DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE - S« it«mb«r 29,1993
                              United Static
                              Environmental Protection
                              Office of
                              Solid Waste and
                              Emergency Response
September 1993
Draft  Soil  Screening  Level
  Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
  Hazardous Site Control Division (5203G)
                                                     Quick Reference Fact Sheet
 NOTICE: This document is draft and should only be used in the context of demonstration pilots being overseen by the U.S. EPA.  The methods
 used to support the approach dscussad herein wfl undergo rigorous technical review and public comment before this document is finalzad along
 with SSLs for approximately 60 additional chemicals in the summer of 1994.

On June 19,1991, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
(EPA's) Administrator chargeuTthe Office~oT So&TWaste and
Emergency Response  (OSWER) with conducting a 30-day
study to outline options for accelerating the rate of cleanups at
National Priority List (NPL) sites.  The study found that the
current investigation/remedy selection process takes over 3
years to complete  because each site  is treated as a unique
problem, requiring the preparation  of  site-specific  risk
   ssments. cleanup levels, and technical solutions. The study
        that standardizing the remedial planning and remedy
selection process would significantly reduce the time it takes
to start cleanups and would improve consistency across the
Regions. One of the specific proposals was for OSWER to
"examine the means to develop standards or guidelines for
contaminated soils."

On June 23, 1993. EPA announced the development of Soil
Trigger Levels as one of the Administrative Improvements to
the  Superfund-program.    This  fact sheet presents Soil
Screening Levels (SSLs) (formerly known as trigger levels) for
30 chemicals and represents OSWER's  first step toward
standardizing the evaluation and cleanup of contaminated soils
under   the   Comprehensive   Environmental  Response
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).

An SSL is a chemical concentration in soil that represents a
level of contamination above which there is sufficient concern
to warrant further site-specific study.  Concentrations in soil
above this screening level would not automatically designate
a site as "dirty." nor trigger a response action.  However, they
suggest that a further evaluation of the potential risks that may
be posed by site contaminants is appropriate.  Generally,  if
contaminant concentrations in soil fall below the screening
     €and the site meets specific  residential use conditions, no
    er study or  action is  warranted for that area  under
    CLA (Superfund). However, some States have developed
screening numbers that are more  stringent than those presented
in this fact sheet, and therefore further study may be warranted
under State programs.
                             PURPOSE OF SSLs

                             The primary purpose of the SSLs is to accelerate decision-
                             making concerning contaminated soils. Initic! applications will
                             focus remedial investigations by eliminating from further study
                             site areas that do. not. warrant further study, under CERCLA.
                             In  fostering prompt identification of the contaminants and
                             exposure areas of concern, the SSLs may also help simplify or
                             accelerate  the baseline risk assessment and may serve as
                             Preliminary  Remediation  Goals  (PRGs) under  specified
                             conditions.  EPA will explore other potential applications as it
                             proceeds to refine and expand this guidance. Such applications
                             may include removal response actions, site assessment/NPL
                             listing, voluntary cleanups, and Resource Conservation and
                             Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Actions.

                             ATTRIBUTES OF SSLs

                             The 30 SSLs presented in this document have been developed
                             using residential land use human exposure assumptions and
                             considering three pathways of exposure to the contaminants
                             (see Figure 1):

                             •  ingestion of soil

                             •  inhalation of volatiles and fugitive dusts
                             •  migration of  contaminants through soil to an underlying
                               potable aquifer.

                             These pathways have proven to be'the most common routes of
                             human exposure to contaminants in the residential setting at
                             hazardous  waste sites evaluated by EPA.  Also, substantial
                             efforts have been made to model these particular pathways.

                             Other routes/pathways may contribute significantly to the risk
                             posed by  exposure to specific contaminants (e.g., dermal
                             exposure or exposure via food chain contamination). OSWER
                             will continue to seek consensus on the appropriate methods
                             required to quantify additional routes/pathways  generically.
                             The results of these efforts may  be included in the final

                                 DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE - S ,pt»mb»r 29, 1993
                  Direct Ingestion
                  of Groundwater
                      and Soil
                                    Dust and
    Not Addressed:
    • Ecological effects
    • Dermal absorption
    • Indoor exposure to volatiles from soil and water
    • Consumption of fish, beef, or dairy products
    • Land uses other than residential
Figure 1. Pathways addressed by soil screening.
An overview of key SSL attributes includes:

   >SSLs calculated for the ingestion and inhalation pathways
   are based on standard equations modified from the Human
   Health Evaluation Manual (Part B) (U.S. EPA. 1991).
•  SSLs for migration to groundwater pathways are based on
   a  partitioning equation  coupled  with a  dilution  and
   attenuation factor (DAF).

•  Conservative  default  values were  used  to calculate levels
   protective of "high end" individual exposures.
•  SSLs are generally based on a 10"* risk for carcinogens, or
   a  hazard quotient of  1 for noncarcinogens; SSLs  fix-
   protection of groundwater are based on nonzero maximum
   contaminant level goals (MCLGs), or maximum contami-
   nant levels (MCLs). if available, or these same risk-based
   targets otherwise.
•  SSLs are calculated for individual exposure pathways

The SSLs correspond  to a 10~* risk level for carcinogens jnd
a hazard quotient of 1 for noncarcinogens and the potential in
additive effects has not  been "built in" to the SSLs thrown*
apportionment.  For carcinogens, EPA believes that setting A
1CT6 risk  level  for  individual chemicals and  pathways  »«il
generally lead  to cumulative risks within the risk range (10 *
to 10"6) for the combinations of chemicals typically found u
iuperfund sites.

For noncarcinogens, there is no widely accepted "risk range.*
Thus, for  developing national numbers, options are either (I)
to set the risk level for individual contaminants at the reference
dose (RfD) or reference concentration (RfQ (i.e.. a hazard
quotient of 1), or (2) to set chemical-specific concentrations by
apportioning risk based on some arbitrarily chosen fraction of
the acceptable risk  level (e.g., one-fifth or  one-tenth the
RfD/RfC).  The Agency believes, and the Science Advisory
Board agrees (U.S. EPA, 1993b), that noncancer risks should
be  added  only for  those  chemicals with  the  same  toxic
endpoint or mechanism of action. Because the combination of
contaminants  will vary from  site  to site, the  potential for
additive effects and the need to apportion risk must be a site-
specific determination.

