United States
        Environmental Protection
Office of Communications,
Education, and
Media Relations
vvEPA  Catalog of EPA
        Environmental Education
        Materials and Resources


    Catalog  of EPA Environmental
Education Materials and Resources
                U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                 Office of Environmental Education
           Office of Communications, Education, and Media Relations
                   401 M Street, SW (1704)
                    Washington, DC 20460



This document has been funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Contract
68-W4-0004. The document was subjected to the Agency's administrative and expert review and was approved
for publication as an EPA document.  Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.

Background	2

Introduction	3

How to Use the Catalog  	5

Materials by Topic
    Acid  Rain  	,	7
    Air	8
    Children's Health	11
    Community Involvement  	12
    Earth Day	 .13
    Endangered Species	14
    Energy	15
    Environmental Education	15
    Estuaries, Oceans, and Watersheds	19
    General 	22
    Groundwater	25
    Hazardous/Toxic Waste	,	25
    Lead Hazards	26
    Ozone	28
    Pesticides	29
    Pollution Prevention	31
    Radon	33
    Recycling  	33
    Solid Waste	36
    Water	,	37
    Wetlands	42
    Wildlife	\\ '43

Environmental Education Internet Sites	45
How to Order Documents  	. .49

EPA Environmental Education Contacts	,	50

Feedback Form to Submit Materials  	53

Feedback Form to Revise or Remove Materials	54
Index by Title (alphabetical)	55

                                                               The    National   Environmental
                                                               Education  Act of 1990  requires
                                                               the U.S. Environmental Protection
                                                         Agency   (EPA)  to  provide   nationai
                                                         leadership to  increase environmental
                                                         literacy. The goal of the Act is to increase
                                                         public understanding of the challenges
                                                         faced in  protecting the environment and
                                                         to  advance  and develop environmental
                                                         education  and  training.    The Act
                                                         encourages partnerships and builds upon
                                                         long-standing environmental education
                                                         efforts conducted  by federal and state
                                                         agencies, education institutions, not-for-
                                                         profit organizations,  and the  private
                                                         sector.   ERA'S Office of Environmental
                                                         Education (OEE) was  established  to
                                                         advance and support education efforts to
                                                         develop  environmentally conscious and
responsible members of the public and to inspire personal responsibility in caring for the environment. OEE's
goal is to increase public awareness of and knowledge about environmental issues and enhance the skills
needed to make informed and responsible decisions.

OEE established  an Environmental Education Advisory Board to provide guidance about environmental
education and to facilitate communication, collaboration, and consistency throughout the Agency.  The 28-
member Environmental Education Advisory Board comprises representatives of EPA headquarters offices
who implement EPA programs, such as air and radiation, water, solid and hazardous waste, education,  and
environmental justice, as well as staff of EPA regional offices and research laboratories across the country.
The Environmental Education  Advisory  Board  places
emphasis  on  providing  leadership  and  enhancing
communication within EPA, improving  the quality of EPA
educational resources and public access to those resources,
and  supporting  state-level  environmental   education
Visit OEE's World Wide Web site at http://www.epa.gov/
enviroed for  more  information  about EPA's  education
programs and activities.

       This  Catalog of EPA Environmental Education Materials and Resources identifies a portion of the
       environmental education materials developed or funded by EPA at headquarters, the regional offices,
       and research laboratories.  It introduces educators, students, members of the general public, and staff
of EPA to many resources available to them. It provides brief descriptions of educational tools of all types,
including curriculum guides, fact sheets, pamphlets, and resource guides. The educational resources provide
information about a diverse variety of environmental topics, such as clean water, clean air, lead hazards,
pollution  prevention, and recycling.   The catalog  also  describes many documents that  can  be used as
information resources in educational settings to enhance learning experiences,  such as fact sheets on
endangered species or atlases that demonstrate the effects of external influences on specific bodies of water.
Internet addresses are provided for those resources that can be viewed on line.

The appendices present the following  sources of information:
  •   Environmental Education Internet Sites is a list of  EPA Internet sites that provide  information and
      resources for those interested in environmental education
  •   How to Order Documents provides information about ordering the documents listed in the catalog
  •   EPA  Environmental Education  Contacts provides a  list of EPA's environmental  education  regional
      coordinators and contacts at the headquarters office
  •   Feedback Form to Submit Materials explains how to submit materials for inclusion in future versions of
      the catalog; Feedback Form to Revise or Remove Materials explains how to remove or revise materials
  •   Index by Title provides a complete list of the resources in the catalog, sorted alphabetically by title

The catalog is intended to improve public access to EPA's education resources and help educators identify and
select materials appropriate for various audiences.  By making environmental education resource tools, such
as this catalog, available to the public, OEE hopes to realize its goal of increasing public awareness and
knowledge of environmental issues and providing the skills people need to make informed decisions and take
responsible actions.

How the Materials  Were Collected
OEE initiated the collection of environmental education materials from
members of the Environmental Education Advisory  Board and from
EPA regional and  field  offices.   As materials were  submitted  for
inclusion in  the catalog, they were screened to ensure that they:
  •   Provide information about environmental education programs,
      resources, or initiatives
  •   Describe activities for adults or children that promote
      environmental education
  •   Provide  tips on  what citizens  can do  to improve  their
  •   Were developed or funded, in whole or in part, by EPA
  •   Were published since 1990
  •   Include complete and accurate ordering information

How to Submit Materials for the Second Edition of the Catalog

This catalog is not a comprehensive list of all EPA documents or Internet sites on the subject of education. It
is a first edition, containing those materials that were collected through a limited request for information. OEE
hopes that, as the first edition is distributed to EPA offices that have developed other materials, those offices
will submit their materials for inclusion in the next edition.

To ensure that future  versions of the catalog provide information about up-to-date environmental education
materials, OEE will continue to collect materials developed by or funded by EPA. OEE and the Environmental
Education Advisory Board plan to develop future versions of the catalog that will include a more comprehensive
list of materials available in print and electronic formats. If you are a representative of EPA, or are participating
in  a project funded by EPA, and you would like to include your environmental education material in the next
edition of the catalog,  please complete and submit the Feedback Form to Submit Materials on page 53.
How to Obtain Additional Copies of the Catalog

Additional copies of this document can be obtained from:

                   National Center for Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI)
                   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                   P.O. Box 42419
                   Cincinnati, OH 45242-2419
                   Telephone:            1-800-490-9198, or
                   Fax:                  1-513-489-8695
                   Internet E-mail:        http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/

When ordering, refer to document number EPA 171-B-98-003.

OEE will develop an electronic version of the catalog which will be available on OEE's Internet site.

 The main section of the catalog identifies approximately 200 environmental education materials.  Entries are
 grouped  by environmental topic, from acid rain to wildlife, and  are  listed in alphabetical order under each
 environmental topic. The illustration below provides a sample entry and its contents. Each entry includes:
   •   Title
   •   Date published or released
   •   EPA document number, if applicable
   •   Source of the publication
   •   Ordering information
   •   Description
   •   Audience
       (When applicable, materials in languages other
       than English are also identified.)
                                     Title: Acid Rain: A Student's First Sourcebook
                                     Date: July 1990
                                     Document Number: EPA 600-9-90-027a
                                     Source: EPA Office of Research and
                                     Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198
                     or order on line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                     Description: This booklet includes definitions, experiments, and
                     activities designed to help students gain a better understanding of the
                     problem of acid rain and develop a greater interest in the resolution of
                     that problem.
                     Audience: Middle School and High School	
To help you easily locate and identify certain types of resources, you will find an icon identifying the type of
resource beside each entry. Provided below is a key to help you identify the types of resources included:
                                             Clearinghouse       Curriculum Guide       Fact Sheet
Resource Guide
Many documents included in the catalog are public information or outreach materials, rather than documents
that have a strong environmental education component or that provide learning activities. Although not strictly
defined as  environmental education  materials, such  documents may be  useful  to  educators.   They are
identified by this "information only" symbol in the upper left corner:


                Title:  Acid Rain: A Student's First
                Date:  July 1990
                Document Number: EPA 600-9-90-027a
                Source: EPA Office of Research and
 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order
 on line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.htmlor
 view on line at http://www.epa.gov/acidrain/student/
 Description: This booklet includes definitions, experiments,
 and activities designed to help students gain a better
 understanding of the problem of acid rain and develop a
 greater interest in the resolution of that problem.
 Audience:  Middle School and High School

                Title:  Acid Rain Program, Environmental
                Date:  July 1995
                Document Number: EPA430-F-92-015
                Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
 Order Information:  Acid Rain Hotline, 202-564-9620 or view
 on line at http://www.epa.gov/acidrain/ardhome.html
 Description: Topics discussed in this fact sheet include the
 environmental benefits  of acid rain as they relate to surface
 waters; forests; visibility; materials; health; and clean air for
 better life.
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Acid Rain Program — It's Working
                Date:  June 1993
                Document Number: EPA 430-F-92-027
                Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
                Order Information: Acid Rain Hotline,
Description: This pamphlet answers the most commonly
asked questions about EPA's Acid Rain Program.
Audience: Adult
                Title: Acid Rain Program, Overview
                Date: April 1996
                Document Number:  EPA430-F-92-019
                Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
                Order Information:  Acid Rain Hotline,
 202-564-9620 or view on line at http://www.epa.gov/
 acidrain/ardhome. html
 Description: This fact sheet gives an overview of how the
 Acid Rain Program expects to attain environmental and
 public health benefits by reducing the causes of acid rain.
 Audience:  Adult

                Title:  Acid Rain Program: Update No. 1
                Date: September 1994
                Document Number:  EPA430-K-94-012
                Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
                Order Information: Acid Rain Hotline,
 Description: This booklet is a first in a series of reports on
 the progress of the Acid Rain Program. It focuses on
 activities that have been conducted since the 1993
 publication of the Final Core Rules under the  program.
 Regulations related to acid rain are listed, as  are current
 EPA publications on issues related to the subject.
 Audience:  Adult

                Title: Acid Rain Program: Update No. 2
                Date:  July 1995
                Document Number:  EPA430-N-95-012
                Source:  EPA Office of Air and Radiation
                Order Information:  Acid Rain Hotline,
 Description: The focus of this second update is the
 partnership between the public and private sectors to
 protect the environment. It contains articles that explore
several specific areas in which EPA and the private sector
can work together in new ways to reduce the causes of acid
rain, while keeping costs at a minimum. Up-to-date market
and environmental  indicators track the progress of the Acid
Rain Program.
Audience: Adult

            Acid   Rain
               Title: Acid Rain Program:  Update No. 3
               Date: May 1996
               Document Number:  EPA 430-R-96-004
               Source:  EPA Office of Air and Radiation
               Order Information: Acid Rain Hotline,
Description:  This third update of the Acid Rain Program
focuses on innovation and technological advances fostered
by the first national emissions trading program. Emissions
data and publications related to acid rain produced since
the last update are included in this booklet.
Audience:  Adult

               Title: Environmental Benefits of Reducing
               Acid Rain
               Date: June 1993
               Document Number: EPA 430-F-92-026
               Source:  EPA Office of Air and Radiation
Order Information: Acid Rain Hotline, 202-564-9620 or view
on line at http://www.epa.gov/acidrain/ardhome.html
Description:  This pamphlet answers some of the most
commonly asked questions about the environmental
benefits of the Acid Rain  Program.  It provides detailed
answers to nine key questions related to the Acid Rain
Audience:  Adult
               Title: Air Pollution Awareness Internet
               Date:  1996
               Document Number:  Not Provided
               Source:  EPA Region 1
Order Information:  Call Steven Rapp, EPA Region 1,
Description: This one-page resource guide provides the
internet addresses of EPA Region 1 sites that offer
information about issues related to air pollution.
Audience:  All

               Title:  Air Quality Guide
               Date:  August 1997
               Document Number:  Not Provided
               Source:  EPA Region 1
               Order Information:  Air Quality Hotline,
1-800-821-1237 or call Anne Arnold,  EPA Region 1,
Description: This two-sided fact sheet describes the types
of air pollution, along with their effects on weather
conditions and actions recommended to combat such
pollution. It also discusses ground-level ozone.
Audience:  All

               Title:  Environmental Resource Guide:
               Air Quality (Grades  K-2)
               Date: November 1995
               Document Number:  Not Provided
               Source:  Air and Waste Management
Association; EPA Region  4; Tennessee Valley Authority
Order Information:  Air and Waste Management Association,
1-800-275-5851; press 6  for  publications information
Description: This curriculum guide presents basic
information about the science of air quality in a series of
eight activities and eight fact sheets.  Topics include air, acid
rain, and pollution prevention. The publishers of the guide
tested the resource in classroom settings,  ensuring that the
final product is "teacher-friendly" and can be  integrated
easily into existing curricula.
Audience: Elementary School


                Title:  Environmental Resource Guide:
                Air Quality (Grades 3-5)
                Date:  November 1995
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source: Air and Waste Management
Association; EPA Region 4; Tennessee Valley Authority
Order Information:  Air and Waste Management Association,
1-800-275-5851; press 6 for publications information
Description: This curriculum guide presents basic
information about the science of air quality in a series of 19
lessons and 8 fact sheets. Topics include properties of air,
outdoor air pollution, indoor air pollution, and air pollution
control. Its concise format allows teachers to incorporate the
information easily into existing curricula.
Audience: Elementary School

                Title:  Environmental Resource Guide:
                Air Quality (Grades 6-8)
                Date:  November 1995
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source: Air and Waste Management
Association; EPA Region 4; Tennessee Valley Authority
Order Information:  Air and Waste Management Association,
1-800-275-5851; press 6 for publications information
Description: Containing a series of 8 fact sheets and
providing 16 activities, this guide gives teachers information
to help them teach  middle school students about air
pollution. Activities are related to such topics as the
identification of air pollutants, researching the effects of rain
on plants and animals,  monitoring air quality, and
distinguishing between indoor and outdoor air pollution.
Audience: Middle School

                Title:  Implementation Strategy for the
                Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
                Date:  August 1997
               Document Number:  EPA410-K-97-001
               Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description:  This booklet reviews the nation's progress in
controlling air pollution that has reduced pollution levels
 since enactment of the Clean Air Act in the 1970s. It then
 sets forth EPA's schedule for implementation of the 1990
 amendments to the act. Steps in that strategy include the
 adoption of new air quality standards, support for urban
 revitalization, reduction of levels of toxic air pollutants in
 urban areas, and protection of the ozone layer.
 Audience:  Adult

                Title:  Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools
                — Action Kit
                Date:  1995
                Document Number: EPA 402-K-95-001;
                stock no.: 055-000-00563-0
 Source: EPA and multiple education associations
 Order Information: Government Printing Office,
 Description: The  instructional kit provides a videotape, an
 activity wheel, and information and activities organized  as a
 curriculum on indoor air quality.  This tool kit can help
 educators to carry out a practical plan of action  at little or no
 cost, using common-sense activities and in-house staff.
 Audience:  Adult

                Title: Measuring Air Quality
                Date:  February 1994
                Document Number: EPA451-K-94-001
               Source:  EPA Office of Air Quality Planning
               and Standards
 Order Information: EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and
 Standards, 919-541-2777 or view on line at
 Description: This booklet provides information about the
 pollutant standards index, which was developed to provide
 accurate and understandable information about  daily levels
 of air pollution.  It  describes the five air pollutants to which
the index currently applies, including their sources and
effects on human  health, and the levels  of  exposure at
which significant harm to human health occurs.
Audience: Adult

                 Title: National Air Quality Trends
                 Date: January 1998
                 Document Number:  EPA454-R-97-013
                 Source:  EPA Office of Air Quality Planning
                 and Standards
 Order Information:  Environmental Research  Center Library
 at Research Triangle Park, 919-541-2777 or view on line at
 Description: This booklet highlights ERA'S most recent
 analysis of trends in air pollution emissions and air quality
 concentrations. Background information about air quality
 also is presented, along with detailed descriptions of the six
 principal pollutants that affect air quality.
 Audience: Adult

