United States                                                     HW-8.1I
Environmental Protection Agency	June 1987

                   NATIONAL PRIORITIES LIST IN 1985-86

     This document consists of descriptions of the 173 sites placed on

the final National Priorities List (NPL) in 1985-86.  As a convenience,

they are compiled here into one document.

     The size of the site is indicated on the basis of presently available

information.  The size may change in the future as additional information

is gathered on the extent of contamination.

     All sites are arranged alphabetically by State and by site.

Remedial Responses Under Superfund

     The Superfund program is authorized by the Comprehensive Environmental

Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and the Superfund

Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), enacted on October 17, 1986.

Under SARA, the Hazardous Substances Superfund pays the costs not assumed

by responsible parties for cleaning up hazardous waste sites or emergencies

that threaten public health, welfare, or the environment.  The Superfund

program is managed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

     Two types of responses may be taken when a hazardous substance is

released (or threatens to be released) into the environment:

     0 Removal actions:  emergency-type responses to imminent threats.
       Typically, these actions were limited to 6 months and/or $1 million
       under CERCLA.  Under SARA, they are limited to 1 year and/or $2
       million, with a waiver possible if the actions are consistent
       with remedial actions.  Removal actions can be undertaken by the
       private parties responsible for the releases or by the Federal
       Government using the Superfund.

     0 Remedial responses:  actions intended to provide permanent solutions
       at abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.  They are
       generally longer-term and more expensive than removals.  A Superfund
       remedial response can be taken only if a site is on the NPL.
       After publishing two preliminary lists and proposing a formal
       list, EPA published the first NPL in September 1983.  The list
       must be updated at least annually.


     The money for conducting a remedial response or removal action can

come from several sources:

     0  The party or parties responsible for the problem can clean up
        voluntarily with EPA or State supervision.

     0  The responsible party or parties can be forced to clean up by
        Federal or State legal action.

     0  Superfund can pay  for the cleanup, then seek to recover the costs
        from the responsible party or parties.

     0  A State or local government can choose to assume the responsibility
        to clean up without Federal dollars.

     A remedial response at an NPL site is an orderly process that generally
involves the following steps:

     0  Take any measures  needed to stabilize conditions, which might
        involve, for example, fencing the site or removing above-ground
        drums or bulk tanks.

     0  Undertake initial  planning activities to scope out a strategy
        for collecting information and analyzing alternative courses of

     0  Conduct a remedial investigation to determine the type and
        extent of contamination at the site.

     0  Conduct a feasibility study to analyze various cleanup
        alternatives.  The feasibility study is often conducted with
        the remedial investigation as one project.  Typically, the two
        together cost $875,000 and take from 9 to 18 months to complete.

     0  Select the cleanup alternative that:

        — Protects human  health and the environment

        — Attains Federal and State requirements that are applicable
           or relevant and appropriate

        — Makes maximum use of permanent solutions, alternative treatment
           technologies, or resource recovery technologies

        — Is "cost effective" — that is, the results achieved are proportionate
           to the cost (tentative working definition)

     0  Design the remedy. Typically, the design phase costs $850,000
        and takes 6 to 12  months.

     0  Implement the remedy, which might involve, for example,
        constructing facilities to treat ground water or removing con-
        taminants to a safe disposal area away frcm the site.  The
        implementation phase typically lasts 6 to 12 months.


     The State government can participate in a remedial response financed
by Superfund in one of two ways:

     0  The State can take the lead role  under a cooperative agreement,
        which is much like a grant in that Federal dollars are  trans-
        ferred to the State.  The State then develops a workplan,
        schedule, and budget, contracts for any services it needs,  and is
        responsible for making sure that all the conditions in  the
        cooperative agreement are met.  In contrast  to a grant,  EPA
        continues to be substantially involved and monitors the State's
        progress throughout the project.

     0  EPA can take the lead under a Superfund State Contract  with the
        State having an advisory role.  EPA, generally using contractor
        support, manages work early in the planning  process. . In the
        later design and implementation (construction) phases,  contractors
        do the work under the supervision of the U.S. Army Corps of

     Under both arrangements, the State must share  in the cost  of the

implementation phase of cleanup.  EPA expects this phase to average out

at about $10-12 million per site.

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                        INTERSTATE LEAD CO.  (ILCO)
                              Leeds, Alabama

     Conditions at listing (September 1985);  Interstate Lead Co-  (ILCO)   .
owns and operates a secondary lead smelting and battery recycling  facility
in Leeds, Jefferson County, Alabama.

     ILCO has generated, treated, stored, and disposed of  lead-bearing
waste on-site, as well as off-site in numerous locations in  the  Leeds
area.  Seven locations have been identified:  ILCO parking lot  (1,370
tons); City of Leeds landfill (6,335 tons); Fleming's Patio  (12,940 tons);
Church of God (988 tons); fabricating shop  (unknown guantity); Connell
property (unknown guantity); and Gulf Station (unknown guantity).   Waste
guantities are based on company estimates.  Six of these locations are
within 3 miles of the springs and wells that supply drinking water for
6,000 families in Leeds.

     In April 1984, EPA used CERCLA emergency funds to remove lead-
bearing waste from the Church of God area.

     Monitoring by the company in January and February of  1985 detected
lead and cadmium in ground water underlying the facility.  The State has
measured elevated levels of lead in Dry Creek and an unnamed tributary
to Dry Creek adjacent to the facility.  The Jefferson County Department
of Health in 1983 and 1984 measured elevated lead concentrations in
ambient air south and southwest of ILCO.

     On March 18, 1985, EPA and the State filed a civil enforcement action
against ILCO under the Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation  and
Recovery Act  (RCRA), and CERCLA.  In June 1985, EPA signed a Partial
Consent Decree with  ILCO to provide preliminary measures to  reduce the
hazards associated with the facility while the litigation  was pending.
ILCO has agreed to temporarily stabilize two of the contaminated areas
(the plant property and the plant parking lot) and to prevent further
off-site migration at these areas.  The Partial Consent Decree also
reguires ILCO to construct a totally enclosed system to treat storm
water.  In addition,  in June 1985, EPA signed a separate Partial Consent
Decree with a local  transporter to stabilize the Fleming.'s Patio area.

     ILCO is currently  in voluntary reorganization under Chapter 11 of
the Federal bankruptcy code.

     Status (January  1986);  The transporter has placed a  clav cover and
fenced the Flemina's Patio area.  ILCO has placed a synthetic liner over
the parking lot and has begun construction on the storm water treatment

     Status (June 10, 1986);  This site is being placed on the NPL at
this time because the owner or operator is  in bankruptcy and may not be
financially able to  take appropriate remedial action.  Thus, the site
meets one of the reguirements of EPA's policy for placing  RCRA-related
sites on the NPL.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                             MIDLAND PRODUCTS
                           Ola/Birta,  Arkansas

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);   Midland Products formerly
treated wood on a 4-acre  site on  Highway 10  in Yell County between the
towns of Ola and Birta, Arkansas.   The site  is just south of the Petit
Jean Wildlife Management  Area and Keeland Creek in the Quachita Mountains.

     Midland Products, now bankrupt,  operated the site from 1969 to 1979.
The company stored pentachlorophenol  and creosote for the wood-treatment
process in surface impoundments and above-ground storage tanks.  In
1982, EPA detected these  chemicals and PCBs  in the surface impoundments.
A shallow aquifer is  also contaminated.  Approximately 190 people use
wells within 3 miles  of the  site  as a source of drinking water.

     Status  (January  1986):  Under a cooperative agreement with EPA, the
State is planning a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine
the type and extent of contamination at the  site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.   Field  activities are expected to begin in the fall
of 1986.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                       ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC.
                           Sunnyvale, California

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984):   Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,
manufactures electronic  equipment at a plant in Sunnyvale, Santa Clara
County, California.   The facility occupies  about 6 acres and is surrounded
by residential,  industrial, and business areas.

     Monitoring  wells on the site are contaminated with chloroform, 1,1-
dichloroethylene,  1,1-dichloroethane, trichloroethylene,  and tetrachloro-
ethylene,  according to analyses conducted by a consultant to Advanced
Micro Devices, Inc.   Contamination is believed to have resulted from
localized  spills and leaking underground storage tanks and piping.  The
same contaminants have been detected in monitoring wells off-site.  About
300,000 people within 3  miles of the site depend on ground water as a
source of  drinking water.

     The company has removed an acid neutralization tank from the facility
and is working with the  California Regional Water Quality Control Board
(CRWQCB) to determine the extent of contamination of ground water and
soils.  The board issued a Cleanup and Abatement Order to the company in
June 1984.

     This  is one of 19 sites in the South Bay Area of San Francisco.
Facilities at these sites have used a variety of toxic chemicals,
primarily  chlorinated organic solvents, which contaminate a common ground
water basin.  Although these sites are listed separately, EPA intends to
apply an area-wide approach to the problem  as well as take specific
action as  necessary.

     Status  (January 1986):  CRWQCB issued  Waste Discharge Requirements
to the company in August 1985.  The requirements are the board's legal
mechanism  for regulating activities at facilities under its jurisdiction.
CRWQCB,  in conjunction with EPA and the California Department of Health
Services,  is considering various response actions at the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                        Porterville, California

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   Beckman Instruments manufactures
electronic equipment on a site near  Porterville,  a small  rural community
in Tulare County, California.  A number of solvents and electroplating
chemicals are used in the facility's operations.

     A solar evaporation pond is part of  the facility's waste water treat-
ment system.  The pond's liner developed  a leak,  allowing waste water
containing heavy metals and volatile organic compounds to enter the soil.
The liner and contaminated soil were removed from the site.  Organic
chemicals similar to  those disposed  of in the pond have been found in the
upper aquifer underlying the area.   Beckman  has  provided  bottled water to
the 750 residents whose wells are contaminated.   The California Regional
Water Quality Control Board is working with  Beckman to develop a compre-
hensive monitoring system to determine the full  extent of ground water

     Status (January  1986):  Beckman has  installed and is operating a
ground water extraction and treatment system to  control the plume of
contamination.  The company will also conduct a  remedial  investigation/
feasibility study to  determine the need for  additional remedial measures.

     Residents previously using bottled water have been provided with a
municipal drinking water supply.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                     INTEL CORP.  (MOUNTAIN VIEW PLANT)
                         Mountain View,  California

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):  Intel Corp. manufactured semi-
conductors at a plant in Mountain View,  Santa Clara County,  California,
between 1968 and  1981.   At  that  time, the facility occupied  2 acres and
was surrounded by residential areas, office  buildings,  and other semicon-
ductor-manufacturing plants.

     Monitoring wells on the site are contaminated with trichloroethylene,
xylene, vinyl chloride,  and 1,1- and trans-l,2-dichloroethylene, according
to analyses conducted by a  consultant to Intel.   Contamination is believed
to have resulted  from leaking underground solvent tanks.  About 270,000
people depend on  ground  water within 3  miles of the site as  a source of
drinking water.

     Since early  1982, Intel has been pumping ground water and treating
it by carbon adsorption. The company intends to implement additional
cleanup activities,  including the installation of a system to pump and
treat contaminated ground water  and excavation of soil  beneath the under-
ground storage tanks, which were previously  removed. The company is
working with the  California Regional Water Quality Control Board to
determine the full extent of the contamination.

     This is one  of  19 sites in  the South Bay Area of San Francisco.
Facilities at these  sites have used a variety of toxic  chemicals, primarily
chlorinated organic  solvents, which contaminate a common ground water
basin.  Although  these sites are listed separately, EPA intends to apply
an area-wide approach to the problem as well as take specific action as

     Status  (February 1986);  Intel has removed approximately 4,600 cubic
yards of contaminated soil  and has installed four wells to pump and treat
contaminated ground  water.

   The California Regional  Water Quality Control Board  has issued Waste
Discharge Requirements to the company.   The  requirements are the board's
legal mechanism for  regulating activities at facilities under its

   On Aug. 15,1985,  EPA  issued a CERCIA Administrative  Order on Consent
to Intel Corp.'s  Mountain View Plant, as well as to Fairchild Camera's and
Raytheon Corp.'s  Mountain View Plants.   The  order calls for  the three
companies to conduct a joint remedial investigation/feasibility study of
the area to  determine the type and extent of contamination and identify
alternatives for  remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site
Hazardous waste site listed under
Comprehensive Environmental ftespanss,
                                         cn. ajidLtabjtiW Agtf TQ80 ^ (C£ffCL4^C"'Su:perfuncl.'7
                       INTEL CORP.  (SANTA CLARA III)
                         .Santa C^ara,  California
                           •*'• '..'  ^' •.:  T '.''•'"'     '    ..-•'••••''    9,      ,'•"   •-
     Conditions at listing (October  1984 );   Intel Corp. tests micro-
processors at  its Santa Clara III  facility in Santa Clara, Santa Clara
County, California.  The facility occupies  about 4 acres and is surrounded
by industrial  and business areas.

     Monitoring wells  on the site are contaminated with 1,1,1-trichloro-
ethane, trichloroethylene,  Freon 113,  1,1-dichloroethane, and tetrachloro-
ethane, according to analyses conducted by a consultant to Intel.  Contami-
nation is believed to  have resulted  from leaking tanks.  About 300,000
people depend  on ground water within 3 miles of the site  as a« source of • -
drinking water.

     Intel is  working  with the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board to determine the extent of contamination of ground water and soils.

     This is one of 19 sites in  the  South Bay Area of San Francisco.
Facilities at  these sites  have used  a variety of toxic chemicals, primarily
chlorinated organic solvents, Which  contaminate a common ground water
basin.  Although these sites are listed separately, EPA intends to apply
an area-wide approach  to the problem as well as take specific action as

     Status (January 1986);  The company has installed and is operating
a system to pump and treat the contaminated ground water.  The California
Regional Water Quality Control Board,  in conjunction with EPA and the
California Department  of Health  Services,  is overseeing response actions
at the site.
 UJS, environmental Protaciten Agdncy/ftemedtfit Response program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund"

                                 INTEL MAGNETICS
                             Santa Clara, California

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984):   Intel Magnetics produces and
tests magnetic products  and bubble memories at a plant in Santa Clara,
Santa Clara County,  California.   The facility occupies approximately
1 acre and is surrounded by industrial and  business areas *

     Monitoring  wells on the site are contaminated with 1,1,1-trichloro-
ethane, trichlorofluoronethane,  1,1-dichloroethylene, and trichloroethylene,
according to analyses conducted  by a consultant to Intel.  Contamination
is believed to have resulted from leaking tanks.  About 300,000 people
depend on ground water within 3  miles of the site as a source of drinking

     Intel is working with the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board to determine the extent of contamination of ground water and soils.

     This is one of 19 sites in  the South Bay Area of San Francisco.
Facilities at these sites have used a variety of toxic chemicals, primarily
chlorinated organic solvents, which contaminate a common ground water
basin.  Although these sites are listed separately, EPA intends to apply
an area-wide approach to the problem as well as take specific action as

     Status (January 1986):  The company has installed a system to pump
and treat contaminated ground water.  The California Regional Water
Quality Control  Board, in conjunction with  EPA and the California
Department of Health Services, is overseeing response actions at the
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                         LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORP.
                           Oroville, California

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):   The  Louisiana-Pacific Corp.
Site covers 100 acres southwest of Oroville,  Butte County,  California.  The
facility consists of a saw mill, a planing mill,  and a hardboard plant.
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is sprayed on  the lumber as a  preservative.  Soil
and sawdust on the site contain high levels  of PCP. Both shallow and deep
ground water under the site are contaminated with PCP, according to analyses
conducted by an adjacent property owner and  the  California  Regional Water
Quality Control Board.  About 10,500 people   use ground water within 3 miles
of the site as a source of drinking water.

     The California Department of Health Services, the California Regional
Water Quality Control Board, and EPA are presently attempting to determine
the extent of contamination and identify the actions necessary to clean
up the site.

     Status (February 1986);  EPA has  completed  a search  for parties
potentially responsible for wastes associated with the site and in February
1986 sent Notice Letters to Louisiana-Pacific Corp and Georgia-Pacific
Corp., former owner of the site.  In the next step, EPA will negotiate
for the two companies to conduct a remedial  investigation/feasibility
study to determine the type and extent of contamination at  the site and
identify alternatives for remedial action.

     The California Regional Water Quality Control Board  is sampling
ground water on and off the site to determine the extent  of contamination.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                        OPERATING INDUSTRIES,  INC.,  IANDFILL
                             Monterey  Park,  California

     Conditions at  listing  (October 1984);  Operating Industries-,  Inc., operated
a landfill on 190 acres in  the City of  Monterey Park, Los  Angeles  County,  Cali-
fornia.  The 45-acre northern section was separated in the 1960s fron the  southern
145-acre section  by the Pomona Freeway.  EPA  has evidence  that the oriainal
landfill included at least  a portion  of both  sections.  Fran 1948  to 1983, solid
and liguid wastes,  some hazardous, were disposed of at the site.

     Leachate generated by  the landfill  contains vinyl chloride, benzene-type  com-
pounds, tetrachloroethylene, heavy metals,  and  other contaminants, according to
testing by the Los  Angeles  County Sanitation  District (LACSD), the California
Department of Health Services  (CA DOHS), and  the company.   In  July 1983, the South
Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAOMD)  detected  vinyl  chloride above ambient
standards in air  at and around the landfill,  which  is adjacent to  a large
residential area.   SCAQMD,  CA DOHS, and the Los Angeles  County Department  of Health
Services have taken enforcement  actions against the facility.

     About 23,000 people use ground water within 3  miles of the site as a  source
of drinking water.

     The company  acguired Interim Status when it filed Part A  of a permit  applica-
tion under the Resource Conservation  and Recovery Act (RCRA).   The company
a draft plan for  closing the landfill under RCRA, but CA DOHS, in  conjunction
other State agencies and EPA, determined that the plan had numerous deficiencies,
most notably the  failure to (1)  provide  financial assurance reguirements for closure
and (2) develop an  adeguate plan for  monitoring ground water and for collecting and
disposing of leachate.   The company has  not submitted complete and adeguate closure
and postclosure documents.

     Status (February 1986): EPA collected gas samples  in November 1984 from  16
subsurface probes in an adjacent housing development. Seme samples confirmed  the
presence of methane and vinyl chloride  in subsurface soils. Interior hone samples
collected in November 1984  had low levels of  methane and nondetectable levels  of
vinyl chloride.   Elevated levels of methane and vinyl chloride were also detected
in a home adjacent  to the landfill in October 1985.

     EPA installed  six  monitoring wells around  the  landfill in 1984-85.  Quarterly
samples collected since March  1985 contain  organic  chemicals and trace metals.

     In July  1985,  EPA  started planning for a comprehensive remedial investigation
to determine the  nature and extent of the problems  associated  with the landfill.
When the investigation  is complete, various alternatives to remedy the problems
will be evaluated in a  feasibility study.   Interim  measures are planned to stabilize
and control the landfill, including slope stabilization  and upgrading of existing
gas leachate collection systems. EPA trucked leachate to  an off-site treatment
facility  from October  1985 to February 1986, when  the State took  over.

     Status (June 1986); This site is  placed on the NPL because the potentially
responsible party declined  to  initiate  work,  and CERCLA-funded remedial activities
are underway.  Thus, the site meets one of  the  reguirements of EPA's policy for
placing PCRA-related sites  on the NPL.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial  Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                              RAYTHEON CORP.
                        Mountain View, California

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):  Raytheon  Corp. manufactures
semiconductor products at a plant in Mountain View, Santa Clara County,
California.  The facility occupies about  30 acres  and is surrounded by
industrial, business, and residential areas.

     Soil and ground water beneath the site are contaminated with tri-
chloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and  1,1- and trans-l,2-dichloro-
ethylene solvents, according to analyses  conducted by a consultant to
Raytheon.  Contamination is believed to have resulted fron a leaking
underground chemical storage tank and/or  concrete  acid neutralization
sumps.  About 270,000 people depend on ground water within 3 miles of
the site as a source of drinking water.

     In late-1982, Raytheon conducted an  investigation to determine if
downgradient ground water contamination near the north property boundary
resulted from a source on its property.   Raytheon  concluded  that it was
not possible to establish a specific source of contamination based on
data obtained from its investigation.  At present, Raytheon  is  working
with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board to  determine the
full extent of the problem.

     This is one of 19 sites in the South Bay Area of San Francisco.
Facilities at these sites have used a variety of toxic chemicals, primarily
chlorinated organic solvents, which contaminate a  common ground water
basin.  Although these sites are listed separately, EPA intends to apply
an area-wide approach to the problem as well as take  specific action as

     Status (February 1986);  In an attempt to determine the full extent of
ground water contamination, Raytheon has  installed three wells  to pump and
treat ground water to contain the contaminated plume.

     The California Regional Water Quality Control Board has issued Waste
Discharge Requirements to the company.  The requirements are the board's
legal mechanism for regulating activities at facilities under  its

     On Aug. 15, 1985, EPA issued a CERCLA Administrative Order on Consent
to Raytheon Corp.'s Mountain View Plant,  as well as to Fairchild Camera's
and Intel Corp.'s Mountain View Plants.   The order calls for the three
companies to conduct a joint remedial investigation/feasibility study of
the area to determine the type and extent of contamination and  identify
alternatives for remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                       SAN FERNANDO VALLEY (AREA 1)
                         Los Angeles,  California

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);  San Fernando Valley {Area 1)
is an area of contaminated ground water in the vicinity of the North Holly-
wood section of  the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California.
This area is part  of the San Fernando Valley Basin,- a natural underground
reservoir that represents an important source of drinking water for at
least 3 million  people in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.  The contami-
nated ground water,  which underlies an area of approximately 5,156 acres,
contains trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE), and to a
lesser extent, carbon tetrachloride and chloroform, according to analyses
conducted by the California Department of Health Services, as well as
numerous local government agencies.  The State's recommended drinking
water guideline  for TCE  and PCE (5 and 4 parts per billion respectively)
are exceeded in  a  number of public wells in this area.  To alleviate this
contamination, wells are either taken out of service or blended with
water from clean sources to ensure that the public receives water with
TCE/PCE concentrations below the State's guidelines.

     Status  (January 1986);  EPA and the Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power are entering into a cooperative agreement for a remedial
investigation of the San Fernando Valley Basin and a feasibility study
targeted at Area 1,  the  most contaminated area.  The RI is scheduled to
begin in early 1986.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the                                   ,„,-„,-. A>,..o   ^  ^.
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAH  Superfund

                        SAN FERNANDO VALLEY (AREA 2)
                      Los  Angeles/Glendale, California

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  San Fernando Valley "(Area  2)
is an area of contaminated ground water located in the vicinity of the
Crystal Springs Well  Field in  the Cities of  Los Angeles and Glendale,  Los
Angeles County, California.  This area is part of the San Fernando Valley
Basin, a natural underground reservoir that  represents an important
source of drinking water  for at  least 3 million people in the Los Angeles
metropolitan area.  The contaminated ground  water, which underlies an
area of approximately 6,680 acres,  contains  trichloroethylene (TCE) and
perchloroethylene (PCE),  according  to tests  conducted by the California
Department of Health  Services, as well as numerous local government
agencies.  The State's  recommended  drinking  water guidelines for TCE and
PCE (5 and 4 parts per  billion respectively) are exceeded in a number of
public wells in this  area.  To alleviate this contamination, wells are
either taken out of service or blended with  water from clean sources to
ensure that the public  receives  water with TCE/PCE concentrations below
the State's guidelines.

     Status (January  1986);  EPA and the Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power are entering  into a  cooperative agreement for a remedial
investigation of the  San  Fernando Valley Basin and a feasibility study
targeted at Area 1, the most contaminated area.   The RI is scheduled to
begin in early 1986.
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                        SAN FERNANDO VALLEY (AREA 3)
                            Glendale, California

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);   San Fernando Valley (Area 3)
is an area of contaminated ground water in the vicinity of the Glorietta
Well Field in the  City of Glendale, Los Angeles County, California.  This
area is part of  the San Fernando Valley Basin, a natural underground
reservoir that represents an important source of drinking water for at
least 3 million  people in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.  The contami-
nated ground water, which underlies an area of approximately 5,200 acres,
contains trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE), according
to tests conducted by the California Department of Health Services, as
well as numerous local government agencies.  The State's recommended
drinking water guidelines for TCE and PCE (5 and 4 parts per billion
respectively) are  exceeded in a number of public wells in this area.  To
alleviate this contamination, wells are either taken out of service or
blended with water from clean sources to ensure that the public receives
water with TCE/PCE concentrations below the State's guidelines.

     Status  (January 1986);  EPA and the Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power are entering into a cooperative agreement for a remedial
investigation of the San Fernando Valley Basin and a feasibility study
targeted at Area 1, the most contaminated area.  The RI is scheduled to
begin in early 1986.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                       SAN FERNANDO VALLEY (AREA 4)
                          Los Angeles,  California

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);   San  Fernando Valley 4Area 4)
is an area of contaminated ground water in the Pollock Well Field area in
the City of Los Angeles,  Los Angeles County,  California.  The area is
part of the San Fernando  Valley Basin,  a natural underground reservoir
that represents an important source of drinking  water for at least
3 million people  in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.  The contaminated
ground water, which underlies an area  of approximately 5,860 acres,
contains perchloroethylene (PCE), according  to tests conducted by the
California Department of  Health Services, as well as numerous local
government agencies.  The State's recommended drinking water guideline
for PCE (4 parts  per billion) is exceeded in a number of public wells in
this area.  To alleviate  this contamination,  wells are either taken out
of service or blended with water from  clean  sources to ensure that the
public receives water with concentrations below  the State's guideline.

     Status  (January  1986);  EPA and the Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power are entering into  a cooperative agreement for a remedial
investigation of  the  San  Fernando Valley Basin and a feasibility study
targeted at Area  1, the most contaminated area.   The RI is scheduled to
begin in early 1986.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                          SOUTH BAY ASBESTOS AREA
                             Alviso, California

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):   Portions of Alviso, California,
located in  north  Santa Clara County on the  southern edge of the San
Francisco Bay, served as dumping  areas for  over 30 years.  Companies
disposed of asbestos waste in an  old municipal landfill.   In addition,
asbestos waste was used for fill  material at various locations throughout
the town.

     The site was first proposed  for listing under the name "Alviso
Dumping Areas."

     Soil in the  old landfill and around homes contains asbestos,
according to tests conducted by the State.   Construction activities and
wind action stir  up asbestos-laden dust, posing a potential health risk
to residents.  EPA and the State  plan to continue sampling the soil and
air throughout the 1-square-mile  area to determine the degree of risk to
public health.

     Evening winds may transport  asbestos to the San Francisco Bay
National Wildlife Refuge, which borders the town and harbors several
endangered  species.

     Status (January 1986);  In July 1985,  EPA entered into an Interagency
Agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a remedial
investigation/feasibility study to determine the extent of contamination
at the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.   The remedial
investigation is  scheduled to begin in the  spring of 1986.

     In October 1985, two areas of the town were paved to prevent exposure
of residents to potentially significant levels of asbestos fibers.
Additional  measures are being considered to further reduce exposures to
asbestos fibers.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                   T.  H.  AGRICULTURE  AND NUTRITION CO.
                             Fresno, California

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);   T. H. Agriculture and Nutrition
Co. operated a pesticide-formulating  facility on about 2.5 acres neat-
Fresno, Fresno County, California, from 1962 until 1981.   Other companies
had formulated pesticides on the  site from  1950 to 1962.   During the 1950s
and 1960s, on-site landfills were used for  disposal of empty containers,
facility trash, and other wastes  generated  from the pesticide-formulation
operations,  including  pesticide-laden clays from cleaning of equipment.

     This site was first  proposed for listing under the name "Thompson-
Hayward Chemical Co."  Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co. changed its name to
T.H. Agriculture and Nutrition Co. in 1981.

     Sampling conducted by  the company and  the California Department of
Health Services detected  pesticides in soil and ground water at the site.
A Cleanup and Abatement Order issued  by the California Regional Water
Ouality Control Board  has directed the company to excavate contaminated
soil and determine the extent of  ground water contamination.  In response,
the company has excavated 14,000  cubic yards of contaminated soil,  and has
undertaken sampling to characterize soil contamination, monitor ground
water, and characterize the  hydrology beneath the site.

     Status  (January 1986);   The  company has conducted some initial ground
water studies on-site and has proposed an on-site ground  water  extraction
and treatment system.  The California Department of Health Services has
ordered the company to conduct a  remedial investigation/feasibility study
and to develop an alternative drinking water supply program.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund"

                           Sunnyvale,  California

      Conditions at  listing (October  1984);   Westinghouse Electric Corp.
formerly manufactured  electrical  transformers at a plant covering 75 acres
in Sunnyvale, Santa  Clara  County, California. The facility is  surrounded
by residential,  industrial, and business areas.

     Monitoring  wells  on the site are contaminated with PCBs and dichloro-,
trichloro-, and  tetrachlorobenzene, according to analyses conducted by a
consultant to Westinghouse.  Contamination is believed to have  resulted
from a leaking PCB storage tank and from localized spills.   About 300,000
people depend on ground water within  3 miles  of  the site as a source of
drinking water.

     Westinghouse  has  removed the leaking tanks  and is working  with the
California Regional  Water  Quality Control Board  to determine the extent
of soil and ground water contamination.

     This is one of  19 sites in the South Bay Area of  San Francisco.
Facilities at these  sites  have used a variety of toxic chemicals,
primarily chlorinated  organic solvents, which contaminate a common ground
water basin.  Although these sites are listed separately, EPA intends to
apply an area-wide approach to the problem as well as  take specific
action as necessary.

