United States Office of Science and Technology August 1991 Environmental Protection Office of Water Agency Washington. P.O. 20460 &EPA DRAFT PROCEDURES FOR INITIATING NARRATIVE BIOLOGICAL CRITERIA ------- DRAFT PROCEDURES FOR INITIATING NARRATIVE BIOLOGICAL CRITERIA By George R. Gibson, Jr. Coordinator, Biological Criteria Program Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC August 1991 ------- Purpose of this Paper The Biological Criteria Program was initiated by EPA in response to re- search and interest generated over the last several years by Agency, State, and academic investigators. This interest has been documented in several re- ports and conference proceedings that were the basis for creation of the pro- gram and for the preparation of Biological Criteria National Program Guidance for Surface Waters (U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, 1990). The overall concept and "narrative biological criteria" are described in that guide. Because establishing narrative criteria is an important first step in the pro- cess, the material that follows here is intended to be an elaboration upon and clarification of the term narrative biological criteria as used in the guide. The emphasis here is on a practical, applied approach with particular attention to cost considerations and the need to introduce the material to readers who may not be familiar with the program. Introduction and Background Biological monitoring assessment and the resultant biological criteria rep- resent the current and increasingly sophisticated process of an evolving water quality measurement technology. This process spans almost 200 years in North America and the entire 20 years of USEPA responsibility. The initial efforts in the 1700's to monitor and respond to human impacts on watercourses were based on physical observations of sediments and debris discharged by towns, commercial operations, and ships in port (Capper, et al. 1983). Later, chemical analyses were developed to measure less directly observ- able events. With industrialization, increasing technology, and land develop- ment pressures, both types of monitoring were incorporated into the body of our State and Federal public health and environmental legislation. Valuable as these methods were, early investigations and compliance with water quality standards relied primarily on water column measurements re- flecting only conditions at a given time of sampling. Investigators and manag- ers have long recognized this limitation and have used sampling of resident organisms in the streams, rivers, lakes, or estuaries to enhance their under- standing of water resource quality over a greater span of time. During the past 20 years, this technique has become increasingly reliable and is now a neces- sary adjunct to the established physical and chemical measures of water re- sources quality. USEPA has therefore concluded that biological assessment and consequent biological criteria are an appropriate and valuable complement to the Nation's surface water management programs. This added approach not only expands and refines this management, it is also consistent with the country's growing concern that the environment must be protected and managed for more than the legitimate interests of human health and welfare. The protection of healthy ecosystems must be part of our responsibility and is indeed related to our welfare. Fish, shellfish, wildlife, and other indigenous flora and fauna of our surface waters require protection as intrinsic components of the natural sys- tem. ------- A carefully completed survey and subsequent assessment of these resident organisms in relatively undisturbed areas reveal not only the character or "bi- ological integrity" of a natural, healthy waterbody, they also provide a bench- mark against which similar systems may be compared where degradation is suspected. Biological measurements also help record waterbody changes over time with less potential temporal variation than physical or chemical ap- proaches to water quality measurement. This biological element of water resource evaluation is being introduced by EPA in a stepwise fashion. First, narrative biological criteria will be insti- tuted by the States by the end of 1993. Later, with sufficient narrative experi- ence, numeric criteria incorporating quantitative values will be adopted. This will allow for systematic adjustments and refinements of methods by both the Agency and the States. Narrative Biological Criteria The first phase of the program is the development of "narrative biological criteria". These are essentially statements of intent incorporated in State water iaws to formally consider the fate and status of aquatic biological com- munities. Officially stated, biological criteria are "... numerical values or nar- rative expressions that describe the reference biological integrity of aquatic communities inhabiting waters of a given designated aquatic life use" (U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, 1990). While a narrative criterion does not stipulate that numerical indices or other population parameters be used to indicate a particular level of water quality, it does rely upon the use of standard measures and data analyses to make qualitative determinations of the resident communities. The State, Territory, or Reservation should not only carefully compose the narrative biological criteria statement but should also include an indication of just how its application is to be accomplished. The determination of text {how the narrative biological criteria are v/ritten) and measurement procedures (how the criteria will be used) is up to the individual States in consultation with EPA. Some degree of standardization among States sharing common re- gions and waters will be in their best interests. This regional coordination and cooperation could help improve efficiency, reduce costs, and expand the database available to each State so that management determinations