                 Title: The Plain English Guide to the
                 Clean Air Act
                 Date:  April 1993
                 Document Number:  EPA 400-K-93-001
                 Source:  EPA Office of Air and Radiation
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at httptfwww.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This booklet explains the causes of air
 pollution and discusses how the Clean Air Act can reduce
 air pollution and how its effectiveness can be monitored.
 Photos, illustrations, and graphics complement the
 information, along with a glossary, a list of common air
 pollutants, regional pollution information, and a list of
 information contacts.
 Audience: Adult

                 Title:  Project AIRE: Air Information
                 Resources for Education (K-12)
                 Date:  April 1994
                 Document Number:  Not Provided
                 Source:  EPA  Science Planning and
 Regulatory Evaluation
 Order Information:  Call Deborah Miller, EPA, 919-541-5552
 Description: This guide for teachers includes units that
 have been developed to focus the attention of students on
 air pollution issues. The units are designed  to help students
 think more critically and creatively about air  pollution
 problems  and various approaches to their solution. The
                                 package includes eight warm-up exercises and 21  activities,
                                 as well as a set of reading materials, a glossary, a
                                 bibliography, and a contact list of helpful resources.
                                 Audience: Elementary School to High School

                                                 Title: Safe Homes: Indoor Air and Radon
                                                 Date: July  1991
                                                 Document Number: Not Provided
                                                 Source:  EPA Region 1
                                                 Order Information: EPA Region 1,
                                 Description: This fact sheet provides a table of air
                                 pollutants that might be found in the home and their
                                 possible sources and health effects, as well as a list of
                                 steps that can be taken to reduce exposure.
                                 Audience: Adult

                                                 Title: Secondhand Smoke
                                                 Date: July  1993
                                                 Document Number: EPA 402-F-93-004
                                                 Source:  EPA Office of Air and Radiation
                                                 Order Information: EPA Office of Indoor
                                 Air Quality, 1-800-438-4318
                                 Description: This foldout brochure and poster explain the
                                 risks associated with secondhand smoke and suggests
                                 ways to reduce  the risks of passive smoking.
                                 Audience: Adult

                                                 Title: Taking Toxics Out of the Air:
                                                 Progress in Setting "Maximum Achievable
                                                 Control Technology" Standards Under the
                                                 Clean Air Act
                                                 Date:  February 1998
                                 Document Number:  EPA451-K-98-001
                                 Source: EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
                                 Order Information: View on  line at
                                 Description: This booklet defines toxic air pollutants,
                                 discusses their  sources, and reviews their effects on human
                                 health and the environment.  It provides a general
                                 description of EPA's efforts to reduce air toxics and explains
                                 the role of the Agency's maximum achievable control
                                 technology. The booklet then summarizes 24 air toxics


 rules EPA has issued under the Clean Air Act, governing
 such operations as dry cleaners, gasoline distribution
 facilities, aerospace manufacturing, shipbuilding, and
 Audience: Adult

                Title: What You Can Do To Reduce Air
                Date: October 1992
                Document Number: EPA 450-K-92-002
                Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
 Order Information:  EPA NECPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This booklet was prepared to help people
 learn about ways they can reduce air pollution.  The
 information provided includes: sources of outdoor air
 pollution, health effects of air pollution, efforts to fight air
 pollution, and how  individuals can make a difference. The
 booklet also lists additional sources of information.
 Audience: Adult

                Title: Your Car (or Truck) and The
                Date: September 1993
                Document Number: EPA 420-K-93-001
                Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This booklet suggests ways citizens can help
protect the environment through good driving practices,
proper car maintenance, recycling automotive items, and
following manufacturer's  operating recommendations.
Further, it  provides  tips on how to take the environment into
consideration when buying an automobile.
Audience:  Adult
                 Title: Environmental Health Threats to
                 Date: September 1996
                 Document Number:  EPA 175-F-96-001
                 Source:  EPA Office of the Administrator
 Order Information: View on line at
 Description:  The executive summary of this booklet
 describes the importance  of keeping children healthy by
 protecting our environment.  A detailed list of environmental
 health threats is presented to the reader, with particular
 attention paid to the issues of lead poisoning, pesticides,
 asthma, and contaminants in drinking water.  A
 supplemental section examines aspects of the Clinton
 Administration's views and actions taken to protect children
 from environmental health risks are explored. The
 concluding section sets forth EPA's National Agenda for
 protecting children from environmental threats.
 Audience: Adult

                Title: The EPA Children's Environmental
                Health Yearbook
                Date: 1998
                Document Number: EPA 100-R-98-001
                Source:  EPA Office of Children's Health
 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This resource guide is designed to assist
 members of the public and staff of EPA in protecting
 children's health from  environmental hazards. Topics
 covered in the document include asthma and other
 respiratory effects of environmental hazards; childhood
 cancer; developmental and neurological toxicity; health
 effects of pesticides; and potential risks posed by surface
 water and groundwater. Additional chapters describe
 improvements in predicting health risks to children, highlight
 international activities  for the protection of children, and
 identify environmental education programs that address
 issues of children's health.  The resource guide also
 provides ordering instructions, a list of references for
 additional information, a glossary, a list of acronyms  and
 abbreviations used in the document, and a brief description
 of the resources identified in the document.
Audience:  Adult

  Children's  Health
               Title: The EPA Children's Environmental
               Health Yearbook — Executive Summary
               Date: 1998
               Document Number: EPA 100-S-98-002
          	 Source:  ERA Office of Children's Health
 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This booklet was prepared to provide a
 summary of the information in The EPA's Children's
 Environmental Health Yearbook, a comprehensive resource
 guide that identifies resources and tools related to the
 protection of children's health. A brief description of each
 chapter of the yearbook is provided.
 Audience: Adult
                                            Title:  A Citizen's Guide to Achieving a
                                            Healthy Community, Economy and
                                            Date:  1996
                                            Document Number:  Not Provided
                              Source:  The Nature Conservancy, Center for Compatible
                              Economic Development; EPA Office of Sustainable
                              Ecosystems and Communities
                              Order Information:  Nature Conservancy's Center for
                              Compatible Economic Development, 7 East Market Street,
                              Suite 210,  Leesburg, VA, 20175, 703-779-1728
                              Description: The guide is designed to help citizens face the
                              challenge of building a foundation of a healthy local
                              community, economy, and environment. It also features
                              case studies from and  references to other communities in
                              Virginia and South Carolina.  An appendix containing case
                              studies,  a bibliography, and a list of other resources also is
                              Audience:  Adult
                                                                       Title:  Community-Based Environmental
                                                                       Protection: A Resource Book for
                                                                       Protecting Ecosystems and Communities
                                                                       Date:  September 1997
                                                         	 Document Number: EPA 230-B-96-003
                                                         Source:  EPA Office of  Policy, Planning, and Evaluation
                                                         Order Information:  Community-Based Environmental
                                                         Protection Clearinghouse, Office of Sustainable Ecosystems
                                                         and Communities (2184), U.S. EPA, 401 M Street, SW,
                                                         Washington, DC 20460 or by e-mail at
                                                         Description: This resource guide draws on the experiences
                                                         of a number of communities in developing community-based
                                                         environmental programs that conserve or restore habitats
                                                         and solve other environmental problems not specifically
                                                         addressed by traditional regulatory approaches. It provides
                                                         step-by-step guidance  for establishing an organization,
                                                         assessing local ecosystems, and choosing strategies for
                                                         protecting those ecosystems.  The booklet also spotlights
                                                         community success stories and provides a directory of
                                                         organizations and other resources that can help
                                                         communities organize  ecosystem protection efforts or
                                                         provide information to support such efforts.
                                                         Audience: High School to Adult


               Title:  People, Places, and Partnerships:
               A Progress Report on Community-Based
               Environmental Protection
               Date:  July 1997
               Document Number:  EPA 100-R-97-003
Source: EPA Office of the Administrator
Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description:  This booklet reviews ERA's work in partnership
with communities to establish and support community-
based environmental protection efforts. It describes the
purpose of community-based efforts and examines
numerous examples of such  efforts, identifying resources
available to support them.  The booklet also provides a list
of EPA regional coordinators for community-based
environmental protection.
Audience:  Adult

               Title:  Environmental Curriculum:
               A Five-Day Plan
               Date:  April 1993
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source: EPA Office of Public Affairs,
Region 7
Order Information: States within EPA Region 7 [Iowa,
Kansas, Missouri,  and Nebraska] call 1-800-223-0425;
states outside of EPA Region 7 call 913-551-7314
Description:  This curriculum guide is designed to be used
during the school week that precedes Earth Day.  The
material for each of the five days focuses on a particular
aspect of Earth Day.  The subjects suggested for each day
are:  ecosystems and generation of waste streams, change
in global atmosphere and landfills, water resources and
source reduction, acid rain and composting, and Earth Day
and recycling.
Audience:  Middle School and High School
                                                                          Title: The Happy Earth Day
                                                                          Activities Book
                                                                          Date: April 1990
                                                                          Document Number: 905-M-90-002
                                                                          Source: EPA Region 5
                                                           Order Information:  EPA Region 5 Publications, states within
                                                           EPA Region 5 [Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio,
                                                           and Wisconsin] call 1-800-621-8431; states outside of EPA
                                                           Region 5 call 312-886-7935. View on line at
                                                           Description: This activity book describes things that young
                                                           children can do to protect our environment and natural
                                                           resources.  Pictures to color and simple activities help
                                                           emphasize the guidelines explained in the book.
                                                           Audience: Elementary School

                        Endangered  Species
              Below is a list of fact sheets developed by EPA's Office of Pesticides Programs that provide background
              information about endangered species.  Each fact sheet discusses the environmental threat to the
              endangered species and how it is being protected and lists sources of additional information. The fact
              sheets are appropriate for a middle school to adult audience. Contact Mary Powell, EPA Office of
              Pesticides Programs, 703-305-7384, to request copies.
 Amber Darter
 Arizona Cliffrose
 Attwater's Prairie Chicken
 Autumn Buttercup
 Bald Eagle
 Blackside Dace
 Blue Ridge Goldenrod
 Boulder Darter
 Brady Pincushion Cactus
 Bunched Arrowhead
 California Least Tern
 Chapman's Rhododendron
 Clay Phacelia
 Colorado Squawfish
 Conasauga Logperch
 Desert Tortoise
 Houston Toad
 Flat-spired Three-toothed Snail
 Florida Torreya
 Fresno Kangaroo Rat
 Giant Garter Snake
 Humpback Chub
 Interior Least Tern
 Iowa Pleistocene Snail
 Kirtland's Warbler
 Kuenzler Hedgehog Cactus
                           Maguire Primrose
                           Mesa Verde Cactus
                           Miccosukee Gooseberry
                           Minnesota Trout Lily
                           Mississippi Sandhill Crane
                           Navajo Sledge
                           Okaloosa Darter
                           Painted Snake Coiled Forest Snail
                           Peebles Navajo Cactus
                           Persistent Trillium
                           Piping Plover
                           Prairie Bush-clover
                           Sacramento Mountains Thistle
                           Siler Pincushion Cactus
                           Snail Darter
                           Spotfin Chub
                           Tennessee Purple Coneflower
                           Toad-flax Cress
                           Uinta Basin Hookless Cactus
                           Utah Prairie Dog
                           Whooping Crane
                           Wood Stork
                           Woudfin/Virgin River Chub
                           Wyoming Toad

                Title:  Energy Star Buildings and Green
                Lights Update
                Date:  Summer 1997
                Document Number: EPA 430-N-97-008
                Source:  EPA Office of Air and Radiation
Order Information:  Green Lights Hotline,  1-888-782-7937;
http://www.epa.gov/greenlights or http://www.epa.gov/
Description: This booklet, a quarterly publication of the EPA
Energy Star Buildings and Green Lights Program, includes
success stories, a tip of the month feature, and financing
suggestions for schools and universities.  Other articles
provide information about becoming part of the Energy Star
Program and ongoing activities associated with the
Audience: Adult

                Title:  Learn About Lighting With Flossie
                Date:  1995
                Document Number:  EPA 430-K-95-001
                Source: EPA Green Lights Program
                Order Information: EPA Green Lights
Hotline, 1-888-782-7937 or view  on line at
http://www. epa.gov/epahome/epadocs/light.pdf
Description: This activity book, which was developed under
ERA'S Green Lights Program, describes energy-efficient
light bulbs and discusses the benefits of using them. It can
also be used as a coloring book.
Audience: Elementary School

                Title: We're Doing a World of Good!
                Date:  February 1994
                Document Number:  EPA 430-H-94-001
               Source: EPA Green Lights Program
               Order Information: EPA Energy Star
Hotline, 703-934-3829
Description: This poster supports the use of energy-
efficient lighting under EPA's Green Lights Program.
Audience: All
                Title: The ABC's of Environmental
                Date:  1994
                Document Number: EPA 905-K-94-001
                Source:  ERA Region 5
Order Information:  EPA Region 5 Publications, states within
EPA Region 5 [Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio,
and Wisconsin] call 1-800-621-8431; states outside of EPA
Region 5 call 312-886-7935. Order on line at
Description: This booklet describes EPA's environmental
education initiatives and many successful grants funded in
EPA Region 5. The booklet provides contact information on
the national and regional level.
Audience: Adult

                Title: Designing Effective Workshops
                Date: 1994
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  National Consortium for
                Environmental Education and Training; EPA
Order Information:  Kendall/Hunt Publishing  Company,
1-800-228-0810 (ISBN No. 07872-2197); the set of
resources costs $8.95
Description: This introductory lesson for planners of
environmental education workshops will help them provide
successful programs. It discusses how to conduct a needs
assessment; find institutional support; design effective
workshops; build support for instructors into the program;
improve facilitation skills; and identify and apply
measurements of success.
Audience:  Adult

                Title: EE Toolbox: Workshop Resource
                Date: 1993
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source:  National Consortium for
 Environmental Education and Training; EPA
 Order Information:  Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company,
 1-800-228-0810 (ISBN No. 07872-22356); the set of
 resources costs $58.95
 Description: This resource guide consists of nine units,
 all written specifically for people who plan and conduct in-
 service workshops about environmental education.  Units
 include such topics as defining environmental education,
 integrating environmental  education into the school
 curriculum, and urban environmental education. For each
 unit, a booklet provides specific information about the
 subject of the unit.
 Audience: Adult

                Title: Environmental Education at a
                Date: August 1998
                Document  Number: EPA 171-B-98-004
                Source:  National Association of
 Conservation Districts (NACD); the North American
 Association for Environmental Education; and EPA Office of
 Environmental Education
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.htmlor call
 NACD, 1-800-825-5547, ext. 32
 Description: This booklet provides an introduction to
 environmental education initiatives, describing the status of
 environmental education programs and initiatives, and
 identifying available resources. Environmental education
 success stories also are highlighted.
 Audience: Adult

                 Title:  Environmental Education
                 Date:  Not Provided
                 Document Number: Not Provided
 	 Source:  EPA Region 10
 Order Information: States within  EPA Region 10 [Alaska,
 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington] call 1-800-424-4372;
 states outside of EPA Region 10 call 206-553-1200
                                 Description: This service provides environmental education
                                 resource materials (curricula, grants, training, field study
                                 sites) that are available from sources in states within EPA
                                 Region 10.
                                 Audience:  Adult

                                                Title: The Environmental Education
                                                Collection: A Review of Resources for
                                                Educators, Volume 1
                                                Date:  1997
                                                Document Number: EPA 171-B-97-003
                                 Source: North American Association for Environmental
                                 Education; EPA Office of Environmental Education
                                 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                                 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                                 Description: This resource guide includes a list of
                                 educational materials that have been evaluated under
                                 guidelines set forth in the publication Environmental
                                 Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence developed
                                 by the North American Association for Environmental
                                 Education.  Six criteria were applied in the review of the
                                 materials; reviewers' comments addressing each criterion
                                 are provided.  Each listing specifies grade level, describes
                                 the materials and their principal topics, and provides
                                 ordering information.
                                 Audience: Adult