Practically speaking, however,  the five SSLs listed in Table 1
that are based on noncarcinogenic effects (RfDs) all  have
different endpoints of toxicity (i.e., the critical effects on which
the RfDs are based are different). Thus risks for cumulative
exposure  would  not be additive.   Furthermore',  for the
noncarcinogenic volatiles (e.g., ethylbenzene and toluene), the
SSLs based on the ingestion pathway are very high, higher
than what  is physically possible. In these cases, it is necessary
to establish a reasonable "ceiling  limit" for the amount of
chemical that may be in  the soil matrix at sites likely to use
this guidance.  For the purposes of this guidance. this_"ceiling
limit" is based on the soil saturation limit (C,^), not toxicity,
and serves as  the SSL for that chemical. For these reasons,
straight apportionment of SSLs in this  fact  sheet would be

For the groundwater pathway only, SSLs are part of a  four-
tiered approach to evaluating soil contaminants that may leach
to groundwater.  The tiers reflect increasing  levels of site
specificity  and cost but  generally  decreasing  levels  of
conservatism.  The first tier SSLs rely heavily on concentration
levels  derived  from  mathematical  models  and  generic
assumptions. If contaminant levels at a site do not exceed the
first tier SSLs and other site exposure pathways are accounted
for  in the assumptions used to  derive the SSLs, then the area
or site  is  no  longer of  concern  under CERCLA remedial
authority.  If contaminant levels at a site equal or exceed the
first tier SSLs, or other pathways of concern  are present, full
site investigation may be  initiated or one may consider higher
tier screening analyses. The other three tiers are distinguished
by  their  approach  to, evaluating  the soil-to-groundwater
pathway.  Tier 2 uses site-specific values in a partitioning
equation. Tier 3 uses a leach test, and Tier 4 involves full-scale
site-specific modeling.


SSLs do not trigger the  need  for response actions or define
"unacceptable" levels of contaminants in soil.  In addition, the
levels are  not necessarily  protective of all known  human
exposure pathways, reasonable  land uses, or ecological threats.

SSLs were not developed as  nationwide cleanup  levels  or
standards.  They are risk-based levels that have not yet  been
modified based on the Superfund remedy selection criteria that
.ire designed  to tailor final cleanup  levels  to site-specific
tt minions (NCP Section  300.430 (3)(2)(i)(A)).

                                 DRAFT • DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE • September 29,1993
1 Table 1.
Superfund Proposed Soil Screening Levels*
L Pathway-specific values for 'Voundwater pathway levels
m surface soils (mg/kg) Surface soil (mg/kg)
Carbon tetrachloride
1 ,4-Oichlorobenzene
Methylene chloride
Naphthalene •
PCB- 1260
. 1 ,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1 1,1.1 -Trichloroethane -
[ Trichloroethene
Vinyl chloride
Xylenes (mixed)
Chromium (VI)
Ingeatton Inhalation (m9^g)b Unadjusted
0.1 d
0.11 d
4.9 d
100 d
110 d
27 d
1.1 d
0.04 d
0.34 d
0.37 d
390 '
1.0 d
2.5 d
1.1 d
0.38 9
80 9
0.17 d
41 d
' 1509
	 420 9
0.02 d
' 979
2,600 d
6,200 d
930 d
47,000 d
0.1 d
2.5 d
'0.11 d
0.49 d
1.1 d
0.38 9
27 d
450 9
0.17 d
0.04 d
52 9
12 d
0.02 d
0.37 d
390 '
0.0001 *
0.001 *
0.71 d
0.2 d
0.0001 *
0.001 * 	
0,82 -
0.001 •••»• -T
0.001 *
0.0002 *
1.4 1
0.81 '
With 10 With 100
- 8.2
d 0.01 d
d 0.1
* 0.01
" 0.07
. 82
"•' 0.09'
* 0.1
* 0.02
81 '
" Screening Levels based on human health criteria only.
b Surface soil SSLs represent the lower of
c DAF - Dilution and attenuation
ingestion and inhalation values.

d Calculated values correspond to a cancer risk level of 1 in
8 Level is at or below Contract Laboratory
Program required

1 ,000,000.

quantrtation limit fof Regular Analytical

Services (RAS).
' Calculated values correspond to a noncancer hazard quotient of 1 .
9 Soil saturation concentration (Cnt).
h No toxicrty criteria available for that route of exposure.
1 A preliminary remediation goal
with PCB Contamination (U.S.
' SSLs for pH of 6.8.
of 1 ppm
has been set lor PCBs oased on
EPA, 1990) and on Agency

•wide efforts to

Guidance on Remedial Actions
for Superfund Sites
manage PCB contamination.

However. SSLs can serve as PRGs in the following cases:

•  Where  site  conditions  mimic the  model  assumptions
   underlying the SSLs (i.e.. all pathways of concern at a
   given site match those accounted for in the SSLs), or

•  Where the site manager or owner decides not to incur costs
   of  additional  site-specific   study   to  arrive   at   less
   conservative but still protective levels.
The primary condition for use of the SSLs is that exposure
pathways of concern  and site conditions must match those
taken into account by the levels. Thus, at all sites it will be
necessary to develop a simple conceptual site model to identify
likely source areas, exposure pathways, and potential receptors
to assist in determining the extent to which the SSLs can serve
as PRGs.  In addition to developing a conceptual site model.

DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE - September 29, 1993
the following questions should always be considered by the
decisionmaker before applying the SSLs:

•  Are there potential ecological concerns?

   Is there potential for land use other than residential?

•  Are there other likely  human exposure pathways that
   were not considered in deve.*vment of the SSLs (e.g.. local
   fish consumption: raising of beef, dairy, or other livestock)?

•  Are there unusual site conditions  (e.g.. unusually  large
   area of contamination, unusually high fugitive dust levels)?

If any of these four conditions exist, then SSLs cannot be used
to screen out sites or portions of sites from further evaluation.
In addition, SSLs should not be viewed independently of either
natural or anthropogenic background concentrations.  Where
natural background levels are higher than SSLs, generally the
SSLs will be of little value since it is inappropriate to conduct
further  study or  action  to  address  contaminants below
background. Similarly, when anthropogenic background levels
exceed the SSLs, EPA does not encourage additional study or
action without first attempting  to coordinate such action with
the authority  responsible for managing  the  more broadly
contaminated area.   In either  case, the collection of site-
specific data is highly recommended.


   le 1 contains SSLs  for 30 chemicals. The first column to
   right of the chemical name presents values based on soil
ingestion.   The second column presents  the  lower of  two
values derived to  protect for either inhalation of volatiles or
soil particulates. The third column simply presents the lowest
number of the first two columns and may be used as the SSL
for surface soils under most residential circumstances.   For
sites, where groundwater is a pathway of concern, SSL values
for the migration  to the groundwater pathway apply. Three
different SSLs address  migration of contaminants to ground-
water, the selection of an appropriate SSL -for this pathway
depends on site-specific conditions as discussed below.  The
first  column  of  groundwater values  reflects  the  levels
calculated by the partitioning equation with no correction factor
added  for  dilution  and  attenuation  in  the  subsurface
(unadjusted). The next  two columns reflect the levels adjusted
by factors of 10 and 100. respectively (10 and 100 DAF), to
account for such dilution and attenuation.

