Directory of
Volunteer Monitoring Programs in the
Great Lakes Region
Excerpts from the Fifth Edition of the National Directory of
Volunteer Environmental Monitoring Programs
Eleanor Ely, editor
For a copy of the National Directory, contact:
Alice Mayio
USEPA (4503F)
-Washington, DC 20460
202) 260-7018
Cache River Watershed RiverWatch and Wetlands Frog/Toad Survey (1995)
Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge, 0137 Rustic Campus Rd., Ullin, IL 62992
ph 618-634-2231 fax 618-634-9656 email
Coordinator Elizabeth Jones
RIVER/STREAM, WETLAND, FLOODPLAIN Volunteers 16, + 3 teachers/60 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., wildlife Other activities
debris cleanup, restoration (tree planting) Data users our program Data uses educ., research, community
organizing, estab. baseline conditions Funding sources fed. and state gov't Affiliation Illinois '
RiverWatch Network; Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources; Southern Illinois University
Cache River Watershed RiverWatch volunteers participate in the Illinois DNK-sponsored RiverWatch
by collecting macroinvertebrates in five streams within the Cache River Wetlands. This program is
part of a statewide network to monitor water and stream quality. Cache River Wetlands volunteers
collect frog and toad data along three survey routes. This data will provide an inventory on species
and is part of a long-term monitoring program.
Conservation Foundation/DuPage Rivercare (1990)
105404 Knoch Knolls Rd., Napervitle, IL 60565
ph 630-428-4500; 630-790-4900 fax 630-790-1071 email
Coordinators Anne Marie Smith; Steve Leonard
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND Volunteers 50 teachers/6,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSSATDS, chloride, salinity,
alkalinity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments Other activities storm
drain stenciling, restoration (streambank) Data users our program, local gov't Data uses educ., research
Funding sources state and local gov't, donations, grassroots fundraising
DuPage Rivercare, a partnership between The Conservation Foundation and the Forest Preserve
District of DuPage County, provides opportunities for classes to monitor water quality, stabilize
streambanks, protect the DuPage River watershed from development and nonpoint source pollution,
and develop and implement small-scale improvement plans for sections of the river.
Freeport High School Forest Watch and RiverWatch (1997)
701 W. Moseley St., Freeport, IL 61032-4938
ph 815-235-0400
Coordinators Pete Jackson; Marylin Lisowski; Kurt D. Schilling; Chuck Wheeler
RIVER/STREAM, LAND Volunteers 1, + I teacher/47 students
Phys/chem water temp., turbidity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., exotic/invasive spp. Other
activities photo surveys, human use surveys Data users our program, state and local gov't, univ. scientists
Data uses educ., research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions Funding
sources school budget Annual budget -$50 Affiliation Illinois RiverWatch; PLAN-IT
Freeport High School's RiverWatch program collects and evaluates macroinvertebrates in a local
stream. ForestWatch studies the ecology of forest trees (type and size), invertebrates, and reptiles over
Friends of the Chicago River/Chicago River Schools Network (1993)
407 S. Dearborn, Suite 1580, Chicago, IL 60605
ph 312-939-0490 fax 312-939-0931 email FRIENDS @CHICAGORIVER.ORG
Coordinator Chris Parson
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 15 teachers/450 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus Biological macroinvert.,
habitat assessments Other activities debris cleanup
Chicago River Schools Network acts as a facilitator for teachers. Most of our teachers are involved
with either the Rivers Project at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville or the Illinois DNR's
EcoWatch program Plan-It Earth.
Friends of the Fox River (1991)
Box 1314, Crystal Lake, IL 60039-1314
ph 815-477-7643; 847-426-1322 fax 815-477-8256 email
Coordinator Gary Swick
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 74, + 16 teachers/480 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments Other activities debris cleanup, storm drain stenciling,
restoration Data users our program, state gov't Data uses educ., estab. baseline conditions, state 305(b)
report Funding sources fed. and state gov't, memberships, donations, grassroots fundraising Annual
budget -$500
Friends of the Fox River is an educational organization that seeks to create a watershed of
caretakers. Our primary activities include a monitoring network, Fox rescue cleanup, newsletters, and
educational support and presentations.
Illinois EcoWatch Network/Illinois RiverWateh (1995)
524 S. Second St., Springfield, IL 62704-1787
ph 217-785-5409; 312-201-0652 fax 217-524-4199; 312-201-0653 email
Coordinators Ben Barber; Dana Cuitiss
RIVER/STREAM, WETLAND, LAND Volunteers 800, + 200 teachers/6,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., turbidity, flow/water level, erosion, substrate type, embeddedness Biological
macroinvert., habitat assessments, aquatic veg., algal cover, canopy cover Other activities debris cleanup,
stream channel morph., restoration (bank stabilization) Data users our program, community org's, fed., state,
and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, screen for problems, estab. baseline
conditions, watershed planning, plan restoration, state 305(b) report Funding sources fed. and state gov't
Annual budget -$500,000
Illinois RiverWateh is the stream monitoring component of the Illinois EcoWatch Network, a
volunteer initiative coordinated through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. RiverWateh
Citizen Scientists conduct biological, physical, and chemical monitoring and stream habitat surveys
on wadeable Illinois streams. Data collected by certified Citizen Scientists is submitted to a statewide
database used by the scientific community and others to gauge long-term trends in ecosystem health.
EcoWatch Network monitoring programs also include forest, wetland, prairie, and urban ecosystems.
Illinois EPA Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (1981)
Bureau of Water, Planning Section, 1021 No. Grand Ave., East, FOB 19276. Springfield. IL 62794-9276
ph 217-782-3362 fax 217-785-1225 email epal
Coordinators Rex Buhnnester; Amy Burns
LAKE/POND Volunteers 293
Phys/chem rainfall, Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological chlorophyll, aquatic veg.,
exotic/invasive spp. (Dreissina polymorpha) Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local
govt, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline
conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, legislation,
state 305(b) report Funding sources fed. and stale gov't Annual budget -$150.000
Illinois Valley Community College/Rivers Curriculum Project and EcoWatch
Monitoring (1993)
815 N. Orlando Smith Ave., Oglesby, IL 61348-9692
ph 815-224-2720 fax 815-224-3033 email Web www.ivcc
Coordinators Robert Byme; Jeff Carver; Tim Horger; Mike Phillips
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 15
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity,
flow/water level Biological macroinvert, bacteria, fecal coliform Data users our program, community
org's Data uses educ., screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, enforcement Funding sources
donations, grant (ACS) Affiliation Rivers Curriculum Project, Southern Illinois University; Illinois
Illinois Valley Community College monitors the Little Vermilion River. We have used the Rivers
Curriculum Project for the last four years and have just begun Illinois EcoWatch monitoring.
Lake County Forest Preserve District/Wildlife Monitors
Ryerson Conservation Area, 21950 Riverwoods Rd., Deerfield, IL 60015
ph 847-948-7753 ext. 212 fax 847-948-7712
Coordinator Tom Smith
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 50, + 2 teachers/10 students
Biological terrestrial veg., birds, wildlife, exotic/invasive spp. (buckthorn, garlic mustard) Other
activities debris cleanup, restoration (preserve stewardship)
Lake County Forest Preserve District monitors wildlife including sandhill cranes, bluebirds, wood
ducks, frogs, bats, butterflies, and plants. We also conduct an orchid recovery project and monitor
Lake Wild wood Association/Stream Monitoring (1995)
RR 2 Box 1875, Varna, IL 61375
ph 309-463-2047 fax 309-463-2047 email
Coordinator Robert A. Phelps
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, flow/water level Biological macroinvert. Data users our
program, community org's, state gov't Data uses estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment,
plan restoration, swimming advisories Funding sources state gov't Annual budget $0 Affiliation
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Lake WUdwood Association monitors water quality using physical aspects of the stream and effects
on macroinvertebrates.
Natural Area Guardians (1995)
10655 North 2300 Ave., Geneseo, IL 61254
ph 309-441-5314
Coordinator Dorothy K. Brown
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 7
Phys/chem water temp., turbidity, flow/water level, sedimentation, bank stability Biological macroinvert.,
terrestrial veg. Data users state gov't Data uses research Funding sources memberships
Affiliation Illinois EcoWatch Network; Illinois RivcrWatch; Henry County Soil and Water Conservation
Natural Area Guardians collect ecological data used by scientists to monitor long-term trends in
ecosystem health. Our volunteer monitoring consists primarily of stream habitat and biological
surveys, and is coordinated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and Illinois River Watch,
a program of the Illinois EcoWatch Network.
Openlands Project (1996)
220 S. State St., Room 1880, Chicago, IL 60604-2103
ph 312-427-4256 ext. 242 * fax 312-427-6251 email OPENLANDS©AOL.COM
Coordinator Kent Taylor
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 15
Phys/chem water temp., flow/waiter level Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments Other
activities restoration (bank stabilization) Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local
gov'i Data uses educ., advocacy, cstab. baseline conditions, watershed planning, plan restoration Annual
budget $0 Affiliation Illinois Riverwatch
Openlands Project monitors Prairie, Grant, Jackson, and Tyler Creeks in Midewin National Tallgrass
Red Hill High School/Illinois EcoWatch Network Stream Monitoring (1995)
c/o Brian R. Garrard, 908 Church St., Bridgeport, IL 62417
ph 618-945-2521 email
Coordinators Ben Barber; Dana Curtiss
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1 teacher/8 students
Phys/chem water temp., turbidity Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial
veg., exotic/invasive spp. Data users state gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community
organizing, screen for problems, escab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land
use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement, legislation Funding sources state gov't,
school budget Affiliation Illinois Department of Natural Resources; Illinois EcoWatch Network
Red Hill High School conducts stream assessment as pan of the Illinois EcoWatch Network,
Rivers Project (1990)
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Box 2222, Edwardsville, IL 62026-2222
ph 618-692-2446 * fax 618-692-3359 email Web
Coordinator Dr. Robert Williams
RIVER/STREAM, GROUNDWATER Volunteers 3,000 teachers
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD. turbidity, phosphorus, hardness, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., exotic/invasive spp. (zebra mussels) Other activities debris cleanup, storm drain stenciling
Data users our program, state gov't Data uses educ., screen for problems Funding sources fed., state,
and local gov't, foundations, businesses, University budget Annual budget -$40,000 Affiliation
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
The Rivers Project is an integrated, multi-dimensional science, social studies, mathematics, and
language arts project developed to introduce water quality dimensions and the study of rivers into the
nation's high schools. Training is accomplished through workshops or week-long summer sessions
where new teachers interact with participants from the existing network of "Rivers Project" schools. A
river watch network, tied together via the Internet and World Wide Web, provides a technological
framework and access to the Project's activities and data.
Watershed Appreciation Through Education and Research (W.A.T.E.R.) (1998)
1635 John St.. Sycamore, IL 60178-1099
ph 815-899-3939 fax 815-895-0022
Coordinator Anita Nelson
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 15
Phys/chem rainfall, flow/water level Biological macroinvert, fish Other activities debris cleanup,
debris monitoring, photo surveys, restoration (stream, wetland, prairie) Affiliation Kishwaukee Partnership
W.A.T.E.R., founded in response to 1996 flooding, is now training citizens to monitor the
Kishwaukee River. We are also conducting a fish study with supporting macroinvertebrate data
collection, as a follow-up to a recent Department of Natural Resources study. We address issues of
agriculture (we studied swine spill effects and held a mini-conference for farmers) and increasing
development pressures. Our new Blue Heron Outdoor School will involve students in local stream,
wetland, and prairie restoration efforts.
Also active in Illinois:
Bird Studies Canada/Marsh Monitoring Program (see listing in Canada)
Heidelberg College Water Quality Laboratory/Cooperative Private Well Testing Program
(see listing in Ohio)
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) RiverWatchers (see listing in
Adopt»A-Stream - See Huron River Watershed Council
AuSable North Branch Area Association (1960)
5031 N. River Rd., Freeland, MI 48623
Coordinator Charles E Wheeker
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 9
Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program Data uses educ., screen for problems,
watershed planning, plan restoration, legislation Funding sources memberships, donations Annual
budget -$1,000
AuSablf North Branch Area Association monitors the North Branch of the AuSable River to watch
f>.r any attempt to damage the quality of this river.
Betsio River Restoration Committee (1992)
Box 8, Thompsonville, MI 49683
ph 616-378-2619
Coordinator Ray C. Kadlec
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 20
Other activities debris cleanup, restoration Data users our program, community org's, local gov't, univ.
scientists Data uses educ., community organizing, plan restoration, enforcement Funding sources local
gov't, businesses, donations, grassroots rondraising
The Betsie River Restoration Committee is involved in riverbank restoration to prevent sand erosion
affecting fish reproduction. We conduct ongoing visual monitoring of banks.
Calvin Christian High School Honors Biology (1995)
c/o Roger Blatt, Biology Department, Grandville, MI 49418
Coordinators Roger Bratt; Michael Hoekwater
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 2 teachers/12 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, TSS/TDS, conductivity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert.,
bacteria Data users our program Data uses educ., advocacy, screen for problems, estab. baseline
conditions Funding sources school budget Annual budget ~$150
Calvin Christian High School presents an introduction to water monitoring to 10th grade students.
Choeolay River Watershed Project
Marquette Co. Soil & Water Conservation District, 1030 Wright St., Marquette, MI 498S5
ph 906-226-9460 fax 906-228-4484 email * Web
Coordinators Carl Lindquist; Justin Savu
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 25
Phys/chem water temp., flow/water level, substrate (sand, gravel), river width & depth Biological
macroinvert., fish Other activities debris cleanup, stream channel morph., storm drain stenciling,
construction site inspec., restoration (thalwegzation) Data users our program, fed. gov't Data uses educ.,
research, screen for problems, estab, baseline conditions, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding
sources fed., state, and local gov't, foundations, donations
The Choeolay River Watershed Project protects and restores the waters of the Choeolay Watershed
and Lake Superior.
Clinton River Watershed Council/Student Volunteer Monitoring Program (1991)
1970 E. Auburn Rd., Rochester Hills, MI 48307-4803
ph 248-853-9580 fax 248-853-0486
Coordinator Jim Bull
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 20, + 25 teachers/850 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, chloride,
flow/water level Biological macroinvcrt., bacteria, fecal coliform Other activities debris cleanup, land
use surveys, photo surveys, storm drain stenciling Data users our program, community org's, local gov't,
univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab.
baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding sources
local gov't, foundations, businesses, memberships, donations Affiliation GREEN
Clinton River Watershed Council student participants monitor Clinton River and tributaries for nine
water quality index tests, pollution tolerance index (macroinvertebrates), and chlorides twice yearly.
Elk-Skegemog/Three Lakes Associations (1982)
P.O. Box 353, Alden, MI 49612-0353
ph 616-322-4088 fax 616-322-4088
Coordinator W. G. Weiss
Phys/chem water temp., DO, Secchi, phosphorus Biological chlorophyll Data users our program,
local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, screen for problems, nonpoint source assessment, land use decisions,
watershed planning Funding sources memberships, donations Annual budget -$15 Affiliation Tip
of the Mitt Watershed Council
The Elk-Skegemog/Three Lakes Associations monitor five lakes and three rivers and have an
associated lakeshore program.
