&ER& United States Environmental Protection Agency Office Of The Administrator (ANR-443) 22A-1002 November 1991 Directory Of EPA Support To Minority Academic Institutions FY1990-1991 ------- This directory was prepared by the Management Accountability and Institutional Issues Subcommittee of the Minority Academic Institutions Task Force. November 1991 11 ------- Preface The Management Accountability and Institutional Issues Subcommittee, of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Minority Academic Institutions Task Force, set out to examine how to create greater accountability for EPA support for the objectives of Executive Order 12677, which directs executive departments and agencies to enhance the development of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and executive Order 12729, which provides for similar developmental support for institutions of higher education with significant members of Hispanic students. Administrator William K. Reilly has also committed EPA to develop programmatic initiatives to strengthen the entire network of minority academic institutions of higher education. The recommendations developed by this subcommittee are found in EPA's Minority Academic Institutions Task Force Final Action Plan of May 1991, which was distributed by Administrator Reilly. This subcommittee determined further that it was critical to know where the EPA currently stands relative to our commitment to these institutions, as we consider the issue of accountability. The list of initiatives which follows was developed by surveying EPA AAships, regions, and laboratories for information on program activities for fiscal years 1990 and 1991, to determine what recent activities the EPA has developed with minority institutions. This list is limited to program activities which EPA has with minority academic institutions. It, therefore, does not include information about EPA minority outreach programs not affiliated with these institutions. The program activities included in this directory are research grants, cooperative education agreements, intergovernmental personnel act agreements, fellowships, equipment donations or transfers, training grants, faculty internships, student internships, and education. Minority institutions are defined as those institutions identified by the White House initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities as HBCUs and institutions with significant numbers of Hispanic or other minority students. This information has been organized by program activity and cross referenced by school, region, and AAship. Brief descriptions are provided in ------- about the activity and contact information is included to facilitate the exchange of information about programs that may be of interest to other AAships or regions. This directory is offered as a means of providing greater visibility to EPA's efforts to support minority academic institutions. It is hoped that it will also serve as a means to help us understand how we can strengthen that commitment. We would like to thank Ann E. Goode, Office of Air and Radiation, and Vivian Malone Jones, Region IV, for serving as members of this subcommittee, and Office of Air and Radiation staff member Jerome F. King for his support in the development of this directory. We also appreciate the cooperation which we received from the AAships and regions who submitted information about their program activities. Michael H. Shapiro, Co-Chairperson Management Accountability and Institutional Issues Subcommittee Minority Academic Institutions Task Force Stanley L. Laskowski, Co-Chairperson Management Accountability and Institutional Issues Subcommittee Minority Academic Institutions Task Force November 1991 IV ------- Summary of EPA Support to Minority Academic Institutions FY 1990 and 1991 FY 1990 Research Grants $1,156,000 Coop. Education Agr. $ 2,525* IPA $ 384,764 Fellowships $ 309,200 Equipment Donations $ 300,447 Training Grants $ 131,000 Faculty Internships $ 31,890 Student Internships $ 90,914 Education $ 2,150 FY 1991 Research Grants $3,324,000 Coop. Education Agr. $ 525,360 IPA $ 414,529 Fellowships $ 207,000 Equipment Donations $ None Training Grants $ 145,000 Faculty Internships $ 341,428 Student Internships $ 478,361 Education $ 7,150 TOTAL $2,408,890 TOTAL $5,442,828 *Dollar amounts for many programs were not available for FY1990. ------- Contents - By Program Area Program Area Page Number Research Grants: 1 Clark Atlanta University 8 Howard University 2,3,4,6,11 Lamar University 1 3 Lincoln University (PA) 9 Meharry Medical College 9,11 Morehouse College 9,11 North Carolina A & T State University 5 University of the District of Columbia 7 Cooperative Education Agreements: 1 4 Haskell Indian Junior College 1 6 Howard University 17,19 Morris Brown College 20 North Carolina Central University 18,21 Prairie View A and M University 1 5 Shaw University 2 6 Southern University at Baton Rouge 25 University of the District of Columbia 22 Wilberforce University 2 3 Wright State University 24 Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreements: 2 7 Clark Atlanta University 29,30,33-35 Howard University 3 2 Lemoyne-Owen College 31,33-34 Southern University at Baton Rouge 3 3 Talladega College 28 Fellowships: 3 6 Dillard University 45,47 Elizabeth City State University 45,47 VI ------- Program Area Page Number Florida International University 47 Hampton University 45,47 Howard University 37,45 Jackson State University 45,47 Lemoyne-Owen College 4 3 Lincoln University (PA) 45 Meharry Medical College 47 Mississippi Valley State University 45,47 Morgan State University 47 Norfolk State University 47 North Carolina Central University 39,47 Selma University 42 Shaw University 4 1 Spelman College 47 Texas Southern University 45 University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff 45 University of the District of Columbia 38,47 University of Puerto Rico 45 Virginia Union University 40 Wilberforce University 45 Xavier University of Louisiana 45,47 Equipment Donations/Transfers: 4 8 Howard University 5 3 Langston University 5 1 Paul Quinn College 50,52 Prairie View A and M University 49 University of the District of Columbia 5 4 Training Grants: 5 5 Alabama A and M University 62 Clark Atlanta University 60,62 Florida A and M University 62 Florida International University 63 Hampton University 63 Howard Univeristy 6 4 Jackson State University 63 vn ------- Program Area Page Number Morehouse College 6 1 New Mexico Highlands University 63 New Mexico State University 56-58 Northern Arizona University 62 North Carolina A and T State University 62 Prairie View A and M University 62 Southern University at Baton Rouge 63 Texas A and I University 63 Texas Southern University 63 Tuskegee University 6 3 University of Texas at El Paso 63 Xavier University of Louisiana 63 Faculty Internships: 6 5 Fayetteville State University 68 Livingstone College 66,68 North Carolina A and T State University 70 North Carolina Central University 68 Shaw University 6 8 Texas Southern University 67,69 Student Internships: 7 1 Albany State College 78 Benedict College 78 Bowie State University 72,74 Dillard University 78-79 Howard University 73,78-79 Inter-American University at San Truce, PR 75 Jackson State University 7 8 Morgan State University 80 New Mexico State University 76 Southern University at Baton Rouge 7 8 Talladega College 78 University of Puerto Rico 77 Xavier University of Louisiana 78-79 Vlll ------- Program Area Page Number Education: 8 1 Clark Atlanta University 82 Howard University 8 4 North Carolina A and T University 82 North Carolina Central State University 82 Shaw University 8 2 IX ------- Contents - By School School Page Number Alabama A and M Uinversity 62 Albany State College 78 Benedict College 78 Bowie State University 72,74 Clark Atlanta University 8,29-30,33,35,60,62,82 Dillard University 45,47,78-79 Elizabeth City State University 45,47 Fayetteville State University 6 8 Florida A and M University 62 Florida International University 47,63 Haskell Indian Junior College 1 6 Hampton University 45,47,63 Howard University 2-4,6,11,17,19,32,37,45,53,59,63-64,73,78-79,84 Inter-American University at San Truce, PR 75 Jackson State University 45,47,63,78 Lamar University 1 3 Langston University 5 1 Lemoyne-Owen College 31,33-34,43 Lincoln University (PA) 9,45 Livingstone College 66,68 Meharry Medical College 9,11,47 Mississippi Valley State University 45,47 Morehouse College 9,11,61 Morgan State University 45,80 Morris Brown College 20 New Mexico Highlands University 63 New Mexico State University 56-58 Norfolk State University 47 North Carolina A and T State University 5,62,70,82 North Carolina Central University 18,21,39,47,68,82 Northern Arizona University 