     Status  (January 1986);  In July  1985, the California Regional Water
Quality Control  Board  issued Waste Discharge  Reguirements to the company
for interim measures and a remedial  investigation.  The reguirements are
the board's legal  mechanism for regulating activities  at facilities under
its jurisdiction.  The California Regional Water Quality Control Board,
in conjunction with  EPA and the California Department  of Health Services,
is considering various response actions at the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                                EAGLE MINE
                        Mint urn/Redd if f, Colorado

    Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The Eaqle Mine and its tailings
piles, previously owned by the New Jersey Zinc Co.  and  Gulf  and  Western
Industries, cover 110 acres in Eaqle County, Colorado,  between the
towns of Minturn and Redcliff.  About 1,300 people  live within 3 miles
of the tailings.

     The company's predecessors began purchasing mines  in the area in
1912 and immediately began production.  A merger in 1938  resulted in New
Jersey Zinc owning the mine.  Zinc mining and milling operations ceased
on Dec. 30, 1977.  Silver mining continued intermittently thereafter.
The mine is now shut down completely and owned by Miller  Enterprises.

     Two major tailings piles exist on the site.  The old tailings pond
was abandoned in 1946 when it reached capacity.  A  new  tailings  pond was
constructed about 0.5 miles south where Cross Creek and Eagle River meet.
Approximately 7 million tons of tailings remaining  in the disposal areas
are owned by Battlemountain Corp.  Several other smaller  tailings piles
are located on National Forest land nearby, and tailings  have been
dumped in areas in the Eagle River floodplain.

     In the summer of 1984, EPA used CERCLA emergency funds  to remove
transformers containing PCBs that had been placed in the  mine.   The
transformers were threatened by rising water levels in  the mine  after
dewatering pumps were turned off.

     Status (January 1986);  The mine is now filling with water, and
acidic metal-laden mine water may overflow into the river in the near

     Gulf and Western has begun studies to determine concentrations of
various metals in surface water and ground water, as well as to  gather
data on whether leachate from the tailings can reach the  Minturn drinking
water wells.

     The State has filed a natural resource damage  suit under CERCLA
against the site owner.  As part of the litigation, the State has
collected data on water guality impacts of the various  sources and has
developed a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the
type and extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.  The trial is scheduled for April  1986.

     Status (June 10, 1986);  This mining site is being placed on the NPL
at this time because it is a noncoal site with mining operations that
occurred after Aug. 3, 1977, the enactment date of  the  Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA).  Thus, it is neither regulated by
SMCRA nor eligible for funds frcm the SMCRA Abandoned Mine Land  Reclamation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAM"Superfund"

                             SMUGGLER MOUNTAIN
                          Pitkin County, Colorado

      Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The Smuggler Mountain Site
 covers approximately 75 acres in the vicinity of Aspen, Pitkin County,
 Colorado.   The site includes many old silver and lead mines that were
 most active between 1879 and 1920.  Little mininq is conducted at present.
 The primary concern is toxic metals contained in mine wastes, mill tailings,
 and smelter by-products.  Seme of these wastes have been or may be used
 as  fill material for building foundations or street/road construction.   A
 potential  health hazard exists through direct contact and airborne, water-
 borne, or  food-chain exposure to the high concentrations of toxic metals,
 especially lead.  An EPA site investigation found elevated concentrations
 of  cadmium, copper, and zinc in wells near the site.  High concentrations
 of  toxic metals, including more than 20,000 parts per million of lead,
 have been  measured in the soils and tailings on the site.  Previously,
 investigators at the Colorado State University Extension Service measured
 high concentrations of lead in leafy green vegetables grown in contami-
 nated soils.

      Approximately 4,500 full-time residents of the community may be exposed
 to  hazardous materials at the site.

      Status (January 1986);  Under a Consent Agreement with EPA, the
 potentially responsible parties are conducting a remedial investigation/
 feasibility study under CERCLA to determine the type and extent of con-
 tamination at the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.

      Status (June 10, 1986);  This mining site is being placed on the NPL
 at  this time because it is a noncoal site with mining operations that
 occurred after Aug. 3, 1977, the enactment date of the Surface Mining
 Control and Reclamation Act (SMCPA).  Thus, it is neither regulated by
 SMCRA nor eligible for funds from the SMCRA Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                             Uravan, Colorado

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   Union Carbide Corp.'s Uravan
Uranium Project includes  the Town of Uravan  in a remote,  sparsely settled
portion of Montrose County, Colorado.  The site is on the San Miguel
River 5 miles upstream of where  it meets  the Dolores River.  The facility
began as a radium-recovery operation in  1915 and was expanded to include
vanadium recovery  in  1935.  Union Carbide established the Town of Uravan
in 1935 to provide housing for the mine and  mill workers.  Except for the
schools, the town  is  owned by Union Carbide.

     As radium recovery became uneconomic, the mill began recovery of
uranium in the 1940s, first for  national  defense and later for nuclear
power applications.   Past activities have been highly variable due to
fluctuation  in demand.  There is little activity at the plant now due to
the depressed uranium and vanadium markets.

     Federal and State agencies have inspected this facility many times
and have brought action against Union  Carbide for numerous permit
violations and hazardous material spills. These efforts  have established
that ground water and air at the site  are contaminated with process
wastes, including uranium, from  the milling  operations.

     Status  (January  1986);  The Colorado State Health Department is
currently reviewing the mill's application to renew its operating license.
The State has filed a lawsuit against  Union  Carbide seeking recovery for
damages to natural resources.

     Status  (June  10,  1986);  This mining site is being placed on the NPL
at this time because  it is a noncoal site with mining operations that
occurred after Aug. 3,  1977, the enactment date of the Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Act  (SMCRA).   Thus,  it is neither regulated by
SMCRA nor eligible for funds from the  SMCRA  Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                             HALBY CHEMICAL CO.
                            New Castle,  Delaware

     Conditions  at listing (September 1985);   Halby Chemical Co. was  a
manufacturing  facility whose primary product  was ammonium thiocyanate.
In the early 1970s, Witco Chemical Co.  acquired the operation,  then sold
it to Brandywine Chemical Co.  in  1977.   Currently, Brandywine stores
finished products  for distribution on the site.

     From the  late 1940s  to August 1977, a waste water lagoon was  in  use
behind the plant near the Wilmington Marine Terminal in New Castle, New
Castle County, Delaware.   The lagoon was approximately 2 feet deep,
covered 1.5  acres, and drained into the Lobdell Canal and the Christina

     High levels of various organic and inorganic substances, including
trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, arsenic, cyanide, and lead, are
present in water and  sediment samples from the lagoon, according  to EPA.
EPA detected thiocyanate  in the ground water underlying the site.  .
Four municipal wells  are  part of  an interconnected system that  supplies
approximately  150,000 people living 2 to 3 miles from the site.

     Status  (January  1986):  EPA  has assessed the site and determined
that an immediate  removal is not  warranted at this time.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                         DUBOSE OIL PRODUCTS CO.
                           Cantonment,  Florida

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);   Dubose Oil Products Co.
recovered waste oil from early 1979 through November 1981 on a 20-acre
site west of Cantonment, Escambia County, Florida.  At the request of the
State Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), EPA took water and
sediment samples in April 1982.  Analysis of the  samples indicated the
presence of elevated concentrations of  numerous organic compounds.  An
estimated 2,400 people draw drinking water  from wells within 3 miles of
the site.

     The State has completed a hydrogeologic assessment of the site.  In
January and February 1984, the State removed contaminated drums from the
site.  The State has filed a civil complaint against the company.

     Status (January 1986);  At the end of  1984 and the beginning of
1985, DER excavated about 40,000 cubic  yards of contaminated soil and
placed it in a lined vault on-site to prevent further contamination of
ground water.  Water from three contaminated ponds is being pumped out
and treated to remove organic chemicals.  In the  spring of 1985, EPA,
DER, and a group of parties potentially responsible for wastes associated
with the site held a series of meetings.  The parties formed a steering
committee and hired a consultant to perform a remedial investigation to
determine the type and extent of contamination  at the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

                                Compensation, and Liability Ac. o, 1980 tCERCLArS.pertuncT
                         PEAK OIL CO./BAY DRUM CO.
                               Tampa,  Florida

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984):   The Peak Oil Co. /Bay Drum Co.
Site covers 15 acres  east of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.  From
the late  1950s until  the late 1970s,  Peak Oil re-refined oil  and disposed
of wastes in an acid  sludge pond measuring 82 feet x 100 feet x 10 feet.
Bay Drum Co., which operated at about the same time as Peak Oil, recycled
drums and disposed  of wash water in a holding pond on the site.

     Surface water, ground water, sediments, and sludges are  contaminated
with PCBs, pesticides, solvents, and heavy metals, according  to analyses
conducted by EPA.   The Peak Oil/Bay Drum Site is located within 2 miles
of the Brandon Well Field, which is part of the Hillsborough  County
Water Supply System.   The system supplies drinking water to 57,000 people.

     Status (January  1986);  Ownership of Bay Drum Co. has changed
hands, and EPA has  sent the new owner a letter explaining his liabilities
under CERCLA.

     The  Peak Oil and Bay Drum portions of the site are being handled
separately for CERCLA remedial funding.  Incineration of sludges at Peak
Oil is scheduled to start early in 1986 using CERCLA emergency funds.
   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                          YELLOW WATER ROAD DUMP
                             Baldwin,  Florida

     Conditions at listing  (September  1985):  The Yellow Water Road Dump
is in Duval County,  1 mile  south of Baldwin and 18 miles west of Jackson-
ville, Florida.  The 15-acre site is 0.4 miles  west of Yellow Water Road,
Florida State Route  217, and is accessible  by an unimproved road.

     From 1981 to 1984, transformers,  tanks,  and drums filled with PCBs,
waste oils, and solvents were transported to the site for disposal.  The
operation ended when the property was  rezoned.   By that time, approximately
63,000 gallons of oil and transformer  fluid containing PCBs had leaked
from containers, drums, and tanks, according to EPA.  Soil on the site is
contaminated with PCBs, according to analyses conducted by the city.

     On Nov.  29 and  Dec. 5, 1984, EPA  issued Notice Letters under CERCLA
section 104 providing potentially responsible parties the opportunity to
take corrective action.  None of the parties agreed, and in December
1984, EPA used CERCLA emergency funds  to contain the .hazardous wastes on
the site.  The containment  work was completed in March 1985.  However,
there is still a potential  threat to nearly 150 people drawing drinking
water from shallow ground water.  An unnamed recreational pond 2,000 feet
north of the site is also threatened.

     On June  14, 1985,  EPA  issued a unilateral  Administrative Order under
CERCLA section 106 to prevent the site owner from removing transformers
from the site without prior approval from EPA.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                             Granite  City,  Illinois

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The NL Industries/Ta-racorp
Lead Smelter covers approximately 25  acres  in Granite City, Madison
County, Illinois.  Taracorp purchased the facility in August 1979 from NL
Industries, which had operated  it since 1928.  Taracorp reclaims lead
from battery cases and other scrap.

     On the site is a waste pile  approximately 20 feet high made up of
225,000 tons of broken batteries, blast furnace slaq, and other lead
waste.  The pile appears stable,  but  run-off is evident.  The State
detected 140,000 to 300,000 parts per million lead in soil near the pile.
Past and current air emissions  associated with the smelting operations
and the waste pile have contaminated  off-site surface soils as far away as
0.5 miles, according to the State.  Ground  water contamination has not
been documented to date.

     About 15,000 people live within  1 mile of the site.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA  and  the State signed a Consent Order
with NL Industries on March 11, 1985.   The  order calls for the company to
conduct a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the type
and extent of contamination at  the site and identify  alternatives for
remedial action.  A workplan and  sampling plan are due shortly.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund"

                                PAGEL'S PIT
                             Rockford,  Illinois

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);  Paqel's Pit in Rockford,
Winnebago County,  Illinois, is a former sand and gravel pit and dolomite
guarry that has  been operated  by Winnebago Reclamation as a landfill
since July 17, 1972. The pit  covers approximately 60 acres and is lined
with "blacktop," which has a coal tar sealer.

     Records  indicate that the site accepted a variety of wastes, including
organics, solvents,  and  heavy  metals,  as well as mixed municipal refuse
and sewage treatment sludge.  About 120,000 gallons of liguid wastes, in
addition to solid refuse, have been deposited on-site.

     A shallow,  fractured bedrock aguifer near the site is a source of
drinking water for  residents in the area.  It is contaminated with several
volatile organic compounds, in addition to arsenic, according to tests
conducted by  the Winnebago County Health Department, the State, and EPA.
In 1981, the  State  Health Department tested drinking water supplies in
response to complaints from residents.  The results indicated high levels
(517 parts per billion)  of volatile organic chemicals.  The contamination
forced several homeowners near Pagel's Pit to use bottled water supplied
by Winnebago  Reclamation.

     Status (January 1986): EPA is negotiating a settlement for a remedial
investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) with parties potentially responsible
for wastes associated with the site.  The RI/FS would determine the type
and extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives for
remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                             PETERSEN SAND & GRAVEL
                             Libertyville,  Illinois

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984):   Petersen Sand & Gravel
operated a 1,000-acre  quarry in Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, from
1952 to 1958.  The Lake County  Forest Preserve District acquired the site
in 1978 and planned  to convert  the quarry into a 170-acre recreational

     Several hundred drums  of paints, solvents, and other industrial wastes
were dumped  into  the quarry while it was owned by Petersen Sand.  In
1977, the company removed 400 drums from the quarry.  In 1983, the Lake
County Forest Preserve District removed about 65 more drums.  It is
likely that some  drums and  contaminated soil still remain in the quarry.

     The State and EPA detected volatile organic chemicals and heavy metals
in wells that are used by about 15,000 nearby residents as a source of
drinking water.

     Status  (January 1986): EPA  and the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency have signed a cooperative  agreement for a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine  the type and extent of contamination at
the site and identify  alternatives for remedial action.  EPA has approved
a statement of work.   After the State selects a contractor, work will get
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                          .  Columbus,  Indiana

     Conditions at listing  (September  1985):   The Columbus Old Municipal
Landfill #1 covers 10 to  12 acres on the East Fork of the White River in
Columbus, Barthaloraew County,  Indiana.   Fran  the early 1950s through the
late 1960s, the city operated  the landfill, accepting municipal waste and
about 3.5 million gallons of industrial  wastes.   It had no permits.
According to a waste generator,  Cummins  Engine Co., the industrial wastes
included solvents, acids, bases, paints, PCBs, and heavy metals.  After
closing the old landfill, Columbus opened a new landfill.

     The old landfill is unlined and in  permeable soils.   It is covered
with a permeable layer of sand and gravel on  which grass has grown.
Wastes were deposited on  the surface,  and the site forms a low barrier-
between the surrounding farmlands and  the river.  Ground water is
contaminated with lead and  chromium, according to tests conducted by
EPA in August 1935.   The geology and location of the site are such that
area surface water is threatened.

     About 31,000 people depend  on wells within 3 miles of the site as a
source of drinking water.   The White River, 100 feet from the site, is a
prime fishing stream.

     The land is privately  owned and is  now leased to an individual who
operates waste oil storage  tanks on  the  site.

     Status (January 1986):  EPA is  considering various alternatives for
the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                         FORT WAYNE REDUCTION DUMP
                            Fort Wayne, Indiana

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):  The Fort Wayne Reduction Dump
lies on  a 35-acre site in Fort Wayne, Allen County,  Indiana.  National
Recycling Corp. began operations at the site in 1967.   Until  1976,  it was
used as  a landfill with minimal recovery of wastes.  Afnong the wastes
accepted for  disposal were volatile industrial liquids, 2,4-dimethylphenol,
methylene chloride, arsenic, and sludges (sewage, paints, varnishes,  etc.).

     Ground water immediately adjacent to the site is contaminated  with
arsenic,  benzene, chloroethane, ethylbenzene, and methylene chloride,
according to  tests conducted by EPA.  The River Haven housing development
 (estimated population 400) is within 3 miles of the  site.  Maumee River
runs immediately to the north.  An estimated 1,100 people living south  of
the river use wells within 3 miles of the site as a  source of drinking

     Status  (January 1986):  EPA is conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type and extent of contamination at
the site and  identify alternatives for remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAH"Superfund")

                           Terre  Haute, Indiana

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The International Minerals &
Chemicals Corp.  (IMC) Site covers 20 acres  in Terre Haute, Virgo County,
Indiana.  Commercial Solvents  Corp. manufactured the insecticide BHC
 (benzene hexachloride) at  the  site, known as  the Terre Haute East Plant,
from 1946 to 1954.  IMC purchased Commercial  Solvents in 1975.  In 1980,
IMC excavated 14,392 cubic yards  of contaminated soil, pipinq, vegetation,
and debris from the former BHC production area.  Soil contaminated with
BHC was  also excavated at  a  former off-site disposal area.  The excavated
material was combined and  deposited as a mound on 1.2 acres of East Plant
property.  The mound was capped with clay and fill.

      Ground water at the  site is contaminated with BHC isomers according
to analyses conducted by the State and EPA.  The public water system
supplying 63,000 residents of  Terre Haute uses wells within 3 miles of
the site.

     Status  (January  1986);  EPA  is considering various alternatives  for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

                               . Compensation, and Liable Ac. o. 1980 ICERCLArSuperfunc.-
                                    MIDCO II
                                  Gary,  Indiana

     Conditions at listing (October 1984) :  The Midwest  Solvent  Recovery
Co., Inc.,  (MIDCO) II  Site occupies approximately  7  acres  across the
highway from  the airport  in Gary,  Lake  County, Indiana.  The  area is
primarily industrial.  MIDCO II  recycled  solvents  and disposed of indus-
trial waste at the site using the following methods:  temporary  storage
of waste and  reclaimable material in  tanks and drums and disposal of
wastes via open dumping in trenches,  sludge pits,  and filter  pits.   The
company operated until Aug. 17,  1977, when a  fire  burned most of the
above-ground  tanks and drums containing wastes.  Following the fire, the
company abandoned the  site without cleanup.   Several thousand drums
containing burned residues were  left  on-site,  along  with several tanks.
Soils, ground water, and possibly surface water are  contaminated, according
to tests conducted by  EPA.  About 479,000 people live within  3 miles of
the site.

     Status (January 1986);  Between  January  and March 1985,  EPA used CEKCLA
emergency funds to remove  85,500 drums  and drum remnants,  which  cleared
the site of surface wastes.  In  July  and  August, EPA excavated approximately
5,000 cubic yards of highly contaminated  soil  from a former sludge pit and
filter bed and piled the solidified soil  on-site.

     On June  19, 1985, EPA reached a  settlement with a group  of  parties
potentially responsible for wastes at the site to  reimburse the  Government
$3.1 million  for past  costs and  to perform a  remedial inves tig at ion/ feasi-
bility study  (RI/FS) to determine the type and extent of subsurface  and
off-site contamination and identify alternatives for remedial action.
The Consent Decree became  effective in  August  1985.

     All of the piles  of contaminated soil have not  been removed from the
site because  of difficulty in obtaining approval for disposal.   Monitoring
wells have been installed  and sampling  is underway on the  RI/FS.
   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                         NEAL'S DUMP (SPENCER)
                            Spencer, Indiana

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  Neal's Dump is  located 4  miles
south of Spencer, Owen County, Indiana.  In the late 1960s  and  early  1970s,
rags, sawdust, and capacitors contaminated with PCBs were deposited to a
depth of 20 feet in an area about 80 feet by 50 feet.

     About 1,000 people draw drinking water from wells  within 3 miles of
the site.   The nearest well is 750 feet from the site.  There is  the
threat that contaminated run-off will drain to nearby White River.

     On Nov. 4, 1980, EPA and the State inspected the facility, collecting
both soil and ground water samples.  In February 1981,  EPA  conducted
further inspections and prepared a report regarding  cleanup alternatives
and possible costs.  To determine the extent of ground  water contamination,
EPA installed monitoring wells in the summer of 1982.   On Sept. 1, 1982,
the State conducted an inspection to define the fill area more  accurately.

     In January 1983, the U.S. Department of Justice, on  behalf of EPA,
filed suit against Westinghouse Electric Corp. for cleanup  of this site
and Neal's Landfill in Bloomington, which was placed on the NPL in
September 1983.  The State of Indiana entered into this suit as an
intervening plaintiff.

     In December 1983, Westinghouse fenced the site  and removed surface
capacitors as part of a Stipulation and Order filed  by  EPA  in December 1983.

     Status (January  1986);  In May 1985, EPA, the State, Monroe  County,
and Bloomington reached an agreement with Westinghouse  to clean up Neal's
Dump, along with three other NPL sites near the Bloomington area  (Neal's
Landfill, Lemon Lane  Landfill, and Bennett Stone Quarry)  and two  sites
not on the NPL.  EPA estimates that the settlement is worth between $75
million and $100 million.  In addition, Westinghouse will reimburse the
Superfund trust fund  for the $1 million the Federal  Government  has spent
for enforcement and cleanup.

     Under the settlement, Westinghouse will remove  contaminated  materials
from an area of about 0.5 acres, plus a 2-foot deep  buffer  zone.   About
14,000 cubic yards will be removed.  The site will be regraded, capped,
and revegetated.  Westinghouse will continue to maintain  the security
fence and surface drainage controls already in place.   Westinghouse will
also monitor ground water in the vicinity to determine  if any PCBs are
migrating off the site.  Alternative water supplies  will  be provided  to
any resident within 1 mile of the site whose wells become contaminated with
PCBs.  An EPA on-scene coordinator will monitor activities  at each site.

     The materials removed from the six sites will be incinerated in  a new
incinerator Westinghouse will build.  Westinghouse has  agreed to obtain
all petmits necessary to construct and operate the incinerator  in accordance
with all Federal, State, and local requirements.  The entire project
could take up to 15 years to complete.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                             TRI-STATE PLATING
                             Columbus, Indiana

     Conditions at listing (September 1985);   The Tri-State Plating Site
 is on a  lot measuring  100 by 100 feet in downtown Columbus, Barthalomew
County,  Indiana.  Metal-plating operations were carried out at the site
 for over 40 years.   Earlier operations were known as Hull Industries and
Plating  Services, Inc.   The City of Columbus caused the facility to close
 in 1984  by blocking off the sewer and shutting off the water after numerous
violations of city code and one spill that severely damaged the city's
sewage treatment system.

     Records  of the Indiana State Board of Health indicate a small amount
of soil  was removed from the site during 1983.  Plating sludges and
wastes were dumped outside the building and into the sewers in 1983 and
 1984, according to the  Indiana State Board of Health, City of Columbus
Utilities, and  Barthalomew County Health Department.

     Tests conducted in early 1983 by the Board of Health detected high
 levels of cadmium,  chromium, cyanide, nickel, zinc, copper, lead, and
manganese in  soil on-site,  thus threatening ground water.  The site is
800 feet southwest of a municipal well field that serves over 30,000
people.   Haw  Creek, the nearest downslope surface water, is 800 feet to
 the east of the site and joins the East Fork of the White River (a
recreational  fishing stream) within 2.5 miles of the facility.  The
surrounding area is a residential neighborhood with some small businesses.

   Status (January 1986);  EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                           LAWRENCE TODTZ  FARM
                             Camanche,  Iowa

     Conditions at listing (September  1985);   The Lawrence Todtz-Farm is
about 1 mile west of  Camanche, Clinton County, Iowa.  The site consists
of 6.2 acres of abandoned gravel pits.   Municipal solid waste and indus-
trial solid and liquid waste were disposed of in the pits between 1958
and 1975.

     Between 1972 and 1975, 4,300 tons of  liquid waste from the Clinton,
Iowa, cellophane plant operated by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.,
were buried in the pits, according to  information DuPont provided for a
1979 Congressional report on waste disposal  sites (the "Eckhardt Report").
Wastes generated  in the process contain plasticizers, resins, alcohols,
and heavy metal salts.

     State studies indicate that a residential well 400 feet south of the
site is contaminated  with two plasticizers,  di-n-butylphthalate and bis
(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate.  The well draws  from the Mississippi Alluvial
Aquifer, the source of drinking water for  6,000 residents within 3 miles
of the site.

     Status (January  1986);  EPA's Field Investigation Team will submit
a report on this  site shortly.  The report will be reviewed to determine
future response actions.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund"

                               Kellogg,  Iowa

     Conditions  at listing (September 1985);   The Midwest Manufacturing/North
Farm Site  is in  Jasper County near Kellogg, Iowa.  Midwest has operated a
manufacturing  facility that includes an electroplating plant on the site
since 1896.  The plant occupies about 8 acres in south Kellogg in the
floodplain of  the  North Fork Skunk River.  The plant's operation primarily
involves cadmium,  zinc,  and nickel.  The North Farm portion of the site,
2.3 miles  northeast of the plant, covers less than 1 acre.  Both areas
contain unlined  trenches used for the disposal of an estimated 1,200
cubic yards of the plant's electroplating sludges.  Because the two areas
contain the same wastes and affect the same target population, they are
considered one NPL site.

     The City  of Kellogg draws water from shallow wells downstream on
the banks.of the North Fork Skunk River.  EPA detected zinc and copper in
one city well  within 500 feet of the Midwest Manufacturing plant.  EPA
also found that  soils adjacent to the North Farm trench contain significant
levels of  cadmium.

     About 700 people depend on wells located within 3 miles of the site
as a source of drinking water.  The site is located within a possible
critical habitat of the Indiana bat, which is on the endangered species
list of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Nearby surface waters are
used for fishing.

     Status  (January 1986):  EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                          VOGEL PAINT &  WAX CO.
                            Orange  City,  Iowa

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984):   Vogel Paint & Wax Co", used
a 10-acre sand and gravel pit  for disposal  of its paint and varnish
production wastes.  The pit, which  the company owns, is located just
outside Orange City, Sioux  County,  Iowa.

     From 1967 to 1979, the pit received paint wastes containing lead,
cadmium, chromium, mercury, toluene,  xylene, and mineral spirits, which
is a grade of naphtha.  An  estimated  43,000 gallons of organic compounds
(aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons)  and 6,000  pounds of mercury, lead,
zinc, and chromium have been disposed of at the  site.

     The company has detected  wastes,  particularly volatile organics
(toluene, xylene, and mineral  spirits),  from this site in off-site
monitoring wells.  About 3,200 people depend on  wells within 3 miles of
the site as a source of drinking water.

     The State has issued an Administrative Order requiring the company
to take remedial actions.'   The company has  started to comply.

     Status (January 1986);  The company's  consultant is conducting a
remedial investigation to determine the  type and extent of contamination
at the site.  The company and  consultant have met with EPA and the State
regarding requirements of the  investigation under CERCLA and the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act  (RCRA).  EPA has received Part B of a RCRA
permit application and returned its comments to  the company.  The Part B
may be necessary to enable  Vogel Paint to treat  on-site waste from the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                             BIG RIVER SAND CO.
                             Wichita,  Kansas

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The Big River Sand Co. Site
covers 80 acres in northwest Wichita,  Sedgwick County, Kansas.  During
the early to raid  1970s, the previous owner/operator of the site allowed
approximately 1,800 drums of paint-related wastes to be deposited on the
property at the edge  of a 5-acre  sand pit  lake.

     In 1982, a county court order was issued requiring the previous
owner to remove the drums and  transfer them  to his own property adjacent
to the sand pit lake  area.   After approximately 200 drums had been
transferred, the  State, notified  of  the removal by the county, asked that
the work cease because the  workers lacked  personal protective equipment.
Later, the drums  remaining  at  the sand pit lake area and their contents
were either recycled  or disposed  of  by the previous owner in a satisfactory
manner.  In August 1984, he removed  200 deteriorating drums from his
property.  The site includes both the sand pit lake area and the adjacent
property where the remaining drums were located.  Monitoring by the State
in 1982 and 1984  detected solvents and heavy metals in nearby residential
wells.  About 1,000 people  use wells within  3 miles of the site as a
source of drinking water.

     Status (January  1986):  EPA  is  conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to  determine the type and  extent of contamination at
the site and to identify alternatives for  remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                           Cowley  County,  Kansas

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);   Strother Field  Industrial
Park covers roughly 2.3  square miles approximately 4 miles  southwest of
Winfield and 4 miles north of Arkansas City,  Cowley County, Kansas.
The park consists  of about 20 industrial  and commercial businesses,  as
well as  two inactive solid waste  landfills.   The landfills  probably  also
were used  for the  disposal of various industrial wastes.

     Samples collected and analyzed by the State (as part of EPA's
Synthetic  Organic  Chemical Survey)  indicated the presence of chlorinated
organic  chemicals  in several wells  supplying Strother  Field Industrial
Park.  The principal contaminants (trichloroethylene,  1,2-dichloroethylene,
1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene,  and 1,1 dichloroethylene) are
common industrial  solvents known  to persist  in ground  water.  The State
collected  a second series of samples from the Strother Field Public  Water
Supply wells, as well as samples  frcm several private  wells in the adjacent
community  of Hackney,  the water distribution system, influents and effluents
frcm the Strother  Field  waste water treatment plant, two monitoring  wells
on-site, and several off-site control locations (for comparison purposes).
The Strother Field Public Water Supply was discontinued in  June 1983.
Additional ground  water  monitoring  is underway to determine the source
and off-site migration of the contamination.   About 2,300 people use
wells within 3 miles of  the site  as a source of drinking water.

     Status  (January 1986):  On April 9,  1985, the State issued an Admini-
strative Order to  General Electric  Co., one  of the parties  responsible for
wastes associated  with the northern zone  of  the site.   The  order calls for
the company to sample soil; monitor ground water; construct a ground water
flow model and use it to help locate, construct, and operate withdrawal
wells under the  guidance of the State, and submit a plan for a treatment
and disposal system.  At this time, two wells and two air-stripping  columns
to remove  volatile organic compounds are  completed. The State is reviewing
the company's plan for a permanent  treatment and disposal system.

     The Strother  Field  Commission, which owns the site,  continues to pump
two supply wells to create a cone of depression in an attempt to prevent
off-site migration.  The State is sampling off-site monitoring wells and
private  wells on a monthly basis.