Father Marquette Middle School Service Learning (1997)
414 W. College, Marquette, MI 49855
ph 906-226-7912
Coordinators Karen Schmitt; Jackie Wright
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 2, + 2 teachers/20 students
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, nitrogen, phosphorus, flow/water level Biological macroinvert.
Other activities debris cleanup, land use surveys Data users our program Data uses educ., advocacy,
screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land use decisions, watershed
planning Funding sources grant Annual budget -$100
Father Marquette Middle School Service Learning studies and monitors Whetstone and Orianna
watersheds in Marquette County.
Forum for Kalamazoo County River Partners Program/Davis Creek Watershed
Project (1995)
217 Monroe St, Kalamazoo, MI 49006-4434
ph 616-337-7002 fax 616-337-7257 email
Coordinator Marc Elliott
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 12
Phys/chem water temp., pH, BOD, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS. conductivity, chloride, hardness, metals,
flow/water level Biological habitat assessments, bacteria, fecal coliform Other activities debris cleanup,
land use surveys, pipe surveys, photo surveys, human use surveys, stream channel morph., storm drain
stenciling, restoration (bank stabilization), creek watch hotline Data users our program, community org's,
state and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, community organizing, screen for problems, nonpoint source
assessment. BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement, state 305(b)
report Funding sources fed., state, and local gov't, foundations, businesses, donations, grassroots
fundraising Annual budget -$8,000
The River Partners Program seeks to engage citizens and local governments in cooperative watershed
protection through voluntary partnerships focused upon watershed management, drainage control,
riparian corridor preservation, land use planning, and nonpoint source pollution prevention. We are
a federal Clean Water Act-funded, Section 319 project of the Michigan Department of Environmental
Friends of the Detroit River/Detroit River Current (1996)
P.O. Box 3099, Mclvindale, MI 48122-3099
ph 313-381-2835-fax 313-381-8164
Coordinators Jeannine P. Ansley; Tom Leonard; Jane Mackey
Phys/chem toxicity Other activities debris cleanup, human use surveys, storm drain stenciling,
restoration Funding sources donations, grassroots fundraising Annual budget $0 Affiliation
Michigan Environmental Council
Friends of the Detroit River monitors the Detroit River watershed,
Friends of the Jordan River Watershed/Jordan River Water Quality Monitoring
Program (1997)
P.O. Box 971, Bellaire, MI 49615-09711
ph 616-533-5063 fax 616-533-5063 email Web
Coordinator John Hummer
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 5 teachers/100 students
Phys/chem water temp., DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological macroinveit.,
bacteria, fecal coliform Other activities debris cleanup, photo surveys Data users our program,
community org's Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab.
baseline conditions, nonpoint source: assessment, watershed planning Funding sources Michigan State
University Annual budget -$1,000
Friends of the Jordan River Watershed kicked off, in Spring 1997, a program in which local students
collect water quality data on the Jordan River and its moat tributaries. The Jordan River was the first
to be designated wild and scenic under Michigan's 1972 Natural Rivers Act. The watershed,
benefiting from a long, successful tradition of conservation and preservation, has a high degree of
biodiversity, including forested land, unfragmented headwaters, intact riparian zones, and
continuous greenbelts and ecologic corridors.
Friends off McCoy's Creek (1992)
306 Liberty, Buchanan, MI 49107
ph 616-695-4413
Coordinators Scott King; David Young
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 50, + 5 teachers/300 students
Biological fish, habitat assessments, wildlife Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use
surveys, human use surveys Data users our program, community org's, local gov't Data uses educ.,
advocacy, community organizing, screen for problems, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration,
enforcement Funding sources businesses, memberships, donations Annual budget -$300
Friends of McCoy's Creek cleans and monitors McCoy's Creek, one of southwestern Michigan's finest
trout/salmon streams.
Friends of Northeast Michigan Ecosystems (1992)
16350 N. County Rd. 459, Hillman, MI 49746-7952
ph 517-742-3520
Coordinators Robert Farner; Steve Swan; James A. Zavislak
RIVER/STREAM, WETLAND, GROUNDWATER, AIR, LAND Volunteers 100, + 2 teachers/2 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH. DO, nitrogen, phosphorus, alkalinity, flow/water level Biological
macroinveit, fish, aquatic veg., phytoplankton, shellfish, birds, wildlife, exotic/invasive spp. (lamprey, zebra
mussels) Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, photo surveys, human use surveys, stream
channel morph., restoration (erosion control), sand traps Data users our program, community org's, fed.,
state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for
problems, estab, baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan
restoration, enforcement, legislation Funding sources fed. and state gov't, foundations, memberships,
donations Annual budget -$10,000 Affiliation National River Networks
Friends of Northeast Michigan Ecosystems works on two watershed areas in the lower peninsula of
northeastern Michigan: Upper Black River and Thunder Bay River Watersheds. We work to maintain
good water quality and good fisheries and recreation. We work on erosion control projects, sediment
trap installation to improve aquatic species and water quality, and wildlife and endangered species
habitat programs.
Friends of the Rouge/Rouge Education Project (REP) (1987)
220 Bagley Ave, 950 Michigan Bldg, Suite 950, Detroit, MI 48226-1412
ph 313-961-4099 fax 313-961-4018 email Web
Coordinators Kristin Bojesen; Stacey Hoffer
RIVER/STREAM, LAND Volunteers 150 teachers/5,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, bacteria, fecal coliform Other activities debris cleanup,
debris monitoring, land use surveys, pipe surveys, photo surveys, human use surveys Data users our
program, community org's, fed. gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, community organizing,
screen for problems, nonpoint source assessment Funding sources fed. gov't, foundations, businesses,
memberships Annual budget -$200,000
The Rouge Education Project is in approximately 100 elementary, middle and high schools
throughout metropolitan Detroit. We use the Rouge River watershed as a laboratory for students to
learn about their local environment. Students conduct chemical, physical, and biological tests of
water quality. They become scientists as they sample the river, collect data, analyze and interpret
results, and determine and implement feasible solutions to problems they uncover. This information is
shared with other classrooms via the Internet, to decrease gaps between city, suburban, and rural
schools, to allow students to see the bigger picture as they compare results in different areas of the
Rouge, and to enhance their technological skills.
Friends of the St. Joe River Association, Inc. (1998)
P.O. Box 354, Athens, MI 49011
ph 616-729-5174 fax 616-729-5045 email Web www.fotsjr
Coordinator Gaye Blind
Phys/chem water temp. Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments, bacteria, aquatic veg.,
> exotic/invasive spp. Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program, community org's, state
and local gov't Data uses educ., research, community organizing, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source
assessment Funding sources grants
Friends of the St. Joe River Association is setting up a program in which schools and local chapters
will clean, sample, and monitor streams throughout the watershed, which drains over 4,600 square
miles of wetlands. Our Website includes a map of the area we plan to monitor.
Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN)
206 South 5th Ave., Suite 150. Ann Arbor. MI 48104
ph 734-761-8142 fax 734-761-4951 email Web
Coordinator Keith Wheeler
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH. DO, BOD, Secchi. turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS. metals,
hydrocarbons, pesticides, toxicity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert.. habitat assessments, bacteria,
aquatic veg., terrestrial veg. Other activities land use surveys, human use surveys, storm drain stenciling
Funding sources fed. gov't, foundations, businesses, memberships, donations, grassroots fundraising.
catalogue sales
GREEN is an action-oriented approach to education, based on an interdisciplinary watershed
education model. We work closely with educational and environmental organizations, community
groups, and businesses across the U.S. and in over 130 countries to support local efforts in watershed
education. We produce the "Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring" and seven other
Grand Traverse Bay Watershed Initiative/Water Watch (1994)
1102 Cass St., Suite B, Traverse City, MI 49684
ph 616-935-1514 fax 616-922-4633 email
Web gamstcweb.gisd.k
Coordinator Bill Queen
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND, WETLAND, LAND Volunteers 35 teachers/1,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, bacteria, exotic/invasive spp. Other activities debris
cleanup, land use surveys, photo surveys, human use surveys, storm drain stenciling, restoration, community
information Data users our program Data uses educ., screen for problems Funding sources
foundations, grassroots fundraising, math science center Annual budget -$50,000 Affiliation GREEN
Water Watch's primary purpose is to increase awareness of water resource issues in our region. We
use water as a medium to stimulate interest in the study of math, science, and technology.
Grand Valley State University Water Resources Outreach Education Program (1986)
GVSU Water Resources Institute, 1 Campus Dr.. Allendale, MI 49401-9403
ph 616-895-3749 fax 616-895-3864 email Web
Coordinator Janet Vail
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND, GROUNDWATER, LAND Volunteers 100 teachers/6,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, Secchi, turbidity, conductivity, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., habitat assessments, bacteria, exotic/invasive spp. (zebra mussels) Other activities land use
surveys, photo surveys, human use surveys Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local
gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline
conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration
Funding sources fed. and state gov't, foundations, businesses, donations
The GVSU Water Resources Institute monitors watersheds through our EPA and state projects as well
as Lake Michigan through our K-I2 program. Two vessels specially designed for student monitoring
operate from April to October. Some tests are done on board and others sent to our analytical
GREEN - See Global Rivers Environmental Education Network
Huron River Watershed Councfl/Adopt-A-Stream (1992)
1100 North Main, Suite 210, Ann Arbor. MI 48105
ph 734-769-5971
Coordinators Joan Martin; Mary Wiland
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 200
Phys/chem water temp., conductivity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments
Other activities stream channel morph. Data users our program, community org's. state and local gov't,
univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline
conditions, land use decisions, watershed planning Funding sources fed., state, and local gov't. foundations,
memberships Annual budget -$50.000
Huron River Watershed Council's Adopt-a-Stream program conducts biomonitoring and identifies
physical characteristics of sites on creeks and the river throughout the Huron River watershed. We
identify macroinvertebrates to family level, surveying every April and September on a single day, and
looking for winter stoneflies in January. We now monitor 40 sites and are adding more. Volunteers
are adults, some with children; teachers participate, then do similar activities with classes. Volunteers
put on a festival in March. Three creeks have developed community protection teams that educate the
public and advise on land-use planning.
Inland Seas Education Association (ISEAJ/Schoolship Program (1989)
P.O. Box 218, Suitons Bay, MI 49682-0218
ph 616-271-3077 fax 616-271-3088 « email * Web
Coordinators Tom Kelly; Mark Mitchell
LAKE/POND, WETLAND, BEACH, AIR Volunteers 115, + 170 teachers/5,744 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, Secchi, conductivity, weather, atmosphere Biological macroinvert., fish,'
aquatic veg., exotic/invasive spp. (spiny water flea, threespine stickleback, zebra mussel), zooplankton Other
activities debris cleanup Data users our program, community org's, state and local gov't Data uses
educ., research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, watershed planning Funding sources
foundations, businesses, memberships, donations, grassroots fundraising Annual budget -$300,000
The Schoolship Program is an experiential science curriculum for middle and high school students.
Since 1989, over 30,000 students have monitored Grand Traverse Bay and Lake Michigan. The
student-collected data represents the largest continuous record of physical and biological
information on Grand Traverse Bay. Student monitoring has documented the invasion of exotic
species including the threespine stickleback and zebra mussel.
Kawkawlin Rfver Watershed Property Owners Association/Volunteer Monitoring
Program (1997)
113 E. Elm St., Auburn, MI 48611
ph 517-662-6761 fax 517-662-0240 email
Coordinator Mike Kelly
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, BOD, Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, flow/water level
Biological bacteria, fecal coliform, aquatic veg. Other activities debris cleanup Data users our
program, community org's, state and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing,
screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land use decisions, watershed
planning, plan restoration, legislation, swimming advisories Funding sources state and local gov't
Annual budget -$10,000
Kawkawlin River Watershed Property Owners Association's Volunteer Monitoring Program was
developed to continue and expand previous water quality monitoring on the Kawkawlin River as well
as lay the foundation for corrective actions. Our data will be evaluated to determine general loading
rates of several parameters from various sites. Our partners include the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality and the county Environmental Health Department.
Leelanau Watershed Council (1990)
Leelanau Conservancy, Box 1007, Lcland. Ml 49654
ph 616-256-9665 fax 616-256-9693 email
Coordinator Dr. Tim Keilty
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, Secchi. nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity, alkalinity, flow/water
level Biological chlorophyll, algae Data users our program, community org's, state and local gov't,
univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, community organizing, nonpoint source assessment, land use
decisions, watershed planning Funding sources local gov't, donations Annual budget -$15,000
The Leelanau Watershed Council's monitoring program is designed to compile comprehensive data
for lakes and streams, develop nutrient budgets for each lake and identify trouble spots, and inform
visitors, residents, and local officials of water quality conditions.
Michigan Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (1974)
Michigan Dep't of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 30458, Land & Water Management Div., Lansing, MI 48909-
ph 517-335-4211 fax 517-335-4381 email Web
Coordinators Ralph Bednarz; Pearl Bonnell
Phys/chem Secchi, phosphorus Biological chlorophyll, aquatic veg., exotic/invasive spp. (zebra mussels)
Data users our program, community org's, fed., slate, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ.,
advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, legislation, slate
305(b) report Funding sources fed. and state gov't, memberships, participation fees Annual budget
-$20,000 Affiliation Michigan Lake and Stream Association, Inc. (ML&SA)
The Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) is a statewide volunteer monitoring program
administered by the MDEQ and the ML&SA for all Michigan counties. Our goals are to: provide
baseline information and document water quality trends for individual lakes; educate lake residents,
users, and interested citizens in collection of water quality data, lake ecology, and lake management;
and build a constituency of citizens to practice sound lake management at the local level and build
public support for lake quality protection.
Michigan Lake and Stream Association & Ml Dept of Environmental Quality Self-
Help Monitoring Program (1974)
P.O. Box 303, Long Lake, MI 48743
ph 517-257-3583 fax 517-257-2073 email Web
Coordinator Pearl E. Bonnell
Phys/chem Secchi, phosphorus, flow/water level Biological chlorophyll, aquatic veg., exotic/invasive spp.
Funding sources state gov't Annual budget -$7,000
Michigan Self-Help Monitoring Program volunteers collect data on Secchi transparency,
phosphorus, chlorophyll a, and aquatic plant identification. Their data become part of the state
Department of Environmental Quality records. We provide statewide side-by-side quality control.
Michigan Natural Areas Council/Grand Island National Recreation Area Sensitive
Vegetation Monitoring (1996)
c/o Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-9741
ph 313-461-9390 email Web
Coordinators Teresa Chase; Sylvia M. Taylor, PhD
BEACH, LAND Volunteers 15
Biological terrestrial veg., exotic/invasive spp. (spotted knapweed) Other activities photo surveys
Data users our program, fed. gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community
organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, land use decisions, plan restoration Funding
sources fed. gov't. memberships, donations Annual budget -$28,400
Michigan Natural Areas Council and the United States Forest Service have set up a 3-year
cooperative project to monitor sensitive vegetation in the new Grand Island National Recreation
Area. Our purpose is to insure thai future plans for expansion of visitor facilities will have needed
information for appropriate protection of special plants and their ecosystems.
