United States
                  Environmental Protection
      Office of
      Solid  Waste and
      Emergency Response
Publication 9320.7-071
September 1995
 V>EB\ Descriptions  of  12  Sites  Proposed
                 to  the  National  Priorities  List
                 in September  1995
   Office of Emergency and Remedial Res
   Hazardous Site Evaluation Division (52*
Intermittent Bulletin
Volume 5, Number 2
   This document consists of descriptions of the 12 sites proposed to the National Priorities List (NPL) in September 1995.
The size of the site is generally indicated, based on information available at the time the site was scored using the Hazard
Ranking System, nominated using ATSDR health advisory criteria, or designated as a State top priority.  The size may
change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination. Sites are arranged alphabetically
by site name.

   The  Superfund program is managed by the U.S.
Environmental  Protection  Agency (EPA).   It  is
authorized  by the  Comprehensive  Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA),
enacted  on  December 11,  1980, as amended by the
Superfund  Amendments  and  Reauthorization  Act
(SARA), enacted on October 17,  1986.   In October
1990, SARA was extended to September 30,1994.  An
appropriation  by  Congress  for Fiscal  Year 1995
authorized Superfund to continue to  operate.   The
Hazardous Substance Response Trust Fund set up by
CERCLA as amended pays the costs not assumed by
responsible parties for cleaning up hazardous waste sites
or emergencies that threaten public health, welfare, or
the environment;  Superfund also pays for overseeing
responsible parties conducting cleanup.

   Two types of responses may be  taken when a
hazardous substance  is released (or threatens to be
released) into the environment:

   •  Removal actions — emergency-type responses
     to imminent threats. SARA limits these actions
     to 1  year and/or $2 million,  with a waiver
     possible if the actions are consistent with remedial
                 responses. Removal actions can be undertaken by
                 the private parties responsible for the releases or
                 by the Federal government using the Superfund.

                 Remedial responses — actions  intended to
                 provide permanent solutions at uncontrolled
                 hazardous waste sites.  Remedial responses are
                 generally longer-term and more expensive than
                 removals.    A  Superfund-financed  remedial
                 response can be taken only if a site is on the
                 NPL. EPA published the first NPL in September
                 1983. The list must be updated at least annually.

                 EPA's goals for the Superfund program are to:

                 Ensure that polluters pay to clean up the problems
                 they created; and

                 Work first on the worst problems at the worst
                 sites, by making sites safe, making sites clean,
                 and bringing new technology to bear on the


   The money for conducting a remedial response at a
hazardous waste site (and a removal action, as well) can
come from several sources:

   •   The individuals or companies responsible for the
       problems can clean up voluntarily with EPA or
       State supervision, or they can be forced to clean
       up by Federal or State legal action.

   •   A  State or local government  can choose  to
       assume the responsibility  to clean up  without
       Federal dollars.

   •   Superfund can pay for the  cleanup, then seek to
       recover the costs from the responsible party or

   A remedial response, as defined by the National Oil
and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
(the   Federal  regulation  by  which  Superfund  is
implemented), is an  orderly  process  that generally
involves the following steps:

   •   Take any measures needed to stabilize conditions,
       which  might  involve, for  example, fencing the
       site or  removing above-ground drums  or bulk

   •   Undertake initial planning  activities to scope out
       a strategy for collecting information and analyzing
       alternative cleanup approaches.

   •   Conduct a  remedial investigation to characterize
       the type and extent of contamination at the site
       and to  assess  the  risks  posed  by  that

   •   Conduct a feasibility study to  analyze various
       cleanup alternatives. The feasibility study is often
       conducted  concurrently  with  the  remedial
       investigation as one project. Typically, the two
       together take from 18 to 24 months to complete
       and cost approximately $1.3 million.

   •   Select the cleanup alternative that:

       -   Protects human health and the environment;

       -   Complies   with  Federal   and  State
           requirements that are  applicable or relevant
           and appropriate;
      -  Uses permanent  solutions and  alternative
          treatment technologies or resource recovery
          technology   to  the   maximum   extent

      -  Considers views of the State and public; and

      -  Is "cost effective" - that is, affords results
          proportional to the costs of the remedy.

   •  Design the remedy. Typically, the design phase
      takes  6 to 12 months  to complete and  costs
      approximately $1.5 million.

   •  Implement the remedy, which might involve, for
      example, constructing faculties to treat  ground
      water or removing contaminants to a safe disposal
      area away from the site.

   EPA expects the implementation (remedial action)
phase to average out at about $25 million (plus any costs
to operate and maintain  the action) per site, and some
remedial actions may take several years to complete.

   The  State government can participate in a remedial
response under Superfund in  one of two ways:

   •  The  State can  take  the  lead role under  a
      cooperative agreement,  which  is much  like a
      grant  in that Federal dollars are transferred to the
      State.   The  State  then develops a workplan,
      schedule, and budget, contracts for any services
      it needs, and  is responsible for making sure that
      all the conditions in the cooperative agreement are
      met.  In contrast to a grant, EPA continues to be
      substantially  involved and monitors  the State's
      progress throughout the project.