                                                Title:  The Environmental Education
                                                Collection: A Review of Resources for
                                                Educators, Volume 2
                                                Date:  1998
                                                Document Number:  EPA 171-B-98-001
                                 Source: North American Association for Environmental
                                 Education; EPA Office of Environmental Education
                                 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                                 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                                 Description: This resource guide is the second volume of
                                 educational materials that have been evaluated under
                                 guidelines set forth in the publication Environmental
                                 Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence developed
                                 by the North American Association for Environmental
                                 Education. Each listing specifies grade level, describes the
                                 materials and their principal topics, and provides ordering
                                 Audience: Adult


                Title:  The Environmental Education
                Collection: A Review of Resources for
                Educators, Volume 3
                Date:  August 1998
                Document Number:  EPA 171-B-98-005
 Source:  North American Association for Environmental
 Education; EPA Office of Environmental Education
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI,  1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This resource guide is the third volume of
 educational materials that have been evaluated under
 guidelines set forth in the publication Environmental
 Education Materials:  Guidelines for Excellence developed
 by the North American Association for Environmental
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Environmental Education in EPA
                Region 10
                Date:  1997
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source: EPA Office of External Affairs,
 Region 10
 Order Information: States within  EPA Region 10 [Alaska,
 Idaho,  Oregon, and Washington] call 1-800-424-4372;
 states  outside of EPA Region 10 call 206-553-1200
 Description: This two-page fact sheet describes the various
 environmental education programs, projects, and
 partnerships in which EPA's Region 10 is  involved.
 Information also is provided about obtaining various
 resources available for use by teachers and educators.
 Audience: Middle School to Adult

                Title: Environmental Education Materials:
                Guidelines for Excellence
                Date: 1996
                Document Number:  EPA 171-B-96-003
                Source: North American Association for
 Environmental Education; EPA Office  of Environmental
Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description:  The booklet provides environmental education
guidelines to assist educators in developing  activity guides,
 lesson plans, and other instructional materials. The
 guidelines provide educators with a tool for evaluating
 environmental education materials. Six key characteristics
 of high quality environmental education are defined;
 guidelines and indicators also are described for each
 characteristic. The indicators suggest ways to determine
 whether materials being evaluated or developed conform to
 the guidelines.
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Environmental Education Resource
                Date:  September 1995
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  EPA Region 8
 Order Information: States within EPA Region 8 [Colorado,
 Montana,  North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming]
 call 1-800-227-8917 ext. 1123; states outside EPA Region 8
 call 303-312-6312
 Description: This 20-page document is an extensive list of
 environmental education materials, with the title, year
 published, type of material, and audience of each resource
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Environmental Education Services in
                Region 6
                Date:  Fall 1996
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source: EPA Environmental Education
 Office, Region 6
 Order Information: EPA Region 6, 214-665-2200
 Description:  This pamphlet presents brief histories of a
 number of environmental education programs and activities
 in Region 6: funding of environmental education grants;
 provision of various types of materials to teachers;
 involvement in environmental education conferences; and
 awards and special programs promoted and sponsored.
The pamphlet closes with a look at the future that includes
a "kid's home page."
Audience:  Adult

                    Environmental  Education
               Title: Environmental Education —
               Technical Information Packages (EE -
               TIPS) Resource Materials to Support Your
               Environmental Education Efforts
               Date: 1996
 Document Number: EPA 171-B-98-002
 Source:  North American Association for Environmental
 Education; EPA Office of Environmental Education
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This resource guide identifies educational
 materials that can be used in a variety of settings. The
 materials supplement educational activities in biology,
 reading, geography, and many other subjects.  They also
 can be used as the basis for specific conservation
 education programs on soil erosion, water pollution,
 conservation of biological diversity, and other environmental
 issues. Each listing includes a description, provides
 information about cost, intended audience, and specifies
 ordering information.
 Audience:  Adult

               Title: EPA Journal:  Looking Ahead at
                Environmental Education
               Date: Spring 1995
               Document Number:  EPA 175-N-95-003
               Source:  EPA Office  of Communications,
 Education, and Media Relations
 Order information:  View on line at
 Description:  This EPA Journal includes a variety of articles,
 16 in all, about environmental education and its importance
 to students, teachers, and the general public.  Each of the
 articles presents a unique perspective on environmental
 education and stresses its importance as the next century
 Audience:  Adult
                                             Title:  Getting Started: A Guide to
                                             Bringing Environmental Education Into
                                             Your Classroom
                                             Date:  1994
                                             Document Number:  EPA 171-B-94-002
                               Source:  NCEET; NEETF; EPA; AMWAY
                               Order Information: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company,
                               1-800-228-0810; $15.95
                               Description: This resource guide is a collection of stories
                               about teachers who have initiated innovative environmental
                               programs in their classrooms and schools.  It provides
                               information about educational materials and resources,
                               funding, environmental education workshops and in-service
                               opportunities, and contact information for other educators
                               who are interested in environmental education.
                               Audience: Adult

                                             Title:  Guide to Environmental Education
                                             Date: January  1996
                                             Document Number:  Not Provided
                                             Source: EPA Region 1
                               Order Information: EPA Environmental  Education  Program,
                               Region 1,617-565-9447
                               Description: This  resource guide provides helpful
                               information about  resources in the following categories:
                               directory of contacts in the New  England states, national
                               and regional environmental education programs, and
                               selected instructional materials in environmental education
                               for all grades.  Each listing briefly describes the resource
                               and provides the telephone number and address of the
                               publishing organization.
                               Audience: Adult

                                             Title: The National Report Card on
                                              Environmental  Knowledge, Attitudes and
                                              Date: November 1997
                               	 Document Number: EPA 171-R-97-001
                               Source: National  Environmental Education and Training
                               Foundation; EPA Office of Environmental Education
                               Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                               line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                               Description: This booklet, based on the Sixth  Annual

 Survey of Adult Americans, reports the opinions of
 Americans about the environment. Areas assessed include
 the individual's actual knowledge about the environment, as
 well as environmental behaviors in relation to attitudes,
 knowledge, and activities.  The information, supplemented
 by graphs and tables, is grouped by specific subject.
 Audience:  High School and Adult

                Title: The President's Environmental Youth
                Awards (Application)
                Date:  1996
                Document Number:  EPA 171-F-96-001
                Source:  EPA Office of Communications,
 Education, and Media Relations
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.htmlor view
 on line at http://www.epa.gov/enviroed/awards.html
 Description: This pamphlet includes the application for the
 President's Environmental Youth Awards.  To be eligible for
 the award,  a young person, or a group of young people,
 must have completed an environmental project while in
 elementary, junior high, or high school grades. Further, the
 project must have been sponsored by at least one adult
 representative of the school, camp, youth group, or public
 interest group.
 Audience:  Elementary School to High School

               Title: Report Assessing Environmental
               Education in the United States and the
               Implementation of the National
               Environmental Education Act of 1990
               Date: January 1998
 Document Number:  EPA 171-R-96-001
 Source: EPA Office of Environmental Education
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at  http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: The booklet, which was submitted to Congress
 as mandated  by the National Environmental Education Act
 of 1990, describes the status of environmental education  in
the United States, describes how the act has been
 implemented, and provides recommendations for action.
Also included are references, points of contact, and a report
of the results of a survey of the status of environmental
education programs at the state level.
Audience: Adult
                Title:  The Beach and Your Coastal
                Date:  April 1998
                Document Number: EPA842-F-98-010
                Source: EPA Office of Water
 Order Information:  EPA Oceans and Coastal Protection
 Division, (202)260-1952
 Description: This pamphlet describes the various types of
 beaches in the United States, including the familiar ocean
 shores, estuarine beaches, and freshwater lake fronts and
 river fronts.  It discusses beaches as habitats, as well as
 recreational resources and buffers protecting land areas
 from the effects of storm systems. The pamphlet also
 describes the harmful effects that human use, marine
 debris, excessive nutrients, pathogens, and land
 development can have on beaches.  The pamphlet
 describes the actions EPA is taking to protect beaches  and
 to restore those damaged by erosion and suggests actions
 individuals can take to support such efforts. Visit EPA's
 WWW site at http://www.epa.gov/OST/beaches for
 information related to EPA's BEACH program.
 Audience: High School to Adult

                Title: Coral Reefs: An English/ Spanish
                Compilation of Activities for Middle School
                Date: November 1997
                Document Number:  EPA 160-B-97-900A;
 EPA 160-B097-900B (Spanish)
 Source: EPA Office of International Activities; the U.S.
 Department of State; Institute of Marine Sciences; University
 of Southern Mississippi; and the University of Puerto Rico
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description:  This curriculum guide provides teachers of
 elementary and middle school with exercises and projects
 on coral reefs that can be integrated into all learning
 disciplines. Some of the activities are simple and can be
 quickly conducted while others will require more extensive
 preparation.  The draft guide in English was released in
 November 1997.  Additional sources of information  and  a list
 of resources also are included.
Audience: Elementary School and Middle School
 (Available in Spanish)

     Estuaries,  Oceans,   and  Watersheds
                   Title: Coral Reefs and Your Coastal
                   Date: July 1998
                   Document Number:  EPA 842-F-98-
     Source: EPA Office of Water
     Order Information:  EPA Oceans and Coastal Protection
     Division, (202) 260-1952
     Description: This pamphlet describes coral reef
     ecosystems and the role they play in the environment.
     It discusses the effects on those ecosystems of natural
     disturbances, such as those caused by hurricanes;
     disturbances caused by human activities, such as near-
     shore land development; and pollution. The pamphlet
     then describes the actions EPA is taking to protect
     coral reefs, including the International Coral Reef
     Initiative that includes more than 90 member countries,
     and suggests actions individuals can take to protect
     coral reefs. View EPA's WWW site at http://www.epa.
     gov/OWOW/oceans/coraltof additional information.
     Audience: High School to Adult

                   Title: Estuaries  and Your Coastal
                   Date: July 1998
                   Document Number: EPA 842-F-98-
     Source: EPA Office of Water
     Order Information:  EPA Oceans and Coastal Protection
     Division, (202) 260-1952
     Description:  This pamphlet explains what an estuary is
     and describes the  role of those water bodies in the
     environment.  It then discusses the harmful effects that
     human activities, excessive nutrients, pathogens, and
     alteration of habitats can have on  estuaries. The
     pamphlet discusses the actions EPA is taking to protect
     estuaries and suggests actions individuals can take,
     such as refraining  from dumping household, gardening,
     or automotive wastes into storm drains and recycling
     motor oil, paints, and other hazardous materials
     properly. View EPA's WWW site at http://www.epa.gov
     /OWOW/estuaries/neptor additional information.
     Audience: High School to Adult
                                            Title: Our Ocean Future
                                            Date: May 1998
                                            Document Number:  Not Provided
                                            Source: The H. John Heinz III Center
                                            for Science, Economics and the
                              Environment; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                              Administration (NOAA); U.S. Department of Energy;
                              EPA; and the U.S. Geological Survey
                              Order Information:  Office of the Chief Scientist,
                              National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                              (NOAA), 14th Street and Constitution Avenue,  N.W.,
                              Washington, DC 20230,  202-482-3385 or view on line
                              at http://www.heinzctr.org
                              Description:  This booklet discusses the need to
                              improve the balance between the nation's use  of
                              oceans and coasts and the need to conserve those
                              resources. Topics explored include the needs to
                              manage coastal areas for economic and environmental
                              prosperity, to protect and restore fisheries and other
                              marine resources, and to advance and apply ocean
                              science and technology. The booklet provides lists of
                              key questions and answers related to each of those
                              topics, as well as lists of references that can be used to
                              guide further exploration of related issues.
                              Audience:  Adult

                                            Title: Streamwalk Manual
                                            Date:  July 1994
                                            Document Number: EPA 10-B-4-002
                                            Source: EPA Region  10
                                            Order Information: States within EPA
                              Region 10 [Alaska,  Idaho, Oregon, and Washington]
                              call 1-800-424-4372; states outside of EPA Region 10
                              call 206-553-1200
                              Description: This booklet provides information and
                              environmental exercises for users to try when  visiting a
                              stream or river.  It also includes data collection
                              worksheets that can be returned to local environmental
                              organizations for use in analyzing trends and making
                              comparisons among regions.
                              Audience:  Middle School to Adult


                Title: Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A
                Methods Manual
                Date: December 1993
                Document Number:  EPA 842-B-93-004
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description: This booklet presents information and
methodologies specific to estuarine water quality.  The focus
of the manual is the identification of those parameters of
water quality that are most important in determining an
estuary's water quality. Also discussed is the significance of
each parameter and the specific methods used to monitor it,
including proper quality assurance and quality control
Audience: Adult

                Title: Year of the Ocean
                Date: 1998
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source: The H. John Heinz III Center for
                Science, Economics and the Environment;
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA); U.S. Department of Energy; EPA; and the U.S.
Geological Survey
Order Information:  NOAA, 1-888-496-8698
Description: This colorful poster promotes the International
Year of the Ocean by illustrating the marine species that
occupy various ocean habitats, from reefs to polar waters.
It is accompanied by a booklet that discusses the  issues
that affect the world's oceans and provides a numbered key
that identifies the species depicted in the poster.
Audience: All
               Title: Your Coastal Watershed
               Date: April 1998
               Document Number:  EPA 842-F-98-006
               Source: EPA Office of Water
               Order Information:  EPA Ocean and
Coastal Protection Division, (202) 260-1952
Description: This pamphlet describes coastal watersheds,
including upstream areas; estuaries; beaches; near-shore
waters; and offshore habitats, such as coral reefs. It
discusses the harmful effects on watersheds of such
pollutants as excess nutrients, soil, and toxic substances,
and pathogens. The pamphlet outlines the actions EPA is
taking to protect coastal watersheds and suggests actions
people can  take to assist in those efforts.  Also included is a
useful "what you can do" section. View EPA's WWW site at
httptfwww.epa.gov/OWOW/oceans/coralfor additional
Audience: High School to Adult

                Title:  Catalog of Office of Pesticides
                Programs (OPP) Publications and Other
                Information Media
                Date:  June 1995
                Document Number: EPA 730-B-95-001
 Source: EPA Office of  Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic
 Order Information: Call Delphine Coleman, EPA Office of
 Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, 703-305-5692
 or view on line at http://www.epa.gov/oppfead1/Publications/
 Description:  This guide provides listings, categorized by the
 type of item, of the publications and other information
 products available to the public from ERA'S Office of
 Pesticide Programs (OPP). Most documents listed are of a
 highly technical nature. The guide also provides ordering
 Instructions, a  list of acronyms used in the publication, and
 a brief description of the various types of documents listed.
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  The Earth Generation
                Date:  1994
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  Motorola; The National Audubon
                Society, Inc.; The Earth Generation,  Inc.;
 and EPA Region 4
 Order Information: Contact the Earth Generation Inc.,
 1-800-221-1663 for information about requesting copies of
 the guide
 Description: This curriculum guide focuses on
 environmental issues in Florida. This guide, which includes
 several recommended  classroom activities, covers a wide
 spectrum of subject areas, ranging from water resources to
 solid waste reduction.  Other sections include letter writing
 tips and a list of career opportunities in the environmental
 Audience: Middle School
                                               Title:  Earth Trek... Explore Your
                                               Date:  June 1995
                                               Document Number:  Not Provided
                                               Source: EPA Office of Communications,
                                Education, and Media Relations; Region 2
                                Order Information: EPA Region 2, 212-637-3674
                                Description:  The five chapters of this booklet cover air;
                                water; land; use of pesticides; and use of toxic substances.
                                Each chapter suggests activities and experiments for
                                students to carry out in the classroom.  The booklet has two
                                appendices,  one that discusses EPA and environmental
                                laws and a second that provides a glossary of terms.
                                Audience: Middle School and High School
                                (Available in Spanish)

                                               Title:  Environmental Agriculture and
                                               Date:  May 1995
                                               Document Number: Not Provided
                                               Source: EPA Region 4
                                Order Information: EPA Region 4 Public Affairs,
                                Description:  The curriculum guide is designed to assist
                                students in developing a knowledge of ecology, air, energy,
                                soil, water conservation, and an understanding about how
                                to best manage hazardous materials and natural resources.
                                The study of water quality, water  run off, soil erosion
                                conservation, chemicals, and  other controls of agricultural
                                pollutants are included in the course. The purpose of the
                                course is to  help students contribute to the environment and
                                to recognize the relationship between ecology,
                                conservation, management, agriculture, and related career
                                Audience: High School

