United States Environmental Protection Agency Research and Development Washington, D.C. 20460 Environmental Engineering and Technology &EPA Decision Series Who's Who V the EPA 600/9-79-017 January 1980 Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program Directory & Index a* y -- " rriiir fcf5^ V I1»SSSEI ; ------- The Energy/ Environment R&D Decision Series Some of the basic problems facing our society today involve the use of our energy resources and the consequent effects on our environment. These problems affect everyone, and everyone has an interest in their resolution. But the technical aspects of these problems make it difficult for a major portion of the interested public to understand and participate in the decision-making process. This volume contributes to the bridging of this information gap. The Energy/Environment R&D Decision Series was inaugurated late in 1976. The series presents, in an easily understood and informative manner, selected key issues and findings of the Federal Interagency Energy/Environment Research and Development Program, which was initiated in fiscal year 1975. Planned and coordinated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Interagency Program sponsors more than 1,000 research projects ranging from the analysis of health and environmental effects of energy systems to the development of pollution control technologies. If you have any comments, please write to Editor, RD-681, US EPA, Washington, DC 20460. This document is available through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. Mention of trade names and commercial products herein does not constitute EPA endorsement or recommendation for use. We welcome your suggestions. Editor: Design & Text: Text: FRANCINE SAKIN JACOFF GARY M. SITEK DARYL L. KAUFMAN KATHLEEN E. DIXON ------- ------- Foreword The Interagency Energy/Environment Research and Development Program was created to provide a means of communication among the Federal research community, policy-level decisionmakers and the in- terested public. This type of a communication network has proven to be a most effective way to coordinate the Federal research effort and assure that appropriate energy/environmental research is being conducted without duplication of effort and funding. Traditionally, Interagency Program research results have been communicated via project-specific reports, seminars and conferences. The Who's Who document consolidates, in directory format, representative research being performed by participating agencies, as well as by individuals and organizations outside the program who are involved in related work. We hope that this edition of Who's Who will not only provide the most up-to-date energy/environment research information, but also encourage those personal communications which have, over the years, made the Interagency Program so successful. ------- Introduction n In the early 1970's, energy independence and environmental integrity emerged as charters for future energy/resource development. Now as we are striving to reduce the Nation's dependence upon scarce, clean fuels most notably, foreign petroleum the development of domestic energy resources poses a variety of threats to en- vironmental quality. The increased use of coal, for example, engenders environmental issues and problems affecting land, water, air, and human health. Effective control of potential environmental impacts due to changes in domestic energy systems must be based on a sound understanding of the course of future energy development. The Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program is designed to provide the technical in- formation necessary to ensure that sound decisions will be made. More than a dozen Federal agencies and departments participate in the Interagency Program. In pursuing their mandate, programs and responsibilities, each agency must have awareness and access to ongoing research on the environmental effects of energy development while performing the research necessary to provide needed additional data. EPA coordination of the Interagency Program minimizes the overlap of research programs to assure comprehensive coverage of all energy/environment questions. In addition, the results of the multiagency research program are disseminated and reviewed through a .system of publications, joint conferences and symposia coordinated by EPA's Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology. Who's Who is a representative publication of this system. Who's Who V is by no means all-inclusive; it is designed to identify representative current research projects, policymak- ers, researchers, research managers, and others involved in the Interagency Program. It also includes some of the many individuals and organizations outside the Program who are involved in related work. ------- Introduction in Who's Who V is designed to be used in conjunction with three companion documents, each of which explores different facets of the Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program. The Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program Status Report. The Status Report covers, in executive summary format, the entire scope of the Interagency Program. Included are descriptions of the program today, its history, and its future goals and directives. Fiscal Year 1977 Research Program Abstracts of the Interagency Energy/ Environment Program. This report contains the project descriptions of the $96 million in FY 1977 R&D projects funded and coordinated by the Interagency Program. Project descriptions not only represent past and present research and development, but also illustrate the full range of the Program's energy-related research. Bibliography of the Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program. This document contains publications covering current R&D as well as technical publications dating back to 1976. All four documents are intended to serve the Interagency Program's goal of formulating a technical information system that provides access and communication among researchers, decisionmakers and the interested public. Steven R. Reznek Deputy Assistant Administrator Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology ------- Contents iv How to Use Who's Who V 1 Health and Environmental Effects Program 3 Measurement Systems and Instrumentation 4 Transport and Fate 7 Health Effects 9 Ecological Effects 11 Control Technology Program 16 Fuel Extraction 17 Fuel Processing, Preparation and Advanced Combustion 19 Fluidized Bed Combustion 19 Coal Cleaning 21 Synthetic Fuels 22 Environmental Impact of Conventional and Advanced 23 Energy Systems Integrated Technology Assessment 23 Waste Heat/Waste Products 25 Conventional Combustion Environmental Assessment 26 Advanced Energy Systems and Conservation 27 Flue Gas Sulfur Oxide Control 28 Nitrogen Oxide Control 29 Flue Gas Partsculate Control 31 ------- Contents Other Sources of Energy/Environment R&D Information 32 Program Planning and Development 32 Research Information Systems 34 Publications Services 35 Quality Assurance 35 Energy Efficiency 36 Energy Supply and Demand Forecasts 37 Oil Spills 37 Health and Urban Environment 38 Alternative Energy Sources 39 Regional Programs 39 International Programs 40 Industrial Planning and Regulation 41 Department of Defense 43 White House Offices 44 Senate Committees 44 House Committees 47 Joint Committees 48 Interagency Program Directory and Index 50 ------- How to Use Who's Who V 1 Program Description. This directory provides a means of access to information on specific project areas currently underway within the Federal Interagency Energy/Environment Research and Develop- ment Program. The Program, designed to determine the environmental implications and effects of the Nation's energy development efforts, is divided into two broad segments: The Health and Environmental Effects Program consists of the research activities associated with the behavior and effects of energy-related pollutants once they are in the environment. Four subprograms are in- volved: Measurement Systems and Instrumentation Transport and Fate Health Effects Ecological Effects The Control Technology Program is designed to provide information on the types and quantities of pollutants released by energy supply activities and to develop or stimulate the development of control op- tions where necessary. This program consists of six subprograms: Fuel Extraction Fuel Processing, Preparation, and Advanced Combustion Environmental Impacts of Conventional and Advanced Energy Systems Flue Gas Sulfur Oxide Control Nitrogen Oxide Control Flue Gas Particulate Control Project Areas are listed by descriptive title under each category. Listings include selected research pro- jects from the total Interagency Program. The Project Contact is responsible for implementing the project and/or having cognizance of its technical scope and status. The name of the project contact, as we!l as his affiliation, appears bracketed, in bold-face type, after each project title. Where applicable, grantee or contractor project funding is indicated as follows: [John Doe UCLA, via USDA/SEA/CR] (Project Contact) (Affiliation) (Funding Source) ------- How to Use Who's Who V The Agency Coordinator is the policy-level individual within the performing agency who has overall supervisory responsibility for the projects. The following listing contains the names of the agency coor- dinators, the agency they represent, and the federal agency abbreviations used throughout this directory. DR. STEVEN R. REZNEK DR. RUTH CLUSEN DR. GREGORY T. O'CONOR DR. DAVID P. RALL DR. KENNETH BRIDBORD DR. DONNA SHALALA DR. LAWRENCE R. GREENWOOD DR. H. G. MOORE HARRY BROWN C. W. CARLSON DR. EILIF V. MILLER DR. KENNETH R. FARRELL D. THORUD ROBERT MacLAUCHLAN JERRY JASINOWSKI R. KAMMER J. P. WALSH DR. SIDNEY CALLER BRUCE BLANCHARD DR. LINDSAY NORMAN. JR. HERBERT B. QUINN, JR. (Acting) GEORGE H. DAVIS Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Department of Energy (DOE) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (SEA/AR) Science and Education Administration, Cooperative Research (SEA/CR) Regional Coordinators for University Projects: Northeast - D. W. ZINN North Central - S. ALDRICH South - C. 0. LITTLE West - J. ASLESON Economics, Statistics And Cooperative Service (ESCS) Forest Service (FS) Soil Conservation Service (SCSI US Department of Commerce (USDC) National Bureau of Standards (NBS) National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Environmental Affairs (OEA) US Department of the Interior (USDI) Bureau of Mines (BOM) Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) United States Geological Survey (USGS) An alphabetical, cross-referenced listing of all the project contacts, EPA program managers, agency coor- dinators, and other information sources follows the listing of projects and additional sources. Included are mailing addresses and commercial and, where applicable, FTS telephone numbers. ------- Health and Environmental Effects Program 3 The health and environmental effects program within the Federal Interagency Energy/Environment Research and Development Program is designed to identify the mechanisms of pollutant movement within the environment and the resulting effects on human, animal, and plant populations which are associated with energy-related activities. The goal of the program is to compile and evaluate information to support decisions relative to the protection of natural biota, human health, welfare, and social goals. The EPA Program Manager is the individual in EPA's Office of Environmental Processes and Effects Research responsible for coordinating project activities in these areas. The following is a listing of the EPA program managers for the health and environmental effects subprograms: Director, Energy Effects Division, OEPER W. FRIETSCH, III Measurement Systems and Instrumentation J. STEMMLE Transport and Fate D. GOLOMB Health Effects C. NAUMAN Ecological Effects A. GALLI, D. WEBER ------- Measurement Systems and Instrumentation 4 This program is directed toward identifying and quantifying ambient pollutants associated with expanding energy development and toward development of associated pollutant measurement capabilities. The major objectives of the program are to establish a baseline of environmental data so that the multimedia impact on environmental quality from anticipated energy development can be quantitatively established. Also involved is the development of validated sampling and analytical methods and procedures to ensure a measurement capability for pollutants from emerging energy technologies. Western energy/environment monitoring study Western regional air and water monitoring and data analysis [D. McNeils EPA] Northern Great Plains energy/air quality baseline information [T. Thoem - EPA] Western air monitoring quality assurance support [S. Bromberg EPA] Atmospheric and meteorological studies of pollutants from energy production in the western United States [R. Pueschel NOAA] Meteorological interpretation and prediction of air quality related to energy activities in the western United States [L. Machta NOAA] Western water monitoring quality assurance support [D. Ballinger EPA] Western groundwater monitoring and techniques development [L. McMillion EPA] Western overhead surface monitoring and techniques development [R. Landers EPA] Energy-related surface and groundwater monitoring studies/western region [H. Hudson USGS] Technical support for western energy-related environmental assessment/overhead monitoring method development [H. Melfi NASA] Eastern energy-related environmental assessment [H. Melfi NASA] Energy-related radiological monitoring and techniques development [E. Bretthauer EPA] Energy-related radiological monitoring quality assurance [A. Jarvis EPA] Energy-related air pollutant measurements and instrumentation development [A. O'Keeffe EPA] ------- Measurement Systems and Instrumentation Development of energy-related air measurements, instrumentation, and analytical methods [G. Goldstein - DOE] Energy-related air and water pollutant analysis method development [C. Gravatt - IMBS] Energy-related air and water pollutant standard reference materials [C. Gravatt MBS] Radiological pollutant standard reference materials [C. Gravatt IMBS] Development of instrumentation and devices for the measurement of hazardous agents in the occupational environment associated with energy use [W. Wagner NIOSH] Development and evaluation of an integrated approach to the optimization of nuclear power plant radiological surveillance programs [E. A. Belvin - TV A] Remote sensing of SC>2 effects on vegetation [H. C. Jones 111 TV A] Design of a service assessment sampling system [A. B. Craig, J. Dorsey EPA] Development of particulate measurement technique for process evaluation [A. B. Craig, J. Dorsey EPA] Inorganic sampling and analysis of process streams [A. B. Craig, J. Dorsey EPA] Development of process measurements for POM and other organic compounds [A. B. Craig, J. Dorsey EPA] Development of high pressure, high temperature sampling [A. B. Craig, J. Dorsey EPA] Development of fugitive emission measurement techniques [A. B. Craig, J. Dorsey EPA] LIDAR techniques for measuring particulate pollutants from energy production and transport and dispersion processes [V. Derr NOAA] Remote monitoring for energy-related pollutants and effects techniques development [D. McNelis - EPA] Energy-related water pollutant monitoring techniques development [D. Ballinger EPA] ------- Measurement Systems and Instrumentation Energy.