4>EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Administration And Resources Management (PM-211A) IMSD 220-B-92-023 August 1992 Directory Of EPA Technical Information Packages (TIPS) Recycled/Recyclable ycae SAA-) Pnnted on paperthat contain: X-JV/ at least 50% recycled liber ------- For additional copies of this document, contact: INFOTERRA/USA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "::v ' >'PM-211A '•'i^JfXI'Street SW'!" ".. "'.".' Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202)260-5917 Fax: (202)260-3923 OR National Technical Information Service (NTIS) U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Phone: (703)487-4650 Fax: (703)321-8547 ------- TECHNICAL INFORMATION PACKAGES (TIPS) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a series of Technical Information Packages (TIPs) on fourteen key environmental issues for international distribution. These TIPs consolidate some of the Agency's best information on these subjects into mini-resource libraries. EPA and the U.S. Information Agency have distributed TIPs to information centers around the world. EPA has produced TIPs on the following subjects: o Ensuring Safe Drinking Water o o Mining Waste Management o o Environmental Impact Assessments o o Rural Wastewater Systems o o Pesticides Waste Disposal o o EPA Information Sources o o Environmental Management o Hazardous Waste Air Quality Water Quality Solid Waste Disposal Risk Assessment Regulating Pesticides Pollution Prevention Each TIP contains a cover brochure that generally explains the environmental issue, related environmental and health effects, relevant standards and regulations, appropriate technologies for addressing the issue, and annotations of each document included in the TIP. In addition, each cover brochure includes a list of EPA experts, a more extensive bibliography, and information on access to existing databases and training opportunities. TIPs Directory This directory provides the expected locations for TIPs packages worldwide. Each recipient institution has agreed to provide public access to the TIPS. Final locations for some TIPs sets are still being determined. For clarification on a specific location in a country, contact the local United States Information Service (USIS) through the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Additional copies of this directory may be ordered by using the information on the inside cover of this document. ------- ------- ASIA and the PACIFIC BANGLADESH American Cultural Center Jiban Bima Bhaban, 4th Floor 10 Dilkusha C.A. Dhaka 1000 Tel: (88-02) 862-550 The Center for Environmental Studies, Dept. of Geography University of Dhaka Dhaka Tel: (88-02) 501-103 BURMA American Center Library 549 Merchant Street Rangoon USIS Reference Service American Embassy (Yiban) 17 Gyangha Road Beijing 100600 National Environmental Protection Agency 115 Xizhimennei Nanziaojie Beijing Beijing Agricultural Engineering School Beijing Liaoning Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau 2 Taiyuan Street Shenyang Contact: Sun Chang Lai Tel: 227-810 Regional Environmental Protection Bureau Shanghai Regional Environmental Protection Bureau Guangzhou Regional Environmental Protection Bureau Chengdu 5 Additional Locations Contact: USIS Ref. Center in Beijing for more information FIJI USIS Suva Library American Embassy 31 Loftus Street P.O. Box 218 Suva Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific Suva HONG KONG Environmental Protection Department Hong Kong Government 28/F., Southorn Center 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: (852)835-1018 ------- INDIA American Center Library 4 New Marine Lines Bombay 400 020 Tel: 262-4590 American Center Library 38a Jawaharlal Nehru Road Calcutta 700 071 Teh 291-235 American Center Library Gemini Circle Madras 600 006 Tel: 473-040 Anna University Center for Environmental Studies Guindy Madras 600 025 Tel: 235-2169 Cochin University of Science and Technology School of Environmental Studies Fine Arts Avenue Kochi 682 016 Tel: 367-005 Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani 333 031 Rajasthan Tel: 2497 National Environmental Engineering Research Institute Nehru Marg Nagpur 440 020 Tel: 526-071 American Center Library 24 Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi 110001 Tel: 331-4251 