United States Environmental Protection Agency National Exposure Research Laboratory Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 Research and Development EPA/600/S-97/004 July 1997 &EPA Summary Report Determination of Pollutant Distribution and Movement by Controlled Laboratory Experiments David K. Kreamer, David E. James and Katrina E. Varner The goal of this project was to di- rectly observe and evaluate the sub- surface movement and distribution of selected volatile organic compounds, particularly components of petroleum fuels, through controlled laboratory ex- periments. Sand tank, column, and batch-type laboratory experiments were employed to measure the effect of spe- cific variables associated with under- ground contamination events. The sand tank experiments were carried out to characterize leak sources and contami- nant movement. Leak rate, petroleum type, soil type, temperature, and back- fill configuration were examined to de- termine which materials and methods produced results that had the best ap- plication to field and regulatory situa- tions. The spatial and temporal propa- gation of leaking fluids was measured and recorded by several methods in- cluding gas chromatography and time- lapse photography. The spatial and tem- poral measurements of vapor concen- trations were mathematically modeled using two-dimensional inverse meth- ods. Diffusion parameters of Effective Diffusion Coefficient, De, and Sorption- corrected Porosity, A*, were deter- mined, with De for gasoline generally ranging from approximately 0.0024 cm2/ sec for clay to 4.4 cnWsec for pea gravel. Calculated diffusion parameters were used to predict three-dimensional propagation of vapors, and results were compared with field and laboratory val- ues. Additionally, the sand tanks were used to measure the distribution of light non-aqueous phase liquids around the water table during conditions of verti- cal water table movement. Some of the results from the research indicate that the distribution of hydrocarbons in these situations is more extreme than previously recognized, and that en- trapped diesel fuel in sands ranged from 33 to 67 liters/cubic meter. Di- mensional analysis as well as color- density dye studies were also per- formed on the physical modeling. In other work, plastic columns equipped with fiber optic sensors were used to measure diffusion parameters from gasoline and diesel sources. One- dimensional mathematical modeling was applied to observed concentration values to calculate diffusion param- eters. The data were compared with the findings of other researchers, and the reproducibility of results was evalu- ated. Generally, experimental reproduc- ibility was quite good, and the fiber optic probes showed a large dynamic range to maximum responses of 22,000 to 35,000 ppmv for gasoline and 43,000 to 62,000 ppmv for diesel fuel. Field operation of fiber optic devices was also evaluated. Sorption studies of selected organic compounds on various soils were car- ried out in enclosed steel chambers. The chambers allowed measurement of sorption in soil media configured to simulate actual field conditions. Soil moisture content, temperature, soil type, vapor pressure, and soil organic content were incrementally varied. Moisture content of an unsaturated soil was generally the most important vari- able affecting sorption in vadose zone materials. Partitioning coefficients were ------- found to be relatively independent of the degree of saturation when gravi- metric water contents exceeded 2-5%. These findings correlate well with sorp- tion-corrected porosity values obtained from inverse mathematical modeling of physical sand tank and column mod- els. While some compounds displayed sorption fitting a Freundlich isotherm, dry soils typically exhibited nonlinear isotherms and finite sorption kinetics. Hydrogen-bonding compounds also displayed nonlinear isotherms and fi- nite sorption and desorption kinetics in the presence of water. A recalcitrant fraction was observed to be resistant to desportion, especially with certain compounds in clays. Goals and Objectives of the Research The goal of this project was to directly observe and evaluate the subsurface movement and distribution of selected volatile organic compounds, particularly components of petroleum fuels, through controlled laboratory experiments. Sand tank, column, and batch-type laboratory experiments were used to measure the effect of specific variables associated with underground contamination events. Many of the studies centered on gaseous mi- gration, and the variables examined in- cluded moisture content, soil type/grain size, leak rate, temperature, and