
January  1975
                     Environmental Protection Technology Seri
••••••iWliiOI'T  FOR  MtASURIIIIIiilil



               A. Pattnaik and J . D. Mcakin

           The Franklin Institute Research Laboratories
                Benjamin Franklin Parkway
              Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
                 Contract No. 68-02-1268
                   ROAP No. 26AAM
                Program Element No. 1AA010
              EPA Project Officer:  Jack Wagman

              Chemistry and Physics Laboratory
            National Environmental Research Center
           Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711
                    Prepared for

                WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460

                    January 1975

                        EPA REVIEW NOTICE

This report has been reviewed by the National Environmental Research
Center - Research Triangle Park, Office of Research and Development,
EPA,  and approved for publication.  Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental
Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial
products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

Research reports of the Office of Research and Development. U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency, have'been grouped into scries. These broad
categories were established to facilitate further development and applica-
tion of environmental technology.  Elimination of traditional grouping was
consciously planned to foster technology transfer and maximum interface
in related fields. These series are:







          9.  MISCELLANEOUS

This report has been assigned to the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
TECHNOLOGY series.  This series describes  research performed to
develop and demonstrate instrumentation, equipment and methodology
to repair or prevent environmental degradation from point and non-
point sources  of pollution.  This work provides the new or improved
technology required for the  control and treatment of pollution sources
to meet environmental quality standards.
This document is available to the public for sale through the National
Technical Information Service, Springfield,  Virginia 22161 .

                 Publication No. EPA-650/2-75-029



                                 Title                           Page




    2.1  Statement of the Problem   	2-1

    2.2  Description of Methodology for the Analysis
         of Airborne Asbestos      	   2-2

         2.2.1  Sampling    	2-2

         2.2.2  Specimen Preparation for Scanning Electron
                Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy   2-3

         2.2.3  Measurement Techniques   	   2-6

         2.2.4  Analysis of Microscopic Data   	2-8

         2.2.5  Transmission Electron Microscopic Observation  .   2-9


    3.1  Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) Observation of  .  .   3_i
         Standard Asbestos

    3.2  Energy Dispersive (E.I).) X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
         of Standard Asbestos  	   3-4

         3.2.1  Beryllium (Be) - Stud Specimen	   3-7

         3,2.2  Beryllium Oxide (BeO) - Substrate Specimen   .  .   3.7

    3.3  Transmission Electron Microscopic  (TEM) Observation
         of Standard Asbestos      	  3-10

    3.4  Analysis of Airborne Asbestos   	3-13

4.  DISCUSSION     	4-1

    4.1  E.D. X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Standard Asbestos
         in a Field Emission SEM	   4-1


                            CONTENTS  (cont)

Seat-Ion                        Title                               Page

     4.2  Analysis of Airborne Asbestos - Overall View  	  4-3

     4.3  Feasibility of  an Automated Counting System	  4-7



7.   REFERENCES   	7-1

     APPENDIX A - BeO Substrate  Preparation   	  A-l

     APPENDIX B - Computer Program for the Identification
                  of Asbestos Fibers	D-l


Kwnber                          Title                             Page

  1  Schematic Diagram of the Steps Involved in Specimen Prepa-
     ration   .............   2—4

  2  SEM Micrographs of Johns Manville Chrysotile Asbestos, X150,
     (a) Before LT Ashing, (b) After LT Ashing	3-2

  3  High Resolution SEM Micrographs of Johns Manville Chrysotile
     Asbestos.  (a) Before LT Ashing, Structure of the Carbon
     Extraction Replica of Millipore Filter, X3.000.  (b) After
     Partial LT Ashing, Note the same fiber in (a) and (b),
     X3,000 (c) After Complete LT Ashing, X3.000  ....   3-3

  4  SEM Micrographs of John Manville Chrosotile Fibers Aspirated
     on a BeO Substrate, Secondary Electron Mode,  (a) X300; (b)
     X10,000, White spots correspond to the points where x-ray
     analysis was carried out	3-5

  5  X-ray Fluorescence Spectra from U.I.C.C. Standard Asbestos
     Fibers and from Asbestos Fibers in Duluth Water and Phila-
     delphia Air  ............   3-6

  6  X-ray Fluorescence Spectra from Johns Manville Chrysotile on
     Be-Stud Specimen at 18 KV and 6 x 10~10 amp, Minimum Times
     used for Identification  .........   3-8

  7  X-ray Fluorescence Spectra from Johns Manville Chrysotile on
     BeO Substrate Specimen at 25 KV and 2 x 10~9 amp, Minimum
     Times used for Identification	3-9

  8  Selected Area Electron Diffraction Patterns from U.I.C.C.
     Standard Asbestos Fibers.  (a) Chrysotile (b) Anthophyllite
     (c) Amosite, (d) Crocidolite	3-11

  9  TEM Study on BeO Substrates,  (a) Low-Magnification Image
     of Copper Grid with BeO Substrates, Canadian Chrysotile
     Processed according to Figure 1.  (b) SAD Rings Arising from
     Mostly Fine-Grained BeO.  (c) SAD Pattern from Chrosotile
     Fiber	3-12

 10. TEM Micrographs of U.I.C.C. Canadian Chrysotile on BeO Sub-
     strate Processed According to Figure 1. (a) X3,000,  (b)
     X9.000; (c) X35.000	3-14


                            FIGURES (Cont'd.)

Number                        Title                              Page

 11  SEM Micrographs of Point Source Sample, #A-228, XI,000
     ((a) and (b) refer to different areas)	3-17

 12  SEM Micrographs of Point Source Sample, //A-224; XI,000   .   3-18

 13  SEM Micrographs of Near Point Source Sample, //A-223; (a)
     XI,000 (b) X3.000	3-19

 14  SEM Micrographs of Near Point Source Sample, //A-226, X3,000  3-20

 15  TEM Micrographs of Near Point Source Sample, //A-226.  (a)
     X4.000, (b) 45,000	3-21

 16  Cumulative Distribution of Asbestos Fiber Diameters and
     Lengths for Point Source and Near Point Source Samples   .   3-23

 17  Cumulative Distribution of Asbestos Fiber Diameters and
     Lengths for a Point Source Sample, #A-227 (A-227-1 and A-227-2
     refer to differnt portions of the filter)	3-24

 18  SEM Micrographs of Demolition Site Sample, XI,000.   .   .   3-25

 19  SEM Micrographs of the FIRL Ambient Air Sample, Roof Level,
     0.165m3 of Air; X100. (a) Before LT Ashing,  (b) After LT
     Ashing	3-27

 20  SEM Micrographs of the FIRL Ambient Air Sample, Roof Level,
     0.165m3 of Air; X3.000. (a) Before LT Ashing; (b) After LT
     Ashing (Note:  Even very small particles are in place after
     LT ashing)	3-38

 21  SEM Micrographs of Chrysotile Asbestos Observed in One of
     the FIRL Ambient Air Sample, Roof Lebel, 10m3 of Air; (a)
     Single Asbestos Fibers; X3,000; (b) Fiber Lump, XI,000   .   3-29

 22  TEM Micrographs of the FIRL Ambient Air Sample, Roof Level,
     10m3 of Air on 0.45u Millipore Filter, BeO Substrate, (a)
     Non-asbestos Fibers,  X38.000, (b) Chrysotile Fibril, X76,000 3-30

 23  SEM Micrograph of Near Point Source Sample,  //1000367 Collec-
     ted on Millipore Filter with a Nylon Backing.  Specimen
     Prepared after Oven-ashing, Dispersion by Mild Ultrasonifi-
     cation and Re-filtering through a Millipore  Filter (Note:
     Ash in the background), XI,000	3-33


                            FIGURES (Cont'd.)

Number                         Title                             Page

 24  SEM Micrographs of Near Point Source Sample, #1000274, Par-
     ticles Originally Collected on Millipore Filter with a Nylon
     backing; (a) XI,000, (b) X3,000   	  3-34

 25  Cumulative Distribution of Asbestos Fiber Diameters and
     Lengths for the Sample #1000367   	  3-36

 26  X-Ray Fluorescence Spectra from U.I.C.C. Canadian Chryso-
     tile on Be-stud Obtained in a Field Emission SEM with E.D.
     Analysis at 18Kv and 3 x 10-9 amp	4-2

 27  X-ray Fluorescence Spectra from U.I.C.C. Canadian Chryso-
     tile on BeO Substrate Obtained in a Field Emission SEM with
     E.D. Analysis at 18Kv and 2 x 10~9 amp	4-4

 28  Field Emission SEM Micrographs of U.I.C.C. Canadian Chryso-
     tile on BeO Substrate, Prepared According to Figure 1, (a)
     X6.000, (b) 300A Chrysotile Fibril from which x-ray spectrum,
     shown in Figure 27, was obtained in the "scan mode",
     X30.000	4-5

Number                           Title                           Page

  1  Analysis of Airborne Asbestos Samples 	  3-16

  2  Details of Samples Analyzed in Table III  	  3-32

  3  Analysis of Airborne Asbestos Samples 	  3-35

      The methodology that was developed at the Franklin Institute Research
Laboratories  (FIRL) under the EPA Contract No. 68-02-0544, for the
determination of airborne asbestos has been perfected and developed
further.  Moreover, the newly perfected technique has been applied to
point source, near point source and ambient air samples.
      This report describes the analytical method which employs a
scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive x-ray
analysis for  the identification and counting of airborne asbestos.  The
specimens, prepared in a unique manner, are suitable for image analysis
and for a possible automated counting system.
      Results of the analysis on airborne asbestos are presented, and
limitations and advantages of the present technique are discussed.