   •  EPA  can take the lead under a Superfund State
      Contract, with the State's role outlined.  EPA,
      generally using contractor support, manages work
      early  in the planning process.  In the later design
      and implementation phases, contractors do the
      work under the supervision of the  U.S. Army
      Corps of Engineers.  Under both arrangements,
      the  State  must  share  in the  cost  of the
      implementation phase  of cleanup.

   CERCLA requires that EPA select the remedy.

                    National Priorities List Proposed Rule #19
                                  Site Summaries
                                 Table of Contents
Page       Site Name and Location

 4	Aircraft Components Inc. (D&L Sales), Benton Harbor, Michigan

 5	Brestobe-Perm, Incorporated, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania

 6	 Eastern Surplus Company, Meddybemps, Maine

 7	Franklin Bum, Franklin Township, New Jersey

 8	H&K Sales,.Belding, Michigan

 9..	Hanlin-Allied-Olin, Moundsville, West Virginia

10	..	Jennison-Wright Corporation, Granite City, Illinois

11	LCP Chemicals, Brunswick, Georgia

12	Little Valley,  Little Valley, New York

13...,	Penta Wood Products, Burnett County, Wisconsin

14...	Welsbach and General Gas Mantle Q)rtaminan'on,C^amden& Gloucester City, New Jersey

15	Wright Ground Water Contamination, Wright, Kansas

     	•    	OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division Washington. DC 20460	September 1995

                                                  AIRCRAFT COMPONENTS INC. (D&L SALES)
                                                                           Benton Harbor, Michigan

    The Aircraft Components Inc. site consists of 17 acres of land in Benton Harbor, Michigan, bounded by the Paw
    Paw River, North Shore Drive, and residential property.  The main building on the site consists of a combination
    warehouse/office building connected to a warehouse.  Outbuildings include a large metal-walled Quonset hut and
    a small Quonset hut.  The buildings have been used for the past 40 to 50 years for the storage of radioluminous
    aircraft gauges containing radium as part of a mail-order distribution service known as Aircraft Components, Inc.

    After World War II, the U.S. Army sold aircraft components parts, including radioactive radioluminescent aircraft
    dials, to Aircraft Components of Benton Harbor.  Aircraft Components operated a mail order catalogue business
    selling Army surplus.  The estate of the owners of Aircraft Components sold the property in the early  1990s to
    D&L Sales, which was interested in the warehouse building but not the Army surplus.  D&L sold the aircraft parts
    to H&K Sales of Belding, Michigan, an aircraft parts dealer. H&K Sales removed the bulk of the radioactive parts
    to Belding, Michigan.   However, numerous aircraft cockpit gauges with dials, pointers, and scales labeled with
    radioluminescent paint were found throughout the  site, including some gauges partially buried outside of the onsite
    buildings. In addition to the remaining inventory of aircraft gauges (roughly estimated at several thousand), the
    warehouse currently contains paper products and  Christmas items in storage for shipment as pan of the business
    managed by  D&L Sales. The Michigan Department of Public Health (MDPH) staff are working with the owners
    to control movement of merchandise on or off the site to ensure that the items are not contaminated.  No individuals
    routinely work at this site.                  .    •

    The MDPH  Division of Radiological  Health conducted a preliminary radiation survey on September 26,  1994.
    Division staff, with the assistance of EPA Region 5, conducted a second supplemental radiation survey on October
    20,  1994. Gamma radiation levels measured in the office building,  warehouse, and  Quonset huts ranged from
    background levels to 5 milliroentgens per hour.  Elevated radiation readings of 50 microroentgens per hour were
    measured outside of the basement windows of the warehouse section. Both fixed and removable contamination
    exceeded applicable State regulatory limits.  Beta/gamma contamination levels ranged  from about 100 counts per
    minute to about 170,000 counts per minute.  Ground contamination, after the aircraft gauges were relocated, was
    measured to be 4,000 to 13,000 counts per minute beta/gamma.  Investigations show that radioactive contamination
    has migrated from the Benton Harbor warehouse to the land around the warehouse, including the Paw Paw River,
    and possibly to surrounding wetlands.

    A preliminary health physics analysis of currently  available data relating to the radioluminous gauges indicates that
    the likely exposure to individuals includes external exposure to gamma rays, internal exposure due to inhalation of
    radon gas, and potential internal exposure due to inhalation and/or ingestion of contaminated material in the form
    of dust or other fine particles. The Agency  for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the U.S. Public
    Health Service issued a public health advisory on June 29,1995. Because some radiological contaminants are easily
    removed from surfaces, ATSDR believes that this site poses a health hazard to onsite employees, future remediation
    workers, nearby residents, and any intruders that may enter the onsite structures. Evidence of burning, vandalism,
    and trespassing suggest  that past exposure to radium and radon could have occurred.

    [The description of the site (release) is based on information available at the time the site was  evaluated. The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination. See 56
    FR 5600, February 11,  1991, or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

                      OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division Washington. DC 20460	.	September 1995
                                                               BRESLUBE-PENN, INCORPORATED
                                                                           Coraopolis, Pennsylvania

    The Breslube-Penn, Incorporated site is located on Montour Road in Coraopolis, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
    The property is approximately 5 acres in size and has been inactive since late 1991 - early 1992.  Five sources were
    identified at the site: the storage tanks, the staged contaminated waste, the filter cake disposal area, the waste pile,
    and the backfilled lagoon.