Jawaharlal Nehru University School of Environmental Science New Mehrauli Road New Delhi 110067 Tel: 652-438 INDONESIA Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Sangkuriang 40 A Bandung Tel: (62-22) 85-606 Pusat Penelitian Sumber Daya Alam & Lingkungan Universitas Pajajaran Jl. Sekeloa Bandung Tel: (62-22) 84-982 Zorinsky Memorial Library Wisma Metropolitan II 3rd Floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 31 Jakarta 12920 Tel: (62-21) 571-1502 Badan Pengendal Dampak Lingkungan (BAPADEL) Arthaloka Building 11th Floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman 2 Jakarta 10220 Tel: (62-21)570-3419 Department Perindustrian Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav 52-53 Jakarta Selatan Tel: (62-21)515-509 Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi llmiah Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto 10 Jakarta Selatan Tel: (62-21)510-719 Wahana Lingkungan Hidup (WALHI) Jl. Penjernihan 1 Komplek Keuangan 15 Jakarta Selatan Tel: (62-21)583-975 ------- Indonesia (con't) Kantor Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat 15 Jakarta Pusat Tel: (62-21)371-295 Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Hasanuddin Kampus Unhas Baraya Ujung Pandang Tel: (62-411)71-179 Pusat Studi Lingkungan Universitas Gajah Mada Sekip Blok K8-9 Yogyakarta Tel: (62-274) 88-688 JAPAN JICA, Planning Department P.O. Box 216, 47th Floor Shinjuku Mitsui Building 2-1-1 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163 Contact: Masao Kawai OECF, Coordination Department 1-4-1 O Temachi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Contact: Isao Kubota MALAYSIA Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment Wisma Sime Darby, 13th Floor Jalan Raja Laut 50662 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (603)293-8917 MONGOLIA State Committee for Nature and Environmental Protection Khudaldaany gudamj 5 Ulaanbaatar Contact: Zambyn Batjargal Tel: 20-943 NEPAL American Library New Road (P.O. Box 58) Kathmandu Tel: (977-1)221-2150 Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ) Thapathali, P.O. Box 5143 Kathmandu Tel: (977-1)227-691 PAKISTAN American Center Library No. 60, Blue Area Khayaban-e-Quaid-e-Azam Sector F-6/4 Islamabad Ministry of Housing and Works, Environment and Urban Affairs Division Block B, Pakistan Secretariat Islamabad Tel: (51)825-941 American Center Library Collector's Lane 8 Abdullah Haroom Road Karachi Pakistan Environmental Protection Foundation Karachi ------- Pakistan (con't) American Center Library 20, Shahrah-e-Fatima Jinnah Lahore University of Engineering and Technology Lahore University of Peshawar Peshawar American Center Library 17-c ChinarRoad University Town Peshawar Sarhad Development Authority Peshawar Journalists Resource Center for the Environment Government of the Punjab, Environment Protection Agency PAPUA NEW GUINEA USIS Library Port Moresby PHILIPPINES Asian Development Bank Environmental Division P.O. Box 789 1099 Manila Thomas Jefferson Cultural Center Library 395 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave. Makati 1200 Metro Manila USIS Library SSS Building Osmena Blvd, Cebu City 6000 Cebu 4 Additional Locations Contact: Thomas Jefferson Cultural Center Library in Manila for more information SRI LANKA Ministry of Policy Planning and Implementation, "Sethsiripaya" Sri Jayewardenepura Battaramulla Tel: 562-721 Central Environmental Authority Parisara Mawatha Maligawatte New Town Colombo 10 Tel: 449-4556 Ministry of Environment and Parliamentary Affairs 6th Floor, Unity Plaza Building Colombo 4 Tel: 588-274 Ministry of Lands, Irrigation, and Mahawelhi Development 500 T.B. Jayah Mawatha Colombo 10 SINGAPORE Ministry of Environment Library 40 Scotts Road, Environment Building Singapore 0922 Contact: Ahmad Matter Tel: 732-7733 ------- SOUTH KOREA USIS Library 63, Eulchi-Ro 1 -KA Chung-ku Seoul 100-191 Ministry of the Environment International Affairs Seoul 1 Additional Set Contact: USIS Library in Seoul for more information THAILAND AUA Binational Center Library 179 Rajdamri Road Bangkok 10330 The Thai Environmental and Community Development Association Bangkok Bank Building, 15th Floor, Room 1508 333 Silom Road Bangkok 10500 Ministry of Public Health Environmental health Division San Sen Road Bangkok 10200 Asian Institute of