5EPA Classification No.: Approval Date: 2180.2 12/10/87 Addressee EPA ORDER - DATA STANDARDS FOR THE ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OF LABORATORY MEASUREMENT RESULTS 1. PURPOSE. This Transmittal issues EPA Order 2180.2 - Data Standards for Electronic Transmission of Laboratory Measurement Results. 2. EXPLANATION. EPA Order 2180.2 - Data Standards for Electronic Transmission of Laboratory Measurement Results issues standards for the electronic transmission of environmental measurement results from laboratories to EPA programs. 3. FILING INSTRUCTIONS. File the attached Order in a three- ring binder established for the EPA Directives System. Kathy Peltruccelli , Director Management and Organization Division Originator EPA Form 1315-12(5-86) Information Management Services Division/Office of Information Resources Management ------- Classification No.: 2180.2 Approval Date: 12/10/87 DATA STANDARDS FOR THE ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OF LABORATORY MEASUREMENT RESULTS PA Form 131 5-12A (5-86) 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Order is to issue standards for the electronic transmission of environmental measurement results from laboratories to EPA programs. These standards will provide a consistent definition of laboratory data and will facilitate cross-media use of laboratory data. 2. SCOPE. This Order applies to laboratories that supply measurement data for Agency, Regional or program office decisions. 3. BACKGROUND. a. Integration of information and databases is difficult because program offices use disparate formats and names for similar data elements. b. There is a need to make and support decisions based on standard information and data collected which cut across the Agency's programs. c. Specific programs have an increasing need to share data from other programs, other Agencies, States and local governments. This adds credence to the need for accept- able data standards to facilitate the exchange of information. d. Information technology has reached a point at which the sharing of data among automated systems is technically feasible. e. The Agency has implemented standards for hardware and software which facilitate the sharing of data among programs. f. Laboratory measurement results are commonly acquired by almost all the operating programs and Regions. ------- EPA ORDER 2180.2 12/10/87 g. The large quantity of data that is received from laboratories mandates the use of automated systems of transmission to decrease errors of transcription, to increase the speed of reporting and to facilitate wide use of the data. h. A standard approach to the transmission of laboratory data is required to ensure that all measurement data reported to Agency programs from laboratories will include common elements that define the sample type, the measurement technique and method, and the quality of the measurement, .in addition to the measurement results. i. These standards define data originally acquired for one specific purpose to other potential users. Use of these standards certifies the existence of qualifying information to second and third party users of the data. 4. AUTHORITIES. a. 15 CFR, Part 6 Subtitle A, Standardization of Data Elements and Representations. b. OMB Circular A-130, Management of Federal Information Resources. 5. POLICY. The Standards for Electronic Transmission of Laboratory Measurement Results in Appendices A through C to this Order will be used to move measurement results from laboratories to program offices. a. Programs will adhere to the standards except where it can be demonstrated that the costs of using the standards exceed the benefits or will impede the Agency in accomplishing its mission. b. These standards provide a framework that can be adapted to the needs of each program. Addition or deletion of data elements is permissible within the standards. c. No timetables are set for conversion of existing automated data transfer mechanisms. The Office of Information Resources Management will ensure that new instances of the automated collection of laboratory measurement results will consider these standards as part of the workplan. -2- ------- EPA ORDER 2180.2 12/10/87 6. ASSISTANCE. Assistance in implementing this Order can be obtained from the Immediate Office, Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM). 7. PROVISION FOR WAIVER. OIRM recognizes that due to variances in mission needs, information requirements, and resource allocations, not all information systems can easily conform to the standards defined in this policy. In order to provide a reasonable amount of flexibility, this provision for waiver is included in the Order. a. An application for waiver should provide information to substantiate the problems encountered in adopting the standard. Also, the application should include the program's alternate plan of action for transmitting laboratory results. b. The application must be approved by the decision official in the requesting office and the respective Senior Information Resources Management Official prior to submission to the Director of OIRM, who has responsibility for final disposition. The applying office will be notified in writing of the disposition of the waiver within 30 days. . t * ' J \ C. Morgan Kimgjhorn Acting Assistant Administrator -3- ------- 12/10/87 CONTENTS OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Format for Analytical Results Reports on Machine Readable Media Introduction A-l Media Format A-l Record Formats A-2 Production Runs A-2 Record Sequence A-3 File/Record Integrity A-4 Dates and Times A-4 Necessary Information A-4 Field Sampling Data A-4 Multiple Volume Data A-5 Format of the Production Run Header Record (Type 10) A-6 Format of the Chromatography Records (Types 11 and 12) A-7 Format of the Mass Spectrometer Record (Type 13) A-9 Format of the I.e.A.P. Record (Type 14) A-10 Format of the Sample Header Record (Types 20 and 21) A-ll Format of the Sample Condition Record (Type 22) A-13 Format of the Associated Injection Record (Type 23) A-14 Format of the Field Sampling Data Record (Types 24 to 26) A-15 Format of the Results Data Record (Type 30) A-17 Format of the Instrumental Data Readout Record (Type 31) A-18 Format of the Auxilliary Data Record (Type 32) A-19 Format of the Name Record (Type 33) A-20 Format of the QC Limit Record (Type 34) A-21 Format of the Correction Data Record (Type 35) A-22 Format of the Deleted Data Record (Type 40) A-23 Format of the Special Header Record (Type 50) A-24 Format of the Comment Record (Type 90) A-25 Appendix B. Definitions of Various Codes Structure of the Method Number B-l Quality Control Codes in Type 20 Records B-2 Quality Control Codes in Type 34 Records B-8 Codes for Sample Medium (Matrix, Source) B-9 List of Sample and Result Qualifiers B-10 Appendix C. Example Method and Matrix Codes for Dioxin, General Organic and Inorganic Methods C-l Table 1. Method and Matrix Codes for Dioxin and General Organics C-2 Table 2. Method and Matrix Codes for Inorganics C-3 Table 3. Example of the Sequence of Record Types C-5 ------- 12/10/87 Appendix A Format for Analytical Results Reports on Machine Readable Media Introduction This constitutes an EPA standard for media and record formats to be used in transmission of analytical results. The following points should be noted: 1. The standard describes transmission formats only. It is expected that pro- cessing systems will convert the input records into forms more convenient for storage and processing. 2. Spaces between fields permit these records to be prepared by programs written for laboratory automation systems in versions of BASIC which require this feature, as well as to be compatible with Agency standard statistical and database management systems (e.g., SAS, S2K, ADABAS, etc.). 3. Record formats contain sequence numbers and checksums to be consistent with requirements for a future error-free telecommunications format. Media Format The record formats are intended to be general for a variety of media/ but some special considerations apply to certain media. 1. Magnetic Tapes shall be industry - standard 9-track, 800, 1600, or 6250 bits per inch, with no internal labels. Floppy diskettes shall be IBM-PC compati- ble and may be of any standard size. Telecommunications requirements will be defined as appropriate. Data compression or "squeezing" algorithms will be employed where appropriate for future telecommunications protocols. 2. Records shall be fixed-length 80-byte records consisting of ASCII characters. If the operating system producing the record requires an end-of-record code (such as carriage return and/or line feed), this code shall occupy record positions 79-80. Otherwise, positions 79-80 shall be blank. 3. Records on tape may be combined optionally into fixed-length blocks, with a blocksize not exceeding 4000 bytes. If the block includes a prefix or post- fix supplied by the operating system in addition to the records, information about the presence and length of the prefix or postfix shall be included in the external label. 4. Tapes or diskettes shall consist of one or more files. Each tape file shall end with a tapemark; the last file on the tape shall end with two tapemarks. Diskettes shall have all files present in the root or parent directory. 