v>EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 9444.14-85 TITLE: Disposal of Dioxin Containing Waste Rinsates by Deep Well Injection. APPROVAL DATE: si/io/ss . EFFECTIVE DATE: 9/10/85 ORIGINATING OFFICE: Office of Solid Waste 0 FINAL D DRAFT STATUS: [ 1 { 1 A- Pending OMB approval B- Pending AA-OSWER approval C- For review &/or comment D- .In development or circulating headquarters REFERENCE (other documents): OSWER OSWER OSWER /£ DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE Di ------- 4&EPA » r.;* .: i*: ji-. •. • ' * • •- . vr. *-^f''-/ Wasnmgion. uC 20460 OSWER Directive Initiation Request •r--< •-> '-"<< .: .c •...-..*• 9444.14-85 , Name of Contact Person Lead Office i~] Q OERR G 29,OSW G OUST OWPE AA-OSWER Man Code - Branch "eiepnone iNumoer Acsroveo for Review Signature of Office Director Qata I T.tie Disposal of Dioxin Containing Waste Rinsates by Deep Well Injection. Summary of Directive The letter addresses chap well injection of rinsates generated as a result of cleaning containers that contained pesticide formulations. These waste rinsates are listed , as acute hazardous waste under EPA regulations and can only be disposed at a deep well facility which is permitted to'handle dioxin-containing wastes. Key Words: r Tr-iHo yn YT$ i nH Hi ovi n TVD« ot Oirectiv* (Manual, Policy Qirtctive. Announcement, etc I Status 1 Q Draft New t_J Ooe»tfiis Directive Sup»r»«a« Pr«vious Oire«tiveisiJ | j Yes if "Yes" 10 Surier Qu«*tion. Wtiat Orrecnv« tnumber titlel I j No Does U Suoo'efnent Previous Oirectiv«si; NO Review Plan C AA-OSWER Q OERfl Q OSW D OUST LJ OWPE 1—1 Q OECM D OGC D OPP£ D Otner :Soeeify/ Tf-.s Bequest Meets OSWER Directives Svitem Format S.graiure of i.eao Office Directives Otlicer • Date Signature of OSWER Directives Officer : Date ------- OSWER POLICY DIRECTIVE NO. SEP I 0 £:c 9 4 - ,1. . .- . , ••; I to Mr. Dave Johnson Production Manager Puablo Chemical and Supply Company Garden City, Kansas 67346 Oaar Mr. Johnsoni We have reviewed your letter of July 22, 1985, notifying the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of your intent to dispose of over 20,000 gallons of rinsates generated as a result of cleaning containers that contained 2,4,5-? and other pesticide formulations by deep well injection. These waste rinsates are listed as acute hazardous wastes under EPA regulations (see encloeed Federal Register notice) and subject to all regulatory provisions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. -.ftmev // the waste rinsates can be disposed only at a deep well facility which is permitted to handle diogin-containing wastes* If ths) facility at which you intend to dispose the waste rinsatee lei peraitted to handle such wastes, you may proceed with the dispose,! plan. However, if the facility is not permitted you cam either seek a facility that is permitted to handle these petition the Agency to exclude your waste* from tike: waste list. While wastes described in the regulations hazardous, a specific waste meeting the listing aa individual facility may not tee. For this 240*20 and 260.22 provide generators the the Administrator to exclude a waste on a from the hazardous waste list. To be excluded* petitioners must show at their facility does not meet any of the the waste was listed. (See 40 CFE 2S0.22(g).) Agency is required to consider factors tuents) other than those for which the waste is a reasonable basis to believe that soch could cause the waste to be hazardous. Acccc^B4£^r ^ must demonstrate that his waste does not agtiait 'a*y/ * ------- hasardaus waste characteristics and present sufficient information for thej Agency to determine whether tha waste contains any other toaicanta at haaardous lavala. • If you wish to daliat tha subject waste rinaatas fron tha hasardoua waata liat, you can patition EPA to asclado tha riaaataa from tha liating under CPR Part 261. Tha pa*. It ion mtiat includa au££iciant information for tha Agency to dataredna whathar tha waata aaats tha critaria for which it was listed aa veil aa information to detarmiaa if any other hasardoua constituents ara prasant in tha waste rinaates at levels of regulatory concern. Tha analytic data included in your letter to SPA can, in part, be used to support a dalisting determination should you decide to petition tho Agancy for an azcluaion to the listing. If you hav« any questions or naad further information on tha dalisting procedures, please contact Or. Howard Fribosh* Office of Solid Waste, on (202) 475-4726. Sincerely, Jack ». Deputy Assistant Sncloaura ------- |