United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Great Lakes National Program Ofticc
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago. IL 60604
EPA 905-R-OO-OO8
December 2000
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Development of a Framework for
Evaluating Numerical Sediment Quality Targets and
Sediment Contamination in the St. Louis River Area of Concern

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~ consultants


~ Minnesota Pollution
~ Control Agency

Development of a Framework for Evaluating
Numerical Sediment Quality Targets and Sediment
Contamination in the St. Louis River Area of Concern
Final Report
Submitted to:
Scott Cieniawski
Great Lakes National Program Office, G-17J
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590
Submitted by:
J.L. Cranel, D.O. MacDonald2, C.G. Ingerso1l3, D.E. Smoroni,
R.A. Lindskoog2, C.G. Severn4, T.A. Berger5, and LJ. Field6
I Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Environmental Outcomes Division
520 Lafayette Road North
S1. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194
2 MacDonald Environmental Sciences Ltd.
2376 Yellow Point Road
Nanaimo, British Columbia V9X 1 W6 Canada
3U.S. Geological Survey
Columbia Environmental Research Center
4200 New Haven Road
Columbia, Missouri 65201
4EVS Environment Consultants
200 West Mercer Street, Suite 403
Seattle, Washington 98119
51410 Richmond Avenue #159
Houston, Texas 77006
~ational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Office of Response and Restoration
7600 Sand Point Way, Northeast
Seattle, Washington 98115

The information in this document has been funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency's (EP A) Great Lakes National Program Office through U.S. EP A Grant Number
GL985604-01. It has been subject to the Agency's peer and administrative review, and it has
been app.roved for publication as an U.S. EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial
products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by the U.S. EPA.

Table of Contents
Paee #
Disclaimer[[[ """"" ii

Table of Contents ........ ......... ......... .......... .... ....... ............ ... ........... ....... """"""""""""""'"'''''' iii

List of Tables[[[ . v

List of Figures .... ........ ......... ........ .......... ......... ....................... ..... ""'" ......................~................ vi

Acknowledgments........................:................ ~[[[ vii

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................... ...... .... ........,... ..... ...:... "."""""""" ix

Glossary of Terms ... .......... ......... ............ ..... ....... ..... .................. ..............., ................................ xiii
1.0 Introduction. ....... ............. ............. ............ .... ............ ...................... ............... .............. .... ... 1
. 2.0 Background[[[ 6

2.1 Designation as a Great Lakes Area of Concern [[[ 6
2.2 Description of the Study Area[[[ 7
2.3 Historical Development in the St. Louis River Basin .................................................. 8
2.4 Contaminant Sources in the St. Louis River Basin [[[ 9
3.0 Ambient Sediment Quality Conditions in the St. Louis River Area of Concern ...............10
4.0 Ecosystem-Based Management in the St. Louis River Area of Concern........................... 15

4.1 Background[[[ 15

4.2 Ecosystem-Based Sediment Quality Management in the St. Louis River

Area of Concern[[[ 15

4.2.1 Ecosystem Goals for the St. Louis River Area of Concern .............................. 19
4.2.2 Ecosystem Objectives for the St. Louis River Area of Concern ......................20
4.2.3 Selection of Ecosystem Health Indicators for Sediment Quality.
Conditions in the St. Louis River Area of Concern .........................................21
5.0 Development of a Matching Sediment Chemistry and Toxicity Database
for the St. Louis River Area of Concern [[[ 25

Table of Contents 
Page #
6.3 Sediment Quality Targets for the Protection of Wildlife............................................ 41
6.4 Sediment Quality Targets for the Protection of Human Health ................................. 42
6.5 Sediment Quality Targets for the Protection of Recreational and

Aesthetic Water Uses. ........ ... ... ... .............. ............... ................. ...........................,...... 43

6.6 Sediment Quality Targets for the Protection of Shipping and Navigation ................. 43
7.0 Applications of Sediment Quality Targets for Assessing Sediment Quality
Conditions in the St. Louis River Area of Concern [[[ 45

7 .1 Overview.... ..... ........... ..................................... ... ......... .... ............ ........ ..... ...................45

7.2 Monitoring Program Design .... ... ............... ........ ......... .... ... ......... ............... ........ ......... 46
7.3 Interpretation of Sediment Chemistry Data [[[47
7.4 Ecological Risk Assessment ................ ........... ............ ....... ... .... ......... ......................... 50
7.5 Development of Sediment Quality Remediation Targets ........................................... 51
8.0 Summary and Recommendations.......................... ...... .... ............ ..... ................. ....... .......... 53
9.0 References Cited[[[ 56
Tables[[[ .................. 73

Figures..'[[[ ................. 100
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
Appendix D.
Appendix E.
Appendix F.
Appendix G.
Appendix H.
Appendix I.
Appendix J.
Background Information on Sediments
Sediment Assessment Tools
Ecosystem-based Management Approach
Designated Uses of Aquatic Resources in the St. Louis River
Area of Concern

List of Tables
Paee #
List of Confirmed and Possible Use Impairments in the St. Louis River AOC.............. 74
List of Studies Which Investigated Sediment Quality in the St. Louis River AOC

Since 1992[[[ 76

Ecosystem Objectives for the St. Louis River AOC [[[ 79
Narrative Objectives and Potential Indicators for Designated Water
Uses in the St. Louis River AOC [[[ 81
Relative Priority of Recommended Metrics for Assessing Sediment Quality
Conditions in the St. Louis River AOC[[[ 82
Summary of Sediment Toxicity Data for the St. Louis River AOC ............................... 84
Summary of the Strengths and Limitations of Existing Approaches for
Deriving Numerical Sediment Quality GuideliI}es [[[ 86
Candidate Sediment Quality Targets Used in the Predictive Ability

Evaluation[[[ .... 88

Incidence of Sediment Toxicity in the St. Louis River AOC Within
Ranges of Contaminant Concentrations Defined by the SQTs .......................................90
Incidence of Toxicity for Mean PEC-Q Ranges as Determined Using Matching
Sediment Chemistry and Toxicity Data from the St. Louis River AOC.,....................... 92
Proportion of the Great Lakes and North American Data Sets that are Comprised of
Amphipod and Midge Toxicity Data from the St. Louis River AOC ............................ 93
Predictive Ability of the Consensus-based SQGs in Freshwater Sediments
Based on the Results of 10-14 day Amphipod Tests [[[94

List of Fif!ures
Paee #
Map of the St. Louis River Area of Concern [[[101

Study team[[[ 102

Map of the Duluth/Superior Harbor, including locations of areas'

sampled in 1994 [[[ 103

A framework for ecosystem-based management [[[104
Distribution of mean PEC-Q values for surficial sediment samples collected

This project represented a team effort between the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
(MPCA), MacDonald Environmental Sciences Ltd. (MESL), EVS Environment Consultants, the
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA). Progress on this project was greatly facilitated by two other related projects,
specifically NOAA's development of a matching sediment chemistry and toxicity database
(SEDTOX) (Jay Field, Principal Investigator) and the USGS's prediction of sediment toxicity
using consensus-based sediment quality guidelines (Chris Ingersoll, Principal Investigator). The
MPCA's consultant, Don MacDonald (MESL), who worked on all three projects, fostered this
collaborative work. The MPCA is particularly indebted to Chris Ingersoll (USGS) and Jay Field
(NOAA) for providing no-cost assistance to this project.
The technical team members for this project were as follows:
MPCA: Judy Crane
MESL: Don MacDonald, Dawn Smorong, Rebekka Lindskoog, Tadd Berger, Diana Tao,
. Mary Lou Haines, and Megan Hanacek
EVS Environment Consultants: Corinne Severn, Carolyn Hong, Brennen Nakane, and
Laurel Menoche
USGS: Chris Ingersoll, Ning Wang, and Pam Haverland
NOAA: Jay Field
Constructive feedback on this project was obtained from the St. Louis River Citizens Action
Committee (CAe) Sediment Contamination Workgroup and the Science Advisory Group on
Sediment Quality Assessment. Previous to this project, the CAC Sediment Contamination
Workgroup established the narrative ecosystem goals and objectives for managing contaminated
sedimeIits in the St. Louis River Area of Concern.
The draft report was reviewed by Tom Janisch (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources),
Ed Long (NOAA), Scott Ireland (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Paul Mudroch
(Environment Canada), and Steve Hennes (MPCA). Scott Cieniawski [Great Lakes National
Program Office (GLNPO)], two members of the CAC Sediment Contamination Workgroup
(Karen Plass and J. Howard McCormick), and James Kay (University of Waterloo) reviewed an
earlier draft of the chapter on ecosystem-based management.
Janet Eckart (MPCA), Eva Johnson (MPCA), Mary Lou Haines (MESL), and Megan Hanacek
(MESL) provided word processing and report production support.
This project was funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Great
Lakes National Program Office to the MPCA through grant number GL985604. Callie

Bolattino, Scott Cieniawski, and Kathleen O'Connor provided valuable input as the successive
GLNPO Project Officers for this project. MESL's work was funded through a technical contract
from the MPCA. EVS Environment Consultants was a subconsultant to MESL for this project.
This report should be cited as:
Crane, J.L., D.D. MacDonald, C.G. Ingersoll, D.E. Smorong, R.A. Lindskoog, C.G. Severn, T.A.
Berger, and LJ. Field. 2000. Development of a framework for evaluating numerical
sediment quality targets and sediment contamination in the St. Louis River Area of
Concern. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office,
Chicago, IL. EP A-905-R-00-008.
For a copy of the journal reprints arising from this work, or for further information, contact:
Judy L. Crane, Ph.D.
Environmental Outcomes Division
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
Voice: 651-297-4068
Fax: 651-297-7709
Email: judy.crane@pca.state.mn.us


List of Acronvms and Abbreviations
Apparent Effects Threshold
Area of Concern
Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirement
Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
American Society for Testing and Materials
Acid Volatile Sulfide
Biological Effects Database for Sediments
Biota-to-Sediment Accumulation Factor
Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene
Citizens Action Committee
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
Compact Disk
Confined Disposal Facility
Chemicals of Concern (also referred to as contaminants of concern)
Chemical Oxygen D~mand
Cesium . .
Metabolite of DDT
Metabolite of DDT
Dissolved Oxygen
Data Quality Objective
Diesel Range Organics
Detailed Site Investigation
Dry Weight
Environment Canada
Median Effective Concentration
Effects Level
Environmental Protection Agency
Equilibrium Partitioning
Effects Range
Ecological Risk Assessment
Effects Range-Low
Effects Range-Median
Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Guideline
Fraction of Organic Carbon in the Sediment
Final Chronic Value

IT Corp.
List of Acronvms and Abbreviations
Food and Drug Administration
Geographic Information System
Great Lakes Initiative
Gre~t Lakes National Program Office
Hydrogen Sulfide
28-day Hyalella azteca Toxicity Test
Harbor Technical Advisory Committee
International Joint Commission
International Technology Corporation
Organic Carbon Partition Coefficient
Octanol- Water Partition Coefficient
Sediment- Water Partition Coefficient
Median Lethal Concentration
Lowest Effect Level
Logistic Regression Modeling
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Ministere de l'Envionnement'du Quebec
MacDonald Environmental Sciences Ltd.
Minimal Effect Threshold
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
No Data Available
No Effect Concentration
Not Given
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
No Effect Concentrations
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Natural Resources Conservation Service
National Status and Trends Program
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Organic Carbon,
Probable Apparent Effects Threshold

List of A cron vms and Abbreviations
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Potential Chemicals of Concern
Probable Effect Concentration
Probable Effect Concentr~tion Quotient
Probable Effect Level
Probable Effect Level for Hyalella azteca, 28-day Test
Probable Effect Level Quotient
Potentially Responsible Parties
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Project Plan
Risk Assessment
Remedial Action Plan
Redundancy- Analysis
Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program
Sediment Effect Concentrations
Sediment Toxicity Database
Severe Effect Level
Simultaneously Extractable Metal
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Screening Level Concentration
Sediment Management Strategy
State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference
Sediment Quality Advisory Levels
Sediment Quality Guideline
Sediment Quality Remediation Target
Sediment Quality Target
Species Screening Level Concentration
2,3,7,8- Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
2,3,7,8- Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-furans
Threshold Effect Concentration
Threshold Effect Level
Threshold Effect Level for Hyalella azteca, 28-day Test
Toxic Equivalent
Toxic Effect Threshold
Toxicity Identification Evaluation
Total Organic Carbon
Total Maximum Daily Load
Tissue Residue

List of Acronvms and Abbreviations
Tissue Residue Guideline
Toxic Unit
United States
United States Army Corps of Engineers
United States Environmental Protection Agency
United States Geological Survey
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Weight-of-Evidence Approach
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District

Glossarv of Terms
Acute toxicity- The immediate or short-term response of an organism to a chemical substance.
Lethality is the response that is most commonly measured in acute toxicity tests.
Aquatic ecosystem - All the living and nonliving material interacting within an aquatic system
(e.g., pond, lake, river, ocean)
Aquatic organisms - All of the species that utilize habitats within aquatic ecosystems (e.g.,
aquatic plants, invertebrates, fish, and amphibians).
. Area of Concern - One of 43 Areas of Concern designated in the Great Lakes basin by the
International Joint Commission. Each AOC must go through a multi-stage remedial
action plan process. .
Autotrophic organisms - The organisms (e.g., algae, bryophytes, and aquatic macrophytes) that
are able to synthesize food from simple inorganic substances (e.g., carbon dioxide,
nitrogen, and phosphorus) and the sun's energy.
Benthic invertebrate community - The assemblages of various species of sediment dwelling
organisms that are found within an aquatic ecosystem.
Bioaccumulation - The net accumulation of a chemical substance by an organism as a result of
uptake from all environmental sources.
Bioaccumulative substances - The chemicals that tend to accumulate in the tissues of aquatic
Bulk sediment - Sediment and associated porewater.
Chemical benchmark - Guidelines for water or sediment quality which define the concentration
of contaminants that are associated with high or low probabilities of observing harmful
biological effects, depending on the narrative intent of the guideline.
Chronic toxicity - The response of an organism to long-term exposure to a chemical substance.
Among others, the responses that are typically measured in chronic toxicity tests include
lethality, decreased growth, and impaired reproduction.
Consensus-based PECs - The probable effect concentrations that were developed from
published sediment quality guidelines of similar narrative intent.

Glossarv of Terms
Consensus-based TECs - The threshold effect concentrations that were developed from
published sediment quality guidelines of similar narrative intent.
Contaminants of concern - The chemical substances that occur in sediments at levels that could
harm sediment-dwelling organisms, wildlife, or human health (also called chemicals of
Contaminated sediment - Sediment containing chemical substances at concentrations that pose a
known or suspected threat to environmental or human health.
Demersal fish species - Fish that are associated with bottom sediments, such as carp or sculpins.
Ecocentric approach - A view that considers the broader implications of human activities in the
Ecosystem - All the living (e.g., plants, animals, and humans) and nonliving (rocks, sediments,
soil, water, and air) material interacting within a specified location in time and space.
Ecosystem-based management - An approach that integrates the management of natural
landscapes, ecological processes, physical and biological components, and human
activities to maintain or enhance the integrity of an ecosystem. This approach places
equal emphasis on concerns related to the environment, the economy, and the community
(also called the ecosystem approach).
Ecosystem goals - Are broad management goals which describe the long-term vision that has
been established for the ecosystem.
Ecosystem metrics - Identify quantifiable attributes ofthe indicators and defines acceptable
ranges, or targets, for these variables. .
Ecosystem objectives - Are developed for the various components of the ecosystem to clarify the
scope and intent of the ecosystem goals. These objectives should include target
schedules for being achieved.
Egocentric approach - A way of viewing the external environment only in terms of human uses.
Endpoint - The response measured in a toxicity test.
Epibenthic organisms - The organisms that live.on the surface of bottom sediments.

