'?" ^' BIBLIOGRAPHY ,?. "^Quarters ub i2oor,;:,-,::; •••' ***»«**•" **«$ V V EPA 840 82- 018 DRINKING WATER IONAL FOCAL POINT UNEP/INFOTERRA NMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 ------- EPA-840-82-018 DRINKING WMER A selected bibliography carpi led by Charlene S. Sayers May 1982 U.S. National Focal Point for UNEP/INFOTERRA Office of Library Systems and Services U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 401 M Street, S.W., Roan 2903-B WSM Washington, D.C. 20460 ------- DRINKING WATER Selected Journal Articles Books Reports Symposium and Conference Proceedings Suggested Sources of Information Page 3 9 12 16 19 In honor of World Environment Day, June 5, 1982, and the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981-1990, this bibliography was prepared to identify recent publications on the subject of Drinking Water. -2- ------- SELECTED JOURNAL ARTICLES EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER "Asbestos and Drinking Water in Canada", by P. Toft, et al. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 77-89, April 1981. "Asbestos Cement Products in Contact with Drinking Water: SEM Observations", by P. J. Clark, J. R. Millette and R. L. Boone. Scanning Electron Microscopy, 1, pp. 341-346, 1980. "Assessment of Current Standards for Selenium in Drinking Water", by M. J. Hammer. Ground Water, 19(4), pp. 366-369, 1981. "Breaking the Cost Barrier to Household Water Service (Philippines)", by Eirmett F. Lowry. Journal of the AmericanJteter Works Association, 72(12), pp. 672-677, December 1980. "Chlorine Dioxide Water Disinfection: A Prospective Epidemiology Study", by George E. Michael, et al. Archives of Environmental Health, 36(1), pp. 20-27, January-February 1981. "Chlorine, Is There a Better Alternative?", by Gordon G. Rebeck. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 235-243, April 1981. "Choosing a Potable Water Supply: What You Need to Know", by H. S. Hundal, et al. Water and Sewage Works, 126(3), pp. 78-80, March 1979. "Clean Water Cones First", by V. J. Kimn. Water and Sewage Works, 127(1), pp. 10, January 1980. "Clean Water for the Third World", by A. K. Biswas. Water Supply and Management, 5(6), pp. 401-415, 1981. "Costs for Supplying Alternative Community Water and Sanitation Systems in Brazil", by Keith A. Demke and Donald T. Laurie. Journal of the American WaterWorks Association, 74(4), pp. 170-177, April 1982. ** PB81-213118 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** = The Journal is shelved in the Periodicals Section of the EPA Headquarters Library. U S E ibrary 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20460 ------- EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER of Clean Water", by Anil Agarwal. New Scientist, 88(1226), pp. 356-359, November 6, 1980. "Defluoridation of Potable Waters", by J. C. Dernauoourt, France Techniques et Sciences Municipales, pp. 135-195, March 1980. "Developing and Applying International Water Quality Guidelines", by Vicente M. Witt. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 74(4), pp. 178-181, April 1982. "Disease Outbreaks Caused by Drinking Water", by G. F, Craun. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation (Literature Review Issue), 53(6), pp. 1134-1138, June 1981. "Disinfection of Water: Pros and Cons", by W. 0. K. Grabow. Water SA, 5(2), pp. 98-105, April 1979. "Distributed Water Quality, Standards and Controls in France". Techniques et Sciences Municipales, 76(3), pp. 28-30, March 1981. (in French). "Domestic Water Supplies, Health, and Poverty: A Brief Review", by Richard Feachem. Water Developntent Supply and Management, 7, pp. 351-362, 1978. "Drinking Water and Its Treatment", by Stanton Miller. Environmental Science and Technology, 14(5), pp. 510-513, May 1980. "Drinking Water Chlorination and the Regulation of Organics", by Barbara Baum. Harvard Environmental Law Review, 3, pp. 399-413, 1979. ** Envirofiche 80-05179 ** ** Envirofiche 79-06713 Envirofiche 81-05371 ** "Drinking Water Tastes and Odors", by G. Bourdonnay. Techniques et Sciences Municipales, pp. 120-125, March 1980 (in French). "Environmental Implications of Water Development for Developing Countries", by Asit K. Biswas. Water Development Supply and Management, 7, pp. 283-297, 1978. "EPA Policies to Protect the Health of Consumers of Drinking Water in the United States", by Joseph A. Cotruvo. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 345-356, April 1981. "Evaluation and Treatment of Synthetic Organics in Drinking Water Supplies", by R. Rhodes Trussell and Albert R. Trussell. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 72(8), pp. 458-470, August 1980. Envirofiche 80-05178 ** ** ------- EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER ** ** ** 'Gentian Studies on Health Effects of Inorganic Drinking Water Constituents", by M. Sonneborn and J. Mandelkow. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 47-60, April 1981. "Global Water Crisis", by Leonard Glynn, et al. Newsweek, pp. 46-48, February 23, 1981. "Health Aspects of Nitrate in Drinking Water", by Patricia Fraser. Science ofthe Total Environment, 18, pp. 103-116, April 1981. "Health Aspects of Nitrate in Drinking Water and Possible Means of Envirofiche Denitrification (Literature Review)", by J. W. H. Adams. 80-04680 Water SA, 6(2), pp. 79-84, April 1980. "Health Control of Water for Hainan Consumption", by D. Tricard and Envirofiche B. Festy. Techniques et Sciences Municipales, 7, 81-01230 pp. 399-402, July 1980. "Health Effects of Alternate Disinfectants and Their Reaction Products", by R. J. Bull. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 72(5), pp. 299-302, May 1980. "How Safe is the Water We Drink?", by Marvin A. Zeldin. National Wildlife, 19(3), pp. 20-23, April-May 1981. "Hygiene of Drinking Water in Developing Countries", by C. Van der Veen. Aqua, 5, pp. 2-7, 1980. "Integrated Planning of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation", by Edmundo S. Degona, et al. Water Resources Bulletin, 16(3), pp. 408-413, June 1980. "Lead in Drinking Water and Health", by G. K. Matthew. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 61-75, April 1981. "Manpower Development for Water and Sanitation Programs in Africa", by Michael G. McGarry and Eric J. Schiller. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 73(6), pp. 282-287, June 1981. "Needed: A Water Strategy for the 1980's", by M. Falkenmark and C. Widstrand. Ambio, 10(1), pp. 46-47, 1981. "Occurrence and Reduction of Sodium in Drinking Water", by Richard P. Lauch and Thomas J. Sorg. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 73(5), pp. 256-265, May 1981. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** -5- ------- "Organic Ccrapounds in Drinking Water and Public Health", by M. Fielding and R. F. Packham. Eoologist Quarterly, 2, pp. 149-163, Summer 1978. "Philosophy of the Safe Drinking Water Act and Potable Reuse", by Daniel A. Qkun. Envirormental Science and Technology, 14(11), pp. 1298-1303, November 1980. "Pollution of the Yerres in Ncvariber^Jecember 1979 and Protection of the Drinking Water Supply of Paris Region", by J. F. Bost. Techniques et Sciences Municipales, 4, pp. 161-165, April 1980. (in French). "Potable Water Distribution in France". Techniques et Sciences Municipales, 76(3), pp. 24-27, March 1981. (in French). "Preliminary Report on Nationwide Study of Drinking Water and Cardiovascular Diseases", by Daniel G. Greathouse and Rebecca H. Osborne. Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology, 4-2(3), pp. 65-76, 1980. "Production of Drinking Water frcm Municipal Wastewater with Reverse Osmosis", by J. C. Schippers and J. M. Hofman. H20, 12(11), pp. 241- , 1979. "Prospects for the Use of Reclaimed Water for Drinking Water Purposes", by M. R. Henzen and C. F. Schutte. ITOC Review, 9(2), pp. 44-53, April 1980. "Quenching the Thirst for Potable Water in Arid Saudi Arabia", by James F. Manwaring, Ramon G. Lee and Jack W. Hoffbuhr. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 72(12), pp. 656-665, December 1980. "Relationship Between Trace and Major Element Content of Drinking Water and Chronic Diseases", by Herbert I. Sauer. Water Conditioning, 21(4), pp. 18-22, June 1979. EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER ** ** Envirofiche 80-06147 Envirofiche 81-05370 ** Envirofiche 80-05369 ** Envirofiche 79-05048 "Report of the NATO/CCMS Drinking Water Pilot Study on Health Aspects of Drinking Water Contaminants", by J. F. Borzelleca. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 205-217, April 1981. ** "Research in the Field of Potable Water", by C. Lefrou and L. Citte. Techniques et Sciences Municipales, 7, pp. 403-411, July 1980. "Role of the International Cotmunity in the Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade", by Fano Enzo. Natural Resources Forun, 5(3), pp. 261-269, July 1981. Envirofiche 81-01231 ** -6- ------- EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER ** "Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation in Latin America", by Lee Terence. Natural Resources Forum, 5(3), pp. 282-290, July 1981. "Safe Drinking Water Act: Quality Assurance and Compliance for the Water Supply Laboratory", by Bruce Ronsen. American Laboratory, 10(13), pp. 53-60, December 1978. "Safe Water: Essential to Health", by Eric R. Ram. ITOC Review 9(3), pp. 56-77, July 1980. "Small Water Systems: Role of Technology", by Robert M. Clark Journal of Environmental Engineering Div—ASCE, 106 (1), pp. 19-35, February 1980. "Strategies for Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries", by J. M. G. Van Damme. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 307-315, April 1981. "Struggle for Clean Water", by Anil Agarwal. World Press Review, 27(12), pp. 34-36, December 1980. "Survey for Cadmiun, Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead, Zinc, Calcium and Magnesiun in Canadian Drinking Water Supplies", by Jean C. Meranger, et al. Association of Official Analytical Chemists Journal, 64(1), pp. 44-53, January 1981. "Taste as an Indicator for Drinking Water Quality", by B. C. J. Zoeteman. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 72(9), pp. 537-540, September 1980. "Transportable Plants for Producing Portable Water", by B. Morgeli. Envirofiche Techniques & Sciences Municipales, 73(12), pp. 605-608, 79-02526 December 1978.(in French). Envirofiche 81-00473 Envirofiche 80-05176 ** ** ** ** "Treatment: Improvement or Deterioration of Water Quality?", by W. Kuhn and H. Sontheimer. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 219-233, April 1981. "Treatment Technology to Meet the Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Inorganics: Part 4", by Thomas J. Sorg. Journal of the American Water Works Association, pp. 454-466, 1979. ** ** "UNICEF and Rural Drinking Water Supplies—An Overview of Current Activities in the Developing World", by Paul J. Biron. Water Quality Bulletin, 6(2), pp. 50-53, April 1981. Envirofiche 82-01170 "U.N. Launches International Water Decade: U.S. Role Uncertain", Envirofiche by Gene Dallaire. Civil Engineering--ASCE, 51(3), pp. 59- 81-04699 63, March 1981. -7- ------- "United Nations International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade", by Peter G. Bourne. Mazingira, 5(4), pp. 14-24, 1981. "U.S. Drinking Water Policy and the Point-of-Use Water Treatment Industry", fay Lee Vinyard. Water Conditioning, 22(9), pp. 13-18, November 1980. "Water and the World Envirorment", by Mostafa K. Tolba EPA Journal, 7(2), pp. 10-12, February 1981. "Waterborne Disease Outbreaks in the United States", by Gunther F. Craun. Journal of Environmental Health, 41(5), pp. 259- 265, March-April 1979. "Water Decade is Sound Economics". World Water, pp. 13-17, December 1980. "Water Decade 1981-1990". World Health, August-September 1980. 40 pp. "Water Decade 1981-1990", by lain Guest. World Health, pp. 2-5, January 1979. "Water for the Third World", by Asit K. Biswas. Foreign Affairs, 60(1), pp. 148-166, Fall 1981. "Water in the Environment: The UNEP Experience", by Letitia E. Obeng. Water Supply and Management, 4(3), pp. 155-170. 1980. "Water Pollution: Disease Outbreaks Caused by Drinking Water" by Gunther F. Craun. Water Pollution Control Federation Journal, 51(6), pp. 1751-1760, June 1979. "Water Reuse: An Unfinished Agenda", by C. C. Johnson, Jr. Environmental Science and Technology, 14(11), pp. 1304-1306, "Water Supply in Developing Countries the Neglected Dimension— Manpower", by A. L. Spencer. Water Supply and Management, 5(3), pp. 273-281, 1981. "WHO International Drinking Water Standards Revised", by W. M. Lewis and J. I. Waddington. Science of the Total Environment, 18, pp. 285-292, April 1981. EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER ** Envirofiche 81-01938 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** M ":i"-''t; Library - -f : -"- •"*• :-'y.vo.'ia Avenue NW Washington, DC 20460 202-566-0556 ------- BOOKS EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER Activated Carbon Adsorption of Organics f ran the Aqueous Phase (2 volumes), I. H. Suffet and Michael J. McGuire, editors. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Vol. 1—1981, 508 pp.; Vol. 2—1980, 588 pp. Advances in the Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water (2 volumes), by Dr. Lawrence H. Keith. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Vol. 1—1981, 502 pp; Vol. 2—1981, 712 pp. Appropriate Methods of Treating Water and Wastewater in Developing Countries, George W. Reid, editor. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, March 1982. 392 pp. Biological^Activated Carbon—Enhanced Aerobic Biological Activity in GAC Systems, by Rip G. Rice and C. Michael Robson. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1982. 525pp. (ISBN: 0-250-40427-3). Chemistry in Water Reuse (2 volumes), by William J. Cooper. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Vol. 1—1981, 537 pp.; Vol. 2—1981, 357 pp. Chemistry of Water Supply, Treatanent, and^j)istribution, by Alan J. Rubin. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1975. 446 pp. Disinfection Water and Wastewater, J. Donald Johnson, editor. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1977. 425 pp. Drinking Water and Health (4 volumes), by Safe Drinking Water Conmittee, National Research Council. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences Press. Vol. 1—1977, 905 pp.; Vol. 2—1980, 393 pp.; Vol. 3—1980, 415 pp.; Vol. 4—1982, 330 pp. Drinking Water Detoxification, by M. T. Gilles. Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Data Corporation, 1978. 347 pp. TD380.S92 TD430.D631 RA591.N3 TD430.D77 -9- ------- EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER TD370.D750 Drinking Water Quality Enhancement Through Source Protection, Robert B. Pojasek, editor. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1977. 614 pp. (ISBN: 0-250-40188-6). Drinking Water Supplies in Rural America. Washington, D.C.: TD223.C63 National Demonstration Water Project, 1978. 164 pp. Drinking Water Supply Problems. Volume 3; Absorption Techniques in Drinking Water Treatment, Paul V. Roberts, et al., editors. Park Forest South, Illinois: Pathotox Publishers, 1982. (ISBN: 0-930376-29-3). Drinking Hater Supply Problems. Volume 4; Water Reuse, Albert Goodman, editor. Park Forest South, Illinois: Pathotox Publishers, 1982. 600 pp. (ISBN: 0-930376-30-7). Envirorrnental Quality; Eleventh Annual Report of the Council on HC110. E5E2 Environmental Quality (Drinking Water: pp. 116-121). Washington, D.C.: Council on Environmental Quality, December 1980. Global 2000 Report to the President; Entering the Twenty-First CB161.U55 Century(Water Supply:pp. 137-159).Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State and Council on Environmental Quality, 1980. 766 pp. Handbook of Ozone Technology and Applications. Volume 2; Practical Uses of Ozone in Drinking Water, by Rip G. Rice and Aharon Netzer. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, October 1982. (ISBN: 0-250-40577-6). Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water, by Lawrence H. Keith. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1981. 707 pp. (ISBN: 0-250-40131-2). International Standards for Drinking Water—Third Edition. RA591.W65 Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 1971. 70 pp. Ozone and Chlorine Dioxide^Technology for Disinfection of Drinking Water, by J. Katz. Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Data Corporation, 1980. 473 pp. Quest for Pure Water {2 volumes). Denver, Colorado: American Water Works Association, 1981. Safe Drinking Water; Current and Future Problems, Clifford S. TD365.C6 Russell, editor. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 1978. 662 pp. -10- ------- Viruses in Water. Gerald Berg, et al., editors. Washington, D.C.: American Public Health Association, 1976. 