                            1.  INTRODUCTION

     The problem of asbestos in the environment is a very severe one, arising
from the great increase in usage of asbestos and the increasing frequency of
observation of "asbestos bodies" in autopsy material.  The carcinogenic
properties of asbestos are well documented      and the "asbestos bodies"
have been verified to contain asbestos fibers in their cores  *  .  Occupa-
tional exposure to asbestos dust is associated with serious risks of lung
scarring and neoplastic disease   *   .  Similar health hazards exist, although
to a lesser extent, with indirect occupational exposure   '   , with family
contact,   '    and as a result of neighborhood and environmental exposure   '
In New York City, chrysotile asbestos fibers have been identified in the lungs
of persons with no known occupational asbestos exposure
     The biological effects of airborne and xgraterborne asbestos have been
discussed recently in  an  international meeting     .  Moreover,  the  present
controversies on the safety of asbestos have been narrated by Wagner
The present situation is that exposure to a high dosage of airborne asbestos
is carcinogenic and that the carcinogenic effects of exposure to a constant
and low dosage of airborne asbestos remains to be established.   '
     The influence of asbestos type,  fiber  size, and cofactors on biologic
effects are not well documented   .  Moreover, the health effects of the
size distribution of asbestos fibers are not fully established.  The
investigation by Stanton and Wrench     indicates that respirable asbestos
fibers with diameters in the range of 0.5y to 5\i and up to 80y in length
result  in the development of cancer in hamsters; fibers either smaller or
larger than this range are harmless.  However, single chrysotile  fibrils with
               o                                        (3 4)
diameters ^ 400A have been observed in human lung tissue  *   .  Similar
experiments by Wagner     indicate that irrespective of the mineralogical
nature, all fibers less than 0.5p in diameter may produce tumors if
innoculated into the pleural cavity of rats.  In  addition, evidence      indicates
that the physical form of the fibers is an important factor in the development
of experimental mesotheliomas, and  that  the crocidolite  fiber having a particularly
fine needle-like shape is more carcinogenic than other types  of asbestos.


     Fiber size is critically important in determining respirability, deposition,
retention and clearance from the pulmonary tract and is probably an important
determinant of the site and nature of biologic action.  Timbre11     has
carried out research in this direction and has shown that the large differences
observed in the incidence of asbestos—associated cancer of the pleura in some
geographical locations are likely to be related to the size distribution of
asbestos fibers.  Since fiber length affects deposition, longer fibers
apparently have greater fibrogenic effects     .  The investigations by
Webster (reported in ref. 17) and by Cunningham and Pontefract     indicate
that very little ingested asbestos penetrates  the walls of the stomach and
colon, and that almost all that does penetrate is of the smaller crysotile
type.  The above studies show the importance of determining the original
size distribution of airborne asbestos,
     Several experimental techniques have been investigated to determine
asbestos in the environment.  There are, however, many uncertainties as to
the best method of sampling, identifying, and  quantifying asbestos in the
environment and interpreting the data so obtained   .  The monitoring
problem lies in identifying a very small number of asbestos fibers against
a background of a very large number and variety of other particles in the
same sample.
     An x-ray  diffraction  technique has  been  carried  out on airborne
asbestos samples     .  However, only  the total amount  of asbestos, without
any reference  to size  distribution,  can  be determined  by this  technique.
                                                3             3
In addition, only amounts greater  than ^ lOyg/m   (10,000 ng/ra  )  can  be
determined by  this method.  The amount of  asbestos  in  ambient  air
is believed to lie in the range of 0 to  5,000  ng/m  .  New refinements in
specimen preparation technique are underway in some laboratories so  that
the detection limit by x-ray diffraction technique is  expected to be lower
             3 (23)
than ^ I0yg/m
                                                            (3 24-29)
     Transmission electron microscopy  (TEM) has been applied   '    '   in
the determination of airborne asbestos.  There are many limitations  in the
use of TEM techniques for the determination of asbestos in the environment.
Some of the TEM techniques developed only  give the total mass of asbestos


                                                ( 26—29"i
and some give mass as well as size distribution        .  A TEM technique
is not easily amenable to automation.  Moreover, fiber identification  is
very often based on morphology in this technique, which is applicable
only for chrysotile.  Selected area electron diffraction (SAB) can be
used to identify particular type of asbestos       ; however, SAD patterns
can only be obtained from fibers in a particular size range    .  Hence,
asbestos fibers only in a limited size range can he identified by TEM.
     Urban air particulate and airborne asbestos identification and
characterization by combining transmission electron microscopy and x-ray
                                                 /oc 'lA')
microanalysis (EMMA) have been attempted recently   '   .  Recently,
Maggiore and Rubin     have employed a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
with a field emission source to identify asbestos fibers using energy
dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis.  The above study   '  has been
carried out using only standard asbestos samples and its applicability
to airborne asbestos has not been clearly delineated.  Moreover,  no
attempt was made to develop the system for automated identification
and counting of asbestos fibers.

     Nearly all methods published in the literature for sizing and counting
of airborne asbestos do not preserve the original size distribution of
asbestos fibers     .  Specimen preparation for SEM or  TEM may include  the
following steps:  filtration, centrifuging,  ashing and ultrasonification.
An unknown quantity of asbestos fibers are lost during centrifuging
Splitting and loss of asbestos fibers may be visualized during ignition  in
an oven ashing.  Ultrasonification is known to break down chrysolite asbestos
                    (24 25)
fibers into fibrils   '    .  The measurement and transfer of small volumes
by a micropipet or  syringe constitute a significant  fraction of  the total
                                            ( 38}
error in the enumeration of asbestos fibers
     As a step  towards solution to this particulate monitoring problem,  a
methodology has been developed in our laboratory under contract  to
Environmental Protection Agency, EPA (68-02-0544).   The  technique is  described
in the EPA reportv    .


     The present report describes further developments that have been
carried out under a continued grant from EPA.  Results obtained from
airborne asbestos are also presented.  The current technique identifies
and counts the asbestos fibers, and determines their original fiber
size distribution using a scanning electron microscope with automated
energy dispersive x-ray analysis.  The specimen preparation technique
aims at preserving the original size distribution of airborne asbestos and
is such that a completely automated operation using a SEM, x-ray analyzer
and image analyzer is feasible.  At present, the developed technique is
used in a 'manual mode' and results so obtained on airborne asbestos are
presented here.  The technique gives mass concentration, particle
concentration and original fiber size distribution of airborne asbestos.


                      2.  EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
2.1  Statement of the Problem
     The monitoring problem can be stated as "identifying and counting a
very small number of asbestos fibers against a background of a large number
and variety of other particles".  This implies that one is interested in
determining both the amount and the size distribution of asbestos fibers
as they exist in air.  Any steps to isolate and concentrate asbestos
fibers with respect to other particles should aim to preserve the original
size distribution of the asbestos fibers.  There is a greater chance for
fibrillation during the specimen preparation steps of oven ashing and
ultrasonification.  Low temperature oxygen plasma ashing is preferable
to oven ashing.  Unknown quantities of fibrils are lost during centrifuging,
and, as stated previously, measurement and transfer of small volumes of
liquid containing dispersed particles by a micropipet or syringe constitute
a significant fraction of the total error in the enumeration of fibers
using electron microscopy.
     The present technique consists of specimen preparation steps that
reduce fibrillation to a minimum and aims at determining original asbestos
fiber size distribution.  Moreover, the technique aims ultimately at
identifying and counting asbestos in air in an automated manner.  Initial
sample collection is by absolute filtration using a membrane filter.  The
final specimen for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or for transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) prepared from the airborne particles should be
on a featureless background so that the particles can be analyzed unequivo-
cally by an image analyzing system       .  Furthermore, the x-ray emission
from the asbestos fibers should be without either significant background
or any extraneous x-ray emission peaks from other particles or the substrate,
Similarly, selected area electron diffraction (SAD) patterns from a fiber
obtained in the TEM should not be superimposed by SAD patterns from
neighboring particles.  Hence, the amount of air filtered should be such

that little or no superposition of particles takes place.  All operating
features of the final system should be compatible with automated image

2.2  Description of Methodology for the Analysis of Airborne Asbestos
     Following considerable experimentation a satisfactory technique to
analyze airborne particles by SEM along with energy dispersive x-ray
fluorescence analysis and image analysis was developed under an EPA
grant    .  Further developments have been achieved in the specimen
preparation techniques which are presented here.  We believe that this
technique is reliable and could be repeated in any laboratory without
undue expense or difficulty.
 2.2.1   Sampling
     Airborne particulates are first collected on a Millipore  membrane
 (MF type:  mixed esters of cellulose) filter having a diameter  of  47mm
 and an average pore size of 0.45u.   Though the Millipore  filter of
 the above  specification is preferred,  the present technique  is applicable
 to  MF-type Millipore filters of different pore sizes and  diameters.  The
 pore size  of the filter is not a critical variable but  does  influence
 the superposition of particles.   Using a 0.45y Millipore  filter,  a large
 number of  ^ O.lp size particles are  collected  on  the filter.   These air-
 borne  particles are not collected on a 0.8u pore  size Millipore filter^42\
 Even though the 0.8p pore size is larger than  the largest dimension of
 some asbestos  fibrils,  it has  been observed   ' that the  surface  properties
 of  the  membrane filter and the asbestos  fibers, as well as the circuitous
 path through the  filter,  result  in virtually complete collection  of all
 asbestos material.   However, no  systematic study  was undertaken to verify
 such a  proposition  in the present investigation.


                                                       3       3
     The volume of air filtered lies in the range of 2m  to 15m  for a
47mm diameter Millipore filter with an average pore size of 0.45u.  If
the sample volume exceeds ^ 15m , overcrowding of particles occurs.  The
rate of filtration is not deemed to be an important variable; however,
longer time of filtration with a slow rate is recommended.