     The State issued another Administrative Order in the week of Jan. 13,
1986, to each of the four potentially responsible parties associated with the
southern zone of the site.  The four are: General Electric Co., Greif
Brothers Corp.,  Cessna Aircraft,  and Gordon-Piatt Energy Group, Inc.  The
order reguires General Electric to  treat  the water from public supply well
#8; each of  the  companies to drill  monitoring wells on the  south end of
the field; and Greif Brothers Corp., Cessna  Aircraft,  and Gordon-Piatt
Energy Group,  Inc., to submit data  on chemical use during the past 20 years.
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National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                       MAXEY FLATS NUCLEAR DISPOSAL
                           Hillsboro,  Kentucky

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The Maxey Flats Nuclear
Disposal Site is a 279-acre  shallow land burial facility located  in
Fleming County,  Kentucky,  near Hillsboro.   Fran 1963 to 1977, the site
was privately operated under license by the State on State-owned  land.
The facility received 4.8  million cubic feet of waste containing  low
levels of radiation.  According to tests conducted by the State,  tritium
levels in air exceed background levels, and radioactive contaminants are
present in ground water.   Wells are a  source of drinking water  for about
100 people in the area.

     The State is monitoring water and air at the site.

     Status  (January 1986);   EPA  is nearing completion of a workplan for
a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the type  and
extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives for remedial
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                                SMITH'S FARM
                              Brooks,  Kentucky

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);  Smith's Farm is located
approximately  1.5  miles  southwest of Brooks,  Bullitt County, Kentucky.
The entire farm  is about 500 acres and includes a 37.5-acre landfill
permitted by the State to accept nonhazardous wastes.  On the farm property
and adjacent to  the permitted landfill is an abandoned 30-acre dump
containing an  estimated  100,000 to 200,000 drums, many of which are
buried or partially buried.

     EPA and the State have observed numerous leachate streams at the site,
most of which  drain into an unnamed tributary to Bluelick Creek.  Private
residences located immediately downstream of the site use water from
Bluelick Creek for drinking and other purposes.  Some of the nearby
residents also use well  water.  There is no alternate source of water.
About 300 people are potentially affected.

     Analyses  conducted  by EPA have detected elevated concentrations of
phenols, PCBs, metals (mercury, nickel, lead, chromium, copper, and
cadmium), and  other organic chemicals in leachate, soil, sediment, and
surface water.

     In August 1984, using CERCIA emergency funds, EPA completed removal
of 2,000 drums of  waste  from the surface of the dump.

     Status  (January 1986);  The next step in site cleanup is a remedial
investigation/feasibility study to determine the type and extent of
contamination  at the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                        HAVERHILL  MUNICIPAL LANDFILL
                          Haverhill,  Massachusetts

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   The Haverhill Municipal Land-
fill is located adjacent  to the Merrimack River in the City of Haverhill,
Essex County, Massachusetts.  The landfill  consists of three parcels of
land covering a total of  about 73 acres.   Prior to June 1981, two of the
three tracts were reportedly used for disposal of municipal and commercial
refuse, while the other reportedly received liquid wastes and sludges.  In
August 1981, the city contracted  for a ground water study,  an evaluation
of the landfill's impact  on the local environment, and development of
closure and monitoring  plans.  The results of that study indicate that
ground water in the vicinity of the  landfill is contaminated with volatile
organic chemicals such  as benzene, toluene,  and xylenes.

     Two municipal wells, which had  supplied drinking water to approximately
6,000 people until they were closed  in 1979  due to volatile organic
contamination, lie within 1 mile  of  the site.  These wells are being
investigated as part  of work at the  Groveland Wells Site, which was placed
on the NPL in September 1983.

     Status  (January  1986);  EPA  is  now reviewing existing analytical and
hydrogeologic information preparatory to  developing a workplan.  The
next step is a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the
type and extent of contamination  at  the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                                  NORWOOD PCBS
                             Norwood, Massachusetts

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984):  The Norwood PCBs Site is a
privately-owned  industrial site covering approximately 24 acres in a
commercial/residential area of Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts.
The property was developed for industrial use in the 1940s and was
occupied by several manufacturers of electrical components, including
transformers that  used PCBs as a dielectric fluid and coolant.  In June
1983, EPA and  the  State  identified PCBs in surface soils at the site and
secured the area with guards.   Also in June,  EPA used $200,000 in CERCLA
emergency funds  to excavate approximately 518 cubic yards of contaminated
soil and transport it to an approved disposal site.

     Other contaminants, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and
trichloroethylene, have  been found on the site in soils, surface water,
ground water,  and  ambient air.  Ground water in the area is used for
municipal, private, and  industrial water supplies, according to a report
of the U.S. Geological Survey.

     Status  (January 1986):  The present owners of the site have initiated
a law suit against former owners and operators for site cleanup and
damages.  The.  lawsuit names EPA and the State as indispensable parties.
In December  1985,  the State completed the initial remedial measure of
fencing the site and covering additional PCB-contaminated soil.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                             ROSE DISPOSAL PIT
                          Lanesboro,  Massachusetts

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The Rose Disposal Pit covers
1.5 acres  in Lanesboro in Berkshire  County,  Massachusetts.  From 1951 to
1959, a previous  owner used the site to dispose of waste oils and solvents
from the General  Electric (GE)  Co. plant in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
GE conducted a field  investigation and concluded that 60,000 cubic yards
of soil are  contaminated  with greater than 50 parts per million of PCBs and
also that  contaminated ground water  is leaving the site in two plumes,
traveling  in easterly and southerly  directions.   Ground water is con-
taminated  with 11 volatile  organic compounds, including trichloroethylene,
benzene, and vinyl chloride,  according to analyses conducted by EPA.

     In May  1984,  EPA and the State  issued  a joint enforcement order
under CERCLA.  It requires  GE to secure and  fence the site; plan and
schedule a temporary  cover  for  the site; plan and schedule a way to pump
out a free oil layer;  and provide a  permanent water supply to a restaurant
and residence affected by the plumes.

     Status  (January  1986);   In November 1984, EPA issued an Administrative
Order under  CERCLA which  will require  GE to  conduct a feasibility study
of remedial  alternatives  relevant to soil contamination and restoration of
ground water at the site.   GE is  in  compliance with the joint enforcement
order, and is presently conducting the feasibility study.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                                SALEM ACRES
                            Salem, Massachusetts

     Conditions  at  listing  (October 1984):  The Salem Acres Site-consists
of four  unlined, uncovered  disposal pits on 162 acres of land in the Town
of Salem, Essex  County, Massachusetts.  The site operated from 1946 to 1969.
Wastes disposed  of  on-site  include sludqe, grit, and grease from a waste
water treatment  plant,  as well as tannery waste.  PCBs, methylene chloride,
arsenic,  and  chromium  are present in soils on the site, according to
analyses conducted  by  EPA.

     One of the  disposal  pits is approximately 20 feet from Strongwater
Brook.   The site lies  on  the divide of two drainage basins that channel
both surface  water  and  ground water directly into two major aguifers.
The site is bounded on the  south and east by residential housing.  The
owner has erected a gate  on one of the access roads leading to the site.
Approximately 2,500 people  reside within 1 mile of the site.

     Status (January 1986);  A party identified by the State as potentially
responsible for  wastes associated with the site erected a fence around
the pits after receiving  a  Notice Letter from the State.  EPA is searching
for other potentially  responsible parties.  Late in 1985, EPA obligated
funds to develop a  workplan for a remedial investigation/feasibility
study to determine  the type and extent of contamination at the site and
identify alternatives  for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                              SHPACK LANDFILL
                      Norton/Attleboro, Massachusetts

     Conditions  at listing  (October 1984):   The Shpack Landfill formerly
 operated as  a  private landfill covering approximately 8 acres—5.5 acres
 within  the Town  of Norton,  Bristol County,  Massachusetts, the remaining
 2.5  acres within the  City of Attleboro.  The site is currently fenced to
 restrict access.  The site  accepted wastes from the 1940s until 1965,
 when it was  closed by court order.

     A  survey  by the  U.S. Department of Enerqy found radioactive contami-
 nants,  primarily radium  and uranium, in soil on the site.  In many cases,
 the  radioactive  contamination extends to around water.  In addition,
 dichloroethylene,  trichloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene are present
 in qround water  on the site, according to tests conducted by the State.

     About 35  private wells within 3 miles of the site serve about 130
 people. The nearest  well,  located 150 feet away, is shallow.  EPA is
 currently conductina  additional monitoring on- and off-site to further
 characterize the site.

     Status  (January  1986):  EPA  is searching for parties potentially
 responsible  for  wastes associated with Shpack Landfill.  In May 1985,
 EPA  completed  an assessment that  summarized previous studies and identified
 data gaps which  need  to  be  addressed during a remedial investigation/
 feasibility  study (RI/FS).   The State will soon implement a guarterly
 monitoring program of private wells within 0.5 miles of the site.  The
 next step is the RI/FS,  which will determine the type and extent of
 contamination  at the  site and identify alternatives for remedial action.
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National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                       KANE  &  LOMBARD STREET DRUMS
                           Baltimore,  Maryland

     Conditions at listing (October  1984);   The Kane & Lombard Street Drums
Site is an 8.3-acre abandoned, unpermitted dump in Baltimore, Maryland.
Approximately 1,000 drums are  on  the surface of the dump.  The wastes
include acrolein, benzene, ethylbenzene,  xylene, lead, and chromium.

     In September 1982, the  State detected volatile organic compounds in
air at the site.  In  June 1984, EPA  and the  State used $500,000 in CERCLA
emergency funds to remove surface drums and  contaminants at the site,
transport the materials to an  approved disposal site, and stabilize the
entire site.

     Approximately 2,500 people live within  0.25 miles of the site.

     Status  (January  1986);  In July 1985, EPA started to develop a
workplan for a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the
type and extent of contamination  at  the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.   A geophysical  survey was conducted in October 1985.
EPA received results  of initial soil and ground water analyses in January
1986 from its contractor.  The contractor is completing the preliminary
evaluation of site contamination  and beginning to revise the workplan.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                             Hermans,  Maryland

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);  Mid-Atlantic Wood Preservers,
Inc., treats wood on a  3-acre site in Harmans, Anne Arundel County, Mary-
land.  The plant, owned  by Fort McHenry Lumber Co., produces lumber
which is pressure treated with chromated copper arsenate to protect
against  water and insect damage.

     In  1978, the State  detected chromium and arsenic in on-site soil and
ground water.  The  contamination appears to have resulted from tank
overflows and drippings  from storage of treated wood.  In November 1980,
on order of the  State,  the company removed 26 cubic yards of contaminated
soil and transported 'it  to an approved facility for disposal.  The State
also found that  surface  water draining from the site to Stony Run was
contaminated with elevated levels of copper.  About 75,000 people depend
on wells within  3 miles  of the site for drinkinq water.

     Status  (January 1986):  In March 1985, EPA completed a search for
parties  potentially responsible for wastes associated with the site.  In
April 1985, EPA  issued  Notice Letters to the parties for their comment
and review.  EPA is negotiating with the parties to undertake a remedial
investigation/feasibility study to determine the type and extent of
contamination at the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                           Hollywood, Maryland

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The  Southern  Maryland Wood
Treating Corp. Site  is an inactive wood-preserving facility located on
25 acres in Hollywood, St. Mary's County, Maryland.  The  site is owned
and was operated by  Southern Maryland Wood Treating  Corp., a wholly-
owned subsidiary of  L.A. Clarke & Son,  Inc., of  Fredericksburg, Virginia.
L.A. Clarke recently emerged from reorganization proceedings under Chapter
11 of the Federal bankruptcy code.

      Creosote, pentachlorophenol, benzene, lead, and  by-product di-
ethyl hexyl phthalate were disposed in  six unlined lagoons on the site.
EPA has detected these contaminants in  ground  water, surface water, and
soil on the site.  Approximately 260 persons depend  on wells within 3
miles of the site as a source of drinking water.

     Under a State Consent Decree entered in 1980, the company has
excavated and treated part of the contaminated on-site soil.

     Status  (January 1986);  In October 1984,  December 1984, and January
1985, EPA took samples to characterize  site conditions.   Based on the
analytical results,  EPA started emergency measures under  CERCLA in March
1985.  The work called for studies to characterize the site, stabilize
the site, and determine how to dispose  of contaminants.   In March 1985,
EPA also started preparation of a remedial investigation/feasibility
study to determine the type and extent  of contamination at the site and
identify alternatives for remedial action.

     In January 1986, EPA completed emergency  measures.   Contaminated
soils from lagoons were excavated, consolidated, and stored on-site for
future disposal.  The former process area was  capped with clay, and the
site graded and seeded.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                         Traverse City, Michiqan

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);  About  30 residential wells in
the Avenue "E"  area in East. Bay Township, Traverse City, Grand Traverse
County, Michigan, are contaminated with benzene, toluene, methyl ethyl
ketone, xylene, and acetone, accordim to tests conducted by the State.
The contamination  is moving to the northeast, where *an estimated 300
small commercial and residential properties are located.

     The  State  has  sued the U.S. Coast Guard  as a  source of contamination.
The case  is still  in litigation.  Other sources also may be contaminating
the Avenue E wells.

     Status (January 1986);  The case is still  in  litigation.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                             H. BROWN CO., INC.
                           Grand Rapids, Michigan

     Conditions at listing (April 1985);  H. Brown Co., Inc., owned and
operated a  facility for reclaiming nonferrous metals on a 4-acre site in
Grand Papids,  Kent County, Michigan, from 1961 through 1981 or 1982.  The
site lies within  a 50-year floodplain of t^ie Grand River.

     The facility was used primarily to reclaim lead from wet-cell batteries.
Between 1961 and  late 1978, approximately 457,000 gallons of sulfuric
acid containing lead, cadmium, iron, and zinc were poured directly onto
the soil in an area covering 1,250 square feet.

     The facility overlies a highly permeable glacial till and limestone
bedrock.  Therefore, there is a potential for ground water contamination.
Approximately  3,000 people depend on wells within 3 miles of the site as
a source of drinking water.

     Grand  River  and Indian Creek are threatened by run-off from the site.
Daring the  summer, the Grand Rapids Water Department blends water, from
the river with Lake Michigan water to serve 239,000 customers.  The Grand
River intake is 5,000 feet downstream of the site.  The river and creek
are used for recreation.

      Status (January 1986):  EPA is considering various alternatives
for the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                             MOTOR WHEEL,  INC.
                             Lansinq,  Michigan

     Conditions  at listing (October  1984);   Motor Wheel, Inc., disposed
of solvents, acids, and bases  on  a  25-acre  site in Lansing, Ingham County,
Michigan.  Wastes were buried  in  containers and placed in seepage ponds
from 1938 to 1979.  Analyses conducted by the State indicate that the
upper aquifer is contaminated  with  several  hazardous substances.  To
date, contamination of the lower  aquifer, which provides drinking water
to Lansing, has  not been documented,  according to a study Motor Wheel
conducted under  a cpnsent  agreement  with  the State.  About 167,000 people
depend on wells  within 3 miles of the site  as a source of drinking

     Motor Wheel has removed a number of  containers of wastes from the
site, but contaminated soils still  remain.

     Status (January 1986);  The  State is negotiating with B.F. Goodyear,
a party  potentially responsible for wastes  associated with the site,
regarding a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the
type and extent  of contamination  at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                        NORTH BRDNSON INDUSTRIAL AREA
                              Bronson, Michigan

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):  The North Bronson Industrial
Area consists of five industries in north Bronson in Muskegon County,
Michigan.   From 1965 to 1980, several nickel and chromium plating
companies deposited wastes in two seepage lagoons on the site.   The
lagoons, which  are no longer used for waste disposal, contain an estimated
3,000 to 5,900  cubic yards of dewatered metal hydroxide sludges.

     On-site monitoring wells are contaminated with heavy metals,  tri-
chloroethylene, and other volatile organic compounds, according  to analyses
conducted by the State.

     About  3,000 people use wells within 3 miles of the site  as  a  source
of drinking water.

     Status (January 1986):  EPA is considering various alternatives  for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                          ROTO-FINISH CO.,  INC.
                            Kalamazoo, Michigan

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   Roto-Finish Co., Inc., operates
a plant on a  7.5-acre site  in  Kalamazoo,  Kalamazoo County, Michigan.  Trie
plant produces equipment  and materials to debur castings, mechanical parts,
and simila^r objects.   In  its operations,  Roto-Finish uses 4,4l-methylene-bis
(2-chloroaniline), a  curing agent  for plastic.  This chemical, commonly
called MOCA,  is a suspected carcinogen,  according to the State.  Three
lagoons on the site were  used  to hold over 83,000 gallons of sludge
containing heavy metals and MOCA.  The company has excavated the lagoons.

     Ground water at  and  near  the  site is contaminated with heavy metals,
according to  analyses conducted by the State.  The cities of Kalamazoo
(population 80,000) and Portage  (population 25,000) get drinking water
from wells within 3 miles of the site, as do a small number of private

     Status (January  1986):  The site owner has conducted a cleanup
operation and implemented a ground water monitoring program.  The Michigan
Department of Natural Resources  is reviewing the ground water monitoring
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                         Maccrnb Township,  Michigan

      Conditions at listing (October 1984):   The South Macomb Disposal
 Authority operated Landfills #9 and 9A in Maconib Township, Macomb County,
 Michigan,  from 1969  to 1974.  The landfills,  which cover 153 acres,
^accepted general refuse and may have also received industrial wastes.
*The site is not adequately covered, lined,  or fenced.  Leachate seeps
 are visible.

      Two residential wells in the area have been contaninated with zinc
 and perhaps others metals  and toxic organic chemicals (including methyl
 ethyl ketone), according  to analyses conducted by a consultant to the
 authority.  The landfills  are the suspected source of the contamination.

      Status (January 1986):  EPA is considering various alternatives for
 the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                             THERMO-CHEM, INC.
                             Muskegon, Michigan

     Conditions  at listing  (October 1984);  Thermo-Chem, Inc., formerly
 operated on  a  site of about 10 acres in Muskeqon, Muskeqon County, Michiqan.
 Until August 1980,  the company reclaimed solvents such as trichloroethylene
 and methylene  chloride,  paint  wastes, and antifreezes.  Waste sludqes
 and residues from  the process  were incinerated on-site, and waste waters
 were discharged  to a clay-lined laqoon and two seepage lagoons.  At one
 time, 3,500  drums  of waste  solvents and a 20,000-gallon tank of liguid
 waste contaminated with  C-66 (a pesticide residue) were present on-site,
 but the company  removed  them.

     Soil-gas  surveys conducted by the State at the site indicated the
 presence of  methylene chloride, tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride,
 and 1,1,1-trichloroethane.

     About 10,000  people use wells within 3 miles of the site as a source
 of drinking  water.

     The operation received Interim Status under the Resource Conservation
 and Recovery Act (RCRA)  when the owner filed Part A of a permit application
 for storage  tanks.

     Status  (January 1986): Since the ground water may be contaminated
 with compounds present at the  site, the State requested that the company
 perform a hydrogeological survey.  The company has dissolved and claims
 not to have  assests to undertake the survey.

     This site is  being  placed on the NPL at this time because the owner
 or operator  is in  bankruptcy and may not be financially able to take
 appropriate  remedial action.  Thus, the site meets one of the reguirements
 of EPA's policy  for placing RCRA-related sites on the NPL.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                                 TORCH LAKE
                         Houghton County, Michiqan

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984):  Torch Lake  is in  Houghton
County in  the upper peninsula of Michiqan.  Copper mining companies
dumped tailings  into the 2,660-acre lake from  the 1890s to as recently
as 1969.   About  20  percent of the original lake volume has been  filled
with wastes, causing contamination of the lake sediments with copper.  In
1972, cupric ammonium carbonate spilled into the lake from storage vats.

     Cancerous growth has been documented in two fish species.   The  public
health department has issued a health advisory on fish consumption.

     Status  (January 1986):  EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.

     Status  (June 10, 1986):  This mining site is being placed on the NPL
at this  time because the State of Michigan does not  have an approved
program  under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act  of  1977
(SMCRA)  and  so  is not eligible for SMCRA reclamation funds.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                            .Holland,  Michigan

     Conditions  at listing  (October  1984);  The Waste Management-of
Michigan lagoons cover 160  acres north of Holland, Ottawa County, Michigan.1
From 1971 to 1980, the company  deposited liguid industrial wastes (includ-
ing metal hydroxides  and vinegar production wastes) and waste water
treatment sludge into seepage lagoons at the site.  In February 1979,
all surface wastes were removed from the site.

     One residential  well  in the area has been contaminated with up to 67
parts per billion trichloroethylene,  according to tests conducted by the
Michigan Department of Natural  Resources.  This residence is now served
by municipal water.

     Operations  of Southwest Ottawa  County Landfill, located to the north
and west of the  former lagoon area,  have' contaminated ground water,
according to the State.  Ground water moves to the southwest, passing
directly through the  former lagoon area.  It is difficult to identify
sources  for any  contamination downgradient of the lagoons because many
of the dewatered sludges from the lagoon area, as well as other industrial
solids of a similar nature, were disposed of at the county landfill.  The
State, Ottawa County, and  the company have installed approximately 60
monitoring wells in the area.

     Status (January  1986);  EPA is  considering various alternatives for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                       ADRIAN MUNICIPAL WELL FIELD
                             Adrian,  Minnesota

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   The municipal well field  supply-
ing water to the 11,000 residents of Adrian,  Nobles County, Minnesota,  is
contaminated with volatile  halogenated and  nonhalogenated organic chemicals,
according to tests conducted by the  State.   The source is unknown.  The
State has closed the  two most highly contaminated city wells because  of
the health risk of benzene  and  cis-l,2-dichloroethane.  The city is now
using two uncontaminated wells  previously slated to be abandoned due  to
age and low capacity.

     The State is conducting a  study to determine the source of contami-
nation and develop a  long-term  solution to  the problem.

     Status  (January  1986):  Under a cooperative agreement with EPA,  the
State is planning  for a remedial investigation/feasibility study to
determine the type and extent of contamination at the site and identify
alternatives for remedial action.

     The city has  installed one new  well upgradient of the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

                               . Compensation, and LiabiHty Ac, of 1980 ICERCUrSuperfurK.'
                            AGATE LAKE SCRAPYARD
                        Pairview Township, Minnesota

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984):  The Agate Lake Scrapyard
covers about  2 acres in a rural area in Fairview Township, Cass County,
Minnesota.  The area is used mostly for recreation.  The privately-owned
site operated from  1951 to 1983.  The wastes of concern are solvents and
wastes oils that  could percolate to ground water and run off into surface
water.  Tests conducted by the State detected PCBs and carbon tetrachloride
in soil.

     In January 1983,  the Burlington Northern Railroad and the Crow Wing
County Electrical Coop removed the wastes for which they believed they
were responsible.   The State is planning further ground water and soil
sampling to determine the extent of the contamination.

     About 1,100  people use wells within 3 miles of the site as a source
of drinking water.

     Status (January 1986) :  Under a cooperative agreement with EPA, the
State is planning for a remedial investigation/feasibility study to
determine the type  and extent of contamination at the site and identify
alternatives  for  remedial action.
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

                               . Compensation, and LiabiHty Ac. o. 1980
                     East Bethel Township, Minnesota

     Conditions at listing (September 1985);  The East  Bethel  Demolition
Landfill covers about 60 acres in East Bethel Township  in  north  central
Anoka County, Minnesota.  The surrounding area is populated  with farms
and new single-family homes.  Approximately 3,400 people live  within 3 miles.

     In the late 1960s, the landfill operated as a dump.   In October 1971,
the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) issued  a  permit  to the
Sylvester Brothers Development Co. to operate a sanitary landfill on the
site.  In recent years, the landfill has accepted only  demolition waste.
MPCA files indicate that the equivalent of approximately 4,400 drums of
hazardous industrial wastes and contaminated soils were buried in the
landfill in 1974.  MPCA is currently updating the landfill's permit.
Waste also has been deposited in wetlands associated  with  Neds Lake.

     The landfill is located on the Anoka Sand Plain, a shallow  sand
aquifer which provides drinking water to a few residents in  the  area.
The aquifer is contaminated with organic compounds, including  chloroform
and 1,1,1-trichloroethane, as well as arsenic, according to  analyses
conducted by a consultant to East Bethel Demolition Landfill.  The majority
of residents use a deeper aquifer.  A relatively impermeable material is
between these two aquifers, which are approximately 1,000  feet south of
the landfill.

     Status (January 1986) :  EPA is considering various alternatives for the
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("SuperfundJ

                         FREEWAY SANITARY LANDFILL
                           Burnsville, Minnesota

     Conditions at  listing (September 1985):   Freeway Sanitary Landfill
covers  126  acres  in the City of Burnsville, Dakota County, Minnesota.
Dakota  County permitted this landfill in 1971 to accept 1,962 acre-feet
of household,  commercial, demolition, and nonhazardous industrial waste.
The permit  prohibits disposal of liquids and  hazardous wastes.  However,
local industries  have told the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
that heavy  metals (including lead),  acids, and bases were accepted by
the facility.

     Richard  B. McGowan Co.  owns and has been the sole permittee of
the Freeway Sanitary Landfill.   On Aug.  24, 1979, the company applied for
a permit for  a 3-million-cubic-yard  vertical  expansion of this landfill.
The application is  still outstanding, and the currently permitted area is
nearing capacity.   The State has delayed action on the application to
study the possible  effects of the landfill on Burnsville's wells located
4,000 feet  to the south.   The well field serves about 36,000 people.
In October  1984,  volatile organic chemicals were detected in on-site
monitoring  wells.

     A  second  concern about  operations of the landfill is the possible
effects of  leachate,  which contains  metals, on a proposed barge slip
(now an active quarry)  located 125 feet  west  of the landfill.  The State
is also assessing the hydrogeologic  changes expected under the landfill
caused  by construction of the barge  slip.

     A  third  concern is the  active quarry south of Freeway Sanitary Landfill
which is dewatered  and creates an artificial  ground water  sink.   The  State
is assessing the  effects  of  leachate generation at Freeway Sanitary
Landfill if the dewatering operations are discontinued in  the quarry.

     A  fourth  concern is  the possible effects of Freeway Sanitary Landfill
on the  Minnesota  River,  400  feet  north of the site,  both from indirect
discharge through the soil and the proposed barge slip, and from direct
discharge through the drainage way east  of the  landfill.   Additional
investigation  of  the surface water and bottom sediments of the Minnesota
River may be necessary.

     Status (January 1986):   EPA  is  considering various alternatives
for the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                      KOCH REFINING CO./N-REN CORP.
                           Pine  Bend,  Minnesota

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):   The Koch Refining Co'./N-Ren
Corp. Site covers 50 square miles  in the Pine Bend area  (cities of  Inver
Grove Heights and Rosemount)  in  Mille  Lacs  County, Minnesota.  In 1972,
the State made an extensive investigation of wells in and near the
site, which is now an industrial park.   The investigation indicated that
persistent seepage from holding  ponds,  lagoons, and spent bauxite piles
on property owned by Koch and N-Ren was contaminating ground water  with
lead and phenols.  Koch and N-Ren  have now  either closed or upgraded and
obtained proper State permits for  their operations.

     About 1,600 people, as well as a  school serving 2,600 students
daily, use wells within 3 miles  of the site as a source of drinking water.

     Status (January  1986):   On  Oct. 22, 1985, the State entered into  a
Consent Agreement with  Koch Refining Co. to conduct a remedial
investigation/feasibility study  to determine the type and extent of
contamination at the site and identify alternatives for  remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund"

                             RUMMER SANITARY LANDFILL
                                Bemidji, Minnesota

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):  The Rummer Sanitary "Landfill,
in Bemidji,  Beltrami County, Minnesota, accepted municipal wastes while
it was  in  operation from 1971 to 1984.  There is no evidence that this
privately-owned sanitary landfill accepted liquid and hazardous waste.

     Monitoring wells on the property and nearby residential wells are
contaminated with chlorinated organic compounds.  Analyses conducted by
the State  show that chloroform, trichloroethylene, methylene chloride,
and other  chemicals are present in shallow ground water wells.  An
estimated  14,700 people use wells from two sand aquifers for drinking
water.  A  layer of sandy clay that may be permeable separates the aquifers,
which are  within 3 miles of the site.   Hence, there is a potential for
wells into the deeper aquifer to be affected.

     Status  (January 1986):  In May 1985, under a cooperative agreement
with EPA,  the  State began a remedial investigation/feasibility study to
determine  the  type and extent of contamination at the site and identify
alternatives for remedial action.   In  July 1985, the cooperative agreement
was amended  to fund the design and construction of an alternate water
supply  for residents of the northern townships.   The alternate water supply
is currently being designed.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                          KURT  MANUFACTURING CO.
                            Fridley,  Minnesota

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984):   The Kurt Manufacturing Co.
Site occupies about  10 acres in Fridley,  Anoka County, Minnesota, approxi-
mately 1 mile east of the Mississippi River.   The site is in an industrial,
commercial, and residential area.  Over  163,000 people live within 3
miles of the site.   Since 1960,  the company has manufactured precision
computer components  on the property.

     Soil, monitoring wells, and a production well on-site are contami-
nated by tetrachloroethylene, cis-l,2-dichloroethylene, and trichloro-
ethylene, according  to tests conducted by the State. The St. Peter Sand-
stone, Jordan Sandstone, and other neighboring aquifers are not known to
be contaminated at this time.   The source of contamination is believed to
be a shavings bin collection pit beneath a loading dock on the site.

     On April 23, 1984, the State issued a Request for Response Action
under Minnesota Superfund to Kurt Manufacturing.   The action requires the
company to conduct a remedial investigation and a feasibility study, as
well as to develop a remedial action  plan and implement it.

