It If c ^ f C III if w o O S 8 S | United States Environmental Protection Agency National Training and Operational Technology Center West Virginia University Department of Civil Engineering EPA Small Wastewater Flow Clearinghouse Design Workshop Small Alternative Wastewater Systems July 13-15, 1981 Philadelphia, PA September 21-23, 1981 San Francisco, CA D CO ------- General Information Environmental engineering in the 1980's requires the ability to evaluate and design alternative systems for handling domestic wastes. The purpose of these workshops is to present the current design and cost analysis of alternative collection and treatment systems. The workshops are for engineers working in a design and/or regulatory capacity dealing with small alternative systems. Each workshop will be two-and-a-half days in length with sessions providing presentations and an opportunity to go through a design exercise on each major topic covered. The instructors were selected for their experience and day-to-day involvement in the design of alternative systems. Design manuals covering specific topics will be distributed to each participant. For additional information contact Charles R. Jenkins, Department of Civil Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506 (304-293-3580) Registration There is a registration fee of $150.00 to cover meeting expenses and a luncheon. Please complete the attached form indicating which workshop you wish to attend and mail it with your check to Design Workshop, Department of Civil Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506. Space is somewhat limited, therefore to insure registration please mail your pre-registration form before the following deadlines: DEADLINES: June 26, 1981 for Philadelphia August 19, 1981 for San Francisco Locations and Housing Participants are responsible for arranging their own housing. Blocks of rooms have been reserved for participants at each of the Workshop hotels. Upon pre- register, a confirmation and a hotel registration form will be sent to you by return mail. Philadelphia—Workshop will be at the Independence Mall Holiday Inn, located in the center of Philadelphia's historic section. Rates: single $38.00; double $46.00. Cut off date—June 29, 1981 Contact: Holiday Inn 4th and Archer Streets Philadelphia, PA 19106 (215) 923-8660 San Francisco—Workshop will be at the San Franciscan Hotel located adjacent to the Civic Center and convenient downtown activities. Rates: single $58.00; double $68.00; suites $150.00. Cut off date—August 21, 1981. Contact: San Franciscan Hotel 1231 Market Street at Civic Center San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 626-8000 AGENDA Workshop on Alternative Wastewater Systems First Day 8:00 a.m. Purpose of Workshop Dr. Charles R Jenkins West Virginia University 8:15 a.m. Facility Planning Process Pio Lombardo, Lombardo & Associates Keith Dearth, Environmental Protection Agency 10:00 a.m. Break 10:15 a.m. Case Study Description Pio Lombardo James Kreissl, Environmental Protection Agency 11:00 a.m. Site Evaluation Richard Otis University of Wisconsin 12:00 noon Luncheon 1:00 p.m. Septic Tanks & Subsurface Disposal Richard Otis 2:30 p.m. Filters Richard Otis 3:30 p.m. Break 3:45 p.m. Mound Systems Richard Otis 4:30 p.m. Example—On-Site Systems Richard Otis 5:00 p.m. Dinner Break 7:00 p.m. Work Session #1—On-Site Systems Richard Otis 9:00 p.m. Adjourn Second Day 8:00 a.m. Small Diameter Sewers & Example Richard Otis 9:00 a.m. Vacuum Sewers Brian Foreman, AIRVAC 10:15 a.m. Work Session #2—Vacuum Sewers Brian Foreman 11:00 a.m. Pressure Sewers Bob Langford/Jim Conery F. E. Meyers Co. 12:00 noon Lunch Break 1:00 p.m. Work Session #3—Pressure Sewers Bob Langford/Jim Conery 3:45 p.m. Break 4:00 p.m. Septage Pio Lombardo 5:00 p.m. Adjourn Third Day 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon Cost Effectiveness Analysis Pio Lombardo Novel Alternatives—Aquaculture, etc. Pio Lombardo Break Management Plans & Implementation Issues Pio Lombardo Workshop Summary Staff Adjourn 10:00 a.m. Break 6 US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981-757-012/7080 Workshop c .O) 0) Q I V JK V) Wastewater 0) '^ CO c aj ** < "5 (A 0 E -^ ^ 0 c o Q. 0 0 1 ~ c 00 en _ to 00 D 0) °> CO •_• r ( t ; CO — CO 'C C •j » c U 1= — ^3 1 CD ? (D . a 0 1 0 C J, |> =1 ^ c I <-> D ^ o c Q p o " f CO . 'o •^ ?• c 0 0_ (o c D C B U- E c _- a CD 0 0 W £ "2 " « ^ CM o f CM" > °- CM 5> d) en «— «- 0 „ CM •o •* ^ J T- - 0 73 - -Q C CO f£ «- 0 9 -2- a O D 0 d ~5 w ^ a a . 0 0 -o U- C c B O *" — cr 3 CO O U) £ ra «» 0 •> tr 5 c 3 3 Q. c £ 0 0 -i 5 5 c o 9 o : > > Q. C NJ ° \ s. 0 ; • > H .0 « co a, \ +* CO ,*± *- m CO 0 W CD E £ 5 > 5 co 3: "o .«-• " u c c o CO •o c 3 O u. ^^ ^ 5 0 *^ 0 ^3 CD CD a. o 0 .c CJ 0 CD a. o Worksh c O) CO C1J O O E i_ c o CO ^-< CO '5) 0 C CD O 0 -C o CD Ingineering UJ '> b "5 c 0 E C (D a. 0 Q CO ^ 9J CM E > co - 5) o 0 O Z < < U £ S 5 ------- |