2.2.2  Specimen Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopy and
       Transmission Electron Microscopy
     The steps involved in the specimen preparation are shown schematically
in Figure 1.  The Millipore filter with collected airborne particles is
mounted on a clean metal disc; mounting is done with rubber cement which
is put only at the periphery of the filter.   A thin carbon layer (^ 100A)
is evaporated onto the filter in a vacuum evaporator.   A thicker carbon
layer is not recommended since the time to eliminate the carbon extrac-
tion replica during low temperature (LT) ashing increases considerably.
     A *v« 25mm diameter circular piece of the "composite" film is now cut
out by a razor blade.  The composite film is held on an electroplished
single crystal berryllium (Be) stud which is featureless and mounted
with carbon side down, as shown in Figure l(b), in a brass specimen
holder.  Single crystal beryllium studs exhibit better featureless
surface than poIyerystalline studs which usually contain oxide inclusions.
     If TEM study along with SEM observation is being contemplated, then
two or three BeO substrates on copper grids are inserted between the Be-stud
and the composite film, Figures l(a)(iii) and l(b).  The BeO substrate
side of the copper grid faces the carbon side of the composite film.
Details of the preparation of BeO substrates are given in Appendix A.
     The specimen holder, Figure l(b),  is next put in a covered petri
dish containing acetone which is a solvent for mixed esters of cellulose.
The level of acetone in the petri dish is such that the solvent does
not attack the membrane filter directly, "Figure 1 (b).   The specimen
undergoes acetone vapour attack for about half an hour.  Initially.
the composite film swells under the solvent attack but settles down on

            P  "P  9 _
            ix^x y x >i
                                        MILLIPORE FILTER
                                                   BRASS  SPECIMEN
                                                    ACETONE LEVEL
                                                    IN PETR1 DISH
                                                                                      .ORGANIC PARTICLES
                                                                                       AND CARBON FILM
                                                                          PLASMA ASHING

                                                                                                         3 mm


                                                                                    (USED IF NECESSARY)
                                                 BeO SUBSTRATE
                                                 ON COPPER GRID
    Figure  1.   Schematic Diagram of the  Steps  Involved in  Specimen Preparation


 the  Be-stud, which  can be observed visually.  The settled composite
 film adheres to  the Be-stud  in such a way that  the  following  steps can
 be undertaken.
     The brass specimen holder, Figure l(b), serves to keep the  film in
 position while swelling occurs.  During solvent vapor attack,  the
 Millipore filter is rendered transparent,  Occassionally one  or  two
 bubbles form when the film is settling down on  the Be-stud causing breaks
 in the continuous film.  This does not affect the general procedure
 and  on an average,  90% of the fj'in LX M.I ins continuous.
     After the film has completely settled down on the Be-stud,  the
 brass specimen holder is placed in a beaker in an inclined position
 (^30°) and acetone  is poured slowly in order to immerse the film com-
 pletely.  The solvent dissolution of the filter is carried out for one
 to two hours; accelerated dissolution of the filter by stirring  the
 solvent is not recommended because the fragile carbon extraction replica
 is often disturbed  or broken up by mechanical forces.  Later  the acetone
 is sucked out of the beaker slowly using a large capacity pipet.  After
 the  specimen is dry the Be-stud is put in a low temperature oxygen
 plasma asher for nearly 12 hours (overnight).  The plasma stream flows
 directly over the stud ashing all the organic particles and the  carbon
 extraction replica.  This results in the collection of all inorganic
 particulates on the featureless Be-stud without disturbing the original
 particulate distribution.  No evidence has been found as to the  loss
 of small particulates along the plasma stream in order to warrant
 indirect plasma flow over the particulates.  The rate of flow of oxygen
 through the system  is ^ 0.3 liters/rain.  The oxygen plasma is excited
 by a high frequency induction coil.  Specimens prepared from  standard
 U.I.C.C. asbestos fibers exhibit no degradation of the fibers due to
 plasma ashing when  observed either in the SEM or in the TEM.  When the
 specimen; cools down to the room temperature, it is ready for  EM  obser-


     If TEM copper  grids with  BeO  substrates had been used, they are
removed from  the  Be-stud carefully with a pair of tweezers.  The Be-studs
can be used repeatedly  if  the  particles are removed by repeated ultra-
sonic cleaning  in acetone.
     In summary,  the  above technique  results in two types of specimens,
namely, one ^25mm size  Be-stud and one or two EM grid specimens (BeO
substrate), on  which  all the airborne particulates lie on a featureless
background.   The  Be-stud specimen  is  used in the SEM primarily.  The
BeO substrate specimen  is  either used in the SEM or in the TEM depending
on the type of  Investigation being contemplated, i.e., either x-ray
fluorescence  analysis or SAD analysis of asbestos fibers respectively.
The Be-stud or  the  BeO  substrate gives rise to no extra x-ray fluorescence
peaks during  an energy  dispersive  (E.d.) analysis either in the SEM
or in the TEM.

2.2.3  Measurement  Techniques
     Even though  a  feasibility study  of a completely automated counting
system for airborne asbestos has been carried out    , the following
summarizes counting procedure  for  'semi-automated1 mode of operation.
Most of the steps are carried  out  manually except the identification
of asbestos fiber,  which is performed by a computer.
     Operational  modes  are described  for a scanning electron microscope,
JSM-50A, with a guaranteed resolution of M.OOA.  The E.D. x-ray analyzer,
Northern Scientific NS-880, has a  resulution of 160ev and is highly
computerized  with respect  to handling x-ray fluorescence data.
     The Be-stud  specimen  is first observed in the 'picture-mode1 at a
condenser lens  setting, which  gives an absorbed electron current of ^2
x 10    amps.   At this  setting, the resolution of the microscope is
    o                                           _1Q
VLOOA.   However,  an electron current  of >. 2 x 10    is necessary for x-ray
fluorescence  analysis giving reasonable count rates.  An electron current
of ^ 2 x 10     is an optimum value for which the resolution is adequate
and count rates are reasonable.  The  accuracy of determining the size


of fibers decreases to a certain extent at a current of 'v 2 x 10    amps.
due to a loss of resolution.  Generally, the fibers appear larger than
their actual sizes.  The asbestos fibers appear brighter at this current
of 2 x 10    amp. due to increased secondary electron yifild.  Iterating
between the two current levels of 2 x 10    amps, and 2 x 10    amps.
is time consuming since an image shift is observed when the electron
current is changed.
     A magnification of XI,000 or X3,000 is suitable for observing and
counting airborne asbestos, particularly for near point-source samples
which usually contain large fibers as well as fibrils.  Fibrils can be
detected at a magnification of X3,000 which was the usual magnification
used in the present investigation.
     The E.D. x-ray fluorescence analysis for the identification of
asbestos fibers is carried out in the following manner.  First, the
number of fibers and fibrils are counted on the viewing screen and
the size (diameter and length) of the fibers is recorded at a magnifi-
cation of X3,000.  The magnification is usually increased to a suitable
higher magnification for accurate determination of the size of relatively
small fibers.  Each fiber is then brought to the center of the screen
approximately and the magnification increased to as high a value as neces-
sary to carry out x-ray fluorescence analysis.  The 'picture mode1 is
changed to a 'small-square-scan1 mode (5mm x 5mm on the screen) and the
small square is centered on the fiber accurately.  Iteration between
the 'picture mode' and the 'small-square-scan' mode is done to verify
that the small square lies indeed on the fiber.  X-ray counts are
accumulated from 5 sees, to 200 sees, depending on the fiber size; small
fibers take a longer time to yield significant Mg, Si, Ca and Fe peaks*
The type of asbestos fibers (e.g., chrysotile, amosite etc.) is identi-
fied by their characteristic x-ray fluorescence peaks by a computer
program on the NS-880, Appendix B.  The same procedure is repeated for
other fibers in the field of view.  After all the fibers in a field of
view have been analyzed, the field of view is changed to another location.


     The number of fields of view usually observed for the analysis of
asbestos fibers in a statistical manner ranges from 25 to 100 depending
on the sample.  Counting is continued until 60 to 100 asbestos fibers
have been identified 'and their sizes recorded.  The fields of view
observed usually form a square-grid pattern that covers as much area
as possible on the 'v 25mm diameter Be-stud.  Hence, a better statistical
average is obtained than when scanning a small area out of a 47mm dia-
meter filter paper.

2.2.4  Analysis of Microscopic Data
     The total amount  (number or mass) of asbestos and its size dis-
tribution are determined in the present technique.  Twenty-five to a
hundred areas are scanned at a convenient magnification, preferably
X3.000, for a statistical count using the following two formulae:
           Average number of fibers X K
           Volume of air filtered (m )
                                          =  Number of fibers/m        (1)
           Average mass of fibers X K                       ^
           	5—   =  Mass of fibers/m           (2)
           Volume of air filtered (m )
               Filter area (mm )
           K = —             2
               Field area (mm )
      The mass  of  an asbestos  fiber is  calculated from its length and diameter
                     /On  /o\
 knowing its  density   '    .
      Recognizing  that  no  conclusive results  are available as  to determine
 which physical parameters  of  asbestos  fibers control health hazards, the


size distribution of asbestos  fibers is represented by  cumulative  frequency
distributions of lengths and diameters separately.  Moreover,  respirable
and non-respirable fibers are  analyzed together  in the  present investigation.
     The  total number of particles  that need  to  be counted  for presenting
a  statistically reliable cumulative frequency distribution  is  debatable and
depends on  the technique used  to  count them    .  The total number of  asbestos
fibers identified and counted  in  the present  investigation  lies in the range
of 60 to  100 in order to get a good distribution plot.   The total  time
necessary to carry out  such an analysis in the SEM lies between 2  and  4

2.2.5  Transmission Electron Microscopic Observation
     Usually the. Be-stud specimen was used for identification  and counting
of airborne asbestos in the present investigation.   However, transmission
electron microscopic (TEM)  observation using the BeO substrate specimen was
occasionally warranted in some cases.   It has been well documented   »  »• »   »
that partial leaching of Mg from chrysotile asbestos fibers occurs in  aqueous
and some other environments.   Under such circumstances,  the chemical composi-
tion of the asbestos fiber changes, which hinders unique identification of
the type asbestos by x-ray fluorescence analysis.  Fortunately, the  amount
of Mg-leaching is such that even though the chemical composition changes
partially, the chrystalline structure still remains intact.  Under such
situations, asbestos fibers can be identified by selected area electron
diffraction (SAD)  patterns obtained in a TEM(  ~33'.
     However,  TEM study of asbestos fibers is very cumbersome  and  time
consuming, and SAD pattern can only be obtained from asbestos  fibers in a
particular size range.       Nevertheless, the use of TEM for identification
of asbestos was occasionally warranted in the present investigation.
Airborne asbestos does not usually exhibit any change in chemical  composition
in contrast to waterborne asbestos.
     The BeO-substrate specimen can also be used in new generation  transmission
electron microscopes in which E.D. x-ray fluorescence analysis can be  carried
out with great advantage     in addition to usual SAD analysis.