Michigan Sea Grant/Citizen's Monitoring Kit: Detecting Zebra Mussels (1995)
2M/ANS Office, Michigan State University, Room 334 Natural Resources Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1222
ph 517-353-5508 fax 517-353-6496 email
Coordinator Mike Kleptnger
LAKE/POND Volunteers 20
Phys/chem water temp. Biological exotic/invasive spp. (zebra mussels) Data users our program,
community org's, fed., state, and local govX univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community
organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions Funding sources fed. gov't, grassroots
fundraising Annual budget -$2,000 Affiliation Sea Grant Great Lakes Network
Michigan Sea Grant helps lakefront property owners, teachers, commercial enterprises and citizens
who use lakes to track the range expansion of zebra mussels as they spread inland from the Great
Lakes. Our statewide program is open to participants in all Michigan counties. We provide plankton
nets and all required equipment in a kit, along with a video, notebook, and instructional materials on
how to sample.
Mullett-Burt and Crooked-Pickrel Lake Watersheds Water Quality Monitoring
Programs (1989)
SEE-North, 03001 Church Rd., Petoskey, MI 49770
ph 616-348-9700 « fax 616-348-1085 email
Coordinator Marty Samson
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 4, + 10 teachers/200 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological macroinvert.,
bacteria Data users our program, community org's Data uses educ., research, estab. baseline conditions
Funding sources state gov't Annual budget -S8.000
Mullett-Burt and Crooked-Pickrel Lake Watersheds Water Quality Monitoring Programs involve
teachers and students from a four-county area. Middle and high school students study their
watersheds, sample local streams and rivers, collect and analyze data, and finally share the results
via fax, video network, the Internet, and a day-long Water Quality Monitoring conference.
Paw Paw Lake Association, Inc./Spring Phosphorus, Secehi Disk, and Zebra
Mussel Programs (1990)
P.O. Box 206, Watervliet, MI 49098
ph 616-463-8166 emaii
Coordinators Ray Diouhy; Don Garnett; Martha Garnett; Charles Pater; Delavan Sipes
LAKE/POND Volunteers 24
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, flow/water level, calcium Biological
chlorophyll, aquatic veg., phytoplankton, exotic/invasive spp. (zebra mussels), zooplankton Data users our
program, state gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, screen for problems, estab. baseline
conditions, nonpoint source assessment, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding sources
memberships, donations Annual budget -$20,000 Affiliation Michigan Lake and Stream Association
Paw Paw Lake Association volunteers collect baseline values for spring phosphorus, Secchi
transparency, and rain and water level. Data is sent to our professional research programs at
Western Michigan University and Phycotech. We also conduct early detection zebra mussel
monitoring under a Sea Grant program.
Pere Marquette Watershed Council, Inc. (1992}
P.O. Box 212, Baldwin, MI 49304
ph 616-745-2583 fax 616-745-7692
Coordinator Dick Schwikert
RIVER/STREAM, WETLAND, GROUNDWATER Volunteers 4, + 2 teachers/30 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity, hardness, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments Other activities debris cleanup, land use surveys,
human use surveys, stream channel morph.. restoration (erosion control) Data users our program,
community org's, fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, estab. baseline
conditions, nonpoint source assessment, watershed planning, enforcement, legislation Funding sources
foundations, memberships, donations, grassroots fundraising Annual budget -$3,000
Pere Marquette Watershed Council monitors water quality, macroinvertebrates, fish populations,
streambed composition and depth, and temperatures (water and ambient) throughout the watershed.
Pigeon River Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Project (1996)
Grand Valley State University, Dept. of Biology, 245 Padnos Hall, Allendale, MI 49401-9403
ph 616-895-2697 fax 616-895-3412 email
Coordinators Neil MacDonald; Rick Rediske
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers I teacher/2 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity, chloride, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., fish Other activities land use surveys, photo surveys, human use surveys
Data users our program, community org's, state and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy,
research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment,
BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding sources university grant
Annual budget -S2.500
The Pigeon River Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Project covers specific water quality
problems and trends in the Pigeon River watershed of western Ottawa County, Michigan. Our project
is intended to support community efforts to protect and restore the Pigeon River through Section 319
of the Clean Water Act.
Schoolship Program - See Inland Seas Education Association
Self-Help Monitoring Program - See Michigan Lake and Stream Association & Ml Dep't of
Environmental Quality Self-Help Monitoring Program
Student Stream Teams of Kent County (1989)
West Middle School, 615 Turner N.W., Grand Rapids. MI 49504-5246
ph 616-771-3270 fax 616-771-3272
Coordinator Jim Bolts
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND, RESERVOIR Volunteers 30 teachers/600 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, nitrogen, TSS/TDS, conductivity, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., habitat assessments, aquatic veg. Other activities debris cleanup, land use surveys, stream
channel morph. Data users our program, state gov't Data uses educ., estab. baseline conditions
Funding sources foundations, donations Annual budget -$5,000
Student Stream Teams monitor small tributaries of the Grand River. We provide educational
opportunities for children to learn basic scientific inquiry, and for school staff and students to take
ownership of local watersheds.
Superior Lakewatch (1991)
Michigan State University, Upper Peninsula, 702 Chippewa Square, Manquette, MI 49855-4886
ph 906-228-4830 * fax 906-228-4572 * email Web
Coordinator Ron Kinnunen
LAKE/POND Volunteers 20
Phys/chem water temp., Secchi, wave and weather conditions Data users our program, univ. scientists
Data uses educ., research Funding sources fed. and state gov't, foundations, businesses, donations
Annual budget <$ 1,000 Affiliation Michigan Sea Grant Extension
Superior Lakewatch is a volunteer monitoring program covering all of Lake Superior. Volunteers
take Secchi disk measurements and water temperatures. Coordinators are located in Michigan,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ontario, Canada.
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council/Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (1984)
P.O. Box 300, Conway, MI 49722-0300
ph 616-347-1181 fax 616-347-5928 email Web
Coordinator Ann Baughman
LAKE/POND Volunteers 50
Phys/chem Secchi Biological chlorophyll Data users our program, state and local gov't Data uses
educ., research Funding sources memberships, donations Annual budget -$7,000
The Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council's Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program involves 50 volunteers
who collect water clarity measurements and chlorophyll-a concentrations on 30 area lakes in the
northern lower peninsula of Michigan. Our water quality data is used to monitor long-term trends
and for education.
West Michigan Environmental Action Council/Adopt-A-Stream (1991)
1432 Wealthy SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
ph 616-451-3051 fax 616-451-3054 email
Coordinator Tom Gary
RIVER/STREAM, LAND Volunteers 200, + 12 teachers/360 students
Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments, terrestrial veg. Other activities debris cleanup, debris
monitoring, land use surveys, stream channel morph., storm drain stenciling, restoration (streambank and
instream enhancement) Data users our program Data uses educ., advocacy, community organizing, screen
for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment Funding sources state gov't,
foundations, memberships, grassroots fundraising Annual budget -$2,500 Affiliation Michigan
Environmental Council
The West Michigan Environmental Action Council's Adopt-A-Stream program began with start-up
funding from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Frey Foundation. Our program
focuses on adult community, civic, church, and business groups. Active middle and high school
classes are also included. Groups conduct streambank cleanups, sample stream insects, inventory
stream corridor conditions, and perform projects such as streambank stabilization and wildlife
habitat improvements.
Wetlands Conservation Association (1991)
P.O. Box 133, Stevensville. MI 49127-0133
ph 616-429-1862
Coordinator Allan Puplis
Biological habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg., birds, wildlife, amphibians, reptiles Other
activities debris cleanup Data users our program, community org's, state gov't Data uses educ.,
advocacy, enforcement Funding sources memberships, donations, grassroots fundraising Annual
budget $0
Wetlands Conservation Association's wetlands monitoring includes reviewing dredge and fill permit
applications and opposing those that significantly damage wetlands. We collect bioassessment data
to help defend the wetland; our data has been used in making presentations to schools. We also
continue to push for county bioassessment and land use protection.
Also active in Michigan:
Bird Studies Canada/Marsh Monitoring Program (see listing in Canada)
Superior Lake-watch (see listing in Minnesota)
Adopt-a»River Program -See Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Becker County Coalition of Lake Associations (COLA) (1991)
P.O. Box 1553, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
ph 218-233-3709; 218-847-8032; 218-439-6894; 218-847-7502 fax 218-847-8032 email
Coordinators Paul Bursik; Phyllis Onsgard
LAKE/POND Volunteers 21
Phys/chem water temp., Secchi, phosphorus, precipitation, lake gauge variation Biological chlorophyll
Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program, state and local gov't Data uses educ.
Funding sources local gov't, memberships Annual budget -$4,700 Affiliation Minnesota Lakes
Becker County Coalition of Lake Associations monitors in lakes. We produce an annual water
monitoring report.
Big Fork River Board, Citizens Advisory Group (1994)
57565 County Road 29, Northome, MN 56661-1932
ph 218-659-4511
Coordinator Richard G. Lacher
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 3, + 2 teachers/30 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO. turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity Biological bacteria, fecal
coliform Data users our program, community org's, state and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy,
research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment.
BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning Funding sources state and local gov't, foundations,
businesses, donations Annual budget -$1,000 Affiliation Rivers Council of Minnesota
Big Fork River Board monitors seven sites on the Big Fork River. The Board is a joint powers board
that implements the river management plan written by the Citizens Advisory Group.
Big Fork Advisory Board River Watch/Uttlefork-Big Falls High School (1995)
c/o John C. Thompson. 804 Main St., Littlefork, MN 56653
ph 218-278-6614 fax 218-278-6615
Coordinator Dick Lacher
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 4, + 2 teachers/22 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity, flow/water level
Biological bacteria Data users our program, local gov't Data uses educ., screen for problems, land use
decisions, watershed planning Funding sources state and local gov't, foundations, donations Annual
budget -$80
Big Fork Advisory Board River Watch is a cooperative effort by two separate school districts to
monitor water quality from the source of the Big Fork River to the mouth. We monitor at three sites
which are tested at Bigfork High School and at four sites tested at Littlefork High School.
Carlton County Lake Assessment Program (1996)
P.O. Box 220. Carlton. MN 55718
ph 218-384-9178 fax 218-384*9123 email
Coordinator Brian Hayden
Phys/chem Secchi. phosphorus Biological chlorophyll Data users state and local gov't Data uses
educ., advocacy, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions Funding sources
state and local govX memberships Annual budget. -$2,500
Carlton County Lake Assessment Program is establishing water quality baseline data for lakes within
our county.
Citizen Lake Monitoring Program (1973)
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Rd. N, St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
ph 612-282-2618; 800-657-3864 fax 612-297-2343 email
Coordinator Jennifer L.K. Klang
LAKE/POND, WETLAND Volunteers 800
Phys/chem Secchi Other activities human use surveys Data users our program, community org's,
fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen
for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land use decisions, watershed planning,
plan restoration, state 305(b) report Funding sources state gov't Annual budget -$73,000
The MPCA Citizen Lake Monitoring Program is the longest-running volunteer lake monitoring
program in the U.S. We use simple, cost-effective methods for obtaining good basic water quality
Cromwell-Wright Monitoring Group/Mississippi Headwaters Project (1997)
Box 7, Hwy 72 and 210, Cromwell, MN 55726
ph 218-644-3716 fax 218-644-3992 email Web
www.informns.k wester/water
Coordinator Lori Wester
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 20, + 1 teacher/19 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO. turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert. Data users community org's Data uses educ., estab. baseline conditions,
watershed planning, swimming advisories Funding sources school budget Annual budget -$300
Affiliation Mississippi Headwaters Board
Cromwell-Wright Monitoring Group students monitor the Tamarack River, which flows through three
towns connected to the school district and eventually runs into the Mississippi.
Forest Lake WMO (1974)
21930 Forest Blvd. N., Forest Lake, MN 55025
ph 612-433-2115 fax 612-433-4280 email
Coordinator Curtis Sparks
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity, chloride,
hardness, stable isotopes (hydrogen, oxygen) Biological fish, bacteria, fecal coliform, chlorophyll, aquatic
veg., phytoplankton Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys, human use
surveys, storm drain stenciling, construction site inspec., restoration (fishery, water quality) Data users our
program, community org's, state and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, community
organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land
use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement, state 305(b) report Funding sources local
gov't Annual budget -$10.000
The Forest Lake WMO conducts routine monitoring of seven lakes and intensive monitoring for each
lake on a three-year rotation. We do or have done diagnostic studies for each lake, and have
conducted in-lake and tributary monitoring for five lakes. A groundwater study was done for two
lakes. Citizens conduct Secchi disk monitoring on all lakes.
Grand Rapids High School/Mississippi River Watch (1996)
c/o Jon Rowe, 800 Conifer Dr., Grand Rapids, MN 55744
ph 218-326-9473 ext. 276 fax 218-326-3100
Coordinator Jonathan Rowe
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND Volunteers 1 teacher/18 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity Data users our
program, community org's, local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for
problems, estab. baseline conditions, watershed planning Funding sources foundations Annual budget
-$700 Affiliation River Watch
Grand Rapids High School monitors the Upper Mississippi River. For seven years, we have
performed eight different tests with students, sampling at least five sites nine times per year. In 1996, a
group of 10 students and one teacher traveled to Russia to test the Ural River.
Hennepin Conservation District/Macroinvertebrate Education and Monitoring
Program (1995)
10801 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 240, Minnetonka, MN 55305-1532
ph 612-544-8572 fax 612-544-9437 email HCD@SKYPOINT.COM
Coordinator Connie Fortin
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 15 teachers/900 students
Biological macroinvert Other activities debris cleanup, land use surveys, restoration (streambank)
Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research,
screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions Funding sources state and local gov't, donations Annual
budget -$30,000 Affiliation River Watch Network
The Hennepin Conservation District conducts.macroinvertebrate monitoring with high schools and
colleges, including identification to family level. We encourage river stewardship projects such as
streambank restoration, cleanups, and youth congresses on rivers.
Horse*hoe/Loon Lake Association LakoWatch (1990)
8242 Tamarack Trail. Eden Prairie, MN 55347
ph 612-934-6401 * fox 612-906-9638 email
Coordinator David Voelke
LAKE/POND Volunteers 3
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, Secchi, flow/water level Biological aquatic veg., wildlife Other
activities debris cleanup, photo surveys Data users our program Data uses screen for problems, estab.
baseline conditions, watershed planning Funding sources memberships, donations Annual budget -$25
Horseshoe/Loon Lake Association monitors water clarity, temperature, and lake level on a weekly
basis from May through September. We also take daily rainfall readings and weekly loon counts
during the same season.
Hubbard County Wator Plan/COLA Water Monitoring Program for 1997
RR 2 - Box 261, Park Rapids, MN 56470-9518
ph 218-732-7687
Coordinator Jerry Knoblich
LAKE/POND Volunteers 25
Phys/chem water temp., Secchi, phosphorus Biological chlorophyll Data users our program,
community org's, state and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, screen for problems, estab. baseline
conditions, land use decisions, watershed planning Funding sources local gov't, memberships, Congress of
Lake Associations
Hubbard County Water Plan involves 20 lake associations in testing water quality in 23 Hubbard
County lakes. The purpose of this testing is to establish a long-term database for most of the county's
lakes so that any trends in lake water quality may be noted and, where possible, corrective action can
be taken.