can be made with greater certainty. Attributes of A Sound Narrative Criteria Statement States should require that it: 1. Support the goals of the Clean Water Act to protect a balanced indigenous population of fish, shellfish and wildlife; 2. Include specific aquatic, marine, and esruarine community characteristics that must be present for the waterbody to meet a particular designated use; 3. Include characteristics that are quantifiable and written to protect and or enhance the designated use; ------- 4. Protect the most natural community possible; and 5. Avoid potentially conflicting standards by emphasizing the protection of sensitive, natural systems and the independent application of existing and future codes or regulations. In no case should degradation of the waters be authorized. An Example of A Narrative Biocriteria Statement The intent of the State is to preserve, protect, and restore the water re- sources of [name of State] in their most natural condition. The condition of these waterbodies shall be determined from the combined measures of physi- cal, chemical, and biological characteristics of each surface waterbody type, ac- cording to its use attainability classification ... [as previously identified according to the Clean Water Act, Section 305 (b)]... As a component of these measurements, the biological quality of any given water system shall be as- sessed by comparison to a reference source(s) of similar hydrologic and water- shed characteristics that represent the optimum natural condition for that system. Such reference sources or reaches of water courses shall be those observed to support the greatest variety and abundance of aquatic life in the region as is expected to be or has been historically found in natural settings essentially un- disturbed or least disturbed by human impacts, development, or discharges. This condition shall be determined by consistent sampling and reliable mea- sures of selected indicative communities of flora and/or fauna as established by ... [appropriate State agency or agencies] . . . and in conjunction with ac- ceptable chemical, physical, and microbial water quality measurements and records judged to be appropriate to this purpose. Management efforts relative to these criteria shall be consistent with the objective of restoring and protecting natural communities of fish, shellfish, and wildlife appropriate to these waters and in all cases shall protect against degradation of the highest existing or subsequently obtained water quality conditions. Because separate parameters are involved, no physical, chemical, or bio- logical criteria or regulations implemented for the protection of these waters shall be deemed superior to another in application or enforcement. Data Gathering to Establish and Support Narrative Biological Criteria A State need not specifically list in the narrative statement the sampling procedures and parameters to be employed, but it should indicate and charge the appropriate administrative authority with this responsibility as indicated parenthetically above. The selection and sampling process, certainly at the outset, should be sim- ple, reliable, and cost effective. There is no limitation on the sophistication or rigor of a State's procedures. In many instances, a State may choose to create procedures and regulations more complex and complete than are indicated here, however a basic design and methodology to consider should include the following elements: ------- ' 1. Resource Inventory, A field review of State water resource condi- tions and a first hand documentation of the status of water quality relative to the use designation categories are essential. Management planning should not be done independent of the biologists, water resource managers and chemists directly involved with the resource base. They should be the primary partici- pants from the outset. 2. Specific Objective* and Sampling Design. States will need to de- sign a system identifying "natural, unimpacted" reference sources appropriate to each surface waterbody type in each of the designated use categories in the State (e.g., streams, lakes and reservoirs, rivers, wetlands, estuaries and coastal waters) and the use categories (see example, Page 8) for each grouping of these waterbody types. Sources for defining reference condition may include historical data sets, screening surveys, or a consensus of experts in the region of interest. Because natural water courses do not always follow political boundaries, the most effective approach may be a joint or group effort between two or more States. Where this coordination and cooperation is possible, it may pro- duce a superior database at less cost than any individual State effort. EPA is working through its regional offices to assist in the development of such joint operations through the use of ecoregions and subregions (Gallant et al. 1988). Regional EPA biologists and water quality or standards coordinators can ad- vise and assist with these interstate cooperative efforts. In any case, reference sites or sources for each waterbody type, subcate- gory of similar waters, and designated use category will be needed. These may be drawn from "upstream" locations, "far field" transects or selected nearby or "ecoregional" sites representative of relatively unimpacted, highest quality natural settings (U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, 1990). Care must be taken to only equate comparable physical characteristics when selecting reference sites for the waterbodies to be evaluated. A site on a rapid, shallow, rocky piedmont or alpine stream can not be the reference source against which sites on a slow-moving, larger, brackish coastal stream are compared. The organisms to be collected and communities sampled should represent an array of sensitivities to be as responsive and informative as possible. An ex- ample would be to collect fish, invertebrates representing both insects and shellfish, and perhaps macrophytes as elements of the sampling scheme. 