    In the mid-1970s, American Tallow and Wiseman Oil Company both conducted operations at the site.  American
    Tallow operated as  a meat-rendering business and discontinued operations at the facility around 1977. Wiseman
    Oil Company operated as a waste oil processing and reclamation facility at the site. Used oils were re-refined into
    fuel oils and sold to residual fuel users.  Wiseman Oil also manufactured lubricating oil from the used oils for a
    short period of time during its operation of the facility. A filtering agent clay was generated as a residue from the
    filter during this process.  The filter cake was stockpiled hi the southwestern portion of the property.  In February
    1981, sampling of  accumulated sludge material within the diked areas surrounding the onsite oil storage tanks
    indicated notable levels of polychlorinated (PCBs).

    Wiseman Oil and American  tallow had operated a lagoon in the southwestern end of the property.  Oily plating
    waste from a Westinghouse plant in New Jersey was allegedly disposed of in this lagoon.  Runoff from the lagoon
    and spillageonto the ground throughout the property caused ground water contamination. The lagoon was backfilled
    in 1979, but the waste was not removed from the lagoon.

    Breslube-Penn, Incorporated acquired the property and facility  in 1982 after Wiseman Oil declared bankruptcy.
    Breslube-Penn continued waste  oil reprocessing operations.  The company built tanks on the former location of
    Wiseman's lagoon and also constructed a lubricating oil re-refining plant.  The filter cake  from this operation was
    generally collected  in a roll-off box and disposed of both onsite and offsite.

    Breslube-Penn discontinued  fuel oil reprocessing at the subject site in 1986.  The facility was utilized as a waste
    oil transfer station from 1986 through late 1991 or early 1992 when operations at the facility ceased.  Three tanks
    were installed for use in oil  transferring operations.

    A sampling  site  inspection  was conducted at the facuity in October 1988.  Samples collected from the staged
    contaminated soil area,  the  filter cake area, and other areas 'onsite revealed elevated concentrations of volatile
    organic  compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile  organic  compounds  (SVOCs),  PCBs,  and  several inorganic
    compounds,  including  cyanide.   Downgradient ground water samples  contained  volatile  and  semi-volatile
    contaminants and PCBs.  Samples collected from the two onsite home wells indicated notable levels of VOCs. The
    site is also threatening municipal drinking water wells.

    Prior to July 1990, Breslube-Penn excavated and collected the formerly staged contaminated wastes into a large pile
    located hi the western section of the property.  Material from a 12-foot by 50-foot portion of the filter cake area
    was removed and also staged in the large waste pile. The waste pile reportedly had no liner or cover.  An expanded
    site inspection was  conducted in April 1991.  Samples collected from the waste pile and from the former staged
    contaminated waste area revealed elevated levels of VOCs, SVOCs,  PCBs, metals, and cyanide. Samples from the
    former filter cake area contained concentrations of several hazardous substances.  Several inorganic contaminants
    were detected in  sediment collected from  a drainage pipe from the site into Montour Run.

    [The description  of the site (release) is based on information available at  the time the site was scored.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination.  See 56
    FR 5600, February 11,  1991, or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

                      OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division  Washington. DC 20460	    September 1995
                                                                 EASTERN SURPLUS COMPANY
                                                                              Meddybemps, Maine

    The Eastern Surplus Company property covers approximately 3 acres near the center of Meddybemps, Washington
    County, Maine.  Eastern Surplus Company is bordered by Meddybemps Lake to the north, the Dennys River to the
    east, Route 191 to the south, and Stone Road to the west.  Beginning in 1946 until the early 1980s this property
    was the location of the Eastern Surplus Company, a retailer of army surplus and salvage items owned by Harry
    Smith Senior and Harry Smith Junior. The property use before 1946 is unknown.

    This property was originally inspected in October 1985 by the Maine Department of Environmental  Protection
    (MEDEP).  During this inspection, MEDEP personnel noted chemical odors, leaking electrical transformers,
    hundreds of deteriorating drums and containers, compressed gas cylinders, 16,000 pounds of calcium carbide, and
    numerous areas of stained soil.  The MEDEP immediately initiated emergency cleanup and removal measures and
    erected a fence to secure the property.

    Source sampling, arranged by the MEDEP and EPA between November 1985 and August 1990, has identified over
    50 different hazardous materials on the property, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorinated organic
    compounds (solvents), heavy metals, acids, paints, oils, asbestos, and pesticides.  Soil, ground water, and sediment
    samples collected by the EPA between 1987 and 1988 have shown that many of these contaminants were released
    into the environment.

    Two other hazardous waste sites are located in Meddybemps.  The Smith Junkyard site is approximately 2 miles
    from the Eastern Surplus site on Rt. 191. The Smith Junkyard site's surface water migration pathway, however,
    flows into the Dennys River over 3 miles downstream from the Eastern Surplus site and  the sample locations
    showing contaminants. The Green Hill Quarry site has only PCBs and chlorinated solvents  as contaminants.

    Contamination from the site threatens the adjacent Meddybemps Lake and the Dennys River.  Both of these surface
    water bodies maintain active fisheries and spawning areas, a National Wildlife Refuge, and habitat for the federally
    designated threatened bald eagle. Additionally, drinking water supplies for an estimated 200 people who use private
    drinking water wells located within a 4-mile radius of the property are threatened by contamination from the site.