5. Each tape reel or diskette shall bear one or more external labels, collec- tively supplying the following information: volume ID, number of files, creation date, and name, address and phone number of submitter. Magnetic tape labels shall also contain density, blocksize and recordsize. Individual Agency environmental monitoring programs may require additional external labels such as to provide linkage to other related data (e.g., field sampling data sheets or lab "chronicles"). A-l ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 6. The following media shall be compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) cited below: FIPS Subject 3 800 BPI, NRZI, 9-track tape 25 1600 BPI, PE, 9-track tape 50 6250 BPI, GCR, 9-track tape Record Formats There are six groups of record types in the standard, as shown below. Detailed record formats follow. Type Name Contents 10 Run Header Contains information pertinent to the whole production run (group, batch, etc. of samples or sample equiva- lents) . See production run definition below. 20 Sample Header Contains sample-identifying information or corres- ponding information for calibrations, QC samples, instrument performance checks, etc. 30 Results Record Contains any final result on a sample, calibration or QC sample and identifying information. 40 Deleted Record Signals a deleted record; record contents are unde- fined except for the record type code. 50 Special Record Signals a header for other Agency Standard Data Base Records (e.g., STORET, SAROAD, SFC, AIRS, etc.). 90 Comments Record Signals a record containing free-form comments. Record types 10, 20 and 30 are mandatory, except when field sampling data only are being reported, in which case type 30 may be missing; other types are optional. Type 20, representing the sample, contains a Region and Sample ID which acts as an identifying label for the sample. The QC code indicates whether the data are from an environmental sample, calibration or QC sample; or other calculated run-wide data such as mean response factors. Type 30, representing an individual analyte, contains either a program or contract specified identifier or a CAS code and an indicator ("I" or "C" or another code) as to which code was used. Type 50 is used to include data from any other standard agency data base such as STORET or AIRS. It is required only when records from these other systems are being mixed with records from this standard. It should be noted that records which are optional in the standard may be considered mandatory in a given application (e.g., Contract Lab Program). See page C-5 for an example of the sequence of the record types. Production Runs Since, under this standard, a file contains the results for one production run, it is necessary to define a production run in terms applicable across a wide variety of analysis types. In general, a production run should represent a "group" or "batch" of samples that are processed in a continuous sequence under relatively stable conditions. Specific points characterizing a production run are: A-2 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 0 Calibration - initial and continuing checks. Typically all samples in a run use the same calibration data. (There will be a few exceptions, such as isotope dilution for GC/MS, where some of the calibra- tion information is contained in each sample.) 0 Method number - (see Appendix B) will be constant. 0 Instrument conditions - are typically constant throughout a run. Results obtained on different instruments cannot be combined in one run. The time span of a production run varies with the type of analysis. Many runs for inorganic analyses take a fraction of a day. Some organic analyses, such as GC and GC/MS, take a long time for each sample, so that the production run may contain data from many work shifts which could span days or weeks. The first record in each file must be a record type 10, the Run Header. Positions 4-24 form an identifier for the run. Ignoring the blanks, this would read 118404011521GC/MS " for a GC/MS run started at 3:21 p.m. on April 1, 1984. If data from a single production run are split and reported on several files (presumably at different times), it is mandatory that this run identifier be identical on each such file. The measurement type is general and will be assigned by EPA. In runs completed during one work shift by one individual, the initials designate the responsible analyst. For runs which involve more than one instrument operator, it may be necessary to use the initials of a manager. In any case, the initials should indicate one individual responsible for the quality and consistency of the entire run. Record'Sequence (see page C-5) 1. A Run Header (type 10) record must be present <*.=> the first record in the file. Further occurrences of the type 10 record in the file are not allowed. 2. Each environmental sample, calibration or quality control sample is represented by a group composed of a type 20 and 21 record, which holds sample level identifying information, followed by one type 30 record for each method analyte or standard. The region/client and EPA sample ID together should uniquely identify a single sample, but there is no separate requirement that the sample ID be unique on a national level. The type 20 record holds a count for the number of method analytes being determined. Type 20 records should occur in the order in which analytical results were obtained. The type 20 records for quality control items have further rules (see Appendix B, for definitions of QC types): a. LD1 must occur before the corresponding LD2 record, but the two records need not be adjacent. (Similar rule for FD1 and FD2) b. LF1 must occur before the corresponding LF2 record, but the records need not be adjacent. In addition, a type 20 record is used as a header for any additional run-wide data that must be reported for each method analyte (such as detection limits or interelement correction factors). Unique identifiers given on page B-6 are used in place of "QC codes" to indicate the types of data that follow. A-3 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 3. Type 50 records are used to indicate the presence of data in formats of other existing agency data bases and may occupy any position. Each contains a counter to indicate the number of records from the other system that follow. 4. Type 90 records may be defined to occupy any position except before the type 10 (header) record, or between records following a type 50. File/Record Integrity All record types (excepting those following type 50) shall contain the following check fields to ensure file and record integrity: Record Field Field Position Length Contents Remarks 1-2 2 Record type or identifier "10" or as appropriate 72-74 3 Record sequence number 000-999, repeated as within file necessary 75-78 4 Record checksum Four hexadecimal digits; calculation algorithm to be supplied 79-80 2 Reserved for operating Will contain blanks, or system use a code for CR and/or LF Dates and"Times Wherever a date or time-of-day is required, the information consists of successive groups of two decimal digits each, separated by blanks. Dates are given in the order YY MM DD, and times as HH MM. All hours will be given as 0 to 23, right justified, using a 24 hour clock and will be local time. Since some computers generating the date and time sequence may have difficulty producing leading zeros, these will not be required. The program reading the file will convert leading blanks to leading zeros in all date and time fields. Necessary Information The exact list of reportable information will obviously vary considerably from one program to another. The information given on the following records is designed to be as general as possible, and not all of it will apply to any program or method. It is important to note that this standard is in no way attempting to determine, or even suggest, what data should or should not be reported for any given program; it is only defining how that data should be reported. Any data element that is not applicable should simply be left blank; if no data on a record type are appli- cable the entire record may be omitted. All of the definitions of the field contents should be considered to be general; specific programs and methods may further define any field, or may require the use of some fields to represent program or method specific information. Additional method dependent record types may be defined in the future to accommodate information which cannot be reported using the defined format. A-4 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Field'Sampling Data Field sampling data will also be reported using this standard. If the field sampling data are sent in separately, then the file will be structured in the same manner as an analytical analysis. There will be a type 10 record at the start which will have "FIELD" in columns 19-23 along with whatever information is appropriate. All type 20 records will have the appropriate field GC codes along with an appropriate sample qualifier, e.g., FLD". Much of the other information will be blank. Type 30 records will be present only if necessary (such as to report the amount of field spikes for each spiked analyte). If field sampling data are reported by the laboratory performing the analysis, using the same file, it will be necessary to have two type 20 records for each sample, one for the analytical results and one for field sampling data. Multiple Volume Data There is no requirement under this standard that all the data from an entire production run fit onto a single volume of the transmission medium. If data are being split into multiple volumes, then each program will define how this is to be performed. For example, if the multiple volumes are reported at different times, it may be necessary to repeat the transmission of all initial calibration data with each volume. Cn the other hand, if multiple volumes are utilized simply because all data will not fit onto a 360 K diskette, then there would be no need to repeat the initial calibration data on each volume. In all cases, the program will define when and where data may be split and how the files are to be named so that the sequence is unambiguous. What is necessary, is that all volumes start with a type 10 record, and that all type 10 records have the same run identifier as explained on page A-3. If it is necessary to split the data from a single sample into multiple volumes, then the type 20 (and following) type records for that sample must be repeated; in this situation, it is mandatory that columns 4-37, which collectively identify the sample, be identical in each volume. General Instructions 1. All character data are to be upper case, except in comment fields where no restrictions are given or when using the symbols for chemical elements (one upper case letter or one upper case letter followed by a lower case letter). 