United States
         Environmental Protection
      Solid Waste and
      Emergency Response
  PB96-207 071
RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA
    Hotline Training Module
                     - fa*? 2i
             Introduction to:
               Definition of Solid Waste and
               Hazardous Waste Recycling
                   (40 CFR §§261.2 and 261.9)
                      Updated July 1996

This document was developed by Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. under contract 68-W6-0016 to EPA. It is intended
to be used as a training tool for Hotline specialists and does not represent a statement of EPA policy.

The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA's regulations or policies.
This document is used only in the capacity of the Hotline training and is not used as a reference tool on Hotline
calls. The Hotline revises and updates this document as regulatory program areas change.

The information in this document may not necessarily reflect the current position of the Agency. This document
is not intended and cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any
party in litigation with the United States.
                      RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline Phone Numbers:
            National toll-free (outside of DC area)
            Local number (within DC area)
            National toll-free for the hearing impaired (IDD)
(800) 424-9346
(703) 412-9810
(800) 553-7672
                   The Hotline is open from 9 am to 6 pm Eastern Standard Time,
                         Monday through Friday, except for federal holidays.

1.  Introduction	'.	•.	  1
2.  Regulatory Summary	
      2.1  Solid Waste Definition	
      2.2  Classification of Recycled Materials	
    .2.3  Recycling Solid Waste Exclusions in §261.2(e).
      2.4  Hazardous Waste Recycling Requirements'	
      2.5  Special Issues	
      2.6  Regulatory Developments	...'.....


                                      Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling -1
                            1.   INTRODUCTION
As mandated by Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and. Recovery Act (RCRA),
EPA promulgated hazardous waste regulations in 1980 to ensure that wastes which
pose a threat to human health and the environment would be managed safely. In
order to be regulated as a hazardous waste under RCRA, a material must first be
classified as a solid waste. After confirming that a material is a solid waste; the
generator of the solid waste must then determine if it is a hazardous waste. The
important concept to remember is that hazardous wastes are a subset of solid wastes.
In other words, a material cannot be classified as a hazardous waste if it is not within
the universe of solid waste.

This module explains the statutory and regulatory definitions of solid waste,
including the standards governing the recycling and management of specific types.of.
waste.                   '                 '
      "       •                         ;
When you have completed this module, you will be able to explain the  definition of
solid waste'in 40 CFR §261.2, as well as its relationship to the definition .of hazardous
waste in §261.3. You will also become familiar with the regulations governing the
recycling of hazardous wastes, found in §261.6 and Parts 266, 273, and 279.

Use the following list of objectives to check your knowledge of this topic after you ^
complete the training session:

      •  Explain and cite the regulatory and statutory definitions of solid waste

      •  Cite and use the table in §261.2 and the preamble to the January 4,1985,
         Federal Register (50 FR 614)                  .   '   -   :

      •  List and cite three use/reuse scenarios where the materials are not solid
         wastes and state the requirement for  documentation

      •  List examples of sham recycling

      •  List the conditions under which hazardous waste-derived products may be
         excluded from regulation
                                                      —              ^
      •  Cite the provisions for precious metal recovery

      •  Discuss potential regulatory developments affecting the definition of solid
         waste and hazardous waste recycling.
The information in this document is not by any means a.complete representation of EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.  .

2 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation or EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                              an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

                                      Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling - 3
                      2.   REGULATORY SUMMARY
Under RCRA Subtitle C, Congress granted EPA the authority to regulate hazardous
wastes. The principle objective of hazardous waste regulation is the protection of
human health and the environment.  RCRA regulation is also intended to
encourage the conservation and recovery of valuable materials.  The definition of
solid waste under RCRA; which serves as the"'starting point for the hazardous waste
management system, reflects EPA's effort to obtain the proper balance between these
two underlying objectives.

According to RCRA regulations, a material must be defined as a solid waste before it
can be considered a hazardous waste. The regulatory definition of solid waste,
found in §261.2, encompasses three categories of materials: (1) materials that are
abandoned; (2) materials that are recycled; or (3) materials that are inherently waste-
like (each of these categories will be discussed in Section 2.1).. Materials that do not
fall within one of these three categories are not subject to Subtitle C regulation.

Recyclable materials are a special subset of the solid waste universe. When recycled,
some materials may qualify for an exemption from the definition, of solid waste and
fall out of RCRA  regulation. For those recyclable materials which do meet the
definition of solid waste, several levels of regulatory control are possible.x Based on
the material and the type of recycling, the generator of a recyclable solid waste must
determine if it is subject to reduced requirements or if it is subject to full regulation.