As mentioned  above,  the first step  in  applying  the  SSL
guidance is to develop  a simple conceptual model of the site
based on available site sampling data, historical records, aerial
photographs, and site hydrogeologic information.  This model
will  establish  a hypothesis about the  possible contaminant
sources, their fate and transport, potential exposure pathways.
  d  human  or environmental  receptors.   If  the conceptual
  odel indicates that potential exposure pathways and receptors
are fully accounted for in the SSL methodology, the SSLs may
be directly applied to the site. However, if the model indicates
that the site is either very large or complex or that there are
exposure  pathways   NOT accounted  for   in   the   SSL
                               methodology, SSLs will not be suitable to fully evaluate the
                               site.  They can be used, however, in the site evaluation since
                               SSLs have been derived on a pathway-specific basis, and, thus,
                               it will only be necessary to evaluate those exposuc? •vuhways
                               that are not already considered in the SSL methodology.

                               The second step involves collecting a representative sample set
                               for each exposure area. (See Measuring Soil Levels for more
                               detailed guidance on  sample numbers and locations.)   An
                               exposure area is defined as that geographic area in which an
                               individual may be exposed to contamination regularly.  It may
                               involve the entire site, portions of a site, or a simple residential
                               loL    To  maximize  efficiency,  data collection should be
                               coordinated with other early  sampling efforts that may be
                               undertaken to gain  a better  understanding  of basic site
                               hydrogeology, ecological  threats,  or   the  potential  for
                               application of various treatment technologies. For example,
                               the decision may be made early  on to collect data for site-
                               specific modeling purposes at a particular site; in this case, the
                               site  manager  should work to limit  total trips to the site and
                               minimize the number of samples collected  and their locations.

                               The third step is to compare site-specific-data-with the SSLs
                               in Table 1. .At this point, it is reasonable to revisit the original
                               conceptual  site model with the actual site data in hand to
                               reconfirm  their accuracy.  Generally, this comparison will
                               result in one of three outcomes:

                               1. Site-measured values indicate that an area falls well below
                                 any SSL in the table.  These  areas  of the  site can be
                                 eliminated from further evaluation.
                               2. Site-measured data indicate that one or more SSLs have
                                 clearly been exceeded by a wide margin.  In this case, the
                                 SSLs have helped to identify contaminants and exposure
                                 pathways of concern on which to focus further analysis or
                                 data gathering efforts.
                               3. A site-measured value exceeds one pathway-specific value
                                 but not the others.   In this case it  is reasonable to focus
                                 additional site-specific data collection efforts only on data
                                 that will help determine whether there is truly a risk from
                                 that pathway at the site. When an exceedence is marginally
                                 significant, a closer look at site-specific  conditions and
                                 exposures  may result in the area  being eliminated from
                                 further study.  If this is the case for the groundwater
                                 pathway, a manager may choose to collect data specified in
                                 the next higher tier(s).

                               For an NPL site at which SSLs are exceeded, a quick analysis
                               can determine whether the cumulative risks posed by the site
                               exceed the 10"4 risk level for carcinogens (or hazard index [HT]
                               of 1  for noncarcinogens), which  generally is the trigger for
                               remedial  action  under Superfund.    Where  the  basis  for
                               response action exists, and exposure pathways of concern are
                               addressed by the SSLs. the SSLs become PRGs as defined in
                               the Human Health  Evaluation Manual. Part B  (U.S. EPA.

DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE - September 29,1993
In accordance with the National Contingency Plan (NCP), the
decisionmaker will need to consider a variety of factors  in
determining wliether any modification of the SSLs (PRGs) is
appropriate in  setting  final cleanup  levels  (NCP  Section
   .430(e)(2Xi)(A)).  Ultimately, final cleanup levels are set
     gh the evaluation of the NCP's nine criteria, including
cost,  long-term  effectiveness,  and  implementability.    If
groundwater is the driving path ..ay, even at this  final stage,
the option exists to consider other SSL tiers in identifying final
cleanup levels.


The  models and assumptions  used to develop  the SSLs
construct scenarios representative of a "reasonable maximum
exposure" (RME) in the residential setting. U.S. EPA (1989b)
outlined the Superfund program's approach to calculating an
RME.  Since that time, the EPA  (U.S. EPA. 1991) has coined
a new term that corresponds to the definition of RME:  "high-,
end individual exposure."  The Superfund program's  method
to estimate the high-end  (outlined in U.S. EPA. 1989b) is  to
combine an arithmetic average value for site concentration with
high-end values for intake and duration. The estimate of high-
end exposure is then compared  to chemical-specific Agency
toxicity criteria  found  in  the Integrated Risk Information
System (IRIS) and Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables
(HEAST).  The method used to  set SSLs combines high-end
default values  for the intake and duration parameters with
Agency toxicity criteria to back-calculate to a screening level
   soil.   Therefore, attainment of SSLs should be measured
      on an arithmetic average.

Although the generic assumptions are not considered overly
conservative. EPA recognizes that site-specific conditions may
differ significantly from  the generic  assumptions used in the
models.    Therefore, for  the  groundwater   pathway  the
subsequent tiers of the SSLs allow for the substitution of some
of the generic fate and transport assumptions with site-specific
data to derive alternative  "screening levels" that are more site-
specific.  Bear in mind, however, that one purpose of the SSLs
is to define a level in soil below which no further study or
action would be required.  Therefore, alternative levels using
site-specific data, although less conservative,  must  still be
protective of "high-end"  individual exposures.

The  following  sections  present  the equations and  generic
assumptions used to calculate the Screening Levels for each
pathway evaluated.