Kenwood Trail Junior High/Aquatic Biology Class (1996)
19455 Kenwood Tr., Lakeviiie. MN 55044
ph 612-469-7157 lax 612-469-3805 email ABLE@MM.COM
Coordinator Daniel L. Bale
WETLAND Volunteers 1 teacher/30 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, carbon dioxide
Biological macroinvert., aquatic veg., terrestrial veg., phytoplankton, shellfish, exotic/invasive spp. Other
activities debris cleanup Data users state and local gov't Data uses educ. Funding sources local
gov't, foundations, school budget Annual budget -$800 Affiliation Dakota County Environmental
Education Coalition
Kenwood Trail Aquatic Biology Class conducts wetland monitoring using chemical and biotic
Lake Assessment Program (1985)
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Rd. North, St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
ph 612-296-7217; 612-297-2343 email
Coordinator Steven Heiskary
LAKE/POND Volunteers 75
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity,
chloride, alkalinity Biological chlorophyll, phytoplankton Other activities land use surveys Data
users our program, community org's, state and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community
organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, plan restoration, state 305(b) report Funding
sources state gov't Annual budget -$20,000 Affiliation Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
The Lake Assessment Program works with lake associations and local government units to study their
lakes and watersheds. We typically conduct one-year studies which include monitoring, data
assessment, and a report on lake conditions and trends. These studies often provide a basis for
protection and improvement activities. Our program is available to all counties statewide.
Lake Level Minnesota/Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (1960)
500 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul, MN 55155-4032
ph 612-296-4800 fax 612-296-0445 email Web
Coordinators Bob Potocnik; Brett Coleman
Phys/chem flow/water level Data users community org's, state and local gov't, univ. scientists Data
uses research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land use decisions,
watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement, legislation Funding sources state gov't
Lake Level Minnesota uses volunteer observers to document lake level fluctuations (or lack thereof)
on a regular basis, to create permanent, credible, public lake level records. Data are used to estimate
flood levels for zoning purposes, administer DNR's public waters permit program, prepare local water
management plans, and model lake water quality characteristics.
Metropolitan Council/Citizen-Assisted Monitoring Program (CAMP) (1993)
Mears Park Centre, 230 East 5th St., St. Paul, MN 55101-1633
ph 612-602-1267 fax 612-602-1130 email
Coordinator Randy Anhom
LAKE/POND Volunteers 75
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, DO. Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, flow/water level, climatological info
Biological chlorophyll, aquatic veg. Other activities erosion control Data users our program,
community org's, fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, community
organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land
use decisions, watershed planning, legislation Funding sources state and local gov't Annual budget
The Metropolitan Council initiated a citizen-assisted lake monitoring program (CAMP) in 1993 as an
economical way to help bridge the data gaps of area lakes, provide a more complete and improved
metro database, and give local decision makers a better idea of the area's water quality and assist
them in understanding resources and making decisions on water quality issues.
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (1994)
2500 Shady wood Rd., Excelsior, MN 55331-9578
ph 612-471-0590 fax 612-471-0682 Web
Coordinators Jim Hafner; Mike Panzer
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS,
conductivity, chloride, hardness, salinity, alkalinity, flow/water tevel Biological bacteria, chlorophyll, aquatic
veg., exotic/invasive spp. (purple loosestrife, reed canary grass) Other activities debris monitoring, stream
channel morph., storm drain stenciling, construction site inspec., restoration (wetlands & lakes) Data users
our program, local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions,
nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration,
enforcement, legislation, swimming advisories Funding sources local gov't
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District carries out monitoring each year to track the progress of
improving and protecting water quality in the 181-sq.-mile watershed in Hennepin County. Lake
Minnetonka (14,000 acres) and its outlet tributary, Minnehaha Creek, are the focal points of the
watershed. Volunteers now work through partnerships with other agencies, but our volunteer
program will be expanding in 199S.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources/Adopt-a-River Program (1989)
500 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul, MN 55155-4052
ph 612-297-5476 fax 612-297-5475 email
Coordinator Paul Nordell
Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local gov't
Data uses educ., advocacy, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint
source assessment, BMP evaluation, watershed planning, legislation Funding sources state gov't,
businesses, donations Annual budget SO
Minnesota Adopt-a-River is a self-directed floodplain cleanup program which supplies how-to
assistance, free rubbish bags, gloves, and recognition after reporting of results. Information tracked
includes pounds of rubbish collected, volunteer hours, and descriptions of debris found.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources/Community Monitoring of Metro
Trout Streams (1997)
1200 Warner Rd., St. Paul, MN 55106-6793
ph 612-772-7938 fax 612-772-7977 email
Coordinators Annette Drewes; Lois Eberhart
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 6. + 8 teachers/100 students
Phys/chem water temp., flow/water level Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments Data users our
program, community org's, state and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research.
community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP
evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, legislation Funding sources state gov't,
foundations, school budgets Annual budget -$80,780 Affiliation Rivers Council of Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources works to monitor and increase community awareness
about Twin Cities Metro trout streams. As urbanism continues to spread into rural areas of the Twin
Cities, these streams face many threats. In order to understand the effects of growing urbanization on
these trout streams, we will be monitoring changes in composition of macroinvertebrate communities
over time.
Minnesota West Community and Technical Colleges (1996)
1450 College Way, Worthington, MN 56187
ph 507-372-2107 fax 507-372-5801
Coordinator Janice Batcheller
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND Volunteers 1 teacher/144 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity, alkalinity Biological
bacteria Data users our program, local gov't Data uses educ., community organizing, screen for
problems, estab. baseline conditions, watershed planning, enforcement Funding sources local gov't
Annual budget -$600
Minnesota West Community College monitors the local lake and municipal golf course.
Minnesota Zebra Mussel Detection Program/Citizen Watch (1995)
University of Minnesota Sea Grant Program. 2305 East Fifth St., Duluth, MN 55812-1445
ph 218-726-8712 fax 218-726-6556 email
Coordinator Douglas Jensen
Biological exotic/invasive spp. (zebra mussels) Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and
local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, estab. baseline conditions, enforcement, legislation,
control/mgt Funding sources fed. gov't, donations Affiliation Great Lakes Sea Grant Network
Minnesota Zebra Mussel Detection Program volunteers are part of a regional network across
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan. Illinois, and Indiana, that aids in early Detection in response to the
recent spread of zebra mussels into the Midwest's inland lakes and rivers. We monitor lakes,
reservoirs, and rivers for juvenile and adult zebra mussels by checking surfaces twice a year in
nearshore areas.
Mississippi Headwaters Board/Mississippi Headwaters River Watch (1991)
303 Minnesota Ave., P.O. Box 3000, Walker, MN 56484
ph 218-547-7263 fax 218-547-7376 email
Coordinator Theresa Eclov
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 38, + 15 teachers/20 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert. Other activities land use surveys Data users our program, community org's,
state and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for
problems, estab. baseline conditions, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration,
enforcement, state 305(b) report Funding sources foundations, donations Annual budget -$100,000
Affiliation River Watch Network
The Mississippi Headwaters Board was formed in 1980 as an alternative to federal control of the first
400 miles of the Mississippi in north central Minnesota. Eight counties entered into a joint powers
agreement and were mandated to preserve and protect the natural, cultural, scenic, scientific, and
recreational values of the Mississippi River and nine Headwaters lakes. We discharge this
responsibility through land use regulations, River Watch water quality monitoring, and information
and education programs promoting river stewardship. Schools throughout the area perform the
monitoring and results are used by local and regional government and the community.
Pelican River Watershed District (1988)
P.O. Box 1043, 801 Roosevelt Ave., Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
ph 218-846-0436 fax 218-846-0437 email
Coordinator R. D. Hecock
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, Secchi, turbidity, phosphorus, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., habitat assessments, chlorophyll, aquatic veg. Other activities photo surveys, stream channel
morph., restoration (alum treatment) Data users our program, community org's, local gov't Data uses
educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint
source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement
Funding sources state and local gov't Annual budget -$20,000 Affiliation Minnesota Citizen Lake
Monitoring Program
Pelican River Watershed District's mission is to preserve and enhance lake water quality. We conduct
500 stream and lake observations (1,600 samples) per year and provide funds to local schools to
support lake and stream monitoring and related educational activities.
Rum River River Watch (1997)
Princeton Public Schools, 706 1st St., Office of Superintendent, Princeton, MN 55371
ph 612-389-6172 fax 612-389-9142 email
Coordinators Lisa Hines; Ann Pasclv
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 5, + I teacher/8 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity Biological
macroinvert. Other activities debris cleanup, land use surveys Data users our program, fed., state, and
local gov't Data uses educ., research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions,
nonpoint source assessment, swimming advisories, stale 305(b) report Funding sources foundations
Annual budget -$1,000 Affiliation Rivers Council of Minnesota
Rum River River Watch tests the Rum River at Princeton and will start testing the St. Francis River
where it enters the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, Our results on the Rum will be compared to
those in Milaca to our north and Anoka to our south.
School of Environmental Studies/River Monitoring Program (1997)
Independent School District 196, 12155 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd.. Apple Valley. MN 55124
ph 612-431-8750 fax 612-435-8755
Coordinators Tom Goodwin; Jane Tunseth
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND Volunteers 6 teachers/200 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO. Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat
assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg. Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program. local
gov't Data uses educ., screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land use
decisions Funding sources local gov't Annual budget -$200
The School of Environmental Studies program is part of a county-wide water monitoring series.
St. Louis River Watch (1992)
320 W. 2nd SL, Suite 704, Duluth, MN 55802
ph 218-723-4953 fax 218-723-4727 email
Coordinator Heidi Bauman
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 8 teachers/80 students
Phys/chem water temp., DO. BOD, nitrogen, phosphorus Biological macroinvert. Other activities
stream channel morph., storm drain stenciling Data users our program, community org's Data uses
educ., advocacy, community organizing Funding sources state gov't Annual budget $0 Affiliation
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; St. Louis River Citizens Action Committee
St. Louis River Watch works with students and teachers to incorporate River Watch concepts into
existing science curriculum.
St. Thomas Academy/Environmental Studies Class (1993)
949 Mendota Heights Rd.. St. Paul, MN 55120
ph 612-454-4570 fax 612-454-4574 email BIOJOE@ETA.K12.MN.US
Coordinator Joe Reymann
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND Volunteers 1 teacher/15 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological
macroinvert. Other activities storm drain stenciling Data users our program, community org's. local
gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source
assessment Funding sources local gov't
St. Thomas Academy's Environmental Studies Class conducts water quality studies for the Mendota
Heights City Council, Dakota County Urban Lawn Care Program. Minnesota Valley National Wildlife
Refuge, Dodge Nature Center, and Pagel Pond Neighborhood Association.
Superior Lakewatch (1991)
c/o Great Lakes Aquarium, 6008 London Rd., Duluth. MN 55804
ph 218-525-2265 fax 218-525-2827 email
Coordinators Elaine Rusciki; Jay Sandal
LAKE/POND Volunteers 60
Phys/chem water temp.. Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological chlorophyll, algal taxonomy
Data users our program, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, screen for problems Funding
sources foundations Affiliation Great Lakes Aquarium at Lake Superior Center
Superior Lakewatch is an international citizen-based monitoring program for the nearshore waters of
Lake Superior, operating in Minnesota, Wisconsin. Michigan, and Ontario. Canada.
Also active in Minnesota:
Bird Studies Canada/Marsh Monitoring Program (see listing in Canada)
Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (see listing in Wisconsin)
Basha Kill Area Association (1997)
P.O. Box 154, Westbrookvillc, NY 12785-0154
ph 914-754-0725 email
Coordinator Linda Gette
WETLAND Volunteers 5
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, flow/water level Biological bacteria, fecal
coliform Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program Data uses educ., advocacy, screen
for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment Annual budget -$2,000
Affiliation Audubon Society of New York Water Watch
Basha Kill Area Association started a new project in 1997 to establish baseline data for the largest
freshwater wetland in southeastern New York.
Boquat River Association (BRASS)
Essex County Government Center, Box 217, Elizabethtown, NY 12932
ph 518-873-3688 fax 518-873-6550
Coordinators Dennis Kalma; Robin Ulmer
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity Biological
macroinvert., habitat assessments, shellfish, exotic/invasive spp. (Eurasian milfoil) Other activities land
use surveys, stream channel morph., restoration (erosion control, fish habitat enhancement) Data users our
program, fed., state, and local gov't Data uses advocacy, research, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source
assessment, BMP evaluation, plan restoration Funding sources fed., state, and local gov't, foundations,
memberships, donations
The Boquet River Association has studied sediment embeddedness throughout the watershed for 5
years; has conducted macroinvertebrate studies vis-a-vis embedded and non-embedded reaches; has
studied native mussel populations; conducts some baseline water monitoring; and owns and operates
a laboratory certified by NYS Department of Health for potable, wastewater, and environmental water
Building Watershed Bridges
Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box R, Millbrook, NY 12545-0178
ph 914-677-7646 fax 914-677-6455 email
Coordinator Martha Cheo
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND, WETLAND Volunteers 20, + 24 teachers/3,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, nitrogen, phosphorus. TSS/TDS, chloride, alkalinity, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, bacteria Other activities land use surveys, pipe surveys,
photo surveys, human use surveys, restoration Data users our program, community org's, state and local
gov't Data uses educ., screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP
evaluation, watershed planning, plan restoration, swimming advisories Funding sources fed., state, and local
gov't, foundations, businesses, memberships, donations, grassroots fundraising Affiliation Hudson Basin
River Watch
Building Watershed Bridges is a collaboration of schools and resource partners in the Mid-Hudson
Valley. We share program models, curricula, watershed information, and resources, and provide
professional development for teachers and resource organization staff Student activities include field
experiences, design and implementation of stewardship projects, and data sharing among schools.
Each resource partner may also be engaged in doing their own monitoring and restoration
Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task Force (1993)
480 N. Main St., Canandaigua, NY 14424
ph 716-396-1450; 716-394-6822 fax 716-394-0377
Coordinator Robin Evans
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND Volunteers 8, + 10 teachers/250 students
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, chloride,
salinity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., bacteria, chlorophyll, aquatic veg. Other activities
photo surveys Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data
uses educ., research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source
assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement, legislation,
swimming advisories, advocacy Funding sources local gov't, foundations, donations, grassroots fundraising
Annual budget -$40,000
The Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task Force has several program components: in-lake monitoring
by Finger Lakes Community College, stream monitoring for baseline and event conditions by SUNY
Brockport, and macroinvertebrate sampling by volunteers and schoolchildren on over 30 tributaries
to Canandaigua Lake, a 16.5-square-mile lake in a 174-square-mile watershed in the Western Finger
Catskill Center for Conservation and Development/Streamwatch Program (1997)
Route 28, Arkville, NY 12406
ph 914-586-2611 fax 914-586-3044 email Web
Coordinator M. J. Reiss
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 20, + 9 teachers/300 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, flow/water level, water color Biological macroinvert Other
activities debris cleanup, stream channel morph. Data users our program Data uses educ. Funding
sources foundations
The Catskill Center for Conservation and Development uses water quality assessment in streams to
give 4th-7th grade students a better understanding and appreciation of local resources. Sites include
Catskill Creek (a tributary of the Hudson River) and two streams that enter New York City reservoirs:
Esopus Creek and the east branch of the Delaware River.