Glossarv of Terms
Exposure - Co-occurrence of, or contact between, a stressor (e.g., chemical substance) and an
ecological component (e.g., aquatic organism).
Heterotrophic organisms - The organisms (e.g., bacteria, epibenthic and infaunal invertebrates,
fish, amphibians, and reptiles) that utilize, transform, and decompose the materials that
are synthesized by autotrophic organisms.
Hot spot site - An area of elevated sediment contamination.
Indicators - Provide a sign of ecosystem health. Indicators should adequately represent the
ecosystem goals and objectives that have been established.
Infaunal organisms - The organisms that live in bottom sediments.
Level I SQT - Chemical concentrations which will provide a high level of protection for
designated water uses in the St. Louis River Area of Concern. .
Level II SQT - Chemical concentration which will provide a moderate level of protection for
. designated water uses in the St. Louis River Area of Concern.
Population - An aggregate of individuals of a species within a specified location in time and
Porewater - The water that occupies the spaces between sediment particles.
Potential chemicals of concern - The concentrations of chemical substances that are elevated
above anthropogenic background and for which sources of these chemicals can be
identified in the watershed (also called chemicals of potential concern).
Priority Substances - The chemicals that occur in sediments at concentrations sufficient to injure
sediment-dwelling organisms, wildlife, or human health.
Sediment - Particulate material that usually lies below water.
Sediment-associated contaminants - Contaminants that can be or are present in sediments,
including bulk sediments and/or porewater.
Sediment chemistry data - Information on the concentrations of chemical substances in bulk
sediments or porewater.

Glossarv of Terms
Sediment-dwelling organisms - The organisms that live in, on, or near bottom sediments,
including both epibenthic and infaunal species.
Sediment injury - The presence of conditions that have injured or are sufficient to injure
sediment-dwelling organisms, wildlife, or human health.
Sediment quality guideline - Chemical benchmark that is intended to define the concentration of
a sediment-associated contaminant that is associated with a high or a low probability of
observing harmful biological effects or unacceptable levels of bioaccumulation,
depending on its purpose and narrative intent.
Sediment quality target - Site-specific chemical benchmarks for the St. Louis River AOC. See
Level I SQT and Level II SQT.
Targets - Provide measurable values for ecosystem metrics.
Toxic substances - The chemicals that have the potential to harm sediment-dwelling organisms,
wildlife, or human health.
Wildlife - The reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals that are associated with aquatic
ecosystems [e.g., piscivorous (fish eating) wildlife].

The St. Louis River Area of Concern (AOe) is an important transboundary waterway between
northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin (Figure 1). This AOC contains several sites
where concentrations of metals, mercury, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, and/or dioxins and furans are elevated in the
sediments compared to reference areas. In areas where these chemical substances occur at
concentrations that pose a known or suspected threat to environmental or human health, the
sediments are designated as contaminated. Restrictions on dredging, fish advisories, and habitat
impairments to bottom feeding organisms are just a few of the use impairments resulting from
contaminated sediments in this Great Lakes AOC. Since the St. Louis River constitutes the
second largest tributary to Lake Superior, the potential transport of sediment-derived
contaminants to Lake Superior is of additional concern to many stakeholders. For general
background information on sediment quality issues, see Appendix A.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has taken the lead on a number of sediment
assessment studies in the St. Louis River AOC, particularly since 1992 when more funding
opportunities became available for contaminated sediment studies at Great Lakes AOCs. The
MPCA utilizes a number of sediment quality assessment tools to characterize the sediments on
both a random and site-specific basis. These tools include sediment chemistry measurements,
physical measurements (e.g., particle size), sediment toxicity tests (acute and chronic tests),
benthic (i.e., bottom-dwelling) community surveys, and bioaccumulation studies (see Appendix
B for additional information about these sediment quality tools). The information gained from
these studies is evaluated, using a weight-of-evidence approach, for making management
decisions about contaminated areas.
Sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) provide another sediment quality assessment tool. The
SQGs are chemical benchmarks that are intended to define the concentration of sediment-
associated contaminants that are associated with a high or low probability of observing harmful
biological effects, or unacceptable levels ofbioaccumulation, depending on the purpose and
narrative intent of the SQGs. The MPCA does not have SQGs, sediment criteria, or sediment
standards promulgated for its use in Minnesota's Water Quality Rule (Minn. Rules Chapter
7050). The Water Quality Rule contains a general, narrative provision that no sewage, industrial
waste, or other wastes shall be discharged from either point or nonpoint sources into any waters -

of the state so as to cause any nuisance conditions, such as aquatic habitat degradation (Minn.
Rules Chapter 7050; http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/aruleI7050/). Sediment contamination is
briefly discussed in the Minnesota Rule for total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for the Lake
Superior ,basin. This rule specifies "that where sufficient data are available to quantify the
transport of Great Lakes Initiative (GLI) designated pollutants to sediments, TMDLs must
account for and prevent such accumulations that preclude attainment of specified designated uses
(Minn. Rules Chapter 7052; http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/aruleI7052/). Without having
numerical SQGs in place in Minnesota, MPCA staff have made benchmark comparisons of their
sediment quality data to SQGs derived from other jurisdictions [e.g., Ontario's Ministry of
Environment and Energy SQGs that define three levels of ecotoxic effects to benthic organisms
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) has also utilized Ontario's SQGs in
addition to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) guidelines (Long and
Morgan 1991), for assessing sediment quality at sites in Wisconsin. More recently, WDNR staff
have been including the effects-based concentrations from other published guidelines and
integrating them into a consensus-based approach in establishing lower and upper effect levels
(Tom Janisch, WDNR, personal communication, 2000). WDNR staff start out using the Ontario
and NOAA guidelines on the lower tiers of a site assessment in order to obtain a general idea of
the potential extent and degree of contamination at a site. From this point, decisions are made
about what the next steps in the tiered assessment should be (e.g., additional sampling for
characterization, collect samples for toxicity testing, and/or conduct a screening level risk
assessment). For some small sites, the WDNR has recently taken the approach of adopting the
SQGs for several metals as the sediment quality remediation targets (SQRTs) for the sites. Thus,
they have recommended moving immediately into remediation design without the need for
further studies. However, the degree and extent of contamination at the site must have already
been adequately characterized by the potentially responsible p~rties (PRPs).
Other government, academic, and tribal researchers, as well as consultants for the PRPs, have
conducted localized sediment assessment studies in the St. Louis River AOC during the past ten
years. In combination with the MPCA-Ied sediment studies, a number of high quality data sets
of matching sediment chemistry and toxicity test results have been generated. The MPCA was
interested in using these data sets to determine if site-specific sediment quality targets (SQTs)
could be developed for potential chemicals of concern (PCOCs) and chemicals of concern
(COCs) in the St. Louis River AOC. If so, the MPCA was also interested in determining how
comparabl~ the site-specific SQTs were with other regionally and nationally derived SQGs. The

MPCA obtained a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA)
Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) to achieve the following objectives:
Assemble a database of matching freshwater sediment chemistry and toxicity data for
the S1. Louis River AOC;

Develop a biologically-based approach for deriving site-specific SQTs for PCOCs
and COCs in the S1. Louis River AOC; and,

Evaluate the comparability of the site-specific SQTs with other published SQGs that

. represented regional and national geographic areas.
Through a competitive process, the MPCA selected MacDonald Environmental Sciences Ltd.
(MESL) to assist the agency with this effort. In turn, MESL used EVS Environment Consultants
as a subconsultant for a portion of the database work. The scope of work was revised due to
MESL's input and collaborative work with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and NOAA on
two similar projects:
NOAA's development of a matching sediment chemistry and toxicity database
(SEDTOX) for North America (Jay Field, Principal Investigator); and
USGS's prediction of sediment toxicity using consensus-based SQGs (Chris Ingersoll,
Principal Investigator).
Based on the terms of reference that were established for the project, a work plan was developed.
This work plan fo~used on the development of guidance on ecosystem-based mal).agement of
contaminated sediments within the S1. Louis River AOC that, in-turn, formed the basis for
developing SQTs. A flow chart of the study team is given in Figure 2. The work plan consisted
ofthe following elements (responsible team members are given in parentheses):
Presentation of background information on commercial, industrial, and urban
development of the S1. Louis River watershed that has contributed to contamination
of the aquatic ecosystem (MPCA and MESL);
Description of historic and ongoing contaminant sources and the results of recent
contaminated sediment investigations (MPCA);
Collection, evaluation, and compilation of the existing matching sediment chemistry
and sediment toxicity data for the study area (MPCA, MESL, EVS Environment
Consultants, USGS, and NOAA);

Description of an ecosystem-based approach to the management of the St. Louis
River AOC, with an emphasis on contaminated sediment management (MESL and


Description of the designated water uses in the St. Louis River AOC (MPCA and

Consultation with the Sediment Contamination Workgroup of the St. Louis River
Citizens Action Committee (CAe) about implementation of the ecosystem-based
management approach and development of sediment indicators (including specific
metrics and target values). The workgroup is composed of volunteers, including
private citizens and representatives from industries, nonprofit organizations, the
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD), universities, the Fond du Lac
Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, consultants, and government agencies (MPCA,
MESL, and St. Louis River CAC Sediment Contamination Workgroup);

Establishment of narrative ecosystem goals and objectives that articulate the long-
term vision for managing contaminated sediments in the St. Louis River AOC (St.
Louis River CAC Sediment Contamination Workgroup);

Identification of candidate ecosystem health indicators that could be used to measure
attainment of the ecosystem goals and objectives (including physical, chemical, and
biological indicators) (MESL, MPCA, and USGS);

Development of numerical SQTs that"can be used as metrics and targets for the
chemical indicators that were identified for the St. Louis River AOC (MESL, USGS,
NOAA, and MPCA);
Evaluation of the predictive ability of the numerical SQTs for the St. Louis River
AOC data set (MESL, USGS, MPCA, NOAA, and EVS Environment Consultants);

Recommendation of SQTs based on the results of these predictive ability evaluations
(MESL, MPCA, and USGS); and,
Development of a framework that provides guidance on the use of the numerical
SQTs, in conjunction with other companion tools, for making decisions on the
management of contaminated sediments (MESL, USGS, MPCA, NOAA, EVS
Environment Consultants, Science Advisory Group on Sediment Quality Assessment,
and GLNPO).
This report summarizes the results of the aforementioned study and provides a series of
recommendations for advancing the assessment, management, and remediation of contaminated

sediments in the St. Louis River AGC. Due to the technical nature of this report, a list of
abbreviations and acronyms, as well as a glossary of terms are given in this report. The MPCA
will also be utilizing other means (e.g., fact sheets, presentations) to communicate the results of
this study to the public and other stakeholders.
As a caveat to this study, the authors wish to emphasize that the SQTs developedfor the
St. Louis River AOC are most applicable to soft sediments. These SQTs should not be applied
to assessments of upland soils, land-applied sludge, or other land-based materials (e.g.,
gravel). These SQTs should be used with care for any sediments containing large amounts of
gravel, coarse sand, tar, slag, metal ore (e.g., taconite pellets), paint chips, coal chunks, fly
ash, or wood chips. The presence of the aforementioned materials may bind up some
chemicals so that they are not bioavailable to aquatic organisms.

The St. Louis River.estuary has been, and continues to be, of vital economic, environmental, and
social importance to the area encompassing Cloquet, MN; Duluth, MN; and.Superior, WI. The
middle and lower portions of the estuary support a variety of industrial, residential, and
recreational activities. In addition, these areas provide essential habitats for aquatic organisms
and aquatic-dependent wildlife species. The lower estuary culminates in the Duluth-Superior
Harbor, which is one of the most heavily used ports in the Great Lakes basin. Not surprisingly,
historic and o.ngoing land use and water-related activities in the middle and lower portions of the
estuary have contributed a variety of nutrients and chemicals to the St. Louis River.
In 1987, concerns over environmental quality conditions prompted the designation of the lower
St. Louis River (i.e., from Cloquet, MN to its entrance to Lake Superior) as one of 43 Great
Lakes AOCs [International Joint Commission (HC) 1989]. Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) have
been established as the principal mechanism for addressing concerns related to impaired uses in
the most severely impacted geographic areas in the Great Lakes basin (i.e., AOCs). Specifically,
the terms ofthe Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement necessitate the preparation ofa RAP for
each of the 43 AOCs. The RAPs are being prepared using a staged approach which includes:
Stage I - Identify and assess use impairments, and identify the sources of the stresses
from all media in the AOC;
Stage II - Identify proposed remediation actions and their method of implementation;
Stage III - Document evidence that impaired uses have been restored.
Importantly, the RAP process must embody a comprehensive ecosystem approach and include
substantial citizen participation (MPCA and WDNR 1992). The IJC, through a formal protocol
agreement between Canada and the United States, was charged with reviewing the RAPs for
each AOC and assuring that they met these basic criteria. To facilitate effective citizen
participation, the St. Louis River Citizen Advisory Committee became the independent,

nonprofit Citizens Action Committee (CAC) in 1997. The CAC has played an essential role in
the further development and implementation of the RAP process.
To support environmental quality assessments, the IJC developed a set of criteria for evaluating
use impairments at Great Lakes AOCs. As part of the Stage I RAP, the existing information on
environmental conditions in the St. Louis River was assembled and compared to the IJC's
fourteen impaired use categories. The results of this assessment indicated that at least ten use
impairments had occurred in the St. Louis River AOC (Table 1; MPCA and WDNR 1992).
Additionally, two possible impairments were indicated; however, additional data were needed to
confirm their presence in the AOC (MPCA and WDNR 1992). Many of the confirmed
impairments were associated with sediment contamination in the St. Louis River watershed,
including effects on sediment-dwelling organisms and other aquatic species, fish consumption
advisories, and restrictions to dredging activities. For additional background information on the
role of sediments in aquatic ecosystems and general sediment quality issues and concerns, see
Appendix A.
The boundaries of the St. Louis River AOC range from Cloquet, MN to the Duluth and Superior
entries to Lake Superior (Figure 1). Along much of its length, the St. Louis River flows through
a landscape that is dominated by northern boreal forests. Upstream of the AOC boundaries, the
river channel is characterized by shallow meanders and sandy gravel bars. Near Cloquet, MN,
the character of the river changes abruptly as it starts its steep descent to Lake Superior
. (Fredrickson 1998). This portion of the watershed is characterized by deeply incised river
channels and canyons. Five dams have been constructed on this reach of the river to take
advantage of the hydroelectric power generation potential associated with the increased river
gradient. These dams have resulted in the creation of six reservoirs downstream of Cloquet,
including the Knife Falls, Potlatch, Scanlon, Thomson, Forbay, and Fond du Lac Reservoirs.
While these reservoirs are relatively small and have limited water storage capacities, the flow
and water level in the river downstream of the reservoirs are significantly affected by water
releases from these facilities (MPCA and WDNR 1992).
As the river approaches Lake Superior, the current dissipates and the water body takes on the
character of a lake (Fredrickson 1998). The St. Louis River estuary, which covers an area of
roughly 12,000 acres, is comprised of numerous large bays, peninsul~s, and islands. Some of the
important nafural features in the estuary include Spirit Lake, Pokegama Bay, Kimball's Bay, St.