Direct Ingestion

Agency toxicity criteria for noncarcinogens establish a level of
"daily"  exposure  that is not expected  to  cause  deleterious
effects over a lifetime of exposure (i.e., 70 years).  Depending
   the contaminant,  however, exceeding the  RID (i.e., the
 'acceptable" daily level) for a short period of time  may be
cause for concern. For example, if there is reason to believe
that exposure to soil may be higher at a particular stage of an
individual's lifetime, one would want to protect for that shorter
                              period of high exposure.  Because a number of studies have
                              shown that  inadvertent ingestion of soil is common among.
                              children  age 6 and younger (Calabrese et aJ., 1989; Davis et
                              al.,  1990;  Van  Wijnen et al., 1990).  OERR  set  SSLs at
                              concentrations that are protective of this increased exposure
                              during childhood by ensuring that the chronic Reference Dose
                              (or RfC) is not exceeded during this shorter (6-year) time
                              period (Equation 1).  If there is  reason to  believe  that
                              exposures at a site may be significant over a short period of
                              time (e.g., .extensive soil excavation work  in a dry region).
                              depending  on  the  contaminant, the site   manager should
                              consider the potential for acute health effects as we'l.
Equation 1: Screening Level Equation for
Ingestion of Noncarclnogenic
Contaminants In Residential Sou
«~^ , _ ln,*flf_ THO x BW x AT x 366 *Vr
.. •". 1/R'08 x ID"6 kg/mg x EF « ED x IR
Parameter/Definition (units)
THQAarget hazard quotient (unitless)
Rf D0 /oral reference dose (mg/kg-d)
BW/body weight (kg) '"'..'.
AT/averaging time (yr)
EF/exposure frequency _(d/yr) .
ED/exposure duration (yr)
IR/soil ingestion rate (mg/d)8
•*^* i
Chemical -specific
* For noncarcinogans, Averaging, Time » equal to Expocur*
                              For carcinogens, both the magnitude and duration of exposure
                              are important.  Duration is critical because the tnxicity criteria
                              are based on "lifetime average daily dose." Therefore, the total
                              dose received,  whether  it  be over 5 years or 50 years, is
                              averaged over a lifetime of 70 years.  To be  pruective of
                              exposures to carcinogens  in  the residential setting. OERR
                              focuses on exposures to individuals who may live in the same
                              residence for a "high-end" period, o/ time (i.e.. 30 years). As
                              mentioned previously, exposure to  soil is higher during
                              childhood and decreases with age.  Thus, Fquahon  2 uses a
                              time-weighted average soil ingestion rate for  children  and
                              adults.   The derivation of this time-weighted average is
                              presented in U.S. EPA (1991).

                              Inhalation of Volatiles and Fugitive Dusts

                              Agency toxicity criteria  indicate "".:  risks from eiposure to
                              some chemicals via inhalation far outweigh  the  risks via
                              ingestion; therefore, the SSLs have been designed to *fcfresi
                              this pathway. The models and assumptions used to calculate
                              SSLs for inhalation of volatiles and fugitive duos are ufxlaics
                              of the equations  presented in U.S.  EPA's HHEM Pm B
                              guidance (U.S.  EPA, 1991) and are presented in Eg«uix«u )

                                   DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE • September 29, 1993
Equation 2: Screening Level Equation for
Ingestion of Carcinogenic
^ Contaminants (ii Residential Soil
r Screening Level _ TR x AT x 365 dyr
iroyKfl) SF0 x 10a kfl/mg x EF x IF^^
Parameter/Definition (units)
TRAarget cancer risk (unitless)
SF0 /oral slope factor (mgAg-d)'1
AT/averaging time (yr)
EF/exposure frequency (d/yr)
I F.OJV^ j /age-adjusted soil ingestion
factor (mg-yr/Vg-d)
  Equation 3:  Screening Level Equation for
                Inhalation of Carcinogenic
                Contaminants In Residential Soil
  Screening Laval
                        TR x AT x 365
                  URF x 1000 uo/mg x EF x ED x
                                         r i     1  I
                                         \W *PETJ
  Parameter/Definition (unlta)
      cancer risk (unitless)
F/inhalation unit risk factor
  I   (ug/m
  AT/averaging time (yr)
  EF/exposure frequency (d)
  EO/exposure duration (yr)
  VF/soii-to-air volatilization factor
  PEF/particulate emission factor


4.51  x 10*
  through 7.  The volatilization factor (VF), soil saturation
  limit (CM), and dispersion model have all been revised.

  Another change from the Part B methodology is the separation
  of the  ingestion and inhalation pathways.  Agency toxicity
  criteria for oral exposures are presented as internal doses in
  units of mg/kg-d; whereas, the inhalation criteria are presented
  as concentrations  in air (ug/m3  or  mg/m3)  that require
  conversion to an estimate of internal dose to be comparable to
  the oral route.  EPA's Office of Research and Development
  (ORD) now believes that the conversion from concentration in
  air to  internal dose is  not always appropriate and suggests
  evaluating these exposure routes separately.

     explained in Part B. the basic principle of the volatilization
         is applicable only if the soil concentration is at or below
  soil saturation.  Thus, for those compounds for which the SSL
  exceeds the soil saturation limit (C,J, the SSL is set at €„,.
                                                                  Equation 4:  Screening Level Equation for
                                                                                Inhalation of Noncarclnogenlc
                                                                                Contaminants In Residential Soil
                                                                        Screening Level
                                                                                       THQ x AT x 365 d/yr
                                                                                        EF x ED x
                                                                                                 [wrx [w * "PET J
                                                             Parameter/Definition (unrtt,

                                                             THQ/target hazard quotient (unitless)
                                                             AT/averaging time (yr)
                                                             EF/exposure frequency (d)
                                                             ED/exposure duration (yr)
                                                             RfC/inhalation reference concentration
                                                             VF/soil-to-air volatilization factor
                                                             PEF/particulate emission factor



                                                                                                      4.7 x 108
                            Equation 5: Derivation of (he Volatilization Factor
                               VF (m'/kg) - (/soil-air partition coefficient
                                                             T/exposure interval (s)
                                                             D, /diffusivrty in air (cm2/s)
                                                             H/Henry's law constant (atm-m3/mol)
                                                             ^ /soil-water partition coefficient
                                                             ^/organic carbon partition coefficient
                                                             OC/organic carbon content of soil
                                                                10% or 0.1

                                                                      X 41 (41 is a
                                                                conversion factor)

                                                                2% or 0.02

                                   DRAFT • DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE - September 29,1993
   Equation 6:  Derivation of the Soil Saturation Limn
               (Kd x C. x p) • (C. x PJ » (C, x H' x PJ
    Parameter/Definition (unit*)

    Cu/soil saturation concentration
    K^soil-water partition coefficient (L/kg)
    KOC /organic carbon partition coefficient

   OC/organic carbon content of soil
   Cw /upper-limit of free moisture in soil
   6m /soil moisture content
   S/solubilrty in water (mg/L-water)
   ji/soil bulk density (kg/L}~
   Pw /water-filled soil porosity (unitJess)
   H'/Henry's law constant Junftless)

   H/Henry's law constant (atm-m3/mol)
   P. /air-filled soil porosity (unitless)
   3/soil moisture content
      (L-water/kg soil)
   P, /total soil porosity (unitless)
      /true soil density or pa/tide density