Central New York Watershed Consortium/East Syracuse Minoa High School
Environmental Science Classes (1988)
6400 Fremont Rd., East Syracuse, NY 13057
ph 315-656-7242 email WRBeal6607@AOL.COM
Coordinator William R. Beat
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1 teacher/45 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, flow/water (eve!
Biological macroinvert. Data users our program, community org's Data uses educ., community
organizing, screen for problems, nonpoint source assessment Annual budget -$300 Affiliation Izaak
Walton League of America
The Central New York Watershed Consortium monitors three sites on Butternut Creek demonstrating
nonpoint source runoff, and three sites on Limestone Creek which bracket two sewage treatment
plants and demonstrate point source pollution.
Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) (1986)
NYS Dept of Env. Conserv.. Division of Water, 50 Wolf Rd., Albany, NY 12233-3508
ph 518-457-0734 fax 518-485-7786 email
Coordinator Scott A. Kishbaugh
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, chloride Biological
chlorophyll, aquatic veg. Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local gov't, univ.
scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline
conditions, land use decisions, watershed planning, state 305(b) report Funding sources fed., state, and local
gov'i, memberships Annual budget -$125,000
CSLAP is a statewide lake, pond, and reservoir monitoring and assessment effort involving two state
agencies, a statewide umbrella group of about 300 lake associations, county and local government,
and private citizens of all backgrounds, all working together to better manage and understand the
outstanding water resources of New York State.
Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor/Citizens' Water Monitoring Program (1992)
247 Sea Cliff Ave., Sea Cliff. NY 11579
ph 516-759-3832 fax 516-759-3832
Coordinator Carol DiPaolo
ESTUARY Volunteers 4, + 5 teachers/40 students
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, salinity, flow/water level Biological
fish, phytoplankton, birds Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring , Data users our program.
community org's, state and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for
problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, watershed planning, plan restoration,
enforcement Funding sources memberships, donations, grassroots fundraising Annual budget
The Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor's Water Monitoring Program was developed to get the
public actively Involved in monitoring harbor conditions and reporting suspected sewage discharges
and other violations. Our purpose is to educate about issues affecting the harbor and Long Island
Sound. We have established collaborative relationships with state and local public officials and
environmental agencies. We participate in the International Coastal Cleanup, are working to map
Long Island Sound monitoring stations, and will be publishing an environmental guidebook to
Hempstead Harbor. We monitor three stations weekly from May through November.
Community Water Wateh Program (1998)
Monroe County Department of Health, P.O. Box 92832, 111 Westfall Rd., Rochester, NY 14692-8932
ph 716-274-8440 fax 716-274-6098 email mbrazd»
Coordinators Margit Brazda; Todd Stevenson
Phys/chem water temp., Secchi, turbidity, flow/water level, stream width/depth, color, odor, erosion
Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg., birds, wildlife, exotic/invasive spp.
Other activities debris monitoring, land use surveys, human use surveys, storm drain stenciling Funding
sources state and local gov't, donations Affiliation Rochester Embayment Remedial Action Plan
The Community Water Watch Program is in the final planning stages, assisted by an active volunteer
task group. We have prepared a volunteer monitoring manual, brochure, and training materials.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Birds in Forested Landscapes (1997)
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.. Ithaca, NY 14850
ph 607-254-2446 fax 607-254-2415 * email Web
Coordinators Sara Barker; Jim Lowe
WETLAND, LAND Volunteers 1,700
Biological birds, wildlife, exotic/invasive spp. (Brown-headed Cowbird) Data users our program,
community org's, fed., state, and local govt, univ. scientists Data uses educ.. research, land use decisions
Funding sources foundations, donations
Birds in Forested Landscapes links volunteer birders, land managers, and professional biologists in a
study of habitat requirements of seven species of forest thrushes and two accipiters (Cooper's and
Sharp-shinned Hawks). Our findings will be used to develop management recommendations for
conserving forest birds and their habitats. These recommendations will become part of the North
American Bird Conservation Plan, being developed by Partners in Flight. Our goal is to determine
which specific habitat and landscape features are associated with successful breeding populations of
forest thrushes and hawks.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Cerulean Warbler Atlas Project (1997)
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850
ph 607-254-2446 fax 607-254-2415 email Web
Coordinator Sara Barker
WETLAND, LAND Volunteers 170
Biological birds Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists
Data uses educ., research, land use decisions, legislation Funding sources fed. gov't
The Cerulean Warbler Atlas Project was designed to determine the population status and habitat and
area requirements of the Cerulean Warbler, a high-priority Neotropical migratory bird. Volunteer
birders and professional biologists survey known and potential breeding sites. Results will be used to
develop a detailed map of Cerulean Warbler populations in each of 29 states and two Canadian
provinces in the Northeast and Midwest, as well as suggested land-management guidelines to
enhance regional populations. All occupied sites will be plotted on topographic maps and data on
habitat, landscape characteristics, and land ownership will be compiled and entered in a CIS
Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Cornell Nest Box Network (1997)
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850
ph 607-254-2482 fax 607-254-2415 * email Web
Coordinators Colleen DeLong; Tracey Kast; Pixie Senesac
LAKE/POND, WETLAND, LAND Volunteers 700, + 31 teachers
Biological birds Data users our program, community org's. univ. scientists Data uses educ., research
Funding sources foundations, donations, participant fees Annual budget -$300,000
The Cornell Nest Box Network (CNBN) is an educational research program and a partnership
between citizen scientists throughout North America and Cornell University scientists. Participants
monitor nest boxes and send data to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Data are analyzed and results
shared with participants, conservation groups, and the scientific community. Current studies involve
clutch size, nest-site selection, feathers used in nests, and calcium requirements of cavity-nesting
Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Project FeederWatch (1987)
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca. NY 14850
ph 607-254-2440; 800-843-2473 fax 607-254-2415 email Web
Coordinator Margaret A. Barker
AIR, LAND Volunteers 11,000; + 1,000 teachers
Biological birds Data users our program, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, watershed planning
Funding sources businesses, memberships, donations
Project FeederWatch participants monitor birds by counting the lands and numbers that come to
their feeders. They contribute data via data forms or over the Internet. Our goals include gathering
long-term data on feeder birds across North America.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Project Pigeon Watch (1987)
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850
ph 607-254-2440; 800-843-2473 fax 607-254-2415 email Web
Coordinator Margaret A. Barker
AIR, LAND Volunteers 200, + 200 teachers
Biological birds Data users our program, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, land use decisions
Funding sources businesses, memberships, donations
Project PigeonWatch participants are urban youth who are introduced to both birds and science
through helping scientists research questions such as: Why do pigeons come in so many different
Freeport High School/Bay watch (1990)
South Brookside Ave., Freeport, NY 11520-0801
ph 516-867-5356 fax 516-867-5376
Coordinator Roger Gennari
WETLAND Volunteers I, + 1 teacher/75 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, phosphorus, salinity, sulfates, carbon dioxide, nitrates Other activities
debris cleanup Data users our program Data uses educ., research Annual budget $0
Freeport High School's Marine Science classes take weekly water samples and air and water
temperature readings in the tidal flow region between Woodcleft Canal (a highly developed
commercial area) and the bay. By analyzing the samples for chemical parameters and coliform
bacteria, we hope to learn more about the ecosystem and its reactions to human activities, and to
measure water quality and discharge complicity.
Friends of the Tivoli Bays (1988)
Rd #3 Box 46C, Red Hook, NY 12571-9437
ph 914-758-1582 fax 914-758-1582
Coordinator Warren D. Bloomfield
Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, photo surveys, construction site inspec. Data users
community org's, fed., state, and local gov't Data uses educ., land use decisions, watershed planning,
enforcement Funding sources donations, grassroots fundraising Annual budget -$300
Friends of the Tivoli Bays is an environmental watch group established in response to a proposed
county ash landfill at the headwaters of one of the Hudson River's largest undisturbed freshwater
wetland habitats. We perform visual monitoring, debris cleanups, and photographic surveys to be
used in general education, generating public pressure to foster effective protection policies, and
documenting a variety of environmental insults. We also participate in relevant public hearings and
advocate for access to outdoor recreation, activities, and programs for people with disabilities.
Great Neck Public Schools/Pollution Patrol (1976)
345 Lakeville Rd., Great Neck, NY 11020-1639
ph 516-773-1463 fax 516-773-8357
Coordinator Robert D. Abrams
LAKE/POND, ESTUARY, BEACH Volunteers 10 teachers/200 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride, salinity
Biological fish, bacteria, chlorophyll, phytoplankton Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring
Data users our program, community org's, local gov't Data uses educ., estab. baseline conditions
Funding sources school budget Annual budget -$500 Affiliation New York State Marine Education
Assn; National Marine Educators Assn
Great Neck PubUc Schools high school students measure salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and
temperature of the Long Island Sound surrounding Great Neck. Elementary school students,
supervised by faculty and high school students, Identify and collect debris along parts of Great Neck's
H.C. Crittenden Middle School/River Watch Project (1991)
10 MacDonald Ave., Armonk, NY 10504
ph 914-273-4250 fax 914-273-4618
Coordinator Christine Pecora
RIVER/STREAM, GROUND WATER Volunteers 24, + 1 teacher/105 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride, alkalinity, carbon dioxide,
ammonia Biological macroinvert., phytoplankton Other activities land use surveys, photo surveys,
human use surveys, storm drain stenciling, community awareness Data users our program, community org's,
local gov't Data uses educ., research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoim source
assessment Funding sources donations, school budget Annual budget -$2,000
The HCC RiverWatch Project involves students and community volunteers who monitor water quality
of 14 sites on four rivers in three sub-watersheds within the Long Island Sound watershed. Students
perform 10 physical/chemical tests each month and an annual macroinvertebrate and diatom
inventory. We cosponsor an Annual Community Water Testing Day giving residents an opportunity to
test their wells' drinking water. Data is presented annually by students to the North Castle
Conservation and Town Boards. We have received local, regional, and national awards.
Lower Esopus River Watch (1992)
P.O. Box 130. Cottekili, NY 12419-0130
ph 914-687-0267 fax 914-687-0520 email RFRITS@AOL.COM
Coordinators Renee Danboise Lohre; R. Dixon Onderdonk
Volunteers 30, + 4 teachers/50 students
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSSfTDS,
conductivity, chloride, hardness, salinity, alkalinity, metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides, toxicity, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments, bacteria, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg., shellfish, birds,
wildlife, exotic/invasive spp. Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys, photo
surveys, human use surveys, stream channel morph., storm drain stenciling, construction site inspec., restoration
Data users our program, local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community
organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land
use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement, legislation, swimming advisories, state 305(b)
report Funding sources fed., state, and local gov't, foundations, businesses, donations Affiliation River
Watch Network
Lower Esopus River Watch's programs are partnership-based and build coalitions between local
government, schools, colleges, students, volunteers, and professionals.
Margaretvtlle Central School/Environmental Science Class (1994)
P.O. Box 319, Main St., MargaretvilJe, NY 12455
ph 914-586-2647
Coordinator Michael Porter
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1 teacher/9 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, nitrogen, phosphorus, hardness Biological macroinvert. Other
activities debris cleanup Data users our program, univ. scientists Data uses educ. Funding
sources school budget Annual budget -$100 Affiliation Cornell University ISET; Ramapo College
Margaretville Central School's Environmental Science Class monitors the East Branch of the
Delaware River, and the Pepacton Reservoir in the New York City watershed,
National Audubon Society (1900)
700 Broadway, New York, New York. 10003
ph 212-979-3000 Web
Biological macroinvert, fish, habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg., shellfish, birds, wildlife.
exotic/invasive spp. Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys, photo surveys,
human use surveys, stream channel morph., restoration Data users our program, community org's, local
gov't, state gov't, fed. gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing,
screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan
restoration, legislation Funding sources foundations, businesses, memberships, donations, grassroots
The National Audubon Society sponsors volunteer monitoring projects throughout the nation. Some
of the largest are the Christmas Bird Count, stoned in 1900 and now involving about 50,000
volunteers; "Audubon Adventures," with 15,000 classrooms participating; the Great Backyard Bird
Count, a new project that already has 20,000 volunteers, and a bird banding project called MAPS
(Monitoring Avian Productivity Systems). In addition, Audubon chapters in many states sponsor
local monitoring and restoration projects as well as advocacy activities.
Newcomb Central School/Hudson Headwaters Riverwatch Program (1991)
Rt. 28N, Newcomb, NY 12852
ph 518-582-3341 fax 518-582-2163
Coordinator Paul Jebb
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1 teacher/10 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, phosphorus, chloride, alkalinity, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., terrestrial veg. Other activities land use surveys, stream channel morph. Data users our
program Data uses educ., screen for problems Funding sources state gov't, memberships Annual
budget -$50
Newcomb Central School monitors the Hudson Headwaters near the source: Lake Tear of the Clouds.
We are gathering baseline water quality data along with 15 to 30 other schools along the Hudson
down to New York City,
Owasco Watershed Lake Association/Conform Monitoring Program (1991)
P.O. Box 1, Auburn, NY 13021
ph 315-255-6360
Coordinator Tony Hart
Phys/cbem water temp., rainfall, Secchi, turbidity Biological bacteria, fecal coliform, total coliform
Other activities pipe surveys, photo surveys, human use surveys Data users our program, local gov't,
univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint
source assessment, land use decisions, watershed planning, enforcement, swimming advisories Funding
sources local gov't, businesses, memberships Annual budget -$14,000
Owasco Watershed Lake Association monitors coliform in Owasco Lake and tributaries. Volunteers
test over 20 sites on a weekly basis from June through September.
Project Watershed Central New York (PWCNY) (1991)
2563 Webb Rd., LaFayette, NY 13084-9704
ph 315-677-5194 fax 315-677-5194 email
Coordinators William Legg; Leslie Monostory; Patty Weisse
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 4, + 12 teachers/160 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus. TSS/TDS, conductivity, chloride.
flow/water level Biological macroinvert., bacteria Data users our program, local gov't Data uses
educ., nonpoint source assessment Funding sources foundations, donations Annual budget -$500
Affiliation Izaak Walton League, Central New York Chapter
Project Watershed is a consortium of nine educational, industrial and governmental organizations
that connect effective water resource programs with regional high school teachers and their students.
IWLA Save Our Streams Program is our lead activity; we are presently educational and in transition
as we develop a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) document. We monitor nine streams in
Otisco, Onondaga, Skaneateles, and Oneida Lake watersheds.
Save Our Streams Central New York Chapter (1990)
125 Euclid Dr.. Fayetteville, NY 13066
ph 315-435-6600 fax 315-435-6606 Web
Coordinators Bill Legg; Les Monostory
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 8, + 12 teachers/50 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, chloride,
flow/water level Biological macroinvert. Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program,
community org's, local gov't Data uses educ., estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment
Funding sources local gov't, foundations, businesses Annual budget -$500 Affiliation Izaak Walton
League of America
Central New York Chapter Save Our Streams coordinates volunteer stream monitoring activities with
science teachers in area high schools, in cooperation with the Project Watershed Consortium, a
community organization. Volunteer groups adopt stream sections for monitoring, primarily in
Onondaga County.