Technology P.O. Box 2754 Bangkok 10501 Contact: Alastair North Tel: (2) 529-0374 Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Environmental Health Division 173 Thanon Dinso Bangkok 10200 Kasetsart University Office of the University Library 50 Pahon Yothin Road Chatujak, Bangkok 10900 Chulalongkorn University Department of Environmental Engineering Phya Thai Road Pratumwan, Bangkok 10330 Contact: Dr. Thongchai Panswad AUA Binational Center Library 24 Rajdamnern Road Chiang Mai 5000 Mahidol University Faculty of Environmental Resource Studies 25/25 Phutthamonthon 4 Salaya, Nakhon Chaisi, Nakhon Pathom 73170 WESTERN SAMOA South Pacific Regional Environmental Program PO Box 240 Apia ------- LATIN AMERICA and the CARIBBEAN ANTIGUA Peace Corps APCD Natural Resources St. Johns ARGENTINA Lincoln Center Florida 935 Buenos Aires 1005 Tel: 313-6627 Secretariat of Natural Resources and Human Environment San Martin 459 Buenos Aires 1004 Tel: 322-3699 Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina Defensa 245, 6to. Piso Buenos Aires 1065 Fundacion Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Monroe 2142 Buenos Aires 1428 Tel: 781-6115 THE BAHAMAS Bahamas National Trust Library Nassau Department of Environmental Health Nassau US Embassy Economic/Commercial Library Nassau BARBADOS USAID, Regional Development Office P.O. Box 302 Bridgetown Contact: Gene Wilkens BOLIVIA LI DEM A La Paz Centro Boliviano-Americano Parque Zenon Iturralde Av. Acre 121 Post Box: Casilla 20623 La Paz SEGMA, Secretariat for the Environment La Paz Santa Cruz Private University Santa Cruz BRAZIL USIS Reference Library Casa Thomas Jefferson SHIS Q1 Conj, 17 Lote L Lago Sul 71625-170 Brasilia Tel: (55-61)248-7363 IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Medio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renovaveis) Sain Av. L4 Norte Edificio IBAMA 70818-900 Brasilia Tel: (55-61) 226-8909 ------- Brazil (con't) Congress (Library of the Federal State) Praca Dos Tres Poderes 70165-900 Brasilia Tel: (55-61) 311-8909 SEMA-MS Av. Calogeras, 616 79004-380, Campo Grande, MS Contact: Edson Espindola Tel: (55-67)383-3830,383-3014 SUREHMA Rua Eng. Reboucas, 1206 1 Andar 80210, Curitiba, Parana Contact: Alberto Baccarin Tel: (55-41) 224-1864, 225-3411 FEEMA Campo de Sao Cristovao, 348 - Sao Cristovao 20921-440, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Tel: (55-21)580-9223 USIS Reference Library Rua Padre Joao Manoel, 933 01411 Sao Paulo, SP Tel: (55-11) 64-1775 CETESB (Comphania de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental) Av. Prof. Frederico Herman, Jr. 345 05489 Sao Paulo, SP Contact: Walter Lazzarini Tel: (55-11)210-1100 SEMA-SP Rua Tabapua, 81 04533, Sao Paulo, SP Contact: Alaor Caffe Alves Tel: (55-11) 883-0766 CHILE Institute Chileno- Norteamericano de Cultura Moneda 1467 P.O. Box 9286 Santiago CONAMA, National Council on Environment Alameda B. O'Higgins 280 Santiago CIPMA, Centra de Investigacion del Meclio Ambiente Casilla 16362, Santiago 9 Contact: Juan Criestomo Jacques 2268 UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC) Casilla 179 D Santiago Contact: Carmen Vera-Arendt COLOMBIA Biblioteca Centro Colombo- Americano Carrera 43 No. 51-95 Barranquilla Biblioteca Centro Colombo- Americano Avenida 19, No 3-05 Bogota Colciencias - Institute Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia Transversal 9A No. 133-28 Bogota INDERENA Carrera 10 No, 20-30 Bogota ------- Colombia (con't) Universidad Nacional Instituto de Estudios Ambientales (IDEA) Ciudad Universitaria Edificio Camilo Torres, Bloque B7 Bogota Biblioteca Centre Colombo- Americano Calle 13N No.8-45 Cali Biblioteca Centro Colombo- Americano Carrera 45 No. 53-24 Medellin COSTA RICA Biblioteca Mark Twain Centro Cultural Costarricense-Norteamericano Calle 37 - Av.Ctl-1 San Jose Agriculture College of the Humid Tropical Region San Jose DOMINICA Peace Corps APCD Natural Resources Roseau DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Biblioteca Lincoln Avenida Abraham Lincoln no.21 Santo Domingo Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo Santo Domingo 8 Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo Santo Domingo Biblioteca CCDA Avda. Salvador Estrella Sandala (P.O. Box 767) Santiago Pontifica Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra Universidad Pedro Henriquez Urena ECUADOR USIS Lincoln Center American Embassy Av. Patria No. 120 y 12 de Octubre Quito Tel: 549-540 Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Library De las Alondras y las Higuerillas, Monteserrin Quito Tel: 459-137 Peace Corps APCD Natural Resources Casilla 635A Quito Contact: Francisco Garces Fundacion Natura Quito EL SALVADOR US Information Service (USIS) Library U.S. Embassy San Salvador Final Boulevard Santa Elena Antiguo Cuscaltan Contact: Sara Vasquez Tel: (503) 78-4444 ------- El Salvador (con't) US Agency for International Development (USAID) Library U.S. Embassy San Salvador Final Boulevard Santa Elena Antiguo Cuscaltan Contact: Peter Gore Tel: (503)98-1666 GRENADA Peace Corps APCD Natural Resources St. Georges GUATEMALA Walt Whitman Library Institute Guatemalteco Americano Ruta 1, 4-05, Zona 4 Apartado Postal 691 Ciudad de Guatemala Del Valle University 11 Calle 15-79 Zona 15 Ciudad de Guatemala Tel: (502-2) 69-25-63 GUYANA John F. Kennedy Library 36 Main Street P.O. Box 10888 Georgetown HONDURAS Peace Corps Environment Center Avenida Republica Chile No. 401 Colonia Palmira Tegucigalpa Contact: Jorge Betancourt Tel: (504)32-8516 Institute Hondureno de Cultura Interamericana Segunda Avenida, entre 5 y 6 Calle, No. 511 Conayaguela, D.C. P.O. Box 201 Tegucigalpa Tel: (504) 37-7539 Centro Cultural Sampedrano 4 Calle, entre 3a y 4a Avenida, No. 20 P.O. Box No. 511 San Pedro Sula Tel: (504) 57-5337 MEXICO USIS Library Progreso 175 Guadalajara, Jalisco 44100 Tel: (523)625-2700 Laboratorio Bosque de la Primavera Universidad de Guadalajara Emerson 73 Guadalajara, Jalisco 44100 Contact: M.C. Arturo Curiel Tel: (523) 626-6655 Benjamin Franklin Library Londres 16, Colonia Juarez 06600, Mexico City, D.F. Tel: (525) 211-0042 ext. 3380 Centro de Informacion Ecologica Empresarial Confederacion de Camaras Industrials de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos M. Ma. Contreras 133, 20 piso Colonia Cuauhtemoc 06597 Mexico City, D.F. Tel: (525) 546-9053 ------- Mexico (con't) Institute Nacional de Ecologia Secretaria de Desarrollo Social Rio Elba 20, Piso 16 Col. Cuauhtemoc 06500, Mexico City, D.F. Contact: Fis. Sergio Reyes Lujan Tel: (525) 553-6421 Estudios Ecologicos Camara Nacional de Industrias de Transformacion (CANACINTRA) Av. San Antonio 256 Col. Ampliacion Napoles, Del Benito Juarez 03489, Mexico City, D.F. Tel: (525) 563-3400 ext. 111 Departamento del Distrito Federal (DDF) Comision Metropolitana para la Prevencion y Control de la Contaminacion Ambiental en el Valle de Mexico Plaza de la Constitucion 1, 3er Piso 06020, Mexico City, D.F. Contact: Lie. Fernando Menendez Tel: (522) 705-1277 Institute Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur 64849 Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Contact: Ing. Ramon de la Pena Tel: (5283) 58-2824 Direccidn de Ecologia del Gobierno del Estado de Baja California Paseo de los Heroes y Dr. Atl #17 Zona Rio Tijuana, Tijuana Contact: Dr. Jorge Barroso Aranda Tel: (5266) 84-0604 NICARAGUA USIS Library Managua 3 Additional Locations Contact: USIS Library in Managua for more information PANAMA National Association of Conservation Panama City National Institute of Renewable Natural Resources Panama City PARAGUAY APCD Natural Resources Peace Corps Chaco Boreal #162 C/Mcal, Lopez Asuncion Contact: Nicholas Metes PERU USIS Reference Center Larrabure y Unanue 110, Piso 5 Lima 1 Tel: (14)33-0555 Oficina Nacional de Evaluacion de Recursos Naturales Calle 17 No. 355 Urb. el Palomar San Isidro, Lima 27 Contact: Jesus Echenique Cespedes Tel: (14)41-0425 10 ------- Peru (con't) Institute Cultural Peruano Norteamericano Jr. Cusco 446 - Piso 2 Lima 1 Tel: (14)28-3530 Biblioteca de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molinda Lima 12 Tel: (14)35-2035 2 Additional Locations Contact: USIS Reference Center in Lima for more information PUERTO RICO Caribbean Environment and Development Institute (CEDI) San Juan ST. KITTS Peace Corps APCD Natural Resources Basseterre ST. LUCIA Peace Corps APCD Natural Resources Castries Organization of Eastern Caribbean States P.O. Box 1383 The Morne Castries ST. VINCENT Peace Corps APCD Natural Resources Kingstown TRINIDAD and TOBAGO American Center 7-9 Marli Street P.O. Box 752 Port of Spain 1 Additional Location