2% or 0.02
10% or 0.1

P  - P
Hx 41. where 41 is
a conversion factor
10% or 0.1

1 - (P/P.)
2.65 ,
Equation 7: Derivation of the Paniculate Emission
PPF^/kg) . (Q/r.) * 3600S/H
0.036 x (1-G) x (0,,/U,)3 x F(x)
Parameter/Definition (units)
PEF/particulate emission factor
(Q/C)/inverse of the mean cone, at the
center of a 0.5-acre, square source
(g/m2-s per kg/m3)
0.036/respirable fraction (g/m2-h)
G/fraction of vegetative cover
Um /mean annual wind speed (m/s)
U, /equivalent threshold value of wind
speed at 10 m (m/s)
|p(x)/function dependent on UmAJ,
r derived using Cowherd (1985)
I (unitless)





The  paniculate emission factor (PEF) derived by using the
default values in Equation 7 is approximately 0.2 ug/m3.  This
represents an annual average emission rate estimate that is not
appropriate for estimating acute effects.  Gvci the next few
months, OSWER will  be investigating the impact of acute
exposure estimates on the SSLs.

Migration to Ground water

The  methodology for addressing potential contamination of
groundwater from contaminants in soil reflects the complex
nature of contaminant  fate and transport in  the  subsurface.
SSLs for migration  to  groundwater are based on a tiered
approach (see Figure 2).  Tier 1 SSLs (presented  in Table 1)
are based on the commonly used linear form of the Freundlich
partitioning equation that describes the ability of contaminants
to sorb to organic carbon in soil (Dragun, 1988).  Equation 8
incorporates the linear Freundlich equation, along with an
adjustment to  relate  sorbed concentration  in soil  to  the
analytically measured total soil concentration.

^-JteM-SccMoing-tavals 	 _
• Partitioning equation
• OAF of 10, 100

Tier 2 Screening Levels
• Site-specific partitioning equation
• OAF of 10. 100
Tier 3 Evaluation
• SPLP. OAF of 10. 100
Tier 4 Evaluation
• Use of fate and transport model
in site-specific application
                                   DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE - September 29, 1993

 MCLGs were the same as the MCLs. If nonzero MCLGs were
 not available, MCLs were  used,  and,  if  MCLs  were not
 available, risk-specific  concentrations were  derived using
   gency toxiciiy criteria, a target cancer risk of 10"6, and/or a
   ncancer Hazard Quotient of 1. Default values obtained from
   .S. EPA's ORD Laboratory in Athens, Georgia, are used for
 soil porosity, fraction water content, and bulk density (U.S.
 EPA, 1985).  The soil organic carbon content value of 0.002
 used for calculating the SSLs was selected from information on
 the distribution of this parameter in U.S.  soils (Carsel et al.,
 198o).  The value used  for the organic  carbon partitioning
 coefficient (K^) is  the geometric mean of measured values
 reported  in the  literature (from a comprehensive literature
 search [Truesdale, 1992]).  For inorganic constituents, the EPA
 MINTEQ2 chemical speciation model was used to calculate Kj
 values, which were then used in Equation 8 in place of the K^.
 x fw parameters.   Kd  values  for  metals  are  significantly
 affected by a variety of soil conditions, the most significant of
 which is pH.   For this reason, metal Kj values  for three pH
 conditions were used to develop the SSLs: 4.9. 6.8. and 8.0.
 Table 1 contains SSLs for inorganics corresponding to a pH of
 6.8.  Table 2 contains inorganic SSLs corresponding to pH
 values of 4.9  and 8.0.   If pH conditions at a site are not
 known, the SSL corresponding to a pH of 6.8 should be used.
 Table 2  also  includes SSLs for pentachlorophenol (PCP),
 whose partitioning behavior is also highly pH dependent.
 The partitioning equation relates contaminant concentrations in
   il  adsorbed  to soil   organic  carbon  to soil  leachate
         ant  concentrations   in   the  unsaturated  zone.
   ontaminant migration through the unsaturated zone to the
 water table generally reduces the soil leachate concentration by
 attenuation processes such as  adsorption and  degradation.
 Groundwater  transport in  the saturated zone further reduces
 concentrations through attenuation and dilution. Generally, to
 account for those mechanisms in the subsurface environment.
 a correction  factor  should  be applied  to the partitioning
 equation  value.   Use of  the EPA's Composite Model for
 leachate migration with Transformation Products (EPACMTP)
'(U.S.' EPA.  1993a)  has  identified  a DAF of  10 as an
appropriate correction factor to be applied to the partitioning
value inmost cases. However, there are specific circumstances
under which  use of a DAF is not recommended, such as in
areas of  wry- shallow  groundwater or  karst  topography.
Likewise, there are other circumstances in which a higher DAF
may be appropriate.  Further discussion of these situations as
well as details on the EPACMTP model are included on the
next page of  this fact sheet.

The  assumptions  factored  into  the Tier   1  levels  are
conservative, rendering the  SSLs fairly  stringent   If site
concentrations do  not exceed  the SSLs multiplied  by the
appropriate DAF, then the pathway is excluded from further
investigation.  However,  if site concentrations  do exceed the
Tier 1 SSLs, they may be used as PRGs (when appropriate),
or a Tier 2,3, or 4 investigation may be conducted. Each tier
requires more site-specific information but may lead to a less
stringent "screening" concentration.

The Tier 2  levels represent  a  minimal increase  in site-
specificity and perhaps less conservative Screening Levels.
The partitioning equation •used  in  the Tier  1 calculation
(Equation 8)  remains as the base  for the Tier 2 levels along -
with the same DAF (either 1,  10, or 100).  However, site-
measured values of organic carbon, soil porosity, fraction water
content, and soil bulk density are substituted into the equation
to  calculate  Screening  Levels  more   tailored  to  site
characteristics.  If site concentrations do not exceed the Tier 2
SSLs, then the pathway is excluded from further investigation
or concern. The rationale behind this decision is that, because
Tier 2 incorporates site-specific information, the levels are
more representative of actual site  conditions than Tier 1.  If
site concentrations exceed the Tier 2 SSLs, the user has the
option of conducting a Tier 3 or 4 investigation, realizing the
increase in site-specificity and cost associated with collecting
additional site data.