     Status (January 1986);  Kurt is  conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine  the type  and extent of contamination at
the site and  identify alternatives for remedial action.  The final
remedial investigation report was approved in October 1985.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                         Long Prairie, Minnesota

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984):  Various private and municipal
wells in Long Prairie (population 2,900) in Todd County,  Minnesota,  are
contaminated with solvents (dichloroethylene, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, tri-
chloroethylene,  and tetrachloroethylene), according to tests  conducted
by the State in  late 1983 during routine testing of municipal wells.  The
State has  sampled the wells since then.  Ground water contamination  is
limited to an area of about 40 acres downgradient from the central downtown
area.  The State is conducting a hydrogeologic study to help  pinpoint the
source of  contamination.

     Status (January 1986):  Under a cooperative agreement with EPA, the
State is planning a remedial investigation/feasibility study  to determine
the type and extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                          OAK GROVE  SANITARY LANDFILL
                         Oak Grove Township,  Minnesota

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The  Oak Grove Sanitary Land-
fill covers  158 acres  in Oak Grove Township  in the north central portion
of Anoka County, Minnesota.  The surrounding area is populated with single-
family hones and farms.  The privately-owned landfill  accepted hazardous
wastes from  local  industries while operating between 1968 and 1984.^ It
had a permit from  the  State  to  accept  such wastes.

     The shallow Anoka Sand  Plain is contaminated with heavy metals and
halogenated  and nonhalogenated  organic compounds, according to tests
conducted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.  A wetland south of
the landfill is similarly contaminated.   Surface water bodies in the area
include wetlands, lakes, streams, and  a  river.

     There are three aguifers in the area:   the  deepest, the Franconia
Formation, a fine-grained sandstone; a buried sand aguifer; and the shal-
lowest, another sand aguifer, the Anoka  Sand Plain.  About 4,250 area
residents obtain drinking water from the two deeper aguifers.  The Anoka
Sand Plain is not known to be used as  a  domestic water supply.  A relatively
impermeable clay till  layer  lies below the contaminated Anoka Sand Plain,
possibly protecting the two  deeper aguifers.

     Status  (January 1986):  Under a cooperative agreement with EPA, the
State is planning  for  a remedial investigation/feasibility study to
determine the type and intent of contamination at the site and identify
alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                                Oronoco, Minnesota

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The Olmsted County Sanitary
Landfill covers 50 acres near Oronoco in Olmsted County, Minnesota.  The
municipal  landfill, which has been in operation since 1972, has accepted
industrial wastes.  Monitoring wells contain solvents (methyl ethyl ketone,
trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and others)  and cadmium, according
to tests conducted by the State.   Since the aquifer  is of dolomite/limestone,
which  is permeable, movement of contaminants is likely.  Thus, nearby
wells serving  1,200 people are threatened.  Leachate has been observed
in run-off  from the surface of the landfill.  An intermittent stream
which runs through the site to the Zumbro River could carry contaminants
during heavy rains.

     Status  (January 1986);  EPA is considering various alternatives for  the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")
     -.. f-
                       PINE BEND SANITARY LANDFILL
                         Dakota County,  Minnesota

     Conditions at listing (October  1984):   The Pine Bend Sanita'ry Land-
fill cover about 232 acres west of the Mississippi River in Dakota County,
Minnesota.  It is owned by Browning  Ferris  Industries and operated by its
Phoenix, Inc., subsidiary.  Operation of the landfill has produced a leach-
ate containing arsenic, halogenated  and  nonhalogenated organic compounds,
and various chlorides.  The leachate has severely contaminated on-site
surface water and ground water with  these materials, according to analyses
conducted by the State and EPA.

     This site was first proposed for listing under the name "Pine Bend
Sanitary Landfill/Crosby American Demolition Landfill."

     Various nearby residential wells are contaminated with heavy metals  •
and volatile chlorinated and nonchlorinated organic compounds, according
to analyses conducted by the State and EPA.  The residences, farms, and
industry of the area depend on wells for drinking water.  About 3,500
people are affected.

     Status (January 1986):  On April 23,  1985, the State entered into
an agreement with Pine Bend Sanitary Landfill and the adjacent Crosby
American Demolition Landfill to conduct  a remedial investigation/feasi-
bility study to determine the type and extent of contamination at the
site and identify alternatives for remedial action.  A report on the
remedial investigation is expected shortly.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                            Rosemount, Minnesota

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984):  The University of Minnesota
formerly operated  a 4-acre disposal site in Rosemount, a rural area in
Dakota County, Minnesota.  Between 1960 and 1973, the University buried
or incinerated gaseous,  liquid, and solid chemical laboratory wastes on
the site.  In 1972,  the  University detected volatile organic chemicals
and heavy metals in monitoring wells and soil on the site.

     New monitoring data collected by the State in July 1984 indicate
that the contamination is spreading.  As a result, the State is beginning
an enforcement action against the University.

     Due to  the  contamination, the State is supplying bottled water to 28
families in  Rosemount.   About 9,600 people use wells within 3 miles of
the site as  a source of  drinking water.

     Status  (January 1986):  Under State order, the University is starting
a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the type and
extent of contamination  at the site and identify alternatives for remedial
action.  The order also  calls for removal of contaminated soil and moni-
toring of ground water.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the                                   „„-„,-, Al/,,o   _«  _,..«
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAH Superfund )

                              WAITE PARK WELLS
                           Waite Park, Minnesota

      Conditions  at  listing (September 1985):  The municipal wells  of Waite
Park,  Stearns  County,  Minnesota, supply drinking water to  3,500  residents.
The wells are  contaminated with 1,1-dichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene,
and other chlorinated  solvents,  according to analyses conducted  by the
Minnesota Department of .Health.   Waite Park residents are  temporarily
obtaining drinking  water from the St. Cloud municipal system.

      No one facility has been identified as the source of  the contamination.
From  1973 through 1978, Electric Machinery and then Turbodyne dumped
approximately  137,280  gallons of solvents, xylene, and other  chemicals
into  a pit  in  back  of  their property, according to records of the  Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency  (MPCA).  The property is within 1 mile  of the
municipal wells.  More solvents were dumped when Brown Bavaria Turbomachinery
purchased the  property from Turbodyne in 1978.  Later, Brown  filled the
pit,  placed pieces  of  concrete on the wastes, and landscaped  the area.

      MPCA is conducting a  remedial investigation to define the extent
and source  of  ground water contamination and a feasibility study to
select the  most  appropriate alternative for a long-term municipal  water

      Status (January 1986):  Activities continue on the remedial investigation.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                                WINDOW DUMP
                             Windcm, Minnesota

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);  The Windom Dump covers 30
acres in Windcm, Cottonwood County, Minnesota.  Between 1957 and 1974,
the City of Windom operated the site as a municipal dump and also accepted
solvent and heavy  metal  wastes.  Wastes were burned and the residues
buried on-site".  Monitoring wells at the site are contaminated with
volatile organic chemicals,.according to tests conducted by the State.
To date, municipal and residential wells are not contaminated.  The
monitoring and municipal wells continue to be sampled by the city and
the State.

     About 5,900 people  use wells within 3 miles of the site as a source
of drinking water.

     Status  (January 1986):  The State has completed a preliminary investi-
gation and identified several parties potentially responsible for wastes
associated with  the site.

     The city  is monitoring ground water on and off the site under the
supervision of the State.  Recent samples from on-site monitoring wells
contained high levels of benzene.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                        BEE CEE MANUFACTURING CO.
                             Maiden,  Missouri

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):   Bee Cee Manufacturing Co.
formerly manufactured aluminum storm  windows and doors on a 1- to 3-acre
site in the City of Maiden Industrial Park  located in Maiden, Dunklin
County,- Missouri,  The company went bankrupt in 1983.  Four shallow wells
and two deep wells in Maiden supply drinking water for 11,500 people; one
shallow well is approximately 1,000 feet  southwest of the site.

     As part of its operations, Bee Cee discharged chromium-contaminated
waste water onto the ground without any treatment. An area approximately
50 feet by 100 feet is visibly affected,  possibly as  deep as 1 to 2 feet.
Because local soil is sandy, contamination  may have reached at least the
shallow aquifer.

     On July 27, 1981, the State advised  Bee Cee that it was in violation
of the Missouri Clean Water Law because it  was discharging a chromium-
based waste water onto the ground without a permit.  Bankruptcy
proceedings ended efforts by the State to have Bee Cee install a waste
water treatment system.

      Another company now leases the  former Bee Cee building.  The City
of Maiden is believed to own the contaminated ground.

     Status (January 1986):  A multisite  cooperative  agreement between
EPA and the State covering five sites, including Bee  Cee Manufacturing,
was approved on Sept. 9, 1985.  Initial funding is for planning
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                                   LEE CHEMICAL
                                Liberty, Missouri

      Conditions at  listing (October 1984):  The Lee Chemical Site  is  near
the  southern  edge of Liberty, Clay County, Missouri.   During a drinking
water study in 1980, EPA sampled the city's water wells, which serve  about
23,000 people.   Analyses indicated the presence of trichloroethylene  (TCE).
Since then, the most contaminated wells have not been  used for drinking
water.  The water from the remaining wells is treated  to remove TCE.

      Investigations by the city and the State identified the source of
the  TCE contamination as the abandoned Lee Chemical Site, which is within
2,300 feet  of the wells.  Lee Chemical packaged a variety of chemicals  on
the  site  from about 1966 to 1974.  As a result of bad  housekeeping prac-
tices,  soil in an area of less than 1 acre is contaminated with TCE.

      The  city,  which owns the property, has removed the building and
visible chemicals from the site and taken soil samples.  The analyses
indicate  TCE  is still on-site.

      The  State anticipates the need to excavate soil,  as well as purge
the  aquifer.

      Status (January 1986):  A multisite cooperative agreement between
EPA  and the State covering five sites, including Lee Chemical, was
approved  on Sept. 9, 1985.  Initial funding provides for planning
activities.  The City of Liberty is pumping the most contaminated  well
and  disposing of the contaminated water under a permit issued by the
State under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under.the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                          Springfield,  Missouri

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The North-U Drive Wells are
north of Springfield, Greene County,  Missouri.   In November 1983, the
State received complaints that private  drinking water wells on North-U
Drive were  contaminated by  organic chemicals.   An initial investigation
by the State indicated that seven separate  wells at five locations had
chemical tastes and odors.  Analysis of the well water detected various
combinations of volatile organic chemicals.   The State undertook additional
sampling in April 1984 to determine  the areal extent of contamination, the
levels of contamination, and the presence of any other contaminants.  The
Greene County Civil Defense is trucking in  water for about 20 households.

     The site is located in an area  of  highly permeable formations.  The
contaminated wells are about 1,500 feet west of Fulbright Spring, a major
water source for the City of Springfield (population 133,000).

     Status (January 1986):  EPA, in cooperation with Greene County and
the Greene  County Civil Defense, used CERCLA emergency funds to extend a
city waterline to the site, provide  service connections to area residences,
and permanently plug many private wells in  the contaminated area.

     A multisite cooperative agreement  between EPA and the State covering
five sites, including North-U Drive  Well Contamination, was approved
Sept. 9, 1985.  Initial funding is for  planning activities.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                              QUALITY PLATING
                          .   Sikeston, Missouri

      Conditions at listing (October 1984):  The Quality  Plating Site
covers about  5 acres in Sikeston, Scott County, Missouri.  The site
consists  of a 1-acre unlined lagoon and the manufacturing plant.  From
1978  until the facility was destroyed by fire on Feb.  12, 1983, Quality
Plating was engaged in contract electroplating of common and precious
metals, which included cadmium, lead, chromium (in the highly toxic
hexavalent form), copper, nickel, and zinc.  Untreated waste water
originating from the flow-through rinse tanks, as well as acid, alkaline,
and metal-plating batch solutions, was continuously discharged into the
lagoon at a rate of at least 10,000 gallons per day.  The State detected
elevated  levels of chromium and lead in an on-site well.  The State has
also  repeatedly cited the company for discharging untreated plating
waste to  subsurface waters of the State, in violation of the company's
permit under  the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.

      The  site is located in a rural setting.  The present owner raises hogs
and calves on the former property of Quality Plating.  Six residences
within 0.25 miles of the site obtain drinking water from shallow wells.

      Status (January 1986):  A multisite cooperative agreement between
EPA and the State covering five sites, including Quality Plating, was
approved  Sept. 9, 1985.  Initial funding is for planning activities.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCUMC'Superfund"

                        SOLID STATE  CIRCUITS,  INC.
                          .  Republic,  Missouri

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The Solid State Circuits,
Inc., Site covers about 1-acre in Republic,  Greene  County,  Missouri.
During a drinking water study, EPA detected  trichloroethylene (TCE)
in the raw drinking water of one municipal well.  The contaminated well
has since been shut down.   Further investigations by  the city and the
State identified the source of the TCE contamination  as the property
formerly owned by Solid State Circuits.  The company  once manufactured
printed circuit boards at the site.  Less than  1-acre of soil on the site
is contaminated with TCE.

     During its investigation, the State learned that after a fire
occurred at the plant, Solid State Circuits  buried  the debris and
collapsed the building into the basement of  the structure,  where there
was an unplugged well.

     The State has issued an Administrative  Order requiring Solid State
Circuits and the present property owner to take remedial action.  Solid
State excavated material from.the basement,  installed three monitoring
wells, and then took no further action.  The State  then started to take
initial remedial measures at the site  by pumping out  the aquifer.  The
State anticipates the need  to excavate any remaining  drums  and/or contami-
nated soil as well as plug  the abandoned well.   Republic's  water wells,
which serve about 7,800 people, are within 500  feet of the  site.

     Status (January 1986);  On March  6, 1985,  EPA  issued a CERCLA section
106 Administrative Order to Solid State and  its parent company, Paradyne
Corp.  The two companies issued an injunctive complaint challenging the
order on March 14, 1985.

     In April 1985, EPA used CERCLA emergency funds to excavate the
basement, the soil underneath the basement,  and the debris.   The removal
action was completed in October 1985 with the installation  of two wells
to extract contaminated ground water.   The State has  taken  the lead at
the site, and the responsible parties  have submitted  a workplan for a
remedial investigation to determine the type and extent of  contamination
at the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                              VALLEY PARK TCE
                           Valley Park, Missouri

     Conditions at  listing (April 1985):  The Valley Park TCE site is in
Valley  Park,  a densely populated urban area of St. Louis County,
Missouri.   The site is underlain by a plume of contaminated ground water
in the  Meramec River alluvial aquifer, which supplies water to about 36,000
people  in  the cities of Valley Park and Kirkwood.  In July 1982, Missouri
Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and EPA testing detected
trichloroethylene,  tetrachloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and a
number  of  other volatile organic chemicals in the city's drinkinq water.
Follow-up  sampling  indicated all three city wells were contaminated.

     Possible sources of contamination include the large number of indus-
tries located in  Valley Park, railroad spills which reportedly occurred
years earlier,  and  discharges/dumping that may have occurred in the
vicinity of the site.

     The city is  studying methods of improving treatment of the contaminated
water to reduce contaminant levels.   When the study is completed and
funds are  available,  the city plans to install the necessary treatment

     Status (January 1986):  MDNR is developing the criteria for selection
of eligible contractors to perform work at the site.  The contractor will
develop a  scope of  work and complete the design study.  This preparation
phase,  including  development of  the criteria, recjuests for proposals, and
selection  of  a  contractor,  is expected to be completed by the end of May
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                          Columbia,  Mississippi

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   The  Newsom Brothers/Old
Reichhold Chemicals, Inc.,  Site covers  80 acres  in Columbia, Marion
County, Mississippi.  Since the 1940s,  the  site  has been used by several
owners, including the present owner, Newsom Brothers,  and a former owner/
operator, Reichhold Chemicals, Inc., for the manufacture of naval stores.

     In March 1984, EPA used $160,000 in CERCLA  emergency funds to remove
approximately 500 drums of  chemical  wastes.   EPA's analyses of the
drums detected elevated levels of phenols and chromium.  An unknown
number of buried drums remain on the site.   On-site soil is contaminated
with organic chemicals.  To date, private wells  in the immediate area are
not contaminated.

     Columbia's wells, which supply  water to 11,500 people, are located
approximately 1,250 feet from the site  and  are less than 100 feet deep.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA has completed a search for parties
potentially responsible for wastes associated with the site, identifying
Newsom Brothers and Reichhold Chemicals, Inc.  Both declined to take part
in a remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS)  to determine the
type and extent of contamination at  the site .and identify alternatives
for remedial action.

      In November 1985, EPA obligated funds for  the U.S.  Corps of Engineers
to select a contractor to perform the RI/FS.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                               IDAHO POLE  CO.
                             Bozeman, Montana

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984):   Idaho  Pole Co.  treats wood pro-
ducts with pentachlorophenol (PCP) on a 10-acre  site in Bozeman,  Gallatin
County, Montana.  The pole yard has been  in  operation since 1946.  Ground
water is very shallow and flows to the north/northwest,-  where it  discharges
into Rocky Creek.  About 1,250  people use ground water within 3 miles of the
site as a source of drinking water.

     Any hazardous material leaking onto  the ground  during  the wood-treatment
process could contaminate ground water due to  highly permeable soils and
shallow ground water.  A greater concern  is  that waste water discharged onto
the surface at the facility could rapidly infiltrate the shallow  ground water.
The facility has a history of surface water  problems associated with its

     In 1978, the State investigated a complaint concerning PCP in Rocky Creek.
At that time, a ditch, originating at the Idaho  Pole plant  and running from the
plant for about 200 to 300 yards before entering Rocky Creek, contained large
quantities of PCP.  While minute quantities  were noted at the mouth of the
ditch and running into Rocky Creek, large quantities had collected on the rocks
and vegetation along and in the ditch.  Stains high  on the  sides  of the ditch
and on vegetation indicated that discharge had been  much greater  in the past.

     Following the investigation, the State  issued a compliance order in 1984
requiring Idaho Pole to take measures to  eliminate discharges into Rocky
Creek and to prevent the future placement of wastes  in locations  where they
were likely to pollute State waters.  Idaho  Pole started work to  comply with
the State's order.  However, because of leaking  pipes, leaking tanks, and a
deteriorated main pumphouse sump, soil contamination at the facility was more
extensive than plant personnel  realized.   Therefore, working in conjunction
with the State, Idaho Pole constructed an interceptor trench running the length
of the property boundary to halt the movement  of PCP into ground  water.

     In August 1983, EPA collected samples at  the  old Bozeman Landfill, in-
cluding the trench running the  length of  the Idaho Pole property.  The results
showed that a considerable amount of PCP  was migrating from the Idaho Pole
plant.  A State sample showed even higher PCP  concentrations.

     Status (January 1986):  Idaho Pole has  analyzed samples from approxi-
mately 15 ground water monitoring wells it installed at the site  under order
of the State Water Quality Bureau (WQB).   Idaho  Pole has submitted a report
of the data collected and is developing alternatives for cleanup.  WQB is
evaluating the data.  Idaho Pole recently applied  for a permit under the
Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System for the PCP-contaminated water
currently discharged to the stream.

   EPA will continue to monitor the WQB enforcement  action.  EPA's
Technical Assistance Team inspected the site in  December 1985 and will
issue a report regarding the potential for an  immediate removal in early

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the                                  „,-„,-,  ,IC.    ,  _,.
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAH Superfund

                              MOUAT INDUSTRIES
                             Columbus, Montana

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);  The Mouat  Industries Site is
near Columbus,  Stillwater County, Montana.  In the late 1950s and  early
1960s,  the site was leased to Mouat Industries for the processing  of
chromium  ore  to high-grade sodium dichromate.  The process produced
wastes  containing sodium chromate and sodium dichromate.  In 1973, the
Anaconda  Minerals Co. removed the waste pile and treated the area  to
remove  hexavalent chromium remaining in the soil.  Anaconda performed
this work in  exchange for Mouat Industries' mineral rights at another
location.   In early 1975, gravel was imported and placed on the site to a
depth of  6 inches to 3 feet.  By late 1976, yellow mineral deposits con-
taining chromium  were evident on top of the ground.

     Hexavalent chromium is present in soils on-site,  as well as in ground
water and surface water both on-and off-site, according to analyses con-
ducted  by EPA and Anaconda.  EPA has also detected elevated concentrations
of arsenic in surface water sediments downstream of the site.  An  estimated
270 people draw drinking water from private wells within 3 miles of the site.

     Ownership  history of the site is now being investigated.

     Status (January 1986): EPA's Technical Assistance Team recently
visited the site  to determine the need for an immediate removal.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

                               . Compensation, and Liability Act o, 1980
                          Concord,  North Carolina

      Conditions at listing (October 1984):  The Bypass 601 Ground Water
 Contamination Site is  in  Concord,  Cabarrus County, North Carolina.  An
 estimated  3,000 residents of  this  rural community on a bypass to State
 Highway 601  depend exclusively on  ground water for drinking and other
 household  uses.
      EPA recently  detected high concentrations of heavy metals in monitor-
 ing wells  near Martin  Scrap & Recycling, Inc., which has reclaimed batteries
 in  the  area  since  1966.

      Status  (January 1986);   In July 1985, EPA completed a search for
 parties (in  addition to Martin Scrap) potentially responsible for wastes
 associated with the site.   None of the parties chose to participate in
 cleaning up  the site.  EPA has obligated funds to start work preparatory
 to  a  remedial investigation/  feasibility study to determine the extent of
 contamination at the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                          .Shelby, North Carolina

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);  Celanese Corp. manufactures
synthetic  fibers in a plant in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina.
Between 1970  and 1978, the company used a 3-acre area on the plant for the
temporary  storage of drums of waste chemicals and solvents.  During the
1960s, combustible  materials, including oils and solvents, were burned in
the open in a smaller area on the plant.                •

      Monitoring wells on the plant are contaminated with organic chemicals
in the parts-per-million-range,  according to tests conducted by Celanese.
Within 0.25 miles of the site are 47 private drinking water wells; the
closest is approximately 1,500 feet downgradient of the monitoring well
with the highest levels of organic chemicals.  The site is located approxi-
mately 3,500  feet from Buffalo Creek, the source of the plant's drinking

     Status (January 1986):  Celanese has submitted a workplan to EPA
for a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the type and
extent of  contamination at the site and identify alternatives for remedial
action.  EPA  has approved the workplan and is discussing future activity
at the site with Celanese.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                          JADCO-HUGHES FACILITY
                          Belmont,  North Carolina

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The Jadco-Hughes Facility
covers about 6 acres  in Belmont, Gaston County,  North Carolina.  Chemical
wastes were  received  from industries and reprocessed to recover whatever
could be resold.  The residues remaining were deposited in a landfill on
the site.

     About 8,000  to 10,000 drums had accumulated by August 1975, when the
company stopped operating.   The drums were  stacked at several locations
and were in various states of deterioration.   Several large storage tanks
were also on-site.

     Analyses conducted by EPA revealed the presence of cyanide, arsenic,
copper, lead, methylene chloride,  and toluene in soil samples taken from
the site.  It appears  likely that  the contaminants will migrate into
ground water since the landfill was  unlined and  approximately 6 feet
above the water table.  Approximately 4,700  people use wells within 3 miles
of the site as a  source of drinking  water.

     Status  (January  1986);  In July 1985,  EPA identified over 30 parties
potentially responsible for wastes associated with the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                          Raleigh, North Carolina

      Conditions at listing  (October 1984):  A 1.5-acre site to the north
of  Carter-Finley Stadium in Raleigh, Wade County, North  Carolina,  referred
to  as Lot 86, Farm Unit #1, was used by the science laboratories and
agricultural  research facilities of North Carolina  State University as a
waste disposal area.  From 1969 to 1980, solvents,  pesticides,  heavy
metals, acids, and bases were buried in containers  in 10-foot trenches.
The site  is completely fenced.

      The  University's Department of Marine, Earth,  and Atmospheric
Sciences  has  extensively monitored the site since 1981.   One background
and three downgradient wells were drilled to  a depth of  about 10 feet
below the water table.  Analyses of ground water indicate the presence
of  high levels (in the parts-per-million range) of  chloroform,  bromoform,
1,1,1-trichloroethane, and methylene chloride.

      An estimated 3,900 people in surrounding communities use private
wells and have no other source of drinking water.

      Status (January 1986);  EPA is considering various  alternatives for
the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                            Hastings,  Nebraska

     Conditions at listing (October  1984);   Hastings (population- 23,580)
is in Adams County, Nebraska.   Preliminary  sampling of municipal wells in
1983 by the State detected contaminants in  the  ground water beneath the
old Hastings business district.   Locally high concentrations of volatile
organic chemicals were detected.  Past waste disposal practices, possibly
dating to the 1920s, may have contributed to the contamination.  The
Nebraska Department of Environmental Control installed monitoring walls
in Hastings in 1984.

     Status (January 1986):  The  city  has shut  down the most heavily
contaminated municipal wells.   Privately owned  public water supply wells
located east of Hastings are also contaminated  with organic solvents and
have been taken out of service.

     EPA has prepared a workplan  for a remedial investigation/feasibility
study to determine the type and extent of contamination at the site and
identify alternatives for remedial action.   As  part of this effort, EPA
is sampling the monitoring wells  on  a  guarterly schedule.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                            Waverly,  Nebraska

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);  Waverly (population 1,700)  is
on a terrace of  Salt Creek in Lancaster County, Nebraska.  In the summer
of 1982, the State, in cooperation with EPA,  sampled the city's municipal
wells.  Wells  #1 and #3  were contaminated with chloroform, carbon tetra-
chloride, and  1,2-dichloroethane.  Further study is needed to identify
the source or  sources responsible.
     The city  has  discontinued use of wells #1 and #3.  Because the
source of the  contaminants migrating into ground water is currently
unknown, the remaining uncontaminated wells could be threatened.  The
city has drilled a new well #4 to replace the most heavily contaminated
well #1.

     Status  (January 1986);  In August 1985,  EPA started a remedial
investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) to determine the source and
extent of ground water contamination at Waverly and identify alternatives
for remedial action.  Initial site evaluation and sampling analysis are
underway to develop a RI/FS workplan.  In January 1986, EPA started a
soil gas survey.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

.Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAH"Superfund"

         :                      COAKLEY LANDFILL
                         North Hampton, New Hampshire

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984):  The Coakley Landfill  covers
20 acres in a residential area in North Hampton,  Rockingham County,  New
Hampshire.  The landfill border extends into and  alonq  the  towns  of
Greenland to the  northwest  and Rye to the northeast *

     Prior to beinq permitted by the State as a sanitary landfill on
April 21, 1971, the site was a sand and qravel operation.   Under  an
agreement made in 1972, the owner was to be responsible for compaction
and cover material at  the landfill, and the City  of  Portsmouth  was to
manage the disposal of incinerator ash from the Portsmouth  Refuse-to-
Energy Project at the  landfill.

     The State is presently investigating the landfill  as a potential
source of ground  water and  surface water contamination  in the area.   The
site is located in an  area  of permeable sands and gravels.   Roth  surface
water and ground  water leave the site in more than one  direction.

     The presence of volatile organic solvents has forced closing of 13
private residential wells to the north, east, and south of  the  landfill.
The Town of North Hampton extended a municipal water line to the  residents.
The year-round population supplied by wells within 3 miles  of the site is
79,300.  The State has set  up an early warning system to detect well
contamination in  the entire area.

     In March 1983, the State issued a Consent Order requiring  the owner
to accept only incinerator  ash from the Refuse-to-Energy Project. In
addition, the owner was ordered to conduct a full-scale hydrooeologic
investigation of  the landfill area.  The State is presently working  with
the owner and other potentially responsible parties  to  develop  a  workplan
for the investigation.

     Status  (January  1986):  The State completed  work on the hydrogeologic
investigation it  began in the fall of 1984.  The  results of this  investi-
gation are being  incorporated into the workplan for  the remedial  investi-
gation.  Efforts  to get the owner and other potentially responsible
parties to conduct a  full scale hydrogeologic investigation of  the land-
fill area were not successful.  Therefore,  in the spring of 1985, the
State applied to  EPA for a  cooperative agreement  to  conduct a remedial
investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) to determine the type and extent
of contamination  at the site and to identify alternatives for remedial
action.  EPA awarded  the cooperative agreement in August 1985,  and
negotiations with contractors to perform  the RI/FS are  underway.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                               TIBBETTS ROAD
                         Barrington, New Hampshire

     Conditions at  listing (April 1985):  The Tibbetts Road Site occupies
approximately 1.9 acres in the Town of Barrington, Stafford County, New
Hampshire.  It is  in a residential area upgradient from Swains Lake, which
is used for recreation.  The site was used for surface storage of 336
deteriorating drums collected from 1946 to 1958.  PCBs, benzene, acetone,
toluene, and other  solvents were present in the drums, according to EPA.
Soil and ground water, including residential drinking water wells serving
approximately 20  people, are contaminated with benzene, trichloroethylene,
toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, and xylenes, according to tests conducted
by the New  Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission.
About 2,100 people  depend on wells within 3 miles of the site for drinking
water.  No  alternative source is available.  A wetland is less than 1
mile from the site.

     In April 1984, EPA used CERCLA emergency funds to remove all drums
containing  hazardous substances from the site and dispose of them at an
approved disposal site.

     Status (January 1986);  During the summer of 1985, EPA and the State
conducted a hydrogeologic study to determine the need for additional
removal activities.  During the study, low levels of dioxin were detected
in the soil.   Additional removal response is planned.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'
                      Cinnaminson Township, New Jersey

      Conditions at listing (October 1984):  The  Cinnaminson Township
 (Block  702)  Ground Water Contamination affects that portion of the Raritan
 Magothy Aquifer located in the vicinity of Grinding Balls Road between
 Taylor  Lane  and Union Landing Road, Cinnaminson  Township, Burlington
 County, New  Jersey.   Contamination of the aquifer  with chloroform, benzene,
 and  other organics was discovered during an August 1983 study conducted
 by a consultant for the owners of a nearby landfill.   The aquifer is a
 source  of drinking water for 52,000 people.

      Status  (January 1986):  EPA is conducting a remedial investigation/
 feasibility  study to determine the type and extent of contamination at
 the  site and identify alternatives for remedial  action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'
                              FRIED INDUSTRIES
                    East Brunswick Township, New Jersey

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):   Fried Industries formulates
industrial  cleaners and cleaning agents on a 26-acre site in a rural-
suburban  area in East Brunswick Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
The area  was  previously a clay pit.