    [The description of the site (release)  is based on information available  at the time the site  -was scored.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination. See 56
    FR 5600,  February 11, 1991 or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

     	OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division  Washington. DC 20460	September 199S

                                                                                     FRANKLIN BURN
                                                                   Franklin Township, New Jersey

    The Franklin Bum Site (FBS) is comprised of six separate parcels of land, located in Franklin Township, Gloucester
    County, New Jersey.   Federal and  state investigations indicate that unpennitted  copper reclamation activities
    occurred at the site locations, beginning in or before the early 1960s. Piles of scrap copper wire, capacitors, and
    transformers were deposited on the ground surface and then ignited to remove paint and insulation before metal
    recovery.  The  burn operations resulted in the generation of hard packed black ash piles containing numerous
    hazardous substances.  Four of the six ash piles (Burn Sites [BS] 1, 3, 4, and 5) are located north of Marshall Mill
    Road in Franklin Township.  BS 2 is located approximately 2.5 miles to the north, east of Lincoln Avenue in
    Franklin Township. BS 7 is located  approximately 1 mile to the northeast of the clustered Burn Sites, 2,000 feet
    northwest of Marshall Mill Road.  The six ash pile locations are geographically related, were created through
    similar activities, contain similar hazardous substances, and impact the same population, aquifer, and surface waters.
    All the areas that form the FBS are located within rural-residential neighborhoods, with one ash pile (BS 5) located
    in the yard of a private residence. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and Criminal
    Justice Department (NJCJD) initially investigated the burn operations in the late 1970s. Subsequent actions included
    recording  complaints from nearby residents, recording violations,  conducting investigations, issuing criminal
    indictments, and issuing a directive requiring site remediation. Bum operations, however, did not cease until 1988.
    The Gloucester County Department of Health (GCDH), the NJDEP, and the Franklinville Police Department then
    initiated frequent monitoring of the Bum Site locations in order to ensure that bum operations were halted.

    In May 1989, NJDEP requested that EPA assume the lead role in the assessment and remediation of the FBS, since
    the potentially responsible parties were financially unable to comply.  In May 1989, EPA conducted a removal
    assessment of two black ash pile locations (BSs 1 and 2).  Chemical  analysis of the ash  material indicated the
    presence of chlorinated dioxins, furans,  polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides,  and heavy metals.  EPA
    initiated the erection of a chain-link fence surrounding the two assessed areas and the application of a soil binding
    polymer (semi-pave) to the ash.

    hi April 1991, EPA initiated a site investigation (SI) at the FBS to determine whether contaminants were migrating
    offsite and to assess the potential threat to the environment.  During initial reconnaissance activities, EPA discovered
    through conversations with nearby residents that three additional ash piles existed (BSs  3, 4, and 5).  The newly
    discovered ash piles showed signs of public use.  Chemical analysis  of ash, soil, and sediment samples collected
    indicated the presence of hazardous substances attributable to the  FBS.

    hi April 1992, EPA initiated an extent of contamination study at the  newly discovered Bum Sites (i.e., 3,  4, and
    5).  Chemical analysis results indicated the presence of chlorinated dioxin, furans, and heavy metals in ash and soil
    samples collected in and surrounding the ash piles.

    hi September 1992, EPA continued their extent of contamination study to characterize contamination at another
    discovered Burn Site (BS 7), located approximately 1 mile to the northeast of the cluster of Burn Sites (BSs 1, 3,
    4, and 5).  The investigation further defined the extent of contamination at BSs 4, 5, and 6 and investigated the
    potential contamination of ground water.

    Subsequent to all investigation activities, the ash and contaminated soil at BSs 4, 5, and 7 were removed. The soils
    surrounding BSs 1, 2,  and 3 were excavated and placed into consolidated ash and soil piles, which were covered
    by temporary caps.  EPA completed  all removal activities in May 1993.

    [The description of the site (release) is based on information available at the time the site was scored.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination.   See 56
    FR 5600, February 11, 1991,  or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

     	;	OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division  Washington. DC 20460	    September 1995

                                                                                            H&K SALES
                                                                                     Belding, Michigan

    H&K Sales is an aircraft parts dealer located in Belding, Michigan. The H&K Sales site consists of several acres
    of land bounded by the Flat River, Bridge Street, and adjacent industrial buildings.  The site includes a warehouse
    building constructed with a mainly concrete floor and foundation, brick and block walls, and a metal roof.  Storage
    space is estimated at about 30,000 square feet with about 20,000 square feet occupied exclusively by aircraft gauges
    and materials originating from the former Aircraft Components,  Inc. facility.

    After World War II, the US Army sold aircraft components parts, including radioactive radioluminescent aircraft
    dials, to Aircraft Components, Inc. of Benton Harbor, Michigan. Aircraft Components  operated a mail  order
    catalogue business selling Army surplus.  The estate of the owners of Aircraft Components sold the property in the
    early  1990s to D&L Sales, who were interested in the warehouse building but not the Army surplus.  D&L sold
    the aircraft parts to H&K Sales. H&K Sales transferred approximately 150 truck shipments of the radioactive parts
    to their Belding,  Michigan warehouse from November 1993 to April 1994.  In addition, wooden cases with labels
    indicating that they might contain unexploded ordnance were observed at the warehouse during an Agency for Toxic
    Substance and Disease Registry (ATSDR) investigation; however, the contents of the cases have not been verified.