The Tier 3 investigation involves conducting a  specific leach
test, the Synthetic  Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP)
(U.S. EPA, 1992c).  If the leach  test results divided by the
Table 2. Proposed Groundwater Pathway SSLs for Inorganics and Pentachlorophenol,
as a Function of pH"

Chemical pH 4.9
Chromium (VI)
groundwater pathway SSLs (mg/kg)
"Screening Levels based on human health criteria only.
bDAF . Dilution :attenuation factor.
°Level at or below Contract Laboratory Program required quantnaton limit
10 OAF"
for Regular Analytical
With 100
Services (RAS)
0 09

DRAFT - DO NOT CfTE OR QUOTE - Saptambw 29,1993
   DAF of  10 exceed the acceptable  groundwater limit (e.g.,
   nonzero MCLG, MCL,  10"6 risk-based values), then further
   investigation  would be  warranted.  The SPLP may not be
   applicable to  all contaminated soils (e.g., oily types of waste
      not yield suitable results). Therefore the user is advised to
       discretion when applying the SPLP. Additional guidance
   on the use and limitations of the SPLP will be provided in the
   final guidance.                                 _   •,  " ••

   Tier 4  represents the  highest level of site-specificity  in
   evaluating  the migration to groundwater pathway.   In this
   investigation, site-specific data are collected and used in a fate
   and transport model to confirm the threat to groundwater and
   further determine site-specific cleanup goals as would typically
   be done for the remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS).
   A DAF is not used in tnisKtier. because.Jhe  model would
   account for fate and transport mechanisms in the subsurface.
   The advantage  of this approach is  that it accounts for site
   hydrogeoJogic.;  climate-logic,   and  contaminant   source
   characteristics and may result  in fully protective but less
   stringent remediation goals.  However, the additional cost of
   collecting  the data required, to apply the  model should be
-  factored into  the decision  to conduct a Tier .4  investigation.
   An evaluation of 10 fate and transport models for potential use
   in the  Tier 4 evaluation will  be included in  the  technical
   background document for this fact sheet scheduled to be issued
   by OERR by January of 1994..   .

   The tiered framework for migration to groundwater represents
 J^ sliding scale of increasing site-specificity  and. decreasing
 ^ronservatism. The assumptions factored into  the Tier 1 SSLs
   are conservative and therefore result in fairly stringent levels
   that may not be appropriate in all situations.  However, the
   framework allows the user the flexibility to move away from
   this conservative level by incorporating increasing levels of site
   empirical data.  In this way, site managers or owners of small.
   relatively  uncomplicated sites  may  benefit from the Tier  1
   levels  by  bypassing  the  additional costs  associated  with
   collecting  additional  data  to conduct further investigations.
   However,  it is likely  to be in the interest of site, managers or
   owners of large and complex  sites  to conduct* a" more sue-
   specific investigation  to develop remediation- goals  that are
   more tailored to site-specific conditions.


   For wastes disposed of on land, the leaching  of contaminants
   into the subsurface and subsequent migration into and througti
   groundwater typically constitute a very significant pathway for
   human and environmental exposure.  As contaminants move
   through the soil  and groundwater.  they are subjected to  a
   number of physical,  chemical, and biological processes thai
   affect the eventual contaminant concentration  level at receptor
     lints.   These processes include,  but  are  not limited to.
    ittenuation due to sorption of contaminants onto soil and
   aquifer grains, chemical transformation (e.g., hydrolysis, redo*
   reactions,  precipitation), biological degradation, and dilution
   due to mixing of the leachate from thr disposal unit with
                               ambient groundwater. The contaminant concentration arriving
                               at a receptor point is therefore generally lower than the original
                               contaminant concentration in the leachate leaving the site.

                               The reduction in concoitration can be expressed succinctly by
                               the DAF, defined as the ratio of original leachate concentration
                               to the receptor point concentration. The lowest possible value
                               of DAF is therefore 1, corresponding to the situation where
                               there is no dilution or attenuation of a contaminant at all; i.e.,
                               the concentration at the receptor point is the same as that in
                               the leachate as it leaves the waste site. High DAF values on
                               the other hand correspond to  a  high  degree of dilution and
                               attenuation of the contaminant from the leachate to the receptor

                               The  Agency  has developed subsurface fate and  transport
                               models to assess the  impact on  groundwater quality due  to
                               migration of contaminants from wastes on land.  Specifically.
                               these models predict the DAF for a potential site of a domestic
                               drinking water receptor well, which may withdraw water from
                               the saturated zone under, or downgradient of, a contaminated
                               area. The model used to develop DAFs for this guidance is
                               the-EPACMTS,-which: consists of4kree main'modules:

                               1. An  unsaturated zone:.flow  and  contaminant  fate and
                                  transport module
                               2. A saturated zone groundwater flow and contaminant fate
                                  and transport module
                               3. A Monte Carlo driver, module, which  generates model
                                 parameters from nationwide probability distributions.

                               The unsaturated  and  saturated zone  modules simulate the
                               migration of contaminants from the base of a land disposal unit
                               to a downgradient receptor well.  The Agency has extensively
                               verified  both  the unsaturated and  saturated  zone modules
                               against other  available analytical and numerical models  to
                               ensure accuracy and efficiency. Both the unsaturated zone and
                               the saturated zone modules  of the EPACMTP.  used for the
                               calculation of DAFs for the SSLs, have been reviewed by the
                               EPA Science  Advisory Board and found to be suitable for
                               generic  applications such as  the derivation  of nationwide

                               Modeling Procedure

                               For nationwide Monte Carlo model applications, the input to
                               the model is in the form of probability distributions of each of
                               the model input parameters.  The output from the model
                               consists  of the  probability  distribution  of DAF values.
                               representing the likelihood that  any specific DAF value is
                               For each model input parameter, a probability distribution is
                               provided,  describing  the  nationwide likelihood  that  the
                               parameter has a certain value. The parameters are divided into
                               .our main groups:

DRAFT • DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE • September 29, 1993
  1. Source-specific  parameters, e.g., area  of the waste unit.
     infiltration rate

  2. Chemical-specific parameters, e.g., hydrolysis  constants.
f     organic carbon partition coefficient

     Unsaturated zone-specific parameters, e.g.. depth to water
     table.^eiL hydraulic conductivity

  4. Saturated zone-specific parameters, e.g.,  saturated zone
     thickness, ambient groundwater flow  rate,  location of
     nearest receptor well.

  During the Monte Carlo simulation, values for each model
  parameter are randomly drawn from their respective probability
  distributions. In the calculation of the DAFs for the  SSLs. site
  data from over 1,300 sites  were  used to define  parameter
  ranges and distributions. Each combination of randomly drawn
  parameter values represents one out of a practically infinite
  universe  of possible  waste  sites.   The  fate  and transport
  modules are executed for the specific set of model parameters,
  yielding  a  corresponding  DAF value.   This procedure  is
  repeated, typically on the order of several thousand times, to
  ensure  that  the-entire  universe  of possible   parameter
  combinations (waste sites)  is  adequately sampled.  At the
  conclusion of the analysis, a cumulative frequency distribution
  of DAF values is constructed and plotted.