vapor densities. Objectives included: 1) establishing a visual record through time-lapse photog- raphy of the movement of organic liquids through unsaturated porous media, 2) aug- mentation of this visual record with quan- titative measurements of vapor concen- tration and migration, 3) observation of effect of the water table on the distribution of non-aqueous phase liquids, and 4) the quantitation of sorptive partitioning of the gaseous phase organics onto and into porous material and water. This work pro- vided a video which has been extensively used for educational purposes, publica- tions in refereed journals, publications in conference proceedings, and several master's theses. Research Approach There were three components of the research approach: sand tank experiments, column experiments, and batch-type sorp- tion experiments. As the work progressed, the research approach underwent review, at times partial revision, and augmenta- tion to optimize results. Sand tank experiments were carried out to characterize leak sources and contami- nant movement. Experiments were first performed to vary the tank filling proce- dure to allow the best reproducibility pos- sible in the experimentation. Leak rate, petroleum type, soil type, temperature, and backfill configuration were examined to determine which materials and methods produced results that had the best appli- cation to field and regulatory situations. In another aspect of experimentation, it was quickly discovered that the sand tank en- vironment was inadequate to simulate va- por extraction remediation; gaseous ad- vection on the small sand tank scale suf- fered boundary interferences which were too severe to proceed using the smaller volume tanks proposed in this work. In vadose zone leak simulations per- formed in the sand tanks, liquid and vapor measurements were made. The spatial and temporal propagation of leaking fluids was measured and recorded by several methods including gas chromatography and time lapse photography. Contour maps of the distribution of leaked fluids were constructed. The spatial and temporal measurements of vapor concentrations were mathematically modeled using two- dimensional inverse methods. Diffusion parameters of Effective Diffusion Coeffi- cient, De, and Sorption-corrected Porosity, A*, were determined. Calculated diffusion parameters were used to predict three- dimensional propagation of vapors, and results were compared with field and labo- ratory values. Additionally, the sand tanks were used to measure the distribution of light non-aqueous phase liquids around the water table during conditions of verti- cal water table movement. Column experiments took on several forms. Experiments were performed to measure the flux of organic compounds across the water table. A glass column equipped with side ports was used to de- termine the feasibility of this approach. Additionally, plastic columns equipped with fiber optic sensors were used to measure diffusion parameters from gasoline and diesel sources. One-dimensional math- ematical modeling was applied to observed concentration values to calculate diffusion parameters. The data were compared with the findings of other researchers. The re- producibility of results was evaluated. Sorption studies of selected organic compounds on various soils were carried out. Experiments in enclosed steel cham- bers were conducted. The chambers al- lowed measurement of sorption in soil media configured to simulate actual field conditions. Soil moisture content, tempera- ture, soil type, vapor pressure, and soil organic content could be controlled and incrementally varied. Summation of Individual Areas of Research Sand Tank Experiments Through controlled laboratory experi- ments, the effect of specific variables as- sociated with underground contamination events was examined with time-lapse pho- tography and quantitative measurements of vapor concentration and migration. The research approach had several subcom- ponent activities. Initial sand tank experi- ments examined the tank filling procedure with the objective to allow the best repro- ducibility possible in the experimentation. Although several procedures were used, the most reproducible filling technique in- volved the gravity release of soil into a tank through a overhead funnel equipped with sieves. This methodology is visually shown in a short video (available from authors), and is described in James et al. (1996a). Another subcomponent of the sand tank activities involved the measurement of liq- uid and gaseous propagation from a pe- troleum hydrocarbon leak. The goal of this endeavor was to characterize leak propa- gation, hopefully in