tf£0 S7-4,. „• ^%, % UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY j NATIONAL EXPOSURE RESEARCH LABORATORY ? CINCINNATI, OH 45268 DATE: May 25, 1998 ' RESEARCH^ND^ELOPMENT SUBJECT: Water Supply Laboratory Performance Evaluation (PE) Study 41 (WS041) FROM: Paul W. Britton, Statistician j£)ijA Pc~J- ^< tW^*"~ National Water Quality Assurance Programs Branch Ecological Exposure Research Division TO: Participating Laboratories THRU: Raymond J. Wesselman, Chief /£^~—UJ~ *~^~ National Water Quality Assurance Programs Branch Ecological Exposure Research Division This is the last WS study to be provided by the USEPA; consult your state or regional WS coordinator for direction regarding future WS studies. Enclosed are the WS041 samples requested for you by your USEPA or state coordinator. Analyze all appropriate samples using your routine analytical methods. Follow carefully the instructions for each type of sample and the General -Instructions for Reporting Results. Results are to be reported in terms of single analyses on the diluted, full-volume samples. Note especially that if you wish to be evaluated for the analyte "Total Trihalomethanes," you must now sum the individual trihalomethanes and report your total in the space indicated on the data reporting form. Analytes not ' currently regulated by the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (OGWDW) are not intended for official certification at this time. Analyses for this study must be completed and received in Cincinnati no later than August 10, 1998. Results received after this date may not be evaluated by NERL. PLEASE NOTE POLICY FOR RETURNING STUDY RESULTS. MAKE AS MANY COPIES OF THE REPORT FORM AS YOU NEED, ONE FOR YOUR RECORDS, ONE FOR ANY COORDINATOR WITH AN INTEREST IN YOUR PERFORMANCE (SEE ATTACHED LIST)* AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL TO: Natalie Murff, PE Studies ' National Water Quality Assurance Programs Branch • US Environmental Protection Agency, EBRD 26 West M. L. King Drive, Room 525 Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 FACSIMILIE COPIES OF DATA REPORT FORMS WILL NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED. IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR US MAIL SHIPMENT. SEND YOUR DATA VIA OVERNIGHT EXPRESS SERVICE. * Check with your regional/state coordinator to determine if they want a copy of this data for later follow-up on your performance, e.g., certification, etc. It is your responsibility to provide this information to them. Any response for corrective actions should be directed to your certification officers, NOT NERL. Internet Address (URL) • Recycled/Recyclable « Printed with Vegetable OH Based Inks on Recycled Paper (Minimum 25% Postconsumer) ------- If there are technical questions or problems, contact your state or : regional coordinator (see attached list) . To order replacement samples, do not contact your state or regional coordinator, but submit the attached request form as directed. As usual with recent WS studies, WS041 includes samples containing regulated and unregulated analytes. Generally, analyses for the regulated analytes will be considered for official drinking water laboratory certification, while analyses for the unregulated analytes are only for mutual information. Note that barium is not present in dissolved form in the WS041 trace metals ampul. Please contact the coordinator of each certification office you are involved with to verify their policy regarding the necessity of you analyzing for any specific analyte. Data reported for the low-level turbidity samples will not appear in the individual laboratory PE reports, but will be summarized in a separate memorandum to be available upon your request from regional and state coordinators after the study. As a participant in WS041-, you are herein provided sample concentrates for one or more of the following nine sets: SET ANALYTE & AMPUL LABEL CONG. NO. jqjQRGftNICS - A (I-A): Free Chlorine Residual 1 Sulfate/TOC 1 Corrosivity/Sodium 1A & IB INORGANICS - B (I-Bl: Trace Metals 1 & 2 Cyanide 1 %NQ%GANICS - C (I-C): Nitrate/Nitrite/Fluoride/Orthophosphate 1 Turbidity ! Optional low-level- turbidity (3 ampuls) 2,3 & 4 ORGANICS-H/P (H/P): Herbicides ! Pesticides (Insecticides) 1, 2 & 3 ORGANICS -T/V __(I/VL: .. . . / Trihalomethanes 1 Volatile Organics (VOC) 1 & 2 ------- ORGANICS-SOC (SOC): - Pesticides .4 PCBs 1 Carbamates 2. Adipate/Phthalate , 1 Diquat •: . 