2. Missing or unknown values are to be left blank. 3. All character fields are to be left justified. 4. All numeric fields are to be right justified. A decimal point is to be used with a non-integer if exponential notation is not used. Commas are not allowed. 5. All temperature fields are in centigrade and are presumed non-negative unless preceded by a minus sign (-). A-5 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Mandatory Production Run Header Record (Type 10) Record Position 1-2 3 4-5 6 7-8 9 10-11 12 13-14 15 16-17 18 19-24 25 26-30 31 32-34 35 36-41 42 43-44 45 46-47 48 Field Length 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 6 1 5 1 3 1 6 1 2 1 2 1 Field Contents Record type blank Positions 4 through 17 contain the date/time of the start of instrumental analysis Year blank Month blank Day blank Hour blank Minute blank Measurement Type or Agency Code blank Method Number blank Person responsible for run blank Lab ID blank Positions 43-51 contain the date report prepared. Year Blank Month Blank Remarks "10" Positions 4-24 constitute the run ID. See instructions for . record type 10, page A- 3. YY MM DD HH MM General descriptor (e.g., ICAP, GC/MS, ASTM, USGS) ; or "FIELD" if field data only. Standard number defined by EPA or other Agency, (see page B-l for examples). 3 initials of Manager. From EPA standard list or Project Officer. YY MM A-6 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Mandatory Production Run Header Record (Type 10) cont. Record Field Field" Position Length Contents 49-50 2 Day 51 1 Blank 52-61 10 Contract Number 62 1 blank 63-68 6 Instrument ID 69 1 blank 70 1 Security code Remarks DD Agency standard number. e.g., GC8312; provided by contract lab; must be unique and permanent within lab. "S" = secure, "U" = unsecure Other codes may be defined to comply with additional contract requirements. A-7 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Chromatography Record (Type 11) Use: To describe Chromatograph conditions. Applies to a group of samples in a run. Will be present for any method involving Chromatography. Position: Follows type 10 Record Position 1-2 3 4-11 12 13-16 17 18-21 22 23 24 25-26 27 ^3-30 31 32-33 34 35-37 38 39-42 43 44-45 46 47-48 Field Length 2 1 8 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 2 . 1 2 Field Contents Record type blank Commercial Column name blank Column Length in meters blank Column inside diameter in mm. blank Type of Injector blank Carrier Gas blank Carrier Gas flow rate in mL/min or Cm/sec blank Units code blank Initial Column Temp, in degrees C blank Initial Temp. Holding Time in min. blank Number of Column Temperature Programs blank First (or only) Column Remarks "11" e.g. SP2330 e.g., 100 or 99.5 or 3.5 e.g., 2 or .3 S = split L = splitless O = on column Chemical Symbol e.g. He, Ar, N, H nnn "ML" or "CM" e.g., 50 or 300 XX.Y Integer number e.g., 8 49 Temperature Program in degrees C/min blank A-8 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Chromatography Record (Type 11) (cont.) Remarks e.g., 250 or 350 Record Position 50-52 53 54-57 Field Length 3 1 4 Field Contents First* Column Temp. in degrees C. blank First* Temp. Holdin Time XX. Y in min. *Note: When Number of Column Temperature Programs is "1", positions 50-52 and 54-57 will hold the final column temperature and holding time, and no type 12 record will follow. Format of the Chromatography Record (Type 12) Use: Continuation of type 11. Used only if multiple ramp column temperature programs are employed. Position: Follows the type 11 to which it applies. Record Position 1-2 3 4-14 15 16-26 27 28-38 39 40-50 51 Field Length 2 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 Field Contents Record type blank Second Column Temperature Program blank Third Column Temperature Program blank Fourth Column Temperature Program blank Fifth Column Temperature Program blank Remarks "12" Use the same format as positions 47-57 of record type 11. Use the same format as positions 47-57 of record type 11. Use the same format as positions 47-57 of record type 11. Use the same format as positions 47-57 of record type 11. 52-62 11 Sixth Column Temperature Program Use the same format as positions 47-57 of record type 11. A-9 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Mass Spectrometer Record (Type 13) Use: To describe Mass Spectrometer conditions. Applies to a group of samples in a run. Will be present whenever mass spectrometry is used. Position: Follows type 10 Record Position 1-2 3 Field Length 2 1 Field Contents Record type blank Remarks "13" 4-9 10 11-13 14 15 16 6 1 3 1 1 1 17-20 21 22-25 26 27-29 30 31 32 33-38 39 40-41 42 4 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 Instrument model blank Scan cycle time in sec. blank Scan Type blank Initial Mass Value or Number of Masses blank Final Mass Value blank Pos. or Neg. ions blank Type of Instrument blank First letter - manufacturer, 1-5 characters for model. 1.3 R - Continuous Scan Range S - SIM - mass range given U - Unknown scan type N - SIM - f masses given Integer mass value. Lowest mass for "R", "S", .or "U" (above); or number of masses monitored for "N". Highest mass for "R", "S", or "U"; or blank for "N". "POS" or "NEG" M - magnetic, Q - quadrupole Other types may be defined Mass Spectrometer Resolution Integer resolution value or Peak Width * blank 43-49 lonization Mode blank Reagent Gas FA, FD, FI, El, TS, CI, AP Chemical symbol or formula e.g., He, CH4, C8H18, NH3 * (Defined as M/delta M for magnetics, Peak Width in amu for Quads) A-10 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the AA/ICAP Instrument Record (Type 14) Use: To describe AA/ICAP instrument conditions. a run. Will be present whenever AA/ICAP is Position: Follows type 10 Applies to a group of samples in used. Record Position 1-2' 3 4-9 10 11-15 16 17-21 22 23-28 29 30-32 33 34-35 36 37-39 40 41-43 44 45-47 48 49-51 52 53-58 59 60-64 65 Field Length 2 1 6 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 6 1 5 1 Field Contents Record type blank Instrument model blank Initial Wavelength in nm blank Final Wavelength in nm blank Gas utilized blank Flow rate magnitude blank Flow rate units blank Other gas added blank Flow rate magnitude blank Digestion time blank Digestion temperature blank Acid used blank Oxidizer used blank Remarks '14' First letter - manufacturer, 1-5 characters for model e.g., 5000 Chemical symbol or formula, e.g., C2H2, NO e.g., AIR Assumes same units as in Positions 34-35. 66-70 Other digestion options e.g., H2SO4 or HNO3 e.g., H202 Program may assign a code, e.g., SW846 digestion method. A-ll ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Mandatory Sample Header Data Record (Type 20) Record Position 1-2 3 4-5 6 7-14 15 16 17 18-20 21 22-24 25 26-33 34 35-37 38 39-40 41 42-43 44 45-46 47 48-49 50 51-52 53 54 55 Field Length 2 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 8 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Field Contents Record type blank Region or other client blank EPA Sample I.D. blank Sample Medi urn/Matrix Code (Z) blank CC code blank Sample Qualifier blank Project number blank Batch/shipment number blank Positions 39 through 52 con- tain the date/time of instru- ment analysis. Year blank Month blank Day blank Hour blank Minute blank Work shift of sample analysis blank Remarks "20" Alphanumeric Raw Sample ID only; no suffixes See page B-9. Examples are found in Appendix C. Codes type of data to be reported; see page B-2 Code to qualify the results of the entire sample analysis (see page B-10). e.g., Case # for Contract Laboratory Program. Alphanumeric Field samples use date of sample collection. YY MM DD HH MM "G", "D" or "S" for: graveyard, day, swing. A-12 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Mandatory Sample Header Data Record (Type 20) cont. Record Field Field" Position Length Contents 56 1 Sample Units Code 57 1 blank 58-65 8 Sample Size 66 1 blank 67-69 3 Analyte count Remarks "L" = liters "C" = cubic meters "K" = kilograms (wet wt.) See note. Numeric; 1-3 decimal digits. Note: Sample Size is the volume in liters for liquids, the volume in cubic meters for air and the wet weight in kilograms for solids. The Sample Units Code indicates which units are in use for the current sample. A-13 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Sample Header Data Record (Type 21) Use: Continuation of type 20. Position: Follows the type 20 to which it applies. Record Position 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8-10 11 12 13 14-16 17 18-23 24 25-35 36 37-38 39 40-41 42 43-44 45 Field Length 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 6 1 11 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Field Contents Record type blank Method Variation Code (N) blank Concentration level blank Clean-up or other sample processing variation blank Extraction code blank Initials of operator blank General Administrative Reporting Number blank Laboratory Data File Name* blank Positions 37 through 44 con- tain the date/time that sample preparation began. Year blank Month blank Day blank Remarks "21" Codes any sample method variations. See Appendix C. Indicates possible method variations. (See Note 1) "L" = low "M" = medium "H" = high Codes to be used will be defined by each program. As defined in contract. Use whomever is responsible for the sample results. Alphanumeric; e.g., S.A.S. Number for CLP program (if necessary) . File name in instrument data system or other descriptor. YY MM DD Note 1: The Concentration level is an estimate of overall level for all analytes. * The file name is the identifying code for sample data in a laboratory data system. In laboratories without data systems, the file name will be any code used for sample A-14 data identification. ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Sample Header Data Record (Type 21) cont. Record Field Field Position Length . Contents Remarks 46 47 1 1 Work shift for sample prep blank Positions 48-55 contain date sample received at lab. 48-49 50 51-52 53 54-55 56 57-63 64 65-70 2 1 2 1 2 1 7 1 6 Year blank Month blank Day Blank Source (if not blank Volume of Compound unknown sample) of Sample Analyz Units determined by Contract "G", "D" or "S" for: graveyard, day, swing. YY MM DD Company or EPA from which compound was obtained. 50 or 0.5; e.g., Injection Volume in uL for CLP. A-15 ------- Appendix- A 12/10/87 Format of the Sample Conditions Record (Type 22) Use: Continuation of type 20. Used to describe additional sample conditions. Position: Follows the type 20 and 21 to which it applies. Record Position 1-2 3 31-34 35 36-37 38 39-40 41 Note 1: Note 2: Field Length 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 Field Contents Record type blank Remarks ii 22 " 4-5 6 7-8 9 10-11 12 13-14 15 16-17 18 19-29 30 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 11 1 Year blank Month blank Day blank Hours blank Minute blank Calibr blank Positions 4-17 contain the date/time of associated cal- ibration. See Note 1. (Date of Source of the response factors used) YY Calibration data File Name* Sample pH blank Percent moisture blank Decanted percent moisture blank DD HH MM See Note 2. Data File Name of associated calibration or "AVERAGE" in positions 21-27 (if mean used). XX or XX. X For organic, dioxin For organic dioxin For average, use the date and time average was calculated. This field must match positions 25-35 of record type 21 for the associated QC injection. * The file name is the identifying code for sample data in a laboratory data system. In laboratories without data systems, the file name will be any code used for sample data identification. A-16 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Sample Conditions Record (Type 22) cont. Record Position 42-46 47 48-54 55 56-59 60 61 62 63-70 Field Length 5 1 7 1 4 1 1 1 8 Field- Contents Extract Volume in ml. blank Remarks e.g. 1.0 or 0.050 Concentration/dilution factor e.g., 2000 or .001 blank Method Detection Limit Method blank Code for quantification report type blank Sample Dry Weight or percent solids Established per project by Project Officer. Program will specify when desired. If necessary, contract will define required value. A-17 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Associated Injection and Counter Record (Type 23) Use: Continuation of type 20. Used to identify associated QC injections and to provide for program specific counters. May not be required in all programs. Position: Follows the type 20, 21, and 22 to which it applies. Record Field Field Position Length Contents 1-2 2 Record type 3 1 blank 4 1 • Type of First QC Injection 5 1 blank Positions 6 through 19 contain date/time of associated QC injection. (Acquisition date and time of QC injection to be linked with this sample.) 6-7 8 9-10 11 12-13 14 15-16 17 18-19 20 21-31 32 33 34 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 11 1 1 1 Year blank Month blank Day blank Hour blank Minute blank QC injection File blank Type of Second QC blank Name* Injection Remarks "23" Identifies injection type. "P" - performance check, "B" - blank, etc. Other codes may be defined. MM DD HH MM See Note 1. Identifies Second injection type; same as position 4. Note 1: This field must match positions 25-35 of record type 21 for the associated QC injection. * File name is the identifying code for sample data in a laboratory data system. In laboratories without data systems, the file name will be any code used for sample data identification. A-18 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Associated Injection and Counter Record (Type 23) cont. Record Field Field Position Length Contents Remarks Positions 35 through 49 contain the date/time of associated QC injection. Positions 33 to 60 have the same format as positions 4 to 31 for the second type of QC injection. If more than two types of injections must be linked with the sample then use additional records. 35-36 2 Year YY 37 1 blank 38-39 2 Month MM 40 1 blank 41-42 2 Day DD 43 1 blank 44-45 2 Hour HH 46 1 blank 47-48 2 Minute MM 49 1 blank 50-60 11 QC Injection File Name* 61 1 blank 62 1 Description Code of First Program may define any Counter necessary sample-wide coun- 63 1 blank ters to be reported here. 64-65 2 First Counter nn 66 1 blank 67 1 Description Code of Second Two counters may be entered Counter on each record. 68 1 blank 69-70 2 Second Counter * The file name is the identifying code for sample data in a laboratory data system. In laboratories without data systems, the file name will be any code used for sample data identification. A-19 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Field Sampling Auxilliary Data Record (Type 24) Use: Continuation of type 20. Used for Field Sampling Data to describe additional sample conditions. Position: Follows the type 20 and 21 to which it applies. Record Position 1-2 3 Field Length 2 1 Field Contents Record type blank Remarks '24' 4-39 40 36 1 Project Name blank 41-55 56 15 Sample Station Number 1 blank From Standard List. 57 58 59-61 62 1 1 3 1 Type of Sample blank Preservative Added blank Positions 63 through 70 contain the date the sample was shipped to the lab. G grab; T time composite; S space composite From standard list - blank if none. 63-64 65 66-67 68 2 1 2 1 Year blank Month blank YY MM 69-70 Day DD A-20 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Field Sampling Auxilliary Data Record (Type 25) Use: Continuation of type 24. Used for Field Sampling Data for additional descriptive information - exact format defined by each program. Position: Follows the type 24 to which it applies. Record Field Field Position Length Contents 1-2 2 Record type 3 1 blank 4-36 33 Station Name, Location, and/or Description 37 1 blank 38-70 33 Names of Samplers Remarks '25' Field contents and formats may be defined further by the individual program. As above. May also contain chain-of-custody data. A-21 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Field Sampling Auxilliary Data Record (Type 26) Use: Continuation of type 24. Used for Field Sampling Data to record any numerical values which indicates where or how the sample was collected. The exact format is defined by each program. Position: Follows the type 24 to which it applies. (Record will only be required for some programs.) Record Position 1-2 3 4-6 7 8-11 12 21-24 25 Field Length 2 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 Field Contents Record type blank Description of First Value blank Magnitude of First Value blank or '£' 13-15 16 17-19 20 3 1 3 1 Exponent blank De script blank Magnitude of Second Value blank or 'E' Remarks '26' Program specified descrip- tor, e.g., "FLW" - flow rate; "IMP" - temperature; "LAT" - latitude; "LON" - longitude; "ALT" - altitude. Fixed or Scientific notation (XXXXEYYY). Program will define appropriate measurement and applicable units. Blank field will be interpret as "+000". Each value has the same format as positions 4-15. Up to five values may be given on each record. Additional records may be added if necessary. 