                                                Title:  Environmental Results Based
                                                Date: December 1996
                                                Document Number: EPA 903-R-011
                                                Source:  EPA Region 3
                                Order Information: EPA Region 3 Publications,

 Description: This report is the first volume of a two-volume
 study of how EPA's Region 3 collects, analyzes, and uses
 data to make decisions. It presents an overview of the
 techniques that have been developed to improve the quality
 of decisions and the data that support them. Using
 graphics, charts, and maps, the report discusses specific
 locations, case studies, and issues of concern and the tools
 and actions EPA uses to address environmental problems.
 Audience:  High School and Adult

                Title:  Guide to Environmental Issues
                Date:  October 1995
                Document Number:  EPA 520-B-94-001
                Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and
                Emergency Response
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.htmlor view
 on  line at http://www.epa.gov/epadocs/index.html
 Description: This booklet covers a host of topics, including
 pollution prevention, air and radiation, surface and
 groundwater, pesticides, hazardous and solid waste, and
 public health and community safety. The booklet is aimed
 toward community members who are interested in what
 they can do to make a difference in the environment.  It
 provides a glossary of terms and acronyms and lists of
 major environmental laws, government agencies, and
 telephone numbers of various offices of EPA.
 Audience: High School and Adult
                Title:  Our Mid-Atlantic Environment:
                25 Years of Progress
                Date:  December 1995
                Document Number:  EPA903-R-95-017
                Source: EPA Region 3
 Order Information:  EPA Region 3 Publications,
 Description: This report was written to help citizens
 understand trends and  interconnections related to the
 environmental health of the Mid-Atlantic region. In addition
 to sharing successes achieved by EPA's Region 3, the
 report assesses the work that remains to be done to
 improve and preserve our natural resources. Such topics as
 air quality, water quality, waste management, and pollution
 prevention  are discussed and illustrated with graphs, charts,
 and maps.
 Audience:  High School and Adult

               Title:  Quick Guide to Public Information
               Collection (PIC) for EPA-New England
               Date:  November 1994
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source: EPA Region 1
 Order Information:  PIC Library, 617-565-3300
 Description: This guide provides instructions for use of the
 PIC database. Attached to the instructions is a printout of all
 publications available from the library.
 Audience: All
                Title: Mid-Atlantic States:  State of the
                Environment 1997
                Date: April 1998
                Document Number:  EPA 903-R-98-010
                Source: EPA Region 3
Order Information: Call Betty Ringkamp, EPA Region 3,
Description: This booklet describes the current state of the
environment in the mid-Atlantic states, Delaware, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as the
District of Columbia, which are home to 10 percent of the
nation's population.  It provides a brief review of the
environmental challenges the region faces and describes its
various environments. Efforts underway to protect and
improve the environment of the region also are reviewed.
Audience:  High School to Adult
                Title: Regional Approaches to Improving
                Air Quality
                Date: May 1997
                Document Number:  EPA 451-K-97-001
                Source:  EPA Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description: This booklet describes a number of air
pollutants of concern in various regions of the United
States. Topics covered are ground-level ozone, particulate
matter, acid rain, and toxic air pollutants. The booklet also
provides brief reviews of a number of regional efforts to
address air pollution and lists sources of information about
such issues.
Audience: Adult

                Title: The State of New England
                Date: 1995
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  EPA Region 1
 Order Information:  EPA Region 1, 617-565-3300
 Description: This booklet is the first annual report from
 EPA's Region 1 and provides residents of the region an
 update on EPA's activities and the progress EPA has made
 In preserving and protecting the environment. Graphics and
 sidebars illustrate and discuss specific cases and present
 the future goals of  EPA in Region 1.
 Audience: Adult

                Title: State of the New England
                Environment 1996
                Date: August 1996
                Document Number: EPA901-R-96-001
                Source:  EPA Region 1
 Order Information:  EPA Region 1, 617-565-3300
 Description: This booklet is the second annual  report from
 EPA's Region 1 and provides residents of the region an
 update on EPA's activities and the progress EPA has made
 in preserving and protecting the environment. Graphics and
 sidebars illustrate and discuss specific cases and present
 the future goals of EPA in Region 1.
 Audience: Adult
                               Kentucky in the areas of water resources, air quality,
                               hazardous and solid wastes, natural resources, toxics, coal
                               mining, and energy use. The chapters and the
                               accompanying activities cover statewide, regional, and local
                               issues addressed in the report. Each chapter includes a
                               teacher's introduction, activity worksheets, and additional
                               Audience: Middle School and High School

                                              Title: Terms of Environment: Glossary,
                                              Abbreviation, and Acronyms
                                              Date: December 1997
                                              Document Number:  EPA 175-B-97-001
                                              Source: EPA Office of Communications,
                               Education, and Public Affairs
                               Order Information: View on line at http://www.epa.gov/
                               Description: This booklet provides a comprehensive
                               glossary of environmental terms, defining those terms in a
                               manner that can help individuals who are not environmental
                               professionals understand their significance. It also provides
                               a list of acronyms and abbreviations often used in
                               documents related to the protection of the environment.
                               Audience: High School to Adult
                Title:  Teacher's Guide to Kentucky's
                Date:  1993
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source: The Kentucky Environmental
 Quality Commission; EPA
 Order Information: Call Scott Richards, Kentucky
 Environmental Quality Commission, 502-564-2150 or view
 on line at http://www.state.ky.us/agencies/eqc/eqc.html
 Description: This curriculum guide, a companion to the
 "State of Kentucky's Environment: A Report of Progress
 and Problems," suggests activities that will give students the
 opportunity to learn about current environmental issues in

               Title: That Magnificent Ground Water
               Connection, A Resource Book
               For Grades K-6
               Date: August 1996
               Document Number:  Not Provided
Source:  New England Interstate Water Pollution Control
Commission (NEIWPPC); EPA Region 1
Order Information:  NEIWPPC, 2 Fort Road, South Portland
ME 04106, 207-767-2539
Description:  This teacher's curriculum guide is organized
by the type of activity and the grades (K-6) in which it might
be most effective. The guide provides activities related to
groundwater that are applicable across a wide range of
subject matter.  The material, which has been adapted to
New England, gives students the opportunity to think,
experiment, and practice decision making.  The stand-alone
activities, organized according to section themes, require
only readily available materials.  Each guide also provides a
list of groundwater education resources and a glossary.
Audience: Elementary School
               Title:  Hazardous Waste:  Cleanup and
               Date:  Not Provided
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source: U.S. Department of the Interior;
U.S. Geological Survey; EPA
Order Information: U.S. Geological Survey, Public
Information Services, Box 25286, Denver Federal Center,
Denver, CO 80225,1-800-435-7627
Description: The posters, available in color and black and
white, illustrate, through a picture of a town, where
hazardous wastes exist and where and how cleanup can
take place.  On the reverse, the poster provides information
about the movement of hazardous waste through the
environment and describes activities that can be conducted
in the classroom.
Audience:  Elementary  School and Middle School

               Title:  HAZ-ED Classroom Activities for
               Understanding Hazardous Waste
               Date:  April 1996
               Document Number:  EPA 540-K-95-005
               Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order
on line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.htmlor
view on line at http://www.epa.gov/superfund/oerr/cio/
products/ hazed/index.html
Description: The units in the guide are  designed to fulfill
four primary instructional goals. Each unit is hands-on and
interactive, giving students practice in collecting, analyzing,
and interpreting data in experiments that illustrate the
effects of hazardous waste pollution; clarifying value
systems that affect how we perceive and treat the
environment; analyzing  how economics, law, politics,
technology,  and other factors contribute to hazardous waste
pollution; and assessing alternatives for resolving
hazardous waste pollution problems.
Audience: Middle School and  High School

        Toxic  Waste
                                   Lead  Hazards
               Title:  Household Hazardous Waste —
               Steps to Safe Management
               Date:  April 1993
               Document Number: EPA 530-F-92-031
               Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and
 Emergency Response
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This pamphlet identifies materials that are
 considered hazardous wastes and describes methods to
 reduce the amounts of such materials.  It also discusses
 proper storage and disposal of the materials. The brochure
 includes a list of reference materials.
 Audience: Adult

               Title:  Kidswheel on Hazardous Household
               Date:  1992
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source:  Environmental Hazards
 Management Institute;  EPA Region 2
 Order Information:  EPA Region 2,212-637-3674
 Description: This activity wheel examines household
 hazards posed by paints and arts and craft supplies as well
 as the issues of pests and the hazards posed by household
 Audience: Elementary School
                                          Title: Caution! Lead Poisoning and Your
                                          Date: September 1992
                                          Document Number: Not Provided
                                          Source:  EPA Region 10
                             Order Information: National Lead Information Center,
                             1-800-532-3394 or 1-800-424-5323
                             Description: This bilingual fact sheet in English and
                             Spanish provides information about how to become more
                             aware of lead poisoning and how to protect children from
                             exposure to lead.  In addition to these helpful hints, a
                             contact number is provided in case the reader has
                             additional questions. The fact sheet is designed for posting
                             on bulletin boards.
                             Audience: Adult (Available in Spanish)

                                          Title: Healthy Beginnings:  Lead Safe
                                          Families (Beginner's Version) — English as
                                          a Second Language
                                          Date:  1996
                                          Document Number:  Not Provided
                             Source: Education Development Center, Inc.; EPA Region 1
                             Order Information: Call Alice Kaufmann, EPA Region 1,
                             Description: The purpose of this guide is two-fold. First, it
                             is designed to help adults understand that their children
                             may be at risk for lead poisoning and the simple steps
                             parents can take to prevent lead poisoning among their
                             children. Second, the booklet helps teachers of English as a
                             second language (ESL) encourage use of English when
                             they present information about the potential for lead
                             poisoning in everyday situations.
                             Audience: Adult

                Title:  Healthy Beginnings:  Lead Safe
                Families (Advanced Version) — English as
                a Second Language
                Date:  1996
                Document Number: Not Provided
 Source:  Education Development Center, Inc.; EPA Region 1
 Order Information:  Call Alice Kaufmann, EPA Region 1,
 Description: This packet provides glossaries in the following
 languages:  English, Chinese, Haitian-Creole, Khmer,
 Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
 The glossaries are companion pieces to the Healthy
 Beginnings Teacher's Guide.  They also contain original
 activity guides that can be photocopied to be used in the
 classroom. The activity guides are on such subjects as
 avoiding the dangers in dirt, going to the doctor, and making
 water safe to drink.
 Audience: Elementary School (Available in Chinese,
 Haitian-Creole, Khmer, Polish, Portuguese, Russian,
 Spanish, and Vietnamese)

                Title: Lead In Your Drinking Water
                Date: June 1993
                Document Number:  EPA810-F-93-001
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
                Order Information:  EPA NCEPl,
 1-800-490-9198 or order on line at http://www.epa.gov/
 Description:  This fact sheet describes the health threats
 posed by lead  in  drinking water and actions that can be
 taken to reduce the presence of lead. It answers common
 questions about addressing threats posed by lead
 contamination. The fact sheet provides  a glossary, along
 with details on  sources of more information about lead and
 water quality.
 Audience: High School and Adult

               Title:  Lead in Your Home: A Parent's
               Reference Guide
               Date:  June 1998
               Document Number: EPA 747-B-98-002
               Source: EPA Office of  Prevention,
 Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
Order Information: National Lead Information Center,
 1-800-532-3394, or 1-800-424-5323
 Description: This illustrated booklet is intended to heighten
 awareness about the prevention of lead poisoning.  It
 discusses sources of lead hazards and describes how
 parents can reduce the risk of lead  exposure in the home.
 It suggests routine cleaning and maintenance measures
 that can help reduce risks associated with lead dust.  Each
 chapter begins with a list of "quick tips" designed to help
 parents protect their children from exposure. The booklet
 also provides an extensive list of resources and a glossary
 of terms.
 Audience: Adult

                Title: Lead Poisoning and Your Children
                Date: September 1992
                Document Number: EPA 800-B-92-0002
                Source:  EPA Office of Prevention,
                Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
 Order Information:  National Lead Information Center,
 Description: The sources and dangers of lead poisoning
 are discussed in this pamphlet/foldout poster intended for
 parents.  Guidelines for reducing the risk of lead poisoning
 and sources of additional information are included.
 Audience: Adult

               Title:  Protect Your  Family From Lead in
               Your Home
               Date:  May 1995
               Document Number:  EPA 747-K-94-001
               Source:  U.S. Consumer Product Safety
 Commission; EPA; U.S. Department  of Housing and Urban
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPl, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description:  This booklet explains the dangers and sources
 of lead exposure in the home. Tips for prevention and
 reduction of exposure are included, as well as lists of
contacts for additional information and resources.
Audience: Adult

                Title: Action Steps for Sun Protection
                Date: January 1995
                Document Number: EPA 430-F-95-002
                Source:  EPA Office of Air and Radiation
                Order Information:  Stratospheric Ozone
 Information Hotline, 1-800-296-1996 or EPA NCEPI,
 1-800-490-9198 or order on line at http://www.epa.gov/
 Description: This fact sheet lists ways to be "sun wise." It
 explains how to interpret the ultra violet (UV) index and
 provides a diagram that lists the levels of the UV index and
 describes the degree of exposure each represents.
 Audience: Middle School to Adult

                Title: Auto Air Conditioners and the Ozone
                Layer: A Consumer's Guide
                Date: May 1994
                Document Number:  EPA 430-F-94-009
                Source:  ERA Office of Air and Radiation
 Order Information:  Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline,
 1-800-296-1996, EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at httpj/www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description:  This pamphlet was designed to inform the
 owner or prospective owner of an air conditioned car or
 truck of its effects on the environment.  It describes how
 efforts to protect the ozone layer will affect the owner and
 the vehicle, both now and in the future.
 Audience:  Adult

                Title: Be Safe in the Sun! The SunWise
                School Program
                Date: April 1998
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
 Order Information: Call Maura Cantor, EPA SunWise School
 Program, 202-564-9096 or Kevin Rosseel, EPA SunWise
 School Program, 202-564-9731
 Description:  This pamphlet describes the SunWise School
 Program that works through the nation's schools to involve
 teachers, parents, health professionals, environmental
 groups, educational organizations, and other groups in
 helping children learn how to protect themselves from
                                overexposure to the sun. It briefly describes resource
                                materials available to participating schools and provides
                                contact information about the program. Visit EPA's WWW
                                site at http://www.epa.gov/sunwisetor additional information
                                about EPA's SunWise program.
                                Audience: All

                                               Title: Health Effects of Overexposure to
                                               the Sun
                                               Date: January 1995
                                               Document Number: EPA 430-F-95-003
                                               Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
                                Order Information: Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline,
                                Description: This fact sheet describes the forms of skin
                                cancer that can result from overexposure to the sun.  In
                                addition, the fact sheet lists categories of exposure to the
                                sun and the ultra violet (UV) index values of the various
                                Audience:  High School and Adult

                                               Title: On the Trail of the Missing Ozone
                                               Date: April 1993
                                               Document Number:  EPA 909-K-93-001
                                               Source: National Oceanic and
                                               Atmospheric Administration; EPA Region 9
                                Order Information: View on line at http://www.epa.gov/
                                epadocs/index.html or at http://www.epa.gov/kids/
                                Description:  This document presents, in comic book format,
                                information about ozone depletion and the dangers
                                associated with the changes occurring in our atmosphere.
                                The main character, a newspaper reporter, talks with a
                                variety of experts to gather information about changes that
                                are being undertaken to protect against thinning of the
                                ozone layer.
                                Audience: Middle School to Adult

                Title:  Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby
                Date:  January 1997
                Document Number: EPA451-K-97-002
                Source:  EPA Office of Air Quality Planning
                and Standards
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description: This newsletter-style pamphlet discusses the
problems associated with ground-level and high-altitude
ozone, as well as the actions being taken to address those
problems. The pamphlet also suggests steps people can
take to fight air pollution and lists additional sources of
Audience: Middle School to Adult