  The Agency performed  a  number of sensitivity  analyses
  consisting of fixing  one parameter at a time to determine the
^krameter(s) that have the greatest impact on DAFs. The
^Rults of the sensitivity analyses indicate that the climate (net
  precipitation), soil types, and size  of the contaminated area
  have the  greatest effect on the DAFs. The Agency feels that
  the size of the contaminated area lends itself most  readily to
  practical application of the SSLs.

  To calculate the DAF for the SSLs. the drinking water well
  was located  25  feet  downgradient  of  the  edge  of the
  contaminated area,  and  the  location of the  intake point
  (receptor well  screen)  was  assumed  to vary within the
  boundaries of 15 and 300 feet within the aquifer (these values
  are based on  empirical  data  reflecting  a national  sample
  distribution of depth of residential drinking water wells). The
  sensitivity analyses indicated that the placement of the well 25
  feet  downgradient   of  the  contaminated area  is more
  conservative than allowing the well to be located  directly
  beneath the  contaminated area. The location of the intake
  point allows for mixing within the aquifer. OSWER believes
  that this is a reasonable assumption because there will always
  be  some dilution attributed to the pumping of  water for
  residential use from an aquifer.  The placement of the well was
  assumed to vary uniformly within the boundary of the plume.
  Figure 3 shows a schematic of the compliance point location.
  From these analyses, the largest allowable areas corresponding
     DAFs of 10 and 100 at the 90th percentile protection level
      approximately 10 and 1 acre, respectively.  Therefore, for
  sites of up to 10 acres, a DAF of 10 should be applied to the
  unadjusted SSLs, while for sites at or below 1 acre, a DAF of
  100 should  be applied to the unadjusted SSLs.   If a 95th
  percentile protecliveness level is  used,  a DAF  of 10  is
                                                     PLAN VIEW
                                     • X (distance from source to well) - 25 ft
                                     • Y(ttansverseweUloc«tkCT) a MoRtsCa.-ie within -
                                       width of plume
                                     • Z (well intake point below water table) - Monte
                                       Carlo, range 15 -» 300 ft
                                     • Rainfall - Monte Carte
                                     • Soil type • Monte Carte
                                     • Depth to aquifer - Monte Carte
                                     • Assumes infinite source term

                                    Figure 3.  Soil to groundwater pathway-
                                               calculating tiie DAF.
                              protective for areas  under 1/2 acre  and a DAF of  100  is
                              protective  for  areas less than  1/10  acre.    OSWER  is
                              considering whether the 90th or 95th percentile protectiveness
                              level should be used in the final guidance.  When sites are
                              located in areas of unusually shallow water table, within 5 feet
                              of  surface, the unadjusted SSLs should be used   In this
                              scenario, contamination  is located in or directly, above the
                              saturated  zone;  therefore,  any  dilution  and  attenuation
                              processes within the  unsaturated zone would be negligible.

                              MEASURING SOIL  LEVELS

                              As  described  in U.S.  EPA  (1992b). exposure  to  site
                              contaminants over a long (chronic)  period of  time is  best
                              represented by an arithmetic average concentration; therefore,
                              attainment of the SSLs should be based on the arithmetic mean
                              concentration as well. The issue then becomes the number of
                              samples required to adequately estimate the mean and the area
                              over which the  sample concentrations  should be averaged.
                              Studies by  EPA's  Exposure  Assessment  Group  in ORD
                              indicate that 20 to 30 samples per exposure area are needed to
                              calculate an upper confidence limit (UCL,S) on the ariihmetic
                              mean that is very close to the true mean (U.S. EPA, 1992b).
                              i.e.. to adequately estimate  the true mean without underestimat-
                              ing it.  An appropriate exposure/averaging area can vary •"

DRAFT • DO NOT CfTE OR QUOTE - September 29,1993
size, depending on site-specific conditions. At some sites, this
may be the entire site; at others, this may be only a portion .of
the site.   For the purposes  of this guidance,  the Agency
 ^ueves that the size of a typical residential lot (1/4 acre) is an
         : averaging area for the most conservative case (i.e..
  sidential land use). For large sites that could be divided into
many  areas equivalent  to the size of a residential lot the
number of samples needed to characterize the site becomes
quite high.  This, coupled with the costs of analytical services
for each  sample, could make  the sampling costs onerous.
Therefore,  OERR recommends  following  guidance  for
measuring soil contaminant levels at NPL sites.

Sample Pattern

A grid pattern such as a triangular or square/rectangular  grid
is recommended  to  establish sample  locations for  each
exposure  area (U.S. EPA, 1987).  Biased sampling must  also
be used in areas of suspected contamination or stained soils
and must  be evaluated separately from the samples obtained by
systematic sampling.

Number of Samples

As mentioned, it is necessary to balance the need to achieve
statistical confidence in determining a meaningful arithmetic
mean concentration of contaminants in each exposure area with
the cost of obtaining the 20 to 30 samples recommended by
 |RD. Compositing of discrete samples is an option since EPA
   interested  in  determining  the arithmetic  mean  of the
contaminant concentration(s).  Twenty discrete samples can be
composited down to four or  five composite samples, while
maintaining confidence  that the area average  is not  grossly
underestimated.   Compositing may mask contaminant levels
that are  slightly higher than the SSL,  but areas of high
contamination will still  be detected.  Compositing is both a
reasonable approach and an efficient use of resources, since
Superfund  is interested  in  average  exposure   over time.
However, none of the composite  samples should exceed the
prescribed SSL for any.contaminant ~ For volatile organic
compounds (VOCs). compositing is not appropriate (U.S. EPA.
 1989a. 1992a).  Therefore, OERR advocates that 10 discrete
samples should be taken per exposure area for VOCs. and no
sample can exceed the Screening Level(s). Both the discrete
VOC  samples and  the composites  must be  analyzed by
Contract  Laboratory Program  (CLP) (or equivalent) methods.
(NOTE:    Seven of  the 30 contaminant  SSLs  for  the
groundwater migration pathway at a DAF of 10 are below CLP
RAS  or CLP-equivalent detection  limits.     For these
contaminants, special  analytical services should be requested
for recalibration of the instruments. For  example, to measure
low levels of VOCs. the gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer
(GC/MS) can be recalibrated  to detect at 1, 2. 5. 10, and 25

 Use  of  Field Methods

 Where available  and  appropriate, field methods (soil  gas
 surveys,  immunoassays. X-ray fluorescence) can be used.
                              Again, for compounds other than VOCs. compositing samples
                              is  acceptable as long  as  it  is consistent with  the field
                              methodology. If any sample concentration exceeds an SSL,
                              fi-iher site study is required. In addition. 10% to 20% of field
                              samples must be sent to a CLP (or equivalent)  laboratory for
                              confirmatory analysis (U.S. EPA. 1992a).  Please note that
                              field methods  must  be capable  of achieving  appropriate
                              detection limits for most groundwater "SLs.