Town of Rhinebeck Conservation Advisory Council/Stream Monitoring (1987)
80 E. Market St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572
pb 914-876-3409
Coordinator John S. Grim
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 9
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity, hardness, alkalinity, flow/water level,
C.O.D. Biological macroinvert., bacteria Data users our program, community org's, state and local
gov't, univ. scientists Data uses research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, watershed
planning, plan restoration, legislation Funding sources state and local gov't Annual budget -$2,000
The Town of Rhinebeck Conservation Advisory Council monitors the Landaman Kill watershed for
biological, physical, and chemical parameters.
Wappinger Creek Watershed Planning Committee/Stream Monitoring Program
Farm and Home Center, Route 44. P.O. Box 2S9. Millbrook, NY 12S45-0259
ph 914-677-8223 ext. 128 fax 914-677-6563
Coordinators David Burns; Barbara Kendall
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 10
Phys/chem water temp., pH. DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity, hardness,
alkalinity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments Other activities land use
surveys, restoration (streambank) Data users our program, community org's. local gov't, univ. scientists
Data uses educ., research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint
source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding
sources fed., state, and local gov't Annual budget -$3,000
Wappinger Creek Watershed Planning Committee's monitoring program has sites strategically
located throughout Dutchess County's major watershed. Our monitoring sites will allow us to pinpoint
the subwatersheds which are contributing the most contaminants and then to focus our education
and best management practices on them.
Westchester Land Trust/Titicus River Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program
31 Main St., Bedford Hills, NY 10507
ph 914-241-6346 fax 914-241-4508 email WLANDTRUST@AOL.COM
Coordinator Evelyn Tapani-Rosenthal
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 17
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO. turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity, chloride, flow/water
level, ammonia Biological bacteria Other activities debris monitoring, land use surveys, photo surveys
Data users our program, community org's, local gov't Data uses educ., community organizing, screen for
problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land use decisions, watershed planning
Funding sources local gov't, foundations Annual budget -$17,500
The Westchester Land Trust has been developing a model watershed protection program for the
Titicus watershed. As part of the program, we are conducting a 10-month pilot volunteer water
quality monitoring project. The project, besides promoting citizen awareness and involvement in
environmental protection, will provide towns with baseline information to guide local efforts to
protect river water quality.
Also active in New York:
Bird Studies Canada/Marsh Monitoring Program (see listing in Canada)
Delaware Riverkeeper Network (see listing in Pennsylvania)
Hoosic River Watershed Association (see listing in Massachusetts)
Long Island Soundkeeper (see listing in Connecticut)
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences/Wetland Watchers (see listing in Massachusetts)
New York/New Jersey Baykeeper (see listing in New Jersey)
Save the Sound, IncJAdopt-A-Harbor (see listing in Connecticut)
STAND/Potitical Response Monitoring Coordination (see listing in Pennsylvania)
Audubon Society of Mahoning Valley
Box 3214, Youngstown, OH 44513
ph 330-742-6661 email
Coordinator Randall Jones
Biological birds Data users community org's, fed. and state gov't Data uses research Affiliation
National Audubon Society
The Audubon Society of Mahoning Valley conducts bird surveys.
Beaver Creek Wetlands Association (1988)
P.O. Box 42, Alpha, OH 45301
ph 937-320-9042 email BCWA@ERINET.COM
Coordinators Donald Haddox; James Amon
RIVER/STREAM, WETLAND, GROUNDWATER Volunteers 164, + 3 teachers/40 students
Biological habitat assessments, birds, wildlife, exotic/invasive spp. Other activities construction site
inspec., restoration (wetlands) Data users community org's, state and local gov't Data uses educ.,
research, community organizing, screen for problems, land use decisions, enforcement Funding sources
memberships, donations Annual budget -$20.000
Beaver Creek Wetlands Association does wetlands preservation, protection, restoration, and
monitoring. We provide public education, partnerships, and community networks.
Benjamin Logan Schools/Mad River Education Project (1994)
Logan Soil & Water Conservation District, 324 CR 11; Attn: Barb Kuck, Bellefontaine, OH 43311
ph 937-593-2946 fax 937-592-3350
Coordinators Barb Kuck; Spencer Reames
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 15 teachers/390 students
Phys/cbem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments Other activities land use surveys, photo surveys, stream channel
morph. Data users our program, community org's, local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research,
screen for problems, nonpoint source assessment, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding sources
state and local gov't, donations, clubs Affiliation Project GREEN
Benjamin Logan Schools' elementary, middle, and high school students monitor physical, biological,
and chemical aspects of the Mad River. Students also plan and present a River Festival, and a public
symposium for state and county officials, parents, and concerned citizens. We take approximately 35
field trips a year to the stream.
Brukner Nature Center/Stream Quality Monitoring Program (1985)
5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd., Troy, OH 45373
ph 937-698-6493 fax 937-698-4619
Coordinator Debra K. Brill
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 5 teachers/20 students
Phys/chem water temp. Biological macroinvert. Data users state gov't Data uses state 305(b)
report Annual budget $0
Brukner Nature Center is a volunteer monitoring site for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources
for the scenic Siillwater River. A minimum of four macroinvertebrate sampling studies are conducted
each year by staff in cooperation with visiting school groups participating in the Stream Quality
environmental education program.
Cincinnati Nature Center/Water Quality Monitoring Team (1991)
4949 Tealtown Rd., Milford, OH 45150
ph 513-271-1589 email JHUBBARD@IGC.APC.ORG
Coordinator John H. Hubbard
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO. Secchi. turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride, hardness, flow/water level,
ammonia, carbon dioxide, tannin/Iignin Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments, bacteria, fecal
colirbrm, phytoplankton Data users community org's Data uses educ., screen for problems, estab.
baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment Funding sources foundations, donations Annual
budget -$250
Cincinnati Nature Center monitors baseline water quality (biological, chemical, and microbiological)
in small streams and ponds. We have established excellent water quality in a small stream and are
currently working to define water quality in a 4-acre lake.
Citizen Lake Awareness and Monitoring (CLAM) (1990)
Ohio Lake Management Society, P.O. Box 463. Kent. OH 44240
ph 330-672-5475 fax 330-672-3613 email
Coordinator Dana Oleskiewicz
Phys/chem water temp., Secchi, color Other activities human use surveys Data users our program,
state and local gov't Data uses educ., plan restoration, state 305(b) report Funding sources state gov't
CLAM is a statewide program to care for Ohio's lakes and reservoirs and their watersheds. We have
established a statewide lake/pond water quality database for lake managers and public agency staff
to analyze and compare lake conditions throughout Ohio. We also educate the public about
nonpoint source pollution and watershed management.
Clark County Pollution Solution (1995)
4400 Gateway Blvd., Suite 103, Springfield, OH 45502
ph 937-328-4600 fax 937-328-4606
Coordinator Mary Beth Leep
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 20 teachers/400 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride Biological macroinvert.,
habitat assessments, bacteria Data users our program Data uses educ. Funding sources state and
local gov't, businesses, donations
Clark County Pollution Solution monitors the Mad River, Buck Creek, Little Miami River, and some
of their tributaries. High school students perform chemical testing and macroinvertebrate monitoring.
Middle schools do macroinvertebrate monitoring only.
Clean Water for Future Generations (CWFO) (1997)
353 Garfield St., Newton Falls, OH 44444
ph 330-872-5715 email
Coordinators Kristina Harris; Susan Holub
Phys/chem water temp., pH Biological macroinvert, fish, habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial
veg., birds, wildlife Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys, pipe surveys,
photo surveys, human use surveys Data users our program Data uses educ., screen for problems, plan
restoration Funding sources state gov't, donations Annual budget $0 Affiliation Ohio Wild and
Scenic Rivers
Clean Water for Future Generations monitors two different locations on Little Beaver Creek in
Columbiana County, OH, three times a year. We report our findings to the state through the Wild and
Scenic Rivers program. We also monitor the east and west branches of the Mahoning River in Newton
Falls, OH, and report these findings to the Izaak Walton League.
Delaware Soli and Water Conservation District/Stream Quality Monitoring (1995)
557 A Sunbury Rd., Delaware, OH 43015-8656
ph 740-368-1921 fax 740-369-8321 email
Coordinator Roger Pinnicks
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 3 teachers/75 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., habitat assessments Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys,
storm drain stenciling, restoration (bank stabilization) Data users our program, community org's, state gov't
Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions,
nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration
Funding sources state and local gov't, businesses Annual budget -$200 Affiliation Ohio Stream
Quality Assessment Database
Delaware Soil and Conservation District conducts water quality and habitat assessment of streams in
Delaware County, Ohio.
Ecological Assessment Section/Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
1685 West Belt Dr., Columbus, OH 43228
ph 614-728-3382 fax 614-728-3380 email
Coordinator Chris Yoder
Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments Other activities stream channel morph.
Friends of Clear Creek, Inc. (1995)
P.O. Box 186, Amanda, OH 43102
ph 614-969-4318
Coordinator Michael Eisel
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 16, + 5 teachers/38 students
Phys/chem water temp., flow/water level Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments, aquatic veg.,
terrestrial veg. Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys, pipe surveys, photo
surveys, human use surveys, stream channel morph. Funding sources fed., state, and local gov't,
foundations, businesses, memberships, donations, grassroots fundraising
The Friends of Clear Creek monitors 12 sites on the main stream and the major tributaries. We are
implementing riparian zones along the banks in our watershed. We have an ongoing educational
program with students from the Amanda Clear Creek School District.
Friends of the Darke County Parks (1994)
P.O. Box 801, Greenville, OH 45331
ph 937-548-0165 fax 937-548-2935
Coordinator Suzanne Clingman
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, nitrogen Biological macroinvert.. fish, habitat assessments,
shellfish, birds, exotic/invasive spp. Other activities debris cleanup, restoration (prairie, wetlands) Data
users our program, state gov't Data uses educ., watershed planning Funding sources memberships,
donations Annual budget $0
The Friends of the Parks organization helps with stream monitoring, putting on public programs,
and fundraising activities.
Great American Secchi Dip-ln (1994)
Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242
ph 330-672-3849 fax 330-672-3713 email RCarlson@KENT.EDU Web
Coordinators Bob Carlson; Jay Lee; David Waller
Phys/chem Secchi Data users our program, community org's, fed. and state gov't, univ. scientists
uses cduc., advocacy, research, community organizing Funding sources fed. gov't Annual budget
The Great American Secchi Dip-In asks members of other monitoring programs to "dip" their Secchi
disks for us during a period around July 4th. Volunteers front around the world can participate via
our Web entry form. We use the data to map transparency.
Greenacres Water Quality Monitoring Project (1992)
Greenacres Foundation, 8255 Spooky Hollow Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242-6518
ph 513-891-4227 fax 513-792-9199
Coordinator Sue Freese
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 11 teachers/300 students
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, chloride,
alkalinity, metals, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, bacteria, fecal coliform
Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program, local gov't Data uses educ., screen for
problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, enforcement Funding sources local gov't,
foundations, donations Annual budget -$15,000
Greenacres Water Quality Monitoring Project runs school-based monitoring using chemical and
biological indicators. Each school, reports results to local government for monitored watersheds on
an annual basis. Local governments provide financial support for water testing equipment and
chemicals. Quality assurance (QA) is provided by the Metropolitan Sewer District.
Hamilton County Park District/Biological Stream Monitoring (1988)
10245 Winton Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45231
ph 513-521-7275 fax 513-521-2606
Coordinator Bret Henninger
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 15. f 10 teachers/100 students
Phys/chem water temp. Biological macroinvert, habitat assessments Other activities debris
monitoring Data users our program, community org's, local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ.,
advocacy, research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, plan restoration,
enforcement Funding sources local gov't Annual budget -$300
Hamilton County Park District's Biological Stream Monitoring program concentrates on the
biological integrity of lake watersheds and tributaries.
Heidelberg College Water Quality Laboratory/Cooperative Private Well Testing
Program (1987)
310 East Market St., Tiffin, OH 44883
ph 419-448-2198 fax 419-448-2124 - email
Coordinator Nancy Creamer
Phys/chem nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity, chloride, metals, pesticides Data users our program,
community org's. fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, screen for
problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment Funding sources foundations, testing fees
Annual budget -$70,000
The Heidelberg Water Quality Laboratory, working together with county organizations such as Soil
and Water Districts, and with volunteer participants, develops detailed, geo-refereneed databases of
nitrate and herbicide contamination in private rural wells in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia,
and Illinois.
Data users our program, community org's, fed., slate, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ.,
advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source
assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, state 305(b) report Funding sources
fed. and stale gov't, memberships, donations Annual budget -$1,000 Affiliation Indian Lake
Hydrologic Unit, Citizen Lake Improvement Project
OSU's Master Watershed Stewards is a holistic watershed approach to volunteer monitoring and
water quality education. Program participants and volunteers receive instruction and experience with
such watershed issues as monitoring techniques, basic wetland, stream, lake, and riparian ecology,
geology, soils, and implementation of best management practices (BMPs). Volunteers collect water
quality data from both streams and lakes, and are offered a certification process that includes
volunteer time and 30 hours of classes.
Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District (1996)
215 S. Oak St., Ottawa, OH 45875
ph 419-523-5159 fax 419-523-6373 email
Coordinator Bonnie Brooks
RIVER/STREAM, LAND Volunteers 1 teacher/15 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, nitrogen (ammonia, nitrates), phosphorus Biological macroinvert.
Other activities storm drain stenciling Data users our program, community org's, state gov't Data
uses educ., estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment Funding sources state and local gov't
Annual budget -$1,500
Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District is establishing a new project to acquire a base of local
stream and river information.
Seventh Generation/Coordinated Assessment of River Environments (C.A.R.E.)
Project (1993)
25 Lake Ave., Elyria, OH 44035
ph 440-322-4187 fax 440-322-1785 email
Volunteers 25, + 30 teachers/150 students
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS. salinity, metals,
flow/water level Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, aquatic veg., birds, wildlife Other
activities debris cleanup, land use surveys, human use surveys, stream channel morph., storm drain stenciling,
restoration (willow stakes, bank stabilization) Data users our program, community org's, fed. and local gov't,
univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, estab. baseline conditions,
nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, legislation, 319 program
Funding sources fed. and state gov't, foundations, memberships, grassroots fundraising
Seventh Generation is a grassroots nonprofit environmental organization. We monitor the Black
River in northeast Ohio through site assessments, chemical monitoring, macroinvertebrate sampling
and bacteria testing.
Trout Unlimited, Mad Men Chapter (1997)
3248 Koenig Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45211
ph 513-662-5355 email
Coordinator Jeffrey S. Johnson
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 10
Phys/chem water temp. Biological macroinvert. Other activities debris cleanup, restoration Data
users our program, state gov't Data uses educ., research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions,
watershed planning, plan restoration, state 305(b) report Funding sources memberships, donations
Annual budget -$100 Affiliation Trout Unlimited
The Mad Men Chapter of Trout Unlimited supports the Mad River watershed protection and
management plans. The Mad River contains 30 miles of spring-fed water providing Ohio fishermen
with a Brown Trout fishery. The Mad Men Chapter will include a stream monitoring program to
supplement other activities, such as habitat improvement projects.
Washington Court House Senior High Biology Classes (1990)
1200 Willard Rd., Washington Court House, OH 43160
ph 614-335-0820
Coordinators Lori Johnson; Laura Voorhis
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 6, f 2 teachers/98 students
Phys/cbem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., bacteria Other activities land use surveys, physical surveys Data users our program, local
gov'l Data uses educ., estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment Funding sources state and
local gov't, school budget Annual budget -$500
Washington Court House Senior High Biology classes engage students in scientific inquiry of a real
problem; observation and assessment of how organisms interact with one another and with the
physical setting. At the same time, students are producing water quality data for local management
officials and the community.