    On October 3,1994, the Michigan Department of Public Health (MDPH) Division of Radiological Health conducted
    a preliminary radiation survey.   Division staff,  with the assistance of US EPA Region 5,  conducted a second
    supplemental radiation survey on October 21, 1994.  Gamma radiation levels measured in the warehouse ranged
    from background levels to 7 milliroentgens per hour. An estimated 3,000 to 6,000 radioluminous aircraft gauges
    are in storage at this site.  A relatively extensive area of the warehouse presented gamma radiation levels in excess
    of 1. milliroentgen per hour.   Surface contamination was measured as ranging from about .200 counts per minute
    to about 5,000 counts per minute at several locations. Radon levels measured in the building ranged from about
    30 to 50 picocuries per liter, well above expected background levels.  No individuals routinely work at this site.

    A preliminary health physics analysis of currently available data relating to the radioluminous gauges indicates that
    the likely exposure to individuals includes external exposure to gamma rays, internal exposure due to inhalation of
    radon gas, and potential internal exposure due to inhalation and/or ingestion of contaminated material in the form
    of dust or other fine particles.  ATSDR issued a public health advisory on June 29,  1995.  Because  some
    radiological contaminants are  easily removed from surfaces, ATSDR  believes that this site poses a health hazard
    to onsite employees, future remediation workers, nearby residents, and  any intruders that may enter the onsite

    [The description of the site (release)  is based on information available at the time the site was evaluated.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination. See 56
    FR 5600, February 11, 1991, or subsequent FR  notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

     	OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division  Washington. DC 20460	   September 1995

                                                                         Moundsville, West Virginia

    The Hanlin-Allied-Olin site is an inactive chemical manufacturing plant located 2.5 miles south of Moundsville,
    Marshall County, West Virginia.  The site is currently owned by three parties:  Hanlin/LCP Chemicals, Allied
    Chemical Corporation, and Olin Corporation. The site includes a 135-acre North Plant owned by Allied and Olin,
    and a 225-acre South Plant owned by Hanlin.

    The site is bordered by the Ohio River to the north and west, West Virginia Route 2 to the east, and a golf course
    to the south.  Access is restricted by the river and by a chain  link fence and security guard.  The site is directly
    underlain by a continuous unconsolidated alluvial aquifer.  The majority of the population near the site relies on
    ground water as a source of drinking water. The Marshall County Public Service District #2 utilizes two wells
    approximately 0.6 miles south of the site to supply 3,000 people, and the Moundsville Water Department uses seven
    wells approximately 2.9 miles from the site to supply 15,000 people.  All of these wells are located in the alluvial

    The entire site was owned and operated by Allied from 1953 to 1980.  Allied's operation included the manufacture
    of toluene diisocyanate (TDI), methylene dianiline, and hydrochloric acid, and included waste disposal areas on both
    the North and South plants.  Allied sold a portion of the North Plant to Olin in 1980 and sold the entire South Plant
    to LCP Chemicals (Hanlin) in 1981. Allied still owns the west side of the North Plant, known as "Allied Park."
    After purchasing  the east side of the  North Plant from Allied, Olin continued manufacturing  the previously
    mentioned chemicals and continued using an equalization pond. Olin also introduced new sources such as the new
    TDI pile.  After purchasing the South Plant, Hanlin continued using the South Plant for waste disposal operations,
    including several  waste lagoons.  Hanlin also produced chlorine and sodium hydroxide by electrolytic mercury
    decomposition in mercury cells in saltbrine and produced chloromethane by reacting methanol  with anhydrous
    hydrochloric acid. Production  of chemicals on the South  Plant ended by July 1991.

    The sources owned by the three companies are aggregated into a single site because: 1) one party (Allied) originally
    owned and operated the entire site for various operations;  2) after Olin and Hanlin purchased portions of the site,
    they presumably continued to produce  similar wastestreams with similar disposal methods; and 3) contamination
    from each of the three properties threatens the same ground water resource.

    Potential source areas on the North Plant include the lime pond, NAD pond black  water, formaldehyde pond,
    equalization pond, settling pond, old TDI pile, new TDI pile,  storage tank area, and drum storage area.  None of
    these are used in  scoring the site.  Sources of contamination  on the South Plant evaluated in the HRS Package
    include the chloromethane production area, the mercury settling ponds/surface impoundments, and five wastewater
    lagoons, which include three former spent lime ponds, a former storage pond, and a former clarification pond.
    Other sources at the South Plant, which were not used in  scoring the site, include a former trash dump, a former
    acid neutralization pit/area, a brine well pond, another clarification pond, a former stabilized sludge burial area,
    a former drum storage unit, and a tank storage area.