      Additionally,  the BeO-substrate specimen can also be used in a scanning
 electron microscope either in a * transmission mode'      or in a 'semi-
 transmission mode'  (to be described in Section 3.1).   Under these two modes
 of operation, the x-ray fluorescence spectrum from an asbestos fiber has a
 negligible background spectrum, which aids identification considerably
(Section 3,2.2) and smaller fibers and fibrils can be identified with more
 confidence than that is achievable in the standard SEM mode.

                       3.  EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
3.1  Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) Observation of Standard Asbestos
     A specimen was prepared by aspirating Johns Manville chrysotile on
a 0.45]j Millipore filter and then following the sequence of steps shown
in Figure 1.  The specimen was observed in the JSM-50A SEM before and
after low temperature (LT) oxygen plasma ashing.  A representative
area at a relatively low magnification is shown in Figure 2.  Two organic
fibers (upper left and right) and the carbon extraction replica of the
Millipore filter have been eliminated.  Some of the small fibers which
were not visible in Figure 2(a) appear distinctly in Figure 2(b).
     The advantages of LT ashing are better shown in Figure 3.  The
structure of the carbon extraction replica with an embedded fiber is
clearly visible in Figure 3(a); the same area is shown in Figure 3(b)
after partial LT ashing.  As the carbon extraction replica is eliminated
due to oxidation of carbon, the embedded fibers are freed and lie on the
featureless Be-stud.  After complete ashing of the carbon replica, fibers
and fibrils appear distinctly on a featureless background, Figure 3(c).
     This LT ashing step has been developed: during the present program
and constitutes an additional step to the technique that was originally
developed under an earlier EPA contract    .  Beryllium studs stand LT
ashing without any degradation unlike pyrolytic graphite studs used
earlier    .  The LT ashing step has the following advantages:
    (i).   It is a concentration process.  Since all organic parti-
          culates are eliminated, the ratio of the asbestos fibers
          to all other particles increases.
    (ii)  The visibility of small fibers and fibrils in the SEM improves
    (iii) The x-ray fluorescence spectra from small fibers and fibrils
          are improved considerably since background spectrum from a
          physically rough surface, Figure 3(a), is eliminated.  This
          will be discussed further in Section 3.2.1


Figure 2.   SEM Micrographs  of Johns  Manville Chrysotile Asbestos,  XI50.
           (a) Before LT Ashing,  (b) After LT Ashing

Figure 3.   High Resolution SEN Micrographs of Johns Manville Chrysotile
           Asbestos,  (a) Before LT Ashing, Structure of the Carbon
           Extraction Replica of Millipore Filter, X3,000.   (b)  After
           Partial LT Ashing, Note the same fiber in (a) and (b), X3,000
           (c) After Complete LT Ashing, X3,0f>n


      It is of interest to note here that the SEM micrographs,  shown
 in Figure 3,  were taken at a resolution of M.OOA.   However,  a  specimen
 containing relatively large asbestos fibers can be observed  and  analyzed
 without the LT ashing step, Figures 2(a) and 3(a)  particularly when the
 SEM is operated at a higher electron current.   With higher electron
 current and correspondingly lower resolution,  inorganic  fibers and
 particulates  appear brighter with respect to a tolerable background
 appearing from the carbon extraction replica.   This was  the  method  used
 earlier in this laboratory     to analyze airborne asbestos.   However,
 fibril observation and identification,  even though possible, was not
 easily carried out (see Figures 7 and 8 in ref.  42).
      SEM micrographs of Johns Manville chrysotile  aspirated  on a BeO
 substrate,  held on a EM copper grid,  are shown in  Figure 4.  The copper
 grid is placed on a graphite block with a cavity,  and  conductive graphite
 paint is used to reduce charging effect.  Moreover,  unlike silver paint,
 graphite paint is not detected by E.D.  x-ray detector.   The  specimen
 is  observed in the secondary electron mode,  Figure 4,  and E.D. x-ray
 fluorescence  analysis is carried out  simultaneously.   The advantage of
 using the BeO substrate instead of the  Be-stud under similar conditions
 is  that the background spectrum produced by bremsstrahlung is  reduced
 to  a  minimum  during x-ray analysis,  Section 3.2.2.,  since the  electron
 beam  penetrates  through the BeO substrate.   This mode  of operation  is
 referred  to here as  'semi-transmission1  mode in contrast to  true trans-
 mission mode     ,  in  which a transmission electron detector  is used under
 the specimen.

 3.2.   Energy  Dispersive  (E.D.)  X-Ray  Fluorescence  Analysis of  Standard
     Asbestos  fibers  are  identified by  their characteristic  x-ray fluores-
cence spectra, Figure  5,  in  the  present  investigation.   E.D. x-ray
analysis  is carried out using  a  highly  computerized  Northern Scientific
 NS-880  system interfaced  with  the JSM-50A SEM.   Unknown  asbestos spectrum is
identified by matching it with  the spectra  from  standard  U.I.C.C. asbestos;


Figure 4.   SEH Micrographs of Johns Manville Chrysotile Fibers
           Aspirated on a BeO Substrate, Secondary Electron Mode.
           (a) X300;  (b)  X1Q.QOO,  White spots correspond to the
           points where x-ray analysis was carried out.

                                  (!.>•„, v, sn:.)
       "^N. U-
t	-    L^
                      /scent» rixo i»
                       elktrlK «JlTt<

                       {!.:_. -., rj .)
                                                           LI.  .
Figure  5.   X-ray Fluorescence Spectra from U.I.C.C.  Standard Asbestos Flbel
            and from Asbestos Fibers  in Duluth Water  and Philadelphia Air.


this is carried out automatically be a computer program, Appendix B.

     E.D. x-ray analysis was carried out either on Johns Manville chryso-
tile or on U.I.C.C. Canadian chrysotile in order to determine the
minimum time required to identify asbestos fibers of all sizes.   However,
not all the variables were optimized in the SEM-E.D. x-ray analysis
system in the present study.  Chrysotile was preferred to other asbestos
since 90% of asbestos used in this country is chrysotile     and the
                    o      o
smallest fibril (300A - 400A) that can be observed among different
asbestos belongs to the chrysotile type.

3.2.1  Beryllium (Be)-Stud Specimen
     E.D. x-ray fluorescence analysis of Johns Manville chrysotile on a
Be-stud specimen was carried out with the NS-880 system interfaced with the
JSM-50A SEM.  The minimum times required to identify chrysotile fibers
at 18kV and at 6 x 10    amp. were determined and the data is presented
in Figure 6.  It was observed that an unwanted background spectrum produced
by bremsstrahlung is reduced with decreasing applied voltage.  Using the
Be-stud specimen, the smallest chrysotile fiber that can be confidently
identified is O.lSp in diameter.  Chrysotile fibers with O.lp diameter
could be identified sometimes but not always.  Counting longer than 150
sees, on O.ly diameter fibers, Figure 6, does not improve the spectrum

3.2.2  Beryllium Oxide (BeO) - Substrate Specimen
     Similar studies were carried out using BeO-substrate specimen; the
SEM was operated in a 'semi-transmission1 mode.  X-ray fluorescence
spectra from chrysotile fibers of similar diameters, Section 3.2.1, are
presented in Figure 7.  Even though the minimum times required to identify
asbestos fibers of similar diameters studied in Section 3.2.1 are not
reduced, the spectra are much more distinct due to a reduced background
spectrum produced by bremsstrahlung (compare similar spectra on 0.2p
and O.lp diameter fibers).  The smallest fiber analyzed in this mode was


                                    1.0 p. ,15 SEC.
                                                                    lOOOr-   Si
                                                                           0.2^,70 SEC.
                                                                           O.I ^,150 SEC.

      Figure 6,  X-ray Fluorescence Spectra from Johns  Manville  Chrysotile  on  Be-Stud Specimen  at  18  KV  and
                 6 x 10~'° amp, Minimum Times used for  Identification.

                                          1.0 At, 15 SEC.
                                                                    35 Of-
                                                                                       0.2 ii, 90 SEC.
0.5 u, zs sec.
                                                          o.ia, 200 SEC.
     Fiqure  7.   X-ray  Fluorescence Spectra from  Johns Manville  Chrysotile  on  BeO Substrate Specimen
                 at 25  KV  and 2 x  1(H*  amp, Minimum Times used for Identification


 O.ly  fiber;  however,  it may be concluded from Figure 7 that even smaller
 than  O.ly fibers can be identified,  probably O.OSp diameter fiber.
      Study of Figures 6 and 7 leads  one to conclude that BeO substrate
 specimens are superior to Be-stud specimens as far as positive identifi-
 cation of small asbestos fibers are  concerned.  However, other considera-
 tions make the Be-stud preferable to the BeO substrate as delineated  below.
     (i)    A 25mm diameter Be-stud specimen is easier to handle.
     (ii)   The overall area on the Be-stud is about X50 that on the
           BeO sample giving much better counting statistics.
     (iii) The continuous featureless background of the Be-stud specimen
           is more amenable to automated image analysis than the BeO
           substrate specimen (compare Figure 2 with Figure 4(a).

 3.3   Transmission Electron Microscopic (TEM) Observation of Standard
      The  BeO substrate specimen can  be either used in a SEM in the  'semi-
 transmission1  mode or in a TEM for selected area electron diffraction
 (SAD)  analysis.   Chrysotile asbestos fibers in aqueous enviroment may
 lose  magnesium   *    ;  hence,  there  identification by E.D.  x-ray fluores-
 cence analysis in the SEM is not reliable.   Under such circumstances,
 SAD analysis in the TEM complements  SEM-E.D.  x-ray analysis.   Moreover,
 BeO substrate specimens can be used  in new-generation TEMs  in which
                                                                /oc lA}
 E.D.  x-ray analysis as well as SAD analysis can be carried  out.   *
      Selected area electron diffraction (SAD)  patterns of standard
                           / ")f\ 10 O/ ^
 asbestos  fibers  are unique   '   '     and can be used to identify unknown
 asbestos  fibers,  Figure 8.   A BeO  substrate specimen prepared according
 to Figure 1  is shown  in Figure 9(a);  the specimen contained U.I.C.C.
 Canadian  chrysotile.   An SAD pattern from the substrate is  shown in
 Figure 9(b), which  indicates that  the substrate is crystalline;  the
 substrate consists  mostly  of very  fine grained BeO with some  Be  crystal-
 lites.  However,  the  single crystal  SAD pattern from a chrysotile fiber
 is observed  distinctly,  Figure  9(c),  on the  background of faint BeO rings.
When an asbestos  fiber  occupies  most  of the  selected area,  the BeO rings
 (arising  from  a  small  fraction  of  the selected area)  appear faint.