-related low-level trace contaminant identification, measurement and analysis of solid waste and effluent water [W. Donaldson - EPA] Water monitoring field instrumentation development [P. Greeson USGS] Energy-related surface and groundwater studies/eastern region [F. Kilpatrick USGS] Development of aqueous effluent analytical methods for energy-related sources [G. Goldstein - DOE] Energy-related remote sensing instrumentation development [J. P. Mugler, Jr. NASA] Isolation and identification of waterborne pollutants associated with the power industry (steam electric power generation) [C. W. Holley TVA] Marine measurement quality assurance [M. A. Basileo NO A A] Ocean oil spill concentration and trajectory forecast [C. S. Barrientos IMOAA] ------- Transport and Fate The transport processes area traces the transmission by air, water, and soil of pollutants emitted from energy operations from their sources to their destination in man and the environment. Additionally, it covers the physical and chemical changes that the pollutants undergo during their transport. Emphasis in air transport research is on conversion (mainly by coal-burning power plants) of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. For- mation and transport of photochemical oxidants from various energy sources is also emphasized. Fate of specific pollutants in freshwater [W. M. Sanders, III EPA] Transport and fate of energy-related pollutants in groundwater [W. Galegar EPA] Determination of transformation pathways, physical and chemical perturbation, and toxicity of crude oil to freshwater organisms in Arctic lakes [B. Reid - EPA] Determination of mechanisms of transformation, degradation, fate, and effect of crude oil in stream ecosystems [B. Reid EPA] Determination of transport pathways, transfer rates, and fate of pollutants and degradation pro- ducts of crude oil in soil and active layer of permafrost terrain [B. Reid EPA] Extension of multi-layer, two-dimensional (horizontal) model of circulation to accept a heated discharge as a pollutant [R. Callaway EPA] Subacute effects of petroleum processing discharges on marine organisms of the West Coast [D. J. Baumgartner EPA] Identification of by-products from biocides used in coastal marine power plants, and effects upon marine organisms/communities, and quality of coastal ecosystems [W. P- Davis EPA] Development of community assessment testing, procedures for biocides/natural process interac- tions and effects [W. P. Davis EPA] Chemical, physical, and meteorological studies of energy-related pollutants in the atmosphere [P. Altshuller EPA] Evaluation of models for predicting radiological impact of gaseous releases from nuclear power plants [E. A. Belvin TV A] Determination of atmospheric transport and transformation of emissions from coal-fired power plants [H. C. Jones III TV A] ------- Transport and Fate 8 Development of simulation models of thermal dispersion and fluid mechanics at critical locations in streams and reservoirs [R. J. Ruane TV A] Strip mine drainage water quality with emphasis on toxic substances [R. P. Betson TV A] Radionuclide waste management monitoring [A. Wallace, C. Strojan U. of CA via DOE] Determination of the transport and fate of fuel wastes through soil and solid waste sites [R. L. Walters DOE] Oil spill persistence in tundra and impacts in subsurface Arctic ecosystems [R. L. Walters DOE] Determination of organic pollutant load and dynamics of resulting refinery wastes into marine waters [H. McCammon DOE] Determination of the load and dynamics of oil refinery wastes in Lake Michigan [H. McCammon DOE] Transport, transformation, fate, and effects of toxic metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in selected marine ecosystems [D. A. Wolfe NOAA] ------- Health Effects The health effects research program is devoted to determining the long-term adverse health impacts that can ensue as a consequence of implementing a particular energy policy. Of major concern are those health effects which may result as a consequence of long-term, low-level exposures and that manifest themselves only after a long period of timecarcinogenicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity and system dysfunction such as cardiopulmonary system disorders. The necessary data are obtained through a coordinated program of clinical, epidemiological, and toxicological studies, and through the development and use of more rapid and sensitive bioscreening techniques. Water exposures and effects: heavy metals and toxic organic chemicals [W. Grube - EPA] Epidemiological studies of human exposure to pollutants emitted in ambient air as a result of coal conversion and utilization [C. Hayes - EPA] Assessment of human exposure-effects relationships [R. Stacy EPA] Development and application of in-vitro bioassays for mutagenesis, presumptive carcinogenesis, and related toxic effects resulting from exposure to pollutants associated with energy development [M. Waters, R. Bull EPA] Studies of carcinogenesis of pollutants from energy sources [D. L. Coffin - EPA] Neurobiology and behavioral toxicology [L. Reiter EPA] Inhalation toxicology studies of energy-related pollutants [D. Gardner EPA] Epidemiological studies of human exposure to pollutants as a result of coal mining [D. Greathouse EPA] Identification of the most potent carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens, and physiologically detrimental agents in process streams, products and by-products, and effluents from major fossil fuel extraction and conversion technologies [G. Stapleton DOE) Development of cytological and biochemical indicators to estimate toxicity from oil and coal extrac- tion, conversion, and utilization [D. Smith DOE] Determination of effects and organ distribution of hazardous trace metals and polycyclic hydrocar- bons associated with coal and oil shale extraction, conversion, and utilization [D. Craig DOE] Assessment of the hazards of trace and heavy metals and organic agents of non-nuclear energy technologies using chromosome aberration, isozyme patterns, and teratogenic effects on mam- malian embryos as indicators [G. Duda DOE] « Pharmacologic effects [L. Hart SMIEHS] ------- Health Effects 10 Identification of damage to cells and cell components resulting from pollutants from non-nuclear energy technologies [L. Hart NIEHS] Assessment of the metabolism, fate, and toxicology of particulates and organic compounds associated with non-nuclear energy technologies [L. Hart NIEHS] Dose-effect relationship for biological effects of toxic agents in non-nuclear energy technologies [R. Dixon - NIEHS] Mechanisms of incorporation, metabolism, deposition, and turnover of toxic agents associated with energy-related hazardous materials [R. Dixon NIEHS] Teratogenic and reproductive effects [R. Dixon - NIEHS] Development and testing of models and concepts for extrapolation of cellular and animal data to man, using toxic agents from energy technologies [D. Hoel - NIEHS] Extrapolation and risk assessment [D. Hoel NIEHS] Determination of dose effect relationships for mutagenic agents associated with non-nuclear energy technologies [H. Mailing NIEHS] Development of physiological indicators of damage from toxic agents [H. Mailing NIEHS] Subcellular, cellular, and organ toxicity [C. F. Chignell - NIEHS] Inhalation toxicity and pulmonary effects [P- Nettesheim NIEHS] Behavioral and neurotoxic effects [C. L. Mitchell NIEHS] Mutagenic effects [F. J. de Serres NIEHS] Occupational health effects research associated with energy technologies [A. Thomas NIOSH] ------- Ecological Effects 11 This program has the overall goal of assessing the environmental effects of present and proposed energy development activities on fresh surface and groundwater, marine and estuarine waters, and at- mospheric/terrestrial ecosystems. The program includes research on (1) the nature and effects of energy- related pollutants resulting from extraction of raw fuels on the terrestrial ecosystem; (2) the determination of background contamination levels, in both the marine and estuarine environments, resulting from oil and gas drilling operations; and (3) the accumulation of baseline information needed to predict the impacts of heat on the freshwater ecosystems of lakes, rivers, and ponds. Development of models for comparison of pollutant impact on population dynamics of fishes [E. Schneider EPA] Determination of toxicological effects of pollutants from petroleum extraction and fossil-fueled refineries and power plants on marine and estuarine organisms and ecosystems [D. Baumgartner EPA] Determination of thermal and thermal-metal synergistic effects on marine organisms [E. Schneider EPA] Determination of dose-response relations of pollutants on selected western arid and grassland species from coal and oil shale processes [E. Preston EPA] Determination of the nature, loading, distribution, and long-term effects of crude oil in the Gulf of Alaska marine and estuarine ecosystem [B. Reid EPA] Determination of toxicity to marine organisms of petrochemicals and energy-related organic solvents from offshore activities and ocean dumping U. Duke EPA] Effects of aqueous effluents from in situ fossil fuel processing technologies on aquatic systems [L. H. Mueller EPA, D. Farrier DOE] Chemical and biological characterization of oil shale processing and coal conversion effluents [L. H. Mueller EPA] Evaluation of the environmental impact of energy-related organic compounds on aquatic organisms [J. I. Teasley EPA] Dispersal of coal dust from trans-shipment and power plant storage facilities [K. E. Biesinger EPA] Assessment of energy-related toxicant stress to aquatic ecosystems in channels [T. Roush EPA] Evaluation of human and environmental exposure to air and water pollutants from coal-fired steam plants [G. E. Glass EPA] ------- Ecological Effects 12 Determination of the overall environmental effects of atmospheric fallout on aquatic ecosystems [G. E. Glass EPA] Critical review and evaluation of research on the impact of energy-related wastes on the aquatic en- vironment [K. E. Biesinger EPA] National coordination of ecological damage assessment programs for spills of oil and hazardous materials in marine and fresh waters [P Lefcourt EPA] Biological monitoring of mollusks as sentinel organisms for pollutants in coastal waters of the U.S. [E. Schneider, F. G. Lowman - EPA] Coastal ecosystems characterization [D. Woodard - USDI] Assessment of water quality in strip-mined areas as it relates to habitat for aquatic organisms and wildlife species associated with these water bodies [D. Thorud - USDA] Assessment of the redeposition and stabilization of mine spoils and identification of technologies that will enhance water quality for associated aquatic life [D. Thorud USDA] Assessment of effects of mining-related transportation systems in water, air, soil, plant, animal, and aesthetic resources [D. Thorud USDA] Development of operational technical information system for reclamation of lands affected by min- ing [D. Thorud USDA] Development of pre-operational mining reclamation plans [R. Follett USDA/AR] Determination of effect of strip-mining and reclamation processes on effluent water quality and quantity [R. Follett - USDA/AR] Determination of effect of strip-mine reclamation practices on the nutritional quality of forages or other crops grown on reclaimed area [R. Follett - USDA/AR] Evaluation of species and seed sources for revegetation of energy resource extraction areas with native plants [R. Follett USDA/AR] Determination of soil characteristics developing on spoils of varying ages relating to root growth and biological productivity [R. Follett USDA/AR] ------- Ecological Effects 13 Environmental effects of energy development [E. V. Miller USDA/SEA/CR] Water relations and root development [R. Smith U. of WV via USDA/SEA/CR] Hydrologic management in strip-mining [D. Kirkham IA St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Crops productivity [R. Hanson U. of MO via USDA/SEA/CR] Resource inventory systems [W. Nelson - ND St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Drainage requirements [C. E. Anderson IA St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Remote-sensing applications [C. Johannsen U: of MO via USDA/SEA/CR] Ground truth for remote-sensing [C. Johannsen U. of MO via USDA/SEA/CR] Acid-forming minerals [L. Hossner TX A&M via USDA/SEA/CR] - Model of hydrology [B. Barfield U. of KY via USDA/SEA/CR] Forest site preparation [R. Hay - U. of TN via USDA/SEA/CR] - Hydrologic effects [V. Shanholtz VPI via USDA/SEA/CR] - Soil genesis and biota [D. Dollhopf MT St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Germination and seed development [L. Wiesner, G. Brown MT St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] - Tree-mycorrhizal associations [C. Reid - CO St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] - Precipitation management [W. Hall CO St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] - Vegetation-environment [C. Bonham CO St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] - Salt translocation [R. Hodder MT St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Mine spoil microbiology [W. Lindemann NM St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] - Impacts of development [J. Jacobs U. of WY via USDA/SEA/CR] Minesoils, Powder River basin [G. Nielsen MT St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] ------- Ecological Effects 14 Summarization of results of research on the physiological, toxicological, and ecological effects of oil, primarily on ducks [L. Stickel USFWS] Description of guidelines and methodology for the development, synthesis, analysis, and interpreta- tion of complex information relative to major coastal ecosystems [H. Tait - USFWS] Preparation of reports on three coastal regions subject to energy development; emphasis on value of resources subject to human-induced environmental alternatives [H. Tait - USFWS] Identification and demonstration of rapid and reliable method of inventorying and characterizing wildlife habitat; emphasis on requirements for food, cover, breeding [R. Stewart, Jr. - USFWS] Development of methods for estimating impacts of power plants on fish and shellfish [E. S. Fritz USFWS] Development of in-stream flow methodologies to determine flow requirements for biological/ fisheries stability in areas affected by increased energy developmentboth east and west [H. Doerksen USFWS] Development of mechanisms to identify and monitor the activities of endangered species in areas under stress from energy development [H. Doerksen USFWS] Determination of water quantity requirements of fish and wildlife in the upper Colorado and upper Missouri River basins [H. Doerksen USFWS] Compensation in fish populations [C. P. Goodyear USFWS] Effects of entrainment in cooling systems on fish eggs and larvae [D. Hamilton, Jr. DOE] Ecological effects of cooling systems [D. Hamilton, Jr. - DOE] Impact of condenser passage on plankton [D. Hamilton, Jr. - DOE] Effects of oil spills on tundra and thaw ponds [R. L. Walters - DOE] Effects of construction and operations of Alaska pipeline on aquatic habitats [R. L. Watters DOE] Long-term effects of hydrocarbons on selected ecosystems and associated organisms [H. McCammon DOE] Surveys on oil extraction and transport and related effects on coastal ecosystems [H. McCammon DOE] ------- Ecological Effects 15 Effects of trace metals on crop and forest ecosystems [R. A. Lewis DOE] Intake of metals by marine organisms [L. G. Hart - IMIEHS] Comparison of pharmacokinetics and toxicity in mammals of metals consumed in diet through shell- fish vs drinking of water [L. G. Hart - IMIEHS] Synergistic action of temperature with other pollutants on marine species [L. G. Hart IMIEHS] Relationship between toxic fractions of crude oil and petroleum products and tumor formation in marine species [L. G. Hart - IMIEHS] Relationships of atmospheric pollutants (SOX + NOX) from coal-fired power plants on terrestrial ecosystems [H. C. Jones III TV A] Thermal effects from mechanical draft cooling towers on vegetation and soil [H. C. Jones III - TV A] Development of baseline information and identification, characterization and quantification of trans- fer and fate and effects of coal-fired power plant emissions in terrestrial ecosystems [H. C. Jones III TV A] Response of freshwater systems to electric power production [B. G. Isom TV A] Production of anthropod pests and vectors in strip-mine pools [B. G. Isom TVA] Ecological recovery after reclamation of toxic spoils left by coal surface mining [T. G. Zarger TVA] Environmental assessment of northern Puget Sound and Strait of Juan De Fuca [H. S. Harris IMOAA] Comparison/analysis of an existing marine ecosystem under stress of an active oil field with a similar ecosystem in an undisturbed area [E. F. Klima NOAA] Design, establishment, operation, and evaluation of a data management system for interagency energy-related marine and meteorological programs [K. Hughes NOAA] ------- Control Technology Program 16 The Control Technology Program is designed to provide information on the types and quantities of pollutants released by energy supply activities and to develop or stimulate the development of control options where necessary. This technology research program is further divided to group research on the activities associated with fuel extraction and processing separately from that research on energy conserva- tion and utilization. The following is a listing of the EPA program managers who oversee the control technology programs: Director, Control Technology Program Fuel Extraction Fuel Processing, Preparation & Advanced Combustion Fluidized Bed Combustion Coal Cleaning Synthetic Fuels Environmental Impact of Conventional and Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Technology Assessment Waste Heat/Waste Products Conventional Combustion Environmental Assessment Advanced Energy Systems and Conservation Flue Gas Sulfur Oxide Control Nitrogen Oxide Control Flue Gas Particulate Control F. PRINCIOTTA W. BLOCH M. ALTSCHULER M. ALTSCHULER w. MCCARTHY K. JAKOBSON (Oil Shale) M. ALTSCHULER (Coal) D. BERG L. SMITH P. SCHWENGELS K. JAKOBSON D. BERG B. HEILER R. STATNICK R. STATNICK G. REY ------- Fuel Extraction 17 The fuel extraction program deals with environmental quality problems associated with the technologies and processes for obtaining fuels, oil or natural gas extraction, oil shale development, and coal mining. The major purposes of the research program are (1) to assess the existing and potential adverse environmental impacts from active and planned oil and gas production, storage, and transportation; (2) to develop methods, technology, and equipment to prevent, control, and abate environmental pollutants from these operations including spill clean-up; and (3) to document the technical/operational feasibility and cost effec- tiveness of environmental control options. Oil and Gas Production [I. Wilder, J. S. Farlow EPA] Control and clean up oil spills, including limiting extent of contamination and mitigating adverse environmental effects Protect and restore shorelines contaminated by oil Evaluation of effectiveness of 1973 oil spill prevention regulation (40 CFR, Part 112) in reducing the number of spill incidents Minimizing adverse environmental impacts from the installation and operation of oil and gas pro- duction facilities (onshore and offshore) Cost-effective methods for treating bilge and ballast water at shore reception facilities Solid fossil fuels [R. Hill, E. Harris EPA] Control of environmental damages from active and abandoned western U.S. coal surface and underground mines and associated surface disturbances Control of environmental damages from oil shale and tar sands extraction disposal of spent waste from beneficiation Control of environmental damages (except radiation) from active and abandoned uranium extrac- tion and beneficiation operations Control of environmental damages from the transportation of solid fuels Reduction of adverse environmental effects from uranium mill wastes [R. Kennedy DOE] Eastern coal surface mining: vegetative methods and materials [D. Thorud - USDA] Western coal and oil shale mining: vegetative methods and materials [R. MacLauchlan USDA/SCS] ------- Fuel Extraction 18 Surface manipulations for enhanced coal and oil shale mine vegetation [R. F. Follett USDA/SEA/AR] Mineland reclamation Mineland reclamation [D. McCormack USDA] Abandoned mineland reclamation [H. B. Montgomery USDI, D. J. O'Bryan, Jr. - USDI] Reclamation use of containerized seedlings [R. Hutnik PA St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] - Classifying minesoils [R. M. Smith U. of WV via USDA/SEA/CR] Waste application in revegetation [R. Keefer U. of WV via USDA/SEA/CR] Weathering of overburdens [C. Roth Purdue via USDA/SEA/CR] Use of sewage sludge and topsoil [F. Haghiri