26-28 29 30-32 33 34-37 38 3 1 3 1 4 1 Exponent blank Description of Third Value blank Magnitude of Third Value blank or 'E' 49-41 42 3 1 Exponent blank A-22 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Field Sampling Auxilliary Data Record (Type 26) cont. Record Field Field Position Length Contents Remarks 43-45 3 Description of Fourth Value 46 1 blank 47-50 4 Magnitude of Fourth Value 51 1 blank or 'E' 52-54 3 Exponent 55 1 blank 56-58 3 Description of Fifth Value 59 1 blank 60-63 4 Magnitude of Fifth Value 64 1 blank or 'E' 65-67 3 Exponent A-23 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Record Position 1-2 3 4 5 6-14 15 49-54 55 56-58 59 60 61 62-66 67 68-70 Format of the Results Data Record (Type 30) Field Length 2 1 1 1 9 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 Field Contents Record type blank Type of Identifier Used blank Identifier Code or CAS # blank 16-24 25 26-30 31 32-34 35 36-41 42 43-45 46 47 48 9 1 5 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 Identifier Code or CAS # of internal standard utilized. blank Units of measure blank Non-numeric result blank Numeric analytical result blank or 'E' Exponent blank Calculated Value Descriptor blank Related Calculated Value blank or 'E1 Exponent blank QC or Limit Value Descriptor blank Related QC or Limit Value blank or 'E1 Remarks "30" "I" = General Identifier (e.g. chemical symbol, program code). "C" = CAS Registry Number. Other codes may be defined. Identifier codes may only be used when no acceptable CAS # exists. (Use right justification in either case.) For internal standard, if measurement uses internal standards; otherwise leave blank. Established per project by Project Officer. See page B-10; also called a result qualifier. Fixed point or scientific notat ion. Exponent Describes following value: "S" - surrogate; "F" - spiked analyte; "N" - # of points in mean. Other codes may be defined. Value represents amount added or other calculated or theoretical value. Format same as 36-46. Describes following value: "D" - method detection limit "S" - surrogate % recovery. Value is method detection limit; surrogate % recovery; or other type defined by the appropriate program. A-24 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Instrumental Data Readout Record (Type 31) Use: To describe a specific instrument readout value (raw data), for a specific sample where both the instrument setting and the associated value must be reported; exact nature of the value will be program dependent. Position: Follows type 30. (Record will only be required for some programs.) Remarks Record Position 1-2 3 Field Length Field Contents 2 1 Record type blank '31' 4 5 1 1 Type of Data blank 6 7 10-17 18 19-28 29 30-37 38 39-48 49 50-57 58 59-68 1 1 1 1 8 1 10 1 1 10 1 8 1 10 Type of Value Recorded blank Method of Data Entry blank First Instrument Setting blank First Instrument Value blank Second Instrument Setting blank Second Instrument Value blank Third Instrument Setting blank Third Instrument Value Code for description of property being measured or Instrument Setting; e.g., M - mass (GC/MS), or W - wavelength in nm. Code for Value Recorded; e.g., A - area, B - absorbance, H - height, P - percent abundance, I - intensity. C - computer, M - manual (could be a sequence #). e.g., 320 or 320, ">736 for mass, or 4973.61 for wave- length. Up to 10 decimal digits. Up to three readouts may be given on each record provided that positions 4, 6 and 8 are the same for all. A-25 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Auxilliary Data Record (Type 32) Use: To describe qualifying data for calibration or analytes in samples. Indi- cates where in the analysis data are located or how data were found or measured. CLP program will report analyte scan number and retention time (in minutes). Other projects.may use this record for any numerical sample qualifying data. Position: Follows type 30. (Record will only be required for some programs.) Record Position 1-2 3 4-5 6 7 9-10 11 12-17 13 19-21 23-24 25 26-31 32 33-35 36 Field Field Length Contents 2 Record type 1 blank 2 Match Score (if matching of any sort was utilized) 1 blank 1 Match Score Specifier 1 blank 2 Description Code of First Value 1 blank 6 Magnitude of First Value 1 blank or 'E' 3 Exponent 2 Description Code of Second Value 1 blank 6 Magnitude of Second Value 1 blank or 'E' 3 Exponent 1 blank Remarks '32' 0 to 99%; e.g., used for tentatively identified compounds in GC/MS How score was obtained; one alphabetic char; program will specify code when it is appropriate. Program specified descrip- tor, e.g., "RT" for GC/MS retention time; "IT" for integration time; "CM" for guantitation mass. Fixed or Scientific notation as in Record Type 30. Pro- gram will define appropriate measurement and applicable units. Each value has the same format as positions 9-21. Up to four values may be given on each record. Additional records may be added if necessary. A-26 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Auxiliary Data Record (Type 32) cont. Record Field Field Position Length Conte'nts Remarks 37-38 2 Description Code of Third Value 39 1 blank 40-45 6 Magnitude of Third Value 46 1 blank or 'E' 47-49 3 Exponent 50 1 blank 51-52 2 Description Code of Fourth Value 53 1 blank 54-59 6 Magnitude of Fourth Value 61 1 blank or 'E1 61-63 3 Exponent A-27 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Name Record (Type 33) Use: To carry an analyte name and any other necessary identifying information Different programs may .define further information to be reported. Position: Follows type 30. (Record will only be required for some programs.) Record Field Field Position Length Contents Remarks 1-2 2 Record type "33" 3 1 blank 4-70 67 Name of compound Different programs may define this field further. A-28 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the QC Limit Record (Type 34) Use: To or Position: Record Position 1-2 3 4-7 8 9-11 12 13 14 15-22 23 24-29 30 31-33 34 35-40 41 42-44 45 46-51 52 53-55 56 57-59 60 report- QC limit values that were in effect for the indicated measurement, for the entire Follows type Field Length 2 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 8 1 6 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 3 1 production run, depending 30. (Record will only be Field Contents Record Type blank Type of data present blank Type of Value (s) present blank Method for calculating limit blank Instrument Setting blank First QC or Limit Value blank or 'E1 Exponent blank Second QC or Limit Value blank or 'E1 Exponent blank Standard Deviation blank or 'E1 Exponent blank Number of points used for mean blank on program requirements. required for some programs.) Remarks "34" QC chart type, or any other descriptor. See page B-8. Limit Type (WIN, MAX, A, B, LWL, LCL, AVE, UCL, UWL) , or other descriptor. See page B- M = manual, C = computer Other codes may be defined. Only if appropriate; (e.g. wavelength value) . May be a mean. Use fixed or scientific notation. May not be necessary. Use format of positions 24-29. Integer. A-29 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the QC Limit Record (Type 34) cont. Record Field Field Position Length Contents Remarks Positions 61 through 68 contain the date the QC limits were computed. 61-62 2 Year YY 63 1 blank 64-65 2 Month MM 66 1 blank 67-68 2 Day DD A-30 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Correction Data Record (Type 35) Use: To record any correction data required. Different programs may define further information to .be reported. Position: Follows type 30. (Record may be required only for some programs.) Remarks '35' "ICP" for ICP interelement correction factors. If necessary - describes factor or gives units. Record Position 1-2 3 4-6 7 8-12 13 Field Length 2 1 3 1 5 1 Field Contents Record Type blank Type of Correction blank Type of Value blank or Units Positions 14 through 22 contain the date the factor was determined. 14-15 16 17-18 19 20-21 22 23-31 32 33-40 41 42-47 48 2 1 2 1 2 1 9 1 8 1 6 1 Year blank Month blank Day blank CAS # of interfering blank element Instrument setting in nm blank Correction factor blank or '£' YY MM DD Wavelength for ICP Use fixed or scientific notation. 49-51 Exponent Contents of rest of record may be defined further by other programs. A-31 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Deleted Data Record (Type 40) Use: To delete any record. Position: May occur anywhere. Record Position 1-2 3 Field Length 2 1 Field contents Record Type blank 4-70 67 Remarks '40' Contents undefined Note: Any record type may be logically deleted by changing Record Type field to "40". Remaining contents of record are unchanged and should be ignored by all processing software. A-32 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Special Data Record (Type 50) Use: To indicate the presence of any data records from other Agency Data Base Systems (e.g., STORET, AIRS, etc). This record may be used to report data in any other format without having to convert the data. Position: May occur anywhere. Record Field Field Position Length Contents 1-2 2 Record Type 3 1 blank 4-12 9 EPA (or other agency) Project Type 13 1 blank 14-18 5 Counter 19 1 blank 20-70 51 Comments Remarks "50' e.g., STORET, SAROAD, AIRS, SFC Indicates the number of records from the indicated system that will follow. Any free-form comments may appear here. This record is necessary only if records from another system are being mixed with records from this standard. The record may appear multiple times if data from more than one additional system are present, or if all such data are not contiguous. The counter will give the number of records in the alternate format that follow. These alternative records have no defined format within this standard, and therefore no check for any contents will be made. Record types, sequence numbers, and checksums will not be present in the expected fields, and the sequence number counter will simply ignore these records. Processing programs are expected simply to pass these records as received to the appropriate system. A-33 ------- Appendix A 12/10/87 Format of the Comment Record (Type 90) Use: To provide any other necessary comments. Different programs may define this further and may require its presence in various places. Position: May occur anywhere (see above). Record Field Field Position Length Contents Remarks 1-2 2 Record Type "90" 3 1 blank 4-70 67 Any Comment Any program may use this record for any purpose and may further define field contents. A-34 ------- Appendix 1 