a way amenable to mathematical modeling. This undertaking was successful. The spatial and temporal propagation of leaking fluids was mea- sured and recorded by the methods dis- cussed previously. Contour maps (in re- gards to the distribution of leaked fluids) were constructed. Time-lapse movement of liquid migration is shown in the video tape. The spatial and temporal measure- ments of vapor concentrations were math- ematically modeled to determine values of coefficients and porosity. For example, De for gasoline was generally found to range from approximately 0.0024 cm2/sec for clay to 4.4 cm2/sec for pea gravel. Calculated diffusion parameters were used to predict three-dimensional propagation of vapors, and results were compared with field and laboratory values. Mathematical modeling of gaseous movement is de- tailed in Chaganti (1990), Johnson and Kreamer (1994), Kreamer et al. (1996), and Squire (1996). Calculated gaseous diffusion parameters showed conformance to the few values available in the litera- ture. Optimal leak rates, petroleum types, soil types, temperatures, and backfill con- figuration were examined to determine those procedures allowing efficient and safe experimental techniques, while re- taining applicability to real field and regu- latory situations. ------- In another aspect of experimentation, the sand tanks were used to measure the distribution of light non-aqueous phase liq- uids (LNAPLs) around the water table dur- ing conditions of vertical water table move- ment. This aspect of research is shown in the video, and is reported in James et al. (1996a, 1996b), Rajagopalan (1995), and Sabapathi (1993). Results indicated that the distribution of hydrocarbons in these situations is more excessive than previ- ously recognized, and that entrapped die- sel fuel in sands ranged from 33 to 67 liters/cubic meter. Dimensional analysis and color-density dye studies were also performed on the physical modeling. Column Studies Column studies were undertaken to measure the flux of organic compounds across the water table and capillary fringe, and to determine diffusion parameters from gasoline and diesel sources. A glass col- umn equipped with side ports was used to determine the feasibility of vertical flux measurements. This line of experimenta- tion was basically unsuccessful. Slow dif- fusion in the aqueous phase (approxi- mately 5 orders of magnitude slower than gaseous diffusion), coupled with advec- tion created by withdrawal of water and vapor during sampling, created results with little reproducibility. Spacing of the side ports was also too wide, and the perturba- tion of the soil column created by syringe sample withdrawal appeared to be largely responsible for the lack of reproducible results. To gain some understanding of hydrocarbon movement and distribution near the water table, studies of vertical LNAPL distribution around moving water tables were initiated in sand tanks as de- scribed earlier (James etal., 1996a, 1996b; Rajagopalan, 1995; Sabapathi, 1993). Additionally, plastic columns equipped with fiber optic sensors were used to mea- sure diffusion parameters from gasoline and diesel sources (Kreamer et al., 1996). One-dimensional mathematical modeling was applied to observed concentration values to calculate diffusion parameters. The data were compared with the findings of other researchers and the reproducibil- ity of results was evaluated. Generally, experimental reproducibility was quite good, and the fiber optic probes showed a large dynamic range to maximum re- sponses of 22,000 to 35,000 ppmv for gasoline and 43,000 to 62,000 ppmv for diesel fuel. Field operation of fiber optic devices was also evaluated (Kreamer et al., 1996). Sorption Batch Testing Sorption studies of selected organic compounds on various soils were carried out in enclosed steel chambers (Fairley, 1993; Houston and Kreamer, 1989; Oja and Kreamer, 1992; Kreamer et al., 1994; Schmeltzer, 1993; Steinberg et al., 1994; Steinberg and Kreamer, 1992, 1993). The chambers allowed measurement of sorp- tion in soil media configured to simulate actual field conditions. Soil moisture con- tent, temperature, soil type, vapor pres- sure, and soil organic content could be controlled and incrementally varied. Moisture content of an unsaturated soil was generally the most important variable affecting sorption in vadose zone materi- als. Partitioning coefficients were found to be relatively independent of the degree of saturation when gravimetric water content exceeded 2 to 5%. These findings corre- late well with sorption-corrected porosity values obtained from inverse mathemati- cal modeling of physical sand tank and