3. Collection Methods. The same sampling techniques should always be employed at both the reference sites and test sites and should be consistent as much as possible for both spatial and temporal conditions. For example, a consistent seining or electroshocking technique should al- ways be used in collecting fish over the same length of stream and with the same degree of effort using the same gear. In addition, the sampling area must be representative of the entire reach or waterbody segment. The temporal con- ditions to be considered include not only such factors as the length of time spent towing a trawl at a constant speed but also extend to the times of year when data are gathered. Seasonally of life cycles and natural environmental pressures must be addressed to make legitimate evaluations. For example, the spring hatch of aquatic insects is usually avoided as a sampling period in favor of more stable community conditions later in the summer. Conversely, low nutrient availability in mid-summer may temporarily but cyclically re- ------- duce the abundance of estuarine or marine benthos. Dissolved oxygen cycles are another seasonal condition to consider as are migratory patterns of some fish and waterfowl. The entire array of temporal and spatial patterns must be accommodated to avoid inconsistent and misleading data gathering. Processing and analysis of the collected specimens is usually based on the number and identity of taxa collected and the number of individuals per taxon. This preliminary information is the foundation of most of the subse- quent analytical processes used to evaluate community composition. In the course of examining and sorting the plants or animals, notations should be made of any abnormal gross morphological or pathological conditions such as deformities, rumors or lesions. This information on disease and deformities in itself can be an important assessment variable. Taxonomic sorting can also be the basis for functional groupings of the data, and preservation of the specimens allows for the option of additional analyses after the field season is concluded. Table 1 is not all inclusive in the sense of a thorough biological investiga- tion, but it does represent an initial approach to the selection of parameters for biological assessment to support the narrative criteria. Table 1.Indicator communities and reference sources for biological criteria. WATERBODY Freshwater Streams Lakes & Reservoirs Rivers Wetlands Estuarine & near-coastal Waters FLORA / FAUNA INDICATORS REFERENCE STATIONS Fish & macroinvertebrates, incl. insects & shellfish Same, also macrophytes Same as lake & reservoirs All of above, plus emergent and terrestrial vegetation & perhaps wildlife & avian spp. Fish & macroinvertebrates, esp. shellfish, echinoderms, polychaetes Ecoregion, upstream and downstream stations May need to start with trophic groups; far- and near-field transects, ecoregions* Upstream and downstream stations; where appropriate, far- and near-field transects, ecoregions* Ecoregion;* far- and near-field transects Far- and near-field transects; ecoregion* or physiographic province * Where appropriate; ecoregions that are heterogeneous may need to be subdivided into cohesive subregions or these subregions aggregated where financial resources are limited or aquatic systems are large (tidal rivers, estuaries, near-coastal marine waters). Also, major basins and watersheds could be considered for "keystone indicators' for fish and shellfish. 4. Quality Control. Much of the analytical potential and strength of any conclusions reached will depend upon the precision and accuracy of sam- pling techniques and data handling procedures. Rigorous attention should therefore be given to the design and consistency of data gathering techniques and to the training and evaluation of field and laboratory staff. Similarly, cata- loging and record keeping procedures must be carefully designed and strictly adhered to by all parries involved. EPA Regional Office personnel can provide advice and Agency guidance manuals on this subject. Similarly, many States already have excellent quality assurance procedures that can be used as a foundation for their biological criteria program. ------- ' 5. Analytical Procedure*. The usual approach to biological analyses is to identify the presence of impairment and establish the probability of being certain in that judgment. For example, if there is a significant increase in the number of deformed or diseased organisms, and a significant decrease in the taxa and/or individuals and in sensitive or intolerant taxa given that the physical habitats and col- lection techniques are equivalent then the study site may be presumed to be degraded. This conclusion will have further support if the trend holds true over time or if probable sources are identified. The apparent source or sources of perturbation should then be investigated and further specific diagnostic tests conducted to establish cause. Remedial action may then follow through regulatory or other appropriate management procedures. Application of Biological Criteria to State Surface Water Use Attainability Procedures Another application of the data collected is in the rank order of all test sites relative to the benchmark of reference sources established per designated use category. A hypothetical State-designated use category system might be as follows: Class I: Highest quality State waters. No discharges of any kind and no significant landscape alterations are permitted in the basin (includes those designated as unique aesthetic or habitat resources and fisheries, especially protected shellfish waters). It is a high pri- ority of the State that naturally occurring biological life shall be pro- tected in all respects. (Indicator sensitive resident species might be included to help define each class, e.g., trout, some darters, mayflies, oysters, etc.) Class II: High quality waters suitable