12/10/87 Appendix B Definitions of Various Codes STRUCTURE OF THE METHOD NUMBER The Method Number The method number is a five character alphanumeric code. The purpose of the method number is to define concisely the target analytes and the details of the method of analysis. The method number has the form: XXXXY Where: XXXX defines one or more target analytes plus the analytical method. This part of the code is identical with the method numbers defined in EPA methods manuals, the code of Federal Regulations and the private standard setting organizations, e.g., ASTM. Y is an alphanumeric modifier which specifies that an allowed option in the method has been implemented or specifies fractions of analytes in the method. The defined values of Y are dependent on the value of XXXX, that is, a Y = 5 in the 200 series methods may have a different meaning than Y = 5 in the 300 series methods. As an example, Y may distinguish total and dissolved phosphorus measured by the same method but with or without the optional method filtration. Another example is the use of Y to distin- guish the acid and base/neutral fractions in method 625. If Y is not defined in a method, the default value is one. The method number is validated as alphanumeric for XXXX and Y. It is stored right justified in the 5 digit method number field. Appendix C gives examples for organic and inorganic analyses. B-l ------- Appendix B 12/10/87 Note: LDl LD2 LD3 to LD9 Quality Control and Related Codes (QCC) in Type 20 Records 9 These QCC appear in the QC code fields of type 20 records. They are used to indicate the type of data that are being reported. See page A-12. Name LABORATORY DUPLICATE FIRST MEMBER LABORATORY DUPLICATE SECOND MEMBER LABORATORY REPLICATE Nth MEMBER Definition The first of two aliquots of the same environmental sample. Each aliquot is treated identically throughout a laboratory analytical procedure; and each is carried through the entire laboratory analytical method as applied to all other samples analyzed with the same method. The second of the two aliquots described under LDl. The 3rd through the 9th additional aliquots which logically follow LDl and LD2. If more than two aliquots are used, all names are changed from duplicates to replicates. Codes do not change. LRB LABORATORY (REAGENT) BLANK LDB LABORATORY (DRY) BLANK LSB LABORATORY (SOLVENT) BLANK LCB LABORATORY CALIBRATION BLANK An aliquot of reagent water or equivalent neutral reference material treated as an environmental sample in all aspects in the laboratory including addition of all reagents, internal standards, surrogates/ glassware, apparatus, equipment, sol- vents, and analyses. Exactly the same as the LRB except the aliquot of reagent water or equivalent neutral reference material is omitted. Exactly the same as the LDB except any internal standards or surrogates are omitted. An aliquot of reagent water, possibly adjusted in pH, but without addition of other reagents. LCM LABORATORY CONTROL SOLUTION LVM LABORATORY CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SOLUTION An aliquot of reagent water or equivalent neutral reference material to which a known quantity(s) of method analyte(s) was added in the laboratory. The LCM is treated as an environmental sample in all aspects in the laboratory including addition of all reagents, internal standards, surrogates, glass- ware, equipment, solvents, and analyses. Exactly like LCM; used for calibration verifica- tion. B-2 ------- Appendix B 12/10/87 QCC Name LIM LABORATORY INTERFERENCE CHECK SOLUTION LFM LABORATORY FORTIFIED BLANK Definition Exactly like LCM; used to verify inter-element and background correction factors. An aliquot of sample matrix, known to be below de- tection limits for an analyte(s), to which a known quantity(s) of method analyte(s) was added. The LFM is treated as an environmental sample in all aspects in the laboratory including addition of all reagents, internal standards, surrogates, glass- ware, equipment, solvents, and analyses. LSO LABORATORY SPIKED SAMPLE BACKGROUND (ORIGINAL) VALUES LSF LABORATORY SPIKED SAMPLE - FINAL VALUES An environmental sample which is analyzed according to the analytical method, and a single independent aliquot of the same sample is taken for fortifica- tion (spiking) with the method analyte(s). An environmental sample in which the analyte(s) was measured in an independent sample aliquot before spiking (LSO), a known concentration increment was made, and the measurement(s) of the final concen- tration(s) were made according to the analytical method (LSF). •JX> LABORATORY DILUTED SAMPLE BACKGROUND (ORIGINAL) VALUES LDF LABORATORY DILUTED SAMPLE - FINAL VALUES An environmental sample which is analyzed according to the analytical method, and a single independent aliquot of the same sample is taken and diluted according to the analytical method. An environmental sample in which the analyte(s) were measured in an independent sample aliquot before dilution (LDO), a known dilution was made, and the measurement (s) of the final concentrations) were made according to the analytical method (LDF). LSD LABORATORY SPIKE DUPLICATE LF1 LABORATORY SPIKED SAMPLE - FINAL - FIRST MEMBER LF2 LABORATORY SPIKED SAMPLE - FINAL - SECOND MEMBER An environmental sample exactly like the LSO except that two independent aliquots of the same sample are taken for fortification (spiking) with the method analyte(s). An environmental sample exactly like the LSF except that duplicate aliquots were spiked, and the measurement(s) of the final concentration was made according to the analytical method (LF1). The second member of the LF1/LF2 duplicate pair. B-3 ------- QCC Name . LPS LABORATORY CONFIRMATORY SCAN Appendix B 12/10/87 Definition The measurement of the spectrum or partial spectrum of an analyte(s) in an environmental sample or extract to obtain additional qualitative evidence when the analyte(s) identification and measurement were obtained from other techniques. LPC LABORATORY PERFORMANCE CHECK SOLUTION A solution of method analyte(s)/ surrogate(s) and/or internal standard(s) used to evaluate the performance of an instrument with respect to a defined set of criteria. LDX LABORATORY DOUBLE PURPOSE PRECISION AND ACCURACY SAMPLE An environmental sample which is used for both the LSO (background level before spike) and LDl (first member of a duplicate). CAL CONCENTRATION CALI- BRATION SOLUTION (Type Unspecified) CLM INITIAL CALIBRATION MULTI POINT CLS INITIAL CALIBRATION SINGLE POINT CLC CONTINUING CHECK CALIBRATION CLD DUAL PURPOSE CALIBRATION IDL INSTRUMENT DETECTION LIMIT SOLUTION A solution of method analyte(s) used to calibrate the instrument response in terms of concentration of analyte(s). Response factors rather than con- centrations will be reported on the following type 30 records. A calibration solution as above used to determine the initial calibration of an entire production run where a group of calibrations are required at different levels of method analyte concentrations. Exactly the same as CLM except only a single level of method analyte concentrations are utilized. A calibration solution as above used to verify whether the initial calibration data are still cur- rently valid. Will be run several times throughout the duration of the production run. A calibration solution as above used both as an initial calibration (CLM or CLS) and a continuing check (CLC). A calibration solution (not necessarily the same solution as above), where the data are to be used to calculate instrument detection limits only. blank Unknown sample, not associated with any quality control item. B-4 ------- Appendix 12/10/87 B The following QCC will only apply to field data. QCC FD1 Name FIELD DUPLICATE FIRST MEMBER FD2 FIELD DUPLICATE SECOND MEMBER Definition The first of two environmental samples taken at the same time and place under identical circumstances. Each sample is treated identically throughout field and laboratory analytical procedures; and each is carried through the entire laboratory analytical method as applied to all other samples analyzed with the same method. The second of the two samples described under FDl. FRB FIELD BLANK An aliquot of reagent water or equivalent neutral reference material treated as an environmental sample in all aspects in both the field and the laboratory including addition of all preservatives, reagents, internal standards, surrogates/ glass- ware, apparatus, equipment, solvents and analyses. FCM FIELD CONTROL SOLUTION An aliquot of reagent water or equivalent neutral reference material to which a known quantity(s) of method analyte(s) was added in the field. The FCM is treated as an environmental sample in all as- pects in both the field and the laboratory, includ- ing addition of all preservatives, reagents, inter- nal standards, surrogates, glassware, equipment, solvents and analyses. FRM FIELD REFERENCE SOLUTION FFM FIELD FORTIFIED BLANK An aliquot of a sample (submitted by the requestor) having a certified value. These samples are usual- ly obtained from the NBS, EMSL, etc. The concen- tration measured by the same analytical procedure used for other samples is the "found" value. An aliquot of sample matrix, known to be below detection limits for an analyte(s), to which a known quantity(s) of method analyte(s) was added in the field. The FFM is treated as an environmental sample in all aspects in the field and in the laboratory, including addition of all preserva- tives, reagents, internal standards, surrogates, glassware, equipment, solvents and analyses. B-5 ------- Appendix 3 12/10/87 FSO