     In December 1983, EPA, under a search warrant, found that hazardous
wastes were improperly stored on-site and that soil was contaminated
with organic  chemicals (including tetrachloroethylene and chloroform) and
copper.   In a limited excavation, EPA found deteriorated buried drums.
The total number is unknown.   There is a strong potential for the site to
contaminate ground water and surface water.  About 33,000 people in the
surrounding area draw drinking water from wells.  In a limited air survey,
EPA detected  above-background levels of organic vapors on-site.

     Status (January 1986):  East Brunswick Township has provided
hook-ups  to a public water supply to those residents whose wells have
low-level contamination.

     Using  CERCLA emergency funds, -EPA is emptying two storage tanks and
one impoundment area which is threatening to overflow onto the surface
surrounding the site.

     EPA  is conducting a remedial investigation/feasibility study to
determine the type and extent of contamination at the site and identify
alternatives  for remedial action.
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                           GLEN RIDGE RADIUM SITE
                           Glen Ridge, New Jersey

      Conditions  at  listing (October  1984):   The Glen Ridge Radium Site
is  in a  residential neighborhood in  Glen Ridge, Essex County, New Jersey.
Radioactive material,  believed to be radium-processing waste, was used
as  fill,  resulting  in  unacceptable levels of radon gas and its decay
products  in a number of  private residences.  Approximately 25,000 cubic
yards of  contaminated  material are scattered throughout a neighborhood
of  about  0.50 square miles.

      Several years  ago,  the State started to investigate a radium-pro-
cessing  facility in Orange that had  ceased operation in the 1920s.  The
possibility of off-site  disposal of  processing waste prompted an aerial
survey of surrounding  areas for gamma radiation.  In July 1983, the
survey identified a number of  homes  with high levels of radon gas.
About 60  people  are immediately affected.

      In December 1983, EPA started a major  field investigation to define
the perimeter of contamination and identify additional problem homes.
Using CERCLA emergency funds,  EPA installed ventilation systems in
affected  homes as a temporary  corrective measure.

      Status (January 1986);  In September 1985, EPA completed a remedial
investigation/feasibility  study.   About 60  homes were identified as being
affected  in the  site area.  The results were announced at a public meeting
in  November 1985.   EPA is  scheduled  to make its final decision on the remedy
selected  in April 1986.

      This site,  along  with the Montclair/West Orange Radium Site, was
added to  the NPL on Feb. 14, 1985, because it involves a serious
problem that required  taking immediate remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                         Wall Township, New Jersey

     Conditions at  listing (April 1985);  Monitor Devices, Inc. "(also
known as  Intercircuits,  Inc.) operated a metal-plating business from
1977 to 1981  in an  industrial park adjacent to the Monmouth County
Airport,  Wall Township,  New Jersey.  The site, which was leased from the
owner, covers about 2 acres.  In  1981, the company closed operations at
this site and moved to a new location.

     Process  waste  waters containing heavy metals, solvents, and corrosive
acids were  discharged behind the  building onto the ground via three
pipes.  State officials observed  these discharges in March and April of
1980.  A  small unlined ponded area (25 feet by 15 feet and 6 to 8 inches
deep) was noted at  the rear of the building.

     Subsequent sampling by the State revealed significant contamination
of on-site  soil and ground water  with heavy metals and volatile organic
chemicals.  Two municipal wells serving 24,000 people are less than 2
miles from  the site.

     In June  1980,  the State issued an Administrative Order relating to
the company's discharge of waste  water onto the ground without a permit.
The order required  the company to pay a penalty, install monitoring
wells, sample the wells, and take remedial action as necessary.  The
company has not fully complied with the order.

     In March 1983, Monmouth County filed criminal charges against the
company for violating State and Federal environmental laws.

     Status (January 1986):  EPA is considering various alternatives for
this site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                    Montclair/West Orange,  New  Jersey

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The Monte la ir/West o'range
Radium Site is in two residential neighborhoods in Montclair and West
Orange in Essex County, New Jersey.  Radioactive material,  believed to be
radium-processing waste, was used as fill,  resulting  in  unacceptable
levels of radon gas and its decay products  in a number of private
residences.  Approximately 50,000 cubic  yards of contaminated material are
scattered throughout a neighborhood  covering about 1.0 scjuare miles.

     Several years ago, the State started  to investigate a  radium-pro-
cessing facility in Orange that had  ceased  operation.in  the 1920s.  The
possibility of off-site disposal of  processing  waste  prompted an aerial
survey of surrounding areas for gamma  radiation.   In  July 1983, the
survey identified a number of homes  with high levels  of  radon gas.
About 80 people are immediately affected.

     In December 1983, EPA started a major  field investigation to define
the perimeter of contamination and identify additional problem homes.
Using CERCLA emergency funds, EPA installed ventilation  systems in affected
homes as a temporary corrective measure.

     Status (January 1986):  In September  1985, EPA completed a remedial
investigation/feasibility study.  About  160 homes were identified as being
affected in the site area.  The results  were announced at a public meeting
in November 1985.  EPA is scheduled  to make its final decision on the remedy
selected in April 1986.

     This site, along with the Glen  Ridge Radium Site, was  added to the
NPL on Feb. 14, 1985, because it involves  a serious problem that required
taking immediate remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                       POMONA OAKS  RESIDENTIAL WELLS
                       Galloway Township,  New Jersey

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The Pomona Oaks Residential
Wells serve approximately 200 single-family homes in  a rural residential
area of Galloway  Township,  Atlantic  County,  New Jersey.  The lots range
from 0.25 to  0.5  acres in size.  The wells  average 50 to 60 feet  deep.

     The State's  analyses of the wells and  of air in  showers at several
homes detected the following volatile organic chemicals:   benzene,  1,2-
dichloroethane, methylene chloride,  and 1,1,2-trichloroethane.  Approx-
imately 8,000 people  living within 3 miles  of the site could be affected
by the contaminated ground  water.  The State advised  residents to seek
alternate sources of  drinking water.  Furthermore, the State strongly
suggested that some residents cease  using their well  water for bathing
purposes.  Since  there are  no municipal wells in the  area,  affected
residents have resorted to  carting water  from various other sources.

     The State is monitoring the impact of  volatile organics inside the
homes and has contracted for a study to fully evaluate and recommend
alternate water supplies.   The Atlantic County  Department  of Health is
continuing its investigations to determine  the  source of contamination.

     Status (January  1986):  Using CERCLA emergency funds,  EPA sampled
67 homes, some of which showed low levels of volatile organic chemicals.
EPA then began to distribute bottled water  to the affected homes.  The
local water supplier,  New Jersey Water Co.,  extended  water lines, and the
distribution  system was installed  to serve  the  affected  homes.  This
system is reported to be incapable of meeting peak water supply demands.
Galloway Township is  continuing efforts to  secure the land for siting a
new production well.   EPA has terminated  the distribution  of bottled

   The State  is preparing a cooperative agreement application to  EPA for
a remedial investigation/feasibility study  to determine  the type  and
extent of ground  water contamination and  identify alternatives for
remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCUX)C'Superfund'

                     WALDICK AEROSPACE DEVICES, INC".
                        Wall Township, New Jersey

     Conditions  at listing  (October  1984):   Waldick Aerospace Devices,
Inc., has operated a metal-electroplating business on a 2-acre site in
Wall Township in Monmouth County,  New Jersey,  since 1979.

     Waste waters containing heavy metals,  acids, and volatile organic
chemicals were discharged into  the ground on a daily basis prior to 1982,
according to a former  employee.   In  1982, Monmouth County and the State
inspected the site.  The inspections and subsequent sampling revealed  .
significant levels of  cadmium,  chromium, and tetrachloroethylene in the
soil.   Monitoring wells on  the  site  are contaminated with the same com-
pounds.  Nearby  public and  private wells serving about 28,000 people are

     In March 1984, Waldick Aerospace Devices,  Inc.,  was tried in Superior
Court for criminal violation of Federal and State environmental laws.
KLS Industries,  one of the  parties potentially responsible for wastes at
this facility, agreed  to take remedial action  at the site under the
supervision of the Monmouth County Board of Health.  Highly contaminated
soil was excavated to  depths of 1  to 2 feet on three sides of the main
building and was removed from the  site.

     Status (January 1986);  Despite continued legal action, no further
corrective measures have been taken  by the  officers of the two companies.
By January 1985, Waldick Aerospace Devices, Inc., KLS Industries, and the
company officers had all filed  for bankruptcy.

     In May and  June of 1985, EPA  conducted limited sampling of soils,
ground  water, surface water, and air.   These samples  documented the
contamination of soils and  ground  water.   Surface water and private
wells in the area are  all upgradient from the  site.

     EPA has started a remedial investigation/feasibility study to deter-
mine the type and extent of contamination at the site and to identify
alternatives for remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAH"Superfund")

                             ANCHOR CHEMICALS
                           Hicksville,  New York

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  Anchor Chemicals has"operated
on a 0.9-acre site in  Hicksville,  Nassau County, New York, since 1964.
The facility blends and packs chemicals for the graphic arts industry.
In 1978, Anchor Chemicals was purchased by Chessco Industries.  The  new
company is known as AnchorLith  Kern. Ko=

     Below the concrete floor of the building on the site are 17 storage
tanks with capacities  ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 gallons.  A number of
the tanks leaked during various pressure tests performed from 1981 through
January 1983 by the Nassau County  fire  marshall and AnchorLith Kem Ko.

     The company has  installed  three monitoring wells at the site.
Analyses by the company indicate that the wells are contaminated with
volatile organic chemicals similar to those contained at various times
in the storage tanks.

     About 90,000 people draw drinking  water from wells within 3 miles  of
the site.

     Status (January  1986);  EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site
 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")
                         Glenwood Landina,  New York

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);   The Applied Environmental
Services  (AES) Site covers 3.7 acres in Glenwood Landing, Nassau County,
New York.  The site is on the north shore  of Lonq Island.  It slopes down
to Hempstead Harbor on the west and Mott Cove on the south.  The property
to the north is operated by a fuel oil distributor, and the property to
the east  is owned by a country club.

     The  site consists of 2 one-story buildings, 7 underground tanks,
and 11 above-ground tanks.  Seven of the above-ground tanks are on an
earthen wall that rises approximately 30 feet above grade.

     In November 1980, AES started recovering fuels from hazardous
wastes.   Prior to that, the site was leased and operated by Mattiace
Petrochemicals.  Several spills occurred during Mattiace's operation,
including approximately 3,000 gallons of toluene from an overturned tank
trailer.  After toluene was found seeping  into Hempstead Harbor, the
company installed a trench that recovers an average of 500 gallons of
organic chemicals each month.

     In several recent inspections, the State and EPA observed leaking
barrels,  tanks of solvents, and an oil sheen in Mott Cove.  The State has
taken samples and plans further studies.  Shore Realty, the current owner
of the site, evicted AES on Jan. 5, 1984.   In June 1984, the New York
State Attorney General brought suit against Shore Realty in Federal court
to reguire the firm to take several remedial actions.

     About 20,000 people draw drinking water from wells within 3 miles of
the site.

     Status (January 1986);  As a result of a court order, Shore Realty
removed all the drums from the site in November 1985.  The State is using
its own Superfund monies to clean out the  storage tanks.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                           BYRON BARREL & DRUM
                         Byron  Township,  New  York

     Conditions at listing (October  1984); The Byron Barrel & Dj?um Site
covers 5 acres in an old qravel and  sand  pit  area in Byron Township,
Genesee County, New York.  It is adjacent to  farm land used for raising
vegetables.   About 200 55-gallon drums have been abandoned on the property.
Based on affidavits of several  former employees, there may be an area
where about 200 damaged drums are buried.

     The State collected random samples from  11 of the drums at the site;
the results indicate the presence of various  organic compounds, including
toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, and methylene chloride.  EPA sampled all the
drums at the  site and found PCBs in  several of them in concentrations up
to 236 parts  per million.

    EPA issued an Administrative Order reguiring the property owner
to take immediate corrective actions to clean up the site.  The owner
has not complied with the order.

     About 20 people draw drinking water  from wells within 3 miles of the

     Status (January 1986);  Using CERCLA emergency funds, EPA removed
all the drums, sampled soils, and installed a monitoring well.  The
results of the sampling indicate that both soil and ground water are
contaminated  with volatile organic compounds.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                                BEC TRUCKING
                          Town of Vestal, New York

      Conditions at listing  (October 1984):   The  BEC Trucking Site is a
 3.5-acre  vacant lot in the Town of Vestal, Broome  County, New York.
 The  site  was formerly owned by the Binghamton Equipment Co., a truck
 manufacturer.   After the firm declared bankruptcy  in 1982, COGS,  Inc.,
 purchased the property at public auction.

      A State, inspection discovered about 40  drums  of waste machine oils
 and  unknown materials improperly stored at the site.   Many of the drums
 are  rusted and leaking.  The soil nearby is  oil-soaked.   The remainder
 of the site is littered with empty drums,  trash  barrels,  and other debris.

      There is a potential to contaminate ground  water and surface water
 near the  site.  A Vestal Water District Well Field is about 4,500 feet
 north-northeast of the site and serves approximately 3,700 people.   Two
 Vestal wells were placed on the NPL in September 1983.

      The  State is negotiating with COGS, Inc., for further monitoring and
 remedial  action.

      Status (January 1986);  EPA is considering  various alternatives
 for  this  site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCUMC'Superfund'

                          CLAREMONT  POLYCHEMICAL
                          Old Bethpaqe,  New  York

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   Claremont  Polychemical
produced materials for coloring plastic  in Old Bethpaqe,  Nassau County,
New York, from August 1966  through October 1980.   The  site  consists of a
1-story building covering 40,000 square  feet situated  on  an 8-acre lot.
On March 13, 1975, the State issued  a  Pollutant  Discharge Elimination.
System permit to the company.  In November 1975,  the Nassau County Depart-
ment of Health (NCDH) inspected the  site and found approximately 1,500
drums scattered about, some uncovered  and others leaking  or lying on
their sides.  The drums contained inks,  polyethylene,  polyvinyl chloride
resins, and organic solvents.

     From May to September  1980, the company sorted and removed drums
from the site.  An inspection by NCDH  on Sept. 26, 1980,  revealed the
soil was contaminated with  inks and  solvents. NCDH directed Claremont to
excavate contaminated soils.  On Oct.  27, 1980,  counsel to  Claremont told
NCDH that the company was in receivership and that funds  for the cleanup
were no longer available.   Conditions  have not changed since October 1980.
In August 1984, the State and the company signed an Administrative Order
on Consent reguiring the company to  undertake a  remedial  investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type  and  extent of  contamination at
the site and identify alternatives for remedial  action.

     About 47,000 people draw drinking water from wells within 3 miles
of the site.  The nearest public supply  well is  3,500  feet  northwest of
the site.

     Status  (January 1986);  The measures called for by the August 1984
order are underway.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                             CLOTHIER DISPOSAL
                          Town of Granby, New York

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);  The Clothier Disposal Site
covers about  10  acres  in the Town of Granby, Oswego County, New
York.  The site  is  bounded on the north by a dirt road and on the south
by Ox Creek.  Generally,  it consists of wooded areas and wetlands.

     Until 1974,  the site owner accepted between 500 and 1,500 barrels
of waste from Pollution Abatement Services (which was placed on the NPL
in September  1983)  in  nearby Osweqo.  Inspections conducted by the State
indicated that many barrels were in poor condition and leaking; solvent
odors were noted.   PCBs are present in soil samples, according to analyses
conducted by  the State.  The contamination threatens ground water and
surface  water.   Nearby residents use private or municipal wells.  The
site drains into a  marsh area that drains north into Ox Creek and then
to the Osweqo River, which is used for recreation.

     The State brought suit against the owner in November 1976 for operat-
ing without a permit.   As a result, the State granted the owner a temporary
permit and a  period of 1  year to clean up the site.  In 1977, the materials
dumped on the site  were covered; in the process, barrels were broken
open and drained.   However, the case was dismissed in January 1978.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type and extent of contamination at
the site and  identify  alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                        Town of Colesville,  New York

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);   The Colesville Municipal Land-
fill is owned and operated by Broome County in the Town of Colesville,
Rroome County, New York.  The 30-acre  site was owned and operated by the
Town of Colesville from 1965 until  1969. when ownership was transferred
to Broome County.  The  site  is located in  a rural setting.  About 240
residents of the area obtain their  drinking water from private wells and

     Records  indicate that  the landfill accepted large quantities of
industrial wastes from  1973 to February 1975.  These wastes included
organic solvents, dyes, and various metal  wastes containing cadmium and

     Ground water and surface water around the site are contaminated,
according to tests conducted by Broome County.  Some private wells and
springs in the area  of  the  landfill have been contaminated with volatile
organic compounds, including vinyl  chloride, trichloroethane, 1,1-dichloro-
ethane, and benzene.  Broome County is providing these residents with
bottled water.

     The, State is negotiating with  Broome County for further monitoring
and remedial action.

     Status (January 1986): The county is  supplying either bottled water
or carbon filtration units to approximately 13 homes.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                             CORTESE LANDFILL
                     Village of Narrcwsburg,  New York

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);   The Cortese Landfill" covers
approximately  17 acres in the Delaware River floodplain in the Village
of Narrcwsburg,  Town of Tusten, Sullivan County, New York.  The former
operator of  the  landfill is the John Cortese Construction Corp.  The
company owns a portion of the property.  The town owns the rest.

     The landfill  received municipal wastes  from the Town of Tusten at a
rate of 3,000  cubic yards per year from 1972 to 1982.   In addition,
significant  quantities of industrial wastes  were buried at the landfill.

     The State has documented the release of organic chemicals and metals
to surface water and ground water at or near the site.   The nearest
known water  supply (800 feet to the northwest) is the auxiliary well for
the Narrcwsburg  water supply.   To date, no significant  impacts on water
supplies have  been detected.

     The State initiated a lawsuit under CERCLA against several parties
in Federal District Court in August 1983.

     Status  (January 1986);   In April 1985,  the State signed a Consent
Order with SCA Services, Inc.,  which had transported wastes to the site.
The Consent  Order  requires SCA to undertake  'a remedial  investigation/
feasibility  study  (RI/FS) to determine the type and  extent of contami-
nation at the  site and identify alternatives for remedial action.   The
work began in  the  summer of 1985.   The RI is scheduled  to he completed
in September 1985.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                       ENDICOTT VILLAGE WELL FIELD
                      Villaqe of Endicott,  New York

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   The Endicott Villaqe"Well
Field is in the Villaqe of  Endicott, Town of Union, Brocme County, New
York.  The village operates four wells which provide water for approxi-
mately 45,000 people.  The  Ranney Well, which supplies approximately 47
percent of the total capacity of the system, has operated continuously
since 1950.  It  is located  on the north bank of the Susquehanna River
between En-Joie Golf Course and Grippen Park in the Villaqe of Endicott.

     In May 1981, EPA detected vinyl chloride and other orqanic chemicals
in the Ranney Well.  In February .1982, EPA  confirmed vinyl chloride in
the well.  Samples taken by the State in 1982 and 1983 also showed the
presence of 1,1-dichloroethane, trans-l,2-dichloroethylene, and trichlo-
roethylene in the Ranney Well and other points in the distribution
system.  The villaqe has installed aeration equipment to remove vinyl
chloride from the water and is presently sampling the Ranney Well and
various distribution points in the system on a weekly basis.  Low levels
of vinyl chloride (1 to 3 parts per billion) are still beinq detected in
the well water.

     The State has undertaken a comprehensive investigation of the contami-
nation of the Endicott Village Well Field.   It has installed 10 monitoring
wells on the En-Joie Golf Course and sampled some existing upqradient
wells.  Preliminary samplinq has revealed that a portion of the well
field is more heavily contaminated than was indicated in the Ranney Well
samples.  A number of potential vinyl chloride sources are beinq investi-
qated.  So far, no source has been conclusively identified.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is conductinq a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type and extent of contamination at
the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                      FMC CORP. (DUBLIN ROAD LANDFILL)
                          Town of Shelby, New York

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984):  FMC Corp.'s Dublin Road
Landfill covers  6 acres in the Town of Shelby, Orleans County, New York.
FTC acquired  the site from Niagara Sprayer and Chemical Corp. in 1943
and used  it to dispose of wastes from repackaging and production of various
chemicals.  According to FMC,  the chemicals included lead, mercury, arsenic,
and a variety of phenolic compounds and pesticides  (DDT,  ODD, and DDE).
The quantity  of  hazardous wastes is unknown.  Past  investigations and
sampling by a consultant to FMC documented the release of contaminants to
ground water  and surface water in the vicinity of the site.

     Several  hundred people draw drinking water from private wells
within 3 miles of the landfill.  The nearest well is within 1,500 feet
of the landfill. .

     The State has  issued an Order on Consent reguirinq FTC to undertake
further  field investigations,  monitor the migration of contaminants, and
take necessary remedial action.

     Status (January 1986);  FMC has conducted further studies, and the
reports  are currently under review by the State.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                          GOLDISC  RECORDINGS,  INC.
                             Holbrook,  New York

     Conditions  at listing  (October 1984):  Goldisc Recordings, Inc.,
 (formerly Sonic  Recording Products)  in Holbrook, Town of Islip, Suffolk
 County,  New  York,  produced  phonographic records from January 1968 to
 June 1983.   The  facility  occupies approximately 150,000 square feet on
 7 acres  of commercially-zoned property.   Wastes generated at the site
 include  large quantities  of nickel plating wastes and hydraulic oil, and
 lesser quantities  of  solvents.  On several occasions, the Suffolk County
 Department of Health  discovered chemical wastes in storm drains, holding
 ponds, and an on-site dump  located in  the recharge basin of an aquifer.
 In 1981, the county detected excessive levels of solvents, nickel, and oil
 in sanitary  and  storm drains.   An area between the two buildings on the
 site is  paved, and  there  is a large  paved area on the southern portion
 of the site.  Sanitary and  storm  drains,  two  above-ground tanks, and
 some 55-gallon drums  are  located  between the  two buildings.   A large
 holding  pond is  located on  the north side of  the site.

       A grassy wooded area surrounds  the property.   The  site is rela-
 tively flat  to the  south  and west, with  variable topography to the north
 and east.  Residential and  commercial  areas are  largely to the west and
 south, and-relatively undeveloped land lies adjacent to the site to the
 north and east.  Many surface water  bodies, including lakes and basins
 that recharge ground  water,  are downgradient.

     An  estimated  130 wells within 3 miles of the site serve a minimum
 population of 71,000.  A  public supply well is 1,000 feet downgradient
 (south)  of the site.   Other public and private supply wells are also down-
 gradient.  Ground water is  the  only  source of water supply in the area.

     The State issued  a number  of Consent Orders to Goldisc between 1979
 and 1981 for numerous violations  of  Article 12 of the Suffolk County
 Sanitary Code and the State's Environmental Conservation  Law.

     Status  (January  1986):   The  present  owner,  First Holbrook Co., has
 cleaned  the leaching pools  and  installed  monitoring  wells.   On Dec. 20,
 1985, the Electrosand Group,  Inc.  (present occupants of the site)  and the
 present  owner entered  into  a Consent Order with  the  State to undertake a
 remedial investigation/feasibility study  to determine the type and extent
of contamination at the site  and  identify alternatives for remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                                 HAVILAND COMPLEX
                           Town of Hyde Park, New York

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):  The Haviland Complex* covers
several blocks  in the Town of Hyde Park, Dutchess County, New York.  The
site consists of a group of apartments and a shopping center with an old
dry cleaner, a  car wash,  a laundromat, and offices.  At least seven
private wells nearby and two Haviland Complex water supply wells serving
about 2,000 people have  been contaminated with trichloroethylene,
perchloroethylene, vinyl chloride, chlorobenzenes, and other volatile
organic chemicals, according to tests conducted by the county.  The
shallow aquifer is contaminated,  and the bedrock aquifer is threatened.
No alternate water supply is readily available.

     Status  (January 1986);   EPA is conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type and extent of contamination at
the site and  identify alternatives for remedial action.  Homeowners in
the area are currently buying their own bottled water.  The apartment
complex has  installed an aeration system to remove volatile organic
chemicals from  its wells.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                              HERTEL LANDFILL
                            Plattekill, New  York

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The Hertel Landfill -covers
80 acres  in Plattekill,  Ulster County, New  York.   It  is  situated in the
valley of a tributary to Black Creek and  is surrounded by wetlands.  The
privately-owned landfill accepted an unknown quantity of commercial and
industrial waste  from approximately 1963  to April 1976,  when the Ulster
County Department of Health revoked its permit for a  variety of violations.

     Tests conducted by the State detected  chromium in ground water.
About  1,800 people draw drinking water from wells within 3 miles of the

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is considering  various alternatives
for  this  site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                            Hicksville,  New York

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984):   The  Hooker Chemical ~& Plastics
Corp./Ruco Polymer Corp.  Site covers 72 acres  in an industrial  park  area
of Hicksville  on  Long Island, Nassau County, New York.  The surrounding
area is highly urbanized.   Hooker/Ruco  manufactures plastics, latex, and
esters on the  site.

     Hooker/Ruco  discharged liquid wastes into dry wells from 1951 to
1975.  The wells  for Plant  2, which manufactured polyvinyl  chloride  (PVC)
and latex, received approximately 2 million gallons per  year of waste
water from 1956 to 1975.  The primary materials  were  0.1 percent PVC resin
solids, 0.1  percent vinyl chloride, trichloroethylene, and  vinyl acetate.
In addition, unknown amounts of  styrene and butadiene were  discharged from
latex processing.   The well for  Plant 1, which manufactured esters,
received waste water containing  "considerable" amounts of mixed glycols
and alcohols,  according to the Nassau County Health Department.  The
waste water  also  included tetrachloroethylene, methanol, and organic
acids such as  adipic, trimellitic, maleic,  and phthalic.

     From 1975 through 1980, the Health Department verified contamination
of industrial  wells at the  neighboring  Grumman Aerospace Corp.  with high
levels of vinyl chloride  and other chlorinated organic compounds. The
maximum level  was 50 parts per billion.  The Health Department  determined
that Hooker/Ruco  was the  only producer  and user  of vinyl chloride on Long
Island.  There are 4 public supply wells within  1 mile of  the site;  more
than 24 are  within 3 miles, of which one, Hicksville  Water  District,
serves 58,000  persons.

     Status  (January 1986);  EPA is considering  various  alternatives for
this site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                          JOHNSTOWN CITY LANDFILL
                       Town of Johnstown,  New York

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   The Johnstown City Landfill
covers 68 acres in the Town of Johnstown,  Fulton County,  New York.
After operating the  site  as an open  dump from 1947 to 1960, the City of
Johnston converted it to  a sanitary  landfill.   The landfill is still owned
and operated by the  city.

     The landfill accepted  industrial waste from local tanneries until
mid-1977.  From 1973  to April 1979,  about 20,000 cubic yards of sludge
from the Gloversvilie-Johnstown sewage  treatment plant were deposited in
piles in the landfill.  The sludge contains high concentrations of chrom-
ium, lead, and iron.

     EPA and the State have documented  that monitoring wells and private
wells in the immediate vicinity of the  site are contaminated with heavy
metals.  The City of Johnstown Well  Field,  approximately 4,500 feet
southeast of the landfill, is used only on an  auxiliary basis because
of high chloride, turbidity, and  iron attributed to the landfill.

     The State is presently negotiating with the City of Johnstown for
the closure of the landfill, additional monitoring, and remedial action.

   Status (January 1986);  EPA is considering  various alternatives for
this site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                           KATONAH MUNICIPAL WELL
                         Town of Bedford, New York

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);   The Katonah Municipal Well
in the Town of  Bedford, Westchester County, New York, is a part of the
Bedford Water and Storage Distribution District.  This well had provided
nearly 50 percent of the drinking water for 6,150 persons on public
supply systems  in Katonah and Bedford Hills.  It is adjacent to the
Muscoot Reservoir,  which supplies water to New York City.

     The County Health Department-first discovered tetrachloroethylene,
dibromochloromethane, bromodichloromethane, and bromoform in the Katonah
Well in December 1978, at which time it was taken out of service.  By
January 1979, the possible sources of the problem had been traced to four
nearby dry  cleaning establishments that were served by septic systems.
The county  worked with the owners to correct the problems and remove the

     Several  attempts at pumping the well to remove the contamination from
the aquifer have  proved unsuccessful.  In addition, the floodgates of
the Muscoot Reservoir were closed to raise the water level of the res-
ervoir in the hopes that water pressure would impact the well field and.
dilute the  concentration of contaminants.  However, after an initial
drop, contaminant levels rose when the well was pumped to simulate
normal operations.

     The county and State will continue to work with the Town of Bedford
on a plan to  reduce the concentration of contaminants in the well.

     Status (January 1986);  The Town of Bedford has installed new
wells to provide  the water district with an adequate supply of water.
EPA is conducting a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine
the type and extent of contamination at the site and identify alterna-
tives for remedial  action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                           KENMARK TEXTILE CORP.
                           Farmingdale,  New York

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);   Kenmark Textile Corp. has
conducted operations  involving  manufacturing screens and handling and
washing fabric in  a light industrial area in Farmingdale, Suffolk County,
New York, since  1971.  The 5-acre site,  which is largely paved,- is fairly
flat.   Over 500  residences are  within 0.25 miles of the site, the nearest
650 feet away.

     An engineering report completed in 1973 by a consultant to Kenmark
documented  that  ground water  at the site was in violation of ground water
standards due  to elevated levels of chromium.  Wells are the only source
of drinking water  for more than 10,000  people in the area.  It was known
in 1973 that wastes were being  discharged to leaching pits on site.  The
wastes  contained calcium,  iron,  zinc, copper, chromium,  nickel, and
varying amounts  of inks  and dyes.