Louis Bay, Duluth Harbor, Superior Bay, and Allouez Bay. Together, these areas support a wide
variety of important fish, aquatic invertebrate, bird, and other wildlife species. Just prior to
entering Lake Superior at the Duluth Ship Canal and the Superior Entry, the river forms a large
embayment which is protected by two long sandbars (i.e., Minnesota and Wisconsin Points).
These sandbars form the longest natural freshwater sandbars in the world. Two inner spits, Rices
Point and Conners Point, divide the port into inner and outer harbors. This unique
geomorphology has created a natural harbor which has been dredged and modified since the mid-
1800s to accommodate shipping traffic and commerce (Walker and Hall 1976). The harbor
waterfront is currently 79 km long, with 27 km of dredged channels (Duluth Seaway Port
Authority Web Site: http://www.duluthport.com/seawayfactsmetric.html).
The combination of abundant natural resources and easy access to markets through the Great
Lakes waterway has supported a number of development activities in the Cloquet, MN and
Duluth-Superior areas. For example, access to large tracts of virgin forest gave rise to a thriving
forest products industry, including lumber, particle board, and pulp and paper production.
Managed woodlands continue to support some of these activities today. Beginning in the 1870s,
the Duluth-Superior Harbor became a conduit for the transport and milling of grains in the upper
Midwest (Walker and Hall 1976). Bulk grain shipments currently constitute th~ ports third
leading commodity after iron ore and coal (Duluth Seaway Port Authority Web Site:
http://www.duluthport.com/seawaytonnagestats.html). Historically, the storage and shipping of
taconite, limestone, coal, and iron ore were conducted at various locations within the Duluth-
Superior Harbor (Walker and Hall 1976). The storage and transport of iron ore, coal, and
limestone along the Duluth-Superior waterfront is still prevalent. Historically, smelting
operations along the harbor have resulted in some of the most contaminated sediment sites in the
harbor today (i.e., the USX and Interlake/Duluth Tar Superfund sites).
A significant amount of development along the St. Louis River was concentrated in the Duluth-
Superior Harbor at Rices Point in Minnesota and Connors Point and Howard's Bay in Wisconsin
(Kellner et al. 1999). These areas continue to be heavily utilized by waterfront businesses. The
Harbor Technical Advisory Committee (HT AC) of the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate
Committee has recommended that all waterfront commerce be moved to the outer harbor so that
dredging of the inner harbor shipping channels can be reduced. The only company utilizing
access to the waterfront in the upper part of the inner harbor is Hallet Dock Co. at Boat Slip 6.

Hallet's operations may be relocated in the next few years, depending on sediment remediation
options selected for the nearby InterlakelDuluth Tar Superfund site.
Other important economic activities that are conducted in the lower portion ofthe basin include:
residential and commercial development, hydroelectric power production, oil and gas storage,
manufacturing, petroleum refining, gas and chemical production, and shipping. The tourism
industry has increased substantially in the Duluth-Superior area since the mid-1980s. This has
resulted in greater commercial development ofthe waterfront, particularly around Canal Park in
Duluth, MN.
A number of point and nonpoint sources of nutrients and PCOCs in the St. Louis River AOC
were identified in the Stage I RA~ (MPCA and WDNR 1992). Prior to 1978, these sources
included: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted dischargers,
industrial discharges, and municipal sewage treatment plants. Since 1978, most of the Minnesota
industries located in the lower portion of the watershed have sent their wastewater to WLSSD for
treatment and disposal. Since 1985, WLSSD staff have worked with local companies to monitor
industrial discharges. Major industrial contributors are regulated under the Industrial
Pretreatment Program through a series of routine monitoring, self-monitoring and reporting, and
on-site inspections (WLSSD 1995). The City of Superior also operates a waste water treatment
plant by the Superior Harbor Basin. As a result of these actions to consolidate the treatment of
sanitary and industrial effluent, the water quality and fisheries of the St. Louis River system
greatly improved during the 1980s (MPCA and WDNR 1992). However, contaminated
sediments remain as a major environmental problem in this AOC.
The nonpoint sources of nutrients and PCOCs to the St. Louis River AOC have not been fully
documented. However, it is likely that the major nonpoint sources of environmental
contaminants to the system include atmospheric deposition, landfills, storm water and urban
runoff, unpermitted discharges, spills, and in situ contaminated sediments within the AOC. The
release ofPCOCs into the water column from nonpoint sources contributes to the load of these
chemicals deposited in the sediments.

Sediment Oualitv Conditions
While the sediment quality data given in the Stage I RAP provided some information on areas of
elevated sediment contamination (i.e., hot spot sites), as determined by exceedances of the
Ontario SQGs (persaud et al. 1993), most of the historic data were generated to support
assessments of the quality of dredged materials and evaluation of appropriate disposal options.
As such, little information was available on the sediment quality of the reservoirs around
Cloquet, MN and on the many shallow, biologically productive areas throughout the lower
portion of the river. For this reason, the MPCA and WDNR agreed to cooperatively implement a
sediment strategy under the Stage II RAP (MPCA and WDNR 1995), which includes:
Phase I: Assessment - The assessment phase of the strategy involves reviewing the
existing information on sediment quality in the St. Louis River AOC, conducting
sampling to identify and determine the relative size of sediment hot spots,
determining background concentrations of sediment-associated chemicals in the
AOC, and establishing the current status of sediment quality in the AOC to support
subsequent trend assessment.
Phase II: Hot Spot Management Plan - The development of a hot spot management
plan involves identifying the PRPs for each site and developing community and
clean-up goals for each site. Subsequently, the extent of sediment contamination will
be mapped, a feasibility study with developed remediation scenarios (with costs) will
be conducted, and the necessary funds to complete the remediation will be solicited.
Phase III: Implementation - During the implementation phase, the most suitable
remediation scenario will be completed at each site, monitoring will be conducted at
each site to evaluate success, and periodic sampling will be conducted to determine if
sediment quality conditions are improving.
The sediment data assembled to support Stage I of the RAP, and those data collected thereafter
(Table 2), indicate that several areas in the St. Louis River AOC are contaminated by a variety of
PCOCs and COCs. These assessments of sediment quality involved comparing the sediment

Sediment Oualitv Conditions
quality data in the St. Louis River AOC with guidelines used by other jurisdictions (Persaud et
ai. 1993; Smith et ai. 1996). Sediment assessment projects in the reservoirs downstream of
Cloquet, MN, and in the lower estuary, have been conducted to determine the spatial extent of
contamination and to assess impacts to benthic biota and fish. The data that have been collected
to date show a range of biological impacts and presence of COCs in the reservoirs and lower
estuary of the St. Louis River AOC. The most important COC found in surficial sediment in the
Thomson, Forbay, and Fond du Lac Reservoir sediments is mercury (Glass et ai. 1990, 1998;
Schubauer-Berigan and Crane 1996), while historical contamination by PCBs and 2,3,7,8-TCDD
(dioxin) can be found in deeper sediments in these reservoirs (Schubauer-Berigan and Crane
1996). This determination of COCs was based on the usage of these chemicals in the immediate
watershed and exceedances of the Ontario SQGs for mercury and PCBs (Persaud et ai. 1993).
The Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy has not derived any SQGs for 2,3,7,8-TCDD.
Mercury and P AHs are widespread PCOCs in depositional areas of the lower St. Louis River
estuary, whereas metals, PCBs, dioxins and furans, organochlorine pesticides, tributyltin, and
diesel range organics (DROs) tend to be more localized PCOCs (MPCA and WDNR 1992;
Redman and Janisch 1995; Schubauer-Berigan and Crane 1997; Crane et ai. 1997; Crane
1999a,b,c; Breneman et ai. 2000). The sediments with the highest concentrations of COCs occur
at two Superfund sites (i.e., USX and Interlake/Duluth Tar) in the inner Duluth Harbor
(Schubauer-Berigan and Crane 1997; IT Corporation 1997). Other areas with elevated
concentrations ofPCOCs and COCs in the Duluth-Superior Harbor include Hog Island
Inlet/Newton Creek in Superior, WI (Redman and Janisch 1995), as well as several boat slips,
areas adjacent to wastewater treatment plants, and other areas with historical sources of COCs
(Figure 3) (Schubauer-Berigan and Crane 1997; Crane et ai. 1997; Crane 1999a). The data from
. .
these sediment studies will be included in the next update of the U.S. EPA's National Sediment
Inventory; this inventory will provide comparisons of the national incidence and severity of
sediment contamination (USEPA 1997a).
Sediments from several hot spot sites in the AOC have been shown to be toxic to sediment-
dwelling organisms and/or associated with alterations of benthic invertebrate community
structure (Prater and Anderson 1977; Redman and Janisch 1995; Schubauer-Berigan and Crane
1996, 1997; Crane et al. 1997; Crane 1999b,c; Breneman et ai. 2000; USEP A In prep.). A wide-
scale assessment of the relationship between surficial sediment characteristics and benthic
community structure in the St. Louis River AOC was conducted in 1995 as part of a Regional
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (R-EMAP) project (Breneman et ai. 2000).
For the R-EMAP study, taxa richness was variable (i.e., 1 to 25 taxa) among randomly sampled

Sediment Oualitv Conditions
sites within two habitat classes (i.e., <5.5 m and >5.5 m water depth). Oligochaetes were the
most abundant taxa, whereas Chironomidae larvae provided a majority of the taxa richness with
43 genera. For the entire data set, the majority of variation in benthic community structure was
attributed to water depth and longitudinal location from the headwaters (Breneman et ai. 2000).
Fish consumption advisories are in effect for selected fish species in the S1. Louis River AOC
because of elevated concentrations of mercury found in the tissue of the fish. Most of these
advisories limit fish consumption to one meal per week for the protection of human health
(MDH 1999); more restrictive advisories are in effect for women of child bearing age and young
children. In addition, health advisories are also in effect for the consumption of carp and lake
sturgeon due to elevated concentrations of PCBs found in the tissue of the fish (MDH 1999).
Action is currently being taken by the MPCA and WDNR to implement source control measures
and remediate contaminated sediments at several contaminated hot spot areas in the lower
S1. Louis River estuary. Two Superfund sites, on the Minnesota side of the border, comprise the
most contaminated sediment areas in the lower estuary. At the Interlake/Duluth Tar Superfund
site, the Feasibility Study has been re-opened in accordance with the February 22, 2000
agreement between the MPCA, the Interlake Corporation, Honeywell International Inc., and
Domtar, Inc. The following remediation options are being considered at this site:
the no action alternative;
dredging and in-water containment in Boat Slip 6;
capping in place; and
dredging, upland dewatering, and off-site disposal.
During a two-year process, data gaps will be identified and additional information will be
collected to evaluate the remediation options at the Interlake/Duluth Tar Superfund site. Certain
modifications to the remedial alternatives under consideration may be made. At the USX
Superfund site, natural recovery was implemented as the r~mediation option in the 1989 Record
of Decision. However, this option has not worked due to the slow deposition rate of new
sediments, and areas of erosion, within the Superfund site. Other remediation options will be
considered after more sediment quality data are collected for the USX site.
Additional assessment and remediation work is being done at several smaller contaminated sites.
At the Hog Island Inlet/Newton Creek site in Superior, WI, the WDNR has worked with Murphy
Oil Co. to dredge contaminated sediments out of both the Newton Creek impoundment and up to

Sediment Oualitv Conditions
800 feet downstream from the impoundment. The sediments were placed in a designated
landfill, which was formerly a lagoon on the Murphy Oil property, as the first phase of the clean-
up efforts. In the Duluth Harbor, a sediment remediation scoping project has been completed at
one boat slip, Slip C (Crane 1999a), and a similar project is underway at another boat slip,
Minnesota Slip, to further delineate the extent of contamination and to develop a short-list of
potential remediation options (Crane 1999c).
The results of some of these recent sediment investigations (i.e., Schubauer-Berigan and Crane
1997; Crane et al. 1997; Breneman et al. 2000) have shown that several areas within the St.
Louis River AOC are relatively clean. These determinates were based on comparing sediment
chemistry data from'sample sites to reference areas, in addition to Ontario's Lowest Effect Level
(LEL) SQGs. For example, the areas located in the estuary upstream of the USX Superfund site
. in Morgan Park, MN and Allouez Bay in Superior, WI, have low concentrations ofPCOCs
compared to reference areas in the lower estuary and to available SQGs (MPCA and WDNR
1992; Schubauer-Berigan and Crane 1997; Breneman et al. 2000). These clean areas provide
important fisheries and wildlife habitat. These clean sites also represent reference areas for
determining background levels of anthropogenic contaminants in the lower estuary. In addition,
the Duluth-Superior Harbor shipping channels contain substantial quantities of relatively clean
materials that pass land-based application guidelines. Dredged materials from the shipping
channels are washed at the Erie Pier confined disposal facility (CDF) in Duluth, MN and the
sand-sized particles are re-used for beach nourishment, habitat development, highway
construction, and other beneficial uses [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) 1997].
A number of ancillary studies, relating to contaminated sediments, provide additional
information on nonpoint sources of pollutants to the St. Louis River, including:
Miller Creek (Duluth, MN) storm water study (MPCA 1994);
Nemadji River (Superior, WI) basin project (Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS) 1998];
St. Louis River pollutant loading study (King 1999a); and
Development of a TMDL for mercury in the St. Louis River AOC (MPCA, in progress).
The information generated in the aforementioned investigations is being used to identify
nonpoint pollutant sources and to develop strategies for mitigating releases of toxic chemicals
into the St. Louis River AOC. Reduction or elimination of contaminant discharges is an

Sediment Oualitv Conditions
important element of the overall sediment management strategy (SMS) for the AOC (i.e., to
prevent further degradation of sediment quality conditions).

Ecosvstem-based Manaeement
The sediment strategy that was developed under the Stage II RAP (MPCA and WDNR 1995)
provided some general guidance on conducting phased sediment studies in the S1. Louis River
AGC. In order to achieve successful implementation of this strategy, though, the strategy needs
to be framed within the context of an ecosystem-based management approach. Ecosystem-based
management has been defined as the integrated management of natural landscapes, ecological
processes, physical and biological components, and human activities to maintain or enhance the
integrity of an ecosystem (Ecosystem Management Task Force 1992). It places equal emphasis
on concerns related to the environment, the economy, and the community. This approach
recognizes that it is the human interactions with ecosystems, rather than the ecosystems
themselves, that must be managed (Environment Canada 1996; Thomas et at. 1988). Additional
background information on the historical development of the ecosystem approach, benefits of the
ecosystem approach, and framework for ecosystem-based management are given in Appendix C.
, Under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 'a comprehensive ecosystem approach is to be
used to address concerns related to environmental quality conditions at each of the 43 Great
. Lakes AGCs. The development and implementation of ecosystem-based RAPs has been
established as the primary mechanism for restoring the beneficial uses of the aquatic ecosystem
in these areas. The MPCA, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), WDNR,
Fond du Lac Band, and the S1. Louis River CAC are key partners in the remedial action planning
process in the S1. Louis River AGC. Successful adoption of the framework for ecosystem-based
management will require a long-term commitment from all stakeholders and a willingness to
explore new decision-making processes. In terms of ecosystem-based sediment quality
management, the key elements in the implementation process include (Figure 4):

Ecosvstem-based Manaeement
conduct a preliminary assessment of existing information on sediment quality
conditions and identify key sediment-related management issues;
develop ecosystem goals and objectives that relate to sediment quality;
identify and evaluate candidate indicators of sediment quality conditions in the
St. Louis River AOC (including physical, chemical, and biological indicators of
sediment quality conditions);
. select a suite of key sediment-related indicators of ecosystem health;
. establish metrics and targets for each key sediment-related indicator;
conduct directed research and monitoring;
identify data gaps and research needs;
incorporate key sediment-related indicators, metrics, and targets into watershed
management plans and decision-making processes;
design and implement focused environmental research and monitoring programs;
re-evaluate key sediment-related indicators to assess effectiveness of decisions
(i.e., to evaluate progress towards the ecosystem goals and objectives); and,
refine key sediment-related indicators, metrics, and targets, if necessary.
The St. Louis River Stage I and II RAPs have been developed cooperatively by awide variety of
individuals representing government agencies, tribal organizations, academic institutions,
community and environmental groups, private citizens, and industrial interests. These various
interests are participating in several technical advisory committees of the St. Louis River CAC.
In accordance with the terms of reference for the RAP, the participants involved in the
management ofthe St. Louis River AOC have agreed to adopt the ecosystem approach to
environmental management. The first step in this process involves identification of key
management issues and a preliminary assessment of the knowledge base. This assessment is
intended to provide stakeholders with a common basis for identifying management issues and
priorities in the system under consideration. In the case of the St. Louis River basin, the existing
information on the status of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the ecosystem
was compiled during Stage I of the RAP (MPCA and WDNR 1992). This information provided
stakeholders with a general understanding of the structure and function of the ecosystem and,
therefore, a common basis for establishing broad management goals and ecosystem objectives.
Next, ecosystem goals and objectives need to be developed. Ecosystem goals are broad
management goals which describe the long-term vision that has been established for the