St. of OH via USDA/SEA/CR] Reclamation of surface-mined land [C. Barnhisel - U. of KY, I. Jansen - U. of IL via USDA/SEA/CR] Overburden criteria for plant growth [W. Byrnes Purdue via USDA/SEA/CR] Geologic criteria in revegetation [C. Barnhisel - U. of KY via USDA/SEA/CR] Rehabilitation of oil shale and coal lands [C. McKeli - UT St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Belowground biology [D. Coleman CO St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Legumes in revegetation [W. Campbell UT St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Forage production model [T. Sammis MM St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Amendments for sodic and coaly spoils [W. Gould - MM St. U. via USDA/SEA/CR] Coal surface mining reclamation and mining [D.Maneval - USDI] Reclamation of in situ oil shale projects or development sites [M. Smith, Q. Skinner - U. of WY via DOE] ------- Fuel Processing, Preparation, and Advanced Combustion 19 This program participates in the development of advanced technologies for fossil fuel processing by providing environmental assessments, bench-scale research, technology assessments and guidance in process control technology. There is close cooperation with the Department of Energy process development and environmental programs to identify and quantify all residuals from fluidized bed combustors, synthetic fuels, oil shale development, and coal cleaning. Comprehensive environmental assessments are performed for these technologies to anticipate the severity of each environmental threat and corresponding means for control. Fluidized Bed Combustion The Interagency Program for direct combustion involves (1) environmental assessment of direct combustion technology, (2) development of environmental control technology for FBC, and (3) chemically- active fluidized bed (CAFB) oil gasification/clean-up combustion processes development. Multimedia pollutant assessment for conventional combustion systems [E. Plyler, W. Ponder EPA] Environmental assessment of stationary combustion control technology [R. Hall, J. Bowen EPA] Characterization of emissions from conventional combustion systems [W. Ponder, W. Peters EPA] Environmental assessment of residual oil processing [S. Rakes EPA] Environmental assessment of wastewater effluents [M. C. Osborne EPA] Characterization of effluents from coal-fired utility boilers [H. B. Flora II TV A] Fly ash characterization and disposal [H. B. Flora II TV A] Environmental assessment and systems analysis of combustion modification for stationary sources [R. Hangebrauck, J. Bowen EPA] ------- Fluidized Bed Combustion 20 » Long-term performance and corrosion testing of combustion modifications for coal-fired utility boilers [D. Lachapelle EPA] Development of combustion controls for stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines and gas turbines [J. Wasser, W. S. Lanier EPA] Development and application of improved burner designs and advanced processes for NOX emissions control [G. B. Martin EPA] Development of combustion modification technology for industrial and commercial boilers and residential systems [G. B. Martin, R. Hall EPA] 0 Environmental assessment and control technology study of industrial process combustors and afterburners [J. Wasser - EPA] Fundamental combustion research for pollution control [W. S. Lanier - EPA] FBC environmental assessment [D. B. Henschel - EPA] Environmental assessment applications testing of combustion modification technology for stationary sources [R. Hangebrauck EPA] Development of control technology for pollutants and processes with fluidized bed combustion [D. B. Henschel EPA] Environmental assessment of fluidized bed combustion technology [D. B. Henschel EPA] ------- Coal Cleaning 21 The primary objective of the physical and chemical coal cleaning research and development program is to develop commercially available processes to remove the ash, inorganic sulfur, and as much of the organic sulfur as possible from coal, thus making an increased quantity of coal acceptable for use in areas where air quality regulations allow the combustion of medium (one or two percent) sulfur coals. Environmental assessment of coal cleaning technologies, storage and transportation [J. Kilgroe, R. Hangebrauck, K. Janes EPA] Investigation, testing, evaluation, and development of coal cleaning technology and process con- trols [D. Tamny EPA] Development of control technology for potentially harmful trace elements in coal cleaning wastes [E. Wewerka DOE, D. Kirchgessner EPA] Evaluation of the cleanability studies on U.S. coals [J. Kilgroe EPA] Investigation of coal preparation, plant pollution, control techniques [R. M. Cole, J. Kilgroe EPA] ------- Synthetic Fuels 22 The Interagency Program for synthetic fuels seeks to assure that commercial application of synthetic fuel production and utilization can be achieved within tolerable environmental limits. The program's approach in- volves three principal efforts: assessing environmental effects of synthetic fuels technology, establishing control objectives through standards-of-practice manuals and support of standard-setting, and developing control technology as necessary. Environmental assessment of potential pollutants from synthetic fuel processes (coal gasification and liquefaction) [W. Rhodes EPA] Development of multimedia pollution control technology for synthetic fuel processes [M. Gottleib DOE] Chemically active fluidized bed [S. Rakes EPA] Identification of potential pollutants from developing oil shale processes [W. McCarthy - EPA] Development of wastewater control technology for oil shale processes [W. McCarthy - EPA] Development of air control technology for oil shale industry [R. Thurnau EPA] Development of control technology monitoring methodology [P. Fox LBL, P. Mills EPA, R. Magee Radian] Identification of potential pollutants and development of control technology for noncoal synthetic fuel processes [T. Powers, R. Thurnau EPA] ------- Environmental Impact of Conventional and Advanced Energy Systems 23 Research in this program is designed to: assess environmental risks; conduct bench-scale system and/or control technology research; and identify environmentally, socially, and economically acceptable alternatives for modified conventional energy systems, advanced energy supply concepts, and energy conserving tech- niques. The program, which will assist EPA in selecting policies and in setting environmental standards, comprises comprehensive environmental assessments of energy systems. These integrated technology assessments quantify the cost/risk/benefit tradeoffs of energy systems and pollution control alternatives. A comprehensive assessment of unregulated and regulated residuals from conventional combustion sources is one major project of this program. Other environmental assessments included in this program will examine industrial energy conservation, wastes as fuel, solar energy, energy-related solid and waterborne residuals, geothermal energy, waste heat recovery, and advanced energy cycles. Integrated Technology Assessment The overall objective of the integrated technology assessment (ITA) program is to identify environmental- ly, socially, and economically acceptable alternatives for meeting national energy objectives and to assist in the selection of "optimum" policies for the attainment of associated environmental quality goals. Information support for Montana state officials, using appropriate federal, state, and local information sources [A. Lefohn EPA] Federal non-nuclear energy, research, and development program (Section 11) [G. Ondich EPA] Technology assessment of western energy resource development [M- Devine U. of OK via EPA] Integrated technology assessment of energy development in the Appalachian region [V. Jelen EPA] Electric utility simulation and industrial coal use studies [A. Van Horn TEKNEKRON via EPA] Ohio River Basin Energy Study [J. Stukel, B. Keenan - ORBES] Water supply and energy development effects on water quality, land use, public health Coal industry and labor force structure and impacts of energy development ------- Integrated Technology Assessment 24 Projection of population size and demographic characteristics (1977-2000) Government regulations and public participation in energy development Demand for energy, capital availability Regional economic analysis Integrated assessment of Texas lignite development [D. White TX Energy Adv. Coun. via EPA via DOE] Regional scale transport and transformation of sulfur pollutants in the atmosphere [L. Smith - EPA] Environmental sulfur budget for the eastern U.S. [R. Husar WA U. via EPA] Cost/benefit analysis of LWR fuel reprocessing [R. Husar WA U. via EPA] New source performance standard development support activities [L. Smith -EPA] Methodology development for the technology assessment modeling project [L. Smith - EPA] Integrated assessment of petroleum transportation [J. Stemmle EPA] Coal technology assessment [G. Hereford EPA] Consequences of alternative public policies on inter-regional patterns of coal development [J. Barse USDA] Economic impact of coal development in the Northern Great Plains [L. Bender USDA] Development of a cost/risk/benefit methodology for western energy development [A. Ford DOE] Development of energy/environment economic projection models for multi-county areas [H. Hinote TVA] Application of computer graphics for regional integrated assessment of'power systems [H. R. Hickey TVA] ------- Waste Heat/Waste Products 25 The overall objective of this activity is the identification, characterization, and assessment of liquid and solid effluents (including waste heat) from electric-generating facilities, and development, where ap- propriate, of control technology for the environmentally acceptable disposal of these effluents. The efforts conducted are designed to identify potential environmental effects and to define and reduce the costs of power plant waste disposal options. Primary emphasis is focused on developing the data required to promulgate effluent guidelines required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and on providing the background information required to pro- mulgate regulations required by the Resource Recovery and Conservation Act for the disposal of wastes generated by the utility industry. Advanced waste heat control [H. B. Flora II TV A] Waste heat utilization [B. J. Bond TV A] Evaluation of performance and economics of advanced cooling technology [E. Plyler EPA] Utilization of waste heat and water from utility and industrial plants [M. Maxwell, T. Brna EPA] Evaluation of potential and limitations of ocean disposal as a radioactive waste management alternative [R. Dyer EPA] Hydrogeologic aspects of low-level radioactive waste disposal [G. D. De Buchananne USGS] Management of Federal low-level waste [G. H. Daly - DOE] Beneficial use of reactor by-product isotope Cesium-137 for the disinfection of municipal sludge for recycle to agribusiness [W. Remini - DOE] Development of processes for disposal of flue gas cleaning wastes [J. W. Jones - EPA] Development of techniques for disposal or use of waste pollutants from combustion sources and associated control processes [J. W, Jones EPA] ------- Conventional Combustion Environment Assessment 26 The objective of this program is the comprehensive assessment of the environmental, economic, and energy impacts of multimedia emissions of pollutants from stationary industrial, utility, residential, and com- mercial conventional combustion processes. Primary emphasis is on identifying and evaluating (1) the rela- tionships between various emissions and residuals from conventional combustion, (2) multi-pollutant synergistic impacts, (3) cross-media impacts, (4) environmental impact tradeoff as relative emission levels of individual pollutants are adjusted by control systems, and (5) unregulated pollutant emissions, impacts, and control methods. Long-term implications of radioactive waste management (J. Swift - EPA) Assessment of environmental impact of shallow land burial of low-level radioactive waste [L. Meyer EPA] R&D to support development of regulatory standards for low-level radioactive waste disposals [J. Davis IMRC] Advanced energy conversion environmental assessment and research [A. Christiansen, H. Bostian, W. Cain EPA] Indoor air quality assessment and control of pollutants [W. Cain EPA] Assessment and development of air pollution control technology for waste-as-fuel processes [R. Olexsey EPA] Assessment and development of water pollution control technology for waste-as-fuel processes [R. Olexsey EPA] Assessment of existing processes for the separation of recoverable materials from solid waste [R. Stenburg EPA] Assessment of existing processes for preparing refuse-derived fuels and feedstocks [R. Stenburg EPA] Assessment of the co-incineration of sewage sludge with waste [R. Stenburg EPA] ------- Advanced Energy Systems and Conservation 27 The general objectives of this program are to develop environmental assessments of energy conservation methods and advanced energy systems and to contribute to the development of pollution control technologies for resource recovery, energy-conserving industrial processes, advanced energy conversion cycles, and advanced energy systemssolar and geothermal energy. Techniques and technologies are under development by the Department of Energy, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other agencies in these areas, and by the EPA in the resource recovery area. Outputs will support two in- teragency working groupsthe Interagency Task Force on Energy Conservation in Buildings and the In- teragency Task Force on Energy Conservation in Industry, as well as EPA regulatory responsibilities assuring the environmental compatibility of techniques and technologies in each subject energy area. Pollution control problems and benefits of improved energy management [R. Mournighan, C. C. Lee EPA] Characterization of multimedia pollutants resulting from using wastes as fuel [H. Freeman EPA] Identification and characterization of industrial waste streams [A. Christiansen, G. Huffman EPA] Evaluation of major processes for co-firing waste with coal or other wastes [R. Olexsey - EPA] Development of processes for co-firing with oil [R. Olexsey EPA] Evaluation processes for thermochemical conversion of waste [W. Liberick EPA] Development of criteria for pollutants resulting from wastes-as-fuel processes [R. Stenburg - EPA] Waste stream surveys for non-industrial waste sources [R. Stenburg EPA] Evaluation of major bioconversion waste-to-energy processes [R. Stenburg - EPA] Geothermal environmental impact assessment: surface and groundwater monitoring for con- taminants [D. Gilmore EPA] Geothermal energy resources and control technology assessment and research [R. Hartley, A. Christianson EPA] Solar energy environmental assessment and research [C. C. Lee, A. Christianson EPA] Resource observation [P. Thome NASA] New techniques for improving mineral and energy resource exploration strategy [B. B. Schardt NASA] ------- Flue Gas Sulfur Oxide Control 28 This program includes sulfur oxide pollution control research and development relating to electric utility and industrial power generation. Major efforts are directed towards flue gas desulfurization (FGD) technology development and assessment; assessment of the capital and operating costs of FGD systems; in- creasing FGD system reliability and reducing sulfur oxide emission levels with little or no cost impact, and transferring technological innovations to the public sector. Selected projects include: Development and demonstration of several processes for regenerable flue gas desulfurization [R. Stern EPA] Enhancement of flue gas desulfurization technology transfer [R. Stern EPA] Development and demonstration of non-regenerable flue gas desulfurization technology [E. Plyer, M. Maxwell EPA] Marketing evaluation of by-products from flue gas desulfurization processes [W. O'Brien TV A] information, technology transfer, computer economics [R. L. Torstrick TV A] Development of management techniques for the revegetation of S02 waste disposal products [J. L. Crowe, J. C. Duggan - TVA] Development of flue gas desulfurization technologypilot plant studies of magnesium oxide scrubbing [K. Schuppert, W. Wells TVA] Development of flue gas desulfurization technologyShawnee lime/limestone scrubbing program [G. A. Hollinden, J. L. Crowe, H. L. Faucett TVA] Energy requirement conservation study of selected processes for removing S02 from power plant gases [G. G. McGlarnery TVA] Development of comparative economics of SCL emission control processes [G. G. McClamery TVA] ------- Nitrogen Oxide Control 29 The purpose of this program is to develop the best practicable combustion technology for the control of NOX emissions from the leading categories of stationary sources and diesel engines. Stationary source categories include utility boilers, commercial/industrial boilers, residential heating systems, stationary engines, and advanced combustion processes. Advanced combustion processes such as advanced coal burners and coal burner systems are being studied and fundamental engineering and analytical support studies are also being conducted to evaluate the potential of these advanced methods of NOX emission con- trol and energy conservation. The research on controlled combustion also includes fuel conditioning for sulfur oxide removal. Develop comparative economics of NOX emission control processes [T. Tarkington, J. D.Maxwell, T. A. Burnett TV A] Environmental impact assessment of NOX flue gas treatment technology [R. Stern EPA] Development and assessment of state-of-the-art technology for NOX flue gas treatment [R. Stern EPA] Development of criteria for extension of applicability of low-emission high-efficiency coal burners [G. B. Martin EPA] Environmental assessment of stationary source NOX control technologies [J. S. Bowen EPA] Field testing application of improved combustion technology to power generation combustion systems [R. E. Hall EPA] Advanced combustion systems for stationary gas turbine engines [W. S. Lanler EPA] Pilot scale evaluation of advanced combustion control techniques for fossil and waste