     In 1979,  the  State  issued  a permit requiring Kenmark to treat its
waste water before  discharging  it to the municipal sewer.  Kenmark is not
meeting the discharge  levels, and waste water contaminated with heavy
metals  is discharged to  leaching pools  on-site.

     In 1981,  the  Suffolk  County Department of Health temporarily closed
the company for  illegal  storage of drums of hazardous waste.  More than
50 drums containing hydroxide sludge are currently stored on-site.

     The State is  negotiating with Kenmark  to treat its  wastes properly,
discharge them into the  municipal sewer system, and remove drums contain-
ing hazardous wastes.

     Status (January 1986);   Susquehanna Textile, a tenant at the site,
has removed some of the  contaminated materials from the  surface.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfundf

                        LIBERTY INDUSTRIAL FINISHING
                           Farmingdale, New York

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);   The Liberty Industrial Finish-
ing Site covers less than 0.1  acres in Liberty Industrial Park in Farming-
dale, Nassau  County, New York.  The site is surrounded on three sides by
residential areas,  the nearest within 1,000 feet.  The site consists of
three buildings,  three acid vats,  a sludge-drying lagoon, two leaching
basins, a number  of finishing  vats, and a basin for holding storm water.
Fran 1948 through 1972, the company carried out electroplating, anodizing,
and painting  operations at the site.

     In 1977,  the State found  that Liberty Industrial was violating its
permit by discharging plating  wastes containing heavy metals to leaching
basins.  The  leaching basins were  contaminated with chromium and cadmium,
according to  tests  conducted by  the county.

     In September 1978, Liberty  Industrial entered into a Consent Agree-
ment with the State to clean up  the site.  It did not do so.  On Sept. 21,
1984, Four J's Co.  acquired title  to the site from Liberty Industrial.
The State is  now  trying to bring the new owner into compliance with the
Consent Agreement.

     The site is  underlain by  sand and gravel to a depth of 95 feet, which
allows contaminants on the surface to seep into ground water.  About 90,000
people draw drinking water from  wells within 3 miles of the site.

     Status (January 1986):  On  April 12, 1985, the State and Four J's
entered into  a Consent Order requiring the company to undertake a remedial
investigation/feasibility study  to determine the type and extent of
contamination at  the site and  identify alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                        NEPERA CHEMICAL CO.,  INC.
                            Maybrook, New York

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);  The Nepera Chemical Co., Inc.,
Site covers 23 acres southwest of Maybrook, Orange County,  New York.
Between 1953  and 1968,  Nepera  used the  site to  dispose of a portion of
the industrial wastes generated  by its  plant  in Harriman,  New York.  The
plant manufactured a variety of  organic chemical compounds.  In 1953,
the State issued Nepera a "permit to discharge  sewage or wastes into the
waters of the State." Waste disposal started  with two lagoons and expanded
to six lagoons, each measuring 160 feet long, 70 feet wide, and 6 feet
deep.  The discharge  started at 50,000  gallons  per week  and declined to
about 7,000 gallons per week in  1967.

     State  inspections  detected  leakage from the lagoons in 1958 and 1960.
Nepera and EPA detected contaminants,  including arsenic, copper, zinc,
dichlorcmethane, and di-n-butylphthalate,  in on-site test wells.

     Due to the State's continuing concern about proper  containment of the
waste and the threat  to the Maybrook Well Field 800 feet away, which
served 2,500  people, Nepera discontinued  operation of the lagoons in
1968.  The  last  lagoons were filled  in  1974.

     On Aug.  17, 1984,  the  State entered  into an Administrative Order on
Consent with  Nepera  to conduct a remedial investigation to determine the
type and extent of contamination at  the site.

     Status  (January  1986);  The results  of the investigation were due.
early in 1986.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

                                Con.pensa.icn. and LiabHiW Ac. of 1980 lCERClAirSuperfun.T
                        NORTH SEA MUNICIPAL LANDFILL
                            North Sea, New York

      Conditions at listing (October 1984); The North Sea Municipal Land-
 fill  covers 110 acres in North Sea, Town of Southampton, Suffolk County,
 New York.   Owned by the Town of Southampton, the landfill has been accep-
 ting  refuse, construction debris, and septic system wastes since 1963.

      The site is located in eastern Long Island near the southern shore
 of Little  Peconic Bay in an area with extensive ponds, coves, and wetlands.
 Soils in the area are sands and gravels, and ponds in the area are surface
 expressions of ground water.   The site is unlined, allowing rapid movemenb
 of contaminants.

      There is a plume of ground water contaminated with heavy metals in
 an aquifer designated by EPA as a sole source of drinking water for more
 than  10,000 people in the area.  Monitoring by the town and State has
 established that the plume is moving northwest of the site and has resulted
 in closure of several private wells.  Public water supplies have been
 extended to serve residents of the area.  Ground water in this area
 ultimately discharges to Fish Cove of the Peconic Bay.  The Peconic Ray
 system is  a major recreational resource in this region.

      The town has been cooperating with the Suffolk County Health Depart-
 ment  to provide alternative drinking water supplies in areas where ground
 water has  been contaminated.

      Status (January 1986 ) ;  EPA is conducting a remedial investigation/
 feasibility study to determine the type and extent of contamination at
 the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                     PASLEY SOLVENTS  S, CHEMICALS,  INC.
                           Hernpstead, New York

     Conditions at listing (October  1984);   The Pasley Solvents & Chemical,
Inc., Site covers about 0.5 acres  in Hempstead, Nassau County,  New
York.  Barlo Equipment Co= leased  the property  and subsequently subleased
it to Pasley Solvents.  Pasley operated  as a chemical  distribution facility
from 1969 through mid-1982 and reportedly stored  various organic chemicals,
including aliphatic  naphthas, aromatic solvents,  and ketones.  Prior to
1969, the site was occupied by Commander Oil, a distributor of fuel oil
and gasoline.  The site consists of  a large one-story  building, a tin
shed, a small building, and 12 above-ground tanks.

     In June  1981, the Nassau County Health Department collected soil
samples beneath the  tanks at depths  of 6 inches to 36  inches.  Analyses
of the samples indicated that the  soil was contaminated with halogenated
and nonhalogenated organic compounds.  Five monitoring wells were installed
at the site in August  1981.  Analyses of soil and ground water from
wells 2, 4, and 5 detected halogenated and nonhalogenated organic compounds,
as well as constituents of fuel oil  and  gasoline.  The nearest well is
less than 0.5 miles  from the site.   About 12,000  people draw drinking water
from wells within 3  miles of the site.

     Nassau County has cited both  Commander Oil and Pasley Solvents for
various violations but without any resulting follow-up action.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is  considering various alternatives
for this site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                           PREFERRED PLATING CORP.
                           Farmingdale, New York

      Conditions at listing  (October 1984);  Preferred  Plating Corp.  con-
ducted plating operations on a 0.5-acre site  in Farmingdale, Town  of
Babylon,  Suffolk County,  New York, for more than 20 years,  before  going
out of business in 1976.  Since then, several firms have occupied  the
site.   None conducted similar operations to Preferred  Plating.  An auto-
mobile repair shop now occupies the site.

      From 1955 to 1976, the Suffolk County Department  of Health made
numerous  tests of waste materials contained in open pits.   The pits  were
severely  cracked and leaking, allowing discharges  into ground water.   In
1975,  the county identified four major contaminants—copper, chromium,
cadmium,  and hexavalent chromium.  About 15,000 people draw drinking water
from  wells within 3 miles of the site.

      The  county has taken various court actions through the years  to up-
grade on-site treatment facilities.  The court mandates were never
accomplished.   In 1976, Preferred Plating filed for bankruptcy.

      Status (January .1986);  EPA is considering various alternatives
for this  site.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                    ROBINTECH, INC./NATIONAL PIPE  CO.
                         Town of Vestal,  New York

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):   The  Robintech,  Inc./National
Pipe Co.  Site is an  inactive filled laqoon,  approximately 1-acre in size,
in a primarily industrial area of the Town of Vestal,  Broome County, New
York.  The site was owned by Robinson Technical  Products  from September
1966 to 1970: Robintech. Inc.. from  1970  to  December 1982;  and National
Pipe Co. from December 1982 to the present.   The facility manufactures
polyvinylchloride  (PVC) pipe from inert PVC  resin  and  assembles plastic-
coated cable.

     The laqoon was used from 1968 to 1974 for disposal of  chromic acid
plating solution, caustic reverse plating etch,  machine cutting oils, and
toluene.  More than 1,500 gallons of liquid  waste  were dumped into the
lagoon, which had been a small swamp. It has been almost completely filled
with clean dirt and paved or covered with gravel.   It  is  now used as a
storage yard for PVC pipe.

     The site is situated at the southern edge of  an area that is an active
gravel pit on the southern bank of a meander of  the Susguehanna River.
The area immediately north of the site is marshy,  with a  small stream
running throuqh it that receives drainage from the Roundtop Hill area.
The Town of Vestal Water District No. 4 is on the  Susguehanna floodplain
about 2,500 feet north-northwest of  the site.  Well 4-2 was placed on the
NPL in September 1983.

     Status  (January  1986);  EPA is  conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type and  extent of  contamination at
the site and identify alternatives for remedial  action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                                SARNEY FARM
                              Amenia, New York

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);  The Sarney Farm  is  in Amenia,
Dutchess County,  New York.   The site is an open dump in farmland, with
several  small villages  close by.  A former owner used a 35-acre section
of the property  as  a dump for municipal and industrial wastes.  The
operation had no permit.   The site received drums of ethylene dichloride,
cleaning solvents,  inks,  acids, water-base glue, and machine oil between
1965 and 1969, according  to the county.  Some drums are on the  surface,
and others  are buried.

     Contamination  of both ground water and surface water is of concern.
About 4,500 people  draw drinking water from wells within 3 miles of  the site.

     The site is 500 feet from Cleaver Swamp, which in the past provided
water for farm livestock.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type and extent of contamination  at
the site and  to  identify  alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                        SUFFERN VILLAGE  WELL FIELD
                       Village  of Suffern,  New York

     Conditions  at  listing  (October  1984);   The Suffern Village Well Field
consists of four wells in the Village  of Suffern,  Rockland County, New
York.  Approximately 11,000 residents  are served at an average rate of
1.5 million gallons per day from the well field,  which is immediately
adjacent to the  Ramapo River  in the  northwest corner of the village
limits.  In September  1978, Rockland County Health Department detected
over 100 parts per  billion  (ppb) of  the  solvent 1,1,1-trichloroethane in
Well Nunber 4.   Three wells  (numbers 1,  2,  and 4)  have been forced out
of operation due to the contamination.

     During an investigation  in 1979,  the Health Department identified
Tempcon Corp. as a  likely source of  the  solvent contamination.  Tempcon
has since removed its  suspected dry  well and no longer uses 1,1,1-tri-
chloroethane in  its operations.  Unfortunately, these remedial actions
have not reduced the levels of  1,1,1-trichloroethane at the well field.

     During the  summer of 1979, the  village took remedial action of its
own by constructing a  $190,000  pretreatment aeration system to remove
volatile organic chemicals  from the  ground water and by pumping upgradient
Well Nunber 4 and discharging the effluent.  These two remedial measures
control the concentration of  1,1,1-trichloroethane in Well Number 3 to
below 50 ppb, which allows the  well  to be used.  The State has studied the
Ramapo Valley outwash  deposit,  the 8,000-foot long aquifer tapped by the
wells.  The State plans further studies  of the site.

     Status  (January 1986);   EPA  is  conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine  the type  and extent of contamination at
the site and identify  alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                           SMS INSTRUMENTS,  INC.
                            Deer Park,  New York

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);   SMS  Instruments, Inc»,  over-
hauled military  aircraft  components in Deer  Park,  Town of Babylon,  Suffolk
County, New York, between 1971 and 1983.  The site consists of  a one-story
building occupyinq  34,000 square  feet  on  a 1.5-acre lot that is largely
paved.  Industrial  wastes generated from  deqreasing and other refurbishing
operations were  routinely discharged to a leaching pool on-site.  In
1979-80, the Suffolk County Department of Health detected solvents  in the
pool.  The county installed monitoring wells, which proved  to be contami-
nated with 1,1,1-trichloroethane.   Ground water  is the only water supply
source in the area.  A public well field  and pump  station are less  than
1 mile south, the general direction of ground water flow.  Over 10,000
people draw drinking water from wells  within 3 miles of the site.

     In March 1980, the county issued  a modified Consent Order  to SMS.
Violations at the site included effluent  discharges in excess of ground
water standards  and criteria, improper storage and disposal of  hazardous
wastes, and failure to apply for  a State  Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System permit.   Subseguent investigations at the site during 1981 revealed
70 drums stored  outdoors  unprotected,  some showing evidence of  corrosion
and leakage.  Also  in  1981, an underground 6,000-gallon jet fuel tank
failed a pressure test, suggesting an  additional threat to ground water.

     The site is 75 feet  above sea level. Topography is generally  flat
with the exception  of  a steep embankment  leading to a large basin  50 feet
from the eastern property line.  The basin recharges ground water.   The
headwaters of Sampawams Creek, which feeds  into  Guggenheim Lakes,  lie
1 mile southeast.   Belmont Lake State  Park  is less than 2 miles south-
southwest.  The  immediate vicinity is  light  industrial, but predominant
land use in the  surrounding area  is commercial and residential. Approx-
imately 5,000 residences  are within 1  mile of the  site.  Several schools
are to the south.

     Status  (January  1986);  EPA  is considering  various alternatives for
this site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                         TRONIC PLATING CO.,  INC.
                           Farmingdale,  New York

     Conditions  at listing (October  1984); Tronic  Platina Co., Imc.
occupies  0.5 acres in  Farminqdale, New  York.   The  site is in southwestern
Suffolk County,  approximately 1.5 miles east  of the Nassau County line.
Tronic occupies  the southeast corner of a long buildinq in an industrial
park area*  The  site consists of the buildinq, two inside above-qround
storage  tanks, four below-ground leaching pools, and a storm drain in the
paved area to the northeast of  the building.   Tronic has provided electro-
plating  and anodizing  services  to the electronics  industry since July 1968.

     State and county  authorities have  determined  that hazardous wastes,
consisting primarily of heavy metals, were discharged from storage tanks
and leaching pools on  the  site.  The State issued  a Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System permit  to Tronic  on  April  1, 1980.  In June 1980, the
State issued a Consent Order to Tronic  for discharging industrial wastes
to ground water  from leaching pools. Tronic  agreed to obtain a permit
and clean out the leaching pools.

     Tests conducted by the State on one of the leaching pools detected
copper,  silver,  iron,  zinc, lead, and cadmium.  Heavy metals also were
detected  in the  storm  drain.

     The  site is in a  generally flat area with an  average slope of less
than 3 percent.  There is  no surface water in the  vicinity.  The surrounding
area is  paved, and run-off flows to  existing  storm drains.  The site is
surrounded by manufacturing and commercial facilities.  Large cemeteries
are located to the south and east.

     Wells provide drinking water to about 16,000  people and are the only
water supply in  the area.

     Status (January 1986): EPA is  considering various alternatives for
this site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                         VOLNEY MUNICIPAL LANDFILL
                          Town of Volney, New York

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The Volney Municipal Landfill
covers  58  acres in the Town of Volney, Oswego County, New York.  The
surrounding area is rural.   About 200 residents are served by private
wells.  Currently, the site is owned by Oswego County and operated by
the Oswego County Highway Department.  Before the county purchased the
landfill in 1975, it was privately owned and served the Towns of Granby
and Volney and the Village of Fulton.  In 1974, approximately 8,000
barrels of wastes from Pollution Abatement Services, Oswego, New York,
which was  placed on the NPL in September 1983, were buried at the site.
A significant leachate problem exists.  Ground water is contaminated
with benzene,  lead, and phenols,  according to tests conducted by the

     The State has entered into a Consent Order with Oswego County for
control of the leachate problem and closure of the site.  The State is
now reviewing the county's closure plan.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is conducting a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type and extent of contamination at
the site and  identify alternatives for remedial action.

     The State approved the county's closure plan, and the landfill was
closed  in  the fall of 1985.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                               ALSCO ANACONDA
                             Gnadenhutten,  Ohio

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);  The Alsco Anaconda  Site is an
inactive  sludge disposal  lagoon on Alsco plant property adjacent  to the
Tuscarawas River in Gnadenhutten,  Tuscarawas County, Ohio.  The 0.3-acre
lagoon is in permeable soils and is not lined.  Fran 1971 to  1978,  the
company disposed of the eguivalment of IB,000 drums of waste  in the
lagoon.   Lagoon sludge contains chromium and cyanide, according to  analyses
conducted by Alsco Anaconda's contractor.

     City and private drinking water wells serving 3,100 people draw
ground water from aguifers  within  3 miles of the Alsco Anaconda Site.
There are no alternative  sources of drinking water.

     Status  (January 1986);   In March 1985, the company, under  the
supervision of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, began  a  study to
determine the extent of contamination at the site.
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Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                         INDUSTRIAL EXCESS LANDFILL
                              Uniontown,  Ohio

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);   The  Industrial Excess Landfill
covers 30 acres  in  Uniontown, Stark County,  Ohio.   While in operation
(from about  1959 to 1980), the privately-owned and -operated landfill
accepted residential and commercial wastes,  as well as approximately 1
million  qallons  of  industrial wastes.  The landfill is capped with a
rather permeable material and is  on sand and gravel soils.  All residents
in the immediate area (about 19,000) use private wells for drinking water.

     In  1983, area  residents complained  to the State about contamination
of ground water, surface water, and air, as  well as numerous health
effects.  Analyses  by the State confirmed contamination.   In 1983, the
State detected slight impacts on  on-site surface water from leachate
generated within the landfill. Analyses of  residential wells showed low
levels of organic chemicals.

     Status  (January 1986);  In February 1985, the Ohio State Court
ordered  the  owner of the landfill to control the migration of methane
gas.  EPA prepared  a plan for action at  the  site involving an active
control  system.  However, the State allowed  installation of a passive
control  system with monitoring to determine  its  effectiveness.  The
system was evaluated by  the State and  EPA and determined to be inadeguate.
In November  1985, EPA recommended an immediate removal action to control
methane  migration.   Using CERCLA  emergency funds,  EPA is installing an
active control system.

     EPA negotiated with parties  potentially responsible for wastes at
the site to  conduct a remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) to
determine the type  and extent of  contamination at the site and identify
alternatives for remedial action.

     On  June 11, 1985, negotiations failed,  and  EPA undertook the RI/FS
with Federal funds.  On-site activities  began in August 1985.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site
                               . Compensation, and LiabilUy Ac. of 1980 (CERCLArSuperfuncT,
                       REPUBLIC STEEL CORP. QUARRY
                               Elyria, Ohio

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);  Republic Steel Corp. disposed
of waste pickling liquor  (acids) in a 5-acre quarry  in Elyria, Lorain
County, Oh,
                                  Water  from  the  quarry discharges to
the West Branch of the Black River, which  is adjacent to the site.
Whether wastes from the quarry have contaminated  the river is not known
at this time.  The wastes in the quarry are in direct contact with a
sandstone formation that may be a minor aquifer  in the area.
     The site, although fenced,  is still accessible.
is the present owner.
                                                       The City of Elyria
     An estimated 60,000 people live within  3 miles of the site.   Two
residential wells are within 1 mile of the site.   Nearby surface  waters
are used for recreation.
     Status (January 1986);
the site.
                             EPA  is considering  various alternatives for
   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                                Dayton, Ohio

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);  The Sanitary Landfill Co.,
which  is  owned by Industrial Waste Disposal Co., Inc.,  operated  a 40-acre
landfill  near Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, from 1965 to 1980.   The
landfill  reportedly accepted municipal wastes and various types  of  indus-
trial  wastes, including solvents.  The landfill is located above gravel
deposits.   About 110,000 people draw drinking water from wells within
3 miles of the site.  The wells are drilled into a deeper aquifer,  which
may be connected to the shallow gravel deposits, according to a  study
conducted by  the U.S. Geological Survey.  Thus, there  is a potential for
contamination of public water wells.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund"

                             VAN DALE JUNKYARD
                               Marietta, Ohio

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):  The  Van Dale Junkyard covers
about 10 acres 1.5 miles northeast of Marietta,  Washington County, Ohio.
It is on a ridae near Duck Creek, a  tributary to the Ohio River.  The
owner was licensed by the county to  receive junk for salvage.  In addition,
the owner accepted hundreds, of drums containinq  waste dyes and organic
chemicals.  As a result of  the facility's geology and poor management
practices, the creek, sediments, and an adjacent marshy area are
contaminated with organic chemicals  and metals,  according to tests
conducted by EPA and the State.  Additionally, the potential exists for
contamination of local private wells serving about 20 people.

     The Ohio Attorney General filed a suit against the owner/operator
of the facility on Jan. 13, 1984.  On Feb.  29, 1984, the owner/operator
agreed to a Preliminary Iniunction enjoining the facility from accepting
solid and hazardous waste,  and frcm  filling, grading, excavating, or
burning wastes.

     The site was originally proposed for  the NPL in December 1932.  In
September 1983, it was dropped from  consideration because, on the basis
of the data then available, its score on the Hazard Ranking Systen did
not gualify it for the NPL.  On the  basis of new data gathered by the
State since September  1983, the site's score is  high enough to warrant
proposing it again for the  NPL.

     Status (January  1986);  EPA is  considering  various alternatives for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                          Sand Sprinqs, Oklahoma

     Conditions at listing (September 1983):  The Sand Sprinqs  Petrochemical
Complex covers about  235 acres in Sand Sprinqs, Tulsa County, Oklahoma,  adjacent
to the Arkansas River.  The site consists of all the former  Sinclair Oil Refinery
south of Adams Road,  includinq the Wynn area and the old Sinclair refinery acid
pits.  The Wynn area  is a waste oil and spent solvents recyclinq,  storage, and
disposal facility covering about 6 acres adjacent to the Arkansas  River  levee.
Groups of operators are involved in the Wynn area:  (1) the Wynn Group (various
companies, but chiefly Vacuum & Pressure Tank Truck Services, Inc.)  and  (2)  the
Recyclon Group (Recyclon Corp., Resource Recovery & Refining Corp.,  and  various
individuals who control and operate those entities).

     The acid pits date to when the refinery was in operation (1930-1944).
Several thousand cubic yards of sulfuric acid sludge containing heavy metals,
including lead and chromium, are stored in  two unlined pits/  perhaps as  deep  as .
20 feet.  Over the years, sludge seeped into the Arkansas River levee, releasing
contaminants to the river.  The pits probably also contaminate  ground water.

     Several additional industries leased portions of the refinery property.
Hazardous substances were stored or disposed of in drums, tanks, and unlined
pits, or were simply buried on-site.  These substances include  volatile  and
nonvolatile organics, acids, caustics, chlorinated solvents,  and sludges
containinq heavy metals.  Poor operations have contaminated  local  ground water,
according to EPA tests, and there is the potential for contaminants  to leave
the site in run-off.

     Status (June 1984):  EPA and the State are preparing a  cooperative  agreement
for a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine  the type and extent
of contamination at the site and to identify alternatives for remedial action.
EPA issued two Administrative Orders concerning an immediate removal in  the
Wynn area.  The orders were issued on March 2 and March 13,  1984,  to Recyclon
Corp., Resource Recovery & Refining Corp.,  Vacuum & Pressure Tank  Truck  Services,
Inc., Vacuum Refining, Inc., Solvents Recovery, Inc., Sand Springs Home, Inc.,
and certain individuals who control and operate or are involved with these
entities.  In the immediate removal, EPA removed and disposed of approximately
400 drums of hazardous substances, repaired a fence, and sampled and analyzed the
pits, on-site soil, and on-site monitoring  wells.  Further action  may be reguired
depending upon sampling results from the remedial investigation.

     EPA is deferring rule-making on this site because appropriate  scoring documents
were not in the public docket and so were not available during  the comment period.
Thus, EPA is providing an additional comment period for this site.

     Status (January  1986):  On-site sampling under the cooperative  agreement began
in May 1985.  The Oklahoma State Department of Health is overseeing  the  drilling
activities.  The Tulsa City County Health Department will sample air, surface water,
and sediments through September 1986.

     Status (June 10, 1986):  No comments were received during  the additional
comment period.  Hence, EPA is adding the Sand Springs Petrochemical Complex
to the NPL at this time.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                       MARTIN-MARIETTA ALUMINUM CO.
                            The Dalles, Oregon

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);  Martin-Marietta Aluminum Co.
produces aluminum on  a site covering less  than  350 acres  in The Dalles,
Wasco County, Oregon.  Cyanide is present  in  both the shallow and deep
aquifers underlying the site, according to tests conducted  by the State
and Martin-Marietta.  Cyanide appeared in  one production well and several
monitoring wells, and also  in surface  run-off and in leachate from a cathode
waste pile.  Cyanide  is known to be  present in  spent cathode potliners.

     Under State order, the company  removed an  old waste  pile of 75,000
tons of spent cathodes potliners to  a  new  approved  area on  the site.  An
on-site landfill contains approximately 4,600 tons of spent cathodes.

     Ground water provides  drinking  water  to  14,000  people  in The Dalles
and Chenoweth.  The wells are also used in the  immediate  vicinity for
industrial purposes.  The nearest well is  approximately 2,000 feet from
the waste pile.  The  company has constructed  several monitoring wells
around the site to detect and document the contamination.

     Status (January  1986);  Martin-Marietta  hired a contractor to
conduct a remedial investigation/feasibility  study  (RI/FS)  to determine
the type and extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.  The company has  submitted a workplan for the RI/FS
to EPA for review and comment.  On Sept. 12,  1985, EPA and  the company
signed a Consent order covering the  RI/FS.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                              AMBLER ASBESTOS PILES
                               Ambler, Pennsylvania

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);   Two asbestos piles — the
 Plant  Pile  and  the Locust Street Pile — cover about 15 acres in a resi-
 dential  area  of Ambler,  Montgomery County,  Pennsylvania.   In 1867, Keasbey
 ft Mattison  Co., manufacturers of asbestos products, began dumping its
 waste  next  to its  Ambler plant.  In 1962, the plant was divided and
 purchased by  Nicolet,  Inc., and CertainTeed Corp., also manufacturers of
 asbestos products.  Nicolet pumped waste water containing asbestos from
 settling ponds  into diked areas, creating wet asbestos piles which grad-
 ually  dried as  new diked areas were constructed and filled.  CertainTeed
 dumped predominately broken wallboard and asbestos pipe products, which
 were periodically  further broken by compaction with tractors.  The total
 volume of asbestos-contaminated waste in the piles is estimated to exceed
 1.5 million cubic  yards.

     In  1971, Nicolet applied for a permit from the State to continue
 using  the Locust Street  Pile for waste disposal.  In 1972, CertainTeed
 applied  for a permit for a portion of the Plant Pile which was on its
 property.  In 1974, the  State denied the permit applications and issued
 orders to both  companies to cease dumping and to stabilize and cover the
 piles.  CertainTeed signed a Consent Order and agreed to follow the
 State's  order.   Nicolet  refused to comply.

     In  1983, EPA  found  asbestos in the soil and on eguipment in the Locust
 Street playground, which is adjacent to Nicolet's pile.  The U.S. Centers
 for Disease Control and  the Pennsylvania Department of Health certified
 the pile as presenting an immediate threat to the public.  In 1983-84,
 EPA committed $935,670 in CERCLA emergency funds to cover Nicolet's piles
 with soil and to establish vegetation.  EPA obtained a court order for
 entry  onto  the  site.  Vfork has been completed except for installation of
 a drainage  system  and reseeding.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA completed its emergency activities at the
 site in  May 1985.

     EPA is developing a workplan for an enforcement-lead remedial investi-
 gation/feasibility study to determine the extent of contamination at the
 site and identify  alternatives for remedial action.  The workplan should
 be completed  in February 1986.  Nicolet will then decide if it wants to
 perform  the remedial investigation/feasibility study.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

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Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                         BROWN'S  BATTERY BREAKING
                      Shoemakersville,  Pennsylvania

     Conditions  at  listing  (October 1984);   The Brown's Battery Breaking
Site is an abandoned  battery  recycling  facility which operated in a
rural area near  Shoemakersville,  Berks  County,  Pennsylvania, from 1961
to 1971.  About  25,000 cubic  yards  of battery casings were found on the
site, either whole  or in pieces.  In sane instances, small pieces were
used as a substitute  for road gravel in the area.

     The State detected lead  in air near the site,  in surface and sub-
surface soils on the site,  and downstream in the Schuylkill River, which
adjoins the site.   The State  found  elevated blood lead levels in children
living on the site.

     Approximately  1,000 people use wells within 3  miles of the site as
drinking water.

     In 1983-84, EPA spent  $1.4 million in CERCLA emergency funds to fence
the site, excavate, consolidate,  and cap contaminated soils on-site, and
regravel the driveway leading into  the  site.

     Status (January  1986);   In March 1985,  EPA filed'a complaint in the
Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania  against  General Battery Corp. and
another potentially responsible party for costs incurred during the
emergency operations.

     The State is developing  a final workplan for a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the  type and extent  of contamination at
the site and identify alternatives  for  remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                               CRQYDON TCE
                           Croydon, Pennsylvania

     Conditions at listing (September 1985);   The Croydon Trichloro-
ethylene  (TCE) Site involves the  presence of TCE and other volatile
organic compounds in ground water and surface water in an industrialized
area of Croydon,  Bucks County, Pennsylvania.   EPA detected contamination
in monitoring wells,  private wells, and the West and East Branches of
Hog Run near where they meet. Hog Run flows  into the Delaware River,
which reverses  its flow in the area because of tidal influences.  About
18,000 people depend  on water from the Delaware River within 3 miles
upstream  of  the site  for drinking water.   About 200 people depend on
shallow private wells within 3 miles.

     To date, no  source of the contamination has been positively identified.
However,  data collected by EPA in April 1985  have identified areas in need
of additional investigation.