Figure 8.   Selected Area Electron Diffraction Patterns from U.I.C.C.
           Standard Asbestos Fibers,  (a) Chrysotile (b) Anthophyllite
           (c) Amosite, (d) Crocidolite.

Figure 9.   TEM study on BeO Substrates,  (a)  Low-Magnification Image
           of Copper Grid with BeO Substrates,  Canadian Chrysotile
           Processed according to Figure 1.   (b)  SAD Rings  Arising
           from Mostly Fine-Grained BeO.  (c)  SAD Pattern from Chrosotile


     The BeO substrate is, more or less, featureless and Canadian chry-
sotile fibers, as observed on such a substrate which has been processed
thorugh the steps shown in Figure 1, are shown in Figure 10 at different
magnifications.  At a relatively high magnification, Figure 10(c), the
substrate is not truly featureless but it is believed that it will not
                      (39 41)
exclude image analysis   *   .   Beryllium (Be) was evaporated onto a
substrate kept at room temperature, Appendix A; this resulted in a film
which is shown in Figure 10.  It is expected that a more featureless
BeO substrate can be prepared by depositing Be on a colder substrate.
Additionally, the substrate may turn out to be amorphous which will
result in a fewer diffuse rings in comparison to those shown in Figure

3.4  Analysis of Airborne Asbestos
     Airborne asbestos samples, comprised of point-source (inside an
asbestos manufacturing factory), near point source (outside an asbestos
factory) and ambient air samples, have been analyzed using the FIRL
technique.   Specimens were prepared using the steps shown in Figure 1
whenever possible.   Primarily the SEM-E.D.  x-ray analysis was used for
airborne asbestos analysis (Sections 3.1 and 3.2); occasionally, the
TEM-SAD technique (Section 3.3) has been applied to some samples.
     At the termination of this investigation an important variable,
the magnification used for observing and counting of asbestos fibers,
had not been finalized.   A magnification of X3,000 is probably the most
suitable for analyzing airborne asbestos samples which contain relatively
large fibers as well as fibrils, Figure 3(c), although, a magnification
XI,000 was  used for some samples.  Further investigations are necessary
to clarify  the influence of magnification on the statistical signifi-
cance of the counts obtained.

                                                                "  . t-
Figure 10.  TEM Micrographs of U.I.C.C. Canadian Chrysotile  on  BeO
            Substrate Processed According to Figure  1.  (a) X3.000,
            (b) X9,000; (c) X35,000


     The optimum magnification for counting asbestos fibers and deter-
mining the size distribution seems to depend on the type of samples
being analyzed.  The magnification chosen should be such that only
a few fibers are seen on the viewing screen.  For a sample containing
relatively large fibers, a magnification of XI,000 is more convenient
than X3.000; but the chances of missing fibrils obviously increases.
The equations used for statistical analysis, Equations [1]  and [2],
(Section 2.2.4) are independent of magnification.  Nevertheless,  variable
statistics have been obtained at different magnifications in preliminary
tests.  This result will not be presented here, as it meeds more explo-
ration.  The following results are based on an assumed insensitivity
to the magnification used.
     A number of point source and near point source samples had been
analyzed in a previous investigation     on a preliminary basis,  i.e.,
each fiber in them was not identified and the specimen preparation
did not include the LT ashing step.  The same samples have been analyzed
in the present investigation systematically following all the steps
shown in Figure 1 for the specimen preparation.  The data is presented
in Table 1 and representative SEM micrographs are shwon in Figure 11 to
     The point source samples, Figure 11 and 12, contain relatively
large fibers with some fiber clumps.  The near point source samples
also contain some fiber clumps and single asbestos fibers, Figures 13
to 15.  SEM micrographs and TEM micrographs of the same near point
source sample are shown in Figure 14 and 15 respectively.  In manual
operation, the operator can make judicious judgement in counting the
fiber clumps as to their sizes, which is necessary for the calculation
of mass concentrations.  Some of the chrysotile fibers appear to coexist
with other particles, Figure 14(b).  The E.D. x-ray analysis is carried
out in relatively free portions of the fibers; a similar approach is
applicable to SAD analysis.  If the E.D. x-ray analysis is carried out
on the fiber very near to other coexisting particles, then secondary
x-ray fluorescence peaks usually appear from the extraneous particles.



Demol i tion
                                                    TABLE 1

                                     ANALYSIS OF AIRBORNE ASBESTOS SAMPLES
Volume of
Air (m3)
Magni fi cat ion
XI ,000
XI, 000
XI ,000
XI, 000
Number of
6+21 umps
x 103
( gm/m3)
             Ambient Ai r

 "Different designations like A-228, etc, refer to different places inside or outside the
  factory and to different times and dates.

**PS: Point Source (Inside factory)
  NPS: Near Point Source (20 feet from factory)
Fiber Type
                                                                                            Mostly Chrysotile
Mostly chrysotile,
some tremolIte

Equal amounts of
chrysotile and

Chrysotile and



Figure 11.   SEM Micrographs of Point Source Sample, #A-228, XI,000
             ((a) and  (b) refer to different areas)

Figure 12.   SUM Micronraohs  of  Point Source Sample, #A-224; XI,000.


Figure 13.   SEM Micrographs  of  Near Point Source Samele, #A-223;
            (a)  XI,000   (b)  X3,000


Figure 14.  SEM Micrographs of Near Point Source Sample, M-226,


Figure "15.   TEM Micrographs of Near Point Source Sample, #A-226.
            (a) X4.000, (h) 45,000


      The  difference between point  source  and  near  point  source (20 ft. from
 the  factory)  samples is well exhibited in their  size  distribution, Figure
 16.   Both the samples contain asbestos fibers having  a similar range
 of diameters;  the near point source sample contains more fibers with
 smaller diameters.   However, their length distributions  are  distinctly
 different.  The  near point  source  sample  rarely  contains asbestos fibers
 having lengths greater than 30y, Figure 16.
      The  importance of determining size distribution  of  asbestos fibers
 is also exhibited in Figure 16.  The ooint source  sample (A-228) and
 the  near  point source sample (A-226) have similar  number of  fibers but
 significantly different mass concentrations,  Table 1  and Figure 16.  This
 arises from the  observation that the point source  sample has relatively
 larger fibers, both in diameter and length.   Hence, a complete analysis
 should include the number and the  mass of asbestos fibers per unit
 volume and the fiber size distribution.
       In  order to study variation  in the  statistical  counting of asbestos
 fibers  from different parts of a  filter,  the  sample A-227 was sectioned
 into four parts. Two separate portions were prepared  on  two  different
 beryllium studs  and statistical  counting  was  carried  out. The data  so
 obtained  are  presented in Table  1  and Figure  17  as A-227-1 and A-227-2.
 It is concluded  that some variations are  observed  between two portions
 of the  filter, without carrying  out systematic statistical analysis.
 Observations  of such variations  in the same filter have  led  Bartosiewica
 to design an  aerodynamic funnel  system in order  to obtain a  more uniform
 distribution  of  particles (air was collected  with  an  open-ended funnel
 in the present investigation).

      An airborne asbestos sample was obtained from a  demolition site in
 Philadelphia  City and representative SEM  micrographs  of  this sample are
 shown in  Figure  18.   Relatively large chrysotile and  tremolite fibers
have been  observed  in this  sample.   In addition, the  sample  contained
large extraneous  particles  since air was  collected at street level.  The
particle and mass concentration for  this  sample are presented  in Table I.


                                      {NEAR POINT SOURCE)! 14,300x10
                                        A-228         J  	   -«)
                                      (POINT SOURCE)   \200,000XtO

                                      MAG:  x 1,000
                   1    1
                               1    1    1     1    1    1    1    1
             <0.2  0.5   1.0   1.5  2.0  2.5   3.0  3.5  4.0  4.5  5.0  5.5  6.0

                            FIBER  DIAMETER IN MICRONS
                 I    I    I    I


                 5   15  25   35   45  55   65   75  85  95  105   U5
                             FIBER LENGTHS IN MICRONS
Figure  16.   Cumulative Distribution  of Asbestos Fiber Diameters  and
              Lengths  for Point Source and Near Point Source Samples.

