United States
                                 Environmental Protection
      Office of
      Solid Waste and
      Emergency Response
Publication 9345.0-051
September 1994
   v>EPA          ECO   Update
  Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
  Hazardous Site Evaluation Division (5204G)
                           Intermittent Bulletin
                           Volume 2, Number 3
Field  Studies  for  Ecological  Risk
      Ecological risk assessments of Superfund sites evaluate
  the actual or potential effects of site contaminants on plants and
  animals and assess the need for remediation, including consid-
  ering remedial alternatives and evaluating ecological effects of
  remediation. Such ecological risk assessments make use of a
  variety of desktop, laboratory, and field approaches, which may
  include chemical analyses of media, toxicity testing, literature
  searches, evaluation of the condition of organisms, and ecologi-
  cal field studies. As the name  implies, ecological Held studies
  are investigations that take  place in the actual area under
  scrutiny, focusing on the site's habitats and biota1 (resident
  organisms) and comparing them with unimpacted conditions.
  The ecological risk assessment of a Superfund site nearly
  always requires some type of field study. At a minimum, some
  field study is necessary  in order to identify organisms and
  habitats2 that may be at  risk. By themselves, hazard indices
  based on literature values rarely prove adequate for character-
  izing ecological effects.
      Rather than studying individual organisms, field studies
  generally focus on populations or communities. Populations
  are groups of organisms belonging to the same species and
  inhabiting a contiguous area. Communities consist of popula-
  tions of different species living together. For example, a forest
  community consists of the plants, animals, and micro-organ-
  isms found in a forest.  A community also can be  a more
  restricted group of organisms. Within the forest, the soil com-
  munity consists of only those organisms living in, or in close
  association with, the soil. Less frequently, a field study evalu-
  ates an ecosystem, which consists of both the organisms and the
  nonliving components of a specific, limited area.3 In the case of
  a forest, the ecosystem includes the soils, rocks, streams, and
springs as well as the resident organisms that make up the forest
    Which sites warrant a detailed field study? At many sites,
the existing information indicates a significant likelihood of
present or future adverse impact but is insufficient to support
remedial decision  making. At such sites, field studies  can
identify actually or potentially exposed organisms, exposure
routes, ecological effects, and also the potential of the site to
support biota. In the initial phase of an ecological risk assess-
ment, a field study can take the form of a site reconnaissance
visit by an ecologist. The ecologist can record the site's habitats
and many of its species and also note any obvious adverse
ecological effects. If a site warrants further field study, a more
    'The first time that a technical term appears, it is bolded and
either defined in the text or in a footnote.
    2 A habitat is the place that a species naturally inhabits.
    3 Although ecologists often use this term to include much larger
resources, this definition gives the word dimensions usable at a
Superfund site.
             IN THIS BULLETIN

The Organisms in a Field Study	3
Elements in the Design of a Field Study	5
Catalogue of Field Methods	 9
Field Studies: Their Contribution	  10
  ECO Update is a Bulletin series on ecological risk assessment of Superfund sites. These Bulletins serve as supplements to RiskAssessment Guidance
  for Superfund, Volume II: Environmental Evaluation Manual (EPA/540-1-89/001). The information presented is intended to provide technical
  information to EPA and other government employees. It does not constitute rulemaking by the Agency, and may not be relied on to create a
  substantive or procedural right enforceable by any other person. The Government may take action that is at variance with these Bulletins.

intensive effort during the analysis phase can help to provide
evidence of a link between a site's contaminants and an adverse
effect. As Table 1 shows, field studies can contribute information
at different stages of the ecological risk assessment and can assist
with each of the assessment's three components: problem formu-
lation, analysis, and risk characterization.4
     The specific role of field study in an ecological risk assess-
ment varies with the site. Site managers5 should consult with the
Biological Technical Assistance Group (BTAG) in their Region to
determine the best approach to each site.6 This consultation should
occur at the earliest possible stage of site investigation. The BTAG
may suggest other methods—in addition to, or instead of, tech-
niques discussed in this document—that are especially appropriate
for a particular site.
                           This Bulletin provides site managers with an overview of
                       field study options. Four main sections follow this Introduction.
                       The first considers the organisms, which are the major focus of
                       most field studies, and the second describes the remaining ele-
                       ments in the design of a field study. The third section presents a
                       catalogue of common field study methods, while the fourth section
                       summarizes the contributions that field study can make to  an
                       ecological risk assessment.
                            This Bulletin is intended only as a quick  reference for site
                       managers, not as a comprehensive review of field methods or of the
                       ecological attributes evaluated using these methods. Those who
                       want to examine the subject in greater depth should consult the list
                       of references at the end of the Bulletin and also the list of additional
                       resources available from the federal government.
                     Table 1.  Field Study Contributions to Ecological Risk Assessments

Site Reconnaissance Visit

Identify ecological
components potentially
exposed to contaminants.
Identify ecological
components likely to be
exposed to contaminants.

Identify readily apparent
Develop hypotheses of
relationship between
exposure and effects.
Intensive Field Study

Identify specific ecological
components and the
exposure pathways for
populations and

Describe populations and
community attributes
with respect to exposure.

Quantify exposure of specific
ecological components.

Quantify effects on
specific ecological components.

Characterize and document links
between exposure and effects.

Quantify relationship
between exposure and
    4 In preparing this Bulletin, every effort was made to use the terminology found in the Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA. 1992.
Office of Research and Development, Risk Assessment Forum. EPA/630/R-92/001. Washington, D.C.). The three phases listed in the text are equivalent
to the four components of an ecological risk assessment described in "Ecological Assessment of Superfund Sites: An Overview" (ECO Update Vol. 1,
No. 2). The Framework's analysis phase corresponds to the "Overview's" exposure assessment and the ecological effects assessment phases.
    5 Site managers include both remedial project managers and on-scene coordinators.
    6 These groups are sometimes known by different names, depending on the Region. Readers should check with the appropriate Superfund manager
for the name of the BTAG coordinator or other sou rcesof technical assistance in their Region. A more complete description of BTAG structure and function
is available in "The Role of BTAGs in Ecological Assessment" (ECO Update Vol. 1, No. 1).