fuels [D. G. Lachapelle EPA] Effects of fuel properties and atomization parameters on NOX control for heavy liquid fuel-fired package boilers [W. S. Lanier EPA] Development of catalyst and system design criteria for catalytic combustors with application to stationary sources [G. B. Martin EPA] Characterization of emission and combustion performance of alternate fuels [G. B. Martin EPA] Characterization and design evaluation for commercial combustion systems [R. E. Hall EPA] Bench-scale evaluation of simultaneous NOX/SOX flue gas treatment technology [J. D. Mobley EPA] ------- Nitrogen Oxide Control 30 Bench-scale evaluation of NOX flue gas treatment technology [J. D. Mobley EPA] Long-term optimum performance/corrosion tests of combustion modification for utility boilers [D. G. Lachapelle EPA] ------- Flue Gas Particulate Control 31 This program identifies and develops effective practicable technology to control aerosol emissions from manmade sources. Source categories addressed include industrial combustion and energy processs. Major research efforts in the program are assessment and extension of the capability of conventional systems (elec- trostatic precipitators, scrubbers, or fabric filters) for abating aerosol emissions, exploration of new and im- proved methods of control, and bench-scale investigation of specific control methods for major problem sources (low-sulfur coal combustion, new fuels, power production, and selected industrial processes). Development of control technology for removing fine particulates from waste gases [J. Abbott EPA] Development of technology for high temperature/pressure particulate control for advanced energy systems [D. Drehmel EPA] Effect of temperature, oxidation conditions - distribution of metals in various particle fractions of sludge and char [H. Wall EPA] Fine particle control at high temperature and pressure [D. C. Drehmel EPA] The use of electrostatically-charged fog for control of dust from open sources [D. C. Drehmel EPA] Field testing application of improved combustion technology to power generation combustion systems [R. E. Hall EPA] Characterization and design evaluation for commercial combustion systems [R. E. Hall EPA] Particulate sampling and support [B. Harris EPA] Demonstration of baghouses for collection of fly ash from low-sulfur coal [D. L. Harmon EPA] Demonstration of sodium conditioning of fly ash to reduce electrical resistivity [L. E. Sparks EPA] Engineering evaluation of fine particle resistivity/high resistivity electrostatic precipitators [L. E. Sparks EPA] Transport diagnosis of high resistivity fly ash in electrostatic precipitators by LASER Doppler in- strumentation [L. E. Sparks EPA] Investigation of the effect of electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, and baghouses on in-stack opacity [L. E. Sparks EPA] Effects of conditioning agents on emissions from coal-fired boilers [L. E. Sparks EPA] ------- Other Sources of Energy/Environment R&D Information 32 This directory of additional information sources represents only some of the many agencies and organiza- tions involved in energy/environment R&D. Those listed here are directly related to concerns addressed by the Interagency Program. PROGRAM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology Energy Processes Research Industrial and Extractive Processes Research Laboratories IERL/RTP lERL/Cincinnati MERL/Cincinnati Office of Environmental Processes and Effects Research Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratories ESRL/RTP ERL/Narrangansett ERL/Gulf Breeze ERL/Corvallis ERL/Duluth ERL/Athens RSKERL/Ada DR. STEPHEN J. GAGE DR. STEVEN R. REZNEK FRANK PRINCIOTTA CARL SCHAFER DR. JOHN K. BURCHARD DR. DAVID G. STEPHAN FRANCIS T MAYO DR. ALAN HIRSCH WILLIAM FRIETSCH, III DR. ALFRED H. ELLISON DR. TUDOR DAVIES DR. HENRY ENOS DR. THOMAS A. MURPHY DR. J. DAVID YOUNT DR. DAVID W. DUTTWEILER WILLIAM C. GALEGAR ------- Other Sources 33 Department of Energy: Energy Technology Energy Research Resource Applications Program Coordination Management Support Environmental Compliance and Overview Technology Impacts Health and Environmental Research EMILIA L. GOVAN JOHN DEUTCH ELLISON BURTON GEORGE R. SHEPHERD JOHN C. WHITNAH ROBERT J. CATLIN PETER W. HOUSE W. W. BURR, JR Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Ocean energy, natural gas conservation and usage forecasting, and nuclear waste management National weather modification monitoring and program monitoring of weather modification for NOAA U.S. Department of the Interior: Fish and Wildlife Service Land and water resource development planning National Bureau of Standards: Reduced energy waste for energy use and conversion efficiency improvement U.S. Department of Agriculture: Conservation of energy, renewable or noncritical energy sources use; physical and socioeconomic consequences of alternatives for energy production availability and use DR. RICHARD LEHMAN DR. RONALD L. LAVOIE TOM BOND DR. JACK E. SNELL DR. KEITH R. SHEA, DR. LANDY B. ALTMAN ------- Other Sources 34 Office of Energy National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Application of space-environment characteristics to energy-related problems on earth U.S. Department of Justice: Legal actions relating to control and abatement of pollution sources, and wetlands preservation U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration: Stratospheric and lower atmospheric pollution problems Aviation standards and regulations National Science Foundation : Problem focused research applications Ecology, ecosystem studies, and systematics Policy studies in environment, energy and resources RESEARCH INFORMATION SYSTEMS U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Interagency Technical Information Coordination Office of Research and Development Technical Information Coordinator Office of Research and Development Information System (CRDIS) Technology Transfer Program Environmental Protection Agency Project-level technical reports DR. WELDEN BARTON, HARRY E. BROWN DONALD A. BEATTIE ANGUS MACBETH JOHN E. WESLER, N. SUNDARARAMAN ANTHONY J. BRODERICK DR. CHARLES C. THIEL, JR. DR.JOHN BROOKS DR. FRANK HUBAND FRANCINE SAKIN JACOFF RICHARD M. LASKA ALBERT PINES ROBERT E. CROWE ------- Other Sources 35 U.S. Department of Energy: Inventory of Federal energy-related environment and safety SUSAN ROSE research Director, Office of Program Coordination Office of Energy Information Services General inquiries on energy issues, provides answers or refers to appropriate Department of Energy Office Office of Energy Research U.S. Department of Agriculture: Office of Energy Liaison for energy concerns Program and policy coordination National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: National Environmental Satellite Service Environmental Data Services Oak Ridge National Laboratories Inventory of Energy R&D: Project information Library of Congress: Energy bibliographies « Smithsonian Science Information Exchange: Project level energy information on Federally funded R&D PUBLICATIONS SERVICES Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Research and Development: DR. GEORGE SHEPHERD JOHN DANIELS DR. JAMES LEISS WELDON BARTON JERRY C. GLOVER DR. THOMAS S. AUSTIN DR. GLORIA M. CATON CONSTANCE CARTER SAMUEL LIEBMAN Technical information publications LINDA K. SMITH ------- Other Sources 36 National Technical Information Service: Clearing-house for Government funded reports General energy Solid waste Energy - Air Water pollution QUALITY ASSURANCE National Bureau of Standards: Analytical chemistry standard reference methods for organic and inorganic pollutants, particulates, and gases Radioactivity standards and measurement methods applied in neutral environmental matrices Atmospheric pollution measurements and standard reference materials Trace analysis for identification of pollutants in water; development of standard reference materials for instrument calibration of water pollution measurements; characterization of flow properties for sample collection ENERGY EFFICIENCY National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Application of space experience to energy-related problems on earth Advanced aerodynamics and active controls systems development for energy-efficient transport Advanced propulsion systems development Development of composite structures for weight savings to fuel economy EDWARD LEHMANN AUDREY HUNDEMANN AUDREY HUNDEMANN DIANE CAVAGNARO ROBENA BROWN DR. PHILIP LaFLEUR DR. CHRIS KUYAPT DR. W. ZIELINSKI, JR. DR. L. McCLENDON KENNETH E. HODGE FREDERICK P. POVINELLI DR. MICHAEL SALKIND ------- Other Sources 37 Department of Commerce: Energy-conserving pollution standards for manufacturing and electric generating industries Department of Transportation: Accessible transportation environment for the handicapped and elderly; Historic preservation; Air Quality/Transportation planning interface; Transportation and the urban environment DOT/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: National Energy Efficient Driving System: Train and inform drivers to conserve fuel Voluntary truck and bus fuel economy improvement program Research and analysis of automotive fuel economy Automotive fuel economy standards development Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection Program: Impact of currently used vehicles on the environment Vehicle in-use inspection standards ENERGY SUPPLY AND DEMAND FORECASTS Department of Commerce: Supply and demand forecasts by states, by fuels, for the rest of the century OIL SPILLS U.S. Coast Guard: Environmental Technology Branch: Containment and cleanup of oil spills ROBERT GRANT MARTIN CONVISSER JOHN EBERHARD W. HARRY CLOSE SAMUEL F. POWEL, HI DR. RICHARD STROMBOTNE JOSEPH P. GRILLO JOSEPH INNES JOSEPH F. GUSTAFERRO CDR TED LEIGH ------- Other Sources 38 Chemistry Branch: Oil fingerprinting-analyzing oil samples to determine source composition Planning and Special Projects: Research on oil spill prevention technologies and techniques Oil spill statistics Marine Environmental Protection Division: Federal response to oil spills HEALTH AND URBAN ENVIRONMENT Environmental Protection Agency: Health and ecological effects research U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Lead exposure in the urban environment and general urban environmental research Noise, air pollution, and general environmental quality in the urban environment Housing and community-development-related problems in environmental and energy areas National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health: Occupational safety and health questions related to energy production and use Electric Power Research Institute: Impact of electrical supply systems on health and environment DR. G. KLEINEBERG CDR J. H. PARENT DR. CHARLES C. BATES CAPT JOHN R. KIRKLAND DR. WILLIAM MURRAY IRWIN BILLICK GEORGE WINZER GEORGE KARAS JACK HARDESTY DR. RALPH PERHAC Health effects DR. JAMES McCARROLL ------- Other Sources 39 Biomedical studies Bituminous Coal Research, Inc.: Assessments of health and environmental effects from coal mining and coal utilization American Petroleum Institute: Environmental Hygiene Biomedical Studies Non-health-related studies: Air and water quality; Mobile and stationary sources; Solid waste; Fate and effect of oil spills National Cancer Institute: NCI/EPA collaborative program environmental cancer; air, water, energy technologies NCI/NIOSH collaborative projectsoccupational exposures to carcinogens Bioassays for carcinogenesis Cancer cause and prevention Policy NCI Clearinghouse ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Wind power storage Photovoltaics Solar and thermal electricity DR. LEONARD SAGAN JAMES GARVEY JAMES BOYER EARLE DIEHL DR. NEiLL WEAVER DR. GEORGE PATTON DR. H. F. KRAYBILL DR. H. F. KRAYBILL, DR. J. I. MUNN DR. T. P. CAMERON DR. RICHARD GRIESESVIER DR. H. F. KRAYBILL DR. GREGORY!. O'CONOR DR. JAMES SONTAG RALPH LaROCK JOHN LORIA ROBERT WASEL ------- Other Sources 40 Department of Energy: Conservation and solar applications REGIONAL PROGRAMS Department of Energy: Information on and coordination of all energy/power projects in western area Western Interstate Energy Board: Information and research on all phases of energy for sixteen western states Old West Regional Commission: Environmental and socioeconomic impact on communities involved in coal development Technical information publications Four Comers Regional Commission: Water conservation, environmental impact, alternative energy sources, and socioeconomic impacts Economic development programs and funding of projects related to energy conservation and environmental protection: Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission Ozarks Regional Commission Southwest Border Regional Commission Pacific Northwest Regional Commission Appalachian Regional Commission New England Regional Commission: Energy policy analysis, regional energy data base, financial support to regional energy offices; outer continental shelf pipeline corridors, alternative/renewable energy resources DR. MAXINE SAVITZ ROBERT L. McPHAIL JOHN L. WATSON GEORGE D. MCCARTHY NORRIS C. ELLERTSON WILLIAM R. BECHTEL JOHN SCOTT ROBERT G. TOBERMAN ARTHUR JOHNSON SALIM KUBLAWI W. ROBERT KEATING ------- Other Sources 41 Coastal Plains Regional Commission: Evaluation and analysis of water resources for the coastal plains region, and exchange of information on treatment and disposal for regional economic development INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS United Nations Environment Program: Liaison for inquiries and information Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development U.S. Department of State: Office of Environmental Affairs: Liaison for international and domestic energy/environment R&D Office of Oceans and Internationa! Environmental and Scientific Affairs: Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary Deputy Assistant Secretary, Environment Deputy Assistant Secretary, Energy INDUSTRIAL PLANNING AND REGULATION U.S. Department of Commerce: Industrial regulatory analysis Advise the Secretary of Commerce on energy matters U.S. Department of interior: Mining regulatory functions and energy/environmental research Review and preparation of Environmental Impact Statements DR. CLAUD ANDERSON, MclVER WATSON DR. NOEL J. BROWN DR. MILTON KLEIN DR. DONALD R. KING LES BROWN W. ALSTON HAYNE LOUIS V. NOSENZO DR. EDWIN B. SHYKIND ORCUTT P. DRURY MICHELEZARUBICA LEONARD SHAW ------- Other Sources 42 Surface mining regulations and information Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Environmental studies for natural gas and oil pipeline certification; program review for rates Regulatory Policy Analysis Licensing hydro-electric plants Electric Power Research Institute: Air quality control for coal combustion systems Water quality control, heat rejection, and solid waste disposal for coal combustion systems Identification, characterization, monitoring; transport and interactions; alternative land and water use; advanced technologies for fossil-fueled power plants Ecological effects of energy technologies Coal combustion systems: air and water quality control, coal cleaning, fluidized combustion Integrated assessment Desulfurization processes Energy analysis and environment Gas Research Institute: Liquid Natural Gas Safety Operations/distribution Environment MONA SMITH BARRY HAASE DR. HASKELL P. WALD DR. WILLIAM LINDSAY DONALD TEIXEIRA JOHN S. MAULBETSCH DR. RALPH PERHAC DR. ROBERTW. BROCKSEN KURT YEAGER DR. RONALD WYZGA DR. GEORGE PRESTON DR. MICHAEL TINKLEMAN SAM BOORAS ------- Other Sources 43 National Coal Association: Air and water quality monitoring and assessment of effects of coal mining and use JOSEPH MULLAN, CHARLES DREVNA Identification of R&D needs and priorities for coal mining DR. JOSEPH YANCIK operations, occupational health and safety and environmental effects DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Energy/environment research, development, and demonstration for DOD-related areas and concerns. Energy Programs and Policy: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Energy, Environment and Safety) Director, Energy Program Technology Application Petroleum Information and Program Management Conservation Energy Research and Development: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (R&E) Director for Engineering Technology Director of Research Army-Special Assistant for Energy Navy-Special Assistant for Energy Air Force-Director of Maintenance and Supply Defense Fuel Supply Center: GEORGE MARIENTHAL WILLIAM J. SHARKEY, JR. WALTER C. CHRISTENSEN WILLIAM J. HORTON WILLIAM F. VANCE COL JOHN E. WAGNER DR. RUTH M. DAVIS G. R. MAKEPEACE DR. G. GAMOTA LTC R. L. KAIL & ERIC A. ORSINI DR. THEODORE JACOBS BGEN WAYMOND C. NUTT ------- Other Sources 44 Director, Office of Planning and Management Chief, Environmental Control Office Environmental Program and Policy: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Energy, Environment and Safety) Director, Environment Policy Air and Water Program Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Pesticides, Toxic and Hazardous Radioactive Wastes Environment Research and Development: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (R&E) Director, Environment and Life Sciences Environment and Life Science Programs Army-Deputy for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health: Asst. Director of Civil Works for Environmental Programs (Corps of Engineers) Navy-Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Logistics) Air Force-Deputy for Environment and Safety Defense Logistics Agency: Special Assistant for Environmental Protection WHITE HOUSE OFFICES Council on Environmental Quality: Energy Programs CAPT CHARLES E. CUSON CALVIN J. MARTIN GEORGE MARIENTHAL COL C. D. SADLER CDR DAVID A. REIN ARTHUR W. WAMMEL GEORGE W. SIEBERT CPT JERRY CLIFFORD DR. RUTH M. DAVIS COL E. W. FRIDAY, JR. THOMAS DASHIELL BRUCE HILDEBRAND LTC GEORGE F. BOONE EVERETT PYATT DR. CARLOS STERN JOSEPH W. URBANEK DR. JAMES MACKENZIE GERALD L. BRUBAKER JOHN DAVIDSON ------- Other Sources 45 Office of Management and Budget: Review of Federal energy/environment research budgets Management and Government Reorganization SENATE