    Hazardous  substances contained in the three evaluated  waste sources include mercury, methylene  chloride,
    chloroform, carbon tetrachloride,  tetrachloroethene, trichloroethylene,  and 1,1,2-trichloroethane. All of these
    substances, as well as other related substances, have been detected in the ground water in the alluvial aquifer.  A
    1981 State Consent Decree ordered Allied to pump onsite wells on the northern (now Allied and Olin) and southern
    (now Hanlin) properties  for 20 and 14 years,  respectively,  or to otherwise  prevent the offsite migration of
    contaminants in the ground water.  The site is not eligible for RCRA Corrective Action for various reasons relating
    to ownership, permit dates, and financial solvency.

    [The description of the site (release) is based  on information available at the time the site was scored.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination.  See 56
    FR 5600, February 11, 1991, or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

                      OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division Washington. DC 20460                          September 1995

                                                            JENNISON-WRIGHT CORPORATION
                                                                                Granite City, Illinois

    The Jennison-Wright Corporation site is located on a 20-acre parcel property at 900 West 22nd Street in Granite
    City, Madison County,  Illinois.  The area surrounding the site consists primarily of residential and industrial
    properties.  Operations began at the facility in 1910 and continued until 1989.  The facility treated wood block
    flooring and railroad  ties.  Compounds used in the  operations included creosote, pentachlorophenol, and zinc
    naphthenate. Jennite,  an asphalt sealer product composed of coal tar, pitch, clay, and water was also manufactured
    at the site.

    Midland Creosoting Company acquired portions of the property in 1921  and 1926. Midland Creosoting Company
    conveyed and warranted their holdings to the Jennison-Wright Corporation on January 29, 1940. The Jennison-
    Wright Corporation operated at the site until 1981, when the property was acquired by 2-B-J.W. After acquiring
    the property, 2-B-J.W. changed its name to Jennison-Wright Corporation.  Neyra Industries purchased  the Jennite
    equipment and continued the Jennite process onsite.  Operations at the site continued,until the Jennison-Wright
    Corporation filed for  Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in  November 1989.  An  auction was held in 1990 to sell process
    equipment and other items.

    Wastes generated during treating operations  include  waste and wastewaters contaminated with creosote,
    pentachlorophenol,. and  related compounds.  These wastes were disposed of hi two lagoons.  After  operations
    ceased, wastes were left at the site  in a railroad  tank car, a buried railroad tank car, two above-ground storage
    tanks, and two lagoons. Samples collected by the Illinois EPA during 1988 and 1991 CERCLA inspections revealed
    that soils at the site and  nearby residential soils contain similar compounds.

    In  1992,  Illinois EPA stabilized  waste hazards  at the site, which included removing and  containing asbestos,
    removing and containing contaminated material from the lagoon area, and securing drums in an onsite building.
    Currently, the Illinois EPA is conducting a non-time critical removal action at the site.  This will address the two
    above-ground storage tanks, the buried railroad tank car, the above-ground railroad tank car, the lagoons, and the
    drums secured onsite.

    The site is being proposed for the National Priorities List (NPL) because it satisfies a component of the NPL/RCRA
    policy: the owner has demonstrated an inability to finance appropriate remedial action by invoking bankruptcy laws.

    [The description of the  site  (release) is based on information available at the time the site was scored.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination.  See 56
    FR 5600, February 11, 1991, or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfurtd hazardous waste site listed under trie Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

     	OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division Washington. DC  20460	September 1995

                                                                                     LCP CHEMICALS
                                                                                  Brunswick, Georgia

    LCP Chemicals is located on Ross Road in Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia.  The site is bordered by the Turtle
    River marshes to the west and south and the urban populations of Brunswick to the north and east.  The site is
    comprised of approximately 500 to 600 acres, the majority of which is not used due to the predominance of tidal
    marshlands.  The remaining land portion of the property is occupied with process buildings, administration  offices,
    railroad spurs, treatment, storage and disposal units, and tank storage facilities.

    The site was originally owned and operated by the .Atlantic Refining Company, which operated a petroleum refinery
    from 1919 until 1930.  Portions of the site were also owned by Georgia Power Company and the Dixie O'Brien
    Paint Company. In 19SS, the entire property was purchased by Allied Chemical, Inc., which manufactured caustic
    soda,  chlorine,  and hydrochloric acid by the electrolysis of sodium chloride using mercury cells.  In 1979,  LCP
    Chemicals purchased the property and continued the process practiced by Allied Chemical. From 1955 until 1968,
    waste sludges containing mercury produced by Allied Chemical were sold to an offsite reclaimer. From 1968  until
    the facility was sold to LCP  Chemicals, several hundred to several thousand tons of contaminated sludge  were
    disposed in surface impoundments that were constructed onsite along the tidal marsh.

    In 1989, U.S. EPA Region 4 performed a field  investigation consisting of 86 samples. . Mercury was detected hi
    all seven onsite sources; lead was detected in  six sources, and  PCBs were found in the majority of sources.
    Mercury and lead were also detected in ground water in temporary wells near  the site and in Purvis Creek,  hi
    1991, a Georgia Environmental Protection Division/Department of Natural Resources (GAEPD/DNR) investigation
    revealed elevated levels of mercury and lead in  sediment and surface water samples near the site.  Mercury was
    also found at elevated levels in crab tissue and oyster samples in the surrounding waters.  The same study revealed
    extremely high levels of PCBs in sediment  and crab  tissue. Portions of Purvis Creek have been closed to
    commercial fishing..                .                             ,

    The drinking water supply for  the area consists of private wells and the Brunswick municipal wells.  The municipal
    wells  draw water from the  Upper Floridan Aquifer while the private wells are  drilled at a wide range of  depths.
    The municipal system serves 28,844 residents and private wells serve approximately 5,000 residents within a 4-mile
    radius of the site.  The nearest drinking water well is located slightly beyond 0.25 miles  from the site.