FSF Name FIELD SPIKED SAMPLE BACKGROUND (ORIGINAL) VALUES FIELD SPIKED SAMPLE - FINAL VALUES Definition An environmental sample which was split in the field. The portion represented by FSO is analyzed according to the analytical method without fortifi- cation (spiking). The second portion of the environmental sample which was split in the field, and to which a spike was added in the field with a known concentration increment. The measurement(s) of the final concen- tration(s) was made according to the analytical method (FSF). The following QCC values do not refer to actual samples or calibrations for which laboratory results are obtained. Instead they are used on type 20 records which act as a header and indicate that additional (usually calculated) analyte specific data will be present on type 30 (and following type) records. Usually these data will apply to an entire production run, in which case they will appear immediately following the type 10 record. If the data apply to only a portion of the samples in the run, they should be placed immediately preceding the samples to which they applies. Much of the rest of the information in the type 20 record may be blank, indicating that this data does not apply to these results. Many of these codes are method specific, and more codes will be added as additional methods require addi- ti ^nal data. MNC MEAN VALUES FROM CALIBRATIONS SID SAMPLE INDEPENDENT (i.e. INSTRUMENT) DETECTION LIMITS ICF INTER-ELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS SDR SPIKE/DUPLICATE CALCULATED RESULTS The data following represent mean values and percent RSD's from several calibration solutions. Data will be present for each method analyte for which a mean has been determined. The data following represent sample independent detection limits for each method analyte calculated according to the method being utilized. The data following represent ICP interelement correction factor measurements for each method analyte. The data following represent calculated QC results for any QC samples involving multiple injections. Data will consist of percent recoveries and the percent RSD values for each appropriate method analyte that was analyzed according to the analy- tical method. B-6 ------- Appendix B 12/10/87 Laboratory Quality Control Codes Which Do Not involve Real Samples QC Code LRB LRB LDB LSB LCB LFM LCM Name Lab Reagent Blank Lab Reagent Blank Lab Dry Blank Lab Solvent Blank Lab Calibra- tion Blank Lab Fortified Blank-Measured Lab Control Solution Measured I/O 0 I 0 0 I 0 I Internal Stds yes no yes no no yes no Surrogates yes no yes no no yes no Clean Matrix Present yes yes no no yes yes yes Clean Matrix Analyzed yes yes N/A N/A yes no no Clean Matrix Spiked no no N/A N/A no yes yes NOTE 1: All except LCB prepared in the laboratory and treated exactly like a sample for the value being measured, including all preanalysis treatments. NOTE 2: Entries in I/O column: I = inorganic, 0 = organic NOTE 3: LVM and LIM differ from LCM in their QC role in the run. B-7 ------- Appendix B 12/10/87 Quality Control Codes in Type 34 Records Note: Type 34 records are used to record the limit values which were in force during the run. Other programs may define other codes. All codes should be left justified. Record Field QC Chart Type Limit Type Code LSPK LSSP LRBL LDUP LCST A B MIN MAX LCL LWL AVE UWL UCL Meaning Statistical data from Laboratory Spikes Statistical data from Laboratory Surrogate Spikes Statistical data from Laboratory Reagent Blanks Statistical data from Laboratory Duplicates Statistical data from Laboratory Control Standards Critical Range CR^) Slope Critical Range (Rc) Intercept Note: Upper limit for duplicates is expressed by the critical range linear equation: RC = AX + B Minimum concentration for which duplicates limit is applicable Maximum concentration for which duplicates limit is applicable Lower control limit Lower warning limit Mean Upper warning limit Upper control limit Note: LCL, LWL, AVE, UWL and UCL apply to all QC chart types except LDUP. B-8 ------- Codes For Sample Medium (Matrix. Source) Appendix B 12/10/87 Medium All Media, Don't Know or Don't Care Water, Type Unknown or Not Specified Drinking Water Ambient Surface Fresh Water Raw Wastewater Primary Effluent Wastewater Effluent Wastewater (Secondary - Tertiary) Industrial Wastewater Salt, Ocean or Brackish Water Ground Water Leachate Air, Type Unknown or Not Specified Ambient Air Source or Effluent Air Industrial Workroom Air Solids, Type Unknown or Not Specified Bottom Sediment or Deposit Soil Sludge Hazardous Wastes, Dumps Fish, Shellfish Tissue Plants, Algae Tissue Commercial Product Formulation Gasoline Waste Oils Field Sampling Equipment Solvent Washings Atmospheric Deposition (Direct only) Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E H I J. K L M N P Q R B-9 ------- Appendix 12/10/87 B LIST OF SAMPLE and RESULT QUALIFIERS Definition: A sample qualifier or a result qualifier (also called a non-numeric result) consists of 3 alphanumeric characters which act as an indica- tor of the fact and the reason that the subject analysis (a) did not produce a numerical result, (b) produced a numeric result but it is qualified in some respect relating to the type or validity of the result or (c) produced a numeric result but for administrative reasons is not to be reported outside the laboratory. Qualifiers related to STORET remarks are indicated in the list below. This list is not intended to be complete/ and it is assumed that individual projects will add additional qualifiers to cover project specific circumstances. Qualifier Full Name BDL BELOW DETECTABLE LIMITS FPS FAILED PRELIMINARY SCREENING NSQ NOT SUFFICIENT QUANTITY LAC LABORATORY ACCIDENT FAC FIELD ACCIDENT ISP PNQ CMP IMPROPER SAMPLE PRESERVATION PRESENT BUT NOT QUANTIFIED USED AS PART OF A COMPOSITE Definition There was not a sufficient concentration of the parameter in the sample to exceed the lower detection limit in force at the time the analy- sis was performed. (No result; STORET "W" remark) Numeric results field, if present, is at best, an approximate value. A preliminary screening of the sample for the subject parameter was conducted. The result of the screening indicated that it would not be useful to determine the concentration of the parameter. (No result; no STORET remark) There was not a sufficient quantity of the sample to conduct an analysis to determine the concentration of the subject parameter. (No result; no STORET remark) There was an accident in the laboratory that either destroyed the sample or rendered it not suitable for analysis. (No result; STORET "0" remark) There was an accident in the field that either destroyed the sample or rendered it not suit- able for analysis. (No results; no STORET remark) Due to improper preservation of the sample, it was rendered not suitable for analysis. (No results; no STORET remark code) The subject parameter was present in the sample but no quantifiable result could be determined. (No result; STORET "M" remark) The sample was not analyzed for the subject parameter, instead it was used as part of a composite sample. (No result; STORET "E" remark) E-10 ------- Appendix B 12/10/87 Qualifier Full Name NAI NOT ANALYZED DUE TO INTERFERENCE NAR NO ANALYSIS RESULT PRE .PRESUMPTIVE PRESENCE UNO ANALYZED BUT UNDETECTED FQC FAILED QUALITY CONTROL RNA RELEASE/REPORT NOT AUTHORIZED AVG AVERAGE VALUE CNT NON-ACCEPTABLE COLONY COUNTS CAL CALCULATED RESULT FLD FIELD MEASUREMENT FEM FEMALE SEX KIT FIELD KIT DETERMINATION EST ESTIMATED VALUE CAN CANCELLED MAL MALE SEX Definition Because of uncontrollable interference the analysis for the subject parameter was not conducted. (No result; no STORET remark) There is no analysis result required for this subject parameter. (No result; no STORET remark) Presumptive evidence of presence of material; tentative identification (No result; STORET "N" remark) Indicates material was analyzed for but not detected. (No result; STORET "U" remark) The analysis result is not reliable because quality control criteria were exceeded when the analysis was conducted. Numeric field, if pre- sent, is estimated value. (Result; no STORET remark, non-reportable; or report with STORET "J" remark) The analysis result is not authorized (by lab- oratory management) for either forwarding to a National Database or presentation in Engineer- ing tabulations (No STORET remark) Average value - used to report a range of values (STORET "A" remark) Results based on colony counts outside the acceptable range. (STORET "B" remark) Calculated result. (STORET "C" remark) Field measurement. (STORET "D" remark) In the case of species, indicates female sex. (STORET "F" remark) Value based on field kit determination - re- sults may not be accurate. (STORET "H" remark) Present above detection limit but not quanti- fied within expected limits of precision. (STORET "J" remark) The analysis of this parameter was cancelled and not performed. (No result; no STORET remark) In the case of species, indicates male sex. (STORET "M" remark) B-ll ------- Appendix B 12/10/87 Qualifier . Full Name LTL LESS THAN LOWER DETECTION LIMIT GTL GREATER THAN UPPER DETECTION LIMIT LTC LESS THAN CRITERIA OF DETECTION UNK UNDETERMINED SEX RET EER REQ CBC LLS MPR MSL TIE RIN REX Definition Actual value is known to be less than value given - lower detection limit. (STORET "K" remark) Actual value is known to be greater than value given - upper detection limit. (STORET "L" remark) Value reported is less than the criteria of detection (which may differ from instrument