                Title:  Protecting the Ozone Layer — A
                Checklist for Citizen Action
                Date:  April 1994
                Document Number: EPA 430-F-94-007
                Source:  EPA Office of Air and Radiation
Order Information:  Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline,
1-800-296-1996, EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description: This pamphlet provides a check list of actions
individuals can take to protect the ozone layer.  It also
provides discussions of depletion of the ozone layer and the
provisions of the Clean Air Act.
Audience: Adult

                Title:  Underhood Tips to Help You Keep
                Your Cool, Servicing Vehicle Air-
                Conditioning  Systems During the CFC
                Date:  June 1995
Document Number:  EPA 430-F-95-092
Source: EPA Office of Air and Radiation
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description: This pamphlet provides tips for car owners
about maintaining a vehicle's air conditioning system in
good condition to minimize its  effects on the depletion of the
ozone layer.
Audience: Adult
                Title: Citizen's Guide to Pest Control and
                Pesticide Safety
                Date: September 1995
                Document Number: EPA 730-K-95-001
                Source:  EPA Office of Prevention,
Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html or view
on line at http://www.epa.gov/OPPTpubs/CiLGuide/
Description: The purpose of this booklet is to help
consumers protect themselves against pests and use
pesticides safely.  It discusses the basics of pests, pest
control,  and pesticides; preventing pests; using non-
chemical pest controls; using chemical pest controls; and
reducing exposure when others use pesticides. The booklet
also explores the risk of poisoning by pesticides, discusses
ways to protect children from poisoning, and explains how
to handle a pesticide emergency.
Audience: High School and Adult

                Title: EPA's Pesticide Program
                Date: May 1991
                Document Number:  EPA21T-1005
                Source: EPA Office of Prevention,
                Pesticides and Toxic Substances
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI,  1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description: This booklet introduces readers to EPA's
pesticide programs. It first discusses the registration of
pesticides and food safety; descriptions of other pesticide
programs follow.  The appendices provide a  glossary of
technical terms, a list of materials for further reading and
reference, and the addresses and telephone numbers of
pesticide program contacts at EPA headquarters and the 10
regional EPA offices.
Audience: Adult

                Title: Healthy Lawn, Healthy Environment
                Date: June 1992
                Document Number: EPA 700-K-92-005
                Source: EPA Office of Prevention,
                Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
 Order Information:  National Pesticides Telecommunications
 Network, 1-800-858-7378, EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or
 order on line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 or view on line at http://www.epa.gov/oppfead1/Publications/
 Description: This booklet suggests six steps in developing
 a preventive health care program for one's lawn. In
 addition, it provides information about integrated pest
 management, tips and basic rules for using pesticides,
 suggestions for choosing a lawn care service, and contact
 information for answers to questions or additional
 Audience:  Middle School to Adult

                Title: Pest Control in the School
                Environment: Adopting Integrated Pest
                Date: August 1993
                Document Number: EPA 735-F-93-012
 Source: EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at httptfwww.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This booklet is designed to encourage and
 assist school officials in examining and improving their pest
 management practices. It identifies ways to reduce the use
 of pesticides in school buildings and landscapes, as well as
 alternative methods of managing pests commonly found in
 Audience:  Adult
                                              Title: Pesticides in the Home
                                              Date: 1994
                                              Document Number: EPA 901-F-94-10KPI
                                              Source: EPA Region 1
                                              Order Information: EPA Region 1,
                               Description: This pamphlet provides information on using
                               pesticides wisely in the home.  Such topics as storing
                               pesticides, reducing pollution, and pest invasions are
                               Audience: Adult

                                              Title: To Spray or Not to Spray
                                              Date: December 1992
                                              Document Number: Not Provided
                                              Source: EPA Region 1
                                              Order Information: EPA Region 1,
                               Description: This pamphlet explains when pesticides should
                               be used, how they should be selected, and how they should
                               be applied to protect the environment.  It also provides
                               sources of additional information.
                               Audience: Adult

               Title: The Adventures of Camouflage Kid:
               Clean Streets/Clean Beaches
               Date: 1993
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source: New York Department of
Environmental Conservation; New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection and Energy; EPA Region 2
Order Information: EPA Region 2, 212-637-3674
Description: This poster illustrates the route street litter
takes in becoming beach litter.
Audience: Elementary School and Middle School

               Title: The Adventures of Camouflage Kid:
               Clean Streets/Clean Beaches
               Date: 1994
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source: New York Department of
Environmental Protection; EPA Region 2
Order Information: EPA Region 2, 212-637-3674
Description: The video focuses on young people and
littering, showing the harmful effects thoughtless littering
has in the community. It follows the route litter thrown on
the streets can take to beaches and oceans. The video
conveys the message that each young person must be "a
friend to the environment" and shows how preserving the
environment can be fun. The video accompanies "Cleaner
Times: The Curriculum Guide."
Audience: Elementary School and Middle School

               Title: Cleaner Times: The Curriculum
               Date: 1994
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source: New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection; EPA Region 2
Order Information: EPA Region 2, 212-637-3674
Description: This curriculum guide accompanies the
"Adventures of Camouflage Kid: Clean Streets/Clean
Beaches" video. Materials in the guide are organized into
three phases: phase 1, awareness of litter as a major
component of marine  debris; phase 2, knowledge of both
the causes and the effects of litter on the beach; and phase
3, effects of behaviors, both positive and negative, and the
search for solutions. Objectives and lesson plans are
 provided for each phase.
 Audience: Elementary School and Middle School

                Title: The Consumer's Handbook for
                Reducing Solid Waste
                Date: August 1992
                Document Number:  EPA 520-K-92-003
                Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and
 Emergency Response
 Order Information: View on line at http://www.epa.gov/
 Description: This booklet  explains how individual
 consumers can help reduce America's trash problem by the
 decisions they make in their everyday lives.  It provides tips
 for reusing and recycling, and is illustrated with colorful
 graphics. The booklet also includes a glossary and
 information about additional resources.
 Audience: High School and Adult

                Title: Details, A Quarterly Publication
                Date: 1998
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source:  EPA Region 1
                Order Information: Call Mary Dever,
 EPA Region 1,617-565-9408
 Description: This technical bulletin, published on a quarterly
 basis, provides information about conducting work in auto
 repair and auto body shops.
 Audience: High School and Adult

                Title: A Guide to a Healthier Home
                Date: January 1996
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source: EPA Region 3
 Order Information: EPA Region 3 Publications,
 Description:  This booklet provides basic facts about the
 environmental effects of common household practices.
 Suggestions are made to decrease or eliminate the
 environmental effects of our actions, addressing such areas
 as water conservation, energy conservation, air quality, and
waste management.
Audience: Middle School to Adult

                           Pollution  Prevention
                Title: National Pollution Prevention Center
                for Higher Education
                Date: October 1995
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  National Pollution Prevention
 Center (NPPC) for Higher Education; EPA
 Order Information: NPPC, 313-764-1412
 Description:  This guide describes all resources currently
 available from NPPC. The materials listed, intended for use
 in colleges and universities, are organized by discipline. An
 order form and price information are included.
 Audience:  Adult
                                              Title: Pollution Prevention Information
                                              Date: September 1996
                                              Document Number: EPA 742-N-96-004
                                              Source:  EPA Office of Pollution Prevention
                               and Toxics
                               Order Information: EPA Pollution Prevention Information
                               Clearinghouse, 202-260-1023
                               Description:  This guide provides the names and document
                               numbers for publications related to pollution prevention. An
                               order form also is included.
                               Audience:  Adult
                Title:  Polluted
                Date:  1994
                Document Number:  EPA841-F-94-005
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
                Order Information:  EPA NCEPI,
  1-800-490-9198 or order on line at http://www.epa.gov/
  Description: This pamphlet illustrates the effects of various
  types of industrial and household materials on our water
  supply. A question-and-answer section, suggestions for
  methods of addressing these concerns, and a list of
  additional sources of information supplement the colorful
  Audience: Middle School to Adult
                Title:  Pollution Prevention Directory
                Date:  September 1994
                Document Number:  EPA 742-B-94-005
                Source: EPA Office of Pollution Prevention
                and Toxics
  Order Information: Pollution Prevention Information
  Clearinghouse, 202-260-1023
  Description: This guide includes descriptions of current
  pollution prevention programs sponsored by EPA, other
  federal agencies, and state agencies.  A list of additional
  resources also is provided.
  Audience: Adult
                                              Title: Turning the Tide on Trash, A
                                              Learning Guide on Marine Debris
                                              Date:  Fall 1992
                                              Document Number:  EPA 842-B-92-003
                                              Source:  EPA Office of Water
                                Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                                line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                                Description: This curriculum guide is designed to increase
                                students' awareness of the effects of marine debris and
                                teach them about pollution prevention techniques. The
                                guide includes background information, featured highlights,
                                activities, and a glossary. The guide also lists additional
                                sources of information and provides clip art. A variety of
                                activities make the guide useful for a range of subjects.
                                Illustrations, photos, and graphics complement the activities.
                                Audience: Middle School and High School

               Title:  Radon
               Date:  Not Provided
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source: EPA
               Order Information: 1 -800-SOS-RADON
Description:  This large poster warns about the risks
associated with radon and provides tips for reducing the
presence of radon in the home.  The graphics reinforce the
Audience:  High School and Adult
               Title: Adventures of the Garbage Gremlin
               Date: 1995
               Document Number: EPA 530-SW-90-024
               Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste and
               Emergency Response
Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description:  This comic book introduces students to the
benefits of recycling and encourages students to get
involved with recycling efforts in their schools. It includes a
short teacher's guide with objectives and procedures.
Audience:  Elementary School
                                                                          Title:  Collecting Used Oil for
                                                                          Date:  March 1994
                                                                          Document Number: EPA 530-F-94-008;
                                                                          EPA 530-F-94-008S (Spanish)
                                                           Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
                                                           Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                                                           line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.htmlor view
                                                           on line  at http://www.epa.gov/epadocs/index.html; view the
                                                           Spanish version at http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/general/
                                                           Description:  This pamphlet provides tips on the proper
                                                           disposal of wastes for consumers who change their own
                                                           motor oil and oil filters.
                                                           Audience: Adult (Available in Spanish)
                                                                          Title:  Environmental Fact Sheet —
                                                                          Recycling Grass Clippings
                                                                          Date:  July 1992
                                                                          Document Number:  EPA530-F-92-012
                                                                          Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and
                                                           Emergency Response
                                                           Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                                                           line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                                                           Description: This two-page fact sheet presents ERA'S
                                                           recommendation on recycling grass clippings.  It also
                                                           provides points of contact for similar topics, such as
                                                           Audience:  High School and Adult

               Title: Environmental Fact Sheet—Yard
               Waste Composting
               Date: May 1991
               Document Number: EPA530-SW-91-009
               Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste and
 Emergency Response
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http:ffwww.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This fact sheet describes the benefits to
 composting and explains how the average consumer can
 begin to compost.  It also provides information on ERA'S
 regional offices and how additional  information can be
 Audience:  High School and Adult

                Title: Environmental Fact Sheets: The
                Facts on Degradable Plastics and The
                Facts on Recycling Plastics
                Date: February 1990
                Document Number:  EPA530-SW-90-017D
 Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: These two fact sheets provide information on
 degradable plastics and recycling plastics. In addition to
 explaining what citizens can do to recycle, the fact sheets
 provide information on additional resources.
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Let's Reduce and Recycle:
                Curriculum for Solid Waste Awareness
                Date:  August 1990
                Document Number:  EPA 530-SW-90-005
                Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and
 Emergency Response
 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description:  The lesson plans in this curriculum guide are
 based on those that were developed under a public
 education effort to promote recycling awareness in
 Somen/ille, Massachusetts. The guide includes handouts,
                               clip art, and a list of additional resources. It also includes
                               lesson plans for a variety of age groups.
                               Audience:  Elementary School to High School

                                             Title: Recycle Today!
                                             Date: April 1990
                                             Document Number: EPA 530-SW-90-025
                                             Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste and
                                             Emergency Response
                               Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                               line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                               Description: This pamphlet describes four publications that
                               address recycling.  Teachers can order those items, which
                               include a curriculum for building solid waste awareness, a
                               how-to handbook for teachers, a poster, and a comic book
                               for grades  4 through 7. Ordering information is included.
                               Audience:  Elementary School to High School

                                              Title: Recycle: You Can Make a Ton of
                                              Date: April 1992
                                              Document Number: EPA 530-F-92-003
                                              Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste
                               Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198  or order on
                               line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                               Description: This pamphlet suggests ways to become
                               involved in recycling. It stresses the difference that can be
                               made when the whole community takes up the effort.
                               Audience:  Adult

                                              Title:  Recycle: You  Can Make a Ton of
                                              Date: 1992
                                              Document Number:  EPA 530-H-92-001
                                              Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste; United
                               States Postal Service
                               Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                               line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                               Description: This poster reinforces the message of the 25th
                               Anniversary of the Clean Water Act with photos that
                               illustrate the many ways water is used and how people are
                               dependent on supplies of clean water.
                               Audience:  All

                Title:  Recycling Means Business
                Date:  September 1995
                Document Number: EPA 530-K-95-004
                Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and
                Emergency Response
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.htmlor view
 on line at http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/recycle/
 Description: This booklet introduces EPA's strategy for
 supporting the national effort to expand markets for recycled
 materials.  It presents statistics that show the economic
 benefits associated with the recycling industry and lists
 sources of additional information.
 Audience:  Adult

                Title:   Ride the Wave of the Future
                Recycling Today!
                Date:   1990
                Document Number: EPA 530-SW-90-010
                Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and
 Emergency Response
 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This poster encourages the recycling of glass,
 paper, and cans.
 Audience:  Elementary School and Middle School

                Title:  School Recycling Programs — A
                Handbook for Educators
                Date:  August 1990
                Document Number:  EPA 530-SW-90-023
                Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste and
 Emergency Response
 Order Information: EPA NCEPI,  1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This booklet describes a number of options for
school recycling programs, along with step-by-step
instructions for setting one up. The handbook focuses on
implementing actual projects as a way of teaching the
importance and benefits of recycling.
Audience:  Elementary School to High School
               Title: Waste Prevention, Recycling, and
               Composting Options: Lessons from 30
               Date: February 1994
               Document Number: EPA530-R-92-015
Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description:  This report analyzes the operating experiences
of the solid waste management programs of 30
communities across the country.  The communities profiled
were chosen because of their high materials recovery rates
or their model waste reduction initiatives.  The report draws
lessons for communities that wish to strengthen their own
programs. Graphics, tables, and feature boxes help
illustrate the data.
Audience:  Adult

                                      Solid  Waste
               Title: Don't Trash It!
               Date: 1995
               Document Number: EPA 530-K-95-005
               Source: National Geographic World;
               EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This activity book covers all factors related to
 the collection and handling of garbage and trash. Various
 games and puzzles are used to stress the importance of
 recycling and pollution prevention.
 Audience: Elementary School

               Title: Environmental Fact Sheet —
               Recycling Municipal Solid Waste: 1995
               Facts and Figures
               Date: April 1997
 	 Document Number: EPA530-F-97-015
 Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This fact sheet describes 10 of the primary
 components of the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream,  the
 amounts in which each component is generated, the
 percentages of the MSW stream each component
 represents, and the recovery rates of each component.
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Handle With Care: How To Throw
                Out Used Insulin Syringes  and Lancets At
                Date:  Not Provided
                Document Number: EPA 530-SW-90-089
 Source: EPA Office of Solid Waste
 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This booklet, designed for young people who
 have  insulin-dependent diabetes and their parents, explains
 how to safely handle and dispose of used insulin syringes
 and lancets at home. Cartoon illustrations and simple
 activities help to reinforce the message.
 Audience: Elementary School
                                              Title: A Resource Guide of Solid Waste
                                              Educational Materials
                                              Date: January 1998
                                              Document Number: EPA 530-B-97-004
                                              Source:  EPA Office of Solid Waste and
                               Emergency Response
                               Order Information:  Resource Conservation and Recovery
                               Act Information Center, 703-603-9230 (telephone) or
                               703-603-9234 (fax)
                               Description: This resource guide is designed to assist
                               members of the public and staff of EPA in identifying
                               resources for teaching and learning about solid waste. It
                               features approximately 50 materials, including curricula,
                               activity guides, videotapes, and Internet sites that provide
                               information about a variety of solid waste topics, such as
                               source reduction, recycling, reuse, household hazardous
                               waste, and composting. The resource guide also provides a
                               glossary, an index of bibliographic references by key word,
                               and an index of bibliographic references by format.
                               Audience: Adult