3_ Endothall . j_ Glyphosate \ DISINFECTION BY-PRODUCTS (PIS): Organic Disinfection 1 & 2 By-Products Inorganic Disinfection 1 & 2 By-Products DIOXIN (DIOX): Dioxin ^ ASBESTOS (ASB): Asbestos j_ SINGLE AMPULS: • . ' " . PAH ! VOC #3 3 PLEASE NOTE THAT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED AT THE END OP THE SET OF INDIVIDUAL SAMPLE PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL CHEMICALS PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS COVERED UNDER THE HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD OF THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT. Three VOC samples were prepared for this study. VOC Sample 1 contains all twenty-one regulated VOCs: trichloroethylene, carbon.tetrachloride,. 1,1,1- * trichloroethane, 1, 2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, 1,1- dichloroethylene, dichloromethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-dichloroethylene, 1,2- dichloropropane, ethylbenzene, chlorobenzene, styrene, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene and xylene (total). VOC Sample 2 contains some of the unregulated VOCs listed on page 25710 of the Federal Register of July 8, 1987. This second sample is a greater challenge since the analyst is not informed of the number of compounds present, their identities or concentrations. If you report any results for VOC Sample 2, you must report results for every VOC that is present in that sample. VOC Sample 3 contains the regulated VOC's EDB and DBCP, and must be analyzed by Method 504.1 OR 551. Report just the EDB and the DBCP found in this ampul. ------- Data for unregulated analytes and the low-level turbidity sample are needed to support the development of proposed federal regulations. These analytes are not intended for immediate certification, but may be considered as a basis for certification when an analyte becomes regulated. Check with your state agency regarding their policy on certification for these analytes. Methods for all analytes are listed in the General Instructions for Reporting Results included in these instructions. REMEMBER1 Analyses for certification MUST;be done by an officially approved method. If copies of USEPA methods are needed, complete the appropriate order form (see enclosures) and mail as indicated. USE ONLY THE ORDER FORM ENCLOSED WITH THIS MEMORANDUM. If there are any questions about the approval status of a method, contact your USEPA or state coordinator before using the method for any official analyses. Please note enclosed addendum sheet for methods in "Methods for Determination or Organic Compounds in Drinking Water - Supplement II." A standardized set of instructions covering all analytes is enclosed. It is the analyst's responsibility to separate out the appropriate sample concentrates and instructions for the analytes to be tested. Unneeded sample concentrates should be disposed of properly (see enclosed "Ampul Disposal Information"), or reserved for later use as internal quality control samples. For those interested in use of the concentrates as quality control samples, a list of true values and limits may be obtained from the technical contact listed previously or (through a communicating personal computer [PC]) from the USEPA Office of Research and Development Electronic Bulletin Board System after study results have been sent to participants. See attachment from Randy Revetta regarding access to this