     Status  (January  1986);  EPA  is currently investigating the source of
the contamination by  surveying local industries, contacting citizens, and
reviewing State/county files.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                             HUNTERSTOWN ROAD
                      Straban Township, Pennsylvania

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The Hunterstown Road Site
covers 3 acres on both sides of Hunterstown Road, Straban Township,  Adams
County, Pennsylvania.  From 1970 to 1984,  the owner of  the  property
apparently disposed of wastes generated by several local corporations.
The operation had no permit.  The majority of the waste, consisting of
paint sludges and various solvents, was dumped on the ground.   Ground
water and surface water are contaminated with various volatile organic
compounds, according to tests conducted by the State and EPA.   Trichloro-
ethylene (TCE) is the predominant chemical found on the site.   About
9,500 people use wells within 3 miles of the site for drinking water.

     In April 1984, Westinghouse Electric  Corp., a generator of wastes
disposed there, excavated a waste lagoon and contaminated soil on the
site and transported the materials to an approved disposal  site under an
Administrative Order EPA issued under section 106 of CERCIA.  As an
emergency action, EPA constructed a fence  around the  lagoon area.
However, soils, ground water, and a small  stream on the site still are
contaminated, according to EPA analyses.

     Status (January 1986);  In January 1985, EPA and the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Resources signed a multisite  cooperative
agreement which provides CERCLA funds to the State for  various sites,
including Hunterstown Road.  The funds are to start work  preparatory
to a remedial investigation/feasibility study  (RI/FS) to determine the
type and extent of contamination at the site and  identify  alternatives
for remedial action.

     In April 1985, EPA completed a search for parties  potentially
responsible for wastes associated with the site.  Also  in April, EPA took
on-site and off-site soil and water samples.

     A final workplan for the RI/FS is due shortly.  The State will then
begin to negotiate with potentially responsible parties for the RI/FS.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                          LAMSDOWNE RADIATION SITE
                          Lansdowne, Pennsylvania

     Conditions  at listing (April 19R5);   The Lansdowne Radiation Site is a
duplex structure located on approximately 0.5 acres in Lansdowne, part of the
metropolitan area  of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Fran 1924 to 1944,  a chem-
istry/physics  professor  used the  basement of the 105 E. Stratford Avenue
residence as a laboratory.  The operation was predominately the manufacture
of radium sources  for medical radiation therapy.  The professor died  in the
tnid-1940s, and the ownership of 105 E.  Stratford has changed twice,  first in
the late 1940s and then  in the early 1960s.   The 107 E. Stratford residence
has not changed  ownership.

     Two radiological  studies of  the site were completed in 1984, the first
by EPA and the State,  the second  by Argonne  National Laboratory.  Both
detected excessive levels of radium, radon gas,  and radon decay products. The
U.S. Department  of Energy estimates that  800 to 1,200 cubic yards of  contam-
inated soil are  on the site.

     Residents of  the  duplex are  immediately affected by the contamination.
The surrounding  suburban residential area could be affected should the structure
catch fire and spread  contamination via smoke.

     On Sept.  10,  1984,  using CERCLA emergency funds,  EPA and the Federal
Emergency Management Agency temporarily relocated both residents and  most of
their uncontaminated personal belongings. In addition, an  extent-of-contami-
nation and radiological  assessment have been completed for  both properties.
A proposed workplan and  safety protocols  are being developed.   A fire/burglar
alarm has been installed,  and a fire sprinkler system is being  installed.

     On Feb. 12, 1985, EPA proposed amendments to the  National  Contingency
Plan (NCP), the  Federal  regulation by which  CERCLA is  implemented, to allow
placing a site on  the  NPL if the  Agency for  Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ATSDR) of the  U.S. Department of Health and  Human Services  has
issued a health  advisory and if the site  meets certain other criteria.   On
March 5, 1985, ATSDR issued an advisory warning  that radiation  levels within
the duplex made  it unsafe;

     Status (September 1985).;   On Sept. 16,  1985,  EPA revised the NCP to allow
placing such sites on  the NPL and placed  Lansdowne Radiation Site on  the NPL.

     EPA has concluded that the best way  to  remove permanently  the health
hazard at Lansdowne is to remove  the structure.   Accordingly, EPA and the
Federal Emergency  Management Agency are negotiating to purchase the two
homes.  The structure  will be dismantled  and transported to a licensed facility
in Hanford, Washington.   EPA will develop a  plan for monitoring the site to
ensure that radiation  levels are  not excessive.   The total  cost is estimated
at $3.5 million.

     A recent  Argonne  interim report indicates  that radioactive contamination
has migrated off-site  to soil at  the edge of E.  Stratford Avenue and  to the
sewer in the avenue.   Also, the estimate  of  the  volume of contaminated
materials on-site  has  been increased to approximately  2,000 cubic yards.
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Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                           MIDDLETOWN AIR FIELD
                         Middletown, Pennsylvania

     Conditions at listing (Octoher 1984):  The  Middletown Air Field
covers 36 acres in Middletown, Dauphin  County, Pennsylvania.  The site is
adjacent to the Susguehanna River, and  the Swatara Creek is located
nearby.  Until 1966,  the Federal government owned the  site and operated
it as Olmsted Air Force Base.  Various  Air Force operations resulted in
solvents and other wastes being disposed  of on the site.  The current
owner, the State of Pennsylvania, operates the site as Harrisburg
International Airport.  The site includes the airport  properties, the
Mead Heights area, and several industrial properties.

     Dichlorobenzene, trichloroethylene,  and  tetrachloroethylene are
present in ground water at the site, according to analyses conducted by
the State and EPA.  The State, EPA, and the Air  Force  are currently
studying the site.  As part of its effort, the Air Force has completed a
search of records for information on past disposal activities at Olmsted
Air Force Base.  In 1984, the State removed all  sludge and liguids in
Building 267, closed  the fire training  pits,  and removed all materials
from the location.  That same year, the Air Force removed some drums from
the Mead Heights area.  All these actions have been voluntary.

     About 19,500 people obtain their drinking water from wells within
3 miles of the site.

     Status (January  1986);  In October 1985,  EPA completed a search for
parties identified as potentially responsible for wastes associated with
the site, and in January 1986 issued Notice Letters to them.  Negotiations
are expected to begin in February 1986.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAIC'Superfund")

                            MODERN SANITATION LANDFILL
                       Lower Windsor Township, Pennsylvania

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);   Modern Sanitation Landfill
covers 72 acres  in  Lower  Windsor Township,  York County, Pennsylvania.
The landfill operation is leased fron a local farmer.  In September
1984, Waste Management Inc. (WMI) purchased the landfill operation from
SCA Services, which had purchased the operation in September 1980 from
Modern Trash of  York.  The landfill reportedly received hazardous wastes
between  1976 and 1979.

     Toxic organic  and inorganic chemicals  contaminate ground water
underlying the landfill,  according to analyses conducted by the State and
EPA.  Similar contaminants have been detected in springs adjacent to the

     The State and  WMI are working on remedial measures to collect and
treat the contaminated ground water on the  western perimeter of the

     Between 1,000  and 3,000 people use wells within 3 miles of the site
as their source  of  drinking water.

     In  September 1984, the State and WMI signed a Consent Order and
Agreement reguiring WMI to operate and upgrade a leachate collection
system on the western  perimeter of the landfill, investigate ground
water contamination on the northern and eastern perimeters, and develop
a treatment for  this contamination.

     Status  (January 1986);  WMI is conducting the activities reguired by
its agreement with  the State.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                             MW MANUFACTURING
        . .                Valley Township, Pennsylvania

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);  The MW Manufacturing Site
covers about 20 acres in the center of Valley Township,  Montour County,
Pennsylvania.  Copper is recovered from scrap wire on the  site.   MW
Manufacturing, the original operator, used  both mechanical and chemical
processes.  The company went bankrupt in  the early 1970s.   The second
(and present) operator uses a mechanical  process.   The waste accumulation
on the site consists of a surface impoundment of 6 acres,  400,000 cubic
feet of finely divided metal wire scraps  ("fluffs"),  about 50 drums, a
6,000-gallon tank, and a landfill holding 20,000 cubic feet of wastes.

     The site was first proposed for listing under the name "Domino
Salvage Yard."

     Spent chlorinated organic  solvents apparently were  dumped on the
site.  EPA sampling and analyses revealed that lead is present in high
concentrations in nearby drinking water wells.  About 1,500 people use
wells within 3 miles of the site as a source of drinking water.

     The State has investigated the site  since the late  1960s and issued
orders for cleanup since 1971.  At present, there  is  a Consent Order to
clean up the site.  The present owner, Warehouse 81 Limited Partnership,
has removed and disposed of some of the hazardous  waste  and processed
some of the fluff, but has not  removed the  amount  specified in the State

     Status (January 1986);  EPA plans to conduct  a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine  the type and extent of contamination at
the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                              SHRIVER'S CORNER
                       Straban Township, Pennsylvania

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);  The Shriver's Corner" Site is
comprised of  two areas covering  about 10 acres along Route 394 in Straban
Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania.  Both areas have accepted drums of
liouid wastes from  the Westinghouse Elevator Co. plant in Cumberland
Township.   (The Westinqhouse plant was also proposed for the NPL in
October 1984).   Drums of 1,1,1-trichloroethane, toluene, xylene, and
other solvents  were disposed of  on the property north of Route 394.  The
southern property was reportedly used for the disposal of paint sludges,
solvents, and 1,1,1-trichloroethane.

     Ground water is contaminated with various organic compounds,
according to  tests  conducted by  EPA and the State.  About 5,000 people
use wells within 3  miles of the  site as a source of drinking water.  In
April 1984, under a CERCLA section 106 order issued by EPA, Westinghouse
removed about 80 surface drums and 250 cubic yards of contaminated soils
and sent the  materials to an approved disposal site.  Westinghouse has
provided carbon filters for some residential wells.

     Status (January 1986);  In  January 1985, EPA and the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Resources signed a multisite cooperative
agreement which provides CERCLA  funds to the State for various sites,
including Shriver's Corner.  The funds are to start work preparatory to a
remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the type and extent
of contamination at the site and identify alternatives for remedal action.

     In April 1985, EPA completed a search for parties potentially
responsible for wastes associated with the site.

     A final  workplan for the RI/FS is due shortly.  The State will then
begin to negotiate  with potentially responsible parties for the RI/FS.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                    Cumberland  Township,  Pennsylvania

     Conditions  at listing  (October  1984);   Westinqhouse Elevator Co.
manufactures elevators on an 85-acre site in Cumberland Township, Adams
County, Pennsylvania.  The manufacturing  procedure involves paint and
degreasing using chlorinated solvents.   In August 1983, the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental  Resources (PA DER) detected trichloroethylene
(TCE) in nearby  surface water.  Further investigation by the State and EPA
found that private wells were also contaminated.

     Under a CERCLA section  106 order issued by EPA, Westinghouse supplied
15 homes along Route  34 with an alternate water supply and initiated a
hydrogeological  study of the site to determine the extent of the contami-
nation and cleanup alternatives.

     Status  (January  1986);   In January 1985, EPA and PA DER signed a
mult'isite cooperative agreement which provides CERCLA funds to the State
for various sites, including the  Vfestinghouse Elevator Co. Plant.  The
funds are to start work on a remedial investigation/feasibility study to
determine the type and extent of  contamination at the site and identify
alternatives for remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLAH"Superfund"

                           WHITMOYER LABORATORIES
                       Jackson Township,  Pennsylvania

     Conditions  at  listing (October 19R4);  Whitmoyer Laboratories
formerly manufactured  animal Pharmaceuticals  on a 17.5-acre site in
Jackson  Township, Lebanon County,  Pennsylvania.  The facility produced
and stored aniline  and soluble arsenic compounds.  Arsenical wastes were
disposed of in concrete vaults,  holding tanks, and unlined lagoons.

     Whitmoyer Laboratories operated from 1934 to July 1984,  when it
became a subsidiary of Rohm & Haas.  Rohm & Haas sold the facility in early
1978 to  Beecham, Inc.,  which subseguently sold it to Stafford Laboratories
of Phoenix, Arizona.

     After EPA and  the State detected arsenic and various organic chemicals
in ground water  and surface water  on and off  the site, Whitmoyer Labs
supplied bottled water to nearby residents from the mid-1960s until
March 1982.   At  that time, seme residents received a cash settlement.
Then, in June 1984,  the company filed for bankruptcy and stopped supplying
bottled  water.   About  4,700 people use wells  within 3 miles of the site
as a source of drinking water.

     Whitmoyer received Interim Status under  the Resource Conservation
and Recovery  Act (RCRA) when it filed Part A of a permit application.

     Status (January 1986);  In January 1985, EPA and the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Resources signed  a multisite cooperative
agreement which  provides  CERCLA funds for various sites, including Whitmoyer
Labs.  The funds are to start work preparatory to a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to determine the type and extent of contamination at
the site and  identify  alternatives for remedial action.

     Status (June 10,  1986):  This site is being placed on the NPL at
this time because the  owner or operator is in bankruptcy and may not be
financially able to take  appropriate remedial action.  Thus, the site
meets one of  the reguirements of EPA's policy for placing RCRA-related
sites on the  NPL.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site
                                Compensation, and LiabHity Ac. c, 1980 ,CERCLAirSuperfund-

                             CENTRAL  LANDFILL
                          Johnston, Rhode  Island

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);   Central  Landfill  covers 133
acres in Johnston, Providence County, Rhode  Island.   The owner,  RI Solid
Waste Management Corp., has a State license  to operate the  site  as a
municipal waste landfill.  According  to records provided by the  State, at
least 1.5 million gallons of hazardous wastes were received at the site
during 1978 and 1979.  Vfells adjacent to the site are contaminated with
organic solvents, according to analyses conducted by the State.   Over
4,000 people live within 3 miles of the site.  Adjacent wetlands may also
be at risk.

     The owner has entered  into a Consent  Order with the State to close
the areas where hazardous wastes were disposed of.   A citizen's  suit
has been filed in the U.S. District Court  against the owner seeking in-
junctive relief and closure of the landfill.  EPA has issued  an
Administrative Order to require the owner  to conduct all appropriate
studies to determine the nature and extent of contamination posed by the

     Status (January 1986) ;  Recent surveys  indicate that the solid
waste covers 154 acres.

     The owner has closed the areas where  hazardous  wastes  were  disposed
of in accordance with the State Consent Order.

     In October 1985, the owner submitted  a  workplan for conducting a
remedial investigation at the site as required by the FPA Administrative
Order .
   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                            DAVIS (GSR) LANDFILL
                          Glocester, Rhode Island

     Conditions  at listing (April 1985):  The Davis Glocester Sanitary
Regional (GSR) Landfill  covers 58 acres in the town of Glocester,
Providence County, Rhode Island.   It is across the town line and across
the street from  the Davis Liquid Waste Site in Smithfield, which was
placed on the NPL in September 1983.

     Between  1974 and 1976, the landfill, which was privately owned and
permitted by  the State to accept municipal wastes, accepted such wastes
from Glocester,  Smithfield, Warwick, and Providence.  In January 1978,
the State did not renew the permit.  Following numerous legal actions
to close the  site, the State Supreme Court ruled in favor of the State
in April 1982.   The site was then officially closed, although it has not
been properly capped or stabilized.

     Among the contaminants detected at the site are toluene, chloroform,
benzene, 1,1-dichloroethane, and 1,1,1-trichloroethane.  The State found
contamination of both surface water and ground water on-site.  EPA
confirmed off-site contamination.  According to the State, contaminated
ground water  is  moving toward Waterman Reservoir, which is used for
recreation.   About 3,800 people use private wells within 3 miles of the site
for drinking water.  No municipal supplies are readily available.

     Status  (January 1986);  FPA is considering various alternatives at
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                             Jackson, Tennessee

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);   The  American Creosote Works,
Inc., Site is a 60-acre wood-preserving facility in Jackson, Madison
County, Tennessee.  From  1930 to  1981,  it used creosote and  pentachloro-
phenol  (PCP) in its operations.   At one time,  this facility  consisted of
four large waste water lagoons, two sand filters,  four treatment tanks,
two 20,000-ga.llon  tanks,  various  piles, and  drip yards.  Numerous spills
also occurred on the  site.   The wood-treatment process causes water
pollution through  two routes—the treatment  process itself and run-off
from the site.  In the 1970s, the company constructed a berm to control
run-off and  installed a new waste water treatment system.  In June 1983,
RPA approved $860,000 in  CERCLA emergency funds  to dewater the site,
remove and bury sludge, and cap certain areas  with clay.

     This site was originally proposed  for listing under the name "American
Creosote Works, Inc."

     Analyses conducted by  EPA indicate that soil and shallow ground
water are contaminated with creosote and PCP constituents.   The facility
is located less than  0.25 miles from the South Fork of the Forked Deer
River, where shallow  ground water is believed  to discharge.   Wetlands
lying along both sides of the river support  a  large variety  of wildlife
species.  Several  public  and private wells are located within 3 miles of
the site.  A well  field for the City of Jackson  (population  49,000) lies
approximately 1.5 miles east of the site.

     The plant received Interim Status  under the Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act  (RCRA) when the  company filed Part A of a permit application.

     American Creosote, which owns the  site, is  under reorganization in
the U.S. Bankruptcy Court.

     Status  (January  1986);  In November 1985, EPA obligated funds for
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  to select a contractor to perform a
remedial investigation/feasibility study to  determine the type and extent
of contamination at the site and  identify alternatives for  remedial

     Status  (June  10, 1986);  This site is being placed on  the NPL at
this time because  the owner or operator is  in  bankruptcy and may not be
financially  able to take  appropriate remedial  action.  Thus, the site
meets one of the reguirements of  EPA's  policy  for placing RCRA-related
sites on the NPL.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                          BAILEY WASTE DISPOSAL
                             Bridqe  City,  Texas

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);   The Bailey Waste Disposal
Site covers  10 acres  north  of the Neches  River,  about 2 miles southwest
of Bridge City, Oranqe County, Texas.   From  the  late 1950s through the
mid-1960s, Bailey Waste Disposal buried about 72,000 cubic yards of
industrial wastes, consisting generally of benzenes, phenols, pyridenes,
naphthalenes, anthracenes/phenanthrenes,  and chlorinated organic
chemicals, at the site.   Analyses conducted  by the State detected
chloroform,  phthalates, trichloroethylene, and other compounds in
surface water, ground water, and soils on the site.

     About 7,600 people use wells within  3 miles of the site as their
primary source of drinking  water.

     Status  (January  1986);  Under  a cooperative agreement with EPA, the
State will conduct a  remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine
the type and extent of contamination at the  site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.   The State selected  a contractor, and field activities
began in January  1986.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                            CRYSTAL CITY AIRPORT
                            Crystal City, Texas

     Conditions at  listing  (October 1984);   The Crystal City Airport covers
about 100 acres in  Crystal  City, Zavala County, Texas.  Aerial applicator
companies that are  no longer in business have contaminated several larqe
areas at the  airport  with a variety of pesticides.

     The city brouqht the site to the attention of the State in April
1983.  In its initial inspection, the State found at least 50 drums in
various stages of decomposition.  Analyses  of soil samples detected
high levels of chlordane, DDT, methyl and ethyl parathion, toxaphene,
2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T.

     Beginning in October 1983, EPA spent $60,000 in CERCLA emergency
funds to remove the drums,  soil around the  drums, and soil with the
highest concentrations of pesticides.  High concentrations of pesticides
are still on-site,  so there is a potential  for hazardous substances to
become airborne.  One of  the primary drinking water wells for Crystal
City is near  the  site.

     Status (January  1986):  Under a cooperative agreement with EPA, the
State received funds  in September 1985 to conduct a remedial investigation/
feasibility study to  determine the type and extent of contamination at
the site and  identify alternatives for remedial action.  The State is
selecting a contractor.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                    KOPPERS  CO.,  INC.  (TEXARKANA PLANT)
                              Texarkana, Texas

     Conditions at  listing  (October 1984);   Koppers Co., Inc., operated
a 62-acre wood-processing plant  in Texarkana, Bowie County, Texas, between
1939 and 1961.  Wood-processinq  operations  began at the site  in 1903.  The
processes used by the Koppers plant involved creosote, pentachlorophenol
(PCP), and  zinc.  The site  is currently owned by the Bruce Kennedy Sand
& Gravel Co., the Mt.  Zion  Missionary Baptist Church, and about 78 home-
owners in the Carver  Terrace subdivision.   Until recently, gravel and
sand were mined at  the site.   Open gravel pits filled with ground water
remain in the southern portion.   Oil  stains  and seeps have been observed
in these pits, which  drain  directly to Cowhorn Creek.  Test borings and
analysis of  samples by the  State and  Koppers have confirmed contamination
of soils and ground water on and off  the site with PCP, zinc, and poly-
nuclear aromatic  hydrocarbons.

     About 150 people  depend  on  wells within 0.5 miles of the site as a
source of drinking  water.

     Status  (January  1986);   In  October 1984 and February 19R5, EPA used
CERCLA emerqency  funds to sample on-site surface soils.  Based on results
of these samples  and under  Administrative Orders on Consent signed by EPA
and Koppers  Co.,  Inc.,  in December 1984 and  July. 1985, Koppers fenced the
southern half of  the site and placed  a "protective barrier" in the yards
of about 18  of the  residences.

     EPA completed  a workplan  for a remedial investigation/feasibility
study (RI/FS) to determine  the type and extent of contamination at the
site and identify alternatives for remedial  action.  EPA and Koppers
signed an Administrative  Order on Consent in March 1985 for Koppers to
conduct the  RI/FS with EPA  oversight.

     All pre-field  activities have been completed to EPA specifications,
and Koppers  is presently  conducting the field phase of the  RI/FS.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                           NORTH CAVALCADE STREET
                               Houston, Texas

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984):  The North Cavalcade Street
Site covers approximately 23 acres in Houston,  Harris County, Texas.
The site  is in an industrial area on the north side of Cavalcade Street.
Houston Creosote  occupied the site from 1946 until the early 1960s, when
the company ceased  operations.  Based on a review of aerial photography
and a contamination survey, EPA concluded that a filled-in creosote pit
is located  within the site.  Contaminants at the site consist of poly-
nuclear aromatic  compounds associated with creosote and pentachlorophenol,
in addition to contaminants from metal wood-treating (wolmanizing)
processes.  Analyses conducted by a consultant to the City of Houston
indicate  that soils (both on and below the surface) and shallow ground
water on  the  site are contaminated with chrysene, fluoranthene, anthracene,
and wood-treating metals.

     About  10,000 people use wells within 3 miles of the site as a source
of drinking water.

     Status (January 1986);  The parties potentially responsible for
wastes associated with the site have declined to conduct a remedial
investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS).  Conseguently, EPA has undertaken
a RI/FS to  determine the type and extent of contamination at the site
and identify  alternatives for remedial actions.  Field work began in
November  1985 and is expected to be completed in early March 1986.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCUX)C'Superfund'

                            ODESSA CHROMIUM #1
                              Odessa,  Texas

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);   The Odessa Chromium #1 Site
is a 20-acre portion of an  aquifer near 44th Street and Brazos Avenue in
Odessa, Ector County, Texas.   An abandoned facility at 44th and Brazos
has been operated in  the  past by  several rcetal-platinq companies.  The
aquifer is the source of  water for about 20 people who live outside the
city limits and do not have access to  the city water system.  Of 32
private domestic wells, 7 have concentrations of hexavalent chromium in
excess of the drinkinq water standard, accordinq to tests conducted by
the State.

     There are approximately 200  private wells within 0.5 miles of the
site and 29 municipal wells within 3 miles  of the site.  Water from the
municipal wells is blended  with surface water durinq the summer for the
Odessa water supply.

      Status  (January 1986);  Under a  cooperative aqreement with EPA, the
State is conductinq a remedial investiqation/feasibility study to determine
the type and extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.  The State hired  a contractor in June 1985.  Field
work started  in September 1985 and was completed in January 1986.  Of the
200 wells sampled during  the investiqation, 10 exceeded drinkinq water
standards for hexavalent  chromium.  The State is developinq a plan for
providinq an alternate drinkinq water  supply for the persons affected.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                    ODESSA CHROMIUM #2 (ANDREWS HIGHWAY)
                               Odessa, Texas

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);   The Odessa Chromium #2 Site
consists of a  20-acre  portion of an aquifer contaminated with chromium in the
area of  Andrews  Highway,  just northwest of  the city limits of Odessa in Ector
County,  Texas.   Suspected as possible sources are several local industries
that generate  or generated chromium-contaminated waste water from plating
of metals, cleaning of radiators, and/or disposal of cooling water.

     The first public  complaint was filed in May 1970 when a residential
well was found to be contaminated.  In September 1977, the State investi-
gated the area and  found  chromium in three  local wells.  Subseguent
investigations in 1977 and 1978 determined  that 10 of 34 private wells
in the area had  detectable concentrations of chromium.  There are 32
municipal wells  within 3  miles of the site, and 400 private wells within
0.5 miles.  Water from the municipal wells  is blended with surface water
for the  Odessa water supply.

     Status (January 1986);  Under a cooperative agreement with EPA, the
State is conducting a  remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine
the type and extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.  The State hired a contractor in June 1985.  Field
work started in  September 1985 and was completed in Jaunary 1986.  Of the
400 wells sampled during  the investigation, 10 exceeded drinking water
standards for  hexavalent  chromium.  The State is developing a plan for
providing an alternate drinking water supply for the persons affected.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                           PESSES CHEMICAL,  CO.
                            Fort Worth, Texas

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);   The  Pesses Chemical Go. Site
is an abandoned facility  in Fort Worth, Tarrant  County, Texas.  The
facility formerly recycled nickel-cadmium sludqe,  copper-cadmium sludge,
off-specification batteries, and spent batteries.   Prior to processing,
these batteries were stored on the 4.6-acre  site in 55-gallon containers
and other containers.  The residues from  recycling were dumped and spilled
onto the ground.  When the facility closed in  1981, 2,000 drums remained
on the site.  The company, which also did business as  Metcoa, is in

     In March 1983, there was a fire at the  site,  and  a fireman was
hospitalized after inhaling toxic fumes.  In April 1983,  using $338,000
in CERCLA emergency funds, EPA removed the drums,  containers, contaminated
debris, and some contaminated soil from the  site,  and  also put a temporary
clay cap on the site.

     Analyses conducted by EPA indicate that there is  extensive contamina-
tion of on-site soils with lead, cadmium, and  copper.   Also, there is
the potential for hazardous substances to leave  the site via wind-blown
particles and surface run-off.  A housing project  and  a playground are
within 0.25 miles of the site.  Children  often cross unsecured portions
of the site.

     Status (January 1986);  A public meeting  was  held on Feb. 26, 1985,
to discuss a remedial  investigation/feasibility  study, which will determine
the type and extent of contamination at the  site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                           Liberty County, Texas

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);  The Petro-Chemical Systems,
Inc. (Turtle Bayou)  Site covers 312 acres approximately 7 miles north of
Interstate  10  in Liberty County, Texas.  In 1971, Liberty Trash Service
and French, Ltd. delivered waste oils and at least 4,000 cubic yards of
other petrochemical  sludqes to the site.  Additional materials were
applied  as  road oil  to the dirt road in the vicinity of the site.  In
1971, Petro-Chemical Systems, Inc., was issued a permit by the State to
dispose  of  waste at  the  site.  Subsequently, a court injunction neqated
the authority  of the permit.  In 1974, the permit was revoked.

     Drinkincj  water  for  about 200 people in this rural area comes from
51 shallow  wells approximately 25 feet deep.

     According to analyses conducted by the State, soil is contaminated
with a number  of toxic orqanic chemicals.

     Status (January 1986):  Under a cooperative agreement with EPA, the
State is planning a  remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine
the type and extent  of contamination at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial action.  The State's contractor submitted a workplan, which
the State and  EPA approved on July 22, 1985.  Field work for the off-site
portion  of  the site  is underway.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                          SOUTH CAVALCADE STREET
                              Houston,  Texas

     Conditions at listing  (October  19R4);  The South Cavalcade Street
Site covers approximately 69 acres in Houston,  Harris County, Texas.
The site, located in an industrial area on the  south side of Cavalcade
Street, has a history of wood-treatinq  operations datinq to 1911.  Contami-
nants at the site consist of polynuclear  aromatic compounds associated
with creosote, in addition  to other  similar contaminants.   EPA's analysis
of historical aerial photoqraphs  indicates there are at least three waste
pits on the site that have  been filled  or paved over.  Analyses conducted
by EPA indicate widespread  on-site contamination of soil (both on and
below the surface) and shallow qround water with benzopyrene, chrysene,
fluoranthene, and anthracene.

     About 10,000 people use wells within 3 miles of the site as a source
of drinkinq water.

     Status (January 1986);  In March 1985, Koppers Co., Inc., which has
been identified as potentially responsible for  wastes associated with
the site, siqned an Administrative Order  on Consent with EPA.  The order
covers a remedial investiqation/feasibility study to determine the type
and extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives for
remedial action.  EPA has completed  a work plan for the RI/FS.  All pre-  •
field activities have been  completed to EPA specifications, and Koppers
is presently conductinq the field phase of the  RI/FS.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                                STEWCO, INC.
                               Waskom, Texas

      Conditions at  listing (October 1984);  Stewco, Inc., formerly owned,
operated,  and maintained a fleet of trucks on a 2.5-acre site on Texas
Farm  Market Road 9, about 0.5 miles south of Interstate 20 in Waskom,
Harrison County, Texas.  The company contracted with the oil and qas
industry to haul qlue, resin, qasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, and
creosote.   The tank trucks were steam-cleaned between loads with an
alkaline solution.   The wash water was routed to Bond 1 to evaporate.
The overflow from Pond 1 went to Pond 2, in which a spray evaporation
system  was installed and sometimes operated.  The overflow from Pond 2
was to  be  trucked to a third pond on another site.

      The ponds are  unlined and in poor condition.  Drainaqe from the
parkinq area  around the truck terminals flows into the ponds, causinq
them  to overflow.  The ponds were to be skimmed to minimize the oil
layer on the  surface.  EPA has found no record of the ponds ever beinq
skimmed.   Thus, when the ponds overflowed, the surface layer of oil
moved with the overflow onto surroundinq drainaqe areas.

      Accordinq to analyses conducted by EPA, on-site soil, surface water,
and qround water are contaminated with tetrachloroethane, methylene
chloride,  naphthalene, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, toluene, phenanthrene,
DDT,  arsenic, mercury, lead,  and cadmium.

      In May 1984, under a CERCIA Administrative Order, EPA used emerqency
funds to remove the liquids and sludqes in the ponds, transport the
material to an approved disposal facility, and fill in the ponds.

      About 3,100 people use wells within 3 miles of the site as a source
of drinkinq water.

      Status (January 1986);  A public meetinq was held on May 22, 1985, to
discuss a  remedial  investiqation/feasibility  study (RI/FS) to determine
the type and  extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial  action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

                               . Compensation, and LiabHUv Ac. of .980 ICERCLAirSuperfund-
                      TEXARKANA WOOD PRESERVING CO.
                             Texarkana, Texas

     Conditions at listing (April 1985) :  Texarkana Wood Preserving Co.
operated a wood-processing plant on a site of about 25 acres  in Texarkana,
Bowie County, Texas.  Operations started in 1961 and ended  in July
1984.  Creosote and pentachlorophenol were used in a steam/vacuum/pressure
treatment.  Approximately 793,000 gallons of hazardous waste  are stored
on-site in pressure vessels, steel baffle tanks, retention  ponds, surge
tanks, and three evaporation ponds.  All units have been heavily
contaminated with creosote and pentachlorophenol.  The evaporation ponds
contain dibenzofuran, naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene ,  pentachloro-
phenol, and other contaminants, according to tests conducted  by the Texas
Department of Water Resources (TDWR) and EPA.  Heavy rains  continue to
cause ponds to overflow, eventually discharging to Days Creek.

     The plant is 1,200 feet from the nearest residence.  The site is
unfenced.  Approximately 190 people live within 3 miles.  Contamination
may be entering ground water, which is only 4 to 8 feet below the surface.
Ground water is used for domestic, irrigation, industrial,  and agricultural
purposes .  The plant is 800 feet from Days Creek , the nearest downstream
surface water.

     The plant received three citations from the State for  unauthorized
discharges of process waste water into the Days Creek drainage system.
Since the company ceased operations, State enforcement actions ceased and
the project was turned over to Superfund for cleanup.  On Dec. 4, 1984,
after heavy rains, a contractor for the TDWR Emergency Spill  Response
Section pumped water from the flooded process area to a less  full
evaporation pond.

     Status (January 1986);  EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.
   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCI_A)("Superfund'

                             Monticello,  Utah

     Conditions at listing  (October  19B4);   The  Town of Monticello (pop-
ulation about 2,000)  in San  Juan County in southeastern Utah is the site
of a mill that processed vanadium and uranium ore from 1942 to 1960.
Contractors operated  the mill for the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE).
Prior to the mid-1970s, radioactive  tailings were widely dispersed through-
out the town.  Some appear to have been used as  fill material and as
aggregate for mortar  and concrete, while  others  appear to have been
carried from the mill by wind and water.  Recently, residents have
indicated that some of the radioactive materials may have also originated
at another mill in Dry Valley, approximately 25  miles northeast of

     Various agencies, including EPA,  the State  Health Department, and
USDOE, have conducted radiological surveys of town properties.  Above-
background levels of  radioactivity were detected during each survey.
USDOE has authorized  cleanup of 15 properties and is studying several
more for inclusion in its Site Restoration Program.  However, USDOE may
lack the authority to clean  up properties contaminated by materials
brought in from the mill in  Dry Valley.

     Status  (January  1986);  USDOE studies are underway,  and remedial work
has begun at seme properties.  The USDOE  program is expected to extend
through 1987.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                PORTLAND CEMENT CO. (KILN DUST SITES 2 & 3)
                            Salt Lake City, Utah

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):  The Portland Cement Co. of Salt
Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, has disposed of kiln dust and old kiln
bricks since sometime before 1983 at five locations in the greater Salt
Lake City area. The dust, an alkaline by-product of cement manufacturing
collected in bag houses  from kiln stacks, has high concentrations of lead
and arsenic.  The  old kiln bricks contain high levels of heavy metals,
including hexavalent chromium.  The kiln dust and bricks are in piles on
the surface at  Sites 2 and 3.  There is no way to restrict public access
to the site, which is in a mixed commercial,  industrial, and residential
area.  Disposal at Sites 2 and 3 ceased in December 1983.  Since July
1980, the City/County Health Department has cited Portland Cement for
numerous dust violations.

     Ground water  in the vicinity of the site is contaminated with chromium,
lead, and arsenic,  according to tests conducted by the State.  About
100,000 people  live within 3 miles of the site.

     Status  (January 1986);  Under a Consent  Agreement with the State,
Portland Cement Co.  is conducting a remedial  investigation/feasibility
study to determine the type and extent of contamination at the site and
identify alternatives  for remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

 National Priorities List Site

 Hazardous waste site listed under the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                             AVTEX FIBERS, INC.
                           Front Royal, Virginia

     Conditions  at listing  (October 1984);   A 340-acre site on the Shenan-
doah River  in Front Royal,  Warren County, Virginia, has been ooerated as
a rayon-manufacturing complex  by American Viscose (1940-1963), FMC Corp.
(1963-1977),  and Avtex Fibers,  Inc. (1977 to the present).  Various wastes
have been disposed of in unlined basins,  landfills, and open piles.  In
1974, FMC received a National  Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit
to discharge  waste water effluent into the South Fork of the Shenandoah

     Ground water under the site contains excessive levels of carbon
disulfide, phenol, and arsenic,  according to analyses conducted by the
State.  Ground water directly  across the  river from the site contains
excessive levels of carbon  disulfide and  phenol.  About 1,300 people
use wells from the contaminated aguifer within 3 miles of the site as a
source of drinking water.   The  South Fork of  the Shenandoah River does
not appear to be affected by discharges frcm  the plant at this time.

     Status (January .1986):  Avtex Fibers,  Inc., is preparing a scope of
work to perform  a remedial  investigation/feasibility study to determine
the type and  extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives
for remedial  action.  The company is pumping  and treating ground water
under the direction of the  State.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                             L.A.  CLARKE & SON
                       Spotsylvania County, Virginia

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);  L. A. Clarke & Son is the
owner and operator of a  wood-preservinq facility on 10 acres located on
the outskirts of Fredricksburq, Spotsylvania County, Virginia.  L.A.
Clarke & Son recently emerged from reorganization proceedings under
Chapter 11 of the Federal bankruptcy code.

     Spills, poor housekeeping, dripping from treated wood, and other
possible sources have contaminated soil, ground water, and surface water
at the facility  with polynucleated aromatic compounds derived from
the wood-preserving agent creosote and with heavy metals, according to
analyses conducted by EPA and the State.

     In 1982, L.A.  Clarke & Son consented to a court order reguiring
remedial actions specified by the State.  The company was recently held
in contempt of that order.

     Waste piles and a surface impoundment on the property acguired
Interim Status under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
when the company filed Part A of a permit application.

     Status  (January 1986);  In December 1985, EPA began a remedial
investigation/feasibility study to determine the type and extent of
contamination at the site and identify alternatives for remedial action.

     Status  (June 10, 1986);  This site is being placed on the NPL at this
time because the potentially responsible party declined to initiate work,
and CERCLA-funded remedial activities are underway.  Thus, the site meets
one of the reguirements  of EPA's policy for placing RCRA-related sites on
the NPL.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

                               . Compensa.icn. and Liability Ac. of 1980
                         RHINEHART TIRE FIRE DUMP
                        Frederick County, Virqinia

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);  The  Rhinehart  Tire Fire Dump
Site originally served as a storaqe area for 5 to 7 million  tires.   The
4.5-acre site is located in an agricultural area on the  outskirts of
Winchester, Frederick County, Virqinia.  The tires caught  fire in October
1983.  Subsequently, EPA spent $1.74 million of  CERCLA emergency funds to
control and collect 800,000 gallons of oily wastes, conduct  environmental
monitoring, and perform associated activities.

     According to EPA analyses, a variety of hazardous substances have
been released to the air.   In addition, monitoring by  the  State has in-
dicated local ground water  contamination from similar  hazardous substances,
including benzene.  About 150 people use the contaminated  aquifer within
3 miles of the site as a source of drinking water.

     In February 1984, the  site owner consented  to a CERCLA  section 106
order which required surface run-off controls specified  by EPA.  These
measures were taken in August 1984.

     Status (January 1986);  In March 1985, EPA  obligated  funds to  the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for a remedial investigation/feasibility
study (RI/FS) to determine  the type and extent of . contamination at  the
site and identify alternatives for remedial action.  The workplan for the
RI/FS is due in March 1986.
   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                              MICA LANDFILL
                             Mica,  Washincjton

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984);   Mica Landfill covers 130 acres
near Mica in  Spokane County, Washington.   Since 1971, the county has
disposed of municipal and industrial wastes at  the site.  A monitoring
well at the landfill has shown  contamination with 1,1,1-trichloroethylene,
chloroform, and several other organic compounds, according to analyses
conducted by  a consultant to Spokane County. The extent of ground water
contamination is unknown at this time.

     The county has sampled all domestic  and agricultural wells within
1 mile and reviewed  its records to identify the guantities and types of
waste known or suspected of being  buried  at the landfill.  About 425
people depend on wells within 3 miles of  the site as a source of drinking
water.  Eight irrigation wells  are within 3 miles of the site.

     Status (January 1986);  Spokane County has completed additional
ground water  monitoring.  No contamination of domestic water wells has
been documented to date.

     The county plans to upgrade the landfill to comply with all solid
waste disposal reguirements of  the Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act.  The county is now operating  a leachate collection system to control
off-site migration of leachate.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                              MIDWAY LANDFILL
                              Kent, Washington

     Conditions  at  listing (October 1984);   Midway Landfill covers 60
acres  in  Kent, King County, Washington.   From January 1966 to October
1983,  this  landfill, which is on privately owned land, was operated by
the City  of Seattle.  It was the repository of nonputrescible wastes and
some industrial  sludges from the Seattle area.  The landfill is unlined
and is in an  old gravel guarry.

     Data collected by the Seattle-King  County Health Department and the
State  fron  on-site  monitoring wells indicate that an aguifer is contami-
nated  with  lead,  toluene, xylene, arsenic,  and other compounds.  More
than 10,000 draw their drinking  water frcm the aouifer within 3 miles of
the site.

     The  City of Seattle is preparing a  plan for closing the landfill in
accordance  with  all solid waste  disposal reguirements of the Resource
Conservation  and Recovery Act.  The plan calls for drilling several
monitoring  wells to define the direction of ground water flow relative to
several major municipal wells nearby. Soil samples will also be taken.

     Status (January 1986);  The City of Seattle has installed the new
monitorinq  wells.  Anomalies found during the drilling indicate a need
for sane  additional wells.

     Under  a  cooperative agreement with  EPA, the State of Washington
Department  of Ecology is reviewing the city's work.  The State is directing
a remedial  investigation/feasibility study to determine the type and
extent of contamination at the site and  identify alternatives for remedial

     Combustible gas has been found in the soils under residential and
comnercial  areas adjacent to the site, reguiring temporary relocation of
11 families.  In January 1986, the city  began operating a gas extraction
system on-site in an effort to control off-site migration of methane.  The
city and  State are  developing an additional off-site extraction well system
to remove methane trapped in the ground  off-site.  A special gas sampling
program was initiated to deal with the gas problem.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                            NORTHSIDE LANDFILL
                           Spokane,  Washington

     Conditions at listing (October  1984):   Northside Landfill covers 240
acres in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington.   Since 1930,  the city has
operated the landfill for disposal of municipal wastes.  Several nearby
domestic water wells  have been contaminated with organic solvents
(including tetrachloroethylene,  trichloroethylene, chloroform, and 1,1,1-
trichloroethane), according to tests conducted by the city and its con-

     The landfill sits  atop the  aquifer that is the sole source of
drinking water for the  City of Spokane (population 170,000).  The city
has connected approximately 150  residents with contaminated wells to
the municipal water system.

     The city is  regularly monitoring on-site wells and a number of off-
site wells to determine the location and direction of flow of the plume
of contaminated ground  water.  The city is  also investigating remedial
measures to control the source of contamination.

     Status (January  1986):  The city has completed seven new monitoring
wells and is assessing  the data  collected.   Under a cooperative agreement
with EPA, the Washington  State Department of Ecology is working with the
city to review and implement a remedial investigation/feasibility study
to determine the type and extent of  contamination at the site and identify
alternatives for  remedial action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                           NORTHWEST TRANSFORMER
                            Everson, Washinqton

     Conditions at  listing (October 1984);   Northwest Transformer's salvage
yard covers 1.2 acres about 2 miles south of Everson, Washinqton, a rural
community  in  Whatcom County. The site was used for storage and salvage
of transformers,  which involved  dismantling and draining,  as well as
incineration  operations.   Waste  transformer fluids were stored in a
tank on-site.  PCBs, a component of some transformer fluids, were detected
in private domestic wells near the site in tests conducted by the
Whatcom County Health Department.  Although the levels of  PCBs were near
detection  limits  (0.05 to 0.11 parts per billion), no other source of
PCBs has been identified  near the wells.  Subsequent sampling showed no
PCBs.  Further sampling is planned.

     Wells within 3 miles of the site are the source of drinking water
for 2,700  people.

     Status (January 1986);  In  an extensive soil sampling effort,  EPA
detected high concentrations of  PCBs at certain locations.  The highest
was 31,000 parts  per million (ppm).  In May 1985, EPA used CERCLA
emergency  funds to  remove PCB-containing materials from the site.  Five
transformers  containing greater  than 500 ppm were drained  and cleaned.
About 500  transformers were either already clean (less than 46 ppm) or,
if containing 46  to 500 ppm, were drained,  rinsed, and cleaned on-site.
Contaminated  soil (1,360  cubic yards)  and waste liquid (5,500 gallons)
containing 10 ppm or more were also removed.  All wastes were taken to a
disposal site meeting the requirements of the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act  and  the Toxic Substances Control Act.

     EPA is working with  the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  to develop a
plan for a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the type
and extent of contamination at the site and develop alternatives for
remedial action.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                           SILVER MOUNTAIN MINE
                            Loomis, Washington

     Conditions at listing (October 1984);   Silver Mountain Mine"covers
5 acres in Loomis, a  remote area of Okonogan County, Washington.  In 1980
and 1981, the mine used cyanide in its processing  operations.   Approxi-
mately 1,100 aallons  of cyanide were poured  over silver tailings,  which
had been placed on top of a plastic liner, in an effort to  extract gold.
The water running off the pile was collected in a  basin,  also lined with
plastic.  The site contains more than 2,500  tons of contaminated tailings
and 20,000 gallons of contaminated liguid.   At one time,  the liguid con-
tained 1,100 parts per million (ppm) cyanide, according to  analyses
conducted by the State.   In November 1983, the State treated the liguid,
reducing cyanide levels to 9 ppm.  Contamination of ground  water in the
area is considered probable.  Although the site is located  in a remote
area, the concentrations of cyanide present  a potential health hazard.

     Status  (January  1986):  The State of Washington Department of
Ecology stabilized the site in June 1985.  This activity included:  (1)
draining the leachate and removing it for off-site treatment,  (2)  covering
the site with a 3/4-inch cotton liner and a  plastic liner,  (3)  securing
the liners with tires,  (4) removing drums that previously contained
hazardous materials,  (5) removing a wooden structure that appeared insecure,
and (6) fencing the site with barbed wire.   The life of the liner  is
estimated at 20 years.  The State concluded  after  this  operation that
the site "will not get worse, yet further study is warranted...to  determine
if contaminants have  reached the ground water, and to determine appropriate
and cost-effective means to decontaminate the ore  heap."  The  State plans
to visually inspect the site every couple of months to  ensure  security
of the liner and fence.

     Status  (June 10, 1986);  This mining site is  being placed  on  the NPL
at this time because  it is a noncoal site with mining operations that
occurred after Aug. 3, 1977, the enactment date of the  Surface  Mining
Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA).  Thus,  it is  neither regulated by
SMCRA nor eligible for funds from the SMCRA  Abandoned Mine  Land Reclamation
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund"

                               TOFTDAHL DRUMS
                         Brush Prairie, Washington

     Conditions  at listing (October 1984);   The  Toftdahl Drums Site covers
15 acres in  Brush  Prairie, Clark  County, Washington.  Up to 200 drums of
unknown material may have been buried at the site in the late 1960s or
early 1970s.   Many drums reportedly have been removed from the site since
that time, but it  is unclear how  many may still  remain buried, or how
much of the  contents .may have spilled into the ground.

     In July 1983, EPA excavated  and sampled the remains of six drums.
High concentrations of metals and organic contaminants were detected in
the material in  the drums and adjacent soil.  Three private wells near the
site contain low levels  of sane of these contaminants.  The State has
said that no health threat exists at this time to the residents using
these wells.   Recent discussions  between the property owner and the State
have resulted  in the identification of several other areas on this property
(and one not on  the property) where the contents of the drums may have
been spilled on  the ground.  Recent sampling by  the State has detected
no contamination in these areas,  but additional  sampling is planned.

     The State is  planning to conduct a remedial investigation and excavate
the known drum burial area to remove the remaining drums.

     Status  (January 1986);  In June 1985,  the State excavated the remains
of 13 drums  from the known drum burial area.  It is believed that all the
drums now have been removed from  the site.

     Under a cooperative agreement with EPA, the State of Washington
Department of  Ecology is currently conducting a  remedial investigation/
feasibility  study  to determine the type and extent of contamination at the
site and identify  alternatives for remedial  action.
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                          FADROWSKI  DRUM DISPOSAL
                           Franklin,  Wisconsin

     Conditions at listing (October 1984):   The Fadrowski Drum Disposal
Site covers 40 acres  in Franklin, Milwaukee  County, Wisconsin.
From 1970 through 1981, Ed's Masonry  and Trucking was licensed by the
State to operate a transportation and collection service on the site.

     Early in 1983, Menard, Inc., purchased  a portion of the site and
began construction of a hone building materials store.  Excavation
turned up buried drums.   The contents were analyzed by the State and
found to be hazardous as  defined by the State.  Little is known about
the amounts or types  of wastes disposed at the site, which was not
authorized to accept  hazardous wastes.

     The area is semirural; nearby  communities are expanding their resi-
dential development.  About 18,000  people depend on wells within 3 miles
of the site as a source of drinking water.   The soils consist of sediments
and clays.  A creek flows through the western edge of the property.

     Status (January  1986):  EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund")

                          LEMBERGER  LANDFILL,  INC.
                            Whitelaw, Wisconsin

     Conditions at listing  (September  1985);   The  Lemberger Landfill,•Inc.,
Site covers  21 acres  on  Hempton Lake Road  near the Village  of Whitelaw,
Manitowoc County, Wisconsin.  The Township of Franklin used the site,  an
old gravel pit, as an open  dump from about 1940  to 1970.  Lemberger
Landfill, Inc., operated the site as a sanitary  landfill  under  a license
from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) from  about  1970
to 1976.  The State permit  allowed  accepting  hazardous waste.

     This site was originally proposed for listing under  the name "Lemberger
Fly Ash Landfill."

     From early 1976  to  1977, Wettencamp and  Brunner Excavating Co.
transported  fly ash from Manitowoc  Public  Utilities to the  Lemberger
facility.  An estimated  1,750 to 2,500 cubic  yards of fly ash were disposed
of monthly.  Past WDNR inspections  showed  that Lemberoer  used fly ash and
bottom ash as cover instead of  burying them along  with the  refuse.
Lemberger placed a second cap on the landfill in May 1981.   Leachate
seeps are a problem of long standing.

     In 1984, EPA sampled monitoring wells and leachate at  the  site.   The
analyses showed appreciable concentrations of vinyl chloride, methylene
chloride, and trans-l,2-dichloroethene.  Other contaminants identified
were ethylbenzene, toluene, tetrachloroethane, trichloroethane, dichloro-
ethane, arsenic, barium, total  xylenes, chromium,  cadmium,  and  lead.
In addition, some of  the same contaminants were  present in  residential
wells in the vicinity of the site,  according  to  tests conducted by WDNR
in 1984-85.  Potentially impacted water resources  include the unconsolidated
and bedrock aguifers  near the site.  About 2,300 people depend  on public and
private wells within  3 miles of the site as a source of drinking water.   The
Branch River located  0.5 miles  west of the site  is also potentially impacted.
It is used for recreation.  A marsh borders the  southwestern portion  of  the  site.

     In 1982, Lemberger  signed  a Consent Order with WDNR  that reguired
the identification of the source of leachate  and the implementation of
leachate controls, followed by  ground  water monitoring.  Some drilling
and testing were completed, but further investigation came  to a halt  when
the owner filed for bankruptcy  in 1983.

     Status  (January  1986); EPA mailed Notice Letters and  information
reguests to  26 potentially  responsible parties in  December  1985.   Another
site, Lemberger Transport & Recycling, Inc.,  Landfill (added to the NPL
in September 1984), is located  approximately  2,000 feet south of the
Lemberger Landfill, Inc., Site. In November  1985, EPA similarly notified
21 potentially responsible  parties  associated with the earlier  NPL site.
EPA is negotiating with  the parties to have them fund a remedial
investigation/ feasibility  study (RI/FS) to determine the type  and extent
of contamination at the  site and identify  alternatives for  remedial
action.  Negotiations between EPA and  the  parties  will concentrate on
incorporating the  two sites into a  single  study.  Negotiations  are
expected to  conclude  by  April 15, 1986.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund'

                          Fau Claire,  Wisconsin

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984);   National Presto Industries,
Inc., has manufactured artillery projectiles in Eau Claire, Chippewa
County, Wisconsin, since 1955.  The  plant operates on a standby status
for the Department of Defense=

     The company has a waste water permit from the State for  two ponds
(1.9 acres and 14 acres) and two seepage laqoons (each 3 acres) on its
property.  Process wastes flowed through the ponds, where metal particles
and oils were removed, to the seepage  lagoons, where the waste water was
discharged to ground water.  The sludge remaining in the ponds is contam-
inated with heavy metals and traces  of volatile organic compounds, according
to tests conducted by the Wisconsin  Department of Natural Resources.
The presence of the  sludge  and  its improper treatment violate the State
waste water permit.

     The toxic nature of the sludge  and hydrogeologic studies conducted
by the State indicate a potential threat to the Eau Claire Well Field,
which serves 57,500 people.

     Status  (January 1986):  EPA is  considering various alternatives for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)C'Superfund")

                         SHEBOYGAN HARBOR AND RIVER
                            Sheboyqan, Wisconsin

     Conditions at listing  (September  1985):  The  Sheboygan Harbor and
River Site extends 8 miles  through  the  communities of  Sheboygan  Falls,
Kohler, and Sheboygan  in Sheboygan  County, Wisconsin.  According to tests
conducted by EPA  in July 1985, sane river sediments  contain high levels
of PCRs, some as high  as 190 milligrams per  kilogram (mg/kg).  Concentrations
in the Sheboygan Harbor  basin and turning basin  are  generally lower than
5 mg/kg but do exceed  50 mg/kg in spots within the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers' official navigation dredging channel.   The  channel has not been
dredged since 1973.

     In early 1975, the  Wisconsin Department of  Natural Resources (WDNR)
detected PCBs during routine sampling of fish.   Every  year  since then,
PCBs have been detected  in  fish, water, and  sediments  in the harbor and
river.  In April  1978, WDNR and the Wisconsin Department of Health and
Social Services advised  residents not to eat fish  from the  Sheboygan
River and two tributaries,  the Mullet and Onion  Rivers, because  PCBs in
all samples analyzed exceeded the U.S.  Food  and  Drug Administration's
temporary tolerance level of 5 micrograms/gram.  The ban is still in
effect in some places.

     WDNR investigated to find the  sources of PCBs.  The highest
concentrations were detected- in sediments  immediately  downstream from
Tecumseh Products  Co.'s  die-casting plant  in Sheboygan Falls.  Concen-
trations declined  further downstream from  the plant.  After discovering
PCB wastes on the  plant  property, WDNR  ordered the company  on May 12,
1978, to stop disposing  of  solid waste  on  its property.  On June 21, 1978,
WDNR issued a second order  requiring the company to  excavate,  collect,
and store properly all materials likely to contain PCBs.  The company
excavated contaminated soils and disposed of them  off-site.  On  Aug. 15,
1978, WDNR issued  a letter  to the mayor of Sheboygan Falls  and the
Tecumseh plant manager indicating that  the June  21,  1978, order  had been

     A March 1980  report of the U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers estimated
that about 163,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil  containing 3.5 tons
of PCBs would have to  be dredged from  the mouth  of the river and the
harbor to protect human  health and  the  environment.

     The Sheboygan River drains into Lake Michigan,  which  is the source
of drinking water for the Sheboygan/Sheboygan Falls/Kohler  metropolitan
area (approximately 58,000  people). EPA has detected  PCBs  in sediments
within 1 mile of  the  drinking water intakes.

     Both Sheboygan Harbor  and River are used for  recreation.

     Status  (January  1986); EPA is considering  various alternatives for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                             STOUGHTON CITY LANDFILL
                               Stoughton,  Wisconsin

     Conditions at listing  (October  1984):  The City of StoughtOR owned
and operated a solid  waste  landfill  from  the mid-1950s until 1978 at  the
northeast edqe of Stoughton in Dane  County,  Wisconsin.  The 5-acre land-
fill was capped and seeded  in  1978.   Presently,  it is roped off.  Plans
call for it to he used as a city  park after it is cleaned up.

     From 1953 to 1963, the site  took unknown amounts of wastes, which
consisted primarily of solvents and  other liquid organic compounds, from
a tire manufacturer.  The soils in the area are moderately to highly
permeable, and the landfill did not  have  a liner or leachate collection

     On Nov. 17,  1983, the  State  sampled  six on-site monitoring wells.
The results showed elevated levels of volatile organic compounds in
three of the six wells.  At present, the  full extent of ground water
contamination is unknown.   About  8,500 people depend on wells within  3
miles of the site as  a source  of  drinking water.

     Status  (January  1986):  EPA  is  considering various alternatives  for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)("Superfund'

                             Wausau, Wisconsin

     Conditions at  listing (April 1985);  Wausau's water supply system
serves 32,000 residents  of Wausau, Marathon  County, Wisconsin.   According
to tests conducted  hy the  city  in March 1982, three of the  city's six wells
are contaminated by several volatile  organic compounds (VOCs) at levels
greater than those  recommended  for drinking  water hy EPA and the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources (WDNR).

     In the spring  of 1982, the city  first detected VOC contamination in
city well #3, east  of the  Wisconsin River.  By the summer of 1982,
analyses of water from city well  #6,  west  of the  Wisconsin  River, detected
appreciable amounts of trichloroethylene (TCE)  and trace amounts of
perchloroethylene  (PCE)  and 1,2- transdichloroethylene (DCE).  By the fall
of 1982, city well  #4, also east of the Wisconsin River,  showed contamination
by DCE, PCE, TCE, and toluene.

     Since these discoveries, the city and WDNR have made considerable
efforts to monitor  and define the extent of  ground water contamination.
EPA also conducted  a  hydrogeologic investigation  to determine potential
sources and the extent of  contamination.  Several potential sources were

     The city had been able to  supply water  by pumping mainly from
uncontaminated wells  #7  and #9, with  blending from contaminated wells #3
and #6 to meet demand.  However,  in the spring of 1984, increasing levels
of contamination  in these  wells led to VOC levels at the tap greater than
EPA and WDNR recommendations.   Therefore,  in the  summer of  1984, EPA used
CERCLA emergency  funds to  install carbon filters  to remove  VOCs.  The
filters were used until  they could be replaced by two air strippers.  EPA  ~
provided a research grant  to install  the air stripper at well #4.  The
city funded the air stripper at well  #3.

     Status  (January  1986); EPA is considering various alternatives for
the site.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program

National Priorities List Site

Hazardous waste site listed under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1,980 (CERCLAJC'Superfund'

                      ORDNANCE WORKS  DISPOSAL AREAS
                        Morqantown, West Virginia

     Conditions at listing  (October 1984):  The  Ordnance Works Disposal
Areas cover approximately 110 acres on  the  western shore of Mononqahela
River, southwest of Morqantown, Mononqalia  County, West  Virqinia.  Several
previous and adjacent property owners operated chemical  plants on the site
since the 1940s, both for the Government war  effort and  for commercial
use.  Fran that time to the late  1970s, the site included a landfill for
industrial waste disposal and an  area with  above-qround  drums containinq
PCBs.  Waste from the site may contaminate  the Mononqahela River, which
supplies drinkinq water to 60,000 residents in the area.

     The site is now owned by a qroup unrelated  to previous disposal
activities.  To alleviate the immediate threat at a portion of the site,
the present owner removed drums and contaminated soil containinq PCBs and
disposed of them at an approved disposal site.

     Status  (January 1986):  Analysis of soil in several areas of the site
detected chromium, lead, and various  other  heavy metals, as well as some
orqanic chemicals.  On April 10,  1985,  EPA  and the State started an enforce-
ment-lead study to determine the  effects of these substances on public
health and the environment and  identify any additional areas of contami-
nation.  The study includes a workplan  outlininq qoals and methodology,
a remedial investiqation to determine the type and extent of on-site
contamination and any contamination of  the  Mononqahela River,  and a
feasibility study to identify alternatives  for remedial  action at the

     The work is scheduled for completion in  April 1987.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Remedial Response Program