                                              Title: Solid Waste Elementary Education
                                              Program (SWEEP)
                                              Date: Not Provided
                                              Document Number: Not Provided
                                              Source:  EPA Region 4
                               Order Information: EPA Region 4 Public Affairs,
                               404-562-8327, or call Bernard Duperay, EPA Region 4,
                               Description: This curriculum guide is divided into units for
                               grades Kindergarten through 6. The units are designed to
                               provide elementary students a better understanding of how
                               habits and behavior toward waste handling affect the
                               Audience:  Elementary School and Middle School

                Title:  Adopt Your Watershed!
                Date:  October 1997
                Document Number: EPA 800-F-97-001
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
                Order Information: EPA NCEPI,
 1-800-490-9198 or order on line at http://www.epa.gov/
 Description: This pamphlet provides information about
 EPA's Adopt Your Watershed Campaign.  It includes basic
 information about watersheds and the program, along with
 a list of additional resources. View EPA's WWW site at
 http://www.epa.gov/surf/adopttor information related to
 EPA's watershed campaign:
 Audience: High School and Adult  •

                Title:  Citizen Monitoring:
                Recommendations to Household Well
                Date:  April 1990
                Document Number:  EPA 570-9-90-006
 Source: EPA Office of Water
 Order Information: Environmental Education Resource
 Center, 1-800-276-0462; $4.00
 Description: This pamphlet provides information about the
 types of substances and activities that represent potential
 threats to citizens' water supplies and health.  Steps to
 becoming more informed about drinking water issues and
 protection of household wells are included, along with a list
 of reference materials.
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Citizen Monitoring:  Recommendations
                to Public Water System Users
                Date: April 1990
                Document Number:  EPA 570-9-90-005
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
 Order Information:  U.S. EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline,
 Description:  This pamphlet provides information about the
safety of public water supplies, the measures taken to
ensure this safety, and what substances or human actions
represent potential threats to the public water supply.
Action steps for consumers are included along with a list of
additional reference materials.
Audience: Adult
                Title:  The Clean Water Game
                Date:  Not Provided
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source: Connecticut Department of
                Environmental Protection; EPA Region 1
 Order Information:  Call Terry Schnoor, Water Bureau,
 Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
 Description: This booklet covers such subjects as how
 citizens play a role in keeping water clean. With a step-by-
 step approach, it explains the hazards and protective
 measures that can affect water resources.
 Audience:  High School and Adult
                Title: Drinking Water Activities for
                Teachers and Student
                Date: January 1995
                Document Number: EPA810-B-95-001
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
Order Information:  Call Charlene Shaw, EPA Office of
Water, 202-260-2285
Description: This guide suggests classroom activities that
help elementary and middle school students learn about
groundwater and issues affecting it.  Activities in Spanish
and French are included, along with experiments to be
conducted in the classroom, "trivia sheets," and a  game.
Audience: Elementary School and Middle School
(Available in Spanish and French)

                Title:  Earth Is A Water Planet
                Date: October 1997
                Document Number:  EPA 800-F-97-002
                Source: EPA Office of Water
                Order Information:  View on line at
Description: These materials, prepared for the 25th
anniversary of the Clean Water Act, include a series of fact
sheets that discuss the ramifications of the act, from its
enactment to measures that must be undertaken in the
future to ensure the safety of  our water supplies. The
materials also provide information about accessing the
Clean Water Act Anniversary  Internet home page.
Audience: Middle School to Adult

                Title:  Environmental Resource Guide:
                Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention
                (Grades 3-5)
                Date:  May 1993
                Document Number: Not Provided
 Source: Air and Waste Management Association; EPA
 Region 4; Tennessee Valley Authority
 Order Information: Air and Waste Management Association,
 1-800-275-5851; press 6 for publications information
 Description:  This guide provides basic information about
 the relationships between  land use and water quality —
 specifically nonpoint source water pollution — in a series of
 10 fact sheets and 15 activities. This guide for teachers is
 easy to use and the information and activities are easily
 integrated into existing science, social studies, and
 language arts curricula.
 Audience: Middle School

                Title:  Environmental Resource Guide:
                Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention
                (Grades 6-8)
                Date:  June 1992
                Document Number: Not Provided
 Source: Air and Waste Management Association; EPA
 Region 4; Tennessee Valley Authority
 Order Information: Air and Waste Management Association,
 1-800-275-5851; press 6 for publications information
 Description:  This curriculum guide was developed to
 educate middle school students about nonpoint source
 water pollution.  Activities  in the guide explore three broad
 categories: (1) what is nonpoint source pollution? (2) where
 does it come from?, and (3) what can we do about it? The
 "hands-on" activities are designed to blend with existing
 curricula in the areas of general science, mathematics,
 social studies, and language arts. A glossary and fact
 sheets also are included.
 Audience: Middle School
                                               Title:  Exercise Your Blue Thumb
                                               Date:  1996
                                               Document Number:  Not Provided
                                               Source:  American Water Works
                                               Association; EPA Office of Water; U.S.
                                Department of Agriculture
                                Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                                line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                                Description:  This booklet is designed to increase
                                community involvement in protecting water resources by
                                encouraging people to  exercise their "blue thumbs" in
                                building water awareness. In the  spirit of Drinking Water
                                Week, this material presents examples of programs
                                implemented by various communities throughout the United
                                States and Canada to improve the quality of their water.
                                The booklet contains activities and posters that also can be
                                used in the classroom to instruct on the topics of water and
                                pollution prevention.
                                Audience: Elementary School to  Adult

                                               Title:  Fact Sheet: 21  Water Conservation
                                               Measures for Everybody
                                               Date:  September 1992
                                               Document Number:  EPA 570-9-91-100
                                               Source:  EPA Office of Water
                                Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
                                line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                                Description:  This fact sheet lists ways in which people can
                                conserve water in their daily activities in the home.
                                Suggestions are given  for water conservation practices for
                                the kitchen and the bathroom, for laundry day, and for
                                outdoor uses of water.
                                Audience: Middle School to Adult

                                               Title:  The Great Lakes, An Environmental
                                                Date: 1995
                                                Document Number: EPA 905-B-95-001
                                               Source: Government of Canada; Great
                                Lakes National  Program Office, EPA Region 5
                                Order Information: Great Lakes National Program Office,
                                U.S. EPA, 77 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604,
                                312-886-7935 or 1-800-621-8431

 Description:  This booklet contains many maps,
 photographs, and graphics that illustrate the resources,
 effects of external influences, environmental concerns, and
 industrial and agricultural processes that affect the Great
 Lakes. The document discusses a wide variety of topics
 and provides a glossary and a list of additional resources.
 Audience: High School and Adult

                Title: Great Minds? Great Lakes!
                Date: June 1990
                Document Number: EPA 905-M-90-004
                Source:  EPA Region 5, Great Lakes
                National Program Office
 Order Information:  Great Lakes National Program Office,
 U.S. EPA, 77 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604,
 312-886-7935 or 1-800-621-8431
 Description:  This curriculum guide introduces
 environmental curricula for a variety of elementary subjects,
 including history, social studies, and science.  Practical
 activities and discussion topics are described in depth. The
 publication is dedicated to helping students learn more
 about the environment and about the Great Lakes.
 Audience:  Elementary School

                Title: Home Water Treatment Units —
                Filtering Fact From Fiction
                Date: September 1990
                Document Number:  EPA 570/9-90-HHH
                Source: EPA Office of Water
 Order Information: U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water
 (WH-550A), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460,
 1-800-426-4791, EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This pamphlet provides information about the
 proper use of home water treatment units and clarifies
 misconceptions about  endorsement or misleading
 promotion of these units. Suggestions are made for
 consumers to use in addressing concerns about the safety
 of their drinking water and the use of home water treatment
 units to enhance the quality of drinking water.
Audience: Middle School to Adult
                Title:  Lake Walk Manual — Guidebook for
                Citizen Participation
                Date:  February 1996
                Document Number: EPA910-B-95-007
                Source: EPA Water Division,  Region 10
 Order Information: States within EPA Region 10 [Alaska,
 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington] call 1-800-424-4372;
 states outside of EPA Region 10 call 206-553-1200
 Description: This activity book provides information and
 environmental exercises for users to try when visiting a lake.
 It also includes data collection worksheets that can be
 returned to local environmental organizations for use in
 analyzing trends and comparing regional environmental
 Audience: Middle School to Adult

               Title:  Nonpoint Source Pollution —
               Manual for the Junior High School Teacher
               Date:  October 1995
               Document Number: Not Provided
               Source:  City of Arlington, Texas; EPA
 Region 6
 Order Information:  City of Arlington, Texas, Department of
 Engineering Services, 101 W. Abram Street, Arlington, TX
 Description:  This curriculum guide was developed for a
 project intended to encourage junior high educators to
 incorporate issues related to water quality into their
classroom curricula. The guide originally was accompanied
by water-quality testing  equipment, supplementary videos,
and other materials. A list of other available materials,
classroom exercises, and a glossary are included.
Audience: Middle  School

                Title:  Protecting Our Nation's Waters
                Through Water Quality-Based Controls
                Date:  June 1993
                Document Number:  EPA 823-F-93-011
                Source: EPA Office of Water
 Order Information: EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html or view
 on line at http://www.epa.gov/kids/savespecies.htm
 Description: This pamphlet describes the various methods
 that EPA and state and local governments use to protect
 our water supply. The  benefits of water quality-based
 controls are explained, as are the ways that citizen groups
 and individuals can become involved in monitoring
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Science Demonstration Projects in
                Drinking Water  (Grades K-12)
                Date: April 1990
                Document Number:  EPA 570-9-90-007
                Source: EPA Office of Water
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI,  1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This guide includes a selection of science
 demonstration projects related to drinking water. Each
 project can be made relevant to  a specific grade level by
 varying the vocabulary and expanding or  limiting the
 background and discussion sections. The projects cover the
 chemical and physical aspects of water, the supply and
 distribution of drinking water, contamination and treatment
 of drinking water, and  water conservation.
 Audience:  Elementary School to High School

                 Title: Student Activity Sheets for Drinking
                 Water Projects
                 Date: July 1992
                 Document Number: EPA810-F-92-003
                 Source: EPA Office of Water
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                                Description:  This set of worksheets provides activities that
                                teachers can use to demonstrate how pollution can effect
                                water quality, how citizens can protect drinking-water
                                resources, and what factors affect environmental decision
                                Audience: Middle School and High School

                                               Title:  Turning the Tide, Keeping Pollution
                                               at Bay
                                               Date:  1991
                                               Document Number: Not Provided
                                               Source:  EPA Region 1
                                Order Information: Call the EPA Region 1  Library at
                                617-565-3300 to borrow the video
                                Description: This video focuses on Buzzard Bay, located on
                                the coast of Massachusetts, and the action taken by
                                members of the neighboring communities  to stop the
                                pollution that affects this valued resource.  Pollution in the
                                bay has limited the use of its waters, affecting employment
                                and income in  the community, as well as recreational use of
                                the bay. The video shows how members of the community
                                became involved in fighting pollution and the support they
                                were able to enlist for that cause.
                                Audience: High School and Adult

                                                Title: Urban Water Ways Restoration
                                                Training  Manual for Youth Service and
                                                Conservation Corps
                                                Date:  February 1996
                                 	  Document Number:  Not  Provided
                                Source:  National Association of Service and Conservation
                                Corps (NASCC); EPA
                                Order Information:  NASCC, 202-737-6272
                                Description: This curriculum  guide was prepared for a four-
                                day course on techniques for the restoration of urban
                                streams, but the material  can be adapted to shorter
                                courses. Concepts and methods of restoration are
                                 emphasized and explained, with accompanying illustrations.
                                The guide, which is divided into chapters  that cover various
                                field methods and projects, includes slides and a videotape.
                                 Audience:  High School and Adult

                Title: Water on Tap: A Consumer's Guide
                to the Nation's Drinking Water
                Date: July 1997
                Document Number:  EPA815-K-97-002
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
Order Information:  EPA NCEPI, 1-800-490-9198 or order on
line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
Description: This booklet explains how regulators  and the
water industry work together to provide safe drinking water.
Water delivery systems and how water use can be
decreased are reviewed.  It also discusses how recent
changes to the Safe Drinking Water Act will help make
consumers better informed about the quality of drinking
water and how consumers can get involved in efforts to
protect drinking water supplies.
Audience: Middle School to Adult

                Title: The Water Sourcebook
                Date: January 1994
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source:  Tennessee Valley Authority;
                EPA Region 4
Order Information: Water Environment Federation,
601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1994
Description: This curriculum guide consists of activities, for
use in combination with existing curricula in the areas of
drinking and wastewater treatment, surface water,
groundwater, and wetlands and coastal areas. For each
activity, the objectives, background information, procedure,
and materials are specified. Fact  sheets and a glossary are
included, along with a table that shows the correlation of
each activity with several subjects and the skills the activity
will use and enhance.  The series also includes
sourcebooks for grades K through 2,3 through 5, 6 through
8, and 9 through 12.
Audience: Elementary School to High School
                Title:  Water Wheel
                Date:  Not Provided
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  EPA Office of Water and Office of
                Wastewater Management; EGOS, Inc.
 Order Information:  ECOS, Inc., Water/Energy Conservation
 Systems, 978-369-3951; a wheel costs $.75
 Description: This paper wheel allows the user to select a
 typical activity which may result in water being wasted and
 see related tips for conserving water.
 Audience: All

                Title:  Water, Every Living Thing Depends
                On It!
                Date:  1995
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
 Order Information:  EPA NCEPI,  1-800-490-9198 or order on
 line at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
 Description: This poster illustrates the slogan with a bright
 sealife theme on one side. On the reverse, the poster lists
 suggestions for keeping our water clean.
 Audience: Middle School

                Title:   Wet Way, Water Employees Together
                with America's Youth
                Date:  1992
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
 Order Information:  EPA Office of Water Resource Center
 (RC-4100), U.S. EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC
20460, 202-260-7786
 Description: This classroom tool kit provides a variety of
lesson plans, activities,  and demonstrations designed to
teach students about water resources. It also includes
information about additional resources, such as videos.
Non-teachers also can use the guide for classroom visits
and special guest lectures. Subjects covered include non-
point-source pollution, the formation of rivers, and water
Audience: Elementary School to High School

                Title:  American Wetlands
                Date:  Not Provided
                Document Number:  Not Provided
                Source:  Collaboration of government
                agencies and organizations
 Order Information: Wetlands Hotline, 1-800-832-7828 or
 Description:  This pamphlet describes the functions and
 value of America's wetlands. It includes a list of co-
 sponsors of American Wetlands Month and suggests
 appropriate ways in which people can celebrate American
 Wetlands Month.
 Audience: High School and Adult

                Title:  Protecting Our Wetlands and Other
                Aquatic  Resources
                Date:  November 1993
                Document Number:  EPA910-F-93-003
                Source:  EPA Region 10
 Order Information: EPA-Seattle  Public Information Center,
 Description:  This colorful pamphlet focuses on EPA's role in
 protecting aquatic systems, particularly wetlands, in Alaska,
 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Descriptions of methods of
 protecting wetlands and of key projects are included, along
 with several  inspiring photos.
 Audience: Adult

                Title:  Welcome to the Wetlands
                Date: March 1991
                Document Number:  EPA909-H-91-100;
                EPA 909-H-95-002  (Spanish)
                Source:   EPA Region 5
 Order Information: English version:  EPA Region 5
 Publications, states within EPA Region 5 [Illinois, Indiana,
 Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin] call
 1-800-621-8431; states outside  of EPA Region 5 call
 312-886-7935. Spanish version: EPA Region 9,
 Description: This poster, which can  be colored, pictures
 wildlife typically found in wetlands, along with a description
 of each animal. On the reverse, the poster presents
 background information about wetlands, threats to our
 wetland habitats, descriptions of various types of wetlands,
                                and the environmental benefits provided by wetlands.
                                Audience:  Elementary School and Middle School
                                (Available in Spanish)