system. Quality Assurance Coordinators will be notified of any schedule changes. This information will also be available on the ORD Bulletin Board. Generally, a separate sample is prepared from each concentrate as directed in the specific instructions for each group. Report results for as many of the analytes as your laboratory wishes evaluation or as directed by the responsible USEPA or state official. Our policy is to carry all study limits to three figures. Since there are variable effects of rounding-off on the acceptability of results if reported to only two figures, we recommend that results be reported to three figures whenever possible. We do not require copies of the background information that relates to the analytical runs from which your study data were developed. However, you should retain this information, for example, results of related QA/QC activities, records of related analytical output, etc., in your files for use during your own follow-up investigation on the cause of any unacceptable data. Enclosures: (6) Addendum Sheet Ampul Disposal Information List of Coordinators Method Request Forms Facsimilie Sample Request Form Bulletin Board Access Information WS041 Instruction Package ------- ADDENDUM The following sections will replace Section 14.2 and Section 15 in all methods published in the EPA/6--/R-92/129 methods manual entitled, "Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water - Supplement II." 14.2 For information about pollution prevention that may be applicable to laboratory operations, consult "Less is Better: Laboratory Chemical Management for Waste Reduction" available from the American Chemical Society's Department of Government Relations and Science Policy, 1155 ISth Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036. 15. MANAGEMENT 15.1 It is the laboratory's responsibility to comply with all federal, state, and local regulations governing the 'waste management, particularly the hazardous waste identification rules and land disposal restrictions. It is also the laboratory's responsibility to protect the air, water, and land by minimizing and controlling all releases from fume hoods and bench operations. Compliance is also required with any sewage discharge permits and regulations. For further information on waste management, consult "The Waste Management Manual for Laboratory Personnel," also available from the American Chemical Society at the address in Section 14.2 ------- ------- AMPUL DISPOSAL INFORMATION U.S. EPA WATER SUPPLY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SAMPLES WS Inorganic Other Ampul Solvent Contents Trace Metals conc-1 5%HNO3 / H2O arsenic trioxide beryllium cadmium chromium trioxide copper lead nitrate mercuric oxide methyl mercury chloride nickel potassium antimony tartrate selenium dioxide thallium nitrate Trace Metals conc-2 5%HNO3/H2O boric acid manganese molybdenum trioxide zinc oxide Inorg. Dis. By-products conc-1 H2O sodium chlorate sodium chlorite Inorg. Dis. By-products conc-2 H2O sodium bromate sodium bromide Corrosivity conc-1A H2O calcium chloride Corrosivity conc-1 B sodium borate "borax" N03\NO2\P04\F H2O potassium nitrate potassium nitrite potassium dihydrogen sodium fluoride Cyanide H2O potassium cyanide sodium hydroxide Residual Chlorine H2O Clorox SO4\TOC H2O potassium sulfate potassium hydrogen phthalate Turbidity "poly spheres" sodium azide Chemical Formula As2O3 Be Cd CrO3 Cu Pb(NO3)2 HgO CHSHgCI Ni KSbC4H4O7 Seo2 TINO3 H3BO3 Mn MoO3 ZnO NACIO3 NACIO2 NABrOS NABr CaCI2+2H2O Na2B4O7+10H2O KNO3 KNO2 KH2PO4 NaF KCN NaOH NaCIO K2SO4 KHC8H404 inert solids N3Na Max. Cone. rrig/L Ampul 21 2 6 40 210 18 0.9 1.0 51 16 15 3 1200 110 24 390 40 150 7 66 44000 110000 12000 1300 760 1800 250 29 1100 93000 1100 5300 2 ------- ORGANIC AMPUL DISPOSAL INFORMATION US EPA WATER SUPPLY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SAMPLES AMPUL ID MAXIMUM AMPUL CONCENTRATION* SOLVENT Vol. organic ampuls 1 & 2 Methanol Vol. organic ampul 3 T.H.M. Org.disinf. by-product ampul 1 Org.disinf. by-product ampul 2 Pesticides ampuls 1,2,3 and 4 Herbicide Diquat Endothall Glyphosate Adipate/phthalate PCB Carbatnate P.A.H. Dioxin .450 mg/mL . 