Contact: American Center in Port of Spain for more information URUGUAY Biblioteca Artigas Washington Paraguay 1217 CP1217 Montevideo Ministry of Housing, Land Use and the Environment (DINAMA) Zabala 1427 - C.P. 11.100, Montevideo Tel: 963-954 VENEZUELA Centra Venezolano Americano Calle Cerro Quintero Las Mercedes Caracas Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (MARNR) Esquina Camejo, Edificio Camejo Piso 5, Oficina 501 Centro Simon Bolivar Caracas Contact: Ing. Marta Perdomo Tel: (02) 541-3132 11 ------- Venezuela (con't) Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos "Ezequiel Zamora" (UNELLEZ) Convento de San Francisco, Carrera 3 Guanare, Estado Portuguesa Contact: Ricardo Castro Tel: (057) 68-006 Institute para el Control y Conservacion del Lago de Maracaibo (ICLAM) Edificio San Jacinto, Calle 72, Prolongacion Lago de Maracaibo Maracaibo, Estado Zulia Contact: Maria Cristina Facchini Tel: (061)91-378 Universidad Simon Bolivar Maestria de Desarrollo y Ambiente Edificio Basico 1, Piso 3, Oficina 305 Sartenejas, Baruta Contact: Andres Bansart Tel: (02)907-3212 12 ------- EUROPE AUSTRIA Amerika Haus Library Friedrich Schmidt-Platz 2 A-1010 Vienna UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Environment Unit P.O. Box 300 A-1400 Vienna Contact: Ralph Luken BELGIUM NATO 1110, Brussels Tel: 241-00-40 European Community 200 rue de la Loi 1049, Brussels Tel: 235-11-11 CZECHOSLOVAKIA USIS Library American Consulate Hviezdoslavovo Namesti 4 811 02 Bratislava Tel: (42-7) 33-59-32 Slovak Academy of Sciences Obrancov Mieru 49 810 00 Bratislava Tel: (42-7) 427-51 Slovak Commission for Environment Hlboka 2 812 35 Bratislava Tel: (42-7) 424-51 USIS Library American Embassy Trziste 15 125 48 Prague 1 Tel: (42-2) 536-641 Czech Academy of Sciences Narondi 3 111 42 Prague 1 Tel: (42-2) 235-8065 Czech Ministry of Environment Tr. SNB 65 100 10. Prague 10 Tel: (42-2)712-1111 Charles University Ovocny TRH 3 100 00 Prague 1 Tel: (42-2) 260-641 FRANCE Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Environment Committee 2 rue Andre Pascal, 75775 Paris Tel: 4524-82-00 OECD, Development Assistance Committee Paris GERMANY 2 Locations Contact: USIS Library American Embassy Deichmanns Aue 29 5300 Bonn 2 13 ------- GREECE American Library 22 Massalias Street GR-106 80 Athens Ministry of Environment, Town Planning, and Public Works Odos Metropoleos 15 Athens Tel: (1)323-0461 National Research Foundation Athens University of the Aegean Department of Environmental Protection Athens American Center Library 35 Mitropoleos street GR-546 23 Thessaloniki University of Thessalonki Department of Environmental Protection Thessaloniki HUNGARY Ministry of Environment and Regional Planning Fo Utca 44-48 Budapest Tel: (36) 1 201-3843 GOH Institute for Environmental Management Alkotmany Ut 29 1054 Budapest Tel: (36) 1 132-8270 Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe Miklos Ter 1 1035 Budapest Tel: (36) 1 168-8685 5 Additional Sets Contact: Regional Environmental Center in Budapest for more information ICELAND USIS Library American Cultural Center Laugavegur 26 101 Reykjavik Tel: (91)621-022 Ministry of Environment Vonarstraeti 4 150 Reykjavik Tel: (91)609-600 The University Library The University of Iceland Vid Sudurgotu 101 Reykjavik Tel: (91)694-000 3 Additional Locations Contact: USIS Library in Reykjavik for more information ITALY Servizio Valutazione Impatto Ambientale, Divisione Banca Dati e Relazione Sullo State dell Ambiente Via della Ferratella in Laterno 33 00184 Rome Tel: (6) 702-7165 NORWAY US Reference Center Drammensveien 18 0244 Oslo 2 Tel: (47-2) 562-522 14 ------- POLAND Biblioteka Amerykanska Kons. Stanow Zjednoczonych Ameryki Ul. Stolarska 9 Krakow Biblioteka Amerykanska Kons. Stanow Zjednoczonych Ameryki Ul. Chopina 4 61-708Poznan Biblioteka Amerykanska Amb. Stanow Zjednoczonych Ameryki Aleje Ulazdowskie 29/31 Warsaw Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources ul Wawelska 52-54 00-922 Warsaw Tel: (22) 750-001 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Polesna 61 01-673 Warsaw Contact: Jan Zielinski Tel: (22) 352-843 Peace Corps Program Office 02-714 Warsaw Contact: Art Flanagan Institute of Environmental Protection PI. Grunwalzki 9 50-377 Wroclaw Contact: Apolinary Koval Tel: (22) 229-725 Energy Efficiency Center 