256 pp. Water Fit to Drink, by Carol Keough and Patricia M. Nesbitt. Enmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1980. 265 pp. Water, Health and Society, by Abel Wotaen. Bloonington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1969. 400 pp. EPA HEADQUARTERS IJBRARY IDENTIFIER RA642.V57 TD380.K43 TD355.W6 Water, Sanitation, Health; For All?; Prospects for the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade, by Anil Agarwal, et al. London, England: International Institute for Environment and Development, 1981. 148 pp. (ISBN: 0-905347-27-7). Water Quality and Treatment—A Handbook of Public Water Supplies— TD430 .A6 Third Edition, by American Water Works Association. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1971. 654 pp. Water Supply and Sewerage, by E. W. Steel and Terence J. McGhee. TD149.S8 New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1979, 665 pp. Water Treatment Plant Operation Series (4 volumes: Review Manual for Operators; Mathematics for Operators; Hydraulics for Operators; Chemistry for Operators), V. W. Langworthy, editor. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1981. 575 pp. World Water Balance and Water Resources of the Earth, V. I. Korzun, et al, editors.Paris, France:UNESCO, 1978. 663 pp. (ISBN: 92-3-101497-8). -11- ------- REPORTS EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDENTIFIER Advisory Report on the Health Effects of Radium 226 in Drinking PB-286-691 Water. Chicago, Illinois: Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality, June 1978. 82 pp. Amending the Safe Drinking Water Act. Washington, D.C.: Envirofiche Senate Ccnmittee on Environment and Public Works, 80-01009 96th Congress, 1st Session. Report 96-161, May 15, 1979. 8 pp. Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation; A Summary of Technical and Economic Options, by John M. Kalbermatten, DeAnne S. Julius and Charles G. Gunnerson. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, Decenber 1980. 40 pp. Assessment of Ozone and Chlorine Dioxide Technologies for PB-288-196 Treatment of Municipal Water Supplies, by G. Wade Miller, et al. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, October 1978. 81 pp. Carcinogenic Hazards of Organic Chemicals in Drinking Water, by Robert Harry Harris, T. Page and N. A. Reiches. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 1977. 22 pp. Community Water Management: Research Needs for Snail and Urban- PB-291-939 izing Communities, by David A. Del Porto. Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation, July 1978. 70 pp. Contribution of Drinking Water to Mineral Nutrition in Humans, by PB80-114184 National Research Council. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1979. 244 pp. Determination of Residual Chlorine and Turbidity in Drinking Water; PB81-226946 Instructors Manual, by Jack Pfaff.Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environnental Protection Agency/ December 1978. 77 pp. Determination of Residual Chlorine and Turbidity in Drinking Water; PB81-226938 Student Manual, by Jack Pfaff. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1978. 56 pp. ------- Disinfection of Drinking Water. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection, Office of Drinking Water, March 1979. 234 pp. Drinking Water and Cancer: Review of Recent Findings and Assessments of Risks; Executive Simnary, by Kenny S. Crump and Harry A. Guess. Washington, D.C.: Council on Environmental Quality, December 1980. 10 pp. (CEQ Report EQ10SC018). Drinking Water and Cancer: Review of Recent Findings and Assessment of Risks, by Kenny S. Crump and Harry A. Guess. Washington, D.C.: Council on Environmental Quality, December 1980. 106 pp. Environmental Lead Problem; An Assessment of Lead in Drinking Water from a Multi-Media Perspective, by S. Drill, et al. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, May 1979. 167 pp. Evaluation of the Microbiology Standards for Drinking Water. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1978. 228 pp. Feasibility of Rainwater Collection Systems in California, by David Jenkins, et al. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior—Office of Water Research and Technology, August 1378. 