column models. While some compounds displayed sorption fitting a Freundlich iso- therm, dry soils typically exhibited nonlin- ear isotherms and finite sorption kinetics. Hydrogen-bonding compounds also dis- played nonlinear isotherms and finite sorp- tion and desorption kinetics in the pres- ence of water. A recalcitrant fraction was observed to be resistant to desorption, especially with certain compounds in clays. Research Accomplishments This research has contributed to many publications, reports, master's theses, a widely distributed video, and provided sup- porting information for many workshops and conferences. Publications Houston, S.L., Kreamer, O.K. and R. Marwig, 1989. A Batch-Type Testing Method for Determination of Adsorp- tion of Gaseous Compounds on Par- tially Saturated Soils. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, March 1989, p.3-10. Houston, S.L. and O.K. Kreamer, 1989. Effect of Temperature on the Potential for Gaseous Adsorption by Partially Saturated Soils, Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, Watters (ed.) p.357-361. A.A. Balkema/ Rotterdam/Brook, Hardbound, ISBN 90 6191 8782. James, D. E, Kreamer, O.K., Sabapathi, J. and V. Rajagopalan, 1996a. Effects of Vertical Water Table Fluctuations on LNAPL Distribution in Porous Media, 1. Effects of Varying Water Table Rise Rates in Initially Dry Sand. J. of Con- taminant Hydrology. Accepted 1995 for Publication in 1996. James, D. E, Kreamer, O.K., Rajagopalan, V. and S.K. Steinberg, 1996b. Effects of Vertical Water Table Fluctuations on LNAPL Distribution in Porous Media, 2. Effects of Varying Grain Size in Ini- tially Moist Sands. J. of Contaminant Hydrology. Accepted 1995 for Publica- tion in 1996. Johnson, T.E. and O.K. Kreamer, 1994. Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Diesel Fuel Liquid and Vapor Move- ment in Porous Media. Ground Water, Vol. 32, No. 4., p. 551-560. Kreamer, O.K., Brown, C. and D. Sloop, 1996. Report on the Suitability of PetroSenseฎ Probes for Leak Detec- tion at Contaminated Sites. Las Vegas, NV, March 1996. Kreamer, O.K., Oja K.J., Steinberg, S.M., and H. Phillips, 1994. Vapor Adsorp- tion of a Solvent on Quartz Sands of Varying Grain Size. Journal of Environ- mental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 2, p. 348-358. Kreamer, O.K., Starr, K., Cogent, S., Johnson, T. and H.A. Phillips, 1990. Gasoline Vapor Compound Ratios as a Tool to Locate Subsurface Fuel Leaks; from Minimizing Risk to the Hy- drologic Environment, Selected Papers from the American Institute of Hydrol- ogy Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 13-15, 1990, p.243-249. Soft bound. Kreamer, O.K. and K.J. Stetzenbach, 1990. Development of a Standard, Pure-Com- pound Base Gasoline Mixture for Use as a Reference in Field and Laboratory Experiments. Ground Water Monitor- ing Review, Spring 1990, p. 135-145. Oja, K.J. and O.K. Kreamer, 1992. (In- vited Paper). The Effect of Moisture on Adsorption of Trichloroethylene Vapor on Natural Soils. Proceedings of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Center for Ground Water Research Symposium on Soil Venting, April 29 - May 1, 1991, Houston, TX, p 13-28. Softbound. ------- Steinberg, S.M., Fairley, J. and O.K. Kreamer, 1994. Slow Desorption of Toluene from Several Ion-Exchanged Montmorillonites. J.Soil Contamination 3(3):249-264. Steinberg, S.M. and O.K. Kreamer, 1992. Determination of Sorption Isotherms for Volatile Organic Compounds on Soil using Gas Chromatography. Structure, Bonding, and Kinetics at Mineral Sur- faces Symposium, American Chemical Society, April 5-10, 1992, San Fran- cisco. Steinberg, S.M. and O.K. Kreamer, 1993. Persistence of Several Volatile Organic Compounds in a Low Organic Carbon, Calcareous Soil from Southern Nevada. Proceedings of the National Sympo- sium on Measuring and Interpreting VOCs in Soils: State of the Art and Research Needs. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Jan. 12-14, Las Ve- gas, NV. Steinberg, S.M. and O.K. Kreamer, 1994. Determination of Sorption Isotherms for Volatile Organic Compounds on Un- saturated Calcareous Soil from South- ern Nevada Using Inverse Chromatog- raphy. Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 27, No. 5, 883-888. Videos Two short videos were produced: Physi- cal Modeling of Subsurface Fuel Migra- tion by Controlled Laboratory Tests (10 mins) and Effects of Vertical Water Table Fluctuations on LNAPL Distribution (14 mins). These videos have been shown at approximately 65 conferences and work- shops. On request, they have been dis- tributed to approximately 700 people. Theses Master's theses supported are: a) from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas: Fairley, J., 1993. Desportion Hysteresis in Five Ion Exchanged Montmorillo- nites. Master of Science Thesis. Water Resources, Department of Geo- science, UNLV. Rajagopalan, V., 1995. Influence of Grain Size of a Porous Medium on the Movement of Diesel Fuel Due to Water Table Fluctuations. Master of Science thesis. Water Resources, De- partment of Geoscience, UNLV. Sabapathi, J., 1993. Effect of Water Table Fluctuations on Petroleum Contamination Distribution. Master of Science Thesis. Water Resources, Department of Geoscience, UNLV. Schmeltzer, J., 1993. Effects of Soil Moisture, Soil Carbonate and Organic Matter Content on Vapor Phase Sorp- tion of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Inverse Gas Chromatography. Master of Science Thesis. Water Re- sources, Department of Geoscience, UNLV. Squire, J., 1996. Effect of Unsaturated Zone Soil Moisture Content on Vapor Phase Pollutant Propagation in Con- trolled Laboratory Experiments. Mas- ter of Science Thesis. Water Re- sources, Department of Geoscience, UNLV. Starr, K., 1993. Sand Tank Modeling of Hydrocarbon Migration Design, Construction, and Testing. Master of Science Thesis. Water Resources, Department of Geoscience, UNLV. b) from Arizona State University Chaganti, S., 1990. Vapor Transport Modeling in Simulated Leaking Un- derground Storage Tank Environ- ments. Master of Science Thesis. De- partment of Civil Engineering, ASU. Johnson, T., 1991. Modeling Diesel Vapor Transport In a Simulated Un- derground Environment. Master of Science Thesis. Department of Civil Engineering, ASU. Instruction/Technology Transfer Conferences, lecture series, training, and workshops where information from this research has been presented include: Superfund University Training Insti- tute (SUTI) - approximately 6 courses, U.S. EPA DNAPL National Workshop Series - 10 courses, U.S. EPA Monitoring Well Design National Se- ries - 10 courses, U.S. EPA Landfills RCRA Subtitle D National and International Series -15 courses, U.S. EPA U.S. Bureau of Land Management Hazardous Waste Training - 5 courses. U.S. BLM Pesticide Managers Training, UC Davis Extension - 5 courses, U.S. EPA National Educational courses - 25 courses, National Ground Water As- sociation and Environmental Educa- tion Enterprises Many National and International Con- ferences Project Conclusions and Recommendations This work supports the contention that vapor monitoring around underground stor- age tanks is beneficial to leak detection efforts. Problems with the even, radially outward propagation of gases can exist. For example, this research has shown that dry materials tend to sorb vapors, and a recalcitrant fraction, resistant to de- sorption, can be formed. Organic materi- als in soils tested did not demonstrate sorptive capacities that would make them effective barriers to vapor migration. Fiber optic probes showed some promise as monitoring devices in varying degrees of vapor saturation. In sand tank models, colorimetric analy- sis of dyes, added to leaked fuels, showed correlation to measured hydrocarbon con- centrations, but the disparity is generally too great between dye color and hydro- carbon concentration to rely on for quanti- tative work in scientific studies. In experi- ments run with air-dried porous material overlying a LNAPL pool floating on a wa- ter table, unexpected isolation of product occurred in situations where the water table was raised. The distribution of en- trapped hydrocarbon was observed to be much more irregular than similar situa- tions where the vadose zone was origi- nally moist. This suggests the potential for unusual hydrocarbon entrapment when the water table rises in conditions where va- por extraction (enhanced volatilization) techniques have been conducted in an overlying vadose zone. This situation may occur with remediation techniques that in- volve the combination of dewatering and vapor extraction. Little is known about the physics of interfacial interactions in soils of varying moisture content, and a recom- mendation from this work is that this be investigated further. Acknowledgments The Principal Investigators, David K. Kreamer and David E. James, would like to extend our appreciation to our students, without whose efforts the research would not be complete. We also extend our grati- tude to the University of Nevada, LV for funding distribution of the research vid- eos. ------- United States Environmental Protection Agency Center for Environmental Research Information (G-72) Cincinnati, OH 45268 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 BULK RATE POSTAGE & FEES PAID EPA PERMIT No. G-35 EPA/600/S-97/004 ------- |