5 Additional Locations Contact: Biblioteca Amerykanska, Warsaw PORTUGAL University of Aveiro Aveiro American Library Av. Duque De Louie, 22-B Apt. 4258 1507 Lisbon Codex Ministry of Environment Praca du Comercio 1100 Lisbon Tel: (1)320-593 ROMANIA Centrul Cultural American No. 7 Jean-Louis Calderon St. Bucharest 70201 Tel: 140-007 Ministerul Mediului Bd. Liberatatii 12 Tronson 5 Bucharest Tel: 316-044 Universitattea Sibiu Bd. Victoriei 10 Sibiu Tel: 23-670 3 Additional Locations Contact: Centrul Cultural American in Bucharest for more information RUSSIA American Embassy Moscow Russian Republic Ministry of the Environment Moscow USSR Ministry of Environment Moscow 15 ------- SPAIN Ministry of the Environment Madrid SWEDEN National Environmental Protection Board Smidesvagen 5 171 85 Solna SWITZERLAND USIS Library Jubilaeumstrasse 93 3005 Bern Government Publications Librarian United Nations Library Palais des Nations CH- 121, Geneva 10 Contact: P. Pelou Tel: 60-11 World Health Organization (WHO) 20 Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva 27 Tel: 21-11 TURKEY Environment Ministry Ankara Amerikan Kutuphanesi Cinnah Caddesi No.20 Cankaya, Ankara Tel: (4) 426-3720 Middle East Technical University Library Ankara 06531 Tel; (4)223-8138 16 Istanbul Technical University Environmental Engineering Dept. Maslak 80626 Istanbul Tel: (1)276-3791 Amerikan Kutuphanesi 104-108 Mesrutiyet Caddesi Tepebasi 80071 Istanbul Tel: (1)251-3602 Bosphorus University Environmental Sciences Institute P.K. 2 Bebek, Istanbul Tel: (1)263-1500 Wildlife Protection Association Zincirlikuyu Caddesi, Basak Sokak, 50/1 Ulus, Istanbul Tel: (1)279-0139 Amerikan Kutuphanesi Sehit Nevres Bulvari 23A Alsancak, Izmir Tel: (51) 149-426 Dokuz Eylul University Environmental Engineering Dept. Bornova, Izmir Tel: (51) 180-110, ext. 3057 EGE University Environmental Issues Research Center Bornova, Izmir Tel: (51) 180-110, ext. 2433 UKRAINE Library of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine Kiev ------- YUGOSLAVIA Americki Center Chika Ljubina 19 Belgrade 11000 Americki Center Cankarveja 11 Ljubljana 61000 Americki Center Bulevar Oktobarske Revolucije 100 Podorica 81000 Americki Center Kranjcvica A3 Sarajevo 71000 Americki Center Gradski Zid, Blok IV Post Box 296 Skopje 91000 Americki Center Zrinjevac 13 Zagreb 41000 2 Additional Locations Contact: Americki Center, Belgrade 17 ------- NEAR EAST ALGERIA Ministry of the Interior, Bureau of Environment Palais du Gouvernement Algiers Tel: (2) 63-23-40 BAHRAIN USIS Library BIdg979, Road 3119 321 Zinj Manama Tel: (973) 276-180 Bahrain Environmental Protection Committee P.O. Box 26909 Manama Contact: Dr. Khalid Fakhro Tel: (973) 293-693 EGYPT American Culture Center 3, Al Pharaana Street Alexandria Alexandria University High Institute of Public Health Alexandria American Center 4, Ahmed Ragheb Street Garden City Cairo Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency Cairo 18 Egyptian Academy of Sciences Cairo The American University Cairo Ministry of Health Cairo Ministry of Water Cairo Ministry of Agriculture Cairo Ain Shams University Department of Community, Environment, and Occupational Medicine Shoubra Raima Technion, Environment and Water Resources Engineering Center Technion City Haifa 32000 Contact: Prof. M.H. Diskin Tel: (972 4) 292-637 Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 6234 Jerusalem 91061 Tel: (972 2) 523-629 American Cultural Center 19 Keren Hayesod Street P.O. Box 920 Jerusalem Tel: (972 2) 252-376 ------- Israel (con't) Faculty of Agriculture of the Hebrew University Environmental Education P.O. Box 26 Rehovot76100 Tel: (9728)481-316 Israel Union for Environmental Defense 317 Hayarkon Street Tel Aviv 63504 Tel: (972 3) 546-8099 American Center Library 71 Hayarkon Street Tel Aviv 63432 Tel: (972 3) 650-661 JORDAN Jordan Society for the Control of Environmental Pollution Amman University of Jordan Library Amman Ministry of Municipal, Rural, and Environmental Affairs, Department of Environment POB1799 Amman Tel: (6) 644-466 KUWAIT Kuwait Environmental Protection Department Kuwait City Science Library of Kuwait University Kuwait City Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research P.O. Box 24885 Safat 13109 Contact: Ahmad Al-Jassar Tel: 483-0776 MOROCCO Department of Interior General