2 0 mg/mL .450 mg/mL .006 mg/mL .05 mg/mL . 10 mg/mL . 7 mg/mL . 0 7 mg/mL .007 mg/mL . 02 mg/mL . 1 mg/mL .008 mg/mL . 2 mg/mL . 02 mg/mL .000004 mg/mL Methanol Methanol MTBE Acetone Acetone Methanol Water Water Water Acetone Acetone Acetonitrile Acetone Methanol * The maximum amount per each analyte in an ampul. See instructions for list of analytes per ampul. ------- REGION 1 US EPA AND STATE QUALITY ASSURANCE COORDINATORS REGION 2 Mrs. Denise DePierro Office of Env.Measurement & Eval. US EPA, Region 1 60 Westview Street Lexington, MA 02173 Telephone: (781) 860-4365 Fax: (781) 860-4397 REGION 3 Mrs. Linda Mauel DESA/MAB US EPA, Region 2 2890 Woodbridge Ave., M.S. 103 Edison, NJ 08837 Telephone: (732) 321-6766 Fax: (732) 321-6616 REGION 4 Mr. Charles Jones, Jr. Environ. Assessment & Protection Div. US EPA, Region 3 840 Chestnut Building (3ESOO) Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: (215) 566-2734 Fax: (215) 566-2782 REGION 5 Dr. Robert Gnaedinger Standards & Applied Science .Branch US EPA, Water Division, Region 5 77 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604 Telephone: (312) 353-2975 Fax: (312) 353-4342 REGION 7 Mr. Douglas Brune Environmental Services Division US.EPA, Region 7 25 Funston Road Kansas City, KS 66115 Telephone: (913) 551-5180 Fax: (913) 551-5218 Ralph Gentry, Office of Qual Assurance Science & Eccosystem Support Div. US EPA, Region 4 980 College Station Road Athens, GA 30605-2700 Telephone: (706) 355-8553 Fax: (706) 355-8803 REGION 6 Mr. 'Don Johnson Management Division (6MD-HX) US EPA, Region 6 1445 Ross Ave. Dallas, TX 75202-2733 Telephone: (214) 665-8343 Fax: (214) 665-8072 Recorded Info: (214) 665-8397 REGION 8 Mr. Rick Edmonds, TMS-Q US EPA, Region 8 999 18th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202-2477 Telephone: (303) 312-6982 Fax: (303) 312-6067 REGION 9 Ms. Carolyn Tambwekar US EPA, Region 9 Lab, Bldg. 201 1337 S. 46th Street, P-3-1 Richmond, CA 94804 Telephone: (510) 412-2383 Fax: (510) 412-2304 MISCELLANEOUS REGION 10 Mr. Arthur Dan Baker Office of Environ. Assessment US EPA, Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue'(OEA-095) Seattle, WA 98101 Telephone: (206) 553-1692 Fax: (206) 553-8210 Ms. Natalie Murff US EPA, NERL, EBRD, NWQAPB 26 West M. L. King Drive, Room 525 Cincinnati, OH 45268 Telephone: (513') 569-7196 Fax: (513) 569-7115 ------- ALABAMA ARKANSAS Joe Power AL Dept. of Environ. Mgmt. Water Supply Branch 1751 Cong. W. L. Dickinson Drive Montgomery, AL 36109-2608 Telephone: (334) 271-7773 Fax: (334) 271-7950 CALIFORNIA Dr. Theodore Belsky Environ. Lab Accreditation Program CA Dept. of Health Services 2151 Berkeley Way, Annex #2 Berkeley, CA 94704-1011 Telephone: (510) 540-2800 Fax: (510) 849-5106 Jeff Ruehr, Q A Officer AR Dept. of Poll.Control & Ecology Technical Services Division 8001 National Drive Little Rock, AR 72209 Telephone: (501) 682-0955 Fax: (501) 682-0798 COLORADO Judy Donaldson Lab I& Radiation Services Div. CO Dept. of Public Health & Environ. 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO 80220-6928 Telephone: (303) 692-3290 Fax: (303) 344-9989 CQNMECTXCHT Nick Mascelletti Div. Environ. Labs CT Dept. of Public Health 450 Capitol Ave., MS 51 Lab Hartford, CT 06134-0308 Telephone: (860) 509-7386 Fax: (860) 509-7378 FLORIDA Dr. Carl Kircher FL DHRS, Lab Services Water Certification Program 1217 Pearl Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 Telephone: (904) 791-1574 Fax: (904) 791-1591 GEORGIA Loretta Lambert Drinking Water Program, EPD GA Dept. of Natural Resources Floyd Towers East, #1362 205 Butler Street SE Atlanta, GA 30334 Telephone: (404) 651-5164 Fax: (404) 651-9590 IOWA Stacy Freeburg University Hygienic Lab 102 Oakdale Campus Iowa City, IA 52242 Telephone;: (319) 335-4500 Fax: (319) 335-4555 HAWAII Mary Ann Craddock HI Dept. of Health SLD/EHASB 2725 Waimano Home Road Pearl City, HI 96782 Telephone: (808) 453-6678 Fax: (808) 453-6685 ILLINOIS Mary Beth Lawhorn IL EPA, Div. of Labs Quality Assurance Section #4 1021 N. Grand Ave. E Springfield, IL 62794-9276 Telephone: (217) 785-8508 Fax: (217) 524-0944 ------- INDIANA KANSAS Phillip Zillinger Laboratory Improvement Branch Indiana State Dept. of Health 1330 W. Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202-1964 Telephone: (317) 233-8071 Fax: (317) 233-8003 KENTUCKY Jack McKenzie KS Dept. of Health and Environment Div. of Labs Forbes Field, Bldg. 740 Topeka, KS 66620-30001 Telephone: (785) 296-1639 Fax: (785) 296-1641 LOUISIANA Scott Bryan Div. of Environ. Services KY Dept. for Environ. Protection 100 Sower Blvd., #104 Frankfort, KY 40601 Telephone: (502) 564-6120 Fax: (502) 564-8930 Jeanne Mixon, Central Lab LA Dept. of Health and Hospitals 325 Loyola Ave., Room 709 New Orleans, LA 70112 Telephone: (504) 568-3455 Fax: (504) 568-5393 MARYLAND MAINE Mary Stancavage Water Quality Lab MD Dept. of'Health and Mental Hygiene 201 West Preston Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Telephone: (410) 767-5074 Fax: (410) 333-5403 MASSACHUSETTS Anne Marie Allen MA Dept. of Environ. Protection Lawrence Experiment Station 37 Shattuck Street Lawrence, MA 01843 Telephone: (508) 682-5237, X333 Fax: (508) 688-0352 MISSISSIPPI Ms. Sammie Malone Bureau of Public Health Labs MS State Dept. of Health 2423 North State St.,P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, MS 39215-1700 Telephone: (601) 960-7592 Fax: (601) 354-6124 NORTH CAROLINA Don Beesley NC DEHNR, DEM, Lab Section P.O. Box 28047 Raleigh, NC 27611-28047 Telephone: (919) 733-7308 Fax: (919) 733-8695 Michael Soldano ME Dept'. 1 of Human Services State House, Station 12 Augusta, ME 04333 Telephone: (207) 287-2727 Fax: (207) 287-6832 MINNESOTA Al Tupy Lab Services Section MN Dept. of Health 717 Delaware Street, SE Minneapolis, MN 55440 Telephone: (612) 623-5680 Fax: (612) 623-5514 MONTANA . . - Dennis Braun MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Chem. Lab Cogswell Building Helena, MT 59620 Telephone: (406) 444-2643 Fax: (406) 444-1802 NORTH DAKOTA Errol Erickson ND Dept. of Health Chemistry Division 2635 East Main Ave.,P.O. Box 937 Bismarck, ND 58501 Telephone: (701) 328-6172 Fax: (701) 328-6145 ------- NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY Charles Dyer NH Dept. of Environ. Services Lab Services Unit 6 Hazen Drive, P.O. Box 95 Concord, NH 03301 Telephone: (603) 271-2991 Fax: (603) 271-2867 NEW MEXICO Barbara Geisler NM Environment Department Drinking Water Bureau 2052 Gallisto, P.O. Box 26110 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Telephone: (505) 827-7536 Fax: (505) 827-7545 OHIO James Dolfi Ohio Environmental Protection Agency 1571 Perry St., P.O. Box 2568 Columbus, OH 43266-0068 Telephone: (614) 644-4272 Fax: (614) 752-9863 PENNSYLVANIA Richard Scheibley PA DER, Bureau of Labs Labs Certification Program 3rd & Reilly Sts.,P.O. Box 1467 Harrisburg, PA 17105-1467 Telephone: (717) 783-7150 Fax: (717) 783-1502 RHODE_ISLAND Deborah Dehmel RI Dept. of Health Div. of Facilities Regulation 3 Capitol Hill Providence, Ri 02908 Telephone: (401) 222-4526 Fax: (401) 222-3999 Michael DiBalsi/Michele Kropilak NJ Dept. of Environ. Protection Office of Quality Assurance 9 Ewing Street, P.O. Box 24 Trenton, NJ 08625 Telephone: (609) 292-3950 Fax: (609) 777-1774 NEVADA Jack Ruckman NV State Bureau of Licensure & Certification 1475 Terminal Way, Suite D Reno, NV 89502 Telephone: (702) 688-2888 Fax: (702) 688-2898 OKLAHOMA Anthony Bright OK Dept. of Environ. Quality State Environ. Lab 1000 N.E. Tenth Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1212 Telephone: (405) 271-5240, X121 Fax: (405) 271-1836 PUERTO RICO Luis Quintero, QAQ PR Dept. of