This module discusses the criteria found in the §261.2 definition of solid waste.  It
also explains the range of RCRA Subtitle C management over different types of
hazardous waste recycling, as dictated by §261.6 and Parts 266,273, and 279. This
range of management — from no regulation to full regulation — is essentially based
on the type of recycling activity involved and the hazards posed, and demonstrates
EPA's intent to encourage recycling while still protecting human health and the
environment.     „••'"'
                 i                       .                         i
The statutory definition of a solid waste is not based on the physical form of the
material, (i.e., whether or not it is a solid as opposed to a liquid or gas), but on the
fact that the material is a waste.  RCRA §1004(27) defines solid waste as:

      Any garbage, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water
      supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, and other
      discarded material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained
      , gaseous material, resulting from industrial, commercial, mining/and
      agricultural operations and from community activities.
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                      s an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

 4 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
The regulatory definition of solid waste is found in §261.2.. Under, §261.2(a), a solid
waste is any discarded material that is not excluded by §261.4(a) or that is not
excluded by a variance.

Section 261.4(a) specifically excludes certain materials from the definition of solid
waste, such as domestic sewage and special nuclear materialcovered by the Atomic
Energy Act (see the module entitled Solid and Hazardous Waste Exclusions).
Materials listed  in §261.4(a) are not solid wastes and so cannot be further classified as
hazardous waste. Other materials which would normally be classified as solid
wastes may qualify for exclusions from regulation if a generator petitions for a
variance from classification as a solid waste.

If a material is not excluded by §261.4 or by a variance and it is discarded, it meets the
definition of a solid waste.  The basis of the solid waste definition  is set forth in
§261.2(a), which defines a solid waste as a material that is discarded by being
abandoned, recycled, or inherently waste-like.
                           '         •    •                                     ' '
x                                                  *
Under §261.2(b), a material is abandoned if it is disposed of, burned, or incinerated. In
addition, a material that is stored prior to, or in lieu of,  one of these activities, is also
considered to be abandoned.  The term abandoned simply means thrown away. In
addition to obvious examples of abandonment, such as  land disposal, EPA also includes'
activities such as incineration within the definition of the term (50 FR 627; January 4,

A material is recycled if it is used, reused, or reclaimed (§261.1(c)(7)).  These three
terms have specific regulatory definitions.  A material is reclaimed if it is processed
to recover a usable product or if it is regenerated (e.g., regeneration of spent
solvents) (§261.1(c)(4)).. A material is used or reused if it is either employed as an
ingredient, in an industrial process to make a product (e.g., distillation bottoms from
one process used as feedstock in another process) or if it is employed as an effective
substitute for a commercial product (e.g., spent pickle liquor used as a sludge
conditioner in wastewater .treatment) (§261.1(c)(5)).

Many materials that are recycled are classified as solid wastes. Section 261.2(c)
designates as solid wastes certain materials that are recycled in particular manners
(i.e., used in a manner constituting disposal, burned for energy recovery, reclaimed,
and speculatively accumulated) while it excludes others from regulation.  Other
materials that are. recycled through use or reuse of the material may qualify for
exemptions from the solid waste definition under §261.2(e).
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation or bFA s regulations or policies, but is
                        an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

                                      Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling - 5

In contrast to other recycled materials, some materials are solid wastes under
§261.2(d) if they are recycled in any manner (i.e., they are considered to be inherently
waste-like). Because these materials may pose a threat to human health and the
environment when they are recycled, they do not qualify for any of the recycling
exemptions., Examples of inherently waste-like materials are the dioxin-containing
listed wastes F020, F022, F023, F026 and F028. Hazardous waste meeting the F021
listing is also considered inherently waste-like unless it is used at the site of
generation as an ingredient in a product.

In addition^ any secondary materials that are characteristic or listed hazardous  ,
wastes are considered to be inherently waste-like when they are fed to a halogen acid
furnace.  This provision was added to ensure that halogen acid furnaces, which burn
some of the most toxic wastes generated in this country, would be regulated when
burning any type of hazardous waste (56 FR 7141; February 21,1991).

As stated earlier, one way a material may meet the definition of a solid waste in
§261.2 is if it is recycled in a certain manner. When a material is recycled, its
regulatory  classification (i.e., whether or not it is a solid waste, and potentially a
regulated hazardous waste) depends on two factors: first, what type of secondary
material is  being recycled; and second, what type of recycling is occurring.  The
following discussion describes the four types of recycling regulated in §261.2(c), and
notes the various exclusions associated with specific types of secondary materials
when they  are recycled in certain ways.