Water and Wildlife Society, Southwestern Ohio Region (1997)
10451 Buxton Ln., Montgomery, OH 45242
ph 513-984*2880 fax 513-984-6747 email TATURCKSR@AOL.COM
Coordinators T. A. Turck Sr.; A vie Corsbie; Art Funk; Patricia Zuelinder
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND Volunteers 6. + 2 teachers/10 students
Phys/chent water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus. TSS/TDS, chloride, hardness,
alkalinity, metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides, toxicity, flow/water level, silt level Biological macroinvert,
fish, habitat assessments, bacteria, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg., shellfish, birds, wildlife Other activities
debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys, human use surveys, feeder creek origins Data users our
program, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab.
baseline conditions, swimming advisories, wildlife control Funding sources businesses, memberships,
donations, grassroots fundraising Annual budget -$100
Water and Wildlife Society helps owners of small lakes, ponds, and EPA-required retention waters
improve their waters as habitat for aquatic and other wildlife. Working also with state and county
conservation organizations, we offer consulting to the owners. They supply major funds. We support
our youth group's projects with funding and training materials. Other activities include lake design
and construction, and preventive maintenance and safety programs. We plan to expand into southern
Indiana and northern Kentucky in the future, and to sponsor other chartered organizations with
similar goals throughout the U.S.
Wayne-Holmes Wetland Coalition/Wildlife Diversity Conservation
7851 Township Road 562, Holmesville, OH 44633
ph 330-263-3969; 419-755-8036 email
Coordinator Donald G. Beam
WETLAND Volunteers 20, + 2 teachers/3 students
Biological habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg., birds, exotic/invasive spp. Other activities
debris cleanup, restoration (bog/fen ecology) Data users our program, community org's, state and local gov't
Data uses educ. Funding sources memberships, donations
The Wayne-Holmes Wetland Coalition finds and protects the last most intact and biologically rich
wetlands in Wayne and Holmes Counties. We work with private and public landowners instigating
conservation measures to conserve biodiversity.
Also active in Ohio:
Bird Studies Canada/Marsh Monitoring Program (see listing in Canada)
assess water quality on Central Ohio's Scenic Rivers (the Olentangy River. Big Darby Creek, and
Little Darby Creek) by monitoring macroinvertebratcs. Volunteer forms ' entered into a computer
and compiled into an annual report. If abnormal changes are indicates -
Affiliation Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN)
Miami Valley Project GREEN provides teachers in southwest Ohio with training, equipment, support
people, and funding for their stream quality monitoring and enhancement efforts.
Monday Creek Restoration Project (1995)
3791 Baker Rd., Albany, OH 45710
ph 614-698-2227
Coordinators Maryanne Borch; Jerry lies; Tracy Scon
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 2
Phys/chem pH, DO, metals, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., fish Other activities debris
cleanup, debris monitoring, restoration (strip mine reclamation) Data users our program, community org's,
fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, community organizing, estab. baseline
conditions, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding sources fed. gov't, memberships, donations,
grassroots fundraising Affiliation Rivers Unlimited; River Network
The Monday Creek Restoration Project is focused on returning Monday Creek tofishable and
swimmable conditions. Our primary focus is the treatment of acid mine drainage from abandoned
strip and deep mines.
Northeast Ohio Rivers Project (NORP) (1975)
2249 Brighton, Madison, OH 44057
ph 216-428-5744
Coordinator Jerry Dee)
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 10, + 20 teachers/200 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity, chloride,
metals Biological macroinvert., bacteria Data users our program, univ. scientists Data uses educ.,
research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions Funding sources grants Affiliation Cleveland
State University
Northeast Ohio Rivers Project monitors water quality using chemical tests and macroinvertebrate
studies. High school students are directly involved in the testing and data analysis.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Soil & Water Conservation
1939 Fountain Square, E-2, Columbus, OH 43224-1336
ph 614-265-6610 fax 614-262-2064 email Web
Coordinator Daniel M. Kush
Funding sources state gov't
Ohio DNR Division of Soil & Water Conservation staff provide networking opportunities, training,
and education to conservation groups, citizens, and educators about biological, chemical, and
physical habitat characteristics of streams and lakes. Our emphasis is on using monitoring to
stimulate citizen action to protect water resources, better understand nonpoint source pollution,
evaluate watershed land treatment projects, and bring greater awareness of Ohio's water resources.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Scenic Rivers Program/Stream Quality
Monitoring, Central Ohio (1963)
1889 Fountain Sq. F-t, Columbus, OH 43224
ph 614-265-6459 fax 614-267-3096
Coordinator Erica Jean Burnett
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1,000
Phys/chem water temp., turbidity Biological macroinvert Other activities debris cleanup Data
users our program, community org's, state and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community
organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation,
watershed planning, state 305(b) report Funding sources stale gov't
Ohio DNR Scenic Rivers Program's Central Ohio Stream Quality Monitoring uses volunteers to
Lake County SWCD's Watershed Watch uses 600 middle school students to monitor 20 sites along
the Grand and Chagrin Rivers (both are state "Wild or Scenic Rivers"). Data collected is used by the
district as an aid in land use decisions and sent to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Scenic
Rivers Program to be included in annual reports on Ohio's Wild and Scenic Rivers.
Lake Metroparks Stewardship Volunteers (1992)
8668 Kirtland-Chardon Rd., Kirtland, OH 44094
ph 440-256-1404 fax 440-256-3827 email Web
Coordinator Jennifer Kimmich
Biological terrestrial veg., birds, wildlife, amphibians, butterflies, dragonflies Other activities debris
cleanup, restoration (invasive spp. removal) Data users our program, univ. scientists Data uses educ.,
advocacy, research, estab. baseline conditions, land use decisions Funding sources state and local gov't,
donations Annual budget -$500
Lake Metroparks Stewardship Volunteers conduct monitoring and inventory surveys for our park
properties and participate in national projects and surveys for biological inventory.
Maumee Remedial Action Plan/Maumee Bay Watershed Project (1988)
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments, P.O. Box 9508, Toledo, OH 43697-9508
ph 419-241-9155 ext. 125 fax 419-241-9116 email
Coordinators Jennifer Carter; Rick Carter
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 25, + 42 tcachers/1,300 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus Biological macroinvert.,
habitat assessments, bacteria Other activities debris cleanup, storm drain stenciling, restoration (revetments)
Data users our program, community org's, state and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy,
community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions Funding sources local gov't,
foundations, businesses, donations, grassroots fundraising Annual budget -$30,000
The Maumee Bay Watershed Project brings together elected and public officials, active citizens and
businesses, and students and teachers to try to develop real solutions to improve water quality based
on student-gathered data. Students follow up fall testing with spring tree plantings and bank
cleanups at their sites, and are encouraged to consider science careers.
Miami County Environmental Education Youth Program (1997)
Miami County Park District, 2535 E. Ross Rd., Tipp City, OH 45371
ph 937-667-1086 fax 937-667-0919 email mcopark
Coordinators Cinda Hanbuch-Pinkeiton; John Virgin!
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 10 teachers/100 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus Biological macroinvert., bacteria
Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program, community org's, fed. and state gov't Data
uses educ., advocacy, community organizing, screen for problems, nonpoint source assessment, watershed
planning, plan restoration, state 305(b) report Funding sources local gov't, grassroots fundraising
Affiliation Ohio DNR Scenic Rivers Program
Miami County Environmental Education Youth Program is part of the county's watershed
monitoring system. We work to clean and protect Miami County's watersheds with local citizens.
Miami Valley Project GREEN (1990)
YMCA Camp Kern, 5291 SR 350, Oregonia, OH 45054-9747
ph 513-932-3756 fax 513-932-8607 email
Coordinator Dave Moran
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 80 teachers/1,500 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH. DO, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus Biological macroinvert, bacteria
Other activities debris cleanup, land use surveys, photo surveys, human use surveys Data users our
program Data uses educ. Funding sources foundations, donations Annual budget -$30,000
Hillsdale Local School District/Muskingum Watershed Observers & Jerome Fork
Monitors of Ashland County (1986)
485 TR 1902, Jeromesville, OH 44840
ph 419-368-7407; 419-368-6841 fax 419-368-7504 email HILL_HAMMAN@TCCSA.OHIO.GOV
Coordinator Jesse H. Hamman
RIVER/STREAM, LAKE/POND, WETLAND, GROUND WATER Volunteers 4 teachers/200 students
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, hardness, salinity,
alkalinity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert. Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring
Data users our program, community org's Data uses educ., advocacy, cstab. baseline conditions, nonpoint
source assessment Funding sources school budget Annual budget -$150
Hillsdale Local School District high school biology students have monitored local ponds since 1980.
Since 1986 we have been establishing baseline conditions for Jerome Fork in Ashland County
(Muskingum watershed). We are updating our manual titration procedures to computerized electronic
Huron County Volunteer Stream Monitors (1995)
Huron Soil and Water Conservation District, 8 Fair Rd., ftorwalk, OH 44857
ph 419-668-7645 fax 419-663-0611 email
Coordinator Linda P. Cornell, PhD
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 5, + 4 teachers/200 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH. DO, nitrogen, phosphorus, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., habitat
assessments, bacteria, fecal coliform Other activities storm drain stenciling Data users our program,
local gov't Data uses educ., estab. baseline conditions Funding sources state and local gov't Annual
budget -$200
Huron County Volunteer Stream Monitors currently monitors 8 sites in the East Branch subwatershed
of the Huron River Watershed. We hope to expand to the entire watershed in surrounding counties,
and would like to see our information used as baseline data for assessment of management practices.
We monitor macroinvertebratcs twice a year and chemical parameters monthly and hold two
conferences a year. Our group involves science and environmental clubs from three schools and a
homeschool group.
Jefferson County Recycling and Litter Prevention (1981)
814 Adams St., Steubenville, OH 43952
ph 614-283-8614; 614-283-8615 fax 614-283-8656
Coordinator Diane L. Julio
Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys, photo surveys, human use surveys
Funding sources state and local gov't Annual budget -$189,000
Jefferson County Recycling and Litter Prevention is responsible for implementing community
recycling programs throughout the county. We provide schools with K-12 environmental education
programs, monitor debris, conduct surveys and an annual river sweep in conjunction with
ORSANCO, and enforce litter and nuisance laws.
Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District/Watershed Watch (1992)
125 B. Erie St., Painesville, OH 14077
ph 216-350-2730 fax 216*350-2601 email Web soil.coXAKE.oh.US
Coordinator Dan Donaldson
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 4, + 20 teachers/600 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, turbidity, chloride, salinity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert.,
habitat assessments Data users our program, community org's, state and local gov't Data uses educ.,
advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source
assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement, legislation
Funding sources stale and local gov't, donations Annual budget -$5,000 Affiliation Ohio DNR
Scenic Rivers Program
Adams County Lake and Stream Monitoring (1992)
Adams County Land Conservation, P.O. Box 287. Friendship, WI 53934
ph 608-339-4268 fax 608-339-4504
Coordinator Richard Toebe
LAKE/POND Volunteers 2, + 1 teacher/120 students
Phys/chem water temp., DO, Secchi, phosphorus Biological chlorophyll Data users our program,
community org's, state gov't Data uses educ., research, community organizing, estab. baseline conditions,
nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration
Funding sources state and local gov't Affiliation Wisconsin Self-Help Lake Monitoring
Adams County Lake and Stream Monitoring monitors Jordan and Mason Lakes.
Adopt- A-Lake (1995)
UWEX-CNR, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481-3897
ph 715-346-3366 fax 715-346-4038 email
Coordinator Libby McCann
LAKE/POND Volunteers 35 teachers/500 students
Phys/chem water temp., DO, Secchi, phosphorus Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments.
chlorophyll, aquatic veg., exotic/invasive spp. Other activities debris cleanup, land use surveys, human use
surveys, storm drain stenciling, public presentations Data users our program, community org's, state gov't
Data uses educ. Funding sources state gov't, donations, grassroots fundraising Affiliation Wisconsin
Self-Help Lake Monitoring Program
Adopt-A-Lake is an environmental education (K-12) effort designed to provide youth with an
interdisciplinary understanding of lake dynamics and issues through action projects. We work in
partnership with the state's Self-Help Lake Monitoring Program to provide youth an opportunity to
collect lake data as part of their Adopt-A-Lake projects.
Beaver Creek Field Research Station (1990)
S 1 County Highway K, Fall Creek, WI 54742
ph 715-877-2212 fax 715-877-2212 email Web WWW.CS.UWEC.EDU/BeaverCreek
Coordinator Paul Tweed
Volunteers 10, + 8 teachers/200 students
Phys/chem water temp,, rainfall, pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS,
flow/water level Biological macroinvert., ftsh, habitat assessments, bacteria, chlorophyll, aquatic veg.,
terrestrial veg., phytoplankton Other activities land use surveys, photo surveys, stream channel morph.
Data users our program, community org's, state gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community
organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land
use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding sources fed. and state gov't, foundations.
businesses, grassroots fundraising Annual budget -$5,000 Affiliation Wisconsin Adopt-A-Lake,
Wisconsin Water Education Network
Beaver Creek Field Research Station coordinates watershed monitoring and research programs
involving students, teachers, community members, resource professionals, and others. We work on
lentic and lotic ecosystems in both basic parameters and advanced research. Much of the project
focuses on the Eau Claire River watershed of western Wisconsin.
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, Secchi, turbidity, How/water level Biological macroinvert, bacteria
Other activities pipe surveys, human use surveys, storm drain stenciling Data users our program,
community org's, slate and local gov't Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for
problems, estab. baseline conditions, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, enforcement
Funding sources foundations, businesses, donations Annual budget ~$2,000
Washington Park High School is starling a program to monitor the Root River in Racine. We hope
to expand to include more of the watershed, and to join others in monitoring the Root River.
Water Action Volunteers Citizen Volunteer Monitoring (1996)
WT/2, WAV Coordinator, Box 7921, Madison, WI53707-7921
pb 608-264-8948 fax 608-267-2800 email Web
Coordinator Pam Packer
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, DO, turbidity Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments Other
activities debris cleanup, storm drain stenciling Data users our program, state and local gov't Data
uses educ., estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, watershed planning Funding sources
fed. and state gov't, Univ. Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Annual budget -$4,000
Water Action Volunteers Citizen Volunteer Monitoring, currently in the pilot phase, will eventually
grow into a statewide program that will help Wisconsin citizens become more involved with their
streams and rivers through a voluntary program that monitors ecosystem health, shares data for
educational purposes, provides a network for volunteers, and increases linkages between the
volunteers and public resource protection programs.
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters/FIRST (Field Involvement:
Research by Science Teachers) (1990)
1922 University Avc., Madison. WI 53705-4099
pb 608-263-1692 fax 608-265-3039 email Web
Coordinator Dr. Gary G. Lake
Volunteers 110, + 20 teachers/90 students
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, BOD. Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity, chloride,
alkalinity, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg.,
phytoplankton, shellfish, birds, wildlife (butterflies, salamanders, frogs), exotic/invasive spp. Other
activities land use surveys, photo surveys Data users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local
gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., research, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, land
use decisions, plan restoration Funding sources fed., state, and local gov't, foundations, businesses,
donations Annual budget -$100,000 Affiliation National Science Foundation
Wisconsin Academy FIRST involves K-12 teachers in doing scientific research with their students.