for body contact. Only highly treated discharges of equal or better quality than the receiv- ing waters and land development with well established riparian vegetative buffer zones are allowed^ Naturally occurring biological life to be protected and no degradation of the waters allowed. (Indi- cator sensitive species might be suckers and darters, stoneflies, soft- shelled clams, etc.) Class III; Good quality water but affected by runoff from pre- vailing developed land uses. Shore zones are protected, but buffer zones not as extensive as Class II. Highly treated, well-diluted efflu- ent permitted. Indigenous aquatic life and community composition is protected and no further degradation of the receiving waters is al- lowed. (Indicator sensitive species might be sunfish, caddisflies, blue crabs, etc.) Class IV: Lowest quality water In State's designated use sys- tem. Ambient water quality must be or become sufficient to support indigenous aquatic life and no further degradation is allowed. Struc- ture and function of aquatic community must be preserved, but spe- cies composition may differ from Class HI waters. ------- Since all States have some form of designated use classification system such as that illustrated above, bioassessment procedures can be applied to each surface water type by class and the information used to help determine relative management success or failure. In concert with other measurements, bioassessments help determine designated use attainment under the Clean Water Act, Section 305 (b), which requires periodic reports from the States on the status of their surface water resources. The procedure also can be used to support regulatory actions, detect previously unidentified problems, and help establish priorities for management projects (see "Additional Applications of Biological Criteria," Page 8). The simplified table that follows (Table 2) illustrates the above approach to rank ordering comprehensive surface water quality conditions by each desig- nated use to help determine and report relative "designated use attainment". Table 2.Data display to facilitate evaluating waterbody condition and relative designated use attainment. DESIGNATED USE BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS (by number) (per Sf. water type) Taxa Taxa Fish Invertebrates Fish Inverte Intolerant* Intolerant! Diseased Highest quality in high high designated use Good quality in designated use Adequate to designated use Marginal for designated use Poor quality low low high high low low low high DESIGNATED USE PUBLIC HEALTH, CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL DATA (per Sf. water type) T. Coll E. Coll Highest quality in low low designated use : Good quality in 1 designated use Adequate to j designated use Marginal for designated use D.O. pH PO4 NO3 Turfo. high | Usually Usually Usually low low low Vbl bv vy region . , i Poor quality high high low Usually Usually Usually high high high It is important to construct and calibrate each table according to consistent regional and habitat conditions. Using quantitative biological criteria derived from the data base and the reference condition, standings in the tables can be established from which the relative rankings can be defined. This material can eventually serve as the basis for numeric biological criteria. ------- Further, the compiling of physical and chemical data with the biological data facilitates comprehensive evaluations and aids in the investigation of causes of evident water quality declines. Having the numbers all in one place helps the water resource manager assess conditions. However, it is important to note that States are not to establish any priorities among the different phys- ical, chemical, public health, or biological parameters in management or regu- lations because different conditions are measured in each instance. Failure of a designated site to meet any one of a State's physical, chemical, or biological criteria should be perceived as sufficient justification for remedial action. One other note on the use of biological criteria is important. The data gath- ered should be comprehensively evaluated on a periodic basis. This gives the manager an opportunity to assess relative monitoring and management suc- cess, monitor the condition of the reference sites, and adjust procedures ac- cordingly. Additional Applications of Biological Criteria As shown in the previous illustrations, narrative biological criteria can have many applications to the management and enhancement of surface water quality. Refinement and augmentation of existing waterbody monitor- ing procedures. With between 200 and 500 new chemicals entering the market annually, it is impossible to develop chemical criteria that address them all. Further, synergism between even regulated chemicals meeting existing standards may create degraded condi- tions downstream that are identifiable only by using biological mon- itoring and criteria. Thus, the approach may help identify and correct problems not previously recognized. Non-chemical impairments (e.g., degradation of physical habitats, changes in hydrologic conditions, stocking, and harvesting) can be identified. Remediation of these impairments, when they are the pri- mary factor, can be less expensive and more relevant than some point source abatements. Priority determinations In waterbody management decision- making. By presenting an array of diverse parameters in a compre- hensive manner, the decisionmaker is able to make better judgments. The strengths of this diversity can be used to determine with greater confidence the priority to assign to a given waterbody in the allocation of scarce manpower or funds. By using a triage ra- tionale with the comprehensive and diverse database, the greatest use can be gained from a given budget. Regulatory aspect. Once a satisfactory database is accumulated, the biological criteria can be established to the satisfaction of the State and EPA. The process may then be incorporated in the State's system of regulations as part of its surface water quality protection and management program. Biological assessment and criteria can become an important additional tool in this context as the Nation in- creasingly upgrades the quality of our water resources. 