A secondary material is a material that potentially can be a solid and hazardous
waste when recycled (50 FR 616; January 4,1985). Used or residual waste-like  •
materials are called secondary materials and are  divided into five groups. Table 1 of
§261.2(c) lists five types of secondary materials: spent materials, sludges, by-products,
commercial chemical products, and scrap metal.  All waste-like materials fit into
one of these five secondary material categories, which are discussed below.
      •'  \                 •                              -

Spent Materials                                                                '

Spent materials, as defined in §261.1(c)(l), are  those used materials that can no
longer serve the purpose for which they  were produced without undergoing
regeneration, reclamation, or reprocessing. Examples include spent solvents, spent
activated carbon, spent catalysts, and spent acids  (50 FR 624; January 4,1985).
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA's regulations or policies, but is •
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.                  '

 6 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
Sludges                                                     P

A sludge is any solid, semisolid, or liquid, waste generated from a wastewater  '
treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control device (e.g.,
baghouse dust). Table 1 contains two sludge categories: those sludges listed in
§§261.31 or 261.32 (e.g., F037 petroleum refinery oil/water/solids separation sludge),
and those exhibiting a hazardous characteristic under Part 261, Subpart C (e.g., metal-
bearing sludges).
               ,        '                                                       i

Spent Materials
Sludges listed in
40 CFR §§261.31
or 261.32
exhibiting a
listed in 40 CFR
§§261.31 or
exhibiting a
Products listed in
40 CFR §261.33 -
Scrap Metal
Use Constituting
YES* ,
. §261.2(c)(3)
Once the type of secondary material and the recycling method are known, you can determine whether
the material will be a solid waste according to §261.2(c) and therefore possibly a hazardous waste.
Materials that are solid.wastes when recycled in a particular manner are marked with a "YES" in that
column; materials that are not solid wastes when recycled in that manner are marked with a "NO."
*  Commercial products are not solid wastes when applied to the land if that is their normal use.
* * Commercial products are not solid wastes when burned for energy recovery if they are already fuels
   or normal constituents of fuels.                          .                         .     •


A by-product as defined in §261.1(c)(3) is a material that is not one of the primary
products of a production process and  is not solely or separately produced by the
production process.  An example is a  distillation column bottom.   A by-product is a
catch-all term,  and includes most .wastes that are not spent materials or sludges (50
 The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation ot ti'A s regulations or policies, out is
                         an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

                                       Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling - 7
FR 618; January 4,1985). There are" two types of by-product categories in Table 1:
those listed (e.g., wood preserving wastewaters), and those exhibiting a hazardous
characteristic (e.g., metal-bearing slags).

Commercial Chemical Products
                                        ,  •               •            \
Commercial chemical products (CCPs) include unused chemical intermediates, off-
specification variants, and spill or container residues, as defined in §261.33 (e.g.,
unused sodium cyanide). In addition to this definition, which is part of the
hazardous waste identification process, the definition of CCPs is extended for
purposes of determining whether or not a material is a solid waste in §26.1.2.  For
purposes of this section, the term CCP also includes chemicals that are not listed in
§261.33 but exhibit a hazardous characteristic (e.g., off-specification jet fuel) (50 FR
14219; April 11,1985).

Scrap Metal
Scrap metal is defined as bits and pieces of metal parts that are worn or superfluous
(e.g., scrap turnings and wire) (§261.1(c)(6)). This term also includes products made
of metal that become worn out such as scrap 'automobiles and radiators (50 FR 624;
January 4,1985).


There are four  types of recycling activities over which EPA currently asserts
jurisdiction.  As stated previously, to determine whether a material is a solid waste,
you  must determine what kind of material is being recycled.  Once'the type of
secondary material (e.g., spent material, sludge, or scrap metal) is known, the
manner in which it is recycled will determine  whether or not the material is  a solid
waste and therefore potentially regulated as a hazardous waste.

Use Constituting Disposal    .                           .   •    . .  •

Directly placing wastes or products containing  wastes on the land is considered to be
use constituting disposal (§261.2(c)(l) and 50 FR 627; January 4,1985). If, however,
direct placement of a CCP on the land,is consistent with its normal use (e.g.,
pesticides), then the material is not regulated as a solid waste (§261.2(c)(l)(ii)).  For
example,1 heptachlor can potentially be a P-listed  waste.  This pesticide is not
regulated as a solid waste, however, when it is  used as a pesticide.
Burning Waste Fuels                                    -

Burning hazardous waste for energy recovery and using wastes to produce a fuel are
both covered under burning.waste fuels (§261.2(c)(2) and 50 FR 630; January 4,1985).
CCPs that are themselves fuels are not considered solid wastes when burned,
however, since burning is consistent with the  product's intended use

The info'rrnaTiorTinTlTisaocunient is not b^myrneansacompTeterepresentation of EPA's regulations or policies, but is
                       an introduction used for.Hotline training purposes..