One component is water quality monitoring: classes do biotic indexing on waterbodies ranging from
small brooks to the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan. We combine the data to establish an overall
picture. We work closely with partners such as the USGS, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Department
of Natural Resources in both the training and the testing components.
Wisconsin Heights Middle School/Black Earth Creek: Monitoring the Water Quality
10173 Hwy. 14, Mazomanie, WI 53560
ph 608-767-2596 fax 608-767-3579
Coordinators Eleanor Hum; Kathy Good
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 20, + 3 teachers/40 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, hardness, flow/water level Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments
Data users our program Data uses educ., research Funding sources fed. gov't, donations, grassroots
Wisconsin Heights Middle School conducts long-term monitoring of the water quality of the middle
reaches of Black Earth Creek. Our investigation involves teachers, students, and community members,
and uses temperature loggers, chemical testing, and biotic indexing.
Wisconsin River Education Network (WREN) (1993)
801 2nd St.. Port Edwards, WI 54469
ph 715-887-9000 fax 715-887-9040
Coordinators LeAnn Chase; Harv Hayden; Arvid Maki
RIVER/STREAM, WETLAND Volunteers 6 teachers/125 studenls
Phys/chem water temp., pH. DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, hardness, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments, bacteria, fecal coliform, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg.
Other activities debris cleanup, storm drain stenciling Data users our program, community org's Data
uses educ., land use decisions Funding sources fed. gov't, school budget Annual budget ~$500
Wisconsin River Education Network assists students in grades 7-12 in adopting streams along the
Wisconsin River watershed to monitor. The students collect biotic and abiotic indicators and
telecommunicate the results to other sites.
Wisconsin Self-Help Lake Monitoring (1986)
Wisconsin DNR, FH/7, P.O. Box 7921, Madison. WI 53707-7921
ph 608-266-8117 * fax 608-267-7857 email
Coordinator Susan Graham
LAKE/POND Volunteers 730, + 5 teachers/100 students
Phys/chem water temp., DO, Secchi, phosphorus, flow/water level Biological chlorophyll, aquatic veg.,
exotic/invasive spp. (Eurasian milfoil, zebra mussels) Data users our program, state and local gov't Data
uses educ., research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source
assessment, watershed planning, state 305(b) report Funding sources state gov't Annual budget
Self-Help Lake Monitoring, the core of Wisconsin's Lake Partnership, is a partnership between over
700 citizens statewide and the Wisconsin DNR. Our goals are to collect high quality data, educate
and empower volunteers, and share this data and knowledge. Volunteers measure water clarity as an
indicator of water quality and after one year of participating may choose to add monitoring of lake
chemistry. This information is then used to determine the lake's trophic sate. Many volunteers identify
and map plants; others watch for the first appearance of Eurasian watermilfoil near boat landings on
about 400 lakes, or watch for zebra mussels on 50 of the most vulnerable lakes.
Zebra Mussel Monitoring/Lac Vieux Desert Association (1994)
2280 Gunderson Lane, Land O'Lakes, WI 54540
ph 715-547-3401 email
Coordinator Larry McPartlin
LAKE/POND Volunteers 1
Biological exotic/invasive spp. (zebra mussels) Data users state gov't Annual budget $0
Lac Vieux Desert Association checks zebra mussel stations in our lake from May to October.
Also active in Wisconsin:
Bird Studies Canada/Marsh Monitoring Program (see listing in Canada)
Inland Seas Education Association/Schoolship Program (see listing in Michigan)
Superior Lakewatch (see listing in Minnesota)
Lucky Hills 4-H monitors two lakes, one of which is enclosed without public access. We have
compared monitoring results between our contrasting lakes, including information on dissolved
oxygen, life forms, plant life, and surrounding habitats.
Marquette High School Science Club/Menomonee River Studies (1994)
3401 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208
ph 414-933-7220 fax 414-937-8588 email
Coordinator Gerald Friday
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1 t<:acher/8 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological
macroinvert., bacteria, fecal coliform Data users our program, community org's Data uses educ.
Annual budget $0
Marquette High School's Science Club monitors and educates the public about the water quality of
the Menomonee and Milwaukee Rivers in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. We use the family biotic
index for insects and other closely related arthropods.
School District of Waukesha/Fox River Sanctuary Program (1976)
222 Maple Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186
ph 414-521-8748 fax 414-521-8646 email
Coordinator Jack Finger
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 14 teachers/2,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological
macroinvert., bacteria, fecal coliform Other activities debris cleanup Data users our program Data
uses educ. Funding sources local gov't, school district budget
The School District of Waukesha's Fox River Sanctuary Program monitors the Fox River in 9
categories plus benthic evaluation each fall and spring. Our program is pan of the grade 7 & 8
science curriculum and part of a K-8 integrated sequential environmental education program. Each
year assorted 9-12 classes also monitor the Fox River and Pebble Creek which flows into it.
Testing the Waters: Linking Students and Water Through Technology (1990)
Riveredge Nature Center, P.O. Box 26,4458 W. Hawthorne Dr., Newburg, WI 53060-0026
ph 414-375-2715 fax 414-375-2714 email
Coordinator Terrie Cooper
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 75, + 50 teachers/2,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, metals, flow/water
level Biological macroinvert, habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg. Other activities debris
cleanup, land use surveys, storm drain stenciling, public forums Data users our program, community org's,
state and local gov't Data uses educ.. advocacy, research, community organizing, screen for problems, estab.
baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation Funding sources state gov't, foundations,
donations Annual budget -$20,000
Testing the Waters is an environmental education program that educates thousands of high school
students in Milwaukee and surrounding communities about river ecology, stream biology, and
responsible citizenship. Students learn to collect water quality data, research land influences affecting
the river, and develop measures to protect waterways. Since 1990, more than 15,000 students have
tested water quality at sites along the Milwaukee River system and Oak Creek, with the number
increasing yearly as more schools become involved.
Washington Park High School/Root River 2000 (1997)
1901 - 12th St.. Racine, WI 53404
ph 414-635-5800 fax 414-635-5823 email Web parkris.racinc.K12.WLus/Root2K
Coordinator Joan Bennett
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 6 teachers/30 students
Green Bay Southwest High School/Duck Creek Water Quality Monitoring (1990)
1331 Packeriand Dr., Green Bay. WI54304
ph 920-492-2650 fax 920-492-5561
Coordinators Scott Liddicoat; Steve Krings
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 4 teachers/500 students
Phys/chem water lemp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological
macroinvert., habitat assessments, bacteria, fecal coliform Other activities debris cleanup, storm drain
stenciling Data users our program, community org's Data uses educ. Funding sources state gov't
Annual budget -$300
Green Bay Southwest High School does chemical and macroinvertebrate testing on Duck Creek, a
medium-size stream in our attendance area. Duck Creek is part of the lower Fox River watershed. The
chemical testing is done by our junior "Chemistry in the Community" class, and the
macroinvertebrate testing by all sophomore students taking Biology. Our program is based on Mark
Mitchell and Bill Stapp's "Field Manual for Water Quality Testing" (from GREEN, in Michigan).
Inland Sea Society/Community Stewardship Program {1997)
P.O. Box 145, Washburn, WI 54891
ph 715-373-0674 email Web
Coordinator Mike Gardner
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, flow/water level, sediment
Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, aquatic veg., terrestrial veg., exotic/invasive spp. (purple
loosestrife) Other activities debris cleanup, debris monitoring, land use surveys, stream channel morph.,
restoration (bioengineering) Data users our program, community org's Data uses educ., advocacy,
community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP
evaluation, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration Funding sources memberships,
grassroots fundraising
The Inland Sea Society's Community Stewardship Program offers opportunities for citizens to learn
how to protect and restore land and water resources of the Lake Superior Basin. The Sioux River
watershed is used as a demonstration for workshops, public events, and monitoring techniques.
LoonWatch (1978)
Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute, Northland College, Ashland, WI 54806
ph 715-682-1220 Web www.NORTHLAND.EDU/SOEI
Biological birds (loons) Other activities wildlife habitat mgt Data users our program, community
org's, fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy, research, community organizing,
screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, land use decisions, watershed planning, plan restoration,
enforcement Funding sources donations Annual budget -$1,000
LoonWatch works to protect and preserve the Common Loon and its nesting habitat in Wisconsin
and Minnesota through education, population monitoring, and research. We assist the Minnesota
DNR non-game program with volunteer training. Although loons nest primarily in the northern third
of Wisconsin, we collect information on migrating birds in any Wisconsin county. Currently about 25
counties have active monitoring.
Lucky Hills 4-H/Adopt A Lake
9922 Swamp Lake Rd.. Tomahawk, WI 54487
ph 715-453-3442
Coordinators Deloris Larson; George Larson
LAKE/POND Volunteers 24
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, Secchi. pesticides Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat assessments,
aquatic veg., wildlife Other activities debris monitoring, land use surveys Data users community org's,
state gov't Data uses educ., research, land use decisions Funding sources grassroots fundraising
Annual budget -$100 Affiliation Wisconsin DNR Self-Help Lake Monitoring; Adopt-A-Lake; 4-H
Dane County Water Education Resource Center/Dane County Water Watchers (1989)
Dane County UW-Extension Office, I Fen Oak Ct.. Room 138, Madison, WI 537I8-8812
ph 608-224-3718 fax 608-224-3727 email habecker@co.Dane.WI.US
Coordinator Mindy Habecker
Volunteers 70, + 30 teachers/3,000 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO. Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, chloride, hardness, alkalinity, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, aquatic veg. Other activities debris cleanup, land use
surveys, storm drain stenciling Data users our program, community org's, local gov't Data uses educ.,
advocacy, community organizing, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment,
plan restoration Funding sources state and local gov't, donations Annual budget -$500
Dane County Water Education Resource Center is a network of local organizations coordinated by
the Dane County UW-Extension Office. All sponsoring organizations provide training on water and
watershed topics, and the Center also provides resources, equipment, expertise, and training. Water
Watcher volunteers monitor stream water quality, improve streambanks, and help curb urban and
rural runoff pollution.
Fox Lake Inland Lake District (1991)
W10543 County Hwy F. Fox Lake, WI 53933
ph 920-928-2772 fax 920-928-3851 email FLILPARD@CENTURYINTER.NET
Coordinator Mary Danoski
LAKE/POND, WETLAND Volunteers 6 teachers/200 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus Biological macroinvert., fish, habitat
assessments, aquatic veg., phytopluikton, exotic/invasive spp. Other activities debris cleanup, debris
monitoring, land use surveys, photo surveys, construction site inspec., restoration (erosion control) Data
users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local gov't Data uses educ., research, community
organizing, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions,
watershed planning, plan restoration, enforcement, legislation Funding sources state and local gov't
Affiliation Wisconsin Association of Lakes; North American Lake Management Society
Fox Lake Inland Lake District involves teachers and adult volunteers in hands-on activities to
gather information to be used in classroom situations and at quarterly forums. We train students in
Secchi disk and extended monitoring tests. We are adding an outdoor lab with fish cribs and piers
built over our wetland for use by children and adults.
Geneva Lake Environmental Agency (1975)
P.O. Box 200, Fontana, WI 53125-0200
ph 414-275-6310 fax 414-275-1134
Coordinators George Johnson; Ted Peters
Phys/chem water temp., rainfall, pH, DO, Secchi, nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS/TDS, conductivity, chloride,
hardness, alkalinity, flow/water level Biological habitat assessments, bacteria, chlorophyll, aquatic veg.,
terrestrial veg., phytoplankton, exotic/invasive spp. (zebra mussels, Eurasian milfoil, purple loosestrife) Other
activities debris cleanup, land use surveys, human use surveys, construction site inspec., restoration Data
users our program, community org's, fed., state, and local gov't, univ. scientists Data uses educ., advocacy,
research, estab. baseline conditions, nonpoint source assessment, BMP evaluation, land use decisions, watershed
planning, plan restoration, legislation, swimming advisories Funding sources fed., state, and local gov't,
donations Annual budget -$17,000
Geneva lake Environmental Agency monitors water quality, groundwater, and atmospheric
conditions of Geneva Lake and ins watershed. We also restore natural areas.
Burlington High School Fox River Watch (1990)
225 Robert St., Burlington, WI 53105
ph 414-763-0200 fax 414-763-0216 email * Web
Coordinator Pamela Peters
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1 teacher/140 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, Secchi, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, hardness, flow/water level
Biological macroinvert., habitat assessments, bacteria, fecal coliform Other activities debris cleanup
Data users our program Data uses estab. baseline conditions Funding sources local gov't, school
budget Annual budget -$500
Burlington High School students monitor the Fox River using benthic macroinvertebrates and nine
chemical parameters. We would like to establish contact with other schools that monitor water
Cambridge Elementary School Fifth Grade (1995)
P.O. Box 27, 211 South St., Cambridge, WI 53523
ph 608-423-3236
Coordinator Mary Beth Steven
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 1 teacher/25 students
Biological macroinvert. Other activities debris monitoring, storm drain stenciling Data users our
program Data uses educ., screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions Funding sources state gov't
Annual budget $0
Cambridge Elementary School Fifth Grade studies the nearby Koshkonong Creek each year. We
complete a stream walk survey, insect sampling, and mapping activities. Students listen to local creek
history, tour the water treatment facility, build watershed models, and measure the water speed. We
are keeping data on the stream walk, water velocity, and insect samplings.
Citizen Lake Monitoring Network/Spring Lake & Lake Pepin, Mississippi River (1994)
Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission, 619 Second St., Hudson, WI 54016-1576
ph 715-386-9444; 612-436-7131 fax 715-386-9571 email
Coordinator Eric Macbeth
LAKE/POND Volunteers 10
Phys/chem water temp., Secchi, turbidity, phosphorus, TSS/TDS Biological chlorophyll Data users
our program, state and local gov't Data uses educ., research, screen for problems, estab. baseline conditions,
water quality policy Funding sources local gov't Annual budget -$17,000
Citizen Lake Monitoring Network volunteers collect data every two weeks from mid-May through
September as part of a set of studies on phosphorus in two Mississippi River lakes downstream of the
Twin Cities metro wastewater treatment plant. Volunteers provide several water quality perception
ratings as well as collect a water sample and Secchi depth reading.
Coif ax High School Biology/Adopt A Stream (1991)
601 University Ave., Colfax, WI 54730
ph 715-962-3155 fax 715-962-4024
Coordinator Mark Mosey
RIVER/STREAM Volunteers 4 teachers/30 students
Phys/chem water temp., pH, DO, BOD, turbidity, hardness, alkalinity, flow/water level Biological
macroinvert., habitat assessments, aquatic veg., birds, wildlife Other activities debris cleanup, stream
channel morpn., storm drain stenciling, restoration (dam removal, trout management) Data users our
program, state and local gov't Data uses educ., research, community organizing, estab. baseline conditions,
nonpoint source assessment, plan restoration Funding sources local gov't, businesses, grassroots
fundraising Annual budget -$500
Colfax High School Advanced Biology classes conduct research projects involving monitoring.
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