             100 -

                                             POINT SOURCE SAMPLE

                                              IMAG:  xs.ooo I
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
                <0.2  0.5   1.0   1.5   2.0 2.5   3.0  3-5  40  4.5   50  5,5  6.0

                               FIBER DIAMETER IN MICRONS

                Ll 1
	L	L

                                                      •   *  i
Figure is.   SEM Micrographs  of  Demolition Site Sample, XI,

     A few ambient air samples, collected at  the FIRL, have been analyzed.
The sample collected at the street level had  numerous relatively large
particles, most of which were  inorganic in origin.  The fraction of
organic particles was negligible since no reduction in particle concentra-
tion was observed after LT ashing.
     One ambient air sample, collected at the roof of the four-storied
FIRL building, was systematically analyzed.   The specimen was observed
before and after LT ashing step in order to study the effectiveness of
the LT ashing as a concentration step.  SEM micrographs of this sample
are shown in Figures 19 and 20.  Observation  of Figure 19 indicates Chat
most of the particles are inorganic in nature.  However, small particles
and fibers, which were embedded in the carbon extraction replica, Figure
20(a), are freed and appear distinctly after  LT ashing, Figure 20(b).   The
specimen was ashed while the oxygen plasma was directly flowing over the
particles.  There is no evidence, of any loss of small particles by the
plasma stream and the particle distribution is not disturbed significantly.
     A certain amount of difficulty was faced when carrying out statistical
counting of asbestos fibers in the ambient air sample.  A random viewing
of the sample, following a square grid pattern as was done for point source
and near point source samples, showed no asbestos fibers.  Later, the 25mm
beryllium stud specimen was scanned in a more rigorous manner, i.e., viewing
every area without leaving out any of them.   Following such steps, many
chrysotile asbestos fibers were identified including some fiber clumps,
Figure 21.  A statistical count could be carried out and the result is
presented in Table I.  Chrysotile fiber clumps in ambient air samples
have also been observed by Holt and Young    .  TEM micrographs of the same
sample are shown in Figure 22.  A few chrysotile fibrils were observed after
thorough viewing of the BeO substrate specimen.
     A few point source and near point source airborne asbestos samples
had been obtained from the project officer.   The airborne particulates
had been collected on MF type  Millipore filters with a nylon backing;

Figure 19.   SEM Microaranhs  of the
            0.165m3 of Air;  X100.
            LT Ashing.
FIRL Ambient Air Sample,  Roof Level,
(a) Before LT Ashing,  (b) After


Figure 20-   SEM Micrographs  of the  FIRL  Ambient  Air  Sample,  Roof  Level,
            0.165m3 of Air;  X3,000.   (a)  Before  LT Ashing;  (b)  After
            LT Ashing  (Note:  Even very small  particles    are  in place
            after LT ashing).


Figure 21-   SEM Micrographs of Chrysotile Asbestos  Observed in  One  of
            the FIRL Ambient Air Sample,  Roof Level,  10m3 of Air;
            (a) Single Asbestos Fibers; X3,000;  (b) Fiber Lump, XI,000.

           . -' „

                                                        0.2 fi

Figure 22-    TEM Micrographs  of the FIRL  Ambient Air Sample,  Roof Level,
             lOm^ of Air on 0.45p  Millipore  Filter,  BeO  Substrate.
             (a) Non-asbestos Fibers,  X38,000,  (b) Chrvsotile Fibril,

this type of filter is not well suited for preparing specimens following
the steps shown in Figure 1.  Hence, certain modifications had to be
incorporated in order to handle these specimens.
     A fraction of the specimen, #1000367 (Table II), was oven ashed at
450°C for four to eight hours.  The resultant ash was dispersed in 250cc
of distilled water in an ultrasonic bath for 10 minutes and filtered through
a Q.22\i MF Millipore filter.  Minimum time to disperse the ash ultrasonically
was used since extensive ultrasonification is commonly used to break down
chrysotile fibers into fibrils   '   .   It is believed that a ten minute
ultrasonification only disperses the ash without breaking down fibers into
smaller fragments; however, breaking down fiber clumps into single asbestos
fibers is not ruled out.
     All such specimens, Table II, were oven ashed at 450°C followed by dis-
persion and filtration.   The MF Millipore filter is then dried and processed
through the specimen preparation steps  shown in Figure 1.  Only a fraction of
the available filter, for specimen #1000367, was ashed and the resulting
specimen is shown in Figure 23.  Chrysotile asbestos fibers and other
inorganic particles  (bright areas) are seen in a dull background of the
resulting ash which arises primarily from the nylon grid.  Identification
of asbestos fibers could be carried out on specimens similar to that
shown in Figures 23 and 24 and the statistical results are presented in
Table III.  The ash generally gives rise to an extra sulphur x-ray fluorescence
     The size of the nylon-backed Millipore filter that  is ashed plays an
important role in the final specimen preparation.  A larger filter gives
rise to a greater amount of ash.  If the ash content is high, small fibers
and fibrils are embedded under the ash.  Such was the case with specimens
#1000376 and #1000378, Table III, and the resulting final specimen was
not very conducive to statistical analysis.
     Usually no asbestos fiber clumps were observed in specimens listed
in Table III.  The fiber clumps are probably broken down to single fibers
by the ten-minute ultrasonification.  The size distribution of asbestos
fibers observed for  the specimen //1000367 is shown in Figure 25.
     The significance of these results will be discussed further  in
Section 4.2 as to the reliability, advantages and  limitations  of  the
FIRL technique.

         Details of Samples Analyzed in Table III





Collection Stte

#7, Nfcolet Settling Pond, Pennsylvania,
Date: 10/17/73

#3D Vermont, Date: 9/29/73

#8A, Vermont, Date 9/28/73

#10 Herald Construction Yard, Pennsylvania,
Date: 10/16/73

#9 Hopewood Residence
212 Chestnut, Pennsylvania,
Date: 10/16/73

Fiqure 23.   SF.M Micrograph of Near Point Source Sample, #1000367
            Collected on Mi Hi pore Filter with a Nylon Backing.
            Specimen Prepared after Oven-ashing, Dispersion by Mild
            Ultrasonifi cation and Re-filtering through a Hi Hi pore
            Filter (Note: Ash in the background), XI ,000



Figure 24.   SEM Micrographs  of Near Point Source  Sample,  #1000274,
            Particles  Originally Collected on  Mi Hi pore  Filter  with  a
            Nylon backing;  (a) XI ,000,  (b) X3.000

                                                 TABLE 1 I!
                                  Analysis of Airborne Asbestos Samples*


Sample** Volume of Magnification Number of
Ai r (m3) Asbestos
1000367 6 X3,000 *»6
100027*1 25 XI, 000 7^
1000210 22 X3.000 68
1000376**" kk xi ,000 11
1000378 172 X3.000 9
Fiber Cone. Fiber Cone. Fiber Type
(#/m3) x 103 (gm/m3)x 10"9

2.5 3,^00 Mostly chrysoti le
123 3,000 Chrysotile; a few
croc idol ite
1900 2,100 Chrysotile
7.3 3,500 Chrysotile
13.2 15 Chrysotile
  "Asbestos fibers had been collected on Millipore filters with a Nylon backing -
   Such filters are not well suited for the FIRL technique.  Hence, the data
   should be viewed accordingly.

 **For details, see Table  II

---For 1000376 and 1000378, data is not reliable

                                          I 	I
                                        I     I  	I
                    0.2   0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  4.0  4.5  5.0   5.5  6.0
                                   FIBER DIAMETER IN MICRONS
                   r  o
                      I    I    I  	I	 I    III    I    I    I    I
                     5   15   25   35  45  55  65  75   65   95   105  115
                                   FIBER  LENGTHS IN MICRONS
Firjure 25.
Cumulative  Distribution of Asbestos Fiber Diameters and
Lengths for the Samnle #1000367

                             4.  DISCUSSION
4.1  E.D. X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Standard Asbestos
     Using a Field Emission SEM
      The present investigation has been carried out using a JSM-50A which
is a conventional SEM with a tungsten hair-pin filament.  Recently, SEM's
have been commercially available with a field emission source.  An x-ray
fluorescence spectrum from a small fiber depends on beam voltage and
current density, i.e., current per unit area.  The field emission source
gives a higher current density than the thermionic emission source when
the electron beam size is smaller than 1000A   \   Hence, one would expect
to obtain a better asbestos x-ray spectrum using a field emission SEM than
a conventional one, particularly for asbestos fibrils which have diameters
of % 3001.  A study has been carried out on amosite fibers and fibrils in
the true transmission mode of operation using a field emission SEM
      It was of interest to know what improvements are obtained by using a
field emission SEM on the specimens prepared by the FIRL technique.  A
Be-stud specimen and a BeO substrate specimen were prepared from U.I.C.C.
Canadian chrysotile following the FIRL specimen preparation technique,
Figure 1.  Both the specimens were observed in a CWICSCAN  field emission
SEM; the Be-stud was observed in the normal mode and the BeO substrate in
the fsemi-transmission* mode.
      X-ray fluorescence spectra obtained from Canadian chrysotile fibers
on a Be-stud specimen are shown in Figure 26.  A comparison between
Figures 26 and 6 leads one to conclude that the field emission SEM is
superior to conventional SEM in the identification of small asbestos
fibers.  The smallest fiber that was analyzed for the Be-stud specimen
was O.lp in diameter, Figure 26; however, even smaller than O.lp, say,
0.05)j, might be identified using the field emission SEM.  The x-ray
spectrum from the O.lp fiber, Figure 26, is better delineated than the
*Trade name for field emission SEM manufactured by Coates and Walter,
 Sunnyvale, California

                            IAX, 26  SEC.
                                                           0.2 XA., 51 SEC.
                           0.4XX, 19 SEC
      Figure 26. X-Ray Fluorescence Spectra  from UM.C.C.  Canadian Chrysotile on Be-stud
                Obtained in  a  Field Emission SEM with E.D. Analysis at 18Kv and 3 x 10-9 amo

similar spectrum in Figure 6.  Sulphur appears as an impurity peak from
the ash which is a result of LT ashing.
      X-ray fluorescence spectra from the BeO suhstrate specimen are
presented in Figure 27,  Extra copper peaks appear from the supporting
copper grid.  A comparison of Figures 27 and 7 again leads one to conclude
that the field emission source SEM is superior to conventional SEM for
asbestos fibril identification.  In fact, a chrysotile fibril of 0.03y
(300A*) was analyzed in 83 sees., Figure 27.  The times spent in identifying
the asbestos fibers in Figures 26 and 27 are close to the minimum possible
for reliable spectrum generation.
      Field  emission  SEM micrographs of  the 3001  chrysotile  fiber that
was analyzed, Figure 27, are shown in Figure 28.  The spectrum for the
300A  fibril shown in Figure  27 was obtained in a  'picture-mode' since the
'reduced picture  (or scan)-modef of operation was not available in the
system  that was used for the present investigation.  However, even better
x-ray spectra than shown in  Figure 27 can be expected if  'reduced-scan-
mode' is used as was the case  for conventional SEM. observation, Figures  6
and 7.  Reduced-scan-mode of operation  reduces the background spectrum
      In summary,  the field emission SEM is superior  to conventional  SEM
as  far  as identification of  asbestos fibrils are  concerned.  The detection
limit of chrysotile  asbestos fibers by  the two types of SEMs is as follows:

      Specimen                Conventional               Field Emission
     Be-stud                  >0.1p                         <0.1|j
     BeO-substrate            £0-1*J                         £0

4.2  Analysis of Airborne Asbestos - Overall View
     Hany electron microscopic techniques have been  developed  for the
analysis of airborne asbestos        in addition to  the  FIRL technique.
Some laboratories prefer transmission  electron microscopic  techniques,
in which the asbestos  fibers  are  identified by their SAD patterns and
some laboratories prefer scanning electron microscopic techniques, in which
the asbestos fibers are identified by  their x-ray  fluorescence peaks.