The  Organisms in a  Field Study

    Although a large number of species can inhabit a site, an
ecological risk assessment of a Superfund site concerns itself only
with those that are actually or potentially adversely affected by site
contamination or that can serve as surrogates for such species.
Such organisms are among a site's ecological components. Eco-
logical components are  populations,  communities, habitats, or
ecosystems actually or potentially affected by site contamination.A
field survey conducted as part of a reconnaissance visit can help to
identify the potentially affected organisms at a site. Some factors
to consider in making this identification include which media (e.g.,
soil, surface water, ground water) have become contaminated, the
site's contaminants, their environmental concentrations, and their

General Considerations in Selecting
Organisms for Study
    Most sites have a large number of resident species, making it
necessary for the investigator8 to focus on a limited number of
these for detailed study. A variety of site-specific factors—includ-
ing the size of the site and the types of habitats that have become
contaminated—contribute to making this selection. In their role as
protectors of natural resources, trustees also can influence the
selection of organisms for study.
    Species-specific factors also enter into the selection. These
  •  Intensity of exposure. Species vary in the intensity of their
    contact with contaminated media. For example, earthworms
    and other invertebrates inhabiting a contaminated medium
    receive longer and more intense exposures than wider-rang-
    ing  invertebrates such as butterflies. Some animals  have
    limited mobility early in their life cycle—as eggs, larvae, or
    nestlings, for example—so have greater exposure than  older
  •  Relative sensitivity to contaminants. Evaluation of a highly
    sensitive species can bring about de facto consideration and
    protection of other species inhabiting the site. However, at a
    site with a complex mixture of contaminants, the investigator
    may be unable to identify one sensitive species that is most
    appropriate for study.
  •  Ecological function, along with  significance of a species'
    contribution to this function. An investigator may select a
    species for study based on its ecological function. For ex-
    ample, at a site with contaminated surface water, the investi-
    gator may choose to study algae as the aquatic community's
    primary producers.9 The investigator may specifically fo-
    cus on those algal species that make a large contribution to
    this function.
  •  Time spent on-site. To qualify for further study, a species
    should inhabit the site during either a considerable portion or
    a critical stage of its life cycle.
  •  Ease or difficulty of conducting field studies with the organ-
    isms. A field study that requires capturing birds is resource-
    intensive, and unlikely to occur at a typical Superfund assess-
    ment. Where  fish-eating birds are at  risk  because
    bioaccumulating substances have contaminated the surface
    water or aquatic organisms, the  investigator might choose
     instead to focus primarily on the fish that the birds eat or to study
     a mammal or reptile with feeding habits similar to the birds.
  •  Appropriateness of surrogate species. In the case of a site
     with an endangered or threatened species, the investigator
     may elect to study a surrogate species with similar exposure.
     Surrogate species offer the advantage of sampling and analy-
     sis options that cannot be  employed  with  threatened or
     endangered species. However, in selecting a surrogate spe-
     cies, the investigator should  identify one that resembles the
     site species in behavior, feeding, and physiological response
     to the contaminants of concern. The best choice for a surro-
     gate is not necessarily the one most closely related to the site
  •   Other recognized values. At some sites the investigator may
     want to consider a species because of other values associated
     with it, such as economic or  recreational value.

     Based on the above considerations, the investigator generally
selects  no more than a few species as subjects of the field study.
However, an investigator can choose to study a community. For
example, at  a lake  with contaminated water  and sediment the
investigator can study the benthic community that lives in associa-
         Although a large number of species
     can  inhabit a  site,  an ecological  risk
     assessment  of a Superfund site  con-
     cerns itself only  with  those  that are
     actually or potentially adversely affected
     by site contamination or that can serve
     as surrogates for such species.
tion with the lake's bottom. When selecting a community as an
ecological component, the investigator needs to ascertain that the
study includes populations representing multiple trophic levels.10
     At some Superfund sites, investigators have selected a wet-
land habitat as the ecological component for further study. Such a
choice can prove more protective of the environment since the
investigator  can document  a  variety of adverse  effects on the
     7 Bioavailability is the occurrence of a contaminant in a form that
organisms can take up.
     "The term "investigator" refers to the individual charged with
responsibility for designing and/or carrying out any part of an ecological
risk assessment. Investigators can include government scientists, contrac-
tors, or university scientists. However, the site manager (remedial project
manager or on-scene coordinator) retains ultimate responsibility for the
quality of the ecological risk assessment.
     ' A primary producer is an organism, such as an alga or a terrestrial
plant, that converts the energy from sunlight to chemical energy.
     10 A trophic level is a stage in the flow of food from one population
to another. For example,  as primary producers, plants occupy the first
trophic level, and grazing organisms occupy the second trophic level.

habitat rather than having to demonstrate significant impact to only
one or a few species. Studying a habitat  becomes  especially
important when one or more of the remedies under consideration
could adversely affect the habitat. However, designating a habitat
as the ecological component can prove costly, depending upon
how the ecological risk assessment delineates the habitat.
    To extend these general guidelines for  selecting ecological
components, the following sections consider different kinds of
organisms that inhabit either aquatic or terrestrial environments
and detail how each can increase an investigator's knowledge of
the ecological conditions at the site.

Aquatic Organisms
    At a site where contaminated surface water is a medium of
concern, field studies can focus on periphyton, plankton, benthic
macroinvertebrates, or fish. Periphyton are microscopic algae
that grow on sediment, stems and leaves of rooted water vegeta-
tion, and other surfaces that project above the bottom of a body of
water. Studying periphyton provides information about primary
producers in an aquatic environment. These organisms also in-
clude many species useful in  assessing the cause, extent, and
magnitude of contaminant problems.
    Plankton  are microscopic organisms that  float or  swim
weakly in the water column. Plankton include algae, protozoa, and
small crustaceans.  Planktonic algae are called phytoplankton,
and the protozoa and  crustaceans  in plankton are referred to as
zooplankton. Because plankton include primary producers, which
supply food for larger animals and also increase the amount of
oxygen dissolved in water, these organisms make an important
contribution to the aquatic community. Like periphyton, plankton
include species that are sensitive indicators  of ecological injury
resulting from contamination or enrichment  of water bodies.
    As defined by  EPA, benthic macroinvertebrates are inver-
tebrate animals that live in or near the bottom of a body of water and
that will not pass through a U.S. Standard No. 30 sieve, which has
0.595 mm openings. Such organisms occur in gravel, sediments,
on submerged logs and debris, on pilings and pipes, and even on
filamentous algae. Freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates include
insects, worms, freshwater clams, snails, and crustaceans. The
benthic macroinvertebrate communities of marine and estuarine
environments include worms, clams, mussels, scallops, oysters,
snails, crustaceans, sea anemones, sponges, starfish, sea urchins,
sand dollars, and sea cucumbers. When water becomes contami-
nated, some of the contaminants migrate to  the sediment and
accumulate there. Field studies of benthic macroinvertebrates can
indicate the degree to which sediment  contamination can ad-
versely affect biota. In addition, the composition and diversity of
benthic macroinvertebrate communities can indicate the overall
well-being of the aquatic ecosystem.
    Because fish occupy a range of trophic levels, they serve as
useful indicators of community-level effects. The relative ease of
identifying most juvenile and adult forms makes fish particularly
convenient  subjects for field study. In addition, field study  meth-
ods for fish are relatively simple and inexpensive. In selecting a
species for sampling, the investigator will  want to consider its
characteristic home range. For a species that spends little time on-
site, a field study may not be able to establish whether any adverse
effects result from exposure to site-associated contaminants.
Semi-aquatic and Terrestrial Animals
     Semi-aquatic and terrestrial animals—includinginsects, other
invertebrates, and vertebrates—can all provide useful information
about ecological effects associated with the site. Soil fauna, the
organisms most intimately associated with this medium, include
many species that perform important functions in terrestrial eco-
systems. For example, earthworms aerate the soil.  Other soil-
dwellers—such as some  small insects, soil mites, and certain
nematodes (a kind of worm), break down organic wastes and dead
organisms—releasing the elements and compounds they contain
and making these available to living organisms. Both soil aeration
and organic decomposition support the growth of terrestrial plants.
Consequently, plants can suffer impact if soil fauna are affected.
     Insects' small size and their large numbers make them conve-
nient subjects of study. Further, a site generally has a large number
of species. Because these species occupy a variety of microhabitats
and also differ in their behaviors, the investigator can measure a
range of effects.  For example, because insects include species at
different trophic levels, a field study can assess the potential for
biomagnification"  of a site's contaminants.
     Field studies focusing on such vertebrates as amphibians,
reptiles, and mammals can contribute to a site's ecological assess-
ment. Depending on their trophic level, these vertebrates may
ingest contaminants as a result of consuming contaminated plants,
other terrestrial animals, or fish. Burrowing animals, such as voles,
can show greater ecological effects from contaminated soil than
animals that have  less intimate contact  with the soil. Where
investigators at Superfund sites decide to study terrestrial  verte-
brates, they  generally choose small species, which are likely to
range over a smaller area than larger species. As a result, the
smaller species tend to spend more of their time on the site, making
it easier to estimate  exposure.
     Field  studies  of  birds  present  certain difficulties at  a
Superfund site. These organisms can range far off-site, making
it difficult for a field  study to establish whether  an adverse
ecological effect results from exposure to  site-associated con-
taminants. In addition, bird studies can prove especially resource-
intensive. However, at a  large site or a site with a complicated
contaminant picture, the investigator and the BTAG  may decide
that avian field studies are worth the effort. For example, many
sites  have large populations  of waterfowl  that can potentially
suffer adverse effects from site contaminants.

Terrestrial Vegetation
     When a site has contaminants associated with the soil, field
study can focus on terrestrial vegetation. In particular, investiga-
tors may want to conduct field studies of vegetation at Superfund
sites where plants show signs of stress, such as stunted growth or
yellowing, or where pollution-tolerant species are abundant. Since
plants are the primary producers in terrestrial environments, an
ecological impact to vegetation can affect other terrestrial  biota.
     11 Biomagnification  is  the  increasing concentration of a
bioaccumulating contaminant as it passes up a food chain or a food web.
A food chain is a series of organisms that sequentially feed on one another.
For example, mice eat seeds and are in turn eaten by owls. A food web,
which is a group of interrelated food chains, takes into account a species'
participation in multiple food chains. For example, birds, insects, and
other mammals also eat seeds, and cats, as well as owls, prey on mice.

Elements in  the Design
of  a  Field Study

     As with any study, an ecological field study has several
elements. In addition to selection of the organisms, the elements of
a field study encompass the study's objectives, a reference site,
endpoints, methods, level of effort, sample design, quality assur-
ance/quality control standards, and the statistical analysis of the
data. When the investigator carefully crafts each of these elements,
the resulting study should achieve its objectives and should further
the overall ecological  risk assessment of the  Superfund site.
Under-developing any of these elements can weaken the study's
results and adversely affect  the results of the overall assessment.

     To ensure that the study will have clear direction, the inves-
tigator needs to establish study objectives that address ecological
concerns for that site. The objectives should ensure that the field
study supports the over-all objectives of an ecological risk assess-
ment for a Superfund site. These objectives are (1) to determine
whether site contamination  poses a current or potential threat of
adverse  ecological effects;  (2) if  a  threat does  exist, to decide
whether remediation is required; and (3) if remediation is required,
to set cleanup levels.
     Investigators will find  that study objectives help to indicate
the appropriate level of effort. In an initial field study to identify
ecological components, for instance, an investigator might find
that a qualitative survey method would achieve the study's objec-
tive. The later study of adverse effects to a  population might
require a more resource-intensive approach, such as semi-quanti-
tative or quantitative sampling  to estimate population sizes or
capture of organisms and transport  to a laboratory for biochemical
     Although the specific objectives for a field study will vary
both with the site and its stage in the ecological risk assessment
process,  investigators should keep  in mind  that a field  study
performed as part of a Superfund site's ecological risk assessment
is not a research project. Generally, a snapshot of site characteris-
tics can provide the needed  information.
     In addition to stating the purpose of a field study, the objec-
tives also should indicate whether the field study is occurring in
conjunction with another type of study, such as a toxicity assess-
ment. In such a case,  the  two studies have a  shared goal: to
determine whether adverse ecological effects correlate with toxic-
ity. To meet this goal, the studies' objectives should emphasize the
need for integrating sampling plans and coordinating the collec-
tion of data. When sampling for coordinated studies  occurs at the
same time and location, and with similar data quality objectives
and levels of precision, the investigator can more convincingly
compare results.

Reference Site
     A reference  site is  a  location that closely resembles the
Superfund site in terrain, hydrologic regime, soil types, vegetation,
and wildlife. A well-chosen reference site provides background
conditions, allowing the investigator to draw conclusions about the
ecological effects of contaminants on the Superfund site. The more
closely the reference site resembles the Superfund site, the more
valid will be the conclusions based on comparisons of the two. In
some cases, no single reference site adequately approximates the
Superfund site. In such a case, the investigator may need to identify
multiple reference sites.
    The investigator should try to locate a reference site as close
as possible to the Superfund site so that it will accurately reflect the
conditions prevailing at the Superfund site. Yet the reference site
should lie at a great enough distance from the Superfund site to be
outside its sphere of influence and relatively contaminant-free. For
example, an  upstream location often can provide appropriate
reference site conditions for  a site with contaminated surface
water. A woodland site used as a reference site needs to lie at agreat
          A field study performed as part of
     a  Superfund  site's ecological  risk
     assessment is not a research project.
enough distance from the Superfund site that ranges of organisms
will not include both sites.Failure to choose appropriate reference
sites can result in inaccurate conclusions.  For example, if the
surface water at the Superfund site consists largely of soft-bot-
tomed pools, then  an area having fast-running streams with gravel
bottoms will not provide an appropriate comparison. Differences
in species composition and other features at the two sites will, at
least in part, reflect their very different aquatic habitats rather than
contamination at the Superfund site.
     In the absence of suitable reference sites, an investigator may
need to turn to historical information about the site and/or a large
database in order  to make  a comparison between  site conditions
and conditions in an uncontaminated area.  If this approach be-
comes necessary,  the investigator needs to choose a data source
that reflects the site's geologic, hydrologic, and ecological traits as
closely as possible. In making this selection, the investigator can
obtain advice and suggestions from the BTAG.

     The identification of endpoints, which are ecological charac-
teristics that may  be adversely affected by site contaminants, is
essential to a successful ecological risk assessment as a whole and
also to each of the studies that make up this assessment. Ecological
risk  assessors have found it useful  to recognize two  levels of
endpoints,  assessment and measurement endpoints. An assess-
ment endpoint is an explicit expression of the  environmental
characteristic that is to be protected (24, 29).12 At a Superfund site
an assessment endpoint  is an endpoint that may  drive remedial
decision  making. Determining potential contaminants of concern
and potential ecological components and developing a conceptual
model of a site's contaminant situation generally indicates which
ecological traits are assessment endpoints at a particular site.
     12 Numbers in parentheses refer to references listed at the end of the

     If an assessment endpoint is not directly measurable, investi-
gators employ one or more measurement endpoints—readily
measurable traits that approximate or represent the assessment
endpoint. Together, the ecological components and assessment
endpoints selected for the risk assessment determine the selection
of the measurement endpoint(s). (See Figure 1.) For example, at a
site where metals are the contaminants of concern and species are
present that may be adversely affected by metals, the investigators
may  identify "population-level effects on resident species" as an
assessment  endpoint and one or more metals-sensitive species as
ecological components. The  choice of measurement endpoints
then points to accepted ways of measuring or predicting population
responses in resident species that are known (or at least suspected)
to be sensitive to metals.
       Figure 1. The Relationship Between
                 Ecological Components,
                 Assessment Endpoints, and
                 Measurement Endpoints
         In designing a field study, the ecological
         components and assessment endpoints
         generally drive the selection of measure-
         ment endpoints.
    Table 2 summarizes measurement endpoints for field studies.
Although a field study  can focus on one population, an entire
community, or even two or three communities, as both Table 2 and
the following discussion indicate, measurement endpoints for field
studies are much more than simply "head counts."
    Biomass, the total weight of individuals, can be a measure-
ment endpoint for both populations and communities. An investi-
gator may measure biomass directly by weighing collections of
small organisms or, for larger organisms, by weighing individuals
and summing their weights. Alternatively, he or she may use an
indirect method, such as applying length-to-weight regressions to
data detailing the number and length of individuals in a population,
an especially common approach for fishes.
    Productivity, the rate of increase, is another measurement
endpoint that can apply to both populations and communities. For
plants, the rate of increase in biomass indicates productivity. For
many animals, investigators take the rate of increase in numbers as
the measure of productivity. Because productivity is a rate, mea-
surements or estimates must  occur at least twice during the
growing season. However, investigators can infer productivity by
conducting seed or egg counts or by studying the age structure of
a population. At Superfund sites, investigators can infer relative
productivity by comparing data from the Superfund site and the
reference site(s).
     A common measurement endpoint for terrestrial plant popu-
lations is cover, which is the percentage of ground area that lies
beneath  the  canopy (uppermost branches) of a tree  or shrub
species. In evaluating a stand of trees, an investigator can instead
measure basal area, which is the sum of the cross-sectional area
of the trees' trunks.
     Some measurement endpoints relate specifically to commu-
nity parameters. Species richness is the number of species in a
community. Species density refers to the number of individuals of
a given species  per unit area,  while relative abundance is the
number of individuals in a particular species compared to the total
number of individuals. Dominance, in the sense of commonness
at a site, describes a species that occurs in high abundance, as
indicated largely by species density. Diversity  relates the abun-
dance of individuals in one taxon (level of classification) to the
total abundance of individuals in all other taxa. Evenness mea-
sures how evenly distributed individuals are among thecommunity's
taxa. Guild  structure, which refers to the different types of
feeding groups  in a community, also can be used to evaluate
community structure.13  A number  of similarity and difference
indices14 can compare  community  structure at Superfund and
reference sites.
     Another community-level measurement endpoint concerns
indicator species, which are species whose presence, absence, or
population density helps to indicate whether the environment is
contaminated. Some species are associated with thriving commu-
nities, so either absence or a reduced population can indicate an
ecologically disturbed environment. For example, the larval stage
of insects in  the orders Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera
(stoneflies), and Trichoptera (caddisflies), referred to collectively
as the "EPTs,"  show sensitivity to metals  and other inorganic
contaminants. Reduced populations of EPTs, then, can indicate
toxic levels of metals or other inorganics in a stream. Conversely,
some species occur in association with a disturbed habitat, where
they dominate or  kill native species weakened by exposure to
contaminants. For example, such plant species as Phragmites and
cattails (Typha) characteristically grow abundantly in disturbed
wetlands. Consequently, dense growth of Phragmites or cattails
indicates that a wetland may have suffered ecological stress.
     13 Guilds, also called functional feeding groups, are groups of
animals occupying the same trophic level and feeding either in the same
way or in the same location. For example, among terrestrial plant-eaters
there are five guilds: stem-eaters, root-eaters, leaf-eaters, bud-eaters, and
     " An index is a single number that incorporates information from a
class of data.

     Field studies gather information about the site by observing
organisms, noting signs of an animal species' presence, or collect-
ing organisms for further study. With respect to methods, the work
plan for a site should include detailed instructions for sampling
organisms and collecting the relevant data. This data may include
such physical measurements as the temperature.  .; sampling site.
Proper methodology ensures that the data collected can be ana-
lyzed and results interpreted.
     Observation indicates whether a species occurs at the site. For
vegetation and for animals with limited mobility, the observer also
can note the condition of the organisms. Investigators need to keep
in mind that for more mobile animals, observation indicates only
whether the species occurs at the site, not what percentage of time
it spends there. Observing organisms can be as straightforward as
walking the site or can involve the use of specialized equipment,
as in remote sensing of terrestrial vegetation. Remote sensing by
such means as infrared or multispectral photography can prove an
effective way of detecting stressed vegetation at a large site.
     The signs of an animal's presence include scat (feces);
burrows, nests, or dens; cast-off larval cases or cocoons; tracks;
and carcasses. Characteristic sounds, such as bird songs, also can
reveal an animal's presence and sometimes provide limited infor-
mation about  relative abundance. Like direct observation of resi-
dent organisms, observation of animal sign indicates only whether
a species occurs at the site, not the percentage of time it spends
     Methods of collecting samples for further study vary with the
kind of organism being studied. A field worker can catch a fish in a
net, capture a mouse in a trap, or sieve organisms from a soil or
sediment sample. Depending on the species and objectives, once the
investigator has collected the organisms, he or she may make direct
observations and then release them. Alternatively, the investigator
may retain the organisms for further study, such as analyzing tissues
for their contaminant content or examining them microscopically
for indications of contaminant-related abnormalities.
                                    From among the wide variety of available field methods,
                                those used at a Superfund site should provide data at a reasonable
                                cost and within a reasonable timeframe for that site. They should
                                be readily reproducible, reliable, and relevant to  the site. The
                                BTAG can assist investigators in selecting methods appropriate to
                                a site. In choosing a method, investigators also need to be aware
                                that they should obtain permission from federal and state fish and
                                wildlife agencies before collecting vertebrates. Some states also
                                require permits for collecting certain other organisms.
                                    At sites in the nation's temperate areas, investigators need to
                                coordinate site studies with seasons. Floristics surveys and photo-
                                synthetic measurements must be conducted during the growing
                                season.  Surveying a migratory population,  such  as most bird
                                species, will require coordination  with the season. In addition,
                                natality studies should occur during the warm months, when most
                                animal species produce young.
                                    The final section of this Bulletin provides additional informa-
                                tion about techniques available for field studies of different types
                                of populations and communities.

                                Level  of Effort
                                    A site's characteristics, its contaminant picture, and a pro-
                                posed field study's objectives together indicate the level of effort
                                appropriate to carrying out the study. For example, an objective to
                                identify  potentially affected animal species at a small site with few
                                habitats will require a lower level of effort than one that specifies
                                the evaluation of community structure at a large site with several
                                habitats. The number and nature of ecological components and
                                endpoints specified  by the objectives also may affect a study's
                                level of effort. As the number of ecological components and/or
                                assessment and measurement endpoints increases, the level  of
                                effort generally will increase. Additionally, some organisms are
                                more difficult to observe or sample than others, and some measure-
                                ments are more difficult to make. For example, collecting insects
                                usually entails less effort than collecting fish.

     Measurement Endpoints
     for Populations
Table 2. Measurement Endpoints in Field Studies

         Measurement Endpoint

              Cover (terrestrial vegetation)
              Basal area (terrestrial vegetation)
     Endpoints for Communities
              Productivity and Respiration
                    (aquatic communities)
              Species richness
              Species density
              Relative abundance
              Similarity/difference between Superfund site and reference site
              Similarity/difference in guild structure between Superfund site and reference site
              Presence, absence, or population density of indicator species

     In conducting field studies, the level of effort varies with the
sampling method chosen: qualitative, semi-quantitative, or quan-
titative (17). Qualitative sampling, which has as its goal to observe
or sample as many taxa as possible in the available time, requires
the least effort. Qualitative sampling attempts to sample all habi-
tats,  using several collection methods at each sampling station.
Such an approach can prove useful for a site reconnaissance visit,
with the objective of identifying potentially exposed ecological
components and readily apparent effects.
     Rapid Bioassessment Protocol II is an example of a semi-
quantitative, or intermediate-level, sampling method for benthic
macroinvertebrates inhabiting flowing waters (21). This approach
offers a time-saving and cost-effective means of obtaining infor-
mation about  benthic macroinvertebrates. In this approach, the
field team uses a net to collect organisms from two approximately
one-square-meter areas, one in a fast-flowing part of the stream
and the other  in a slower-flowing area.  The organisms are then
enumerated and classified only to family level, which requires less
time than classification to genus or species. A sub-sample of 100
organisms is  then classified according  to guild. An additional
sample is collected from an area with coarse  particulate organic
matter, such as a leafpack or an area near the shore. The organisms
in this sample are classified simply as shredders or non-shredders.
     Quantitative sampling uses methods that sample a unit area or
volume of habitat. Generally, these methods  are applied to ran-
domly selected sampling units. As with semi-quantitative sam-
pling, the organisms collected are counted and classified.
     In deciding on level of effort, investigators should be aware
that  limited sampling efforts can provide enough data for an
adequate ecological risk assessment of a Superfund site. It is true
that differences in life cycle characteristics and diurnal effects do
prevent limited sampling from providing a comprehensive esti-
mate of all species.  However, if field studies at  the site sample
enough biota, these kinds of variations will have minimal effect on
the overall assessment.

Sampling Plan
     A sampling plan for a field  study indicates the number of
sampling points, the number of replicates for each sampling point,
the method for determining sampling locations, holding times for
samples,  and any sample preparation  required for laboratory
analysis. In making these decisions for an ecological field study,
the investigator needs to consider the study objectives, the level of
effort, the site's size, the ecological component(s), the measure-
ment endpoint, the method, the statistical method of analyzing
data, and the  available resources. For example, the approach to
statistical analysis will affect sampling size. If the field study is one
of a group of coordinated studies, then the investigator also needs
to consider whether a particular sampling method can apply to all
the studies in  the group.
     In general, sampling  locations can be selected either non-
randomly or randomly. Qualitative and semi-quantitative surveys
make use of non-random sampling, taking into account the habitat
and mobility of the organisms and the location of contaminant "hot
spots." For quantitative sampling, investigators generally use
random sampling methods.
     When the investigator has decided on the number of sam-
pling locations and the method of selecting them, he or she must
also decide how many replicate samples to collect per site. Both the
study objectives and the data quality objectives (discussed below)
influence this decision. While natural variability makes replicate
sampling  desirable, for some field studies the sampling  plan
cannot specify a fixed number of replicates. For example,  field
biologists have no control over trapping success.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
     Quality assurance and quality control standards are an essen-
tial element in the study plan. Included among the QA/QC consid-
erations are the data quality objectives (DQOs). These are
statements that define the level of uncertainty that the investigator
is  willing to accept in  environmental  data  used  to  support a
remedial decision. DQOs address the purpose and use of the  data,
the resource constraints on data collection, and any calculations
based on the data. In particular, DQOs help investigators to decide
how many samples and replicates to collect in order to  limit
uncertainty to an acceptable level.
     DQOs also guide decisions about the level of detail necessary
for the study. For example, in field studies involving certain groups
of organisms, such as insects, DQOs establish the level to which
the investigation should take the  identification of organisms.
Identification to the level of family or genus requires less expertise
and time than identification to the level of species. However, the
DQOs may require identification to the species level  to obtain
detailed enough information about the site's ecological condition.
     In addition to defining acceptable uncertainty, QA/QC  stan-
dards address other concerns:
  •  Reference sites. As discussed earlier, the investigator should
     achieve a careful match between the Superfund site and one
     or more reference sites.
  •  Accurate identification of organisms. The investigator  must
     identify organisms accurately. A common means of ensuring
     the accuracy of identification involves having the classifica-
     tion of a subset of organisms verified by independent experts.
  •  Adherence to sampling plan.  Field biologists must adhere
     closely to the sampling plan in order to collect valid  data.
     Consequently, the study's design  will need to incorporate
     methods for checking how precisely personnel have followed
     the sampling plan. For  example, QA/QC standards  may
     require field biologists to maintain field notebooks and sub-
     mit copies of these. Chain of custody documents provide
     another means of tracking sample collection, transfer, and
  •  Contractor. The contractor selected must have personnel
     with  the expertise needed to perform the particular type of
     field study and interpret the data. In addition, the contractor
     must have the necessary equipment and personnel skilled in
     its use and maintenance.

Statistical Analysis of Field Data
     In performingstatisticalanalysesof field data from Superfund
sites, two issues require special consideration: lack of randomness
and use of indices.
     Lack of Randomness. Neither the Superfund site nor the
reference  site  is selected randomly. As a result of this lack of
randomness, the investigator must  use  one of the  following ap-

preaches  in  statistically  analyzing differences between the
Superfund site and the reference site:
  •  The investigator selects sampling stations randomly at both
     the Superfund site and the reference site(s), and then tests the
     hypothesis that observed differences between these stations
     result from conditions at the stations in the Superfund site.
  •  The investigator tests the hypothesis that the reference site(s)
     and the Superfund site differ. If such a difference exists, the
     investigator then employs nonstatistical methods to evaluate
     whether contamination at  the  Superfund site causes  this
     Use of Indices. A field study can generate a volume of data too
large to be analyzed efficiently. In such a case, reducing classes of
data to a single number, called an index, simplifies the analysis.
Some of the community traits discussed earlier, including even-
ness and diversity, are examples of indices calculated from taxo-
nomic data. Indices also include biotic indices, which examine the
environmental tolerances or requirements of particular species or
groups of species.
     While indices can make field data more manageable, inves-
tigators need to appreciate that indices have properties that can
preclude standard statistical  comparison of results among sam-
pling locations (9). If an ecological risk assessment makes use of
indices, the discussion of uncertainty needs to address the limita-
tions of the indices and  acknowledge the assumptions that they

Field  Methods

     The following list includes  a brief description,  by type of
organism, of field methods useful in ecological risk assessments at
Superfund sites. Some methods focus on ways to collect on.-  -
isms, while others concern ways to examine them.
     These methods represent only a selection of those avaikn.-le.
In designing a field study, the  investigator should consult the
BTAG, which may suggest approaches not described here. Please
note also that this catalogue includes only methods used in study-
ing biota. For methodology relating to the study of physical and
chemical characteristics of a site, investigators should consult the
following EPA documents:
  •  Sampler's Guide to the Contract Laboratory Program. EPA/
     540/P-90/006, December 1990.
  •  Compendium of ERTSurface Water and Sediment Sampling
     Procedures. EPA/540/P-91/005, January 1991.
  •  Compendium of ERT Soil Sampling and Surface Geophysics
     Procedures. EPA/540/P-91/006, January 1991.
  •  Compendium of ERT Groundwater Sampling Procedures.
     EPA/540/P-91/007, January 1991.
  •  Compendium of ERT Waste Sampling Procedures. EPA/540/
     P-91/008, January  1991.

     Scraping, coring, or suction. Field studies of periphyton can
involve collecting these organisms from their natural environment
by means of devices that scrape, core, or use suction (78, 30).
    Artificial substrate. Materials such as granite, tile,  plastic,
and glass can serve as an artificial substrate on which periphyton
communities can develop (78, 30).
    DalaAnalysis. Investigators can study the taxonomic compo-
sition, biomass, species richness, and relative abundance of per-
iphyton communities  from either natural  habitats or  artificial
substrates. In addition, analysis of data can yield information about
diversity, evenness, and similarity (78, 30).

    Trapping, pumping, netting, and using closing samplers.
Samples can be collected from natural substrates by  means of
traps, pumps, nets, and closing samplers such as tubes and bottles
(3, 18, 30).
    Data analysis. After identifying the organisms in the sample,
investigators can determine species richness, relative abundance,
and diversity (78).

Benthic Macroinvertebrates
    Dredging and digging. Dredging and digging provide quali-
tative samples from the natural environment (77, 78).
    Stream netting, coring, or sampling with a grab. Stream
netting, coring and sampling  with a grab collect quantitative
samples from the natural environment. Stream netting involves
using specialized nets to collect samples. The Surber and the Hess
are stream nets commonly used to sample macroinvertebrates in or
on substrate. Some types of stream nets collect macroinvertebrates
drifting in the water column (a normal occurrence with benthic
macroinvertebrates inhabiting flowing water). A grab is a sam-
pling device with jaws that penetrate and extract an area of the
substrate (7, 4, 12,17, 18, 21).
    Sweep netting. Sweep nets collect qualitative samples associ-
ated with aquatic vegetation (17, 78).
    Sampling with other devices. More quantitative methods of
sampling benthic macroinvertebrates associated with aquatic veg-
etation involve using either the Wilding stovepipe or the Macan,
the Minto, or the McCauley samplers (77, 78, 27).
    Artificial  substrate. Communities  of benthic macro-
invertebrates can develop on artificial substrates introduced into
the site's surface water (77, 78, 27).
    Data analysis. Once the sample has been collected, the
investigator can identify the species present and measure biomass.
Further analysis of data can disclose such parameters as species
richness, species density, diversity, and relative abundance (77,
78, 27).

    Seining. Seines are effective sampling devices for shallow
waters such as streams, nearshore areas of lakes, and shallow
marine and estuarine locations. The most commonly used seine
consists of a specialized net attached to long vertical poles (4, 21,
    Trawling. In deeper waters that have no obstructions, inves-
tigators use a tapered conical fishing net called a trawl. Aboat pulls
the trawl through the water at a specified depth (78, 27, 30).
    Passive netting. For passive netting, the field biologist at-
taches a net to the bottom of a river or lake. Fish that swim into the
net become entangled or unable to escape. Passive nets include gill,
trammel, and hoop nets (20,18, 21, 30).
    Electrofishing. This technique, which applies an electrical
charge to a small area in a body of water, momentarily immobilizes

fish. Electrofishing is effective forsampling fish in streams, rivers,
and lakes (18, 21, 30).
    Chemical collection. This specialized technique involves
exposing the animals to fish toxicants (27). Investigators should
familiarize themselves with state regulations regarding the use of
these  substances. While  use  of such chemicals is a standard
procedure, this method is not preferred because of its negative
    Fish tissue collection. Methods for collecting fish tissue are
described in References 25, 27, and 28.
    Data analysis. Once the investigator has identified the fish, he
or she can determine such measurement endpoints as relative
abundance and species richness (18, 21, 30).

Terrestrial Vegetation
    The methods described for terrestrial vegetation work equally
well for upland and wetland areas. This is true even though in
wetlands,  by  definition,  the prevailing vegetation is  typically
adapted to saturated soil conditions.
    Remote sensing. Remote sensing, which uses either satellite
imagery or aerial photography, is useful when contamination of a
site has resulted in restricted access or when initial site reconnais-
sance requires surveys of large areas. The technique provides
information about general landscape patterns, gross features of the
vegetation, and photosynthetic rates. Infrared and multispectral
remote sensing also can  be used  to  identify and map areas of
stressed vegetation (13). Usually, some limited ground-level sur-
vey (ground-truthing) is required to verify identification of species
and condition.
    Quadrats and transects. Quadrats and transects are often used
in vegetation  survey and  sampling methods  to  provide  a more
quantitative approach to collecting data. Quadrats are closed sam-
pling units or plots. Transects consist of belts, strips, or lines used
as a sampling unit. Both methods define precise, isolated areas for
sampling,  recording, mapping, or studying organisms within a
larger area. Both methods allow investigators to estimate character-
istics such as cover, species frequency, and density (2,10).
    Point method. The point method  estimates cover using sam-
pling points (2, 10).
    Distance methods. Distance  methods provide a means of
estimating coverage and species density in forests, which would
require large quadrats to sample trees adequately. There are
several different versions of distance  methods but in general the
methods are based on measuring distances between random points
and the sampled plants, or between individual plants (2,  10).

Soil  Fauna
    Coring. Field biologists collect samples by coring devices
    Driving  organisms from soil sample. Heat, moisture, or
chemical stimuli drive the organisms from the soil into collection
chambers (23).
    Sieving. Sieving can be used to retrieve the fauna from the
soil. Dry sieving separates soil fauna from fallen leaves and friable
soil. Wet  sieving, also called soil washing, is used to extract
organisms from fine mud, sediments, and leaf litter (23).
    Density separation. Flotation, centrifugation, and sedimenta-
tion separate organisms from soil on the basis of density (23).
    Data analysis. After the investigator has identified the organ-
isms,  he or she can determine parameters that characterize the

Terrestrial and Flying Insects
    Trapping. Traps can be used to collect insects of particular
species, groups of species, insects at specific life stages, or insects
with specific behaviors. Trapping  methods  include the use of
all ractant chemicals, light, hosts, host substitutes, and insect sounds.
Traps include emergence, pitfall, and sticky traps, to name a few
(23). The type of trap  used affects both  the range  of species
collected and the types of data collected. When collecting several
kinds of insects, the investigator can determine such measurement
endpoints as species diversity (23).
    Sign. Frass (feces), nests, cast-off larval cases or cocoons, and
auditory signals indicate the presence of particular insects (23).

Amphibians, Reptiles, and Mammals
    Auditory and visual study. Visual studies can  determine the
presence of species on a site. In addition, sounds can indicate the
presence of certain amphibians and mammals. (19, 22).
    Sign. Tracks, nests, burrows, dens, scat, or carcasses indicate
which species occur on a site (79, 22).
    Trapping. Traps and nets can provide more quantitative means
of sampling and, depending on the breadth  of the study, allow an
investigator to determine population and/or community parameters
relative  to the reference  site. Trapping methods include both live
traps and kill traps. Depending on the study objectives, the investi-
gator either makes observations on live-trapped animals and  re-
leases them or retains the animals for further study (5, 6, 7,19).
    Tissue collection.  Methods for collecting tissues are de-
scribed  in Reference 26.

    A uditory and visual studies. Ornithologists identify the species
at a site by  walking specified areas or distances  (e.g., along a
transect) and record birds sighted or identified through their songs (5).
    Nest success. The evaluation of nest success on the basis of
measures such as clutch size and number of fledglings is practical
only for very large Superfund sites (7).
    Trapping. Not practical for most Superfund sites, a variety of
traps and nets can be used to capture birds  (6).
Field  Studies: Their Contribution

     As the previous sections of this Bulletin indicate, field studies
can contribute to all phases of the ecological risk assessment of a
Superfund site and in a variety of ways. Specifically, a well
designed field study can allow investigators to:
  •  Identify and describe the  habitats and species  (including
     those of special concern) actually or potentially exposed to
     waste site contaminants.
  •  Indicate detrimental  ecological effects that may have oc-
     curred on or near the site.
  •  Provide information adding to the weight of evidence linking
     adverse effects to the site's contaminants.
  •  Provide samples  for biomarker studies,  such  as

     bioaccumulation  studies,  biochemical  analyses,  and
     histopathological studies.15
  •  Aid in identifying remedial alternatives that are protective of
     natural resources.
  •  Assist in monitoring remediation effectiveness.

     Investigators should consult  with their Region's BTAG to
determine whether and when to conduct field studies and to select
the studies most appropriate to their sites.


 1.   American Society for Test! ng and Materials (ASTM). 1988.
    Annual Book of ASTM Standards: Water and Environmental
     Technology, Vol. 11.04. American Society  for Testing and
     Materials, Philadelphia, PA.
 2.   Barbour, M.G., J.H. Burk and W.D. Pitts. 1980.  Terrestrial
    Plant Ecology. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Com-
     pany, Inc., Reading, MA.
 3.   Bloesch, J. (Editor). 1988. Mesocosm Studies.Hydrobiologia
     759:221-313. W. Junk, Publishers, Dordrecht, The Nether-
 4.   Coull, B. C. 1980. Shallow  Water Marine Biological Re-
     search. Pages 275-284 in P.P. Diemer, F.J. Vernberg and D.Z.
     Mirkes (Editors). Ocean Measurements for Marine Biology.
     University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC.
 5.   Davis, D.E. and R.L.  Winstead. 1980. Estimating the Num-
    bersof Wildlife Populations. Pages221-245 in S.D.Schemnitz
     (Editor). Wildlife Management Techniques Manual.  Fourth
     Edition. The Wildlife Society, Washington, DC.
 6.   Day, G.I., S.D. Schemnitz and R.D. Taber. 1980. Capturing
     and Marking Wild Animals. Pages 61-88 in  S.D. Schemnitz
     (Editor). Wildlife Management Techniques Manual.  Fourth
     Edition. The Wildlife Society, Washington, DC.
 7.   Downing, R.L. 1980.  Vital Statistics of Animal Populations.
    Pages 247-267 in S.D. Schemnitz (Editor). Wildlife Manage-
     ment Techniques Manual. Fourth Edition. The Wildlife Soci-
     ety, Washington, DC.
 8.   Escherich, P. and D. Rosenberger. 1987. Guidance on Use of
    Habitat Evaluation Procedures andHabitat Suitability Index
    Models for CERCLA  Applications. U.S. Department of the
     Interior, CERCLA  301  Project, Washington, DC.
 9.   Greig-Smith, P.  1983.  Quantitative Plant  Ecology. Third
     Edition. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
 10.  Green, R.H. 1979. Sampling Design and Statistical Methods
    for Environmental Biologists. J. Wiley and Sons,  New York,
 11.  Hair,J.D. 1980. Measurement of Ecological Diversity. Pages
     269-275  in S.D.  Schemnitz (Editor). Wildlife Management
     Techniques Manual. Fourth Edition. The Wildlife Society,
     Washington, DC.
    "A biomarker is a physiological, biochemical, or histologies!
response that is measured in individual organisms and that indicates either
exposure or sub-lethal stress.
12. Hess, A.D. 1941. New Limnological Sampling Equipment.
    Limnol. Soc.Amer. Spec. Publ. 6:1-5.
13. Kapustka, L.A. 1989. Vegetation Assessment. Section 8.3 in
    Warren-Hicks, W., B.R. Parkhurst, and S.S. Baker Jr. (Edi-
    tors). Ecological Assessment of Hazardous Waste Sites: A
    FieldandLaboratoryReference. EPA/600/3-89/013. Environ-
    mental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Develop-
    ment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, OR.
14. Karr, J.R. 1981. Assessment of Biotic Integrity Using Fish
    Communities. Fisheries 6:21-27.
15. Karr, J.R., K.D. Fausch, P.L. Angermeier, P.R. Yant, and I.J.
    Schlosser. 1986. Assessing Biological Integrity in Running
    Waters: A Method and Its Rationale. Illinois Natural History
    Survey, Special publ. No. 5.
16. Kirkpatrick, R.L. 1980. Physiological Indices  in Wildlife
    Management.  Pages 99-112 in S.D. Schemnitz (Editor).
    Wildlife Management Techniques Manual. Fourth Edition.
    The Wildlife Society,  Washington, DC.
17. Klemm. D.J.,P.A. Lewis, F. Fulk,and J.M. Lazorchak. 1990.
    Macroinvertebrate Field and Laboratory Methodsfor Evalu-
    ating the Biological Integrity ofSurface Waters. EPA/600/4-
    90/030. Environmental Monitoring Systems  Laboratory—
    Cincinnati, Office of  Modeling, Monitoring  Systems, and
    Quality Assurance, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
    Cincinnati, OH.
18. LaPoint, T.W. and J.F.  Fairchild. 1989. Aquatic Surveys.
    Section 8.2 in Warren-Hicks, W., B.R. Parkhurst, and S.S.
    Baker Jr. (Editors). Ecological Assessment of Hazardous
    Waste Sites: A Field and Laboratory Reference. EPA/600/3-
    89/013. Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Re-
    search and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
    Agency, Corvallis, OR.
19. McBee, K.  1989. Field Surveys: Terrestrial Vertebrates.
    Section 8.4 in Warren-Hicks, W., B.R. Parkhurst, and S.S.
    Baker Jr. (Editors). Ecological Assessment of Hazardous
    Waste Sites: A Field and Laboratory Reference. EPA/600/3-
    89/013. Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Re-
    search and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
    Agency, Corvallis, OR.
20. Nielsen, L.A. and D.L. Johnson  (Editors). 1983. Fishing
    Techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
21. Plafkin, J.L., M.T. Barbour, K.D. Porter, S.K. Gross, and
    R.M. Hughes. 1989. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use
    in Streams and Rivers: BenthicMacroinvertebrates and Fish.
    EPA/600/4-89-001. Assessment and Watershed Protection
    Division,  Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection
    Agency, Washington, D.C.
22. Smith, R.L. 1966. Ecology and Field Biology.  Harper and
    Row, New York, NY.
23. Southwood,T.R.E. \91&. Ecological Methods: WithParticu-
    lar Reference to the Study of Insect Populations. Second
    Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
24. Suter, G.  1989. Ecological Endpoints. Chapter 2 in Warren-
    Hicks, W., B.R. Parkhurst, and S.S. Baker Jr. (Editors).
    Ecological Assessment of Hazardous Waste Sites: A Field

    and Laboratory Reference.  EPA/600/3-89/013. Environ-
    mental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Develop-
    ment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, OR.
25.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1981. Interim Meth-
    ods for the Sampling and Analysis of Priority Pollutants in
    Sediments and Fish  Tissue.  EPA/600/4-81/055. Environ-
    mental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH.
26.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1982. Test Methods
    for Evaluating Solid Waste: PhisycallChemical Methods.
    SW-A46.2nd edition. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
    Response, Washington, DC.
27.  U.S. Environmental  Protection Agency. 1990. Analytical
    Procedures and Quality Assurance Plan for the Determina-
    tion ofPCDDIPCDF in Fish. EPA/600/3-90/022. Environ-
    mental Research Laboratory, Duluth, MN.
28.  U.S. Environmental  Protection Agency. 1990. Analytical
    Procedures and Quality Assurance Plan for the Determina-
    Environmental Research Laboratory, Duluth, MN.
29.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992. Framework
    for Ecological Risk Assessment. EPA/630/R-92/001. Risk
    Assessment Forum, Washington, DC
30.  Weber, C.I. (Editor). 1973. Biological Field and Laboratory
    Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and
    Effluents. EPA/67/4-73-001. National Environmental Re-
    search Center. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cin-
    cinnati, OH.
Additional Print Resources
Available from the Federal

  Adamus, P.R. et al. 1991. Wetland Evaluation Technique. Vol.
    1: Literature Review and Evaluational Rationale. Technical
    Report WRP-DE-2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  Baker, B. and M. Kravitz. 1992. Sediment Classification Meth-
    ods Compendium. EPA/823/R-92/006.  U.S. EPA Office of
  Beyer, W.N. 1990. Evaluating Soil Contamination. Biological
    Report 90(2). U.S. Department of Interior.
  Fletcher, J. and H. Ratsch. l99Q.Plant Tier Testing: A Workshop
    to Evaluate Nontarget Plant Testing in  Subdivision J Pesti-
    cide Guidelines. EPA/600/9-91/041.
  Linder, G. et al. 1992. Evaluation of Terrestrial Indicators for
    Use in Ecological Assessments  at Hazardous Waste Sites.
    EPA/600/R-92/183. Office of Research and Development,
    ERL-Corvallis, OR.
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1988. Guidance for
    Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies
    under CERCLA. EPA/540/G-89/004.