Directorate for Urbanization, Land, and Environmental Management Quartier Administratif Rabat Tel: (7)64-718 OMAN USIS Reference Center Madinat Qaboos P.O. Box 50202 Muscat Omani Ministry of Environment FOB 4491 Ruwi Tel: 603-800 Council for Conservation and Prevention of Pollution QATAR USIS Library 149 Ali Bin Ahmed Street Farig Bin Omran P.O. Box 2399 Doha Qatar Permanent Environment Protection Committee P.O. Box 7634 Doha Tel: (0974) 320-825 19 ------- Qatar (con't) Scientific and Applied Research Center P.O. Box2713 Doha SAUDI ARABIA King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals Research Institute Dhahran 31261 Contact: Dr. Abdhallah Dabbagh Tel: (3)860-3319 Meteorological and Environmental Protection Agency (MEPA) P.O. Box 1358 Jeddah 21431 Contact: Abdulbar AI-Gain UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Ministry of Health Higher Environmental Committee P.O.Box 848 Abu Dhabi Tel: (2) 334-000 Abu Dhabi Natural History Group Abu Dhabi UAE University Library P.O. Box 15551 Al Ain West Bank/Gaza Strip Applied Research Institute Bethlehem University Caritas Street P.O. Box 860 Bethlehem, West Bank Contact: Dr. Jad Ishak Tel: (02)741-889 Environmental Protection Center 55/29 Shuhada Street P.O. Box 1175 Gaza Strip Contact: Dr. Jamal M. Safi Tel: (051) 863-676 20 ------- AFRICA BOTSWANA American Library Embassy Drive P.O. Box 90 Gaborone Ministry of Local Governments and Lands, Department of Town and Regional Planning Gaborone 3 Additional Locations Contact: American Library in Gaborone for more information BURUNDI Biblioteque Martin Luther King, Jr 20-22 Chaussee Prince L. Rwagsore (B.P. 810) Bujumbura CAMEROON National School of Forestry Mbalmayo Centre Culture! Americain Avenue de I'Independence B.P. 817 Yaounde 3 Additional Locations Contact: Centre Culture! Americain in Yaounde for more information CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC American Cultural Center P.O. Box 48 Bangui Tel: (236)61-47-66 Secretariat d'Etat a la Recherche Scientifique P.O. Box 1554 Bangui Tel: (236) 61-66-02 Centre Culture! Americain Av. Felix Eboue B.P. 3 Ndjamena Tel: (213) 51-40-09 GABON Centre Culture! Americain 16 Avenue du Colonel Parant B.P. 2237 Libreville GHANA Martin Luther King, Jr. Library American Center P.O. Box 2288 64 Sudan Road Accra Environmental Protection Council Accra 21 ------- KENYA Environmental Liaison Center International Nairobi National Environment Secretariat Nairobi UN Environment Programme INFOTERRA/PAC P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi Tel: (254 2) 230-8000 LESOTHO SADCC Coordinating Unit Ministry of Agriculture, Co-Operatives, and Marketing POB24 Maseru 100 Tel: 322-741 MALAWI Department of Research and Environmental Affairs P.O. Box 30745 Capital City, Lilongwe 3 Contact: Librarian Tel: (265) 734-011 Natural Resources College P.O. Box 143 Lilongwe Contact: Librarian Tel: (265) 722-744 Bunda College of Agriculture P.O. Box 219 Lilongwe Contact: College Librarian Tel: (265) 277-222 22 Chitedze Agriculture Research Station P.O. Box 158 Lilongwe Contact: G.Y. Mkamanga Tel: (265) 767-222 John F. Kennedy Memorial Library American Embassy Old Mutual Bldg, P.O. Box 30373 City Center Lilongwe 3 Chancellor College P.O. Box 280 Zomba Contact: College Librarian Tel: (265) 522-222 MALI American Cultural Center Library B.P. 34 Bamako Tel: (223) 22-20-25 NAMIBIA Namibian Nature Foundation P.O. Box 245 Windhoek Contact: Douglas Reissner Tel: (264)61-35-111 Ministry of Wildlife, Conservation, and Tourism Reference Library Windhoek Tel: (264)61-224-9111 The Environmental Center P.O. Box 22391 Windhoek Contact: Pieter Mostert Tel: (264) 61-36-760 ------- RWANDA USIS Library Centre Culture! Americain Avenue des Grands Lacs (B.P. 28) Kigali SAO TOME & PRINCIPE 2 Locations in Sao Tome Contact: Centre Culture! Americain in Libreville for more information SENEGAL Peace Corps Director Corps de ia Paix B.P. 2534 Dakar Contact: Scott Lewis Office of Environmental Protection Dakar University of Dakar, Institute of Environmental Sciences Dakar SIERRA LEONE American Cultural Center Walpole Street Freetown SOUTH AFRICA American Cultural Center 4th Floor, Southern Life Bldg 239 Pertorius Street 0002 Pretoria SWAZILAND Swazi Environmental Agency, Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy P.O. Box 