Ecosvstem-based Manaf!ement
ecosystem. These goals must reflect the importance of the ecosystem to stakeholder groups,
such as the St. Louis River CAC. The ecosystem goals for the St. Louis River AOC are further
described in Section 4.2.1. Objectives are developed for the various components of the
ecosystem to clarify the scope and intent of the ecosystem goals. These objectives should
include target schedules for being achieved. The ecosystem objectives for the St. Louis River
AOC are further described in Section 4.2.2.
Next, candidate indicators of ecosystem health need to be identified and evaluated to determine
their applicability to the St. Louis River ecosystem. Indicators need to be meaningful and
relevant to the community at large, as well as to scientists. Participants of the 1998 State of the
Lakes Ecosystem Conference (SOLEC) prepared an overarching set of indicators which
objectively represent the condition of the Great Lakes ecosystem (Bertram and Stadler-Salt
1998). The MPCA has its own programs to develop representative indicators in waters of the
state. The selection criteria for choosing suitable indicators should consider attributes such as
biological and social relevance, sensitivity to stressors, broad applicability, measurability, ease of
interpretation, and cost effectiveness (Council of Great Lakes Research Managers 1991).
However, local experience should also be employed to establish a suite of indicators that
adequately reflects the goals and objectives that have been established. The Science Advisory
Group on Sediment Quality Assessment has recommended that the MPCA adopt many of the
sediment quality indicators they recommended for Tampa Bay, FL (MacDonald 1995; 1997a).
The MPCA has solicited input from the St. Louis River CAC Sediment Contamination
Workgroup, and other RAP participants, to review these recommendations and to provide input
on the selection of a final suite of indicators.
Ecosystem metrics are also required to support the implementation of ecosystem-based
management. These metrics identify quantifiable attributes of the indicators and define
acceptable ranges, or targets, for these variables. If all of the measured metrics fall within
acceptable ranges, as determined by the MPCA through consultations with interested
stakeholders, then the narrative goals and objectives for the ecosystem would be considered to
have been met. The information collected during the selection of metrics and targets will also
provide a basis for identifying data gaps and research needs to support implementation of the
ecosystem approach.
A key element of the implementation process will involve incorporation of the management
goals, ecosystem objectives, indicators, and metrics into management plans and decision-making
processes that coordinate the decisions and activities of all participants (i.e., the RAP). In

Ecosvstem-based Manallement
addition, focused environmental research and monitoring programs need to be developed to
evaluate the status and trends of the key indicators. The results of these research and monitoring
programs provide a basis for further evaluating the relevance ofthe indicators, refining the
ecosystem metrics, and determining if the goals and objectives for the watershed are being
achieved. This implementation process is consistent with the environmental strategies the
MPCA adopted in 1998 as part of an agency-wide reorganization (MPCA 1998). The MPCA
initiated an agency-wide performance management system which will be used to track progress
on achieving goals and objectives. If the goals and objectives are not met within a designated
time period, then the MPCA and stakeholders will need to reassess the technical and financial
feasibilities of implementing the goals and objectives.
The ecosystem-based management approach has already been employed at other areas in the S1.
Louis River watershed [e.g., Miller Creek watershed project (MPCA 1994) and the S1. Louis
River management plan (Mueller 1997)] and in the greater Lake Superior area (Jordan and Uhlig
1994; MPCA 1997a). The MDNR is committed to using an ecosystem-based framework for
setting natural resource management priorities throughout the state (MDNR 1997). Thus,
effective community, government, tribal, and business partnerships have already been
established, which will further implementation of the sediment-related ecosystem-based
management approach in the S1. Louis River AOC.
Successful implementation of the ecosystem-based management approach, on a wide-scale basis
in the St. Louis River AOC, could potentially take several years to decades to achieve.
Examples of how the ecosystem approach is being used at another Great Lakes AOC (i.e.,
Toronto, Ontario) can provide a useful case study for stakeholders in the S1. Louis River AOC.
The ecosystem-based management approach has been particularly successful in the regeneration
of the Toronto waterfront, especially for brownfields redevelopment and the creation of a
Waterfront Trail (Royal Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront 1992; Waterfront
Regeneration Trust 1998). However, the Metropolitan Toronto and Region RAP encountered
some initial difficulties with implementing an ecosystem approach, partly due to the enormous
size of the AOC (Royal Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront 1991; 1992). The
Waterfront Regeneration Trust in conjunction with the Toronto and Region Conservation
Authority implemented a watershed-based approach after completion of the Stage II RAP to
make implementation of the ecosystem approach more manageable. With six major watersheds
in the Toronto RAP area, the principle avenues for public involvement, project initiation, and
priority setting are now with watershed and waterfront groups (Metro Toronto and Region
Remedial Action Plan Web Site:

Ecosvstem-based Manaflement
http://www .cciw .caJ gl imr/raps/ontario/toronto/intro.html#implementation). Similarly, the St.
Louis River AOC also encompasses a large area (i.e., 72 nautical kilometers of which the last
section fans out into a 12,000-acre estuary), and efforts began approximately fifteen years ago to
revitalize the Duluth waterfront. A long-term commitment from the MPCA, partnering agencies,
and stakeholders is needed to ensure enough resources are dedicated to implement the
ecosystem-based management approach in the St. Louis River AOC.
Ecosystem Goals for the St. Louis River Area of Concern
Ecosystem goals are broad narrative statements that define the management goals that have been
established for a specific ecosystem. The development of ecosystem goals requires input from a
number of sources to ensure that societal values are adequately represented. Open consultation
with the public should be considered a primary source of information for defining these goals.
Government agencies, nonprofit organizations, industries, tribal groups, and other stakeholders
should also be consulted during this phase of the process.
A number of public consultation processes have already been conducted in the St. Louis River
basin to support the development of a long-term vision for the future. For example, the City of
Duluth led a visioning process that identified goals for the city for the 'year 2001 and beyond.
Similarly, the Lake Superior Binational Forum has developed a broader vision for the Lake
Superior basin, which includes the St. Louis River watershed. While the visions that have
emerged from these processes vary, the citizens and communities in the vicinity of the St. Louis
River generally share the following ecosystem goals:
to create economic opportunities for residents;
to preserve the St. Louis River and Lake Superior ecosystems;
to protect open space and wild lands;
to preserve the area's rich and colorful history;
to create affordable housing;
to support education;
to maintain safe and friendly neighborhoods; and,
to promote the arts and cultural activities.
Of the above goals, the preservation of the St. Louis River and Lake Superior ecosystems relates
the most closely with contaminated sediment issues. However, the other goals also apply after a

Ecosvstem-based Manaeement
hot spot site is cleaned up. As part of any sediment remediation action, nearshore sources of
COCs must be controlled and/or cleaned up. Economic opportunities can be created for
residents that start businesses on newly cleaned-up nearshore land or operate recreational
services on the water (e.g., charter fishing, kayaking, sailboat, and scuba diving services).
Alternatively, open space and forested areas near the former hot spot site can be preserved and
used for educational, artistic, or cultural activities, such as festivals. The incorporation of
boardwalks that contain adjacent sculptures and/or sign posts of historical information could also
be incorporated into waterfront development activities by former hot spot areas. Similar
boardwalks have already been created in the Canal Park area of Duluth. For nearshore areas that
could be zoned residential, affordable housing could be created. The formation of neighborhood
block groups could increase the safety and sense of community in the neighborhood. Finally,
any residential, commercial, or industrial development of nearshore areas would most likely
increase the value of the property. Thus, increased property taxes on the land could be used to
support education.
While these ecosystem goals provide a long-term vision for the area, they are too general to
support the development of specific planning, research, and management initiatives for the St.
Louis River watershed. Thus, ecosystem objectives, that are more closely linked with ecological
science (Harris et al. 1987), need to be developed to further clarify and add detail to the broad
ecosystem goals. In turn, the ecosystem objectives will support the identification of indicators
and metrics that provide direct information for assessing the health and integrity of the
4.2.2 Ecosystem Objectives for the St. Louis River Area of Concern
In recognition of the central role that communities play in the implementation of ecosystem
management principles, the IJC has indicated that community vision statements are essential
elements of the RAP process. For this reason, the MPCA and WDNR facilitated broad public
involvement in the creation and implementation of the Stage I and II RAPs (MPCA and WDNR
1992, 1995). The participants involved in this process collectively developed a vision to protect
and restore the St. Louis River AOC. This vision was articulated in a series of ecosystem
objectives that are intended to guide the implementation of the RAP and other management
processes in the St. Louis River basin (Table 3).
Many of these ecosystem objectives provide guidance on the desired future state of sediment
quality conditions in the St. Louis River AOC. These ecosystem objectives make it clear that

Ecosvstem-based Manar!ement
participants in the RAP process agree that sediment quality in the St. Louis River basin should be
maintained and/or restored to protect benthic communities and, where necessary, restore and/or
enhance the community. Another important ecosystem objective is to protect and restore fish
and wildlife habitat. Thus, concentrations of bioaccumulative substances in benthos, fish, and
wildlife tissues need to be reduced to a level protective of ecological and human health.
Protection of recreational values and facilitation of dredged material management are also key
elements of the overall vision. .
In order to achieve the ecosystem objectives for the St. Louis River AOC, specific indicators
must be established to determine the status of sediment quality conditions. A process for
establishing such key indicators (including specific metrics and targets) is discussed in the
following section.
Selectio~ of Ecosystem Health Indicators for Sediment Quality Conditions in the St.
Louis River Area of Concern
It is difficult to directly measure the level of attainment of various ecosystem goals and
objectives that have been established for the St. Louis River AOC. For this reason, it is desirable
to establish a suite of ecosystem health indicators that can be used to determine ifthe designated
uses of the aquatic ecosystem are being protected and, where necessary, restored. In the St.
Louis River AOC, indicators of aquatic ecosystem health are required to facilitate the assessment
of water quality conditions, the hydrological regime, sediment quality conditions, fish tissue.
quality, contaminant loadings, and the status of aquatic habitats, wetlands, and biological
communities. The present study is intended to contribute to this effort by identifying a suite of
ecosystem health indicators that can be used for assessing ambient sediment quality conditions in
the St. Louis River AOC.
A wide variety of tools have been recommended for assessing sediment quality conditions in
freshwater ecosystems (Appendix B). The Science Advisory Group on Sediment. Quality
Assessment has evaluated a variety of tools and identified a suite of aquatic ecosystem health
indicators for assessing sediment quality conditions in Tampa Bay, FL (MacDonald 1995;
1997a). This suite of indicators included sediment chemistry, sediment toxicity, benthic
invertebrate community structure, sediment quality triad, physical characteristics of sediments,
water chemistry, tissue chemistry, and biomarkers in fish. Ingersoll and MacDonald (1999)
further evaluated these tools to identify the most relevant indicators of sediment quality
conditions in freshwater ecosystems. This refined list of ecosystem health indicators included:

Ecosvstem-based Manaflement
sediment chemistry (i.e., relative to background levels and to effects-based and
bioaccumulation-based SQGs);

status of physical habitats;

sediment toxicity (i.e., acute mortality and chronic endpoints, such as, growth,
reproduction, and abnormal development in fish and invertebrates);

benthic invertebrate community structure;

status of fish populations;

fish health (i.e., including tumor incidence, organ morphology, and other measures of
health); and,
fish tissue quality (i.e., including contaminant concentrations in fish tissue and the
taste, odor, and consistency of the tissue).
The results of this evaluation provided important information for recommending a suite of
candidate ecosystem health indicators for the St. Louis River AOC. Most of the aforementioned
ecosystem health indicators were presented to the St. Louis River CAC Sediment Contamination
Workgroup at a meeting that was convened in November 1998. Some Workgroup members also
thought the presence of wild rice stands and hydrological factors could be used as sediment-
related indicators. Additional comments were solicited from the entire Workgroup on a draft
paper on this topic (MacDonald and Crane In review). The comments that were received by this
diverse Workgroup provided a basis for selecting a final suite of indicators that would provide
the necessary information on sediment quality conditions in the St. Louis River AOC. This suite
of indicators include:
sediment chemistry;
sediment toxicity tests;
benthic community assessments; and,
bioaccumulation assessments (e.g., tissue chemistry).
The relationship between these indicators and the narrative objectives that have been established
for the St. Louis River AOC is presented in Table 4. These indicators could be used to determine
if various water uses are being protected by the sediment management strategies that are
implemented in the St. Louis River AOC. These water uses include:

Ecosvstem-based Manaf!ement
aquatic life;
aquatic-dependent wildlife;
human health;
recreation and aesthetics; and,
navigation and shipping.
See Appendix D for additional information about the aforementioned water uses in the St. Louis
River AOC.
Ecosystem health indicators are most effective when accompanied by metrics and quantitative
targets. Metrics may be defined as any measurable characteristic of an ecosystem health
indicator. For example, the dry weight concentration of mercury in sediments might be
identified as an important metric relative to sediment chemistry. While metrics provide
information that can be used to directly assess trends in environmental conditions, numerical
targets are also needed to provide more direct linkages to the ecosystem objectives. In the case
of sediment chemistry, such targets define the range of chemical concentrations necessary to
protect the benthic community and/or assure that problematic levels of bioaccumulation do not
There is a need to establish metrics and numerical targets for each of the priority ecosystem.
health indicators that have been recommended for the St. Louis River AOC. The first step in this
process involves the identification of candidate metrics for each indicator. Subsequently, the
candidate metrics for each priority indicator needs to be evaluated in terms of the utility ofthe
information that they are likely to generate. This evaluation is likely to provide a basis for
identifying the most appropriate metrics for each ecosystem health indicator.
Targets are also required for the metrics that apply to each indicator. Such targets may vary
depending on the desired management actions to take place at a particular site. For example, a
target that would trigger further investigations at a site would be set at a lower level than a target
intended to trigger sediment remediation. In addition, targets for areas that are subjected to
periodic or frequent physical disturbances (e.g., shipping channels) may differ from those that
are established for areas that are seldom disturbed. For this reason, multiple targets may be set
for many of the metrics. A listing of the metrics that are recommended for assessing sediment
quality conditions in the St. Louis River AOC is presented in Table 5. Of these metrics, only
SQTs for PCOCs and COCs in the St. Louis River AOC will be developed in this report.

Ecosvstem-based Mana1!ement
It should be noted that the indicators that are recommended for assessing sediment quality
. conditions represent important components of the overall suite of indicators that is needed for
evaluating environmental conditions within the St. Louis River AGC. Such a suite of indicators
would include those that relate to water quality conditions, hydrological conditions, and other
key environmental compartments. For example, the number and areal extent of wild rice stands
could be used as an indicator of water quality conditions, since the presence of wild rice stands
increases as water quality approves. In addition, discharge and stage height could be used as
indicators of hydrological conditions. In the future, it would be advantageous to establish a full
suite of indicators (including metrics and targets) and incorporate them into environmental
monitoring programs that are conducted within the St. Louis River AGC.