detection limits). (STORET "T" remark) In the case of species, indicates undetermined sex. (STORET "U" remark) The analysis result is not approved by labora- tory management and reanalysis is required by the bench analyst with no change in the method. (NO STORET remark) The recorded value is known to be incorrect but a correct value cannot be determined to enter a correction. (No STORET remark) The analysis is not approved and must be re- analyzed using a different method. (No STORET remark) The calculated analysis result cannot be calcu- lated because an operand value is qualified. The analysis value is less than the lower quality control standard. (Result; STORET "J" remark) The analysis value is the midpoint value of a range of concentrations. RETURN(ED) FOR RE-ANALYSIS ENTRY ERROR REQUEUE FOR SEANALYSIS CANNOT BE CALCULATED LESS THAN LOWER STANDARD MIDPOINT OF RANGE "EMSL" DETECTION LIMITS Instrument Detection Limits were computed using a "T" test on two or more calibration samples. TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED The subject parameter was not in the contract- - ESTIMATED VALUE defined list of parameters to be analyzed for; however its value has been estimated. (No STORET remark) The indicated analysis results were generated from a re-analysis (injection) of the same sample extract or aliquot. The indicated analysis results were generated from a re-preparation (extraction) of the same sample. RE-ANALYZED RE-PREPARED B-12 ------- Appendix 12/10/87 B Qualifier - Full Name REJ REJECTED SPL SRN SRX STD STB BAG FBK SPLIT RESULTS SPLIT RESULTS - RE-ANALYZED SPLIT RESULTS - RE-PREPARED INTERNAL STANDARD INTERNAL STANDARD BELOW DETECTION LIMITS BACKGROUND CORRECTION POUND IN BLANK CON CONFIRMED TFB TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED AND FOUND IN BLANK ALC ALDOL CONDENSATION ALT ALTERNATE MEASUREMENT AFB ALTERNATE AND FOUND IN BLANK Definition The analysis results have been rejected for an unspecified reason by the laboratory. For any results where a mean is being determined, this data was not utilized in the calculation of the mean. The indicated environmental sample or calibra- tion has been split into more than one analy- sis/ and the analysis results will be reported as more than one group of results (multiple type 20 records). A combination of "SPL" and "RIN" A combination of "SPL" and "REX" The subject parameter is being utilized as an internal standard for other subject parameters in the sample. There is no analysis result to report, although the theoretical and/or limit value(s) may be present. A combination of "STD" and "BDL" Background correction has been applied to this value. The subject parameter had a measurable value above the established QC limit when a blank was analyzed using the same equipment and analyti- cal method. Therefore the reported value may be erroneous. The subject parameter has been confirmed using an auxilliary analytical technique as specified in the analytical method. A combination of "TIE" and "FBK" The indicated compound is suspected by the analyst of being a product of an aldol conden- sation reaction. The subject parameter was determined using an alternate measurement method. Value is believed to be accurate but could be suspect. A combination of "ALT" and "FBK" B-13 ------- Appendix C 12/10/87 Appendix C Exanple Method and Matrix Codes for Dioxin, General Organic and Inorganic Methods The codes in Tables 1 and 2 are examples of method number designations for dioxin, general organics and inorganics. In all of these, the Z position refers to the matrix code and should be interpreted with the aid of page B-9. The generic value of I/ which represents "water, type unknown or not specified", is used for water analysis. Each of these generic matrix codes represents a group of specific codes, with Z values of 2 through 9, and A through R. Solid samples are represented by two specific codes, with Z values of G (bottom sediment or deposit) and H (soil). Dioxin rinsate samples use the value of Q (field sampling equipment solvent wash- ings ). Each method code shown occurs in a type 10 record and acts as the header for the appropriate list of method analytes. Method variations are designated by the N position. For example, Method 613 (Table 1) is run in three variations - full scan, partial scan and high resolution. C-l ------- Appendix C 12/10/87 Table 1 Examples of Method and Matrix Codes for Dioxin and General Organics XXXX Y N Z. Definition 680 111 Pesticides and PCBs - water 680 1 1 G Pesticides and PCBs - sediment 680 1 1 H Pesticides and PCBs - soil 613 111 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - water 613 1 1 G 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - sediment 613 1 1 H 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - soil 613 1 1 Q 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - rinsate 613 121 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - water partial scan 613 1 2 G 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorc— dibenzo-p-dioxin - sediment partial scan 613 1 2 H 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - soil partial scan 613 1 2 Q 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - rinsate partial scan 613 131 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - water - high resolution scan 613 1 3 G 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - sediment high resolu- tion scan 613 1 3 H 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - soil - high resolution scan 613 1 3 Q 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin - rinsate - high resolu- tion scan 624 111 GC/MS - Purgeables - water, internal/external standard 624 1 1 G GC/MS - Purgeables - sediment 624 1 1 H GC/MS - Purgeables - soil 624 121 GC/MS - Purgr^bles - isotope dilution - water 625 All GC/MS - Acid Fraction - water, internal/external standard 625 B 1 1 GC/MS - Base/Neutral Fraction - water, internal/ external standard 625 C 1 1 GC/MS - combined acid and base/neutral fractions water, inter- nal/external standard 625 C 1 G GC/MS - combined fractions - sediment 625 C 1 H GC/MS - combined fractions - soil 625 A 2 1 GC/MS - Acid Fraction - water, isotope dilution 625 B 2 1 GC/MS - Base/Neutral Fraction - water, isotope dilution Notes: 1. See Page B-l for the structure of "XXXX" and "Y". 2. For each water sample, the appropriate value of "Z" should replace the generic value of 1. 3. The values of "Z" and "N" are sample dependent and may vary within a production run. They are reported on type 20 and 21 records (pages A-12 and A-14). C-2 ------- Appendix C 12/10/87 Table 2 Examples of Method and Matrix Codes for Inorganics XXXXY N Z. Definition 200 411 Generic code for analysis of total metals in water, after method - defined digestion, by atomic absorption, flame. 200 421 Generic code for analysis of total metals in water, after method - defined digestion, by atomic absorption, furnace. 200 471 Generic code for analysis of total metals in water, after method - defined digestion, by TCP. Note 1: For specific matrix codes, replace Z with specific value for type of sample (from page 3-9), and XXXX with value for metal: 202 Aluminum 204 Antimony 206 Arsenic 208 Barium 210 Beryllium 213 Cadmium 215 Calcium 218 Chromium 219 Cobalt 220 Copper 236 Iron 239 Lead 242 Magnesium 243 Manganese 249 Nickel 258 Potassium 270 Selenium 272 Silver 273 Sodium 279 Thallium 282 Tin 286 Vanadium 289 Zinc Note 2: Exception to above: 245 111 Analysis of mercury in water by the manual cold vapor technique. 245 1 2 1 Analysis of mercury in water by the automated cold vapor technique. 245 4-5 G Analysis of mercury in sediment, after method-defined digestion, by the manual cold vapor technique. C-3 ------- Appendix C 12/10/87 XXXX Y N Z Definition 245 4 5 H Analysis of mercury in soil, after method-defined digestion/ by the manual cold vapor technique. 245 451 Analysis of mercury in sludge, after method-defined digestion, by the manual cold vapor technique. 335 121 Analysis of total cyanide in water by titrimetric, manual spectrophotometric, or semi-automated spectrophotometric means. 335 1 2 G Analysis of total cyanide in sediment by titrimetric, manual spectrophotometric, or semi-automated spectrophotometric means. 335 1 2 H Analysis of total cyanide in soil by titrimetric, manual spectrophotometric, or semi-automated spectrophotometric means. C-4 ------- Appendix C 12/10/87 Table 3 Example of the Sequence of Record Types in a Production Run 10 Contains the Run Header information 11 Contains Additional Run-Wide Information as Required. 12 13 20 Occurs once for each sample, calibration, mean response factors, instrument detection limits, etc. - Acts as a header. 21 Will usually be present 22 Contains additional information for samples. 30 Occurs once for each final analytical result. Will give whatever value is being determined as defined by the type 20. 31 Reports any instrumental data necessary. 32 Reports any auxilliary data necessary. 33 .Reports component names if necessary. 34 Reports QC Limit information if necessary. 35 Reports Corrections to results if necessary. 30 Values for the next analyte or parameter being measured. 31 Additional data may vary for each parameter, and records 32 may occur in any order. Multiple occurrences of the 32 same record type, however, must be consecutive. 33 30 Continues for as many as are necessary. 31 32 33 30 31 32 33 20 Next Sample Header record - the following applies to the next 21 sample or other group of data. 22 30 31 32 33 30 31 32 33 etc. 20 21 30 31 32 33 etc. C-5 ------- |