 8 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
(§261.2(c)(2)(ii)). For example, off-specification jet fuel is not a solid waste when it is
burned for energy recovery because it is itself a fuel.

                                                   t •
As discussed above, reclamation is the regeneration of wastes or recovery of usable
materials from wastes (e.g., regenerating spent solvents). Wastes are regenerated
when they are processed to remove contaminants'in a way that restores them to
their usable condition (50 FR 633; January 4,1985).

Speculative Accumulation

Certain materials are exempt from the definition of solid waste in-§261.2 when
recycled  (see Table 1). In order to ensure these materials are actually recycled, EPA
established a provision in §261.2 which penalizes facilities that recycle insufficient
amounts of these materials. This provision designates as solid wastes certain
materials that are  accumulated speculatively.  A material is accumulated
speciilatively if it has no viable market (50 FR. 634; January 4,1985) or if the person
accumulating  the material  cannot  demonstrate that 75 percent or more of the
material  is recycled in a calendar year, commencing on January 1 (§261.1(c)(8)).  For
example, on December 15,1991, a facility generates 200 kg of D008 sludge; a
characteristic sludge which is normally excluded from the definition of solid waste
when reclaimed.  The facility has this entire quantity of D008 sludge in storage on-
site on January 1,1992. If by the end of that calendar year (December 31,1992), less
than 75 percent (i.e., less than 150 kg) of the sludge has been reclaimed or sent off-
site for reclamation, the sludge has been accumulated speculatively and no longer is
excluded from the definition of solid waste. Once it is a solid waste, it must be
managed as a  hazardous waste since it exhibits a characteristic. -In other words,
while providing incentives for recycling by excluding certain hazardous wastes from
the definition  of solid waste, EPA  is  ensuring that legitimate quantities of the waste
are being recycled and avoiding long-term storage of hazardous waste by providing a
minimum percentage that must be recycled in a calendar year.

Under the RCRA regulations, EPA defines recycling broadly. Use constituting
disposal,, burning for energy recovery, and reclamation are all forms of recycling.
The direct use or reuse of a secondary material is also a form of recycling. Section
261.2(e)(l) provides exclusions from the definition of solid waste for materials that
are used or reused in one of the following ways: used or reused as an ingredient,
used or reused as a product substitute, or returned to the production process.
 The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation or hPA s regulations or policies, but is
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

                                       Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling - 9
 If a secondary material is directly used as an ingredient in a production process
 without first being reclaimed (e.g., carbon tetrachloride still bottoms used in
 producing tetrachloroethylene), then that material is not a solid waste

 If a secondary material is used as an effective substitute for; a commercial product
 without first being reclaimed (e.g., hydrochloric acid by-product from chemical
 manufacturing used by the steel industry for pickling steel), it is exempt from the
 definition of solid waste (§261.2(e)(l)(ii)).     .


 When a material is returned to the original production process from which it was
 generated, it is not a solid waste (§261.2(e)(l)(iii)). When this exclusion was  ,   •
 originally promulgated (50 FR 614; January 4, 1985), it applied only to materials
 returned to a primary production process. The September 19, 1994, Federal Register
 extended this exemption, however, to include materials returned  to secondary
 processes (59 FR 47982; 48041).  This exclusion only applies if the material is used as a
 raw material or feedstock in the production process and if it is not reclaimed prior to
 its reintroduction into the system (e.g^, emission control dust returned directly to a
 primary zinc smelting furnace).  The material does not have to be returned to  the
 exact unit, but may be returned to any unit associated with the production of a
 particular product (50 FR 619, 640; January 4, 1985).  In the case where the original
 process to which the material is returned is a secondary process, the material must
 be managed such that there is no placement on the  land.


 There are certain situations where use or reuse of a material without prior
 reclamation is still considered to be management of a solid waste. Section 261.2(e)(2)
 designates as solid wastes the following materials, even if they are used or reused
 directly: materials used  in a manner constituting disposal; materials burned for
 energy recovery, used to produce a fuel, or contained in fuels; materials
 accumulated speculatively; and dioxin-containing wastes considered inherently
 waste-like (F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F028).   For example, an F002 spent
 solvent is generated and then burned for energy recovery, without prior
" reclamation.  While this particular waste, is recycled without reclamation (a
 condition of §261.2(e)(l)), it would not qualify for the exclusion because the manner
 in which it is recycled is one of the activities listed in §261.2(e)(2).
 The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation or EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.     .             .

 10 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
    '                                        \          .         _          .

A person claiming that a waste is not a solid waste or that a waste is conditionally
exempt from regulation (e.g., because it is recycled in accordance with §261.2(e))
must be prepared to demonstrate that the conditions for the exclusion are being met.
In the case of an enforcement action, generators must provide documentation
supporting their claim, such as proof the material is being reused in a production
process or that there is a known market for the material (§261.2(f)).