Chemistrv and Toxicitv Database
An extensive search of the scientific literature was conducted by MESL and the MPCA to
acquire matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data for the S1. Louis River AOC. More
specifically, an effort was made to acquire all ofthe relevant information on the concentrations
of PCOCs and COCs in sediments from the S1. Louis River AOC (i.e., trace metals, PCBs,
P AHs, certain organochlorine pesticides, such as toxaphene, and several other classes of organic
contaminants, such as dioxins and furans), as well as associated data on the toxicity of those
sediments to sediment-dwelling organisms. The process that was used to identify and acquire
candidate data sets included:
Collating the documents and electronic data sets for the studies that have been conducted
by the MPCA and WDNR in the S1. Louis River AOC (this information was compiled by
MPCA staff and forwarded to MESL);
Accessing the information contained in MESL's e~tensive database on the effects of
sediment-sorbed contaminants on aquatic organisms [i.e., Biological Effects Database for
Sediments (BEDS)];
Conducting on-line searches of a number of commercial bibliographic databases to obtain
recently published articles from peer-reviewed journals;
Reviewing recent volumes of peer-reviewed journals that routinely publish papers on the
effects of sediment-associated contaminants to access recently published data (e.g.,
Chemosphere; Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; Water, Air, and Soil Pollution;
Toxicology; Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology; Environmental
Science and Technology; Ecotoxicology, etc.);
Contacting various experts in the sediment quality assessment field, by either letter or
phone, to obtain published and unpublished data sets relevant to this project;

Chemistrv and Toxicitv Database
Publishing general requests for matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data sets in the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry's SETAC News and the u.S. EPA's
Contaminated Sediments Newsletter.
The matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data that were acquired during this study were
used to support the development of a sediment toxicity database for the St. Louis River AOC.
These matching sediment chemistry and sediment toxicity data were also used to support the
development of a broader sediment toxicity database (i.e., SEDTOX). Development of the
SEDTOX database is part of a larger cooperative effort between MESL, EVS Environment
Consultants, NOAA, and the USGS to develop and evaluate tools for assessing sediment quality
conditions in freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems. Participation in this cooperative
effort ensured that MPCA would be able to access information from the SEDTOX database to
support evaluations ofthe predictive ability of the numerical SQTs in the St. Louis River AOC
and in other areas within the Great Lakes. This broader perspective was considered to be an
essential part of the overall SQT evaluation process due to the limitations on matching sediment
chemistry and toxicity data from the S1. Louis River AOC.
All of the data sets and associated documents that were retrieved during the course of this study
were critically evaluated to determine their scientific and technical validity. To support this
critical evaluation, a comprehensive set of screening criteria were developed in cooperation with
the Science Advisory Group on Sediment Quality Assessment (Appendices E and F). These
screening criteria provided a means of consistently evaluating the methods that were used in each
study, including the procedures that were used to collect, handle, and transport sediment
samples, the protocols that were applied to conduct sediment toxicity tests, the methods that were
used to determine the concentrations of PCOCs and COCs in sediments, and the statistical tests
that were applied to the study results. In many cases, additional communications with
investigators and professional judgement was needed to determine if the screening criteria had
been satisfied. The data sets which met the screening criteria were incorporated into
spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel format, printed, and verified against the original data sources.
Overall, application ofthese quality assurance (QA) procedures were intended to ensure that
only high quality and fully verified data were incorporated into the project database. .

Chemistrv and Toxicitv Database
All of the matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data assembled from the St. Louis River
AOC, which met the screening criteria, were incorporated into the project database in Microsoft .
Access (Table 6). These data were captured on a per sample basis. Each record in the resulting
database included the citation, a brief description of the study area (i.e., by water body and
reach), a description of the sampling locations (including georeferencing data, if available),
information on the toxicity tests that were conducted (including species tested, endpoint
measured, test duration, etc.), type of material tested (i.e., whole sediment, porewater, or
elutriate), the total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations (if reported), and the chemical
concentrations (expressed on a dry weight basi~). Other supporting data, such as simultaneously
extractable metal (SEM) concentrations, acid volatile sulfides (A VS), particle size distribution,
and water temperature were also included in the individual data records, as available.
As a conservative estimate, SEM concentrations were assumed to be equivalent to total metal
concentrations in the database. Most of the SEM entries in the database were from the R-EMAP
study conducted in the St. Louis River AOC (Breneman et at. 2000).
EVS Environment Consultants and MESL were responsible for transferring St. Louis River AOC
data into the SEDTOX database format and for generating ascending data tables for each PCOC
in the St. Louis River AOC (Appendix G). Additional QA procedures were taken to verify that
no translation problems had occurred with incorporating data into the project database (i.e., data
entries were compared to the original data sources). In addition, the ascending data tables
produced from the database were spot checked to insure that data quality objectives (DQOs)
were met. Finally, the MPCA project manager conducted a QA review of the draft database.
MESL incorporated final revisions into the database. This database is available, upon request,
from Judy Crane (MPCA) at the contact address given in the acknowledgments.

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
Participants in the development of the RAP identified five water uses that need to be protected
and/or restored in the St. Louis River AOC. These designated water uses include fish and
aquatic life, wildlife, human health, recreation and aesthetics, and shipping and navigation.
While it is generally agreed that these water uses should be protected, it may not be possible to
provide an uniform level of use protection throughout the St. Louis River AOC. In particular,
physical disturbances resulting from seiches, wind-induced waves, ice scour, navigational
dredging, prop wash, and other factors can reduce the potential for maintaining productive
benthic communities in certain locations. In addition, ongoing nonpoint sources of chemical
releases (e.g., upland industrial and commercial activities, spills) have the potential to reduce the
long-term effectiveness of any sediment clean-up activities. The TMDL program is one
mechanism through which nonpoint sources ofCOCs (e.g., mercury) will be identified and
controlled in the future. Other regulatory efforts by the MPCA and WDNR are needed to ensure
that sources of chemical contamination to the St. Louis River will be identified, quantified, and
In recognition of the challenges that are associated with sediment management in this area, two
types of SQTs are recommended. The Level I SQTs identify chemical concentrations which will
provide a high level of protection for designated water uses, specifically for aquatic life. By
comparison, a lower level of protection for designated water uses will be provided by the Level
II SQTs. Higher chemical concentrations are likely to occur at sites that are provided with this
level of protection, potentially affecting one or more of the designated water uses at the site.
However, substantial off-site migration of PCOCs and COCs should not be permitted in areas
that have chemical concentrations approaching the Level II SQTs. The bioaccumulation-based
SQTs for the protection of wildlife and human health are intended to provide a high level of
protection for these water uses.
The numerical SQTs developed for the St. Louis River AOC are most applicable to soft
sediments. These SQTs should not be applied to assessments of upland soils, land-applied

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOe
sludge, or other land-based materials (e.g., gravel). These SQTs should be used with care for
any sediments containing large amounts of gravel, coarse sand, tar, slag, metal ore (e.g., taconite
pellets), paint chips, coal chunks, fly ash, or wood chips. The presence of the aforementioned
materials may bind up some chemicals so that they are not bioavailable to aquatic organisms. In
addition, the SQTs were derived in units of dry weight sediments; therefore, they do not directly
account for the potential effects of geochemical factors in sediments that may influence
contaminant bioavailability (Long and MacDonald 1998). Guidance on the applications of using
SQTs for assessing sediment quality conditions in the St. Louis River AOC is provided in the
next chapter.
The ecosystem objectives that have been established indicate that sediment quality conditions in
the St. Louis River AOC should be maintained such that the benthic community, including
epibenthic and infaunal species, is protected and, where necessary, restored. Evaluation of the
extent to which this objective is being met necessitates the identification of ecosystem health
indicators and their associated metrics and targets. The priority indicators of sediment quality
conditions in the St. Louis River AOC include sediment chemistry (i.e., for PCOCs and COCs),
sediment toxicity, and benthic invertebrate community structure (see Section 4.2.3). While these
primary indicators provide a basis for evaluating effects on sediment-dwelling organisms, they
do not provide a comprehensive basis for assessing sediment quality conditions. For this reason,
a number of additional indicators are needed to support sediment quality assessments in the St.
Louis River AOC, including bioaccumulation (i.e., as measured using 28-day laboratory
bioaccumulation tests on the oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus, and on analyses of fish tissues
collected in the field), habitat status, porewater and water column toxicity tests, and fish
community characteristics.
. .
SQTs provide an important sediment quality assessment tool that can be used to screen sediment
chemistry data and evaluate the need to collect additional data on the various indicators to fully
assess sediment quality conditions. For the St. Louis River AOC, the narrative objectives for the
Level I and Level II SQTs are designated as such for the protection of sediment dwelling'
Level I SQTs are intended to identify contaminant concentrations below which harmful
effects on sediment dwelling organisms are unlikely to be observed.

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
Level II SQTs are intended to identify contaminant concentrations above which harmful
effects on sediment-dwelling organisms are likely to be frequently or always observed.
These narrative objectives recognize that water-based economic activities (i.e., such as shipping,
operation of small craft marinas, waterfront development, tourism-related activities, etc.) are
essential to the health and integrity of the communities (especially Duluth, MN and Superior,
WI) that are located in the vicinity of the St. Louis River AOC. While these activities contribute
significantly to the local economy, they also have the potential to degrade water quality
conditions (i.e., through spills or stormwater runoff) and/or reduce the stability of sediments (i.e.,
through navigational dredging or prop wash). Therefore, the potential for maintaining an
unaltered benthic invertebrate community is likely reduced in these areas, even in the absence of
chemical contamination in the sediments.
Strategy for Establishing Numerical Sediment Quality Targets
Both theoretical and empirical approaches have been used to derive numerical SQGs for
freshwater ecosystems (see Appendix H). A total of seven distinct approaches were evaluated to
support the selection of procedures for deriving numerical SQTs for the S1. Louis River AOC
(Table 7). At the time that this project was initiated, insufficient data were available on the
relationships between sediment chemistry and sediment toxicity in freshwater ecosystems to
evaluate regional differences in the responses of sediment-dwelling organisms to contaminated
sediments. For this reason, it was thought that the logistic regression modeling (LRM) approach
(Field et al. 1999), applied to the matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data from the S1.
Louis River AOC, would provide the most effective means of establishing SQTs. That is, the
LRM approach provides a means of utilizing matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data to
determine the concentrations of sediment-associated contaminants that correspond to specific
probabilities of observing adverse biological effects. Additionally, it was thought that this
approach would facilitate the derivation of SQTs that would be directly applicable to the St.
Louis River AOC (i.e., by utilizing site-specific data in the development of the logistic
regression models and associated T20 and T50 values for each chemical substance). However,
the results of preliminary analyses conducted using the entire North American freshwater
database revealed that insufficient data were available to generate reliable logistic regression
models for any of the toxicity test endpoints that were represented in the database (e.g, Hyalella
azteca growth or survival in 10-14 day tests). As such, it was apparent that it would not be
possible to develop logistic regression models using a portion of the database only (i.e., the data
from the S1. Louis River AOC).

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
In recognition of the potential limitations of the LRM approach for deriving SQTs for the
St. Louis River AOC, a number of alternative approaches were considered to support the.
establishment of numerical SQTs (see Appendix H). The following strategy was used to
recommend numerical SQTs for the protection of sediment-dwelling organisms in the St. Louis
River AOC:
adopt the consensus-based SQGs that were derived by MacDonald et ai. (2000a); and,
adopt the most reliable of the other effects-based freshwater SQGs that have been
published in the scientific literature for those chemicals for which consensus-based SQGs
are not available [i.e., Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) 1999
and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) 1999].
This strategy was developed to provide a consistent.basis for establishing reliable and regionally-
applicable SQTs for PCOCs and COCs in the St. Louis River AOC. The consensus-based SQGs,
that were derived by MacDonald et ai. (2000a) and evaluated by USEP A (2000a), appeared to be
the most relevant for establishing numerical SQTs for the St. Louis River AOC for several
reasons. According to Swartz (1999) and MacDonald et al. (2000a,b), consensus-based SQGs
provide a unifying synthesis of the existing SQGs, reflect causal rather than correlative effects,
and account for the effects of contaminant mixtures. Therefore, the consensus-based SQGs are
likely to provide useful tools for assessing sediment quality conditions in the St. Louis River
AOC. .
The consensus-based SQGs have additional features that make them relevant for establishing
numerical SQTs for the St. Louis River AOC. First, the consensus-based SQGs consist of both
threshold effect concentrations (TECs) and probable effect concentrations (PECs), thereby
satisfying the need to provide SQTs that allow two levels of protection for sediment-dwelling
organisms (i.e., Level I and Level II SQTs). In addition, numerical consensus-based SQGs are
available for most of the PCOCs and COCs in the St. Louis River AOC, including metals, PAHs,
PCBs, and organochlorine pesticides. The consensus-based SQGs have been evaluated for
reliability using matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data from field studies conducted
throughout the United States (excluding the St. Louis River AOC data set; MacDonald et ai..
2000a). The results of this evaluation indicated that most of the TECs (i.e., 21 of28) provide an
accurate basis for predicting the absence of sediment toxicity, whereas over half of the PECs
(i.e., 16 of 28) provide an accurate basis for predicting sediment toxicity (MacDonald et ai.
2000a). Importantly, these SQGs facilitate the evaluation of sediments that contain complex

SOTs for the Sf. Louis River AOC
mixtures of contaminants [i.e., through the calculation of mean PEC quotients (PEC-Qs); see
Section 6.2.2]. Finally, evaluations of the information in the entire North American freshwater
database have facilitated the determination of relationships between sediment chemistry and
sediment toxicity such that it is possible to identify the concentrations of contaminants that are
associated with specific probabilities of observing adverse biological effects. As such, the
consensus-based SQGs were considered to directly support the establishment of numerical SQTs
for the St. Louis River AOC.
Effects-based SQGs from other published sources also represent relevant tools for conducting
sediment assessments in freshwater ecosystems. For this reason, such SQGs were considered for
adoption as numerical SQTs in the St. Louis River AOC for those substances for which
consensus-based SQGs were not available. Among the freshwater SQGs that have been
established in other jurisdictions, the threshold effect levels (TELs) and probable effect levels
(PELs), that have been promulgated by the CCME (1999), were considered to be the most
relevant for several reasons. First, the TELs and PELs represent numerical SQGs that provide
two levels of protection for sediment-dwelling organisms that are comparable to the levels of
protection that are afforded by the consensus-based TECs and PECs (MacDonald et al. 2000a).
In addition, TELs and PELs are available for key PCOCs and COCs in the St. Louis River AOC
for which consensus-based SQGs were not available. In contrast to the SQGs that were derived
by Environment Canada (EC) and the Ministere de l'Envionnement du Quebec (MENVIQ)
(1992) and Long and Morgan (1991), the TELs and PELs are intended to be directly applicable
to the Great Lakes region. Finally, the TELs and PELs were derived using information on the.
effects of contaminated sediments on a wide variety of aquatic organisms and endpoints.
Together, these features make the TELs and PELs the most relevant of the other published SQGs
for establishing SQTs for the St. Louis River AOC. Therefore the TELs and PELs were
selectively identified as candidate SQTs for chemicals lacking consensus-based SQG values.
Neither a consensus-based SQG or a CCME-derived SQG value was available for use as a Level
II SQT for toxaphene. However, the NYSDEC has developed a sediment criterion for toxaphene
that was protective of acute toxicity (NYSDEC 1999). The NYSDEC used the equilibrium
partitioning (EqP) approach, along with established water quality criteria, to develop sediment
criteria for nonpolar organic compounds. The NYSDEC (1999) sediment criterion for toxaphene
was recommended as a Level II SQT for the St. Louis River AOC.
This strategy for identifying SQTs yielded candidate Level I and Level II SQTs for eight trace
metals, 13 individual P AHs, total P AHs, total PCBs, and 10 organochlorine pesticides (Table 8).