Health Institute for Health Labs Call Box 70184 San Juan, PR 00936-0184 Telephone: (809) 274-7711 Fax: (809) 759-6210 SOUTH CAROLINA R. Wayne Davis Lab Certification SC Dept. of Health P.O. Box 72 State Park, Telephone: Fax: (803) & Env. Control SC 29147 (803) 935-6856 935-6859 ------- TENNESSEE Charles Mickle Lab Services TN Dept. of Health 630 Ben Allen Road Nashville, TN 37247-0801 Telephone: (615) 262-6354 Fax: (615) 262-6393 US AIR FORCE-TEXAS Hurt Harrison HQ AFCEE/ERC 3207 North Road Brooks AFB, TX 78235-5357 Telephone: (210) 536-5226 Fax: (210) 536-5989 VIRGINIA . Ms. Alicia Ordona Div. of Consolidated Labs Commonwealth of Virginia 1 North 14th Street Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: (804) 786-3411 Fax: Fax: (804) 371-7973 WISCONSIN , , Mike Kvitrud WI Dept. of Natural Resources 101 South Webster Madison, WI 53707 Telephone: (608) 261-8459 Fax: (608) 267-5231 Sharon Duboise Texas Dept. of Health Bureau of Labs 1100 West 49th Street Austin, TX 78756-3194 Telephone: (512) 458-7587 Fax: (512) 458-7221 UTAH Craig Odekirk Bureau of Lab Improvement Utah State Health Laboratory 46 North Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84113-1105 Telephone: (801) 584-8468 Fax: (801) 584'-8486 VERMONT George Mills VT Dept. of Public Health 195 Colchester Ave. Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone: (802) 863-7335 Fax: (802) 863-7632 MICHIGAN Jon Bloemker MI DEQ, DWS 3500 North M. L. King Blvd. Lansing, MI 48906 Telephone: (517) 335-8319 ------- ------- FOR WS041 ********** TO ORDER THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR WS041, PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW, DETACH THIS SHEET, AFFIX POSTAGE STAMP WHERE INDICATED ON REVERSE AND FOLD FOR MAILING. SENDING THIS REQUEST TO ANY OTHER ADDRESS WILL NEEDLESSLY DELAY RESPONSE. PLEASE SEND ONE COPY OF: 600/R-93/100 - "METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF INORGANIC SUBSTANCES IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES", AUGUST 1993. (INCLUDES METHODS 180.1, 300.0, 335.4, 350.1, 351.2, 353.2, 365.1, 375.2, 410.4 AND 420.4. 821-B-94-005A - "METHOD 1613: TETRA-THROUGH OCTA-CHLORINATED DIOXINS AND FURANS BY ISOTOPE DILUTION HRGC/HRMS", (EPA/821-B-94-005) REVISION B, OCTOBER 1994. 600/R-94/111 - "METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF METALS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES SUPPLEMENT I", (EPA/600/R-94/111) MAY 1994. INCLUDES METHODS 200.2, 200.7, 200.8, 200.9, 200.15, 218.6 AND 245.1. 600/4-88/039R - "METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN DRINKING WATER", (EPA/600/4-88/039) AS REVISED JULY, 1991. (INCLUDES METHODS 502.1, 502.2, 503.1, 504, 505, 507, 508, 508A, 515.1, 524.1, 524.2, 525.1, 531.1) 600/4-90/020 - "METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN DRINKING WATER - SUPPLEMENT I", (EPA/600/4-90/020). (INCLUDES METHODS 506, 513, 547, 548, 549, 550, 550.1, 551, 552). 600/R-92/129 - "METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN DRINKING WATER - SUPPLEMENT II", (EPA/600/R-92/129) AUGUST 1992. (INCLUDES METHODS 515.2, 524.2, 548.1, 549.1, 552.1, 553, 554 AND 555). 600/R-94/173 - "TECHNICAL NOTES ON DRINKING WATER METHODS", (EPA/600/R- 94/173) OCTOBER 1994. TO: NAME ORGANIZATION STREET OR • P.O. BOX CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ------- FOLD HERE ********** * STAMP * * * ********** ORD PUBLICATIONS (G70) U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 26 W. MARTIN LUTHER KING DRIVE CINCINNATI, OH 45268 ------- FOR WS041 ********** TO ORDER THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR WS041, PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW, DETACH THIS SHEET, ENCLOSE YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, AND SEND TO: NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE (NTIS) 5285 PORT ROYAL ROAD SPRINGFIELD, VA 22161 TELEPHONE: (703) 487-4650 PLEASE SEND ONE COPY OF: "METHODS FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF WATER AND WASTES", (EPA/600/4-79/020 - REVISED MARCH, 1983). NTIS NUMBER PB-84-128677. THE COST IS $71.50*. "ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF ASBESTOS FIBERS IN WATER:, (EPA/600/4-83-043) . NTIS NUMBER IS PB-83-260471. THE COST IS $59.00.