A solid waste is a material of-any physical form (e.g., contained gas, solid, or liquid)
that is being discarded by meeting any of the following conditions:

      •  The material is abandoned via disposal or incineration
                i                                                     •  !
      •.  The material is recycled in specific ways that are considered waste •
         management (i.e., burning for energy recovery, reclamation, use
         constituting disposal)                 .                                .
  •*•'                                   •
      •  The material is inherently waste-like (e.g., dioxin-containing wastes).

In summary, if a material has been classified as a solid waste (thus not meeting any of
the solid waste exclusions or exemptions), the next step in the hazardous waste
identification process  is to determine if the  solid waste meets the definition of a
hazardous waste.

RCRA Subtitle C has jurisdiction over hazardous waste recycling.  Hazardous wastes
that are recycled are known as recyclable materials.  When a material is classified as
a solid waste because it is discarded by recycling (and does not qualify for any
exemptions in §261.2(e)) and it meets the definition of a hazardous waste, §§261.6
and 261.9 are used to determine the level of regulation placed on the waste and the
recycling activity.  These standards range from no regulation to full regulation, with
the amount of.regulation depending on the.type of material and manner of
recycling (see Figure 1).                         ,                               .
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

                                      Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling -11
                                     Figure 1
                    Is hazardous waste
                    recycling activity listed
                       See  Part 266,
                       Subparts C-H
                    Is hazardous waste
                    recycling activity listed
Follow provisions
in the applicable
• -
Is hazardous waste
recycling activity listed

See Part 279
                   Follow applicable
                   provisions in

The recyclable materials listed in §261.6(a)(2) are subject to regulation under Part 266,
which provides  special standards for hazardous wastes recycled in certain ways.
These materials include:

    •  Recyclable materials used in a manner constituting disposal (Subpart C)

    *  Hazardous waste burned for energy recovery (Subpart-H)
         '    ' .                  '                             .            *
    •  Recyclable materials from which precious metals are reclaimed {Subpart F)

    •  Spent lead-acid batteries that are being reclaimed (Subpart G).
'The information in thisTJocument is not by any means a complete representation of EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

 12 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling

Part 266, Subpart C, regulates recyclable materials that are placed, on the land either
directly or after mixing with other materials.  This type of reuse of a recyclable
material is regulated as land treatment or landfilling. when the material being
applied to the land is a hazardous waste or contains a hazardous waste.  The Agency
regulates the placement of hazardous secondary materials on the land due to the
similarity of this practice to simple land disposal.

Waste-Derived Commercial Product Exclusions

Under §266.20(b), commercial hazardous waste-derived products made for the
general public's use and that have undergone a chemical reaction so as to be
inseparable by physical means, and that meet applicable Part 268 land disposal
restrictions treatment standards, are not regulated when recycled by application to
the land.  Examples of such products include asphalt and cement. Also, commercial
fertilizers produced from mixing recyclable material containing nutrients or
micronutrients with other ingredients are exempt from regulation only if they meet
the Part 268 land disposal treatment standards for each recyclable material they
contain. Zinc-containing fertilizers produced from hazardous waste K061 for the
general public's use, however, are not subject to regulation and thus are not
required to meet Part 268 treatment standards. To be considered an excluded
commercial hazardous waste-derived product, the product must be marketed for the
general public's use. If a material does not meet the conditions in §266.20(b), it must
be managed as a hazardous waste when applied to the land.

Management Requirements Prior to Use

Under §266.21, prior to using a waste in a manner constituting disposal, generators
and transporters of the recyclable material are subject to Part 262 (generator) and Part
263 (transporter)  regulations, and to  RCRA §3010 notification procedures for
obtaining EPA identification numbers. Under §266.22,  facility owners and operators
who are not  the ultimate users of the materials are  also subject to notification
requirements and applicable Parts 264/265 facility standards.

Users of "Use Constituting Disposal" Materials

Under §266.23, owners or operators of facilities that use recyclable materials in a
manner constituting disposal are subject to RCRA §3010 notification and applicable
Parts 264/265 facility standards. Products meeting the requirements under §266.20(b)
as described  above are the sole exception.
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation or fcPA s regulations or poiiqes, but is
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

                                     Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste -Recycling -13
Hazardous Waste Used For Dust Suppression

The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA) amended RCRA
§3004(1) to prohibit use of waste oil, used oil, or other materials contaminated with
hazardous waste (other than waste hazardous for ignitability only) for dust
suppression or road treatment. This prohibition was effective November 8, 1984
(§§266.23(b) and 279.82).         '          ,          .