8 ------- Perspective of the Future: Implementing Biological Criteria This guide to narrative biological criteria was composed with the fiscal and technical constraints of all the States, Territories, and Reservations in mind. The array of scientific options available to biological assessment and cri- teria illustrated here is by no means exhaustive, and many jurisdictions will prefer a more involved approach. In no way is this guide intended to restrain States from implementing more detailed or rigorous programs. In fact, we welcome comments and suggestions for additional techniques and parameters to consider. The basic approach discussed here, while compiled to be the least de- manding on State budgets, equipment, and manpower pools, consists of a reli- able, reproducible scientific method. The metrics considered should not be restricted to those illustrated in this guide. Rather, they should be developed from the expertise of State biologists and water resource managers perhaps in concert with colleagues in neighboring States for a coordinated regional ap- proach to waterbodies and natural biological regions that cross political boundaries. Good science should be applied to a realistic appraisal of what can actually be accomplished. For more detailed discussions of sampling and analytical methods, the reader is referred to the references appended to this text. A key point to consider is that the structure for narrative biological criteria is an ideal interim step for the eventual development of numeric biological cri- teria. The infrastructure developed now may only require expansion and re- finement to meet future needs. Capper, ]., G. Power and F.R. Shivers, Jr. 1983. Chesapeake Waters, Pollution, Public Health, and Public Opinion, 1607-1972. Tidewater Publishers, Centreville, MD. Gallant, A.L. et al. 1989. Regionalizalion as a Tool for Managing Environmental Resources. EPA/600-3-89-060. Environ. Res. Lab., U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, CorvaJlis, OR. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1990. Biological Criteria National Program Guidance for Surface Waters. EPA/440-5-90-004. Office of Water, U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Washington DC. Additional References Mem, DJ. et al. 1990. Macromvertebrate Field and Laboratory Methods for Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface Waters. EPA/600/4-90/030. Environ. Monitor. Syst. Lab., U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Plafkin, J.L. et al. 1989. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Rivers: Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish. EPA/444/4-89-001. Office of Water, U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Washington DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1991. Technical Support Document for Water Qual- ity-based Toxics Control. EPA/505/2-90-001. Office of Water, Washington DC. 9 ------- U.S. EPA Regional Sources of Technical Assistance REGION 1: JFK Federal Building, Boston, MA 02203 Regional Biologist: Pete Nolan/Celeste Ban- (617) 860-1343 Monitoring Coordinator: Diane Switzer (617) 860-4377 Water Quality Standards Coordinator Eric Hall (617) 565-3533 REGION 2i 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278 Regional Biologist: Steve Ward/Jim Kurtenbach (201) 321-6716 Monitoring Coordinator: Randy Braum (201) 321-6692 Water Quality Standards Coordinator: Richard Balla (212) 264-1559 REGION 3: 841 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Regional Biologist: Ron Preston (304) 233-2315 Monitoring Coordinator: Chuck Kanetsky (215) 597-8176 Water Quality Standards Coordinator: Linda Hoist (215) 597-0133 REGION 4: 345 Courtland Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30365 Regional Biologist: Hoke Howard/Jerry Stober/William Peltier (404) 546-2296 Monitoring Coordinator: Dan Aherm (404) 347-2126 Water Quality Standards Coordinator. Fritz Wagener/Jim Harrison (404) 347-33% REGION Si 230 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60604 Regional Biologist: Charles Steiner (312) 886-6233 Monitoring Coordinator: Wayne Davis (312) 886-6233 Water Quality Standards Coordinator: David Allen (312) 886-0135 REGION 6: 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200, Dallas, TX 75202 Regional Biologist: Evan Homig/Philip Crocker/Terry Hollister (713) 983-2163 Monitoring Coordinator: Charles Howell (214) 655-2289 Water Quality Standards Coordinator: Cheryl Overstreet (214) 655-7145 REGION 7: 726 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101 Regional Biologist: Michael Tucker/Gary Welker (913) 236-3884 Monitoring Coordinator. John Helvig (913) 236-3884 Water Quality Standards Coordinator. John Houlihan (913) 551-7432 REGIONS: 999 18th Street, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202-2405 Regional Biologist: Loys Parrish (303) 236-5064 Monitoring Coordinator Jim Leuy (303) 236-7372 Water Quality Standards Coordinator Bill Wuerthde (303) 293-1586 REGION 9: 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 Regional Biologist: Peter Husby/Milton Tunzi (415) 744-1488 Monitoring Coordinator Ed Liu (415) 744-2006 Water Quality Standards Coordinator: Phillip Woods (415) 744-1994 REGION 10:1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 Regional Biologist: Joseph Cummins (206) 553-0370 Monitoring Coordinator. Gretchen Hayslip (206) 442-1685 Water Quality Standards Coordinator Sally Marquis (206) 442-2116 HEADQUARTERS: 401 M Street SW, Biocriteria Program (WH 585), Washington, DC 20640 Program Coordinator: George Gibson (202) 260-7580 NOTE: Address provided is the EPA Regional Office; personnel indicated may be located at satellite facilities. 10 ------- |