                                               Title: Wetland Walk Manual
                                               Date: October 1996
                                               Document Number:  EPA910/R-009
                                               Source:  EPA Office of Water, Region 10
                                	 Order Information: States within EPA
                                Region 10 [Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington] call
                                1-800-424-4372; states outside EPA Region 10 call
                                Description: This booklet provides information and
                                environmental exercises for users to try when visiting a
                                wetland. It also includes data collection worksheets that can
                                be returned to local environmental organizations for use in
                                analyzing trends and making comparisons among regions.
                                The booklet also includes a glossary of terms used when
                                discussing wetlands.
                                Audience:  Middle School to Adult

                                               Title: Wetlands are Wonderlands!  An
                                               Illustrated Guide to Wetlands
                                               Date: Not Provided
                                               Document Number:  EPA 904-H-94-001-
                                Source: EPA Region 4
                                Order Information: Wetlands Hotline, 1-800-832-7828
                                Description: This illustrated guide is designed to enable
                                students to understand the significant value of wetlands. By
                                understanding the importance of natural systems, children
                                will be better prepared to make responsible decisions that
                                will protect and enhance the quality of wetlands.
                                Audience: Elementary School to High School

                                               Title: Wetlands Information Resource
                                               Date: December 1994
                                               Document Number: EPA 902-K-94-001
                                               Source:  EPA Water Management Division,
                                Marine and Wetlands Protection Branch; Region 2
                                Order Information: Wetlands Hotline, 1-800-832-7828
                                Description: This guide lists a variety of existing materials
                                that offer information about wetlands and corresponding

 contact and ordering information. Some of the materials
 listed are specific to a region or area, but provide general
 ecological information and are easily modified for other
 audiences. The resources are listed according to specific
 subject areas and the type or format of the resource.
 Audience: Adult

                Title: Wetlands Reading List, Pre-
                Kindergarten through Grade 12
                Date: January 1995
                Document Number: Not Provided
                Source:  EPA Office of Water
 Order Information: EPA Office of Water Resource Center
 (RC-4100), U.S. EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC
 20460, 202-260-7786
 Description: This annotated list suggests informational
 materials on wetlands to supplement lesson plans and
 independent reading by students. Various types of
 literature, sorted according to grade level, are included,
 along with a summary of each item.
 Audience: Elementary School to High School
                Title: A World Fit for Chipmunks and Other
                Living Things
                Date: November 1993
                Document Number:  EP 1.2: C44
                Source:  EPA Office of Public Affairs,
Region 7
Order Information: View on line at
Description: This activity book chronicles the day in a life of
a chipmunk. Pictorial descriptions of the chipmunk's
interactions with other animals convey the need to have a
clean environment for all animals to live in. The book
provides a fun way for students to learn about the
importance of the environment.
Audience:  Elementary School
                Title: A World in Our Backyard — A
                Wetlands Education and Stewardship
                Date: 1994
                Document Number:  Not Provided
Source: New England Interstate Water Pollution Control
Commission; EPA Region 1
Order Information:  Environmental Media Center,
P.O. Box 99, Beaufort, SC 29901-0099,1-800-ENV-EDUC
Description: This curriculum guide focuses on wetlands in
New England.  It suggests ways of studying the
characteristics of wetlands, explains why wetlands are
important, and describes how students and teachers can
adopt a local wetland resource. The intent of this document
is to encourage students to learn about and understand the
complexities of wetlands, discover wildlife, enjoy the
experience of being outdoors, and learn how necessary
wetlands are to the health of our environment.
Audience:  Middle School to Adult


   Environmental  Education  Internet  Sites
                OEE's Internet site at http://www.epa.gov/enviroed provides many resources and information about
                EPA's initiatives in environmental education.  Below is a list of additional Internet sites developed by
                EPA that provide information and resources and tools for those interested in environmental education.
                Links to other sites and resources provide access to additional  information.
Title: Center for Environmental Information and Statistics
Address: http://www.epa.gov/ceis
Topic: General
Description: The Center for Environmental Information and
Statistics is a national source of comprehensive data and
information on environmental quality status and trends. The
site improves public access to information people need to
pursue responsible environmental protection policies.  Several
links to other sites are provided, including Environmental
Profiles,  An Environmental Atlas, and a Digital Library of
Environmental Quality.
Audience: Adult

Title: Concerned Citizens
Address: http://www.epa.gov/epahome/Citizen.html
Topic: Community Involvement
Description: This site provides information that encourages
people to become familiar with environmental issues and
potential health risks caused by pollution in their community
The information on this site can be accessed through various
links, including: Community Right To Know, Protecting Our
Children, Protect Your Family and Yourself from Carbon
Monoxide Poisoning, At Home, In the Garden, Transportation,
Automobile Emissions, At the Workplace, Acting Locally, and
Thinking Globally.
Audience: Adult

Title: Envirofacts Warehouse
Address:  http://www.epa.gov/enviro/indexjava.html
Topic: General
Description: On this site, users can obtain environmental
data from EPA. Users can read about the environmental
databases that are available, query a database and generate
a report, or produce maps of environmental information.
Audience:  Adult
Title:  Explorers'Club
Address: http://www.epa.gov/kids
Topic:  General
Description: The Explorers' Club offers many opportunities to
learn about the environment through various activities. It
emphasizes the importance of children's knowledge about the
environment and encourages them to participate actively in its
protection. Several links to other sites are provided, including:
Air, Art Room, Game Room, Science Room, Trophy Case,
Plants and Animals, Water, You and Your Environment, and
Garbage and Recycling.
Audience:  Elementary School to High School

Title:  Students and Teachers
Address: http://www.epa.gov/epahome/students.htm
Topic: General
Description: Provides information about various
environmental topics for students and teachers, links to other
relevant Internet sites, and other information to assist
teachers including guides, curricula, and grant information.
The site presents a link to Teachers' Lounge, an Internet site
that provides many links to other available resources and
educational tools.
Audience:  Elementary School to Adult

Title: EPA Office of Air and Radiation, Education and
Outreach Group: Environmental Resource Page
Address: http://www.epa.gov/oar/oaqps/eog/envedu.html
Topic: Environmental Education
Description: This site provides resource materials for
educators that are designed to increase the environmental
literacy of young people and encourage them to pursue
environmental  careers. The information provided on the site
is accessible through various links including: Teacher Training
Opportunities and K-12  Resource Materials.
Audience: Adult

  Environmental  Education  Internet  Site
   Title:  EPA Office of Emergency and Remedial Response:
   Superfund Community Tools
   Address: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/oerr/comtools/
   Topic: Hazardousflbxic Waste
   Description:  This site provides information about a variety of
   Superfund topics and programs. It is intended to encourage
   people to learn about hazardous waste and to make efforts to
   clean up the environment.  Additional resources and tools can
   be accessed through various links to other sites, including:
   Superfund Information Brochure, Focus on the Community
   Advisory Group Program, and Community Resources Issues.
   Audience: Adult

   Title:  EPA Office of Emergency and Remedial Response:
   Superfund for Kids
   Address: http://www. epa.gov/superfund/oerr/comtools/
   Topic: Superfund
   Description:  This site explains the basic concepts of the
   Superfund program for children age three and older. Several
   links are provided to other resources, such as Activities and
   Homework Help and Superfund Stories.
   Audience: Elementary  School

   Title:  EPA Office of International Activities:  International
   Environmental Issues
   Address: http://www.epa.gov/oia/iepi.htm
   Topic: Children's Health
   Description:  This site provides links about environmental
   health issues that affect children, including Children's
   Environmental Health:  An International Perspective, 1997
   Declaration on Children's Environmental Health, and
   Implementation Actions on Predicting Children's Health and
   Audience: Adult

   Title:  EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and  Toxic
   Substances: Information for Concerned Citizens
   Address: http://www.epa.gov/internet/opptscon.htm
   Topic: Lead Hazards and Pesticides
   Description:  This site provides many links related to pesticide
   and lead safety. It is designed for citizens who want to protect
                                 their families from harmful chemicals. It also provides a
                                 resource for educators to access materials related to those
                                 subjects. The information on this site can be accessed
                                 through various links, including: Citizens Guide To Pest
                                 Control and Pesticide Safety, Healthy Lawn, Healthy
                                 Environment: Caring for Your Lawn in an Environmentally
                                 Friendly Way, Lead-Related Information, National Lead
                                 Information Center (NLIC) Clearinghouse, Pesticides and
                                 Child Safety  Using Insect Repellents Safely, What is a
                                 Pesticide?, and Consumer Labeling Initiative (CLI).
                                 Audience: Adult

                                 Title: EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic
                                 Substances:  Kids Information Page
                                 Address: http://www.epa.gov/internet/opptskid.htm
                                 Topic:  Endangered Species
                                 Description:  This site is a great resource for young children
                                 who want to  have fun while learning about endangered
                                 species. It also describes several videotapes on lead that can
                                 be ordered from the National Lead Information Center.
                                 Examples of links to other sites are: "Save Our Species"
                                 Endangered  Species Coloring Book and Learn About the
                                 Endangered  Species Protection Program.
                                 Audience: Elementary School

                                 Title: EPA Office of Water: Kids Stuff Site
                                 Address: http://www.epa.gov/ow/kids.html
                                 Topic:  Water
                                 Description:  This site contains many links to creative,
                                 interactive activities for children. It also provides some
                                 information for teachers about curriculum development and
                                 experiments  about the environment. Additional resources and
                                 tools on this  site can be accessed through various links,
                                 including: Do You Like to Draw and Color?, Marine Debris
                                 Curriculum, Drinking-Water Activities for Teachers and
                                 Students, Splash!, and Water Drops: Science Fun for Kids in
                                 the Water Environment.
                                 Audience: Elementary School


 Title: EPA Office of Solid Waste: Students and Teachers
 Address: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/intro.htm
 Topic:  Solid Waste
 Description:  This site offers many resources for teachers and
 students of all ages interested in exploring issues related to
 solid waste.  It provides links to educational materials and fun
 activities for children, such as Teacher Resources and Tools,
 Kids' Page, Waste Information for Students, and EPA's
 Environmental Education Program.
 Audience:  All

 Title: EPA Region 1: Environmental Education Grants,
 Summaries of New England Projects
 Address:  http://www.epa.gov/region01/ra/ed/edgrant.html
 Topic:   Environmental Education
 Description: The Environmental Education Grant Program
 provides money to support environmental education that
 increases knowledge about environmental issues. This site
 provides information about submitting grant proposals and
 links to sites that offer information about grants that were
 awarded in EPA Region 1 during the federal fiscal years 1992
 to 1997.
 Audience: Adult

 Title: EPA Region 2:  Information for Kids,  Students, and
 Address: http://www.epa.gov/region02/ee/kid-stu.htm
 Topic:  Environmental Education
 Description: This site provides links to environmental
 information for students in grades K through 12,  as well as for
teachers. Several links to other sites are provided, including:
 Stuff for Kids, Stuff for Students and Teachers, and Stuff for
Audience: Elementary School to Adult
 Title: EPA Region 3:  Green Communities
 Address: http://www.epa.gov/region03/greenkit/
 Topic:  Community Involvement
 Description:  This site describes green communities, which
 are "sustainable communities" or communities that integrate
 into their civic life a healthy environment, a vibrant economy,
 and a high quality of life.  The site offers a reference guide for
 planning and implementing sustainable actions. Several sites
 can be accessed through links to: Where Are We Now?,
 Where Are We Going?, Where Do We Want to Be?, How Do
 We Get There? and Let's Go!.
 Audience: Adult

 Title:  EPA Region 3: Environmental Education Office
 Address:  http://www.epa.gov/region03/r3info/eeo.htm
 Topic: Environmental Education
 Description: This site explains the environmental education
 program, the speakers bureau, and the President's
 Environmental Youth Awards.  Additional sites that can be
 accessed through links include Fact Sheet and Partners in
 Audience: Adult

 Title:  EPA Region 4: Environmental and Public Outreach
 Address: http://www.epa.gov/region4/pubafpgs/envedu.htm
 Topic:  Environmental Education
 Description: This site explains the importance of
 environmental education and discusses the Environmental
 Education Grants Program, which grants money to
 organizations and individuals for the conduct of environmental
 education projects. Information about grant proposals and
the grant process is included.
Audience: Adult

   Environmental  Education  Internet  Site
Title: EPA Region 5:  Environmental Education
Address:  http://www.epa.gov/region5/enved/
Topic:  Environmental Education
Description: This site is designed to promote
environmental awareness, knowledge, and literacy by
providing resources for those interested in environmental
education. Information on this site can be accessed through
various links, including: Educators, EE Resources, EE Field,
and Students.
Audience: Adult

Title: EPA Region 6:  Information for Students and Teachers
Address: http://www.epa.gov/earth 1r6/users/students.htm
Topic:  Water
Description: This site provides a link to educational materials
for elementary school children, including Gulf of Mexico
Program and WaterWiser.
Audience: Adult

Title: EPA Region 6:  EPA Region 6 Kids' Page
Address: http://www.epa.gov/earth1r6/6xa/kids.htm
Topic:  Air, Pollution Prevention, and Water
Description: This site provides background information about
different aspects of the environment and  pollution prevention.
The site describes specific ways in which children can do
their part in protecting the earth. This site provides
information about Water, Air, Land, and Pollution Prevention,
as well as What is the EPA?
Audience: Middle School

Title:  EPA Region 7: Educational Resources
Address: http://www.epa.gov/region7/educat.htm
Topic:  General and Environmental Education
Description:  This site is for  both students and teachers.  It
presents information about the environment in a format
suitable for children and offers tools for environmental
educators. Other sites can  be accessed through links to the
Kids Page and Teacher's Lounge.
Audience: Elementary School and Middle School and Adult
                             Title: EPA Region 8: Environmental Education Program
                             Address: http://www.epa.gov/region08/html/env/
                             Topic: Environmental Education
                             Description: This site provides a list of environmental
                             education resources designed to create greater awareness
                             and understanding of environmental issues. It also provides a
                             link to the 1998 Teacher Institute, a site that provides
                             information about the annual two-week symposium that
                             presents approaches for implementing environmental
                             education in the classroom.
                             Audience: Adult

                             Title: EPA Region 9: Recycle City
                             Address:  http://www.epa.gov/recyclecity
                             Topic: Recycling
                             Description: This site provides children with information about
                             recycling. It presents a story about a fictitious town,  Recycle
                             City, that had a serious waste problem, but made
                             improvements by reducing, reusing, and recycling its waste.
                             Children can click on the picture to learn about different parts
                             of the town and the waste reduction efforts that were made.
                             Links are provided to two other sites, Activities and
                             Dumptown Game.
                             Audience:  Elementary School and Middle School

                             Title: EPA Region 10:  Education
                             Address:  http://epainotes1.rtpnc.epa.gov.7777/r10/
                             Topic:  Environmental Education
                             Description: This site offers a link to EPA's Environmental
                             Education Grant Program site, which explains the program in
                             detail and provides lists of the grants awarded during the
                             fiscal years 1992 to 1997. This site also provides a  telephone
                             number for the Environmental [Education Clearinghouse,
                             which can help callers locate environmental education
                             materials, programs, and speakers.
                             Audience: Adult

To obtain copies of the materials listed in the catalog, contact the information source or office listed under the
heading "Ordering Information." Some of the publications are available electronically at the Internet addresses

Many items in  the catalog are available from EPA's National  Center for Environmental Publications and
Information (NCEPI).  Single copies are available free of charge while supplies last. Some materials also can
be ordered on line from NCEPI at the Internet address provided below; detailed directions for ordering materials
and searching EPA's National Publications Catalog are provided on the Internet site.

Multiple copies of items that are out of stock at NCEPI often can be purchased from the National Technical
Information Service (NTIS).