57, Mbabane Contact: Noah Nkambule Tel: (0268) 46-244 American Cultural Center Allister Miller Street P.O. Box 199 Mbabane New Environmental Resource Center at the Malolotja Nature Reserve UGANDA USIS Library Plot 2.1, Mackinnon Road Nakasero Kampala Tel: (44) 233-231 Ministry of Water, Energy, Mineral and Environmental Protection National Environment Action Plan P.O.Box4544 Kampala Tel: (44) 234-733 Makarere University Main Library P.O. Box 7062 Kampala Tel: (44) 542-471 Uganda Environmental Law Association P.O. Box 10863 Kampala Tel: (44) 255-852 23 ------- Uganda (con't) National Curriculum Development Center P.O. Box 7002 Kampala Tel: (44)259-912 Islamic University Mbale Mbale ZAIRE Centre Culturel Americain 310 Avenue Des Aviateurs B.P. 8622 Kinshasa Department of the Environment and Conservation 15 ave de la Justice B.P. 1248 Kinshasa Tel: (12)31-252 Institute for Conservation of Natural Resources Kinshasa USIS Library Lubumbashi 24 ZAMBIA Ministry of Water, Lands, and Natural Resources Mulungushi House, Independence Avenue, Nationalist Road, POB 30055 Lusaka Tel: (1)214-988 ZIMBABWE American Cultural Center Century House East 38 Baker Avenue P.O. Box 4010 Harare Ministry of Health Harare University of Zimbabwe Center for Applied Social Sciences Harare Department of Natural Resources and Tourism Harare Zimbabwe National Conservation Trust ------- NORTH AMERICA CANADA Readers Service Environment Canada Library 351 Saint Joseph Boulevard 2nd Floor Hull, Quebec CANADA K1A-OH3 Contact: Henne Kahwa Tel: (819)997-3916 MEXICO - see LATIN AMERICA and the CARIBBEAN UNITED STATES Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 Library 345 Courtland Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30365-2401 Contact: Priscilla Pride Tel: (404)347-4216 Environmental Protection Agency Region 1 Library JFK Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 Contact: Peg Nelson Tel: (617) 565-3300 Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Library 230 South Dearborne Street Chicago, IL 60604 Contact: Lou W. Tilley Tel: (312)353-2022 Environmental Protection Agency Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center Library 26 West Martin Luther King Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45268-4545 Contact: Stephena Harmony Tel: (513) 569-7707 Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 Library 1445 Ross Avenue First Interstate Bank Tower Dallas, TX 75202-2733 Contact: Linda McGlothlen Tel: (214) 655-6444 Environmental Protection Agency Region 8 Library 999 18th Street Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202-2405 Contact: Barbara Wagner Tel: (303) 293-1647 Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 Library 726 Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 Contact: Barbara MacKinnon Tel: (913)551-7358 Environmental Protection Agency Region 2 Library 26 Federal Plaza, Room 402 New York, NY 10278 Contact: Evelyn Goodman Tel: (212)264-2881 United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Environment and Natural Resources Group 1 U.N. Plaza New York, NY 10016 Contact: Ralph Schmidt United Nations International Children's Education Fund Environment Unit UNICEF Plaza New York, NY Contact: Dr. Yin Yin Nwe 25 ------- US (con't) Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 Information Resource Center 841 Chestnut Building Philadelphia, PA 19107 Contact: Diane McCreary Tel: (215) 597-0580 Environmental Protection Agency Library Services Office Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Contact: John Knight Tel: (919) 541-2777 Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 Library 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Tel: (415)744-1510 26 Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 Library 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle. WA 98101 Contact: Julienne Sears Tel: (206)442-1289 Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters Library/I NFOTERRA 401 M Street SW Washington, D.C. 20460 Contact: Carol Stiles Tel: (202)260-5917 World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Room S5139 Washington, D.C. 20433 Contact: Anil Somani Tel: (202) 473-3456 Inter-American Development Bank 1300 New York Avenue, NW Washington. D.C., 20220 *lJ.B.GOTEBNia!HTPEnmiIG OFFICE; 1992 - 617-003 - 1302/67060 ------- ------- ------- |