* , SEND TO: NAME ORGANIZATION STREET OR P.O. BOX CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE * PLEASE CHECK WITH NTIS FOR HANDLING CHARGES FOR YOUR ORDER AS THEY VARY WITH THE COST OF THE DOCUMENT(S) YOU ORDER. SENDING THIS REQUEST TO ANY OTHER ADDRESS WILL NEEDLESSLY DELAY RESPONSE. ------- ------- FACSIMILIE REQUEST FOR WS041 REPLACEMENT SAMPLES DATE: FAX TO: TERRY BUNDY, MANTECH ENVIRONMENTAL, (919) 406-2246 PLEASE SEND REPLACEMENT AND/OR ADDITIONAL SAMPLES FOR PE STUDY WS041. EPA ASSIGNED LAB CODE ** : LABORATORY NAME: , CONTACT NAME: ' : : , SHIPPING ADDRESS : : : CITY, STATE, ZIP: : : TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: ' '. ** SAMPLE REQUESTS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNLESS YOUR EPA ASSIGNED LAB CODE IS INCLUDED ON ALL REQUESTS. THIS CODE IS SHOWN ON.LINE 1 OF LABEL ON PAGE 1 OF YOUR DATA REPORT FORM. Corros./Sodium #1A & IB Free Chlorine Residual #1 Sulfate/TOC #1 , Cyanide #1 Trace Metals #1 Trace Metals #2 Nitrate/Nitrite/ Fluoride/Orthophosphate .#1 Turbidity #1 Turbidity #2 Turbidity #3 . Turbidity #4 Herbicides #1 Pesticides #1 Pesticides #2 Pesticides #3 Pesticides #4 Trihalomathanes #1 Volatile Organics #1 Adipate/Phthalate #1 PAH #1 Diquat #1 Endothall #1 Glyphosate #1 Org.Disinf.#1 Org.Disinf .#2 Volatile Organics #2 Inorg.Disinf.#1 VOC (EDB/DBCP) #3 Inorg.Disinf.. #2 PCBs #1 Dioxin #1 Carbamates #1 Asbestos #1 REASON FOR REQUEST (E.G.. BROKEN IN SHIPMENT. LAB ACCIDENT. ADDITIONAL. ETC.) NOTE THAT IT MAY BE 3 WEEKS OR MORE BEFORE YOU RECEIVE THE SAMPLES YOU HAVE REQUESTED. PLEASE DO NOT CALL MANTECH UNTIL AT LEAST THREE WEEKS AFTER YOUR ORDER WAS PLACED. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CALL YOUR REGIONAL OR STATE DMR COORDINATOR REGARDING REPLACEMENT SAMPLES. ------- ------- NOTICE TO PERFORMANCE EVALUATION STUDY PARTICIPANTS BULLETIN BOARD ACCESS INFORMATION After completion of each study, true values and limits for Performance Evaluation Studies may be obtained from your state or Regional Quality Assurance Certification Officer, NOT from NERL- Cincinnati. Or they may be obtained electronically by using a personal computer and the following information - AFTER STUDY RESULTS HAVE BEEN RETURNED TO THE COORDINATORS: There are three ways to access the WS/WP/DMR-QA results electronically. You can either dial-up or Telnet to the ORDBBS/ATTIC Electronic Bulletin Board System or point your World Wide Web browser to the ORDBBS/ATTIC web site. (1) You can access ORDBBS/ATTIC via dial-up using either a PC, Macintosh or a dumb terminal equipped with a modem (9600, 14400, 28800, 33600 bps) and appropriate communications software (e.g., CrossTalk, PROCOMM, etc.). To access ORDBBS/ATTIC via dial-up modem, set your communications software as follows: Name: ORDBBS/ATTIC . Number: 513-569-7610 Baud Supported: Up to 33,600 Parity: N Data Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Terminal Emulations: ANSI, VT100 Duplex: Full (2) Users may also connect to ORDBBS/ATTIC over the internet using "suitable" Telnet software and have full use of the ORDBBS/ATTIC and its features. "Suitable" means that a users Telnet client software must have two important and relevant features: a modern ANSI emulation, and the ability to transfer files. Please note you must have Telnet client software installed on your computer or accessible to you via your LAN. Use your Telnet client to connect to: (3) PES . page on the ' Agency public access * server: For help using this information, call Randy Revetta at (513) 569- 7358. •&U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1998 -«SO-070/60022 ------- ------- |