Part 266, Subpart H,'governs hazardous waste burned for energy recovery in boilers
and industrial furnaces as defined in §260.10.  Originally, these units were
considered to be exempt recycling units (50 FR 614, 631; January 4,1985). EPA
determined, however, that there was a need for regulatory action to control this type
of burning. The Agency promulgated these regulations on February 21,1991 (56 FR
7134).  These requirements are presented in the module entitled Boilers and
Industrial Furnaces.


Subpart F of Part 266 applies to recyclable materials from which precious metals are
recovered (i.e., gold, silver, platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium, rhodium, and
ruthenium). Generators, transporters, and storers of recyclable materials intended
for precious metal recovery are subject to notification under RCRA §3010 and
manifest requirements under Part 262, Subpart B (for generators), §§263.20 and
263.21 (for transporters), and §§265.7,1 and 265.72 (for storers).

Recordkeeping Requirements for Storage of Materials            ,            /

While hazardous wastes that will be reclaimed for their precious metal content are
exempt from much of the Subtitle C regulations, these materials lose any applicable
exemptions if they are accumulated speculatively, and become subject to all.
applicable requirements under Parts 262 and 264/265.
                   i'                           i
The provisions barring speculative accumulation are set out in §266.70(c). To
document that speculative accumulation is not occurring, generators must keep.
records showing the volume of materials on hand at the beginning of the calendar
year, the amount of materials generated or received during the calendar year, and
the amount of waste remaining at the end of the calendar year.
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                      an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

  14 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
 Precious Metal Reclamation and BIFs

 If precious metal reclamation takes place in an industrial furnace, then Part 266,
 Subpart H, standards apply to the unit. If, however, a series of conditions in
 §266.100(f) are met, the unit is exempt from full Subpart H regulation. This is
 discussed further in the module entitled Boilers, and Industrial Furnaces.

 Case-By-Case Regulation

 Although the storage of recyclable materials that will be reclaimed for their precious
 metal content is not normally subject to Subtitle C regulation, under §§260,40 and
 260.41 .the Regional Administrator may regulate storage of precious metal wastes on
 a case-by-case basis if the wastes are not being stored safely. This case-by-case
 regulation subjects the generator or storer/recycler to §§261.6(b) and (c) (full
-regulation) rather than Part 266, Subpart F.


 Part 266, Subpart G, covers spent lead-acid batteries that will be reclaimed.  These
 provisions apply only to spent lead-acid batteries.  Under Subpart G, the
 requirements focus on storage of the batteries by persons who reclaim the batteries.
 Persons who generate, transport, regenerate, collect, and/or store spent lead-acid
 batteries without reclaiming them are not subject to hazardous waste regulation.

 Storage Standards
                                      /                        r
 According to §266.80(b), owners or operators of facilities that store spent batteries
 before recycling are subject to §§266.80(b)(l)-(4). Storers must comply with §3010
 notification, and all applicable provisions in Parts 264/265, Subparts A through L.
 The exceptions are §264.13 (waste analysis plan) and §§264.71 and 264.72 (use of the
 manifest .requirements). The' permitting requirements of Parts 270 and 124 are also


 Certain recyclable materials are exempt from hazardous waste regulation per
. §261.6(a)(3) when recycled in specific ways. These materials are exempt from the
 notification, requirements of RCRA §3010,  40 CFR Parts  262 through 266,  and Parts
 268, 270, and 124. All of these materials meet the definition of a solid waste and
 hazardous waste, but are not required to be managed as hazardous wastes if recycled
 according to the provisions in §261.6(a)(3).
 The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation or hr A s regulations or policies,
                        an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.
                                                                             out is

                                      Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling -15
Industrial Ethyl Alcohol

Industrial ethyl alcohol that is reclaimed is exempted from RCRA Subtitle C
regulation because the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms already regulates it
from the point of generation to redistillation (§261.6(a)(3)(i) and  50 FR 649; January 4,
1985).  '             ;   .

Scrap Metal

Scrap metal that is disposed of or recycled is a solid waste; however, it is exempted
from Subtitle C regulation when it is recycled (§261.6(c)(3)(ii)). As was mentioned
earlier, scrap metal is defined  as products made of metal that become worn out (or
are off-specification) or metal  pieces that are generated from machining operations.
Examples of scrap metal are scrap automobiles, machine turnings, pieces .of wire,
sheets of metal, and scrap radiators (50 FR 624; January 4, 1985).  When these
materials are recycled to recover their metal content, they are exempted from

Waste-Derived Fuels                            .                     .  !

Fuels produced by refining oil-bearing hazardous wastes, along  with normal process
streams at a petroleum refining facility, are exempt under §261.6(a)(3)(iii) if such
wastes resulted from normal  petroleum refining, production, and transportation
practices. This exemption does not apply to fuels produced from oil recovered from
oil-bearing hazardous waste, where such recovered oil is already excluded under
§261.4(a)(12) (59 FR 38537, 38545; July 28,1994).