65 pp. Health Effects of Human Exposure to Barium in Drinking Water, by Gary R. Brenniman, et al. Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,-January 1979. 143 pp. Human Viruses in Water, Wastewater and Soil, by WHO Scientific Group. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 1979. 51 pp. {Technical Report Series No. 639). Investigation of the Effect of Open Storage of Treated Drinkingf Water on Quality Parameters. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, May 1977. 209 pp. Managing Small Water Systems; A Cost Study, by James I. Gillean, et al. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, September 1979. 219 pp. Methods for the Determination of Bacteriological Contaminants in Drinking Water: Training Manual, by Rocco Russomanno. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1979. 395 pp. EPA HEADQUARTERS IJBRARY IDENTIFIER PB80-112964 Envirofiche 81-02315 Envirofiche 81-03670 PB-296-556 PB-297-119 PB-288-378 PB-292-268 PB-271-475 PB80-126402 PB81-227167 -13- _ 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washinqton. DC 20460 - 09 ------- Methods for the Determination of^Chendcal^Contaminants in Drinking Water, by Johi^p. Pfaff. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, July 1981. 182 pp. EPA HEADQUARTERS IJBRARY IDENTIFIER PB81-234312 National Interim Primary Drinking Water D.C.: U.S. Environmental Water Supply, 1976. 163 pp. .on Agency, Office of itions. Washington, PB-267-630 Envirofiche 81-06396 Envirofiche 82-02522 Organic Chemicals and Drinking Water, by Nancy K. Kim and Daniel W. Stone. Albany, New York: New York State Department of Health, April 1981. 140 pp. Organic Conpounds in Drinking Water An Operational and Economic Assessment, by D. G. Miller, et al. London, England: Water Research Centre, November 1980. 28 pp. (Technical Report TR149). Participation and Education in Community Water Supply and Sanitation Progranroes—A Literature jteview, by Christine Van Wijk-Sijbesma. The Hague, Netherlands; World Health Organization International Reference Centre for Comunity Water Supply, March 1979. 205 pp. (Technical Paper No. 12). Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity in Drinking Water, by Herman L. Krieger and Earl L. Whittaker. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1980. 143 pp. Quality of Drinking Water—1980. Washington, D.C.: U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce Hearings, 96th Congress, 2nd Session, 96-188, June 6, 9 and August 18, 1980. 714 pp. Radioactivity in Drinking Water, by C. Richard Cothern. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, January 1981. 79 pp. PB80-224744 Envirofiche 82-00512 PB81-192833 Removal of Chloroform from Drinking Water, by John S. Zogorski, PB-285-819 etlil. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Water Research and Technology, June 1978. 98 pp. Rural Water Problems; An Overview. Washington, D.C.: General Envirofiche Accounting Office, August 1980. 45 pp. (GflO/CED-80-120). 81-01263 Safe Drinking Water, by Claudia Copeland. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, February 1981. 11 pp. (CRS Report IB78074) Envirofiche 81-03965 -14- ------- EPA HEADQUARTERS n/16/77) Safe Drinking Water Act (P.L. 93-523, 12/16/74). Laws of the 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974. pp. 1909-1948. Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1977 (P.L. 95-190, Laws of the 95th Congress, 1st Session, 1977. pp. 91 Stat 1393-1405. Search for Safe Drinking Water, by Margaret A. Hairsine and Herbert A. Schurtm. Hyattsville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Health Planning, August 1981. 68 pp. NTIS—HRP 0903845/6 Small Community Water S Systems in Deve •—Technology of Small Water Supply Countries. The Hague, Netherlands: World Health Organization International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply and Sanitation, 1981. 413 pp. (Technical Paper No. 18) . Some Impacts of Safe Drinking Water Standards on Rural Water Systems, by Leo R. Cheatham. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Water Research and Technology, October 1978. 107 pp. Treatment Techniques for Controlling Trihaloroethanes in Drinking Water, by Janes M. Symons, et al. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, September 1981. 301pp. PB-290-370 PB82-163197 U.S. Strategy Needed for Water Supply Assistance to Developing Countries. Washington, D.C.: General Accounting Off ce, August 1981. 66 pp. (GAQ/ID- 81-51) . Virus Sensitivity to Chlorine Disinfection of Water Supplies, by Richard S. Engelbrecht, et al. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, August 1978. 55 pp. WHO Report on Drinking Water and Sanitation 1981-1990. Geneva, Switzerland:. World Health- Organization, 1981. 56 pp. Envirofiche 82-02527 PB-288-510 Envirofiche 182-03282 -15- ------- SYMPOSIUM AND CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS EPA LIBRARY. IDENTIFIER ASCE Environmental EngineeringNational Conference held in San Francisco, California, July 9-11, 1979. Presentation: Toxic Substances in Drinking Water: an Overview, by Robert C. Hoehn. 6 pp. AVMA Research Foundation Water Reuse^Symposium held in Washington, D.C., March 25-30, 1979. Presentation: Waste Water Reuse—The CCMS Drinking Water Study, by R. Richards, et al. 11 pp. Presentation: Water Reuse Management Using Dual Water Supply, by Arun K. Deb. 16 pp. Presentation: Wastewater in Drinking Water Supplies, by Michael D. Swayne, et al. 12 pp. Environment Canada Utilities Delivery in Northern Regions Second Symposium, held in Alberta, Canada, March 19-21, 1979. Presentation: Appropriate Technologies for Water Supplies and Sanitation in Northern Communities, by M. G. McGarry, et al. 15pp. European Scientific Colloquium Proceedings held 5/21-23/1975 Book: Hardness of Drinking Water and Public Health by R. Amavis, et al. Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press, 1976. International Water Supply Association Conference held in Singapore, Indonesia, February 13-15, 1979. Presentation: Advances in the Treatment of Surface Waters Used for Drinking Purposes, by Jean Mignot. 31 pp. Envirofiche 79-06484 Envirofiche 80-01268 Envirofiche 80-01317 Envirofiche 80-01219 Envirofiche 81-01967 RA594.A1E9 Envirofiche 80-01202 -16- ------- Presentation: Presentation: Presentation: Presentation: Presentation: Presentation: Presentation: Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Waste Disposal in Developing Countries, 4 pp. Effects of Pollution on the Quality of Drinking Water (Indonesia), 9 pp. Environmental Implications of a Bam and a Man-Made Lake for Drinking Water Supply, Warragairiba, New South Wales, Australia, by Hans Bandler, 10 pp. Fresh Water Problems in the Netherlands and their Solutions, by W. A. G. Hoeting, 16pp. Innovations in Water Technology in India by C. E. S. Rao, 11 pp. Ozonization Place in Drinking Water Treatment, by J. P. Legeron, 27 pp. Slow Sand Filters for Rural Water Supplies in Developing Countries, by R. Paramsivam and B. B. Sundaresan, 24 pp. Ixjughborgugh University Water and Waste Engineering for DevelopijngCountr3.esf 5th Conference held in the United Kingdom, April 22-24, 1979. Presentation: Cooperation for the Water Decade by Paul Kerkhoveri, 14 pp. Water Quality and Health Significance of Bacterial Indicators of Pollution, Wesley 0. Pipes, editor. Workshop held at Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 17-18, 1978. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. 227 pp. Water Chlorination Environmental Impact and Health Effects Robert L. Jolley, editor. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. Vol 1: Conference held at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 22-24, 1975, 439 pp. Vol 2: Conference held at Gatliriberg, Tennessee, October 31-Noventoer 4, 1977, 909 pp. Vol 3: Conference held at Gatlinberg, Tennessee, 1979, 1171 pp. Vol 4: Conference held at Pacific Grove, California, 1981, 1400 pp. EPA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY IDEKTIFIER Envirofiche 80-01038 Envirofiche 80-01204 Envirofiche 80-01039 Envirofiche 80-01041 Envirofiche 80-01203 Envirofiche 80-01042 Envirofiche 80-01034 Envirofiche 80-06040 PB-291-605 TD462.C66 -17- ------- EPA HEADQUARTERS T.TRRMQT IDENTIFIER Water Research Federation of Australia Water Supply Demand in Towns and Cities Symposium held in Sydney, Australia, November 5, 1980. Presentation: Role of Dual Supplies in Meeting Demands for Good Quality Water by Leonard A. McDonald, 19 pp. Presentation: Urban Water Demands: Causes and Effects, by David R. Gallagher, 22 pp. United Nations Water Conferenoa held in Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 1977. Presentation: Cost Structures in Drinking Water Supply and the Price Structures to be Derived from Them, by G. Schmidt, 6 pp. Presentation: Report of the Regional Preparatory Meeting of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean for the United Nations Water Conference, 47 pp. Presentation: Report on Community Water Supplies 21 pp. Presentation: Resources, and Needs: Assessment of the World Water Situation, 45 pp. Presentation: Water for Domestic Use in Rural Areas— Thailand, by Lert Chainarong. 11 pp. Presentation: Water for the Thousand Millions, 58 pp. Presentation: Water, Food, and Fiber, 12 pp. Presentation: World's Water in a Hunan Perspective 10 pp. Envirofiche 82-00521 Envirofiche 82-00523 Envirofiche 80-03908 Envirofiche 80-03847 Envirofiche 80-03865 Envirofiche 80-03839 Envirofiche 80-03882 Envirofiche 80-03870 Envirofiche 80-03888 Envirofiche 80-03887 -18- ------- SUGGESTED SOURCES OF INFORMATION Organization AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL HSGIENE ASSN. Address Director American Industrial Hygiene Association 475 Wolf Ledges Parkway Akron, Ohio 44311 Telephone: 216 762 7294 AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION Executive Director American Public Health Association 1015 18th Street, N.W. Washington/ D.C. 20036 Telephone: 202 467 5000 AMERICAN MATER WORKS ASSOCIATION Executive Director American Water Works Association 6666 West Quincy Denver, Colorado 80235 Telephone: 303 794 7711 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Safe Drinking Water Ccnmittee National Research Council National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418 Telephone; 202 334 2000 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE Sales Office National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 Telephone: 703 487 4650 -19- ------- Organization PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION Address Information Office Pan American Health Organization 525 23rd Street Washington, D.C. 20037 Telephone: 202 861 3299 RESOURCES FOR THE FUTURE, INC. Information Office Resources for the Future, Inc. 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: 202 328 5000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR—WRIER RESEARCH & TECH. Water Resources Scientific Information Center Office of Water Research and Technology U.S. Department of the Interior 18th and C Streets, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20240 Telephone: 202 343 8435 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of Drinking Water (WH-550) U.S. Envirormental Protection Agency 401 M Street, S.W. (Rocro 1011 East Tower) Washington, D.C. 20460 Telephone: -202 426 8877 Center for Environmental Research Information Office of Research and Development U.S. Enviroimental Protection Agency Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 Telephone: 513 684 7562 U.S. WATER RESOURCES COUNCIL Information Office U.S. Water Resources Council 2120 L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 Telephone: 202 254 6303 -20- ------- Organization WORID HEALTH ORGANIZATION Address Information Programme Officer International Beference Center for Community Hater Simply World Health Organization P. 0. Box 140 226 fC Leidschendam, THE NETHERIAM3S Cable: Worldwater The Hague Telex: 33604 -21- ------- REPRESENTATIVE INFOTERRA NATIONAL FOCAL POINT ADDRESSES Country CANADA NORWAY SWEDEN UNITED KINGDOM Address Director, INPOTERRA National Focal Point Envirorment Canada Ottawa, Canada KlA OH3 Telephone: 819 977 1768 Telex: 533608 ENV H Director, INFOTERRA National Focal Point Ministry of Envirorment Postboks 8013-Dep Oslo 1 Norway Telephone: Telex: 2 11 90 90 18990 ENV N Director, INFOTERRA National Focal Point Swedish Council of Environmental Information Jordsbruksdepartementet S-103 33 Stockholm, Sweden Director, INFOTERRA National Focal Point Department of the Envirorment 2 Marsham Street (Room P3/188) London SW1P 3EB United Kingdom Telephone: Telex: 01 212 4842 22221 DOEMA -12- ------- |