COMMITTEES Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Senator HERMAN E. TALMADGE, Chairman Subcommittee on Agricultural Research and General Legislation Senator DONALD W. STEWART, Chairman Subcommittee on Environment, Soil Conservation, and Forestry Senator JOHN MELCHER, Chairman Commerce, Science, and Transportation Senator HOWARD W. CANNON, Chairman Subcommittee on Aviation Senator HOWARD W. CANNON, Chairman Subcommittee on Merchant Marine and Tourism Senator DANIEL K. INOUYE, Chairman Subcommittee on Science Technology and Space Senator ADLAI E. STEVENSON III, Chairman National Oceans Policy Study Senator HOWARD W. CANNON, Chairman - Senator WARREN G. MAGNUSON, Vice Chairman - Senator ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, Vice Chairman JIM J. TOZZI HUGH LOWETH WILLIAM W. HARSCH NELSON DENLINGER Chief Clerk HENRY CASSO Staff Director CARL ROSE General Counsel JAMES GILTM1ER Professional Staff Member AUBREY L. SARVIS Staff Director and Chief Counsel CHARLES M. BARCLAY Staff Counsel JOHN D. HARDY Professional Staff Member JOHN G. STEWART & JAMES J. GEHRIG Professional Staff Members DEBORAH J. STIRLING Staff Counsel ------- Other Sources 46 Energy and Natural Resources Senator HENRY M. JACKSON, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy Regulation Senator J. BENNETT JOHNSTON, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy Resources and Materials Production Senator WENDELL H. FORD, Chairman DR. DANIEL DREYFUS Staff Director RICHARD D. GRUNDY Senior Professional Staff Member Energy MICHAEL HARVEY Chief Counsel DR. BENJAMIN COOPER Professional Staff Member THOMAS LAUGHLIN Professional Staff Member Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development Senator FRANK CHURCH, Chairman Environment and Public Works Senator JENNINGS RANDOLPH, Chairman Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution Senator EDMUND MUSKIE, Chairman Subcommittee on Resource Protection Senator JOHN C. CULVER, Chairman Subcommittee on Water Resources Senator MIKE GRAVEL, Chairman Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation Senator GARY W. HART, Chairman Finance Senator RUSSELL LONG, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy and Foundations Senator MIKE GRAVEL, Chairman Subcommittee on Health Senator TED KENNEDY, Chairman DR. WILLIS SMITH Professional Staff Member JOHN W. YAGO, JR. Staff Director DR. KARL BRAITHWAITE Professional Staff Member KATHI KORPON Professional Staff Member THOMAS F. DONNELLY Professional Staff Member THOMAS MOORE Professional Staff Member MICHAEL STERN Staff Director JERRY GAUCHE Legislative Assistant NANCY MacWOOD Legislative Assistant ------- Other Sources 47 Foreign Relations Senator FRANK CHURCH, Chairman Subcommittee on Arms Control, Oceans, and International Environment Senator CLAIBORNE PELL, Chairman Governmental Affairs Senator ABRAHAM A. RIBICOFF, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, and Federal Services Senator JOHN GLENN, Chairman Human Resources Senator HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, JR., Chairman Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research Senator EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Chairman HOUSE COMMITTEES Agriculture Congressman THOMAS S. FOLEY, Chairman Subcommittee on Department Investigations, Oversight, and Research Congressman E. de la GARZA, Chairman Government Operations Congressman JACK BROOKS, Chairman Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Congressman A. TOBY MOFFETT, Chairman DAVID KEANEY Professional Staff Member ROBERT FOUST Legislative Aide Energy ELLEN S. MILLER Professional Staff Member DR. LEONARD WEISS Staff Director STEVEN PARADISE General Counsel & Staff Director DR. LAWRENCE HOROWITZ Staff Director FOWLER C. WEST Staff Director BERT PENA Consultant WILLIAM JONES General Counsel JOHN MOORE Staff Director DAVID SCHUENKE Staff Director ------- Other Sources 48 Interior and Insular Affairs Congressman MORRIS UDALL, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment Congressman MORRIS K. UDALL, Chairman Interstate and Foreign Commerce Congressman HARLEY STAGGERS, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy and Power Congressman JOHN D. DINGELL, Chairman Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Congressman HENRY WAXMAN, Chairman Merchant Marine and Fisheries Congressman JOHN MICHAEL MURPHY, Chairman CHARLES CONKLIN Staff Director CARLA KISH Staff Consultant W. E. WILLIAMSON Staff Director & Chief Clerk FRANK POTTER, JR. Staff Director & Counsel ELLIOT SEGAL Staff Director PETER KYROS Counsel Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment Congressman JOHN BREAUX, Chairman Subcommittee on Oceanography Congressman JERRY E. STUDDS, Chairman Public Works and Transportation Congressman HAROLD T. JOHNSON, Chairman Subcommittee on Water Resources Congressman RAY ROBERTS, Chairman Science and Technology Congressman DON FUQUA, Chairman Subcommittee on Natural Resources and Environment Congressman JEROME A. AMBRO, Chairman NED EVERETT, R. D. THORNTON Counsels GEORGE MANNINA Professional Staff Member RICH NORLING Staff Director BOB DAWSON Administrator ERROL TYLER Counsel HAROLD GOULD Executive Director IAN MARCEAU Staff Director RAD BYERLY Counsel ------- Other Sources 49 Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production Congressman MIKE McCORMACK, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy Development and Applications Congressman RICHARD OTTINGER, Chairman Small Business Congressman NEIL SMITH, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy, Environment Safety and Research Congressman THOMAS A. LUKEN, Chairman JOINT COMMITTEES Environmental Study Conference Congressman RICHARD L. OTTINGER, Chairman Congressional Budget Office Natural Resources and Commerce Division STEVE LANES Staff Director JAMES W. SPENSLEY Science Consultant and Staff Director THOMAS G. POWERS General Counsel STEVE ENGELMYER Counsel MIKE McCABE Staff Director DR. ALICE RIVLIN Director DR. RAYMOND SCHEPPACH Assistant Director ------- Interagency Program Directory and Index 50 The following abbreviations are used in this index: CEQ Council on Environmental Quality DOE ECT Environmental Control Technology LASL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory LETC Laramie Energy Technology Center OHER Office of Health and Environmental Research DOT Department of Transportation FAA Federal Aviation Administration NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration EPA CERI Center for Environmental Research Information EMSL Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory ERL Environmental Research Laboratory ESRL Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory HERL Health Effects Research Laboratory IERL Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory MERL Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory OEET Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology OEPER Office of Environmental Processes and Effects Research OHR Office of Health Research OMTS Office of Monitoring and Technical Support ORD Office of Research and Development ORP Office of Radiation Programs ORPM Office of Research Program Management QAD Quality Assurance Division TIO Technical Information Office HEW NCI National Cancer Institute NIH National Institutes of Health OECSP Office of Extramural Coordination and Special Projects NASA ERL Earth Resources Laboratory NOAA EDIS Environmental Data and Information Service ERL Environmental Research Laboratories NODC National Oceanographic Data Center NWS National Weather Service TDL Techniques Development Laboratory TEL Test and Evaluation Laboratory WPL Wave Propogation Laboratory NTIS National Technical Information Service ORBES Ohio River Basin Energy Study TVA OACD Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development Office of Surface Mining USDI -OSM - ABBOTT, JAMES H. (31) Chief Participate Technology Branch EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2925 FTS-629-2925 ALDRICH.S.R. (2) Assistant Director Agricultural Experiment Station University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 217-333-1604 ALTMAN, DR. LANDY B. (33) Program Manager-Energy USDA/SEA/AR Rm 219 B-005 Beltsville, MD 20705 301-344-2740 ALTSCHULER, MORRIS (16) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M St, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0205 ALTSHULLER, DR. A. PAUL (7) Director EPA/ESRL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2191 FTS-629-2191 ANDERSON, DR. CARL E. (13) Department of Agricultural Engineering Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 515-294-1434 ANDERSON, DR. CLAUD (41) Federal Co-Chairman USDC/Coastal Plains Regional Commission 1725 K Street, NW Suite 413 Washington, DC 20006 202-634-3910 ASLESON, DR. J.A. (2) Director Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 406-994-3681 AUSTIN, DR. THOMAS S. (35) Director Environmental Data and Information Service NOAA 3300 Whitehaven Street, NW Washington, DC 20235 202-634-7318 BALLINGER, DWIGHT G. (4,5) Director EPA/EMSL 26 W. St. Clair Street Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-7301 BARCLAY, CHARLES M. (45) Staff Counsel Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Aviation 5202 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-0423 ------- Index 51 BARFIELD, DR. B.J. (13) Department of Agricultural Engineering University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506 606-258-5658 BARNHISEL, RICHARD I. (18) Professor Department of Agronomy University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506 606-258-8627 BARRIENTOS, DR. CELSO S. (6) NOAA/NWS/TDL W427 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-427-7613 BARSE, JOSEPH (24) USDA/ESCS Natural Resource Econ. Div 500 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20250 202-447-4859 BARTON, DR. WELDON (34,35) Director Office of Energy Administration Bldg, Rm 226E USDA Washington, DC 20250 202-447-2455 BASILED, MICHAEL A. (6) NOAA/TEL 6001 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD 20852 301-426-9080 BATES, DR. CHARLES C. (38) US Coast Guard (G-MP/82) 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202426-1037 BAUMGARTNER, DR. DONALD J. (7,11) Division Director EPA/ERL 200 SW 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97330 503-757-4721 FTS-420-4721 BEATTIE, DR. DONALD A. (34) Director Energy Systems Division, Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology (Alternative Energy Sources) NASA 600 Independence Avenue Washington, DC 20546 202-755-3127 BECHTEL, WILLIAM R. (40) Federal Co-Chairman Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission Commerce Bldg, Rm 2093 14th and E Streets, NW Washington, DC 20230 202-377-2845 BELVIN, E.A., JR (5,7) TVA River Oaks Bldg Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-3834631 FTS-8724631 BENDER, DR. LLOYD (24) Project Leader USDA/ESCS/EDD Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 406-994-3701 FTS-5854344 BERG, DAVID (16) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 IV) Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2737 BETSON, ROGER P. (8) Water Systems Development Branch Division of Water Management P.O. Drawer E TVA Engineering Laboratory Norris, TN 37828 615-6324460 FTS-8524460 BIESINGER, KENNETH E. (11,12) EPA/ERL 6201 Congdon Boulevard Duluth, MN 55804 218-727-6692 Ext 512 FTS-783-951 2 BILLICK, IRWIN (38) HUD Environmental Research, Office of Policy Development Research 451 7th Street, SW Rm 8214 Washington, DC 20410 202-755-7340 BLANCHARD, BRUCE (2) Director Office of Environmental Projects Review USDI, Rm4256 18th andC Streets, NW Washington, DC 20240 202-343-3891 BLOCH, WAYNE (16) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0646 BOND, DR. BILLY JOE (25) TVA/OACD Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-3834631 Ext 2419 FTS-872-8419 BOND, THOMAS J. (33) Staff Specialist Division of Ecological Services USFWS Washington, DC 20240 202-653-5952 BONHAM, DR. CHARLES D. (13) Range Science Department Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 303491-6620 ------- Index 52 BOONE, LTC GEORGE F. (44) Assistant Director Civil Works for Environmental Programs US Army Corps of Engineers DAEN-CWZ-P 4G065 Forrestal Bldg Washington, DC 20314 202-693-7092 BOORAS, SAM (42) Director Environment and Safety Research Gas Research Institute 10 West 35th Street Chicago, I L 60616 312-567-6634 BOSTIAN, H.E. (26) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4318 BOWEN, DR. JOSHUA S. (19,29) EPA/IERL (MD-65) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2470 FTS-629-2470 BOYER, JAMES (39) Bituminous Coal Research, Inc. 350 Hochberg Road Monroeville, PA 15146 412-327-1600 BRAITHWAITE, DR. KARL (46) Professional Staff Member Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution 4204 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-7861 BRETTHAUER, ERICH (4) Division Director EPA/EMSL P.O. Box 15027 Las Vegas, NV 89114 702-736-2969 Ext 342 FTS-595-2969 BRIDBORD, DR. KENNETH (2) Director OECSP.NIOSH 5600 Fishers Lane Rm 8-47 Rockville, IVID 20857 301-443-6437 BRNA, DR. TED (25) EPA/IERL (MD-61) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2683 FTS-629-2683 BROCKSEN, DR. ROBERT W. (42) Manager Ecological Effects Program Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue P.O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2749 BRODERICK, ANTHONY J. (34) Technical Advisor Aviation Standards, AVS-4 DOT/FAA 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 202-755-8933 FTS-755-1851 BROMBERG, STEVEN M. (4) EPA/QAD/EMSL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2573 FTS-629-2573 BROOKS, DR. JOHN L. (34) Deputy Division Director Environmental Biology National Science Foundation 1800G Street, NW Washington, DC 20550 202-632-7318 BROWN, GREG A. (13) Research Assistant Plant & Soil Science Department Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 406-994-4601 BROWN, HARRY E. (2,34) Policy Analyst 5175 South Agriculture Bldg USDA/Office of Energy Energy Research and Development Coordinator Washington, DC 20250 202-447-4172 BROWN, LES (41) Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Oceans and International Environmental & Scientific Affairs US Department of State Washington, DC 20520 202-632-5904 BROWN, DR. NOEL J. (41) United Nations UN Environment Program New York, NY 10017 212-754-8139 BROWN, ROBENA J. (36) Information Analysis Branch NTIS Springfield, VA 22161 703-557^640 BRUBAKER, GERALD L. (44) Council on Environmental Quality 722 Jackson Place, NW Rm 5013 Washington, DC 20006 202-395-4946 BULL, DR. RICHARD (9) EPA/HERL 26 W. St. Clair Street Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-7213 BURCHARD, DR. JOHN K. (32) Director Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory EPA (MD-60) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2821 FTS-629-2821 ------- Index 53 BURNETT, T.A. (29) TV A Office Service Warehouse Annex Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-2516 FTS-872-2516 BURR, DR. W.W., JR. (33) Acting Director Office of Health & Environmental Research DOE, Office of Environment Washington, DC 20545 202-353-3153 FTS-233-3153 BURTON, ELLISON (33) Special Assistant for Environment to Assistant Secretary Resource Application 3504 Federal Bldg 12th and Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20461 202-633-8344 BYERLY, RAD (48) Science Consultant Natural Resources and Environment Subcommittee House Science and Technology Committee 2319 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-1064 BYRNES, WILLIAM R. (18) Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Purdue University, Agricultural Experiment Station West Lafayette, IN 47907 31 7-494-8874 CAIN, W.C. (26) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4335 CALLAWAY.R.J. (7) EPA/ERL 200 SW 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97330 503-757^703 FTS-420-4703 CAMERON, DR. T.P. (39) National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Causes and Prevention Landow Bldg 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 301-496-1625 CAMPBELL, DR. WILLIAM F. (18) Plant Science Department Utah State University Logan, UT 84322 801-752-4100 CARLSON,CARLW. (2) USDA/SEA/AR Agricultural Research Service Washington, DC 20251 202-447-7157 CARTER, CONSTANCE (35) Head Reference Section Science and Technology Library of Congress Washington, DC 20540 202^26-5582 CASSO, HENRY (45) Staff Director Senate Agriculture Committee Russell Senate Office Bldg Rm 322 Washington, DC 20510 202-224-2035 CATLIN, ROBERT J. (33) Acting Director Office of Environmental Compliance and Overview DOE (E201) Washington, DC 20545 202-353-3033 FTS-233-3033 CATON, DR. GLORIA M. (35) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bldg 2001 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 615-574-7782 FTS-624-7782 CAVAGNARO, DIANE M. (36) Information Analysis Branch NTIS Springfield, VA 22161 703-557-4640 CHIGNELL, DR. COLIN F.