Reintroduced Oils                          ,

Until July 28,1994, §261.6(a)(3)(v) contained an exemption from  regulations a
recycled material for oil reclaimed from petroleum refining hazardous wastes.  This
exemption was deleted and superseded by a newly created exclusion in §261.4(a)(12)
(59 FR 38537, 38538).  Essentially, these wastes are still excluded  from regulation.
The July 28, 1994, rule moved the exemption to a different section of the regulations.
This exemption is  discussed further in the module Solid and Hazardous Waste
Exclusions.                            .    .                            <

Reintroduced Fuels and Reclaimed Oils       -

Fuels produced from refining oil-bearing hazardous wastes at a petroleum refining
facility are exempt under §§261.6(a)(3)(iv)(A) and (B).  For these wastes to be'
considered to b^ "refined," they must be inserted into a part of the process designed
to remove contaminants; this would mean insertion prior to distillation.
Consequently, if a  facility takes an oil-bearing hazardous waste and processes it
without distillation to produce a fuel, the resulting fuel is not covered by this
exemption and so could be subject to regulation (50 FR 49169; November 29,1985).
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA s regulations or policies,
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.
but is

 16 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
Also, the resulting fuels must meet the used oil specifications in §266.40(e) in order
to fall within this exclusion.
Oil that is reclaimed from oil-bearing hazardous wastes generated by petroleum
refining, production, and transportation practices is exempted under §261.6(a)(3)(iv)(C).
This oil will only be-exempt if it meets the used oil specifications in §266.40(e) and is
not reintroduced to a refining process.         -       ,

Petroleum Coke Fuels

Petroleum coke produced from petroleum refinery hazardous waste containing oil
is exempted from Subtitle C regulation if (1) the coke is produced at the same facility
that generated the hazardous waste; and (2) the coke does not exhibit a characteristic
of hazardous waste (§261.6(a)(3)(v) and 59 FR 38545; July 28,1995). Note that recycled
coke by-products are also exempt under §261.4(a)(10).


In addition to the materials discussed above, there are two other categories of wastes
that have special regulations. The first category is used oil sent for recycling. When1
recycled, used oil is subject to the standards found in Part 279 (§261.6(a)(4)).
Universal wastes comprise the second category of wastes subject to special standards.
Hazardous waste batteries, hazardous waste pesticides that are recalled or sent to a
collection program, and hazardous waste thermostats are subject to the standards of
Part 273 (§261.9). Part 273 is different than the other special standards mentioned
above.  It applies to the universal wastes when they are disposed of and/or when
they are recycled. These standards will be discussed later in this module. .

Used Oil

Used oil represents a rather unusual case. Because EPA introduced a new used oil
management program in 1992 to replace the existing standards, there are
overlapping sets of regulations.  Under the existing program, which EPA   •
promulgated in 1985, used oil burned for energy recovery is  subject to the standards
of Part 266, Subpart E.  Under the new program, used oil being recycled in any
manner is subject to the standards of Part, 279 (§261.6(a)(4)).  The relationship
between these two programs and the used oil management  requirements are
discussed in detail in the module entitled Used Oil.
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation or hFA s regulations or policies, out is
                       an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

                                        Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling -17
,  Universal Waste                   ,

  On May 11,1995 (60 EEL 25492), EPA promulgated regulations which streamline the
  collection of certain hazardous wastes.  The rule, known as the "Universal Waste /
  Rule," creates special management standards in Part 273 for hazardous waste
  batteries, hazardous waste pesticides that are either recalled ,or collected in waste
  pesticide collection programs, and hazardous waste thermostats. Section 261.9
  requires that these wastes be managed under Part 273, regardless of whether they are
  sent for. disposal or for recycling.  The rule also contains provisions for adding other
 . wastes to the universal waste system.


  Recyclable materials that do not meet an exemption or that are not subject to special
  requirements are regulated under §§261.6(b), (c), and (d). Generators and
  transporters of recyclable materials that are solid and hazardous wastes are subject to
  the same regulations as other generators and transporters of hazardous waste.
  Facilities that store these materials prior to recycling,  however, are subject to the
  applicable TSDF standards.  As discussed below, however, the recycling process itself
  is not subject to regulation.                       •"''.-'.

  Generators and Transporters

  Generators of'recyclable hazardous wastes are required to follow all the applicable
  requirements of Part 262 (§261.6(b)).  Likewise, transporters of recyclable materials
  must comply with Part 263 standards.

  .Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities                     .