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
In the next two sections, the candidates SQTs were evaluated to determine their relevance to the
St. Louis River AOC.
6.2.2 . Evaluation of Individual Candidate Sediment Quality Targets
Following the identification of candidate SQTs, these sediment management tools were
evaluated to determine their ability, when used alone, to correctly classify sediment samples as
toxic and non-toxic, based on the measured concentrations of chemical contaminants alone
(MacDonald et al. 2000a). The predictive ability of the candidate SQTs was evaluated using a
three-step process.
In the first step of the SQT evaluation process, the St. Louis River AOC sediment toxicity
database was used to obtain matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data from the study area.
The studies contained in the"database provided eight data sets (168 .sediment samples; Table 6)
with which to evaluate the predictive ability of the candidate SQTs. These studies represented a
broad range of sediment toxicity results for which sediment chemistry data were widely available
for metals and P AHs. There was little matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data available
for total PCBs, and no such data for pesticides. The database included broad geographic
coverage of the St. Louis River AOC, as exemplified by the R-EMAP study (110 matching
sediment chemistry and toxicity samples; Breneman et al. 2000) and by an assessment of hot
spot areas in the Duluth/Superior Harbor (38 matching sediment chemistry and toxicity samples;
Crane et al. 1997).
In the second step of the evaluation, the measured concentrations of metals, PAHs, and/or total
PCBs in each sediment sample were compared to the corresponding SQTs for those substances.
Sediment samples were predicted to be not toxic if the measured concentration of a chemical
substance was lower than the corresponding Level I SQT value. Similarly, samples were
predicted to be toxic if the corresponding Level II SQT values were exceeded in field-collected
sediments. Samples with contaminant concentrations between the Levell and Level II SQTs
were neither predicted to be toxic nor non-toxic (i.e., the individual SQTs are not intended to
provide guidance within this range of concentrations). The comparisons of measured
concentrations to the candidate SQTs were conducted for a total of 23 PCOCs in the St. Louis
River AOC (Table 9).
Finally, the accuracy of each prediction was then evaluated by determining if the sediment
sample actually was toxic to one or more aquatic organisms, as indicated by the results of

SOTs for the Sf. Louis River AOe
various sediment toxicity tests. The following toxicity test endpoints were used as indicators of
toxicity in this assessment (i.e., sediment samples were designated as toxic if one or more of the
following endpoints were significantly different from the responses observed in the reference or
control sediments):
amphipod (Hyalella azteca) survival or growth;
midge (Chironomus tentans) survival or growth;
oligochaete (Lumbriculus variegatus) survival;
daphnid (Ceriodaphnia dubia) survival; and,
fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) survival.
Microtox@ was not included as an indicator of toxicity in this assessment because it failed to
improve our ability to discriminate amongst sediment samples in the St. Louis River AOC (Table
10). Sediment samples were designated as non-toxic if no significant responses were found in
any of the test endpoints.
Since most of the candidate Level I and Level II SQTs were adopted from the consensus-based
TECs and PECs, respectively, the published reliability ofthe TECs and PECs were used in the
evaluation of individual candidate SQTs. Based on reliability analyses that were carried out on a
nation-wide database (which did not include the St. Louis River data set), the individual
consensus-based TECs were considered to provide a reliable basis for assessing the quality of
freshwater sediments if more than 75% ofthe sediment samples were correctly predicted to be
non-toxic (MacDonald et at. 2000a). In addition, the individual consensus-based PECs were
considered to be reliable if greater than 75% of the sediment samples were correctly predicted to
be toxic (MacDonald et al. 2000a). Consequently, the target levels of both false positives (i.e.,
samples incorrectly classified as toxic) and false negatives (i.e., samples incorrectly classified as
not toxic) were 25% using the TEC and PEC values (MacDonald et at. 2000a). The consensus-
based SQGs were considered to be reliable only if a minimum of 20 samples were included in
the predictive ability evaluation (CCME 1995). Consensus-based SQGs that were determined to
be reliable by MacDonald et at. (2000a), and recommended for use as SQTs, are noted in
Table 9.
With having two types of candidate SQTs for the St. Louis River AOC, three ranges of
concentrations can be defined for each chemical substance as follows:
~ Level I SQT;

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
> Level I SQT to :::; Level II SQT; and
> Level II SQT.
The degree of concordance that exists between chemical concentrations and the incidence of
sediment toxicity (MacDonald et ai. 1996) can be assessed by determining the ratio of toxic
samples to the total number of samples within each of these three ranges of concentrations for
each substance (Table 9). In the St. Louis River AOC, the incidence of sediment toxicity
generally increased with increasing concentrations of individual metals and P AHs (Table 9).
For individual chemical concentrations less than or equal to the corresponding Level I SQTs, the
incidence of toxicity was low (i.e., :::;16%) for those metals and PAHs with reliable TECs (Table
9). In particular, sediment samples containing P AHs with reliable TECs had a lower incidence
of toxicity (i.e., 0 to 12%; n= 9) than sediments containing metals with reliable TECs (i.e., 9 to
16%; n = 4) at concentrations less than or equal to the Level I SQTs (Table 9). The somewhat
higher incidence of toxicity for sediment samples containing metals with reliable TECs may be
due to other classes of chemicals (e.g., PAHs) associated with toxicity. For the other chemicals
that had more than 20 samples at :::; Level I SQTs, the incidence of toxicity ranged from 10 to
17% for metals (i.e., mercury and nickel) and from 3.1 to 6.5% for P AHs [i.e.,
dibenz(a,h)anthracene, acenapthene, and fluorene] (Table 9). These results indicate that the
Level I SQTs provide an accurate basis for predicting the absence of sediment toxicity in the St.
Louis River AOC.
The results of this analysis indicates that the incidence of sediment toxicity is higher above the
Level II SQTs than it was at or below the Level I SQTs. For those metals and P AH compounds
with reliable PECs, the incidence of toxicity was generally high for metals (i.e., 60 to 100%; n = .
7) and moderate for P AHs (i.e., 36 to 45%; n = 7) (Table 9). While the observed incidence of
toxicity was lower than expected for P AHs, the data that were used in this evaluation were
primarily based on acute endpoints for short-term toxicity tests. The results of a more
comprehensive evaluation of North American data indicate that the incidence of toxicity would
have been higher (i.e., >75%) had the results of chronic toxicity tests been used in the assessment
(USEP A 2000a).
6.2.3 Evaluation of Grouped Candidate Sediment Quality Targets
Although the results of evaluations of the predictive ability of individual SQTs are informative,
they do not provide the most relevant basis for assessing the applicability of these sediment

SOTs for the St Louis River AOC
assessment tools. Because sediments in the St. Louis River AOC are known to contain complex
mixtures of contaminants (Schubauer-Berigan and Crane 1996, 1997; Crane et a1.1997; Glass et
al.1998; Breneman et al. 2000), the predictive ability of these sediment quality assessment tools
is likely to increase when the SQTs are used together to classify these sediments. For this
reason, a second evaluation was conducted to determine the incidence of toxicity within the
following ranges of mean PEC-quotients (PEC-Qs): :::;0.1, >0.1 to :::;0.5, >0.5 to :::;1.0, > 1.0 to
:::;5.0, and >5.0. These ranges were analogous to the mean PEC-Q ranges used by Ingersoll et al.
(USEP A 2000a) and Long et al. 1998a to evaluate the predictive ability of freshwater and marine
SQGs, respectively. In this evaluation, mean PEC-Qs were calculated using the methods that
were recommended by USEP A (2000a) and outlined in the box below.
Procedure for Calculating Mean PEC-Qs for Chemicals with Reliable PECs (USEP A 2000a)
Step 1.
Calculate the individual PEC-Qs for chemicals with reliable PECs (Le., metals, total P AHs, and
total PCBs). Note: the PEC for total PAHs (instead of the PECs for individual PAHs) was
used in the calculation to avoid double counting the PAH concentration data.
PEC-Q = chemical concentration (in dry wt.)
corresponding PEC value
Step 2.
Calculate the mean PEC-Q for the metals with reliable PECs (i.e., arsenic, cadmium, chromium,
copper, lead, nickel, and zinc).
mean PEC-Qrnetals = ~ individual metal PEC-Os
where n = number of metals with reliable PECs for which sediment chemistry data are
available (Le., 1 to 7).
Step 3.
Calculate the mean PEC-Q for the three main classes of chemicals with reliable PECs. Note:
the average PEC-Q for pesticides was not used in this calculation because no matching
sediment chemistry and toxicity data were available for this class of contaminants.
mean PEC-Q = (mean PEC-Qrnetals + PEC-QT. PAHs + PEC-QT. PCBs)

where n = number of classes of chemicals for which sediment chemistry data are

available (Le., 1 to 3).

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOe
The predictive ability of the candidate SQTs, when used together, was evaluated using the
information contained in the St. Louis River AOC sediment toxicity database (Table 10). For
each type of toxicity test category given in Table 10, the greatest number of matching sediment
chemistry and toxicity samples were available for the two lowest mean PEC-Q ranges (i.e., ~O.l
and >0.1 to ~0.5). For the next three higher mean PEC-Q ranges, the minimum data
requirements (i.e., 20 samples per category) were not met (Table 10). As such, comparisons of
the. predictive ability of different toxicity tests in the St. Louis River AOC should be made with
caution. Nevertheless, overall trends in the incidence of sediment toxicity can be distinguished
in Table 10 with the available data set.
The results of the predictive ability evaluation indicate that the incidence of acute toxicity to
amphipods and midges tends to be low (i.e., 6.8% and 6.5%, respectively) when the
concentrations of sediment-associated contaminants are low (i.e., as indicated by mean PEC
quotients of ~O.l; Table 10). Importantly, the incidence of sediment toxicity in St. Louis River
AOC sediments increased with increasing contaminant concentrations. For all toxicity tests
combined (excluding Microtox@), the incidence of toxicity was 53% in sediments with mean
PEC-Qs of> 1.0 (i.e., 10 of 19 samples). The incidence of sediment toxicity was even higher for
this combination of toxicity tests (i.e., 100%; 5 of 5 samples) when the mean PEC-Qs exceeded
5. While these results are useful for assessing the applicability of the SQTs in the St. Louis
River AOC, this evaluation was limited by the absence of data at higher contaminant
concentrations and from longer-term toxicity tests. This represents an important data gap
because the acute toxicity data do not provide an adequate basis for identifying chronic toxicity
thresholds for sediment-associated contaminants (USEP A 2000a). Consideration of the results
of the Microtox@ tests in this analysis failed to improve our ability to discriminate amongst
sediment samples in the St. Louis River AOC (Table 10).
Ingersoll et al. (USEP A 2000a) assembled matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data from a
variety of geographic locations in North America in order to evaluate the predictive ability of the
consensus-based SQGs. For this study, the incidence of toxicity in the St. Louis River AOC data
set was compared to the Great Lakes and North American data sets for amphipods and midges
(USEP A 2000a). This comparison was done to evaluate whether the mean PEC-Qs predicted a
similar incidence of sediment toxicity in the St. Louis River AOC as for the Great Lakes region.
and the rest of North America.

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOe
The St. Louis River AOC amphipod and midge data comprised a substantial portion of the Great
Lakes data set (49% and 32%, respectively) and about 24% of the North American data set
(Table 11). The contribution of the St. Louis River AOC data set was even more pronounced at
mean PEC-Qs :::;0.1 (Table 11). For example, the St. Louis River AGC data comprised 88% of
the Great Lakes amphipod data set and 47% of the Great Lakes midge data set at mean PEC-Qs
:::;0.1 (Table 11). Thus, in making comparisons of the incidence of toxicity between the St. Louis
River AOC, Great Lakes, and North American data sets, it is also important to make these
comparisons to the portions of the larger geographic data sets that exclude the St. Louis River
AOC data. In addition, the Great Lakes amphipod and midge data comprised 47% and 75%,
respectively, of the North American data set. This preponderance of Great Lakes sediment
toxicity data in North America may be attributed to the HC's listing of 43 AOCs around the
Great Lakes area and subsequent assessments of contaminated sediments in these AOCs, the
successful implementation of sediment assessment recommendations from the U.S. EPA's
Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) program (USEP A 1994a),
and an increase in funding of sediment-related projects by GLNPO during the 1990s.
The predictive ability of the mean PEC-Qs for 10-14 day amphipod tests is given in Table 12.
The incidence of toxicity was calculated for the following freshwater geographic areas:
St. Louis River AOC;
Other Great Lakes sites (excluding the St. Louis River AOC data);
Other North American sites (excluding the St. Louis River AOC data);
Non-Great Lakes sites in North America;
All Great Lakes sites (including the St. Louis River AOC data); and
All North American sites (including the St. Louis River AOC data).
The above categories enabled comparisons ofthe St. Louis River AOC data set to be made with
both independent data sets and with data sets inclusive of the St. Louis River AOC data. These
comparisons were most appropriate for the two lowest mean PEC-Q ranges (i.e., :::;0.1 and >0.1
to :::;0.5), because the minimum data requirements (i.e., 20 samples) were met for the St. Louis
River AGC. Any comparisons of the three higher mean PEC-Q ranges must be made with
caution due to the small number of sediment.samples from the St. Louis River AOC (i.e., :::;11
samples; Table 12). The incidence of toxicity calculations for the geographic areas described
above are given in Appendix I (Tables I-I and 1-2) and are summarized in Table 12. For the two
lowest mean PEC-Q ranges, 95% confidence intervals were calculated by using the binomial
distribution (i.e., choice of toxic or non-toxic) and applying the Bonferroni correction (Table 12).

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
Based on the results of the 10-14 day toxicity tests with the amphipod, Hyaiella azteca, the
incidence of toxicity tended to increase with greater mean PEC-Q ranges for the S1. Louis River
AOC, all Great Lakes, and all North American data sets (Table 12). This pattern was also
observed for the other Great Lakes sites, except at mean PEC-Qs :::;0.1 where the incidence of
toxicity was 50%. This number was based on a small sample size (i.e., n = 6), and all of the
toxic hits came from the Sheboygan River, WI data set (USEPA 2000a). The Sheboygan River
samples had high control survival (i.e., 97%), resulting in samples with 88% survival being
designated as toxic. As more records are entered into the North American freshwater database, it
may be possible to evaluate other ways of designating samples as toxic or non-toxic (i.e., in
addition to significance only).
The 95% confidence intervals for the S1. Louis River AOC overlapped with the 95% confidence
intervals for all the other geographic areas for mean PEC-Q ranges of :::;0.1 and >0.1 to :::;0.5, thus
implying no significant difference in the incidence of toxicity to amphipods. As more matching
sediment chemistry and toxicity endpoint data are added to the S1. Louis River AOC and North
American databases, the 95% confidence intervals can be expected to decrease in size for various
geographic areas. Consequently, the ability to discriminate between and within geographic areas
will be improved with a larger matching sediment chemistry and toxicity database. Considering
the limited number of S1. Louis River AOC samples available at mean PEC-Qs >5.0 (n = 4),
there appears to be good agreement in the incidence of amphipod toxicity (i.e., 64 to 77%)
amongst all geographic areas for this category (Table 12).
The incidence of toxicity in the S1. Louis River AOC for short-term amphipod tests can also be
compared to the incidence of toxicity in North America for long-term amphipod toxicity tests
[i.e., 28- to 42-day survival, growth, or reproduction tests with amphipods (Hyaiella azteca);
Table 1-2]. Ingersoll et ai. (USEP A 2000a) reported that mean PEC quotients of :::;0.1 and >0.1
to :::;0.5 were associated with a low incidence of sediment toxicity (i.e., 10% and 17%,
respectively; Table 1-2), based on the results of 28- to 42-day tests. In comparison, the incidence
oftoxicity from these long-term tests was similar to the results from short-term tests (i.e., 6.8 to
11 %; Table 12) from the St. Louis River AOC. Survival was the principal endpoint for the
short-term amphipod tests. The incorporation of growth as a chronic endpoint is recommended
for future 1 Q:-day amphipod tests of S1. Louis River sediments (Table 5). For S1. Louis River
sediments with mean PEC-Qs :::;0.5, short-term amphipod tests provide a cost-effective metric for
assessing the incidence of toxicity when compared to long-term amphipod tests. As the level of
sediment contamination increases above mean PEC-Qs of 0.5, more matching sediment
chemistry and toxicity data (for acute and chronic endpoints for short-term tests) will need to be