(10) Chief Laboratory of Environmental Biophysics NIEHS P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3196 FTS-629-3196 CHRISTENSEN, WALTER C. (43) Assistant for Technical Application of Energy OASD (MRA & L) EES 1D760, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-9419 CHRISTIANSON, ALDEN (26,27) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4207 CLIFFORD, CPT JERRY (44) DASD (EES) 3D823, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-0221 CLOSE, W.HARRY (37) Director Office of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Research DOT/NHTSA NRD-20 2100 2nd Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202-426-4553 ------- Index 54 CLUSEN, RUTH C. (2) Assistant Secretary for Environment DOE 20 Massachusetts Avenue, I\1W Rm 6128 Washington, DC 20545 202-376^185 COFFIN, DR. DAVID L. (9) EPA/HERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2586 FTS-629-2586 COLE, RANDY M. (21) TVA 470 Commerce Union Bank Bldg Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3571 COLEMAN, DR. DAVID C. (18) Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory Colorado State University Ft. Collins, CO 80523 303-491-5571 CONKLIN, CHARLES (48) Staff Director Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 1324 Longworth House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-2761 CONVISSER, MARTIN (37) Director Office of Environment and Safety Policy and International Affairs Office of the Secretary, DOT P-20 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202-426-4357 COOPER, DR. BENJAMIN (46) Professional Staff Member Subcommittee on Energy Regulation 3106 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-9894 CRAIG, A.B., SR. (5) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2509 FTS-629-2509 CRAIG, DR. DOUGLAS (9) DOE/OHER Washington, DC 20545 301 -353-3683 FTS-233-3683 CROWE, JAMES L. (28) TVA Office of Power 1320 Commerce Union Bank Bldg Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3381 CROWE, ROBERT E. (34) EPA/CERI 26 W. St. Clair Street Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-7391 CUSON, CAPT CHARLES E., SC, USN (44) Director Office of Planning and Management US Navy Defense Fuel Supply Center 8A216 Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 202-274-7423 DALY, GERALD H. (25) Chief Operations Branch Division of Waste Products (ETW) US DOE (B-107) Washington, DC 20545 301-353-4214 FTS-233-4214 DANIELS, JOHN (35) Office of Energy Information Services DOE 1726 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20461 202-634-5610 DASH I ELL, THOMAS R. (44) Environment and Life Sciences DOD/OUSDRE 3D 129, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-8714 DAVIDSON, JOHN (44) Staff Member Council on Environmental Quality 722 Jackson Place Washington, DC 20006 202-633-7097 DAVIES, DR. TUDOR (32) Director Environmental Research Laboratory South Ferry Road Narragansett, Rl 02882 401-789-1071 FTS-838-4843 DAVIS, GEORGE H. (2) USGS 407 National Center Reston, VA 22092 703-860-6846 DAVIS, JARED (26) Assistant Director Waste Management and Environmental Research Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research US NRC (113-055) Washington, DC 20555 301-427-4362 DAVIS, DR. RUTH M. (43,44) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering Research and Advanced Technology 3E114, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-5036 DAVIS, WILLIAM P. (7) EPA/ERL Bears Bluff Field Station Box 368 Johns Island, SC 29455 803-559-0371 ------- Index 55 DAWSON, BOB (48) Administrator Committee on Public Works and Transportation 2165 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-4472 DeBUCHANANNE, GEORGE (25) Chief Office of Radiohydrology USGS (MS-410) National Center Reston, VA 22092 703-860-6976 FTS-928-6976 DENLINGER, NELSON (45) Chief Clerk Senate Agriculture Committee Russell Senate Office Bldg Rm322 Washington, DC 20510 202-224-2035 DERR, DR, VERNON E. (5) NOAA/ERL/WPL R45X3 Boulder, CO 80302 303-499-1000 de SERRES, DR. FREDERICK J. (10) Associate Director for Genetics NIEHS P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3492 FTS-629-3492 DEUTCH, JOHN M. (33) Program Planning & Development DOE Forrestal Bldg Washington, DC 20585 202-252-5430 DEVINE, DR. MICHAEL (23) University of Oklahoma Science and Public Policy Program 601 Elm Avenue, Rm 432 Norman, OK 73019 405-325-2555 DIEHL, EARLE (39) Bituminous Coal Research, Inc 350 Hochberg Road Monroeville, PA 15146 412-327-1600 DIXON, DR. ROBERT L. (10) NIEHS P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3333 FTS-629-3333 DOERKSEN, H. (14) Office of Biological Services USFWS Washington, DC 20240 202-653-5223 DOLLHOPF, DOUGLAS J. (13) Reclamation Research Unit Department of Animal and Range Sciences Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 406-994-4821 DONALDSON, WILLIAM (6) EPA/ERL College Station Road Athens, GA 30605 404-546-3183 DONNELLY, THOMAS F. (46) Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works Subcommittee on Water Resources 4204 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3116 DORSEY, JAMES (5) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2557 FTS-629-2557 DREHMEL, DENNIS (31) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2925 FTS-629-2925 DREVNA, CHARLES (43) National Coal Association 1130 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-628-4322 DREYFUS, DR. DANIEL (46) Staff Director Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources 3106 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-4971 DRURY, ORCUTTP. (41) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Rm 5717 USDC Washington, DC 20230 202-377-4568 DUDA, DR.G.D. (9) Office of Health and Environmental Research DOE, Office of Environment E-201 Washington, DC 20545 301-353-3651 FTS-233-3651 DUGGAN, J.C. (28) TVA 440 Commerce Union Bank Bldg Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3571 FTS-854-3571 DUKE, DR. THOMAS W. (11) EPA/ERL Sabine Island Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 904-932-5311 FTS-686-9011 DUTTWEILER, DR. DAVID W. (32) Director Environmental Research Laboratory College Station Road Athens, GA 30605 404-546-3134 FTS-250-3134 ------- Index 56 DYER, ROBERTS. (25) EPA/ORP 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 703-557-8977 EBERHARD, JOHN (37) Project Director National Energy-Efficient Driving System DOT/NHTSA 21002nd Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202-426-4892 ELLERTSON, NORRIS C. (40) Coordinator for Field Activities Four Corners Regional Commission Federal Co-Chairman's Office 230 First Avenue, N. Phoenix, AZ 85025 602-261-3361 ELLISON, DR. ALFRED H. (32) Director Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2191 FTS-629-2191 ENGELMYER, STEVE (49) Counsel Subcommittee on Energy, Environment Safety and Research 2361 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-5821 ENDS, DR. HENRY (32) Director Environmental Research Laboratory Sabine Island Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 904-932-5311 FTS-686-9011 EVERETT, NED (48) Counsel Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment 3574 House Office Bldg, Annex #2 Washington, DC 20515 202-225-7307 FARLOW, JOHN S. (17) Chief Oil Spills Staff US EPA/IERL-Ci, OHMSB Raritan Depot Woodbridge Avenue Edison, NJ 0881 7 201-321-6631 FTS-340-6631 FARRELL, DR. KENNETH R. (2) USDA/ESCS GHI Bldg, Rm448 500 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20250 202-447-8104 FARRIER, DAVID (11) DOE/LETC P.O. Box 3395, University Station Laramie, WY 82071 307-721-2274 FTS-328-4274 FAUCETT, H.L. (28) TVA/OACD National Fertilizer Development Center Emissions Control Development Project Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-4631 Ext 2516 FTS-872-8516 FLORA, DR. HOLLIS B., II (19,25) TVA Energy Research 470 Commerce Union Bank Bldg Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3291 FTS-854-3291 FOLLETT, DR. R.F. (12,18) USDA/SEA/AR/NPS Rm 233/Bldg 005, BARC West Beltsville, MD 20705 301-344-3216 FORD, DR. ANDREW (24) Staff Member LASL, MS-606 P.O. Box 1663 Los Alamos, NM 87545 505-667-4569 FTS-843-4569 FOUST, ROBERT (47) Legislative Aide-Energy Subcommittee on Arms Control, Oceans, and International Environment 325 Russell Senate Office Bldg Washington DC 20510 202-224-4642 FOX, PHYLLIS (22) Manager Oil Shale Program Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 415-843-2740 Ext 6698 FTS-451-6698 FREEMAN, HARRY M. (27) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4363 FRIDAY, COL E.W., JR. (44) Director Environmental and Life Sciences OUSDRE/DOD 3D 129, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-9604 FRIETSCH, WILLIAM, III (3, 32) EPA/ORD/OEPER 401 M Street, SW Rm 3817E Washington, DC 20460 202-426-0264 FRITZ, EUGENES. (14) USFWS National Power Plant Team 2929 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48105 313-668-2376 FTS-378-2376 GAGE, DR. STEPHEN J. (32) Assistant Administrator Office of Research & Development 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2600 GALEGAR, WILLIAM C. (7, 32) Director Robert S. Kerr ERL P.O. Box 1198 Ada, OK 74820 405-332-8800 FTS-743-2224 ------- Index 57 CALLER, DR. SIDNEY (2) Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environmental Affairs USDC Rm 4325 Washington, DC 20230 202-377-4335 GALLI, ALFRED A. (3) EPA/ORD/OEPER 401 M Street, SW Rm 3817J Washington, DC 20460 202-426-0288 GAMOTA, DR. GEORGE (43) Director for Research OUSDRE/DOD 3D1089, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-6506 GARDNER, DR. DONALD E. (9) EPA/HERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2531 FTS-629-2531 GARVEY, JAMES (39) Bituminous Coal Research, Inc. 350 Hochberg Road Monroeville, PA 15146 412-327-1600 GAUCHE, JERRY (46) Legislative Assistant Senate Committee on Finance Subcommittee on Energy and Foundations 3121 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-6665 GEHRIG, JAMES J. (45) Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Science, Technology & Space 5202 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-9351 GILMORE, DONALD B. (27) EPA/EMSL P.O. Box 15027 Las Vegas, NV 89114 702-736-2969 Ext 241 GILTMIER, JAMES (45) Professional Staff Member Subcommittee on Environment, Soil Conservation, and Forestry 322 Russell Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-2035 GLASS, DR. GARY E. (11,12) Senior Research Chemist EPA/ERL 6201 Congdon Blvd Duluth, MN 55804 218-727-6692 Ext 573 FTS-783-9573 GLOVER, JERRY C. (35) Executive Officer National Environmental Satellite Service National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Washington, DC 20233 202-763-7570 GOLDSTEIN, DR. GERALD (5,6) DOE/OHER Mail Station E-201 Washington, DC 20545 301-353-5348 FTS-233-5348 GOLOMB, DR. DAN (3) EPA/ORD/OEPER 401 M Street, SW Rm 3817H Waterside Mall (RD-682) Washington, DC 20460 202-426-0265 GOODYEAR, C. PHILLIP (14) USFWS National Power Plant Team 2929 Plymouth Road, Rm 206 Ann Arbor, Ml 48105 313-668-2378 GOTTLEIB, DR. MYRON (22) DOE/ECT 20 Massachusetts Ave, NW Washington, DC 20545 301-353-5587 FTS-233-5587 GOULD, HAROLD (48) Executive Director House Committee on Science and Technology 2321 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6371 GOULD, WALTER L. (18) Associate Professor Department of Agronomy New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003 505-646-3405 GOVAN, EMILIA L. (33) Environmental Advisor to the Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Technology DOE Washington, DC 20545 202-376^542 GRANT, ROBERT (37) Senior Policy Specialist & Program Manager Office of Science and Technology Office of Environmental Affairs US Department of Commerce Washington, DC 20230 202-377-2652 GRAVATT, DR.CARY (5) NBS Office of Environmental Measurements Washington, DC 20234 301-921-3775 GREATHOUSE, DAN (9) EPA/HERL 26 W. St. Clair Street Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-7368 GREENWOOD, DR. LAWRENCE R. (2) Environmental Observation Division NASA Headquarters Washington, DC 20546 202-755-8620 GREESON, PHILLIP E. (6) USGS 412 National Center Reston, VA 22092 703-860-6834 GRIESEMER, DR. RICHARD (39) Associate Director Carcinogenesis Testing Program Landow Bldg, Rm 3A22 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 301-496-5591 ------- Index 58 GRILLO, JOSEPH P. (37) Chief State Programs Division DOT/NHTSA 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202-426-8298 GRUBE, DR. WALTER E., JR. (9) EPA/HERL 26 W. St. Clair Street Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-7406 GRUNDY, RICHARD D. (46) Senior Professional Staff Member Energy and Natural Resources 3202 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-9894 GUSTAFERRO, JOSEPH F. (37) US Department of Commerce Office of Ocean, Resource, and Scientific Policy Coordination Rm 5517 14th and Constitution, NW Washington, DC 20230 202-377-4363 HAASE, BARRY L. (42) Director Office of Pipeline and Producer Regulations FERC, Rm 7000 825 N. Capital Street Washington, DC 20426 202-275-4473 HAGHIRI, FAZ (18) Ohio Agricultural R&D Center State Department of Agriculture Wooster, OH 44691 216-264-1021 HALL, ROBERT E. (19,20,29,31) EPA/IERL (MD-65) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2477 FTS-629-2477 HALL, DR. WARREN A. (13) Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 303-491-5048 HAMILTON, DR. D. H., JR. (14) DOE/OHER Washington, DC 20545 301-353-5324 FTS-233-5324 HANGEBRAUCK, ROBERT (19,20,21) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2825 FTS-629-2825 HANSON, DR. R.G. (13) Department of Agronomy University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65201 314-882-2801 HARDESTY, JACK (38) Information Officer, NIOSH Parklawn Bldg 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2140 HARDY, JOHN D. (45) Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Merchant Marine and Tourism 5202 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-6742 HARMON, DALE L. (31) Paniculate Technology Branch EPA/IERL (MD-61) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2925 FTS-629-2925 HARRIS, DR. BRUCE (31) Process Measurement Branch (MD-62) US EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, IMC 27711 919-541-2557 FTS-629-2557 HARRIS, EUGENE F. (17) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4417 HARRIS, DR. HOWARD S. (15) NOAA/ERL 7600 Sand Point Way, NE Seattle, WA 98115 206-442-5590 HARSCH, WILLIAM W. (45) Deputy Associate Director Natural Resources/Environment Division of the President's Reorganization Project Executive Office of Management and Budget Rm 3235, New EOB Washington, DC 20503 202-395-5105 HART, DR. LARRY G. (9,10,15) Assistant to Scientific Director NIEHS P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3205 FTS-629-3205 HARTLEY, ROBERT P. (27) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4335 HARVEY, MICHAEL (46) Chief Counsel Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources 3204 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-0611 HAY, DR. RONALD L. (13) Associate Professor Agricultural Experiment Station University of Tennessee P.O. Box 1071 Knoxville, TN 37901 615-974-7126 HAYES, DR. CARL G. (9) HERL/RTP Environmental Research Center Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2242 FTS-629-2242 ------- Index 59 HAYNE, W. ALSTON (41) Deputy Assistant Secretary, Environment Office of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs US Department of State Washington, DC 20520 202-632-7964 HEILER, BERNIE (16) EPA/ORD/OEPER 401 M Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20460 202-755-0646 HENSCHEL, D. B. (20) EPA/IERL (MD-61) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2825 FTS-629-2825 HEREFORD, GRAHAM (24) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2815 FTS-629-281 5 HICKEY, DR. HARRISON R., JR. (24) TVA Division of Environmental Planning 401 Chestnut Street, Rm 375 Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3155 HILDEBRAND, BRUCE (44) Deputy Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Office of the Asst Secretary (ILand FM) Department of the Army, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-1 370 HILL, RONALD D. (17) EPA/IERL 5555 Ridge Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4410 HINOTE, HUBERT (24) TVA Div of Navigation Dev. and Region Studies 270 K Liberty Bidg 415 Walnut Street Knoxville, TN 37902 615-632-4860 HIRSCH, DR. ALLAN (32) Deputy Assistant Administrator EPA/ORD/OEPER 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-426-0803 HODDER, RICHARD L. (13) Program Leader Reclamation Research Unit, Montana State University Animal and Range Sciences Department Agricultural Experiment Station Bozeman, MT59717 406-994-4821 HODGE, KENNETH E. (36) Manager Transport Aircraft Office Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology NASA, RJ-5 Washington, DC 20546 202-755-3000 HOEL, DAVID G. (10) NIEHS Biometry Branch Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3441 FTS-629-3441 HOLLEY, C. WAYNE (6) TVA 401 Chestnut St, Rm 150 Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3135 HOLLINDEN.DR.G. A. (28) Program Manager of Environmental Control Technology TVA Office of Power 470 Commerce Union Bank Bldg Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3584 HOROWITZ, DR. LAWRENCE (47) Staff Director Senate Committee on Human Resources Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research 308 C Senate Courts Washington, DC 20510 202-224-7675 HORTON, WILLIAM J. (43) Assistant for Petroleum OASD (MRA & L) EES 1D760, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-1988 HOSSNER, DR. LLOYD R. (13) Professor Soil Chemistry Soil & Crop Sciences Department Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843 713-845-3041 HOUSE, DR. PETER W. (33) Director Office of Technology Impacts DOE 20 Massachusetts Ave, NW Rm 4134 Washington, DC 20545 202-376-1820 HUBAND, DR. FRANK L. (34) Group Leader Environment, Energy, and Resources National Science Foundation Rm 1240 1800G Street, NW Washington, DC 20550 202-632-4091 HUDSON, HUGH H. (4) USGS Water Resources Division Denver Federal Center Box 25046 - Stop 406 Lakewood, CO 80225 303-234-4118 HUFFMAN, GEORGE L. (27) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684^1478 ------- Index 60 HUGHES, KENT H. (15) NOAA/EDIS/NODC Washington, DC 22305 202-634-7510 HUNDEMANN, AUDREY (36) Information Analysis Branch NTIS Springfield, VA 22161 703-557-4640 HUSAR, DR. RUDOLF B. (24) Washington University Department of Mechanical Engineering P.O. Box 1185 St. Louis, MO 63130 314-889-6099 HUTNIK, RUSSELL J. (18) Professor of Forest Ecology School of Forest Resources Pennsylvania State University 312 Forest Resources Laboratory University Park, PA 16802 814-865-4901 INNES, JOSEPH (37) Chief Division of Engineering and Demonstrations DOT/NHTSA 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202-426-1 597 ISOM, BILLY G. (15) TVA E&D Bldg Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-4631, Ext 2727 FTS-872-8727 JACOBS, JAMES J. (13) Associate Professor Division of Agricultural Economics University of Wyoming Laramie, WY 82071 307-766-2386 JACOBS, DR. THEODORE (43) OASN for Research Engineering and Systems 4D745, Pentagon Washington, DC 20350 202-694-5090 JACOFF, FRANCINE S. (34) Technical Information Coordinator EPA/ORD/OEET(RD-681) Washington, DC 20460 202-426-4567 JAKOBSON, KURT (16) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0205 JANES, T. KELLY (21) EPA/IERL ERCBIdg Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2851 FTS-629-2851 JANSEN, IVAN J. (18) IL Agricultural Experiment Station N411 