0.6U, 28 SEC.
                     O.I U, 25 SEC.
Figure 27.  X-ray Fluorescence Spectra from U.I.C.C. Canadian Chrysotile on Be^ Substrate Obtained

          in a Field  Emission SEM with E.D.  Analysis at 18Kv and 2 x 10-9 amp.


Figure 23.   Field Emission SEN Micrographs  of U.I.C.C.  Canadian  Chrysotile
            on BeO Substrate, Prepared According  to Fiqure  1.
            (a)  X6.000, (b) 300A Chrysotile Fibril  from which  x-rav
            spectrum, shown in Figure 27, was obtained in the "scan mode" ,


A special advantage in  the use of TEM  for  chrysotile  asbestos  is  that
such fibers can also be identified by  their tube-like unique morphology.
      The SEM - E.D. x-ray analysis is  faster than  the TEM-SAD analysis
but each technique has  advantages and  disadvantages which are  discussed
below specifically for airborne asbestos analysis.


      (1) The resolution of the SEM is M.OOA compared to V5A for TEM.
          Hence, there  is a greater chance to miss very small  asbestos fibrils,
          Figure 22(b), when these are situated among numerous other

      (2) The difficulties involved in identifying asbestos fibers by
          E.D.  x-ray analysis increase with decreasing fiber size.  In
          conventional SEM's asbestos fibers up to V).ly in diameter can
          be identified using thin substrate specimens.   However, even
          the smallest chrysotile fibril can be identified if a field
          emission SEM is used.

      The major disadvantage of this technique is that identifiable SAD
 patterns can only be obtained from asbestos fibers having a limited range
 of  diameters.   Very small fibers and large fibers do not give rise to usable
 SAD patterns.
      Apart  from the experimental difficulties involved,  there are many
 other factors which have to be considered in the enumeration of airborne
                                                       / r\ /  *) C \
 asbestos.   Many of the electron microscopic techniques   *"   destroy
 the  original asbestos fiber size distribution and give only a mass
 concentration of asbestos fibers.   Such techniques are probably necessary
 for  ambient air samples in which the concentration of asbestos fibers is
 rather low.   Techniques employing  steps to preserve the original fiber
 size distribution    , including the present technique (Section 3.4),
 have not proved very successful for ambient air samples.



      However, reliable statistical counting of asbestos fibers can be
performed on point source and near point source samples, while preserving
the original fiber size distribution, Section 3.4.  The present technique
has proved very successful in this regard except for one problem which
needs further discussion.  Point source and near point source samples
very often contain fiber clumps, Figures ll(a), I4(a) and (b), and 15.
It is difficult to specify the size of a clump sdimply and to estimate the
number of fibers in a clump.  It therefore seems desirable to report a clump
of asbestos fibers as a clump but estimates of mass concentration will be
inaccurate if a sample has a significant number of clumps.
      One way to overcome the problem arising from fiber clumps is to
                               3                          3
      (1) fiber concentration/m  and clump concentration/in
      (2) fiber size distribution (free fibers only)
without an estimate of mass concentration.  It is unlikely that fiber
clumps can be inhaled and can reach the lungs.  A different approach should
be taken if automated counting is to be developed - this is discussed in
Section 4.3.

4.3  Feasibility of an Automated Counting System
      The present technique has been developed for a possible automated
counting system for airborne asbestos.  The specimen preparation techniques
are such that asbestos fibers are observed on a featureless background
which is essential for image analysis  "     .  The feasibility of  an
automated system consisting of an SEM, E.D. x-ray analyzer and an  IMANCO
image analyzer (Quantimet 720 system) has been established     even though
many peripheral problems remain to be investigated.
      The present investigation included analyzing point or near point
source airborne asbestos samples.  Reliable statistical data have  been
obtained for such samples, Section 3.4.  A previously unexpected problem
has arisen as far as automated image analysis is concerned and this needs
further discussion.



      Automated image analysis will be unreliable for samples containing
fiber clumps, Figures 11(a), 14,  15 and 21  ,  and fibers in  close proximity
with other particles or  fibers clumped with other particles, Figures 11(a),
14(b), 15(a) and 21(b).  Hence, if automated  image  analysis is being contem-
plated, then some specimen preparation steps  should be investigated to free
the asbestos from either asbestos fiber clumps or heterogeneous clumps
without disturbing the original fiber size  distribution (or, disturbing the
size distribution to a minimum).

      The following steps should  be investigated for freeing the asbestos
fibers from clumps if automated image analysis is to be developed.
(1)   The Millipore filter with collected airborne  asbestos is
      ashed in a LT asher.  The LT ashing is  preferable to  oven-ashing,
(2)   The ash is dispersed in  filtered distilled water in an ultrasonic
      bath for 10 mins.  Experience has shown that  a 10-minute ultra-
      sonification is only necessary to disperse the particles uniformly.
      It is expected that fibrillation is minimal during the ten-minute
(3)   Refilter the ash through a  MF-type Millipore  filter and then
      follow the steps shown in Figure 1,
*Ultrasonification  is  carried  out  for  4-12  hours  to  break all  chrysotile
 fibers into fibrils(24,25)


                            5.  CONCLUSIONS

     The following conclusions have been drawn from the present investi-


     1.  Further developments have been carried out in the specimen
         preparation technique that was developed earlier under an
         EPA research contract. /.  J

     2m  Specimens for the transmission electron microscope (TEM)  are
         prepared simultaneously along with the specimens for the
         scanning electron microscope (SEM).

     3.  Both types of specimens exhibit featureless background for
         convenient observation of asbestos fibers and fibrils, and
         are suitable for automated image analysis.

     4.  The  ^25mm diameter Be-stud specimen is preferred for a truer
         statistical analysis in the SEM than the 3mm copper grid
         specimen meant for use in the TEM.
     5.   The specimen preparation technique preserves the
         fiber size distribution with minimal loss of large particulates.

     6.   Asbestos fibers are identified in an automated manner by the
         programmed NS-880 E.D.  x-ray analyzer interfaced with the SEM.
         Hence, less skilled operators are required for carrying out a
         statistical analysis.

     7.   The smallest chrysotile asbestos fiber that is confidently
         identified, using the  Be-stud specimen, is ^0.15)J in diameter
         while <, O.lp asbestos  fibers can be identified using the BeO
         substrate specimen. The above limit of detection refers to a
         conventional SEM.

     8.   The field emission SEM is superior to conventional SEM as far
         as identification of small asbestos fibers are concerned.  It is
         possible to identify the smallest chrysotile fibril (^300A) in
         the field emission SEM using the BeO substrate specimen.

     9.   Observation of small asbestos fibers in the presence of a large
         number of other particulates is made easier by the use of TEM
         in comparison to SEM.

    10.   Identification of asbestos fibers needs to be carried out in the
         TEM if a change in the chemical composition of the fibers has
         taken place.  This is  applicable more to waterborne asbestos and
         to asbestos in foods,  drugs and tissues than to airborne asbestos,
         A chemical change for  the airborne asbestos is very unlikely,

11.  The present technique is applicable to point source and near point
     source airborne asbestos samples satisfactorily and less satisfactorily
     to ambient air samples.

12.  Asbestos fiber clumps have been observed in point source, near point
     source and even in  ambient air samples.  In a manual mode of operation,
     this problem can be dealt with.  However, problems are foreseen in a
     completely automated counting system.  The automated image analyzing
     system may not be able to identify and count an asbestos fiber clump
     as a 'clump'.

13.  It is recognized that a step involving mild ultrasonification is
     necessary to free asbestos fibers from adhering non-asbestos participates
     and possibly to break down a fiber clump into asbestos fibers (without
     fibrillation).  This step will be necessary if automated image analysis
     is being contemplated.


                          6.  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
      The authors gratefully acknowledge Mr. Stanley Luszcz's effort in
developing a computer program for automatic identification of asbestos
fibers, and in the preparation of Beryllium oxide films.  Valuable efforts
rendered by Miss L. Marchant, Mr. Louis Cinquina and Mr. Jerome Liss are
also acknowledged,
      Acknowledgements are also due to Dr. R. J. Vadimsky of Bell Telephone
Research Laboratories, Murray Hill, Li.J. lui: conducting the work related to
the Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope and to Dr. J. Wagman of
the Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, for his
continued interest and encouragement.

                                    Submitted by:
                                    Amitav Pattnaik
                                    Senior Research Metallurgist
Approved by:
K. E. Dorschu
Metals and Ceramics Laboratory

                             7.  REFERENCES

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     and Analysis of Asbestos in Ambient Air* Final Report,  Battelle
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                 APPENDIX A

           BeO Suhstrate Preparation
               » > M j " M i H r R * n K i : N p i ri * 4V > Y  •  p H i. « r i > r M i A ^ •: «j N r. • . \ A \ . A i « < o i


                               APPENDIX A

                         BeO Substrate Preparation
      The optimum substrate for selected area diffraction and microscopy
would be amorphous and featureless.  For x-ray fluorescence analysis the
substrate should contribute no characteristic peaks in the energy range
of interest.  Moreover, the substrate should be stable under low temperature
oxygen plasma ashing which is a critical step in the preparation of samples.
      Initially S10 substrates were prepared and were successfully used in
the specimen preparation.  The only disadvantage of SiO substrate is that
Si from the substrate hinders identification of asbestos fibers which are
uniquely identified by their Mg, Si, Ca and Fe x-ray fluorescence peaks.
BeO is an ideal candidate since neither Be nor 0 is detected by E. D.
x-ray analysis.  BeO substrates have been successfully prepared in this
laboratory after some initial set-backs.  BeO is brittle and initially the
substrates exhibited cracking as the copper grid curled during oxidation
in the LT asher.  The normal TEM copper grids have a ring at the periphery
and this seemed to cause the distortion.  The successful technique uses
grids punched out of a sheet of copper mesh.