    Runoff from the site flows off the western edge of the facility into a canal, which flows approximately 0.35 miles
    through an area of wetlands and enters Purvis Creek.  Purvis Creek merges with the Turtle River 0.9 miles
    downstream and then with the  Brunswick River an additional 7.5 miles downstream. The river flows approximately
    5 miles before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean.  Wetlands bound the majority of the surface waters, which are
    inhabited by numerous endangered species.

    The State of Georgia has designated LCP Chemicals as its highest priority site.

    {The description of the site (release) is based  on  information available at  the time the site -was scored.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination.  See 56
    FR 5600, February 11,  1991,  or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

                      OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division Washington. DC 20460
                                                                             September 1995
                                                                                     UTTLE VALLEY
                                                                            Little Valley,  New York

    The Little Valley site is located in a primarily rural and agricultural area between the Village of Little Valley and
    the City of Salamanca, New York.  Approximately  13 years ago, the Cattaraugus County Health Department
    (CCHD) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) identified trichloroethene
    (TCE) in nearby private wells. A plume of TCE has been documented to extend approximately 6 miles toward the
    City of Salamanca.

    Possible sources of ground water contamination include a former Envirotech drum storage area, a private disposal
    site next to the former 'drum storage area, the 9th Street Landfill (an inactive municipal landfill), and facilities
    operated by King Windows and Bush Industries. NYSDEC has installed a number of monitoring wells in the area
    to investigate possible sources for the contamination.

    NYSDEC and CCHD first discovered TCE in private wells among residences along Route 353 in 1982. TCE was
    again detected in private drinking water wells between Little Valley and Salamanca at levels above the New York
    State drinking water standards for public water supplies.  Some of the highest concentrations were found just south
    of the Village of Little Valley.  The sampling results show a plume of TCE that extends about 6 miles from the
    southern end of Little Valley to the northern edge of Salamanca; which is part of the Allegheny Indian Reservation.

    On September 1, 1995,  the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) recommended dissociation
    of individuals from the release.  CCHD, the New York State Department of Health, and EPA Region 2 believe that
    the release poses a significant threat to public health.  EPA Region 2 anticipates that it will be more cost-effective
    to use remedial authority rather than removal authority to.respond to the release.

    [The description  of the site (release) is based on  information available at the time the site was scored.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination.  See 56
    FR 5600, February 11, 1991,  or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

                   UNITED STATES
         	OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division  Washington. DC 20460	September 1995

                                                                     PENTA WOOD PRODUCTS
                                                                    Burnett County, Wisconsin

The Penta Wood Product (PWP) facility covers 88.5 acres of a 122.5 acre property located on Highway 70 in the
Town of Daniels, two miles west of the Village of Siren in a rural area of Burnett County in northwest Wisconsin.
PWP was a wood treating facility that operated from 1953 to May 1992. The operations onsite included pressure
treating timbers  and posts with pentachlorophenol (PCP) in a fuel oil carrier, and Chemonite, which contains
ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate and ammoniacal  copper arsenate (ACA). Hazardous  wastewater from the site
operations was discharged to two lagoons and a woodchip pile. Numerous isolated spills and poor work practices
released wood treating chemicals into the soils and ground water at the site with little or no .response action taken.
Onsite soils are contaminated with PCP, arsenic, copper, and zinc.  The highly contaminated areas are located in
and around the former treatment buildings.  Due to the high permeability of surficial soils, precipitation onsite flows
rapidly through the soil to the aquifer allowing contaminants in the surface soils to be carried rapidly to the ground

High levels of PCP and arsenic were detected hi ground water and soils onsite in 1988.  Dioxins, associated with
PCP, are a minor concern at the site and are still under investigation.  High levels of  PCP in the ground water
forced  closure of the onsite wells for drinking water purposes in 1988. The contaminated aquifer is currently used
for a private water supply for 1,661 people and a municipal well supply for 1,682 people within a 4-mile radius of
the site.  The Wisconsin Department of Health & Social Services and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry  expressed concerns about the PCP and arsenic  hi onsite soil and ground water.

Ecological risk evaluations prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and U.S. EPA
Region 5 indicate the arsenic and PCP levels in the site soils and woodchip pile pose a potential threat to the
mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles, and invertebrates on and adjacent to the site.

WDNR became involved at PWP in 1986 due to the unreported spills associated with the treatment process. The
PWP facility was  closed hi May  1992 because of the owner's financial inability  to comply with Wisconsin
Department of Justice requirements.

WDNR placed priority on the site for inclusion in the Superfund Accelerated Cleanup  Model (SACM) Regional
Decision Team Pilot in fiscal year 1993. hi March 1993, EPA issued general notice letters and 104(e) letters, and
a unilateral administrative order (UAO) hi August 1993.  PWP's response to the UAO confirmed then- inability to
pay for cleanup actions at the site. PWP is currently liquidating its assets, and EPA is seeking  a  "cash out"
administrative settlement.