Requests for information from NCEPI and NTIS should be sent to:

                     National Center for Environmental Publications and Information
                     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     P.O. Box 42419
                     Cincinnati, OH 45242-2419
                     Telephone:          800-490-9198
                     Fax:                513-489-8695
                     Internet E-mail:      http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/orderpub.html
                     National Technical Information Service
                     U.S. Department of Commerce
                     5285 Port Royal Road
                     Springfield, VA 22161
                     Telephone:           703-487-4650
                     TDD:                703-487-4639
                     Fax:                 703-321-8547
                     Internet E-mail:       orders@ntis.fedworld.gov

 EPA  Environmental  Education  Contact
      Region 1 - CT, ME, MA, NH, Rl, VT
         Maria Pirie and Kristen Conroy
         U.S. EPA, Region 1
         JFK Federal Building (RPM)
         Boston, MA 02203
         Phone:    617-565-9447 (Maria)
         Phone:    617-565-3618 (Kristen)
         Fax:       617-565-3415
         E-mail:    pirie.maria@epamail.epa.gov
         E-mail:    conroy.kristen@epamail.epa.gov

      Region 2 — NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
         Terry Ippolito
         U.S. EPA, Region 2
         290 Broadway, 26th Floor
         New York, NY 10007
         Phone:    212-637-3671
         Fax:       212-637-4445
         E-mail:    ippolito.teresa@epamail.epa.gov

       Region 3 - DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV
         Nan Ides and Larry Brown
         U.S. EPA, Region 3
         841 Chestnut Street (3EA20)
         Philadelphia, PA 19107
         Phone:    215-566-5546 (Nan)
         Phone:    215-566-5527 (Larry)
         Fax:      215-566-5104
         E-mail:    ides.nan@epamail.epa.gov
         E-mail:    brown.larry@epamail.epa.gov

       Region 4-AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
         Rich Nawyn
         U.S. EPA, Region 4
         61 Forsyth Street, SW
         Atlanta, GA 30303
         Phone:    404-562-8320
         Fax:      404-562-8335
         E-mail:    nawyn.richard@epamail.epa.gov
                            Region 5 - IL, IN, Ml, MN, OH, Wl
                               U.S. EPA, Region 5
                               Suzanne Saric
                               77 West Jackson Boulevard (PI-19J)
                               Chicago, IL 60604
                               Phone:    312-353-3209
                               Fax:      312-353-1155
                               E-mail:    saric.suzanne@epamail.epa.gov

                            Region 6 — AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
                               Jo Taylor and Ed Curran
                               U.S. EPA, Region 6
                               1445 Ross Avenue (6XA)
                               Dallas, TX 75202
                               Phone:    214-665-2200 (Jo)
                               Phone:    214-665-2172 (Ed)
                               Fax:      214-665-2118
                               E-mail:    taylor.jo@epamail.epa.gov
                               E-mail:    curran.ed@epamail.epa.gov

                            Region7 — IA,KS,MO,NE
                               Rowena Michaels
                               U.S. EPA, Region 7
                               726 Minnesota Avenue
                               Kansas City, KS 66101
                               Phone:   913-551-7003
                               Fax:     913-551-7066
                               E-mail:   michaels.rowena@epamail.epa.gov

                             Region 8 - CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY
                               CeCe Forget
                               U.S. EPA, Region 8
                               One Denver Place (OCPI)
                               999 18th Street, Suite 500
                               Denver, CO 80202-2405
                               Phone:    303-312-6605
                               Fax:      303-312-6961
                               E-mail:    forget.cece@epamail.epa.gov

Region 9—AZ, CA, HI, NV, American Samoa,
 Guam, N. Marianas, Palau
   Stacey Benfer
   U.S. EPA, Region 9   •
   75 Hawthorne Street (E2)
   San Francisco, CA  94105
   Phone:    415-744-1161
   Fax:       415-744-1072
   E-mail:    benfer.stacey@epamail.epa.gov
Region 10—AK, ID, OR, WA
   Sally Hanft
   U.S. EPA, Region 10
   1200 Sixth Avenue (EXA-142)
   Seattle, WA  98101
   Phone:    206-553-1207
   Fax:       206-553-0149
   E-mail:    hanft.sally@epamail.epa.gov

   U.S. EPA
   Office of Environmental Education
   401 M Street, SW (1704)
   Washington, DC 20460
   Phone:    202-260-8619
   Fax:       202-260-4095
   E-mail:     enviroed.group@epamail.epa.gov



 Please complete the form below if you wish to submit materials for inclusion in the next volume of the
 catalog*. Please send the form and a copy of the material(s) described below to:

                      Office of Environmental Education
                      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      401  M Street, SW (1704)
                      Washington, DC 20460
                      202-260-4095 FAX

 Addition of Materials:
 Document Number:
Source (for example, EPA Office of Environmental Education):

Order Information:
Audience (for example, Elementary School or Adult):
Available in languages other than English? If yes, please identify:

Available on the Internet?  If yes, please provide address: 	
Please complete:


  Materials submitted for the catalog must have been developed by, or funded wholly or in part by, EPA.


                     Feedback  Form  to
           Revise or  Remove Materials
  If you wish to revise or to remove from the catalog materials that are now included, please complete the
  form below and send it to:

                  Office of Environmental Education
                  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                  401  M Street, SW (1704)
                  Washington, DC 20460
                  202-260-4095 FAX
   q Revision of materials on page	of this catalog:

   Revision (please describe clearly):
   q Removal of materials on page	of this catalog:

   Please complete:



 ABC's of Environmental Education, The	15
 Acid Rain: A Student's First Sourcebook	7
 Acid Rain Program —
     Environmental Benefits	7
     It's Working  	7
     Overview  	7
     Update No. 1  	7
     Update No. 2  	7
     Update No. 3  	8
 Action Steps for Sun Protection	28
 Adopt Your Watershed!  	37
 Adventures of Camouflage Kid: Clean Streets/Clean
     Beaches, The	31
 Adventures of the Garbage Gremlin	33
 Air Pollution Awareness Internet Activities	8
 Air Quality Guide	8
 American Wetlands	42
 Auto Air Conditioners and the Ozone Layer:
     A Consumer's Guide	28
 Beach and Your Coastal Watershed, The	19
 Be Safe in the Sun!  The SunWise School Program	28
Catalog of Office of Pesticides Programs (OPP)
    Publications and Other Information Media	22
Caution! Lead Poisoning and Your Children	26
Citizen Monitoring:
    Recommendations to Household Well Users	37
    Recommendations to Public Water System Users ..  .37
Citizen's Guide to Achieving a Healthy Community,
    Economy and Environment, A	12
Citizen's Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety  	29
Cleaner Times: The  Curriculum  Guide  	31
Clean Water Game, The 	37
Collecting Used Oil for Recycling/Reuse 	33
Community-Based Environmental Protection: A Resource
    Book for Protecting Ecosystems  and Communities  . .12
Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste, The .. .31
Coral Reefs and Your Coastal Watershed	20
Coral Reefs: An English/Spanish Compilation of
    Activities for Middle School Students	19
 Designing Effective Workshops  	15
 Details, A Quarterly Publication	31
 Don'tTrash It!  	35
 Drinking Water Activities for Teachers and Student	37
 Earth Generation, The	22
 Earth Is A Water Planet	37
 Earth Trek...Explore Your Environment	22
 EE Toolbox: Workshop Resource Manual  	16
 Endangered Species Fact Sheets  	14
 Energy Star Buildings and Green Lights Update 	15
 Environmental Agriculture and Conservation  	22
 Environmental Benefits of Reducing Acid Rain  	8
 Environmental Curriculum: A Five-Day Plan  	13
 Environmental Education at a Glance 		16
 Environmental Education Clearinghouse	16
 Environmental Education Collection:  A Review of
    Resources for Educators, The
    Volume 1 	16
    Volume 2 	15
    Volume 3 	17
Environmental Education in EPA Region 10	17
Environmental Education Internet Sites
    Center for Environmental Information and Statistics  .44
    Concerned Citizens  	44
    Envirofacts Warehouse	44
    EPA Office of Air and Radiation, Education and
       Outreach Group:
       Environmental Resource Page	44
    EPA Office of Emergency and Remedial Response:
       Superfund Community Tools  	45
    EPA Office of Emergency and Remedial Response:
       Superfund for Kids  	45
   EPA Office of International Activities:
       International Environmental Issues	45
   EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic
       Information for Concerned Citizens 	45
       Kids Information Page	45
   EPA Office of Solid Waste:
       Students and Teachers  	46
   EPA Office of Water:
       Kids Stuff Site	45

                                   Index   by  Title
   EPA Region 1:
       Environmental Education Grants, Summaries of
       New England Projects	46
   EPA Region 2:
       Information for Kids, Students, and Teachers .. .46
   EPA Region 3:
       Environmental Education Office	46
       Green Communities	46
   EPA Region 4:
       Environmental and Public Outreach Program .. .46
   EPA Region 5:
       Environmental Education	47
   EPA Region 6:
       EPA Region 6 Kids' Page	47
       Information for Students and Teachers	47
   EPA Region 7:
       Educational Resources  	47
   EPA Region 8:
       Environmental Education Program	47
   EPA Region 9:
       Recycle City  	47
   EPA Region 10:
       Education  	47
   Explorers' Club	44
   Students and Teachers	44
Environmental Education—Technical Information
   Packages (EE -TIPS) Resource Materials to
   Support Your Environmental Education Efforts  	18
Environmental Education Materials:
   Guidelines for Excellence	17
Environmental Education Resource Index 	17
Environmental Education Services in Region 6 	17
Environmental Fact Sheets —
   Facts on Degradable Plastics, The, and
     Facts on Recycling Plastics, The  	34
   Recycling Grass Clippings 	33
    Recycling Municipal Solid Waste: 1995 Facts and
     Figures 	36
   Yard Waste Composting	34
Environmental Health Threats to Children 	11
Environmental Resource Guide:  Air Quality
    (Grades 3-5) 	9
    (Grades 6-8) 	9
    (Grades K-2)	8
                            Environmental Resource Guide: Nonpoint Source Pollution
                                (Grades 3-5)  	v	38
                                (Grades 6-8)  	38
                            Environmental Results Based Management	22
                            EPA Children's Environmental Health Yearbook, The  ... .11
                            EPA Children's Environmental Health Yearbook —
                                Executive Summary, The  	12
                            EPA Journal: Looking Ahead at Environmental
                                Education	18
                            ERA'S Pesticide Program	29
                            Estuaries and Your Coastal Watershed  	20
                            Exercise Your Blue Thumb	38
                            Fact Sheet:
                               21 Water Conservation Measures for Everybody —38

                            Getting Started: A Guide to Bringing Environmental
                                Education Into Your Classroom	18
                            Great Lakes, An Environmental Atlas/Resource, The ... .38
                            Great Minds? Great Lakes! 	39
                            Guide to a Healthier Home Environment, A	31
                            Guide to Environmental Education Resources	18
                            Guide to Environmental Issues 	23

                            Handle With Care: How To Throw Out Used
                                Insulin Syringes and Lancets At Home	36
                            Happy Earth Day  Activities Book, The	13
                            Hazardous Waste: Cleanup and Prevention 	25
                            HAZ-ED Classroom Activities for Understanding
                                Hazardous Waste	25
                            Health Effects of Overexposure to the Sun	28
                            Healthy Beginnings: Lead Safe Families — English as a
                                Second Language
                                (Advanced Version) 	27
                                (Beginner's Version) 	26
                            Healthy Lawn, Healthy Environment	30
                            Home Water Treatment Units —
                                Filtering Fact From Fiction  	39
                            Household Hazardous Waste —
                                Steps to Safe Management  	26

  Implementation Strategy for the Clean Air Act
     Amendments of 1990	 .9
  Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools — Action Kit	9

  Kidswheel on Hazardous Household Products	26
 Lake Walk Manual — Guidebook for Citizen
     Participation	39
 Lead In Your Drinking Water 	27
 Lead in Your Home: A Parent's Reference Guide	27
 Lead Poisoning and Your Children	27
 Learn About Lighting With  Flossie	15
 Let's Reduce and Recycle:
     Curriculum for Solid Waste Awareness	34

 Measuring Air Quality 	9
 Mid-Atlantic States: State of the Environment 1997	23

 National Air Quality Trends  	10
 National Pollution Prevention Center for
     Higher Education  	32
 National Report Card on Environmental Knowledge,
     Attitudes and Behaviors, The 	18
 Nonpoint Source Pollution — Manual for the
     Junior High School Teacher  	39
On the Trail of the Missing Ozone 	28
Our Mid-Atlantic Environment:  25 Years of Progress	23
Our Ocean Future	20
Ozone:  Good Up High, Bad Nearby 	28
People, Places, and Partnerships: A Progress Report on
    Community-Based Environmental Protection	13
Pest Control in the School Environment:
    Adopting Integrated Pest Management	30
Pesticides in the Home  	30
Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act, The  	10
Polluted	32
Pollution Prevention Directory 	32
  Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse	32
  President's Environmental Youth Awards
      (Application), The	19
  Project AIRE: Air Information Resources for Education
      (K-12)	10
  Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home	27
  Protecting Our Nation's Waters Through Water
      Quality-Based Controls	40
  Protecting Our Wetlands and Other Aquatic Resources . .42
  Protecting the Ozone Layer —
     A Checklist for Citizen Action  	29
 Quick Guide to Public Information Collection (PIC) for
     EPA-New England  	23
 Radon	33
 Recycle Today!  	34
 Recycle: You Can Make a Ton of Difference  	34
 Recycling Means Business  	35
 Regional Approaches to Improving Air Quality	23
 Report Assessing Environmental Education in the
     United States and the Implementation of the
     National Environmental Education Act of 1990 	19
 Resource Guide of Solid Waste Educational
     Materials, A  	35
 Ride the Wave of the Future Recycling Today!	35
 Safe Homes: Indoor Air and Radon  	10
 School Recycling Programs —
    A Handbook for Educators  	35
 Science Demonstration Projects in Drinking Water
    (Grades K-12)  	40
 Secondhand Smoke  	10
 Solid Waste Elementary Education Program (SWEEP) .  .36
 State  of New England Environment, The  	24
 State  of the New England Environment 1996	24
 Streamwalk Manual	20
 Student Activity Sheets for Drinking Water Projects	40
Taking Toxics Out of the Air:  Progress in Setting
    "Maximum Achievable Control Technology"
    Standards Under the Clean Air Act	

                                   Index  by  Title
Teacher's Guide to Kentucky's Environment	24
Terms of Environment:
    Glossary, Abbreviation, and Acronyms 	24
That Magnificent Ground Water Connection,
    A Resource Book For Grades K-6	25
To Spray or Not to Spray	30
Turning the Tide on Trash,
    A Learning Guide on Marine Debris 	32
Turning the Tide, Keeping Pollution at Bay	40

Underhood Tips to Help You Keep Your Cool,
    Servicing Vehicle Air-Conditioning Systems
    During the CFC Phaseout	29
Urban Water Ways Restoration Training Manual for
    Youth  Service and Conservation Corps	40

Volunteer Estuary Monitoring:  A Methods Manual	21

Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Composting Options:
    Lessons from 30 Communities	35
Water on Tap: A Consumer's Guide to the Nation's
    Drinking Water	41
Water Sourcebook, The	41
WaterWheel	41
Water, Every Living Thing Depends On It!  	41
We're Doing a World of Good!	15
Welcome to the Wetlands  	42
Wet Way, Water Employees Together with
    America's Youth 	41
Wetland Walk Manual  	42
Wetlands are Wonderlands!
    An Illustrated Guide to Wetlands	42
Wetlands Information Resource Guide	42
Wetlands Reading List, Pre-Kindergarten through
    Grade 12 	43
What You  Can Do To Reduce Air Pollution	11
 World Fit for Chipmunks and Other Living Things, A  ... .43
 World in Our Backyard — A Wetlands Education and
    Stewardship Program, A	43
                            Year of the Ocean	
                            Your Car (or Truck) and The Environment.
                            Your Coastal Watershed  	