      1.  3mm diameter copper grids are punched out of 300 mesh sheet.
      2.  The blank grids are preoxidized overnight at 175°C in air.
      3.  The copper grids are ultrasonically cleaned in acetone to
          remove non-adhering oxide.
      4.  A cleaned microscope slide is coated with a thin layer of
          dehydrated Victawet*.
      5.  A weighed amount of Be is evaporated onto the glass slide.
          The Be vapor oxidizes to BeO in the evaporator and deposits
          as BeO film.
      6.  The glass slide is scratched with a razor blade to form a
          square grid pattern on the BeO film.
 *Victawet - Available from Ladd Research Industries, Vermont, U.S.A.


      7.  The BeO is floated onto the surface of deionized water
          containing a few drops of detergent.   Small squares of BeO
          film are picked up on preoxidized copper grids and dried.

      BeO substrates prepared in the above manner survive LT ashing and
the stresses that are encountered during different steps of the specimen
preparation, Figure 1.
      The properties of the BeO substrates have already been described,
Section 3.3.  It is a crystalline film but is featureless for present purposes,
      However, it is believed that the quality of the BeO substrate could
be improved by depositing Be on a colder substrate.  Amorphous BeO substrates
should be possible.  The present BeO substrates were adequate for this


      It is  well known that beryllium (Be)  and  its  vapor are toxic.   In the
 solid state,  Be studs can  be handled without much  danger from its  toxicity;
 however,  care should be  taken  when Be  vapor  is encountered,  which  is the
 case In the preparation  of BeO substrate.  The following precautions are
 taken at the  FIRL whenever BeO substrates  are  prepared.

      (1)  While evaporating Be  in an evaporator,  a  somewhat temporary
          enclosure,  made of thick aluminum foil,  is made around the
          tungsten filament and the glass  substrate.  The specially tailored
          enclosure still allows viewing of the filament for controlled
      (2)  A glass beaker  of suitable size  is  put upside down above  the
          aluminum foil enclosure.   Hence  escape of Be vapor to the
          outer chamber is  minimal.
      (3)  After completion  of evaporation,  the aluminum foil is discarded
          safely and the  glass  beaker is thoroughly washed under an
          exhaust hood.

     (4) The evaporator is also cleaned thoroughly using acetone and
         tissue papers after evaporation.  Then the tissue papers are
         discarded safely.
     The FIRL has had extensive experience in the preparation and handling
of beryllium.  Routine analysis of beryllium in the air of the beryllium
laboratories of the FIRL is carried out according to environmental standards.

                  APPENDIX B

       Computer Program for the Identification

              of Asbestos Fibers
             1 >• f  Mf'JJAWIN fRANKLIN PARivA'AY
                                      f>Nll»nFlP«l»  =CNNSY1VAN.A  I <) I (I "•


                              APPENDIX B

               Computer Program for the Identification
                          of Asbestos Fibers

     The JSM-50A scanning electron microscope at the FIRL is equipped
with a computerized NS-880 E.D. x-ray analyzer.   The associated mini-
computer is programmed for various applications  and x-ray fluorescence
spectra can be stored on magnetic tapes.  Recently, a system called
Flextran , has been developed for the NS-880 system; with Flextran, the
computer can be programmed using Flextran language.  New programs
can be readily written by the user for specific  applications.  The
following program has been developed for the identification of asbestos
     Common asbestos fibers can be identified by the three-element
ratio analysis  *  .  The elements of interest are Mg,  Si and Fe ai
their ratios are calculated according to the following formula:
                   I V'l'
where, i refers to Mg, Si, and Fe
       A  : Element ratio
       I. : Intensity of x-ray fluorescence peak from element
            i in an asbestos fiber
       I  : Intensity of x-ray fluorescence peak from element i from a
            standard sample consisting of pure element i.
     The A  ratios are plotted on a ternary-type diagram, Figure B-l.
The A. ratios are not unique for a particular type of asbestos and the
spread observed depending on fiber size and composition for the U.I.C.C.
asbestos standards is shown in Figure Bl.  This diagram can be used for
identifying unknown asbestos fibers.  Similar approach was used by
Langer et al.    while using an electron microprobe with  a wavelength

*Tracor-Northern, Inc., Middletown, Wisconsin 53562


dispersive spectrometer.  Their ternary-type diagram (Figure 5 of ref. 8)
is similar but not identical to Figure B-l since the ratio A depends on
many factors, particularly the sensitivity of the detection system.
     Presently the FIRL is working on a FDA contract to identify asbestos
fibers in talc, food and drugs.  Experience has led to the development
of a new program which is based on a five-element ratio using the following
                    I V'i'
where 1 refers to Na, Mg, Si, Ca and Fe.   Expanding Equation B-2 for Mg
gives :
            I  /I  S + I  /L  S + I  /I  S + I  /I  S + I
             Na7 Na     M'^l     ^i' Si     Ca7 Ca     F
     It was observed earlier, Figure B-l, that these A numbers are not
unique and they have a spread corresponding to different regions defining
specific type of asbestos.  Hence, A + AA (AA referring to the spread in
numbers) values for different types of asbestos and talc are stored in the
NS-880 computer memory.  Similar A numbers are determined from an unknown
spectrum and matched with the numbers for standards in the following manner.
The following numbers are calculated:
          ~   Mg known    ^lg unknown       Mg
     (ASi * ^Si5 known ~ (ASi}unknown  " ' BSi
                                      1  i
       B   : Absolute value  of +  B

                          AMOSITE   CROCIDOLITE
Figure B-l.  Ternary  Diagram of flg-Si-Fe Ka  Emission Ratios of
             Standard U.I.C.C.  Asbestos


where, i refers to chrysotile, amosite and talc etc.

      The C.'s are calculated for chrysotile, amosite etc., and the
unknown fiber is identified to be that standard fiber which gives the
least value for C.
      Before the computer calculates the C values using Equation B-4, the
fluorescence spectrum from the unknown fiber is stripped of the background
spectrum then each peak is normalized with respect to standards.
      A pseudo-ternary diagram illustrating the regions for different
asbestos fibers is shown in Figure B-2.  The 5-element space is shown
projected onto the 3-element plane.  The amount of sodium (Na) differentiates
between the overlapping regions of amosite and crocidolite and hence there
is no ambiguity.
      Normalized A ratios with limits for different types of asbestos are
presented in Table B-l.  Standard asbestos fibers have been used to obtain
the A ratios presented in Table B-l; the limits have been obtained carrying
out x-ray analysis on a large number of fibers with different diameters
and locations.  A close scrutiny of the Table B-l indicates that none of
the asbestos variety has all the 5 ratios similar allowing unique identi-
fication.  The uniqueness of identification is evident from Table B-l and
illustrated in Figure B-2 recalling that 5-element space is projected on the
3-element surface.
      A schematic diagram of the computer program and logic is shown in
Figure B-3.  The program can be operated following two different routes:

      (1)  The fluorescent x-rays are accumulated as long as the operator
           decides and then, the computer is asked to identify the type of
           asbestos spectrum.
      (2)  The computer accumulates data for every 10 sees, and checks if
           the peaks are significant with respect to background and  then
           tries to match the spectrum in order to identify.

     Figure  B-2.
Pseudo-Ternary Diagram of Na-Mq-Si-Ca-Fe Ka Emission
Ratios of IM.C.C. Standard Asbestos, Trenolite, and Talc.


                               TABLE B-l


                         Limits of Peak Ratios

          Amos.     CrocId,     Chrys.     Anth.     Trem.     Talc

Na         <1       7 - 22        <1        <1        <1         
                                                FOR STATISTICAL
Fiqure B-3.  Schematic  Diagram of the Computer  Program for the Identi-
             fication of  Asbestos


     Route #2 takes the minimum time required to identify the asbestos
fiber.  During the execution, of the program following either route #1
or route #2, the spectrum is displayed on the oscilloscope screen.  The
operator stops the automatic counting process if the spectrum contains
elements that certainly do not belong to any asbestos type.
     Examples of fiber identification by the route //I is shown in
Figure B-4(a) and by the route #2 in Figure B-4(b).  The analysis was
carried out on an asbestos fiber of 0.6y in diameter.  The spectrum was
accumulated for 100 sees, in Figure B-4(a) whereas the spectrum in
Figure B-4(b) was accumulated only for 10 sees.

                                               10. 22E
                                r i ptK
               BLflNK K£V  TO  RESTfiRT
               PHR12 RDD  . 820KEV/CH
               -<-"=  g,  480KEV,
Figure B-4.  Oscilloscope Photographs of Identified Chrysotile Spectra
            (a)  Data collected for  100 sec. and  then identified.
            (b)  Minimum time required (10 sees.)  for the identification
                of  the same fiber.   (Total counts are different for (a)
                and (b)).

EPA 650/2-75-029
••ast r>:ad iHUrucrions on die retcrse before completing)
2. 3. RECI
Development of Scanning Electron Microscopy for Jam.

Amitav Pattnaik and John D.

The Franklin Institute Research Laboratories 1AAC
Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Phi ladelphia , Pennsylvania
11. COM
Chemistry and Physics Laboratory Fin
National Environmental Research Center, EPA '*• SPO
Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711

ary 1975, date of prep.

10 (26AAN)
il. November 1973-Dec J.974

The methodology that was developed at the Franklin Institute Research Laboratories
(FIRL) under the EPA Contract No. 68-02-0544, for the determination of airborne
asbestos has been perfected and developed further. Moreover, the newly perfected
technique has been applied to point source, near point source and ambient air samples.
This report describes the analytical method which employs a scanning electron
microscope equipped with energy dispersive x-ray analysis for the identification
and counting of airborne asbestos. The specimens, prepared in a unique manner, are
suitable for image analysis and for a possible automated counting system.
Results of the analysis on airborne asbestos are presented, and limitations and
advantages of the present techniques are discussed.

Scanning electron microscopy
X-ray fluorescence
Release unlimited
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