                              When measuring  soil levels at the surface for  the inhalation
                              and ingestion pathways, samples should be taken at a depth of
                              6 inches.   Additional sampling beyond 6 inches may be
                              appropriate,  depending  on the contaminant's  mobility, to
                             'account for geographic  differences  in construction practices
                              where soil disturbances are reasonably expected. For example,
                              in  the Northeast, the ground may  be excavated to IS feet
                              before laying the foundation and constructing the basement of
                              a home.  Excavated  overburden is commonly used  as  fill
                              material around the property so that contaminants that were at
                              depth  are now near the  surface.  Thus,  it is important to be
                              cognizant of construction practices in the area.

                              For the groundwater pathway, the entire soil column, from the
                              surface to the top of the aquifer, should  be sampled For the
                              evaluation of vertical stratification, samples should not be
                              averaged over depth (i.e., the  soil  core  should not  be
                              composited over depth), but rather individual samples should
                              be evaluated at appropriate depth intervals. One soil core per
                              exposure area may be  sufficient   However,  where dense
                              nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) are suspected, soil cores
                              may be taken more frequently.

                              Sampling  for Background Contamination

                              For metals, background sampling is necessary to  '•« certain that
                              OSWER  is  not  defining levels below background  as of
                              regulatory concern.  If a statistical comparison of background
                              concentration and site  samples  indicates  that background
                              metals concentrations are significantly above the SSLs, use of
                              the SSLs will be of limited value, as discussed  earlier.

                              Additional Sampling Needed for
                              Groundwater  Tier 2

                              To  use groundwater Tier 2, site-specific soil characteristics
                              must be  determined by sampling.   Parameters to measure
                              include bulk density, porosity, organic  carbon content and
                              water content


                              For large areas  where  the  data are not widely  scattered,
                              geostatistical approaches, such as  krigirig. can be used to
                              estimate sample concentration trends across the exposure area
                              (U.S. EPA, 1989a).

                                  DRAFT • DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE • September 29,1903
 additional copies of this Fact Sheet, call the National
hnical Information Service (NTIS) at (703) 487-4650.

  Calabrese, EJ., H. Pastides, R. Barnes, et al.  1989.  How
     Much Soil Do Young Children Ingest: An Epidemiologic
     Study. In: Petroleum Contaminated Soils, Vol. 2.  EJ.
     Calabrese and P.T. Kostecki, eds.  pp. 363-417. Chelsea,
     MI, Lewis Publishers.

  Carsel. R£., R.S. Parrish, R.L. Jones, JX. Hansen, and Ri.
     Lamb. 1988.  Characterizing the Uncertainty of Pesticide
     Leaching in Agricultural Soils.  /. ofContam. Hyd. 2:111-

  Cowherd, C., G. Muleski, P. Engelhart, and D. Gfllete.  1985.
     Rapid Assessment of Exposure to Particulate Emissions
     from'Surface Contamination. Prepared for EPA Office of
     Health and Environmental Assessment EPA/600/8-85/002.

  Davis, S., P. Waller, R. Buschom, J. Ballou, and P. White.
     1990. Quantitative Estimates of Soil Ingestion in Normal
     Children Between the Ages  of 2 and  7 Years: Population-
     based Estimates  Using Al, Si,  and Ti  as Soil  Tracer
     Elements.  Archives of Environmental Health, 45:112-122.

  Dragun.J. 1988. The Soil Chemistry of Hazardous Materials.
     HMCRI. Silver Spring, MD.

  Truesdale. R.S.  1992.   Preliminary Soil Action  Levels for
     Superfund Sites.  Draft Interim Report Prepared for Office
     of Emergency  and   Remedial  Response.   U.S.  EPA.
     Research Triangle Institute,  Research 'triangle Park. NC.

  U.S. EPA.  1985.  Water Quality Assessment:  A Screening
     Procedure   for   Toxic  and   Conventional Pollutants
U.S. EPA.   1987.   Data Quality Objectives for Remedial
   Response Activities:  Development Process.  EPA/540/G-

U.S. EPA.  1989a. Methods for Evaluating the Attainment of
   Soil Cleanup Standards. Volume 1.  EPA 230/02-89-042.

U.S. EPA.  1989b.  Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund
   Human Health Evaluation Manual:  Pan A.

U.S. EPA.    1990.   Guidance on Remedial  Actions for
   Superfund Sites with PCB Contamination.  EPA 540G-
   90 007.   Office  of Emergency  and  Remedial  Response,
   Washington, DC.  August.

U.S. EPA.  1991. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund,
   Human Health Evaluation Manual:  Part B.

U.S. EPA.   1992i   Guidance for Data Usability  in Risk
   Assessment (Pan A).

U.S. EPA.    1992b.   Supplemental Guidance to  RAGS:
Calculating  Ihe Concentration Term.

U.S. EPA. 1992c. Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure
   (SPLP),  Method  1312.  In:  Test Methods for Evaluating
   Solid Waste. Physical/Chemical Methods. EPA Publication
   SW-846.  Third Edition (September 1986). as amended by
   Update I (July).

U.S. EPA.    1993a.    Background Document for  EPA's
   Composite  Model  for  Leachate  Migration  with
   Transformation Products, EPACMTP.   Office of Solid
   Waste. July.

U.S. EPA.  1993b.  Science Advisory Board Review of the
   Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response draft Risk
   Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS). Human Health
   Evaluation Manual (HHEM).  EPA-SAB-EHC-93-007.

Van Wijnen. J.H., P. Clausing, and B. Bmnekreef.  1990.
   Estimated Soil Ingestion by Children.   Environmental
   Research, 51:147-162.
    NOTICE: The policies sat out in this document are intono««) u>«iy as guidance; they are not final U.S. Environmental Protection
    Agency (EPA) actions. These policies are not intended, no nn they be relied upon, to create any rights enforceable by any party
    in litigation with the United States. EPA officials may dec** » tottow the guidance provided in this document, or to act at variance
    with the guidance, based on an analysis of site-specific cvox*-nances. The Agency also reserves the right to change this
    guidance at any time without public notice.

    This guidance is based on policies in the Final Rule of tne s«ionai OH and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
    (NCP), which was published on March 8, 1990 (55 FeoVa/ ««*?J'«K 8666).  The NCP should be considered the authoritative