EPA initiated a time-critical removal because of the imminent and substantial threat to  public health and welfare
and the environment posed by the large volumes and high  concentrations  of PCP, arsenic, and trace dioxin
contamination.   EPA has completed-Phase I  of the time-critical removal action (April  to October 1994), which
included  disposal of process wastes from tanks and  removal of highly contaminated soil. Phase II will address the
remaining ACA  and PCP contaminated soils and sludge, and complete the decontamination of tanks for disposal.

This site is part of an EPA nation-wide study on presumptive remedies for wood treating sites.  EPA has begun a
two phased study to determine the extent of contamination of the ground water and soils onsite,  and will conduct
treatability studies investigating the potential for  bioremediation  technologies to treat the soils onsite.  These
activities are occurring concurrently as a result of SACM.

[The description of the site (release) is based on information available at the time the site was scored.   The
description may  change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent  of contamination. See 56
FR 5600, February 11, 1991, or subsequent FR notices.]
Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

                      OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division Washington. DC 20460
                                                                             September 1995
                                                      Camden and Gloucester City, New Jersey

    The Welsbach and General Gas Mantle Contamination sites are comprised of two former incandescent gas mantle
    manufacturing facilities and numerous residential properties located in the urban areas of Camden and Gloucester
    City, New Jersey.   The site was initially identified in 1980 during an archive search conducted as part of the
    investigation of a contaminated radiological site located in northern New Jersey. As a result, an aerial radiological
    survey of Gloucester, New Jersey and surrounding areas was conducted hi May of 1981.  The survey encompassed
    a 20-square kilometer area surrounding the former General Gas Mantle and Welsbach companies, located in Camden
    and Gloucester City.  The survey identified eight separate areas with  elevated radiation levels.  These included
    locations of the former Welsbach plant and General Gas Mantle Corporation and three residential areas.  The
    remaining areas exhibiting elevated radiation levels were attributed to  sites permitted by the Nuclear Regulatory
    Commission (NRC) to use and store radioactive materials.

    After several preliminary screening surveys, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP),
    conducted a comprehensive investigation in 1991 of five non-NRC permitted areas (termed for this report as Camden
    Radiation Sites Areas 1 through 5, or the Welsbach and General Gas Mantle Contamination sites Areas 1 through
    5)  in the Camden and Gloucester City vicinity to determine the extent of radiological contamination present.
    Numerous residential properties were found to have gamma radiation levels exceeding twice the background level
    for gamma radiation. Of the 93 properties investigated by NJDEP, 32 properties were selected for evaluation due
    to their being inhabited by individuals or workers. The 32 properties are located throughout Camden and Gloucester
    City. The most probable route of radiation exposure is  direct contact with gamma emitting materials.  Although
    potential contamination of ground water, surface water, and air is suspected, releases to these routes have not been
    documented.  To date, certain contaminated areas have been covered with asphalt or cement and one residence was
    acquired by NJDEP due to magnitude of the risk posed by the radioactive materials present at that property.

    [The description of the site (release) is based on information available at the time the site was  scored.  The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and extent of contamination. See 56
    FR 5600, February 11, 1991, or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under die Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended

                      OERR Hazardous Site Evaluation Division Washington. DC 20460	September 1995
                                                 WRIGHT GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION
                                                                                     Wright, Kansas

    The Wright Ground Water Contamination site is in the. City of Wright, an unincorporated town in north-central Ford
    County, Kansas.  The site was identified in 1988, following collection and analysis of a ground water sample from
    a private Wright well being tested for real estate purposes. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in
    the ground water sample and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) was notified.

    KDHE collected ground water samples from several wells throughout Wright in 1989 and confirmed the ground
    water contamination. VOCs were detected in 16 private wells; pesticides and heavy metals were also detected in
    a few wells.   Wright does not have a municipal water system; all water is provided by privately owned  wells.
    Approximately 208 people in Wright are currently using water from private wells. The wells supplying 83 of these
    people have been shown to contain hazardous substances at concentrations above health based benchmarks. The
    VOCs  that have been  detected in private wells are benzene,  bromodichloromethane,  carbon tetrachloride,
    chloroform,  1,2-dibromoethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, ethyl benzene, styrene, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, and
    trichloroethylene. In 1991, the Right Coop began offering bottled water to the residents of Wright and also provided
    several residences with whole-house filter systems.  However, recent investigations have found that some  of the
    residential wells in Wright are used without treatment systems.

    Investigations at  the site, including a 1990 KDHE Screening Site  Inspection  and a  1994 EPA Expanded Site
    Inspection, identified several potential sources of the VOCs.  Several of the potential sources have been subject to
    more detailed investigation; however, based on currently available data, the contamination detected in the private
    wells cannot be definitely attributed to any of these sources.

    The site is believed to pose the greatest threat to ground water.  There are no perennial surface water bodies  within
    two miles of the site and it is unlikely that the hazardous substances in the ground water would be released to the
    air migration or the soil exposure pathways.

    [The description  of the site (release) is based on information available at the time the site was scored. The
    description may change as additional information is gathered on the sources and the extent of contamination. See
    56 FR 5600, February  11, 1991, or subsequent FR notices.]
    Superfund hazardous waste site listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended
