ASSURAISJCE (DMR-QA)  STUDY 18
To Designated NPDES Permittees:

As indicated in the March 9, 1 998, letter from the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, the USEPA and
State Agencies are continuing a quality assurance program known as the Discharge Monitoring Report - Quality
Assurance (DMR-QA) study. This program is intended for all major and selected minor permittees under the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The purpose is to evaluate the analytical and reporting ability of the
laboratories that routinely perform the chemistry and whole-effluent toxicity self-monitoring analyses required in your
NPDES permit.  For further information, please refer to the NPDES Permittee Requirements listed on page 1 inside.

Your participation in this program, including proper analyses, reporting and record retention, is mandatory based on the
authority of Section 308 (a) of the Clean Water Act. The Agency's legal opinions, dated August 11 1977 and January 9
1989, reaffirm this authority.

If after reading these instructions, or at any point during this study, you have any questions, please contact your state
DMR-QA coordinator, whose name, address and telephone number are listed in the attached NPDES Permittee
Instructions. Please reference your NPDES permit and telephone numbers on all correspondence. Your region and/or
state will play an important role in reviewing your results from analyses of the study samples and in providing any follow-
up action or guidance that may be appropriate after study reports are distributed.

Thank you for your cooperation in this national program to improve the quality of NPDES self-monitoring data.
Enclosures (3)
1)  NPDES Permittee Instructions
2)  DMR-QA State Coordinators list
3)  NPDES Permittee Data Report Form


                                          DMR-QA STUDY 18

                               :-    NPDES PERMITTEE INSTRUCTIONS

 1.  The NPDES Permittee Data Report Form you received with these instructions (hereafter called the "Orarige
    Form") is labeled on the front with a specific NPDES permit number (the permit which this number
    represents is hereafter called the ''permit").  Your NPDES Permit Number begins with your state abbreviation
    and is followed by seven numbers^  The data you are required to report on this Orange Form relates to the
    indicated permit. Some"of your NPDES permits may not have been selected for DMR-QA Study 18, but you
    are required to complete and return every Orange  Form you receive.

 2.  All analytes listed on the permit may not be included in the DMR-QA Study.  You are only required to report
    analytical results for analytes which are in the study samples and listed for self-monitoring in the permit.
    Review the permit and compare it with the analytes listed below to determine which analyses must be
    performed to satisfy the permit requirements.

 DMR-QA Study Analytes:
 Chernistry Analytes: aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, (total) chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium,
.Vanadium, zinc, pH, non-filterable residue (total suspended solids), oil and grease, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, orthophosphate,
' lotafKjeldahi nitrogen^ total phosphorus, 5-day biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand,"total organic carbon, 5-day
 cafbonacebus,biochemical oxygen demand, total cyanide, total pheriolics (by the 4AAP method), and total residual chlorine

 Toxicity Analytes: acute and chronic testing for fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), Ceriodaphnia (Ceriodaphnia dubia), Mysid
 (Mysidopsis bahia), and sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus); and acute testing only for inland silversides (Menidia beryllina),
 Daphnia magna, and Daphnia pulex.

 3.  Ensure that your in-house and/or contract laboratory(ies) complete all requirements.  Ail work must be
    performed by the personnel and laboratory(ies) that routinely conduct the self-monitoring required in the

    Laboratories must:

 N     a.,  prder the appropriate study samples, as instructed in the DMR-QA Study 18 Announcement
           (mailed to all participating NPDES permittees in March of 1998). If a participating laboratory has not
         .  already ordered their samples, contact your DMR-QA State Coordinator immediately.

 ;;;     b.  perform the requested analyses upon receipt of the samples.

       c.  provide you (the permittee) with the results of the analyses on  copies of the NPDES Chemistry
           and/or Toxicity Laboratory Data Report Forms received in each sample kit, by September 15, 1998
           (this suggested date should allow you enough time to complete the permittee reporting procedure on

 4.  Complete and submit the Orange Form in accordance with the instructions on pages  2 through 4 that
                           fl    |    I I  I  "    I         I                         Hi       it
                                \      , ' *             I              '       .1     I     '
 5.  Once processing of your reported results is complete, a Performance Evaluation Report will be sent to
    you and the appropriate USEPA Regional office and/or State Agency.  This report will compare your
    reported  values to the study acceptance limits. You will also receive instructions for conducting a follow-up
  •  investigation and developing written corrective actions for reported analytes which were not within  the limits.
    Since the acceptance  limits for some of the analytes are computed from data submitted during the study,
    you will not receive your Performance Evaluation Report until January or February of  1999.

           	r, which requires a standardized reporting
           Syftog	tfrejarcxgcjure.	oujllngd	bgjo^m^cauge	yourdatatobeevaluated
                              ',enteralldataclearly,	and	llgt	Permit	Numbers	and	
                                                    as received; the USEPA Contractor, is
        3    J aoy changes.  Not providing an Orange Form within the reporting deadline or
        naoii	Ibat caonot be processed,	wilt	be	considered a violation of yoffiM^BESS perrntt-

                               Jgbej	iijjo	JJjg	spaces jsroyrdedl at the top ofjpages 1, 3, 5 & 7 of
                       right-hand corner of any additional documentation' that you may submit, in
                that may be necessary should be made directly to the NPDESJPermittee
                      page 1 of the Oranqe Form.
               idenoe	pggarding the NPDES permit	wilf	be	rn.sMed.to	the.address	on this	label	
                 ! needs to be revised since sampigs are sent directly to snipping addresses
                     L	^_	.
                     |, orbesidethe^addressjabel.,.Dpnotus.e|he. certification section of the
                 aMiog addresschanf

                 ; name in the space provided on page 1 of the Orange^Form.  The facility name
       iear as a heading on the computer generated Performance Evaluation Report that will be
_sj£vthe_appropriate boxes to complete the three question survey related to participation in
       ~'. stodv.
               	MSSfjtSglSP.	SSSliSB	SO	E3^63 3 and 4 of ygyr Orange Form. Each laboratory
               5n'd/b71oxigiyanalyses 'mult be identified by name, gddress. USEPA Laboratory^
     i of Laborat

    ^Laboratory Identification:
                     MssdJQaidentifvyou:r	ini=house	laboratory if you 'perform any test there, or primary1
                       If no in-house lab fejjsgoLAiy additional chemistry laboratories should be
                         '	§iiii.§.HiSl.§-	.iBSinotidentify,	a	chemistry Jab in Laboratory ID #2 or 7 which are
i.. which is PINK i
                                       with your state abbreviation and is followed by five numbers.
                              with their USEPA Laboratory Code on an NPDES Chemistry Laboratory
                                              permit number, state laboratoryicjadsior	
                                   '. Code,,
                               grinnary tgxicjty laboratory must &e identified in the Laboratory ID #2. If
                               is seven numbers. Each toxjcity lab used should provide you with their
                         IEDJESTojdc^rUboratory DgiReport Form, which is GREEN in color.

                                         DMR-QA STUDY 18

6.  Transfer the appropriate data from the Chemistry/Toxicity Laboratory Data Report Forms in to each
   field of your Orange Form.  The headings listed below relate to information on pages 5-8 of the Orange
   Form,    "               ,       "              ..' ,	,	  •-..	.'  [  ,..'"'	'  .'.	 '.	,  	',	

   a.  Analyte Name and No.:  Identifies each test type available and their corresponding analyte numbers (do
       not alter).  _          |        _               _ .  	^ "  '. / '   "  ,  , ^  '	   ""'.".-     .  ' "^ i ' '.'	v"

   b.  Sample No.:  Identifies the ajopropriate sample number which should be analyzed to produce each
      ' chemistry result (do not alter).
        '       «      -   ,     ' 'i   j ,         ,     ;,. -• =4< •_>, } '/.;•';'.,  "' ;.;•.,'; ,i :' • .K •':•' •. 'v';•; <:_>:. ;|',,';'• ?.•"', •''.,; :•'-'';••,I,;->:,;v, '^:;/:; * V'
   c.  USEPA Laboratory Code: You MUST enter the USEPA Laboratory Code next to each analytical  result
    ,.   produced by that laboratory. For a chemistry lab this is a two-letter state abbreviation followed by five
      , numbers, and for a toxicity lab this is a seven digit number. Each laboratory code used in this column
       must be identified on pages 3 or 4 in the Laboratory Identification Section of the Orange Form. If for any
       reason you do not  have the USEPA  Laboratory Code of any laboratory, contact that laboratory to  obtain
       their code and enter it everywhere it is appropriate before continuing.

   d.  Voluntary Analvte: Enter an "X" in this column for each analvte you report which is not required  to be
       monitored by your  NPDES permit. Voluntary Analytes you report will be included on your Performance
       Evaluation Report.
   e.  Method Codes: The method codes reported here identify which method was used to produce results for
       a specific analyte.  Report the method code reported to you by your chemistry laboratory or obtain it from
       them. A method code of "99" will require additional documentation describing the method used.
                      '/'',•'         •           .   i  ."   '      '      t "  "  ' '"             "   "       '
   f.   Usage of ( < / > ):  All analytes are present at quantifiable concentrations, so use of this field should not
       be necessary.  However, if your lab was not capable of quantifying the sample concentration, you must
       transfer the^''<" or ">" reported by:'ybuf lab to the Orange Forrri as part of your analytical result!

   g.  Quantity:
       •  Report only one analytical result for each  analyte; Do not report the mean of multiple analytical
   -   "•'•'•:' results.  "   ' .'..  '  ^,  '   ,  '     ri   ' ^ ,  .'.,.,.    ,   , . .,    '
       •  Each box utilized must contain only a number or a decimal (no dashes, letters or symbols for any
          reason). A, decimal point requires its own box.
       •  Report your data to three significant digits, i.e., O.XXX, X.XX, XX.X or XXX, if method allows.
       •  "Right justify" each  result in the spaces provided.
       •  Report all data in the units specified on the Orange Form.
                " I    1 V      , '    I   "   , "  ' I                             a           r
        1    \     'I *'".'!,    (              ,                                ,           '
7. Complete the Certification Statement  on page 1 of the Orange Form. The "Certification Section" on page
   ,1 must be completed as indicated and signed by an authorized representative as designated on the permit.
   Most important, the permittee is responsible for certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the data
   and that all work has been performed  by the personnel and laboratory(ies) that routinely conduct the
   self-monitoring required in their permit. Reference to this section may be found in 40 CFR Part 122.22.

8. Revised Reports:  If you decide the information on an Orange Form must be revised after you have
   submitted it, change your copy of the original submittal,  put "REVISED", your initials and the revision date at
   the top of page 1, make two  copies, and submit the revised Orange Form and one copy as before
                        "          ""                             "
                                                                                                        u  H

                                                                                                        I' '

i	results of ail
                     -iformed	by,	your	in-house	and/or	contract	laboratories	
	IJaJgeggrt	Forms,,	which	are	pink	or	greenif yougetoriginals, to the •
i Data Report Form enclosed with these instructions.  Results reported	to	
            pur Iaboratorjesj3t:0o_a Laboratory Data Report Form will not satisfy
             port Form (PWIO

            • Chemistry
                                        / Laboratory
                              Data Report Form (GREEN)

                                                      provide YOU with proof of
!PA	Con^rjacjjoj^	The	USEPA Conjractorwill NOT cpnfirrn rpceiot of vour data
                      the bpttonj of the previous! page
  tetter, unless otherwlsedjrected by theUSEPA ContractoriJSEPA or SHte AflfiQcv ^Anv auestiori'S_or
          lEB§Bl§jafflLd]bM3a,dfe,d	dlBeflvmith voUf DMR-QA State Coordinatnr (see attached list)

 E John Williford
 AL.Dept. of Env. Mgt.
 18"90A Cong WL Dickinson Dr
 Montgomery, AL 36109
 (334) 260-2700
 Karen Hoover
 PS EPA, Region X            '""
, 1200 Sixth Ave.
'Seattle, WA 98101
 (206) 553-1213

 American Samoa
, Sheila Wiegman
 American Samoa EPA
 Environmental Quality Commission
 Pago Pago, AS  96799
 (684) 633-2304

 .Gary Brussels
 ,AZ Dept. of Health Services
 Environmental Lab Licensure
 3443 North Central Ave., Suite 810'
 Phoenix, AZ  85012
  (602) 255-3454

; Arkansas
 Dick Cassat
 jARpeptofPoll  Ctrl & Ecology
 8001 Rational Drive
 Little Rock, AR 72209
  (501) 682-0744

 Bill Ray
 CA State Water Res. Control Board
 PO Box 944213
 Sacramento, CA 95814-0100

• Colorado
 CO Dept. of Public Division
 Field Support Section
 4300 S. Cherry Creek Dr.
 Denyer, CO 80222-1530
  (303) 692-3603

 Donald Gonyea
 CT Dept. of Env. Protection
<* Water Management Bureau
 PO Box 5066
 Hartford, CT 06106-5066
  (860) 424-3827

 Joe Mulropney
    1           ^        »    i
 Water Pollution Branch
 PO Box 1401
 Dover, DE 19903
   ^                       1
* NPPES Delegated State
                      J ,      t     4
    District of Columbia
    William Ruby
    Environmental Regulation Admin
    Water Resources Management Div
    2lOO M.L. King Jr Ave, SE
    Washington, DC 20020
     (202) 645-660 f ext! 3032  " "'  	"

  * Florida
    Ed" Sims ' "
    US EPA, Region TV
    .Water Management Div. (CWAES)
   \ 106 Alabama St.,! SW - Atlanta Federal
    Atlanta, GA 30303-3104 '
     (404) 562-9768

    Carlos Boueres
   T FL Dept of Env. Protection
    Quality Assurance Section
    2600 Blear Stone Road, MS 6505
'  \ Tallahassee, FL  32399
i   '  'I.  t   I  '  II  '
  *   ft   N              *         n
    Jeff Larson
    GA Dept of Natural Resources
    Env. Protection Div.
   p 4244 Int Pkwy, Suite 110 - Atlanta
    Tradeport  ~  '
    Atlanta, GA "30354	"'"	"'	'"	'""	

 i  * Jesus Salas
    Guam EPA
    Tiyan Barrigada, GU 96921
     (671)472-88"63   '        	

,   * Hawaii
   ' HI Dept. of Health
  ,- .'State Laboratories Div.
    2725 Wairnano Home Rd.
 "   Pearl City, HI 96782

    Karen Hoover
    US EPA, Region X
     1200 Sixth Ave.
    Seattle, WA  98101
     (206) 553-1213

   * Illinos
  ' "• Erin Rednour
    Illinois EPA
    Bureau of Water
    PO Box 19276
    Springfield, IL -62702
  1,1      |l   ,  , 1     ' ' ,i.(	;,;„•»- ,i'.'
    -Steve Kim
    IN Dept. of Env. Mgt., OWM
   i pper. Assist. & Training Section
    PO Box 6015           __'	 u, 't,'ri
 *  ' Indianapolis, IN  46204
     (317) 232-8793

      ;''         .      ,
                                 Charles Furrey
                                 lADept of Natural Resources
                                 Henry A. Wallace B'ldg:
                                 900 E. Grand
                                 DesMoines,lA 50"319
                               	 (515y281-40o7' ""     '  "'	'  "

                                 Jack McKenzie
                                 Kansas Dept. of Health & Env.
                                 Laboratory Services & Research
                                 Forbes Field Bldg. #740
                                 Topeka, KS 66620-0001

                                 Donna Drury
                                 KY  Dept. for Env. Protection
                                 Division of Water
                                 14 Reilly Rd. Ft. Boone Plaza
                                 Frankfort, KY, 40601	,
                                 (502) 564-3410 ext. 461

                                 Elaine Sorbet
                                 LDEQ Water Lab
                                 Baton Rouge, LA 70808

                                 David Dodge
                                 ME Dept. of Env. Protection
                                 Div. of Water Resource Regulation
                                 State House, Station 17
                                1 Augusta, ME 04333

                               * Maryland
                                 Marlene Patillo
                                 MD Dept. of the Environment
                                 Div. of Municipal Compliance
                               ;,' 2500 Broening Highway
                                 Baltimore, MD 21224

                                 MD Dept. of the Environment
                                 Industrial Wastewater Program
                                 2500 Broening Highway
                                 Baltimore, MD 21224

                               '  PingYee
                                 MA Dept. of Env. Protection
                                 Div. of Water Pollution Control
                                 Training Center - Route 20
                              „ tMilbury,MA 01527
                                 (508) 756-7281

                               * Michigan
                                 Clyde Marion
                                 US EPA, Region V
                                 77 West Jackson Blvd.
                               .,:• Chicago, IL 60604
                             ,«;;,( (312)353-5966
                                                                                                                        Kim Sandrock
                                                                                                                        MN Pollution Control Agency
                                                                                                                        520 Lafayette Road
                                                                                                                        St. Paul, MN  55155
                                                                                                                        (612) 296-7387
                                                                                                                        ' 	i I   I .  	 I-	Hi	Ml"!'!:1 '['
                                                                                                                        Phillip Bass
                                                                                                                        MS Dept of Env. Quality
                                                                                                                        Office of Pollution Control
                                                                                                                        PO Box 10385
                                                                                                                        Jackson, MS  39204        ;

                                                                                                                        jack Pate
                                                                                                                        MO Dept. of Natural Resources
                                                                                                                        Water Pollution Control Program
                                                                                                                        205 Jefferson Street
                                                                                                                        Jefferson City, MO 65101
                                                                                                                        (573) 751-1399

                                                                                                                        Mike Pasichnyk
                                                                                                                        MT Dept of Environmental Quality
                                                                                                                        Water Protection Bureau
                                                                                                                        PO Box 200901
                                                                                                                        Helena, MT 59620-0901

                                                                                                                        Chris Helms
                                                                                                                        Dept of Env. Quality
                                                                                                                        Water Quality Division
                                                                                                                        PO Box 98922
                                                                                                                        Lincoln, NE 68509-8922

                                                                                                                        Wendall McCurry
                                                                                                                        NV Div. of Environmental Protection
                                                                                                                        Bureau of Water Quality Planning
                                                                                                                        333 W. Nye Lane, Capitol Complex
                                                                                                                        Carson City, NV 89701
                                                                                                                        (702) 687-4670 ext. 3098

                                                                                                                        New Hampshire
                                                                                                                        Stephanie Larson
                                                                                                                        NH Dept. of Env. Services
                                                                                                                        Water Supply & Poll. Ctrl. Div.
                                                                                                                        P.O Box 95
                                                                                                                        Concord, NH 03301
                                                                                                                        (603) 271-1493

                                                                                                                       fc New Jersey
                                                                                                                        Linda Mauel
                                                                                                                        US EPA, Region H
                                                                                                                        2890 Woodbridge Ave. (MS-220)
                                                                                                                        Edison, NJ 08837-3679
                                                                                                                        (732) 321-6766

                                                                                                                        New Mexico
                                                                                                                        Patrick Hanson
                                                                                                                        NM Environmental Dept.
                                                                                                                        Rennels Bldg., Rm. N 2050
                                                                                                                        PO Box 26110
                                                                                                                        Santa Fe.NM 87501
                                                                                                                        (505) 827-2799
                                                                                              Study 18

                                                                                   Vest Virginia
                                        "PiiSela Townsend
                    Vater Met.
                                         TN Dept. of Env.ffi Conservation
                                                                       Don E. Caldwell
                                                                       State oTWest Virginia
                                     	Div. of Water Pollution Control
                                                                       Dept. of Natural Resources
                                                                                  1201 Greenbrier Street
           ;,PA 17701-6448
                                   	MashyMeJOi	17243-1234
                                                                       giatlgaton.WV 25305
                                         , 1615} 532-0677
                                                            Mke Kvilrud.
                                                            WI Dept of Natural Resources
                                                            PO Box 7921
                                                            Madison, Wl 53715
                                                            (608) 621-8459
            jRegioaTWater Mgt
             -QA)	_	~
                                44 E,. Sara Houston Pkwy. N
                                          Houstan, TX 77015
                                                             om Basher
                                                            WI Dept. of Natural Resources
                                                            North Central District
                                                            PO Box 818
                                                           TUiiiieSander, WI 54501
                              US EPA, Region iX
       st Eeaon. Water Mgt.
                                                                           Uept. ot Natural Resources
                                                                         BBHiSS District
                                                                       PO Box 12436
                                          US EPA, Region IX
                                                                                   Colleen Higgins
                                                                                   WI Dept. of Natural Resouroes
                                                                       BirClaire, WI 54702
                                          288 Nprtft 146p West
                                                    ty,UT 84114-4870
                              =103 S. Main Street,, Sewing Bldg^
                               Waterbury. VT 05676
                              ^80,2) 241-3739
                                                                                   Janet LaRose	
                                                                                   WI Dept. of Natural Resources
                                                                                   Northwest District
                                                                                   810W. Maple St.
-Benjamin Lovesky
                                          Edison.NJ 08837-3679
                                                                       Jloy Lemke
                                                                       ~ WI Dept. of Natural Resources
                                                                       ^Southern District   ..
                                                                        3911 Fish Hatchery Road
                                                                       -Fitchburg,WI 53711
                                                                       •^(608) 275-3283   	"""  	
       FWaief Resources
          ff.RI 82908-5767
                               Elizabeth Ziorask
                                                           sJELDept. of Natural Resources
                                                           	.LakaMifihigan. District
                                                           .PO 80x10448	
                                                 JfTof Env. Qlty.
                                          Water Diyision	
i. Control
tlabotatog 'CSFffljcatipn
                                         -PO Box 10009
                                          Richmond, VA 23240
                                                                        &eenBay,WI 54307-0448

                                    — ^(8041698.4181	
                                                                                   JKY,Dept. of Env. Quality
                                                                                         Quality Division
                                                                                    122 W, 25th St.	
                                    —^^—QnaMty^ssuranceSectioti _
ffflvTS'Wtu'ral 'Res. "
 "tSifiol Wograra
 	Illl	l,,,ll	11,11	ll,ll,,ll,l,,,ll,,,l	g,,,,l	I	l,l,l,,,,l,l	I,
                                                                        Cheyenne, WY 82002
                                           Manchester, WA 98353
              l. Joe Foss BldK.