  Owners or operators of facilities that store hazardous  materials prior to recycling  are
  subject to all of the requirements of treatment, storage, and disposal facilities
  (§261.6(c)). In other words, storage is fully regulated.  Pursuant to §261.6(c)(2),
  however, if the recyclable material is not stored before reuse or recycling but put
  immediately into the reuse/recycling unit, a storage permit or interim status is not
  necessary.  The facility must only obtain an EPA ID number and comply with the
  manifest requirements under §§265.71-265.72 arid §265.76.

  An important component to §261.6(c) is that while storage of a hazardous waste is
  regulated, the recycling process itself is generally exempt from RCRA regulation,
  including permitting requirements,  (The one exception is that the unit may have to
  comply within some air emission regulations which are discussed below.) State
  hazardous waste regulations and other federal or state environmental laws or
  regulations may be applicable.
  The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                         an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.          .  •

                18 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
               As mentioned above, the recycling units are potentially subject to -air emission
               standards, if located at a permitted or interim status treatment, storage, or disposal
               facility (§261.6(d). Parts 264/265, Subparts AA and BB require air emission controls
               for specific units that manage waste with a minimum organic content. If recycling
               units meet these criteria, the units would need to comply with the appropriate
               regulations.  The newly promulgated subpart CC air emissions standards do not
               apply to recycling units.
                The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of fcPA s regulations or policies, but is
                                        an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

                                     Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling -19
                            3.   SPECIAL ISSUES
Some areas of the solid and hazardous waste recycling regulations can be difficult to
master. The topics discussed below are often misunderstood by callers and should
be thoroughly understood by Information Specialists.

There is often uncertainty about when a reclamation process is complete and when
the recycled material is a final product rather than a partially reclaimed material.
Sometimes a product must be further purified to be sold or used, and this is viewed
as refining or purification;of the product, and not reclamation.. When in doubt, the
generator must consult the appropriate EPA Regional or authorized state personnel.

In general, the actual recycling activity and treatment .prior to recycling are not.
regulated.  Thus, only storage prior to such recycling is regulated. If the waste is not
stored prior to recycling, the recycler only needs to notify of the activity and comply
with the use of the manifest when receiving shipments of recyclable materials'from
off-site (§261.6(c)(2)).

For all recycling activities, the premise is that legitimate reclamation or reuse is
taking place. To encourage recycling, EPA subjects these activities to reduced
regulation.  Some facilities, however, may claim that they are "recycling" a material
in order to avoid being subject to RCRA regulation, when in fact the activity is not
legitimate recycling.  Therefore, EPA has established guidelines for what constitutes
legitimate recycling and has described activities it considers to be "sham recycling."
Considerations include whether the secondary material is effective for the claimed
use, the secondary material is used in excess of the amount necessary, and whether
or not the facility has maintained records of the recycling transactions.
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA s regulations or policies, but is
                      an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

20 - Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling
The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA's regulations or policies, but is
                              an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling - 21
                            4.  REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS
          The definition of solid waste has changed substantially since the promulgation of
          the original RCRA regulations in 1980, and continues to evolve as EPA gathers
          more information about solid waste management and recycling. Currently, EPA is
          considering amending several aspects of the solid waste regulatory scheme.

          Data suggest that while mercury-containing lamps are highly energy efficient, they
          often fail the TCLP and thus must be managed as hazardous waste.  In an effort to
          reduce the regulatory burden associated with the disposal of mercury-containing
          lamps, EPA proposed a rule for the management of these wastes on-July 27,1994 (59
          FR 38288). The rule outlined two regulatory options: (1) a conditional exclusion'
          from Subtitle C, or (2) inclusion in the universal waste system.  On March 31,1995,
          however, the Agency withdrew this rule. It is still possible, however, that mercury-
          containing lamps will be subject to reduced regulations in the future. As mentioned
          above, states have the option of adding wastes, such as fluorescent lamps, to their
          universal waste programs, thus subjecting these wastes to the reduced regulations of
          Part 273.

          On August 24,1994, EPA promulgated a final rule which amends §266.20 by
          prohibiting anti-skid/deicing uses of slag residues produced from the treatment of
          the listed wastes K061, K062, and F006 (59 FR 43496). Currently, these waste residues
          are conditionally exempt from hazardous waste regulation under,§261.3(c)(2). On
          December  29,1994, EPA proposed to further amend §266.20 with respect to these
          wastes (59 FR 67256). Specifically, these slags would be prohibited from any use
          constituting disposal unless they  meet the conditions of the exemption under
          §261.3(c)(2).  EPA withdrew this rule on March 31,1995.
          The information in this document is not by any means a complete representation of EPA's regulations or policies, but is'
                                an introduction used for Hotline training purposes.