62 Paul Quinn College 50,52 Prairie View A and M University 15,49,63 Selma University 42 Shaw University 41,68,82 Spelman College 47 Southern University at Baton Rouge 33,63,78 Talladega College 28,78 ------- School Page Number Texas A and I University 63 Texas Southern University 45,63,67,69 Tuskegee University 6 3 University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff 45 University of the District of Columbia 7,22,38,47,54 University of Puerto Rico 45,77 University of Texas at El Paso 63 Virginia Union University 40 Wilberforce University 25,45 Wright State University 26 Xavier University of Louisiana 45,47,63,78-79 XI ------- Contents - By AAship and Region AAship/Region Page Number Office of Human Resources Management 18-24,31-32,40-43,64,68,76-77,80 Office of General Counsel 73-75 Office of Inspector General 72 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response 14,33,60,80 Office of Air and Radiation 63,69-70,82 Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances 4-8,30,38-39,54-55,84 Office of Research and Development 3,9,10,12,14,36,45,47,80,82 Region I 78 Region III 16,66 Region IV 34-35,60-61 Region V 2,28 Region VI 51-52,56-58,67 Region VII 16 Region VIII 15,49-50 Region X 43 xn ------- Research Grants ------- Research Grants INSTITUTION: Howard University GRANT TITLE: Hazardous Substance Research Center GRANT AMOUNT: $75,000 FY OF GRANT: FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region V PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and Howard University have established a Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) to address research, training, and technology transfer needs in the EPA and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The geographic areas served by this HSRC include Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The Center builds upon the strong environmental engineering programs at all three universities and the participation of individual researchers and research teams from a variety of other disciplines including biology, chemistry, chemical engineering, geology, microbiology, natural resources, public health, and soil science. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Patricia Easley, Training Officer, Waste Management Division FTS PHONE #: 886-2775 ------- INSTITUTION: GRANT TITLE: GRANT AMOUNT: FY OF THE GRANT EPA ORGANIZATION: Title: Research Grants Howard University ADP $300,000/$300,000 FY1990 & FY1991 Office of Research and Development Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Authorized by the 1986 amendments to the Superfund Act, the HSRC program supports five university-based research centers across the country. The HSRCs are required to commit approximately 10 to 20 percent of their funding to the development of an active technology transfer program. Howard University, the University of Michigan and Michigan State are equal partners in the HSRC consortium which focuses on organic bioremediation research. Howard University receives a proportionate share of the Center's $2.0M start-up funding and the $1.0M annual funding for up to eight years. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Karen Morehouse, OER FTS PHONE #: 260-5750 ------- Research Grants INSTITUTION: Howard University GRANT TITLE: ADP GRANT AMOUNT: $40,000 FY OF THE GRANT FY1990 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The 1988 amendments to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) precipitated anticipation of an avalanche of paperwork correspondence between the Office of Pesticide Programs and Registrants. Timely and accurate communications to manage the transfer of large volumes of data became more critical and new options needed to be developed. Howard University determined the feasibility and benefits/costs of developing and implementing procedures for data call-ins, data studies themselves, etc. It was determined that such procedures and tools were feasible and cost- beneficial. The design and implementation of a pilot project was also developed with selected Registrants. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Joan Moyer FTS PHONE #: 557-5444 ------- Research Grants INSTITUTION: North Carolina A&T State University GRANT TITLE: Pesticide Minor Use Study GRANT AMOUNT: $60,000 FY OF THE GRANT : F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this agreement between the University and the Office of Pesticide Program was to develop a database and an operational methodology capable of evaluating the economic and social impacts (private and public) of various regulatory actions affecting pesticide minor use. The methodological approaches incorporated essential features of the agricultural economy to assess possible impacts on producers, consumers, and industry resulting from actions dealing with specific pesticides or products. The analytical approaches are intended as EPA support devices in formulating policy advice and making decisions regarding specific pesticide regulations, as well as measuring and assessing the impacts on the economy of North Carolina and other states or regions. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Joan Moyer FTS PHONE #: 557-5444 ------- INSTITUTION: GRANT TITLE: GRANT AMOUNT: FY OF THE GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Research Grants Howard University Disposal Container Study $22,000 FY1990 Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This Office of Pesticide Program project, directed by Howard University's School of Engineering, evaluated the incineration potential and value of some of the following: 1) pesticide plastics containers, bags, and boxes; 2) specific formulated pesticides; 3) pesticide container rinsates, and 4) chemical classes of pesticides. A variety of incineration methods for each were attempted to identify the most efficacious one(s). Additionally, this required the application of new methodologies for analyzing; 1) residual pesticides or degradates, and 2) effluent gas(es). CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Joan Moyer FTS PHONE #: 557-5444 ------- Research Grants INSTITUTION: University of the District of Columbia GRANT TITLE: Endangered Species Study GRANT AMOUNT: $6,000 FY OF THE GRANT: FY1990 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This Office of Pesticide Program project was directed to the University of the District of Columbia's Department of Biology, to compare the results of a laboratory sediment bioassay protocol with a water column bioassay protocol using freshwater mussels. Although a protocol has been developed and tested for determining the acute toxicity of pesticides in the water column to freshwater mussels, this approach did not represent the typical exposure of mussels as they reside in the sediment for most of their life history. Furthermore, most pesticides tend to partition to the sediment rather than remain in the water column. The principal objective was to develop appropriate data for use in hazard assessment methodology for endangered freshwater mussels. In addition, the project tested early juvenile stages of the freshwater mussel, Anodonta imbebicilus. against three pesticides in carbaryl, atrazine, and the synthetic pyrethroid, karate. The LCSOs based on the inhibition of burrowing behavior was compared to the previously determined LCSOs for Anodonta and the three chemicals in question. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Joan Moyer FTS PHONE #: 557-5444 ------- Research Grants INSTITUTION: GRANT TITLE: GRANT AMOUNT: FY OF THE GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Clark Atlanta University Center for Environmental Policy, Education and Research $2,000,000 FY1991 Office of Research and Development The Center for Environmental Policy, Education and Research will provide a sustainable infrastructure at Clark Atlanta University for environmental education and research. The center involves a pre- college, undergraduate, and graduate education component. It will develop environmental curriculum and training materials, provide mechanisms for environmental development of students and faculty, and conduct basic and applied research and development, technology transfer, and outreach programs. The Center will also provide direct linkage to the seventeen member Historcially Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions Environmental Technology and Waste Management Consortium funded by the Department of Energy. PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS: Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology Demonstration CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Darwin Wright, OEETD FTS PHONE #: 260-4073 Funding for FY1992 is estimated at: $2,000,000 ------- Research Grants INSTITUTION: GRANT TITLE: AMOUNT: FY OF THE GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Lincoln University/ Meharry Medical College/ Morehouse College Minority Institution Assistanceship Program (MIA) $203,000/$203,000/$322,000 FY1990 Office of Research and Development PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The MIA Program was initiated in 1981 to increase research support for eligible minority institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and members of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) by providing fellowships for their students. The MIA Program has three separate components: a Research Assistance Program for faculty; an Undergraduate/Graduate Fellowship Program; and a Summer Intern Program for students who have completed the Student Fellowship Program. The objective of the Research Assistance Program is to promote environmental research capability within minority institutions and to provide an opportunity for minority students to gain research experience in the environmental sciences. Eight research grants totaling $700K plus were funded in FY1990. The Student Fellowship and Summer Intern Programs are intended to encourage students to develop careers in environmental research. Approximately $6K per student for one academic year was provided to pay for tuition, fees, books and a monthly stipend. All fellowship recipients are required to serve a three month summer internship at an EPA facility which allows them the opportunity to apply their newly acquired skills to real-world ------- environmental problems. Thirty-three fellowships and twenty-three summer internships totaling $200K were funded in FY1990. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Listed below. FTS PHONE #: Virginia Broadway, ORD and Alvin Edwards, 260-7473 The following ORD organizations are involved in the program: Dee Hutchings, ERL Ada, 743-2227 Maxine Kellum, ERL Athens, 250-3517 Sandra Bowman, HRMD Cincinnati, 684- 7801 Diana Irwin, EMSL Cincinnati, 684-7485 Grady Neely, ERL Corvallis, 420-4684 Sherry Linder, LRL Duluth, 780-5543 Mary Merredith, ERL Gulf Breeze, 228-9246 Evelyn Clay, EMSL Las Vegas, 545-2326/2536 Robert Mosley, EMSL Las Vegas, 545-2326/2536 Brenda Laing, ERL Narragansett, 838-6021 Billie Hudson, OSORD RTP, 629-4303 10 ------- Research Grants INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF THE GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: TITLE: Howard University/ Meharry Medical College/ Morehouse College $100,000/$250,000/$449,000 FY1991 Office of Research and Development Minority Institution Assistantship Program (MIA) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The MIA Program was initiated in 1981 to increase research support for eligible minority institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and members of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) by providing fellowships for their students. The MIA Program has three separate components: a Research Assistance Program for faculty; an Undergraduate/Graduate Fellowship Program; and a Summer Intern Program for students who have completed the Student Fellowship Program. The objective of the Research Assistance Program is to promote environmental research capability within minority institutions and to provide an opportunity for minority students to gain research experience in the environmental sciences. Eight research grants totaling $799K were funded in FY 1991. The Student Fellowship and Summer Intern Program is intended to encourage students to develop careers in environmental research. Approximately $6K per student for one academic year is provided to pay for tuition, fees, books and a monthly stipend. All fellowship recipients are required to serve a three month summer internship at an EPA facility which allows them to apply their newly acquired skills to real-world environmental 1 1 ------- problems. Thirty-three fellowships and twenty-three summer internships totaling $200K were funded in FY1990. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Listed below. FTS PHONE #: Virginia Broadway, ORD and Alvin Edwards, 260-7473 The following ORD organizations are involved in the program: Dee Hutchings, ERL Ada, 743-2227 Maxine Kellum, ERL Athens, 250-3517 Sandra Bowman, HRMD Cincinnati, 684- 7801 Diana Irwin, EMSL Cincinnati, 684-7485 Grady Neely, ERL Corvallis, 420-4684 Sherry Linder, LRL Duluth, 780-5543 Mary Merredith, ERL Gulf Breeze, 228-9246 Evelyn Clay, EMSL Las Vegas, 545-2326/2536 Robert Mosley, EMSL Las Vegas, 545-2326/2536 Brenda Laing, ERL Narragansett, 838-6021 Billie Hudson, OSORD RTP, 629-4303 12 ------- Research Grants INSTITUTION: Lamar University AMOUNT: $150,000* FY OF THE GRANT: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Research and Development and Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response TITLE: Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center (GCHSRC) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This program will involve minority institutions in joint research projects with the eight major universities which comprise the GCHSRC. The goal is to share faculty, students and laboratories leading to an enhanced capability in minority institutions. The program can eventually be expanded to include community colleges and magnet schools to encourage the early involvement of women, minorities, and the handicapped in the sciences and mathematics. During Phase I, the University of Central Florida will develop a partnership with HBCUs in the state of Florida. Upon successful development of the Florida framework, this approach will be expanded to the other Gulf Coast states. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Participating Organizations: Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology Demonstration (OEETD) FTS PHONE #: ORD: Darwin Wright, OEETD, 260-4073 GCHSRC: Charles Mitchell, EPA-IPA, (407) 823-2765 *Jointly funded by OEETD and OER/OSWER 13 ------- Cooperative Education Agreements 14 ------- INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: Cooperative Education Agreement Prairie View A & M University $2,525 FY OF AGREEMENT: FY1990 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region VIII PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Region has a co-op student who works as an engineer trainee. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Bobby Hodges, Program Coordinator FTS PHONE #: 330-1494 15 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: Haskell Indian Junior College FY OF AGREEMENT: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region VII PROJECT DESCRIPTION: On November 1, 1990, in conjunction with a scheduled career fair on the Haskell campus, Region VII invited Haskell Indian Junior College to sign a Cooperative Education Agreement. The Region encouraged student participation in the 1990-91 spring semester. One Haskell student spent the 1991 summer working in Region VII's public affairs office. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Joe Solis or Jackie Beard FTS PHONE #: 276-7203 or 276-7041 16 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: Howard University FY OF AGREEMENT: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Information Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Office of Information Resources Management entered into a Cooperative Agreement with Howard University and is working with the School of Business. This partnership between the Office and the University promotes the development of undergraduates into the information resources management areas within the Federal Government and particularly the Environmental Protection Agency. Two computer trainees completed the program in FY1990 and two currently are participating in FY1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Chris Bullock FTS PHONE #: 883-8866 17 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: North Carolina Central University FY OF AGREEMENT: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Administration and Resources Management at Research Triangle Park (RTP) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This agreement offers work experience related to academic training in one of the following areas: business/public administration, biology, chemistry, psychology, mathematics, engineering, computer science and toxicology. The student who participated in the agreement worked at the National Data Processing Division as a computer science trainee. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Shirley Bowens, Personnel Staffing Specialist FTS PHONE #: 629-4381 18 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: Howard University FY OF AGREEMENT: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Three students are currently working as part of this agreement in the Financial Management Division as computer trainees for OHRM. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Gerri McCann FTS PHONE #: 260-3144 19 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: Morris Brown College FY OF AGREEMENT: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: One student participated in FY1990 and one in FY1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Gerri McCann FTS PHONE #: 260-3144 20 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: North Carolina Central University FY OF AGREEMENT: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: One student was part of the agreement for FY1990 and one for FY1991. Both students were assigned to the Contracts Office at Headquarters Fairchild Building. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Gerri McCann FTS PHONE #: 260-3144 21 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: FY OF AGREEMENT: EPA ORGANIZATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: University of the District of Columbia FY1990 & FY1991 Office of Human Resources Management One student was part of this agreement for FY1990 and one is participating for FY1991. This student works as a management analyst with the Office of Air and Radiation. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Gerri McCann FTS PHONE #: 260-3144 22 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: Wilberforce University FY OF AGREEMENT: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Human Resources Management/Cincinnati Lab PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A cooperative education agreement has been established with Wilberforce University to employ students who are pursuing baccalaureate degrees in chemistry, biological sciences, physical science, business administration, marketing, etc. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Sandra K. Bowman FTS PHONE #: 684-7801 23 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: Wright State University FY OF AGREEMENT: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Human Resources Management/Cincinnati Lab PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A cooperative education agreement has been established with Central State University to employ students who are pursuing baccalaureate degrees in chemistry, biological sciences, physical science, business administration, marketing, etc. Two students are participating in this agreement for FY 1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Sandra K. Bowman FTS PHONE #: 684-7801 24 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: Southern University AMOUNT: $445,360 FY OF AGREEMENT: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Research and Development PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This cooperative agreement is designed to be supportive of ORD's hazardous wastes and toxic air emissions programs. ORD resources will concentrate on policy issues in support of the new Agency-wide Social Science Research Plan. Important policy issues will include assessment of (1) current environmental issues; (2) an understanding of the public, businessmen, government officials, and legislatures have of local and national aspects of environmental issues; (3) environmental equity issues; (4) policy implications of environmental legislation or business; (5) ethical issues in the formulation of environmental policy; and, (6) an evaluation of trends effecting corporate environmental policy. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Darwin R. Wright FTS PHONE #: 260-4073 25 ------- Cooperative Education Agreement INSTITUTION: Shaw University AMOUNT: $80,000 FY OF AGREEMENT: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Research and Development/RTF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Shaw University provides special training in science and mathematics to promising 8th to 12th grade minority students. The program provides the basic skills and motivating experiences to encourage them to undertake careers in science and engineering, particularly environmental sciences. The program also involves the development of a formal curriculum, in partnership with ORD scientists. The curriculum is expected to improve the capabilities of the University in the areas of environmental sciences and engineering studies. The program includes paid student summer internships for eleventhe and twelth grades at the RTF laboratory. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Elizabeth J. Hudson FTS PHONE #: 629-2614 26 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreements 27 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act INSTITUTION: Talladega College AMOUNT: $19,249/76,997 FY OF AGREEMENT: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region V PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The primary reasons for this IPA assignment are to assist Talladega College to construct a major science building, add environmental courses to the curriculum, assist the College in the preparation of environmental proposals and responses to proposals, and the establishment of a conceptional design and plan to establish a technology center at the College. This will benefit Talladega College by significantly improving the quality of science offered to produce graduates prepared to enter the scientific workforce. Currently, one person is on an IPA assignment from the Central Regional Laboratory in Chicago to Talladega College. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Sandra Hadley, Personnel Staffing Specialist FTS PHONE #: 353-2026 28 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act INSTITUTION: Clark Atlanta University AMOUNT: $24,843/$24,843 FY OF AGREEMENT: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This IPA assignment of an employee from the Office of Pesticide Programs has two major objectives: 1) to help the university establish an academic and outreach program in environmental science, and 2) to establish a talent pool of potential employees from HBCUs. The IPA employee is helping to develop: a) a comprehensive resource center for environmental protection programs, b) curriculum offerings in environmental science, and c) partnerships with government and industry and other colleges, primarily HBCUs, in environmental protection areas of concern to EPA. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Joan Moyer FTS PHONE #: 557-5444 29 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF AGREEMENT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Clark Atlanta University $54,694/$54,694 FY1990 & FY1991 Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This IPA assignment was designed to help the university establish an academic and outreach program in environmental protection and establish a talent pool of potential EPA employees from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. One participant was on board for FY1990 and one is serving during FY1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Pete Hoffman FTS PHONE #: 260-3328 30 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF AGREEMENT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Lemoyne-Owen College $47,978/$47,995 FY1990 & FY1991 Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This IPA assignment was designed to help the university establish an academic and outreach program in environmental protection and to establish a talent pool of potential EPA employees from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. One participant was on board for FY1990 and one is serving during FY1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Pete Hoffman FTS PHONE #: 260-3328 31 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF AGREEMENT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Howard University $5,000 FY1991 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Assignment is currently being negotiated. Tentative plans are for a visiting associate professor to teach a course in Hazardous Waste Management one day a week at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. beginning in the fall 1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Robert J. Knox FTS PHONE #: 260-9361 32 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF AGREEMENT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Clark Atlanta University Southern University Lemoyne-Owen College $42,000/$52,000/44,000 FY1990 Region IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Region IV has three Environmental Engineers/Scientists on IPA assignments with HBCUs. One of these assignments was a continuation from FY1989 and two are FY1990 assignments. These IPA assignments are designed to assist in curriculum development and provide technical assistance and instruction. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: Vivian M. Jones 257-7900 33 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF AGREEMENT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Clark Atlanta University Lemoyne-Owen College $53,000/52,000 FY1991 Region IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Region IV currently has two employees from the Waste Management Division on IPA Assignments to HBCUs. These IPA Assignments are expected to continue for at least two consecutive years. IPA assignment total includes salary plus travel funds for recruitment. One employee is assigned to Clark Atlanta University and one to Lemoyne Owen College for FY1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: Vivian M. Jones 257-7900 34 ------- Intergovernmental Personnel Act INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF AGREEMENT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Clark Atlanta University $100,000 FY1990 & FY1991 Office of Research and Development HERL RTP and ERL Athens PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Senior scientists and engineers in ORD laboratories have been named adjunct professors on IPA assignments in their areas of expertise to establish laboratory work experience for science and engineering students at this Historically Black College and University. This program also provides a source for minority recruitment. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing FTS PHONE #: FTS PHONE #: See listing below. Janice Sims, ERL Athens/250-3302 Terri J. Burrell, HRMD TRP/629-4359 August Curley, HERL RTP/627-2729 35 ------- Fellowships 36 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF FELLOWSHIP: EPA ORGANIZATION: Howard University $18,000 FY1990 Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The funds supported one full-time graduate student or a postdoctoral associate and provided part-time support for the principal investigator for a period of one year on the Disposal Container Study requested by the Office of Pesticides Program. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Joan Moyer FTS PHONE #: 557-5444 37 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF FELLOWSHIP: EPA ORGANIZATION: University of the District of Columbia $6,000 FY1990 Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The funds supported one full-time undergraduate or graduate student and provided part-time support for the principal investigator for a period of six months on the Office of Pesticide Program's Endangered Species Study. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: Joan Moyer 557-5444 Completed 38 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF FELLOWSHIP: EPA ORGANIZATION: North Carolina Central University $28,400 FY1990 Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Faculty Fellows Program afforded the Agency the opportunity to employ professors and department heads from accredited minority colleges and universities in positions of scientific, professional and administrative work. The participants were provided meaningful work experiences that enabled them to go back to their institutions and impact curriculum development or initiate programs in environmental studies. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: Le'Ontyne Buggs 260-3266 39 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF FELLOWSHIP: EPA ORGANIZATION: Virginia Union University $28,400 FY1990 Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Faculty Fellows Program afforded the Agency the opportunity to employ professors and department heads from accredited minority colleges and universities in positions of scientific, professional and administrative work. The participants were provided meaningful work experiences that enabled them to go back to their institutions and impact curriculum development or initiate programs in environmental studies. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Le'Ontyne Buggs FTS PHONE #: 260-3266 40 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF FELLOWSHIP: EPA ORGANIZATION: Shaw University $14,200 FY1990 Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Faculty Fellows Program afforded the Agency the opportunity to employ professors and department heads from accredited minority colleges and universities in positions of scientific, professional and administrative work. The participants were provided meaningful work experiences that enabled them to go back to their institutions and impact curriculum development or initiate programs in environmental studies. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: Debbie Brown 260-3266 41 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF FELLOWSHIP: EPA ORGANIZATION: Selma University $14,200 FY1990 Office of Human Resources Management PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Faculty Fellows Program afforded the Agency the opportunity to employ professors and department heads from accredited minority colleges and universities in positions of scientific, professional and administrative work. The participants were provided meaningful work experiences that enabled them to go back to their institutions and impact curriculum development or initiate programs in environmental studies. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: Le'Ontyne Buggs 260-3266 42 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF FELLOWSHIP: EPA ORGANIZATION: Lemoyne-Owen College $32,000 FY1991 Region X PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Region X allocated resources for a minority faculty fellowship position for the Faculty Fellows Program. A professor from Lemoyne-Owen College accepted the position and began in mid-May and will work to the end of the fiscal year. The faculty member is working on a recuritment plan analyzing what works and does not work in the region in the recruitment field. We will also visit another minority academic institution within the region to discuss employment opportunities and other types of assistance. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Cecilia A. Contreras, EEO Officer FTS PHONE #: 399-2899 43 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: Refer to list on next page* AMOUNT: $200,000 @ $6,000 per student FY OF FELLOWSHIP: F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Research and Development TITLE: Minority Institution Assistantship Program (MIA) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The MIA Program was initiated in 1981 to increase research support for eligible minority institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and members of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) by providing fellowships for their students. The MIA Program has three separate components: a Research Assistance Program for faculty; an Undergraduate/Graduate Fellowship Program; and a Summer Intern Program for students who have completed the Student Fellowship Program. The objective of the Research Assistance Program is to promote environmental research capability within minority institutions and to provide an opportunity for minority students to gain research experience in the environmental sciences. Eight research grants totaling $700K plus were funded in FY1990. The Student Fellowship and Summer Intern Programs are intended to encourage students to develop careers in environmental research. Approximately $6K per student for one academic year is provided to pay for tuition, fees, books and a monthly stipend. All fellowship recipients are required to serve a three month summer internship at an EPA facility which allows them the opportunity to apply their newly acquired skills to real- world environmental problems. Thirty-three fellowships and twenty-three summer internships totaling $200K were funded in FY1990. 