Turner Hall University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 217-333-3650 JARVIS, ARTHUR (4) EPA/EMSL P.O. Box 15027 Las Vegas, NV89114 702-736-2969, Ext. 381 FTS-595-2969 JASINOWSKI, JERRY J. (2) Assistant Secretary for Policy USDC, Rm 5858 Washington, DC 20230 202-377-2624 JELEN, VICTOR F. (23) EPA/IERL Ridge Avenue Bldg, Rm 227 Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4338 JOHANNSEN.DR. C. J. (13) Ecological Effects Environmental Effects of Energy Development - Remote Sensing University of Missouri Department of Agronomy 214 Waters Hall Columbia, MO 65211 314-882-2001 JOHNSON, ARTHUR D. (40) Regional Program Coordinator Pacific Northwest Regional Commission 444 North Capitol St, NW Suite 122 Washington, DC 20001 202-633-7458 JONES, DR. HERBERT C., Ill (5,7,15) TVA E&D Bldg Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-4631, Ext 342 FTS-872-4631 JONES, JULIAN W. (25) Emissions/Effluents Technology Branch EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2489 FTS-629-2489 JONES, WILLIAM (47) General Counsel House Government Operations Committee 2157 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-5051 KAIL, LTC RICHARD L. (43) Army - Special Assistant for Energy OASA (Installations, Logistics, and Financial Management) 3E619, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-5986 KAMMER, R. (2) NBS Administration Bldg A1123 Washington, DC 20234 301-921-3361 KARAS, GEORGE (38) Director Environmental Review Division HUD, Rm7276 Washington, DC 20410 202-755-6300 ------- Index 61 KEANEY, DAVID (47) Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Foreign Relations 4229 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5381 KEATING, W. ROBERT (40) Energy Programs Director New England Regional Commission 53 State Street, Suite 400 Boston, MA 02109 617-223-6330 KEEPER, DR. ROBERT F. (18) Associate Professor Division of Plant Sciences University of West Virginia Morgantown, WV 26506 304-293-4817 KEENAN, DR. BOYD (23) ORBES 271 Boyd Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126 312-833-7610 KENNEDY, R. H. (17) DOE/ECT Washington, DC 20545 301-353-5643 FTS-233-5643 KILGROE, JAMES D. (21) EPA/IERL ERC Bldg Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2851 FTS-629-2851 KILPATRICK, FREDERICK A. (6) USGS 407 National Center Reston, VA 22092 703-860-6848 KING, DR. DONALD R. (41) Director Office of Environmental Affairs Department of State 22nd and C Streets, NW Washington, DC 20520 202-632-9278 KIRCHGESSNER, DR. DAVID (21) EPA/IERL (MD61) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2851 FTS-629-2851 KIRKHAM, DON (13) Professor of Agronomy Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 515-294-4264 KIRKLAND, CAPT JOHN R. (38) Chief Marine Environmental Protection Division US Coast Guard G-WEP/73 Washington, DC 20590 202^26-2010 KISH,CARLA (48) Staff Consultant Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment 1327 Longworth House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-8331 KLEIN, DR. MILTON (41) Director Research, Development and Technology Applications International Energy Agency Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Chateau de la Muette 2 Rue Andre - Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France KLEINEBERG, DR.G. (38) Chief Chemistry Branch US Coast Guard R&D Center Avery Point Groton.CT 06340 203-445-8501 FTS-642-7274 KLIMA, DR. EDWARD F. (15) NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Fisheries Center Galveston Laboratory 4700 Avenue U Galveston, TX 77550 713-763-1211, Ext 501 KORPON, KATHI (46) Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Environ- ment and Public Works Subcommittee on Resource Pro- tection 4204 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-7851 KRAYBILL, DR.H. F. (39) National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Causes and Prevention Landow Bldg 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 301-496-1625 KUBLAWI,SALIM (40) Director Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Appalachian Regional Com- mission 1666 Connecticut Ave, NW Washington, DC 20235 202-673-7861 KUYAPT, DR. CHRIS (36) Director Center for Radiation Research National Bureau of Standards RAD P C229 Washington, DC 20234 301-921-2551 KYROS, PETER (48) Counsel House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries 1334 Longworth House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-4047 LACHAPELLE, DAVID G. (20,29,30) EPA/IERL (MD-65) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2236 FTS-629-2236 LaFLEUR, DR. PHILIP (36) Director Center for Analytical Chemistry NBS, Chem A309 Washington, DC 20234 301-921-2851 ------- Index 62 LANDERS, ROBERT (4) EPA/EMSL P.O. Box 15027 Las Vegas, IW89114 702-736-2969, Ext 336 LANES, STEVE (49) Staff Director Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production House Science and Technology Committee B374 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-229-9117 LANIER, WILLIAM S. (20,29) EPA/IERL (MD-65) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2432 FTS-629-2432 LaROCK, RALPH (39) NASA Headquarters RE-14 Washington, DC 20546 202-755-2306 LASKA, RICHARD M. (34) EPA/ORD/ORPM/TIO (RD-674) 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-426-9454 LAUGHLIN, THOMAS (46) Professional Staff Member Subcommittee on Energy Re- sources and Materials Production 3106 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-2564 LAVOIE, DR. RONALD L. (33) Director Science and Academic Affairs Office NOAA 6010 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD 20852 301-443-8721 LEE, DR. C. C. (27) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4334 LEFCOURT, DR. PAUL (12) EPA/ORD/OEPER (RD-682) 401 M Street, SW Rm 3817 I Washington, DC 20460 202-426-0265 LEFOHN, DR. ALLEN (23) EPA/0 RD Federal Bldg Montana Energy Operations Staff Helena, MT 59601 406-449-5432 LEHMAN, DR. RICHARD (33) Acting Director Office of Ecology and Conservation Room 5813 NOAA Washington, DC 20230 202-377-5181 LEHMANN, EDWARD (36) Chief Information Analysis Branch NTIS Sprinfield, VA 22161 703-557-4640 LEIGH.CDR TED (37) Chief Environmental Technology Branch US Coast Guard GDOE-1/TP54 Washington, DC 20590 202426-1023 LEISS, DR. JAMES (35) Associate Director High Energy and Nuclear Physics Office of Energy Research MS-J309 Department of Energy Washington, DC 20545 301 -353-3081 FTS-233-3081 LEWIS, DR. ROBERT A. (15) DOE/OHER Washington, DC 20545 301-353-5079 FTS-233-5079 LIBERICK, WALTER W. (27) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-6844363 LIEBMAN, SAMUEL (35) Smithsonian Science Information Exchange Science Division 1730M Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-381-4211 LINDEMANN, DR. WILLIAM C. (13) Agricultural Experiment Station New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003 505-646-0111 LINDSAY, DR. WILLIAM (42) Director Office of Electric Power Regulations FERC, Rm 5100 825 N. Capital Street Washington, DC 20426 202-275-4777 LITTLE, C. O. (2) Associate Director Agricultural Experiment Station University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506 606-257-2833 LORIA, JOHN (39) Solar Terrestrial Systems Office Energy Systems Division NASA (RET-14) 600 Independence Ave, SE Washington, DC 20003 202-755-2306 LOWETH, HUGH (45) Deputy Associate Director/Energy and Science Executive Office of Management and Budget 726 Jackson Place, NW Rm 8001 Washington, DC 20503 202-395-3404 LOWMAN, DR. FRANK G. (12) EPA/ERL South Ferry Road Narragansett, Rl 02882 401-789-1071 ------- Index 63 MACBETH, ANGUS (34) Chief Pollution Control Section Land and Natural Resources Division Department of Justice Washington, DC 20530 202-739-2707 MACHTA, LESTER (4) NOAA Air Resources Lab 8060 13th Street Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-427-7645 MACKENZIE, DR. JAMES (44) CEQ 722 Jackson Place, NW Rm 5013 Washington, DC 20006 202-395-4946 MacLAUCHLAN, R. S. (2,17) USDA/SCS P.O. Box 2890 Washington, DC 20013 202^47-5667 MacWOOD, NANCY (46) Legislative Assistant Senate Committee on Finance Subcommittee on Health 3121 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-6665 MAGEE, ROBERTA. (22) Program Manager Radian Corporation 8500 Shoal Creek Blvd P.O. Box 9948 Austin, TX 78766 512-454-4797, Ext 281 MAKEPEACE, G.R. (43) Director for Engineering Technology OUSDRE Department of Defense 3D 1089, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-7922 MALLING, DR. HEINRICH V. (10) NIEHS Lab of Biochemical Genetics P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3378 FTS-629-3378 MANEVAL, DR. DAVID (18) USDI Office of Surface Mining 18th andC Streets, NW Washington, DC 20240 202-343-5238 MANNINA, GEORGE (48) Professional Staff Member Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment 3578 House Annex #2 Washington, DC 20515 202-225-1320 MARCEAU, IAN (48) Staff Director Subcommittee on Natural Resources and Environment Committee on Science and Technology 2321 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 301-225-1066 MARIENTHAL, GEORGE (43,44) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Energy, Environment, and Safety OASD (MRA&L) 3D823, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-0221 MARTIN, CALVIN J. (44) Defense Fuel Supply Center (DFSC-AE) Environmental Control Office/ Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 202-274-6579 MARTIN, G. BLAIR (20,29) Combustion Research Branch EPA/IERL (MD-65) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2235 FTS-629-2235 MAULBETSCH, JOHN S. (42) Program Manager Water Quality Control and Heat Rejection Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue P.O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2438 MAXWELL, J.D. (29) TVA Office Service Warehouse Annex Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-2516 FTS-872-2516 MAXWELL, MICHAEL A. (25,28) Chief Emissions and Effluent Technology Branch EPA/IERL (Md-61) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2578 FTS-629-2578 MAYO, FRANCIS I (32) Director Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-7951 McCABE, MIKE (49) Staff Director Environmental Study Conference 3334 House Office Bldg, Annex #2 Washington, DC 20515 202-225-2988 McCAMMON, DR. HELEN M. (8,14) DOE/OHER Washington, DC 20545 301-353-5547 FTS-233-5547 McCARROLL, DR. JAMES (38) Manager Health Effects Program Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue P.O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2578 ------- Index 64 MCCARTHY, GEORGE D. (40) Federal Co-Chairman Old West Regional Commission 1730 K Street, NW Suite 426 Washington, DC 20006 202-634-3907 MCCARTHY, WILLIAM N.,JR. (16,22) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2737 McCLENDON, DR. L. M. (36) Water Program Manager NBS/Office of Environmental Measurements Chem A345 Washington, DC 20234 301-921-3775 McCORMACK, DONALD E. (18) Soil Survey Interpretations Division USDA/SCS P.O. Box 2890 Washington, DC 20013 202-447-9218 McGLAMERY, GERALD G. (28) Emission Control Development Projects OACD-TVA Office Service Warehouse Annex Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-4631 FTS-872-8516 McKELL, DR. CYRUS M. (18) Professor of Range Ecology Department of Range Science Utah State University Logan, UT 84322 801-752^100 McMILLION, LESLIE G. (4) EPA/EMSL P.O.Box 15027 Las Vegas, NV 89114 702-736-2969, Ext 241 McNELIS, DR. DAVID N. (4,5) EPA/EMSL P.O. Box 15027 Las Vegas, NV 89114 702-736-2969, Ext 261 McPHAIL, ROBERT L. (40) Administrator Western Area Power Administration Department of Energy P.O. Box 3402 Golden, CO 80401 303-231-1511 FTS-327-1511 MELFI, DR. S. HARVEY (4) NASA/EBT-8 Environmental Observation Division Washington, DC 20546 202-755-8628 MEYER, LEW (26) EPA/ORP Rm 1018-Crystal Mall #2 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 703-557-8977 MILLER, DR. EILIF V. (2,13) Principal Soil Scientist USDA/SEA/CR 6421 South Bldg Washington, DC 20250 202-447-6347 MILLER, ELLEN S. (47) Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs 3308 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224^751 MILLS, PAUL E. (22) Quality Assurance Officer Program Operations Office EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4216 MITCHELL, DR. CLIFFORD L. (10) Chief Laboratory of Behavioral and Neurological Toxicology NIEHS P.O.Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3220 FTS-629-3220 MOBLEY, J. D. (29,30) Process Technology Branch (MD-61) Utilities and Industrial Power Div EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2915 FTS-629-291 5 MONTGOMERY, HUGH B. (18) Assistant Director Abandoned Mineland Reclamation Program USDI Rm 213, Post Office Bldg 1823 Stout Street Denver, CO 80202 303-837-5918 FTS-327-5918 MOORE, DR. H. G., JR. (2) TVA Interagency Coordinator 401 Chestnut Street, Rm 268 Chattanooga, TIM 37401 615-755-3161 MOORE, JOHN (47) Staff Director House Government Operations Committee 2157 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-5051 MOORE, THOMAS (46) Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation 4204 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-2664 MOURN1GHAN, R. E. (27) Project Officer EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4334 MUELLER, LEONARD H. (11) EPA/ERL 6201 Congdon Blvd Duluth, MN 55804 218-727-6692, Ext 529 FTS-783-9529 ------- Index 65 MUGLER, JOHN P., JR. (6) NASA Env. Quality Program Office Hampton, VA 23665 804-827-2717 MULLAN, JOSEPH (43) National Coal Association 1130 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-628-4322 WIUNN, DR. J. I. (39) National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Causes and Prevention Landow Bldg 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 301-496-1625 MURPHY, THOMAS A. (32) Director Environmental Research Laboratory 200 SW 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97330 503-757-4601 FTS-420-4601 MURRAY, DR. WILLIAM (38) Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for Health and Ecological Effects EPA/ORD Rm3100 401 M Street SW Washington, DC 20460 202-426-2382 NAUMAN, CHARLES (3) EPA/ORD/OEPER 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-426-3974 NELSON, WILLIAM C. (13) Coordinator Agricultural Economics North Dakota Experiment Station North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 58102 701-237-7441 NETTESHEIM, DR. PAUL (10) Chief Laboratory of Pulmonary Function and Toxicology NIEHS P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3540 FTS-629-3540 NIELSEN, DR. G.A. (13) Professor Soil Genesis, Morphology and Classification Plant and Soil Science Department Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 406-994-4601 NORLING, RICH (48) Staff Director Subcommittee on Oceanography 1501 Longworth House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-3444 NORMAN, DR. LINDSAY, JR. (2) Acting Director Bureau of Mines 2401 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20241 202-634-1300 NOSENZO, LOUIS V. (41) Deputy Assistant Secretary Energy Office of Oceans and Inter- national Environmental and Scientific Affairs US Department of State Washington, DC 20520 202-6324360 NUTT, BGEN WAYMOND C. (43) Director Maintenance and Supply AF/LEY Air Force 4E278, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-4900 O'BRIEN, WILLIAM E. (28) Emission Control Development Projects OACD-TVA Office Service Warehouse Annex Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-2516 FTS-872-8516 O'BRYAN, DONALD J., JR. (18) Office of Surface Mining Department of the Interior Washington, DC 20240 202-343-6786 O'CONOR, DR. GREGORY T. (2,39) Division Director Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention National Cancer Institute Building 31, Rm 11A03 Bethesda, MD 20014 301-496-6618 O'KEEFFE, ANDREW E. (4) EPA/ESRL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2408 FTS-629-2408 OLEXSEY, ROBERT A. (26,27) EPA/IERL OR&D Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4363 ONDICH,GREG (23) EPA/ORD/OEET (RD-681) 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-4857 ORSINI, ERICA. (43) Special Assistant for Energy OASA (Installations, Logistics and Financial Management) 3E620, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-9030 OSBORNE, MICHAEL C. (19) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2898 FTS-629-2898 PARADISE, STEVEN (47) General Counsel and Staff Director Senate Committee on Human Resources 4230 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5375 ------- Index 66 PARENT, CDRJ. H. (38) Chief Planning and Special Project Staff U.S. Coast Guard (G-MP/82) 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202^26-1483 PATTON, DR. GEORGE (39) Director Environmental Affairs American Petroleum Institute 2101 L Street Washington, DC 20037 202-457-7070 PENA, BERT (47) House Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Department In- vestigations, Oversight, and Research 1301 Longworth House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-1867 PERHAC, DR. RALPH (38,42) Physical Factors Program Manager/ Acting Department Director, Environmental Assessments 3412 Hillview Ave P.O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2586 PETERS, WARREN (19) EPA/IERL (MD-61) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2547 FTS-629-2547 PINES, ALBERT (34) EPA/ORD 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202426-9454 PLYLER, EVERETT L. (19,25,28) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2915 FTS-629-291 5 PONDER, WADE (19) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2915 FTS-629-291 5 POTTER, DR. FRANK M., JR. (48) Staff Director and Counsel Subcommittee on Energy and Power 3204 House Office Bldg Annex #2 Washington, DC 20515 202-225-1030 POVINELLI, FREDERICK P. (36) Acting Manager Advanced Propulsion Systems Office Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology NASA (RJ-5) Washington, DC 20546 202-755-2497 POWEL, SAMUEL F., Ill (37) Acting Chief Automotive Fuel Economy Research and Analysis DOT/NHTSA 21002nd Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202426-2957 POWERS, THOMAS G. (49) General Counsel House Small Business Committee 2361 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-5821 POWERS, THOMAS J. (22) EPA/IERL Environmental Engineering Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-6844363 