate information on pollutant sources, fate and transport, exposure, and health and ecological effects in order to assess the overall risk posed by a pollutant or a group of pollutants • Risk reduction research - to develop control techniques to treat, destroy, or contain pollutants and methods to reduce or eliminate the sources of pollutants or to prevent exposure to pollutants • Cross media programs -- to study global climate change, total human exposure assessment, wetlands, accidental releases, comparative risk of complex mixtures, and biotechnology • Socioeconomics research - to develop methods for quantifying the sociqeconomic impacts associated with environmental actions I i Assistance Agreements EPA/ORD uses assistance agreements (cooperative agreements and grants)1 as the legal instrument to carry out a range of environmental research and development activities that stimulate and support a public purpose. The decision to use a grant or cooperative agreement is based on the extent and nature of the Agency's involvement in the .-activities to be supported by the agreement. EPA/ORD wJL use a grant agreement whenever an assistance agreement is appropriate and the office or laboratory does not anticipate substantial involvement with the recipient during performance of the contemplated activities. We will use a cooperative agreement whenever an assistance agreement is appropriate and the office or laboratory anticipates substantial involvement with the recipient during the performance of the contemplated activity. Action i If you want your organisation to receive information about ORD's solicitations for proposals for competitive assistance agreements, complete tfye following information for our mailing list and return by February 10,1995, to the Center for Environmental Research Information, Attn: Competitive Assistance Agreements,! Cincinnati, OH 45268. DO NOT SEND UNSOLICITED PROPOSALS OR DOCUMENTS. ------- se-0'ONJLiwaad Vd3 >nna ooe$ 9SQ 9}BA|Jd JO} A}|BU8d ss9U]sng l 8929fr HO ' UOrjBUJJOJUl U.OJB9S9U [BIU9LUUOJIAU3 JOJ J91U9Q AOU96V UOI}09Pd IBIU9LUUOJJAU3 S9JBIS pepn Areas of Interest 1, Health effects research 2. Ecological effects research 3. Environmental process and fate research 4, Environmental monitoring research 5. Risk assessment research 6. Risk reduction research a 7. Global climate change 0 8. Total human exposure assessment 0 9. Wetlands 0 10. Accidental releases 0 11. Comparative risk for complex mixtures 0 12. Biotechnology 13. Socioeconomics a o o o o o INDICATE NAME AND ADDRESS CHANGES IN THIS SPACE Mail this card to: Center for Environmental Research Information Attn: Competitive Assistance Agreements United States Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, OH 45268 ------- |