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
collected to more fully assess the predictive ability of these tests in the St. Louis River AOC. By
comparison, long-term tests in North America showed a relatively high incidence of toxicity
(i.e., 56%; 15 of27 samples) to amphipods at mean PEC-Qs of>0.5 to ::;1.0, while mean PEC-
Qs of> 1:0 to ::;5.0 and >5.0 were usually toxic to amphipods (i.e., 96% and 100%, respectively;
Table 1-2) (USEPA 2000a). Therefore, long-term amphipod toxicity tests would be a favored
metric to use in sediments with mean PEC-Qs >0.5.
The predictive ability of the mean PEC-Qs for 10-14 day midge tests is given in Table 13. The
incidence of toxicity was calculated for the same freshwater geographic areas as for the
amphipod, Hyalella azteca (see Tables 1-3 and 1-4). For the St. Louis River AOC, the incidence
of toxicity in the midge tests increased exponentially from 6.5% at mean PEC-Qs ::;0.1 to 100%
at mean PEC-Qs >5.0 (Table 13). As for the amphipod tests, 95% confidence intervals were
calculated for the two lowest mean PEC-Q ranges (i.e., ::;0.1 and >0.1 to ::;0.5). At mean PEC-Qs
::;0.1, the incidence of toxicity to midges was significantly less in the St. Louis River AOC (i.e.,
6.5%) than for the non-Great Lakes sites (i.e., 50%). Most of the toxicity at the non-Great Lakes
sites was attributed to a study of the Tennessee portion of the lower Mississippi River (USEP A
2000a); this data set was not evaluated to determine possible factors contributing to sediment
toxicity. For the other geographic areas at mean PEC-Qs ::;0.1 and >0.1 to ::;0.5, there was no
statistical difference in the incidence of toxicity between these areas and the St. Louis River
AOC (Table 13). In addition, the incidence of toxicity for midges and amphipods was virtually
the same in the St. Louis River AOC for these lower mean PEC-Q ranges (Tables 12 and 13).
Thus, for some sediment studies, it may be more cost effective to do either the short-term
amphipod or midge tests at sites with mean PEC-Qs ::;0.5 (i.e., sites that have already had the
spatial extent of contamination characterized or are suspected to be relatively clean). The
minimum data requirements (i.e., 20 samples per category) were not met for the three higher
mean PEC-Q ranges in the St. Louis River AOC (Table 13). Thus, limited comparisons can be
made to other geographic areas.
At mean PEC-Qs >5.0, 100% of the midge tests were toxic at the St. Louis River AOC sites;
most ofthese sediment samples were collected from the InterlakelDuluth Tar, Superfund site that
was heavily contaminated with PAHs. For the other geographic areas in the mean PEC-Q range
>5.0, a lower incidence of toxicity was observed at the other Great Lakes sites (63%), other
North American sites (61 %), all Great Lakes sites (68%), and all North American sites (66%)
compared to the St. Louis River AOC (100%) (Table 13). The higher incidence of sediment
toxicity to midges in the St. Louis River AOC appears to be associated with P AH contamination,
based on this small sample size (n = 5). At the other geographic areas, there are likely to be

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
other COCs (e.g., PCBs) associated with toxicity at mean PEC-Qs >5.0. For the St. Louis River
AOC, the greater incidence of toxicity in the short-term midge tests (i.e., 100%; n = 5; Table 13)
compared to the short-term amphipod tests (i.e., 75%; n = 4; Table 12) warrants further
evaluation to see if this trend remains stable after the minimum data requirements (i.e., 20
samples per category) have been met. For highly contaminated sites (i.e., mean PEC-Q > 5.0),
both types of short-term sediment toxicity tests should be used, with additional consideration
given to using 28-42 day amphipod tests at these sites.
The results of these predictive ability evaluations indicate that, collectively, the mean PEC-Qs
provide a reliable basis for classifying sediments as toxic or not toxic. At the two lowest mean
PEC-Q ranges, the results for the St. Louis River AOC were generally similar to those that were
generated for different geographic areas for 10-14 day amphipod tests (Table 12) and for 10-14
day midge tests (Table 13). Therefore, the Level I and Level II SQTs for PCOCs and COCs
(especially trace metals, PAHs, and total PCBs) are likely to provide a reliable basis for
assessing sediment quality conditions in the St. Louis River AOC. The recommended Level I
and Level II SQTs for the protection of sediment-dwelling organisms in the St. Louis River AOC
are listed in Table 14.
Sediments in the St. Louis River AOC generally contain complex mixtures of contaminants
(Crane et al. 1997). For this reason, assessments of sediment quality conditions relative to the
protection of sediment-dwelling organisms should be conducted using the SQTs together (i.e.,
through the calculation of mean PEC-Qs). Sediments with mean PEC-Qs of:::;O.1 should be
considered to provide the highest level of protection for sediment-dwelling organisms (i.e., Level
I); the probability of observing chronic sediment toxicity is < 1 0% in sediments with these
chemical characteristics (USEP A 2000a). Sediments with mean PEC-Qs of >0.1 to :::;0.6 should
be considered to provide a moderate level of protection for sediment-dwelling organisms (i.e.,
Level II); the probability of observing chronic sediment toxicity is <50% in sediments with these
chemical characteristics (USEPA 2000a). At mean PEC-Qs of>0.6, the probability of observing
chronic sediment toxicity is higher (i.e., >50%), indicating that sediment-dwelling organisms
would be afforded a relatively low level of protection.
. Sediment-associated contaminants have the potential to adversely affect wildlife species in
several ways. First, certain wildlife species can be exposed directly to contaminated sediments
through dermal contact (e.g., demersal fish species, such as carp or sculpins) or through ingestion

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
pathways (e.g., bottom-feeding fish species or birds that consume sediment-dwelling organisms),
potentially resulting in direct toxicity. In addition, many wildlife species may be exposed to
sediment-associated contaminants as a result of food web transfers and associated
bioaccumulation. The accumulation of toxic substances in the tissues of these species can result
in decreased growth, impaired reproduction, reduced survival, or other harmful effects. Finally,
sediment-associated contaminants can be toxic to sediment-dwelling organisms and, in so doing,
result in decreased abundance of food for higher trophic organisms.
Bioaccumulation-based SQTs represent important tools for conducting sediment quality
assessments for several reasons. First and foremost, unlike the effects-based SQTs described in
the previous section, the bioaccumulation-based SQTs explicitly consider the potential for
bioaccumulation and effects on higher trophic levels in the food web. That is, the
bioaccumulation-based SQTs provide a basis for interpreting sediment chemistry data in terms of
the potential for harmful effects on wildlife. Because there were a limited number of
bioaccumulation-based SQTs, and methods for evaluating the reliability of these SQTs are not
readily available, it is recommended that the existing SQTs for the protection of wildlife
(NYSDEC 1999; MacDonald 1994) be adopted directly as interim SQTs in the S1. Louis River
AOC. The available bioaccumulation-based SQTs for PCOCs and COCs in the S1. Louis River
AOC are presented in Table 15. These SQTs should be used in conjunction with tissue
chemistry data and applicable tissue residue guidelines (TRGs) (such as Newell et ai. 1987) to
confirm that contaminated sediments pose a hazard to mammalian and/or avian wildlife species.
While aquatic organisms can be exposed to bioaccumulative substances (such as mercury,
benzo(a)pyrene, PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, and dioxins and furans) via a number of
exposure pathways, ingestion of contaminated sediments represent the most important pathway
for sediment-dwelling organisms (Cook et al. 1992). In turn, these bioaccumulative
contaminants can biomagnify in the food web, including species. consumed by humans.
Accumulation of toxic substances in fish tissues beyond specified TRGs [e.g., Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) Action Levels] can impair designated water uses (i.e., recreation and
human health) through the issuance of fish consumption advisories. Therefore, the accumulation
of toxic substances in the tissues of fish, and other aquatic organisms, is an important issue in
areas that support subsistence, sport, or commercial fisheries. Subsistence fishing may occur in
the S1. Louis River AOC, particularly by members ofthe Fond du Lac Band for whom fish is an

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
important component of their diet. The area is widely utilized for sport fishing (especially
walleye). Commercial fishing no longer takes place in the St. Louis River AOC.
Numerical SQTs for the protection of human health have not been previously established in
Minnesota. However, the NYSDEC has established criteria for the protection of human health
(NYSDEC 1999). NYSDEC's criteria are intended to identify the maximum concentrations of
sediment-associated contaminants to prevent harmful levels of bioaccumulation in fish and other
aquatic organisms. The recommended SQTs for the protection of human health that are
presented in Table 15 were adopted directly from the criteria that were e.stablished by NYSDEC
(1999). This approach to the selection ofSQTs was used because protection of human health is a
high priority management goal in Minnesota and Wisconsin and the criteria from NYSDEC
(1999) are likely to provide a high level of protection in the St. Louis River AOC. These SQTs
should be used in conjunction with tissue chemistry data and applicable TRGs (such as FDA
Action Levels; USEP A 1989a; 1997a) to confirm that contaminated sediments pose a risk to
human health.
Recreation and aesthetics represent important water uses in the St. Louis River AOC. While
certain recreational and aesthetic uses of the aquatic ecosystem in the study area can be affected
by sediment quality conditions, SQTs for the protection of recreational and aesthetic water uses
have not been established in either Minnesota or Wisconsin. In addition, a comprehensive
review of the published scientific literature failed to reveal any SQGs for these water uses
(MacDonald et al. 1999). Therefore, it is not possible to establish site-specific SQTs for
recreation and aesthetics in the St. Louis River AOC. Nevertheless, it is Ilkely that the SQTs for
the protection of aquatic life; wildlife, and human health are likely to be provide adequate
protection for recreational and aesthetic water uses (CCME 1999).
A comprehensive review of the scientific literature failed to identify any SQGs that were
specifically intended to protect shipping and navigation in the St. Louis River AOC (MacDonald
et al. 1999). However, SQGs which define the maximum concentrations of sediment-associated
contaminants for unrestricted open-water disposal of dredged materials have been established in

SOTs for the St. Louis River AOC
certain jurisdictions (e.g., Environment Canada has adopted the Canadian TELs for the
protection of aquatic life for this application; Porebski 1999). In addition, Environment Canada
has established SQGs which, if exceeded, necessitate special handling of marine dredged
materials (e.g., upland disposal; the PELs have been adopted for this application). In Canada,
toxicity testing is required when contaminant concentrations fall between the TEL and PEL
Open water disposal of dredged materials is prohibited in Minnesota and Wisconsin. However,
dredged material in the outer Duluth-Superior Harbor tends to be very sandy and is utilized for
many beneficial uses, including beach nourishment, habitat development, and highway
construction. The beneficial use of dredged material within the water should be done in such a
manner as to not cause further chemical degradation of the environment. For example, chemical
concentrations in dredged material should be less than the Level I SQTs if it is to be used for
habitat enhancement. Land application of dredged material must comply with the chemical
limits specified in the MPCA's rules for land application ofbiosolids. The WDNR does not
have written policies regarding the land application of dredged material (Tom Janisch, WDNR,
personal communication, 2000). In Wisconsin, use of dredged material as a topsoil replacement
would be considered as a low hazard waste grant of exemption.

ADDlications of SOTs
The long-term vision that has been developed for the St. Louis River AOC articulates the
importance ofthis transboundary watershed to the people who live in Duluth, MN; Superior, WI;
and surrounding areas. Based on the ecosystem goals and objectives that have been developed
for the St. Louis River AOC, maintaining a healthy, well-balanced ecosystem is an essential
element of this vision. Protection of existing water uses and restoration of those uses that have
been compromised due to environmental contamination have also been identified as central
components of the RAP process. Making progress toward this long-term vision will require the
successful implementation of a variety of environmental management initiatives, including those
that are focused on the assessment, management, and remediation of contaminated sediments.
Effective management of contaminated sediments in the St. Louis River AOC will require the
collection and interpretation of information on the quality of aquatic sediments. The
applicability of the SQTs in sediment assessments is increased when used in conjunction with
other tools that facilitate determinations of concentrations of PCOCs and COCs, sediment
toxicity, bioaccumulation, and effects on in situ benthic invertebrates (Chapman et al. 1987).
The numerical SQTs (i.e., Level I and Level II values) that are recommended in this document
are intended to support sediment management initiatives by providing tools that can assist in the
collection and interpretation of sediment chemistry data. More specifically, the SQTs provide a
basis for classifying sediments relative to their potential to be toxic to sediment-dwelling
organisms. The recommended applications of the numerical SQTs for assessing contaminated
sediments within the study area include:
designing monitoring programs;
interpreting sediment chemistry data;
assessing the risks to biotic receptors associated with contaminated sediments; and,
developing site-specific sediment quality remediation targets (SQRTs).

ADDlications of SOTs
Each of these potential uses of the SQTs are discussed in the following sections. An integrated
framework was formulated to illustrate the applications of the various assessment tools in the
sediment quality assessment process (see Appendix J). The framework provides guidance on the
use of information on sediment chemistry, sediment toxicity, benthic invertebrate community
status, and tissue chemistry for determining if sediments are contaminated, interpreting the
implications of contamination, and identifying use impairments at a site. In addition, roles of
remedial action planning and confirmatory monitoring and assessment were described. More
detailed guidance on this sediment quality assessment framework is currently being developed
for GLNPO.
Monitoring is an integral component of environmental surveillance programs. While such
programs may be undertaken for a number of reasons (e.g., trend assessment, impact assessment,
compliance), limitations on available resources dictate that they must be conducted in an
effective and efficient manner. For this reason, it is important for sediment quality monitoring
programs to be well focused and to provide the types of information necessary to effectively'
manage contaminated sediments.
The numerical SQTs contribute to the design of environmental monitoring programs in several
ways. First, comparison of existing sediment chemistry data with the SQTs provides a
systematic basis for identifying high priority areas for implementing monitoring activities such
as delineating the spatial extent of contamination and assessing biological effects through
sediment toxicity tests, benthological community surveys, and/or bioaccumulation assessments.
Second, when used in conjunction with existing sediment chemistry data, the SQTs may be
utilized to identify PCOCs and COCs within a study area. By considering the potential sources
of these contaminants, it may be possible to further identify priority sites for investigation. The
SQTs can also assist in monitoring program design by establishing target detection limits for
each substance (e.g., 0.5 x Level I SQT). Determination of the detection limits that are needed to
support subsequent interpretation of sediment chemistry data should help to avoid many of the
difficulties that have resulted from the use of standard, yet inappropriate, analytical methods (i.e.,
methods that achieve method detection limits that are greater than the Level I SQTs).