PRESTON, DR. ERIC (11) Terrestrial Systems Division EPA/ERL 200 SW 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97330 503-757-4671 FTS-420-4671 PRESTON, DR. GEORGE (42) Technical Manager Integration and Coordination 3412 Hillview Avenue P.O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2461 PRINCIOTTA, FRANK T. (16,32) Director Energy Processes Division EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2737 PUESCHEL, DR. RUDOLF F. (4) NOAA Atmospheric Physics & Chemistry Lab Boulder, CO 80302 303-499-1000, Ext 6360 FTS-323-6360 PYATT, EVERETT (44) Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Defense (Logistics and Environment) OASN (MRA & L) 266 Crystal Plaza #5 2211 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202 202-692-3227 QUINN, HERBERT B. (2) Acting Director USFWS Office of Biological Services Washington, DC 20240 202-634-4860 RAKES, SAMUEL L. (19,22) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2825 FTS-629-2825 BALL, DR. DAVID P. (2) Director NIEHS Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3201 FTS-629-3201 REID, BARRY (7,11) EPA/ERL 200 SW 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97330 503-757-4607 FTS-420-4607 REID, C.P.P. (13) Associate Professor Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 303-491-6637 ------- Index 67 REIN, CDR. DAVID A. (44) Air and Water Program Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (EES) 3D823, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-0221 REITER, DR. LAWRENCE (9) Research Pharmacologist EPA (MD-74) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2671 FTS-629-2671 REMINI, WILLIAM C. (25) DOE ET-772MS B-107 Washington, DC 20585 301-353-2962 FTS-233-2962 REY, GEORGE (16) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-426-2683 REZNEK, DR. STEVEN R. (2,32) Deputy Assistant Administrator EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-4858 RHODES, WILLIAM (22) EPA/IERL ERG Bldg Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2851 FTS-629-2851 RIVLIN, DR. ALICE (49) Director Congressional Budget Office 2nd and D Streets, SW House Annex #2 Washington, DC 20515 202-225-2037 ROSE, CARL (45) General Counsel Senate Agriculture Committee Russell Senate Office Bldg Rm 322 Washington, DC 20510 202-224-2035 ROSE, SUSAN (35) DOE (E201) Office of Environment Washington, DC 20545 202-353-3794 FTS-233-3794 ROTH, DR. CHARLES B. (18) Department of Agronomy Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 317-749-2891 ROUSH, THOMAS (11) EPA/ERL 6201 Congdon Boulevard Duluth, MN 55804 218-727-6692 Ext 568 FTS-783-9568 RUANE, RICHARD J. (8) TVA 401 Chestnut Street, Rm 248 Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3167 FTS-854-3167 SADLER, COL. C. D. (44) Director Environmental Policy OASD (MRA&L) EES 3D823, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-0221 SAGAN, DR. LEONARD (39) Program Manager Biomedical Studies Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue P.O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2585 SALKIND, DR. MICHAEL (36) Program Manager NASA Headquarters (RJT-4) 600 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20546 202-755-3000 SAMMIS, DR. THEODORE W. (18) Department of Aguricultural Engineering New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003 505-646-2902 SANDERS, WALTER M., Ill (7) EPA/ERL College Station Road Athens, GA 30605 404-546-3171 FTS-250-3171 SARVIS, AUBREY L. (45) Staff Director and Chief Counsel Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation 5202 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5115 SAVITZ, DR. MAXINE (40) Acting Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Solar Applications DOE 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20245 202-376-4934 SCHAFER.CARL (32) Director Industrial Extractive Processes Division EPA/ORD/OEET (RD-681) 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-9014 SCHARDT, BRUTON B. (27) Program Manager NASA Headquarters (ERS-2) 600 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20546 202-755-6038 SCHEPPACH, RAYMOND C. (49) Assistant Director Congressional Budget Office Natural Resources and Commerce Division Rm 3409, House Annex #2 2nd and D Streets, SW Washington, DC 20515 202-225-1494 SCHNEIDER, DR. ERIC D. (11,1 2) EPA/ORD/ERL South Ferry Road Narragansett, Rl 02882 401-789-1071 FTS-S38-4843 ------- Index 68 SCHUENKE, DAVID (47) Staff Director Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources B-371 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6427 SCHUPPERT, KEN (28) Emission Control Development Projects OACD-TVA Office Service Warehouse Annex Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-4631 FTS-872-8516 SCHWENGELS, PAUL (16) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2737 SCOTT, JOHN (40) Federal Programs Officer Ozarks Regional Commission No. 2099B, Commerce Bldg 14th & E Streets, NW Washington, DC 20230 202-377-2572 SEGAL, ELLIOTT (48) Staff Director Subcommittee on Health and the Environment 2415 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-4952 SHALALA, DR. DONNA E. (2) Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research HUD 451 7th Street, SW Rm 8100 Washington, DC 20410 202-755-5600 SHANHOLTZ, DR. V.O. (13) Department of Agricultural Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061 703-951-6615 SHARKEY, WILLIAM J. JR. (43) Director for Energy OASD (MRA&L) EES 1D760 Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-5981 SHAW, LEONARD (41) Division of Environmental Review and Compliance Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service USDI Washington, DC 20240 202-343-7554 SHEA, DR. KEITH R. (33) Assistant Director Program Management Science and Education Administration USDA 14th and Independence Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20250 202-447-7223 SHEPHERD, DR. GEORGE (33,35) Director Office of Program Coordination DOE 20 Massachrsi3tts Avenue, NW Rm 4235 Washington, D^ 20545 202-376^445 SHYKIND, DR. EDWIN B. (41) Director Office of Business Policy Analysis USDC Rm 3112 Washington, DC 20230 202-377-2496 SIEBERT, GEORGE W. (44) Pesticides & Toxic Substances OASD (MRA&L) EES 3D833, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-5947 SKINNER, DR. QUENTIN (18) Assistant Professor Range Management Division University of Wyoming Box 3354 University Station Laramie, WY 82071 307-766-4139 SMITH, DR. DAVID A. (9) DOE/OHER Washington, DC 20545 202-353-4819 FTS-233-4819 SMITH, LINDA K. (35) EPA/ORPM/TIO (RD-675) 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-426-9454 SMITH, LOWELL (16,24) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-426-2683 SMITH, DR. MICHAEL (18) Assistant Professor Range Management Division P.O. Box 3354, University Station University of Wyoming Laramie, WY 82071 307-766-2337 SMITH, MONA (42) USDI/OSM 1100 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20240 202-523-5485 SMITH, DR. RICHARD M. (13,18) Professor of Agronomy Division of Plant Sciences University of West Virginia Morgantown, WV 26506 304-293-4817 SMITH, DR. WILLIS (46) Professional Staff Member Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development 3106 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-7530 SNELL, DR. JACK E. (33) Director Office of Energy Programs National Bureau of Standards Washington, DC 20234 301-921-3275 ------- Index 69 SONTAG, DR. JAMES (39) Executive Secretary NCI Clearinghouse NIH/NCI Bldg31, Rm 3A16 Bethesda, MD 20014 301-496-5108 SPARKS, DR. LESLIE E. (31) Paniculate Technology Branch EPA/IERL (MD-61) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2925 FTS-629-2925 SPENSLEY, JAMES W. (49) Counsel and Staff Director Subcommittee on Energy Develop- ment and Applications House Science and Technology Committee B374 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-9117 STACY, DR. RALPH (9) HERL/RTP (MD-58) Medical Bldg C Mason Farm Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919-541-2601 FTS-629-2601 STAPLETON, DR. GEORGE E. (9) DOE/OHER Washington, DC 20545 202-353-5039 FTS-233-5039 STATNICK, ROBERT M. (16) EPA/ORD/OEET 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2737 STEMMLE, DR. JAMES (3,24) EPA/ORD/OEPER (RD-682) 401 M Street, SW Rm3817C Washington, DC 20460 202-426-3974 STENBURG, ROBERT L. (26,27) EPA/MERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-7861 STEPHAN, DR. DAVID G. (32) Director Industrial Environmental Research Lab EPA Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-4402 STERN, DR. CARLOS (44) Deputy for Environment & Safety SAF/MIQ 4C885 Pentagon Washington, DC 20330 202-697-9297 STERN, MICHAEL (46) Staff Director Senate Committee on Finance 2222 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-4515 STERN, RICHARD D. (28,29) EPA/IERL Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2915 FTS-629-291 5 STEWART, JOHN G. (45) Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Subcommittee on Science, Tech- nology and Space 5202 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-9351 STEWART, DR. ROBERT E. JR. (14) Coal Project Leader Office of Biological Services USFWS Washington, DC 20810 202-653-5223 STICKEL, LUCILLE F. (14) USFWS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Laurel, MD 20810 301-776-4880 STIRLING, DEBORAH J. (45) Staff Counsel National Oceans Policy Study Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation 5202 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-9321 STROJAN, DR. CARL L. (8) Lab of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology University of California 900 Veteran Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 213-825-1403 STROMBOTNE, DR. RICHARD L. (37) Director Office of Automotive Fuel Economy Standards (NRM-20) DOT/NHTSA 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 202-426-0846 STUKEL, DR. JAMES J. (23) ORBES 133 Advanced Computation Bldg 1011 West Springfield Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 217-333-8861 SUNDARARAMAN, N. (34) Office of Environment and Energy DOT/FAA 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 202-755-8933/1851 SWIFT, DR. JERRY J. (26) EPA/ORP (ANR-459) 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 703-557-7604 TAIT, HOWARD (14) USFWS NSTL Station, MS 39529 601-688-2091 FTS-494-2091 TAMNY, LEWIS D. (21) EPA/IERL (MD-61) Fuel Process Branch Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2709 FTS-629-2709 TARKINGTON, TERRY (29) Emission Control Development Projects OACD-TVA Office Service Warehouse Annex Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-4631 FTS-872-8516 ------- Index 70 TEASLEY, JOHN I. (11) EPA/ERL 6201 Congdon Blvd. Duluth, MN 55804 281-727-6692, Ext 509 FTS-783-9509 TEIXEIRA, DONALD (42) Program Manager Air Quality Control Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue P.O.Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2425 THIEL, DR. CHARLES C. JR. (34) National Science Foundation Problem-Focused Research Applications 1800G Street, NW Washington, DC 20550 202-632-4345 THOEM, TERRY (4) EPA Region VIII 1860 Lincoln St, Suite 900 Denver, CO 80295 303-837-5914 THOMAS, AL (10) Deputy Chief TERB OECSP,NIOSH 5600 Fishers Lane, Rm 8-48 Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-3843 THOME, PITT G. (27) NASA Headquarters (ER-2) Director Resource Observation Division 600 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20546 202-755-8458 THORNTON, ROBERT D. (48) Counsel Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment 3574 House Annex #2 Washington, DC 20515 202-225-7307 THORUD, D. (2,12,17) USDA Forest Environment Research P.O. Box 2417 Rm 808 Washington, DC 20013 703-235-1071 THURNAU, ROBERT (22) EPA/IERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684^363 TINKLEMAN, DR. MICHAEL (42) Washington Representative Energy Analysis and Environment EPRI 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 202-872-9222 TOBERMAN, ROBERT G. (40) Executive Director Southwest Border Regional Commission 100 North Stone, Suite 309 Tucson, AZ 85701 602-792-6781 FTS-76 2-6871 TORSTRICK, R. L. (28) Emission Control Development Projects OACD-TVA Office Service Warehouse Annex Muscle Shoals, AL 35660 205-383-4631 FTS-872-8516 TOZZI,JIM J. (45) Chief Environmental Branch Natural Resources Division Office of Management and Budget 726 Jackson Place, Rm 8222 Washington, DC 20503 202-395-6827 TYLER, ERROL (48) Counsel Subcommittee on Water Resources 2165 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-4472 URBANEK, JOSEPH W. (44) Special Assistant for Environmental Protection Defense Logistics Agency - Technical and Logistics Services DLA-SME 4C499 Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 202-274-7503 VANCE, WILLIAM F. (43) Assistant for Energy Program Management OASD (MRA&L) EES 1 D760, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-2500 VAN HORN, DR. ANDREW J. (23) Director of Engineering Group Teknekron, Inc. 2118 Milvia Street Berkeley, CA 94704 415-548-4100 WAGNER, COL JOHN E. (43) Assistant for Energy Conservation OASD (MRA&L) EES 1D760, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-697-1988 WAGNER, WILLIAM (5) NIOSH 944 Chestnut Ridge Road Morgantown, WV 26505 304-599-7421 FTS-923-7421 WALD, DR. HASKELLP. (42) Director Office of Regulatory Analysis FERC Rm 9216 825 N Capitol Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 202-275-4118 WALL, H. (31) Ultimate Disposal Section EPA/MERL Cincinnati, OH 45268 513-684-7659 ------- Index 71 WALLACE, DR. ARTHUR (8) Lab of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology University of California 900 Veteran Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 213-825-8739 WALSH, JAMES P. (2) Deputy Administrator National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commerce Bldg Rm 5802 Washington, DC 20230 301-377-3436 WAMMEL, ARTHUR W. (44) Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Programs OASD (MRA&L) EES 3D 823, Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 202-695-0221 WASEL, ROBERT (39) Solar Energy Division NASA (RE-14) 600 Independence Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20003 202-755-2306 WASSER, JOHN H. (20) EPA/IERL (MD-65) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2476 FTS-6 29-2476 WATERS, DR. MICHAEL D. (9) Coordinator of Genetic Toxicology Program EPA/HERL (MD-68) Biochemistry Branch Environmental Toxicology Division Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-2518 FTS-629-2518 WATSON, JOHN L. (40) Executive Director Western Interstate Energy Board Western Interstate Nuclear Board 3333 Quebec Street Suite 2500 Stapleton Plaza Denver, CO 80207 303-837-5851 WATSON, MclVER (41) Coastal Plains Regional Commission 215 East Bay Street Charleston, SC 29401 803-274-4411 FTS-677-4411 WAITERS, DR. ROBERT L. (8,14) DOE/OHER Washington, DC 20545 301-353-5329 FTS-233-5329 WEAVER, DR. NEILL (39) Director of Health and Biological Sciences American Petroleum Institute 2101 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 202^57-7190 WEBER, DR. DAVID (3) EPA/ORD/OEPER (RD-682) 401 M Street, SW Rm 3817B Washington, DC 20460 202-426-0288 WEISS, DR. LEONARD (47) Staff Director Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation and Federal Services 6206 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-2627 WELLS, W. L. (28) TV A 470 Commerce Union Bank Bldg Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-755-3581 FTS-854-3581 WESLER, JOHN E. (34) Office of Environment and Energy DOT/FAA 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 202-755-8933/1851 WEST, FOWLER C. (47) Staff Director House Committee on Agriculture 1301 Longworth House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 202-225-2171 WEWERKA, EUGENE M. (21) DOE/LASL Group CMB-8, MS 734 Los Alamos, NM 87545 505-667-5182 FTS-843-5182 WHITE, DR. DAVID (24) Coordinator Coal and Geothermal Programs Texas Energy Advisory Council 7703 North Lamar Austin, TX 78752 512-475-5588 WHITNAH, JOHN C. (33) Acting Director Office of Management Support DOE 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Rm 6128 Washington, DC 20545 202-376-4191 WIESNER, LOREN E. (13) Associate Professor Plant and Soil Science Department Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 406-994-4601 WILDER, IRA (17) Chief OHMSB EPA/IERL-Ci Edison, NJ 08817 201-321-6635 FTS-340-6635 WILLIAMSON, W. E. (48) Staff Director and Chief Clerk House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce 2125 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 WINZER, GEORGE E. (38) Environmental Research Office of Policy Development and Research HUD 451 7th Street, SW Rm8216 Washington, DC 20410 202-755-7340 ------- Index 72 WOLFE, DR. DOUGLAS A. (8) NOAA/ERL OCS Environmental Assessment Program Boulder, CO 80302 303-499-1000 Ext. 6531 FTS-323-6531 WOODARD, DR. DONALD (12) USDI/FWS Office of Biological Services Washington, DC 20240 202-634-4913 WYZGA, DR. DONALD (42) Program Manager Integrated Assessment Electric Power Research Institute 3412 H illview Avenue P.O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2577 YAGO,JOHN W. JR. (46) Staff Director Environment and Public Works 4204 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-6176 YANCIK, DR. JOSEPH (43) National Coal Association 113017th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-628-4322 YEAGER, KURT (42) Director Coal Combustion Systems Division Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-855-2456 YOUNT DR. J. DAVID (32) Acting Director Environmental Research Laboratory 6201 Congdon Boulevard Duluth, MN 55804 218-727-6692 FTS-783-9549 ZARGER,T. G. (15) TVA Division of Forestry Fisheries and Wildlife Development Norris, TN 37828 615-494-7173 Ext. 255 FTS-852-4411 ZARUBICA, MICHELE (41) Special Assistant/Environment to the Assistant Secretary for Energy and Minerals US Department of the Interior Rm 6650 18th and C Streets, NW Washington, DC 20240 202-343-5781 FTS-928-5781 ZIELINSKI, DR. WALTER, JR. (36) Air Program Manager NBS/Office of Environmental Measurements Chem A347 Washington, DC 20234 301-921-3775 ZINN, D. W. (2) Director Agriculture Experiment Station West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506 304-293-2395 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: I980 O 620-228/4027 REGION 3-1 ------- |