44 ------- CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: ORD-sponsored participating organizations FTS PHONE #: Virginia Broadway, OER and Alvin Edwards, OER, 260-7473 Alvin Edwards, OER, 260-7473 Dee Hatchings, ERL Ada, 743-2227 Maxine Kellum, ERL Athens, 250-3517 Sandra Bowman, HRMD Cincinnati, 684- 7801 Diana Irwin, EMSL Cincinnati, 684-7485 Grady Neely, ERL Corvallis, 420-4684 Sherry Linder, LRL Duluth, 780-5543 Mary Merredith, ERL Gulf Breeze, 228-9246 Evelyn Clay, EMSL Las Vegas, 545-2326/2536 Robert Mosley, EMSL Las Vegas, 545-2326/2536 Brenda Laing, ERL Narragansett, 838-6021 Billie Hudson, OSORD RTP, 629-4303 *Institution Dillard University Elizabeth City State University Hampton University Howard University Jackson State University Lincoln University (PA) Mississippi Valley State University Texas Southern University University of Puerto Rico University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Wilberforce University Xavier University of Louisiana Number of Fellowships 2 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 45 ------- Fellowships INSTITUTION: Refer to list below* AMOUNT: $175,000 @ $6,000 per student FY OF FELLOWSHIP: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Research and Development TITLE: Minority Institution Assistantship Program (MIA) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The MIA Program was initiated in 1981 to increase research support for eligible minority institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and members of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) by providing fellowships for their students. The MIA Program has three separate components: a Research Assistance Program for faculty; an Undergraduate/Graduate Fellowship Program; and a Summer Intern Program for students who have completed the Student Fellowship Program. The objective of the Research Assistance Program is to promote environmental research capability within minority institutions and to provide an opportunity for minority students to gain research experience in the environmental sciences. Eight research grants totaling $700K plus were funded in FY1990. The Student Fellowship and Summer Intern Programs are intended to encourage students to develop careers in environmental research. Approximately $6K per student for one academic year is provided to pay for tuition, fees, books and a monthly stipend. All fellowship recipients are required to serve a three month summer internship at an EPA facility which allows them the opportunity to apply their newly acquired skills to real- world environmental problems. Twenty-nine fellowships were funded in FY 1991. 46 ------- CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Participating Organizations FTS PHONE #: Virginia Broadway, ORD and Alvin Edwards, OER, 260-7473 Alvin Edwards, OER, 260-7473 Dee Hutchings, ERL Ada, 743-2227 Maxine Kellum, ERL Athens, 250-3517 Sandra Bowman, HRMD Cincinnati, 684-7801 Diana Irwin, EMSL Cincinnati, 684-7485 Grady Neely, ERL Corvallis, 420-4684 Sherry Linder, LRL Duluth, 780-5543 Mary Merredith, ERL Gulf Breeze, 228-9246 Evelyn Clay, EMSL Las Vegas, 545-2326/2536 Robert Mosley, EMSL Las Vegas, 545-2326/2536 Brenda Laing, ERL Narragansett, 838-6021 Billie Hudson, OSORD RTP, 629-4303 institution Number of Fellowships Dillard University 1 Elizabeth City State University 1 Florida International University 1 Hampton University 4 Jackson State University 5 Meharry Medical College 2 Mississippi Valley State University 2 Morgan State University 1 Norfolk State University 1 North Carolina Central University 1 Spelman College 2 Southern University 1 University of the District of Columbia 1 University of Puerto Rico 1 Xavier University 5 47 ------- Equipment Donations/Transfers 48 ------- Equipment Donations/Transfers INSTITUTION: Prairie View A & M University CURRENT VALUE: $4,000 FY OF DONATION: F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region VIII EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Four computer terminals with keyboards. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Bobby Hodges, Program Coordinator FTS PHONE #: 330-1494 49 ------- Equipment Donations/Transfers INSTITUTION: Paul Quinn College CURRENT VALUE: $133,940 FY OF DONATION: F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region VIII EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Seventeen Lexitron terminals. Twenty-eight Lexitron printers. One Wang printer. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Bobby Hodges, Program Coordinator FTS PHONE #: 330-1494 50 ------- Equipment Donations/Transfers INSTITUTION: Langston University CURRENT VALUE: $38,000 FY OF DONATION: F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region VI EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Automated data processing equipment; communications equipment; office furniture (all surplus equipment). CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: See listing below FTS PHONE #: Herb McKinney, Regional Security Officer/255-6570 Walter Biggins, BEP Manager/2557120 51 ------- Equipment Donations/Transfers INSTITUTION: Paul Quinn College CURRENT VALUE: $106,507 FY OF DONATION: F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region VI EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Automated data processing equipment; communications equipment; office furniture (all surplus equipment). CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: See listing below FTS PHONE #: Herb McKinney, Regional Security Officer/255-6570 Walter Biggins, BEP Manager/255712* 52 ------- Equipment Donations/Transfers INSTITUTION: Howard University CURRENT VALUE: $10,000 FY OF DONATION: F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances TITLE: Disposal Container Study GRANT DESCRIPTION: Equipment was purchased or modified related to the Office of Pesticide Programs' Disposal Container Study. Modification of model incinerators and new analytical equipment has been necessary to examine the residues or effluents from the incinerator. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Joan Moyer FTS PHONE*: 557-5444 53 ------- Equipment Donations/Transfers INSTITUTION: CURRENT VALUE: FY OF DONATION: EPA ORGANIZATION: TITLE: GRANT DESCRIPTION: University of the District of Columbia $8,000 FY1990 Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances Endangered Species The following equipment was purchased or modified related to research which was performed on the Office of Pesticide Programs' Endangered Species Study. 10 - CO2 incubators for culture test organisms. 1 1 - Cooling units for maintaining proper temperature in the laboratory. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: Joan Moyer 557-5444 Completed 54 ------- Training Grants 55 ------- INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: TITLE OF THE GRANT: Training Grants New Mexico State University $3,000* FY1990** Region VI Water Pollution Control Manpower Program Development PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project was to establish state training center/computer bulletin board for state-wide use by Publicly Owned Treatment Work operators and managers. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: See listing below. Tom Reich, Project Officer, 255-7130 Jerri Englerth, Grants Specialist, 255-6530 *FY1990 funding is $3,000; total funding is $48,000 **Project funded W/FY1990 dollars; project/budget period extends through 6/30/91 56 ------- Training Grants INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: TITLE OF THE GRANT: New Mexico State University $45,000 FY1990* Region VI Water Pollution Control Manpower Program Development PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project will facilitate outreach operator training for on site operations, maintenance and management at selected publicly owned treatment works. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: See listing below. FTS PHONE #: Tom Reich, Project Officer, 255-7130 Jerri Englerth, Grants Specialist, 255-6530 *Funded with FY1990 dollars; project/budget period extends through 12/31/91 57 ------- INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: TITLE OF THE GRANT: Training Grants New Mexico State University $1,000 FY1990* Region VI Public Water Supply Supervision/ Water Sample Analyses PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This grant funds water sample analyses for the Apache and Pueblo owned water systems. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: PROJECT CONTACT: Ongoing FTS PHONE #: Len Pardee, Project Officer Reta Brown, Grant Specialist 255-7155 255-6530 *Funded with FY1990 funds; project budget period extended through 5/31/91. 58 ------- INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: TITLE OF THE GRANT: Training Grants Howard University $60,000 FY1991 Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response In an effort to increase the participation of minorities and women in the area of hazardous materials management and control, the EPA and Howard University participated in a cooperative agreement to develop a program to expand minority students awareness and training in this area, including hazardous materials management and control. This would include the use of Electronic Data Interchange Technology to assist in transferring information about hazardous material from the regulated community to the EPA. The program that will provide this additional exposure will be administered by the Information Systems and Analysis Department of the School of Business and Public Administration of Howard University. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Robert J. Knox FTS PHONE #: 260-9361 59 ------- Training Grants INSTITUTION: Clark Atlanta University AMOUNT: $10,000 FY OF GRANT: FY1990 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region IV TITLE OF THE GRANT: Secretarial/Clerical Training Region IV conducted a secretarial/clerical workshop utilizing a professor of business administration from Clark Atlanta University. This workshop was designed to enhance and upgrade the skills of support staff personnel. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Vivian Malone Jones FTS PHONE #: 257-7900 60 ------- Training Grants INSTITUTION: Morehouse College AMOUNT: $12,000 FY OF GRANT: FY1990 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region IV TITLE OF THE GRANT: Cultural Diversity Workshop Region IV conducted a Cultural Diversity Workshop Series for all managers and supervisors to assist them in managing a diverse workforce. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Vivian Malone Jones FTS PHONE #: 257-7900 61 ------- Training Grants INSTITUTION: Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions Environmental Technology and Waste Management Consortium* AMOUNT: $37,000 FY OF GRANT: FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) TITLE OF THE GRANT: HBCU/MI Consortium GRANT DESCRIPTION: This training grant to Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions Environmental Technology and Waste Management Consortium will improve the 17 member consortium's understanding of OAR's structure, programs, developmental priorities, and resource capabilities. The consortium will match OAR's priorities with the institutional capabilities of consortium members in specific program areas. The resulting report and training seminar for OAR's Assistant Administrator will identify appropriate institutional matches between OAR and member institutions by utilizing a variety of mechanisms, including Intergovernmental Personnel Act exchanges, scholarships, fellowships, institutional participation on committees, increased interaction between States and consortium members. This final presentation will be made by the consortium's Council of Presidents. *Consortium Members Alabama A & M University North Carolina A&T State University Clark Atlanta University Northern Arizona University Florida A&M University Prairie View A&M University Florida International University Southern Univ. at Baton Rouge 62 ------- Hampton University Howard University Jackson State University New Mexico Highlands Univ. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Texas A&I University Texas Southern University Tuskegee University University of Texas at El Paso Xavier University of Louisiana Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE # Ann E. Goode, Management Analysis Officer 260-7431 63 ------- INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: FY OF GRANT: EPA ORGANIZATION: Training Grants Howard University $48,000 FY1991 Office of Human Resources Management (OARM) TITLE OF THE GRANT: Coop Progression Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In an effort to stimulate minority students' interest in scientific and engineering fields at EPA during high school years, EPA and Howard University have initiated a cooperative apprenticeship program in conjunction with tuition assistance. Nine local D.C. high school students were assigned as coop education students in program offices during 1991. Howard University will conduct year round training activities for the participating students, parents, teachers and counselors. Upon graduation from high school, the students will continue as coop students and college tuition assistance will be paid by the host EPA office for up to $5,000 a year. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE # Carolyn Johnson 260-3308 64 ------- Faculty Internships 65 ------- Faculty Internship INSTITUTION: Livingstone College AMOUNT: $5,000/$10,000 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: FY1990 and FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region III DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: This project was designed to assess the impact VOC control had on both the ambient air quality and the associated health risks of air toxics. The project focuses on a particular industrial/commercial source category which was common in ozone nonattainment areas. An analysis of various VOC control measures are undertaken to determine the relative reduction in risk from selected toxic and hazardous VOCs. One fellow participated in the summer FY1990 and two fellows are participating during the summer of FY1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Barbara Johnson FTS PHONE #: 597-8922 66 ------- Faculty Internship INSTITUTION: Texas Southern University AMOUNT: $6,890 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region VI DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: A professor from the chemistry department of Texas Southern University was hired as a summer employee at the Region VI Houston, Texas laboratory as an Environmental Scientist in the Environmental Services Division to provide assistance in the Inorganics Section. He performed audits and updated laboratory samples. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Julie Jensen, Personnel Officer FTS PHONE #: 255-6560 67 ------- Faculty Internship INSTITUTION: AMOUNT: North Carolina Central University Shaw University 1 Fayetteville State University 1 Livingstone College 1 * $214,686 @ GS 13 ($44,348) and one @ GS 12 ($37,394) FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Administrative Resources Management at Research Triangle Park DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The purpose of this internship is to establish long-term relationships with a minority academic institution and expose selected science and engineering faculty to EPA operations, resources, and the full spectrum of career options in the professional workforce. This program also allows EPA and the faculty members to explore and identify areas where curricula can be developed to prepare students to meet basic eligibility requirements for entry-level positions with EPA. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: FTS PHONE #: *GS 12 Shirley Bowens, Personnel Staffing Specialist 629-4381 68 ------- Faculty Internship INSTITUTION: Texas Southern University AMOUNT: $15,000 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Air and Radiation The intern participated in the development of an automotive exhaust speciation program in support of the Non-Methane Organic Gas (NMOG) program, which is currently being developed for future legislation by the California Air Resources Board. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Thomas Harper, Human Resources Officer FTS PHONE #: 374-8308 69 ------- Faculty Internship INSTITUTION: North Carolina A & T State University AMOUNT: $20,000 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Air and Radiation at RTP A engineering faculty member for North Carolina A & T State University was hired under the HBCU Faculty Intern Program. The faculty member was involved in curriculum development in the Air Pollution Training Institute. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Dale Evarts, Human Resources Officer FTS PHONE #: 629-5589 70 ------- Student Internships 71 ------- Student Internship INSTITUTION: Bowie State University AMOUNT: NONE FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 9 0 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of the Inspector General DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The Office of Investigations provided a voluntary internship (no remuneration) opportunity to a senior at Bowie State University from February to May 1990. The student, who was a law enforcement/sociology major, worked two days a week with the Washington Field Office, Washington, B.C. During the period of the internship, he received exposure to Federal law enforcement, assisted agents in record reviews and helped interview witnesses for criminal and applicant background investigations. In addition, he received exposure to several other elements of the OIG experience such as the hotline center, suspension/debarment, and audit activities. He also received a briefing from an Assistant U.S. Attorney on the prospective role and responsibilities of the U.S. Attorney's Office, U.S. Department of Justice. The student was responsible for preparing several papers on his experience at EPA for his school. The papers were reviewed and commented on by the Special Agent in Charge, Washington Field Office. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Frank Kiley, Special Agent in Charge FTS PHONE #: 308-8282 72 ------- Student Internship INSTITUTION: Howard University AMOUNT: $10,326 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of General Counsel (OGC) DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The Office of General Counsel employs two third-year Howard law students in its Policy Office to work on projects assigned by the Senior Counsel. OGC employs a Howard student as a clerk in its Water Division. Also, OGC has developed a referral process with Howard University Law School by which the Law School refers students wishing winter internships in OGC. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Eudora Edwards FTS PHONE #: 260-8070 73 ------- Student Internship INSTITUTION: Bowie State University AMOUNT: $19,258 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of General Counsel (OGC) DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The Office of General Counsel employs three Bowie State University students. One of the students is working with the International Division on various non-legal projects. The other student is directly involved with OGC's attorney-hiring process. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Eudora Edwards FTS PHONE #: 260-8070 74 ------- Student Internship INSTITUTION: Inter-American University at San Truce, Puerto Rico AMOUNT: $2,601 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of General Counsel (OGC) DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The Office of General Counsel employs a second year law student from the Inter-American University in Puerto Rico in its summer law clerk program. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Eudora Edwards FTS PHONE #: 260-8070 75 ------- Student Internship INSTITUTION: New Mexico State University AMOUNT: $4,000 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: FY1990 and FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Human Resources Management DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The EPA Management Intern Program is designed to attract, develop, and retain individuals with a high potential for productive careers at EPA. The three fundamental goals of the program are to: 1) recruit quality candidates and train them for potential management responsibilities in EPA, 2) bring more minorities and women into EPA, and 3) recruit interns according to the needs of EPA, ideally with a mix of both technical and public administration skills. Two students interned during FY1990. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Carolyn Scott FTS PHONE #: 260-3305 76 ------- Student Internship INSTITUTION: University or Puerto Rico AMOUNT: $4,000 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Human Resources Management DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The EPA Management Intern Program is designed to attract, develop, and retain individuals with a high potential for productive careers at EPA. The three fundamental goals of the program are to: 1) recruit quality candidates and train them for potential management responsibilities in EPA, 2) bring more minorities and women into EPA, and 3) recruit interns according to the needs of the Agency, ideally with a mix of both technical and public administration skills. Six students interned during FY1990 and two in FY1991. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Carolyn Scott FTS PHONE #: 260-3305 77 ------- Student Internship INSTITUTION: Eight Historically Black Colleges and Universities (listed on next page) AMOUNT: $82,914 and $16,748 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Region I DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The interns in the Minority Summer Intern Program work on challenging assignments and learn how environmental issues affect the quality of human life. Sponsors, seminars, and planned social activities are integral components of the program structure. Sponsors assign the interns to projects, allowing the students to work independently, and provide the interns with guidance and feedback. Some interns conduct fieldwork and are trained to operate highly specialized instruments. Others accompany their sponsors to out-of- state meetings and conventions, including trips to Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. A series of bi- weekly seminars introduces interns to the goals and programs of the region's nine divisions and identifies career opportunities available in Region I. The students are housed at Tufts University. For FY1990, there were 21 students from the following schools Albany State College 1 Benedict College 2 Dillard University 3 Howard University 7 Jackson State University 1 Southern University 1 Talladega College 1 Xavier University 5 78 ------- For FY1991 there were 5 students participating from the following schools. Dillard University 2 Howard University 2 Xavier University 1 CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Sharon Molden, Affirmative Action Recruitment FTS PHONE #: 835-9012 79 ------- Student Internship INSTITUTION: Morgan State University AMOUNT: $80,000 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Research and Development; Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response; Office of Administration and Resources Management DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: As a result of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between EPA and Morgan State University (MSU) in April, 1991, nine MSU engineering students were placed in ORD laboratories (RTF, Cincinnati, Las Vegas, and Edison, New Jersey) and OSWER program offices for a 10 week period during the summer of 1991. The electrical, chemical and civil engineers participated in projects to convert municipal sewage sludge to compost materials, to develop environmentally safe home refrigeration units, to study the effects of root growth on landfill membrane covers, to monitor radionuclide levels in nuclear devices test sites, to provide technical assistance to states on site clean-ups, and to participants in international environmental and other programs in OSWER. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Completed PROJECT CONTACT: Clarice Gaylord FTS PHONE #: 260-4467 80 ------- Education 81 ------- Education INSTITUTION: HBCU Lecture Series AMOUNT: $2,150 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: FY1990 & FY1991 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Research and Development/Office of Air and Radiation/Office of Administration and Resources Management TITLE DESCRIPTION: The EPA-RTP Historically Black Colleges and Universities Lecture Series was initiated in FY1990 as a joint effort between the Area Office of Civil Rights and the three major programs, Office of Administration and Resources Management, Office of Research and Development, and Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. This initiative was developed and implemented to provide a forum for HBCU Presidents and Department Heads to discuss the research capabilities of their institutions with EPA-RTP employees, supervisors and managers. It was also designed to provide opportunities for participants to meet with senior management officials to discuss various ways in which the institutions could work cooperatively with EPA to train students to meet future employment needs and facilitate grater institutional participation in EPA sponsored research programs. Funding to cover the participants travel and honoraria is shared by the three major programs. The following schools have participated in this activity to date: Clark Atlanta University North Carolina Central University North Carolina A & T State University Shaw University 82 ------- CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Dianne Laws, AOCR RTP FTS PHONE #: 629-4249 83 ------- Education INSTITUTION: Howard University AMOUNT: $5,000 FY OF THE INTERNSHIP: F Y19 91 EPA ORGANIZATION: Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances(OPTS) SEMINAR TITLE: Seminar for Scientists TITLE DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this seminar is twofold. First is to find ways to continue to build and to further strengthen bridges between the OPTS regulatory program and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The pilot project with Howard has been intended to be part of that bridge building effort. The second purpose has been to provide OPP Scientists with the latest scientific information related to the OPTS regulatory responsibilities. Topics include: 1) Analytical Methodology for Trace Residues, and 2) The Immune System: changes during Development and the Effects of Aging. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Ongoing PROJECT CONTACT: Joan Moyer FTS PHONE #: 557-5444 84 • U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 11?l-!,4i-003>40661 ------- |