ADDlications of SOTs
Over the past decade, sediment chemistry data have been collected at a wide range of sites in the
S1. Louis River AOC. While these data can be used directly to assess the status and trends in
environmental quality conditions, they do not, by themselves, provide a basis for determining if
the concentrations of contaminants represent significant hazards to aquatic organisms. In this.
context, however, numerical SQTs provide practical assessment tools or 'scientific benchmarks'
against which the biological importance of sediment chemistry data can be assessed. In this
context, individual SQTs may be used as screening tools to identify areas of contaminated
sediments within the S1. Louis River AOC.
The numerical SQTs can be used to identify, rank, and prioritize PCOCs and COCs in freshwater
sediments. In this application, the concentration of each chemical substance in each sediment
sample is compared to the corresponding SQT value. Those substances that occur at
concentrations below the Level I SQTs should be considered to be of relatively low priority.
Th~se substances that occur at concentrations above the Level I SQTs but below the Level II
SQTs should be considered to be of moderate concern, while those that are present at
concentrations in excess ofthe Level II SQTs should be considered to be of relatively high
concern. The relative priority assigned to each chemical substance can be determined by
evaluating the magnitude and frequency of exceedance of the SQTs. Chemicals that exceed the
Level II SQTs frequently, 'or by a large margin; should be viewed as the chemicals of greatest
concern (Long and MacDonald 1998; MacDonald et at. 2000a; USEPA 2000a).
In conducting such assessments, it is important to remember that certain chemicals can be
present in relatively unavailable forms (such as in slag, paint chips, tar). The SQTs are not
meant to be used for sediment samples that contain a large proportion of these foreign materials.
The SQTs can be used for soft sediment samples that have small quantities of these types of
materials. Therefore, there is not a 100% certainty that samples with chemical concentrations in
excess of the Level II SQTs will actually be toxic to sediment-dwelling organisms. The
reliability of the SQTs should also be considered when conducting evaluations of sediment
chemistry data, with the greatest weight assigned to those SQTs which have been shown to be
reliable (Ingersoll et at. 1996; MacDonald et at. 2000a).
Collecting ancillary sediment quality information can increase the degree of confidence that can
be placed in determinations of COCs. Specifically, data on regional background concentrations
of sediment-associated contaminants can be used to id~ntify substances of relatively low concern

ADDlications of SOTs
with respect to anthropogenic activities (i.e., those that occur at or below background levels).
Data from toxicity tests can also be used to support the identification of COCs. More
specifically, matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data provide a basis for evaluating the
degree of concordance between the concentrations of specific contaminants and measured
adverse effects. The degree of concordance between chemical concentrations and sediment
toxicity can be evaluated using correlation analyses and regression plots (Carr et al. 1996).
Those substances that are present at elevated concentrations (i.e., as indicated by exceedances of
the Level II SQTs) in toxic samples should be identified as the chemicals of highest concern
(Long and MacDonald 1998). Those chemicals that are not positively correlated to the results of
toxicity tests'should be viewed as relatively lower priority contaminants. These types of
analyses need to be conducted on a site-specific basis for hot spot areas in the St. Louis River
The numerical SQTs can also be used to identify sites of concern with respect to the potential for
observing adverse biological effects. In this application, the concentrations of sediment-
associated contaminants should be compared to the corresponding SQTs. Sediments in which
none of the measured chemical concentrations exceed the Level I SQTs should be considered to
have the lowest potential for adversely affecting sediment-dwelling organisms and could be
considered reference areas (Long and Wilson 1997). However, the potential for unmeasured
contaminants to be present at levels of toxicological concern cannot be dismissed without
detailed information on land and water uses within the water body or the results of sediment
toxicity tests. Those sediments which have concentrations of one or more contaminants between
the Level I and Level II SQTs should be considered to be of moderate priority, while those
sediments with contaminant concentrations in excess of one or more Level II SQTs should be
considered to be of relatively high concern. Once again, the magnitude and frequency of
exceedances of the Level II SQTs provide a basis for assigning relative priority ratings to areas
of concern with respect to contaminated sediments.
Importantly, the numerical SQTs provide consistent tools for evaluating spatial patterns in
chemical contamination. More specifically, the SQTs can be used to compare and rank sediment
quality conditions among sites located ~ithin the St. Louis River AOC. For example, maps
showing the mean PEC-Q ranges for sites with matching sediment chemistry and toxicity data in
the St. Louis River AOC are given in Figures 5 to 7. Sixteen sites could not be plotted due to a
lack of geopositional data. The most contaminated areas included the Interlake/Duluth Tar
Superfund site and the USX Superfund site (Figure 5 and 7). Minnesota Slip, Slip C, arid the
area encompassing WLSSD and the outlets of Miller and Coffee Creeks also rank highly for

ADDlications of SOTs
surficial sediment contamination (Figure 6). Other hot spot areas (e.g., Howards Bay) also have
surficial sediments with elevated mean PEC-Q ranges (i.e., >0.11 to ~ 0.6) (Figures 5 to 7). If
Figure 5 was expanded to include all surficial sediment chemistry, then the Hog Island Inlet and
Newton Creek area would rank highly for sediment contamination as well. Similar maps could
be generated for deeper core segments to give an indication of the temporal distribution of
chemical substances.
If a stratified random sampling design is used in a monitoring program, then the SQTs provide a
basis for calculating the spatial extent' of potentially toxic sediments. In hot spot areas, further
investigations would typically be implemented to identify contaminant sources, assess the areal
extent and severity of actual sediment toxicity, evaluate the potential for bioaccumulation, and/or
determine the need for source control measures or other remedial measures. The SQTs could
also be used to evaluate the efficacy of any regulatory actions that are implemented at the site.
While previous guidance has cautioned against using SQGs as stand alone decision tools, the
results of recent evaluations of their reliability and predictive ability substantially increase the
level of confidence that can be placed in the consensus-based SQGs. For example, there is a low
probability of observing sediment toxicity (i.e., <10%) in North American sediments with mean
PEC-Qs ~0.1 (i.e., based on the results of 28- to 42-day toxicity tests with amphipods; USEP A
2000a) (Table 1-2). In contrast, the probability of observing sediment toxicity increases at mean
PEC-Qs of>0.5 to ~1.0 (56% incidence of toxicity) and> 1.0 (97% incidence. of toxicity) (i.e.,
based on the results of 28- to 42-day toxicity tests with amphipods on North American
sediments; USEP A 2000a) (Table 1-2). Therefore, the MPCA and WDNR should consider
whether Level II SQTs, when incorporated into mean PEC-Qs, could be used directly to support
small-scale sediment management decisions (e.g., implementing source control measures,
conducting sediment remediation for small sites such as boat slips). These tools are particularly
efficient for evaluating sediment quality at relatively small sites, where the costs of further
investigations could approach or exceed the costs of implementing remedial measures. For
larger sites, SQTs should be used in a screening approach for preliminary assessments of data.
For complex studies in which additional sediment assessment phases are conducted (e.g., the
Interlake/Duluth Tar and USX Superfund sites), SQTs are used in conjunction with other tools
(e.g., sediment toxicity tests, benthological surveys, bioaccumulation assessments) to make
. decisions about the spatial and temporal extent of contamination and the need for remediation.

Aoolications of SOTs
Risk assessment is the process of assigning magnitudes and probabilities to the adverse effects
that may be associated with exposure to environmental contamination or other hazards.
Ecological risk assessment (ERA) is an evolving process that is designed to provide science-
based guidance for managing environmental quality, particularly at contaminated sites.
Sediment quality guidelines can be used, with sufficient certainty, in ecological risk assessments
(SET AC 1997).
Numerical SQGs can contribute directly to several stages ofthe ecological risk assessment
process, including problem formulation, effects assessment, and risk characterization. During
problem formulation, background information and preliminary sampling data are used to identify
the problem and define the issues that need to be addressed at contaminated sites (Chapman et al.
1987). At the problem formulation stage, SQGs can be used in conjunction with existing
sediment chemistry data t6 identify the chemicals and areas of concern with respect to sediment
contamination (Long et al. 1998a). In turn, this information can be used to scope out the nature
and extent of the problem and to identify probable sources of sed,iment contamination at the site.
In addition, the SQGs provide a consistent basis for identifying appropriate reference areas that
can be used in subsequent assessments of the contaminated site (Menzie 1997). Furthermore, the
underlying data (Le., the matching sediment chemistry and biological effects data) provide a
scientific basis for identifying appropriate assessment endpoints (i.e., receptors and ecosystem
functions to be protected) and measurement endpoints (i.e., metrics for the assessment endpoints)
that can be used at subsequent stages of the assessment.
Numerical SQGs also represent effective tools that can be used to assess the effects of sediment-
associated contaminants (i.e., during the effects assessment of the ERA). The goal of the effects
assessment is to provide information on the toxicity or other effects that are likely to occur as a
result of the sediment contamination. In this application, the SQGs provide an effective basis for
classifying sediments as toxic or not toxic when used in conjunction with sediment chemistry
data (MacDonald et al. 1996; Ingersoll et al. 1996; MacDonald et al. 2000a; USEP A 2000a).
The applicability of the SQGs in effects assessments is increased when used in conjunction with
other tools that facilitate determinations of background concentrations of contaminants such as,
sediment toxicity, bioaccumulation, and effects on in situ benthic macroinvertebrates(Chapman
et al. 1987).

Aoolications of SOTs
The primary purpose of the risk characterization stage of an ERA is to estimate the nature and
extent of the risk at a contaminated sediment site and to evaluate the level of uncertainty
associated with that estimate (Chapman et af. 1987). The SQGs are p~rticularly useful at this
stage of the process because they provide a quantitative basis for evaluating the potential for
observing adverse effects in contaminated sediments, for determining the spatial extent of
unacceptable levels of sediment contamination (i.e., sediments that exceed prescribed limits of
risk to sediment-dwelling organisms), and for estimating the uncertainty in the risk
determinations (i.e., the potential for Type I and Type II errors). Importantly, calculation of the
frequency of exceedance of the upper level SQGs and specified mean PEL quotients (PEL-Qs)
enables risk assessors to estimate the probability that contaminated sediments will be toxic to
sediment-dwelling organisms (Long and MacDonald 1998). When appropriate sediment
chemistry data are available, these procedures facilitate the determination of the cumulative
effects of contaminants arising from multiple sources (i.e., in addition to the contaminated site)
and the evaluation of the potential for off-site impacts. The uncertainty associated with the
application of the SQGs at this stage of the ERA can be effectively reduced by using the SQGs in
conjunction with other measurement endpoints, such as results of toxicity tests and benthic
invertebrate community assessments. For the St. Louis River AGC, the Level I and Level II
SQTs can be applied in ERAs in the same manner that SQGs are used at other sites.
Sediment quality issues are rarely entirely the responsibility of one agency or one level of
government. For this reason, it may be necessary to establish agreements between various levels
of government to define their responsibilities with respect to the prevention, assessment,
management, and remediation of sediment contamination. Multi-jurisdictional agreements may
include accords on a number of issues; however, establishment of SQR Ts is important because
they provide a common yardstick against which the efficacy of a range of sediment management
initiatives can be measured. These SQRTs should be based on chemical SQTs, as well as
biological effects.
Numerical SQTs can be used in several ways to support the derivation ofSQRTs. Specifically,
SQTs are useful because they provide a means of establishing SQRTs that fulfill the narrative
use protection objectives for the site. For example, SQRTs could be set at mean PEC-Qs :::;0.1 if
the site management goal is to provide a high level of protection for sediment dwelling
organisms. Alternatively, the SQRTs could be set at a mean PEC-Q of 0.6 if the immediate goal
for the site is to reduce the potential for acute toxicity and permit natural recovery processes to

ADDlications of SOTs
further reduce contaminant concentrations. In addition, SQTs and evaluations of their predictive
ability provide information that may be used to evaluate the costs and benefits associated with
various remediation options.
For the Minnesota portion of the S1. Louis River AOC, an internal MPCA group composed of
technical, remediation, and policy and planning staff need to formulate a policy for using SQTs
for sediment management activities. This policy should be developed with stakeholder input
from the Natural Resource Trustees (which includes MPCA, MDNR, WDNR, NOAA, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, and Fond du Lac Band staff), S1. Louis River CAC, Harbor Technical
Advisory Committee, and concerned citizens. Discussions with the WDNR, and perhaps an
interagency agreement with them, would be useful to ensure the SQTs are used in a consistent
manner throughout the St. Louis River AOC. The MPCA Commissioner and the Citizens Board-
of the MPCA will make final decisions on the application of numerical SQTs as SQRTs, along
the Minnesota side of the S1. Louis River AOC.
For the USX and Interlake/Duluth Tar Superfund sites, the remediation requirements for these
sites may involve the use of:
an applicable or relevant and appropriate requirement (ARAR);
a preliminary remedial action objective; and
a preliminary remediation goal.
The Level I and Level II SQTs, as well as mean PEC-Qs and biological effects data, may be
utilized by the MPCA and Natural Resource Trustees (with stakeholder input) to develop
remediation requirements for these sites. Although ARARs have been established based on
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) drinking water criteria, surface water criteria, and
acceptable human health carcinogenic risks of one person in 100,000 (i.e., I 0-5), ARARs have yet
to be established for ecological risk. As discussed in the previous section, SQTs can be applied
in the ERA framework and can contribute to the development of ARARs. In addition, the SQTs
can be utilized with bioeffects and tissue residue data to develop preliminary remedial action
objectives and remediation goals that are protective of aquatic life (i.e., benthic invertebrates).
The process of developing remediation requirements for the Interlake/Duluth Tar Superfund site
has recently begun. The ARARs are not negotiable with the PRPs unless they apply for a
technical impracticability waiver (e.g., a waiver for meeting mixing zone requirements during
remedy implementation). Any development of sediment-based ARARs for P AH compounds
will need to take into consideration the phototoxicity of P AHs in shallow water areas.

Summarv and Recommendations
The St. Louis River AOC provides substantial social, economic, and cultural benefits to the
residents of northeastern Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin. The area also provides important
habitats for a wide variety of aquatic organisms and aquatic-dependent wildlife species. .
Concerns over environmental quality conditions prompted the designation of the lower St. Louis
River as one of 43 Great Lakes Areas of Concern, in part due to degraded sediment quality in
portions of the watershed. In total, 12 confirmed and possible use impairments have been
documented in the study area. Restoration of these beneficial uses will be expedited. through the
development and implementation of a three-phase RAP for the area.
To support the RAP process, an ecosystem-based approach to the assessment and management of
sediment quality conditions is presented in this document. The recommended framework for
. ecosystem-based sediment quality management consists of four main elements, including: .
identification and assessment of issues and collation of the existing ecosystem
knowledge base;
development and articulation of ecosystem health goals and objectives;
selection of ecosystem health indicators (including specific metrics and targets); and,
implementation of directed research and monitoring.
This framework is intended to support sound management decisions to help protect, maintain,
restore, and enhance ecosystem health. When applied to sediment quality management, this
framework is intended to provide a basis for maintaining and restoring the conditions necessary
to protect sediment-dwelling organisms, wildlife, and human health.
Numerical SQTs are required to support the assessment, management, and remediation of
contaminated sediments in the St. Louis River AOC. In total, eight distinct approaches to the
development of SQTs were evaluated during this investigation. The results of this evaluation
were used to recommend a. tiered strategy for establishing Level I and Level II SQTs for the
protection of aquatic organisms. Using the tiered strategy, SQTs are derived preferentially using
the consensus-based approach (MacDonald et al. 2000a,b). Sediment quality targets from other
jurisdictions are utilized when insufficient site-specific data are available to support the

Summarv and Recommendations
consensus-based approach (CCME 1999 and NYSDEC 1999). These SQTs were evaluated and
found to provide a reliable basis for classifying sediments as toxic and non-toxic in the St. Louis
River AGC. SQTs for the protection of wildlife and human health were adoptedJrom the state
of New York (NYSDEC 1999).
Guidance on the uses of numerical SQTs was also developed as part of this investigation. The
recommended applications of the numerical SQTs for assessing contaminated sediments in the
study area include: designing monitoring programs; interpreting sediment chemistry data,
conducting ecological risk assessments, and developing SQRTs. Each of these uses of the SQTs
were described in this document.
Based on the results of this investigation, the following recommendations are offered to support
sediment quality assessment activities in the St. Louis River AGC:
Develop indicators, metrics, and targets for the other components (e.g., benthos) of
the aquatic ecosystem to support full implementation of ecosystem-based
Determine natural background concentrations of metals and P AHs in sediments from
the study area. A reference element approach is recommended for determining
background concentrations of total metals (after Schropp et al. 1990).
Determine contemporary background concentrations of the substances that are subject
to long-range transport in the atmosphere (i.e., PCBs, organochlorine pesticides,
dioxins and furans, mercury, etc.) and in sediments (i.e., at un impacted sites).
Further evaluate the recommended SQTs for the protection of sediment-dwelling
organisms using the results of longer-term toxicity tests (i.e., 28- to 42-day tests with
the amphipod, Hyalella azteca), as the data become available for sites in the St. Louis
River AGC.
Conduct an evaluation of bioaccumulation-based SQTs that have been adopted from
other jurisdictions.
Establish tissue residue guidelines for the protection of wildlife and/or critical body

burdens in sediment-dwelling organisms for bioaccumulative CQCs.

Summarv and Recommendations
In consultation with the St. Louis River CAC, develop a geographic information
system (GIS)-compatible database to support the compilation and use of all available
sediment-related information for the study area. . The MPCA has obtained GLNPO
grant number GL975363-01 to develop a GIS-based contaminated sediment database
for the St. Louis River AOC. This new project will be completed by September 30,
Incorporate the effects-based and bioaccumulation-based SQTs, as well as the other
indicators of sediment quality conditions, into the RAP and other decision-making
processes to the St. Louis River AOC.
Implementation of the aforementioned recommendations will depend on MPCA, MDNR,
WDNR, and Fond du Lac Band management priorities for the St. Louis River AOC, as well
as on securing local, state, and/or federal funds to carry out these recommendations. In
addition, input from two other natural resource trustees (i.e., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
and NOAA) for two Superfund sites in the Duluth Harbor must be taken into consideration
for sediment-related actions at these sites.

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