United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response vvEPA DIRECTIVE NUMBER: TITLE: 9432.05(84) Definition of Treatment as Defined in 40 CFR Section 260.10 Subpart B - Definitions 11-6-84 OSW APPROVAL DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: u_6_84 ORIGINATING OFFICE: m FINAL D DRAFT LEVEL OF DRAFT DA — Signed by AA or DAA D B — Signed by Office Director DC — Review & Comment REFERENCE (other documents): WER OS WER OS WER DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE Dl EPA Report Collection Regional Center for Environmental Information U.S. EPA Region HI Philadelphia, PA 19103 ------- PART 260 SUBPART B - DEFINITIONS DOC: 9432.05(84) Key Words: Regulations Subject: . Treatment 40 CFR 260.10 Definition of Treatment as Defined in 40 CFR §260.10 Subpart B - Definitions Addressee: James Scarbrough, Chief, Residuals Management Branch, Region IV Originator: John H. Skinner, Director, Office of Solid Waste Source Doc: #9432.05(84) Date: 11-6-84 Summary: The definition of treatment is made up of two parts: 1) The change in the waste's character affected by treatment. 2) The purpose of the change. Purposes include: to neutralize, to recover energy or material resources, to render such waste non-hazardous, safer to transport, store, or dispose; amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, or reduced in volume. To be considered treatment, facility processes must serve one of the purposes listed in No. 2 above when changing the waste's character. ------- 9432.05 (84) NGV . 6 iS-2-i ' MEMCP.XMPfJM SUBJECT: Definition of Treatment; Application to Great Lakes Carbon Corp* FROM: John H. Skinner, Director Office of Solid Waste (WH-562) TO: Jartes Scarbrough, Chief Residuals Manacement Branch EPA Region IV We have reviewed and interpreted the definition of treatment as defined in 40 CFR 260.10, Subpart B - Definitions. The defini- tion is made up of two parts: the change in the waste's character effected by treatment and the purpose of the change. Based on this definition, the process proposed by Great Lakes Carbon Corporation (GLCC) does not constitute treatment. GLCC's plan to add water to the cyanide contained in dissolvable plastic bags will change the physical character of the cyanide waste. However, the purpose of this change is to facilitate disposal. The change will not make the waste safer to dispose* None of those purposes Listed in the definition, that is to neutralize; to recover energy or material resources; to render such waste non-hazardous or less hazardous, safer to transport, store, or dispose; or amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, or reduced in volume, apply to the process proposed by GLCC* If you "have any questions, please contact Mr. Thema3 Baugh of the Waste Treatment Branch at PTS 382-2550. ------- |